gremzart · 17 days
Put that tongue away you FREAK
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Lol I haven't finished a drawing in so long, I forgot how to do stuff
I would trust him to do my top surgery
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skittleswonders · 11 months
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The fourth and final Tritanian eeveelution is finally here representing the final new type, Ancient. I feel these four eeveelutions where a great way to introduce Tritania's handful of new types and I hope each has given you a good introduction to all four's themes and vibes. Pokédex: Arguably the most elusive and mysterious evolution Eevee has Hadeon is different from most other ancient type pokémon in that it represents something much, MUCH... older. Floating whilst coiled around super-heated molten orbs not dissimilar to freshly formed planets they have no mouth to communicate and piercing eyes to overlook the safety of the orb. While they can be a bit hard to raise due to their esoteric and almost alien nature once fully trusting in their trainer they can unleash the primeval wrath of creation to defeat even the most fierce foes. Misc Notes. Evolves from Eevee when leveled up while holding an Eldritch Artifact and knowing an ancient type move, only at night. Design and name are direct references to the Hadean era, Earth's earliest period of history in it's celestial infancy. Also has motifs of angelic or celestial gods. Ability: Wrath of Aeons. Hidden Ability: Originate. Wrath of Aeons: Summons Primeval Storm an ancient type weather effect for 5 turns on entry. Originate: Upon entering battle warp reality as such the game's rules, logic, balance and mechanics reflect generation 1 (bugs and all.) Any type non-existent in generation 1 becomes normal. Base Stats. HP:200 Attack:20 Defense:80 Sp.Attack:90 Sp.Defense:80 Speed:55
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malenchka · 9 months
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Just two imprisoned atrocious and evil murderers,,, in the same cell,,,, reading each other literature at night to pass the time cuz they’re super gay 😂 As per usual Hadeon (the idiot on the left) belongs to me, and my favorite boy in the whole world Logan (on the right) belongs to @crusnikroxas 😌💖💕🩷
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gremzoff · 4 months
Swordtail looks like he could easily snap Hadeon in half
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onlyhurtforaminute · 2 years
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valdiis · 2 years
Anybody here remember Hadeon? My draenei death knight keeper of the dead? Yeah. Might see him again one day if this book ever sees the light of day.
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the-blivyverse · 2 years
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Horsemen sketches. Kinda old. Did them up in Maine while visiting for a wedding.
Ignore how bad the bottom two look
Also i forgot Mellona's third pair of legs
I'm happy with Day's doodles tho
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reegis · 9 months
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Hallowed Be Thy Name
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asykriel · 1 year
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Nothing will ever hit the same like my first ever tav and Astarion.
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saintsir4n · 6 months
in which malachai discovers the truth of his father and mother’s history.
WARNINGS: 21st century the mikaelsons. (malachai is a teenager in this)
“Malachai…” Klaus gulped, eyes wide like saucers when he saw his son stumble into the room that was a violent tip.
Another argument between his brothers was only made worse by the little home truths he wished to forget.
Adrienne turned away when she saw the sight of their teenage son dealing with a range of emotions.
The teenager gulped, as he stared at his father, “You didn’t think I was yours?”
Klaus rapidly shook his head, panicked, “That’s not…”
“You didn’t want me,” Malachai breathed out, daring to spare a glance at his paternal uncles who looked dishevelled.
But blood wasn’t the only thing splattered across their faces, their guilt of knowing the truth was evident.
“Of course I wanted you,” Klaus rushed out, honesty clinging to his tone.
Malachai gritted out, “Then why did Uncle Kol say that?”
Klaus' furious gaze narrowed onto his brother who stiffened, “You can’t trust a word that he says.”
“But I can trust Mom’s face," Malachai's voice cracked, making his mother's pained expression deepen, “It’s true, isn't it? What he did to you. What he did when you were pregnant with me.”
Adrienne couldn't lie to her son, not with the tears pooling in his eyes, driving a sharp pain towards her chest. She didn't dare look at her husband or her in-laws. Even after the shock of her pregnancy and the heartbreak of its reveal, it was a feeling that never left her. She knew that Klaus loved Malachai, just as much as he loved Marcel and it was only a matter of time before the truth of that destructive night came to light.
And one bad comment from Kol did just that.
So Adrienne tried, “I promise I’ll explain.”
Malachai sniffled, “But he just said —“
“Perhaps we should leave the room," Elijah suggested.
“You’d think you would’ve already done that," Klaus sneered, glaring at everyone who wasn't his wife or youngest son.
Elijah's face hardened, “I’m trying to help.”
“You did more than that," Kol remarked, removing glass shards from his chest.
Klaus shot back, “Oh you’re one to talk, you were just as much to blame as me.”
“Brothers, not now," Elijah exacerbated, missing how Adrienne tried grabbing her son's trembling hand.
“Stop with the secrets, just tell me," Malachai snapped.
Adrienne mumbled, seeing the rage forming in his cyan eyes, “Baby, maybe we should talk about this at a different time.”
“That would be best," Klaus hastily agreed.
Malachai argued, “No.”
“Malachai," Kol sighed.
"No.” Malachai's glare grew at his uncle.
Elijah tried, “Aesir maybe —“
“Shut up!” Malachai’s yell got the attention of Rebekah, Finn, Marcel and Hadeon who all rushed into the room, stunned by what was happening. “All of you, tell me what happened all those years ago, or I swear to God I’ll leave.”
Hadeon immediately jumped in when the ground trembled and his nephew's eyes flashed, “Malachai, please calm down.”
"You’re hurting yourself," Marcel and Klaus chorused, the latter's face appeared horrified.
“I’ll tell you,” Adrienne rushed out, placing her hands on Malachai's cheeks.
Klaus's eyes pooled with tears, “Adrienne.” Malachai would think of him differently, he was sure of it. "Please."
Adrienne's lip quivered, but to stop her from deliberating, her son said, “No lies.”
His tone was as serious as his father's, so she had no choice but to repeat, “No lies.”
“Tell me what Dad did to you, to us.”
And so she did and soon they'd all live to regret it.
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gremzart · 10 days
Oopsie I just realized I never posted Hadeon's new ref on here… My bad, idk how I forgot this??
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And his alternative outfits
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If you wanna, I also remade his toyhouse. It's not completely done, I need to rewrite his lore… Images are probably better quality there too
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snailbutters · 6 months
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It was a designing process for this model, but Hadeon Cross will be debuting it April 13th!
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shimomcdragon · 11 months
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hadeon · 9 months
Ooc: quick update!
I'll be closing asks for a moment
I've been thinking lately to change the direction of this askblog..
I really want to focus more on lore, writing, making comics etc rather than answering asks.
I don't really like doing this, not anynore, and I feel pretty pressured about it... I never liked answering stuff, especially when all the asks are pretty much the same, most of them aren't even worth my time, and I'm getting bored of replying for the 50th time to "cool horns".
I don't enjoy making stupid doodles because I know my art is better than this, and feeling pressure of coming up with several of these a day when I want to be consistent, this is what made me have so many burn outs during summer.
Plus, I've been changing a lot of Ranler's lore. As you may know, I left the onceler fandom. And to be honest, I never left like Ran ever was a -ler... When I made him, I got several comments on how "people won't like him cuz he doesn't look like a onceler enough". And I don't care, because I never really saw him as one anyway, and I've been trying to force myself too much to include "lorax" parts in his backstory, trying to stretch everything so it fits, but it was never enough, people weren't satisfied and I also never was satisfied, I've always wanted to get rid of the "onceler mold", because I feel so restricted by trying to fit my characters in it, and it just doesnt fit with who ranler is.
I'm current spending a lot of time on rewriting his whole backstory, to finally make it feel right. Getting rid of the "lorax" elements is so freeing, I can't explain how much I'm enjoying writing his character now that I have 0 restrictions anymore.
So yea, I'll be closing asks for a moment. I'll maybe answer to the most interesting ones I still have in my inbox, don't be upset if I don't reply to all of them, I just want to do what feels right and what I actually like. When I'm done rewriting his lore, I may start making more serious posts on this blog, lore related, roleplays, fanfiction maybe, comics, etc... Asks will still be open then, but I will only reply to things that seems important, and the blog won't be an ask-only-blog but more like a general oc blog. Same thing for @ask-swordtail , if I'm not too overwhelmed, but at least he isn't as popular as Ranler's blog so the asks actually make sense, and I don't need to rewrite anything because he never was in the onceler fandom in the first place. I don't really know what I'll do with the other AU blogs, I'll see in the future.
Anyway thank you for listening to whatever this is, lol, I hope you understand<3 when I'm done I'll probably post the new toyhouse links and make another announcement, as well as cleaning up the old posts... Don't worry, if you want to keep an archive or something, I always reblogged anything I did on here on my main, so you'll still be able to find them if you dig deep enough.
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harleyacoincidence · 4 months
More Hadeon!
Do you have any favorite snippets with him?
Hey there! I'll admit, I was not expecting this ask moments after I posted about Hadeon. I'm going to warn you now, the WIP that he's from is extremely old (I'm talking high school me), so it's not good at all. I've definitely improved since then, but I'm still happy to share some (VERY OLD) snippets. Luckily, I love Hadeon a whole lot, and eventually I'll rewrite the books that need to be rewritten after I finish the series (just to get it up to par).
Here's some Hadeon content, completely out of context (trigger warnings for death, violence, and swearing):
I heard Hadeon groan. “Seriously? This moron again? Kid, didn’t I tell you to casually nuke him or something?” Yes, Hadeon, you did. However, you did not provide me with said nuke, and it’s kind of hard to order one online, so that did not happen, I replied. “Right. I remember now. Next time I’ll actually provide you with a weapon when we need to get rid of people we don’t like.” Kind of dark, but understandable. “I’ll even take control and erase it from your memory banks if you’d like. Whatever is easier for you.”
He shook himself out of it. He hated it when people caused him to feel sympathy (or even empathy) for them. He was a high ranking demon, not some charity worker. It was…inconvenient…to feel anything towards people, especially since victims were what he needed. Gathering victims and hosts to exert control on small parts of the world at a time was his goal, so one day he might be more powerful. Deceit, domination, and destruction were the things he was known for, and the only things he needed to put in motion to succeed. If anyone found out he had strayed from his usual path for a single host, or showed empathy towards others, he would be stripped of his rank and respect, possibly even his power. He couldn’t afford that. He turned away from Madelaine’s grave, unsure of why he was so remorseful about her death in particular. He turned back to her resting place, and saw the stone beside it, and it suddenly made sense why she had been buried here, despite living rather far away. He shuddered, looking disgusted. He walked briskly away, remembering the state his host had been in the first time he’d seen her. She had been stressed, tired, depressed, a tad irritable, and would jump at the slightest thing. Arlan, the previous demon, had done a number on her. She was lucky that she had summoned him when she had. Arlan had been one of the most powerful demons in the underworld, and when Hadeon had killed him (due to the amount of control Henriette chose to give him in what would have been her last moments), he took Arlan’s place, as is customary. He had been lucky that Henriette had expended most of her energy to drain Arlan’s power. Henriette had been even luckier that Hadeon knew what to do with a weakened demon. He wasn’t sure what had happened for such a high ranking demon to come over and use her as a host. While being able to summon (and contain) a font of such power was rare, Hadeon was unsure as to whether it was a thing to be complimented, since Arlan was rather annoying and manipulative. It was an excellent experience for Hadeon to completely destroy him, however. His death was most likely the best thing related to him that had ever happened.
“You used to be so helpful, Blaise. What happened to you?” “Had a bit too much fun. Judging from your current state, I think you could understand,” Blaise smirked, turning back into the pillar of smoke. “You have no idea what happened. How dare you make assumptions!” roared Hadeon. “Oh no, I’ve struck a nerve! What are you going to do, snap my spine again? You’re all bark and no bite, Hadeon. You know I’ll just come back,” Blaise teased. “Not this time,” Hadeon growled, walking forward, feeling his rage take the wheel. Blaise still didn’t seem concerned, and took it all like it was a game. That was his mistake, especially as a lower-ranking demon. His only advantage was the ability to return and annoy Hadeon further, but he didn’t know it. He often overestimated his power if he didn’t fully understand it, causing frequent power trips and then crashes when he realized he couldn’t do it all. While it seemed like he knew some of his abilities well (and he did, especially teleportation), he often got carried away in the rush he got from using his magic properly. This would cause him to go farther and go all in when he didn’t even know how. He was a novice at using some magic (such as shapeshifting), so charisma was his main weapon, and how he’d nearly taken Henriette from Hadeon. “I’d be careful if I were you. You remember what happened last time you let something like this happen?” Blaise taunted. “I remember killing you and you being unable to return for a good eight months. I’ll happily take that outcome once more, if not you being permanently destroyed, like you should have been,” Hadeon scowled at Blaise, who was trying to shift into a humanoid form to make his escape instead of teleporting, for some reason. Perhaps he hid his terror and was merely too freaked out to think straight. Hadeon didn’t care. This worked for him, as it was what he was used to. Causing fear in potential hosts or victims usually meant they were unstable and therefore easier to work with and control. While he didn’t want to control Blaise, a victim’s fear made killing them more satisfying and required less effort. “Hey hey, buddy. Just give me a minute while I try to match you, alright? Then we’ll do whatever you want.” “It isn’t my fault or my problem that you’re an incompetent shapeshifter. I can kill you either way. Don’t think about escaping either. You know I’ll find you.” “N-no, I know that. Just, uh, let me-” “Stop stammering. It won’t delay your destruction.” “Can you blame me? It’s literally what my name means.” “You have a terrible name.” “Finally, we agree on something.” “Shut up.”
“Why should I trust you? You left, probably killed someone, and came back with a body. Where did you go, why, and what did you actually do?” she demanded an answer out of the demon, pointing the dagger at his neck and forcing his retreat. “Relax, kid. Just went home for a bit to check nobody tried to sell you again. My current host agreed to this. I’ll let him speak to you for a bit, if you’re ever desperate for conversation.” “PEOPLE TRIED TO SELL ME?!” “Uh, yeah. It was an auction. Don’t worry, I prevented anything from going too far.” “PEOPLE TRIED TO SELL ME IN AN AUCTION?! WITHOUT ME KNOWING?!” “Yes. How do you think some demons choose their hosts?” “Is that how you-” “No.” “Okay, good.” “So…” The demon awkwardly looked around the collapsing gymnasium. Students and staff members either ran by them and out the door, without batting an eye, or were crushed by the falling ceiling and walls.
“What…the…heaven…?” murmured one of the demons. “Get in, demons, we’ve got a city to blow up,” called Hadeon, rolling down the window. “Hadeon, that’s a child,” a demon with a silk black gown, a red feather boa, and pearl jewelry told him. “I know. She’s with me. Do you want to cause chaos or not?” “Hadeon, it’s technically a town,” interjected Henriette. “Same difference,” he grumbled. “You need to stop referencing pop culture no one cares about,” snarled the demon with the gown and boa. “Shut up, Deceiver. You’re not here to piss me off.”
Thanks for reading! I hope this was what you were looking for!
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the-ultimate-squish · 10 months
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Please do not buy squishmallows irl unless purchased secondhand. Sources below
Squishmallow Alternatives + my current reasoning for the tournament (subject to change)
More info with sources
Official Boycott (this blog is not part of the official boycott)
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