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Notruf Hafenkante S11E03
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oliveoomph · 7 months
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Aybi Era
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cactusismydisguise · 1 year
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Notruf Hafenkante (2007)
S01E17 Liebeswahn
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ipcearn · 2 years
Ehrlich das witzigste was Krimis gucken mit meinem Vater angeht: er war mal Polizist und haut immer die random Sachen raus, die nicht passen
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krimitastisch · 1 year
Empfehlung für heute
Ein Fall für Zwei: Tödlicher Fehler
20:15 Uhr auf ZDF
Notruf Hafenkante
10:30 Uhr im ZDF
SOKO Wismar
11:15 Uhr im ZDF
Die Rosenheim-Cops
16:10 Uhr im ZDF
18:00 Uhr im ZDF
Letzte Spur Berlin
21:15 Uhr im ZDF
Criminal Minds
20:15 Uhr auf Kabel 1
Hubert und Staller
20:15 Uhr im SWR
Verurteilt! Echte Kriminalfälle im Gespräch
0:00 Uhr auf HR
Der gute Bulle - Nur Tote reden nicht
20:15 Uhr auf ARTE
K11 - Die neuen Fälle
19:45 Uhr bis 0:00 Uhr auf Sat.1 Gold
Death in Paradies
20:15 Uhr auf ZDF NEO
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worldinwhich · 10 months
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dragodina · 1 year
Ich mag net mehr ... was ist denn bitte gerade los??
Die Woche wird einfach nicht besser ...
Kann die bitte endlich vorbei sein, das is ja nicht mehr auszuhalten ...
Erst Karin (ich kann das immer noch nicht glauben ...), dann jetzt Wolle ...
Ich glaub ich muss mich heute beim ESC echt mal ausgiebig besaufen ...
(passiert eh nicht, trink ja keinen Alk, aber ich hätte zumindest heute mal das Verlangen danach 😅🙈)
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Rethorische Frage natürlich, gibt bestimmt tolle legale Begründungen warum ich genause viel für meinen nicht-existierenden Fernseh-Empfang, Live-Sport und Rosenheim-Cops zahlen muss wie Jura-Justus’s Dad (gerade traurig weil der dritte Porsche jetzt nicht mehr ins Budget passt)
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Der Tag an dem Samu’s Ausstieg bestätigt wird… daran will ich gar nicht denken, Joel ist einfach so ein comfort character 😭
Wir werden alle komplett am heulen sein wegen nem 16-jährigen!
Ich seh uns schon alle so Boomer Serien wie Wapo Bodensee oder Notruf Hafenkante gucken, nur weil er da mitspielt.
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where-is-my-whump · 9 months
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Notruf Hafenkante S18 E15
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Notruf Hafenkante S16E14
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oliveoomph · 9 months
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Aybi Era
Jenseits der Spree
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alintheshitposter · 1 year
level of nervousness:
watching an episode of Notruf Hafenkante with a trans girl as the Episodenhauptrolle (played by Michelangelo Fortuzzi btw👀) with my mum as a closeted trans* person
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krimitastisch · 1 year
Andere Meinungen, die nicht aufgelistet sind, gern in die Tags.
Bitte rebloggt, damit die Umfrage mehr Leute erreicht! ❤️
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kjell05 · 1 month
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Ich hoffe du hast deinen Weg in den Himmel gefunden Oma. Ich bin dir so unendlich dankbar für all das was ich von dir gelernt und mit dir erlebt habe. Ich weiß noch als wir uns das letze mal richtig gesehen haben und miteinander etwas unternommen haben. Es war mit jasmin. Und wir waren in Travemünde. Wir sind an der Hafenkante entlang gelaufen, waren in ein paar Geschäften. Sind dann mittags in ein älteres Fischer Restaurant und haben mit Opa und Jasmin gemeinsam gegessen. Es war so schön mit euch mit der Sonne am Wasser und am Strand entlang zu schlendern. Wie du Jasmins Arm gehalten hast um besser laufen zu können. War so schön zu sehen. Dass 2 meiner liebsten einander helfen. Ich hoffe ich bin mit stolz in deinen letzen Momenten in Erinnerung geblieben und hoffe dass wir uns irgendwann wieder sehen.
Ich vermisse dich jetzt schon so sehr Oma.
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dragodina · 2 years
Ten Characters, Ten Fandoms, Ten Tags
Big thanks to @chrisoels & @fallingforfandoms for the tag 😊.
I'm still having fun with the Writing Ask game (so if anyone wants to ask something please feel free to 😊) but happy to put this one in as well 🙂.
I have to admit though, I did have some struggles to come up with 10 characters/fandoms. I might still not be 100 % satisfied with my choices here 🙈.
And then I noticed I only choose 10 female characters, wooopsi?? 🤭😅🙈
In some fandoms, I will add a couple just because I can and I love them so much 😊.
1. Julia Grosz / Tatort Hamburg
I need to start with the one character that got me back into writing that I have not done for so many years in the first place. And even had the courage to post it online and share it. Julia Grosz, absolutely brilliantly portrayed by phenomenal Franziska Weisz 🥰. Strong, smart, beautiful, funny in her own way, troubled by her past, but not broken, found a friend to trust in again with her partner and finding her way back into life. So maybe "Last Chance" is a bit of a tribute to her character.
Fandom couple: Julia Grosz & Tine Geissler (Tinia) ❤️
2. Sofia Curtis / CSI
A very close number two, because her character was possible the first tv crush of mine. And, like with Tatort, we just never really got to see much of her personal life. A character so sadly wasted beyond what could have been shown. But that seems to be the story of my life really in terms of favourite tv or movie characters.
3. Claire Redfield / Resident Evil
Okay so I'm not really a gamer and I know the Anderson Resident Evil movies were, huh, crap. Crappy crap. But I will out myself here: In some crazy way, I did like them. At least the first one and the ones that Claire Redfield was in. A true leader that was not born into this role but took it upon herself and because of exactly that, became the strong leader the last remaining humans needed in the apocalypse. To me, Ali Larter will be the one and only Claire Redfield for me, I just can't help it. What the movies completely missed though, was to make Claire and Alice Abernathy the absolute canon power couple in their movies 😎😏. AND THAT was their biggest mistake in my eyes. I liked their friendship, but I would have loved to see them as a couple much more. And I'm sure I'm not the only one 😎.
Fandom couple: Claire Redfield & Alice Abernathy ❤️
4. Sansa Stark / Game of Thrones
The little girl that was so annoying at the beginning, went through so much horror in her life, but never let herself break under these circumstances and rose to become one of the strong-minded and powerful woman in Westeros without a dragon at her side. The true Queen of the North ❣️
5. Rika Nonaka/ Digimon Tamers
Okay so I was a kid, I loved that anime (even more than Pokemon) and even then I already might had a crush on a (fictional) girl character ... 🤭😊😅
6. Tasha Dexter / V.I.P.
I just seem to have a soft spot for tough women with a soft heart that they are not showing, at least not at first sight. I really loved her character and enjoyed her bickering with Valery Irons and the rest of her colleagues. That show was pure comedy gold and had some very nice action.
7. Franziska "Franzi" Jung / Notruf Hafenkante
I just really like that German crime show since the beginning in 2007 😱. Gosh, I'm getting old ... 😅 A very lovely character I just enjoy watching. And it also plays in Hamburg. Huh, that screams after a fanfiction crossover with Tatort Hamburg ... 😏🙈😅
8. Lexa / The 100
A bittersweet one. Lexa was such a powerful conflicted yet loving character. Back in the good seasons, before it went to hell after episode 3x07. I knew what was coming but it still hurt me, even made me angry, big times. The 100 could have been special, could have been so much more. But what they did was to destroy my belief in tv shows, my interest in those. My fun to get invested into any show, or movie or characters for years. Until I saw Tatort and the character Julia Grosz again.
Fandom couple: Lexa & Clarke (Clexa)
9. Dani Ferrington / The Fall
If you want a colleague loyal at your side I would choose her. Compassionate, down to earth, heart at the right place and yes, having a lady crush on the leading woman. Honestly, I can't imagine anyone not liking Dani Ferrington.
10. Sara Lance / Arrow/Legends of Tomorrow
A true ninja girl and that really picked my interest. She has those insane fight scenes that I just love.
Fandom couple: Nysssa al Ghul & Sara Lance (Nyssara)
And another character that I would like to add just because I would have liked to see more of her but another character that was sacked way too soon and for eeally Bad reasons I get furios over still yet: Leslie Shay / Chicago Fire. Would have liked the idea of her and her colleague Allison Rafferty to become a couple but another one of those wasted tv chances.
I don't really know enough people here on Tumblr and have much followers to tag ten 😅🤣🙈 .
So no real tagging anyone in particular but as always, if someone wants to share I’m always happy to read about other writers or readers interests or thoughts ❤️.
Are you interested? @except4bunnies @disappointingsalad @karin-in-action @caromitpunkt @frauv @krejong
Otherwise I wish you all a lovely evening and a wonderful start to the new week ❣️
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