plinkcat-gif · 10 months
oooh watch horror!!! it’ll go over fineee you won’t get unreasonably paranoid everrr
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dreamofjoys · 2 years
I got quite a few ppl asking to be tag in my malleus’s fics so yeah like this post if you are interested! ILL TRY TO WORK SMTH OUT and create a taglist HAHAHAAHAAHAH
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e8776 · 2 years
i finally paid attention to that splat 3 gameplay trailer....and holy shit the specials look like they are gonna be awful!!!! hahahaahaahah. They remind me of splatoon 1 specials (mainly cuz most of them are just evolved versions of them). NIntendo really said...remember the inkzooka? And I’m like. no i want to forget. 
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sharkfinx · 4 years
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@mindfucx​ said:  She's running to try and catch up to some other guy she was just on a date with. The streets are pretty empty at this time, so she's just assuming the silhouette she runs up to with a loud, strained "WAIT" is that of the guy she just had drinks with. Without thinking, she's ramming her weight into him with a hug that topples them both to the ground-- pressing down to deliver a tipsy kiss. "It's cuz' I like y-" she's stopping dead, paling at Kisame's face. ...DID SHE JUST KISS THE WRONG PERSON?
         Perhaps was the years spend in peace that left Kisame’s reflexes slower; but definitely the reason for losing the equilibrium that easily was the sudden kiss. Falling together with the blonde with eyes wide open, dropping the groceries he carried over his shoulder. Vegetables spilling all over the street.          Her face said it all, she was so surprised as the fisherman. Fingers running over his hair feeling a slightly pain over the tackle.
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        “ Missy Yamanaka, as much you may like my seashop´s products. I advice to choose another form of saying so! hAhaHAaHAahah” Gently reaching her shoulder; the ex criminal wiped off the dirty from her clothes. Lifting the woman with one arm by the collar of her shirt as he could finally stand up again.         “ I mean, those —” As soon he left her to be, Kisame lowered the cloth mask that he was wearing, the only thing the prevented a further embarrassment. Tapping his sharp teeth with one finger with a big smile. “ ‘Can take someone’s eyes out, nee! That waaaaas close! ”
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kibumkim · 5 years
Russia is involved in every political situation these days and US government is like: No hahahaahaahah Russia is so sexy they totally didn't rig our election or anything...
Literally and before anyone comes in my inbox with a galaxy brain response like “We CaN bE mAd aT mOrE tHaN oNe ThInG!” No one is saying u cant lmao
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rainbow-neko-main · 5 years
Freedom in Different Places (Ch. 2)
*cracks nuckles* les go-
Jack woke up that morning to the smell of...bacon? "What the hell..." he mutters. No one is ever up this early. He usually makes breakfast for the other residents as he has to get up early to record videos and work before they go motoring. Who was in the kitchen? He decides to shuffle out of bed and creep down the hall in his pjs. He was sure it was just Anti makeing toast so he can lock himself in his room for today- or maybe Marv dropped in-
Jack froze in the doorway of the kitchen as he watched the capped man fry some bacon, next to a plate of premade pancakes, coffee, and...was that omlets?! He didn't even know Chase could cook! Let alone well! "Chase, bud, whats all this?" Jack asked in surprised. Chase jumps a little and speaks, not turning his head away from the pan infront of him. "Oh! Hello Jack, I uh...I wanted to get a headstart on the day ya know...? Just get some new looks on the city and all that..." he laughs nervously. Chase was a terrible liar and Jack knew this, but he must have a good reason for trying to hide it from him so he'll let it slide for now. "Well thank you for the food." He smiles and walks over, helping Chase plate and serve the food.
Anti walked down soon after and they all ate in peace. As a gang they were more than just acquaintances. They were family, 3 brothers liveing in their own house in the city. Chase glances over at the clock and apon noticing the time was 8:16 am looked panicked. The library opened at 8:30! He had to go-
Quickly, he proceeded to shovel the food into his face and drop his plates in the sink. Calling a quick "Ihavetogohaveagooddayloveyoubye!" With a flusterd face as he rushed out the door and slammed it behind him causeing Anti to jump. The man in question looks over at Jack and says "is...he okay?" With a quick reply, "Hes hideing soemthing but its not our buisness..." Jack sips his cup of coffee. Anti shrugs and finnished his food, heading back to his room for the day. Jack following suit to his recording room of foam walls.
Chase on the other hand was realing with adrenaline. Rideing around on a fast motorbike always made him feel so free...he could never understand those poeple who enjoyed staying cooped in all day...then again he had married one like that, a shame that his motoring caused such a rift in the family...he wasn't sure that emptyness would ever be gone...On his bike, the cares of the world flew away, left behind to eat his dust, he would go on for hours thinking that one stop, one break and they would catch up to him, break him down and throw him into a grinder. However he had to stop, as the small pristine building came into veiw, the sign above reading the purpose of the place loud and clear, "Library". And there at the doors was the man he wanted so desperately to see again.
Henrik was just about to open the doors of the library when he heard a sudden voice call to him causing him to squeak in surprise and drop his keys. "Henrik! Oh, sorry did I startle you...?" He remmebers that voice! Oh god- he quickly bent down and picked up his keys, turning only to meet the man, Chase, face to...chest. damn he was tall. His face flushed slightly as he looked up and met his eyes. "Oh n-no no! Its fine! I'm just easily startled Chase..." The man beamed, happy that the librarian remmeberd his name. Henrik looked around the parking lot questioningly, he didnt see any cars around for Chase to be here so ear....ly.....oh....
Was that a....motorcycle!? A freaking motorcycle!? His face flushed hotter and he coughed trying to compose himself. "What brings you here so early Chase?" He smiles up at the man, failing to hide the obvious flush in his attempt to protend nothing was wronge. Chase however....had other plans. It was his turn to flush. "Yeah I was just wondering if you would....maybe like to spend some time together some time." Henrik blinked. He wasn't sure he had heard the man correctly. "N-nothing like, a restraunt or anything- unless you want to! But your uh....number....or contact? I just uh....you seemed really nice yesterday and-"
"HAHAHAAHAAHAH-" Chase was cut off by a loud german laugh. Thinking that Henrik was laughing at him, he looked down at his shoes in disappointment. "Sorry...that was a stupid question-" "N-no no! Chase please, you just shocked me is all!" Henrik giggled slightly calming down. Chase perked up at that. "Does this mean you'll hang with me!?" Henrik smiled brightly and nodded. "I have to work the library today but...are you free sunday?" "Yes! Totally!" Henrik nodded and went inside for a moment, returning with a dark blue sharpie. He takes Chase's arm lightly and scribbles his number onto his hand and pulls away, completely oblivious to the blush on Chase's face. "Would you like to spend the day inside with me for now?" Henrik suggests. In actuality he just wanted to be inside. The outside world was...scary to say the least. Full of germs and thi ng s that could harm you at any second. Henrik felt as in worlds described in storys were enough for him. They were much more fun aswell in fantasy cases.
Chase froze up a little as he thought about staying inside all day....in the cramped library....with Henrik....that last part wasn't so bad actually, but all day?! He thought about it and in the end...he nodded yes! Henrik smiled and pulled him inside happily. And thankfully the day actually got better. Chase, found himself incredibly calm around Henrik, at this point he would have been running anxiously for the exit or haveing a panic attack but...even now he felt it. The calm surrounding Henrik...it was like the embrace of a close friend or even....a lover...
"Chase? Helloooo earth to motorbike!" Chase snaps out of it and looks over at the laughing Henrik. "Your really out of it, something on your mind?" "Oh it's nothing. I just don't normaly feel this calm in enclosed spaces. I guess..." Chase paused a moment and looked directly at Henrik while speaking the next line. "You being here is enough to calm me down..." Henrik can feel his heart stop. The library around them suddenly felt...so small. Like they were just two people in a closet. So close...
"Anyways, what were you trying to get my attention for?" Chase asked, interupting Henrik's train of thought. Henrik jumped a little and responds "oh! Right, its late now so its time for us to head home." Chase glanced outside and stared at the dark. "By the way. I didn't see your car out there. You don't happen to walk do you?" "Yes why?" "Henrik its way to dark for you to walk home. How about I drive you there?" Now it was Henrik's turn to freeze up. Ride with him!? On the death bike?!? He did bring up a good point...it was dark...."O...okay"
Chase walks him down to the bike, pulling out a spare helmet he keeps for situations like this and handing it to the librarian. He puts his own on and hops on the bike. Gestureing for Henrik to hop on behind him. He hesitantly follows the direction, wrapping his arms around Chase's waist to not fall off. Both blushed a little at that but soon that was forgotten as Chase kicked the motobike into gear and started the ride to the address Henrik had given him when they left. At first Chase didn't open his eyes, he was just hugging Chase tightly and buried his face into the biker's back. But soon that feeling of dread started to fade away as he felt the wind. The fears he held onto about being...out here. In the open. Suddenly melted. As if the person he was holding on to so tightly was a lighter and his fears were an icecube. He slowly losed his grip and looked up a the passing sites. The same adrenaline that filled Chase now flowed through henrik as he let out a loud cheer of excitement through the helm. Chase grinned at Henrik's yell and joined in as they both rode fast and furious to Henrik's house.
Apon reaching their destination they got off the bike and were now standing infront of Henrik's doors. "Hey thanks for the ride...that was actually a lot of fun!" Henrik smiled shyly at the other, who returned it in kind. "No problen, thanks for letting me stick around. It was really nice to just, hang with you..." they stared at eachother for a moment and...there it was again, the closet feeling, aa if they were just two people in a closed off space from the rest of the world. Just them...
Chase couldn't take it. He leaned forward and quickly pecked Henrik's lips, befor pulling away and sprinting back down the pathway to his bike. "I'll call you! Cya on sunday Hen!" He called out, leaveing the blushing stuttering mess of a librarian on his welcomeing mat. Henrik's hand rested over his lips, shocked that just happened. There was not enough words in any of the books what could describe how happy he was...
He was definitely going to see Chase on Sunday though!
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heechanes-fiancee · 5 years
Now time to tear it down and make the sorting hat hahahaahaahah
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oneirictrolls · 7 years
little did u kno i ahve sonic charactrs of my own HAHAHAAHAAHAH
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t-aejun-blog · 10 years
is that really how i get girls
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eggymints · 12 years
in just one month exact,,,, i'll be a legal tumblr user.
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gewgle · 13 years
I feel so different when I'm in love. I am always found longing for my love, longing for that exchange that would deliver me out of this unrequited love.
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