#hahahah bless him
bellepark · 1 year
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bonus - a cake from santa and earth 🥳
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again, Happy Birthday @itsallaboutzayn 💞
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krystal-kade · 4 months
What happened to Alastor being scary
The biggest thing I noticed in Hazbin Hotel that Alastor is not scary. He used to be mysterious, creepy, and intimidating. We didn't know what he was thinking. We didn't know how he was feeling. He was such a great character because we knew he was insanely powerful, but he didn't act like it. But now that the show has come out, he's not scary or intimidating. He's just an edgelord.
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Pilot Alastor wouldn't make this. Here he's goofy, but in a bad way. Where's the mysterious Alastor? This guy's just like "HAHAHAH I'M SO EVIL >:)" but he just seems stupid?
He also says all these corny lines, like "This is your sign not to mess with the radio demon," (it was something like that) "I'm about to end your fucking life," and "Adam. First man, next to die." He sounds like he's a 12 year old role-playing a creepypasta. These aren't intimidating, he just sounds dumb, edgy, and cringy
ALSO he seriously needs to STOP saying FUCK. It wasn't popular slang in the early 1900's, so he probably would never say it, but it also doesn't fit his persona. A really unique part of him is that he doesn't swear much and he's always smiling. He shouldn't say "ornery old bitch" and he shouldn't say 'fuck you." They just don't fit him. If he wanted what he said to have impact, he would have said something like "she's such a bitter old woman, bless her soul." or when Lucifer says the hotel's name isn't very clever, he should've said "your highness, intelligence is in constant pursuit of you, but it seems you have always been faster" because subtle insults he thinks everyone else is too stupid to understand seems more like his style.
I'll excuse him saying fuck once or twice. Maybe when he breaks his staff, and once more in season two? But he says it too much to have impact.
TL;DR, Alastor's not scary because he's not mysterious. He's just an angry edgelord
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luvrxbunny · 7 months
hey guys i word vomited this in lemons chat so i thought u guys deserved it too
soo uhm shout out to @lemon2099 for inspiring this 😌🙏🏾
so lemmy sent me this link and i went insane
so reader is dating a churchboy and although she’s not a churchgirl she starts going w him just cus it makes him happy that’s where they meet and she’s like wwooooow what a hot preist and miggy’s just like what a beautiful girl
but the more she attends the masses, the more she lingers in his head and obviously being a priest he doesn’t let himself jerk off to her cus “thou shalt not covet another man’s…” something something blah blah— so he just gets pent up and tense and all the fun stuff to the point where he has to plan masses in a way where he is mostly standing behind objects cus he gets insanely hard everytime he sees her
and now at the same time all this is happening, reader is actually kinda getting into the whole community the church brings and during this time her and churchboy break up. so she goes to priest miggy for comfort— she goes to the confessionals and mig just can’t help himself… he jerks off while listening to her— now if it’s extra messed up she’s crying abt church boy and he feels horrible about how much it turns him on but if it’s more normal she could be talking about how she feels happier and more confident without him and mig is just turned on hearing how happy she is
then lemmy said: “when does she get bent over the altar” and i— hehe
so i think she keeps going to him and somewhere during that time she catches onto what’s really happening on the other side of the partition and she starts turning her confessions dirtier and dirtier meanwhile miggy is getting braver and braver.
so he’s starting to just wait in the confesssional with his dick out, his moans are getting louder and he’s coaxing information out of her less discreetly eventually he starts to get a frustrated with how he can’t have her so when she starts talking about this man she wants, she needs, but she can’t have he literally just gets out of his side and opens her door. she has this evil, excited smile plastered over her face and he’s like “you devil” or smthn like that and all over her like white on rice.
and the whole time he’s checking in trying to make sure he’s not taking advantage of her in some way but she’s eventually like “father just fuck me” or something like that and he loses it and bends her over that table where they bless the christ crackers and fucks her like CRAAAAZY at some point she has to be like “oh god” and he’s like “i’m your god now” or something like that hahahah
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wonwoosthetic · 8 months
< series masterlist
word count – 13k
warnings – sibling energy
A/N – this already turned out so much longer than I wanted it to be, so I would have more content for a part 2😅😬
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minnie's struggle (and blessing) of growing up with 13 dudes
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[Minnie being the only girl in an idol group with 13 other guys is as iconic as it gets]
[I think we can all agree on that]
[but, we also know how much of a struggle this brings as well]
[as someone that grew up with an older brother, I don't even want to imagine how it must be with 10 of them + 3 younger ones]
[now, there's MORE THAN ENOUGH on camera footage, BUT we also have quite a few stories]
[and we'll be looking at a few of those today]
[pls enjoy]
teasing her
[some of these are really such canon events if you have older siblings and i love them for it]
Minnie was relaxing her back against one of the lime-green walls. 
[warning: there's quite a lot of content from the melona prison]
[just so you know]
With her phone in her hands, her eyes were focused on the screen as her fingers were tapping on it frantically. After a few seconds, a chuckle would tumble from her lips, only for her to start typing again.
Seungkwan had been entertaining the camera, with the girl only being shown in the background, but as soon as he turned around, his attention was fully on her. In a few steps, the '98 Liner stopped by her extended feet, tapping the souls of them with his toes.
"Who are you texting?" He asked her, continuing to nudge her feet with his own.
[the amount of times my brother has done the exact same thing, ugh]
[but seungkwan does it in a much cuter way]
The girl pulled in her legs and brushed him off. "No one." Only to chuckle at the screen again.
"Are you texting a friend?" Seungkwan got down and slid across the floor, his hands now placed on her knees. Once he didn't get an answer from the female trainee, he patted her bony knees. "Is it your boyfriend?"
[THE question as soon as you laugh while on the phone istg]
"What?" Her head shot up as soon as he threw the question into the room, pushing his hands off her with an annoyed sigh. "No! Get away from me."
"Just say if it's your boyfriend," the younger boy shrugged, still not getting up to leave her alone.
[i would've already smacked him ngl]
"Seungkwan!" Minnie rolled her eyes. "Stop it." A clear blush brightened up her full cheeks.
With a grin, the boy pushed himself up, pointing a finger straight at the girl. "Noona's blushing! She's texting her boyfriend!" His exclaim gained the attention of the rest of the members that were in the room.
[why did he do her like that hahahah]
"Boyfriend?" Seungcheol called out from the other side of the room.
[oh no]
[big bro mode activated]
"No, I'm not! Seugnkwan, I said stop!" With her extended legs again, Minnie was able to reach his shins kicking him, making him groan as he backed up. 
"Don't lie!" He pointed a strict finger at her again. With a quick push-up, the girl stood up and slapped his hand away, only for him to slap hers in return. With a frown on her face, the female trainee pushed him by his shoulder, but before the '98 Liner could do something again, the oldest of them all stepped in between them.
[the bitch fight they were about to have HAHAHAHAH]
"Stop fighting!" He growled at each of them.
[just a quick intermission: i need him to shout at me like that]
[okay back to the scene]
Immediately, both teenagers raised their fingers to point at each other.
"She pushed me first!"
"He started it!"
A groan from Seunghcheol got both to lower their hands again. "Both of you stop!" He turned to the boy first, "Seungkwan, stop annoying her."
[cheol was soooo done with them hahaha already back then]
[i just know he probably already had to stop SO many fights at this point]
"You always defend her, hyung." The younger one rolled his eyes, crossed his arms in front of his chest and walked away.
[well, we all know why, soooo👀🥰]
[she‘s a Choi deep down🫶🏼]
Then, Cheol turned to the girl. "And you, don't hit him."
"But-" She started, but as soon as Minnie saw the scowl on the oldest's face, she shut her mouth again. 
[i. am. on. my. knees.]
[like i know this is very big brother vibes bla bla bla]
She turned around to sit back against the wall, sliding down with a sigh. Wonwoo was quick to jump up from his place on the floor and join her, sitting closely by her side.
[aaaand of course, there's wonwoo to save the day again]
With a grin, Vernon made his way into the view of the camera. "You know, we're gonna lose a lot of male fans now."
[bro hahahah]
[what a comment]
[not the right moment]
"Ooh, that's true," the youngest, Dino, nodded with a chuckle.
The female trainee said nothing in return, instead chose to throw a pen she had lying next to her at the duo, making them laugh as they tried to dodge it.
[them as annoying younger brothers actually seems so much fun]
[but i also know that i'd be beating them up left and right]
[this is technically not really a moment of them teasing her, but it was mentioned]
[and i really liked this moment in street women fighter]
[it's very cute, so i'm gonna include it]
The members of the HolyBang group had gathered in their greenroom, each getting comfortable on the sofa and chair provided. As they fell into a comfortable conversation, Belle spoke up.
"Where's Minnie?"
The leader started frantically glancing around the room, trying to find the eyes of the youngest in their group.
"Where did we lose her?" Jane wondered, also looking around.
"Maybe she went to the toilet," Taro suggested, but the eldest of the room wasn't listening.
Honey J got up from her position on the couch, pulling up her pants just a bit. "I'll go look for her. I'll be right back." 
[i really am so glad minnie has a woman like her in her life in korea]
Without looking back, she exited through the door they had just come in. Walking through the hallway, she tried to get a glance into each room that was open, evening taking quick peeks around each corner she passed. Up until she reached the toilets that were on the same floor. The cameras only showed the hallway that was connected to the green rooms that housed the dance groups, but the microphones followed the female dancers all the way.
The '87 Liner opened the door to the female's bathroom, not expecting to find the younger girl by the sink right away.
"Oh, what are you- are you crying?" She wondered with a gasp. "Why are you crying?" 
[this literally broke my heart🥺]
[i knew minnie was going to have a hard time bc of stupid comments]
[but her crying really killed me, like fr]
Minnie's sniffles were caught by the microphone. 
"Don't say no, I can see that you're crying. What's going on?" The older woman interrupted her.
Minnie whimpered as she patted her cheeks down with some tissue. "It's nothing, I was j-"
"Ya, Minnie-ya," Honey J's strict voice was clear as she spoke. It was not often that she turned this serious. "Don't lie to me, okay? What happened? Did somebody say something to you?"
[seungcheol if he was a woman, TELL ME I'M WRONG]
The sound rustled as the '97 Liner shook her head, her hair brushing over the microphone. "The critique just hit me harder than I expected. I- I... I don't know- I didn't think I would react like this."
"Because of what they said about you?"
Minnie only nodded.
"Don't you want to go somewhere more comfortable where we can talk? I don't think the bathroom is the best place for a conversation like this?" The leader wondered, getting a soft chuckle from the girl.
"No," her sniffles continued. "If my members see me cry about this on camera, they'll tease me forever because of it." Her statement got a whole-hearted laugh from the other woman.
[and i bet they still did]
[but i'm also sure they were ready to throw fists]
[rules of brothers: make fun of your sibling for crying first and then beat up the person that made them cry]
"Minnie-ya! That can't be your concern right now, are you serious?" Chuckling along with the female idol whose cries have gotten less and more quiet.
"I'll beat them up if they do, okay?" 
[you dropped this 👑]
Honey J's question made the girl laugh out loud and cover her mouth as they both exited the bathroom and got back into the hallway. "Look," both women came to a halt, the leader looking intensely into her member's face. "Listen to me. You and I both know exactly why I asked you to be here with us. Because I know how good you are. YOU know how good you are. Fuck them and what they think just because you're an idol. You were a dancer first. And you'll always have that."
[alright, make me cry i guess]
Minnie nodded, her eyes lowered down to the floor.
[i just wanna give her a hug😢🥺😭]
[everything with na pd was CHAOS]
[but there were some moments i just had to highlight bc my god]
Once the producer hit the 'play' button, the intro music of the next song filled the room. Minnie, along with some other members shot up from her chair, but S.Coups beat her to it when he shouted out the name of his team. He was able to name the right group, but Woozi forgot the correct name of the song, giving them an altogether wrong answer.
Minnie was about to shout out her team's name that she shared with Hoshi and Seungkwan, but Mingyu pushed her back into her chair, taking a step forward to cover her form as he screamed out the name of his and Jeonghan's team. 
[stand up for yourself minnie and smack him]
Right after he said the name of the group, the '95 Liner followed with the correct name of the song that was playing.
Pink Venom. A song performed by the project girl group Minnie was part of.
With her mouth agape, she glanced up at the tall member, still surprised by his action.
"Why did you push me?" Almost pouting, knowing it would hopefully make the rapper feel bad.
[this must be such a weakness for the members]
"I'm sorry," he chuckled, sitting back down, placing one hand on her shoulder and the other on her knee. Minnie was quick to brush both off, smacking his chest and making him wince.
[pls he's so dramatic]
Unbeknownst to them, Dokyeom had made his way into the middle of the area, stopping right in front of the main camera, after he had thrown his jacket to the floor. The members started hollering after him as he got ready for his performance.
[i love dokyeom so much]
[but it i were minnie, i'd be RUNNING]
As soon as the chorus that Minnie sang started, DK started to move. He knew the choreo to this part inside-out at this point. The rest of the members couldn't help but laugh at how seriously the '97 Liner took his role.
[dk's coming for your career minnie, watch out]
"Dance like Minnie! Stick your butt out more!" Dino commented with a laugh, getting the girl to stand up from her position.
"What's that supposed to mean?" She argued at him before getting suddenly pushed forward. 
[fr hahahaha]
Turning around, she found Hoshi motioning for her to get closer to Dokyeom to dance with him, but she shook her head.
"Hyung, do a sexy face!" Seungkwan shouted out, clapping along to the rhythm of the song.
[istg she's with them for like ten years and then finally gets to do grown up girlgroup dances AND THIS IS THE THANKS TO THAT]
While the members were hyping up their friend, Minnie hid her smile behind her hands as she sulked into her chair as far back as possible.
[i love how shy she gets about this still though]
[on stage a beast but off stage still so shy, I LOVE HER]
When it was finally over, the room filled with applause.
"Woah, hyung, that was so good!"
"How are you so good at that dance?"
[svt really is just a bunch of simps]
"He really looked just like Minnie on stage," Vernon jokingly commented. The girl shot up from her chair.
[he went to far with that comment hahaha]
With a few steps forward, she was close enough to her fellow '97 Liner, lifting her leg to try and kick him, but he was quick to jump back with a giggle. "I don't dance like that!" Minnie pouted.
[well... i mean...]
"But you do," the leader told her, relaxing back into his chair as he eyed the girl's expression.
[he's not even bothered by it anymore PLS]
"Stooop," she whined.
"Minnie-ya," Na-PD spoke up. "Do you want to go again and dance with Dokyeom?"
She quickly shook her head. "No, thank you." Getting a laugh from each of the members, including the staff and producers.
[no thanks, i choose to keep my career and not have it taken away by one of my members]
[i felt so bad for them during this episode]
[but can we talk about how minnie and dokyeom pushed an entire car?! i salute them]
With the wind hitting the members' faces, it was hard to talk, but they still made the best out of it, just like they did with most situations. 
[they really had to film gose on one of the windiest days of the month outside on the street🫠]
Minnie was trapped in between Dokyeom and Dino, violently shaking her legs, hoping to create some kind of warmth as the small heaters in her pockets were almost not helping her at all.
[i bet mingyu's arms would be warm enough🤭]
"What do you think, Minnie-ya?" Woozi suddenly called out for her, making her look up. "You've been really quiet so far." Commenting on the unusual lack of banter coming from the girl, especially with the topics the members were discussing.
"I-I'm really cold, I'm sorry," she explained, a somewhat smile on her face as her lips felt frozen.
Seungkwan rolled his eyes, "Suck it up then," unfazed by her statement.
"Yeah, we're all cold. You're nothing special," Vernon added, getting the girl to sulk into her chair as the rest of the guys started laughing.
['you're nothing special'😭]
[i have no words, they're just annoying hahah]
[can we just agree on that?]
Minnie rushed to the door the directors were standing in front of, the cameras focused on the door that was closer to the blackboard in the room. She opened the sliding doors after knocking, only to find eleven pairs of wide eyes already looking at her. After a quick bow to the teacher at the front of the room, she introduced herself,
"Hello, sorry for-", but he didn't let her finish,
"The girl's classroom is two rooms down the hall." 
She looked at the man, slightly perplexed, "But- but this is classroom 17, right? I'm supposed to come here."
Soft whispers from the rest of the guys could be heard,
"Is that the new girl everybody's talking about?"
"Wow... she's really pretty."
[facts jeonghan🤝🏼]
"I heard she's French," "Oh wow, really?"
"No, I think she's British."
[I BET YOU this was exactly what was going on in the heads of the trainees when she came to pledis]
[everyone's a simp for minnie]
[her members included]
"Aha," he nodded his head slowly, still unsure of the female, "A girl in an all boys' class... interesting. I don't know how I should feel about that."
[i love how this was one of the things they were most critisised for at the beginning of their career]
[but it made them even more unique than they already were]
[and now they just make fun of everyone who ever said it was weird]
And became very stern unexpectedly, "Why are you late?!" 
Minnie flinched at the sudden change of attitude and tried holding in her laughter after closing the door behind her to take a seat at the closest seat in the last row, "I-I'm sorry, I'm-"
"No, you don't get to sit in the back! There's still a free spot right here," the teacher pointed to the first row, where an empty table stood, right in front of him.
"I'm pretty comfortable here-" Again, she got interrupted by him shaking his head,
"No, no, no," and motioned for her to come forward. She sighed, earning a warning glance from Mr Lee Soon-eung, shutting her up quickly, before sitting down in the middle seat in the first row. 
[he was using this role to his advantage in EVERY way possible hahah]
"You interrupted me calling attendance."
She bowed her head, "Oh, I'm sorry. Please," and extended her hands, "continue."
"You don't get to tell me what to do," the homeroom teacher shook his head, getting a chuckle from most of the boys in the room and making the girl find a camera to look into.
[pls tell me she beat him up after filming HAHAH]
He went on, calling out the names, "Lee Seokmin?", the student raised his hand and answered,
"Yes, Mr. Lee!"
"Ah," then he stopped, "There you are on the list. Number 10... Kim Minnie," his eyes found the girl's again.
"That's me," she raised her hand politely, a pretty smile on her lips.
"I know. That's what I just said," he continued.
"Right," Minnie whispered, nodding before mumbling to herself and the microphone attached to her, "He already hates me..."
[she was so done😭]
[inse really gives us some of the best moments ever]
[before we had the pink venom moment during game caterer, we had this:]
"We have something very important to discuss, everyone." Hoshi's face took up the entirety of the camera's shot as he spoke in a low tone. 
The practice room was not yet occupied by every member, so the background noise was limited to a few people talking while the songs of their newest album 'Attacca' were playing. 
"There's a member. In this group." He let his fingers run through his hair, checking himself out in the viewfinder. "Who... we should interview today. And that member is right... there." As he turned around, he revealed Minnie's form, right next to Jun, as they were presumably caught up in a conversation that made both of them chuckle. 
[never could i have ever predicted what he was going to talk about]
With her back turned towards the performance unit's leader, the taller '96 Liner had to point behind her to make her look around.
"What?" She wondered as her eyes found Hoshi's already trained on her.
With a smug smile, he walked over to the girl, the camera following his every step. 
[right there is were we see kwon 'younger brother' soonyoung energy]
"I just told them," he pointed at the lens filming them, "there's a member that we should interview today." The tiger threw his arm around her smaller frame. "Do you want to tell Carats something?"
[here we go]
"Me?" Unknowing about what he was talking about, Minnie glanced at him wide-eyed. "What should I want to tell them?"
"You know," Hoshi nodded, but the female member just continued to stare at him.
[oh no]
"But I don't," she simply told him.
After clearing his throat, he took a deep breath, looking back at the camera again. "Everyone... a few days ago, the new episode of Street Woman Fighter came out-"
"Ah, stop it!" With a swift move, Minnie got out of his hold, brushing his arm off her shoulders with a frown. Her voice echoed through the practice room.
The '96 Liner gazed at her with a grin on his lips. "What?" He played innocent. "You don't even know what I wanted to say."
[you sneaky little bitch]
"Of course, I know!" She whined. "You guys have been teasing me about this all week!"
[i can only imagine how bad it must've been for her oh god]
[i just wanna know who she watched it with]
[scoups? wonwoo and mingyu? PLS]
"That's not true," he tried to argue back.
Minnie scoffed, "Yes, it is."
"Anyways," he brushed it off. "Carats, in case you haven't seen it yet-"
With a shuff to his side, Hoshi was kicked out of view from the camera -the culprit being Minnie. "Of course, they've seen it by now. So, stop it."
[she's so whiny when she gets shy hahahah]
"No, we should talk about it." The dancer stayed calm and put his focus back on the camera, but was interrupted by the girl's voice.
"Jun!" She called out with a pained chuckle. "Help me!" Her arms tightly wrapped around the '96 Liner's bicep, cuddling into the loose sleeves of his shirt.
[bestie pls help]
[come support]
"Don't drag me into this!" Jun tried to get out of her grip. The girl's surprised facial expression made him laugh.
[well done bestie]
"You said you liked the performance!" 
[alright junie]
After the episode had aired, the members saw the choreography HolyBang had created for Jessi's new song 'Cold Blooded'. And let's just say... they didn't expect their female member to go ALL OUT.
"Ya!" the '96 Liner shouted out. "Don't say it like that, that makes it sound weird! I said you looked really confident and comfortable."
['confident and comfortable'🥹🥺]
[i'm gonna cry, he's so supportive]
"And I did," Minnie crossed her arms in front of her chest. Hoshi took a step closer to her. "I really liked our performance too."
[don't listen to those men]
"Then that's all that matters." 
Was Jun's last comment before he disappeared, leaving, much to her dismay, the girl alone with their unit's leader again.
"Well," he started, "that's not really ALL that matters."
[hoshi pls😭]
"Yes, it is."
"Seungkwan-ah!" He directed his attention to the '98 Liner that had stopped in front of the mirror, now glancing towards the duo with wide eyes.
[oh no, he's getting the devil involved in this]
The '96 Liner's arm was back around the shoulders of the girl.
"What did you think about Minnie in the last Street Woman Fighter episode? HolyBang's performance."
"Oh, you mean this?" Without a warning, Seungkwan bent over, putting his ass up in the air before doing circles by bending his knees. His butt on full view for the rest of the room.
"Stoooop!" Minnie crouched over giggling while Hoshi was clapping along with the main vocalist's performance right in front of them, a big smile on his face.
"Why is Seungwan impersonating Minnie?" Vernon suddenly wondered as he walked up to the small group, only getting another round of laughter from each of the members.
"Guys," with sniffles, as the girl had started tearing up from laughing, the female idol whined. "Why do you do this to me?"
[girl is literally crying 😭😂😭]
"Why are you showing your butt like this on TV?" Seungkwan confronted her with a strict voice.
[he might be asking the real questions here]
[we need more adult girly minnie]
[god gave you that for a reason yk]
"You're being mean!" She shouted back at him, getting him to mimic her mad facial expression. Minnie shook her head with a smile. "I just did what Hanee-unnie told me to do. And it looked good." She turned around. "I'm sure, Carats will agree," and winked at the camera.
"Agree with what?" Dino appeared to her left, smiling innocently at the female member.
[keep his eyes covered pls save the maknae]
"That HolyBang's performance was good."
"The one from last week?" He wondered.
Minnie nodded. The maknae's smile dropped as he pressed his lips into a tight line. With slow steps, he started walking backwards. One step at a time. Slowly. His eyes never left Minnie, who had her mouth slightly agape.
[the image of his noona just got RUINED]
"What's that supposed to mean?"
Before he could answer, the familiar loud voice of Seungkwan bounced off the walls as he stood in the middle of the room.
"Hey guys!" He called out as most of the members had gathered. "Who am I?" And once again, he repeated the dance move, putting his butt up extra high. 
[they ain't letting it go. EVER]
The joined laughter from all of the members could be heard through the camera.
"Ah, Seungkwan-ah!" S.Coups had to stop his chuckle, his hand half covering his eyes. "We've seen enough of this. Don't remind us."
[big bro to the rescue]
"Yeah, once was enough," Wonwoo's deep chuckle was immediately recognizable.
[i just got reminded that he's really possessive]
[nvm i take that 'shook' back]
[dude's too obvious]
Minnie just shook her head, the lens back on her. "Help me," she whispered. "Help. Me."
"Minnie-ya!" Jeonghan suddenly called out. "You did well!"
"Thank you!" The girl was quick to react, smiling brightly at the second oldest, who was resting on the bench they had put up against the wall. Joshua sent her a thumbs-up as well.
Surprisingly, Minghao jumped into the camera's view, his arm embracing Minnie right away. "Yeah, don't listen to them." He reassured her before talking towards the camera. "We're all actually really proud of Minnie," the two '97 Liner nodded in chorus as the girl chuckled. 
[crying again]
[may we pls all be gifted with a minghao]
[how dare he be so cute and supportive]
"It was a bit of a surprise, but the performance was really good." 
[oh, the money i would pay to see all of the guys' reactions to the performance]
Another smile at her earned him a tight embrace, making him laugh as he tightened his embrace. 
The moment was ruined once the camera caught the BooSeokSoon trio in the mirror, all repeating the iconic moves of HolyBang's performance to Cold Blooded. 
[ngl though]
[they kinda ate that up]
This was going to haunt her for quite a while.
[i'm so sorry minnie HAHA]
minnie as 'one of the boys'
[or in other words: the members forgetting that minnie is a girl and like half their size]
[tbh i don't even know if you could call it 'forgetting' or rather just ignoring that she's a girl]
[which, ngl, love it]
[like yes, sometimes you'd definitely need to consider it, like whenever they talk about showering together and what not bc let‘s leave that to the melons prison times😂]
[but like... with everything else]
[those dudes do NOT give a single fuck]
[they either treat her like a bro or like a princess, there's literally no in between, AND I AM HERE FOR IT]
[she really gets the best of both worlds?]
[she's been one of the dudes since day one, and we have content to prove it:]
Mingyu surprised the rest of the group when he suddenly showed up, carrying Minnie in his arms.
[a queen should never walk, and that's on period💅🏼]
"What are you doing?" Woozi couldn't help but laugh as he eyed the two friends. The female trainee was tightly clinging onto the neck of her fellow '97 Liner.
[although, she does look like she ain't enjoying this even one bit]
"He's gonna drop me!" She whined out loud, re-securing her grip.
The boy shook his head, "No, I won't," before turning to the older member. "I wanted to see how long I could carry her for. She's really light, I think I could do this forever."
[did he just brag about his strength or compliment her body?]
[slay i guess]
Minnie rolled her eyes, "Yeah, alright... but I won't let you, so can you please put me down?"
[back then she wasn't taking advantage of it just yet]
[and then you watch in the soop and she's being carried around literally EVERYWHERE hahahah]
"Wait!" Aprubtly, Soonyoung rushed towards them, away from the conversation he was having with Chan. "I want to try to carry her too!"
[this seems like such a dude thing]
['i'm strong too, let me show you]
"Noo, why?" Ignoring her whine, Mingyu crouched down slightly as the older member had his arms already extended. They switched quickly, with Minnie having to loosen her grasp around the taller member's neck slowly, one hand leaving his skin first, only to switch onto Soonyoung's neck. As soon as her body was fully in the dancer's arms, he started bouncing her up and down, making her chuckle, but a frown was still evident on her face.
[annoying ass]
"No! Hyung, please!" Tightening her grip once again.
"Woah, she's really light!" 
[so you think i'm skinnyyyyy]
The '96 Liner commented, carrying her towards the middle of the room when the other members got closer to them.
Dokyeom got to her legs and started holding onto them. "Should we try throwing her up?" He suddenly asked.
[can they be any more bro-like?]
[like who even thinks of that?!]
[boys. that's who.]
A round of laughter and applause filled the room, "OOOH YES!", "Let's try it!" The whines of the girl were overheard by the boys as they gathered around her, each placing their hands on her back and legs.
[she was so helpless, oh god😭]
"Guys, no! Please, you're gonna drop me!" She shouted out, a nervous chuckle falling from her lips, not helping how scared she actually was.
[i would literally be screaming at the top of my lungs]
"We're not gonna drop you," Wonwoo tried to assure her, but it wasn't helping in the slightest.
[yeah alright, move over loverboy]
"Minnie," Vernon spoke up, "You have to let go of Soonyoung's neck."
"No!" She argued back while the older member was already moving his head around, trying to loosen her grip on him. Seungkwan got up behind him, his hands working on the girl's fingers that were intertwined.
[also: the staff? didn't care. not one bit.]
"Come on, Minnie, trust us," he chuckled as he pulled her hands apart.
"Ey, please, guys," she covered her face, still trying to get out of their hold. For some reason, even though she was scared to the bone, she couldn't help but chuckle.
[the nervous laugh is so real]
[like what else are you gonna do?]
Together, the guys lowered themselves slightly, bending their knees.o
"Alright, everyone!" Soonyoung called out. "On three!"
"No, stop!"
"One! Two! Three!" As soon as the last number fell from his lips, the guys pushed their knees back up straight, extended their arms, and managed to throw the girl up into the air. Minnie's scream echoed through the room, still ringing in their ears once she fell back into their arms.
[it looks kinda fun]
[but jeez, i'd be pissing myself from fear]
"One more time! Higher!" It was Mingyu's turn. "One!"
"STOP!" The girl's exclamation was ignored - possibly because she was still laughing along with them.
"Two! Three!" And once again, the eleven members threw her up, only that this time, they underestimated their strength as the girl had to reach out with her hands, so her face wouldn't hit the ceiling.
[i actually would've died]
"OH!" A round of exclaims came from the boys as they were surprised by the sudden sound her hands made once they hit the hard material. 
Hastily, they tried to catch her again and lower her onto the floor. She caught them off-guard when she suddenly started to laugh.
"Oh my god, are you okay?" Vernon was the first to ask her, followed by Chan who got down on his knees.
"Noona, did you hurt yourself?"
"Are you okay?"
After taking a deep breath in, Minnie pushed away all the upper bodies that were now way too close to her face, for some reason still softly chuckling.
[how tf she can laugh in this moment, i don't know]
[i would be crying and running home]
"I told you guys to stop!" She was still trying to catch her breath, as she pushed herself up from the floor, Dokyeom trying to help her.
Seungkwan, Vernon, and Chan had taken a step back and watched her with wide eyes, fear written all across their faces.
Dokyeom lowered his head to meet her eyes as she fixed her hair. "Did you get hurt?"
"No," the girl shook her head. "I'm okay."
For a quick moment, the entire room fell quiet, only for Mingyu to break it again.
"Alright! Let's do it again!" Getting cheers from the others in return.
But the female trainee was already running away, her screams disappearing behind the door.
"Jihoon has never had a girlfriend. Ever."
Vernon, Seungkwan, Jihoon, and Minnie were together cramped in the small room with muffled walls, that was right next to their practice room. The youngest one was talking to the camera.
[they're literally babies, I CAN'T]
"He doesn't even have friends that are girls."
With furrowed brows, the girl turned to her right, glaring at the English-speaking member.
"And what am I then?" She wondered, making Vernon's head shoot in her direction.
"I'm friends with Jihoon," she explained, "And I'm a girl."
[you tell him girl]
"Oooh, yeah right," the young rapper nodded. "I keep forgetting that, I'm sorry."
[explain to me why i find this kinda edearing]
[she's so close with them and they're just enjoying their time together and do not give a shit about gender]
His comment made the '96 Liner laugh and lean forward, giving the girl the perfect opportunity to grab the notebook from the table in front of her and whack Vernon across the head with it. The youngest groaned with a chuckle, his hand reaching for the back of his head.
[idk why but seeing minnie mad like that is so funny for no reason HAHAHA]
[she looks so cute, but then she just whips out a freaking notebook and hits you with it]
To his defence came Seungkwan, who snatched the notebook out of her grip, only to hit her with it as well. He added about twice the amount of strength, letting the sound of it hitting her skin ring through their ear.
She turned around, trying to regain the pieces of paper, but the younger member pulled back with a sheepish smile plastered on his face.
The girl's high-pitched giggles filled the room with joy as Chan joined her laughter while she ran around in circles, carrying him on her back.
[minnie is the best big sister ever and i will fight anyone who says otherwise]
[even in the melon prison, they were so happy🥺🥹]
"Noona, can you jump with me on your back?" The maknae wondered. 
Minhee didn't need to be asked twice as instead of answering him, she tried to do exactly that. Less of a jump and more of a gallop got another round of giggles from the trainees, making the girl continue doing the action.
After only a few seconds, the female member started breathing heavier than before as she slowed down.
"This is more exhausting than I thought," she commented as she lowered herself onto her knees, letting Chan get easily off her back. Minnie laid down on her stomach, her arms by her side as she enjoyed relaxing on the floor.
"Noona!" The youngest, still as excited as ever, threw himself onto her back, getting a groan from the older girl in return. "You're so much stronger than I expected." Making the girl chuckle.
"Yeah, it surprised me too."
[minnie bulking up? let's gooo]
"Are we cuddling?" Seokmin's loud voice echoed through the room as he saw the two lying on the floor. 
Without waiting for an answer, he copied the maknae and threw himself onto the two the same way. This time, a second groan came from the youngest.
[i mean, at this point, the ppor girl]
[come on guys]
Before any of them could rake themselves up again, the next trainee followed - Seungkwan.
Minhee moaned out in pain. "Guys, I'm still underneath all of you."
[hi, pls, help me]
Then came Mingyu, who let himself fall back onto the mass of his friends, his back hitting the '98 Liner's.
[this would've been my last straw]
Wonwoo decided to go next, slightly jumping up, so he could be at the very top.
[and there comes the next]
A chorus of moans filled the room.
"Guys," Seungcheol rushed over to the hill of people, ready to push them off. "Come on, guys, you're crushing Minhee." 
[thank you]
[poor girl was about to see the light with all of that weight on her]
The younger members quickly reacted and got off again, one after the other, releasing the blockage of air the girl had experienced.
"You're all so much heavier than her," Joshua came towards them as he laughed at the antics of his fellow trainees. 
[aaaaand seventeen's gentleman back in the game]
He crouched down, his hand reaching out to help Minhee get up once she had rolled onto her back.
"Ugh," she groaned as she pulled herself up with the help of Jisoo's grip. "Thank you, Josh."
[what happens in the melona prison, stays in the melona prison]
[this too]
[although, i have to admit, i'm pretty convinced they would still do this]
Nine of the members had their arms tightly interlocked with each other as they lay on the floor in two separate rows. The six others were on their feet and trying to pull the other trainees apart. Somehow, Seungcheol had managed to tear away Wonwoo and Minhee from the rest of the chain as those two were clinging onto each other the tightest.
"Let go!" The oldest's shout was filled with laughter as he tucked on the '96 Liner's legs.
[can you imagine getting pulled away with cheol's strength]
[i'm convinced he could rip out an arm]
Mingyu saw his struggle and was quick to rush to his help, getting a hold of the girl's legs. With her starting to kick like a fanatic, it was hard for him to hold his grasp, sighing in relief once he got her loose pants's leg.
"Mingyu!" She called out. "You're taking off my pants!"
"Then let go!" He argued back.
[mingyu, how about you try to use less strength on a girl that's two heads smaller than you]
Minhee started kicking her legs again, hoping the boy wouldn't accidentally expose her underwear and naked legs.
[i love how her number one defence mechanism, after throwing random shit, is kicking them]
[bc same]
"Cheol-hyung! He's gonna take off my clothes!" She shouted out for the oldest member, who looked up at the '97 Liners.
[and just when she thought big bro cheol would come to the rescue]
"Stop kicking, then we can pull you guys apart!" 
[he pulls this...] 
He surprised the female trainee with his answer, originally hoping for his support. She was caught off guard as she was still busy trying to keep her pants up when she suddenly felt an emptiness by her arm. Looking to her side, she found Wonwoo an arms-length away from her.
[and there goes her other half]
"No, hyung!" Minhee laughed as she tried to sit up and stand up completely, but instead, she felt another tug on her leg. Before she could react, the floor was already being swiffered with her body. Mingyu's evil laughter rang through her ears as Dokyeom joined in. His hands wrapped around right arm while the rapper still had his grip on her left leg. 
[they were EVIL]
[how tf is she supposed to defend herself against THAT]
Helping pleas and giggles from the only female trainee filled the room, but went ignored as the guys started adding to the laughter. The other members who were already separated decided to just sit on the floor and watch the '97 Liner group with big smiles on their faces.
[no helping hand in sight]
[love it]
[going from the melona prison, to even more public on camera]
[oh, you thought they'd stop once they became famous? hell no.]
The members were lined up in front of the pool, all ready for their sign-off towards the camera on the other side.
"Seventeen!" Jeonghan started them off, with the rest of the members following him. "TTT!"
Minnie was about to turn around and walk away when she suddenly felt two strong arms wrapping around her torso. Mingyu had her tight in his embrace as he turned her to the side, his mischievous giggle right next to her ear.
[here we go again]
[how she managed to survive stuff like this for 10+ years now, with no broken bones, i'll never understand]
"Let go of me!" She shouted, but Seungcheol had already grabbed her legs, lifting them up. The girl tried to kick him away from her, "NO!" 
But before she could do much, the two strongest members of the group had already started rocking her body back and forth by the side of the pool. 
[how is this fair ...]
[like bffr, at least give her a chance ...]
On three, they let go of her, letting Minnie disappear underneath the surface, her scream muffled by the water. All of the members stared at the pool with their mouths agape.
[bc they really had to THROW her]
[they couldn't have just pushed her in the pool, no they literally had to throw her up in the air, to make her entire body turn]
With a gasp, she came back up to grasp for air, her hands running over her face as she tried to free it from her hair.
"You idiots!" She cursed at them with a giggle, but the guys were already on the floor, clutching their stomachs, trying to control their laughter.
[i would've left]
[i'm telling you as it us]
[no contract renewal bc of this betrayal]
For a good five minutes, Seugnkwan, Minnie, and Mingyu were hurdled up in the stairwell of the warehouse. They had yet to open the doors and enter the corridor that would officially lead them into the horror house the Going Seventeen staff had set up. The rapper had already tried once but as soon as one of the killers crossed his eyes, he closed the door again right away.
"Ok," the '98 Liner took a deep breath. "Noona, you go first."
[what a gentleman]
Her head whipped in his direction. "What?! Why me?"
But the younger member just shrugged.
"Please, Minnie-ya," Mingyu practically begged her. With her mouth slightly agape, she glared at both of her members.
"Are you- you know what, alright." She brushed their fear off of her and opened the door, not able to see the little claps the two did in celebration of getting her to go in first.
[i can definitely tell that if she hadn't agreed to it, they would've just pushed her in through the door]
The three had just managed to run away from the first few killers they had encountered and were now stuck in a dark room. Mingyu had closed the door as they all rushed to the very end of the room, trying to get as far away as possible.
Minnie couldn't help but continue her giggle that had started once she was being chased.
[for now she's laughing🙃]
"Why are you laughing?" The rapper hissed at her in a whisper, clearly shaken up by the situation.
At his reaction, the girl crumbled over, her hands falling to her knees as she laughed out loud. Then she pointed at the youngest of them.
"Look at him," chuckling at the crying expression Seungkwan held. 
[she's literally making fun of him while he's almost having a mental breakdown, what😂😭]
He was quick to switch to a neutral face, glaring at the girl before lifting his hand, and threatening her with a slap on the back of her head, making her slightly flinch.
[some members need to learn how to fight back just like seungkwan does]
[not looking at anyone in particular👀]
Before she could react back to him, the door unexpectedly opened, revealing one of the killers with the light-up mask, catching the three idols off-guard. Subconsciously, the two male members, grabbed the girl by her arms, trying to hide behind her much smaller frame.
"What?! I'm gonna-" the '98 Liner tried to toughen up. "You've been waiting for a long time, right?" 
[don't even try seungkwan💀]
[don't even]
Minnie tried to free herself of their grip on her shoulders but was unable to do so. Once the killer started to get closer, the three moved together in synch, further away from him, along the wall, towards the opposite corner of the room.
[they were CLUTCHING onto her for dea life, jesus, let a girl breathe]
One quick look towards the door showed them the next killer that had shown up, the killer clown.
"Oh, what?!" Mingyu cried out, clutching tighter onto the girl's arms. She continued to brush his hands off her. 
[not impressed]
Seungkwan's scared whines echoed through the room and hallways, only adding to the thrill of the situation they were put in. The masked killer was to their left, slowly getting closer, while the clown decided to stay by the door.
As if the guys had made a pact, with one push to the left, Seungkwan and Mingyu threw the girl right into the killer's chest, leaving everyone not involved in their action in shock. The two rushed out of the room, leaving the girl alone.
"Are you kidding me?!" She shouted out as the man made sure she stood up straight, his arms that had caught her now back relaxed by his body. "They really just did that...," she shook her head in disbelief, mumbling under her breath. A comforting pat on the shoulder made her look up. 
[they were so sweet 😭😭]
[scary horror killers that have a soft spot for minnie]
[don't we all]
The actor of the killer was looking at her while his free hand pointed at the door. The clown had copied his motion, showing her the way out.
"Are you letting me go?" She wondered, her fingers running through her hair to straighten it out.
She got a nod in return.
"Because those idiots left me here to die?"
Another nod.
"Thank you," Minnie sent them a tight smile.
After a quick exchange of looks with each of the killers, Minnie sprinted out of the room, the actors waiting a few seconds before rushing after her.
[and back to killing]
[btw still mad they all made it out, minnie should've left them there]
[i just have one thing to say: i want to go on vacation with them]
[i am BEGGING]
Woozi, Dokyeom, Joshua, Dino, Wonwoo, and Hoshi were still focused on their water game, passing the ball around in the circle they had formed. Vernon had gotten out of the pool, leaving Minnie alone on one of the floaties. 
[they were so unbothered in this scene, i love them for that]
The floating pineapple pool mattress gave her the perfect opportunity to rest on her back and close her eyes, just listening to her other members playing their game.
[how she can be so quiet and unbothered while they are literally shouting and being as loud as possible is still a mystery to me]
[it's like her superpower almost]
Her fellow '97 Liner noticed her still form, not having moved for at least fifteen minutes. The game came to a halt as he ushered the guys into a smaller circle, exchanging whispers and chuckles between them. 
[this isn't gonna end well]
Shortly after, the maknae made his way over to the girl as carefully and slowly as possible. The sudden quietness made the girl slightly suspicious, opening her eyes to see what was going on. 
[oh oh]
She noticed the movement. She pushed herself up, and her eyes fell on the youngest of the group.
[got ya bitch]
"What are you doing?" But she got no verbal answer other than a sinister giggle.
The members were already waiting in position, all on one half on the floatie when Hoshi started counting to three with his fingers. 
[bye minnie]
The girl caught on to their prank. “Wait! Wait, guys!" As quickly as she tried to move away, Minnie was still too slow.
Once he held up three fingers in the air, the guys put their hands underneath the mattress and lifted it easily, throwing her into the water, her scream getting muffled underneath the surface.
[girl just wanted to relax]
[and this is what she gets]
[no quiet day for seventeen ever]
With proud claps and hollers, the guys cheered on themselves as the girl got back up, her hands immediately pushing her hair out of her face.
[how proud they are of themselves 😭]
"What the hell was that for, you idiots!" She laughed out loud. Before any of them said something back, Hoshi started splashing her frantically with water, making her turn around and hide her face. The rest of them quickly joined in, all attacking her with splashes.
"GUYS!" She continuously shouted, all covered by laughter from each member inside the pool.
When they finally stopped, she turned back around towards them, glancing at each of them with a small smile on her face.
"I hate you all." Getting a chuckle from each of them. 
[yeah yeah]
[you love them, we know it]
They were about to get back to their game when Minnie suddenly attacked Dokyeom by jumping on his back, catching him off-guard and slightly stumbling back. In return, he let himself fall backwards, taking her down with him, both laughing all the way.
Once they got back up, they were separated again, and as if both had agreed on the next move, together they started attacking the person next to them with water - the victim being Woozi.
With no warning, Minnie was suddenly lifted up by Hoshi, who just threw her back into the water. She was quick to come back up to the surface to start splashing him right away. The '96 Liner got support from the youngest, joining in to attack the female member. She, in return, got help from Wonwoo, who had joined her side and started helping her. 
[this was all just so chaotic]
[i love them all]
The next emotion for their SVTSIDE OUT episode was anger and Seungcheol started it all when he suddenly shouted out loud, his deep growl too close to Minnie's ear. In return, the girl pushed him harshly away from her.
"What is wrong with you?! Don't scream like that!"
[only minnie is brave enough to do this to cheol]
Instead of a verbal answer, S.Coups grabbed her arm and threw her onto the soft part of the trampoline they were standing on. 
[come on bro]
[don't do this to her]
[i was so shocked hahahah]
With a heavy huff, she landed on the ground, but before she could get up, the '95 Liner had already started jumping around, making her body bounce off of the stretchy fabric. The members came to his help, using the strength of their knees as they made the female member unable to stand up.
[no mercy]
"Stay down!" Dokyeom shouted at her, to which she couldn't help but giggle when she screamed back at him.
[none at all]
"What the hell is wrong with you?!"
Somehow, Minnie managed to get onto her wobbly legs, only for Joshua to throw his arm around her shoulder and pull her down with him. While he chuckled, the girl groaned, squirming around as she tried to get away from him
"Get off me, you wannabe wrestler!"
her actions speak for themselves 
[you better bet i'm putting in another scene from street woman fighter]
The nine women of HolyBang had gathered in their green room, waiting for further instructions as they got comfortable on the sofa and chairs. Some of them had already turned to their phones, while others had started talking to each other.
"Who do you guys think are gonna be the strongest rivals?" Belle suddenly asked the rest of the members.
Hertz shrugged, her eyes glued to the screen in her hands. "I don't really care, we're strong anyway, we shouldn't worry too much about that."
[i love how confident they were]
[gotta teach me their way, please]
"Oh," Minnie chuckled nervously, "I was ready to say YGX, but that's gonna sound really insecure now."
"Yeah, don't say it, please," the older woman chuckled. "Let's stay confident."
A sudden laugh surprised the women. Honey J was hunched over on her chair.
"What?" Taro wondered, chuckling at her leader.
The older women pointed at the youngest of them all. "I just love how Minnie is sitting like the most confident dude, but wanted to talk about being scared of the other groups."
[well, who do you think she got that from]
And she wasn't wrong. Minnie had her knees wide apart, her back half on the seating cushions on the sofa while only her head and shoulders leaned against the backrest.
"Oh," she chuckled, "Sorry," and pushed herself up immediately, straightening her back.
"No, no, no," the older woman reached out to her. "You should look relaxed. It makes you seem more confident, that's good."
[and that's why she's perfect]
"Fake it 'till you make it," Belle nudged Minnie's shoulder as she repeated a phrase she had recently learned from the younger girl, getting a giggle out of her.
[yes, another game caterer moment]
[i loved these episodes just too much alright]
[can you blame me?!]
The members had just changed into the basketball jerseys the staff had provided for them and were making their way onto the field. The weather was slightly cooler than expected, so Minnie had put on a long-sleeved shirt underneath. Each jersey seemed to have come in the same size as her white one was almost reaching her knees.
The guys had started throwing the ball around randomly, each of them trying to get it into the net. 
"Minnie-shi?" Na-PD called out for her, making the girl turn around towards the cameras. "Didn't they give you pants? Do you want some sweatpants?" He kindly wondered, two staff members behind him already standing up.
[okay but can we talk about how sweet he is?!]
[i mean, the entire staff seems amazing]
[but i love this man so much]
Without thinking twice, the girl suddenly pulled up her jersey, revealing the black biker shorts she had put on. 
The action surprised the staff members as they gasped and quickly turned their heads, as they had thought she was still without any piece of clothing on her legs.
[their life literally just flashed right in front of their eyes]
[jesus christ minnie HAHAHAH]
This time, the members' attention was also turned towards the staff, their eyes though on the girl who chuckled,
"We thought you weren't wearing anything underneath," another female staff member explained, joining in laughing at the moment they had shared.
"Oh my god, I'm sorry!" She giggled, scrunching over as laughter took over her body.
[don't scare them like that girl]
"What?" The leader suddenly came forward, switching gazes between the staff and the girl. "What's going on?" 
[protective bro is back]
Still confused when Minnie leaned on him for support, the laughter coming from her and the people behind the camera still filling his ear. 
"What happened?" Now it was Hoshi's time to ask.
[protective bro #2]
"I-" the female member tried to explain through her giggles. "They- They thought I wasn't wearing anything under the shirt, so I showed them." She repeated the action, catching some of the members off-guard as well as S.Coups, who was quick to reach out, pulling her jersey back down again.
[like, how many times has this happened before that he just reacts within AN INSTANT]
"No! I'm wearing the biker shorts." Minnie pulled the jersey up, revealing her choice of pants. "But they weren't expecting it."
A slap on her shoulder made her turn to the side. Vernon's bright smile was shining at her, his uncontrollable laughter only making hers start again too.
[supportive younger bro that finds everything you do hilarious]
[love him]
"Oh," Seungcheol chuckled as he shook his head. "Don't do it like that," he scolded her, gently nudging her shoulder as she was still laughing with the '98 Liner.
[pls scold me like that coups]
[everything about this game was so chaotic]
The game was at full speed, with Mingyu, Dokyeom and Joshua from the white team on the field, while Minnie, Jun, Dino, and S.Coups were sat on the bleachers.
DK tried to pass the ball to his fellow '97 Liner, but Wonwoo, who only shortly before got switched in, blocked Mingyu and the ball fell outside of the field's line.
"Wow," the girl commented with a nod, the '96 Liner clearly better than expected.
The deep voice from the PD behind her made her jump. "Minnie just said 'wow'!" Letting the rest of the crew and idol group know. Her head shot back to the older man.
"Wait, what?! 'Wow'?! Because of 'wow'?!"
[fr hahah]
"Minnie-ya!" The leader to her left punched her shoulder, making her wince slightly.
[a punch from coups really must leave a bruise]
[dude is STRONG]
The maknae next to her put his hand on her upper arm. "Noona," he spoke softly, to which the girl turned back around, her eyes immediately on him. "It's 'woah'. 'Wow' really is English." He explained with a tight smile, but Minnie could only groan out loud.
['noona' will forever be my favourite word from him🥺]
"YA!" From the field came Mingyu's deep voice. "Minnie-ya, get over here!" His right hand had a tight grip on the basketball.
The girl stood up with her arms crossed. 
[she was SO ready to fight ...]
[the confidence she built up over the years to be ready to fight a 6ft2 man should be studied bc this is insane]
Before she could say anything, a strong arm wrapped around her shoulders and pulled her down. Seungcheol held her in a tight lock.
[and here we go]
[you're supposed to be the protective bro, wtf is this coups]
"Let go of me!" She shouted out, holding onto his arm, trying to open it, so she could escape.
[big bro taking advantage of his strength, smh]
"Do you promise not to speak English anymore?" He asked her, laughing at her trying to fight his strength.
[he's literally enjoying this 🥲]
"I didn't even know 'wow' wasn't Korean! How the hell am I supposed to know that?!"
She was freed very suddenly, her hair all over the place as she took a deep breath before falling back to the bleachers with a huff.
[you got this minnie]
[i believe in you]
The leader nudged her shoulder. "No, stand up and go in. Dokyeom's gonna go out."
With that, she pushed herself off the benches and switched positions with DK but before the game started, Mingyu walked up to her, the basketball still in his possession. Thanks to her back being turned towards him, she couldn't see his form coming closer. Once he was right behind her, he held the ball up, letting it drop onto her head from a short distance, just to tap it, not to actually hurt her.
[pls kick him]
The girl flinched with a surprised expression and turned around, finding the mischievous grin of her fellow '97 Liner.
"You deserved that."
As Minnie decided to stay out of the game, she was sitting next to Woozi on one of the stools provided by the Game Caterer staff. Seungcheol had joined them after losing his challenge and having to eat four pieces of lemon. Now it was Jeonghan's turn to sit down next to them, a cup filled with his own amount of lemon pieces in his hands.
The singer took one of the slices and bit into it, an instant groan tumbling from his lips.
Minnie turned her head. "Give me some," the girl held out her hand. "I can help you eat them."
"Isn't that cheating?" He wondered, making the girl chuckle.
"Since when do you care about that?" To which he nodded, taking one lemon piece out of the cup and handed it over to her.
[fr hahahah]
With ease, the female idol bit into it, sucking the juice out first, before ripping the lemon's flesh from the peel, jewing on it as she put the rest of it back into the paper cup.
With shock written across his face, Jeonghan gazed at her. "You don't think it's sour?"
Minnie shrugged. "I don't mind it. I really like it."
[hell yeah]
"What do you like?" Seungcheol's head popped up as he leaned back to glance past Woozi's frame to look at the girl.
"Sour lemon. Do you want me to help you with yours too?"
"You want to eat my lemons?" He wondered, slightly surprised by her request.
The '97 Liner nodded and reached out, holding out her empty palm to the leader, who placed one piece on it.
"Give me two," she stated, to which she got another slice. With a grin, she sat back straight and enjoyed chewing on the citrus fruit.
Seungcheol sighed. "Woah, I didn't know you became that much of a cheater."
[who do you think taught her that 🫣]
With a proud grin, Jeonghan patted her knee, leaning forward a slight bit to get a look at the leader. "I taught her well," he commented before his hand ran over her long hair.
[jeonghan is just so happy he got another member on his cheat agenda hahah]
but at the end of the day, they love and care for her
[as much as i love them for their sibling energy]
[and them making fun of minnie]
[and teasing the shit out of her]
[like look at this]
"Noona!" Seungkwan's voice made the girl turn around from the conversation she was having with Jun about the Harry Potter Lego set he had just won. The game the Na-PD and the rest of the Game Caterer producers had prepared was over and everyone was free to take the presents that didn't get picked in the first place.
Minnie walked up to the younger member who had called out for her.
"What is it?"
His hand reached out, holding a few of the pebble snacks he had taken for himself. "Eat this."
The female member shook her head. "No, thank you-"
"You haven't eaten much today yet, take this." He grabbed her hand and put each snack piece into her palm.
[when i tell you i teared up?!]
"Seungkwan-ah, only a few."
"No, take all of them." He answered back, brushing off her comment. 
[he wasn't having it]
With full hands, she turned back around and stopped by Jun again as she put one pebble into her mouth.
"Do you want some?" She asked the taller member.
For a second, he looked down at her hands before shaking his head. "No, you should eat them. Thank you, though." Giving her back a comforting pat.
The members were standing in the 'living room' of their dorm, looking up and speaking into the camera that was being held up by Joshua. 
Once Hoshi and Dokyeom finished their sign-off, they disappeared into another room, making room for Jeonghan, who had been hiding behind Joshua. He was just about to say something as his mouth opened, but the sudden appearance of the female trainee from around the corner made his eyes light up.
"Oh, Minnie-ya, come here for a second!" The older of the two called out for the girl. With a smile on her face, she crossed the floor and walked up to the '95 Liners as they broke apart, leaving a space in between them for her. 
[they look so young, oh my god]
Jeonghan raised one of his arms to welcome her, making her look straight into the camera.
"Today is a very special day for Minnie-ya. Do you want to tell them why?" He asked her, making a shy grin appear on her lips.
[he literally looks like a proud mom]
[somebody get me tissues pls]
She turned her head to look at him.
"Do you mean the test?" She softly wondered, getting an encouraging nod from the member in return.
"Oh, well," her lips curled up even more. "Today I had to take a Korean language test, and I passed."
"Don't just say you passed!" Jeonghan whined at the younger girl. "Because you passed extremely well." He turned to the camera, "She got all the points, guys."
Minnie nodded, her hands clutching onto each other. "Yeah... I'm now officially a B2 Korean speaker."
"Is that the highest ranking?" Joshua wondered, turning his head towards her.
"No, it's like levels. B2 means I can speak it well enough to hold up more complicated conversations, but I still don't know specific words and... terminology. That would be C1. And then C2 is that you speak it like it's your first language," she explained.
[our smart girly👑]
Jeonghan nodded, "But you've been here for four years already, so you'll be at C1 very soon. And then C2," he patted her head, getting a smile from her in return before she waved into the camera and disappeared again.
[pls i need somebody to be this supportive of me too]
"She's really smart with languages. I don't think even I would be at a C1 or B2 level now," Joshua admitted. The older '95 Liner couldn't help but chuckle.
"Learning new languages seems really easy for her. But she also worked very hard and studied a lot for this test."
[yes pls praise her even more guys]
"That's true," the Korean-American agreed, smiling into the camera. "Everyone, please congratulate Minnie."
The team had just scored another point at the foot volleyball match they were playing. The big white walls were shining brightly in the background of the studio they had rented for the Going Seventeen episode. After celebrating the added point, Minghao passed the ball to the opposite team.
"No, no, it's ours," Jeonghan told him, but it had already gone over the net.
With his foot, Mingyu hit the ball to land in the other team's half, but he underestimated the strength he had put into the pass. The ball flew over the net, right to where Minnie was looking down at her pants, straightening out the creases, not realising the ball was getting dangerously close to her head.
Dino was quick to react as he rushed to stop in front of her, smacking the ball away from her before it could hit her face. The girl flinched up, her wide eyes glancing around the room. 
The members wooed their maknae as he ran a hand through his hair, proud of the scene he had created. 
[the confident boost omg]
Their claps bounced off the walls before they got interrupted by Seungcheol's voice.
"Ya! Mingyu-ya, be careful," scolding the younger member.
[go cheol go defend her!]
Minnie glanced at her fellow '97 Liner. "That was you?"
He quickly bowed after nodding. "My bad."
With a smug smile, Dino let his jacket fall from his shoulder, looking at the girl, who started giggling at his antics.
She patted his shoulder, "Alright, you got your Drama moment." 
[i need to be friends with her, pls god]
To which maknae started laughing out loud, his arms wrapping around the female member.
With the cameras placed around the dorm, the viewers of The Manager were able to see each room the Seventeen members lived in.
Minnie was standing in front of the mirror in the living room, holding up different bottoms in front of her legs. She had two pairs of pants and a skirt in her hold. 
"How does the skirt look with this top?" She turned to Wonwoo who was sitting on his makeshift bed in the corner, and Seungcheol who had found a place on the floor.
[i love how the members probably could not care less about this but she still wanted their opinion]
The '96 Liner lifted his head up from looking at his phone screen.
"It's really short. I'm not sure you should wear that."
[protective mode activated]
Before Minnie could say anything, their leader took the word. "You shouldn't." 
[deep ass voice cheol is my biggest weakness]
He got a roll of her eyes in return, making him sigh as he pushed himself up. "It's also way too cold for that. You're gonna get sick."
[minnie is so much stronger than me bc i would obey to his every word]
[but girl was NOT having it]
"I asked you how it looks, not what I should and should not wear. I can decide that for myself," the girl snapped at the older members, mostly directing her comment at the '95 Liner as he stopped in his tracks right next to her.
[and that's on period]
[biggest slay]
[but talking back to scoups 🫣]
[that's pure bravery]
"I'm only telling you my opinion," he stated, his voice still laced with tiredness as he had just woken up. "Do you think I would give you advice like that if it wasn't meant well for you?" 
His question made the girl shut her mouth. Without another word, she turned around and walked back into her room. She came back out wearing a pair of black pants.
[the power 'coups holds is absolutely insane]
After Youngji took another big sip of her glass, she let it hit the table again. A big sigh fell from her lips.
"But for real," she started, "I really like all of your members. I was nervous when I first met them, but they really are... something else."
[she's such a fangirl, i love it]
Minnie nodded, her mouth still full from the rice cake she was eating.
"I know. I always say that... I really do think that all of them are gentlemen. Because," she cleared her throat. "When we debuted, Joshua was known as 'the gentleman of seventeen' but in reality, all of them are really really nice. And like gentlemen."
[i will cry]
[like rn]
[the fact that she even says it]
[this means so much to me]
[they love each other so much]
"Even when they punch you?" Youngji laughed along with her question as she remembered one of the stories Minnie had told her.
The '97 Liner joined her. "Even then! Mingyu even threw me into a wall once when we were trainees, but that's just what you're like with people you're comfortable with and like." 
[their stories will forever haunt me]
[like what do you mean he threw you into a wall and you just go 'alright' ...]
She ended her statement with a shrug.
The younger rapper chuckled as she choked on her drink. "Or that's what they tell you, so you'll believe that."
"NO!" Minnie shouted out, hitting the other girl's shoulder as they laughed in chorus.
"No, no, but seriously, they are very very kind," Youngji stated after they both had calmed down.
[we stan the right group]
The female idol nodded. "That's right. I honestly- I don't even remember the last time I paid for... like food or something. When I was with them."
[excuse me?]
"Every time we're out together, one of the members pays for me," Minnie explained, her back resting against the wall.
[she's saying this as if it's the most normal thing ever?!]
"Are you serious?" Youngji was clearly taken aback by the words of the woman in front of her, glancing towards the producers and back at Minnie.
[i love how shook she is hahaha]
But she just nodded with a smile on her face. "Yeah... I mean," she turned towards the cameras, "Don't get me wrong, I can very well pay for myself and I really try," before looking at the '02 Liner again. "But they don't let me. Every time I go to pay, one of the members says 'I already covered it'."
[a girl that can pay for her own stuff but gets treated like the princess that she is]
[hell fucking yes]
[i just want to know which member does this the most]
[my guess is cheol, mingyu or hao]
[maybe joshua or wonwoo too]
[or jun would do that too]
[woozi definitely too with his black card]
[and dk would for sure treat his fellow '97 Liner as well]
[but seungkwan and dino would want to treat their favourite noona too]
[and vernon won't let his bestie pay either]
[alright, so i guess just all of them]
"Woah!" The female rapper looked at the table with an open mouth, still taking in what the idol was telling her. "See! See what I mean?!" Making everyone in the room errupt in laughter. "I want to have members like that! I want members to take care of me like that!"
[good luck to minnie’s future partner]
[her standards must be 📈📈📈📈]
"I will share my members with you, okay?" Minnie proposed to her.
Youngji's eyes lit up. "Would you really?"
With a sheepish smile, the '97 Liner grinned at her. She shook her head, "No, I wouldn't." Getting a groan in return. 
[possessive minnie for the win]
[but let's be real]
[i wouldn't ever share them either]
"They're my members!" She then turned towards the camera again. "I love you, guys!" Raising her arms up, with her fingertips touching the top of her head, she formed a heart.
[conclusion: seventeen is the cutest group ever]
[thank you very much]
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quick polls you can take ˙ᵕ˙:
minniexmembers moments
poly!mimiwon moments
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Taglist: @shrynkk @chaebb @lunarxsun @hoe4wonwoo @kimhyejin3108  @soobzao @billboard-singer @cosmicwintr @zwiehe @alixnsuperstxr @angie-x3 @smooore @allthings-fandoms
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kindestofkings · 5 months
dear john
elijah hewson x singer!reader
(ex!charles leclerc cause hes a hot red flag)
plot: its giving friends to strangers to friends again to lovers 🫶🏼
face claim: laufey <3
warning: spelling mistakes
authors note: this is for the lovely anon who requested a speak now inspired smau ! Hope this is okay?!? I was tempted by doing something on the vibe of speak now the song but imma think on it 🫡
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liked by charlesleclerc and others
yourusername wow last night on tour was something special 😢 to everyone who sangs my songs back to me and everyone who's supported my little dreams, I LOVE YOU.
view all other comments
lucydacus killing it !
yourusername luv you <333
phoebebridgers voice of an ANGEL
yourusername ooh stop im blushinggg
charlesleclerc beautiful as always mon ange
ynfan1 post concert blues are toooo real
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liked by ynfan1 and others
wagsandstuff huh that doesn't look like yourusername to us.... did the couple of 3 years break up without telling us??
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ynfan1 nooooooo that girl on twitter was right ah
ynandcharlesshipper charlessss man don't do this
charlesfan she was always feeding off of him
ynfan2 she has her own career you do know that right? she a really popular singer
ynfan2 not charles cheating on our QUEEN
yourusername just unfollowed charlesleclerc
yourusername just added to their story!
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lol gonna go heal my heart I guess lol
yourmum awh my beautiful girl :( glad you're coming home 💘
↳ can't wait to see you mam
yourbestfriend men are literal pigs.
phoebebridgers he's an idiot, here for you if you need anything
elijahhewson hey I know it's been awhile since we last spoke, but the lads and I are always here for you. I should've been better at keeping in touch, but I'm so sorry this happened to you.
↳ hey E, missed you! I'm just as much at fault, guess we all just got so busy with tours (both so successful heheh). where abouts in the world are you? I'm heading home for awhie maybe we could all catch up?
↳ elijahhewson deadly! myself, ryan and josh are home and bobby is back next week, call around whenever
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liked by inhalerfan1 and others
inhalerfanaccount did you guys know that yourusername is friends with inhaler??? I found all of these oldies while lurking her insta !
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inhalerfan1 bless they're so young, they all must of been friends during school !
inhalerfan2 crazy to think they've all become so successful
ynfan1 wow my two worlds colliding
ynfan2 I've always secretly hoped yn and eli would get together
inhalerfanaccount friends to strangers to friends to lovers hits soooo hard
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liked by bobbyskeetz and others
yourusername time is a terrifying thing..
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yourmam I could probably find an even earlier pic...
bobbyskeetz I beg please no inhalerfan1 pleaseeeeee
elijahhewson smash x4
joshjenkinson_ the gang getting back together has 2024 winninggg
(liked by yourusername,ryanmcmahon_15 and others)
ynfan1 yesss bitch remind that silly boy who drives in circles of all the hot friends you have !!!
(liked by elijahhewson and others) ynfan2 hahahah eli woke up and choose chaos
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liked by phoebebridgers and others
yourusername turning all this heartbreak into something good ! dear john is the rawest I've ever been in my songwriting, treat her with love x
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ynfan1 so so incredibly beautiful, thank you for sharing
lucydarcus you're a wonder
ryanmcmahon_15 sobbing uncontrollably and ready to fight him
bobbyskeetz you good bro ?
charlesfan1 tough day to be a charles fan
ynfan2 omg those lyrics are HEARTBREAKING
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liked by eliswife and others
inhalerfanupdates WHO HAS THIS MAN SO SMILEY???
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inhalerfan1 FOR REAL?? hes usually so moody
elijahhewson posted to their close friends!
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replies yourusername pure stalker when did you take this pic??
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liked by yourusername and others
vogue with just days before the release of her highly anticipated spohmore album we chatted to yourusername about love, loss and all things in between;
" you dont realise how easy love can be until you're with the right person. its the most annoying thing to hear when you dont have it but some how I was fortunite enough to discover"
find out what else the singer told us at the link in our bio !
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ynfan1 shes so happy and in love
ynfan2 how can one person be so talented, smart AND intelligent
charlesfan1 eww cant believe charles used to date her!
ynfan3 love how shes not petty like the leclerc fangirlies clearly still are..
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liked by elijahhewson and others
yourusername a year and a half ago I had my heartbroken, felt completed untethered and so so confused. today I give you my pride and joy!
this album features songs I wrote as a sobbing mess, some I wrote while I was healing and finally some I wrote after I opened my eyes and embraced what I had all along.
I love them all, I love everyone who worked on it with me and I escially love you.
comments have been restricted
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liked by lucydarcus and others
yourusername one single thread of gold tied me to you <3
view all other comments
elijahhewson hell was the journey
yourusername but it brought me heaven. bobbyskeetz gross yourusername child
joshjenkinson_ my parents
yourmam my favourite pair !
evehewson sobbing it was always meant to be
phoebebridgers the sweetest love for the sweetest soul
(liked by elijahhewson and yourusername)
authors note: ahh im a broken record with the friends from home trope but its my favourite 🥲 hope you all enjoy, please as always let me know what you think!!
128 notes · View notes
shesalewa · 7 months
Wanna know what type of comedy happens in my fanfic of Dad Gun?
Incorrect quotes
Gun: sometimes I wonder how the hell I ended up here.
Daniel: ACHOO!
Gun: bless you DanDan.
Daniel: thanks dad.
Gun: mind if I get excited for a little bit? Have any of you seen a grown man smile? *Smiles very creepily*
Everyone but goo and Daniel: *visibility shocked and sacred*
Gun: every time I show emotions, it disturbs a lot of you.
Eli: which one of you was gonna tell me that Tea tastes different if you put it into hot water?
Olly: you're putting it in... COLD WATER?!
Eli: yeah? I thought for like 5 years that people just put it into hot water to speed up the TEA-IFFICATION process, didn't realize there was an actual reason.
Johan: it. takes. LESS. THAN A MINUTE.
Daniel: *laughing at the drama, somehow he knows how to make tea* YOU'RE PUTTING THE WHOLE MUG ON THE STOVE?! ON MEDIUM HEAT?! ... Your stove is enchanted!
Goo: every single person in this room is a f-cking lunatic.
Gun: DO NONE OF YOU OWN A F-CKING KETTLE?! (Gun an expert Japanese man who loves tea more thsn himself, legit KNOWS how to make tea)
Gun: ... How the hell did I get here.
*the four major crew legit Reeking chaos in his f-cking household*
Daniel: ... I THINK I'm the cause of all this.
Goo: I'm sometimes asked how I'm associated with Gun so often. To the point I just pull out a Marriage certificate, and shut them the hell up.
Olly: hold that sh-t up, you're married to Gun...?
Goo: see what I mean?
Jake: someone told me not to piss off Daniel. What's he gonna do with his short a— kick me in the knee?
Daniel: oh hey Seonbae what's up-
Jake: *legit pushes Daniel*
Daniel: ...
Eli: I'm back- whoa. What the actual f-ck happened here.
Johan: Daniel is beating up Jake, and is kicking his knee and breaking his ankles.
Samuel: what? Why?
Johan: Jake thought Daniel couldn't do sh-t because of Daniel's height.
Olly: Gun would be proud.
Daniel: NO A BOMB!
Goo: oh good I f-cking hate Obama but I'm not racist or anything.
Jake: I am(joke)
Zack: I'll fight off bad guys and earn money from it! Then I'll become FILTHY RICH HAHAHAH-
Daniel:(you know... It's kind of sad how I'm living most of his life for him...)
Jace: so what's this game about?
Vasco: is about an assistant detective who works as a Gumshoe to help Zack Lee solve a case.
Eli: why Zack Lee?
Vasco: I do not know.
Jace & Daniel: (so it's a fantasy game)
Gun: IM BRINGING. YOU WITH ME. TO GO OUT. SHOPPING. FOR FOOD. *Olly is in trouble but we don't know what trouble*
Olly: I'm not hungry anymore! I have Cupcakes hidden under my bed!*Olly sleeps on the floor in Gun's house, on the floor with Samuel, so where the hell is he hiding his cupcakes.*
Jay: ...(in every family there's the older brother, who has problems but won't talk about it.)
Kitae: hi...!
Jay: ... (The girl who's desperate for a boyfriend)
Joy: HELLO!!! HI!!!
Jay: ... (And the gay Mysterious awkward socially isolated member of the family)
Jay: ... (Oh wait that's me.)
Beakgyeol: (you were broke until I came...)
Samuel: ALL I KNOW IS THAT YOU CAN BE ANNOYING SOMETIMES!!! sigh... I'll be in the dinning room.
Jake: WAIT!
Daniel: (there they go again...)
Johan: I think they broke up... *Whispering*
Gun: which is fine because you're a thief anyways, first peoples limbs and now a stupid video game.
Dg: ...!?
Random woman working as a hotel register: here you go sir. When you leave please return this back to me.
*room number 96*
Johan: huh. It's almost my favorite number.
Goo: so do you have anything?
Jake: if I had I wouldn't be the one calling you! So sadly I legit have no clue on how to help take down the 1st affiliate.
Goo: no. You must have something.
Jake: haah...??????
Goo: and you're taking it to me. *Has a voice recorder out,*
Jake: what are you saying-
Goo: *professional blackmailing b-tch*
Crystal: DG! Look at this mess! No wonder you haven't gotten any work done! This place is like a pigs Isle!
Gun: that was some good coffee baby! I'd get another but I'm too damn lazy.
Daniel: I'm going to search what Slay means.
Daniel: *saw the meaning of slay* WUHA, I PROMISE YOU ALL I DO NOT SLAY.
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keitea · 1 year
haikyuu guys as kpop stans
[note: thought about this at like 1/2am?? today and i got excited LOL today has been a really good day for me :) hope yall had a good day too so far !! if not, i hope this cheers you up <3 IM SORRY IF THIS IS OOC I GOT TOO EXCITED]
— tsukishima: exo & rv!
i'm gonna hc that he's liked them since debut (hq timeline started in 2012 !!)
he probably found out about them because he's a sm stan (got into shinee first!)
he really likes their discography and may have collected a few albums :) he listens to them everyday on repeat as he should
would probs have a twt acc but mainly retweets exo content
as for rv, he found out about them the same way he found exo
loves! irene! so! much! <33 and the other members ofc
screamed at home when monster and 28 reasons came out, and preordered the albums
HAS gone to a rv concert and his next goal is to attend smtown
i think he would be lowkey about liking both groups, but will talk about how he's a fan if someone brought it up
will stare you down if he senses you judging him
posts him listening to exo and rv on his official sns and everyone went crazy
fave tracks: monster, 28 reasons, bye bye (we all know why), love me right, peter pan, the eve
— yamaguchi: nct dream!
was influenced by tsukki and listened to a lot of exo's discography before nct dream debuted
he stumbled upon their songs by accident but instantly fell in love
their songs are really nice to listen to
plays glitch mode to hype himself up in the morning during the work commute as a way to not show up looking half-dead :)
has liked them since debut as well and still tears up from how well jisung has grown up
also cried when mark graduated, cried again when he rejoined the dreamies and the unit was made permanent
currently watching nct universe !! i love the new smrookies they're all so cute pls watch
got dragged by tsukki to a rv concert
fave tracks: fireflies (I LOVE THIS), glitch mode, go
— sugawara: seventeen!
i mean... does this not fit????
anywho, he listened to don't wanna cry when it blew up in 2017 (good times good times) AND LOVED IT
he couldn't stop playing it for months
has most of their albums, collects a few photocards and may have attended a fansign
stares at his signed albums before leaving for work, it gives him that push to get through the day
he's that one svt stan on twt who's super sweet to everyone
has a mini fanclub because he's a pretty popular svt stan ><
HAS tried learning their choreos and failed, mainly because of how tiring and detailed they are
posted himself dancing to pretty u and twt was blessed with how adorable he was
will audibly sigh when people ask him why they're called svt when they only have 13 members awh shit here we go again
fave tracks: holiday, good to me, trauma
— oikawa: (g)i-dle & twice!
baller. he balls for pcs.
doesn't dare to go for fansigns because he thinks he'll short-circuit seeing jihyo in person
works out to my bag and i can't stop me
went to cons for both groups and got recognised by fans HAHAHAH peacefully died when he trended on twt and jihyo mentioned him in a vlive
raves to people about soyeon being a god producer and writes the best tracks
has ranted to iwa about how he will one day burn down cube
fanboys with other onces and neverlands
gets so excited when a twice/gidle song plays during a match, will dance abit if they were on break
blasts tomboy through his car speakers and forces hinata to listen to his playlist
fave tracks: tomboy, hwaa, oh my god, fancy, alcohol-free, cry for me
164 notes · View notes
runningfrom2am · 4 months
sejanus and coryo not understanding what r is saying when she is quoting a line has got to be one of my favourite things.
“Oh, only being able to hold you without retraumatizing you.” sir-
i love how no matter how much changes in the story, coryo’s hatred towards birds STAY. the boy hates them more than everything.
lennox is making some points with that guilt and love one. being smart is genetic it seems.
you know what? i agree with sejanus so much on the arena part.
i desperately needed someone to tell them what she did in the arena and i’m glad it was sejanus, out of the three who know it. the fact that neither lucy gray nor lennox will be able to process this information as truly real because r, really? oh, how devastating. girlie had convinced herself that [salt->???->staying alive]
“All you did by surviving was make everything weird.” me, one day, probably.
the real comedy is coryo not understanding the joke. also, beatrice the queen <3
she closed her book! she put her book into her bag! she wouldn’t have done that had she not been keen on talking with him. she hadn’t when he first came. 🥹
the fact that she was about to die thinking she was in love while hardly knowing him and now that she is alive, she is living the “what could have been”.
i’m 99% sure that lennox has a calendar where he circled the day coryo will leave, hopefully, with a red marker.
“Watching his eyes- but nothing changes. Baby blue. Worry. More worry.” all i will say is that, this is emotional 🥲
bro i just edited part twenty and it’s over 6k words so get ready hahahah. anyway, let’s dive into this for now!!
1. no me too hahah it’s so funny and coryo tries so hard but sejanus is just always so normal and honest about not really understanding. like at the very beginning when he was like “i thought we were supposed to be mentoring you”, but coryo has always seen her as some kind of walking poem. sejanus loves her honestly, coryo has put her on a pedestal. (not that it’s a bad thing or that he doesn’t love her honestly but he doesn’t try really hard to make her feel understood and she doesn’t even mind)
2. oh my god yeah the DRAMA going on in this man’s head 24/7 hahaha
3. yeah there’s no way that would ever change. (and that makes me believe that tybs will really grow on him lol)
4. we’ve BEEN SAYING THIS like lennox just gets it
5. like,, no one ever thought to ask sejanus what he thought? he was the only other person there! smh
6. literally like they needed to know. she tried to tell lucy gray, but she made the active choice to not tell lennox, even though she doesn’t know the extent of what she had done. (well, she does, she just can’t admit it yet)
7. me now honestly
8. beatrice is such a girlboss i literally love her sm
9. coryo didn’t even have TIME to process the significance of that, he was so focused on keeping her attention 🥹 and bless her HEART she is trying so so hard
10. omg yeah and she totally knows that too 🥹 she’s been comparing them to that story from the very beginning, she doesn’t even know what to do now that she’s seeing the other side. (but also, it’s extremely tragic in a different way, seeing as now she can hardly be around him without shutting down when she wants to be with him so bad)
11. HAHAHA IM SO SURE HE DOES. he is counting down the DAYS
12. as per usual lucy gray was 100% correct and his haircut has made all the difference. she knows her bestie so well
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tvintedspvrkmoved · 8 months
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hahahah i'm losing my mind ??????
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so two very cool things are true right now which are :
- in twelve days my best girl will have existed in some form for an entire year - i'm about to be able to say there are officially HUNDREDS of you here ???? like as in the plural form ??????
neither of these things make any sense to me , but since both are true i figured it would be a good time to do what i guess is a little follow forever type thing. SO. here are some of the people who have helped emma grow and develop and also helped me grow and develop as a person and as a writer 🤍
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@dalphahale : honestly a day one bc i didn't really do very much with emma until around march i think and that's around when we started writing if i'm not mistaken ?? one of the best / most show accurate dereks i've ever come across and one of the best people too !!!! you're an incredible writer and honestly a saint in human form for putting up with me ooc lmao it's an honor to bless your dms every day with the most random and chaotic messages and thoughts and only be a LITTLE bit judged for it 😂 derek and emma are one of the most adorable ships i've ever seen and derek and allison are iconic as well i just think you're the bee's knees okay you're stuck with some form of my chaos indefinitely i fear 🤷‍♀️
@stanfordprepped : jared. JARED. another og and one of my best friends in the rpc. samemma is so unbelievably iconic and i'm so amazed and proud of everything that's come from them and from us writing together and from you in general i'm SO excited about charlotte's development and about samlena and about just all of our dynamics ahhhhh you are so unbelievably strong and talented and you deserve every good thing in the entire world bc the love and respect that you hold for others even on your worst days is so admirable i can't even fathom it sometimes.
@multi-royalty : MADDIE MY BELOVED i ????? owe so much of everything i've accomplished this year to you 😭🙏 you not only pulled me back when i was debating whether or not to even continue writing , but helped to develop some of my most cherished muses and threads and plots and headcanons. you're the sweetest little bean in the entire world and i can't even begin to thank you for everything you've done for and with me and the light that you bring to this community even when you can't see it 🤍
@guiltye : bitch i'll yell FOREVER at and about you are you kidding ????? your writing gives me literal chills and the plots that we have are some of the deepest most complex and incredible dynamics i've ever been a part of. you've been through so much this year and kicked ass until you got to the other side and still managed to help ME through so much too and i'm sure so many others and i just adore you okay i live for all lilly content but especially your ooc posts bc i just think your brain is so neat and i love getting to glimpse into it sometimes you're just incredible 🥹🤍 ps thank u for letting me yell about noah kahan without abandon and getting in ur feelings about him with me lol
@boundforhale // @stilesstylelinski : obviously i had to put y'all together you can't split up the gremlins okay. i love you both so much and i actually can't even begin to describe how much you guys have helped me this year both to be a better writer and to get through so many rough patches irl. i'm still not entirely convinced that australia is real but if it DOES exist i will not rest until i can fly there and we can all meet at a central location and proceed to just implode the whole universe with the sheer chaos and buffoonery. y'all are actually family at this point i don't know what i would do without you fr
@carp3diems : LISTEN HERE BITCH bff bestie angel i love you to pieces and if you ever leave me again i'll riot !!!! you're genuinely one of the coolest people i've ever met and i love all of our dynamics so damn much but what we've created with colbemma is just so insane and incredible and i know i just screamed about this in the dms but i genuinely cannot believe they started out hating each other lmao they're truly iconic and i can't wait to see how they continue to grow and thrive and also how YOU continue to grow and thrive
@redhoodiskra : A. you are an actual ray of sunshine and so incredibly talented and WAY TOO HARD ON YOURSELF and completely amazing and fantastic and i just love you a lot !!!! stiles and emma and the little family they've created make my heart so happy and so do all of our other dynamics !!!! we haven't written much on @westwingsolo yet and we absolutely should change that bc i'm in awe of you and your writing and the creativity you bring to your muses they're both so special and you can 100% see the love you've put into both.
i wish i could write everyone a little message but here are some more lovelies that you should absolutely go follow !!!! a lot of them have other pages with more incredible muses as well 🤍
@fuckmeupindie , @hellgiven , @gunchamber , @ofcrxwns , @escapedfromthevoiid , @ruinedmyself , @goldenboybarracuda , @delicatestm , @sarcasticsnackpack , @fidelissimi , @ofblackskies , @ratkiing , @snnydcys , @flamefallen , @impurc , @clockturned , @r4chelamber , @unbearablyindifferent , @mystictragedies , @conradfish3r , @jimh9334 , @jchnwinchester , @qapsiel , @thornstocutyouwith , @unitcd , @surgcns , @localsalt , @mecwmellc
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jadedbirch · 7 months
Happy Centennial to La Divina!
December 2, 1923 was a blessed day for that was the day Maria Callas was born. Unmatched as an operatic diva, on and off stage, we are so fortunate to have many of her recordings to remind us of what we lost and for new generations of opera lovers to discover and become entranced with.
And now, the impossible task of picking my own personal top 5 Maria Callas roles.
5. Elvira (in Bellini's I Puritani)
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Callas singlehandedly revived the bel canto repertoire and brought Bellini's operas (most not performed since the 19th century) back to the fore. Of all the operas in which La Divina got to excel in mad scenes, I chose this one because essentially the entire opera is one long mad scene for her character - Elvira - a young, Puritan girl who thinks that her beloved has abandoned her on the day of their wedding. Callas somehow finds an entire theatrical range of heartbreaks in this performance, and doesn't stop breaking your heart until the last (surprisingly happy) note of the opera.
Recommended: I would invest in the 1953 EMI studio recording with Giuseppe di Steffano and Rolando Panerai. But while I was fucking around, I also found this 1952 live recording from Mexico, that I'm excited to check out.
4. Leonora (in Verdi's Il Trovatore)
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Callas was so famous for singing Verdi heroines, that it is almost impossible to chose one above others. I'm going to buck the trend and NOT choose Violeta from La Traviata, because that would be too easy. After all, Violeta is the focal point of La Traviata, and history has proven again and again that the public is wild for a consumptive courtesan. In contrast, Leonora is perfectly privileged and healthy, she is a lady in waiting to the Spanish Queen, whose one misfortune in life happens to be her questionable taste in men (as is often the case in Verdi's operas). Il Trovatore is known to be a vehicle for the tenor, but a good Leonora can steal the opera from under him, especially in the final act, and Maria Callas easily does just that.
Recommended: EMI's 1956 recording with di Steffano, Barbieri, and Panerai is really to die for. I have no notes! Here's a tasty snack to sample.
3. Medea (in Cherubini's Medea)
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Some roles are so mythic that you need someone approaching demigodhood in order to pay them proper homage. Medea may have been a controversial figure in Greek mythology, but also an absolute badass and a powerful sorceress not to be fucked with. Callas imbued her with all the righteous rage that fueled her, but also with a keen humanity and vulnerability. I dare you to listen to any of her Medea recordings and not to come out of the experience rooting for those babies to be stabbed all the way dead. Hahahah just kidding. (Or am I?)
Recommended: Any of her studio or live recordings of Medea are great, but do yourselves a favor and listen to this 1953 LIVE recording conducted by Leonard Bernstein (yes that Bernstein). You will get the chills, I swear to all the gods. HER POWER!!!!
2. Tosca (in Puccini's Tosca)
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This was my first complete opera recording that I purchased for what would later accidentally turn into my Maria Callas collection. I have listened to it more times than I care to admit, but in my defense, it was life changing. The way that Callas spits "ASSASSINO!!!" into Scarpia's face during the Act II torture scene. *chef's kiss* I get goosebumps to this day. The recording in question was was 1965, very late in her career, and by some accounts not when she was in her "best voice". But the sheer power of her artistry, the maturity with which every line is sung and acted, her understanding of the character far exceeds her early career interpretations of the same heroine. This was the Callas I fell in love with - the woman who made me realize opera could be about so much more than pretty singing.
Recommended: Lucky you, here's the full 1965 studio recording with Carlo Bergonzi and Tito Gobi. There are some live recordings available now on Youtube from the same year! But if you're looking for a "prettier" sounding Tosca, there's always her 1953 studio recording.
Norma (in Bellini's Norma)
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Haha, how predictable, you might say, but listen - why fuck with perfection? Has anyone since her been able to come anywhere even close in this role? Some big names have tried. Some big names never even got the cojones to try. Some have flirted with recording the famous Casta Diva aria alone. But listen - she was incomparable, show stopping, life changing. When I listen to her sing Norma, I feel like I know what it's like to be in the presence of God.
Recommended: Do yourselves a favor and get the 1955 EMI studio recording. Although really any recording of her singing Casta Diva will make you see angels/fairies/unicorns if you haven't already.
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shinescape · 2 years
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Stormy Night
Yeosang x Reader x San
tw: poly relationship
note: for someone who loves rainstorms this was kind of difficult for me hahahah and this somehow turned out pretty fluffy. Anyways, enjoy the read!
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The loud rumbling from outside woke you up almost instantly. It was both a scare and a blessing. Your chest heaved up and down at a pace you didn’t know was possible.
Slowly sitting up, you grabbed your phone and checked the time. It was just a couple of hours after midnight and now you were wide awake. Somehow it felt unsafe to be in your room all of a sudden.
You breathed in sharply before forcing yourself out of the room and padding along the dark hallways of your apartment. Gripping tightly on your phone that now acted as a weapon as well as a temporary comfort object as you manoeuvred your way to Yeosang’s room.
You prayed that he left his door unlocked because heading to your other boyfriend’s room was another journey that you don’t want to start in such a state. The door opened easily and wasting no time you rushed into bed, curling yourself under the covers as another thunderclap occurred and the sound of rain could be heard. 
The way you curled in a fetal position and his shirt crumpling in your fists woke Yeosang up. He was trying to decipher what was going on and said nothing but gathered you in his arms. “Can I sleep here?” You’re aware that he’s not too fond of physical affection except for light pecks and holding hands.
But you didn’t know why Yeosang came to mind in times like this. He can even let you hug one of his pillows if he’s uncomfortable but his hoarse voice said otherwise. “That must have startled you.” That had you snuggled impossibly close to him. 
“I had a bad dream too.” The rainfall could be heard very clearly and you hoped there were no thunders around, getting startled by them tires you. Yeosang leaned back and examined your face. “A bad dream?” A soft smile grazed his face when you nodded back.
“Want to talk about it?” Right then a flash from the window caught your eyes but before you could react, he quickly pulled your head back to his chest to drown out the thunderous noise that came after.
Letting out an exasperated sigh, you backed away to see him giving you an assuring smile, lightly stroking your cheek. “I’m sorry I can’t do anything to stop this rainstorm, love. You want to talk about that dream you had?” Biting your lips unsure if this was going to help distract you but it was better than waiting for the next thunder to rumble and get scared about it all over again.
As you told him how you were at the movie theatre and suddenly an old man came up to you and grabbed not only your half empty popcorn box but Yeosang as well, he couldn’t help and chuckle at the story. But you were so into it that you frowned when he did so. “Why did he have to take you away from me?! Is the popcorn not enough?”
You then started to relax as you felt his fingers gently caressing your back all the while as you talked. “Maybe because San is on the other side so he grabbed me instead?” You lightly hit his chest when he said that and he burst into another round of laughter.  
As if the word got to him, the bedroom door burst open and San walked over to the bed on your side and went straight under the covers. “This is nice. But why are you here with Yeosang?” It was time for story telling again. San was so engrossed in what you had to say that he had you turn over on your side.
Your other lover who’s been hugging you since earlier now left tracing patterns on your palm that laid open on the pillow. He didn’t mind as he himself was getting sleepy and thankfully San had you occupied instead of the bad weather outside of your shared apartment.
“So that’s what happened.” You finished off and would occasionally curled your fingers as Yeosang played with your hand. “Don’t worry, baby. No one will take me away from you.” San exclaimed. You smiled back feeling content to be in such a warm place with your two favourite people.
“You’re such a sweet talker.” Seeing the chance, he leaned over and pressed his lips over yours. What was supposed to be a peck turned into a sudden make out session.  
Yeosang only realised what was happening next to him when you squeezed his hand due to the sudden crash from outside. It startled you yet your lips were still against San who held the back of your head as he deepened in the kiss. You gripped his shirt slowly feeling breathless.
“Enough kissing.” He finally stopped when Yeosang's hand pushed him away from you. Only then you were able to catch your breath.
“You don’t feel scared anymore right, baby?” You could only stared back in your flustered state. “The kiss worked!” He attacked you with another kiss before nuzzling into your neck as he mumble something.
“Yeosang’s just jealous. I bet he wants a kiss too.” 
Your cheeks were hurting from smiling too much. But in times like this, their endless bickering was what helped you calm down.
“I heard that.”
You felt Yeosang move from behind as he placed an arm over you and lightly pushed San away with his leg. The latter won’t give up for sure and threw his leg and arm over both of you in a group hug. “San, it’s getting kind of warm now.” You tried to wriggle out but he only held your hands closer with closed eyes, ignoring your words.
Letting out a sigh, you decided to try and go back to sleep. The rain didn’t bother you as much anymore as their faint breathing accompanied you back to slumber.  
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throwaway-yandere · 6 months
idk if this is a stupid question to ask but what are the talents of everyone in the Flawless au? i know tighnari is the ultimate botanist, kaveh is the ultimate architect and yoi is the ultimate pyrotechnician(?) but idk any the other 12 students... im thinking of making my own genshin fangan where scara is the mastermind so i'd like some ideas!
Spoilers for FLAWLESS (please read and play this fic if you haven't because I need a person in my asks to talk about Alhaitham so I can roast him—)
And uh... I don't think you should get ideas from me because most of their talents are tailored to the ideas I have that can be built upon and not "ah yeah, this is definitely ___'s ultimate." So, I implore you not to take this all into consideration. Have fun, think of your own spins on their talents because I swear there's better combinations out there.
Alhaitham: Ultimate Scribe/Secretary + Teacher's Assistant.
Amber: Ultimate Archer
Tighnari: Ultimate Botanist (we wouldn't go this far without him, bless his soul)
Ajax: Ultimate Gymnast. (He joined Olympics several times. Hence, his hubris with Amber—)
Albedo: Ultimate Chemical Engineer + Teacher's Assistant (I think this was mentioned in one of the wrong choices and Scara goes "you dumb beech" lmfao. I think I had an idea where the arrow is poisoned and that's how Amber and him tagteamed)
(There was supposed to be a mini-easter egg if you pick a wrong option, it should have a link to a google docs short fluff segment from the past of Alhaitham lending Kazuha book guides on how to read Sumeru literature while Albedo teaches Scara about types of crystalline solids and Scara complains the whole time while Kazuha loved every second lol. Alhaitham is seething deep down though cause he's jealous that Kazuha is dating the reader. Unfortunately, I got lazy and didn't write this.)
Kamisato Ayaka: Ultimate Swordmaster (successor to Lumine iirc?)
Reader: Ultimate Idol. (Duh. It's Ai Hoshino. Fun fact: reader was supposed to be the Ultimate Interior Designer but I scratched that because it leaned on a Kaveh canon end too much)
Faruzan: Ultimate Irregular Stud— jk, something about being an Ultimate Mentor/Mechanic or something. I think I leaned more on Mechanic? Help. I forgot.
Xiao: I SERIOUSLY FORGOT I'M SO SORRY XIAO. But I do remember thinking about writing a scene where Scara calls him the Ultimate Sacrifice. Forgot if I went through with that idea.
Kunikuzushi: Ultimate Puppeteer. This can be seen in his ending & Kazuha's. And a clear reason why Raiden Shogun is the way "she" is. Kinda phcked up that you made your own sister into a—
Kaveh: Ultimate Architect of course. He'd even build a whole world for you— as long as you won't leave him.
Cyno: Ultimate Tabletop Player. I had a fun idea where people keep mistaking him for having another talent and when they find out he's not the ultimate investigator people get mad for his sake but nah, man loves his card games. But people voted for Kazuha HAHAHAH
Yoimiya: Ultimate Pyrotechnician. Fun fact: was supposed to make her a victim at one point but then realized I want HER to be the Aoi of this au.
Layla: Ultimate Astronomical Researcher, I think. I'm sorry Layla, I also forgot...
Yunjin: Ultimate Playwright.
Kaedehara Kazuha: Ultimate Poet. He's so babygirl for this, Poet + Idol <3 (definitely not biased here.)
Shikanoin Heizou: Ultimate Best B— Ultimate Detective.
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002yb · 1 year
I absolutely adore your DickJay fics, scenarios, and thoughts! They're so fun. I am curious, though. What are your headcanons on the other Bats reaction/opinions on their relationship? What members are supportive? Do any of them disapprove?
Oh, anon. The way my thoughts scattered every which way with this hahaha. We've got a little bit of everything here; vibes separated by bullet points. ٩(๑ơలơ)۶♡
Simultaneously overprotective and aggressively supportive; wars with himself over how his dear boy is defiling his darling baby boy and like, he doesn't know how he feels about it. On the one hand, fuck Dick. On the other, there's no one that Bruce trusts more with Jason. So. Both earnest and begrudging acceptance.
'Don't get weird about it,' Jason says. Only Bruce gets weird about it anyway. Just so intense that it's embarrassing. Fuck forbid Bruce remembers his own anniversaries, but he'll send reminder texts to them both and send them congratulatory flowers or champagne the day of. Just weirdly involved despite keeping to the fringes.
Forever oblivious. Doesn't matter what precarious situation he catches dickjay in, it never registers. 'World's greatest detective' title revoked.
Pragmatic. Uncaring so long as it doesn't impact work. Seemingly indifferent, but would capitalize on what relationship can mean for his mission. Would probably try to use Dick to manipulate Jason.
Not supportive. No blessings given. Unfortunately this sort of situation feels more like Bruce holding onto grievances with Jason and not trusting him to not corrupt Dick's morals (though like, lbr; Dick doing a lot of corruption/defilement in his own right lol).
Accepting, supportive, but also very done with these two morons because dickjay harass him with their shenanigans (intentional and not); so tired.
The above, but Tim is sort of into it (freaky freaky (*°∀°)=3)
Pragmatic. Would play their feelings for each other to his favor. Not usually in a negative way, but not above it. Generally indifferent to the feels, just sees the utility in it.
Protective of Dick (but supportive)
Protective of Jason (begrudgingly supportive after a period of failed attempts to sabotage Dick hahaha; just a whole jealousy thing because Jason is Damian's and Dick is infringing on what isn't his and Damian's patience is short and his tolerance at the end of its rope so help him Grayson, Damian will fuck him up if he fucks Jason - sorry, fucks up Jason in any way).
Protective of both and at a standstill because of it (still supportive, but too many shovel talks too little time).
Oblivious. Just oblivious.
The above would be fun in a fic where father dearest, world's greatest detective, is also oblivious lol. It runs in the family.
Devastated, but bears the heartache well (unrequited crush on Jason)
Have I made it apparent that I really like Damian crushing on Jason? Because I do. Weird place to ask but if anyone has a fic rec with this premise (bottom!Jason if anything veers that way lol) then like, yes please??
Adamant supporter because it's like his second dad/mom are hooking up. Dick and Jason are the only people worthy of each other in Damian's eye, so it works. This Damian is having a good time, given Bruce won't make an honest woman out of Talia (alternatively, Talia isn't making an honest man out of Bruce either so lol)
Supportive, no doubt or question to it
Teasing (specifically of Jason hahahah she can fluster him so easy; she sees why Dick enjoys it).
Supportive. Content. Pleased.
Concerned, given both boys are dear to him and both are moderate disasters. He doesn't want any heartbreaks. ):
Exasperation because he finds them all over the manor, without fail.
Thank you so much, by the way!! It makes me all sorts of happy that you enjoy my stories and the little informal things I put out there. (´⌣`ʃƪ)♥ Thank you for the engagement, too! This was a lot of fun. Have a lovely weekend, anon~ ♥♥♥
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bigdsgirl · 7 months
hello, yes I am here and I am revved up. let's do episode 8:
Restarting where MIL beats down evil mom - pure bliss
"blatant favoritism to your child" -- okay pot meet kettle
I hate him I hate him I hate him - "as a family"
Me: I wonder if they are going to follow the webtoon, *sees the bar scene* oh yessssss
The dad making dinner to resolve things - oh sweet summer child
This man thinks he's so slick, when all they are doing is outing that he, evil mom and Yoo Ra are working together.
Are you suggesting we watch it as a family? YES GRAB THE POPCORN
cAlled out - "it was 20 years ago" oh NOW HE WANNA SWEEP IT
I am personally not a fan of the "we told you to stop fighting" - seriously, one is EGGING THE OTHER ON.
Chairwoman said "we are doing this, old school" *succession theme song plays*
"I don't want to stress him out" - my ANGEL
the way he slightly opens the door to let her know that he's home GOOD BYE
he needs to make sure she eats I am losing it
"let's leave it alone" - yeah because we know who did it and it will make you even worse
I love Do Guk just beat down the ex -- truly brings me joy on this glorious Sunday
HAHAHAHH HE HAS THE FOOTAGE - threaten his ass
Turn in Yoo Ra - oh boy you are speaking my language
"when you mess with my wife" that's right, keep my wife's name out of your mouth!!!!!
Yi Joo - take those gloves off and slap them silly
the literal "oh the water tastes great" - nailed them heheheheh
Wait. Wait - they are eating together??? oh oh oh
Yi Joo in the stripped shirt is so effortless and gah i love her she is gorgeous
Jamie babe, please just say it (for those that's don't know please ignore)
wait! wait! what dish does she want to learn! is it for Do Guk?? PLS SAY YES.
The burn the burn yes, let's talk about it.
Love the massage chair moment - iconic
ohmy god is the food for the chairwoman??? IM CRYING she just wants a FAMILY
"the meals that Do Guk makes are so good I want more" - YES YES YESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!
oh the cut to a previous conversation, here we go. oh this is why she asked Yi Joo. and oh my gklajgfdkjag
"I spent my life building homes for other people. But I couldn't do it for my grandson" oh my GOD i am sOBBING
the JEAN SKIRT, Yi Joo I am just a baby bi, please don't do this to meeeeee *dies*
oh my god my heart is shattering - "Yi Joo is alive" the fact that she says that just makes me want to burn the world for her
ARSENIC??????? Oh I am ready to go to war; this is just awful.
Auntie is a spy and I love that for her. She is a blessing, I am so happy Yi Joo had someone in her corner, even if it was such a short period of time.
oh hey look. an article about a FIRE, HUH?
HOSTILE TAKE OVER LFGGGGGG!!!!!!!! Grandpa, you get +2 points
failed acquisition! yeet! truly music to my ears
Do Guk that shirt looks sooooooo good with your hair
sir - listen to your advisor, i bet you all my dollars she's right and you should be careful
oh here we go, i love this for the ex; get what is due. You deserve to feel like shit for eternity!
"order for me" babe, that's not enough
uh oh uh oh little sister is is bring troubleeeee
DO NA!!! I would do anything for this woman. her and Yi Joo have my heart
the rock music in the background, truly a baddie!!!!
YOO RA THIS IS ALL BECAUSE OF YOUUUUUU -- too little to late good sir
"You volunteered to do this" oh this is sweet and I can't wait to see everything explode for all these shitty people (including you Yoo Ra hehehehe)
Oh we are getting the full apology here. hmm. hmm. still don't accept :) go to hell ya turn. AND YI JOO DESTROYED HIM - "these are my terms" - yes queen.
The board meeting; stupid men. And Do Guk; he game with RECEIPTS.
I just love this power couple so much. they are the light of my life.
this is me rn:
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more important public opinion??? I knew it was going to be a serious about the construction work, but a tiny part of me was hoping for a photo of Yi Joo like:
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again keep my wifes name out of your mf-ing mouth
Yoo Ra - the first thing you need to learn about revenge, you have to take care of your minions. this is very important
MIL THAT OUTFIT HOLY SHIT, she did not come to play
"please do not call me that, it's unpleasant" - I am WHEEEEZING
babe, Yoo Ra, you cannot say "he's the first guy I liked im sorry, i just went a little 🤪crazy 🤪" that will not work
oh ew, bringing business into this??? oh ma'am. oh now he's sick. hmm. HMMMM. I wonder why.
oh the "is it upsetting you?" MIL you are an angel and I thank you for caring for our Yi Joo.
hell yeah! throw the pills on the floor! someone grab them!
stonks are plummeting! ohhhhh noooooooo
aw shit the conservatorship oh nice, bribery. f u mister lawyer.
oh evil mom is scheming too - it's about to get spicyyyyy. oh no she gave him like.... 6 pills. oh that's not good.
OH YES YES YES ITS HAPPENING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
now I can seeeeeeeeeeeeee my HALLOOOOOOOO
oh fuck that trailer is FIRE LETSS GOOO! (I spy a HUG!!!)
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ailielvon · 9 months
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They are each other's anti-thesis. [ramblings + huge spoilers]
So Mun grew up in an environment where he is loved and taken care of by the people around him. Despite having to lose his parents at such a young age, they were able to show him all that too. While Hyeok-woo had to grow up in an environment where instead of love, there is punishment. Instead of attention, there is neglect.
So Mun doesn't have to look for anything and he is given everything. Hyeok-woo had to plead, beg on his knees for anything and still ended up with nothing.
Hyeok-woo had friends who were only there for power and once he lose that, all of them turned their backs and he is now a victim to their abuses. So Mun lose his family but his friends (blessed them) were there for him, would even run to him in just a call.
Their difference is simply too big...
But, there is one thing that they have in common which was a lack of control to their own emotions (which i do not blame them for! they are young and teens, still navigating the world and themselves) and that's when the parallel lines meet, a connection that leads both boys to open themselves to the world and themselves.
"We are still young, we can still change." (So Mun to Hyeok-woo, nonverbatim) [mirrors then how So Mun can see himself in him]
With such words, it isn't a wonder why Hyeok-woo would be found later on sleeping just outside of So Mun's house and why it shouldn't be a surprise that So Mun would let him in and even lay him on his bed.
At the same time, this is the reason why So Mun reading onto Hyeok-woo's memory is so important and symbolic. It gives him a chance to be open by showing that someone, who has the same age, same year as him, has a trauma too and somehow, though may be out-of-the-blue, that he isn't alone.
"You must have a lot of things you want to forget too." (So Mun to Hyeok-woo after looking into his memory, nonverbatim)
After, with him already knowing Hyeok-woo's past, he became gentle and even more so understanding WHICH also affected Hyeok-woo thus his apology later on.
Seeing how both of them exhibited rawness and vulnerability to each other that were even caused by one another is so incredibly healing!!
KYAH! These two boys are so precious to me 🥹🤍 i loveeeeee themm!! (i may be overanalyzing but ITS MAH BOISS, no one can stop me LMAO HAHAHAH)
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kindestofkings · 6 months
tis the damn season
robert keating x reader (she/her)
heres the requested bobby fic! reader is bobbys neighbour in dublin and they've had a situationship thats always off again on again, which ryan is v fed up with lol <3
enjoy and also happy new year ! forgot how much I love making these so please come with some more requests, I always love getting them xxx
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yourusername posted to their story!
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year FIVE of working as a waitress during silly season, people need to be KINDER
yourbestfriend not all heros wear capes yourneighbour1 god bless you ↳ its been TOUGH but neighbours christmas party next week !! ↳ yourneighbour1 UGH best part of the season alsooo did I see a certain curly haired bass player make his return to the road...? ↳ feck he's home earlier than usual 😀 ↳ yourneighbour1 time to rekindle the infamous situationship??
yourusername posted to their story!
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the return of the loudest next door neighbour known to man, yay 👍👍
yourneighbour1 😏😏 bobbyskeetz get rid of that sarcastic yay ryanmcmahon_15 yay my fav idiots have been reunited ! ↳ idiots? plural? why am I an idiot ryan?? ↳ ryanmcmahon_15 hmmhmm when will yee learn
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liked by yourusername and others
bobbyskeetz home.
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joshjenkinson_ lookin so mysterious and interesting xx
inhalerfan1 he is one of us
inhalerfan2 missed the intense staring since tour has ended, thanks mr skeetz !
inhalerfan3 christmas came early
yourusername smoking kills
bobbyskeetz excuse me?? I have NEVER and WOULD never yourusername big fat liar yourbestfriend y'all are the worst, every fecking christmas ryanmcmahon_15 what she said !
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liked by yourneighbour1 and others
yourusername the kids table at the neighbours christmas party is always the place to be <3
also slayed so hard with my kris kindle present he literally cried for hours 💅
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bobbyskeetz I cried cause you threw it at me
yourneighbour1 weakling bobbyskeetz ugh thanks tho.... I guess
ryanmcmahon_15 bobby and yn being adults when
yourbestfriend but then what would happen to their beloved situationship? yourusername guys you know this is MY comment section right?
joshjenkson_ hahah the perfect gift for him
yourneighbour2 ugh BEST PARTY EVAAAA
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liked by ryanmcmahon_15 and others
yourusername and it always leads to you and my hometown
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yourbestfriend ah ryanmcmahon_15 shes quoting tis the damn season by THE taylor swift, what does this mean?
ryanmcmahon_1 gasp not the sad tones..
bobbyskeetz confused we're from the same hometown...?
yourusername you uncultured swine its a lyric 😭
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liked by inhalerfan1 and others
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inhalerfan1 no way what the hell !! where?
bobbyskeetzswife literally in Dingle, Kerry 😭😭 he said hes with the lads but they ran out of drink so he was forced to go to the shops 😭 😭 inhalerfan1 omg hahahah I can't believe they just played the 3Arena
inhalerfan2 no way wonder why they're in dingle, such a random Irish town...
inhalerfan3 that girl that they all follow is in Kerry aswell with grace (eli's girlfriend) bobbyskeetzswife is that yourusername? I wonder who she is, bobby is always interacting with her inhalerfan2 huh wonder has he got a girlfriend
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liked by elijahhewson and others
graciebrns wholesome few days before what I've been told, will be the best party I'll ever attend
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elijahhewson promise its not an oversell
joshjenkinson_ agreed yourusername throws a phenomenal party yourusername ah flattered lads thank you
bobbyskeetz the million hikes will be worth it
yourusername you said you loved going on hikes bobbyskeetz course I do love 😔 inhalerfan2 love ?? gathering evidence
inhalerfan1 wholesome band trip bless
yourneighbour1 woohoo almost time to partyyyy
ryanmcmahon_15 how did one row of houses produce so many party animals?
yourusername party animals okay old man bobbyskeetz just cause you can't ever keep up ryan yourneighbour1 its how we were raised 😤
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liked by bobbyskeetz and others
yourusername hot people have birthdays on nye 💅
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bobbyskeetz so feckin hot
yourusername baby stapppppp that
yourbestfriend was the BEST time ever
elijahhewson class night it was, graciebrns whats the verdict?
graciebrns best. night. ever. yourusername I love you thanks for having me <33 yourusername you kidding me? thank you for coming !!
inhalerfan1 oh hello inhaler spotted ..
inhalerfan2 not bobby on the decks
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liked by yourusername and others
bobbyskeetz happy birthday gorgeous, love cleaning up bottles with you on new years day x
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yourusername ahhhh the taylor reference 😭
yourusername my favourite nosey neighbour <3
ryanmcmahon_15 I have never been so invested in two idiots getting together properly
yourbestfriend so insufferable its taken like 13 years for them not to be idiots yourusername and what about you two being idiots.. bobbyskeetz whats your favourite book trope again love? yourusername FRIENDS TO LOVERS BABY, take notes ryanmcmahon_15 yourbestfriend
inhalerfan1 sad sad day for the bobby girlies 💔
bobbyskeetzswife noooooooooo
finished xx
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