#hahha if only i could draw
du-buk · 1 year
8:11 Q&A Part 4
Thank you all for the questions once again! 💙💙💙🦭
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General asks;
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Hmmm...... I’ve dabbled in the arts of some trans headcanons(Vittorino, for one lol), but, I’ve never made anything official. My only transgender-canon character is for another project, who fans might know him as Ambrosio, but his name will be changed in the future. That being said....... do whatever you please, anons 👍✨ If you want to draw and/or write the entire cast as trans, then, just have fun and share your theories! I’m sure many others would enjoy those things, so, who is to stop you?
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No worries anon, thank you for asking! All is okay, as long as these things are made with positive intentions 👍✨ If anyone does make bigotry things of 8:11, the best we can do is just ignore it and move on.
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I am 100% okay with that! Just have fun, and be creative 👍✨ I don’t know much about these things but it seems nice.
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Ever since the rumors, disappearances, and strange supernatural occurrences, religion in Rosso is on unsteady grounds. The bastardization of Catholicism and Christianity in 8:11 might have some shared holidays, and a few made up ones, so Christmas might be a thing. Is it celebrated by the people in Rosso? Highly doubt it. Plus, I’m sure there are other holidays being celebrated by some characters...
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Ryker and Leon might have celebrated something similar to it in France, but, couldn’t afford presents for each other:( If Christmas WAS celebrated in Rosso, it would be a holiday surrounding gift-giving and cherishing family and loved ones, etc etc. But with much less snow (but lots of icy cold winds and rain), warm cookies made by Accardi, Vittorino getting more scarves from Amalia, and everyone most likely spent the holiday at Gabriel’s house. Everyone falls asleep accidentally in one big pile, under some warm blankets, and by the fire place:)
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Thank you for playing!  I’m glad you enjoyed the game. I hope part 2 intrigues you!
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Are you referring to this video?
This is not an alternate ending! This was just something random I made for the release of the game. There’s only one ending for the first game, as, the second game takes place right after the first game.
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Ohh..... Honey flower is very cute....... I think Accardi would love giving nicknames to his partners, and does it naturally out of habit.
Ryker is caught off guard by it, at first, but warms up to it. Eventually Ryker will call Accardi nicknames, and Accardi would love it all so much......
Secretly though, Ryker will never tell Accardi that the best they could come up with was just calling Accardi random French items/flowers/etc.
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No worries! I pronounce it differently from time to time, but, I think the French pronunciation would be “more fitting”?
To be fair, I think Ryker would state their name to the people in Rosso, but, everyone might pronounce it incorrectly. (And it makes them upset hahha)
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I believe it was this, but, I might be wrong anon!
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Is this a creative work around to get spoilers? Cleaver idea anon, but, you’re not fooling me.
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No worries anon! Thanks for enjoying the game!
We do not know exactly why Dante killed Leon. There’s a lot of mystery surrounding this; why Dante killed Leon, and who exactly Dante (and Leon?) are. Any tie-ins with Francis are unclear too.
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Dante hmmmmm...... I don’t know if he would care about sweets in general. But if he HAD to eat one........he would prefer dark.
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Errrrmmmmm maybe. Or maybe he will trip and fall down a flight of stairs and never be seen again. Who knows! :)
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Hmmm.... Good luck anon! Accardi and Juliek have never met the Francis we know of. Technically. Accardi might have an idea, but, Juliek most likely has forgotten who that was since he wasn’t so connected to the Basilica.
Hmm........ever wonder how Ryker hasn’t had the chance yet to ask Juliek if he knows anyone by the name Francis or Dante yet? Strange, isn’t it?
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1. Uhmmm....... Well. I usually don’t feel inspired to draw hair, so, if you had an idea for his entire outfit then I might hahahah. Or money. Commissions are always open. 😏
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2. Uhmmm........ Who knows! Sorry. Maybe naming conventions are different in this universe. Kinda funny. But I’ll never tell.
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Possibly, for streamers. But also, the sex scene will be so surreal and not show that much penis and what not. But my stories are also unapologetically LGBT, and that includes unapologetically having gay sex. ✌️
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Those two guys? Those two little fellas? Hmmmmmm perhaps. :) Maybe, maybe not. If they want to return they will find a way.
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Hmmm.....I have thought of changing Wankou’s tattoos actually!
I think Dakota just likes traditional tattoos, and will place whatever he thinks is “cool” on him. Every tattoo gets meaning for him,whether because Wankou did it for him, or, the inspiration behind the tattoo reminds him of his family/a happy memory. The millipede and scorpion were most likely chosen because they were “just cool”, nothing more to it, hahahah.
I would like to change Wankou’s tattoos to something below, or a more “black out” look.
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tatakaeeren · 11 months
HA jokes on you i don't have Instagram so what i can't see can't hurt me so i shall continue drawing my urahara kisuke (gosh he's so hot if i didn't ship him with yourichi so much I'd give him for me) i win this round because i am safe because Instagram scares me because i am afraid i will go down the #bodygoals and like #fitness inspo rabbit hole and it took seven years to make myself like myself aksldjfaslkdfjasdf
But also i live alone essentially since my roommate essentially always lives at her boyfriends house so when i go into peak brainrot mode i can scream and not have anyone look at me like I'm crazy (me trying/practicing drawing kisuke without salivating)
i wish i could say i am normally not this insane and unhinged but i fear it only gets worse so well........prepare thyself ALSO because of you I've also been borderline getting into jugram brainrot its the long haired men I'm telling you everytime you reblog that gifset of him i stare a BIT TOO LONG like......okay i see you........
-still down bad lavender anonie but feeling safe because i didn't have to look at those links that i am sure would have made me scream from my balcony like a heroine in distress
he he he *evil laugh* Bold of you to assume i don't have backup links 😎 hahahaha I'll start easy and then end up on a high note (again I HIGHLY recommend you follow the artist and see more of their art) https://twitter.com/ilameys/status/1653430705995812864 --- https://twitter.com/ilameys/status/1612865927011528707 --- https://twitter.com/ilameys/status/1523153245383782401 -- mmm I have one of byakuya but it's 🌶🌶🌶 so... idk XD. OOHHH kisuke?!?!? akjhdkhad yesssss.... idc about ships I just wanna be sandwiched between kisuke and yoruichi (goddessssssss!!!)
hahha nicee!!! the place to yourself! so you can be free! sounds l perfect 🤣enjoy your "drawing session" to the fullest my friend, be wild!! be free!! ne thristyyyy!!! in this house, we support thirsty unhinged behaviorrrr yasssss!!!! 🙌🙌🙌 ... mmmmm jugraaammmm yesss!!! his cold demeanor, his hair, that low sexy voice and his extreme loyalty .... I'm all heart eyes over him 💖
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Look, I don’t care how much you complain about your titling skills, posting things as untitled (especially Untitled #3 nsfw) only makes them more interesting.
Buuuut. I just, I’ve got to ask and know...Regulus bits?? 👀
Hahha, I might just keep "Untitled #3 (nsfw)" as the finished title at this rate tbh.
But, yes, Reggie <3 When I wrote my Regulus square for the Bingo I ended up with some scenes that I couldn't fit into the ficlet that I eventually posted, but they were interesting enough that I just couldn't shake them off. So basically I've kept them because I do want to write Reggie again at some point, but I just don't know what it will be (if it ever will be anything).
I'll share this bit, and it's kind of long, because I ended up going in a different direction in the end and I'm not sure this will ever be used for anything else. A bit of Regulus and Remus interaction below the cut:
“Hi,” he says, because he doesn’t know else to say. He doesn’t have any other words and he doesn’t know what else to say, so he says it again. “Hi.”
Lupin stops his movements over his books, then he pushes the last one into his bag and looks up. He studies Regulus quietly for a moment, gaze guarded as he straightens up, and he’s tall. Taller than Regulus. As tall as Sirius, maybe even a little bit taller. Regulus doesn’t remember the last time he’d been this close to Lupin, maybe never, maybe not since his first year back when Sirius still had some bizarre idea that Regulus could hang out with him and his friends. His Gryffindor friends.
Lupin doesn’t say anything, he just watches, and Regulus still doesn’t know what to say. He curls the fingers of one hand into his robe, the other one closing around his wand but he doesn’t draw it. When he doesn’t speak Lupin raises a brow, expectantly. This close Regulus can see the faint scars on his face. They’re thin and white, one of them running across his cheek and down his neck, another one cutting his lip. It probably makes his smile crooked, but Regulus wouldn’t know because Lupin isn’t smiling.
Regulus tries to find his voice, to remember how to speak. To remember what it was that made him seek out Lupin in the first place. He thinks about Sirius. About his strong and lively big brother, lying on the rug in front of the fireplace in the drawing room. About Sirius who was never still, never quiet. Only he had been, then. He had been still and quiet and barely breathing and Regulus remembered the hole in his chest, the hole that grew and grew and had been growing since that night and he thought it might swallow him whole, eventually.
“Have you seen him?” He blurts, eventually, his pulse thrumming quick and sharp through his body.
Lupin still doesn’t speak, he merely narrows his eyes slightly as he keeps watching Regulus and it’s unnerving, really, the way he doesn’t seem to blink. Then the other boy makes a vague gesture with his shoulders, a sort of half shrug.
“What’s it to you?” He speaks, finally, voice sharp like cut glass.
Regulus flinches, his gaze flitting around the room for a moment before he looks back at Lupin who is still watching him with the same unnerving look. Regulus takes a deep breath, exhaling it.
“He’s my brother,” he says, eventually, and there’s a quiver over the words that he hates.
Lupin snorts, and it’s a harsh sound.
“He is,” Regulus says, voice a little firmer this time, and he straightens his back and lifts his chin the way he had done so many times before, summoning whatever strength and power he can find from his ancestors. “I just want to know if he– if he’s okay.”
“He’s fine,” Lupin replies, clipped. “He’s good, actually, but it isn’t thanks to you and your bloody family.”
Regulus feels something then, something that unlocks in his chest and makes it a little bit easier to breathe. Sirius is okay, he’s fine, he’s alive. Sirius is going to live, he thinks, and maybe it’s relief, or maybe it’s something else that floods his body at those words. He looks at Lupin, those brown eyes not leaving him for a moment and Regulus shakes his head. He doesn’t understand. None of them understand. He thinks Lupin might hate him, and he can’t even blame him for it.
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rhonddaandallaneuro · 2 years
Still on the go in London we decided to do both the blue and yellow hop on bus lines. The first being the blue which due to the London Marathon taking place had an altered route taking us to the back of Buckingham Palace where we walked through the fields of flowers left in honour of the Queen. They are still taking them away but but there must have been a multitude and deep as where they were places the grass is completely gone, replaced by open bare dirt. Still some amazing tributes there.
Sadly due to the marathon the changing of the guard had been cancelled so after a few mandatory photos we headed off to St Paul’s Cathedral. That was after we talked to some great police officers who were happy to chat and pose for more photos.
St. Paul’s is one of the plainest yet most beautiful church’s I have ever seen. We sat through a service and listened to the choir, simply a stunning and reflectfull moment. The height of the domes and simple lines allow everyone to enjoy the acoustics while sitting in admiration of the beauty of the structure. A must see when visiting London.
The roads are a mess here with thousands upon thousands of spectators and runners wherever you turn. Even our train line is shut due to the race. After several more detours we finally arrived at Harrods. Not sure why we bother as one can not even afford to breath within. This place has everything, just not in our price range. We could have bought a toy elephant for only $8000 or a bike with all the trimmings for $20000. Seriously this place stinks of money, but again a must do to see how the others half live. We did manage to scrape enough money together to buy our great grand daughter a gift of finger nail polish for children. Haha
Enough with the crowds so we headed home finishing the day early. Due to the marathon this in itself became a marathon and we ended up catching a train via Victoria station home. This is the largest train station, making some airport terminals look small, I have ever seen. Three different levels of trains with a shopping centre in the middle. Even free toilets which is a rare commodity in London. One learns to hold one’s legs together in London at 50 cents per pee.
Finally arriving at home we headed off to try another local pub, departing unimpressed, before setting down for a drink at the second of four pubs on our block. This was okay but decided to visit a third before we realised Julie had been robbed of her phone.
A beggar had placed on the table a handkerchief displaying drawings on why she should help him. Being the kind hearted person she is she found some money for him. After this he reached across the table to ask the rest of us for more before gathering up his cloth and leaving with Julie’s phone enclosed. A-slight of hand but we did not realise until we were leaving. The beggar was no where to be seen. Life in London at its worst.
Not be deterred we pushed on to the third pub on the block where we were told the cook was not taking orders for another half hour so headed for the fourth before landing a table at local Italian place. Great food and given our challenges today headed home for a good nights sleep.
Our second last day in London so we decided to try and see the changing of the guard one more time. Used the trains but when we arrived to enter the grounds found that the roads were all still blocked as they were cleaning up the mess from the marathon. Not to be deterred we walked the long way round and arrived in time to get a place right on the fence line. The changing of the guard is a very regimented procedure that at times seems quite futile. It is a must for everyone to witness when in London but once is enough. Haha
Took an even longer walk towards Big Ben where we stopped off at the fanciest cake shops ever entered. Full of pomp with snobs (staff) abounding and enjoyed immensely. The price reflected the decor. Hahha great food and coffee but again once is enough.
Back to walking we finally arrived at Westminster Abbey where the queue for entry was over 500 metres long snaking through a multitude of lines. It is here that I must apologise to St Paul’s cathedral. Once rated by myself at the best ever you are clearly second to Westminster.
This place is a living (not sure the right wording ) burial place for famous and great people. We were time restricted so only stayed an hour but could easily spend three to four. The architecture is brilliant with the highest ceiling i have ever witnessed around the world. The detail in everything must have taken many great artists a life time to achieve. This will take a lot of beating as far as beauty and history goes. Will visit again and spend a lot more time if again this way.
Finally for the day we caught a train to Victoria where we had bought tickets for the show “Hamilton”. The theatre was old but everyone was close to the stage. The acting and singing fabulous even if your music tastes lie elsewhere. No wonder the show has won so many awards world wide. The show finished late so we decided not to have a drink after the show returning home to a great nights sleep.
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yanagay · 7 years
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Hello @lunas-paradox! Hope you would like my gift! Im sorry if this is not good enough or not to your liking :( but I am hoping you would still enjoy it.
AU: Ryoma and Sakuno in idol world.
Ryoma and Sakuno are a famous idols coming from a different entertainment company. Fans are shipping them because of their undeniable chemistry. They have been in numerous rumors and articles clamining that they are definetly dating. They have been "caught" often because of their instagram posts.
Fans Dating Receipts:
1. Vans “Couple shoes”
Fans have been pointing out that Sakuno and Ryoma’s old skool shoes are definitely their couple shoes.
Fan accounts have been sharp on observing that in the past few months Ryoma is often seen wearing pink and his latest instagram post made a buzz as he upload of his comeback photo sporting a pink hair and attire. Fans are quick to point out about the Sakuno’s 1 day old post about loving pink and stated that the post is really for Ryoma. On a recent interview on Ryoma he was asked about his instagram post and wearing pink he just simply said: “Trying new things. Pink is aint bad.”
2. Its pretty
Sakuno, cutting her hair short instantly made into headline, shortly Ryoma posted on instagram with a caption “Its pretty. pretty. pretty”. Right after few hours a hashtag #RyoSakuIsReallyDatingParty trends worldwide.
3. Instagram profile bio
Eye eagled fans are claiming that Ryoma’s bio has a deeper meaning and really translates to 14 <3. 14 is Sakuno’s birthdate. While Sakuno’s displayed emoji like snow which really means christmas and christmas translates to Ryoma’s birthday. Bento is Ryoma’s food and grape fruit translates to Ryoma’s favorite juice flavor.
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✨When you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy! Then, send to the last ten people in your notifications anonymously. You never know who might benefit from spreading positivity✨
Hey Nonny!
Ooof this got lost in a bunch of stuff! Sorry about missing it! Only remembered it because I saw a similar ask on my dash hahha.
Seems like a good day to do this, since I'm so tired and exhausted and I need something to make me smile.
Dragons. Just everything and anything with dragons. I'm fascinated with them. If you buy or make me anything with dragons, I automatically love you.
I finally bought myself my iPad I've been saving up for for *literally* 3 years. Because I was saving up for a trip this year that I am no longer taking (was planning a 40th birthday trip to Disney, but now am not going to Florida at all until they get their shit together), I took some of that money also to buy it and bought a top-of-the-line one, the best I could buy at the local Apple store (1TB, 12.9inch Pro... you don't want to know how much it was :|). I love it so much, and it's nice to use it to get off my laptop. I mostly was prompted to buy it now because it was my 40th birthday gift to myself AND my Wacom driver kept crashing my laptop and I'm scared to reinstall it hahah.
Funko Pops. I LOVE them and hate them. I only collect ones from series and shows I like, but I have WAY too many of them that most are in storage right now. I want to get my own home soon so I can display them finally. I am constantly checking the app for upcoming Funkos, and then immediately check my local toy store for their preorders. My local toy store must love me, I have SO much on preorder right now.
Drawing and writing. I'm alright at both, but I've terrible imposter syndrome so I feel like I'm not good at either, mainly because I don't get much traction on either when I post. I've a few people who always help me get it out, but I these days I do it for me, because it makes me happy.
Video Games. Currently playing AC Valhalla, and I LOVE it so much that I ended up buying the Season Pass. I RARELY buy DLC. But the game was SO good and I wanted more, so I needed to play the expansions. PERSONALLY it's my fave of the new trilogy, and because it's a "current" game, it's always got new stuff. Love it. My fave game EVER is Kingdom Hearts 2. I love the story of it so much. Skyrim is a close second – I like Skyrim because I put in over 200 hours in ALL versions I've played, and still there's so much I have to do hahah. AC New Trilogy is third. I liked DA Inquisition but never finished it, and I still have a bunch of games I bought last Christmas I have yet to play, so my list may change... it's highly unlikely though.
So there you have it Nonny! I think it's good I waited until I was in a better mood to answer this... People stopped sending me these because I was always so negative in them, I guess... I hope I get more of things like this when my asks go back on.
Can I also give you 5 things I'm looking forward to? I feel like that will help me keep a positive attitude for a bit.
My current work contract is almost done, and I'll get some downtime before I have to start my normal day-job again. Looking forward to my weekends back.
My broken foot seems to be healing REALLY quick. Yesterday was the first day I woke up without it hurting, and today I've been able to hobble around on my heel (as per my doctor's instructions that I need to start doing once my foot stopped hurting). I'm optimistic that I'll be given the okay to drive again during my next appointment on the 30th. I am going nuts not being able to leave home on my own accord.
So in Canada, we have this thing where you can take out your RSPs tax-free for three things: Retirement, First Time Home Ownership, and Second Education. I set up my RSPs WAY back when I was making piss-poor salary about 10 years ago, and I wanted to make sure that I at LEAST could have SOMETHING when I retired. I recently discovered I maxed out the amount of money I can take out for First Time Homeownership in my RSP, so my plans to home ownership are looking more and more realistic. I just wish owning a home wasn't so expensive where I live (major city in one of the most expensive provinces in Canada). It's hard when you're single-income. Here's hoping that I can make it a reality soon. The idea is a condo, I just have very expensive tastes (safe-neighbourhoods apparently justify a 10,000$+ more in cost :/) so I keep saving into my various accounts and GICs that I set up after I finally was making a liveable salary, so as long as I keep being humble and living below my means, I can finally get what I save up for... if only the cost of housing would SLOW THE FUCK DOWN. It's gone up 100K in just a year. It's insane.
I also saved up enough for a new couch thanks to a second contract I took during my CURRENT contract, which paid me exactly enough for the couch I want to get (I may or may not have strategically negotiated that contract, LOL). I've been needing a new couch for years; the one I currently have, I have sentimental attachment to (it was my dad's and is over 20 years old) but working at home for almost 2 years, I've worn it out and it's SO VERY UNCOMFORTABLE. It's barely staying together. Looking forward to getting it :) ... Was waiting until cooler months since I have to put it together myself (IKEA) and my apt is SO hot in the summer, no way I can do it then.
Having my asks turned back on. I'm sorry, it sounds so cheesy and dumb, but I don't have many RL friends or connections, and you guys help me stay positive and help keep my negative thoughts at bay. The dark thoughts have been coming in a lot lately, to the point where I've convinced myself that no one missed me and no one cares, so it's helped having a few of my regulars and mutuals check up on me in DMs during all this. Thank you <3 I don't always reply back, but your love is appreciated <3
Thank you again Nonny for asking me this <3 And I hope you don't mind I answered more than you asked <3
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jinkicake · 4 years
You Call Him Daddy?!
You accidentally call him daddy in front of the team.
Terushima Yuuji x Reader
Hi Anon~ Thanks again for requesting this!! I was so excited to write this one!!! I couldn’t just write one smutty scene,,,, I had to add in another.... Come on, it’s Terushima... You know I can’t help myself.... Wow,,, if the haikyuu boys were real I would sooo run to him with open arms because he seems like he would break my heart~~~
WC- 1,484
Terushima Yuuji x Reader
Ever since the first You Call Him Daddy I wrote I always thought about how well it would fit Terushima. You know,,,, bruh,,,, this dude……. Pls since the first time I saw him on screen I was hooked, GAWD that piercing sends me into orbit omg I need to shut up 
He would be soooo shameless like he would not care at all if people heard you calling him daddy, he would have that big ass grin on his face and would look around all proudly like yeah, you heard that correctly 
And then Bobata and Futamata are like…… SMACK CAM and smack him upside the head HAHHA anyway......
It would be a lie to say you don’t know how you found yourself in the storage closet with Terushima
What went from innocent touches from your boyfriend, his fingers drawing nameless shapes into your wrist, turned into him grabbing your wrist and dragging you into the closet
“Babe, there are no classes for the rest of the day in the gym” He had convinced you and, like a fool, you decided to ditch study hall and get your guys rearranged
However what you didn’t take into account and stupidly failed to remember is that any sort of sexual intercourse with Terushima Yuuji is not quick, he will have you bent for at least two hours
Not that realistic but come on, bitches </3, it’s Terushima let me dream
“Yuuji” You moan quietly and tightly grip the wall as Terushima pounds into you, he has one of your legs draped over his arm as you’re pinned against the wall
Through your heavily lust clouded mind you swore you heard the final bell ring and that instantly clears you head
“Ah, Yuuji, the last bell just rang!” You tell him, your eyes filled with worry because in ten minutes the entire gym will be filled with volleyball and basketball players “We don’t have time to finish!”
Terushima pouts and stills inside of you, you can’t help the way you clench around his aching length at the feeling. The sensation makes your boyfriend groan and he leans over top of you, resting his forehead on your shoulder 
“You sure you don’t want to finish,” He teases and you can’t imagine feeling so empty if he does decide to pull out
“You have five minutes.” Your warning flies over Terushjima’s head and he quickly goes back to pounding into you, the sound of his hips slamming into your own echos throughout the tiny closet 
What you didn’t know is that the bell you heard was the ‘late bell’ meaning it occurred five minutes after the final bell rang,,,, you failed to hear the first bell
“Daddy, shit,” You curse as you cum and Terushima releases his own loud groan at your words, emptying inside of you much to your dismay. “You ass! I told you not to cum inside of me!” You yell in a hushed whisper and Terushima shrugs
“I couldn’t help it, you’re so hot, babe.” He smooths over and you smack him with your skirt, Terushima whines at the impact but then notices the way your legs are still shaking
Like the caring boyfriend he is, Terushima leans down and helps pull your panties back up your legs, making sure to push his cum back inside of you before securing your panties over your dripping cunt. He lightly pats your slit and you scrunch your nose in frustration at him, Terushima then pulls up your skirt and makes sure to leave a few kisses on your thighs as he zips up the material
By now, you’re fully dressed and Terushima is lazily throwing on his practice shirt. Timidly you hide behind the door and try to listen outside, much to your relief you don’t hear anybody or anything
You open the door slightly and screech when you see not only your friend but two of Terushima’s…… you slam the door shut and turn to your boyfriend and stomp your foot as you point at the door
“What?” He asks and you tell him you saw both of your friends, “ah, let daddy take care of it” He whispers and you smack his head again
“They’re right outside you idiot!!!” You whisper and Terushima kisses your cheek in an attempt to calm you down, he steps in front of you and opens the door again. Terushima leans against the door frame and just opens it enough so that only he can be seen
“Hey,” He subtly nods to his friends and Misaki, his manager only shakes her head disappointedly 
“Nice shirt, fuckface” Bobata snorts and Terushima looks down to see his shirt is on backward
“Yeah, it’s a new trend these days and clearly you haven’t heard about it.” He teases his friend and Futamata has to hold back Bobata from slapping their friend
“I was wondering where (Y/N) was last period...” Misaki speaks with her voice full of suspicion and you awkwardly grab a hold onto your boyfriend’s shirt, anxiously pulling at the material 
“We were studying” Terushima answers confidently “It was a free period”
“Studying?” Misaki raises an eyebrow and the captain nods arrogantly 
“And what were you studying? You two aren’t even in the same class?” His manager continues to push and Terushima does not miss a beat with his answer
“Anatomy” You could practically feel everyone’s groan 
“Well if (Y/N) is done calling you daddy, tell her that I need her help picking out an outfit for the date I have this weekend.” Your friend says loudly and you push your boyfriend out of the door frame to run up to her
“You have a date this weekend?!” You ask and she nods excitedly, grabbing your wrist and dragging you back to her classroom “Tell me about it!!!!”
Terushima stands there in front of his friends and bites his lip, nodding silently at the entire scenario 
Bobata and Futamata glance at each other before raising their hands to slap their friend upside the head, leaving Terushima to grip his dyed hair tightly
“Come on, let’s go get ready for practice” Futamata grabs Terushima by the collar of his shirt and drags him towards the locker room, he doesn’t once bring up the daddy incident
“D-Daddy!” You whine and toss your head back against the pillow, you arch your back so strongly as you press your ass into the sheets that you feel your spine snap in the stretch. Terushima simply glances up at you, keeping your thighs apart as he holds your hands, looping his fingers together with yours. His warm tongue licks a broad stip up your clit just to tease you before going back down to your slit. 
Terushima devours you, he sticks his tongue deep inside you and massages your walls while making a point to swallow everything. He mouths back up to your clit and sucks the little pearl between his lips, ruining it with that sinful tongue piercing of his. The cool texture of the metal contrasts so differently from his hot mouth and the combination of the two makes you grind your hips harder against his face. 
“Look at you, squirming all over my face. You’re fucking delicious.” Terushima praises and lets go of one of your hands, bringing two of his long fingers up to your entrance. He goes back to sucking on your clit and thrusts his fingers into you at the same time, he curls his digits and lets the pads of his fingers run along your walls. It doesn’t take long for Terushima to find that familiar spongey spot inside of you, when he moans at the sight of you looking so fucked out you feel the vibrations run up your spine. “I want you to fucking squirt for me.” He curses and you shut your eyes painfully, feeling so overwhelmed by everything he is doing. 
Terushima removes his mouth from your soaked pussy and bites down on your inner thigh, making sure to leave a mark. 
“Keep your eyes open for Daddy, watch it all.” He orders and you nod, staring with a dark gaze as his dyed hair dips back between your thighs. 
It never takes long for you to come undone when Terushima is touching you like this, skillfully curling his fingers and giving your clit all his attention. That familiar sensation washes over you and your chest heaves in a deep breath as you fail to produce any words. 
“That’s it, oh shit,” Terushima watches in amazement as you squirt all over his fingers, soaking the sheets beneath you. He uses his other hand, with three fingers, to rub your clit back and forth while letting your essence spill out everywhere. 
You close your eyes as you feel him pull his fingers out of you, gentle and slowly in a way that won’t hurt. Terushima sucks his fingers into his mouth and you want to smack his head for being so loud. 
“On your knees now baby girl, Daddy wants to see that again."
@yams046 @why-am-i-sad-and-sleepy @xhanjisungiex @xxashshs @chaosamu @angelkogane @augustdearly @kunimwuah  @lovellucy @osamuonigiri @pearzuko @darksxder
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cesca-untoldstories · 3 years
Freddie's mustache anon here
Now that you mention Deaky, what do you think the other members stand would be like? I can only think of Brian having nature related powers like Giorno lmao
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Hello Mustache Nonnie! | ・ ෴ ・ |
I think I loved the comparison you made of Giorno and Brian May so much that I had to draw them together. beats me, it's beautiful!
Without a doubt if I had to lock the four members of the band. would be:
Freedie Mercury. A stand that controlled time, without a doubt, and the power of the voice that reverberated strongly. I think Araki did an excellent job with Killer Queen there. or good with Kira's developed stands. and good later with Soft & Wet.
Brian May. clearly Golden Experience, but it would be a bit more passive and more controlled. maybe a Golden Experience (pre-requiem) more focused on nature and not the hits. but on the other hand we have the space. What Stand unfolds in Space? Made in heaven? Again with a Queen reference! Ay- Araki and his references in my references. (am I the only one who can see it having silver chariot too?)
John Deacon, deacy my beloved. Something with electricity. Red hot chili peppers maybe? he is the master of electricity and everything that has to do with connections so RHCP would suit him quite well, although a second glance I also see him being a hermit purple user, clearly with a more professional use haha
Roger Taylor. uuuf, is it normal for me to imagine it having a weather report? or even metallica. the immeasurable power of him with the battery makes me feel that those two stands are what I would have with the energy that he always radiates. also for what we are with things, Sex pistols is something that can be seen as well. something small for a great man. where I end up feeding them small salami.
(( @jotaros-rightnipple what do you think of this? sure you have something to tell about Queen members with stands too-))
thank you for this lovely ask, as a queen fan myself I could be rambling about this a whole day hahha
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bedtimebrain · 3 years
EXO D.O.: A Little Jealous Part 2! (Your POV)
This part 2 took me really long to get it out. I had initially written it in both Ksoo and Your ‘pov’ in one post. But it got too long! So i decided to change it to just your POV(the norm). I still haven’t decided if i should finish the one on Ksoo’s POV.
Edit: I continued Ksoo’s for fun without the intention to finish it, but I think it turned out pretty decent! So His POV’s part is also up now!!
Part 1 Part 2 Ksoo POV Characters: DKS x reader (+exo & random chr)
Back at the team dinner
At the center of the circle, the bottle spun to minho.
‘Truth or dare!’
‘Ok so, the team has been really curious. WHEN DID YOU AND Y/N STARTED DATING?!’ Ji Hye asked like she has been holding this in for 10 years.
The both of you were a little taken aback at the question, looking over at each other with a laugh.
‘We are just friends, what gave you that impression? We never dated and will never date guys’ Minho answered
‘No way! You guys definitely look like a couple!’
‘Comeon say the truth y/n! You guys are always hanging out together, i even saw you carrying y/n’s bag for you today’
‘yes yes! Weren’t you both holding hands that day?’
Everyone chimed in disbelief.
‘Didn’t know we appeared this way to you guys. Anyway I was just holding y/n hand to shake off this guy who has been bothering her. And I was just helping Y/N with her bag because she looked like she might die anytime just now’
While everyone was sighing and expressing their disappointment, minho made the next spin. You rolled your eyes at minho when it pointed to you.
You picked dare, wanting to divert the team’s attention to something else instead.
‘Ok then, pick from the dare box.’ You reached your hand into it and pulled out a purple strip.
‘Take a selfie with the person from the previous turn and upload to instagram with the caption ‘a cute us’
You almost had a heart attack reading that, this just fueled everyone’s enthusiasm even more.
Although you knew that kyungsoo probably won’t see this since he doesn’t have instagram, you can’t help but feel guilty and worried about it. You’re attached! (Though you can’t say it) and doing this just doesn’t seem right..
There’s absolutely no way you could get out of this. Denying doing this just makes things seem more suspicious between the both of you. 
Making it fast ,you did the dare and uploaded the picture. Totally forgetting the fact that other members followed you with their privates. You told yourself in 10minutes you’re getting out of here and deleting that photo.
As usual, minho sent you back. After such a long day you can’t wait to just take a shower and flop down on your bed.
Heading to the shower, you screamed at the sight of a bug.
Running to your phone you sent a SOS to minho,
Just 2 minutes later the bell rang. That was certainly a little fast, you thought to yourself.
Running to the door, you shouted ‘MINHO YA!’ Opening the door, you were surprised to see kyungsoo’s face instead. 
'Oppa, why you here ? Did your photoshoot end early? You didn’t text me back tho...’
‘Uh are you expecting someone? Minho?’
‘Oh right, speaking of which I dont need him now, let me drop him a text. Oppa come in and kill the bug for me please!!’ You dragged him right to your shower and stayed far away while he rid the bug for you.
After the bug extermination, you can’t help but sense something’s not too right with kyungsoo tonight.
Hoping to loosen his seemingly tense frame, you reached out to hug him
‘Thank you, for killing the bug’ at the same time flashing him your sweetest smile.
Sitting down and linking your arms in his on the sofa, you asked,
‘Oppa, do you have something to tell me? You don’t look particularly excited or happy to be here today’
Kyungsoo looked to you, and for a good while, did not say anything. Instead, breaking the body contact, he reached for the glass of water on the coffee table; gulping it down as if it was his courage portion.
‘I saw that picture. The one on instagram.’ 
Your heart stopped, a wave of guilt washed over you as you started to explain yourself
‘Ah that.. sorry oppa, it was a dare I had to do at the team dinner, I tried so hard to avoid it but I couldn’t say I was attached either.. ’
‘But the string of comments sure made it sound like you guys are the most popular ship in your school?’ Kyungsoo replied with distaste lacing his voice
It dawned on you that you had never shown minho’s picture to kyungsoo, perhaps that’s why he was so upset about this. He must have thought the guy in the picture was someone special to you that you never mentioned.
‘Oppa that’s actually Minho in the picture. And you know we are just really close friends.’
At this Kyungsoo looked a little stunned. You could tell he was in the midst of processing his thoughts as a frown started to form on his forehead.
‘I don’t really like you hanging out with minho.’ Kyungsoo blurted out 
Now, you didn’t really understand the situation. What’s with kyungsoo acting like a possessive boyfriend? 
‘You were always okay with minho and i hanging out. Why does us taking a picture change that ?’ You were a little irritated, you stood up and started raising your voice.
Seeing that you absolutely lost your cool, kyungsoo didn’t hold back either
‘y/n do you know how i felt looking at those comments?! I am not okay with the whole school thinking you both are together when you’re supposed to be my girlfriend!’, he got up from the sofa in frustration
‘Ya! Even if i am not friends with minho, I can’t always avoid such situations! Because i can’t tell anyone i’m attached, guys still hit on me and people think they can pair me up with random guys because they think i’m single! 
To me, they can think whatever they want but minho is just a friend. Oppa, shouldn’t you of all people understand this the most?’
‘You’re asking me to understand when minho actually looks your ideal type? And i never knew about it?’
You were caught off guard at this question. Your ideal type? Tall, well built, sporty , fun... Suddenly realising minho does fit the bill for your ideal type.
Though feeling a little bad now, you were not going to give in to this ridiculous argument. Your friendship with minho was on the line. 
‘My ideal type? If we wanted to get together, we would have long ago ok! Why would I get together with you then him?!’
You both stayed silent for a little while, turning your backs on each other at the peak of the argument. 
Calming down, you told yourself this could go on and on tonight, or you could just take a softer approach towards your boyfriend.
Out of love, you put aside your frustration and hugged him instead. Leaning into his chest, you didn’t know exactly what to say either. 
Dropping to his low voice, kyungsoo muttered ‘When I saw that picture, it felt like my nightmare came true. Every night i get worried that you would one day get tired of dating an idol.. Or even dating someone like me..’ 
You never knew kyungsoo felt this way, he was never particularly expressive in the relationship. You knew he liked you and genuinely cared for you, but you never knew he loved you this much. 
‘we don’t spend alot of time together but you always get to be with minho.. so much that people think you’re both attached..’
At this point, you saw through him. You came to understand the picture triggered his insecurities and manifested as jealousy. 
You pulled him back down on the sofa and started 
‘oppa, i cannot promise you people will stop misunderstanding minho and i, but i will be more careful to draw a clearer line in our friendship for you. 
and i never thought of minho as my ideal type or saw him in a way more than friends. i know it might not put you at ease hearing me say this, but can you trust me? 
I have been friends with minho for many years and have met many guys too. But it’s you for me ok?’ you held onto his arm and looked in his eyes saying this, hoping he sees what you feel for him.
Poking him at his little belly, you continued light heartedly
‘though you may not be the most attractive looking man out there...’ causing him to look up at you as you say it.
Giving him a peck on the cheek you continued
‘but you make me feel comfortable and special all at the same time. saranghae oppa, you’re the only one.’
At your words, he pulled you closer and rested his chin on your head, saying
‘ Though i still don’t feel the best about our situation and about minho, but i know we can’t help this.. Just promise to stay with me please’
Raising your pinky finger and turning up to face him,
‘ i promise you oppa!’
Linking your pinkies together, kyungsoo finally smiled back at you today and said
‘na do saranghae’ didn’t really turn out the way i thought it would for a jealousy story, haha. but still hope you enjoyed it!
on a side note, im thinking of doing this scenario for baekhyun too! i think his might be much easier to imagine, hahha. if you’re a baek fan please don’t expect too much tho! it won’t be as long as ksoo’s if i actually do it~
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kaikaikitanmp3 · 3 years
ah, i think there are a lot of amazing scenes! i dont think i could remember one from the manga but some from the anime are when fyodor and dazai meet at the cafe, it gave me chills. another one is when dazai died in DA and chuuya punched him back to life, it felt v beautiful imo.
what about you, whats your favourite scene?
cool! those are some nice scenes, yeah!
i don’t have many favourite scenes in anime, but when it comes to manga there’s a lot haha. like i adore every single panel of fyozai’s trashy incarceration, i loved gogol’s panels where he was just being a menace to society, and sigma’s introduction was amazing, too! i have a lot of fav akutagawa moments, especially with rashoumon, the dynamism of those panels is always impressive, and obviously i like it when people punch/kick/stab/shoot dazai💗 i know people say that the ongoing arc is boring but i honestly adore the way they draw the hunting dogs and especially jouno, he’s sooo pretty and his outfit and ability are very pretty too hahha, amazing character design. oh! i just remembered, i liked that scene in the anime where we had chuuya vs ranpo (rip chuuya) and although dead apple was…certainly an experience, i like dead apple manga a lot, too. shibusawa was gorgeous, fyozai’s dynamics and aesthetics were spot on, so yeah, all bsd mangas are definitely worth reading not only because the narration is more fulfilling and makes muuuch more sense but also bc of the author’s style
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1chaer · 3 years
nct!! if you haven’t done them yet 💕
woooahh okay yay it took me a min to realize what u were referring to hahha but we’re all good now <3
bias — uhh this is so hard TT (my keyboard just tried to autocorrect that to haechan so maybe it’s trying to tell me something LOL) i think i tend to lean towards ten, renhyuck, and johnny when it comes to this question!
bias wrecker — jaemin.... i can’t escape him no matter how much i try to T__T he could be getting arrested or smth and i would still be like <3__<3 & chenle & doyoung!
favorite voice — AHH RENHYUCK... fimls supremacy!! hearing jisung & johnny just speak is neat too... but singing wise it’s 100% renhyuck!
favorite moment — omg i think this was the first nct daily i ever ever watched so it’s kinda special lol but there’s a video of renjun just drawing on an ipad for like 10 minutes & im obsessed with it OH ALSO when renjun went on jsmr T__T that was really funny!
last song i heard — simon says ?? or punch ?? i think i was listening to punch when i was doing my hair lol
favorite dancer — haechan..................... & jungwoo!! his regular fancam is playing in my head 24/7
the funniest — renhyuck ?? chenle .. maybe johnny ?? but it might just be that i’m obsessed with everything about him LOL i think chenle but it’s only because he’s unfiltered his energy is so light & fun i love it lol he’s the only member whose lives i try to watch / find clips from
who i wish i could grow up with — NOW I KNOW YALL R GONNA KILL ME FOR SAYING JENO BUT! he seems sweet & i like earth signs lol T__T i would say johnhyuck too but i can’t handle their jokes i’d get my feelings hurt
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malazansapper · 4 years
autism month april
april 16: empathy: huper/low? describe experience.
other ppls have certainly ascribed both to me: makes my experience very confusing.
maybe is a fluxuation between both. can have a visceral reaction to others happenings. one time in the past months really stands out: person was having some kind of either sickness or disgust reaction, and i got stuck in it and started gagging, and then i think i was upset with them hahahah. can pick up on things being sort of off, but cant really pin it down. was best with my sibling: we can just understand each other and pick up on wild things: she was the one who prevented me from having appendix rupture: i didnt know what was wrong and wanted to sleep and wasnt showing signs readable to others (other than physical swelling), but she took me to doctor and emergency room. doctors could only tell through tests (apparently is supposed to be much pain when it is as far as mine was), they were all just kind of dismissing until it became: surgery: now.
the few times having had ppl for touching: physical sensations get crossed? hahha is like not knowing where is the beginning and ending of me. told amusingly: that is me being touched, not you.
tbh i am not really knowing the fnities between empathy sympathy and compassion. empathy is a hypothetical: if that was me? i dislike hypotheticals generally. sympathy is more separation? sucks to be you, but not in a mean way? compassion is more of a true understanding and acceptance? maybe an i have experienced that before?
there are some things that extend to all of humanity, yes? maybe some difficulty is on where to draw the line. was experiencing yhis wondering some when hosting other people when i had a home: a difficulty: being a decision on who should receive what support i can give and how to decide. do i not try and aid one person because i dont have capacity to aid everybody? it seems ridiculous typpng this out, but i think was having some interesting intersections with tendency yo be thinking all or nothing, yes or no. and also with ttying to figure out my own boundaries: can be so frustrating because so much i dont know or cant tell. much suffering can be endured.
is thinking the issues arise from lack of ability to identify feeling and also express them for/to others. thinking the feeling are there, and maybe incredibly strong, but the barrier is both strangely permeable and impassable.
maybe more thoughts later 👋👋👋💜💕
[edit: wondering: the descriptor of empath: (has been placed on me in the past) but: why are some ppl sort of eye rolling at it? like there is some annoyance attached to the term? is anyone knowing what i mean or able to explain some parys of why?]
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mangelak0s · 4 years
$5 Writing Commissions!! (songfics)
Hey hey! Hello again. uwu
I’ll post this again because I’m going to put a couple of stuff more. I hope you can help me a little. <33
Again, I know no one will probably even read all of this, but I wanna try. :D
I'm saving so I can buy something special for my grandmother, and I thought I could offer the only thing I can do; writings. I’m going to put in the list the prices of the last time, but, I’m going to add something special this time. Something I can do more easly hahaha.
This will be like a normal fic/oneshot... But with a song haha.
You need to give me a character or ship, a song and if you want it to be like, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, etc.
Songfics will be between 800 - 1500 words: 5 dolars.
And you can tell me if you want it to be like a song, (I mean put text and then lyrics), or if you want me to include the lyrics in the fic, like if someone is talking them. You can ask me for examples of this bc I don’t know how to put them aaaaaaaaa-
I’m on vacations now so I have more time, but I don’t want to push myself to write a lot because I know that I’m lazy and well, hahha.
And that’s all. :D Also if you want to know my fandoms, I’ll put a few down. <3
Next I’ll put the normal prices. uwu
Oh! One more thing! I’ll send you first my “draft”, and that will be in spanish. It’s just for you to know that I’m working on it haha. If you don’t speak spanish, I’ll send the final work in english. uwu
Normal prices:
Short poems/quotes: 2 dolars.
Drabbles (100 - 500 words): 4 dolars.
500 - 1000 words: 6 dolars.
1000 - 2000: 8 dolars.
2000 - 2500: 15 dolars. (because it’s more work for me hahaha i’m sorry it’s too expensive :c)
NSFW: Between 2 to 5 dolars more aaaa, it depends if it’s too explicit or not, and for this I’ll just do LGBT ships. :( 
 but  probably it will be just 2 because I love write nsfw/smut skfdnksdnk-
In which fandoms am I in?
In a lot! I’m gonna say a couple of them, if you want to know more, just ask! (But in anime I’m just in 2 :c)
I think I have -gay- ships in all of them hahah.
Yuri On Ice
Good Omens.
Jaidefinichon Goth.
Mystic Messenger.
Turn Wahington’s Spies.
Batman. Pls ask for batjokes things I love batjokes,
Beastars. (in here i just ship Louis x Legosi and Gouhin x Legosi im sorry its a panda)
Blood Bank.
Sally Face.
Doctor House.
French Rev.
The Good Place.
A Serie Of Unfortunate Events.
The Big Bang Theory.
Versailles --> Philippe and Chevalier. 
And I think a couple more. Just ask if you want. <3
What I need to write?
A plot! This is very very very important. 
The personality of the characters, please aaaah. And if they are OC’s, the story or something for me to understand their relationship or them life. uwu
What can I write?
Almost anything!
Gay things pl e a se.
About any ship/crack ships. (especially Hamilton/Turn related)
About OC’s.
Kinks, but not all of theeem.
Maybe anything you ask me, except…
What can I not write?
Things like that. ://
Want to see my work?
You can read something here. I have a lot of more things but since I don’t know very well how tumblr works, I’ll just put that hahah.
If you want examples of nsfw or another thing, you can ask me! <3 And for more examples, look for my AO3 (english) or wattpad (spanish), it’s mangelak0s. uwu
I know that these types of commissions are not as valued as drawings ones, and most of the time they are completely ignored, but I have faith and confidence that even a person will be interested in this poor soul.
If you want to support me and a fic I have ko-fi too. :D
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blehbleehhhh · 5 years
Panic Attack ft. Eremika<3
A/N: I cried a little bit while writing this one! Hahha. I don’t know, I imagine Mikasa having horrific anxiety. They're just so easy to write for <3 Anyway, the original is on my Wattpad: loldonutsss . I have an Eremika series going right now (: LEMON!
When Eren and Mikasa were little, she always struggled with nightmares. His parents had agreed to allow them to share a bed so he could comfort her if need be. When she turned 10 though, they seemed to get worse, and even he couldn't soothe her, at least just by holding her. Carla used to draw her a bath when they got really bad and it worked like a charm; the warm water would soothe her tiny, achy frame enough that she would finally fall asleep when she'd returned to bed. When his mother passed away and his father left, because he was unable to cope with the traumatic loss of his wife, Eren took over the task of drawing Mikasa a bath for her nightmare induced panic attacks. When they finally started dating, he took to holding her in the shower in a desperate attempt to calm her. This is what he's currently doing, because it felt like someone was puncturing her brain with an ice pick.
Mikasa had woken him up in the night, around 3:30 am to be exact, sobbing in her sleep and crunched up in a fetal position. He’d wrapped his arms around her and buried his face in her hair as he held her tighter. He tried whispering sweet nothings in her ear, stroking her hair, everything that she usually finds to be comforting; but none of it seemed to be working. That's how they ended up in the shower at 4:00 am. That's how he ended up holding her as she sobbed into his neck, lathering her body with her lavender body wash, and even used it on himself so she could breathe in the soothing scent whenever she has her face buried in his neck. Eren gently rubbed his hands on her warm, soft skin to rinse off the suds, gently combing his fingers through her long, black hair. Mikasa took a deep breath in attempt to fight off the hyperventilating as quietly as she could into his chest, occasionally pressing her lips to his skin to muffle her cries. After a while of winning and losing the fight against her own mind, she rests her forehead on his shoulder, using her coping skills to slowly settle her hysterics. She was finally relaxing, soothed from the hot water running down her back, the scent of her favorite body wash, and, of course, his touch. Eren just stood there quietly, slowly rubbing his thumbs across her hips. She sighed deeply in attempt to stop even out her heartbeat and eventually succeeded, letting out another shaky sigh before she finally looked up into his eyes. He offered a slight smile and reached up to gently wipe the tears from her cheeks. "Even your tear stricken face is absolutely breathtaking." Her eyes flickered between his eyes and his lips as she slowly closed the gap between them. Mikasa slid her hands up his chest and wrapped her arms around his neck to deepen their kiss, pleased to feel his hands press into her low back. She often finds herself feeling horny after crying her eyes out, which almost always resulted in a very much welcomed situation such as this. Eren tasted the saltiness of her tears on his tongue as he returned her frantic kisses and quickly concluded that she must have had that nightmare again. They only pulled away when the need to breathe was too overwhelming to ignore; creating a sweet, sticky, passionate smack. "How do you feel?" he whispered to her as she leaned her forehead against his.
“I-I..." Her voice was soft, yet it conveyed that she'd been crying.
And it broke his heart.
"Mikasa..." Eren whispered as he slid a hand up her back and sunk his fingers in her hair. "I love you so so much." She pursed her lips as a tear rolled down her cheek and crashed her lips against his, sighing softly into his mouth as she melted in his arms. Mikasa quickly found herself to be completely lost in him as she always is, tears still invading their kiss. He slowly pulled away and buried his face in her chest, nibbling, licking, and kissing her skin as he did everything he could think of to drive her wild. Eren's teeth grazed her skin as he took her nipple in his mouth to tease it with his tongue. Mikasa moaned and gently gripped his hair between her fingers as she held his head against her, sighing happily when he began to suck. He groaned when she involuntarily ground her hips into his and slowly brought his hands down her back to grab onto her ass.
"I need you..." Mikasa’s voice indicated urgency and desperation as she quickly turned in his arms to latch onto the shower bar. She eagerly spread her legs for him and moaned when he teased her with the head of his cock. Eren leaned down and kissed her back as he placed his hands on her hips, slowly burying himself deep inside her heat. "Erennn.." She moaned softly in response when his hips began to move in a steady rhythm and pulled hers into him. Mikasa almost collapsed from the pleasure; the confirmation her psyche needed that he’s still alive and the overwhelming endorphins coursing through her body immediately sent her over the edge. He wrapped his arm around her lower abdomen and briefly slammed her hips up and down his throbbing cock, sending her into a fit of gasps and whimpers as she hung her head. "Faster!" Eren smiled against her skin and groaned in response, pulling her hips into his faster until she let out the most intoxicating sound; the sweet combination of a yelp and a moan. It wasn't long until he felt her walls quiver around him as she came with a soft cry. He groaned and slowed his pace in a desperate attempt not to cum before she had at least one more orgasm, because the sounds she's making are driving him wild and she just feels so fucking good.
"I love you, Miki..." Eren whispered to her as he dug his fingertips into her skin and just as abruptly started slamming into her, pushing and pulling her hips so they had a steady rhythm. She trembled as she slapped a hand on the wall to maintain her balance and moaned helplessly. But something in her broke in that same instant and Mikasa cried out with pleasure as she felt her body begin to release.
"Oh my god, Eren! Don't stop!" She sounded as if she were on cloud nine as he pumped into her with fervor. Mikasa arched her back as she let out a loud moan and came around him, hard. But he kept going, oh, he kept going, and her moans quickly turned into high pitched cries. Eren grunted all the while as he rode her through her climax and finally allowed himself to reach his own, slamming into her one last time as he emptied his load deep inside her womb. He kissed her back and snaked his arms around her waist as they both struggled to catch their breaths, turning his head to kiss the side of her neck. Mikasa's body relaxed in his arms as she leaned back into him and lay her head on his shoulder.
"So much," Mikasa sighed with contentment as he held her tighter. "Thank you..." He smiled against her skin and gently nibbled on her neck. Eren turned towards the shower head as he dropped one arm from her waist and reached down to turn the water off.
"Oh, believe me, Mika," Eren smiled as he tugged open the shower curtain and pulled two towels out from a clean pile of laundry. "That was entirely my pleasure." For the first time since she woke up crying, Mikasa gave him a chuckle as he leaned in to plant a kiss on her lips and handed her a towel. He tied one around his waist before he stepped out of the shower and reached for her favorite short, red robe, that truly has seen better days. She had hair wrapped in a towel when he turned around to look at her, relieved to see a smile on her face, the same smile that he's always loved. Eren held his hand out to assist her out of the shower and into her robe. "You look stunning in that shade of red..." She secured it on her waist and placed her hands on his chest.
"Remember when you told me that you wanted to take care of me, instead of the other way around?"
"Pshh, I'd never say anything like that to you." Eren scooped her up in his arms and paused at the bathroom door so she could switch off the light. He smiled when her sweet, soft lips kissed his cheek.
"You're full of it," Mikasa chuckled softly in his ear as she lay her head on his bicep and gazed up at him. "Eren, I know I say this..." she giggled as her back hit the sheets and he crawled up her body. "I know I say this all the-" Eren smiled as he interrupted her with his lips and kissed her passionately. Mikasa wrapped her arms around his neck and eagerly returned the favor as she slid her hands through his damp, brown locks. He slowly pulled away and smirked when she flashed her beautiful smile. "Youtakereallygoodcareofme!" she rushed to say before their lips collided once more and moaned softly into his mouth as he slid a hand along one of the legs she has wrapped around his waist. Eren abruptly pulled his lips away from hers and buried his face in her neck, focusing his tender kisses here instead. She let out a quiet gasp as he lightly nibbled on the spot. "Mm, that's nice..." her stomach fluttered when she felt his lips smirk on the middle of her neck.
"Your skin is so soft," He whispered as he suckled on her skin and smirked inwardly when her fingers gripped his hair. "I could do this all day."
"I mean, I'm certainly not going to prevent you from doing that.." Mikasa bit her lip as she watched him push her robe open to expose her chest and place his hands on her breasts, kneading them gently with his fingers. Eren took his time kissing down her chest and paused to look into her eyes for permission before untying her robe. She pressed her lips together as she nodded her head and smiled when he leaned in to kiss her softly, his hands working quickly to tug the knot apart, slowly trailing kisses down her body. He slipped his arms under her thighs to pull her closer to his eagerly waiting mouth and smirked when she shuddered from his touch.
"Mikasa," Eren whispered as he kissed her inner thighs and french kissing her slit. "I think I know which nightmare you had." He looked up at her and smiled when her eyes finally met his. "I'm not going anywhere, baby. You won't get rid of me that easy." Eren dove into the sweet spot between her legs, causing her hips to involuntarily jerk into his mouth as he licked her clit. He used his fingers to keep her slippery pussy lips apart and continued to rapidly flick his tongue across the swollen nub until her hips twitched in response; immediately ceasing his ministrations to allow her body to collapse on the bed from the pleasure. "Besides..." he slid his hands around to her inner thighs and smiled as he slipped two fingers inside her. "We have a family to raise someday and grandchildren and great grandchildren to look forward to." Eren wiggled his fingers as he licked and kissed all around her delicate folds, causing her to let out a wide array of pleasurable noises; melting into the sheets as he ate her out. Mikasa cried out his name when he made her cum and held her breath as he continued to work her clit with his tongue. She arched her back as his fingers moved faster; clenching the sides of his head with her thighs. Ohgodohgodohgodohgod.
"Oh, god, yes!" Mikasa clawed at the sheets as her body writhed from his incessant touches, and he slid his arms back under her thighs to hold her still against his mouth. He sealed his lips around her clit and gently bit down with his teeth as he suckled on her pussy. "Erenn!" she quickly came with a mix of a cry and whimper as he sunk his tongue inside of her, drinking in her fluids when she. Mikasa collapsed on the bed once more, her chest rising and falling rapidly as she recovers from her multiple orgasms. Eren kissed up her torso as he reached down to fix her robe and rolled off of her to lie on his back, stretching an arm out for her to curl up into him. She happily allowed her body to relax in his arms as she cuddled into his side and smiled when he tugged the blankets over their bodies. "You were right."
"Wow," Eren chuckled as he wrapped his arm around her and rested his hand on her shoulder. "I don't think you've ever said something so erotic." she giggled and flicked his chin with her finger.
"Be quiet."
"Fine, fine. Please, do continue to tell me about how right I am."
"It was the nightmare you were thinking of."
"The one where -" Eren didn't need to bother finishing that question, because the way her hand slid across his chest and the way she nuzzled the crook of his neck told him what he already knew. "Mikasa..." he paused as soon as he felt her tears on his shoulder. "Miki, look at me," his heart sank when the same sorrowful eyes from just hours before carefully studied his. "Nothing is going to happen to me. Not if I can help it." Mikasa bit her lip as a tear rolled down her cheek.
He doesn't understand.
He doesn’t understand.
"Eren," her voice cracked as she lay her head on his chest, because looking at him makes it more difficult and she needs to hear his heart beating like a normal heart, not like the one nightmare she had where it was so slow, that she could barely hear it. "It's not just that. The way you died was so incredibly brutal and I-" she took a shaky deep breath and sighed. "I couldn't do a n y t h i n g. It was like time froze when that...that thing tore you to pieces." Eren held her tighter and gently placed his hand on Mikasa's cheek, slowly running his fingers through her long, black hair. "I remember exactly what the dream version of me felt, Eren, and it seemed so fucking real. I remember holding my breath and taking off after it not even giving a shit about my own safety because the thought of you dying is simply too hard for me to grasp. I can’t live the way I’m supposed to; happy, satisfied, loved, supported, without you, Eren. I-I don’t know what I would do if I lost you, I-I’d never be the-” Her body shook as she remembered the nightmare and just how bloody, violent, and gory it was. His arms squeezed her tighter as he kissed her forehead.
"Hey, hey, hey," Eren whispered to her as he planted another kiss on her forehead. "You beautiful, incredible woman..." he smiled and leaned his cheek on her head. "We don't even need to start worrying about living without the other for a very, very long time, right?" Mikasa took in another shaky breath and sighed quietly into his chest. "Remember when I said we'll always be together?" she hummed softly in response and yawned. "Then you have nothing to worry about."
"I don't know what I'd do without you, Eren."
"You'd still suck."
"Eh, what can you do," Mikasa chuckled as she softly kissed his neck."I only suck because you like it." Eren let out a mix of a groan and a chuckle as he pictured her blowing him expertly. Holding her hair in his fist to prevent it from getting in her mouth..
"Eh, what can you do."
Her giggle. It's so refreshing.
"I hate you."
"Honestly, Miki, same." Eren chuckled as he looked down beside the bed when a very cold, wet nose bumped into his hand, and gently gave Mikasa's hip a pat or two in order to coax Isla up on the bed. "Isla, come here girl." she put her paws on the bed and quickly pulled herself up. The puppy crawled across his stomach and plopped down in the space between their feet at the end of the bed, taking a big sigh as she settled in. "So, you see, I have class in a couple hours, but the problem is..." he trailed off as she lifted her head enough to press her lips to his for a quick kiss. "I don't want to leave my beautiful minx of a fiancée."
"I'd be pissed if you stayed home," Mikasa propped herself up on her elbow and smiled. "But I'll be here eagerly waiting for your return..." she slid her hand up his chest and cupped his cheek as she slowly brought their lips together. He groaned into their kiss when her teeth grazed his lower lip and her fingers gently tugged on his hair. Fuck she's so hot! Fuck she's so hot! Eren blindly placed his hand on her breasts and squeezed until she broke her lips away to let out a moan.
"Mikasa," Eren chuckled as he nibbled on her neck. "You're making that decision a lot more difficult. I'd prefer to stay here and just..." he gently tweaked her nipple and smirked when moaned softly. "...play with you." she giggled as she playfully slapped his hands away and rolled over onto her stomach with an over dramatic yawn. Eren smiled as he reached over to dust the hair out of her face. "Well, you didn't have to stop."
"No, Eren," Mikasa’s voice conveyed an amused smile. "You don't want me to touch you so you can have an easier time choosing class and that's totally fine." she bit her lip to conceal her quiet laugh when she felt his arm slide across her back and curve around to pull her body into his. Eren chuckled as he buried his face in her hair.
"Can you really blame me? You're a million times more entertaining and pretty and funny and smart and-" Eren trailed off and smiled when she let a quiet giggle as she pulled the blankets up to her shoulder and scooted back into him. "I would appreciate it if you didn't interrupt me, Mikasa, it's kind of rude."
"Shut up, Eren." he could hear the smile in her voice as she spoke. "I love you." she whispered when she felt his lips curve into a slight smile on her neck as he slowly took a deep breath and sighed. Eren held her tighter in response as he lightly kissed her skin, knowing that his gestures alone are always enough for her to know how he feels without actually needing to hear those words from his mouth.
I love you too, Miki. More than words can say.
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katabasiss · 5 years
WIP Prep Tag Game
Tagged by: @hazeywrites thanks !!
Rules: Answer the questions and then tag as many writers as there are questions answered (or as many as you can) to spread the positivity! Even if these questions are not explicitly brought up in the novel, they are still good to keep in mind when writing.
Note: I’m doing this for Presque Vu because,,,,it’s a good way to rearrange some thought about it hahaha
1. Describe your novel in 1-2 sentences (elevator pitch).
Girl tries to rob her work place for the fun of it, whilst there it turns out she robs the local mafia boss and a gun fight breaks out - she gets pulled under cover by a strange man and finds she can’t find it in her to distance herself. The rest of the novel is her just going along with him and his partner cal as they do increasingly weird things like drive around aimlessly at 2am or try and become God. 
2. How long do you plan for your novel to be? (Is it a novella, single book, book series, etc.)
stand alone :)
3. What is your novel’s aesthetic?
late night poker games, flickering lights, puddled cobble streets, the feeling of unbridled freedom that comes with being knee deep in bad, drunken decisions 
4. What other stories inspire your novel?
pretty obviously American Gods, v v recently the Raven Cycle and partially in aesthetic wise, Baz Luhrmann’s ‘romeo and juliet’ 
5. Share 3+ images that give a feel for your novel.
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
6. Who is your protagonist?
I write in the pov of the character Meg so I guess she’s the protagonist even tho it’s more of a group effort hhaha
7. Who is their closest ally?
undoubtedly either Bacari or Cal. With Bacari I’d say she has the relationship one has with a naughty stray cat - full of affection but also continuous annoyance disguised under hatred.Whereas with Cal, I’d say it’s more like shes his younger cousin he has to babysit and he’s not entirely sure how to deal with the whole situation. 
8. Who is their enemy?
their poor life choices (i actually don’t know - i defo need an enemy to further the plot whoops)
9. What do they want more than anything?
I think with Meg what she really wants is freedom  - to see how far she can push that autonomy, what she can do with it, where it can go. Cal wants what he used to have and Bacari, not that he’ll ever say it out loud because he masks his actions under boredom, but really just wants others (mainly Cal lets be honest), to be happy.
10. Why can’t they have it?
spoilers ;)
11. What do they wrongly believe about themselves?
Cal thinks he a horrible person and can’t be redeemed, Bacari thinks he’s unlovable and Meg is under the impression that her problems are able to be solved through material means when in reality they can’t. 
12. Draw your protagonist! (Or share a description)
I,,,can provide you with a string of adjectives loosely connected through conjunctions (because ha u guessed it! that’s my writing style haklfjfl long, drawn out, loosely resembling a novel by a victorian writer who you wish would shut up about the same thing, and very badly planned)
Bacari:  His features alone were enough to cause pause with his pursed lips, bone etched fingers and eyes that could only be described as resembling Homer’s wine dark sea
Cal:  His eyes were an interesting shade of what could only be described as a browned bottle of cider, with features that could be described as universally beautiful provided they were what you found yourself longing for. When he spoke, Meg found herself grasping for a depiction before ultimately deciding to describe his voice as sticky - sticky in the way fingers get when dipped in honey or when a lollypop pulls everything alongside with it
Meg: holy shit I’ve never described her before red hair loosely flung about with the care of someone who wants to shave their head, untied shoelaces under the guise of ‘fashion’, chipped nail varnish, grass stained mom jeans and the most hideous shirt you can think of
13. What is the internal conflict?
Meg constantly wrangles with reality and her ideal life, especially alongside her desire to just leave everything behind (when in reality she doesn’t really). Cal has a lot of internal struggles in the fact he refuses to forgive himself for prior actions and Bacari is just Bacari and doesn’t know how not to be.
14. What is the external conflict?
I think it goes without saying that nobody really jumps for joy outta the idea of these three morons trying to become God
15. What is the worst thing that could happen to your protagonist?  
the confrontation of reality
16. What secret will be revealed that changes the course of the story?
17. Do you know how it ends?  
:/ oof shot through the heart at this question
18. What is the theme?  
mythology as a whole is v prevalent in all honesty - I’m honestly not even subtle with it. my spoilers aren’t even spoilers it’s just,,,,common knowledge once you read it 
19. What is a recurring symbol?  
I actually don’t know in all honesty
20. Where is the story set? (Share a description!)
a dumb made up town called Wellden of which I haven’t developed or thought of much so there’s not much to say about it
21. Do you have any images or scenes in your mind already?
I really should do but no, I usually do when inspiration strikes and I have enough to pass however
22. What excited you about this story?  
just everything! it’s something new for me to play with -that being said though, I can tell it’ll take me forever to write hahha
23. Tell us about your usual writing method!  
I usually work best when doing writing sprints but other then that I don’t usually tend to write much unless I’m inspired or aware of what I want - writing for me is a hobby so I kind of treat it like one, especially since I’ve got school and all that alongside it :)
Tagging:  @ratherinterestingmilkshake @srazar @stegladent @furybloods @endymions @acheloides @nmcwriting @youngdumbxlit @bzrtales @androcalia
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lumpyheadspace-blog · 5 years
11:14 pm
It’s 11:14 pm on the second of February, I’m just chilling on my bed with my furry pink blanket while wonderland by Taylor Swift is blaring on my speakers. I wish the song would fill this weird annoying void in the pit of my stomach but it’s not working! 
I would say, today was quite a weird day. I woke up quite early today, probably because I was sick with a terrible cold last night and I took some liquid medicine (only because I cannot swallow pills) which put me to sleep before 12 am, and let me tell you, that does not happen often since I’ve developed the habit of becoming a night person ever since college started. The first thing I did when I woke up was check my phone to see if maybe this one person (let’s call this person A) has bothered to text me yet. Still nothing. Whatever! 
I went to make myself some scrambled eggs for breakfast and I ate my very delicious and tasty (if I do say so myself) meal while watching one episode of stranger things beyond and three episodes of an animated Netflix series called Carmen San Diego. I’m honestly in love with the animation, I wish I could do draw like that....maybe one day, idk. Also, I think Carmen is the coolest and I wish I could go to crime school too hahha.
I also made a birthday card for one of my friends today. She loves pink, avocado and glitter so I made a sparkly pink avocado handmade greeting card for her. Pretty impressive huh!
Anyways, throughout the day was basically a string of me-checking-my-phone-to-see-if-A-texted-me-yet’s. I truely have no idea why I bother so much because I swear I don’t have feelings for A!! or maybe that’s me being in denial. Just last week, we video called each other twice and we talked for what felt like hours. I’m sure if sleepiness wasn’t a thing, we’d still be talking haha. The annoying thing is it always seems like I have to initiate everything!! Every conversation, offline or online or even video calling! Ugh I just wish A would initiate it for once. My friend tells me it’s my fault tho ( part of me knows this but my stubbornness won’t let me admit that) because I was the one who friendzoned A in the first place lmao and A is probably shy and worried that A might bother me or something? idk, I’m trying so hard not to be a clingy, attention seeking bitch. Actually, what’s pissing me off more that A not initiating anything is the fact that I’m feeling this way!! The last thing I want is for me to get attached to somebody again :( but uh oh! does this mean the start of me-getting-attached-to-another-human-being! AAAAAA I WANT TO SCREAM YOU KNOW WHAT I JUST MIGHT SUCK UP MY EGO AND TEXT A FIRST UGH THIS IS SO S  T  U  P  I  D!! 
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