duchesspeggy · 2 years
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peaceinthestorm · 1 year
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Ford Madox Brown (1821-1893, British) ~ The Finding of Don Juan by Haidée, 1869-70
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kadaogan · 1 year
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mistfallengw2 · 5 months
for the gw2 profession ask thing:
3: Have they dabbled in any other professions than the one they ended up with?
4: On the scale of absolute novice to complete expert, how good are they at their chosen profession?
GW2 Profession Ask Questions or something IDK
Since no character was listed, I'm gonna go rapid fire on all the list! :D
Aurelia Dragonwings 3. She used to be a warrior, quite strong physically but with no access to magic. Those skills are still relevant. 4. She's pretty good at being a revenant and she's a strong one too, though with some "disabilities" caused by her encounter with [redacted]. Other than the initial memory loss, her main issue is that she can't create traversable rifts to the Mists (surface-level rifts are fine, like the ones used in combat).
Adamas Crystalsoul 3. His mother Ardea taught him some elemental magic, but he clearly had more talent for tinkering so he never really developed it further. He still knows a few elementalist tricks and is more comfortable than most (maybe a little reckless) with working on high-temperature equipment, ended up being useful with his holoforge. 4. Expert engineer in many fields. He's extremely quick to learn new things, if he's interested enough, and he's particularly good with alchemy, gadgetry, firearms and small constructs.
Tocchix 3. His first mentor was Alyt, who is a thief/elementalist, and she did try to teach him some elemental magic, mostly to no avail as he was more interested in hand-to-hand combat and shadow magic. 4. Extremely skilled daredevil, though he's only able to use shadow magic to enhance his physical abilities. Sneaky, fast and hits like a truck, though a bit too reckless at times.
Maeveryl 3. No. 4. Used to be a talented warrior, though mostly uninterested in combat. Since becoming a berserker in an uncommon way, they had to really hone in on their skills due to safety reasons, so one could say they're expert.
Hel Ravenlost 3. No. 4. Definitely an expert necromancer. She was talented from a young age, too much in her mother's opinion, and left her duty to chase more knowledge, becoming an Archon in the Priory. Particularly good at controlling necrominions, she could have very easily become a lich if she hadn't been stopped in her wild chase for a way to bring back a friend, but for now her most impressive feat is single-handedly taking over and "taming" a risen chicken while Zhaitan was still alive.
Ellara Echodancer 3. No, other than what she tried in mandatory basic training in the fahrar. 4. Quite a good mesmer overall, though she knows she's far from the expert label. Mostly self-taught in chronomancy and use of psychic blades.
Bunnie 3. Elemental magic would have been really cool to learn (Alyt left an impression on her), but alas she has no magical abilities to write home about. 4. Expert engineer, specifically in golemancy. Some may counter her claim of being "the best golemancer in the world (after Snaff)", but she did become Snaff Savant AND her results are hard to dismiss.
Ethanryel 3. No. 4. They're a pretty okay elementalist, with a talent for weaving elements.
Deryn 3. Sort of. She's an Olmakhan and was officially a Dawnwalker. 4. Self-taught dragonhunter/firebrand through trial and error, she's far from an expert but makes do in her own efficient way.
Markus Blake 3. Not really, other than some general training with the Seraph. 4. Decent ranger. Has a good aim, is good at tracking and easily gets along with animals, but his magical talents are underdeveloped.
Iotta 3. She is a necromancer/thief. 4. Extremely competent in both professions, always had a talent for hand-to-hand combat and necromancy. She hated not being able to take full advantage of her death shroud, so she overcompensated with perfecting everything else.
Poffi 3. She has some engineering background due to her family's job (they used to be part of the same golem maintenance krewe), but she never wanted to go in that field, instead aiming to become a lab technician before discovering her talent as a sniper. 4. She was a sniper (deadeye) with near-perfect aim, though she was too insecure to be more effective than shooting from a distance. She died too young to be defined as an expert and needed to become more well-rounded, but she was in line to earn the title of Slayer in the Order of Whispers.
Daunte Burstspell 3. Nah, other than basic fahrar training. 4. He was a pretty powerful elementalist, having plenty of strong Flame shamans in his bloodline. Not exactly an expert and he lagged behind in the other elements, but he did focus on becoming better with water magic.
Hagan Wesson 3. Not really. 4. More of an expert hunter than an expert thief. Possibly due to Zar'gol, but he started developing specter powers after S4, though he's far from an expert.
Flom 3. No, he felt like he genuinely sucked whenever he tried anything and gave up. 4. NOPE. His "revenant" powers are limited to the equivalent of Mallyx's, and when Flom is forced to use them that's actually Zar'gol taking control.
Zehmik 3. Has some knowledge of thief tricks from his time in pirate crews. 4. Maybe not an expert, but definitely competent. After nearly two decades spent in the Mists War, he became a Legendary Defender and refined his spellbreaker powers to suitable levels of reliance and strength.
Nari 3. Not exactly a profession, but she went through Kestrel training. 4. She's a pretty good bladesworn and made her own sword, but is a better scout than a fighter, and the lack of experience puts her at a disadvantage.
Edraas Noiza 3. No. [Mechanically Edraas is a willbender, but it fights in an unique manner] 4. Nope. It fights as its draconic-hybrid nature allows, and it gets tired real fast.
Lenorey 3. Technically has some thief skills. 4. Look, weird stuff goes in, strong necromantic energy comes out. Don't ask her to be more specific than that.
Haidee 3. Does some generic spy training count? 4. Not sure if she can be called an expert, but she did earn the title "the Mirage" thanks to her skills with illusions. When she learned of the existence of the mirage profession, she dragged her girlfriend to Elona to go perfect her skills.
Okami Whitewings 3. Not really, other than basic fahrar training. 4. They'll say they're only good with animals, but hey, they survived this long doing a variety of dangerous things.
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octubreazul · 2 years
Go Haidee!!
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parabellumatsunset · 9 months
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I've always associated Haidee with snakes for some reason...
I like to imagine this is her during her testifying against Fernand
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graciouslypretty · 1 year
Hey guys! Have you heard of this song yet? Check it out now.
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lascitasdelashoras · 4 months
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Haidee-Jo Summers, Morning Light in the Studio
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campsis · 9 months
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Haidee Becker (@haidee_becker)
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max-nolastname · 2 years
jason todd, stephanie brown and duke thomas are absolutely the best robins for gotham; they have the knowledge and perspective on how to best serve their gotham because they actually grew up in the city. they have lived experiences with addiction, poverty, homelessness, foster care etc. that the others don’t have and there’s a lot they can bring to the table in terms of how to best help the most vulnerable populations of gotham. 
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kitaston · 1 year
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Haidee-Jo Summers
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the-grey-hunt · 2 years
oh, my god,
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kadaogan · 9 months
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mistfallengw2 · 1 year
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Completed the emote achiev with my partner, now we can strike nice poses together :3c
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creatingnikki · 2 years
Haidee Ramos
thank you po
Haidee Ramos
Sipping on milkshakes and doodling on tissues, making beaded bracelets for your closest friends, moisturizer that smells like green grapes, finding balance after tripping avoiding a fall.
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labrecha · 25 days
Haidee Aceves Gana Plata en los Paralímpicos de París
#HaideeAceves Gana Plata en los #Paralímpicos de #París2024
París / Agosto 29 de 2024.- Haidee Viviana Aceves Pérez ganó su primera medalla en unos Juegos Paralímpico, después de buscarlo en tres justas deportivas, finalmente en París 2024 fue cuando se colgó una presea y fue de plata. Haidee Aceves ganó la primera medalla para México en los Juegos Paralímpicos de París 2024, con un tiempo de 2:21.79 se colgó la medalla de plata, estuvo a sólo seis…
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