#haikyuu best friends to lovers
delwrites · 7 months
Haikyuu! Masterlist
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plus size!reader headcannons
roommate!akaashi headcannons
best friend to lovers headcannons
cosy rain day drabble
touch headcannons
ignoring him (angst to fluff)
best friend!suna headcannons
doing his hair headcannons
-smau oneshots
calling him pretty texts part one (akaashi, noya, kenma, tendou)
calling him pretty texts part two (oikawa, bokuto, kuroo, hinata)
ignoring them (akaashi, bokuto) fluff!
trying to make plans with kenma...
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liillyliilly · 3 months
Not Good Enough
sawamura daichi x reader words; 750 synopsis; he has an anxiety attack before a match, and won't you know it- the strangest girl helps him to recover.
Daichi pressed his hand to his heart, feeling the pounding of his heart trying to break his ribcage open. He stared at the entrance doors. He should be in there, he should be helping his team members and easing their nerves. Not being cowardly and having all this anxiety over the Shiratorizawa match.
He hadn’t even begun to warm-up or do drills yet, and he could already feel sweat sliding down his back. As people walked in and out of the building, Daichi gave smiles and waved slightly. But that didn’t stop people from going up to him and asking him if he was okay.
“Are you taking deep breaths?” It’s the voice of a girl.
She sounds concerned. Daichi looks over to where he heard her voice, she smiles and walks up to him. “You’re going to give yourself a heart attack if you keep freaking out like this. Take a deep breath, for me.” She places a comforting hand on his back.
“Who are you?” He asks slowly, taking large gulps of air in-between the words. He hasn’t ever seen her around before. She doesn’t have any recognizable clothing from any schools Karasuno has gone against.
“I’m L/n Y/n. Thanks for breathing again, but you still seem pretty anxious though, here, take some water.” Daichi didn’t notice her grey water bottle until she held it out for him to take. He downs the entire bottle before blushing and giving a short apology and bowing his head.
She just tucks it back into her backpack. She had luck charms hanging from every zipper, and pins from that anime Sugawara talks about all the time. He feels like how Tanaka and Nishinoya describe themselves feeling in Kiyoko's presence. She shined and he was a witness to her brightness.
Daichi hasn’t know Y/n any longer than five minutes and he already likes being around her. She smells like brown sugar and mint leaves. In less than five minutes she managed to get Daichi calmed down, when usually it would take him thirty minutes by himself. He feels comfortable around her. So, he admits what's on his mind.
“I'm afraid I'm going to lose this match. I’m afraid that I’m not good enough to lead my team to the nationals.”
“Sawamura Daichi, listen. I've seen you play before. You are magic on that court. Being afraid, well, being afraid of losing means that you care enough to actually win.”
When Daichi gets confused as to how she knows his name, he realizes he has it on the back of his jacket. Then he starts to wonder what games she has seen him play in. Was it the ones when he was in second or first year? Was it the Interhigh matches? How does she know he has played well before? Something in him tells him to shut up and actually look at her.
“Thank you for your words.”
He bows a full ninety degrees, he respected her imparted wisdom.
She puts a hand on his shoulder and nods. “They weren’t much, but I'm glad I could offer you some portion of comfort.”
“Trust me, you have comforted me a lot more than you think.” Daichi feels a blush creep up on him from his neck up to the tips of his ears.
“Y/N!!!” She turns her head to wave at someone. When Daichi blinks a few times, he recognizes their team jackets. Shiratorizawa Academy.
Daichi look to Y/n, who had begun to shy away from him, rubbing the back of her neck.
“You're a Shiratorizawa student?”
“Yes. I am so sorry, I felt like I should have calmed you down before throwing the fact that my team is your competition. I can understand if you just want to go into the gym and forget all about me.” When she tries to walk over to the group of large and intimidating boys, Daichi holds onto her hand and keeps her near.
“I know I'm good enough to beat Shiratorizawa.” He pauses before smiling, “Thanks to your wise words.”
She gives him a blinding grin and laughs lightly. “I wasn’t lying when I said you could beat us. Give it your all, Sawamura Daichi. And I promise my team will do the same.”
Even though Y/n L/n wasn’t meant to worm her way into Daichi’s heart, she did just that.
And the things Daichi would go through to be around her comforting presence, even just once more, were immeasurable.
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ineedhaikyu · 1 year
Precious Memories- Bokuto x fem! Reader
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Summary: As another school year came to an end, (Y/N) reminisces the moment where she became best friends with Bokuto and how he opened her eyes to the world of volleyball.
Word Count: 3.9K
A/N: My first Haikyu x reader fic. I’m an Asahi girl but my sister practically begged for this. She loves Bokuto so much so I decided why not. Hope you enjoy reading! Gif belongs to @reallysaltykou​ 
“(Y/N)-CHAN!” Bokuto’s happy-go-lucky voice echoed in the gym as he ran up to her. The volleyball-loving boy wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly. “We finished our second year! Isn’t that great?”
Leave it to her best friend Bokuto to put a smile on her face. He was always a beam of positivity ever since they were first years. She couldn’t believe that two years had passed by already.
(Y/N) hugged Bokuto back and laughed when he twirled her around in his arms. “It is. I can’t believe we’re going to be in our third year! Oh, by the way, did you get your yearbook?”
“Yep! A lot of people signed it but I made sure to save a spot for my best friend. You guys did a great job! This yearbook is so awesome!”
The girl smiled. “Glad you liked it, Kotaro, but you and the volleyball team made it awesome. You guys made it to Nationals after all. It’s why I was able to convince the yearbook editor to let me add a couple of extra pages to show the team’s success in making it to Nationals.”
“Really?! No wonder! You’re so awesome!” Bokuto looked over his shoulder. “Hey, Akaashi! Look! (Y/N) is here!”
Akaashi Keiji. A first-year (now going into his second year) that made up their little trio. Though he was a year younger than her and Bokuto, the calm and composed setter easily found his rhythm in the group.
Because before he came, no one on the volleyball team was able to keep up with Bokuto’s energy and as a result the silver-haired male would often beg her to make sets. At first, (Y/N) refused but when she saw his ‘emo mode’ coming she crumbled at the sight.
So she was forever grateful that someone like Akaashi came into her and Bokuto’s lives. At the very least she can count on Akaashi to be there for Bokuto. He already has the hang of dealing with Bokuto’s mood swings and mentally compiling a list of the ace’s weaknesses.
“Hello (Y/N)-senpai.” The setter greeted her.
“Akaashi, how are you? Bokuto isn’t pushing you too hard, is he?”
“(Y/N)!” Bokuto squawked. “I would never!”
Akaashi couldn’t help but smirk a little. “I’m doing well, thank you. Also congratulations on finishing your second year.”
“Ah, thanks and congrats on being a first-year in Nationals. I made sure to mention that fact in the yearbook.”
“Really?” The setter didn’t have the time to review the yearbook so this took him by surprise. “You didn’t have to.”
(Y/N) shook her head. “Of course I do. Your skills were amazing. Aren’t they, Bokuto?”
Bokuto nodded. “Your sets are the best, Akaashi. My spikes were so easy to make! The other team didn’t have a chance!”
“See?” She brought her yearbook out and showed him the page dedicated to the boys volleyball team. “I made sure to get good shots of you and Bokuto together.”
After signing each other’s yearbook, the boys continued to look at the yearbook and offered their praises. While she accepted their compliments with a smile, (Y/N) couldn’t help but recall the time she first met the ace for the first time.
Freshly enrolled at Fukurodani Academy, a first-year (Y/N) immediately applied to become a member of the photography club from which she learned that members of the photography club are also in charge of the yearbook. It wasn’t long when the yearbook editor gave her first assignment:
Shadowing the Fukurodani’s Boys Volleyball Team.
At the time, (Y/N) didn’t realize how desirable her spot was until many of her senpais offered their congratulations and her fellow classmates expressed how ‘lucky’ she was to get this assignment. Why was she ‘lucky’? Obviously, she played the sport back in middle school as part of PE class. She knew the basics. So why? What was so special about volleyball? It was just a game.
That all changed when (Y/N) went to her first official game. Never had she clicked the shutter button so many times before. She lost count on the amount of times she went from anxious to excited throughout the three sets against another Tokyo powerhouse school. Of course, she wanted her school to win. She had pride after all.
It wasn’t until her hopes of winning were dashed when a third-year regular injured himself at the final set. Oh well… Better luck next time. She focused her camera lens on the person who was subbing in. She didn’t have to look at the roster to recognize him.
Bokuto Kotaro
He was a first-year just like her, not in the same class as her but she had to be completely oblivious to the loud, overly friendly, and playful guy who can go from happy one minute to a sad boy in the next.
(Y/N) zoomed her camera to focus on him and she was taken aback by the lack of nervousness on his face. Instead, his golden eyes shined with excitement with a wide smile to match.
For some reason she couldn’t explain, (Y/N) decided this next shot was the one. No, that’s not right. She knew why. The momentum, the atmosphere, the tension, the hunger for victory… Everything was riding on Bokuto to make the point to secure their win.
She had to capture this moment!
At the sound of the whistle, (Y/N) wasted no time in pressing the shutter button repeatedly, hoping that one of these photos could work. With one last click from her camera, she watched the course of the volleyball with new found anticipation.
She squeezed her camera as the opponent pulled off a shaky receive. She bit her lip as the other team’s setter set the ball for their team’s ace. She refrained herself from letting out an excited squeal when Fukurodani was able to soft block it.
From the middle blocker’s block, the libero pulled off a receive. From the libero’s receive, the setter was able to set.
By muscle memory, (Y/N) brought her camera into the perfect position just in time to capture this moment. Her finger pressed the shutter button at the same time Bokuto’s hand slammed the ball with brute force. The volleyball bounced off the hardwood floor of the gym before soaring into the audience. For about five seconds, the gym was void of any sound until-
“ALRIGHT!” Bokuto raised both of his fists into the air. His smile was even wider than before. “HEY! HEY! HEY!”
The audience cheered with him. The sounds of applause and whistles filled the air along with the praises from the Fukurodani players directed to the person who secured victory.
With one last click of her camera, (Y/N) smiled at the scene before her. Bokuto looked so happy amongst his teammates. It wasn’t until a gentle nudge on her arm brought her out of her trance. (Y/N) looked up to see her senpai that accompanied her to the match.
The older girl held out a tissue. “You're crying, (Y/N)-san.”
“I am?” True enough, there were tears slowly escaping from the corner of her eyes. How long were those tears there? How did she not notice? A bit embarrassed, (Y/N) accepted the tissue. “Thank you senpai.”
“How do you like volleyball now?” The third-year asked her underclassman, knowing she wasn’t a huge fan of the sport. “Any change of opinion?”
(Y/N) fiddled with her camera’s neck strap. She took a quick peek at Fukurodani’s players, specifically Bokuto, before answering, “I think…”
The upperclassman strained her ears to hear the shy girl’s answer.
(Y/N) smiled genuinely. “I think I can get into it.”
The glint in her (E/C) showed determination only strengthened her answer and honestly it was a relief for the older girl. She can pass on the torch into (Y/N)’s hands knowing the girl will do her best to capture these moments. The senpai smiled down at her kohai. She remembered the first time going to a volleyball match. She’ll never forget this feeling and she hoped that (Y/N) wouldn’t either. This was her last year documenting the volleyball team, but it was only the beginning for (Y/N).
“Remember this, (Y/N)-san.”
“Yes, senpai?”
“Never let these moments be forgotten because one day these photographs may become something precious to someone.”
“Alright. Let’s go. I’ll treat you to some ramen!”
As they were leaving the gym, (Y/N) inspected all of her pictures and stopped at a particular one. It was of Bokuto during his jump serve. She smiled once more as she replayed the memory.
Maybe volleyball wasn’t just a game. Maybe she was lucky after all.
The next day was a normal school day at Fukurodani Academy. It was lunch time and (Y/N) was waiting for a certain silver-haired individual to be left alone. However, that wasn’t going to be the case. Ever since he scored the winning point, his popularity soared to greater heights and as a result he was surrounded by his friends and new admirers.
(Y/N) held her portfolio folder tighter. She printed the pictures from yesterday’s game and she thought it was only right for Bokuto to see them before anyone else. Obviously, in private. She would be so embarrassed if everyone saw her photos at once… Which, of course, didn’t make sense. Photos are meant to be looked at. She was just not confident enough. What if he didn’t like them? What if he calls her photos trash? Oh, god. What if he doesn’t like having his picture take-
“Hey, hey, hey! You’re the camera girl, right?”
The girl jumped when she saw the Kotaro Bokuto right next to her. His gray blazer was unbuttoned, his white collared shirt was completely untucked, and his blue/white striped tie was loosely tied. (Y/N) wondered if this was intentional or if he just didn’t care about the school’s dress code. She could only imagine the former.
“Oh, um, yeah. I'm camera girl?” She bowed and introduced herself. “My name is (L/N) (Y/N). I’m in Class 1-5. It’s nice to meet you.”
Bokuto could mentally hear his mother and older sisters telling him that he has to act properly with a girl. “Bokuto Kotaro. Nice to meet you too, (L/N)-chan. So did you get some great shots yesterday?”
“I did,” (Y/N) caressed her folder with her thumb and softly smiled as she felt excitement course through her veins. “I never thought volleyball could get so exciting.”
This of course brought the boy’s attention. “Are you serious?!”
(Y/N) faltered a bit at his sudden loudness. She wasn’t used to his extrovert personality and the proof was evident when everyone in the hallway carried on as normal, ignoring the two first-years.
“Please tell me that it was your first time watching a volleyball match!”
“Uh… No?” (Y/N) averted her gaze to the ground. “I’ve seen volleyball on TV but it never really caught my interest. I usually change the channel when it’s on. Never really liked it during middle school either…”
It was as if each word that came out of her mouth was a dagger and each dagger was perfectly aimed at his heart. He could feel his hair deflate as he pouted deeper and deeper. He wanted to cry. Hide in a small, dark area where no one would find him and cry.
(Y/N) looked back at the boy in front of her and she could feel her heart fall from her chest to her stomach. This must be Bokuto’s ‘emo mode’ she heard so much about.
“B-Bokuto-san? Please don’t be sad.”
“I can’t,” His voice sounded so hollow and his eyes lost their shine. “What you just said was the saddest thing I’ve ever heard.”
Not wanting to create a scene, (Y/N)’s mind raced to find a solution. “I have some grilled meat left from my bento, you can have it if you want-”
Bokuto visibly perked up at the girl’s offer. “Grilled meat? My favorite!”
“So,” Bokuto finished eating the last piece of delicious grilled meat and stared at the girl in front of him. They opted to sit in her classroom where it was less occupied. “Why do you hate volleyball?”
“Huh?” (Y/N) furrowed her brows at his question. “I never said I hated it.”
“But you did!”
She was sure -100% positive- that she never used the word hate and she was just about to point it out when a thought popped into her mind. What if -for Bokuto- the words ‘hate’ and ‘never liked’ meant the same thing to him? So does that mean her ‘normal’ and his ‘normal’ were completely different? Most likely.
“You know maybe that’s for the best.”
“Huh?” Bokuto tilted his head in confusion.
(Y/N) swallowed nervously before placing her portfolio folder on the desk in front of Bokuto. This was it. He’s going to see her work for the first time. With a bit of courage, (Y/N) opened up both literally (as she opened her folder) and figuratively (as this was the start of her friendship with the extrovert).
“I didn’t understand what the hype over volleyball was all about.” Bokuto opened his mouth, ready to defend his beloved sport so (Y/N) quickly continued, “But you changed that.”
“I have?”
(Y/N) nodded excitedly and flipped the pages of her portfolio before stopping at the one picture of the boy himself successfully completing a jump serve.
“Is that…” Bokuto couldn’t even finish his sentence. He was rendered speechless by the image.
“That was the moment,” (Y/N) gazed at the image with such admiration that she no longer felt nervous about sharing her work. “You helped me realize that volleyball isn’t just a game but a battle on the court. The momentum was crazy!”
Bokuto grinned at her words. “I know, right?! What did you think about my serve?”
No longer feeling shy, (Y/N) scooted to the edge of her seat. The smile on her face could match Bokuto’s. “That was amazing! I thought it was game over when your teammate injured himself but you came in and…and… I don’t know. Breathed new life into the game, I guess. It’s hard to explain-”
“No, no, no. I know exactly what you're talking about. It’s the best thing about volleyball. Anything can happen in a split second. When I was subbed in, I felt all eyes on me.”
“Weren’t you nervous?”
“Of course not! It was my chance to prove to everyone I’m here. That’s what Coach Yamiji told me. He told me I was the team’s secret weapon and the other team never expected me to be so awesome. Now, I have a chance to be in the starting line-up in the next match!” Bokuto looked back at the picture of himself, his heart beating rapidly with happiness. “I want to become the best ace this school has ever had!”
(Y/N) felt goosebumps on her skin at Bokuto’s declaration. Was this what confidence does to a person? Could she ever gain such confidence in her skills like Bokuto is with volleyball?
“This is an awesome picture! And this one! That one, too!” Bokuto’s grin never faltered as he flipped through her portfolio. “Wow, you even got me spiking the winning point! You’re amazing!”
Her (E/C) eyes filled with hope. “Y-You like them?”
“Like them? I LOVE THEM!” Bokuto’s confession could be heard from the hallway, causing some students to peer into the classroom. “I’ve never had my picture professionally taken before.”
“P-Professional?” (Y/N) could feel the heat rise from her neck to her face. “Th-They’re not that good, Bokuto-san. I still have a lot to learn.”
Bokuto wasn’t having it. “What are you talking about? These are great! Be more confident in yourself, (L/N)-chan.”
(Y/N) watched as he continued to marvel at her work and she couldn’t help the warm feeling of pride blossom within her. While Bokuto insisted her pictures were top-tier, (Y/N) knew that there was more she had to learn, but for now, she’ll take Bokuto’s words to heart.
“Alright. Then please call me by my first name.” She extended her hand towards him. “I look forward to working with you, future ace. I can’t wait for what you do next.”
Bokuto grinned at her confidence. With both hands, the male shook the girl’s entire arm. “I’ll do my best, (Y/N)-chan. Just you watch. When I become the ace, you're going to be in love with volleyball and it will be thanks to me! Bokuto Kotaro! Hey! Hey! Hey!”
The girl laughed. “When you become the ace, my camera and I will be there.”
Bokuto beamed once more. “Call me Kotaro. I have a feeling we’re going to be best friends.”
“I think so too!”
End of Flashback
(Y/N) chuckled softly at her core memory. Bokuto has kept his word ever since then and in return she has as well. Countless memories were shared between them and even more when Akaashi joined the group.
She was there to celebrate every win. She was there to mourn every loss but during those rare moments (Y/N) has watched Bokuto pick himself up and continue to play his heart out in the next match.
Of course, along the way, (Y/N) has met with other great people from other schools. She never thought she would get the chance to meet the people that make up a powerhouse team. There was Kuroo from Nekoma, Ushijima and Tendo from Shiratorizawa, and even Sakusa from Itachiyama. Along with the rest of their respective teams, it was no wonder they were contenders in the Spring Tournament.
But for some reason, the silver-haired boy was just an inch above the rest. Biased or not, it was Bokuto that introduced her to volleyball and (Y/N) would always be grateful for that.
“I can’t wait for next year!” Bokuto’s loud voice brought her back to reality. “It’s going to be so awesome!” With one hand over her shoulder and the other over Akaashi’s, “Let’s practice my cross shots!”
Both her and Akaashi looked at each other and laughed. Bokuto tilted his head to one side, confused as to why his best friends were laughing. Nonetheless, he laughed with them too.
“Alright,” (Y/N) smiled at her friends. “But first let’s take a picture.”
As (Y/N) took out her phone and Bokuto marveled at the various filters and stickers, Akaashi took a moment to analyze. He knew his seniors were close but he always wondered if there was a possibility that the two could be something more than just friends. And he wasn’t the only one who thought that either -the volleyball team, the managers, even the coaches- all watched from the sidelines whenever Bokuto and (Y/N) interacted with one another, hoping to see a confession.
It was the classic best friends-falling-for-another-but-they’re-both-oblivious scenario and everyone wants to know the ending. They’ve seen how the two of you are to each other. There were so many example to choose from, such as:
If there was an upcoming math test, (Y/N) would give out her notes to help Bokuto out. She would even spend the night at his place to make sure the lessons stuck, making a great impression on his family at the same time.
Bokuto would gladly volunteer to be (Y/N)’s muse in any of her projects, no matter the project’s purpose. As mentioned before, (Y/N) would help set the ball for the ace but she would put her foot down if HOURS have gone by, stating that resting is just as important. She would later treat Bokuto to his favorite meal afterwards.
Before Akaashi, (Y/N) was the only person to bring Bokuto out of his ‘emo mode’. The team knew this early on.
Washio, Sarukai, Konoha, Komi, etc.: Come on Bokuto. It was just a practice match. Don’t beat yourself up.
Bokuto: *pouts and hugs his knees tighter as he hides between the gym mats* I can’t. I was terrible.
Managers: We need (Y/N).
Coach: Someone go get (Y/N)!
Ten minutes later, ✨(Y/N) the savior✨ arrived.
(Y/N): Kotaro, please don’t be sad. It’s called a practice match for a reason. Please don’t beat yourself up. I know you. This isn’t going to stop you from becoming a great ace. We all believe in you.
Bokuto: *visibly perks up, eyes bright, and smiling brightly* You’re right! I will be a great ace. Hey, hey, hey!
And just like that, Bokuto was back to normal.
Washio, Sarukai, Konoha, Komi, etc.: We said the same thing and now he gets hyped up. What’s up with that?
Managers: Don’t question it. It’s different when he hears it from (Y/N).
After that, it was declared that (Y/N) was a member of the volleyball team. Position: Hype-woman.
Bokuto met her parents on an unplanned visit. Her parents were wary of him at first but that soon changed when they noticed how their usual reserved daughter grew more confident. From then on, they welcomed Bokuto.
Every away game the team has to take a bus and surprise surprise Bokuto claimed the seat next to (Y/N). The two of them would play games, tell childhood stories, take silly pictures or just share funny memes on social media. It’s late on the way back home. No one had any trouble sleeping. Akaashi was the first to wake up when the bus finally arrived at its destination. He was just about to wake everyone when he saw a rare sight: a sleeping Bokuto and (Y/N). Her head on his shoulder with his jacket covering her body while Bokuto’s head rested on her own. Akaashi quietly took out his phone and took a picture. And while the jacket covered (Y/N) like a blanket, Akaashi had a sneaking suspicion that the two were holding hands as they slept.
Akaashi would save the picture until he finds the right moment to share it -either graduation or whenever the two finally become a couple. He hoped for the latter.
When the team made it to Nationals, after hugging his team with pride, Bokuto immediately looked for (Y/N) amongst the various photographers in the gym. He easily found her and ran up to her with great speed before hugging her tightly. Neither one of them noticed how the cheers from the Fukurodani audience section grew louder.
“Akaashi!” (Y/N) waved him over, her phone in her hand. “Come on, we’re waiting for you!”
“Ah, sorry.”
“What were you thinking about Akaashi?” Bokuto asked.
“Oh, just some memories.”
(Y/N) gave him an understanding smile. At the same time, the words of her senpai from two years ago ran once more in her mind. “Never let these moments be forgotten because one day these photographs may become something precious to someone.”
“Well, let’s capture this memory while we can.”
“Oh! Let me take the picture. Please, (Y/N)? I won’t disappoint you.”
“You could never disappoint me, Bokuto.”
Bokuto felt his heart skip a beat at her words. Was he getting warm? He felt warm. Oh, he was in the gym. That’s the only reason, right?
With (Y/N) in between the volleyball players, she brought her arms over each of their shoulders. “Ok, smile everybody! Nationals on three! One…”
Akaashi made a peace sign with his hand. Mentally, he prayed to any god up there. That next year was the year a confession will happen. “Two…”
And that’s a wrap! Let me know what you think! Next fic will definitely be about the ace-with-the-glass-heart Asahi!!!!
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rp-partnerfinder · 3 months
hello! im m+18 looking for +18 semi-lit mxm.
rn im only doing haikyuu rps! either cc x cc or cc x oc, but for cc x oc i'll ask for double rps! again, only mxm. sfw or nsfw is fine. looking for around 1-2 replies per day. i prefer to start on tumblr but maybe we can move onto discord after.
pairings i'll do for cc x cc (in order of preference): kagehina, ushiten, tsukkuroo, asanoya, bokuroo. feel free to ask abt anything else!
won't do: anything w/oikawa (sorry), major character death, dead dove/problematic stuff, reincarnation au's, terminal illnesses, traditional omegaverse dynamics
tropes: !hurt/comfort!, fwbs to lovers, best friends to lovers, college aus, coffee shop aus, etc.
All characters will be aged up! (aka. post timeskip stuff or au's). Like this and i'll reach out 💜
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polahusband · 1 month
Chapters: 1/3 Fandom: Haikyuu!! Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru Characters: Oikawa Tooru, Iwaizumi Hajime Additional Tags: Oikawa Tooru/Iwaizumi Hajime - Freeform, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Mutual Pining, Best Friends to Lovers, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Post-High School, unspoken feelings, Supportive Iwaizumi Hajime, Vulnerable Oikawa Tooru, Character Development, Fluff and Angst, Volleyball, Future Fic, Slow Burn Summary:
In the aftermath of a grueling match against Karasuno, Oikawa Tooru's drive and determination are put to the test when an injury threatens his dreams. As Iwaizumi Hajime supports his best friend through the pain and frustration, their bond is tested in ways they hadn't anticipated. With both their futures uncertain, they find solace in each other's unwavering support and the strength of their friendship. This story explores the complexities of their relationship, from mutual pining to heartfelt confessions, and the journey of finding hope and comfort in each other as they step into the next chapter of their lives.
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oiks-milkbread · 2 years
Pining best friend suna headcanons
((I wanted it to be a little bit longer, but it is what it is))
- it doesn't take very long before the realisation hits me;
- he's not very amused;
- he really wishes he didn't have a big crush on you;
- but he does;
- probably he avoided you for some time, hiding behind the excuse that he is a busy volleyball player (not a complete lie, but still);
- you catch him staring at you, his expression is indecipherable as usual, but there's something a little bit different;
- he smiles more often than you're used to;
- when you make him notice, he tries to hide it;
- uses his jacket to shield you from the rain;
- buys you stuff when you need it;
- once he held your hands bc they were cold;
- always listens very carefully, even when it doesn't look like it, and always remember what you said;
- sends death glares when someone is flirting with you, or just being a little bit too insistent;
- he's the first person to send you birthday wishes as soon as midnight strikes;
- sends you pictures/videos/memes of things that reminded him of you;
- wants some excuse to do some quiet stuff togheter, as long as you are in the same room;
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bokutoko · 2 months
hi! try this :) https://pin.it/13pr3efSy
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panally · 2 years
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More than Enemies- Chapter One
My last job as an assassin was him, Sakusa Kiyoomi.
Would have thought the key to my freedom lay in the death of an underworld mob boss and not just any mob boss but the goddam heir to the Russian empire. Just my luck.
I marked him for months, my job clean with no slip-ups. This was supposed to be the perfect job, a record for the book so how did I end up blindfolded, cuffed, and wet in some storeroom that stank like broken dreams and missed freedom.
How did I get here? The last thing I remembered was being at the airport, Mr. Kiyoomi's plane was to land any minute and I was well prepared to nab my chance with his death. I had seen him through my dark shades as he strode with authority down to his waiting car where I had installed a bomb, I just needed him close, and boom! So close, with each step he took I held my breath but then nothing, I was here. . .
I didn't say a word and made effort not too move much in my attempt to feign still being unconscious. Try to assess my situation and know who in the world would court their end by taking me.
I heard heavy footsteps approach me and I steadied my breathing, almost to nothing. "Boss, she still sleeping."
"Is she now?" That voice, I know that voice. "Leave us." Sakusa bloody Kiyoomi.
He knew all along I was on his tail, played my game, and won like a master. Well, fuck me.
"Keep pretending girl and I will make it real_" in a low voice he said. "Permanently."
I raised my head, not that I could see him but I could tell where to look.
He may have seen through my plans and kidnapped me but he had nothing on a ghost, try as he may wondering who the stunning girl who rocked in everything black is, I didn't exist anywhere so he may have said his checkmate but the queen still has a role to play.
With a sweet smile on, I started a new game. "Hello,"
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otakubabe420 · 2 years
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It took me way too long to finally post my all time favorite, but I just really didn’t want it to be a dud and I finally had the time to devout a few hours to him. I love Suna more than anything 😩 I’ve definitely cried over him before... oops
Adding the playlist I made. Gotta admit there’s a few random guilty pleasure songs. Don’t judge me
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tinypaperstar · 2 years
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hm. apparently I never posted my finished piece for the HQ!! Domestic Zine :') so here it is!!
miwalisa having a late-night chat on the phone <3 (shark plushie heavily inspired by the one I own)
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chocolive · 2 years
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“Lets level up together and win next time“ Ken cheer up Kuro after they lost in the competition. Part of my BokuakaKuroken Figur skating AU 
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nagisadelune · 2 years
Promise Rings Chapter 1
(Definitely not edited lol)
So I've had this one in the books since the end of 2020, but I never posted it anywhere because I was determined to make it amazing (like AMAZING).
However, it only seems fitting to put it here considering that I've seen some pretty amazing stories on here. Now some little notes: this is a pretty long story (158 pages, single-spaced on a Google doc to be exact), so I'll be posting them in chapters. I hope you enjoy it!
⭐⭐⭐ Age: 4
“Alright everyone!” she called out sweetly. We all looked at the teacher, confused by her calling out to us. “We have a new student!” The students and I stared at the new kid in the front of the classroom, hiding behind the teacher. His hands were clamped onto the long skirt she had on, and he peeked his head from behind her. Our eyes might have scared him, and he quickly hid himself again.
“Now, now,” the teacher quietly chided at the little boy, “introduce yourself. Don’t be shy.” He slowly moved away from behind the teacher to her side. His hands played with the fabric of his pants, and his eyes wandered around the room.
“H-Hi,” he started quietly. “My name is Kageyama Tobio. Nice to meet you all.” He bowed quickly before hiding behind the teacher again. While he hid behind her, I watched the teacher slowly push him to try and get to know people. He refused, hanging onto her skirt tightly. However, she finally managed to get him to sit near people.
He quietly sat there, his eyes glancing around the room. I watched him play with his hands a little bit before I made up my mind: I should be friends with him! I hesitantly approached him. “Hey!” I excitedly called him as I jumped to the side of him. He looked up from his desk shocked. He blinked his eyes without saying a word to me. “My name is Yamaji Karin! Do you want to come play with me?” I watched his eyes begin to sparkle as a small smile crept onto his face. He nodded quickly before standing up. Cute.
Age: 5
“Hey Kageyama-san!” I called out. His eyes wandered around the classroom to find who called him. I waved my hand to catch his attention, and he turned his attention to me. He smiled a little before he approached the desk beside me.
“Where have you been?” I questioned him, my head tilted to the side. He rarely goes out of his way to interact with people. However, he was kind of sweaty and was breathing really hard.
“Playing volleyball,” he simply answered as he drank some water. I blinked at him confused. He collapsed onto the chair beside me as he closed his eyes from exhaustion. “You should try playing,” he suddenly blurted out.
“Volleyball? But I’m not good at sports,” I stated, pouting and looking down at my hands. I heard him chuckle beside me. Changing my attention to him, I saw him wipe the sweat off of his forehead as he smirked.
“Well, too bad,” he stuck out his tongue as he sat up in his chair. Huffing, I rolled my eyes and looked out the window.
In a quiet voice, I muttered, “I still want to know how to play though.”  “Then I’ll teach you!” he answered my concern. Determined.
Let's keep it short and sweet for the first chapter. I hope you really like it because there's a lot more to come! See you in the next one!
Next: Promise Rings Chapter 2
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txlktoomuch · 2 years
His Butterscotch Curls - Part 1
Author's Note: This is Part 1 of 10 (If I ever finish this). I do not own the characters, only this piece of writing and the fanon storyline/versions of them.
This story will contain angst and mentions of poor mental health, so if these topics are sensitive for you please read with caution. Please note that this is not an attempt to romanticise mental illness, but instead focus on how it can negatively impact relationships with oneself and others. If you are someone who is struggling with your mental health, I urge you to seek professional help, and take care of yourself.
This chapter does not contain the mention of any sensitive topics, other than a mention of bullying in kindergarten. If this is a sensitive topic for you, feel free to skip the parts highlighted in red.
“Would you like to share my lunch with me?”
I look up to see a pale face, framed by soft, butterscotch curls. Large, round glasses sit over the bridge of a roman nose, golden eyes blinking down at me. His cheekbones and the tip of his nose are airbrushed with a soft, cosmos blush. 
Flinching, I hug my grazed knees to my chest, bringing my knuckles to my tear filled eyes and rubbing them away. He doesn’t seem to take it back or change his mind. I nod, sniffling and shuffling over to allow him to sit beside me. He sits down, our thighs brushing together, and I take this moment to notice that he’s a lot taller than I am. He could hurt me a lot worse than the other kids if he wanted to.
He doesn’t. He simply places his lunchbox over our thighs, and reaches for his chopsticks. I glance up at him as he holds some food up to my lips. I accept it, thankful, doing my best to avoid looking at what remains of my lunch on the concrete. 
The sounds of the other kids’ teasing and laughter seem distant now that he’s here. I feel safe. They can’t hurt me, not when he’s around. We continue to eat in a comfortable silence. 
“Earth to Tobio?-” I’m brought back to the moment by a flick to the forehead, blinking up at the same golden eyes, this time framed by rectangular glasses. 
I realise that not much has changed about Kei since we first met. He still has the same unruly yet incredibly soft locks, the same airbrushed cheeks and nose, even the same resting pout, the existence of which he has always denied. This thought makes me let out an audible giggle. Kei huffs. 
“What’s so funny, Tobio-chan?” he pouted down at me. I booped the tip of his nose lightly with a grin, and he responded by scrunching it. 
“Nothing, just thinking about when we first met…” I started, sighing dreamily as I began.
“...Back in kindergarten.” we murmured in unison, and I stared at him in disbelief, feeling my cheeks heat up at the fact that he’d said it with me. Was I really that predictable?
He seemed to notice my embarrassment, and let out a chuckle, followed by that teasing asshole grin he always has. “Hmm, it’s only the…” he paused, making a show of counting on his fingers, my cheeks progressively flushing a brighter shade of red, “...9th time this week, and it’s only Wednesday.” 
I buried my face into my hands, peeking at him from between my fingers “Shut it.” I huffed, causing him to grin even more, ruffling my hair. 
“Tobio-chan~ Was that day really that special to you?” He teased, and I punched him in the stomach, eliciting a groan out of him “Ow- fuck- fine- fine! sorry.” He huffed, rubbing at the area I’d just punched him. I let out a triumphant ‘hmph’ and crossed my arms across my chest.
After a few moments, he leaned in and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, and I sighed, but mumbled a soft “...Mph.. yeah, you were the first person to ever treat me like I was something other than a punching bag.” I continued to pout, but melted at the sight of him smiling to himself, as if it was an achievement to be my first friend. 
I left it at that, relaxing slightly as I watched him zone out, probably reliving some of the fond memories of childhood. He stared down at his hands, absently smiling to himself. 
I shuffled closer to him, letting my head rest against his shoulder, my eyes fluttering shut. I could feel him adjust to make it more comfortable for the two of us, soft smiles plastered on both of our faces as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder. 
We spent the rest of our lunchtime basking in the comfort of one another, no words exchanged. They weren’t needed. All that mattered was that he was here for me, and I for him. 
The bell rang just in time, snapping me awake from my half-asleep state. The silence had grown a little too comfortable, causing me to almost doze off. Tobio made no move to get up, and I assumed that he had fallen asleep. Wouldn't be the first time that’d happened. 
I tilted my head to look at him, admiring his fiercely sharp and incredibly captivating features. I was so used to seeing them scrunched into a variety of expressions, that seeing them completely relaxed caught me off guard. 
The sunlight caught the fly-away strands of his fluffy dark hair, long eyelashes casting a shadow over his flushed cheekbones. His eyes were underlined by dark circles, which based on my observations, had gotten half a shade darker since last week. Tobio’s insomnia was getting worse. 
I was torn between letting him catch up on sleep and waking him up so we wouldn’t get in trouble for missing class. It didn’t take much contemplating for me to come to the conclusion that his sleep was way more important than a lesson on quadratics. I already knew the whole topic anyway and it wasn’t like the teacher was going to help Tobio understand it, being more focused on trying to get everyone to pass rather than helping people who struggled. 
Having nothing better to do with my hands, I started playing with his hair, allowing him to curl up to my chest. I wrapped my arms around him and held him close, resting my chin on the top of his head and letting myself relax once more. I inhaled deeply, blanking out for a few moments as the smell of his shampoo brought a single thought to my head.
God, how I loved the smell of sea kelp and lemonade.
Strawberry shortcake. Vanilla. Icing sugar.
The comforting smell engulfed me, causing me to stir. My head was resting on something comforting. It wasn't a pillow. It rose and fell in sync with my breathing, and once the initial post-nap fuzziness passed, I realised it was his chest. Kei’s chest. One of his hands was resting on the small of my back, the other tangled in my hair, implying that he’d been playing with my hair before he too fell asleep.
As soon as I registered this, my eyes snapped open, a decision which I immediately regretted. Bright sunlight blinded me, causing me to scrunch my eyes shut for a moment, before blinking furiously to let them adjust to the light. I looked around lazily, coming to the conclusion that we were cuddling. On school grounds. Out in the open. How we hadn’t gotten in trouble, I didn’t know. 
Sitting up, I reached into my bag to grab my phone, wanting to know how long we had left until class. 4:06 pm. I dropped my phone, letting out a louder than intended “Shit!” Not only had we slept through class, but I’d missed the bus. Walking home was an option, but it’d be an inconvenience and extremely exhausting. 
I heard a groan from beneath me, and glanced back to see Kei stirring. “Mhph, Tobio?” he mumbled, blinking up at me. He seemed to realise I was awake, a soft smile making its way upon his face “Sleep well?” So he knew I was asleep? And he let me sleep? God, he was such an idiot. 
“You let me sleep?” I mumbled with a huff. He sat up a little, resting on his elbows. 
“Your dark circles looked worse than last week, and I didn’t have the heart to wake you up, especially since you seemed like you really needed it.” He explained, slowly making his way into a sitting position by the end of his sentence. 
“We missed maths! And I missed my bus!” I huffed, and he looked more amused than anything.
“I’ll give you a piggy back home~” he offered smugly. I responded with a simple glare, and he laughed but lifted his hands defensively. “Okay okay- I’m sorry- the offer still stands though, yknow, since I caused you to miss your ride home I’ll gladly be the substitute to make up for it.” 
And that’s how we ended up in our current situation. Kei, carrying me home in a koala hug, our backpacks swung over either shoulder; my face buried in the crook of his neck, out of both affection and embarrassment. I could feel his grin as he marched down the street, which to my luck was pretty much empty at this time of day. 
“So~ My place or yours?” He asked. The question itself was less important than what it implied. He wanted to hang out. I hummed in thought, feeling him shiver at the feeling of my breath against his neck. I smirked, taking it as my little victory against him. 
Deciding to avenge all the teasing I’d put up with today, I leaned closer, murmuring softly as my lips brushed the shell of his ear, “Mine, parents aren’t home~” I spoke in the most sultry tone I could muster without breaking out into a fit of giggles. I felt him tense up at that, his skin growing hot against mine. 
I let out a “Pff-” before starting to laugh, and he huffed as he looked away. He took a turn into my street, and I grinned to myself.
I relaxed, keeping up the act until we go to the door, holding my laughter as he tried to open the door, which swung open. The look on his face when my mother greeted him at the door was priceless.
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i need more best friends w romantic and sexual tension you could choke on
if anyone has recs pls pls indulge me
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annieoncrack · 2 years
For You
- “for yourself and for me.”
pairing: kuroo tetsurou x oc
genre: friends-to-lovers
summary: Ashikaga Yua was the manager of the Nekoma High Boys’ Volleyball Club. Being a former player, Yua had a lot of experience and understanding of the sport making her the perfect fit for the team. Slowly Yua realises that she was also a perfect fit for Kuroo Tetsurou.
a/n: so i originally wrote this fic on wattpad but idk why i like the vibes of tumblr more so i shall start posting it here. im EXTREMELY new to tumblr and even tumblr ff so please leave any sort criticism or suggestions!
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polahusband · 1 month
🌟 Chapter 2: Gravity is LIVE! 🌟
Hey everyone! Chapter 2 of my Oikawa/Iwaizumi fanfiction "Gravity" is now up on AO3! In this chapter, Iwaizumi pays Oikawa a visit and things get real. Our favorite setter is struggling with self-doubt and the weight of his own expectations, but Iwaizumi is there to remind him he's never alone. 💖
Summary of Chapter 2: Iwaizumi checks in on a quiet, exhausted Oikawa, leading to a raw and emotional conversation about fear, pressure, and the future. As Oikawa opens up about his frustrations and insecurities, Iwaizumi provides the steady support he needs, showing just how strong their bond is. Can Oikawa find the courage to keep pushing forward with Iwaizumi by his side?
Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Vulnerability, Best Friends to Lovers, Mutual Pining, Supportive Iwaizumi, Fluff and Angst
💬 As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts on this chapter! Feel free to leave comments or kudos on AO3. Your support means the world! ❤️
📖 Read Chapter 2 here: [Link to Chapter 2]
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