oddaesthetin · 11 months
them as the type of s/o that knows immediately that their partner is pregnant when the owner of the uterus doesn’t even know themselves
“you’re creeping me out.”
“creeping you out how?”
you look at him with a scowl. unsure if he’s doing this on purpose to spite you or if he’s really just as clueless as the face he’s pretending to make. it’s the third time he’s done something like this today. it was six times yesterday, and five times the day before— he kept doing something nice for you. you made sure to keep count of it as it’s not every day that he’ll volunteer to do the laundry, vacuum the house, or go full length and prepare a whole massage treatment at home for you, with him being the masseuse of course. the weirdest thing he’d done today which pushed you to ask that question again is when he insisted to do your paperwork for you because quote-unquote, “you might overwork yourself.” yeah, you'd keep tabs on them, too.
you don’t doubt him being kind, but in your 3 years of relationship, this sure is the first time he’s put so, so much, unusual than the usual amount, of effort in treating you like you’re a queen.
with curious eyes still watching his focused figure, you asked, “why are you acting like this? did you do something bad? are you dying?”
he paused from what he was doing and looked at you for a short moment, before standing up to go to the bathroom.
confusion still hasn’t left your gaze as you followed him in there, and stopped, when he faced you with a grin that you’re not so sure if playful or pure smug. that was also when you noticed the thing he was holding.
“oh no. I am so not pregnant.” a deadpan statement. bewildered by the audacity.
“oh, sweetheart, of course, you are.” he assertively put the stick in your hand and gave you a nudge, which you think is for motivational purposes. “come on, try.”
“did my uterus migrate onto you or something to make you that certain, that I am, indeed, carrying a child?” you asked while pushing him out of the bathroom and closing the door.
“my child.” he giggles. “our child.”
you started to undo your pants when he followed with the usual dramatic sigh, “my sweet honey, you never fail to make me appalled by how you still find the audacity to question my ability and intelligence on these kinds of things.”
you remained quiet doing the business. silence reigned as you both were waiting for the result. just as you were feeling the saying “it feels like forever” with how long it was seemingly taking, he spoke again.
“five minute’s up. it should be done by now.”
you rolled your eyes at the tall know-it-all outside your bathroom door.
with the silent dropping of your jaw, you hastily opened the door and stared him straightly in the eye. your face modeled the emotions of surprise, shock, and amazement, while he let out a loud chuckle and shook his head.
“how the hell did you know?”
with eyes sparkling and lips beaming with smug and glee, crossed arms, he leaned against the door frame. “aside from the fact that I’m undoubtedly absolutely smart, if it’s you, of course, I’ll know.”
and u kissed after that and did all the scenarios you wanna have on this little drabble’s ending lol
— Osamu Dazai, (and Nakahara Chuuya, YES YES I SEE HIM BEIN LIKE THIS except for the tall part JK), Edogawa Ranpo, Saigiku Jouno, Ryouta Kise, Tsukishima Kei, Rintarou Suna, Oikawa Toruu, Tetsurou Kuroo, Satori Tendou, Koshi Sugawara, Yaku Morisuke, (and Terushima Yuuji, too!), Satoru Gojo, Itadori Yuuji, Souma Shiki
this one’s supposedly for Dazai only but I remembered a lot of these characters while writing so y the hell not
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kaiwritess · 4 years
Hcs or scenario of oikawa and kuroo building ikea furniture for their s/o’s niece pleaseeeee 🪑 ❤️
HCs of Building Furniture With Oikawa and Kuroo
Oikawa Tooru
Oikawa is pretty close to your relatives, so when your niece asked him to build a table, he happily obliged
He attempted to build a table (keyword being attempted)
This man could not stop getting distracted over the smallest things
Once YOU got a leg in, he insisted on taking a break
“Oikawa, you literally didn’t do anything.”
Starts complaining about how hard building a table is
His childish side starts to come out
Oikawa takes an HOUR to drill in ONE screw
You were so close to calling Iwaizumi and make him slap your boyfriend
When the table is eventually finished, he tries to take all the credit
“Y/N couldn’t have done it without me!” he says to your niece
Lucky for you, your niece calls him out on his bs
“Oikawa, you and I know that Y/N did all the work.”
Kuroo Tetsurou
You asked your boyfriend to build a chair for your niece. Lucky for you, he agreed
Knowing him, I bet he tries to build the furniture without the instructions
“Kuroo, you should really read the instructions. They’re there for a reason.”
“Nope. Don’t need them.”
Let’s just say he cannot build for life without instructions
Finally, he agrees to ‘take a peek’ at them and he realizes how it makes his life 100x easier
He wants to show off his abs to you ykwim (and with that hot boyfriend bod LMAO)
When he catches you staring, he laughs. “Enjoying the view?”
With the instructions, he makes the chair really well???
Like it’s super sturdy
Kuroo the Hot Builder
Thanks for reading!
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bokubear · 3 years
hugging sunarin, tsumu, samu, omi, kou from behind please 👉👈
hugging hq boys from behind
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ft. suna rintarou, atsumu miya, osamu miya, sakusa kiyoomi, bokuto kotaro
a/n ; this was adorable, thanks so much anon !
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suna ^ he’s not used to back hugs, especially from you. so when you did he waited a moment to let it sink in then flicked your face with a spare hand, pout on his face. “annoying brat. that’s my job.” he’s growl, cheeks a soft pink of embarrassment.
atsumu ^ he stood there stunned, then he snickered mischievously, not turning around. “is that my pretty baby behind me~?” he’d tease, earning that cute giggle from you. “how’d you know?” you’d sigh sarcastically. “because darlin you’re so short your arms can’t reach me all to well.” he earned a scolding for this.
osamu ^ he melts into your touch, humming a soft song while he tosses cooking oil into the fried rice. “do you need somethin muffin?” he’d ask so softly, not even glancing up at you. “just wanted to hug you.” you’d smile into his shirt. he’d gaze thoughtfully at the pan, thinking. “you can hug me anytime babe.”
sakusa ^ he gasps. leaning his head back to look at you with that signature scowl. “y/n. get off.” he demands, voice stern. when you do let go of him, he leans over and holds you ever so gently in his arms, ears pink. “i’m supposed to do that.” he reminds softy.
bokuto ^ he beamed so brightly. “y/n.. is that you?!” he turns around, so enthusiastic, hands out happily. he’d wrap your body in his arms, burying his face into your chest. “you’re so cute y/n! i love you sooooo so so so much!!” he’d cry out, massive grin taking over his facials.
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miraeluc · 2 years
Hey I had a super spook moment yesterday and almost like died bc of my bulimia.
Basically my head hurt so bad and I was rlly nauseous even tho I had like zero food in my system. And I almost passed out because the vertigo I had was so strong.
Can I get a crumb of comfort from my favorite Haikyuu boys?
May I ask for Suga, Noya or Oikawa comforting their friend/ s/o who had an episode like this?
Thank you for reading this! :)
Pls make sure you’re eating as much as you can! It’s not fun to be where I was! Drinking water helps lots too.
Have a good day xx
hi, love. i’d like to apologise for the reply that took me months to get out, but i do hope you’ve been doing good and handling everything okay. 
I chose Oikawa for this - if you want a part 2 with the others, feel free to ask :) oh and you make this gender-specific, so i just went with gender neutral, but oikawa calls the reader some pet-names such as “dear”.
Oikawa taking care of reader suffering with Bulimia
prompt: “oh my, dear, what happened to you?”
pairing: oikawa x gn!reader
warnings: TW! eating disorder, mention of throwing up but reader doesn’t actually throw up
word count: 883
NOTE: I’m extremely sorry if I got any of the information regarding this eating disorder wrong - since I am not very familiar with this topic, I am writing based off of information I could gather online!
you were home alone when your head started to hurt
at first, you didn’t think anything of it
you hoped it was just a headache caused by staring at your laptop screen for too long 
but then you started to feel nauseous 
really nauseous
you tried shrugging it off, hopelessly attempting to distract yourself by turning on the tv, but the many movements on the screen and sounds only amplified the pounding feeling in your head 
you decided against watching tv and tried getting up, your goal being the kitchen to get a glass of water - and maybe a wet rag to place on your forehead and eyes
keyword tried
as soon as you stood up, your vision clouded black and you collapsed onto your knees, clutching your head in your hands and closing your eyes tightly
it took some time before you could gather yourself, ending up stumbling into the bathroom half-conscious when you felt the need to throw up
you weren’t able to throw up though, stomach empty of any contents
as you were sitting on the bathroom floor and fighting not to fall unconscious,  it totally slipped your mind that you were meant to meet up with oikawa today
now, oikawa was your long-term boyfriend, whom you told everything
it was inevitable that he’d find out about your disorder sooner or later, so you had told him quite early on in the relationship
when he heard, he immediately was understanding of your situation and started informing himself on the topic almost immediately
you were insanely grateful l for that
he never pressured you into anything, but was by your side whenever you needed support
well anyways
when oikawa had been waiting for 20 minutes, he didn’t think of anything yet, simply sending a text message
oikawa, 6:50pm: hey baby, are you arriving soon? it’s kind of cold D:
oikawa, 7:07pm: :(
oikawa, 7:20pm: well now you’ve got me kind of worried. if you don’t reply soon i’m coming to your place
when you still failed to reply, he frowned and started making his way over to your place
he didn’t bother ringing the doorbell, instead pulling out the spare key you  had given him for emergencies 
(he used it for surprise visits more often than emergencies anyway)
he called out your name as soon as he stepped into the apartment
he got even more worried when no sound was heard in response
he checked the kitchen first, then your bedroom, before he heard a tiny sniffle from the bathroom
he instantly walked inside
a soft gasp left his lips as his eyes met your frame - looking vulnerable
you were sat besides the toilet, knees pulled up to your chest and hands clutching your head, tears streaming down your cheeks
“oh my, dear, what happened to you?”
you finally noticed your boyfriends presence, ripping open your eyes to look at him, regretting that decision when the harsh overhead-lightning did no good for your headache
he, obviously, took note of that and turned off the light, the room still slightly illuminated by the hallway
“i’m not feeling too well..” you managed to speak up
that made oikawa let out a little huff, crouching down beside you
“i can see that, love. do you think you can stand up for me?”
he reached out a hand, which you grabbed onto and attempted to get up, but again, your vision clouded black and you collapsed, knees feeling like jelly
your boyfriend’s eyes widened and he hurried to catch you, picking you up like a toddler - also using this chance to hug you to his chest
“shh, i’m here now, baby. have you eaten anything today?”
he felt you shake your head, responding with a nod, carrying you to your bedroom, softly placing you down on the soft mattress
as he was adjusting your head to lay on your pillow, he started speaking, “that’s okay, i’m going to go grab you something light to eat, and then you can rest, alright?”
he ignored the way you scrunched up your nose at the mention of food,  instead patiently waiting for you to verbally respond
“mhm, alright...”
he pecked your forehead, pulling your blanket over you and leaving the room, walking to the kitchen
he made quick work of prepping a meal - a vegetable broth
as soon as said broth was done, he walked back into your room holding the bowl
you awoke from your mini-nap, eyes shifting to look at your boyfriend
he greeted you with a light smile, moving to sit beside you
he handed you the bowl of broth and you let out a soft sigh but nonetheless started eating, knowing he’d bug you until you ate anyway
when you were finished eating, he patted your head lightly and nodded 
“i’m proud of you, love. now get some rest.”
he took the bowl from you and placed it on your bedside table, pulling you closer to him and engulfing you in a hug 
“thank you, for helping me” 
you mumbled into his chest and he hummed
“don’t thank me, i’m always here to help”
with those words, you succumbed into sleep, exhausted from the pain you endured all day, yet content, knowing you had such a great person by your side
a/n: again, apologies for the time this took! i hope this drabble could fulfill your expectations.
requests: open (10th january, 2022)
emergency requests: closed
read rules before requesting.
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burnt-tomato · 4 years
A h f u c k
I got tagged by @oika-san o h n o
Favorite Characters (Karasuno): (♤: fuck this is hard damn) hmmmm... Nishinoya and Kinoshita (♤: he's so underrated a g h)
Favorite Characters (Seijoh): Hanamaki and Iwaizumi hxhcidbf
Favorite Characters (Nekoma): Inuoka (♤: also really underrated)
Favorite Characters (Fukurodani): Bokut0wl and Konohaaaa
Favorite Characters (Shiratorizawa): Tendou Satori d u h
Favorite Characters (Inarizaki): (♤: who else tho) Atsumu and Osamu Miya
♤: imma add Date Tech bc I want to lmao
Favorite Characters (Dateko): Koganegawaaa the yellow angry bird
Favorite Coach: mmmmm no one really but I'll go for Coach Ukai Jr.
Favorite Ship: (♤: fuck this is hard) Iwaoi- Iwaizumi and Oikawa || Bokuaka- Bokuto and Akaashi
Favorite Team: Inarizaki and Fukurodani (+ go gO lets gO LETS GO DATEKO)
Favorite Scene: you know that scene where Oikawa called Iwaizumi 'Iwa-chan' ? That was priceless.
Tagging: @kagsgloss @noya-senpai-imagines @haikyuudrabbles @baby-boy-taichi @letmeshouyou @lovebotfics @maple0bwawe
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oddaesthetin · 2 years
Lays beside your sleeping frame, his side of the bed completely done and organized but has no plan on starting his day yet. He looks at your weirdly cute sleeping face and admires it for a minute before finally grabbing his phone, opening the camera, and taking a couple of pictures of you sleeping. He also took selfies with him on it in different poses— him kissing your cheeks, doing various wacky expressions, putting a finger in your nostril, and more. Stopping as he finally realizes something. He comes back to his original position and chuckles.
“Damn it. I really am a lovesick fool.” as he shakes his head.
- SUNA RINTAROU, Osamu Miya, Tsukishima Kei, Chikara Ennoshita, Iwaizumi Hajime, Matsukawa Issei, Hanamaki Takahiro, Kenji Futakuchi
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kaiwritess · 4 years
Can I please get hcs or scenario (whichever you feel fits best!) for oikawa and his crush? Everyone is super confused how oikawa is super insistent on getting his crush - just that one particular girl, despite how many times she rejects him and how even though he can basically get any girl he wants he has to get that one. Oiks being super popular/flirty with all girls and she’s more down to earth, self sufficient and studious, and it’s weird to everyone how focused he is on her? Thank you! 😘
hihihi! I decided to go with a scenario/imagine because I haven’t done those in a long time. Also, I really need to improve on writing scenarios lol. Anyways, I hope you enjoy!! :) (there’s some angst if you squint hard enough)
One Out of a Million || Oikawa Tooru x Reader
Word Count: 1.1k
Summary: Oikawa believes that his feelings aren’t mutual when Y/N rejects him for the fourth time. There are so many other girls that want him, so what’s special about her? 
Warnings: none
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The air was filled with thick tension and awkward silence. Libraries are supposed to be a peaceful place, an area where you can read or study without being disturbed. Unfortunately for you, Oikawa was hovering over your figure, fingers tapping aimlessly at his black jeans. He knew it wasn’t a good idea to disturb you while you studied, but he couldn’t wait any longer. Much to his dismay (and surprise), you haven’t responded to his question. Desperate to lighten the atmosphere, he joked, “So… are you going to answer or what?” Although it was said playfully, there was still a speck of nervousness that stuck to his voice. After a few more painful seconds, you finally let out a sigh. 
“Oikawa, I’m trying to study. We are at a library for goodness sake. Not only that, but this is the fourth time you asked me to the movies in a week. The last three times, I said no,” you looked up at him dead in the eye. “What makes you think I would change my mind?” His gulp was barely audible. You swore your heart broke a little when his eyes looked down in shame.
“But why? Please give me a chance!” Oikawa pleaded. His semi-loud voice received a minor scold from the librarian, but he couldn’t help it. He wanted to know why you rejected him. No, he needed to know why you rejected him.
“I’m sorry,” you said sincerely. Quickly gathering your items, you headed out unable to look him in the eye. It wasn’t that you weren’t attracted to him. It was quite the opposite. You’ve liked him for quite a while now, but every time he asked you out on a date, it was hard to say yes. There was a voice in the back of your mind that constantly persuaded you that this was only a dare. Even even though you knew it wasn’t a dare, the fear of him falling out of love with you overwhelmed your infatuation for him. 
 A few weeks passed by, and Oikawa still seemed to be bummed out about it. His best friend, Iwaizumi, had to pay the price and listen to his endless complaints. 
“I just don’t get it, Iwa-chan. I don’t know why she doesn’t like me! Considering our past interactions, I thought we were good friends! I swore there was some chemistry between us.” Oikawa groaned, dramatically clutching his face. Unfinished work was spread out on a table in front of the two friends. The library in which the boys were in was mostly empty, providing Oikawa a better environment to act like a drama king. Though, he was careful and made sure that the librarian wouldn’t chastise him again. Iwaizumi rolled his eyes.
“It’s been weeks. All you talked about was her. Honestly, I’m starting to think you like her more than volleyb–”
“Hey boys!” a familiar voice abruptly filled the library.
“Oh, Sakura. What’s up?” Iwaizumi’s eyes lit up every-so-slightly. However, the nuance was so unnoticeable, only Oikawa could see it.
“Not much.” Sakura paid no attention to Iwaizumi. She strutted over to Oikawa and smiled flirtatiously. Pulling out a chair next to him, she sat down and smirked. “Hey, Oikawa. Heard you got rejected by Miss. Smarty-Pants again. Remind me why you won’t drop her?” she giggled.
His expression darkened. “I’d watch it if I were you. Heard myself that your boyfriend cheated on you.” Sakura scoffed.
“Someone’s angry. I’ll let you cool down a bit because you’re annoying me.” Sakura stood up and walked away as calmly as possible. However, her attempts were almost useless as her face turned bright red and her fists were tightly clenched. A few moments passed before Iwaizumi addressed the elephant in the room.
“You know… Sakura has a point. Why don’t you just chase after another girl? There is plenty of fish in the sea. Besides, the whole school female population is after you. Finding someone won’t be that hard.”
“No, Iwa-chan. You don’t get it.”
Fate works in mysterious ways because right at that moment, you found yourself listening behind one of the bookshelves. 
“What am I doing, Y/N? Eavesdropping is wrong!” you whisper to yourself lowly. You couldn’t help it. It’s pretty bad eavesdropping on someone, but doing it to someone you rejected a few weeks ago? You swore that your pride could not get more damaged.
“What don’t I get?” Iwazuimi questioned, raising an eyebrow. 
“Sh- she’s different. I know it sounds all weird saying this but… she doesn’t try.”
“Excuse me?” you thought to yourself.
“Wait no, that sounded bad,“ he tried to elaborate. “I mean, she doesn’t try to get me. Iwa-chan, you said that the whole female population is after me right?”
“Unfortunately,” he rolled his eyes.
“Wow, thanks. Anyways, she is the only person who doesn’t try to get with me! I like the chase. It gives me a feeling that I usually don’t get.” Oikawa blushed.
“Is that the only reason?” his best friend asked.
“Nope. She’s also so smart!! Like you should see her grades! I bet you can gain a lot of intelligence just by looking at her. It’s something you need anywa- OWE!” Oikawa rubbed his head from Iwaizumi’s hit. 
“That’s what you get.”
“MOVING ON, Y/N is just… she’s perfect. She’s the embodiment of a goddess! I wished she knew that though,” Oikawa continued. “I don’t understand why she hates me so much. I want to prove my love for her, but it feels like she won’t let me do that.”
You caught yourself smiling at the conversation that they were having. 
“So Oikawa does like me,” you thought. “Well, that does it. I’m going to do what he always wanted me to do.” On that note, you marched over to where Oikawa and Iwaizuimi were sitting. Your confidence faltered a bit when you saw Oikawa’s eyes go wide. You didn’t want to waste time in fear of messing up or saying something you shouldn’t. So, you stated as clearly as possible,“I like you, Oikawa. I know that I rejected you like four times, but I did it because I couldn’t believe someone as amazing as you had feelings for me,” you confessed. “Oikawa Tooru, would you join me for the movies this weekend?”Oikawa’s eyes were frozen in shock, and his best friend had to hide his snickers.“So… are you going to answer or what?” you asked softly. A sense of relief washed over you as Oikawa’s face turned from shock to smug. 
“Oh look what we have here,” he laughed. “I would in fact, like to join you.”
Thanks for reading!
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kaiwritess · 4 years
It’s Snow Big Deal || Hinata Shoyo x Reader
Hi guys! I was really bored so I decided to write lol. I should be studying for my exams, but yolo right? Also, I don’t see a lot of Hinata works which kind of surprised me. Hope you guys enjoy :>
(also, I got the idea of this drabble from here)
Word Count: 377
Summary: There’s a lot of snow that fell, but your friendly neighbor takes care of it for you.
Warnings: None
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Last night, the weather channel predicted at most, two inches of snow. Now that you peer outside, you realize that the weather channel was five inches off. There was absolutely no way anyone could drive on the dangerous paths, and there was absolutely no way you would walk either. 
I guess class is canceled then.
The sky was light grey, and the sun couldn’t be seen. It was still extremely cold outside, and you silently thanked yourself for cranking up the heater last night. Hey, at least you were stuck in a toasty and cozy house. After bundling yourself in some blankets on your bed, and opening the curtains, a realization had struck you.
Oh my gosh. I have to shovel all this snow off my driveway. Are you kidding me?
It’s not that you were terrible at shoveling the snow. It was just the fact that you were too lazy. You planned out your lazy day, and quite frankly, you forgot the problem outside your driveway. Sighing, you got up from your bed.
Might as well get it over with.
You wanted to get a better idea of how much snow has fallen, so you looked out the window. Instead of there being a blanket of snow, there was a familiar figure instead. The orange hair was a dead giveaway to who it was, and you caught yourself smiling. You went outside in your pajamas and stared at the figure, whose back was turned to you. You leaned against your door as he was shoveling your driveway. Your smile got even wider when the winter air was filled with his mindless tunes. After the last section was cleared, the man turned around. His smile was vibrant when he saw you. It felt like the grey clouds were overcome by his radiant presence.
“Oh hey, y/n! I didn’t see you there haha!” he smiled nervously while scratching the back of his neck
“I didn’t mean to scare you, Hinata. Anyways, you really shouldn’t have shoveled all this!”
“It’s snow big deal! Honestly!” Hinata laughed, giving a thumbs up. You rolled your eyes and chuckled at the corny pun he made.
“Well, it’s awfully cold. Let me return the favor. Come inside! I’ll make you some hot chocolate.” 
Hanging out with Hinata Shoyo was so much better than a lazy day by yourself.
Thanks for reading!
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kaiwritess · 4 years
I write for three fandoms:
1. Haikyuu!!
2. Boku No Hero Academia (My Hero Academia)
3. Kimetsu No Yaiba (Demon Slayer)
> I’m fairly new to both the KNY and BNHA fandom, so I won’t be writing for all of the characters there.
> However, I’m quite familiar with Haikyuu :)
Max is three characters please!!
I do headcanons, scenarios, and drabbles
When requesting, please make it as specific as possible!
I only write NSFW headcanons, so please don’t request a NSFW scenario!
If you are requesting a BNHA or KNY work, please keep in mind that I might have to turn your ask down, as I don’t know the characters fully in depth.
* I might be busy so if I don’t get to your request, please don’t fret! I’m probably just caught up with something :)
Yep, I think that concludes it for now. Thanks for reading!
- Kai
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bokubear · 3 years
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translation: i love you
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featuring; kozume kenma
genre; fluff, slight angst, comfort
warnings; none
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you places your hands forward upon the cold desk, sending shivers up your spine; coiling like a snake in the limelight. when the door opened it fell upon deaf ears, too concentrated to rip your eyes from the screen of your computer to see who stood in the doorway.
kenma stared down the hallway, he just sighed.
‘one of those nights’ he guessed.
placing his bag down on near the couch, his balanced footsteps treaded the floor, lightly pushing open your door.
he didn’t speak; instead placing his hands on your head to greet you subtly.
he watched a few of your fingers skid from the keyboard with surprise and relax, familiar to his touch.
you reached back to hold his wrist, adjusting his fingertips to hold your ears.
kenma narrowed his eye in suspicion, but it soon softened to a gentle gaze.
“hold my ears, so i don’t have to listen to the world anymore.” you murmured.
a comfortable silence and kozume’s hum of affirmation.
“there is too many things to listen to. i want to drown in your sound instead.”
you placed your head against his chest, listening to his calming heartbeat.
thump thump thump
it spoke the words that were never heard.
you fell asleep to these words.
the world was shut off for even just a few hours. from listening to inaudible words to words you could translate even while deaf.
“translation: i love you..” kenma whispered.
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bokubear · 3 years
the great pumpkin
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pairing; bokuto kotaro x reader
warnings; none
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in all honesty, bokuto was having a young-life-crisis.
that is, about halloween costumes. this year he wanted to do something big. given many warnings ( as per being bokuto ) of bigger not being better. bokuto refused to listen. he insisted on something fun, like a scarecrow or creepy bird.
“..what?” bokuto wrinkled his nose, raising an eyebrow.
“all these costumes are from tv shows.. i don’t know what they are..” bokuto pouted, whining characteristically.
“bo, not everyone is as classical in halloween costumes as you. we can do a couple costume if you want?”
“i know~~ but what happened to normal halloween costumes, like spider-man or something?” bokuto groaned, this was extremely conflicting.
“tell you what, you can dress up as anything you want, my favor.” you lifted your brows twice, enthusiastic.
“i-i have an idea!” he poured, shouting incoherently.
he wanted to be the great pumpkin from charlie brown halloween.
all the pouting and hurt feelings for a pumpkin.
“bo, you do know they never saw the great pumpkin, right?
“exactly! that—that makes it even more special!!” he backed himself up defensively.
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bokubear · 3 years
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bokuto wanted something.. it was his birthday after all, but having to still awaken at 6:30 in the morning for an early practice wasn’t quite a pleasant thing to wake up to on someone’s birthday. a few grumbles of annoyance from being unable to spend his birthday-morning with you were muttered. he glanced in your direction, watching you back rise and fall with each coming breath. your hair tousled and brambled with evidence of deep sleep. so beautiful. he marveled, amazed something so astonishing has existed in the first place without him knowing. he leaned forward, a few soft kisses littering your shoulders and the open curve of your back from the shirt you were wearing. “i love you” he murmured against your warm skin, having been held so much from his big arms his furnace-like amount of body heat wandered onto your skin. always warm you felt.
bokuto had returned home. he was truly exhausted, mostly because of his never ending want to return to you and run into your arms and hold you close. or the urge to just skip this weeks practice and stay with you. but no. he must be a responsible ace and support his team as well as you. especially you.
akaashi had left early and he had no idea why. i mean akaashi never missed practice which made bokuto feel extremely lonely. when he opened the apartments door he hadn’t expected to see the apartment to be exploding with drapes and strings of colored rope. decorated with the words: ‘happy birthday bokuto!!’
his smile was larger than the sun. eyes brightening when he saw both you and akaashi popping confetti cannons and beginning to sing happy birthday to him with a small n’ cute cake seated between them.
well that explains why akaashi left early.
bokuto’s smile was infectious.
to see him so happy on his birthday was more perfect than any present.
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bokubear · 3 years
corn mazes w/ the hq boys
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the type that gets lost halfway even though they told you ( very confidently ) that this was a piece of cake and proceeded to run blindly in hopes of finding the exit: HINATA, NISHINOYA, OIKAWA, LEV, KINDAICHI, HOSHIUMI, TANAKA, YAMAMOTO, YAHABA, KOGANEGAWA, GOSHIKI, TERUSHIMA, FUTAKUCHI
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is quiet the entire time but somehow makes it out in less than five minutes. everyone believes they have some kind of sixth sense, not even the least bit nervous even if it is his first time being in a corn maze: AKAASHI, KYOTANI, USHIJIMA, TENDOU, HAYATO, SEMI, KONOHA, AONE, KUNIMI, KENMA, FUKUNAGA, KAGEYAMA, NARITA
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the one that was very nervous but used fake confidence and held your hand with sweaty palms. told you i’d be okay and probably packed a ‘ in case of emergency ‘ bag: ASAHI, SUGA, DAICHI, KINOSHITA, YAMAGUCHI, KUROŌ, YAKU, SAKUSA, IWAIZUMI
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somehow makes it out in record time while having the time of his life laughing all the way “that was so fun! i wanna go again!” he says: INOUKA
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argues w/ you the entire time about whether this or that is the right way and ends up wrong every time and blames you, prob reads the map backwards: TSUKISHIMA, SHIRABU, MATTSUN, HANAMAKI, KAWANISHI
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plagiarism, repost, and editing is prohibited ©
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kaiwritess · 4 years
Anything For You || Yamaguchi Tadashi x Reader
since Valentine's day is less than a week, i figured it would be a good idea to do a daily blurb leading up to that day. what could go wrong with the classic Yamaguchi x reader fluff??
Word Count: 370
Summary: you ask your boyfriend if you could sleep with him because your dorm is being occupied by your roommate and her buddy
Warnings: ig there’s one mention of someone hooking up, but other than that, there is none.
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Yamaguchi was ready to fall right asleep after having an exhausting day. His college roommate was visiting family for a few days, which meant that he had the whole dorm to himself. Yamaguchi was ready to curl up into a ball, hug his blankets tightly, and get his much-needed rest. Before he could actually climb onto his bed, he heard a thunk; ostensibly a knock on his door. Dismissing it as a fragment of his drained imagination, Yamaguchi shrugged and sat on his bed to check his phone. Yawning, he heard the thunk again, which was much louder than the previous noise. Groaning, he started walking towards the door.
“Yamaguchi, let me in. I know you’re in there,” a recognizable voice spoke abruptly. He knew who had that voice, and it took him less than a second to dart to his wooden door.
“Y/N! Wha- what are you doing here?” he asked while opening the entrance. Yamaguchi was visibly disheveled, and he was wearing his duck pajamas that Tsukishima graciously gifted him. Even when the room was poorly lit, you could see the flustered look on your boyfriend. Though, you weren’t looking the best yourself either. You were also wearing your pajamas, including the bunny slippers and the hoodie you stole from him.
“Sorry for not notifying you. My roommate decided that it would be a good idea to hookup with someone at 12 A.M. I just don’t want to deal… with that.” you shuddered at the thought. Yamaguchi’s light laugh filled the room.
“That’s okay, Y/N. Come sleep with me! Besides, what good boyfriend would force their girlfriend to deal with their roommate’s romantic life?” he motioned you in. Gladly accepting the offer, you immediately crashed on his bed. He followed after you, closing the door with his eyelids half-closed. When both of you got comfortable under the covers, you quickly kissed him on the cheek. His face was bright red, and his thoughts were formed into a jumbled mess. How can someone he dated for two years still have this effect on him? “Thank you for allowing me to sleep with you. You’re the best,” you smiled. Yamaguchi couldn’t help but smile back.
“Anything for you.”
Thanks for reading!
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