usermischief · 3 years
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All found family shows have: Hale Pack Edition
(#The first 2 are usually dating)
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coline7373 · 3 years
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Dealer's choice: Sunset on beach vacation + texting
" Derek: you're missing out
Cora: omg, Derek! I didn't come so you could enjoy the bf, so enjoy the bf!!!!! "
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scerek · 3 years
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The Hale Pack + Pack Dynamics
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midmorning-bomb · 3 years
Play Out (day seven, free day)
Stiles barely restrains a sigh. He is actually too old for this shit.
“Yeah, Alpha Hale, that’s really not how this works. Prestige doesn’t pay the bills and my fees aren’t negotiable. They’re clearly laid out, in my fancy brochure.” He’s less successful restraining a sarcastic wave toward the colourful pamphlet.
He looks over at Derek, who is attempting to melt into the wallpaper away from his mother, embarrassed but resigned (which like, the poor dude tried to warn Stiles. Mostly with his eyebrows, but still). Leaning against the bookshelves that line the back of the office is the impassive (and hot) uncle Peter, and whether this job pans out or not, Stiles is going to be wheedling his number out of Derek.
“I’m not sure you appreciate what an affiliation with our pack means for a fledgling such as yourself. It can be very difficult to be... unknown in our world. Someone as young as you are might not understand, but we Hales have been in Beacon Hills for generations, our reputation means something here.” As much as his mother is puffing herself up, Derek is doing his best to shrink into himself.
It would be unprofessional to laugh, which typically wouldn’t stop Stiles, but it looks like Derek already has enough to deal with, and Stiles is a loyal bro, if nothing else.
“Uh huh. I’m sure I’ll stumble along somehow. But I’m busy with clients willing to pay me in actual material goods. I’m only here today as a favour to Derek, so... call me if you change your mind, I guess? Or don’t.”
He feels the wards creak and fragment as he leaves, trembling like saplings struggling in weak sun and no rain and faced with a force much greater. Rolling his eyes, he shrugs and keeps walking and doesn’t look back. He really is busy. And hungry.
Weeks later Stiles is reading The Demon-Haunted World in the overstuffed, navy velvet chair that sits in the back corner of his shop. He’s technically open, but not in the mood for company, so a gentle Go Away charm encourages all but the most determined to keep on walking. Some soul must be desperate, when the nailhead trim on the chair shimmers a flash of gold, then deep red. The front door opens, with seashell chimes tinkling overhead.
Before Derek met Stiles, he’d always been uncomfortable with the cloying skim of magic over his skin, like an intrusive shiver, too familiar. It’s a comfort now, though. He trusts Stiles and needs the tether more than ever. His hands shake as he drops into the opposite green leather chair.
“It makes weird sense that you’re a Sagan fan.”
Stiles closes his book and looks up, “You make weird sense. And I think it’s probably more ironic, given the title. I’d ask why so sour, wolf, but I guess it’s obvious.” His eyes search Derek’s until the other man closes them with a shuddering breath. “How’d it happen?”
Derek huffs a mirthless laugh, “Alpha pack. Ambushed Peter and I during a run in the preserve.”
Stiles lets out a long breath, “Well, shit. Shit that sucks. ...Where’s Peter?”
Eyes open once more, now beseeching, Derek leans forward and it’s clear he’s barely holding himself together. “I can, you know I can pay you? We just, we’re together in this now but we’re alone and I can’t—”
“Hey, hey, man, no. The fancy brochure fees are for strangers and assholes. Come on, I’ll drive us to... wherever you’re stashing your now-an-alpha-maybe-feral uncle and we’ll figure this out.”
Quickly locking up the shop with an incantation that leaves the windows dull and opaque, all magic faded, Stiles ushers Derek into his jeep, pressing a bottle of water and granola bar into his hands. “Breathe, drink, eat, drink again, and then tell me where we’re going.”
They drive in near silence, nothing but the faint haunting of the chimes that sometimes sound around Stiles. As they turn down the barely-road leading to the cottage, he turns to Derek: “So I guess it’s safe to say your mom never did get those wards fixed?”
Derek’s jaw clenches, “No. She never did.”
As much as Derek’s barely holding it together, Peter isn’t as bad as Stiles would’ve thought. No one’s died yet (aside from at least two members of an alpha pack), which is always a big plus in Stiles’ book. Well, not always.
Peter is shivering, back to the far corner, against the aged stone walls. His panicked stare wild and flickering blue and red and back again, settling into a sickly lavender. He twitches forward when they enter, lifts his head to scent and a touch of clarity returns.
Stiles smiles sharply, showing more teeth than Derek thinks humans typically have, “I think I wanna get to know you first, Petey-pie.”
He loses the train of thought quickly at the pet name and turns a look part-betrayed, part-grossed out (part grateful) at Stiles.
Peter tilts his head as he studies them both, eyes being drawn more and more to Stiles’ bright gaze. It’s almost glowing. Or is it a black hole?
“You,” he shakes, trying to clear his mind and grasp his slippery thoughts as his nephew pauses his cautious step forward to look at Stiles, “you’re not a fledgling. What are you?”
The smile widens, fingers twitching at Stiles’ sides. Time to let go a little, time to shine for his wolves. The gentle chimes shift to the sound of scraping ice, the screaming howl of winter wind.
“Oh, alpha. I’m old, and I’m hungry, and I’ve been waiting a long time for the two of you to come along.”
Play Out | @haleweek
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spaceprincessem · 3 years
Hale Appreciation Week prompt: Full Moon @haleweek
Just a little sterek piece for Hale appreciation week featuring my two fave boys being in love and missing each other
Sometimes I look at the moon and I think of you.
Derek gripped the edge of his phone, face illuminated in the dim light. He looked down at the blinking cursor, as if it were impatiently waiting for him to send the text message that had been sitting in his draft folder for well over an hour. He sighed, sat the phone against the ground and leaned back in the wooden chair sitting on the small porch of a tiny cabin in a no name town in Washington. The moon was nearing its peak in the sky, a beautiful gold hue against the endless night. He ignored the deep whine in his chest. The irritated itch beneath his skin. He felt restless. Unnerved. Like he was missing something.
But Derek was always missing something.
Cora was somewhere in South America. Peter was doing god knows what in Beacon Hills. Laura was just fragmented pieces scattered in the ground. His parents were dust particles carried off long ago by the wind. His home had no longer felt like his home, but nowhere else did either. He scrubbed a hand over his face, picking his phone back up again. He ignored the blinking cursor. The unsent paragraphs that never sounded good enough. Half written apologies and pictures of unimportant things that somehow mattered. His finger hovered over a name for a moment, terrified to commit. Terrified of letting it go forever.
Sometimes I look at the moon and I think of you. I was just wondering - hoping - that maybe you thought of me too.
Beacon Hills didn’t feel like home anymore. It just became a black pit. A sinking hole. I felt like I was never going to get out. Maybe I didn’t. Maybe I can’t. 
I wanted, more than anything, for you to find something better. For you to stay gold. But I guess I just dragged you down with my sinking ship. I’m sorry I made you my home. 
Cause that’s the real reason I’m still in Beacon Hills even when I’m looking at the moon in a no name town hundreds of miles away. Because somewhere along the way home was no longer a place, but the sticky sweetness of your honey-whiskey eyes. The warmth in your half curled smile and the curve of your upturned nose. 
Sometimes I look at the moon and I think of you because you’re the only thing that can bring me back. Has brought me back. Has made the wild feel like it’s part of me instead of a part from me. And all I want to do is run. Shed this skin that I have never once loved just to close the distance between us. The distance I so desperately crawled towards as a last ditch effort to let you go. 
I think I love you. Or could love you. Or have loved you. I just need to know before I follow the North Star home if you did - do - love me too.
“Derek?” Stiles asked, his voice sleep-soft and quiet.
Derek swallowed, holding the phone tightly against his ear, “Sometimes I look at the moon and I think of you.” Derek swore he could hear the way Stiles’ lips parted, “And I just wanted to know, I need to know—”
“I think of you too.”
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jacyevans · 3 years
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Lupercalia. The festival of the wolves. A “symphony of sensuality and pleasure.”
Laura is only participating in this archaic werewolf tradition because her mother is the alpha. She’s always thought there were less… spectacular ways to find her mate.
That is, until Lydia Martin dances her way into Laura’s lap.
“I was hoping it would be you,” Lydia says, a smirk tugging at the edges of her mouth. She tilts her head back to display the line of her throat in a slow tease that has Laura’s wolf clawing its way to the surface. “This is going to be fun.”
Laura stares, speechless, with wide eyes burning gold. From the corner of her eye, she sees Talia grin.
Maybe her mother was right after all.
@haleweek Day One - Werewolf Traditions
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haleweek · 3 years
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Join us for a week of celebrating our favorite born werewolves, the Hale Family!
Hale Appreciation Week - June 21-27, 2021
You can participate by creating any type of fanwork: fics, art, edits, gifs, fanmixes, etc. are all welcome, as long as one of the Hales is the primary character. For the purpose of this challenge, this includes the following characters:
Derek, Peter, Laura, Cora, Malia, Talia, Papa Hale
Background characters or ships are allowed, as long as one of the Hales remains the main focus.
Please read the rules for participation here.
The themes for the week are the following:
DAY ONE June 21: Werewolf Traditions
DAY TWO June 22: Family, Found Family, and Brotps
DAY THREE June 23: Rarepairs and Poly Ships
DAY FOUR June 24: Full Moon
DAY FIVE June 25: Hale Headcanons
DAY SIX June 26: “I’ve waited three years, I could wait another hour.”
DAY SEVEN June 27: Free Day - Dealer’s Choice
When you post, please use our tag, #HaleofaWeek, or tag us @haleweek so we can reblog your work. We will also have an AO3 collection.
You can also join our Discord server to talk about the Hales any time.
We look forward to seeing your fanworks!
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wolfflock · 3 years
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Hale Week - Day 5: Hale Headcanons @haleweek
Derek Hale is related to soap star and sensate, Lito Rodriguez.
Half of the Hale family is Mexican, from Talia's dad's side. Grammy Hale (born Susanne Hale) was a wild one who married a rival Mexican pack's middle son, Pepe. She kept her name, which Abuelito was fine with.
Pepe had a sister, Gloria, whose son is Lito; this makes Lito Talia and Peter's cousin. While growing up, they spent every summer together, forging them into one giant pack of humans and wolves. This tradition still stands, and Lito tries to arrange his shoots in a way that he has time off around Solstice to visit the Hales and go camping with them.
It is a loud, fun filled few days spent in the Preserve of Beacon Hills, where the wolves can run wild, and everyone enjoys swimming in the lake, sitting by the campfire and being free.
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stacinadia · 3 years
For @haleweek, super-late!  ^^;;  It was supposed to be for Rarepairs and Poly Ships day.  I wanted an excuse to try out writing Malira, so this is my little attempt at it, with a helpful Stiles on the side!
Title:  It Really Is That Simple
Rating:  G
Warnings:  None
Theme:  Rarepair and Poly Ships
Words:  1154
Summary:  Stiles gives Malia some good advice.
AO3 link
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coline7373 · 3 years
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Hale headcanon: What's so special about the Camaro anyway?
"If you really want it, you better start saving for it."
Or, sport cars are a Hale Thing and the Camaro is a private joke between Derek and his dad, from that time they went to an expo together.
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midmorning-bomb · 3 years
Rather Stay (day four, full moon)
It’s grey outside, dismal clouds and perpetual fog hanging in the air. Years ago, this would’ve been the early days of summer, but ever since the fall, the weather is static.
“For the love of god, Peter. Go run with your wolfy pals, burn some energy, howl at the full moon, do anything, but stop pacing. I need to focus all my witchy bits tonight.”
Peter’s answering growl and feral smile is not reassuring. Neither is the way he stalks forward, wrapping his arms around Stiles’ midsection, lifting him off the floor.
“I’d rather stay home with you.”
And Stiles sighs, because despite the years together, he’s still a total sucker for Peter. Even with the apocalypse beard and gravity defying hair and infuriating days where he only communicates in literary quotes. With the way he curls around Stiles at night like a purring cephalopod, and grumbles and grouches every morning until he’s had coffee (god knows what they’ll do when they finally run out of beans and grounds), the way he still manages to fuss over the quality of fabric and cashmere blends in the clothing they scavenge.
(Some people might argue against risking actual life and valuable limbs to raid the Dolce & Gabbana in Beverly Hills, but some people aren’t Peter Hale. Who is now enjoying the end of the world in silk polos and virgin wool pullovers.)
“Come on, Derek is going to do his sad, wolf-face pout if you don’t at least make an appearance. You know. Get out there and wag your fluffy tail.”
Peter’s hold tightens, and Stiles can feel him still smiling, but with a huff. “Derek could speak for himself if he spent more than one day a week on two legs.”
“Hey, opposable thumbs are necessary for pillaging new books. And reading them, I guess. We might get a few more days of Derek in people form this month, in our last haul we finally found the translation of The Master and Margarita that he likes.”
Stiles scrubs his fingers through Peter’s beard, “And before you say anything about someone having a favourite translation of The Master and Margarita, I’ll remind you that the reason I spend the full moon casting is so I can keep you in the lifestyle you’ve become accustomed to, what with the hot, running water and refrigeration and pocket dimension for your unnecessary post-Armageddon fancy shoe collection. No one needs $1400 leather loafers to wander around in a wasteland, Peter.”
Peter doesn’t let go, leans deeper into Stiles, and places sharp teeth around the tendon on his neck before licking the length of it. An involuntary jerk of the hips and gasp leaves Peter looking smug as hell, but stepping back.
“If all your witchy bits are good tonight, I’ll bring you back something pretty from the hunt. Maybe some stereotypical newts, or more squirrel entrails.”
“Oh fuck you, get out of here, furball.”
He lets a laughing Stiles push him toward the door.
(In the beginning so hard won, now the melody of his life.)
“Come back to me, creep.”
“Always back to you, darling.”
Rather Stay | @haleweek
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spaceprincessem · 3 years
Hale Appreciation Week Prompt: Hale Headcanons @haleweek​
Okay, so just a few lil headcanons for Derek and Peter. See if you can figure out what they are :) (featuring sterek cause of course it does) 
Cause you're a hard soul to save {With an ocean in my way}
“Isaac,” Malia growled, finger’s digging into the wood of the table sitting between them, “you need to vote.”
“No,” Isaac snarled in return, arms across his chest, “I’m not taking part in any of this.”
Malia’s biting retort died on her lips as Derek flashed her a warning look. She swallowed hard, jaw clenching as she rocked back on her heels, still glaring at the curly headed boy. 
“Since Isaac is abstaining,” Lydia cut through the tension, “that leaves Peter and Derek.”
“Why does Peter get a vote?” Scott asked, wearily looking at the older man who was casually sitting on the spiral staircase looking rather at ease.
“Like it or not,” Peter grinned, all teeth, “I am part of this pack.”
“Barely,” Isaac murmured, before immediately going quiet as Malia fixed him with a murderous glare.
“So,” Lydia clicked her tongue impatiently, “what do you think, Peter?”
“The bite is a gift,” Peter shrugged nonchalantly, “and apparently our last hope.”
Kira ran a soothing hand over Scott’s back as he deflated, while Cora and Malia exchanged a small look of triumph. Lydia’s jaw was clenched, but she quickly rolled her shoulders, gaze moving towards Derek. The rest of the pack’s eyes followed. The steely silence made it feel like all of the air had been sucked out of the room. Derek’s palms were pressed against the table, leaning his weight forward, head dipped down as his claws embedded themselves into the wood. They could all hear it. The rapid pounding of his heart. The stench of doubt and fear was so heavy it felt like they were drowning in it. 
“No,” Derek finally said, the answer hanging in the air like a death sentence, “I’m not giving Stiles the bite.”
A beat of silence. A sigh of relief and a disbelieving uproar.
“Get out,” Derek growled, stopping the buzzing arguments flying across the room like venom. When no one moved he pinned them with a commanding, crimson look, “I said get out.”
The pack slowly dispersed around him. Scott was the only one brave enough to reach out, a hand on Derek’s shoulder, a small, but sad smile curling against his lips, “Thank you, I know it’s the right decision.”
Derek gave a curt nod in return. He was surprised to see Peter still sitting on the staircase long after the others had gone. The look of disappointment etched in his uncle’s face made him feel inexplicably angry. Peter always had a knack for reducing him to a fifteen year old boy who didn’t know how to control his shift during the full moon.
“What?” He chewed out when Peter remained quiet.
“I didn’t say anything,” Peter replied, but he could hear the bitter bite beneath his uncle's words, the desire to start a fight.
“I’m not giving Stiles the bite,” Derek said again. He suddenly felt the need to defend himself as his uncle chuckled darkly.
“I heard you the first time, nephew,” Peter sneered.
“You don’t agree with my decision,” Derek pointed out flatly.
“Well, clearly,” Peter said as he got to his feet, “as I voted yes.” He sighed, brushing past Derek to head into the kitchen, “But you are the alpha, so I don’t think it matters what the rest of us wanted.” 
Derek could hear the older man clinking through the glasses, the sound of liquid sloshing against emptiness before a bottle was carefully placed on the counter. Derek allowed his gaze to find his uncle leaning against the counter, slowly sipping from his nearly full glass.
“It was cute to let them think this was a democracy, though.” Peter added after a moment, swirling a few ice cubes into his drink.
“Stiles doesn’t want the bite,” Derek explained, that primal urge for someone to understand, “he never has.”
“You think your decision is about Stiles?” Peter asked, smiling meanly, “Here I thought it was about you.”
“Of course it’s about Stiles,” Derek huffed furiously, “you think he would be grateful if he woke up and was su—”
“Well,” Peter cut in, “it’s better than never waking up at all, isn’t it?”
Derek remained silent. But his face said it all.
“He’s been in this coma for what, two weeks now?” Peter asked as he sat his glass down, moving towards Derek with calculated steps, “You still think he’s going to magically wake up by some divine intervention?”
“I am not taking that choice away from him.” Derek argued, his chest heaving as he worked to keep himself calm.
“Are you scared he’s going to hate you if you do?” Peter asked, inching closer. “Or scared he won’t survive like Paige?”
“Why do you care so much?” Derek asked, feeling like he’d been thrown off balance.
“I’m just trying to understand why you wouldn’t do everything to save the person you love,” Peter replied simply, but there was an undercurrent of harshness to his tone.
“I am doing everything to save him!” Derek snapped, teeth bared and eyes flashing dangerously. “You and I both know Stiles wouldn’t want the bite to save him.”
There was heated silence between the Hales. Ice blue boring into grey-green. 
“Stop making excuses, Derek.” Peter said, breathing out harshly through his nose, “It’s the only way to—”
“My answer is final,” Derek growled before turning on his heel to head back to the hospital.
“So,” Peter called at his retreating back, voice trembling with anger and saturated in sorrow, “you’re just going to let the last piece of Claudia Stilinski die in this god forsaken town?”
Derek froze. The stench of love lost burned hotly in his lungs. He swallowed down the sour taste of bile as he turned to face his uncle again. “Is that what this is about?” He asked quietly, “Preserving the only thing left of Claudia Stilinski?”
“You know it’s more than that,” Peter bit back.
“Is that why you offered Stiles the bite all those years ago?” Derek felt exhausted, like the revelation took more out of him than he could ever care to admit. “Because you took one look at him and saw someone that was never yours?”
“Talia could have saved her,” Peter’s voice was small now, his eyes far off in the distance, “but we can’t always get what we want.” His eyes were hard on Derek’s face now, a sneer pulling his lips up cruelly, “So, yeah, I looked into those amber eyes and saw the one person I would have done anything for.” He exhaled deeply, “Stiles is all that’s left of Claudia.”
“Stiles is his own person,” Derek replied softly, “and he should get to choose. You wanted to save Claudia by giving her the bite, but I’m going to save Stiles by keeping him human.”
“I wonder which version of losing him is going to hurt more,” Peter said with a vindictive smile, but Derek could see that his eyes were sad. 
Derek didn’t say anything as he turned to leave Peter alone in the loft.
“Miss me, Sourwolf?” Stiles slurred, his half lidded eyes peeking up at the exhausted wolf with a mix of fondness and concern.
“More than you know,” Derek replied, threading his fingers through the cold, pale ones, before bringing them to his lips to gently kiss.
“Sorry I kept you waiting,” Stiles hummed, closing his eyes, until Derek’s too tight grip made him blink them open again.
“Sorry,” Derek replied sheepishly, “I just missed the color of your eyes.”
Stiles smiled, “You mean the most boring shade of brown?”
Derek shook his head, not knowing how he could explain that Stiles’ eyes reminded him of bottle honey. Warm and sticky sweet. Of coffee with too much cream or tiger’s eye gleaming in the sunlight. How could Derek describe that Stiles’ eyes were the shade of the earth beneath his feet when he ran through the preserve under the light of the full moon? When he catches Peter watching them from the doorway, face soft and shoulders sagging in relief he wonders if he could ever tell Stiles that the beautiful shade of amber was a window to a future that was stolen much too soon.
“Not to me,” Derek just says instead, leaning up to kiss him, “not to me.”
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jacyevans · 3 years
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(mix notes under the cut. for @haleweek day seven - free day)
I had this idea for a series chronicling Kate, Derek, Scott, and Allison, their personalities, and how their backstories and relationships mirror each other. Each mix can stand alone, but they are meant listened to as a set. There will be a very purposeful overlap of some of the songs.
This series has been a labor of love and hate - which is apt. I’ve made plenty of mixes before over my years in fandom, but I’ve never embarked on a project this massive. I put a lot of time and thought into putting this together, and I think that comes through. I sincerely hope you enjoy it, too.
The series is as follows:
Vol 1 - Become the Beast - Kate Vol 2 - The Killer in Me is the Killer in You - Derek Vol 3 - Real Girls Don’t Take Aim Like Kings Do These Days - Allison Vol 4 - You Are The Moon - Scott Vol 5 - Like Hollow Lullabies - Derek/Allison
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haleweek · 3 years
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Hale Appreciation Week is TEN DAYS away!
Join us for a week of celebrating our favorite born werewolves, the Hale Family! June 21-27, 2021.
Confused about the themes? Maybe need a little inspiration? You can read more about the prompts for Hale Week below. If you still have any questions, feel free to drop us a message. Our ask box is always open. You can also join our Discord server to talk about the Hales any time.
Please visit our pinned post for more information about participating in this event.
The themes for the week are the following:
DAY ONE June 21: Werewolf Traditions
We hear a lot about werewolves on Teen Wolf, but very little about pack life or Hale family history. For this prompt, we want you to change that. Are there family traditions in the Hale pack when a member comes of age? Is this a Wolves are Known AU where wolves have traditions separate from humans? Do they celebrate holidays like Yule or Beltane? Ever want to write a Lupercalia fic? Or maybe a Mating Run? Go forth and write. Think outside the box. DAY TWO June 22: Family, Found Family, and Brotps
For this day, we want you to focus on non-romantic relationships on Teen Wolf. Derek bonding more with his betas, the dynamics between Laura and her siblings, Cora and Boyd being besties, Derek finding family again after the fire. The options are limitless. Queerplatonic relationships are also acceptable for this prompt! DAY THREE June 23: Rarepairs and Poly Ships
“Rarepairs” in this instance are any ships outside of Sterek and Steter. We want to give the other pairings their due. Feel free to pick a threesome or moresome. Write that Poly Pack fic you wish to see in the world. Go nuts (or don’t, who are we to tell you how to write?) Please remember to properly tag all kinks, warnings, and/or possible triggers. DAY FOUR June 24: Full Moon
This can be anything from specific pack traditions done every full moon, a ritual performed by all werewolves everywhere, or one single full moon where something momentous happens. Maybe its Peter’s POV the night of the lunar eclipse. Maybe the remaining Hales are simply basking in the feeling of having a pack again. Whatever you choose, the only requirement is that the full moon, somehow, be involved. DAY FIVE June 25: Hale Headcanons
We all have headcanons when it comes to our favorite characters. Whether that idea is backed up by canon or just something that popped into your head while reading fanfiction, today is the day to share those headcanons with the fandom. What happened to Malia the whole time she was a coyote? What’s so special about the Camaro?  This can be one specific headcanon, or a fanwork surrounding several. DAY SIX June 26: “I’ve waited three years, I could wait another hour.”
This prompt is a little different. We wanted a prompt outside of the norm, to see what people come up with. Maybe Laura is a ghost who was finally able to contact Derek three years after her death. Maybe it’s the story of how soulmates Talia and Papa Hale, who met once but didn’t see each other again for three years. Maybe Peter finally found that gourmet burger place he’s spent three years dreaming about, but it doesn’t open for another hour. Be as serious or as silly as you want. DAY SEVEN June 27: Free Day - Dealer’s Choice
What it says on the tin. Make any fanwork you want. As long as it features the Hale family, go forth and create.
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midmorning-bomb · 3 years
Midnight Moon (day one, werewolf traditions)
It’s not hard to miss. Most of the pack does, anyway.
And Stiles might write it off as them just not caring, because it’s Peter, but it’s hardly the only thing that sails over their little bitten wolf-y heads.
If they stopped, paused during a pack meeting, or tempered wild instincts under the clear, midnight moon, they’d see. The rituals that make the trees sing. The traditions that make even Stiles’ human nose twitch with the metal, slick scent of blood or herbal spice of the forest. He wonders if they’re Hale customs or just Peter’s. It’s hard to tell from the way Derek shrinks back, shies away from them.
Stiles researches what he can, skirting around Peter’s elusive edges. Anytime he gets close, he gets the same smirking, infuriating, slip.
He tries asking Derek, once. After finding a floral crown, woven with St. John’s Wort, lavender, and pomegranate blossoms, on his pillow. Which, creepy? But nice? And creepy? It’s either Peter or one of the fae folk. God, he hopes it’s not the fae folk.
His (terrible) choices are: ask Peter and deal with the smarm and smug superiority of Stiles not knowing and confront the why of a flower crown (the tiny part of himself that is always honest, that oft-buried sliver, would be crushed if this was just another game), or talk to Derek about his family’s maybe-history of floral handicraft.
It goes poorly. Derek’s eyebrows convey a complicated series of emotions that eventually make their way down to his frowny, frowny mouth and leave Stiles with the uncomfortable urge to like... give him a hug and hot chocolate with an unrealistic number of marshmallows. Instead he grimaces and gives Derek a truly awkward pat on the arm that kind of turns into a prolonged scent marking? Whatever it is, it gets Derek glassy-eyed and turning and leaving abruptly and Stiles with no answers, still.
He ends up hanging the crown on the wall above his headboard where it dries and the perfume lingers. Helps him sleep.
In the full moons that follow, Stiles is always watching Peter, eyes narrowed and feeling exasperated.
Then suddenly it’s the harvest moon, sitting all fat and heavy in the sky, with the Autumn Equinox approaching. Both Hales are straight up bleeding through poorly wrapped bandages around their right wrists and over their hearts and the rest of the pack is just. Bailing? Not noticing? Absently texting? For the love of all that is fluffy and howls at the moon, how did they ever make it into their twenties?
At nearly midnight, it’s just Stiles and the Hales left in the heart of the preserve. Derek looks at him for a long moment, before offering a quick nod and striding deeper between the trees. Peter holds out a clawed hand, with a face that wants to be a mask, but the bright moon is giving him away. Stiles can see the tick of his jaw and shade of longing hidden in the blue of his eyes.
He places his hand in Peter’s, moves to follow Derek, and joins their nighttime rite.
Midnight Moon | @haleweek
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haleweek · 3 years
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There's only ONE MONTH left until the start of a week-long appreciation of our favorite born weres, the Hale Family!
How can you participate?
By creating any type of fanwork: fics, art, edits, gifs, fanmixes, etc. are all welcome, as long as one of the Hales is a primary character. For the purpose of this challenge, this includes the following characters: Derek, Peter, Laura, Cora, Malia, Talia, and Papa Hale.
Background characters or ships are allowed, as long as one of the Hales remains the main focus.
Explicit, mature, dark, or triggering themes MUST be clearly and appropriately labeled. You must be 18+ to post or share NSFW content.
What are the themes of the week?
June 21: Werewolf Traditions
June 22: Family, Found Family, and Brotps
June 23: Rarepairs and Poly Ships
June 24: Full Moon
June 25: Hale Headcanons
June 26: “I’ve waited three years, I could wait another hour.”
June 27: Free Day - Dealer’s Choice
How can you post your work?
If you post your works here on Tumblr, use #HaleofaWeek, or tag us @haleweek so we can reblog your post. We also have an AO3 collection.
You can also join our Discord server to talk about the Hales any time.
We look forward to seeing your fanworks!
Andrea (@jacyevans) and Lucy (@wolfflock)
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