#and that peter was in love with claudia and the reason he offered stiles the bite was to preserve that last little piece of her
buckybarnesss · 1 year
the fact that nobody called Derek out on his sudden "no, no, we shouldn't immediately murder" attitude in season 3B is so funny
Derek killed Peter, Jackson, and wanted to kill Lydia, but when it's Stiles? Nope, suddenly non-violence is the only answer.
it's one of the things i love about 3B so, so, so much.
i think the only people who could reasonably call derek on it would be scott and peter. scott may have noticed but he wouldn't have on this. not when he was desperate. peter sort of did when derek became focused on the chessboard but instead he was kind of helpful about it. perhaps taking a little pity on his nephew.
riddled is such a great episode for various reasons. scott is terrified of what's happening to stiles. the look on his face when isaac suggests after seeing stiles room that it's insanity all but screams scott is thinking about claudia just like the sheriff is. scott may not have known the name of the disease claudia had but he knew enough. it's the first time scott sees the bite as a gift when he all but offers it to stiles. a last resort because they both know stiles really doesn't want it but it's an option and one claudia never had.
but what gets me is scott immediately calls derek. he's scared about stiles's wellbeing. scott hates involving derek in things and usually only contacts him as a last resort but not here.
scott may willfully put his fingers in his ears and close his eyes to the stiles and derek dynamic but we spent time on him realizing that stiles and derek made friends without him in 3A.
so he calls derek knowing derek will help.
derek is the most transparent we ever see him in 3B. derek enjoys having a certain amount of mystery about him with scott and company. he likes his local cryptid status with them. keeps them on their toes.
like yeah derek mellowed somewhat in season 3 but when stiles is in danger all his known methods and strategies go out the window.
he's teaching chemosignals to scott. he's revealing he knows stiles by scent well enough to be able to tell that stiles was having a fight with himself. he's purposefully seeking out argent to gauge how much of a threat he is to stiles.
he investigates what happened on the night with barrow and even takes kira along for the investigation. same guy who saw lydia was immune to a werewolf bite and went "yep absolutely the kanima gotta kill her" instead of looking for other reasons.
this man doesn't even investigate himself when he's losing his powers the next season. derek baby what you doing?
the nogitsune so called him out this by using his loft as essentially a safe place to hide from the oni. it purposefully used derek as protection right beside the sheriff because neither of them could kill stiles and it knew that.
stiles spent 2.5 seasons gaining derek's trust. stiles is the one who learns about derek's past and checks on his wellbeing. stiles is the one who makes an effort to understand him. the only two people we ever see offer derek comfort are stiles and cora.
stiles earned derek's trust so much by this point not only would derek do just about anything to protect stiles but stiles became his anchor.
the derek hale committee for the protection and safety of stiles stilinski founded 2011.
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princeescaluswords · 2 years
When people go "Stiles never trusted Theo" I'm like "He *did* trust him to keep his secret, he certainly trusted him more than his own supposed best friend whom he thought so little of that he assumed immediately he'd look down on him"
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You and I have often joked about "people should have been bullied by their English teachers more" but it's not just a joke, is it? The reduction of media consumption to a narrow set of shared tropes has rendered almost any sort of nuanced experience impossible. The fandom sees any and every type of story almost exclusively in terms of whom can be shipped with whom. It leads to partisanship instead of comprehension and frustration with parts of the narrative that have nothing to do with romance and/or sex.
For example, that's the reason why I've been seeing outrage in the fandom for the new Interview with the Vampire over the way Lestat has been portrayed in the most recent episode. Fandom was so excited by the chance for their "toxic but loving mlm relationship" addiction to get its fix that they ignored the clear signs that Lestat's possessive love, shallow self-absorption, and culturally inculcated disdain for those he saw as lesser than himself would ultimately create unbearable horror for Louis and Claudia.
Instead of experiencing the story and what it's actually trying to say, they immediately rebel because they've been allowed to believe that consuming media means imposing their favorite tropes and fetishes on it. Due to this entitlement, "Enemies to lovers, slow burn, 300k" has become the enemy of actually being a receptive audience.
Nothing, nothing, embodies this more than fandom's reaction to Season 5 of Teen Wolf. Their interpretation of its plot is ridiculously shallow simply because that ridiculously shallow interpretation suits their needs, which was to make Stiles the victim of Scott's role as lead protagonist, rather than Stiles being the victim of Theo and the Doctors and their need to make Scott not a victim at all.
If a viewer would take off the stan-goggles for a moment, Theo and the Dread Doctors targeted each of the pack's weaknesses, of course, but not just any of their weaknesses. They targeted weaknesses that arose out of the pack's strengths as well. I could go into each of them, and I will upon request, but the pack's trust in each other can be underlined by the scene in Parasomnia (5x02):
Scott: Why can't you trust anyone?
Stiles: Because you trust everyone!
The key that the fandom misses in their need to impose their own desired outcome on the story is that both of these lines are intentionally wrong. Scott does not trust everyone. He didn't trust Derek, or Peter, or Gerard, or Deucalion, among others. But most importantly, he doesn't actually trust himself. He doesn't trust his own emotions, his own intelligence, or his own nature. It's why he can't bring himself to tell Kira about her fox spirit, because he would have to say he's afraid. It's why he doesn't tell Liam about the plan, because he's "not sure if it's going to work." It's why he tells his mother that things have changed "because of me."
Stiles on the other hand, trusts a lot of people. He trusts his own instincts and usefulness, which is why he's still haunted by the time they were taken from him. He trusts Scott's virtue, which is why he assumes that Scott would choose being morally right over him. He trusts Theo but only after Theo confirms Stiles's own initial judgement. And yes, he does trust Theo, because he works with him, he assumes Theo will keep their secrets, which is why Stiles was surprised by the wrench "where did you get that?", and, most importantly, he trusts Theo will keep his word when he offers "I'll tell you where your father is but only if you promise not to help Scott."
Now, of course, the stans will come back with that scene in Memory Found (6x09) where Theo tells Noah "He was smart enough not to trust me" and completely miss the context of that scene. Theo is locked in a jail cell in a city being attacked by the Wild Hunt, and he wants out and the only person with the key card demands to be told something about the son he's forgotten. Of course, Theo is going to say something that plays to the sheriff's biases in order to get what he wants. That is Theo's thing; that's his modus operandi. But fandom as usual decides that they need to take Theo's words at face value, as if they don't supposedly hate Scott for doing the exact same thing.
What's sad is they miss some of Teen Wolf's best writing when they shuck context in order to make the story serve their agenda. How many times have you read the fact that Derek or Peter or Theo has saved people's lives, so that means others should trust them, only to forget that this was exactly how Theo got people to trust him in Season 5A. As well as how Peter got people to trust him in Smoke & Mirrors (4x12) and how Derek got Scott to trust him in Lunatic (1x09). (Yet, strangely, Scott saving lives means nothing to them.)
Trust isn't a simple thing, not for Scott or Stiles or anyone. It's difficult yet worth pursuing, and Teen Wolf's writing doesn't shy away from exploring it. That complexity is completely eliminated in fandom's urge to promote certain ships and certain characters. They need to take English again.
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spaceprincessem · 3 years
Hale Appreciation Week Prompt: Hale Headcanons @haleweek​
Okay, so just a few lil headcanons for Derek and Peter. See if you can figure out what they are :) (featuring sterek cause of course it does) 
Cause you're a hard soul to save {With an ocean in my way}
“Isaac,” Malia growled, finger’s digging into the wood of the table sitting between them, “you need to vote.”
“No,” Isaac snarled in return, arms across his chest, “I’m not taking part in any of this.”
Malia’s biting retort died on her lips as Derek flashed her a warning look. She swallowed hard, jaw clenching as she rocked back on her heels, still glaring at the curly headed boy. 
“Since Isaac is abstaining,” Lydia cut through the tension, “that leaves Peter and Derek.”
“Why does Peter get a vote?” Scott asked, wearily looking at the older man who was casually sitting on the spiral staircase looking rather at ease.
“Like it or not,” Peter grinned, all teeth, “I am part of this pack.”
“Barely,” Isaac murmured, before immediately going quiet as Malia fixed him with a murderous glare.
“So,” Lydia clicked her tongue impatiently, “what do you think, Peter?”
“The bite is a gift,” Peter shrugged nonchalantly, “and apparently our last hope.”
Kira ran a soothing hand over Scott’s back as he deflated, while Cora and Malia exchanged a small look of triumph. Lydia’s jaw was clenched, but she quickly rolled her shoulders, gaze moving towards Derek. The rest of the pack’s eyes followed. The steely silence made it feel like all of the air had been sucked out of the room. Derek’s palms were pressed against the table, leaning his weight forward, head dipped down as his claws embedded themselves into the wood. They could all hear it. The rapid pounding of his heart. The stench of doubt and fear was so heavy it felt like they were drowning in it. 
“No,” Derek finally said, the answer hanging in the air like a death sentence, “I’m not giving Stiles the bite.”
A beat of silence. A sigh of relief and a disbelieving uproar.
“Get out,” Derek growled, stopping the buzzing arguments flying across the room like venom. When no one moved he pinned them with a commanding, crimson look, “I said get out.”
The pack slowly dispersed around him. Scott was the only one brave enough to reach out, a hand on Derek’s shoulder, a small, but sad smile curling against his lips, “Thank you, I know it’s the right decision.”
Derek gave a curt nod in return. He was surprised to see Peter still sitting on the staircase long after the others had gone. The look of disappointment etched in his uncle’s face made him feel inexplicably angry. Peter always had a knack for reducing him to a fifteen year old boy who didn’t know how to control his shift during the full moon.
“What?” He chewed out when Peter remained quiet.
“I didn’t say anything,” Peter replied, but he could hear the bitter bite beneath his uncle's words, the desire to start a fight.
“I’m not giving Stiles the bite,” Derek said again. He suddenly felt the need to defend himself as his uncle chuckled darkly.
“I heard you the first time, nephew,” Peter sneered.
“You don’t agree with my decision,” Derek pointed out flatly.
“Well, clearly,” Peter said as he got to his feet, “as I voted yes.” He sighed, brushing past Derek to head into the kitchen, “But you are the alpha, so I don’t think it matters what the rest of us wanted.” 
Derek could hear the older man clinking through the glasses, the sound of liquid sloshing against emptiness before a bottle was carefully placed on the counter. Derek allowed his gaze to find his uncle leaning against the counter, slowly sipping from his nearly full glass.
“It was cute to let them think this was a democracy, though.” Peter added after a moment, swirling a few ice cubes into his drink.
“Stiles doesn’t want the bite,” Derek explained, that primal urge for someone to understand, “he never has.”
“You think your decision is about Stiles?” Peter asked, smiling meanly, “Here I thought it was about you.”
“Of course it’s about Stiles,” Derek huffed furiously, “you think he would be grateful if he woke up and was su—”
“Well,” Peter cut in, “it’s better than never waking up at all, isn’t it?”
Derek remained silent. But his face said it all.
“He’s been in this coma for what, two weeks now?” Peter asked as he sat his glass down, moving towards Derek with calculated steps, “You still think he’s going to magically wake up by some divine intervention?”
“I am not taking that choice away from him.” Derek argued, his chest heaving as he worked to keep himself calm.
“Are you scared he’s going to hate you if you do?” Peter asked, inching closer. “Or scared he won’t survive like Paige?”
“Why do you care so much?” Derek asked, feeling like he’d been thrown off balance.
“I’m just trying to understand why you wouldn’t do everything to save the person you love,” Peter replied simply, but there was an undercurrent of harshness to his tone.
“I am doing everything to save him!” Derek snapped, teeth bared and eyes flashing dangerously. “You and I both know Stiles wouldn’t want the bite to save him.”
There was heated silence between the Hales. Ice blue boring into grey-green. 
“Stop making excuses, Derek.” Peter said, breathing out harshly through his nose, “It’s the only way to—”
“My answer is final,” Derek growled before turning on his heel to head back to the hospital.
“So,” Peter called at his retreating back, voice trembling with anger and saturated in sorrow, “you’re just going to let the last piece of Claudia Stilinski die in this god forsaken town?”
Derek froze. The stench of love lost burned hotly in his lungs. He swallowed down the sour taste of bile as he turned to face his uncle again. “Is that what this is about?” He asked quietly, “Preserving the only thing left of Claudia Stilinski?”
“You know it’s more than that,” Peter bit back.
“Is that why you offered Stiles the bite all those years ago?” Derek felt exhausted, like the revelation took more out of him than he could ever care to admit. “Because you took one look at him and saw someone that was never yours?”
“Talia could have saved her,” Peter’s voice was small now, his eyes far off in the distance, “but we can’t always get what we want.” His eyes were hard on Derek’s face now, a sneer pulling his lips up cruelly, “So, yeah, I looked into those amber eyes and saw the one person I would have done anything for.” He exhaled deeply, “Stiles is all that’s left of Claudia.”
“Stiles is his own person,” Derek replied softly, “and he should get to choose. You wanted to save Claudia by giving her the bite, but I’m going to save Stiles by keeping him human.”
“I wonder which version of losing him is going to hurt more,” Peter said with a vindictive smile, but Derek could see that his eyes were sad. 
Derek didn’t say anything as he turned to leave Peter alone in the loft.
“Miss me, Sourwolf?” Stiles slurred, his half lidded eyes peeking up at the exhausted wolf with a mix of fondness and concern.
“More than you know,” Derek replied, threading his fingers through the cold, pale ones, before bringing them to his lips to gently kiss.
“Sorry I kept you waiting,” Stiles hummed, closing his eyes, until Derek’s too tight grip made him blink them open again.
“Sorry,” Derek replied sheepishly, “I just missed the color of your eyes.”
Stiles smiled, “You mean the most boring shade of brown?”
Derek shook his head, not knowing how he could explain that Stiles’ eyes reminded him of bottle honey. Warm and sticky sweet. Of coffee with too much cream or tiger’s eye gleaming in the sunlight. How could Derek describe that Stiles’ eyes were the shade of the earth beneath his feet when he ran through the preserve under the light of the full moon? When he catches Peter watching them from the doorway, face soft and shoulders sagging in relief he wonders if he could ever tell Stiles that the beautiful shade of amber was a window to a future that was stolen much too soon.
“Not to me,” Derek just says instead, leaning up to kiss him, “not to me.”
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guess who remembered that “Once Upon a December” goes fuckin HARD
 and now wants a modern Anastasia AU. 
Like let’s say Claudia’s dementia caused her to forget the sheriff instead of Stiles. One day she’s suddenly convinced that she and her son are being held captive by a strange man, so she takes Stiles and runs. Her paranoia causes her to leave behind her phone and any identifying information, out of the fear that it will be used to track her.
Stiles is young enough that he doesn’t understand what’s happening, just happy to be with his mom. He’s young enough that he barely knows his own phone number. He’s young enough that when Claudia crashes the car and goes flying through the windshield, the trauma destroys any memory that could help the police find his father. 
Stiles winds up in a group home. A few foster families tried to take him in, but with ADHD and a generally odd personality, he’s never quite “a good fit.” Every time he gets sent back, it breaks him a little more. The social workers tell him that it’ll work out someday, that everyone belongs to a family somewhere, they just have to find them. 
This statement gets twirled around in Stiles’ mind. He does belong to a family. Memories of his dad are fuzzy, but he knows he had one before his mom died. The memories are coated in a warm feeling of comfort and love- he wants it back. He has to find his dad. As soon as he turns 18 and he’s free from state care, he’s going to find his dad. 
Enter Peter.
Peter has a... history of finding people. After the fire, he was the one who found Cora. He found the Argents, too. And after that, he found a distantly related pack to take in Derek and Laura when they decided they couldn’t stay with him. 
However, he’s also “found” lost paintings, and rare copies of books, and other easily forged things. He’s gotta make a living somehow, and Cora doesn’t object to it. He doesn’t care about anyone else’s opinion. 
He meets Stiles in a Starbucks. Well, actually, Peter catches Stiles slipping Peter’s wallet back into Peter’s pocket in a Starbucks. Stiles is already holding the hot coffee he bought with it. Peter is just slightly more impressed than mad. 
“At least I returned it,” Stiles objects, sipping his quadruple shot latte. “I could have just kept it and used it to pay for an Uber.”
“How ethical of you,” Peter says dryly. 
“Yeah, Uber isn’t a sustainable model and they treat their drivers pretty terribly, I don’t like to support that.” He takes another sip. 
Peter isn’t sure if he wants to punch him or kiss him. Though, the longer they sit across from each other and chat, the more he leans toward kissing. 
And actually... the longer he looks at him, the more... familiar he looks. Not his exact face, but... 
A quick google in the bathroom pulls up the face of Claudia Stilinski and her son Mieczysław from a missing poster twelve years ago. Peter’s never had a good eye for aging up kids, but the boy in Starbucks looks remarkably like Claudia. And he’s about the right age... 
And the sheriff never stopped offering a reward of a million dollars. 
Peter’s not stupid enough to think the kid is actually the Stilinski boy. Things like that just don’t happen in real life. He knows the statistics. It’s why he was so desperate to find Cora before the first 24 hours was up. 
But he knows the sheriff is still heartbroken. And the boy out there carried enough verbal armor to ensure that he was desperate for something. After a few mentions of foster care, Peter could guess what. If both of them were looking for the same thing, there was no reason they couldn’t find it in each other. 
And no reason Peter couldn’t pad his bank account by a solid mil. 
It will take some extra maneuvering, though. The DNA test for starters. Luckily, he knows someone who works in the hospital lab. 
“Cora, sweetie, I have a favor to ask.” 
“I’m not letting you borrow my Valentino sweater.” 
“I'm already wearing it, but that’s not actually why I’m calling.” 
When he tells her his idea, she’s more reluctant than he is. 
“So you’re basically... forging a person,” she says, skeptical. “I don’t know, Peter. Fencing fake art is one thing...”
“They’re both looking for family, Cora. We can give them that.” And here’s the thing: Peter’s not just using that as an excuse. He genuinely believes it. He doesn’t know where he’d be if he didn’t have a family in Cora. And he knows that if he suddenly found out that she wasn’t actually his biological niece, it wouldn’t change anything about their relationship, because she would still be the person who makes scones with him on Sundays and critiques modernist poetry with emojis. 
Eventually, he gets Cora on board, and convinces Stiles that he might actually be the long lost Stilinski child. It takes time to talk him into it, though. For as desperate as Stiles is to find his father, he’s also terribly gunshy after the failed foster homes. 
As they talk, Peter drops information about Mieczysław that the sheriff has said in interviews. Siltes latches on to every piece of information like it’s the key to unlocking eternal life. 
“Mieczysław’s favorite candy was Reese’s? My favorite candy is Reese’s.” 
“Mieczysław had an outie belly button? I have an outie belly button.” 
There are actually an uncanny amount of commonalities. Peter thinks it’s convenient. 
(He doesn’t think anything else about it)
Finally, Peter introduces them. It goes amazingly. They fall into a father/son dynamic immediately, joking and comparing the few memories they share. Mostly the ones that Peter’s told Stiles about. There are a couple that he doesn’t remember, but he figures Stiles probably did some extra research. He’s thorough that way.
The sheriff, tearful with thanks and absolutely sure that this could be no one but his son, hugs Peter and transfers the money in gratitude.
Stiles and the sheriff start having family dinners and spending their days off catching up. They spend a lot of time together.
A Lot™ of time.
So much time that Peter doesn’t really get to see Stiles much anymore.
He’s not jealous or anything. He’s just starting to wonder if maybe he was wrong. Maybe he should tell them that they’re not really related. That might be, what’s the word, “right”? Yeah, it might be the “right” thing to do. But it’s totally not because he’s jealous.
Then Cora bring him the DNA test.
“Hey. Those are the results.”
Peter checks them over briefly, and despite his misgivings says, “Yeah, that looks good. Thanks Cora, the money’s in your account.”
“No, dipshit, those are the results. The actual results. Stiles is Mieczysław. He’s the missing kid. I mean missing eighteen year old.”
It turns out real life really does work like that sometimes. Sometimes, the boy gets to go home. 
And, Peter finds out when Stiles asks him on a date the next night, sometimes he gets the boy too. 
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awyeahitssam · 5 years
Ella!EnchantedAU - Stiles has the curse of obedience. 
Scott smiled, taking his hand. 
Stiles pulled him to his feet.
The next three words the floppy-haired boy says make Stiles’ faint smile falter completely.
“Be my friend.”
Thing is, Stiles could have chosen to hate Scott McCall. Some days, he very nearly did.
But Stiles was compelled to be Scott’s friend. If they didn’t speak for a few days, Stiles would begin to get painful hand spasms until he at least attempted to contact the other boy. By the third day -- Stiles enjoyed nothing if not knowing the limits of his curse -- Stiles’ body moved automatically, typing out messages or walking to Scott’s house without his consent.
Stiles wasn’t a very kind child, but he never turned his acidic tongue on Scott. 
After all, even to people he liked Stiles was kind of a dick.
But when Scott said ‘let’s be friends,’ it seemed like the curse defined the word by Scott’s idea of ‘friends’ rather than Stiles.
That turned out to be a rather good thing, because Stiles was fiercely loyal and protective. Scott… wasn’t. 
“Behave, Stiles,” the Sheriff would snap, and Stiles would.
“Just make dinner tonight, son.”
“Tell me the truth.”
Stiles glanced around, trying to come up with something that didn’t have him keeping the oversized manchild afloat for another hour and keep an eye on the Kanima at the same time.  
Whiskey eyes landed on his phone.
Derek followed his gaze, scowling harder than ever. “Don’t—“
Stiles dropped him before Derek could finish the order, swimming to the phone.
In the end, Scott was no help.
“You’re going to tell me where Derek is.”
Stiles grit his teeth. Like hell.
“Why would I help you?”
Peter stared at him for a long moment, eyes half-lidded. The mad glint has dimmed to something pitless. Hollow. Stiles didn’t trust it. 
“Because I’m ordering you to.”
Stiles feels his heart rate pick up, his breaths quicken, his palms start to sweat. He swallows through a dry mouth. 
Peter knows.
He knows. 
But he hadn’t actually ordered yet. 
As if hearing the thought, Peter goes on. 
“Find Derek for me.” Stiles remains still, staring Peter down, eyes condemning for the first time. There’s a vicious fury rising in his chest, wild and uncontainable. The last time Peter dealt with fire, it hadn’t ended well for him.
“Find Derek Hale as quickly as you possibly can,” the man modified, gazing back at him calmly.
Specificity. Stiles’ worst enemy. He’s good at getting off on technicalities, at disobeying the spirit of an order while still completing it, but even half-mad Peter’s too smart for that. 
Stiles’ body turned on autopilot. He snatched the laptop from Peter’s hands and swiftly logged in. He pulled up the browser with a keyboard shortcut and hacked into the wifi of the building next to them in a few short keystrokes. 
He had the tracking information off Scott’s phone inside two minutes.
Peter looked at him, looked at the results, and smiled.
“He’s going to kill me!” She shrieks. “You can’t let him hurt me, Noah, you’ve got to protect me—“
Claudia might be having one of her good days, and then she’ll get a glimpse of her son and have an episode. Stiles notices, of course he does, and tries to stay away. But he loves his mother. He wants to be there whenever he can, whenever she’s lucid. 
She’s the only one that knows about the curse. That knows him completely, and adores him whenever she can still recognize that he isn’t plotting to kill her.
On May 19th, Claudia looks at Stiles with tired eyes and says, “Kill me.”
It all makes a sudden, horrible sort of sense.
Claudia had known, had probably decided long ago, that Stiles would be the one to end her suffering.
Frontotemporal dementia doesn’t kill.
So Stiles does it for the disease. 
“Team Free Will,” Dean Winchester says from the laptop speakers. 
Stiles laughs so hard he cries.
He asks him. 
It’s something that eats at Stiles, even after the man is dead and buried.
Peter didn’t give Scott a choice, and he could’ve easily taken away Stiles’. Instead, he asked.
And Stiles--well.
Being a werewolf changed you fundamentally. Stiles was willing to bet that even your DNA was altered. 
He counted on it being enough. 
It wasn’t. 
He flashes preternatural blue eyes at himself in the mirror, a snarl curling his lips. 
Hates just that much harder.
“Shut up!” Isaac shouted.
Stiles mouth clicks. Isaac looks surprised, but he smells of terror at whatever Stiles’ face is doing. Stiles bares human teeth at him and the boy’s pulse jumps. Isaac sneers, all bravado.
Stiles leaves before he wets himself. 
Orders can counteract each other.
Sometimes, when Stiles really don’t want to do something, he’ll manipulate somebody into telling him to do the opposite.
The first time they’re alone, after, Peter looks at Stiles and says, “You don’t have to be friends with Scott McCall.”
A knot in Stiles mind relaxes, and then releases entirely. Stiles thinks of Scott, thinks of him without the shiny order that made him remember the good more than the bad. 
He doesn’t hate Scott, though by now he had more than enough reason to. 
But Stiles finds he doesn’t like him, either.
The black and white naïveté, the self righteousness, the way he ordered everyone around nowadays and Stiles was forced to comply.
Stiles stands abruptly, heart beating too-quick in his chest. 
Stalks forward, staring intently into the preternaturally-blue eyes of Peter Hale. The man looks almost wary until Stiles leans forward, sets a hand on his shoulder, and drags it down the line of his arm.
Scent marking him.
“Thank you,” he acknowledges, and it comes out a pleased rumble, octaves lower than his usual register. 
Peter blinks at him once, then quirks an eyebrow. He smells delighted and a bit astonished.
Stiles grins, eyes glowing. 
“I’m leaving,” he says lightly, half an offer. 
“Am I to presume that’s an invitation?”
Stiles flashes his fangs. “Presume away.”
He turns on his heel.
Peter follows.
Stiles’ life has never been simple, and that doesn’t change with Peter as a packmate.
Once, they stop mid-hike and Stiles peers over the cliff. There’s a few minutes of peaceful silence, and Stiles is enjoying the nature in a way he never had before, eyes closed, breeze fluttering through his growing hair.
He smiles. Steps that bit closer to the edge, enjoying the feeling of lightness and freedom. 
Then hears, “Never kill yourself.” 
Stiles feels the order snap into place. It is disproportionately light in comparison to the sensation of his stomach dropping out. 
It’s the first order Peter has given him since that night in the parking garage.
Stiles digs claws into his skin hard enough that he begins bleeding freely, and slowly turns to Peter.
There’s a glimmer of apology in his eyes, but something in his scent betrays him. Maybe he’s genuinely apologetic for betraying Stiles trust, but he doesn’t regret the order.
Stiles snarls. His wolf whimpers and snaps in his mind, wanting to turn tail and bite into Peter’s neck at the same time. Stiles feels his teeth elongate to fangs and pulls his eyes from blue, staring over the cliff once again.
The view doesn’t seem half as beautiful as it had moments ago.
It wasn’t like Stiles wanted to kill himself. If he did, he would have a long time ago. But having that option--
“How dare you,” he whispers to the open air. He’s too furious to look at Peter, too hurt to address him directly or acknowledge that this level of self-righteousness in the air could give Scott a run for his money. 
“I don’t mean to hurt you,” Peter says. 
It almost makes it worse. Stiles bares his teeth.
“I decided to trust you,” he says. “And you just spat on it. Pack doesn’t betray pack.”
Peter meets his gaze steadily. He looks wary, but he doesn’t say anything in his defense.
Stiles wants to rage at him, wants to use words to cut into that calm facade until he bleeds. ‘You and your niece are very alike,’ he almost says, but Stiles isn’t that hasty.
Isn’t that cruel, though he wants to be.
“What if hunters capture me? Torture me? What if I go mad from it? I don’t even get the option of biting off my own tongue now, Peter?” 
“I would come for you,” the man says quietly. 
Stiles roars.
Peter’s eyes widen, and he takes a short step back before standing his ground. He smells concerned and surprised, but not apologetic.
“Don’t follow me,” he snaps, shaking with the urge to destroy.
Stiles is a very angry individual.
Having no say will do that to you.
“Take it off,” Stiles snarled, pulling Peter’s hair harshly. 
The man met his gaze, blue eyes dazed and dilated. Then, after another long moment of staring, shook his head.
“Can’t lose you,” he rasped from between fangs. “I won’t.”
Stiles’ laugh edged on manic. “You already have, you fool.” 
When Peter woke in Deaton’s shop four days later, Stiles was long gone.
There have been moments.
Moments when Stiles was absolutely certain he was about to die.
Like when Jackson sneered, “Kill yourself,” and Stiles’ hands found the closest sharp object and aimed it unerringly at his carotid artery. Like when his dad—
Well. He tries not to think of his dad. 
But somehow this—emotion—is harder to manage. The level of betrayal that can only mean he trusted Peter in the first place. 
Stiles’ world crashed down on a pleasant autumn day during a walk with his packmate. 
And the ruins continue to burn for a while yet.
“As you can imagine, I don’t like people taking away my ability to choose,” he says, almost lightly. “When I was nine my mother made me kill her. When I was twelve my dad almost killed me by saying something careless when he was drunk. I was forced to be Scott’s friend for eleven years.”
“None of them set out to hurt me,” Stiles acknowledged. “But they all did. I trusted each one of them, and they came so close to tearing apart the fundamentals of who I am.” 
Stiles’ eyes blazed red when he turned to Peter. 
“You know that kid who never did anything he was told? That’s who I am inside. The only person I should have to answer to is myself, but that was taken away from me a very long time ago.” Stiles sighs warily. He suddenly looks far older than his twenty-two years. “You’re the first person I willingly offered my trust to in years, and you shattered it. And you weren’t sorry, not really, or at least not until later, when you realized what it cost you.” 
Peter swallowed heavily. He smelled tired, and very, very sad. “I’m sorry,” he said, voice little more than a rasp. “I am, Stiles. You can kill yourself. You can do anything you want. I’m sorry.”
Stiles huffed a laugh, not sounding very amused at all, and Peter felt a displacement in the air just as Stiles appeared in front of him, red eyes boring down into his blue.
“You think I would return before breaking the curse?” he said wonderingly. “I trust no one that much, Peter.”
Peter swallowed heavily, awaiting the inevitable blow. He bared his neck, just a bit, even knowing what was coming.
Peter jerked when a cold nose brushed against his neck, rubbing up the line of his carotid. He felt like his heart was in his throat, jumping wildly and very audibly. 
“I,” Stiles agreed, more than a touch mockingly. He sighed at whatever look was on Peter’s face at that, and pulled him in closer. “You’re an idiot. I can do whatever I want now, Peter.”
Peter shifted as fingers combed through his hair. Peter made a strange sound, a mix between a purr and an engine revving. “I love you, though.”
Peter stared at him.
Stiles huffed a laugh, leaning forward to brush their cheeks together. Scenting. 
“And here I thought I was choosing such an intelligent packmate,” he said, more fond than mocking this time. When he pulls back the smile in his voice is gone, his eyes back to their normal honeydew. “Don’t think my loving you will change anything, Peter. Betray me again and I will rip your throat out.” 
Peter whines, high and embarrassing. Stiles makes a low, rumbling noise in response and leans in, kissing his forehead lightly. 
“And I’ll rip out the throat of anybody who threatens you, of course.” 
The noise subsides, and Peter sighs, smelling content, confused, aroused. Stiles soaks in the scent without any intention of remedying the confusion for a while yet.
The arousal, however, he can do something about.
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seven-oomen · 4 years
Me again, courtesy of my being off today, and also perpetually having fannish thoughts!  First, can’t wait to see what you come up with for the whole Dean/Chris thing (…that sounds weird, but you know what I mean.)
Second, if you are taking votes on the subject, I vote DILF Club for the whump prompt (because I will ALWAYS vote them on pretty much anything).  Most logically I could see it being Chris or Noah suffering from a combo of possible concussion and hit of pain drain, leading to accidental confessions of feelings, thoughts of not being good enough, or other angsty trauma issues of your choice.  Or for pure comedy gold, either of them in the hospital suffering from both previously mentioned things plus maybe a hit of local anesthetic, and Melissa getting WAY more detail about their sex life than she EVER needed to know.  If it’s Chris, she gets the benefit of giving him shit for the rest of his natural life in the way that only your bestie can, if it’s Noah, she can also give him shit, and possibly compare what she hears to things she remembers being told by Claudia (actually…depending on what kind of details Chris shared this could work for him, too…)  Although, the thought of a delirious Peter trying to hit on both his husbands because he forgot they’re married (or dating, or whatever) also has some serious appeal.
And third, I love the idea of knitter Cas, but I would like to offer up the suggestion of Dean taking up crochet before he moves to knitting.  It’s basically just tying really small, elaborate knots with a hook, so I feel he’d understand the process a little better at first.  Sort of like a gateway craft.  XD  And they could make each other things from the same yarn so they coordinated without going full on matchy-matchy, which I feel would be one of those WAY in the future things if it happened.  And he could more easily drop it if he needed to have his hands free for defense or something without worrying about stitches falling off the needle or anything.  (Am I thinking too hard about this?  Probably, but who cares?)
And not to be depressing on main or anything, but I suspect the lack of extra siblings in TW is partially linked to the prevalence of single parents.  But it’s definitely weird.  What few siblings there are, are mostly dead or missing.  Maybe the imaginary Martin sister was my brain trying to fill the blanks there, so to speak.  ’>.>  I also feel like the majority of multi-child families feature werewolves/shifters, whether born or turned (the Hales, both generations, Isaac, Boyd, Malia, Hayden, Brett & Lori, Ethan & Aiden.)  I don’t know that it necessarily means anything, but it’s interesting.
Also, as someone who regularly forgets to eat until at least one or two o'clock or later on their days off, I’m certainly not going to judge you for it.  XD  Best vibes for your writing!  Take care!  *Hugs!*
I probably shouldn’t have had that wine because I didn’t eat much today and one single glass is sending me right now. But also I’m 29 and have no job due to disability and 2 days of loneliness. So whatevs. Anyway.
Dean/Chris things has been posted, I feel proud of it. Although I’m not sure what sort of a value it has except headcanon. Idk if I contributed anything or just randomly rattled my thoughts into the internet, but well, I was distracted for a few hours and I had a surge of dopamine I guess.
Second, if you are taking votes on the subject, I vote DILF Club for the whump prompt (because I will ALWAYS vote them on pretty much anything).  Most logically I could see it being Chris or Noah suffering from a combo of possible concussion and hit of pain drain, leading to accidental confessions of feelings, thoughts of not being good enough, or other angsty trauma issues of your choice.  Or for pure comedy gold, either of them in the hospital suffering from both previously mentioned things plus maybe a hit of local anesthetic, and Melissa getting WAY more detail about their sex life than she EVER needed to know.  If it’s Chris, she gets the benefit of giving him shit for the rest of his natural life in the way that only your bestie can, if it’s Noah, she can also give him shit, and possibly compare what she hears to things she remembers being told by Claudia (actually…depending on what kind of details Chris shared this could work for him, too…)  Although, the thought of a delirious Peter trying to hit on both his husbands because he forgot they’re married (or dating, or whatever) also has some serious appeal.
Then DILF Club (Chris/Peter/Noah) it is! And oooh, I like the idea of either Chris or Noah spewing all the secrets to Mel while they’re completely delirious. Poor Mel would have sooooo much material for blackmailing but I feel would also need a case of wine to cope.
And omg can you imagine? 
Peter’s looking at both of them with a dopey smile on his face. “You two are so pretty, why are we not dating?”
Noah and Chris look at each other, unsure if they should be concerned or laughing their balls off. 
“Peter-” Chris starts.
“-We’re married.” Noah adds.
“With children.” They finish simultaneously.
Peter looks at them, tears of joy streaming down his face. “We are?”
Sorry, me on wine is hyperactive little bastard.
But I feel like that would def be a good little fic.
And not to be depressing on main or anything, but I suspect the lack of extra siblings in TW is partially linked to the prevalence of single parents.  But it’s definitely weird.  What few siblings there are, are mostly dead or missing.  Maybe the imaginary Martin sister was my brain trying to fill the blanks there, so to speak.  ’>.>  I also feel like the majority of multi-child families feature werewolves/shifters, whether born or turned (the Hales, both generations, Isaac, Boyd, Malia, Hayden, Brett & Lori, Ethan & Aiden.)  I don’t know that it necessarily means anything, but it’s interesting.
I mean it makes sense in some ways. But I feel like some of the single parents could have had more kids before they became single parents. Maybe not Melissa, but Noah and Claudia? Yeah Stiles could definitely have had a sibling there who was like 4 years younger. .There’s no reason for him not to.  Jackson’s parents could have adopted another child. Also Chris & Victoria could have had another child. 
For that matter, Noah could have had a sibling or even Mel. It definitely didn’t have to be the kids that had siblings. 
I mean I get why they chose not to, but it would have been nice to have better surviving sibling relationships than Chris & Kate. (As in siblings who both survive.)
I’m not sure Derek & Cora really count anymore as they’ve been apart for a long while and don’t seem to be in contact as much any more.
But that’s just my feelings as someone who has a younger sibling and would have loved to see a better relationship than Talia & Peter or Chris & Kate.
Hope your day off is going well though! Since it’s nearing 2 am I’m gonna go to sleep but I’ll be around in the morning. Take care and hugs from me and Mo <3
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stereksecretsanta · 5 years
Merry Christmas, @PrincessaBitchessa!
Hello hello! I got a bunch of the things you asked for and, like my previous two works, this is completely stupid fluffy goodness and I hope it'll put a smile on your face! Merry Christmas!
Read on AO3
The money lasted longer than he thought it would, but not long enough to get out of the dog house of all the debt from medical bills and the mortgage. Stiles didn’t know what to do, how to find himself out of the zeroes and commas and the red ink on the envelopes, until he remembered the letter inside the safe his father set aside before he was killed. He pulled it out from where he’d locked t away, wanting nothing to remind him of what took the better part of two years to even partially come to terms with.
The blue-lined paper still had the frayed edges from where it was torn from a notebook, and the penmanship was as dicey as his father’s ever was.
Stiles I’m so sorry you have to read this letter. But since you are, let me say that whatever happened to me was not your fault. It wasn’t, Stiles, and if you’re blaming yourself I’m going to haunt your scrawny little ass. Don’t. There’s more that I want to say than I can ever put into paper, but this is held securely in the safe specifically because this information is extremely confidential.
If you’re ever in trouble, if you need money, protection, a job, anything, you give the following number a call, and ask for whatever Hale is in charge. You tell them you’re John and Claudia Stilinski’s son. They’ll take care of you. Whatever you find out about me, about what I did and what I accepted, know that it was to protect the town. From what it didn’t want to know about. They owe me a debt, one that I saved for you.
Love you, kid
Stiles’ bony fingers trembled slightly as he held the paper, mulling over the words as if this was the first time he’d read them. In truth, it was the first time he ever was really taking in the meaning. While he wasn’t sure if he wanted to know what exactly whatever you find out about me, about what I did meant, he would maybe check this out before selling foot pics.
Phone in hand, he tapped a pen on his knee, waiting for someone to pick up. Pick up pick up pick up pick u- THANK YOU.
“You’ve reached Beacon Hills Wildlife Preserve Management, how may I help you?” Secretaries all had this extremely creepy customer service voice that was robotic. Every one of them had the same voice.
What in the flying technicolor fuck was the Beacon Hills Wildlife Preserve number doing in this bizarrely ominous letter? This couldn’t be real. “Uh, could I talk to whoever’s in charge?” He sounded so lame. He could hear himself sounding so incredibly lame.
“May I ask for the purpose of your call so I can route you to the correct person?” The woman’s voice indicated that she could hear his lameness.
“Uh, I got bills I need to pay and I need help, I was told to call the number.”
“I’m sorry, we have no open positions at this ti-“
“Wait, wait wait, can I speak to the, uh, Hale in charge?” He remembered there was a name in the letter, maybe the name would help.
“Transferring your call now.” The voice cut directly to a hold tone. Well, that got him instant results.
The pen tapping his knee increased in speed as he waiting for someone to pick up the phone.
“This is completely insane.” Talia Hale rubbed her temples, a headache coming on. The fae wanted to move their court to the Preserve, even though that would not only effectively shut down anyone else trying to use the land. Some true galaxy-brain level genius released no less than five wolpertingers into the forest and now every one of her soldiers was out hunting goddamn flying jackalopes. And now, this.
“We have to do something, though.” Laura stood in the middle of the room, arms folded. “They won’t just stop here. Jerry’s bloodthirsty, and he wants a werewolf with an apple in his mouth on his Christmas dinner table.”
“Not it.” Peter said, because it was the most inappropriate thing that he could possibly say. He felt the eyes of the ladies staring at him, and decided not to acknowledge it. “Would you prefer nose game?”
“Thank you for your contribution.” Unhelpful ass. Talia stood, looking at the map of the preserve on the center table in the room. The lines marked out territories, the fenced off areas for endangered species, paranormally important spots, the Nemeton of course, everything of relevance. And right on their eastern border was a brand new Argent Armory establishment. How they got clearance for that when California had some very impressive gun laws was beyond her. The local lines had been redrawn and somehow those French-blooded fucks had gotten the ordinances to allow a firing range. Which would allow them to have a massive store house of guns and ammunition right there, so they could plan to clean house.
“Can we claim it’ll disturb the birds?” Laura offered. “It must, right?”
“Maybe. But you know the people love their guns. And don’t care about birds.” The phone started ringing across the room. “I’m more worried one of em will gun down a wolpertinger and then I’ll have way too many questions to answer.” The door opened brusquely and a young man strode in, looking cross as ever, throwing the body of a rabbit-quail-deer looking thing on Talia’s desk. “Number three.” He was slightly out of breath, looking at the body like it had personally called him a bitch. “And maybe they won’t shoot wolpertingers, but someone definitely did fucking shoot me.” He yanked off his coat and, yep, that was a bullet wound on his shoulder.
Laura poked it, just to hear him yell at her. Cain instinct.
“Stop it.” Talia gently smacked Laura’s hand. “You see who did it?”
“Y’even need to ask?” He snapped. He watched Gerard Argent smile and wave just a little from his property line, walking back as calm as he pleased at the edge of the woods. The bullet wasn’t wolfsbane, but in a way that was even worse. A wolfsbane bullet would at least do something. It would kill him, yeah, but it was a purpose that had a ‘reasonable’ point. The point of this mundane bullet was just to piss him off. And it was working.
“Will someone answer that phone?” Talia asked, fussing over her wounded boy.
Stiles sat in the office of the BHWPM headquarters, with a cup of coffee in his hands. The woman in front of him had introduced herself as Talia Hale, and given that two of the children in the room had the same severe cheekbones, dark hair, and piercing stare like they could see right into his bone marrow, he was fairly certain they were her children. They were attractive in the exact way that terrified him, which was probably not a good thing, because that was definitely his type. “Your father has done a great deal for us over the years, we are happy to help you now in payment for the help he gave you. Is it money you need?” Talia asked, looking over the young man. While not unkempt, there was something in the rakish hair and the unpressed shirt that said he might not be doing so well.
“A job would probably be better, I’ve been trying to get further in the FBI, but-“ He shrugged, not keen to detail his psychiatric history to people he didn’t know. “That’d be more of a help than a one-time get-outta-debt free card.”
“The FBI?” Talia asked, looking at him with new eyes. “Do you know what your father did with us, exactly?”
Stiles was entirely clueless. “I’m....guessing he helped clear drunk hooligans outta the preserve?” Stiles was definitely not the drunk hooligans ever, shut up. “Nah, I’m guessing he helped you hide bodies, smuggle people, and/or doctored police records for Scary One and Scary Two over there, and instead of taking bribes he took it on future favors.” The vibe in this room was way too Corleone for it to not be some undercover operation.
While the woman’s expression didn’t shift even at the comment to her own children, something in her eyes imperceptibly altered. Something a bit like amusement, or interest. “Would you want a job with someone who would do those kinds of things?”
“If my dad thought it was a good thing to do, it must have been for damn good reasons. I’m willing to find out.
“Derek, why don’t you take Stiles to get a proper suit. If he’s running with us, we need him looking the part.” Talia said with a smile. “And get him a proper gun.”
Scary Two: Tall Dark And Terrifying stepped forward and walked Stiles out the door without a word. He could work with that, and hey, any excuse to ogle the boss’ kid, right?
And Stiles thought those little fuckin wolpertingers were bad.
This was, in fact, infinitely worse.
He sat next to Derek in their little foxhole, only yards away from the Argent stronghold. Apparently Cora, the last piece of the Hale puzzle, and the so-described baby of the family, was inside. Who the fuck steals a baby, Stiles thought. And every one of them was ready to go utterly feral to get it.
Feral being both the operative word and unsettlingly accurate, as it turns out, with his boss lady on all fours and snarling at the people lobbing smoke grenades at them. Derek had his fangs out and everything, but luckily said nothing about how clearly Stiles wanted to climb him like a slightly more angular pine.
Because werewolves. Of course werewolves. Why wouldn’t there be werewolves.
Stiles popped out of the foxhole and nailed one of the Argent soldiers directly in his face, giving a startle to the others behind the line and giving an opportunity.
Stiles didn’t run out first, everyone else could go first and get shot at, he didn’t really want to catch any of them. Instead, he snuck out and around the melee, getting his gangly ass right into their stronghold as Talia was probably ripping someone’s throat out. Ew.
Inside was warm, and a little off-beat. “Hey, Cora?! Where you at!” He hissed, gun drawn in case someone stayed behind. He snuck around, looking for where the baby would be. Make a sound kiddo, come on, something, Uncle Stiles didn’t have a super-sniffer equipped.
After poking around what felt like a century, he finally heard the whine of an itty bitty kid, and lo there the child was, adorable as a button. “Aw, heya kiddo, c’mere.” He picked up the child, humming a little to try and keep them calm as he now had the great joy of having to get out of there. With the kid. He walked the whole back-asswards way around to stay far enough away from gunshots and yelling, because if that baby started crying, both of their asses would be dead! And the werewolves could smell his and Cora’s cocktail of gross or whatever, they could track him down anyway and it would be fine! Cora was fine, he was fine, everything was Gucci.
Back at the headquarters, he started looking around for anything that would help the child, blankets or diapers or at least something. But there wasn’t even a car-seat or anything. Where were they keeping the kid if the whole family was there the whole damn time? Stiles sat in one of the office chairs, baby sleeping soundly on his chest, as he waited for the family to get back.
There was no calm awakening for either, as a foot blasted through the door of the wildlife preserve office, splintering it instead of opening it. The sound of the voice cursing was definitely Derek, and he busted it down properly, a slight girl’s arm over his shoulder and a quart or so of blood apiece on everyone.
“Stiles, where the fuck did you go, we-“ Derek halted his scolding when he looked at him.
“Shhhhh, you’ll wake Cora up!” Stiles hissed.
Derek blinked those stupid pretty eyes as he looked truly lost for words. “Stiles.”
“Where did you get a baby?”
“Whaddaya mean? In the stronghold, where you all said-“
“This is Cora.” He said, pointing to the unconscious woman he dragged in.
Oh. Baby of the family meant. Youngest sibling not. Actual infant. Huh.
So then who exactly was he holding???
“Who the fuck steals a baby?” Peter asked,  pointing at the kidnapper.
Stiles looked at the child like it had turned into a 30 megaton nuke.
Talia sighed. “Stiles.”
“....Laura, go get some formula and diapers. I’ll....ask around about the baby.”
Stiles didn’t get into the family business to actually start a family. This was not his intention in the slightest. But here he was, singing a very off-key Jurassic Park theme song he composed himself to a tiny baby girl he decided to call Izzy, after his suggestions of Katie, Smelborp, Stormageddon, Cirilla, and Dreamsmasher were all shot down.
Derek walked in, and stood next to Stiles, hands out, offering to take the kiddo. Derek shouldn’t be allowed to dress down ever in Stiles’ presence, because the thin tee and the sweatpants were doing far too many good things for him. Too much was on display.
“No. Mine. Go kidnap your own.”
Derek exhaled, which was as close as Stiles ever got to a laugh from him. “C’mon, you’re dead on your feet, you adrenaline crashed hours ago, and the kid’s not falling asleep anytime soon. Give her over, alright?”
“I get it, I get it, you like the kid. But what happens when you get attached and we have to hand the kid back over?” Derek folded his arms, and it....hhough he shouldn’t be allowed to fold his arms either, what were those arms even??? It wasn’t fair. Stupid werewolf whatever magic bullshit.
“Give her back?” Stiles asked, offended by the suggestion. No, they were not giving Isabel back, no no no, not happening.
“Yes, give her back. Do you think you can just keep her here forever? The Argents might burn the whole preserve down if this is one of their daughters. You don’t have a birth certificate for her, even.”
“Shhhhhh stop saying sense words.”
Derek slipped his arms in and yoinked the baby before Stiles could react, but as soon as the baby was nestled against him, Stiles didn’t have the heart. Derek looked hot as hell all the time, but that, with the light from the lamp bouncing off of his face, and even a smile? He was beautiful. “There, was that so hard?”
“Yes. Give her back.” But Stiles wasn’t trying to take her back, he knew in a battle of strength he wasn’t going to win that. Unless it was strength of will, that he could go toe-to-toe with any of them. Stiles sat in one of the chairs, ready for a long night ahead of him, watching Derek pace softly in socked feet around the room.
With Izzy settled in a makeshift crib, Derek sat in another chair, rubbing his eyes that were still dusted with gunpowder and smoke from the fight. Cora was up and running again, talking things over with Talia and Laura, his job was to watch the baby. And Stiles, though they came as a joint package.
Stiles fiddled with a fraying end of the chair. Ever since he joined the family months ago, he didn’t ask any of the specifics of what his father did, but he was curious. “You know what my dad did, exactly, to get this kind of treatment for me?”
Derek looked up. “You sure you want to know?”
“Yes.” Stiles had stolen a baby he wasn’t exactly king of the moral high ground that day.
Derek sighed, thin mouth pressed so tight it was almost one dimensional. But something in his mind must have won out, that Stiles deserved to know, so he told. About how he was fifteen, with a girlfriend, and given some frankly terrible advice from Peter, that ended up getting her in a bad way, and Derek had to snap her neck. It was a mercy kill, but that was a dead girl’s body, and any whiff of that reaching the public would ruin Derek’s life forever.
Talia and Claudia had been friends for years, so when Talia asked for John to come to the preserve, no lights no sirens, for a favor, she made a leap of faith that John wouldn’t betray her family. But he didn’t. John fixed the autopsy results to show she was hit by a car, fixed everything up so she was mourned by her family in the normal way for a tragic death, and no one was the wiser that Derek had killed her.
Stiles was silent for a long time after that. Derek thought he’d fallen asleep, but finally Stiles spoke. “He did the right thing. He warned me, you know, that he did and accepted some things I might not like. But that’s....that’s not what happened.” They looked at each other for a moment, the quiet intimacy of secrets laid bare broken by the sound of a stirring baby.
“Aw c’mon Izzy, please just sleeeeep.....be a good lil Mafia princess for me, huh?” Stiles begged, getting up.
“We’re not the Mafia!” Derek objected.
“You wear suits, you talk about the family business, you run a front organization to alter cashflow, just cause you’re wolves doesn’t make you not-Mafia.”
“She’s a spark.” Talia announced to the collected family, Izzy playing with the square in Derek’s suit pocket.
“Shiiiiit, where’d they get one of those?” Peter asked, side-eyeing the little one. Someone snapped at him about his language choices, but it didn’t matter, as he would continue to do what he wanted. Stiles didn’t care for Peter too much in general, but after hearing what happened with Derek and Paige, he was not exactly feeling it.
“Explanation for the newbie?” Stiles asked with a raised hand.
“Spark, you know, magical talent. Some channel it into Druidism, some channel it in other magical schools of thought, that kind of thing. They become our emissaries, or...if the Argents raise one up from the ground, a devastating weapon.” Laura explained, looking at Isabel with a look more concerned and less suspicious.
“Oh, you mean like this?” Stiles snapped both sets of fingers, and a shot of electricity arced from one thumb to the other.
Every wolf in the room stared at him in utter silence for a solid ten seconds of uncomfortable quiet.
“Stiles.” Derek ventured the conversation.
“Why didn’t you tell us you could do that.”
“Didn’t ask.”
“Are you always this- never mind I know you are.” Derek shook his head.
Stiles grinned at being so well known, but the conversation was too serious for many jokes. “We’re not giving the her back to those unhinged fu- people, are we? She’s like me. Mine.”
“Well. That depends. If she was born to one of them, they are their child.” Talia wouldn’t like that if it were the case. “But, the fact that the police haven’t knocked on our door tells me that either they think we’ll kill the kid if they do, or they have no better right to her than anyone else. I think it’s the latter. However, they’ll bring their whole force against us to get her back. If we had John-”
Stiles froze at the mention of his father’s name, but said nothing more.
“If we had John, we would definitely be able to sort her paperwork out. But we don’t. We need to find a new contact in the police that can arrange us those papers. Until we get that, Derek and Stiles, I want you both to take her into the vault with everything you need to last a week with her. You’ll be safe there. Any questions?”
Stiles raised his hand again. “Is there wi-fi in the vault?”
There was no wi-fi in the vault.
There was also no cell service either, which meant no Netflix, which meant no video games, no Youtube, nothing to amuse him. And it was only two days in. He had nothing. Except for, of course, annoying Derek. At least Derek was very generous in this.
“Twenty questions.”
“I’m thinking of....a noun.”
By four days, Stiles had run out of annoyances and had drifted into just mindlessly babbling at Izzy, while Derek’s forehead wrinkles got worse and worse with every minute that his brain cells slipped away.
On the sixth day, Derek finally decided to play ball. Either Stiles had worn him down enough, or maybe the two bottles of whiskey were going to help him cope.
“Truth or dare?” Stiles offered, smile with as he took the offered booze.
“Only because I don’t have a deck of cards. As a warning, never play Laura in King’s Cup, she has never lost a game and given me alcohol poisoning three times.”
“How does the whiskey even work on you, Mr. Healsalot.”
“Is Healsalot the best you can do?”
“Shut up.”
“It’s actually a bit of halite. Disables werewolf abilities while in close proximity, if something happens I toss it away as quick as possible and I’m good in, I’d say a minute or so with this level of exposure. Cora had a couple day’s worth, which is why she was knocked out.”
“Gotcha.” At least it made as much sense as anything else these weirdo furries got up to. Once each had downed a respectable amount of alcohol, they could begin. “Alright, truth or dare, big guy.”
“Dare you toooooo.....fuck never mind there’s nothing fun to dare you with in here. These are all your family’s valuables and shit how am I supposed to dare you to dress up in Auntie Myrtle’s wedding dress and sing Poker Face on video for my own personal blackmail?”
“Truth, then.”
“You like guys?”
Derek stared at the directness of the question. “Subtle, aren’t we?”
“Literally never.”
“Okay. Sometimes.” Stiles didn’t look happy about the answer. “Why did you steal the baby?”
“I thought she was Cora!”
“You thought they wouldn’t have any sort of defenses around the hostage they’d taken from the werewolf family that they were fighting a turf war with?!”
“Shhhhhhh it’s fine it’s fine it all worked out right?”
“Did it? We’re hiding in a vault, that you have not stopped bitching about once since we came in here, and we might be giving her back, and even if we don’t, who’s going to take care of her?”
“Moi. Yo. Io. You want it in any other language?”
“Fuck you.”
“You wish.” Derek had something of a grin as he took another shot.
“Do you wish you could fuck me?” Stiles was getting bolder a couple shots in.
Derek took a moment to answer. “Sometimes.” Vague bastard.
“Oh? Like when?”
“Ah ah ah, my turn.” Derek took a swig, forgetting the dainty shot glass. “How many moles you got?”
“You wanna count em up?”
“Not an answer.”
“Over a hundred.”
Derek nodded, considering this thought as carefully as someone half-drunk really can. “Interesting.”
“Where do your eyebrows go when you shift?”
“How the fuck am I supposed to answer that question?”
“It’s your body, dude! How am I supposed to know how many moles I got when you don’t know where your friggin eyebrows go?!?!” Stiles’ limbs flailed as he gesticulated his exasperation.
“You’re gonna wake Izzy.” Derek warned. The baby was in another room of the vault so she could sleep while the adults could have their last-day-of-vaulting fun.
“Alright alr- wait, you called her Izzy.”
“No I didn’t.”
“Yeeeeeeees, yes you did you called her Izzy instead of the baby. You like her.”
“New question: do you like Isabel Stilinski-Hale, the new baby of the family?”
Derek chuckled, man he really must be drunk. “We’re hyphenating?”
“I found her so I get first billing, but like y’all took me in so like, I guess you can join. Whatever.”
“Yes, I like the kid. She’s pretty good for a baby. Only projectile vomited on me twice. That’s not bad.”
“She’s the best kid.”
“Do you really think you’re in a good place to adopt her right now in your life?”
“Nooooo stop with the serious questions.” Stiles whined. “Serious ones aren’t fun let’s get back to the flirty ones those were fun.”
“It’s my question.” Derek shrugged.
“If I stole you as a kid I’d name you Moodkiller the Great.”
“Is ‘the Great’ my last name or is ‘the’ my middle name, like Kermit.”
“God you’re such a fucking nerd.”
“You know, no, I’m not in like the...perfect spot. But who IS when they get a kid? And I got the magic thing, and she does, so like....I dunno, she’s got no one else, probably, so.....wouldn’t you guys help me?” Stiles’ big dark eyes looked so beautiful in the scant light of the vault. Derek’s kryptonite.
“Of course we would, don’t be stupid.” Derek mumbled, looking away.
“.....Isabel Stilinski-Haaaale you’re gonna come home with uuuuuuus.” Stiles grinned, getting his own way.
“Whose turn is it?” Derek asked, not sure where the game had gone.
“Mmmmmine. I think. Maybe. Does it matter?”
“Guess not.”
Stiles paused for a second, looking at the distance between them on the floor, the thought process unfolding before Derek’s eyes as he saw Stiles decide exactly how to ambulate himself closer. With a thud, Stiles flopped on top of him and they fell flat on the floor.
“Oh shut up that didn’t hurt, you big baby.” Stiles wasn’t going to let Derek get another word in, pressing his mouth against his, clumsy and off-center and everything bizarrely fitting together despite everything.
Derek only let Stiles win that for a half a second, before pinning Stiles down to the floor himself.
Stiles’ hangover next day was legendary. The wakeup screaming baby was violence to his ears and Derek was disgustingly FINE and Stiles hated him so much except for the fact that he still wanted to make out with his stupid face. Once he got up off the floor maybe. Everything hurt. Ow.
“C’mon, dumbass, Mom and Laura showed up outside, they said we got the kiddo and gotta go fill out the paperwork at the station. Gotta tell the world she’s your girl.”
“Yeah.” Stiles mumbled a little, looking up at Derek with the baby on his hip. “Mine.”
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wishingpoodle2004 · 5 years
(Scroll to the bottom to see my allstar list)
•A Simple Life by Survivah
Derek plans to spend the rest of his life holed up in the woods after Laura dies. Then he meets a stubborn young fox, and the stubborn young fox meets an urn of Deaton's magic powder, and his plans change.
My Rating: 10/10
Simply Excellent
•The Boy and the Beast by Duran Sudis (dsudis)
In which events in Beacon Hills go rather differently from the start, and a Beauty and the Beast (ish) story ensues. (Scott is not a teacup and no one sings about their feelings.)
My Rating: 9/10
Great story. Would liked to see the Human! Derek x Human! Stiles develope a bit more
• Good Behavior by theSilence
The God Awful Courting Tactics Used to Woo Stiles Stilinski by Derek Hale.
My Rating: 8.5/10
Absolutely hilarious, Stiles and Derek at their finest (not). Only fault is that it’s short and the people need to know what happened after date 3.
• headlong (I’m falling in a) by hito
Kink meme fill: When Stiles goes to college, for some reason, he has to share an apartment with Derek, which sucks, because Derek still hates him the most. They fall in love.
My Rating: 8.5/10
Love Stlies and Derek learning to share breathing space and getting walked in on by the rest of the pack . Warning⚠️ Lydia is bonkers and power hungry.
• You Feel Like Home by thestreetballet
"Derek, don't bully Mr Stilinski. He's had a bad few days."
My Rating: 9/10
I love love love Harry Potter AU sterek. Young Derek is desperately trying to look out for his newly found mate (young Stiles) while balancing prefect duties, pack life AND trying to keep said mating a secret from everyone including Stiles. This is part of a short series, read it all to get it. Warning ⚠️ Alpha Peter is bananas, lots of interspecies conflict.
• Can’t Take The Heat? by Ilovesocks_24
“Hi, I’m Stiles, and what I have for you today is…”
“Stop, just stop.” Grumpy Eyebrows interrupted. “That is honestly the worst looking Pasta Primavera I have ever seen. I don’t even want to eat it, it looks so bad.”
Stiles narrowed his eyes. No one insulted his creamy bacon carbonara without even trying it. And no one insulted his creamy bacon carbonara after they tried it either.
“It’s actually a Creamy Bacon Carbonara, asshole,” Stiles snapped. “And for the record, it’s supposed to look like that.”
Or the one where Stiles is a new sous chef at Full Moon Steakhouse and Derek is the Gordon Ramsay of all head chefs. So of course they fall in love.
My Rating: 8/10
Pretty good. The story was more focused on Stiles journey as a chef so not as many fluffy moments but still pretty satisfying.
• Permanent Fixture by linksofmemories_archive
Derek is Scott's older brother. Stiles is Scott's best friend. Derek is falling in love with Stiles. This is a bit of a problem.
My Rating: 9.5/10
This story WILL make you CRY. I had a hard time rating this because it’s very slow burn with lots of angst but you can literally feel every emotion in the story so I had to give it the extra 0.5. Spoiler: Claudia called it.
•Fly a Little Faster by mirrorkill
Everyone knows when you go back in time, you shouldn't step on an ant, just in case you accidentally kill your own grandparent or something. But what happens when you go back in time and, uh, accidentally interrupt the one event that apparently made the Grumpiest Alpha in Town into a ball of mindless manpain?
Well, if Marty McFly can do it, so can Stiles Stilinski. All he has to do is get Derek and Paige to fall in love before he gets pulled back to his own time. And before he makes anything worse. That's easy as pie, right? Right?
My Rating: 8/10
Such a creative. I only wish they had gotten to spend more time together in the past.
•Pack Up; Don’t Stray by the_deep_magic
AU – Werewolves are an enslaved underclass, collared and tagged by human masters. Detective Stilinski’s on duty the night they bring in an untagged stray.
My Rating: 8.5/10
I like this story because their love was based on trust and respect. Just two people who needed each other, found each other and fought for each other.
•In the Solstice of our Hearts by raving revolution
"You're not putting that up your butt," Scott told him flatly and Stiles couldn't stop the pissed off whine he made, but his friend continued. "Stiles, you can't put that up your butt, you know that. Your butt won't be ready for anything to go in it until-"
"Okay, okay!" he said, flailing his hands to stop his friend's lecture. "Message received, no butt stuff until I'm pounced on by some freaking animal in the forest and ravished to within an inch of my life. Got it. Thanks, Scotty, I mean heaven forbid I actually try to take control of my life and give myself a fighting chance or anything."
"Not all alphas are animals," Scott said quietly.
Maybe he was right, but Stiles wasn't holding his breath.
My Rating: 8.5/10
Interesting story but I wanted more fluff.
• No Homo by orphan_account
Stiles' sophomore year starts something like this:
3 FourLokos
+ 1 peer-pressuring cat
- 1 best bro to end all best bros
= 1 Craigslist ad headline that reads "str8 dude - m4m - strictly platonic".
Derek is the fool who replies.
My Rating: 9/10
This is one of my all time favorites. The author’s summary doesn’t even begin to do it justice. Firstly homophobic Stiles is just hilarious and adorable. Secondly this story is sooooo Hot🔥, bottom!Derek is amazing. Thirdly, just read it!!!!! You won’t regret it
• tongue of dog and blind-worm’s sting by Zercalo
In order to keep the identity of the teacher he's been seeing a secret, Derek's been withdrawing from his pack and family. Cora, frustrated with his alienation and a little lonely, clings to the first nonjudgmental person who offers companionship – which happens to be that odd Muggleborn Revenclaw who's always hanging around the Gryffindor common room.
She hasn't befriended Stiles for Derek's sake, but Derek just might reap the benefits anyway - if he pulls his head out of his ass and quit the stupid self-sacrificing act.
My Rating: 9/10
This is another Hogwarts AU where Cora is the best friend we all need. Derek’s dug himself into a pretty deep hole with Kate but Stiles might just get him out of it. Cute teenage courting ensues and once again we all need a Cora in our lives. Oh, and no biggie but there’s a mass murderer on the loose. Note: This story is part of a series.
• Rare Books and Special Collections by orphan_account
Derek Hale hates libraries.
Unfortunately, not all books can be ordered on Amazon.
(Or: in which Derek is a grumpy omega writer, and Stiles is an annoyingly attractive alpha special collections librarian.)
My Rating: 9/10
I love Omega! Derek. He’s an anti social writer who we just want to scoop up in our arms. Stiles’ idea of flirting is giving Derek books and library tours. Adorableness and Cluelessness ensues.
• Cornerstone by Vendelin
Suffering from PTSD, ex-Marine Derek Hale moves back to Beacon Hills to open a bookshop and find a calmer life. That’s where he meets Stiles, completely by accident. Stiles is talkative, charming and curious. Somehow, despite the fact that he’s blind, he’s able to read Derek like no one else.
My Rating: 8.5/10
I see this fic EVERYWHERE and it is pretty good but because it’s a pretty serious story it doesn’t have as much fluff. Derek’s got serious issues and Stiles is blind. However, I did love how Stiles shared so much of himself with Derek and how Derek slowly learned how to return the favor. I really appreciated the reality check.
•Pink Is For Pining (You, You, Nothing But You) by clotpolesonly
“You know you could just ask him out, right?” Scott asked.
Stiles stuffed the toast in his mouth and hoped he wasn’t blushing. “Why would I do that?”
“Because you have a ginormous crush on him.”
“I do not, shut up,” Stiles hissed as well as he could around a mouthful of toast.
“Your pink hair says differently,” Scott sing-songed at him.
In which Stiles is a supremely socially awkward metamorphmagus with a crush, Derek is a quietly pining werewolf, and Scott and Lydia are done with their stubbornness and stupidity.
My Rating: 9/10
I had to end off this rec list with Pink is for Pining and (surprise surprise) it’s another Hogwarts fic. This one is always in my top 3 because through Derek’s love, Stiles learns to love every part of himself. Alright, maybe I’m hyping this fic up too much (it’s REALLY short) but I’m a believer that one paragraph can make all the difference 😁
My Allstar List
1. A Simple Life by Survivah
2. Pink Is For Pining by clotpolesonly
3. Permanent Fixture
4. No Homo
5. Rare Books and Special Collections by orphan_account
Thanks for Reading!
I hope you enjoyed this Rec list. Please send me any you think I’ll enjoy or that would be a good addition to the list. Happy reading!
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Bad Blood - Chapter 14
You can read it on AO3 or find the Tumblr Chapter Index here. 
They have a case of mutual dissatisfaction, Peter thinks, watching as John Stilinski leaves the clinic to head into the Preserve to where a couple of his deputies are waiting with Scott McCall’s body. John isn’t happy with the way things panned out at the clinic, and neither is Peter. John would prefer to have his son safe and sound. Peter would prefer to have John’s son safely locked in a cage. They are mutually dissatisfied, but they are both men used to dissatisfaction. They’ve lived a long time in the world.
Derek and Laura haven’t.
“What the hell was I supposed to do?” Derek asks with an unhappy growl as Peter wanders back inside the clinic. “Let him kill the sheriff?”
“We were supposed to not let him go back to the Argents!” Laura exclaims.
Derek glowers. “That’s not fair!”
Laura glares back at him. “Derek, you told him how to walk out of here!”
“Now, now,” Peter says. “The boy has legs and a brain, Laura. He would have got there himself in a minute. What Derek did was de-escalate some of his anger. Was it an ideal outcome? Of course not, but it’d be a lot less ideal if we had a dead sheriff to explain.”
Derek throws him a grateful look.
Laura’s only frustrated, Peter knows, but Derek is overly sensitive to criticism. One growl from his alpha and the boy is consumed with guilt for both having let her down and for being the reason it’s her job to snap at him in the first place.
“Our position is exactly what it was earlier tonight,” Peter says. “And so is our strategy. We target the Argents before they target us again.”
He thinks of poor Scott, sixteen years old and dying in the woods.
“Except that’s not true, Peter,” Laura says. “Is it? Because we know why the sheriff won’t move against the Argents, don’t we?”
“We target all the Argents,” Peter says, “except Stiles. And this is exactly where we were before tonight. We can just see it clearly for the first time.”
Laura raises her eyebrows. “So we can’t target Stiles, but meanwhile he’s targeting us.”
“I didn’t say it wasn’t a shitty position,” Peter tells her. “Shitty is kind of our default after all.”
“Yeah,” Laura says, and exhales slowly. “It really is.”
Peter knocks Derek’s shoulder with his own. “Okay, kids, let’s go home and regroup.”
He nods to Deaton as they leave.
Peter doesn’t sleep. He sits downstairs in the loft, eating leftover cheesecake and watching reruns of The Golden Girls, because why not? Meanwhile, his brain ticks over in the back of his skull. Ideally he wants to get all the Argents in one place at one time—no muss, no fuss—but the Argents aren’t docile cows to be herded wherever the butcher wants. Kill one, and the rest will come gunning. And, Peter knows, they never work alone. There will be other hunters working with them. Paid no-name auxiliaries. They don’t have the Argents’ fanaticism, but they do have the weapons and the training. Peter wonders if there’s any way to find out just how many hunters the Argents can call on, who’ll come running to join the fight. What a nice thing it must be to have soldiers. Peter could use a battalion or two himself, honestly.
He reaches for the remote control when he hears Derek treading down the steps, and mutes The Golden Girls.
Derek sits down on the couch next to him.
“Okay, pup?” Peter asks him.
Derek makes a sound that’s impossible to parse. Then he draws a breath. “I don’t know why I stopped you from killing him.”
“I’m glad you did,” Peter says. “John Stilinski might make a valuable ally.”
“Well, given Stiles is back with the Argents, he’s unlikely to want to go in with guns blazing, but I’m still counting it as an advantage,” Peter says. He shoves the cheesecake in Derek’s direction. “Did you stop me because he smelled of fear?”
“No. It wasn’t that.” Derek’s brows tug together. “I think I stopped you because on the night of the party he smelled like happiness. Not in the same way that Kate did. Not like he was smug or satisfied. It was different than that. It was brighter, somehow. I don’t think he knew who I was.”
Peter remembers what Stiles said in the warehouse when he thought he was bleeding out: “I wish I didn’t have to hate you.”
“No,” he agrees softly. “I don’t think he knew either.”
“I should have followed him,” Derek says. “After he let the sheriff go, I should have followed him and grabbed him back.”
Peter allowed himself a slight smile at that. “He’s a zealot, Derek. Do you think he would have come without a fight?”
“I could have beaten him in a fight.”
“And do you think he’d stop fighting at any point?” Peter asks frankly. “The Romans had a saying, you know. Auribus teneo lupum. It means ‘I hold a wolf by the ears’. And in this metaphor, Stiles is the wolf, not you. Holding him might have proven even more dangerous than letting him run.”
Derek’s brow creases. “Do you really believe that?”
Peter doesn’t answer.
At this point he has no idea what he believes anymore.
It’s dawn by the time John Stilinski gets back from his crime scene in the woods. He looks surprised to find Peter in his kitchen fiddling with his coffee machine, but he does him the courtesy of not shooting him on the spot. Peter appreciates that.
“Thanks,” John says in a rough voice when Peter hands him a coffee. He takes a sip. “So this is us now, huh? Last night you try to slit my son’s throat, and now we’re coffee buddies?”
Peter leans back against the sink. “Last night your son helped kill Scott McCall. You can’t tell me you expect me to apologise for intending to kill him.”
John grunts, but his eyes are narrowed.
“I can’t treat every hunter like he’s a brainwashed victim,” Peter continues. “Stiles is the outlier here, and you know it. You know it better than most, actually. You were never brainwashed, were you?”
“He’s a kid,” John says, avoiding the question. “He’s sixteen years old.”
Peter raises his brows. “So was Scott McCall.”
John flinches a little at that. “You saw Stiles kill him?”
“No,” Peter admits. “And the gun I took off him still had all its bullets, apart from the one Laura needed to burn out the wolfsbane in her wound. But he was there, John, and he was on a hunt. What does it matter who fired the shots?”
“Don’t…” John draws a hand over his eyes. “Don’t hurt him again, please.”
“I don’t intend to,” Peter says. “Not anymore.”
John holds his gaze.
Peter lifts his chin. “Do you think you can get him back? Not just from the Argents, I mean. Do you think you can undo what they’ve done?”
“I don’t know,” John says. He looks tired. Not defeated, not yet, but tired as hell.
“You got yourself out,” Peter says, throwing him a lifeline.
John snorts, and his mouth quirks in a quick, bitter smile. “No,” he says. “Claudia got me out.”
Peter tilts his head. “Your wife?”
“Before she was my wife, she was Claudia Gajos.”
Peter’s jaw drops.
“They’re a relatively small pack,” John says, his voice softening. “They’re from just outside Kielce, in Poland, but they’ve been there since at least the thirteenth century. There was a report of some deaths, that turned out to be unrelated to the Gajos pack. Chris Argent and I were sent in to investigate. That’s when I met Claudia. She was human, but her parents were werewolves.” He swallows. “Bad enough I fell in love with someone like Claudia, but to have a child with her? Can you imagine how the council would have reacted if Janusz Stilinski’s son had been born a werewolf?”
“Jesus,” Peter murmurs.
“So we left,” John says. “Before Stiles was born. We both cut all ties with our families, and we left.” He sets his cup down on the table. “I did things as a hunter that I regret. I can only tell you that I thought, at the time, they were right. I did what I was ordered to do.”
“Huh,” Peter says, narrowing his eyes. “Where have I heard that before?”
“It’s an explanation,” John says. “Not an excuse. I didn’t question a damned thing until I met Claudia.”
“You and Chris Argent killed innocent werewolves,” Peter says flatly.
“Yes.” A shadow passes over John’s face. “But we didn’t know it at the time. Hell, Chris probably doesn’t know it now. Twenty years ago if you’d told me there was such a thing as an innocent werewolf, I would have laughed in your face. We went where the council told us, and did what they said needed to be done.” He holds Peter’s gaze. “I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life, Peter, but I’m trying to make up for them.”
His heartbeat is steady.
Peter thinks of the fire. Thinks of the look on John Stilinski’s face as he broke the line of mountain ash and allowed Peter and Matty to escape. Thinks of what it cost John Stilinski to save them.
“I’m the left hand of the Hale pack,” he says at last. “I know what it means to not be the good guy.”
A moment of understanding passes between them. They are more alike than they are different, Peter thinks. In a war, nobody is clean.
“We’re going to take down the Argents,” Peter says.
“If you do that, others will come.”
“Deaton thinks Araya Calavera will stop that from happening.”
John’s mouth turns down at the corners. “That’s a hell of a gamble.”
“If we do nothing, we’re dead anyway.”
John is still for a moment, and then he nods. “Point taken. And where does my son fit in with your plans to kill the Argents?”
“Your son,” Peter says pointedly, “is not an Argent.”
John’s mouth quirks, and Peter sees a gleam in his eye that feels new. John Stilinski might be the sheriff now, but he’s still a hunter at heart. A decade and a half of community policing, budget meetings, and Say No To Drugs, Kids haven’t entirely killed that spark. And now it flares into life again.
“You won’t get to Gerard and Kate,” John says. “Not without help.”
“And here you are, offering it.” Peter folds his arms over his chest.
“No.” John shakes his head. “You need more than me for this, Peter.”
“Who do I need?” Peter asks warily.
John shrugs. “You need an inside man.”
Peter blinks. “Are you suggesting what I think you’re suggesting?”
John raises his eyebrows. “We were the best.”
“You’re fucking crazy if you think he’ll help us.”
“You said it yourself,” John says. “You’re dead anyway. What have you got to lose?”
“Hmm.” Peter snorts. “My last remaining thread of sanity?”
“Oh, you don’t need sanity where we’re going.” The gleam in his eye is back.
And Peter, more in surprise than anything else, laughs.
John Stilinski is a crazy person.
At least he’s on Peter’s side.
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My OMGCP!AU Headcanon
Gosh this got super long. 
Character dev for Jack!Derek and Bitty!Stiles (and some of the others) -- a bit different from OMGCP!
Warning/Disclaimer: I know nothing about Hockey FYI. I have never even seen a game. All my knowledge comes from OMGCP, wikipedia, the NCAA, NHL, and various other HL websites/resources. OMGCP belongs to ngoziu you can read it omgcheckplease it is a brilliant story (I love it so much!).
Jack!Derek - Son of Talia & Jerome Hale (The Hockey Power Couple); Brother of Laura Hale (2016 Olympic Figure Skating Gold Medalist)
Talia Maheegan was of the few non-Goalie women Hockey Players in Professional Men’s Hockey. She was part of the Women’s Hockey team at Beacon Hills University before she was recruited by Leksands IF (Elitserien, now the Swedish Hockey League). A few years later she was offered a contract by the Bakersfield Condors. She was ready to be closer to home, so she came back although she was a woman, when a few of the guys in the NHL team got badly injured, she was moved up to the Oilers roster. 
She met her future husband, Jerome Hale, when the Oilers played the Bruins in her rookie game and she gave him a nosebleed. She was the first female Alternate Captain for the Oilers when they won the Stanley Cup in 1984. And the first female Captain when they won in 1985. She retired in 1986 when she was pregnant, had twins Laura and Derek. 
Jerome Hale played for the Bruins but was traded in 1985-86 he was the Captain of the Oilers from 1987-1993 - Derek pooped in the Stanley cup twice during that time - in 1987 & 1988. 
Derek and Laura started skating young, Laura wasn’t into Hockey, but she started enjoying figure skating, and took that route. 
(Strike throughs are for humanAU)
Derek looked up to both his parents and wanted to follow in their footsteps. He went into the Juniors where he met Kate Argent (maybe Kate’s dad hated her and Talia for being women in a Men’s sport or something, so there was a lot of sexism and prejudice there, and internalized misogyny maybe? If werewolves exist in this verse then she’s from a werewolf hunter family as is canon and she is using him to get info as is canon). She was beautiful and ambitious, and Derek and Kate became good friends, best friends even... then more. There was a lot of pressure to do well in the juniors as it would lead into the draft which would lead to the NHL. He worked hard and honed his skills for two years before he could enter the draft.
Kate’s brother was also in the Juniors, but he was reaching the maximum age for both the draft and the league. There was a lot of talk about how Derek was top pick. Kate would keep getting in his head, Derek was on anxiety meds since he joined the juniors, Kate knew and she kept telling him to take more so that he wasn’t off his game. Just before the draft picks his parents, younger sister, aunt and uncle got into a fatal car accident with no survivors (a drunk driver drove them off the road If werewolves exist -- Gerard put a hit on the family and got them killed -- but obvs. can’t get Derek and Laura now it would be too suspicious). Laura was at a Figure Skating meet in Europe. 
Derek took his anxiety meds, alcohol and something that Kate slipped him and had a reaction that sent him to the hospital. He wakes up to Laura slumped at his bedside still in her leotard. He pulls out of the draft, the media calls it an overdose, he doesn’t correct them. He goes to a rehab center after his family’s memorial service. Laura sorts out everything with the legal team while he is in rehab. 
When he gets out he supports her while she continues working on her figure skating and he tries to figure out his life without hockey. And he can’t. One day Laura comes in throws down a Beacon Hills University Pamphlet on the counter, and when Derek looks at her questioningly, she says “Ma went there. It’s where she truly fell in love with Hockey. They would want you to be happy, Der! I want you to be happy. You’re miserable, please. Think about it. You can major in History and play Hockey. I already called the coaches, they’ve already said they’d give you a Scholarship if you wanted it.” 
Derek gets on the ice for the first time in one and a half years. He’s rusty, but it’s in his blood. He trains hard for 3 months before he thinks he’s fit enough to go to college. He applies anyways. He gets in -- even without the Scholarship -- he was good enough to. 
Bitty!Stiles - Son of Claudia (former Figure Skater) and Sheriff Noah Stilinski
Stiles’ mother dies when he is eight, and Stiles is kinda lost after that. When he’s 10 he finds his mom’s cooks books and he feels a connection to her again so he starts baking. He bakes more than he or his dad can eat, so he takes the excess to the Sheriff’s station (where his dad works) or to the farmer’s market where he makes money off of his pies. 
There is this huge rift between him and his dad, and he can’t seem to figure out how to mend it. He loves his dad, and he knows his dad loves him. But his dad started drinking after his mom died, and his mom was the glue in the family. Sometimes his dad looks at him and gets this pained look in his eyes and Stiles thinks it’s because he looks so much like her. 
Stiles started ice skating with his mom because she used to be a figure skater. She taught him all sorts of neat tricks and even tried to get him to enter a few competitions, but after she died it became another thing that became harder to do. He still went skating every weekend, but he didn’t really feel like figure skating anymore. 
His dad coached peewee football, so in an effort to bond with his dad, Stiles joined the football team but when he gets tackled within the first thirty seconds, and ends up with a compound fracture, it instills the fear of God in him, and he refuses to ever go back, regardless of what his dad says. 
How he ends up playing Hockey is a mystery to him because Hockey is a high-contact sport just like football. But he’s in a co-ed no-contact Hockey team and he meets some amazing people. He starts enjoying being on the ice again, and he starts feeling another connection to his mother -- so he starts figure skating again as well -- just a little bit -- nothing like the fancy stuff his mother made him learn. 
Stiles’ was always the underdog, he was bullied in high-school because his mother died. He was bullied because his dad was a policeman, he was bullied because he came to school in a cruiser, he was bullied because he looked weird, or talked weird, or had ADHD. He didn’t have friends (not for lack of trying). He was called homophobic slurs because he did figure skating and couldn’t take a hit (he’s bi, thanks a lot for bi-erasure assholes! at least call him the bi-phobic slurs!) He can’t find a place for himself so he starts a v-log his Junior year of high school. For some reason people enjoy his sarcasm coupled with the sweet baked goods he tutors them on. So he keeps making the videos. 
His dad can’t afford to send him to College, but he has a few options though -- a merit Scholarship (but his ADHD make it hard for him to keep his grades up), a Federal Load (does he want the government hounding him for years after he graduates), a Sports Scholarship (can he get into the NCAA?). He applies to BHU because Beacon Hills is still in California (so he’s still close to his dad, but far enough away that it’s a few hours away by road or at least a short flight away). He send a tape of him playing Hockey as well as figure skating to the Coaches along with his Scholarship Application. He didn’t expect to -- but he gets in! His dad is so proud. He comes out to his dad, but his dad doesn’t believe him. Stiles doesn’t let that bum him out though -- he’s going to college. 
Isaac, Boyd (Sophomores) - Live in the Attic the Haus - best friends. Boyd is quiet and constant. Isaac is sassy and loud. Together they are constantly coming up with all kinds of shenanigans. They are the ones who handle all the parties and know pretty much everyone there is to know on campus. 
Jordan (Junior like Derek) - Lives at the Haus - is everyone’s best friend. But isn’t wild/crazy. Is wildly popular. He is beautiful and used to be a model. He is a women’s and gender studies major, but he’s also studying pre-law and criminology. 
Greenburg as suggested by Nonnie (Senior) - The metaphysical Goalie - LOL - I couldn’t think of who else to put here - I guess I could have added Peter (but I really don’t like him, maybe he can be a lax bro) - gives his dibs to Stiles. 
Erica, Allison (Sophomores) - Non-Goalie team-mates who initially faced sexism from the senior teammates (not from Derek or Jordan) but proved themselves after their preseason when they took down the biggest player skate circles around all the other players, not giving up the puck even once (but also refusing to score because the guys on their team are assholes). They live in an apartment near the Haus together. They were not surprised when Jordan got the dibs instead of one of them (Derek got dibs from the outgoing captain his freshman year, when Derek was voted incoming Captain). 
Scott (Freshman like Stiles) - Stiles’ Roommate, becomes Stiles’ best friend. Wants to be a vet. Is a Derek Hale fan, but doesn’t like Derek in RL. Is a cuddle monster. Is smitten with both Kira and Allison.
Kira is the Manager (Sophomore) - Doing a semester in Japan (Studying Art and Mythology). Cannot ice-skate. 
Lydia is a girl who Stiles crushes on in one of his classes, and he invites her to Epikegster and she says yes (but as a friend). She is into Jordan. When Jordan finds out he tries to dissuade her even though he is hella into her brains and beauty combo. Stiles is bummed, but he can’t deny his friend someone awesome like Lydia. So he totally gives Jordan a thumbs up, and tells him to pursue it. Lydia and Stiles get to know each other over time and realize how great they are as friends, anything else would have been Chaos. This is also around the time Stiles starts to realize he has major feelings for Derek. Feelings that make his stomach swoop, and his breath catch, and blood rush to his cheeks, even though Derek doesn’t really do anything (other than buy him his favourite coffee, or bake a perfect lattice crust for their American Food and Culture Class, or take his cold finger into his warm hands and rub them, just to hopefully bring some warmth because he knows how cold Stiles gets (Mt. Shasta gets really cold compared to San Diego). 
Jackson and Peter can be the dreaded Lax bros. idk. Peter isn’t related to Derek. 
[Part 2]
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The Eternal Flame (Stiles/Derek) (Teen Wolf)
This is a short Fanfiction I wrote on AO3 (And, yes I did steal this from Thor:Ragnarok.) :
This was not how Stiles wanted his day to go. After the school year had ended, he paid Deaton a visit. He hated the man for his part in Scott’s plan, but he needed answers. Of course, the man was as vague as ever and told him nothing. He ended taking some of the man’s books. Serves him right for what he did to Derek. The duo may have poisoned Gerard, but they didn’t have to go behind Derek’s back and offer the man The Bite. But that was not the point.
He was in the Preserve, not far from the remains of the Hale house and all he wanted to do was read about his newfound powers, not accidently use them to save an elf (seriously, they exist?) from being devoured by some sort of demon.
After the demon had retreated, the elf thanked him profusely before handing him a jar.  
“What is this?” Stiles asked.
“It is called the Eternal Flame. It has been in our possession for a millenia. It was the reason that the demon had attacked me. It belonged to his king before he was defeated by my mother and father for attacking our kingdom. For each year that he is without it, it will diminish.” The elf replied.
“Ookay. And what does it do exactly?” Stiles asked as he looked in the jar. It was a medium sized jar and the flame inside almost filled it.
“It can resurrect the dead.” The elf said bluntly. Stiles snapped his head toward the elf.
“I-it can’t do that, can it? Why did you give it to me?” Stiles asked pushing it back toward the elf.
“It can and will. I gave it to you, because you helped me, when you didn’t need to.” The elf stated. He pushed the jar back towards Stiles. “You have a pure heart. It will come in handy with your pack, young mage. Take it. It is yours to do as you please. Use it wisely. Many would want it for nefarious purposes.” The elf urged.
“Mage? What does that mean? How do I know you are telling the truth?” Stiles asked.
“I see your power. It started out as a spark, but it is growing every day. You will have to trust my word. Elves never lie to people who they are indebted to. You saved my life and I am offering you what others would kill for. I had intended to destroy it, but I know you will do well with it. I must go.” The Elf said as he turned his head. Stiles looked in the direction and but did not see nor hear anything.
“Wait…What is your name?” Stiles called after the Elf that was starting to leave.
“Prince Allain.” The elf replied before disappearing into the trees. Stiles looked on for a few more minutes before jumping into action. He stuffed the books back into his backpack and went back to the jeep. He had been waiting for Scott, Derek, Isaac and Peter to come back from their search, but he would have to go do research. He left them a note on the door of the house before hopping into the jeep and speeding back home. He was lucky that none of the deputies, the few that were left, didn’t catch him speeding. He had made it with no incident and went in. Once he got to his room, he set the jar down on the desk beside his computer and started his research.
Five hours later, he sat stunned. The elf was telling the truth. He was so lucky that he made several copies of the Argent Bestiary and that it had something about elves in it. After looking through google and getting little tidbits here and there, he had gone through the Bestiary. It had a little more detail.
After looking through the Demon section, he found the information. It was like the Elf Prince said. It could resurrect loved ones. He looked at the details of how and it seemed easy enough. It made him nervous. It was very powerful magic, and with just enough he could have his mom back. Oh, God…. he could bring his mom back. But, should he? He looked at the jar. It was more than enough. He could use the rest for someone else. Stiles started biting his fingernail. Who?
Derek could have his family back. He is more deserving of it. Plus, with his family back, they could help with the Alpha pack. The more important question, was should he do this? The Prince was right, but he needed a second opinion. Deaton was out of the question. The man was evil, in his eyes.
The knock on his door had him flailing about.
“Lydia? What are you doing here?” Stiles asked stunned. He had ended up filling her in on the Supernatural stuff after the kanima incident. He stilled cared for her, but his crush on her started diminishing and his affections were growing for someone else.
“Your dad let me in. We were supposed to go out for coffee while you tell me more about my boyfriend being a werewolf.” Lydia stated. Stiles sighed.
“I’m sorry, Lydia, I forgot. I got held up.” Stiles replied.
“Want to talk about it? Does it have anything to do with that?” She asked pointing to the jar. Stiles nodded feeling relieved. Lydia was smart. She could help him make a decision. He motioned for her to sit in the other chair and started telling her what had happened in the Preserve.
“It looks about right. Do you have anyone in mind?” Lydia asked after double checking his research.
“Yeah, I do.” Stiles said. “I was thinking Derek’s family, actually. He deserves to have his family. And I was thinking of my mom.”
“I think you should do it. If you had helped this prince earlier, I wouldn’t have been used by his crazy uncle.” Lydia stated.
“In my defense, I didn’t know I had powers before all of this.” Stiles said while glaring at her.
“Well, what’s done is done. When should are you going to do this?” Lydia asked looking excited.
“Today after everyone is done with the search. Derek would be staying at the Depot and Peter would be in his apartment. Hopefully, this would make him less evil.” Stiles said as he cleared his stuff.
“Meaning, you hope he has someone who would keep him in check.” Lydia clarified.
“Yep.” Stiles said.
There was a noise and Stiles looked at his phone. Scott was heading home. Meaning, the House will be free.
“That was Scott. They’re done with the search.” Stiles said as he grabbed the jar and his keys. He was heading for the door before stopping. He went to his closet and dug out a shoebox. He rummaged through it and took out a necklace before setting the box back.
Lydia looked at it in curiosity. “It was my mom’s.” Stiles said. And it was all he needed to say. As they headed out, Stiles had let his dad know that he was heading out.  Lydia wished him luck as she left to go spend time with Allison before she leaves for France.
When he pulled up to the house, there was no sign of Derek or Peter. Good. If this was successful, he would call them over. He got the jar out of the passenger seat and took out his mother’s necklace. He felt conflicted. His mom or Derek’s family first. In the end, Derek won out.
He pocketed the necklace and opened the jar. He pushed the door open to the house and looked around. He had one shot at this and he had to do it right. He went to what looked like the living room. It was in the center of the house. This should do it. He, carefully, scooped some of the flame. It was warm, but not hot. He set the jar down and went to the center of the room. He pressed the flame to the floor and watched as the flame spread to the whole house, making the whole house glow green.
He took the jar and rushed out. He could feel the magic working, weaving itself through the house. He took out the necklace and set it on the ground. He used the last of the flame and put it on the necklace. He felt the same magic go through the necklace, like it was looking for the last of his mother’s essence.
He stepped back from the necklace and house as the magic grew stronger. He had to turn away as the magic got suffocating.
Stiles snapped at that. “Mom?” He saw the woman dressed in white.
“Stiles, it’s me.” His mom said with a smile.
He rushed over to her. It worked. It really worked. He must’ve said it out loud as his mother started soothing him.
He heard steps coming from the house. He pulled away from his mom and looked to see Talia Hale, Alpa, and a whole bunch of people poured out of the house.
“Alpha Hale.” Stiles said as he started towards her.
“Do I know you? And Why have you brought us back?” Talia asked. Her red eyes flashing at him.
“You don’t know me, but I know Derek and Peter.” Stiles said and launched into what had happened starting from when Laura had come back.
“Where is Derek and Peter?” Laura asked. She had some choice words for Peter. Stiles pulled out his phone and texted Derek.
“He should be here in a few minutes. He’s going to call Peter.” Stiles said.
“It’s nice to see you again Talia.” Claudia said, walking to the Hale Matriarch. The two women started talking as if they were old acquaintances. Maybe they were.
“Are you friends with my brother?” Laura asked.
“Not exactly. We started on the wrong foot, but I wanted to help since Peter bit my friend. I hope we could be friends.” Stiles said nervously. Laura started grinning.
“You like Derek, don’t you?” She teased.
“What? Why would I like him?” Stiles asked trying to throw her off. It wasn’t working, by the look she was giving him.
“He’s a sourwolf.” Stiles said as if that explained everything.
“Sourwolf?” Laura asked, her eyes gleaming. “Tell me everything. Tell me you have one for Peter.”
Stiles was starting to like her. “I have two actually. When he was power tripping on the Alpha power, Creeper wolf. When he came back to life, zombie wolf.” Stiles was going to tell her more, but the sound of a car stopped him. He looked nervous, afraid of what Derek would think. He was going towards the car, before he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked and saw Talia.
“I’ll go. You stay here.” Talia said softly. She knew the boy truly cared for her son. She had heard of The Eternal Flame. It was highly coveted. If this boy cared for Derek enough to bring back the Hales, she would help him and protect him from others. She knew what he was. It took a human with strong powers to resurrect almost forty people.
Stiles watched as both Talia and Laura went over to the car. He couldn’t see or hear much of what was going on.
“They are confused.”
Stiles looked over to see a woman looking towards the group.
“I’m Gina, Talia and Peter’s younger sister.” The woman stated. Stiles smiled at her. He didn’t know that Derek had an aunt. Well Derek never mentioned his family. He yelped as he was swept up in strong arms. Derek.
He felt Derek press his face into his neck. Stiles could feel a blush creeping on his face and saw that his mom, Talia, Laura and Peter smirking at him. The traitors. He wrapped his arms around Derek as the man sniffled into his neck. Oh. Derek was crying. He brought the man closer and felt the man drew back after a few moments. He felt Derek rub their cheeks. Scenting him before going to the rest of the family.
He was drawn into another set of arms. “Thank you for this, Stiles.” Stiles stood in shock. Peter never acted like this, but he relaxed.
“This was your family too. You were an asshole, but you deserve this too.” Stiles said. He felt Peter scent his other cheek, before greeting his family. Stiles went to his mom and hugged her again. He knew he made the right choice. Derek had his family back, and hopefully, they could find Erica and Boyd.
But they and the Alpha pack could wait until tomorrow. Today, he would spend it with his mom and find a way to break the news to his dad. That would go over well. In the end, it was worth it.
0 notes
princeescaluswords · 7 years
If Scott is so boring, and Stiles/Sterek fans hate him so much, why do you think that they constantly steal Scott's personality traits and give them to Stiles?
This is going to get me so much backlash.    So Much Backlash!
Your question, while short, has many parts, and each one of those parts is a mine field.   To summarize, I’ll ask you to bear in mind two key factors: the concept of redemptive love and heteronormativity.    It is highly romantic to believe that being loved by someone and/or loving someone else makes you a better person.   It is also a tendency for people to force non-heterosexual relationships into a particular mode because its comfortable and/or attractive.  
PART 1:  Why do they think Scott is boring?
I feel we have to start with by examining Scott and Stiles at their base.   While they share some things in common, they have very different personalities.   Stiles serves as a foil to Scott in the narrative – his actions exist to highlight Scott’s qualities as the protagonist.   It is why I believe that others might see a schism lurking below the surface or why I believe that others might see Stiles as an alternative protagonist.    In my mind, crucial to the idea of ‘Scott is boring’ is the difference in their insecurities.  
Both boys are insecure, but they are insecure in different ways.   Scott has a very positive attitude about his identity.   He believes himself deserving of love, he believes he has a right to life and self-determination; he believes he is, at base, a good person.   What makes him a hero is that he believes this not just of himself, but of everyone, and is willing to risk his life for others to have these rights as well.
Scott’s weakness is his insecurity of competence.   Scott believes he may not be smart enough or capable enough to preserve his and other’s rights to life and self-determination.   “I can’t do this!” he cries.   “I can’t be this and be with Allison.”  Or, “Actually, I never know what I am doing.”  Or, “Wouldn’t it be better if I was no one again.”  Or, “Are you kidding?   You said you’d give me a few trade secrets, but right now, I need a full-on training manual.”  Or, “I should have done better, I should have figured something out.”    Scott knows what to do, he just doesn’t believe in his ability to accomplish it.
Stiles, on the other hand, always believes that he can accomplish things.  He always believes that he has the right answer, and people are stupid and ignorant for not listening to him.   It’s why he doesn’t see anything wrong with his biting sarcasm, with his manipulating people to get what he wants, but it’s also why he will charge headlong to save people without a thought for the consequences.   Even though he is human, he acts as if that doesn’t matter.  If you are confident you know what to do, why hesitate?
His weakness, though, is his insecurity of nature.   Stiles, believes, at his base, that he is a dangerous, if not thoroughy wicked, human being.   This springs from Claudia, but it is now an ingrained habit.  There’s  a reason he refused the bite from Peter; why he told his dad “I’m not a hero;” why he idolizes Scott; why he was targetted by the Nogitsune; why he won’t trade his life for his friends to the Chemist, even if he doens’t know if they’re alive or dead; why he couldn’t tell anyone about Donovan.   He doesn’t believe that he has the same right to life or happiness as everyone else.  He sees himself as expendable because he sees himself as bad.  
People think Scott is boring because an insecurity of nature is far more dramatic than an insecurity of competence.   When Scott makes a mistake, he picks himself up and says “I’ll do better next time.”   If he does suffer serious doubts, other’s belief in him can help him recover quickly.    Scott doesn’t dwell on it, because at his base he still believes that he can win.
Stiles, as Scott’s foil, doesn’t have that same internal resources.   When Stiles makes a mistake, this is just evidence to him that he’s a terrible person.   He deserves to be hurt; he rejects others’ belief in him.   Which is why he keeps things secret.   It’s very dramatic, and very sympathetic, but it’s also a weakness.   We saw in Season 5 exactly how much of a weakness it was.   If Stiles believed in himself enough to get help after Donovan, Season 5 might never have happened as it did.
Scott seems boring (and doesn’t seem to be ‘responsible’) because he, at his base, understands that he is trying his best.  He doesn’t need to flog himself when he makes a mistake – he fixes it.   He doesn’t isolate himself when he feels overwhelmed – he gets help.   If what interests you is unresolved angst, then that could be seen as ‘boring.’  It does make for a good hero, though.
PART 2: Stiles and Derek
Before I get into this part,  I want to restate that I am not saying ‘this is what all Ste rek shippers believe!’   That would not only be unrealistic but also irresponsible.   This is my speculation about it, and it is not meant to be the Final Word.  In fact, as many efforts there are that rob Scott to improve Stiles, there are just as many that don’t.
I think that ‘Enemies to Lovers’ trope is very, very popular becuase of the extraordinarily romantic nature of it.    It’s been that way form “The Philadelphia Story” to “Moonlighting” to this show.   The idea that attraction can eventually erode even the strongest animosity is so tempting because it offers hope.   It is the counter to 'no one could ever love me.’
The idea of their pairing also grows stronger when you bringing in the concept of redemptive love.   Both Stiles and Derek have, to their own minds, 'betrayed’ the bonds of love.   Stiles feels guilt over his mother’s death, even though he know it wasn’t his fault, and over Scott being bitten.    Derek feels guilt because of Paige’s death and the destruction of his family, even though he knows it wasn’t his fault.  
What a tempting picture to see these two damaged souls 'fix’ each other by falling in love!   There is undoubtedly a connection (which I personally do not see as romantic) between them.   Stiles’ emotional aggressiveness plays very well against Derek’s initial locked-own stoicness.   No scene, I think, underlines this better than the 'make a fist’ scene in “Chaos Rising.”   Their interactions are sharp and full of life.   I don’t see romance, but it doesn’t seem an unreasonable conclusion to me.
If you accept Stiles and Derek as romantic, there is a problem that frequently intrudes (and not just this relationship)  – heteronormativity.   We’re comfortable with established roles in a relationship because that is what we see every day.   There are exceptions, of course, and media is getting better at it, but this is still the norm.
With two clashing personalities like Stiles and Derek, the safest and most efficient way to ‘fix them’ with redemptive love is to force the characters into established gender roles.   This is where we get Pack Mom Stiles who likes to cook, remembers everyone’s schedules, and always has a kind word for everyone, even though he was a sarcastic thoughtless asshole in the show.     They need to Derek to be the  Man, strong and silent (and alpha!) and Stiles to be the Woman, caring and sensitive and efficient.   The problem is that Stiles, while fiercely devoted, is not particularly caring, and he is certainly not sensitive.   Scott, on the other hand, was the person who made the most emotional connections with others, including Derek, Isaac, Boyd, Lydia, and Liam.    
But if they make Stiles the caring and emotional person, it creates a disconnect because of his nature as Scott’s foil.   The dynamics of their relationship are off.   To maintain that balance, Scott has to lose those traits, and when he does, when he ceases to be concerned with everyone having the right to life and self-determination, then his moral certainty seems like arrogance and his insecurity of competence seems like selfishness.  
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seven-oomen · 4 years
I’m sorry you were feeling so shitty today, but I’m glad it eventually started to get better, and happy for you that you managed to surpass your writing goal for the day.
Omg, Chris as a cheerleader.  He would be so awkward, yet so determined.  Luckily for him I don’t remember the guys doing quite as much “dance-like” moves, at least at my school, they were more back-up and support.  We usually only had a couple of guys on the team, though.  Did Melissa ever do it, or consider it?  She likely had a similar gymnastics background.  (Did she ever lend Chris her uniform if she did?  Or if not did Peter or Noah just “borrow” an extra one?  Because I could equally believe it of either.  Do they ever gift him with one post-OUAT, just for the *cough*nostalgia*cough*?)  Did BH have a person in a mascot outfit?  Because if they did/do, I totally nominate Finstock to be the one running around like a maniac dressed as a cyclone.  And Jesus, they’d be bad enough with Chris as a cheerleader, but on the swim team?  Good grief.  How did none of them end up kicked out for inappropriate behavior?
I can totally see Peter on Student Council, too.  And I think Secretary (did someone mention roleplay again?) or Treasurer would be an excellent fit.  I can see him considering President, but deciding that it would take up too much time he could be spending with his mates, and working a power behind the throne angle instead.  Also, I think Student Council and/or cheerleading would offer an excellent lead-in for Natalie if you decide to add her, because I can easily see her participating in either or both.
I am never not here for more subtle MK nods, just saying.  And I love the idea of ROTC, especially because I’m pretty sure Boyd might have been in the ROTC, as well, and I’m always here for bonding potential between the parentals and teens.  (Also, I want to hug you just for remembering that he was in the military, because I swear 90% of fic authors seem to forget [even though it’s mentioned more than once].  It drove me nuts even years ago when I was just around for the Sterek, and only got worse when I came back and my preferences expanded.)  I also kinda like the idea of him doing track as a nod to Stiles doing that in the show (at least I’m pretty sure Finstock had them doing that in lacrosse’s off-season to stay in shape).  Poor Peter.  Between dealing with Chris mostly naked and soaking wet, and watching Noah in little shorts (it was the 90s after all) perpetually running away from him (and probably smirking at him every time he passed, lbr), he probably had to constantly carry a notebook or messenger bag to be sure he could cover up any “situations” that might “arise”.
I’m cool with whatever number you pick, if it even gets referenced.  I was mostly curious if I was just forgetting.  With the letterman jackets, I like to think that Malia has totally stolen Noah’s and wears it in the winter, because it’s warm and comfortable, and smells like him  (later on, she also enjoys wrapping Kira up in it if they’re out somewhere and it’s chilly).  If Peter’s has survived anywhere (the vault, perhaps?) I could see it going to either Jackson (as his mini me), or Allison (so she and her sister can match.)
Yeah, the yearbook thing happened because I was thinking about how some of my friends didn’t have a picture in the class listings, but did turn up in some of the filler pics.  I can see Chris skipping a regular photo (instinct to not be tracked), but ending up in team shots, etc.  And further bonus thought to that image - what if one of them knows someone on the yearbook committee (Lydia or Danny maybe?), and the kids all decide to do a similar pose to sneak into their own yearbook?  And surprise their parents when they’re going through the book with them later?  They could do Allison, Jackson, Malia, Stiles, Scott instead of Chris, Peter, Noah, Claudia, Melissa.
Looking forward to dance shenanigans for both generations.  And more fashion guru Peter.  I can see it now, Peter being like “I didn’t let your dads make these kinds of terrible choices for our dances, I’ll be damned if I let my kids do it"  "Scott if you even attempt to step out of your house looking like that I will show up as a chaperone and spend the entire night getting all up into not only your business, but that of all of my offspring, do not test me."  Him and Jackson basically acting out that "I have done nothing wrong ever.” “I know this and I love you.” meme.
And yeah, I mean, like most popular 80s teen flicks, Breakfast Club does have some great moments (there’s a reason it’s a classic), but it also DEFINITELY has some parts that have NOT AGED WELL.  I didn’t see it until probably at least late high school, and I don’t think I noticed as much then, but then saw it a few years later and was like “ooh, yeah, that’s super problematic in places."  For some visual assistance, here are a couple of group shots.  The line-up in the first one goes Bender (Noah [ironically the character’s first name is actually John, but I don’t remember if anyone calls him that, it’s been too long since I watched]), Andrew (Chris), Allison (Claudia, or Mel), Claire (Peter [I forgot how dark her skirt was.  Also putting him in pants would help with one of the more problematic parts of the movie]), Brian (Finstock).  Also, I’m including this image because I’ve seen it a few times, and it is both hilarious and startlingly accurate.
One thing I keep forgetting to ask about is a rough timeline.  If I remember correctly (I’ve also been re-reading some, and have realized some of my questions were answered, just several chapters previously), Chris moved to BH in 1992?  At the beginning of the actual year, or the school year (which would be August-ish)?  The kids were all born in early 1994, so they would have graduated in 1993?  Am I mathing right?  (If so that makes me sad because they would have been a little too early for "All For Love” from the 90s Disney Three Muskateers movie to have come out.  Such a great song for them, such a fun but inaccurate film.  [God, I loved it so much as a pre-teen.  Chris O'Donnell, Kiefer Sutherland, pre-crazy Charlie Sheen, Tim Curry, just so many things to enjoy.])  This is mostly just me trying to keep it straight in my head.
Also, unconnected to TW, but that post of Avengers memes that was 90% Carol and Bucky shenanigans gave me life.
As always, loving the preview, and the fact that I think any conversation between any two or more of the group could start out “Listen here you little shit” and still be completely accurate and in character.  I love how she apparently just shoves Noah down next to him (I’m surprised she didn’t just shove him in his lap.)  Speaking of, to flashback to the Christmas rant I’m pretty sure I went on at some point, may I also suggest inappropriate (would it really be, tho?) usage of the song “Santa Baby”, and perhaps a slight switch up to “I Saw Daddy Kissing Santa Claus”?  Because why not?
And, uh, thanks *blushes in social awkwardness*.  You are also awesome for coming up with all this in the first place, and being brave/generous enough to write it down and share it.  I’m pretty much always happy to talk fandom stuff and love finding other people as into my fandoms as I am, and this story is just so much fun and I love hearing all your expansions of my wild ideas and conversational segues.  I’m not really used to my weird interests being helpful, so I’m really glad to know this time they are.
I hope that you’re feeling better today (mentally and physically), and that work is overall easy (it’s almost the weekend, right? as a retail worker that doesn’t mean much to me, but seems to cheer others?) and allows you to make your writing goal.  Hugs and positive vibes!
I think I’ve been smiling at this for the better part of several days <3
And yeah honestly, I never really understood either how no one seems to mention Noah’s military background. Like the dude canonically served on the force before becoming a deputy. But you don’t really see it in the fics.
I for one would think Peter and Chris would absolutely try and find Noah’s military uniform (even just the ROTC one) and try and get him to wear it again.
Peter is def the secretary, I think Natalie (who’s one year ahead of them) would make a good Student body president though.
I think I answered the timeline one somewhere? Don’t have the energy to find it right now, but I know I probably tagged it with the usual.
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