#half the fun is marathoning
muppet-facts · 7 months
Muppet Fact #1003
2024 marks 15 years of the annual Disney Wine & Dine Half Marathon Weekend. This year, the 5k is themed after the Swedish Chef and "Muppety madness."
The race is November 1, 2024, and general registration begins March 12.
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Disney Wine & Dine Half Marathon Weekend. RunDisney.com
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notllorstel · 1 year
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newlacesleeves · 2 months
been running pretty exclusively the last few weeks with no conditioning so when i woke up with zero motivation to run, i did a 20 minute treadmill run followed by 30 minutes of core conditioning and weightlifting and feel incredible why do i not do this all the time??
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bsaka7 · 3 months
doing this extra thing for work where i'm gonna be working the occasional thursday night which is like honestly cool whatever but the BIGGER news is. this means i'll be able to run a road half marathon this summer. HUGE but also STRESSFUL. but also so exciting!!!!!
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It’s not even my birthday yet and I already got a free cookie from crumbl and a free shake from smash burger. Shout to past Emma for signing up for rewards and getting free birthday things 😊
I will be good and wait for tomorrow for the rest of my presents. Although I give my mom a list and told my dad very specifically what to get so probably not a lot of surprising but still fun and exciting. My last night of being in twenties!
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mouseonvenus-main · 1 year
I can't unsubscribe from youtubers i don't watch anymore. that's like going through your closet and getting rid of all your old art projects like no that's who i was
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rulesforthedance · 2 years
I wanna run more races. I wanna run, like. A bunch of races next year. That’s what I want to spend my money on. I want to do the Stumptown 50k and Smith Rock Ascent (probably the 15 miler) and the Portland Marathon and I want to do other races too. I have to really prioritize and decide (soon) what’s important to me though because there are experiences I’d like to have that might be at odds with training optimally to break 4 in the marathon. I have to decide if I actually care about that enough to pursue it at the expense of other things I want to do.
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lostinmirkwood · 1 year
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Marathon #4 is in the books! 5:42:09, 18 minutes faster than my previous two marathons! First time running my home marathon.
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bluedesignwall · 1 year
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We were struggling to remember when we last had a break away from home so we jumped in the car and headed south to Timaru. I had found a race we could do so what better reason. I was a bit nervous about doing a half marathon because I found the 14km City to Surf the week before was hard. This race was in a scenic reserve and was hilly. I come from a flat city so hills are a challenge for me. Turns out I did ok on the hills and the race went well. I was really pleased with my time and the course was very pretty, running amongst the autumn trees. We had fun and met lots of new people who like to run and walk. As we drove back to our motel with a great view we realised we didn't really know where we could get lunch and it was lunch time, so we went for the oh so easy option. After lunch and a recovery nap /view gazing we decided to go for a walk to stretch our legs and explore.
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rascheln · 2 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Rina! I hope you had a wonderful day today filled with lots of happiness and cake and wishing you all the best! 🥳🎂🎉💕
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Ahh thank you so so much V!!! I've had a wonderful, relaxed day💖💖
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cascowriteswords · 2 years
What is harder to catch the faster you run?
your breath!! :)
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natugood · 2 years
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I just did my first running event since I had top surgery, and I did really well!!! I’m so happy!!! ☺️😎
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i think charlene’s a run disney girlie and more than that i think she’s done the dopey challenge at least once
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bsaka7 · 8 months
crazy how watching workout videos makes you want to workout
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ultimateaclrecovery · 2 years
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I ran a half marathon!!!
And I ran it sooooo much faster than I thought would’ve ever been possible. Turns out following a training plan is like weirdly super effective? But y’all this pace is literally faster than I’ve ever ran a 5k. I’m still not really sure what happened. My last training run the week before was 10.5 miles and it literally took me longer? And I was trying to follow the whole your training runs should be a slow comfortable pace and then your race time should be faster but I didn’t think I was actually being successful with that. I had a rough goal of 2.5 hours but based on how my training runs were going I thought there was no way I’d hit that. My last two long runs were at like 12.5 min a mile and even in my shorter 5 mile right before I was at like 11:40, but I didn’t think I’d be able to keep that up for that long.
But a deload week and a really good nights sleep are apparently powerful things. I was practically vibrating with energy at the end of the week. The like stress nervous energy of trying to buy a pony and also a new relationship were not helping either. Although maybe all that anxious energy helped me run fast 😂 I just went at a nice fun pace and I was surprised at how long that pace stayed fun. I had a good happy time through mile 8 were I clearly got way too excited, and then I started to slow down and really feel it towards the end when I remembered how long those last three miles really are. My watch doesn’t light up very well so I can’t see it most of the time, so I had no idea how fast I was going for most of the race. I did glance at it at one point under an over pass just pass mile ten and saw that my current pace was like 9:40 and that it had be 1:45 and I remover thinking that that couldn’t possible be right and that something must have been wrong with it 😅
I guess my competitive nature also must have really kicked in at some points because I was really into passing people. I’m also still kind of shocked by how many people I passed? And how few people passed me. I was a little sad because I passed this one girl at like mile 12 and then she passed me back like a mile later and I really wanted to keep up with her but just could not. That last mile was definitely really hard a major struggle, but the rest of it was actually pretty pleasant. I honestly expected most of the second half to suck really bad so I’m so pleasantly surprised by how fun most of it was. People love to talk about the race atmosphere and I also assumed they just meant like the handful of spectators cheering which were kind of, but what surprised me was how awesome and motivating it was to run with so many other people. And that it was pretty fun to chase them.
The only downside to being so much faster than anticipated was that the boy was going to meet me at the finish line but I finished way, way, way too early for that. I also did not feel super great after the race, and my stomach has been kind of mad me all day. But legs don’t feel too bad (yet.) and me and the boy got brunch which is what one really wants anyway. And the medal is purple which is the clear dream.
I also managed to finish 24/54 for females and 11/21 in my age group so I’m feeling pretty impressed with myself for being top half for my very half marathons.
Juries still out on if I’ll ever do another one. After my last two miserable long training runs I went to the race with a very firm one and done attitude, but then it was actually pretty fun so….. guess we’ll see what fits in with the rest of my sport and fitness goals
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taniushka12 · 2 years
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one day i'll go back to watch one piece and that day you'll be sorry
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