#juuuuust long runs
bsaka7 · 8 months
crazy how watching workout videos makes you want to workout
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emma-heart-art · 2 years
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salmon run is not meant for just two players ill tell you that much
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velkyr · 6 months
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I'm freeeeeeeeee (<- lying words said by a liar who lies)
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nsomniacsdream · 2 years
I have a hard time talking about American law enforcement, because I have ptsd (like a therapist told me this and everything) from my own experiences with cops and because it's so balls quaking insane.
Like, a cop in the United States can pull you over for any reason. Which is a nice way of saying no reason, because literally anything can be used after the fact as justification. A cop can say its cuz you looked at him, or didnt look at him, or it looked like you were holding something, or looked like you were driving too perfectly for it to be natural. It's insane.
There are apparently no circumstances where a cop can't just kill you. The line the courts have applied is "reasonably believed" you were a threat, but that's such a nebulous nothing limit that people get shot for reaching for their license, having their phone in their hand, you're running away with no weapon, not being able to follow conflicting commands, like anything. And cops are almost never charged, because every court is going to believe he could "reasonably believe" he was threatened. Fuck, if you give me enough time, I can make any situation seem juuuuust plausibly threatening enough to pass that bar. It's insane.
A cop can just rob you. Like tell you to give him your wallet, take all the cash out, and just walk away with it. Exactly like you would imagine getting robbed in an alley would go, except no one can help. And he doesn't even have to hide it, he just drops it in a box at the station and they put it in their bank account. It's legal. You can't prove it wasn't drug money. I can't prove any money wasn't at some point drug money. It's insane.
If a cop just walks in your front door and says "I'm here to kill you and your entire family" YOU ARE GOING TO PRISON IF YOU STOP HIM. There is no positive defense for assaulting a police officer in the United States, and doubly so if you kill him. You have effectively no defense against a homicidal cop, which happens same as any other job. Unless for some reason you have cameras all thru your house and clearly caught the audio of him saying that he's there just to kill you, you have zero chance of not going to prison, probably for life. And that's assuming you aren't killed "resisting arrest" while being taken into custody. It is a crime, in this country, for you to defend yourself under any circumstances if the person you're defending yourself from is a cop. That's insane.
You don't have civil rights if a cop says so. You have the right to have a gun, right? A lot of states have open carry. A cop can shoot you if he sees you have a gun. Doesn't matter if you have a license and everything. So you effectively don't have the right to bear arms if a cop can shoot you for exercising it. You have the right to protest. Unless a cop tells you to stop. He doesn't need a real reason to tell you to stop. And if you don't stop, you can be arrested or shot. So you don't really have the right to protest, do you? A cop cant just search your car or house, right? Unless he claims he heard something, or smelled something, neither of which can be proven. So a cop can search whatever he wants, as long as he pretends there was a "reason". So you dont have protection from unreasonable search and seizure, do you? These are no longer rights- they're things the cops allow.. for now. But legally, those rights have already been found to not actually be rights, because any random cop can decide to take that right from you, for any reason. It's insane.
These aren't like crazy things that I'm just making up, these aren't some weird twisted way I'm looking at something, these are all very real things that we all just.. ignore? Police abolitionists and the media bring these things up all the time, and the overwhelming response to it is: so what? Don't break the law and it won't matter. Blue lives matter. More police funding. Cops should have tanks. It's insane. And I always feel like im just rambling and sound insane when I say this kind of stuff because if you wrote a book and had the dystopian government doing the stuff that the police in this country do every single day, those same people who "back the blue" would line up to say stuff like "*Books government* wouldnt have a chance before us real americans stopped them" on twitter and not even get a hint of the irony.
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cupcakeslushie · 9 months
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Introducing Lita May!
I’d originally introduced Lita to my patreons, but Ive now changed a lot of her backstory (and design), because I was struck by inspiration at like three in the morning, (and was getting fomo from all the other absolutely adorable turtle babies I’ve been seeing)
So we all know Donnie created a mech body for Raph thanks to concept art, but in this AU, I feel like Donnie would be juuuuust morally questionable enough to think creating backup clones first would be a good idea. He wasn’t expecting the small bits of Krang tech he had to incorporate to have such a huge impact, tbh he wasn’t even really expecting anything at all—which is also why he used his own DNA for the trial run, and…since Donnie wasn’t expecting a success, he was pretty shocked at the final result.
Donnie was also only able to observe the first month and a half of “incubation” (tube not egg), but was, unfortunately stuck at another resistance base for so long, when he returned, Lita May had grown a substantial amount and was ready to be removed from her tube (he was back for like two days before she started opening her eyes and reacting to stimulus). She took three months total to grow.
Raph and Leo kinda don’t really know how to react to her. Leo immediately clocks the Krang characteristics and is pretty furious. Raph is just confused, but when Donnie fills them in on the origin of Lita’s birth, Raph’s not too happy either. Neither one takes it out on Lita. Donnie does get a pretty severe talking to. Mikey, Timothy and Cass are so excited, and April is beyond shocked to be named the godmother. The family keeps Lita a secret, but it’s evident that she’s got some Krang in her, and they all know that the other members of the resistance might try to hurt her, and ask Renet to take her. Casey loses his playmate, but he does get to see her every few months.
She’s kept in the dark about her family’s future, and is pretty mad at Renet for not warning her of her anything, and she eventually gets sick of the secrets.
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drurrito · 17 days
a/n: juuuuust thinking about LawProfessor!Wanda again...
warnings: none
You jog to a halt and check your watch, not bad for a casual long run before class. You wipe the sweat from your brow as you make your way towards the doors of the local coffee shop near campus. Your phone buzzes with a text from Sam as you open the door, holding it open for a few seconds until you finally decide to look up.
"Professor Maximoff," you sound startled, "it's good to see you."
"Skipping class now?" Professor Maximoff gives you a smile that seems too casual coming from her.
"No, not at all." you wordlessly gesture towards the inside of the store, "just grabbing something to stay awake for the rest of the day." You make sure no one is coming out as you let the door close.
"Does my class bore you, then?" Professor Maximoff studies the way your clothes cling to your sweat-slicked body for a second while you stumble over your words. Your heart is hammering in your chest the same way it does during sprints.
"Of course not!"
Professor Maximoff doesn't say anything as you continue to sputter, it's not until she smirks that you realize she's joking. You lick your lips as she taps her nails against the cup in her hand. Your head tilts reflexively. It's a thing. Professor Maximoff taps her nails on her desk, the podium, her lipstick-stained mugs, anywhere and everywhere all throughout class. It always makes your ears perk up, even though you're already paying attention. Ever since the semester started, it seems like you hear it everywhere.
"Better hurry, the line in there is getting long. I don't want to see you strolling in late because you needed a latte, understood?" Professor Maximoff's face is stern, her cheekbones and jawline set in stone, her eyes cutting right through you.
"Yes, Professor," you straighten up and fumble for the door, "see you in class."
Professor Maximoff only gives you a nod before walking off towards campus. Your watch pings, asking if you'd like to record your current workout session.
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lavenderterra · 2 months
Content; Absolute floof and chaos
Usage of alcohol
Nothing suggestive
Pre established relationships
You had been invited out by Tara for a night of drinking and karaoke after the last influx of Wanderers in the no hunt zone, you were three drinks in, and it was your turn to sing, it did not bother you when you had picked Supernova by Aespa. You were there to have fun anyways right? Though the last person you’d expect to run into on a night like tonight was Xavier. You seemed shocked and he seemed surprised, though he was half asleep (sleepy boy) he had taken a moment to look at you.
“Y/N?” He seemed confused as to why you were grabbing a microphone and why he heard the instrumental to a song he heard through your headphones before while you’ve come back from missions and can’t comprehend words to speak what so ever. [thisboywillliterallyusehisevoltoputonalightshowwhileyoursinging]
“I’m like some kind of supernova.”
You don’t realize he’s there until you notice his evol surrounds you in a pretty light show. Despite how drunk you are you still wander up to him to give him a big hug.
He ends up carrying you home. Good thing you’re neighbours right?
Mans was not prepared to see how drunk you were especially when you had chosen to sing Super lady by G-Idle but you wanted to let the stress of your last mission go, and this is how you were going to let off the steam you needed to let off wether you could handle your alcohol or not. “Y/N is there any reason that you’re so inebriated?”
You wave him off before you start singing. “ I am a top Super Lady, I never lose yeah. (‘Cause got a super power) I am a god, super lady” Cue the second hand embarrassment from the doctor, part of him is intrigued though.
Secretly being the little shit he is, he’s filming you so you can witness your drunken shenanigans when you’re hungover. He definitely enjoyed watching you let loose. You are a hunter after all, of course in the end you walked up to Zayne regretting everything you’d had to drink. “Please take me home-“
“Sweetheart, you did this to yourself.”
“So mean.”
Girl you are not living this down, he’s going to embarrass the hell out of you the next day. You two had bumped into each other walking into the bar the same time. You were meeting up with Jenna and Tara and the rest of your hunter squad to celebrate your success on your latest discovery in terms of dealing with Wanderers.
“Y/N is this what you do when you’ve decided not to be my bodyguard” You let out a laugh before speaking slightly. “C’mon me having a little break after killing this last mission? Yeah I’m here to let loose.” You let out a soft smile and its a smile you know he can’t resist because he loves seeing you happy.
He puts his hand on your head before telling you to have fun. You nod before running off where the rounds of shots and soju begin. You’re a very giggly drunk so you’re always laughing.
“Hey Y/N I miiight have put your name in to sing next” Tara had drunkenly admitted which caused you to laugh again before getting up to grab a microphone
Sticky by Kiof had started playing.
Everything was a blur and you had started singing. “How long before we fall in love—“
Raf is already live streaming your drunken antics
Sober you is going to k*ll him.
Leaning back in his seat seemingly amused its not often you see the leader of onychinus outside of the n109 zone let alone in the very karaoke bar you frequent. You almost act as if you don’t notice him and the twins watching you.
You feel his amber eyes on you while you’re with your friends but also you notice Mephisto watching you at a distance. You scoff slightly before taking another shot. You got up out of your seat, and made your way over to the white haired male.
“Juuuuust what do you want now?” You huff looking at him. “Sweetie, I’m not sure you’re rambling on about now. I’m just enjoying my night like you are.” You raise an eyebrow before hearing your name called up next to sing.
You turn on your heels before heading toward the stage grabbing a microphone. Were you extremely wasted? Yes. Did you give a damn? No.
Purple Kiss’ Pretty Psycho started playing.
“I’m a freaky Purky.” You spoke into the microphone before beginning the song.
Sylus was amused. Luke and Kieran were filming.
You weren’t living this down.
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brandycranby · 1 year
ce characters when you've been going to bed too late (oh no now you're sleep deprived and have constant headaches)
it's me, i'm sleep deprived and have constant headaches.
steve: you won't sleep early? you scroll the interwebs even when he tells you in a very nice manner that it's lights out and time to snuggle? phone jail. you're not getting it back until the morning. "but what if there's an emergency?" well FRIDAY will have to notify you because that darn phone is going in the other room, yes he's being an old man about this but he's also squashing you like a fine weighted blanket so. there.
andy: bless his heart, he's also sleep deprived. and yet his stinky ass has the audacity to stand there with his arms folded, lecturing you on early bedtimes like you BOTH don't have splitting cluster headaches and an inability to focus. shame. go on, you're going to have to shame one another into showering and brushing teeth and getting into bed- no more emails, leave it- and finally, finally, turning the darn light off.
curtis: does this man sleep? by god he does. he has an illegally early start every morning so he goes to bed at 10:30 on the dot like an old man. that means he doesn't know that you stay up until 1, puttering about and doing whatever, tired but somehow disconnected from the ability to lay down and stop thinking. and this goes on for how long?? until he sees you frozen in the middle of the day, exhausted brain trying to catch you up on what you needed from the living room. then it's forced curfew. he points to the bed? you lay down. he's two hundred pounds, he'll make sure you stay there.
ari: another deep sleeper. you could watch a whole vlog next to him and the big lump just goes on snoring in his skivvies like an ol' bear. it's the hubris that gets you caught. a too bright scene makes you turn away and blink rapidly until the spots fade away... and you see ari staring at you, eyebrow raised, unhappy scowl underneath all that beard. ha. haha. oops. evening phone time is suspended indefinitely. it's going on the nightstand on his side and you're going under his arm, nose to pit, until you get a good night's rest.
jake: oh sweet fellow anxiety-haver, gamer, busy to-doer. of all these baes, he's the one who understands staying up for an hour longer, maybe two, just gotta finish this XML sheet or get to the next save point. but he's also an army man through and through. wakes up at 0600 hours (ew), goes for a quick run, jumps in the shower, makes breakfast all before you wake up. and you wake up slower and slower these days :(( so it's his new personal mission to stop at 11pm and scoop you up from whatever you're doing for bed time.
ransom: yes he gets up and writes in the middle of the night, sue him. it's called ✨inspiration✨ which is totally normal for a writer, it's better than writer's block and- hey! what are you doing up?? you're losing beauty sleep and he's slipping melatonin into your mouth, tucking you against his side, and rubbing slow lovely circles on your temples. you're no good to him like this, he scoffs, the house would probably get burnt down and you wouldn't notice. but he keeps tracing your eyebrows juuuuust right so you let that pass. for now.
get enough sleep, kids. head ouch.
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dairy-farmer · 5 months
Unknowingly A Meta AU? owo ? Tim with a Dream Manipulation power he doesn't know he has? Because it can effect HIS dreams. And no one ever mentions it.
His parents? Wearing all sorts of gifts and old jewelry from various sites. They are gucci. Completely untouchable. So the few times Baby Tim DOES show up in there dreams as a kid, when they are in house, they write off as "weird but pleasant".
After all? Who doesn't like to dream about playing with your kid? Going to a fantastical theme park or something? Having a family picnic? It's JUST a nice dream, right?
But! Not everyone has such protections.
And Baby Tim? Gets fixated. Curious. Falls asleep wanting to KNOW. Perhaps, thinking about one member of the Wayne family or another. And since his range is growing? Wayne Manor is juuuuust close enough. Barely, at first. Then easily.
And it's innocent at first. Of course it is. He's just a small child, full of questions. Was Mr. Batman like him as a child? Where did Mr. Pennyworth come from? What was living in the circus like? And so? They dream.
Bruce, playing with a child his age, on the lawn as his parents watch on fondly. Alfred, back too his youth, full of mischief as he runs the streets of his little English town along side friends long dead. Made young once more. Dick, laughing, underfoot, as he and his new friend run roughshod all across the setup site. His parents fond but exasperated.
Such meaningful dreams.
Private, though.
No need to mention them. Or realize the whole household is getting such dreams all at the same time.
And the dreams persist. Tim forever having questions. Or just wondering. Not thinking much on WHY he seems to have such vivid dreams. He's always had them. Surely everyone does. Storybooks certainly seem to suggest that.
Dick leaves. Jason comes.
Dick notices he's started having... nightmares. Chaotic, dark, brooding dreams. Of failure and lose. He doesn't connect things... yet.
Jason doesn't fuckin TRUST these happy clappy, golden sunshine n puppies dreams. The fuck is this? The fuck are YOU? Tim doesn't see a reason to lie. It's just a dream, right?
Uh huh.
Riiiight. Say, Timbits, you ever been tested for that Meta gene thingy? Asks Jason, who has clocked what's happening here, basically night one.
No, why? Asks the clueless neighbor kid.
Before Jason can think of a... polite...ish... way to call him thick and his parents dense as bricks, he wakes up. Gets to spend the whole day looking into the Drake's. Finds out the kid is basicly isolated in that great big house of his. Decides he's... NOT gonna be saying anything.
Welcome to dream land, you little weirdo. Just don't scramble his brains or touch stuff he says not too.
Then? Dick visits. Tim is thrilled. And Dick? Gets his first GOOD dream in weeks. No "what if's", no haunting seconds too late, just? Good moments. Everything languid and lit by golden light. Untouchable.
Him and Kori, between missions, exploring each other. Everything pleasure and light. Grinding. Gasping. Groaning in pleasure as they found just the right angle, sweat catching the light like diamonds. She was beautiful. HE never felt more desirable.
But something niggles in his brain. A sense of being watched, that hadn't been there then. Fascinated little eyes. Blue. Not Jason. Poorly hidden in the corner of the room. He... he should be alarmed. Focus. This isn't for little eyes. Should kick him out. But Kori's here. And everything is soft and so GOOD. He keeps getting lost in that instead.
Is aware, so aware, of little eyes that trail his body like eager hands.
It shouldn't make everything better.
But it does.
And NOW? Now Tim has NEW questions. As puberty closes in fast and without mercy.
And Bruce's dreams certainly have answers. His every desire and fantasy laid bare. Past loves, current lovers, fantasies about coworkers. Being watched. A curiosity. An amusement, perhaps? His brain struggles to pull free of the pleasure and focus.
But eventually, his iron will allows it. He HAS trained for this, after all.
He gets the jump on the... imp? Fae? Youthful looking creature. But touching them just pulls him back under. So he kisses them instead. Strips them. Hands finding places that make them squirm. He's not sure HOW he finds himself fucking them, but he never wants to stop.
And after that? Neither does Tim. He'd never imagined THAT was an option! It felt AMAZING. Which leads to all manner of wet dreams. For every Heroic guest Bruce has. During the day? Prim and proper, everything above board. But in SLEEP? They are pounding their new brother/son incoherent.
Just? Imagine them trying to trigger wet dreams? Trying to get attention in the evenings, so he'll think about THEM before bed. Pouting when their dreams were pleasant nothing instead of Tim Time. The guilty PANIC of guests who TOTALLY boned Timmy drooling and fucked stupid in the Dream Space, now having to sit across Batman, and pretend they didn't do that. Not realizing he totally let them.
Can't get caught, if it's not physical! Dream Sex!
and they're completely guilt free because its a dream😌😌😌
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hey-august · 1 month
NSFW Alphabet - Buggy
I've always wanted to do one for Buggy, but haven't. Soooo let's use it for requests!
📬 Send in a letter (or a few) me to do. Repeats are fine, as long I don't I run out of ideas. I'll also add everything to this post.
Aug 22 Update: The entire alphabet is complete! If there are any letters that you want to read more about, feel free to send them in a request!
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Buggy's aftercare language is food. He'll stumble away, bowlegged and sticky, to get snacks if there aren't any around. And he'll come back arms full of anything and everything, plus a packet of crisps clenched between his teeth.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
For Buggy himself, he’s most apt to admit that he likes his hands. They’re the hands of a pirate and a performer. Calloused and agile. Plus he has a thing for nail care and finds it soothing to apply a layer of lacquer in whatever color he’s feeling at the moment. The pop of color really stands out when his hand is wrapped around a thick cock. Or digging into a dripping hole. Fuck, and seeing how many fingers he can fit? Yup, definitely a favorite of his. For his partner, it’s their smile. Aw, sweet. Of course he loves to make them laugh. To see their joy radiate up to their eyes. Even the sad, somber smile they offer the clown in his moments of vulnerability brings him a bit of peace. But there are two specific smiles that knock Buggy head over hills. That pump blood to his cock and leave him feral. First, is the soft breathy smile that slips out when his partner is on top. When his partner pauses to let Buggy’s dick nestle into place, they let out the most dreamy sigh and smile. And Buggy is in heaven. The second smile is when their face is coated in cum. Pearls clinging to their eyelashes, dripping down their cheeks, mixing with the spit on their outstretched tongue. The moment they risk getting jizz in their eyes, just to look up at Buggy and smile gratefully, all he wants to do is paint them again.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
(1) Thick and creamy. A good amount, just right when spread across someone’s chest or face. Buggy’s cum gets a fair amount of distance at first, before it dribbles out the slit for the remainder of his orgasm. It’s a bit bitter and salty, since Buggy does not have the best diet.
(2) Doesn’t mind tasting or eating his own cum. Has done it before because he didn’t want to get up and find something to clean his mess with.
(3) Buggy loves to leave his mark by coming on his partner. Seeing their sweat mix with his cum is a wonderful sight. And if they scoop up some on a finger to taste? Fuck, he’s about to burst all over again. If they’re on their knees, mouth open and waiting, Buggy will “miss” more often than not. They just look so good with his cum dripping down their face.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
(1) Buggy has masturbated in every room in the Big Top.
(2) Lets his disconnected wiener float around the bath like a toy boat.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
(1) (I think I could talk about this for days.) It’s mixed. Sex? Intimate relationships? Buggy is not the most experienced there. He’s dabbled. Had a few auditions. A couple of callbacks, but none ever made it to curtain call. But Buggy is surprisingly experienced in regards to what he gets up to in his personal time. iykwim
(2) Not very, but his enthusiasm and willingness to learn make up for it. Shanks got his first kiss before Buggy, and Buggy asked him so many questions that the “process” was cemented in his mind by the time it happened. He wanted to be ready. He practiced leaning in, tilting his head, pursing his lips juuuuust right, and when to pull away. And he managed to succeed for his first kiss! Sure, he bit their lip too hard and drooled when pulling back, but he earned himself a second kiss. Plus a trip to second base. Okay, so that’s kissing and not sex. But Buggy kept it up. Learning what he can, paying attention to his partner, and doing whatever possible to earn those sweet rewards he deserves.
(3) Buggy knows the basics - where to touch, what feels good, where the little buttons should be. He gets the job done and it’s good. It’s fine. Like pizza - even bad pizza is still good. For the longest time, he did treat it like a job. Sex was a thing to be done to deal with those feelings. To tamp down those urges. To be part of a relationship. It was expected and, as a bonus, his balls were empty. It wasn’t until a certain relationship that Buggy started thinking about sex differently. Less selfishly. He started picking up on the smallest cues his partner gave - moments that made their breath hitched, when they leaned into his touch, how hot their skin was, how flushed,. That’s when Buggy started chasing their high, intent on giving them a trip that left their core aching, legs trembling, and body dripping.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
(1) Doggie for giving and receiving. Deep and it hits all the right spots. Maybe part of it is because of how often he's fucked in this position. Buggy doesn't always like the pressure that comes with eye contact. But when he's okay with being seen or he's craving to see what kind of lewd faces his partner is making, Buggy doesn't have to change positions. A simple rearrangement and his top half is right where it needs to be to see face to face, while his lower half stays and keeps the connection.
(2) Buggy likes to be on bottom. Ride him, pound him, just take care of him. Let him take a break from the spotlight for a moment (even if the show couldn’t go on with out him anyway). Even better when he’s seated. There’s something about the confines of a chair, luxury of a couch, or the power of a throne that gets his dick hard as a diamond.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Buggy the Clown is a goofy fucker. He never stops talking. He always has shit to say. At first, it was a defense mechanism. All the humor and shenanigans kept the real feelings away. How could things get serious if he treated everything like a joke? If people saw a clown, then he’d give them a clown. “Lick it like a candy apple.” “Fuck, you could swallow swords in my show with a throat like that.” “C’mon, I wanna see you juggle these balls in your mouth.” (“I may not be a lion tamer, but I am pussy tamer.”) It dies down over time, but never goes away entirely. Buggy will never pass up an opportunity to invite his partner to the circus tent in his pants.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
For a dirty pirate, Buggy cleans up pretty well. A dusting of chest hair in a lovely shade of blue. A taunting happy trail under his belly button that looks damn near artistic when saturated and smeared with precum and sex. And below the belt, it’s usually trimmed, but always a nice field of fluffy blue. Sometimes he forgets or just doesn’t want to cut it shorter. Secretly, he likes watching his partner’s nose burrow into the curls when he’s balls deep in their throat.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Buggy. Is. Smitten. He is head over heels, butterflies in his stomach, feeling a little nauseous during the deed. In the beginning of a relationship, he might be more hesitant to show that side of himself. There would be little signs, though. A clean towel, scented candles, nervous fingers that push strands of hair from his partner’s face, tender kisses that linger and melt. As Buggy gets comfortable, those gestures will grow. His adoration and devotion will come through in how he looks up at his partner through fluttering eyelashes, how he asks if it feels good, do they like it, how he says he wants to make them feel good. How hard Buggy works to hear his name on their tongue, sweet as a honey drop. Buggy’s endless dirty talk will grow softer, losing the rough edges and grit, until it tumbles out in a three word confession. It’s the first time he says it, but it won’t be the last.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Buggy is all for rubbing one out. It’s his stress relief. It’s also his self care, along with high shelf alcohol (stolen, of course) and some smokes, if he’s in the mood. He’ll even lay out a towel on the bed and take his fucking tiiiiiime. And because he has chop-chop powers, there’s a lot of things Buggy can fill this time with - not just wanking the wiener. When Buggy really wants to treat himself, that dick is going anywhere and everywhere.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
(1) …pegging. And double anal penetration. Buggy has fucked his own ass, no doubt about that. But to be stuffed with his own cock and by his partner? This clown is about to be out of commission for a few days. Only a few before he’s asking for it again.
(2) Mirror sex results in the best performances. Buggy rarely feels more like a star than when he’s watching his own lewd faces in the mirror while getting fucked. And Buggy is more than happy to take a backstage position when his partner is in the spotlight. Watching himself disappear into his partner, telling them to keep their eyes open, to move so he has a better view of the show - it strokes his ego hard and fast. But back to Buggy bent over in front of the mirror and drooling. There was one time his partner pushed the clown’s face against the cold silver and said to give himself a little kiss. What. The. Fuck. Licking and kissing the mirror and getting it dirty with spit and tears gave Buggy the most mind-blanking orgasm he’s ever had. In that moment, which stretched into eternity, he was a filthy fuck doll and more than okay with it.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Semi-public places! Bar bathrooms, quiet hallways or alleys, empty community rooms. Being able to hear noise from nearby people gets Buggy all riled up. Or knowing that someone could show up at any point and see him and his partner doing the deed… Deep deep down, it’s a weird form of acceptance to Buggy - his partner is willing to risk getting caught fucking the clown.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Physical touch and compliments. Hoo boy, those get his blood flowing. A hand on his shoulder or bicep with a little squeeze - wow, you're really strong, huh? A thumb neatening the lines of his facepaint - which looks so flashy on him. His favorite? The one that makes him feral? Tugging his belt to pull him closer while making out will turn Buggy into a horny mess.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
(1) Earlier in a relationship - anything involving his nose is an absolute turn off. Buggy gets in his head, convinced that it's a turn off for his partner. Deep kisses, swapping spit and moans? His face between their legs? Buggy is trying his damndest to keep his nose from making any contact. The slightest brush and he freezes, ready to bolt. And heaven forbid his nose is bumped during sex and honks. Buggy is fucking out of there when that happens, disappearing in a flurry of limbs.
(2) CBT. It doesn’t quite do it for him and since Buggy can remove his own junk, it adds an extra layer of vulnerability that he’s not ready to deal with.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Buggy loves a sloppy blowjob. Loooooves giving and receiving those. Balls that are dripping wet with spit, lips and chin coated in drool, glazed glassy eyes. Hell yes. Eating pussy is one that Buggy needed some time to get into. He couldn’t really practice it on his own and his fucking nose seemed to get in the way more often. Eventually, it clicked. Seeing his facepaint smeared inside his lovers thighs makes him want to keep making a mess. Face deep in those wet folds, licking and eating like a ravenous dog. He’ll stay down there like it’s his fucking job.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Fast and rough. Buggy wants what he wants. When all the blood is in his dick, all thoughts are out of his head. He wants to fuck and to get fucked. Make it sloppy. Be messy.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Hell yes. Buggy is almost always down for something quick and dirty. It doesn’t satiate the hunger, it doesn’t push back the curtain call, but it takes away the edge. Sometimes, it doesn’t even matter if there isn’t enough time for a proper quickie. Fooling around is in Buggy’s name, after all.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Yes, but hear me out. Buggy’s interest in experimenting is driven by his image. Pirates swap stories and Buggy has all the best stories. Of course he does, he’s the greatest. And he’s done soooo many things. Really! Getting his dick sucked in a crowded restaurant - check. Stealing a chick from her boyfriend and fucking her in the bar bathroom - check. Then getting a blowjob from the boyfriend - check. Believe it or not, they all had a threesome afterwards and it lasted for days. Look, he still has the rope marks to prove it. Did that all happen? Abso-fucking-lutely. Really? Well…yeah. Sorta. Maybe some of it happened after the told the story. Buggy is a big believer in turning lies into truth. So yeah, Buggy will take risks to live in the reality he creates over stale beer. But he’s also down to experiment so he has more shit to talk about and prove he’s the best.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
(1) One decently long round and a short one later on. Buggy can commit to contributing to those. After that, he’s more prone to just laying there and taking it. Or letting his partner use his body to get them both off. Buggy’s dick is more than willing to go multiple rounds, it’s the rest of him that needs to rest.
(2) If he could, Buggy would go until he passes out. How long that takes depends on how stressed he is, if he actually did any work during the day, how much he’s had to drink, and how good of a dicking it is. But this guy will hump and grind until he’s teary and whining. Until his balls are so empty that there’s almost nothing left to release except a few pathetic drops of mostly-clear liquid. Hands grabbing at the sheets and his partner, practically begging for more while his pretty eyes can’t stay open for more than a second. No, no, no, no, no, he swears he can keep going. Please, please don’t stop.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
At first Buggy wasn’t sure how he felt about toys, but he caved eventually. A dildo that he can use in place of his own dick so he can suck and gag on something while jacking off. Buggy also knows how to improvise. Need a gag? Or something to bind wrists? He has a bandana. Ropes and aerial silks are also available at the snap of a finger.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
It’s accidental at first. Really. All those little touches, feather light and fleeting, it’s because Buggy is nervous. N-not because he’s unsure about what to do! Definitely not! He just wants to make sure his partner likes what he does. Yeah, that’s it. But all that hesitation, all those moments that don’t last anywhere near long enough, it all builds up. And his partner is only moments away from grabbing the captain’s wrist and keeping him where he needs to be
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
This guy is loud. Just look at him! And he is always talking. Buggy cannot keep his mouth shut or the volume down. It’s just not in his nature. Taking care of himself? He’s panting and grunting, muttering to himself about how good it feels. Buggy is immersing himself in the fantasy and will play the role. In bed with his partner? Half the crew got alcohol poisoning from taking a shot every time Buggy shouted his partner’s name. Well, there is one time when Buggy is quieter. Still loud, but just loud enough. Early in the morning, when the sun wishes it could sleep in. When Buggy and his partner are wrapped around each other, entwined as one in a moment that only belongs to them. Any sounds, whispers, promises - it’s just for them and no one else.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
(1) Buggy has cockwarmed himself more than once. No, he’s not squirming because he’s nervous about the meeting.
(2) Sits like he does because his balls stick to his leg. Hehe.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
(1) It’s cute. A little more on the growing side, but there’s always enough showing to know that his partner will have a good time. When erect, it’s truly average length. But c’mon, Buggy can easily get his disconnected dick deep enough to roll eyes and curl toes. It’s thicker than average. Not impossibly so, but there’s a slight worry of lockjaw when blowing him for too long. And it’s wonderfully hefty. Buggy’s cock bounces so beautifully when it’s hard and twitching.
(2) Pierced nipples. Please. Simple barbells usually, with different ends - the usual balls, stars, and sparkley gems. He also has a set that looks like stars encircling his nips, and some with dangling chains for when he’s topless. Buggy has freckles on the tops of his shoulders from a lifetime of sun exposure. He also has spots of hyperpigmentation on his legs, arms, and back from deep bruises that healed but left their marks.
(3) Let’s talk about tattoos. Buggy has a few on his right upper arm and shoulder - mostly nautical themed and his jolly roger of course. There’s a rope knotted around his left wrist, as well. Back to his right side, the ink adorns the side of his chest and creeps down his ribs. Some (most) are shitty stick and poke tattoos. A few he gave himself, benefits of chop chop, and others came from crew members or vagrant pirates met along the seas. Whenever someone asks Buggy what his tattoos mean, he tells some elaborate story and they’re left wondering how much is bullshit and how much is truth. If any. Also. Sometimes Buggy “tests” his facepaint on his dick. A cannon and real Buggy balls. An elephant for the circus, with it’s own circus peanut. The he’s really pleased about is when he paints his penis to look like a clown. Of course. With a saggy bowtie. Buggy even grow out his pubes so the ween-clown had lush hair as well.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
(1) Buggy is a horny dude, but not always for sex. Sometimes he likes the intimacy of it all. Naughty touches, steamy make-out sessions, a little grind here and there - they don’t have to end with sex, as long as he and his partner spend plenty of quality physical time together. But he does love having sex. At least once a day, although it might drop if he’s feeling too stressed (or he parties way too hard). And there are some days where he’ll spend the day in bed and raise the average.
(2) There are ups and downs, but let’s talk about the ups. There are times when Buggy is revved and ready to go at a moment’s notice. His pupils dilate and his pants get tight when his partner is near. Any chance he gets, Buggy is whispering (loudly) in their ear about finding somewhere more secluded. If they do slink away, it’s a quickie that’s composed of a handful of sloppy thrusts and the pirate is satiated for all of a few minutes before he’s groping their ass again. It’s a problem, really. For everyone with eyes and ears.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
(1) Too fast. Too fast. Buggy tries to fight it, really. But those eyelids are drooping as fast as his deflating dick after cumming. But back to the aftercare - the poor guy's growling stomach is guaranteed to wake him up juuust long enough to refuel.
(2) Soooo sleeeeeepy. He can’t help it, everything goes fuzzy after sex. Buggy wants to cuddle and drift off to sleep, but he also wants to stay awake. This results in sentences driving off into snores. Hands and legs twitching and jolting himself awake. Offended disagreements - he was not asleep! He was just resting his eyes. He's just resting his head on his partners shoulder for a moment.... *snore*
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apomaro-mellow · 6 days
Runaway Royalty 5
Part 4
They got to the town just as the sun was dipping below the horizon. Some were closing up shop while it looked like others were just waking up. Rick led them to a tavern and they took a table towards the back, squeezed into a corner. Rick sat down first, letting out a sigh as he got off his feet. Steve sat across from him and Eddie hesitated before sitting next to him.
He reasoned that he didn’t really know Rick’s contact and Steve was so green. He couldn’t let just anyone sit next to him.
“So this guy of your’s….”, Eddie started. “You think he’s got the info that’ll help us? The royals juuuuust went missing.”
“That’s true”, Steve said. He hadn’t told anyone his plans to run, never let on, even on his last day in the castle. He was sure Robin was just as secretive about her figuring out and following him. He couldn’t speak for the other prince, but the idea that some random man in some random town had any idea was laughable.
“Trust me”, Rick said, grinning. “This guy knows.”
Eddie looked to Steve and Steve didn’t even realize they were sharing a look until another man came and sat down next to Rick.
“Evening, gentlemen”, a balding beta got comfortable in his seat. 
“And what a lovely evening it is!”, Rick exclaimed. “Murray, I assume my associates need no introduction.”
“They most certainly do. I’m a good informant, I’m not omniscient.” Then Murray looked at Eddie, then at Steve, then a very long look at Eddie. 
“This is Eddie, he’s taken after his father, you know, Aldis and um, sorry kid, what was your name again?”, Rick asked Steve.
“Wait, his father is Aldis?”, Murray questioned. Then he whispered, “As in the Bandit King Aldis?”
Eddie nodded. “That’s my old man.”
“Interesting…”, Murray rubbed his chin. “And you are?”, he pointed the question to Steve.
“I’m…just Steve. I’m new.”
Murray nodded. “So it would seem…Well, you all came for what I know, so here it is. The first thing I know, Prince Edwin has been missing.”
Steve crossed his arms. “Yes, we know that.”
“I thought you said you were good”, Eddie said.
“Well did you know that he hasn’t been seen in months?”, Murray asked, leaning in a little. “And it seems, he may have had an accomplice.”
Now that got Steve interested. “An accomplice?”
“Word on the street is, the prince’s valet has also not been seen in quite some time. Now, there’s some rumors that before the prince disappeared he had gone to visit home, and then got sick. But now?” Murray made a gesture that said it was anyone’s guess but most people would guess the same thing.
That this valet had something to do with Prince Edwin’s absence. But something else was now on Steve’s mind. His betrothed had been missing for months? He could understand keeping subjects in the dark, but why was he not told? 
“How do you know all this?”, Eddie asked. “How can we trust this guy, Rick?”
“How dare you!?”, Murray shouted. 
“Now calm down, ‘Ray”, Rick held his hands up. “Eddsy here is a young buck. You know how alphas are at that age.”
Murray hmphed. “I keep my ear to the ground”, he explained. “Nobles are pretty loose with their lips in taverns, brothels, any time they’re around lower folk.”
“So we should be looking for a prince and their royal servant”, Rick rubbed his chin. “What’re the odds that the two princes eloped and the princess and valet went along as their witnesses?”
Steve’s nose scrunched and Eddie winced a little but only Murray seemed to notice as he replied. “That’s one theory. One of many right now. One thing’s for sure, neither prince is at his own castle.”
Rick traded the information for some money and then Murray was gone. Night had fallen and it wouldn’t have been smart to try and take the roads back until morning. So they decided to take up rooms at an inn. The innkeeper was a woman behind the counter, a sling around her front.
Steve realized it held a pup when he caught a glance at their little foot peeking out from the swaddling.
“Ohhh”, Steve cooed quietly while Rick negotiated rooms for them. “Look at their little toesies. They’re so tiny!”
Eddie saw what he saw and smiled. “You like pups, huh?”
“How can you not?” Steve’s eyes were filled with adoration just at the small glimpse of a pup.
His eyes missed the way that Eddie’s own gaze was melting at the sight of him. They were both so focused on other things, they didn’t notice that Rick had only acquired two keys until they were already up the stairs. 
“I’ll go ahead and take this room”, Rick said. “And you two can take the other, eh?”, he nudged Eddie with a smirk.
“What?”, Steve and Eddie said in unison. Steve looked confused while Eddie looked like he knew all too well what his cohort was insinuating. 
“You know-”
“Nope, no, absolutely not”, Eddie took one of the keys and handed it to Steve. “Rick and I will share a room. Anything else would be improper. Indecent, even.” Before the other man could really protest, Eddie pushed him into the room, and then bid Steve good night, closing the door behind him.
“...Good night”, Steve said, going into his own room. He was glad to be in a real bed. It wasn’t that long ago that he had set out from his royal life and yet he already missed the luxurious bedding he’d been brought up with.
When morning came, they ate breakfast and then set off to return to the camp. Robin was the first to notice them, having been watching the road. She ran up to Steve and grabbed his hands.
“Are you alright? You were gone all night. Is your virtue intact?”
Steve blushed at how bold his sister was, but knew he should be used to it by now. “I’m fine, I promise. I haven’t been ruined for marriage”, he said with a roll of his eyes. Then he watched as Eddie reunited with his friends. “....He was the perfect gentleman.”
“Him?”, Robin jabbed a thumb in Eddie’s direction.
Steve nodded, hearing how his sister groaned. She knew the look in her brother’s eyes all too well.
Part 7 coming soon
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moonspirit · 23 days
n/sfw hehe
armin fucking annie so good she cant talk or kiss him back has me in a CHOKEHOLD at the moment.
Anon 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠
This is basically what I imagine a long-running dom!Armin agenda would do to Annie. Like sure, their relationship starts out all vanilla and sweet and he's sooo gentle and careful with her to the point where there's even a struggle to get him to leave bruises on her skin! But.
But. That's only in the beginning.
There comes a point where Armin learns to let go of his restraint. No more being all that gentle with her... after all she's been scolding him for handling her like glass! Okay then. What if... he lets his control slip... juuuuust a little bit?
It's a delicious sensation. He can fuck into her like there's no tomorrow, robbing her of all breath, even the slightest wisp of it. Teasing her into madness, edging her into oblivion, and then fucking her so good she really does see those stars and feels her throat going hoarse from all the gasping. By this point the only communication she can still give him are the holds and grips on his body - and even those are weak. Body flushed pink, hickeys littering her skin, a sheen of sweat... she looks heavenly, tipping past that cliff of ecstasy. Just before he falls with her though, he kisses her, clumsy and messy and panting erratically, but she's too out of it to respond in kind, only whimpering against his lips instead because she's at breaking point, and it feels so good.
Can't blame her for getting a little too addicted to this type of sex tho :3
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tamamatango · 3 months
“Keroro Gunsgo To The Polls”: The Possible Behind-the-Scenes of the Ad-nime Short Nobody Expected
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A much less existentially depressing display of political campaign buffoonery.
Here’s yet another unplanned post from me. The other long-form ones I was talking about before I keep putting off because of work and also another pretty ambitious project I’m putting together taking my attention—I don’t know how or when to talk about it here juuuuust yet, but it exists in public and some of you already know what it is/have seen it, so stay tuned perhaps.
As you can see from the video link/photo, this post is a writeup about a surprise video apparently commissioned by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government that uses the Keroro characters to encourage young people to go out and vote in the upcoming elections for the Governor of Tokyo. It came out about a week ago, but I initially glossed over it because…well, I thought it wasn’t new. After all, the copyright DOES attribute the copyright to 2014 and it looks very similar to the Flash anime at first glance, so…this must be a reupload from the 2014 Tokyo gubernatorial election or something, right?
Upon looking more deeply into it, no. There’s no record of this ever existing before this week, and it was later confirmed to be new via social media channels. Which means this is technically a brand new piece of animated Keroro content, which I pledged I would report on. So here I am. Whoopee.
This post is going to be about the short from a production standpoint, primarily. I’m not going to spend time on the plot (if you want to call it that lol), as it was already pretty succinctly summarized by this post here by @unfo11owmelol , and I can say it’s more or less accurate, so thank you! I will make a comment in that the Dororo ranting about plastic thing seems to just be a running gag he has now—he was always an environmentalist of course, but his hatred of plastic specifically is kind of new; it was even a major punchline in this month’s manga chapter. In fact, this short has the manga’s quirks written all over it. It’s almost as if Yoshizaki himself was heavily involved in it. Oh wait, he was. But we’ll get to that.
The Context
As previously mentioned, this short was commissioned by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and posted exclusively to their YouTube channel. This is where I was going to have a few sentences about how it was literally exclusively on the YouTube channel because none of the official social media accounts posted about it, but as I was writing the last 40% of the post, Keroro PR and one of the Tokyo government accounts finally mentioned it. So give a pat on the back to ol’ Kirb’s amazing procrastination abilities. Anyways, for the whole week before they finally decided to acknowledge its existence, it literally just dropped on YouTube with no warning and the only reason anybody on social media knew about it is because people whose YT feeds it popped up on were like hey what the fuck is this.
“What the fuck is this” is a pretty good question. While the fact that it’s about the gubernatorial election specifically isn’t directly mentioned in the video, it was pretty obvious given the timing, as it’s set to occur on July 7. I am not the most knowledgeable about Japanese politics as a whole, but this year’s race for governor is apparently particularly competitive, with over 50 candidates running. Here’s a short article giving a rundown of the race so far. The top issue is unsurprisingly the low birthrate, which has been causing panic over the fate of Japan’s economy for a considerably long time now. That’s why the government is very concerned that the voter disparity is incredibly polarizing, with young people voting much less than the elderly.
Well, what better way to fix low youth vote turnout than with anime? After all, the Zillenials want nothing more than to obsess over fictional characters while the world crumbles around them into inevitable disrepair I’m not projecting at all. The irony here is that, when the anime was originally in its prime at least, Keroro’s target audience was elementary schoolers. Indeed, the short definitely has the aura of a PSA they’d show to children, but obviously children are not voting. There’s even a point in the video where Tamama says going to the polling place is an opportunity to visit your childhood school, which is a statement more relatable to young adults. I guess at this point the main audience for Keroro really is considered to be the people who grew up with it in their child/teen years—unless the actual new anime gets a primetime kids’ TV slot, but I’m getting ahead of myself.
Considering this is the most viewed PSA about the election on their YouTube channel by far, I guess it worked to an extent? It’s currently hovering just under 20k views, which isn’t really too much in the grand scheme. But now that it’s been officially shared on social media, perhaps that’ll give it a boost. Will most of these viewers actually go out to vote is the question…
Production staff peculiarities
As with any animated Keroro content following the end of the Flash anime—which until the new show airs has basically just been this, the new project announcement trailer, and some anti-piracy ad they were doing in movie theaters that they ironically scrubbed from the internet—BN Pictures is credited as the animation studio (though the studio Sugarless Factory assisted; they pretty much exclusively do production assistance for various projects). This is interesting because it looks completely unlike anything they’ve ever done. Unless I’m missing something, none of the anime they’ve produced before have been done in a similar Flash-like style.
Now, as we Internet addicts all know, Flash has been officially dead for a few years now. However, it might still be used very rarely in lowkey web animations like this, although a friend who knows more about anime production than I do told me even those are more commonly made using Live2D now. The credits for this short are very…short, but the director and a couple of other animators worked on a particular Flash-animated series called Oshiri Kajiri Mushi (“Bottom Biting Bug”) that first aired on the TV channel NHK in 2012. I’m guessing these staff are freelance, as that show was produced by the studio Kinema Citrus (a team founded by ex-members of Production I.G and Bones), and were possibly brought on to this short because they had experience with the software. If it is animated using something like Live2D, the experience still applies, as it’s apparently more similar to Flash than something more commonly used in anime like Clip Studio Paint. The director also has 3D CG credits and there is a credit here for “motion” that includes his name, so maybe a little of that was used as well. (Wouldn’t be able to tell myself—most experience I have with 3D animation is a one semester Maya course I took in high school lol).
Curiously, despite the potentially similar animation software and very similar artstyle + color palette, none of the animation staff, as far as I can tell, worked on the 2014 Flash anime. That is, except for…Mine Yoshizaki.
On all animated Keroro media, Yoshizaki’s primary official credit is “original creator,” of course. As the series creator, he would of course participate to a degree in most things related to the 2004 series, doing stuff like sitting in on some writing and recording sessions, contributing ideas/concept art here and there, and so on. There’s actually a Newtype article from around the announcement of the first movie I dug up that was officially translated into English, in which Yoshizaki talks about the pressure of being in that role. Most mangaka interviews I’ve seen about their involvement in their works’ anime adaptations are pretty overwhelmingly positive, but he was definitely more mixed. This might be a post for another day, since I have some speculations about his relationship to the anime as a whole. Damn, I need to stop coming up with essay ideas that are probably too big for my pea brain.
Anyway, Yoshizaki was quite a bit more involved in the 2014 series. He served as one of two people responsible for series composition (scriptwriting), though that could be because the Flash anime was a much more direct adaptation of the manga than the original anime, which might as well have been an entirely different series. IIRC, some episodes of Flash were literally 1:1 with the manga’s script…so I guess that counts as writing the anime too lol. He also storyboarded a few episodes and wrote the opening theme song’s lyrics. The next Keroro animation after that was the anti-piracy theater ad in 2021, which he storyboarded for. But you’ll notice with all the credits we’ve discussed so far that he was never involved with the animation proper past the storyboarding stage…until now!
Not only was Yoshizaki credited as original creator as usual, he also did directorial supervision, storyboarding, and was a key animator—the only key animator, in fact! I know it’s just a five-minute short, but the Flash series’s episodes were even shorter than that and had multiple key animators per episode, so this is kind of a big deal. It also might explain why the character designs look just a little bit more on-model to the manga designs than Flash’s did, even though they look almost identical at a cursory glance. It’s easiest to tell by looking at the less-rounded head shapes, plus a few minor details like Tamama’s eye highlights and the bridge of Kururu’s glasses. I am very normal, how could you tell?
So yeah, this makes this short the most Yoshizaki has ever been involved with the actual animation process. I can’t say it gives him the most additional credits, as it’s tied with the Flash series for three extra, but it’s something!
Closing out the staff section, some notes about the cast. As you might expect, the usual actors reprise their roles. Most notably, Mamiko Noto is back to play Mois for what I believe (unless I’m missing a random collab or something) is her first time in the role in ten years, and she pretty much didn’t miss a beat! In addition to Fuyuki and Natsumi’s VAs playing them recently at the Keroro expo, that’s three additional voices besides the Keroro Platoon’s that presumably are still going to be able to return for the new anime.
Otherwise, the platoon sounds pretty much like they did in the anniversary trailer and various other small projects like the anti-piracy ad and Tales of the Rays collab from last year (they each had multiple spoken lines there). Keroro sounds a tad deeper; Tamama has some of the Jibanyan nasal now; Giroro didn’t really talk much but sounds mostly the same; Dororo is also a bit deeper and sounds kinda awkward but I think that’s less the voice direction and more Yoshizaki possibly wrote the dialogue and he speaks more assertively in the manga lol; Kururu sounds literally the exact same because Koyasu is a magic man.
Made in [Insert Year]?? (Ft. A lesson in trademarking)
I mentioned this at the beginning of this post, but for a solid few days, I really thought this video was just an ancient (2014 feels ancient now anyway) reupload. After all, the copyright string says 2014, and only media produced during the Flash series era has that copyright year, so I brushed it off. Here, let me show you all the anime copyright strings per the current anime portal:
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There’s no 2004 date on the TV series’s copyright, probably because it covers the entire series from 2004–2011, plus now 2024 onward (and possibly the anti-piracy ad from 2021 as well), and also most anime-branded merch and things. But when the show was airing proper, it was attributed to 2004 (you can see this in the opening credits of any season). The 2006–2010 dates are for each individual movie. And there’s the 2014 copyright that’s the exact same as the video’s, though here it is for the Flash anime, as there’s pictures of it on the anime portal site. As an aside, before 2015, Sunrise was listed instead of BNP. At some point all anime rights got retroactively transferred from Sunrise Inc. to BNP—not sure how or when exactly that occurred. For the movies, there were slight shakeups in the production committee as well (you can see my new project trailer analysis for more on that kind of stuff).
As you can see, copyright strings for the series are attributed to the year each individual “product” came out in, for the most part. But now we know that this ad is brand new. So…does this mean this political ad is counted as part of the Flash anime? They obviously didn’t plan to include this specific video ten years ago (unless Kadokawa bought out an oracle or something, wouldn’t surprise me). Maybe they left the door open to more episodes of the Flash anime proper, but that isn’t what this was advertised as.
Well, I have a theory. A theory that might be totally wrong, but a theory nonetheless. Let’s go on a massive tangent about the Japanese trademark system! (Disclaimer: I have no formal training in the legal field. I just have really weird research hobbies.)
I’m going to focus on two basic principles here. First, once trademarks in Japan are officially registered, they are active for ten years before the copyright applicant must reapply to renew ownership of the trademark for another ten years. Second, trademarks have to be filed under certain classifications that basically tell the JPO (Japan Patent Office) what goods and/or services the applicant plans to use the trademark for. This means that sometimes the same trademark will be filed multiple times for different use classes. The classifications are each given a two digit class number, which is further subdivided into five-character group code(s).
You can actually search through all public patents yourself on J-PlatPat, and the site is machine translated into English (though you still have to type the copyright you’re looking for in Japanese). Let’s take a look at the three different filings for ケロロ軍曹 (just the name of the series itself, not the logo).
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I’m on my phone so I couldn’t fit the entire window, but the important information is here. Kadokawa Corporation is the filer for all of these, though Yoshizaki’s name is probably also on whatever application documents they sent, which aren’t viewable. The three versions of the trademark were filed on different dates about a year apart. You’ll see that class 16 is there twice. For the first filing, it was class 16 and multiple group codes designating different kinds of goods (class 28 also contains goods-related things); the second filing covers a single group code protecting “printed matter” (presumably this was to cover any physical distributions of the manga).
I’m going to take a closer look at the third filing, which was officially registered in 2004. Class 09 covers a shitload of different goods and services, like way too many to list. What I’m thinking is that the first set of goods trademarks filed in 2001 was just to cover the kind of stuff they’d attach to issues of Shonen Ace and volume releases as giveaways—paper goods, board game-type items, and toys/dolls are all covered under it. Then in 2003, in preparation for the inevitable merchandise and collaboration dump the anime would lead to, they opened the floodgates to literally any Material Thing they could think to cover. Like, I’m pretty sure we never got any Keroro-branded egg candlers, fire alarms, or “cigar lighters for automobiles”, but might as well cover all your bases. Wouldn’t want the local fire department handing out emergency gear with your cartoon frog on it without permission, you know.
Included among these materials are some items that might be a bit more relevant to our case here. There’s a number of clauses related to physical and digital film, photography, and other media: “CD-ROM and DVD and other recording media, electronic publications, downloadable music, downloadable image[s]”. Now, while this doesn’t cover “animation” specifically, it can possibly be stretched to fit that definition. This is especially because, in Japanese, the term the MTL output as “images” is actually eizou, which can refer to both images and video.
So, the version of the trademark registered for the brand in 2004 likely covers certain media-related things. There are other classes that include the word “animation” specifically, but it’s possible that those classes weren’t classified the same way back then as they are now, and maybe anything film-related could’ve been interpreted by the law to include animation. Nowadays, though there are specific classifications for animation, specifically “animation available for download.” This subgroup actually happens to fall under class 09, though other classes contain similar items as well, such as class 41. You can search classes by number or keyword if you’re curious about this.
As I pointed out before I presented this data, all of these particular filings are for specifically ケロロ軍曹, not ケロロ. If ケロロ is to be used in isolation, it would have to be specified as such in the registration data, because what’s actually stopping someone else from coming along and trademarking just ケロロ? Now, remember the name of the Flash anime? That’s right—ケロロ. Just “Keroro”, not “Keroro Gunso.” Incidentally, this video is actually not formally titled under ケロロ軍曹 (despite what the thumbnail says). The only name in the title of the actual video is ケロロ.
So here is my theory. Maybe it’s a hypothetical, but I’m going to treat it like it’s concrete for argument’s sake. In 2014, to prepare for the Flash anime and related branding, Kadokawa filed for the trademark ケロロ—individually, without 軍曹. Because it was the 2010s at that point, it’s possible that downloadable animation was more specifically defined in the group codes filed for, even though the Flash anime did air on TV (again, the strategy to this is about covering as many potential use cases as possible for maximum copyright protection). Maybe it was under class 09, maybe it was another class, or even more than one. For whatever reason, the trademark is not publicly available. But because of what kind of animation/video/whatever that specific trademark covers, this little election video is covered under that 2014 trademark.
You might recall how I said trademarks have to be renewed every ten years. Incidentally, it just so happens that 2014 was ten years ago. Most likely, the (secret?) trademark was recently renewed so that stuff like this would be allowed to be made and can continue to be made in the future, independently from “Keroro Gunso” as defined by the 2004-verse and the manga proper. And because 2014 is the original filing year of that trademark, that is the year that is displayed with this project, even if the trademark was renewed in 2024, or some other recent year. By the way, all the ケロロ軍曹 trademarks I covered were also renewed this decade, so Kadokawa can keep on doing whatever exactly they were doing with those. There’s probably even more hidden-from-public-view trademarks, who knows, there’s a thousand potential asterisks here but you get the picture.
Fascinating, isn’t it? As I said, it’s possible that I’m just talking out of my ass and all of this is either way more simple or way more complicated than I’m making it out to be, in which case I just wasted multiple paragraphs of your time. But hey, at least it was a fun lesson, right? I’m not the only one interested in this, right? RIGHT?!?!?!
Okay, I’m just about done here, but I’m going to tell you something plot twisty. Do you know what actually first clued me in to the fact that this was not made in 2014 before it was confirmed to be the case? Not the upload date. Not the fact that nobody ever talked about it prior to a week ago. Not even all the probably useless copyright shit I just spent a whole other post’s worth of words on.
It was this part of the video:
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See, in this screenshot, if you look really closely, you’ll notice that Kururu is using an iPhone parody with three cameras. The first iPhones with three cameras were released in 2019. Therefore, this could not have been made in 2014. This stupid detail is what it took to get me to think about this video for more than thirty seconds.
Thank you, Kururu’s crippling iPhone addiction.
So yeah, go out and vote or whatever, wherever you guys are. Otherwise you’ll have to look Mois in the eyes and tell her no, and that will make her very sad, and she might blow up the planet as consequence. Not that the planet isn’t already being destroyed. Any of my fellow Americans want to join me for a screaming session following the last few days of federal fuckery? I’ll bring chocolate-covered pretzels to snack on and we’ll write the names of corporate lobbyists on them, it’ll be fun.
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lakesbian · 1 year
thots on blake's backstory? it may not be real but it still affects his characterization so its worth asking i think
insofar as it did not literally happen in real life it's not real but insofar as he remembers & is impacted by it + his friends remembered & were impacted by it up until he got eated, it's real to him and them. i would not have pegged "cult survivor" specifically but yeah that checks. it's so funny (terrible for him) that miss grandma thorburn was like. hmm i need to make sure he really doesn't like hugs. and then hit him with the double whammy of "survivor of cult where manipulation into sex was used to keep men satisfied enough to stay & entrap women, and also he gets sexually assaulted after he leaves said cult juuuuust in case the cult thing on its own wasn't enough." it's like customizing a picrew but with intense human suffering instead of fun outfits. anyway, yeah, it checks. paranoia wrt other ppls motives, intense discomfort towards touch, funnily enough still not great at noting when something is too good to be true or someone is a little happier than they should be about smth. love how existentially horrifying it is for him that he's really tenacious and vigilant but in a way that leads him to disastrous pyrrhic victories rather than long-term survival and that's Explicitly bc gramma custom-tweaked his brain to make him the ideal meatshield who draws fire and then explodes. i'm really really endeared to the character trait where he Admits to himself that as much as he responds like a cornered animal (one w/ the worlds lamest oneliners) when threatened, if those threats are actually followed through on, he Will immediately start freezing and crying and pissing himself. like he's haunted by the memory of begging carl to take him back so that carl will stop, and he very desperately wants to Never be that person ever again, so even when he runs into someone as big & terrifying as conquest, he refuses to give an inch--he can't stand feeling like he remembers feeling back then--but he very much knows that if conquest called his bluff & started dragging him off he'd instantly turn into that person he never wants to be. his life sucks! both in terms of apparent memories and in terms of the Sheer Existential Horror of why he has those memories! devastating for the guy who has an entire Complex about the sanctity of his body & identity that literally none of his body or identity is his, it was all cobbled together from other people for the sole purpose of using him as a tool. even his own rejection of touch isn't his, it was forced upon him.
which. hm. i will say i think that's why arc 9 is paradoxically a form of catharsis & freedom--despite it being a horrific low point, it's not so much corruption of his body as it is him realizing that the changes haven't been corruption but what his body has been all along being revealed. the form he takes on when he's filled in by spirits is arguably more His than his old body was, because it's something he's gained thru his own choices & life experiences rather than the simulated ones that were forced upon him. he literally described himself as a doll, he's experienced the ultimate violation of autonomy thru being custom-manipulated to serve a purpose--choosing to fuck his own hand up and grow branches in place of false flesh is more Him than the original flesh ever was. his life is going to be awful forever and he will be reduced to next to nothing but it will be His nothing, i think.
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kalevalaknights · 11 months
Juuuuust found your blog but I like tadc oc (thee… whistle guy? I think that’s what he is?) and I would love to know everything about him immediately
Here’s some amusing facts and details about my fella Plank.
Plank is supposed to resemble a collapsible wooden figure! Those.. ones where you press the little podium they stand on and they fall over.
Plank may be tall, but he’s an absolute pushover. That being said, if you knew him when he arrived, he would usually be on the ground. He hadn’t fully adjusted to his new body’s height, deciding to be something everyone eventually trips over. He got better in time, but still doesn’t really know how to pose his lanky body. He is completely hollow on the inside, run through with a string! Meaning he could turn his torso and head 360 degrees :]
His mouth has two circle hinges that sort of click clack together loosely, when he walks it’s a very noticeable sound. Sometimes he holds his head ‘closed’ because of this. When he runs, this is even worse. The upper part of his head swings back 90 degrees. His entire body probably sounds like lego bricks clicking and separating.. /J
His main gag or ‘schtick’ is that he is usually playing the episode’s music off-camera. Other characters will look over to him and tell him to stop, or the camera focuses on him for too long, leading him to look directly at it and go “What?” in the hopes the camera turns away. Sometimes he gets the urge to randomly play music. He does not know how to play any instruments in real life, yet he finds himself playing them as if it’s muscle memory.
Plank sometimes forgets who or where Pomni is, because she is so small. Meaning he clumsily whacks her, or she trips over him. When he gets scared, he curls in on himself much the same. Scaredy pants solidarity. But then, He does find Pomni a bit weird.
I imagine characters will pick him up much like a plank of wood. Either tucked under the arm, or grabbed by the ankles to swing around as some sort of bat. He acts more useful as a prop to others, rather than an acknowledged character. It’s funny. Tries relating to Zooble, and gets turned away. Sits next to Kinger, and eventually they both scare each other into running separate directions. Stands next to Jax, and gets turned into a bridge. Caine mistakes him for a hat rack at least once. Gets tangled up in Gangle and apologises.. Lots of accidental and funny antics. He seems to lean more toward Caine or Kinger’s company, wanting advice from the people who’ve been here longest but, surprise surprise, they’re a bit crazy. Eventually turns to Ragatha, who’s now helped him out with a good few things. They have long and polite talks, reassuring each other that if there’s good company, they’ll be pretty okay.
Not sure what else to say but thank you for asking about him :’)
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enjoy some previously made doodles…
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conditionaljewel · 1 year
(Headcanons abound)
Thinking about my disabled mini AU again, and I just think it would be really neat if Laudna had a cane made out of wood from the Sun Tree.
Like in my own little headcanon, I imagine that Chetney makes her a cane using some wood he was allowed to (legally?) obtain from the Sun Tree, and he carved and whittled it so that the cane looked like the Sun Tree’s trunk, and the handle were branches, that would also make it so that when she uses her Form of Dread, the cane becomes part of her. He presents it to her after a battle one evening when he notices she’s limping a lot more than normal and thought maybe it’d help. “I didn’t want to impose but, I couldn’t help but notice you were relying on Imogen a lot to help you walk, so I thought maybe…” She takes it and admires it for what it is, and thanks Chetney for it genuinely. She takes to it hesitantly at first, feeling a hesitation about not wanting to be more visibly different but she does not dispose of or hide it from view. She starts to use it here and there but still clings to Imogen quite more often than normal still.
But then after a few weeks she notices she still isn’t walking right and those pains in her leg aren’t going away, so she starts to use it more and more and falls in love with it. She’s comfortable, she’s walking without pain, and Imogen’s noted that she’s bouncing around their cottage with it like it’s a dance partner now, she’s grown to be so comfortable with it. Not long thereafter, she asks Chetney on one of his visits for just one little adjustment. “Sure, is something wrong, did it break? Oh no, is it too short? Too tall?” And she tells him no, it’s perfect, she just would like one minor, cosmetic addition: a “C-Pop Industries” logo on it, so everyone knows who made her beautiful cane. He sheds a tear in joy and happily engraves his insignia on it.
Then I’m imagining Laudna and Imogen walking around Jrusar going shopping for Zhudanna and themselves (bc even though they now live alone, together, independent of Zhudanna, they still help take care of her as a thanks). Just watching Laudna slinging her cane on her forearm as she and Imogen parse through loaves of bread or bundles of herbs and spices, holding onto Imogen loosely as they stumble-step from booth to booth in the crowds making their purchases where it’s too crowded to step comfortably otherwise.
Then suddenly a little child spies Laudna from a little distance away in the market and is caught staring at her: not because she’s a ghostly pale undead lady holding a pretty purple-haired lady’s hand, but because Laudna is walking with a cane and has a limp just like this little child seems to. So instead of her being afraid, the child “runs” up to Laudna very clumsily with her cane and loudly declares “i like your cane,” as she wave hers at Laudna. And then Laudna would be all cute back and wave hers at the child, “i LOVE yours,” and fuss and make a big deal of it and ask the little girl about it like it was the best cane Laudna ever did see, and the little girl getting absolutely elated and overwhelmed by not feeling so out of place “because she’s not old and she walks like me!”
And then I think about Laudna and Imogen hanging out with Ashton, in their little chronicLu disabled club as the three of them do in secret once a month, and Ashton finally realizes after a long while “wait? That’s from the Sun Tree?!” And then Laudna will Form Of Dread as she holds the cane and tower over him, juuuuust so he could be impressed with how ~cool she looks with it. “That’s fuckin’ awesome.” And they’ll spend the next forty five minutes discussing her cane, his use of his hammer as a walking stick, Imogen’s frequent headaches from the constant buzzing and chatter in her head. Ashton’ll mention having seen someone riding around in an wheelchair that was “also an automaton” in Bassuras — could go way faster than any old wheelchair. “I bet if you did it right you could enter one in the Deathwish, now *that* would be interesting.” And they spent the next forty-five minutes and remaining bottle of wine inventing Murderball for Exandria.
Then Fearne comes over for (girl) dinner one evening. Lots of food and drinks and wine and gossip. Fearne being Fearne, and knowing damn well Laudna needs it, she still tries to swipe the cane anyway because her love language had spread to all of Bells Hells now, and she couldn’t not try. That’s part of the fun. And she nearly gets away with it except that, at the end of the night, perhaps a little too drunk off of Whitestone’s very best wine to offer, she attempts to leave their home by casually just strolling out the door with it under her hand as though it were hers and she walked in with it all along, only to play it off to the girls with a laugh and a “damn” under her breath to Mister. They share a laugh at their doorstep with one last hug, and Laudna says to hear “ask Chet, maybe he’ll make you one.”
Orym visits with Dorian, and of the whole group, they’re the ones who just “seem” the most adjusted when it comes to Laudna in general but certainly to both the girls. Dorian sees her cane for the first time and, being unfamiliar with Whitestone and the history, particularly her history there, he just admires it purely from a craftsmanship and design aspect, essentially complimenting Chet. He calls it “quite a beautiful craft of love for a mobility aid.” He particularly loves the detailing in the bark pattern Chetney had painstakingly added. This makes Laudna smile. Orym, knowing it’s and Laudna’s origins, doubles down on that sentiment and shoots the girls that knowing look with a smile. And then conversations move on, dinner continues.
But then there’s Letters. Poor Letters who just wants to help. He tries to convince Laudna, perhaps a little too aggressively, to get new feet and legs with him, “so we can fix ya! we could ask D or Dancer, maybe Imahara Joe?” But the girls sit them down and explain to him that while Dancer and Joe are unique in their crafts and capabilities, and while Dancer seems happy with her prosthetic, Laudna doesn’t see the need for all that. “I’m quite happy as I am, FCG,” and they explain over some tea and copper bits why some people who are disabled don’t necessarily want or need to be fixed, but it’s okay for those out there who do. Laudna then reassures FCG that she is happy, she doesn’t ~need fixing, and that sometimes people with disabilities and disabled people would just rather have the things they need and the world to be more accessible to get by, rather than any attempts as “fixing” something that they don’t see as broken within themselves.,FCG kind of understands and just says “okay… well, I’ll pray for you.”
I don’t know, disabled!Laudna (and Imogen and Ashton) is/are so important to me and ever since I’ve started to recognize my own disabilities and physical and mental limitations, I’ve just been thinking entirely too much about Laudna using a mobility aid (not even just a cane as presented here) and trying to get myself more confidence to use my cane when I need it rather than continue to suffer.
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