#halifax hip hop
vadellgabriel · 11 months
A Ghost's Pumpkin... Spice?
I made this jazz-hop cover of "Pumpkin Hill", aka "A Ghost's Pumpkin Soup" on a whim last month, and decided to release it for Halloween weekend. No vocals on it, just jazzy hip hop vibes. Grab it on your favourite music platform, and let me know what y'all think.
Single artwork was provided by the homie Newtaboot.
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djducats · 8 months
Classified - All Wrong (Official Video)
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yungcheef · 1 year
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vilegroove · 2 years
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YoungFitz × Vile Groove - Complete Collection (So Far...)
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spine-buster · 2 years
That Which We Are, We Are | Nathan MacKinnon | Chapter 6
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gif credit @/joeydaccord
Nate wasn’t going to let Sorcha get away with what she’d done. Not by a long shot. So after he rushed through his house, put a comb through his hair, brushed his teeth, gargled some mouth wash, and changed into some respectable clothes, he packed Cox into his car and headed for Halifax.
His jaw was clenched in anger the entire drive into the city. They’d had such a great night together, eating and dancing and talking about hip-hop music, getting closer and telling each other things from deep in their hearts, and then she up and leaves? Just flat-out escapes his house undetected with her dog and books it back home somehow, even though they’re in the middle of fucking nowhere? Sure, the sex was definitely unexpected, and a by-product of how much alcohol they’d consumed, but…well…despite all the wine, Nate knew what he was doing when he kissed her. He knew what he was doing when he groped her or squeezed her ass. He’d acted on impulse but he’d been wanting to do it for a while.
It was still fairly early in the morning when he arrived at her place, and when he did, he banged on the door loudly. He wasn’t going to hide his emotions. They were open and honest with each other from the beginning, and he was going to be open and honest now. He banged on the door again after a few seconds when she didn’t answer, and his impatience got the best of him as he pounded again not long after. Maybe she was ignoring him now. Because she had to have known that he’d be angry at her escape. Maybe she was—
Juno wasn’t barking. If he knew anything about German shepherds and Juno specifically, he knew she would bark at the door. She wasn’t.
Sorcha wasn’t home.
He swore under his breath before marching back to his car. He hit the steering wheel in frustration and let out a loud “Fuuuuuuuuuuck!!!!!” to try and release some steam. He took out his phone to call her. It rang until it went to voicemail. He called again immediately after, only for it to ring until it went to voicemail again. When he called for a third time, it rang only twice before going to voicemail, which meant she saw his name appear on Caller ID and refused the call.
Well, at least she was fucking alive.
Nate huffed and puffed as he started his car. He knew that she had to come back to her apartment from wherever she was at some point, but he wasn’t going to stake it out like some sort of undercover cop. He had better shit to do, like think about other ways he could try to contact her and ask her what the fuck was going on. Work email? Texts? Those could all be ignored. Those could also be used against him in a court of law, so they were nixed. More phone calls, maybe? Whatever Nate ended up choosing, he knew that she was at least going to get a rude awakening at work on Monday morning, that was for sure. Until then, he knew that his temper couldn’t get the best of him. He knew that he needed to calm down and actually think about what he was going to say to her besides just yelling and screaming. He began the drive to his parents’ house, knowing that just their presence alone would be able to calm him down. Plus, it was prime breakfast time. Maybe he’d talk to his dad about it, and he’d give some wise words of advice. He always did.
As Nate drove out to Cole Harbour, the streets of the neighbourhood he grew up in were all too familiar to him. Even them alone calmed him, since they brought back so many happy memories. As he turned on to his parents’ street, he drove by many of the houses of his friends from elementary school. He still remembered them all, even though friends had moved out long ago and only parents really remained. Caitlin’s house. Alex’s house. David’s house. Sorcha’s house. Ryan’s house. Scott’s house.
Sorcha’s house.
Sorcha’s house!!!
He stopped so fast and heavy on the brake pedal that his tired screeched. He put his car in reverse and backed up until he was right in front of their house, where he could see two cars out on the driveway. One, a BMW SUV, he knew for sure was her step-dad’s. The other, a black Civic, he knew for a fact was Sorcha’s. She’d mentioned it before.
The absolute nerve.
He parked in the driveway right behind her car, less than a centimetre from her bumper so she had no way out, at least by car. He took a deep breath to calm himself before getting out of the car and approaching the front door. He knocked politely instead of banging on the door like he did at her apartment, and almost immediately, he heard Juno barking.
After a few moments, he heard the front door unlock. When it opened, he came face-to-face with Dr. Dagar and Juno sniffing at his legs. Dr. Dagar’s face lit up at who was standing on his front porch. Clearly he watched hockey, or at the very least, remembered Nate. “Well look who it is!” he smiled.
“Hello Mr. Ibrahim,” Nate said politely. “How are you?”
“I’m doing well now that I see an NHL superstar on my front door,” he joked.
Nate chuckled. “I’m sorry to bother you this early – I’m sure you and Mrs. Ibrahim are having breakfast—”
“—we are,” Dr. Dagar said. “Would you like to join us?”
“Oh no no no, I couldn’t—”
“—nonsense! You actually came at the perfect time. Sorcha is here too,” he revealed. “She’s mentioned you recently reconnected. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind you at the breakfast table,” he said, moving out of the way so Nate could step in to the foyer. “What brings you here, anyway?”
Sure she wouldn’t mind him at the breakfast table, eh? Nate would bet his entire earnings on the opposite of that being true. Regardless, Nate had to be quick on his feet. “Oh, well, we were actually hanging out the other day and she forgot something—and—and I was going to wait until I saw her again, but I figured she probably needed it sooner, and I was on my way to visit my parents, and—”
“—Say no more. Come, come, come,” Dr. Dagar motioned. Nate took off his shoes and followed Dr. Dagar through the house. For how long they lived there, and for how long Nate and Sorcha had been in school together, he’d never been inside the house. It was nice, and very homey, and reminded him a lot of the house he grew up in. There were pictures of the family smiling everywhere in frames. Juno trotted along beside them, and Nate could hear Mrs. Ibrahim and Sorcha talking.
When he showed up in the doorway, her face dropped. “Hello,” he smiled, more so at Mrs. Ibrahim than at Sorcha.
“We have a guest!” Dr. Dagar announced, extending his arms like a magician.
“Oh! Nathan! It’s you!” Mrs. Ibrahim exclaimed happily, getting up from her seat and walking straight over to him for a hug. “How are you? Come in, come in! Take a seat!”
“I’m sorry to show up unannounced—”
“—Nonsense! Sit! We have more than enough,” she said, even going so far as to pull out a seat from him, directly across from Sorcha, who was giving him a death glare. “Do you like scrambled eggs, Nathan? We have turkey bacon, too, because Dagar doesn’t eat pork, of course.”
“Both sound great, Mrs. Ibrahim.”
“It’s Maryanne, Nathan. You know that.”
“I think if my parents found out I called you anything besides Mrs. Ibrahim they’d smack me upside the head,” he joked.
Both Dr. Dagar and Mrs, Ibrahim let out hearty laughs. Sorcha was still giving him a death glare. Clearly there was no charming her, despite not needing to be charmed – it was her who would have to explain herself sooner rather than later. “How are Graham and Kathy doing? We see them every so often walking the goldens. Do they come visit you in Colorado?”
“They’re doing great, thanks for asking,” Nathan said as he watched Maryanne scoop heaps of scrambled eggs onto his plate. He made sure he looked at Sorcha’s plate and saw she was already done her breakfast. He planned to scarf his down so they could get out of there as soon as possible. “And yeah, they come visit quite often. Not as often as when I first started living alone, but—well, you know—”
“Can you believe Nate still didn’t know how to boil pasta at, like, 21?” were the first words out of Sorcha’s mouth since he walked into the Ibrahim household. “He was telling me one night at dinner.”
Before Mr. or Mrs. Ibrahim could say anything, Nate piped up, knowing he’d have to take the shot until he was able to get Sorcha alone. “I was a spoiled hockey player, what can I say,” he shrugged playfully, looking at her. “Not as good a cook as you are. That panzanella you made yesterday was incredible.”
Sorcha’s face dropped. Checkmate. He wasn’t fucking around.
“Oh! You two hung out yesterday?” Mrs. Ibrahim looked between the two. “How lovely! What did you do?”
“We just hung out at my place on Grand Lake,” Nate answered quickly, before Sorcha could lie. He watched as she squirmed in her seat.
“What did she forget that you have to return?” Dr. Dagar asked.
“Juno’s kennel,” he said. He wasn’t lying – she really did forget the kennel, and it was in the trunk of his car.
“Well, it’s nice to see you two reconnecting,” Mrs. Ibrahim said. “All those years in elementary and high school together – even growing up on the same street – and you never became friends.”
“Yeah. We have so much in common that we never realized. I think we’re making up for lost time now,” Nate replied, eyeing Sorcha. “Don’t you think?”
She was going to kill him. “Absolutely.”
Nate carried on a polite conversation with Mr. and Mrs. Ibrahim until he stuffed the last forkful of scrambled eggs into his mouth. Sorcha stayed silent for most of it, eyeing Nate whenever he said something. It was only when Mr. and Mrs. Ibrahim began clearing the table and bringing everything to the kitchen that they got even a few seconds alone. “So are we going to talk or what?” Nate asked quickly.
“Do we have to?”
He rolled his eyes. He didn’t think she would have this immaturity in her. He would have to call the shots here. “Looks like I’m coming over yours when we’re done here,” he said.
“Nate, would you like some coffee, dear?” Mrs. Ibrahim called out from the kitchen.
“We’ve both gotta go, mom,” Sorcha said. “Nate does workouts in the mornings with Andy O’Brien.”
“Are you saying that name as if we should know who he is?” Dr. Dagar asked.
Sorcha smiled – a real, genuine smile for her step-dad. “No. Sorry dad. Don’t worry. But Nate’s gotta go.”
Nate and Sorcha said their goodbyes, and Mr. and Mrs. Ibrahim gave him warm hugs and told him to say hello to his parents, because of course they did, because they were good people, before he descended down the front porch steps. Sorcha followed him with Juno on a leash. It was only when they got to his car, parked on the street, that she said anything. They were far enough away that her parents wouldn’t hear her. “I guess I’ll see you at mine?” she asked as he popped his trunk.
“Of course. You’re not getting away with this,” he told her.
“I was hoping I could.”
“And why is that?”
Sorcha didn’t answer. She pulled Juno’s kennel out of his trunk and didn’t even meet his eye. “You remember your way, yeah?”
“Duh. It was just fucking yesterday, Sorsh.”
She didn’t say another word. Instead, she carried the kennel to her car, shoved it in the trunk, and loaded Juno into the backseat carrier. Nate watched the whole thing until he saw Sorcha walk over to the driver’s side and wave goodbye at her parents. Nate waved too before getting into his car. He drove off without waiting for Sorcha.
They arrived at her apartment at the same time. And without saying a word, they got out of their cars. Juno was none the wiser, wagging her tail at Nate. It was only when Sorcha stuck her key in the door that Juno became preoccupied with something else. When Nate followed Sorcha through the doorway and stepped through the entrance, he was surprised at how big and open her apartment was. He knew she described it as a loft, but he felt like a lot of people said ‘loft’ when they really just meant ‘big window’. This wasn’t that – this was a true loft. And the first thing that he noticed wasn’t the kitchen or the view or anything like that. It was the art. Her art. Scattered everywhere. Some hanging on the wall. Some on easels. Some stacked against a wall. Some sketches taped with painter’s tape. And they were beautiful, too – some portraits and others landscapes, so colourful and creative and beautiful.
“Wow,” Nate mumbled under his breath.
“What?” Sorcha deadpanned.
He hesitated, wondering if he should even bring it up. When he first asked about seeing her art many weeks ago, at their oyster dinner, she’d said “maybe” and that was it. There hadn’t been an invitation since – not that Nate asked or pestered her about it, though she’d brought up her art since then. Nate knew art was personal and for Sorcha specifically, it was an outlet where she could express herself after years of not being able to. “Your art,” he said, pointing haphazardly towards a stack of canvases on the furthest wall. “You’ve never let me see it before. It's incredible.”
“Thanks,” Sorcha said, her voice tight. “It was all I was doing in my sketchbooks while your friends were making whale sounds every time they saw me.”
Nate’s body stiffened. After Shane’s asinine behaviour last week at his house, Nate didn’t know when he’d not be able to cringe or get angry anytime someone brought up a memory from the past. “Sorsh, I—”
“—Don’t—I—it’s okay,” she waved him off. “That was—I don’t even know what I was thinking saying that. Just forget I said it.”
Nate stared at her, and in a gentle voice, he asked, “So are we gonna talk?”
It was the first time since Nate reconnected with her that Sorcha looked nervous. “What’s there to talk about?” she asked. He could tell she was attempting to make her voice sound void of emotion, but he knew that wasn’t the case. “We were two drunk idiots who had sex. It’s not that deep.”
Nate furrowed his brows. “What’s your deal?” he demanded. “Why would you say something like that?”
It was time for Sorcha to give him a look. “Because it’s true?” she said. “What else would it be? I freaked out, okay? I’ll admit that. I woke up at like three in the morning with a pounding headache and with you lying beside me in bed, and I freaked out. I grabbed my clothes, grabbed Juno, and got the hell outta dodge. And maybe it wasn’t the smartest decision to make, but it was the decision I made—”
“Sorsh, come ooonnn,” he lamented, walking towards her so they were now close. Nate couldn’t believe she was being so dense. But then a thought suddenly entered his mind. “Wait…” he said. “That wasn’t…that wasn’t your first time having sex, was it?”
If the beauty of Helen of Troy’s face could launch a thousand ships, then the scowl on Sorcha’s could have launched a million. “Oh, fuck off, Nathan!” she screamed. “Of course that wasn’t my first time, you idiot!!!”
“Then why are you freaking out so much?!” he demanded. “Why are you straight up refusing to talk to me?!”
“We were two drunk idiots, Nate. That’s it,” she said – trying to say it definitively. “We slept together because we were two drunk idiots.”
“I didn’t sleep with you because we were two drunk idiots,” he said. “I slept with you because I like you, Sorcha. Because I’m into you.”
They let the words hang in the air as they stared at each other with strained looks on their faces – Nate because he’d just revealed what he revealed to Sorcha, and Sorcha because…well, for all her confidence, there was still some shock in hearing the words be said out loud. “You’re what?” she asked.
“Do I have to spell it out?”
“Did you just say out loud that you’re into me?”
“I haven’t made it obvious in the past weeks?” Nate countered. “Every lunch or dinner we’ve had, every walk, inviting you up to my place…you honestly had no idea?”
“Nate…come on,” she almost begged. “I—you—you can’t be serious.”
“Why wouldn’t I be serious about this?”
It was clear to Sorcha that Nate wasn’t joking – he was being completely serious. She knew what her feelings were, and now? To hear his too? That they were the same feelings she was having, the same feelings she’d felt for weeks? She didn’t think it was possible. She knew they had a lot in common now, that everything was going fine and dandy, but this? This? And it wasn’t because she didn’t think she was worthy of romantic feelings from Nathan MacKinnon – she knew she was totally worthy – it was because she didn’t think he’d ever say it. It was one thing to have feelings for the fat girl; it was another to admit it out loud. Usually people hid their feelings out of embarrassment, feeling shame for having feelings for someone that society didn’t deem conventionally attractive. But not Nate. The urge within her to deflect momentarily became stronger than her will to accept. “I don’t think I—”
Sorcha wasn’t able to finish her thought because Nate had kissed her. It was like those scenes in movies where couples were fighting and one of them shut the other up with a kiss. Except she and Nate weren’t a couple. Sorcha always thought that if that ever happened to her, she’d push the person away and yell at them for interrupting her. She still believed she would if it were anyone else besides Nate. With Nate, she didn’t. She didn’t push, she didn’t pull away, she didn’t do anything except kiss him back after quickly getting over the initial shock. His lips felt just as nice as they did last night. And she wanted his lips on hers. She did.
When Nate pulled away, their foreheads still together keeping them close, Sorcha gulped. “That felt good.”
Nate kissed her again, knowing she’d enjoy it. This time, instead of taking time to acclimatize, she kissed him back right away. They kissed again for a while before Sorcha pulled away. “I don’t think I should be hooking up with a guy who was complicit in my bullying,” she mumbled.
Nate kissed her again. He knew that was a lie. That she was just making up excuses so she could hear the sound of her own voice. So she could justify to herself…what exactly? She said she forgave him a long time ago. Twice. Three times, Nate thought.
Sorcha broke away again, far enough to look at Nate. “I didn’t mean that,” she mumbled again.
“I know you didn’t,” he said. “Will you just shut up and let me kiss you now?”
They kissed each other. Over and over and over. Over and over and over until Nate had to take a breath, over and over until Sorcha had to take a breath, over and over until she jumped and sat on her counter, over and over until Nate stood between her legs, over and over until their hands wandered along each other’s bodies, over and over until Sorcha ran her hands through Nate’s hair, over and over until – finally – they needed to take a serious breather or else they’d both pass out from a lack of oxygen.
Their foreheads were still pressed against each other’s. They were silent – only able to hear the sounds of their own breathing – before Sorcha spoke. “This isn’t much of a talk.”
Nate snorted, and Sorcha giggled, and soon they were laughing at the ridiculousness of her comment. “I think we’re doing pretty okay,” he commented.
“I’ll say.”
They were silent again. Nate brought his hand up, from her hip, and cupped the side of her face. “For the record,” he whispered, “I’ve changed just as much as you.”
Sorcha nodded. “I know,” her voice was soft. “I know you have. I was just being an idiot. I’m sorry. Our history is just a bit, well…muddled. I know we’ve been having a great time together, but it still came as a bit of a shock when you, like, said the words out loud. I don’t know.”
“It’s okay,” he said. “I know that neither of us were expecting this when I showed up at your work asking you out for lunch. But I wouldn’t say something if I didn’t, like, mean it. And I mean this. I want you to know that. Can we both at least admit that we’re into each other?”
Sorcha couldn’t help but smile slightly. “We’re into each other.”
“Finally, you say it out loud.”
“Don’t push it,” she giggled slightly.
Nate couldn’t help but kiss her again. “You know what people who are into each other do?”
“What’s that?”
“They go over to the other’s house a lot,” he said, giving her a quick peck on the lips. “And I mean like, a lot.” Kiss. “Like, on weekends.” Kiss. “Next weekend, even.” Kiss.
“Oh, is that right?”
“Mhm.” Kiss. “And maybe…”. Kiss. “They even go up on Thursday after work.” Kiss. “To get some alone time with each other.” Kiss. “Before the house party on Saturday night.”
Sorcha stiffened slightly at the revelation. “House party? Big house party? Everyone coming?”
“No. It’s not what you think,” he said. “Just Kehoe and Lucas. No Noah. No Shane. They’re not invited. But, like, Sid will be there, and I invited his best friend June, too. You’ll love her. And some of my cousins will be there. A couple of my other friends, and maybe friends of friends. But not Noah and Shane. I want you there more than anyone else. I just want you around with me.”
The last time Nate asked her to go up while others were going to be there, she said no – for obvious reasons. And though slow, Nate realized why she’d rejected the proposal. But now, with everything being out in the open, with their feelings known and the chemistry between them unmistakable, Sorcha had a different outlook on the situation. She wouldn’t just be there – she’d be there with Nate. And if it was mainly going to be Kehoe, Nate’s cousins, Sidney (who she’d probably fawn over all night, if she was being honest), and Sidney’s best friend June whom she would apparently love, then she was more than willing to go. No Noah, and especially no Shane, was like music to her ears. She cupped his face in her hands, running her thumbs along his thin lips softly. “I’ll see if I can take the day off Friday,” she whispered, making him smile.
“Perfect,” Nate smiled. “You and I are going to have so much fun, Sorcha Saint-Coeur.”
Sorcha smirked. “You’re going to get me into so much trouble, Nathan MacKinnon.”
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bookclub4m · 2 years
Episode 166 - Sports (Non-Fiction)
This episode we’re talking about Non-Fiction Sports books! We discuss how to define sports, live sports, weird rules, and more!
You can download the podcast directly, find it on Libsyn, or get it through Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, or your favourite podcast delivery system.
In this episode
Anna Ferri | Meghan Whyte | Matthew Murray | RJ Edwards
Things We Read (or tried to…)
The Comic Book Story of Basketball: A Fast-Break History of Hops, Hoops, and Alley-OOPS
Canadian Heritage Minutes: Basketball (YouTube)
(lots more below in “Links, Articles, and Things”)
Walking: One Step at a Time by Erling Kagge, translated by Becky L. Crook, narrated by Atli Gunnarsson
Revolutions: How Women Changed the World on Two Wheels by Hannah Ross
One Game at a Time: Why Sports Matter by Matt Hern
Strong Like a Woman: 100 Game-Changing Female Athletes by Laken Litman
A Most Beautiful Thing: The True Story of America's First All-Black High School Rowing Team by Arshay Cooper, narrated by Adam Lazarre-White
Other Media We Mentioned
Football in Sun and Shadow by Eduardo Galeano, translated by Mark Fried
Soccer vs. the State: Tackling Football and Radical Politics by Gabriel Kuhn
Links, Articles, and Things
Which Pokémon are the most goth? (featuring Matthew and Jam)
Lumberjack World Championship (Wikipedia)
Sports Book Awards
Mascot Mischief (Jam’s mascot RPG)
Pawtucket Red Sox (Wikipedia)
It’s possible the burlesque wrestling event that Anna and Matthew went to was Glam Slam, which still exists!
Heritage Minutes (Wikipedia)
Wilder Penfield (YouTube)
Sam Steele (YouTube)
Halifax Explosion (YouTube)
Jackie Shane (YouTube) (most recent one!)
The 10 Best Canadian Heritage Minutes of All Time
A Part of Our Heritage (YouTube)
AK Press (Wikipedia)
Green Bay Packers (Wikipedia)
List of fan-owned sports teams (Wikipedia)
Sex verification in sports (Wikipedia)
Testosterone regulations in women's athletics (Wikipedia)
Zhang Shan: The only female shooter to win gold in a mixed competition
“After the Barcelona Games, the International Shooting Union barred women from shooting against men. For the next years, the skeet event remained on the Olympic Games programme, but only for male athletes.”
The Bob Emergency: a study of athletes named Bob, Part I by Jon Bois
Barbados intentionally scored an own goal to help them win by two thanks to a weird golden goal rule Weird Rules on Secret Base (YouTube)
Twenty20 (Wikipedia)
“Twenty20 (T20) is a shortened game format of cricket.”
Episode 159 - Hurts So Good: The Science and Culture of Pain on Purpose by Leigh Cowart
16 Sports (Non-Fiction)books by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, & People of Colour) Authors
Every month Book Club for Masochists: A Readers’ Advisory Podcasts chooses a genre at random and we read and discuss books from that genre. We also put together book lists for each episode/genre that feature works by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, & People of Colour) authors. All of the lists can be found here.
Life in Motion: An Unlikely Ballerina  by Misty Copeland
Indigenous Feminist Gikendaasowin (Knowledge): Decolonization through Physical Activity by Tricia McGuire-Adams
Rebound: Sports, Community, and the Inclusive City by Perry King
A Beautiful Work in Progress by Mirna Valerio
Basketball (and Other Things): a Collection of Questions Asked, Answered, Illustrated by Shea Serrano
Black Gods of the Asphalt: Religion, Hip-hop, and Street Basketball by Onaje X. O. Woodbine
Forty Million Dollar Slaves: The Rise, Fall, and Redemption of the Black Athlete by William C. Rhoden
In My Skin: My Life on and Off the Basketball Court by Brittney Griner
Blood in the Garden: The Flagrant History of the 1990s New York Knicks by Chris Herring
A Team of Their Own: How an International Sisterhood Made Olympic History by Seth Berkman 
Tigerbelle: The Wyomia Tyus Story by Wyomia Tyus, Elizabeth Terzakis
Rise of the Black Quarterback: What It Means for America by Jason Reid
Courage to Soar: A Body in Motion, a Life in Balance by Simone Biles with Michelle Burford
My Olympic Life by Anita L. DeFrantz and Josh Young
Back in the Frame: How to get back on your bike, whatever life throws at you by Jools Walker 
Relentless: From Good to Great to Unstoppable by Tim S. Grover
Give us feedback!
Fill out the form to ask for a recommendation or suggest a genre or title for us to read!
Check out our Tumblr, follow us on Twitter or Instagram, join our Facebook Group, or send us an email!
Join us again on Tuesday, January 17th we’ll be discussing reading resolutions!!
Then on Tuesday, February 7th it’ll be our annual Valentine’s Day episode and we’ll be talking about the genre of Holiday Romance!
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atlanticcanada · 2 years
Fiona in the Maritimes generates international attention
A map of the Maritime provinces was a main feature on U.S. cable news ahead of Hurricane Fiona’s arrival, as storm chasers raced to the region ahead of its landfall.
“I’ve had it on my bucket list to chase a storm here in Nova Scotia anyway, but this is a no-brainer,” said Aaron Jayjack, an experienced storm chaser based in South Dakota who travels to document a variety of extreme weather events.
With the expectation of Fiona being historic, Jayjack arrived Thursday in Nova Scotia and has been following forecasts and tracking models to decide where he’ll be once the storm hits.
“One of the things I do when I first arrive on location is to start securing, just like anyone who lives here, food and water,” said Jayjack. “I have enough food and water to get me through a few days.”
Storm chasers, meteorologists, and scientists from across North America have been watching Fiona with a focus on its measured minimum air pressure.
Mark Sudduth, a storm chaser based in North Carolina, said several researchers would have meteorological sensors on the ground Saturday to detect just how low Fiona’s air pressure goes upon landfall.
“They’re kind of chomping at the bit because the science is important,” said Sudduth, in an interview with CTV News Channel. “We’re going to document this from a meteorological perspective.”
Halifax resident Brooke Clark has been spending the last few days preparing for Fiona while closely following news coverage. U.S. media attention has focused on Fiona’s potential to be the strongest ever-recorded storm in Canadian history.
@brookemackenzie13 Hurricane Fiona Prep stay safe Atlantic Canada #hurricanefiona #hurricane #hurricaneprep #stormprep #atlanticcanada #novascotia #canada #wegotthis ♬ Rain sad hip hop beat - Madoromi
“It’s nerve-wracking to see those kinds of headlines and people saying that,” said Clark. “So I think people are taking it seriously.”
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/M4SH3n1
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independentartistbuzz · 6 months
R&B Singer JupiterReign Captures the Spontaneity of Romantic Connections on “In A Rush”
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JupiterReign, also known as Thaydra Gray, has been surrounded by music since the beginning of her life. She began singing in her father’s church choir in Montreal, Quebec, where she grew up, directed by her mother, even before she could put together full sentences. The youngest of four daughters, it was through her sisters that she found her deep love for R&B music. 
Rooted in the rich traditions of R&B, JupiterReign’s music aims to evoke emotions, tell stories, and forge connections with a diverse and passionate audience. With every note, lyric, and performance, she strives to craft a unique, sonic experience that leaves a lasting impact on the souls of those who listen. She has a profound belief in the power of music to heal, uplift, unite and tell a story. 
Her single, “In a Rush,” captures the excitement and spontaneity that often accompanies romantic connections. This song not only explores the magnetic pull between individuals but also embraces the carefree spirit that defines the thrill of being swept away in the heat of the moment. It’s a vivid picture of the thrill and passion that come with the fast-paced nature of love, making it a perfect anthem for those who savor the playful and sensual aspects of their relationships.
This song is the standalone single to her debut album, Jupiter’s Dreams, which will be released in Fall 2024. This project is a sonic fusion, where soft R&B melodies, rhythmic hip-hop beats, and infectious Afrobeat rhythms converge to create an immersive musical experience. It will also feature some talented artists from Halifax, and Montreal.
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ejpentertainment · 11 months
Discover new music on the latest episode of The NonStop Radio Show.. Available now on #SoundCloud
Listen to Halifax, MA Hip Hop Artist J Ferr talks his Debut Album The Peep Hole by #TheNonStopRadioShow on #SoundCloud
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staticdive · 1 year
Poizion Flux Drops New Old-School Vibes
Poizion Flux is an emerging independent recording artist and producer who made his solo professional debut in 2022. He connected with fans around the world with a pair of genre-bending singles, “Can’t Phase Me” and “Miserably Lately”. Those records introduced a multi-talented musician and composer with an experimental alt/hip-hop vibe.  A native of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, Poizion Flux is…
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whatsonmedia · 1 year
Music Monday: Electrifying Playlist of This Week!
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Embark on a musical journey with Adam Humphries' electrifying playlist of recently released upbeat tracks. Let the rhythm guide you on an unforgettable musical adventure, as you experience the soul-igniting sounds of today's hottest artists. This playlist is sure to get your heart pumping and your feet moving. So what are you waiting for? Press play and let the music take you away! Doja Cat's "Attention" Responds to Recent Criticisms Doja Cat's new single "Attention" is a response to recent criticisms of her music and appearance. The song features '90s hip-hop production and sees Doja Cat rapping about her haters, her weight loss, and her decision to drop out of The Weeknd's tour. The song is a reminder of Doja Cat's rapping skills and her ability to turn heads. Check out the video here https://youtu.be/agXQQDasq0U https://open.spotify.com/track/11xC6P3iKYpFThT6Ce1KdG?si=67c9f34bfd584e28 Burr Island return with gorgeous folk-driven second single - 'Nunney Town', featuring John McCusker A superb acoustic based track with that smooth nostalgic feeling which is full of that feel-good factor. A great to chill-out to. You can catch Burr Island on tour, both solo and as support for Ocean Colour Scene  https://open.spotify.com/track/6H8WQZdzUFX9nyHllmzqJq?si=0f7a0b3fc62e43e5 TOUR DATES:  Supporting Tunde Baiyewu (Voice of Lighthouse Family) 6/6/23- Shrewsbury- Theatre Severn 7/6/23- Milton Keynes- The Stables 9/6/23- East Sussex- Trading Boundaries 10/6/23- Bury St. Edmunds- The Apex 14/6/23- Carlisle- Old Fire Station  15/6/23- Newcastle- Tyne Theatre 21/6/23- Birmingham- The Glee Club 23/6/23- Stockton- ARC (Stockton Arts Centre) 24/6/23- Manchester- Band on the Wall Supporting Ocean Colour Scene 18/8/23- Margate- Dreamland 20/8/23- Bexhill- De la Warr Pavilion  24/8/23- Halifax- New Victoria Theatre Iconic Three Kings Tattoo from NYC celebrates Three Years in South London with a - Flash Day and After Party. A fabulous celebration of all things Three Kings, both music and art, with some cocktails thrown in. For further details check out the link belowand looks set to be one of the hottest tickets for this year  Check out the full Flash Sheets on offer here.  https://threekingslondon.com/blogs/news/3rd-year-anniversary-flash-day-and-party A treat for anyone who gets down early enough to join the queue and get some fresh ink done in time for summer ’23. Dua Lipa's "Dance The Night" is a Feel-Good Pop Escape Dua Lipa's new single "Dance The Night" is a feel-good pop song produced by Mark Ronson. The track is cinematic and infectious, tapping into the feel-good element of having a fun night out with friends. It's a perfect escape from reality, with lyrics like "Watch me dance, dance the night away. My heart could be burning, but you won't see it on my face." This is just the first taste of what's to come from the Barbie soundtrack, and it's definitely a promising start. Check out the video here https://youtu.be/OiC1rgCPmUQ https://open.spotify.com/track/1vYXt7VSjH9JIM5oRRo7vA?si=12c93b0ebaca4944 New dreamy indie-ballad acclaimed Danish artist Sara Lew - Shady Light Sara Lew continues to surprise with her smooth and melodic song. Her vocals are as haunting as they are soothing and effortlessly entice you.  Her new album is out later this year. Full details of release to come  https://open.spotify.com/track/0N3GeYFL1MJDHe82xRYHFp?si=5c6fe9e8932b4e61 https://youtu.be/UlyhhRJ41iQ Sara Lew’s new album “LOUD” is scheduled to come out on Cloudland Records in Autumn 2023 Read the full article
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vadellgabriel · 2 years
About 20 days left! There's still time to get some dope merch to help back the album. I'm also creating exclusive beats for those who pick the highest tier. You won't get these anywhere else; not spotify, not beatstars, youtube, nada. Get em while you still can!
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djducats · 2 years
Classified - That's What I Do (Official Video)
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ravnradio · 2 years
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cornertrust · 2 years
Growing up macklemore intro guitar
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#Growing up macklemore intro guitar how to
#Growing up macklemore intro guitar series
In the autumn of 2009, Sheeran began studying music at the Academy of Contemporary Music (ACM) in Guildford, Surrey as an undergraduate at the age 18, but left without permission in the same year to support hip-hop artist Just Jack. He also opened for Nizlopi in Norwich in April 2008, after being one of their guitar technicians.
#Growing up macklemore intro guitar series
In 2008, he auditioned for the ITV series Britannia High. He moved to London in 2008 and began playing in small venues. He has been friends with fellow English singer, Passenger, since he was 15, with the two playing the same gig in Cambridge. Sheeran began recording music in 2004 and independently released his first collection of work Spinning Man. Sheeran performing at the Ipswich Arts Festival in July 2010 Sheeran is a second cousin of Northern Irish broadcaster Gordon Burns, who hosted the British game show The Krypton Factor. He is a patron of Youth Music Theatre UK (now renamed British Youth Music Theatre) and of Access to Music, where he studied Artist Development. He successfully auditioned for Youth Music Theatre UK in 2007 and joined their production of Frankenstein in Plymouth. He was accepted at the National Youth Theatre in London as a teenager. A 2004 school report described him as a "natural performer", and his classmates also voted him "most likely to be famous".
#Growing up macklemore intro guitar how to
Sheeran sang at a local church choir at the age of four, learned how to play the guitar at age eleven, and began writing songs while at Thomas Mills High School in Framlingham. His parents ran Sheeran Lock, an independent art consultancy, from 1990 to 2010. John is an art curator and lecturer, and Imogen is a culture publicist turned jewellery designer. His paternal grandparents are Irish, and Sheeran has stated that his father is from a "very large" Catholic family. Sheeran's parents, John and Imogen, are from London. He has an older brother named Matthew, who works as a composer. In December 1995 he moved with his family from Hebden Bridge to Framlingham in Suffolk. His father was a curator at Cartwright Hall in Bradford and his mother worked at Manchester City Art Gallery. His early childhood home was on Birchcliffe Road in nearby Hebden Bridge. Įdward Christopher Sheeran was born in Halifax, West Yorkshire, England on 17 February 1991. The castle and his upbringing in Framlingham is the subject of his 2017 single " Castle on the Hill". Early lifeįramlingham Castle in Sheeran's home town. An alumnus of the National Youth Theatre in London, Sheeran's acting roles include appearing in the 2019 film Yesterday. Beginning in March 2017, his ÷ Tour became the highest-grossing of all time in August 2019. Globally, Spotify named him the second most streamed artist of the decade. In December 2019, the Official Charts Company named him artist of the decade, with the most combined success in the UK album and singles charts in the 2010s. He has 84.5 million RIAA-certified units in the US, and two of his albums are in the list of the best-selling albums in UK chart history: × at number 20, and ÷ at number 34. Sheeran has sold more than 150 million records worldwide, making him one of the world's best-selling music artists. Released in 2019, his fourth studio album No.6 Collaborations Project debuted at number one in most major markets, and spawned three UK number one singles, "I Don't Care", "Beautiful People" and "Take Me Back to London". The world's best-selling artist of 2017, he was named the Global Recording Artist of the Year. His fourth single from ÷, "Perfect", reached number one in the US, Australia and the UK, where it became the Christmas number one in 2017. By March 2017, Sheeran had accumulated ten top 10 singles from ÷ on the UK Singles Chart, breaking the record for most top 10 UK singles from one album. He also became the first artist to have two songs debut in the US top 10 in the same week. The first two singles from the album, "Shape of You" and "Castle on the Hill", broke records in a number of countries by debuting in the top two positions of the charts. Sheeran's third album, ÷ (pronounced "divide"), was released in March 2017, and was the best-selling album worldwide of 2017. A single from ×, "Thinking Out Loud", earned him the 2016 Grammy Awards for Song of the Year and Best Pop Solo Performance. In the same year, × won Album of the Year at the 2015 Brit Awards, and he received the Ivor Novello Award for Songwriter of the Year from the British Academy of Songwriters, Composers and Authors. It was named the second-best-selling album worldwide of 2015. Sheeran's second studio album, × (pronounced "multiply"), was released in June 2014. In 2012, Sheeran won the Brit Awards for Best British Male Solo Artist and British Breakthrough Act. It contained his first hit single " The A Team". Sheeran's debut album, + (pronounced "plus"), was released in September 2011 and topped the UK Albums Chart.
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vilegroove · 3 years
Aquakultre & Uncle Fester - Lemongrass (Vile Groove Remix)
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