#halo sangheili x reader
Request: "Sept 21st is making me think of Rtas for no reason in particular, so can we get a short of Rtas ‘Vadum/The Shipmaster with a reader that meant to stow away on a different, less important ship but accidentally ended up on his instead? Oh yeah, human reader after the Human-Covenant war is over. No preference on gender reader so whatever comes out in writing ig?"
Note: Alright, cool! Rtas is definitely one of my favorite characters. I just hope I made this request work as I wasn't sure why Reader was a stowaway in the first place since I forgot to ask ^^; Sorry if it's too short.
Home for a Stowaway
Rtas 'Vadum x Human! Reader
Synopsis: Rtas has always been on of the more merciful Sangheili after the Human-Covenant war. He's always been one to care for lower castes and even doesn't mind humans much now. However... he certainly wasn't expecting a secret human on board the Shadow of Intent.
Content Warnings: Romantic/Platonic Pairing (Dubious), Gender-Neutral Reader/Male Character, Canon typical violence, Possible OOC Rtas (?), Implied poor home life/life in general.
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Rtas had strayed away from war ever since the end of the Human-Covenant war. His resentment towards humans, Jiralhanae, and San'Shyuum had diminished greatly. Now he was fine with just aiding Thel when possible and hunting those who have betrayed the Sangheili.
Compared to his life before... he was calmer than most others of his species.
Now Rtas spent most of his time aboard his ship, the Shadow of Intent. Sometimes he docked for supplies for his crew but other than that it was endless space. Compared to the usual bloodshed he was used to... this was relaxing if not boring.
When some of his Sangheili crew came up to him with an issue Rtas was actually surprised. He was even more interested when the two crew members hold up a squirming human in their arms. He sees you struggle like a caught fish, fear in your eyes.
Stowaways were heard of, every port had their tales of them. It didn't look like you meant any harm or were very malicious. It was a pain that he had you catch a ride on his ship, especially since the nearest port was far away, but he kept his cool.
You looked comparable to a frightened animal in front of him. You knew what he was but some humans weren't very accepting of Sangheili yet. You fear was excusable... yet he needed answers.
"Drop the human, they aren't a threat. I'll get answers from them... alone. I'll call if there's an issue." Rtas explains, the crew members dropping you on a hover chair before leaving the room.
There's an intimidating silence as you both stare at each other.
"Well? What's a human doing on a ship serving the Swords of Sangheilios?" Rtas questions. "Far as I know you're a stowaway, right?"
"I caught the wrong ship...." You whisper.
"Why are you even crawling onto random ships? Sabotage?" Rtas asks, watching as you quickly shake your head.
You then give your reasoning as to why you were fleeing. It was something about fleeing from somewhere or someone. You were meant to catch a different ship but ended up chased into his.
You looked like a street rat. Rtas supposed you could even be called a pest. However... Rtas believes he found himself a solution to this issue.
"You can ride to the next port." Rtas allows, seeing your eyes sparkle. "In the meantime, I don't mind having company."
"You'd... be willing to speak with a human like me?" You ask, curious about his words.
"My days of fighting humans are past me. I don't mind your kind. They're useful when you need them." Rtas admits.
"I thank you for not killing me on the spot...." You bow in your seat slightly, Rtas making a noise of disinterest.
"There's no point in punishing the innocent." Rtas reassures, gesturing your hover chair beside his as he watches the endless stars. Hesitantly you bring yourself beside him, looking away to avoid making the situation awkward.
Rtas decides for now this ship will be your home. Maybe he's needed a companion other than the usual crew to keep himself grounded anyways. You don't seem like you'll be bad company.
In fact, as time passes and he gets closer to his destination, you happen to prove yourself useful. You try to help him around his quarters. You immerse yourself in the tech of his ship. You even provide decent conversation.
From the information you provided him... Rtas doesn't think you have anywhere to go. You're thankful for his hospitality and speak to him as though he's a friend the more time you spend with him. Rtas would be lying if he said he wasn't attached to you by the time a port did come up.
When his ship landed for supplies and provided a rest from space travel Rtas noticed the look on your face. You looked genuinely upset that your time with him was over. Honestly, Rtas felt similar disappointment.
"Do you even know what you plan on doing after this?" Rtas asks you. You don't make eye contact.
"Not really, just gotta see where life takes me, yeah?" You give a bittersweet smile towards Rtas.
Rtas recalls how lonely travel was without you before. He remembers how you have nowhere you have to go. With some quick consideration... the Shipmaster gives you both an ultimatum.
"What if I gave you a role on my ship?" Rtas offers, watching you look at him with surprise.
"I'd be out of place, wouldn't I?" You ask, Rtas shakes his head and puts a clawed hand on your shoulder.
"No, you wouldn't. In fact... I enjoy your company much more than I'd like to admit. I can't bring myself to watch you go if you'll be all alone." Rtas explains, feeling his skin heat when he sees you smile.
"Then I'll take the offer, Shipmaster." You accept, happy you found yourself a new home.
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macherkissed · 2 years
SFW Alphabet; Thel Vadam x Reader with ADHD
This took a little while, but I'm a little rusty with the alphabet format so I made sure to go over it a couple of times. Also the first thing I've actually written with Thel as a focus so yay.
I hope you enjoy
Notes/Warnings: Fem!Reader, ADHD, Exophilia, Marriage mention, slight violence mention
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Requested by Anon
A= Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Thel is a little more affectionate than you'd likely expect
He is quite physically affectionate, he'll hug and cuddle you, hold your hand with a chuckle at how small your hand is compared to his, pick you up and carry you for little to no reason
Verbally, as well, he compliments you and reminds you how he feels about you, and he'll happily learn about your fixations so he can follow along easier with you.
B= Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
The friendship starts off when he first comes into the UNSC. Even with the dubious level of trust that people have with him and his fellow Sangheili, he finds that you help out eagerly and willingly, even defending him against your fellow Marines when they insult and degrade him.
He's quite a good friend, even if his methods are unusual to you. He trains with you often and tries to teach you some Sangheili methods just to spend more time with you, he brags for you to other Sangheili, and he does as you often do for him and defends you when the time calls for it -sometimes using combat but he can use his words as well.
C= Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He loves cuddles. It's not a common Sangheili practice, but once you introduce it to him, he's insatiable. Any time you want a nap or want to go to sleep with him, he's scooping you up in a second. He's not shy about cuddling you as well, he'll have you wrapped up in him on his lap in the middle of the rec room if you're feeling it
If you're having a 'weird' day where your ADHD is acting up in a very negative way and you can't focus or do anything, you're on edge all day, losing and forgetting noticeably more than usual, he offers cuddles as a way to recharge and recentre yourself
He prefers being the Big Spoon, because he's taller and stronger and wants to protecc his little human, but also because the stature of his species just really suits cuddling like that. It can also calm down your restlessness, having him be so present behind you. If you want to try being big spoon, he won't mind but it may be a little tricky
D= Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Due to the Covenant-Human war, and the Flood war, he hasn't had much time to think about settling down with you. He occasionally entertains the idea on the rare downtimes that he gets between battles, and it makes him feel warm inside.
He can cook, though needs a little more practice with human dishes; luckily, Sangheli cuisine is pretty nice anyway -Colo makes for a nice meat and Irukan bread is surprisingly good though humans shouldn't eat too much of it. He's not as proficient with cleaning, usually the Covenant had Grunts or bots clean up after them, but he'll help if you ask him to.
E= Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Depending on the circumstances, he'll approach it differently.
If the relationship has just run its course naturally, he'll have a serious but quite blunt talk about why he thinks you should break up. He honestly wants to be friends afterwards, since your friendship has always been so valuable to him, but that's up to you.
However, if he has to break up with you, either because of UNSC rules or because you're being targeted by the covenant or people who aren't very fond of Human/Alien relationships, he'll try and distance himself from you for your own protection. Even though he doesn't want to, and you know he doesn't want to, he'll act cold and spend as little time around you as he can. it breaks his heart but it's for you.
F= Fiancé/e (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
As said before, he doesn't really think too much about the future a-la settling down pre-war. But as it starts to calm down and he has more time with you, he realises he wouldn't mind marrying you
While marriage is present in Sangheili culture, they don't really have a formal marriage ceremony, it's more of a personal devotion and vow without any ceremony, so he could literally marry you in the middle of a gunfight if he wanted to (don't test him on that, he will do so)
If you'd prefer a marriage in your own cultural terms, he's fine with that as well. He might even find that preferable, in some ways. If you'd rather not get married at all, he's fine with that.
G= Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally)
Gentle giant? Gentle Giant
He's patient with you when you're struggling to find words or put your thoughts out, he knows ways to ground you when your mind is racing and knows the signs of you getting stressed, he'll keep track of your tasks or anything you tend to misplace, and he'll guide you back to your train of thought carefully when you lose it.
Physically, he doesn't treat you like glass, but he does treat you carefully. He knows you're UNSC, stronger than the typical human, but you're still human and he knows to treat you with a little more care than he does his fellow Sangheili.
He holds your hand like he'll lose it, and his hold on you when he hugs is probably a little looser than it needs to be. In fights, he won't hesitate to hide you behind him and will be quick to do the same if anyone, Human or Sangheili, tries to intimidate or argue with you.
H= Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He adores hugs about as much as he does cuddles. Hugs aren't foreign to the Sangheili like cuddles are, he's hugged several of his clanmates and UNSC members after a successful fight, so he eagerly takes you up in his arms at any given point.
As said before, he doesn't hold you as tightly as he could, but regardless he manages to make everything narrow to him (partly because he's just that big)
He'll hug you pretty much every day, wether you have much alone time or not. He won't do it so openly in front of your coworkers or superiors unless you initiate it, but you can practically guarantee that you won't leave him without a hug
I= I Love You (How fast do they say the L-Word?)
He first says it, not after a battle or a mission, but as you're just working late at night and he decides to keep you company. You can't spend much attention on him, busy with some work for Commander Keyes, but you lean against him and maybe even sit in his lap as you work and idly chat about anything that comes to mind.
The topics jolt around like a grunt in a minefield but somehow you get around to the cultures you were both raised in and he's surprised that you know so much about not just current Sangheili practices but the historic ones as well. You tell him you've been researching, asking other Sangheili and searching for first-hand accounts.
He can't help the affection he feels for you at that point, and he tells you that he loves you. It's out of nowhere and you smile at him like he handed you a planet made just for you, then you kiss him on his cheek and tell him that you love him too.
J= Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?)
Thel isn't a jealous person, usually. He knows that you chose him, that you care about him, and that nothing would turn your head. He's secure in your relationship like that
However. There are times, especially around specific other elites, where he is a bit possessive; he'll hang onto you a little more than usual and refer to you with pet names more. It's not so much jealousy, more a rivalry with other elites or even a little braggy.
K= Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
It's hard to kiss an Elite. They obviously don't have lips, so he can't kiss you the typical way. He tickles his mandibles against you instead, or mimes kissing your hand or cheek to make you smile
He likes when you kiss him, quite a bit. Regardless of if you kiss his cheek, his head, his brand, he'll melt under your lips each time.
L= Little Ones (How are they around children?)
Male Sangheili usually don't go around their own young, they don't typically know who their fathers are and are collectively raised, if by any males, by an 'uncle' figure, so he is as good around Sangheili children as you'd expect
There aren't many opportunities for him to meet human children either, since you're in a military setting and they don't exactly have 'Take Your Kid To Work' days. If he ever met a human child he would be very cautious and probably a little worried/confused about how to interact with them
M= Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
When you're on a break from work, he likes to stay in bed a little longer, though he still gets up before you. He'll bring you breakfast if you're still not awake by the time he gets some for himself, and when you're both done he mostly leaves you to your own morning routine. He asks if you have anything planned throughout the day and, if you do, he wouldn't say no to joining you unless he absolutely had to
N= Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Should your schedules allow it, he eats dinner with you, either alone together or in the general mess hall, and then you go to your quarters. Both dressing into comfortable clothes, he'll lounge around with you and cuddle if you want to, either in silence or talking until one of you (probably him) starts to drift off, and then it's off to bed
It's simple but he treasures it.
O= Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He doesn't really outwardly offer information about himself, ever. He'll say off-comments about his time in the Covenant that he will expand on if asked, but those are mostly in his files which you can access at any time if you really wanted to.
Anything more personal will either gradually trickle out in similar ways or you'll have to ask him about it
He never makes a big deal about it either way
P= Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Despite the rumors and stereotypes that some of your less open-minded colleagues have spread around, he's pretty hard to anger.
It takes quite a lot to provoke him, but he sometimes likes to play it up when around those who are purposefully trying to get a reaction from him, just to see how their behaviour changes when they think he's actually going to do something.
It can be quite useful, especially to ground you when you're getting frustrated or flustered since he can either cut through it or untangle whatever is happening to get you to calm down, without losing it himself
Q= Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing or do they kind of forget everything?)
He remembers quite a bit, especially the important things, even if you just casually tell him it.
You don't remember telling him your favourite food, or what your childhood obsession was, or that you had plans to meet up with an old friend from the training academy, but he remembers that.
When you first tell him outright about your ADHD and how to help you along, or what it's like when you're struggling, he commits that to memory and just adds to it the more he finds out
R= Remember (What is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
He doesn't have a definite favourite, more a few memories that he cycles through when he feels like it, but one that stands out to him is the first time you used a move he'd taught you in battle
He was fighting alongside you and a few of your fellow marines, when a Kig-Yar got a little too close as you were mid-reload. Before anyone could shoot at it, you shot your hands out and grabbed the Jackal, planting your feet heavily in the ground and twisting your body in a way you'd practiced dozens of times. You ended up on the ground with the Kig-Yar under your boot, it impaled on a energy-sword that you had managed to pick up and activate mid-manoeuvre
Honestly, he was so impressed and proud, among other things, that he was ready to marry you on the spot
S= Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He is very protective, but not in a way that is overbearing.
He knows you can handle yourself but he will step in if it gets too much for either of you. In battle, he doesn't get distracted in looking out for you but he always knows where you are and if you're okay.
If someone is criticizing you for something you can't help, caused by your ADHD or otherwise, he'll be in protect mode instantly but will wait until you either search him out or he can tell he has to butt in.
You have protected him several times, both in battle and from people who aren't too fond of Sangheili, and he loves it. He likes having you stick up for him or look out for him and has, on very rare occasions, fished for it by looking to you for help in a confrontation he could have handled easily
T= Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
While 'proper' dates aren't that common between you, due to the everything that's happening, he does try with what he knows.
Sangheili don't date, not in the way humans do, but he gets the idea of it when you start the relationship. He'll do movie nights with you after you get off shift, or if you're off-ship then he tries to make sure it's on a planet that he can just walk with you and see some beautiful things.
He'll convince your superiors to let you have your anniversary off, if not a few days around it, so you have time to really relax and spend time together even if it's nothing spectacular.
For gifts, he tends to buy you things you've mentioned needing or wanting, even in passing when you thought he wasn't paying attention. Sometimes it's something that hits you in the nostalgia to the point it brings you to tears, or something surprisingly heartfelt that makes you love him even more
U= Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He can be very blunt. Not just due to a cultural difference, just with how he is, if he opposes you in something he won't shy away from it.
More than once he's accidentally offended you or an idea you had and has had no idea that he has
V= Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Not really much, he doesn't think much about how attractive he might be
At first, yes he was a little confused as to how you found him attractive since he's heard many humans react in disgust to Sagheili's appearances, but once you assured him that you find him attractive, he didn't question it again.
The only thing that is really a soft spot, looks-wise, is the brand on his chest. It's a remnant of his darkest moment of failure and a reminder of the Covenant, and it bothers him every so often.
W= Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Of course. Even if, outwardly, he barely reacts when you're apart for a while, his days feel a little less when you aren't with him or he can't in some way contact you.
The longer he is away from you, the worse he feels. He doesn't let it effect any work too much but he'll sigh quite a lot to the point it irritates people
X= Xtra (A random Headcanon)
Thel is a mum friend. Marine or Elite, even Chief, he's the type to make sure that everyone's had breakfast and is fully rested before a mission, making sure they're fully prepared. In the ship back from missions, you know that he has snacks and will offer them out if he has an idea anyone needs it (where he hides them, you have no clue). He'll even do a once-over of his team to check that everyone is okay and sleeping.
He says it's being a responsible leader but he's mum.
Y= Yuck (What are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in a partner?)
He doesn't like laziness. If any soldiers around him are being lazy or half-assing anything, out of a mission or not, he is going to make his displeasure known. There have been marines who have totally changed their behaviours since the fusion of the elites and UNSC.
He knows the difference between your ADHD-riddled executive dysfunction and laziness, so he won't be too hard on you but there's a point where he'll be sterner with you
Z= Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
He doesn't exactly talk in his sleep, but he does make little noises. The typical Elite noises, but very quiet and low-pitched. Between snores, you might catch a few muttered words of incomprehensible Sangheili.
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alienisticxo · 2 years
Before the Fever - Chapter Five
{Master Chief x Reader series - TV based}
{A╱N} i just wanted to reiterate that i’ve edited most all of the chapters and changed some details/added some things (even little things like changing where he found you from madrigal to eridanus II in the last chapter) since i know where i’m going with this story now and wanted to keep it as consistent as possible!
it’s flowing from my fingers a lot easier now that i have a better outline and not just a general idea, and i hope you guys are enjoying it so far!
i deeply appreciate the love always, and am now ahead of myself on this series so updates shouldn’t take as long anymore! 🖤
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thank you guys again, enjoy ♡  
Chapter Five - Pawn in the Game
I sat on a bench, helmet in my hands, watching. Just watching.  
She was still gone, still unconscious from the sedation tactic they’d used on her. Cortana seemed to pinpoint that with ease, The Covenant had used it on plenty of Marines before. Though it was something forced, she looked peaceful. Serene. I wondered how that must’ve felt. My thoughts roamed back to the sensation she brought upon us via The Artifact.
Like that, probably.  
Her chest rose and fell with each slow breath she took. I held mine, the subconscious thought being if hers would stop at any moment. I hoped not. We’d— I’d been after her for days. It was a miracle they hadn’t eliminated her yet.  
She’d mentioned I’d come for her when I carried her out of the ship.. She must’ve forgotten she would’ve been wanted for stealing The Artifact in the first place; that Cortana and I had decided to bring her back to the UNSC to potentially display to Doctor Halsey just what happens when she touches it. It wasn’t my decision to ‘save her’ no matter how wrong it felt to leave her behind.  
The Artifact’s counterpart had been stolen by The Covenant, leaving Halsey’s excavation team in the lurch. While they were struggling to get back to their respective ships, Silver Team went in to clean up, to clear the enemy’s own grounded ships of any forces left behind. That was when we came across {Y/N}— laying in some kind of pod, out cold. Again, I wondered why they’d kept her. Had it been something to do with the object? Did they know what she could do, and did it mean something to them? Though the knowledge we held about the thing was still very little, what she murmured to me seemed to solidify each notion.  
And I did think about leaving her there. About figuring out this weapon, item, whatever it actually was on our own, just as we were going to before I encountered her at all. But the nagging feeling of ‘wrong’ plagued me.. Just as it had when I received the Article 72 for Madrigal’s Kwan Ha. Removing the pellet only seemed to exacerbate the sensation of right versus wrong that I’d begun to feel prior.  
And {Y/N} did have something to do with it, with the grand scheme of things. When I touched it, I gained knowledge of myself, my past. Halsey’s lies. When she touched it.. We traveled galaxies beyond what slipspace could do. We were transported elsewhere entirely within seconds, even quicker than that. She could lead us in some kind of direction. More than I could, anyway. Whether she knew it or not.  
“That’s not true,” Cortana fragmented to life before me. “We need you, Chief. The galaxy needs you. Humanity needs you. And without you, we wouldn’t have been led to The Artifact at all.”  
I stayed silent for a moment.  
“She said someone called her a ‘Blessed One.’ A female. That she could ‘bring us to The Halo,’” I explained again. “There was no other human woman aboard. Once we wiped out the Sangheili, it was cleared aside of {Y/N}.”  
Cortana looked thoughtful for a few seconds before rattling off again.  
“That is true, I detected no other human life forms.. Perhaps running similar tests to the ones Dr. Halsey and Dr. Keyes ran on you and the other Spartans will allow her more insight,” Cortana offered, looking down at the girl on the floor. “It might bring us closer to all of the answers we need.”  
I peered up at Cortana, stared at her, actually, for an even clearer look. I knew she was just as much Halsey’s A.I. as she was mine— even more so hers. Something about that didn’t sit well with me after all we’d been through the past week in particular. After all the unfavorable truths I’d uncovered.  
Where Doctor Halsey had once been the only person in the universe I could trust aside of my own team, I found she had been keeping things from me. Not only me, but from all of the Spartans— Who knows who else. It was clear what her mission was. It was clear that she didn’t care about anything or anyone else who could’ve gotten in the way of ‘furthering humanity and surpassing its limitations,’ as she put it to me. Even those of us who did the hard work for her, killed and risked everything for her, meant less to her than she’d let on. I had plenty on my plate already, but I was determined to figure it all out.  
With my emotions running on overload more than I’d like to admit, the newness of being able to feel things so differently was overwhelming.. especially after today's incident with the second Artifact.. Halsey was lucky to be walking. Cortana was lucky she was still in my head.  
My line of sight trailed from the A.I. and onward. My team, Kai-125, Riz-028 and Vannak-134 manned the controls of the ship. They were still getting used to Cortana, leaving us alone once she’d appeared almost immediately every time. Just another detriment.  
When Kai finally turned around and approached, Cortana disappeared with a smile on her features, allowing her the space to speak freely.  
“You okay, Chief?” she asked me.  
Loaded question.  
“Fine,” I answered.  
She looked down at {Y/N}, head tilting. The red streaks in her hair seemed lighter than usual when I glanced up at her. After a moment had passed, she spoke again.  
“Do you.. know her? I don’t recall any orders to evacuate survivors.”  
“There were no orders. She was a prisoner. Leaving her wasn’t an option,”  I began, already knowing it didn’t sound very justifiable given past operations. “When we arrive on Reach, appropriate personnel will deal with her.”  
Kai cocked a brow, the faintest of smirks on her lips. I hated when she did that. Not only because of her own cocky assumptions, but because it was a reminder of my letting down a teammate. I wasn’t the only one on the battlefield missing a hormonal suppressor pellet. She was thrilled to feel things, to be ‘awake’ as she’d described it to me. I was disappointed in myself for influencing her so poorly.  
“If you say so,” was all she said, same expression on her countenance.  
She didn’t know about {Y/N}’s involvement with The Artifact. While Spartans solely relied on each other on and off the field, this was something none of them needed to be briefed on. For as long as I could keep it that way, it would stay between Halsey and myself.. And Cortana.  
Kai, Vannak and Riz could believe whatever they liked about the situation. I knew the truth.  
“What do you expect me to do with this girl, John?” Halsey’s lips pulled into a thin line for a beat, studying the limp body I’d placed on the table. “Watch her vitals and have her make contact with The Artifact? ‘Did something to it’ isn’t enough information for me to conduct any kind of research on. She’s nothing but a mere thief. Send her to another department. I highly doubt she’s of any real use to mine.”  
I stood beside them both in the large room, the screen casting a bluish glow over everything in it. Information ran across the wall like it couldn’t calculate what it was searching for, and Halsey seemed frustrated, more-so than usual. I assumed it was due to my lunging at her earlier, just after comprehending the memories that were revealed to me when I touched the second Artifact. It would’ve rattled anyone who knew what a Spartan was capable of the way she did.  
I didn’t want to be speaking with her just as badly as I was sure she didn’t want to be speaking with me. But this was greater than that. This could tell me the things I needed to know. The mission was more important.  
Guess I had more Halsey in me than I thought.
Trying to bring myself back to being levelheaded, the only way I knew I should be, I inhaled.  
“No, you don’t understand,” I finally explained with a shake of my head, my previous vague attempt at convincing her falling short. “There was no dog, my parents weren’t there, you weren’t—“ I gritted my teeth. “It was…”  
I couldn’t bring myself to express how it felt so freely, no matter what my emotional capacity had become. Clamming up, I faced the girl on the table. “This was another place altogether. There was.. A ring visible from the surface, a sun was shining. It wasn’t overtaken by Covenant forces. No one was there. Just.. her and I.”
“John,” Halsey said softly, her tone feigning comfort as I heard her take a step closer to me. “I‘ve told you before, these things you see when you touch The Artifact... They might not be real at all.”
I rolled my eyes. I also guess she was still standing by that lie.  
“What we saw was tangible. I didn’t touch The Artifact at all,” I stated, turning back to face her.  
The seriousness of my demeanor must’ve changed her mind.  
“I didn’t lay a finger on it. She did. And when she touched it.. We were there.”
Cortana appeared then, taking my side for once.  
“He’s right, Doctor Halsey. All of The Master Chief’s levels were fine, nothing amiss in the least as it had been each time before... There’s reason to believe this girl harbors something that could be useful in figuring out what it does.”  
Halsey stood still, processing the information she’d just received.  
“And I’m to believe she’s not a part of The Covenant in some way? How do we know this isn’t some kind of infiltration? Who would be stupid enough to attempt to steal an item from a Spartan?”
Her nature led her to question everything, just like she taught us Spartans not to do. But it wasn’t like her to push away any chance of opening another door to this project— that I noticed.  
“Ma’am, with all due respect, as.. audacious as that was, there’s no way she’s affiliated with the enemy.”
“Her father was a UNSC Marine, mother captured by The Banished,” Cortana added, speaking from her file. “It seems she does understand and speak a vague amount of Sangheili. Doctor Keyes might find that useful in her research.”
“Thank you, Cortana,” Catherine dismissed her, but something about her seemed.. off, now.  
With a small frown, the A.I disappeared into flecks of light. I heard a huff in my head.  
“When you mentioned this girl before, I didn’t think your intention was to bring her here,” Halsey sighed as she turned to me.  
“There’s no other way,” I concluded.  
With another breath, the woman hesitated, cautious eyes studying {Y/N}. I knew she was calculating the risks and rewards. We both knew there was more possibility of reward than risk in this situation.  
“I highly doubt she’s going to provide the answers we need. However…”  
With a tilt of her head and a lift of her brow, she looked up at me again. “I suppose we can see where she leads us…”
We were all just pawns in Halsey’s game.  
The light through my closed eyelids began to brighten with each second, my body and mind waking up a little easier than it had before. Taking in a deep breath, the voices that carried beside me seemed to grow louder, as if they were being pulled from the clouds somewhere far away. Still a little too foggy to focus entirely in the moments between sleep and consciousness, my fingers flexed, and then my toes. It was easier to take inventory of myself this time, no one laughing or threatening me. Of course, it had only been a few seconds.. That could change.
I allowed my eyes to open on their own time, not rushing myself. Deep down, I was a little afraid that when I opened them again, a new kind of hell would surround me.
Judging by the blue light that lit the space when they finally did, it might’ve been just that. I was on a table in a lab, that much was certain. Everything was cold, sterile. I felt like an object more than a person as I immediately sat up with a gasp, blinking back the dizziness that rattled the inside of my head by the quick movement.
A large, strong hand grabbed my shoulder just as quickly, causing me to wince from the injury I’d acquired from him during our first encounter.
“Be careful,” The Master Chief advised. “You’ve been down for a while.”
I exhaled, half relieved and half frightened to hear his voice again.
“Oh, she’s awake,” a woman whose voice I didn’t recognize nearly groaned.
His hand remained on my shoulder, and I quickly realized how warm my flesh felt where he held me. Slowly looking at his hand, my line of sight continued up his toned arm and to his stern countenance. He was out of the titanium, wearing something less menacing, but still looking polished and professional. Donned in all black, ‘UNSC’ plastered in white on one side of his chest, ‘117’ on the other, and the emblem on both shoulders, it looked like what he might’ve been clad in beneath his armor— still ready for anything. Of course.
It was then that I knew exactly where we were.
With an audible sigh, I rolled my eyes, my neck following suit as I looked ahead of myself again— exasperated, and honestly? A little irritated.
“Fuck,” I breathed, and I could feel both pairs of eyes on me as his hand fell back to his side.
That’s right. I remembered now. This was the plan from the beginning. Take the Keystone, bring me in to the big-bad-military. How could I have forgotten? How could I have thought he wanted to save me? My mind felt clearer than it had been since all of this began. It would’ve been a welcome change, but at the moment I wished I were dead to the world again.
“Am I awake for good this time?” I wondered aloud to no one in particular.
“No one’s sedating you here,” Master Chief assured me, his tone stoic.
I wanted to ask how he could be so calm. It felt like just moments ago he’d been lecturing me about stealing. If Astra had said something like that, I would’ve either exploded or made some kind of joke out of it. But I remembered he wasn’t like her. He was a Spartan. He wasn’t any kind of friend of mine.
But my mind travelled back to the dream I had— the way he looked, the way I felt so safe in his presence. I allowed myself one more little peek over at him. Without the shell around his frame, he looked.. human. Almost.. pleasant, warmer. He was less threatening, though not entirely, and definitely still commanding respect. If this were any other situation, I may have been put a little more at ease.
Continuing my examination, I glanced over at the woman who stood beside him then, also very much human. Though appropriate for being in a lab, her white coat made me extremely unsettled. It had been a long while since I’d seen anything like this, and those were memories I cared to forget.
Without my noticing, my eyes narrowed, lingering on her face a little longer. Something about her looked familiar, something I couldn’t quite put my finger on.
“Am I going to be dissected?” I pushed the thought aside and asked her before shoving myself off of the table.
Immediately, The Master Chief’s hands gripped my arms, his reflexes terribly impressive. There wasn’t enough time for me to register that I’d almost fallen once he brought his arms back down to his sides again.
“I told you to be careful,” he murmured again, and I threw a piercing glance at him.
“Not today, Miss {Y/L/N},” the woman said before pausing, her hand balling up in front of her mouth as she latched her index finger over her lips for just a few seconds.
Seemed like everyone knew my name now.
“I’m Doctor Catherine Halsey…” She eyed me in silence as I moved, rolling my shoulders and trying to stretch as discreetly as possible. It felt like she was looking for something, waiting for a reaction of some sort. “John says you possess quite a gift.”
I only looked at her, registering that.
Now he felt extra human.
“If you mean being able to outrun him for a little bit, then sure,” I retorted, not letting my guard down.
She smiled at me. “That’s not exactly what I meant.”
Walking around John and over to another table, she seemed thoughtful. “I was told you have a.. slightly similar reaction as John to The Artifact.”
The Artifact. I’d never live that thing down, would I? It would consume me. But it occurred to me then that she’d mentioned he’d had a similar reaction. He must’ve seen what I had.. No wonder he never responded to me when I’d asked.
It all started to make a little more sense all over again, though I still really had no idea about the Keystone’s impact. Suddenly everything came rushing back at once all the same— the few words the human girl had spoken to me, the way she mentioned she, too, could awaken the Keystone, the..
“Halo,” I blurted out loud before turning towards her, not responding to the statement she made. “The Halo. I’ll tell you everything she told me if you let me out of here.”
Doctor Halsey cocked a brow. “She?”
“{Y/N} informed me on Eridanus that she encountered a girl aboard The Covenant ship. She told her she was a ‘Blessed One.’”
I hesitated to speak again, not wanting to incriminate myself, or worse, feel like I was on the same side as The Master Chief. But it was true…
She only stared at us both. Hesitation, or calculating her next statement very carefully rather, seemed to be her thing.
“We’ve been calling it The Halo, yes,” she finally said. “Word must travel quickly.”
John’s eyes narrowed just a hair in her direction, and I assumed he hadn’t been briefed on the subject.
“There was more,” I stated again, standing a little taller, using my bargaining chip. “And if you let me walk, I’ll tell you.”
I saw John’s stance shift just slightly towards me from my peripheral vision. Though I hadn’t gotten a better look, he seemed intent, as though he wanted Halsey to oblige me; as though I’d piqued his interest with anything I might have to say.
“You’ve attempted to steal an item rightfully claimed by the military, and you expect us to let you free? Surely whatever “information” you contain cannot be something we can’t find out for ourselves.”
She was toying with me. Trying to assert her power, make me feel disposable as I always had.. See if I’d fold without her capitulation to my request.
“You can look through all of your databases, send out a million Marines. I’ve heard it straight from the source. You have your ke— Artifact already… Are you willing to lose out on intel that could potentially be crucial to you?” I dipped my chin slowly, taking just one step closer in the direction of the door.
All I truly had was a couple of new words in Sangheili and what I assumed to be The Artifact’s true name: The Keystone. If they already knew about The Halo, then they might know about whatever “The Great Journey” was. But my mind raced with a million lies I could tell to save my hide should she give me the chance to do so.
“And I’m to just.. blindly believe the things you say?” she asked, clearly skeptical.
The Master Chief breathed what sounded like a laugh of disbelief at her question through his nostrils. I wondered why.
“You can believe her,” John spoke up with conviction then.
Why was he standing up for me? What did he know? I was sure he didn’t even believe me.
Halsey eyeballed him, the expression on her features clearly miffed.
“She spent enough time with The Covenant. If she’s willing to give you what you want, why not let her? The Artifact is safe with us. The second will be retrieved again.”
“You want me to let her go?” She asked flatly.
Almost before she could finish her sentence, he curtly responded. “I want to hear what she has to say.”
Doctor Halsey swallowed thickly as they shared a moment of holding each other's stares intensely. My mind raced about what that might’ve meant. I clearly hadn’t been privy to something between the two.
“Very well,” she finally voiced as her eyes remained on John, her tone tense before looking over at me again. “If you’ve been able to gather an adequate amount of intelligence, we might be inclined to make some kind of deal.”
I glimpsed over at The Master Chief, noticing the air leave his lungs, his body relaxing just a bit. Halsey pressed a slender finger against the table and nodded in my direction.
“Go on,” she said.
Noticing the light in the room change when we spoke, I briefly looked over my shoulder at the screen behind me. It looked like she was recording me— everything I was going to say. My distrust suddenly felt ten times too big to be contained within. Something was happening here. Something felt terribly, terribly wrong.
But the last thing I ever wanted.. was to be held down by the UNSC.
“I want confirmation that I’ll be let go,” I vocalized again.
“You have my confirmation,” she responded, waving a hand lightly, as though it didn’t matter to her anymore.
Turning my head this time, I looked to John for any sign of reassurance. I had no ally in this situation, no one to help me if things went sour. He was also the last person I looked to for safety, no matter how I felt in my dreams, no matter his dedication to humanity as a whole. My sudden desperation, my current shift to the any-port-in-a-storm mentality, scrambled my thoughts into seeking out some kind of quick, unspoken alliance and trust within him, whether it was true or not.
He must’ve felt me staring, his face turning toward mine, the rest of his tall, muscular frame still as a statue. He nodded once, subtle encouragement to push forward. I could only hope that he would back me up should an issue arise, especially since he was so quick to allow me the chance at the accord in the first place.
“They’re called Keystones, not artifacts…” I began slowly, eyes trailing from John’s to Halsey’s.
The doctor dipped her head then, another sign of egging me on.
With a jagged inhale, I shifted in place, line of sight on the floor.
“They take you to The Sacred Ring for The Great Journey…”
I was beginning to tremble undetectably, knowing I’d have to lie, hoping they wouldn’t figure it out. I was usually so quick, so adept at conning people back on Rubble. This was not your average petty thief scenario. I didn’t want to be locked up here for good. Or worse..
“The girl who spoke to me knew perfect Sangheili, and they seemed to be ruled by her somehow… They listened to her.. She had short blonde hair and a long black cloak.”
“Her sense of fashion doesn’t necessarily help us, {Y/N},” Halsey interrupted.
“She said she’s a Blessed One, too,” I interrupted right back. “And because I touched the Keystone, she knew exactly where to find it. That’s why The Covenant showed up on Rubble.”
The latter statement was only a confident guess, but John tensed up again, his eyes burning holes through Doctor Halsey.
“She said we were one in the same, because she can also reach The Halo.. She called The Master Chief ‘Ghashank'o,’ or The Demon,” I added randomly. “But the Keystones, they take you to The Halo.”
I wasn’t entirely sure about that last one. My mouth ran dry, my voice quieting though I found my speech speeding up now, knowing I was running out of facts.
“And they’re coming,” I finalized with another hard swallow. “They know about Reach and its location and they’re coming for us. For the Keystone.”
My embellishment seemed to have worked. Dr. Halsey’s entire demeanor changed then, as did John’s. Cortana appeared with concern lacing her features, and I tried my damndest to keep my composure. Judging by their reactions, I must’ve been convincing enough.
“They’re what?” Halsey asked, seeming winded.
“They’re going to take over,” I lied further. “That’s their intent, anyway. We probably don’t have much time now, since you have the Keystone. And me.”
Maybe they’d let me go quicker if they thought I would lead The Covenant to them.
“Call the captain,” she called out to someone in another part of the lab, her voice full of urgency as she disappeared in the same direction.
“Is that true?” Master Chief asked roughly, stepping up to me then, his imposing frame towering my small stature before he even drew near enough. “What else did she say about the Keystones? About what they do?”
I got nervous, stammering, drawing into myself in a way I never thought I could through my bold streak. She hadn’t said anything else. I was suddenly too caught off guard by him and his bubbling interest.
“I.. She.. Well, I—“
“What did she say?” He growled hastily, his hands finding my biceps.
His grip was tight with some kind of unspoken need that felt like it had nothing to do with the matter at hand. I was too scattered, almost terrified, to think of something else to tell him.
His hold on me was reminiscent of my dream as well. But instead of the hopeful warmth he radiated in my mind, I felt the wrath of something else. This was something much deeper I was unaware of as he searched for whatever response he was after from me. I was reminded all over again of just who he was. Just what he was. Despite my earlier confusion, I wanted no part of it anymore.
Needing to rip myself from The Master Chief’s grasp, I shoved away from him with the little amount of strength that I had left. His hands automatically released me, and I quickly made my way toward the door— as though I’d know how to find my way out. My legs felt like jelly in motion from being under and down for so long, but I pushed through it the best I could, stumbling away from the scene.
Before I could reach the door, the MP’s burst through it, not exercising any strength with me as they swept me up into their arms, screaming at me to stay put, to stand down. I couldn’t help my reaction after all I’d been through, immediately panicking and resisting my arrest as they began to pull my hands together in front of me.
“No!” I shouted “No, she said I could go free! She said I could leave!” I gasped, trying to pull away from my new restraints.
The confirmation from her was vague at best, but I stood by it. I continued attempting to glance over my shoulder, only to notice that Doctor Halsey had returned with another man, and she and the others were gathering around the table. Cortana looked at me through distressed eyes from her spot alongside them, not saying a word to help me.
Even though I knew in my heart of hearts that Cortana and John weren’t on my side, not in the least, I felt stupid. I felt disappointed in myself for subconsciously holding out hope that maybe they would’ve been, just this once.
“I told you everything I know, I told you everything! Let me go!” I kicked, my voice becoming a whine as I felt enraged tears surfacing on my waterline.
It wasn’t until I glanced back one more time, being dragged through the sliding doors, that I saw John had turned in my direction. He was staring at me now with a milelong gaze as I near violently resisted at the hands of the UNSC.
“You were supposed to help me!” I cried at him before the doors shut again.
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ceyx-of-the-shore · 7 months
Please read this form carefully - any request sent in violating my rules will be deleted. I also only write for the game characters and not the show.
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Master Chief/John-117
Noble Six (Male Ver.)
Theodore Sorel
Hudson Griffin
Rtas 'Vadum
Thel 'Vadam/Arbiter
If you want someone to be added - go ahead and ask and I'll look into it!
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"Dark" content
In-game characters being asked to be portrayed as toxic/abusive/obsessive/etc.
Daddy kink
Racism/hatred of a certain group of people, etc.
Petplay & anything in that area
*Note that this list can be added to at any time, so please re-check if you want to send in more than one request and there's a gap between submissions
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Intense gore/violence
Character death (major or minor)
Character pregnancy/having children/being parents, etc.
Pretty much anything not mentioned in the above category, always within reason, is fair game. If you’re unsure about your idea, please ask.
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I only write F!Reader x M!Character fics
I do not write ship content
I ask that physical descriptions be left out of requests so I can write as vaguely as possible 
I also ask that any smut/NSFW requests be vague
It may help me more if you include a few sentences of what you’re thinking for your request - like a basic outline or a prompt
You may send in a request and I may not be able to write it for a while, so please be patient.
Just a reminder that every request may not turn into a fic - it’s all up to the time I’m able to put into writing and if I get that spark of imagination. I mean no harm/have no malicious intent if I’m unable to post/work on your request.
And, remember, if you’re confused/want further clarification it’s perfectly fine to ask me! I have no problem with answering questions.
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witchie-writings · 3 years
{Blooming Blood Petals - ARBITER HANAHAKI; PT. 1}
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Warnings: Mild blood mention
Pairings: Arbiter/Reader
Word Count: 816
From the Author: Hi guys! I'm super sorry you've been waiting so long for me to post halo content again (or any content in general). I don't mean to disappear off the books for so long, it's mainly just my motivation and the tug of war I'm having between art and writing - but I read your guys comments, and seeing as I'm soon going to college to take a creative writing major, I thought this would be a perfect time to warm up my skills! I'm a little rusty so this beginning story is a little all over the place, but I'll be doing short fanfics (likely 2-3 parters) of all requested characters for Hanahaki. Without further of due, let's get to reading! :)
To think that a sangheili such as him could process such raw emotions was a bewildering concept. The boiling passions swelled within the tattered ruins of his heart, rushing through his body and soul. He grew dizzy with the sudden influx of foreign yet familiar substances; flashes of [Y/N] filed through the inner workings of his consciousness, followed by an odd, bubbling feeling. All of the memories slowly blurred together into a coherent mass… soon, he was able to make sense of the chaotic mess his mind left him with. Piece by piece he picked them apart to discover them meaning until he was able to come to a conclusion… a conclusion that he surely thought was beyond the reaches of possible.
A sudden shot grazed his torso, snapping his concentration into reality. The Arbiter, who now realized the density of his situation, quickly ducked his head to avoid incoming enemy fire. However even as he took cover behind a jarring pillar, he couldn't cease the bellowing cries that resonated from the darkest crevices; ‘Will this end in my demise?’.
A simple question that should pose a similarly simple answer, but it refused to be so simple. Dozens of throrns connected to each other like a thinly strung web, each thought making him wonder if he truly wished to perish on the blood soaked battlefield in the name of honor.
For once, he believed that there was more to his life than this, more than listening to the grueling tales of glory and death.
He wished to be by [Y/N]'s side, the soldier that he grew to admire for so, so long…
Yet, why was his heart pounding with uncertainty? Why were his lungs tightening up, strangling him to where he could barely breathe?
A sudden clash of armor rang out from the raging Hell; Thel ‘Vadam found himself colliding violently with the rugged ground, narrowly avoiding a sudden explosion that sent debris flying to the Heavens. His nerves screamed as he felt stones dig into his exposed skin, causing him to let out a pained groan. But he couldn’t linger long, as he felt a figure hastily grasp his hand and tug him up to stand.
“This isn’t time to think, Arbiter!” The voice yelled over the crying of gunfire, shoving his weapon harshly against his chest. He didn’t even register that his rifle fell from his very hands.
“We must go, this outpost is overrun by the humans. We have no choice but to retreat and regroup our forces.”
He remembered now, despite the misty fog clouding his thoughts... [Y/N].
A missile interrupted him mid-sentence, and [Y/N] growled in a rising frustration at the Arbiter's distant gaze. “Let’s go!” With hasty feet the opposing Sangheili darted towards the direction of the evac, using the cover of broken shelters and barricades to their advantage.
Thel ‘Vadam followed suit after his fellow sangheili, using the same coordinated path to narrowly dodge bullets to his gut. As he retreated, the demons began to chant in a victorious manner. To them, the sight of an enemy retreating was a cause to celebrate, which racked the Arbiter's nerves.
Thel' Vadam quickly reached the docked Phantom, being aided by [Y/N] who pulled him into the carrier while providing cover fire. Once on board the pilot ignited the engines and took off, leaving behind the last remains of a Covenant Outpost. The humans tried to use their artillery rounds, but it was no use; they were out of range. Thel 'Vadam stared blankly as the land mass grew smaller the farther they rose, till the distant blue faded to a glossy faded space. It was entrancing….
“Arbiter, have you gone mad!?”
Thel ‘Vadam tore his sights away to land on [Y/N]. His thoughts remain far off and loose, causing the warrior to grumble in irritation.
“Arbiter, are you even listening?” Their voice rose again, gaining a few looks from some of the grunts that managed to hitch the ride.
"My apologies, [Y/N]."
"Your apologies mean little when during the battle, it looked like you were a lost child."
Perhaps it was the keen edge in their words that made his pride recoil, or how their gleaming orbs were brushed over with an aggrieved coat that sent his heart plummeting down. It was as if he was being scolded by his family, but this time, it was colder than the metal of a steel dagger.
A crushing force gripped his lungs and forced him to inhale a large breath while his hand reached for his throat; once, twice, three times the Arbiter coughed and gagged. An alarmed expression morphed onto [Y/N]'s face… wisps of confusion added to their stress as specks of blood came from Thel 'Vadam's mouth, followed by scarlet stained petals with a pitch black hue.
“... Arbiter…”
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hnnnnng do people write for halo elites
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snarky-badger · 3 years
Ask game!!
👀 Do you have any WIPs you would never let see the light of day?
I have three actually. And they might stay on my laptop simply because I don't know if there's any interest in them? I mean, the Fallout 3 fandom is almost silent, I have too many Ultron fics as it is, and I don't know if anyone is interested in a Halo Thel' Vadam/The Arbiter x Female OC fic.
The first is a Fallout 3 fic, centered around an OC and Charon. It's NOT a romance nor a Lone Wanderer fic. Roughly, I have a woman who escaped from The Institute. She's on the run, completely new to the Fallout 3 world. She was a science experiment all her life, her only friend was a ghoul who had been brought in for more experiments - he's the one that helped her escape. I have this set around the time that the Enclave is starting it's presence in the DC ruins in it's bid to 'cleanse' the Wasteland. Unfortunately for them, she's not all that human herself, and takes offence at them wanting to 'cleanse' Underworld.
The second is an Ultron X Female Reader fic - I started writing it during a bought of severe depression and it's short so far, but it's a comfort fic for me that helped me stay sane. It's also a little dark at the beginning, touching on suicide, so I don't know if anyone wants to read that.
The third, as I mentioned, takes place during and after Halo 3. I'm having fun with it - it's a Soulmate fic. I don't have any of those yet (not published anyway). Soulmates aren't rare in this AU, but a bonding between a Sangheili and a human? That's something new and very, very, dangerous for the two involved. Doesn't help that the human has powers that she and her kind have hidden from the world at large, or that the Elite in question is The Arbiter himself.
Crap this got long, lol.
I have a lot of stuff that doesn't get published, hell I have pieces of a fic from when the first Bayverse Transformers movie came out. I still reread it, but will I ever finish it? Unlikely.
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chancerv · 7 years
Things Dyne Is No Longer Allowed To Do On Infinity
INF-101 Directive SG217 was a United Nations Space Command Defense Force set of regulations issued by Spartan Commander Sarah Palmer, to be enacted specifically aboard the UNSC Infinity. Its purpose was to advise personnel on matters of interaction and protocol concerning one SPARTAN-G217. Its ruleset was subsequently dubbed the "Things Dyne Is No Longer Allowed To Do On Infinity."
The following is to be henceforth considered mandatory reading for all persons having any contact with Infinity Spartan Branch operatives or whose duties take them onto S-Deck. The following advisories must be reviewed regularly for frequent updates, at a rate of no less than one (1) time per month. Failure to abide by these regulations means any loss in materiel, lab equipment, or other supplies or belongings will be considered the reader's own fault, and will not receive no special priority for replacement or recompense unless critical.
As of April 1st, 2557, Specialist SPARTAN-G217 is hereby prohibited from the following:
INF-101 Directive SG217-A: Procedural
Treat “shoot first, ask questions later” as Standard Operating Procedure.
Submit any requisitions in the same folders as vacation requests.
Load live rounds in vehicles reserved for War Games use.
Store remote disarmers in close proximity to remote detonators.
Make taunts to Brutes Grunts the enemy over TEAMCOM except when strategically valuable.
Question if the S-Deck commander has been democratically elected Form political parties for the purpose of running for election as S-deck commander Form political parties of any kind. See SG217-C-8.
Make the excuse “Galactic Daylight Savings Time” for reprogramming Spartan HUD mission timers to permanently display “13:37” or any other deviation from actual mission time.
“Superhero” is not an officially recognized rank in Spartan Branch nor the UNSC at large, and may not be used as an excuse to disregard chain of command.
Infinity’s Spartan Detachment Commander is Palmer, not Shepard, or “FemShep,” and her methods for dealing with unconventional situations are not “Renegade Interrupts.”
Use the Infinity PA system to read his own morning announcements. In fact, forbidding SPARTAN-G217 from using the PA system at all sounds like a pretty good idea.
Accessing any Chatternet site which uploads enough malware to make Roland ██████████ █████ ██████████ ever again.
Submit after-action reports containing “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.”
Submit after-action reports containing any Latin, including idioms. Unless encountered Forerunner constructs really did speak to him in Latin.
Apply “artistic license” to decryption of any Forerunner artifacts or translation of enemy communications.
Take the “drop” in Pelican dropship literally.
Discuss the activities of ONI agents with their parents anyone below appropriate clearance level ANYONE.
Classify acquisitions of Infinity away teams as “Object Class Keter”.
Briefings have not been dumbed down, “fighting the Covenant at another Forerunner relic” is the mission parameter.
Infinity’s motto is “Audere Est Facere,” not,
“Per Audacia ad astra.”
“To boldly go.”
“Arms treaties can suck it!”
“Overcompensating for something.”
“Okay, but two Super MACs.”
“How many booster frames could this have bought?”
“Like, stupid OP.”
“Run it over, our shields can take it.”
“Throw more SPARTANs at it!”
“But can it do a Keyes Loop?”
“Yo dawg, I heard you like ships.”
20. Paint MJOLNIR chest plates of SPARTAN-IV personnel red.
21. Be allowed, under any circumstances, authority or privileges permitting SPARTAN-G217 to edit these regulations, especially to read "not prohibited from".
INF-101 Directive SG217-B: Conduct
Comment on tactical disagreements between Infinity’s Commanding Officer and Spartan Detachment Commander with “I hate when mom and dad fight.”
Comment on the casualty totals of the Human-Covenant War during conferences with Sangheili leaders.
Comment on the lack of military support the Sangheili are lending the UNSC in the same instances, especially under a minute apart from each other.
Comment on Chatternet sites. See SG217-C-8. At this point, comments in general should be subjected to a vetting process or kept to self.
Tell SPARTAN-IV personnel “Kids could do better.”
 Even if they could.
Mislead SPARTAN-IV personnel to believe SPARTAN-III augmentations include laser eyes.
Yell “abandon ship!” when Infinity’s Commanding Officer is announced going ashore.
Use “a childhood of military training, ruthless physical conditioning, and psychological indoctrination” to excuse fraternization with SPARTAN-G018.
Organize betting based on the outcomes of Spartan War Games simulation combat exercises.
Tamper with actively assigned MJOLNIR equipment to rig bets based on the outcomes of Spartan War Games simulation combat exercises.
Challenge the ship's AI to solve paradoxes.
Put orders from Infinity cafeteria ‘on his tab.’
Designate "team backup EOD technician".
Designate team positions by drawing straws.
Complain not enough operations are conducted against the Covenant “now that they're fun to fight again.”
Spartan Palmer's strategic decisions have nothing to do with the extreme-risk operations the SPARTAN-IIIs were trained for, stop asking.
Tell Spartan Ikari to "get in the fucking Mantis."
Challenge anyone to drinking contests until his twenty-first birthday on December 10th, 2560 (Military Calendar).
Insist rogue elements “did nothing wrong”.
Posit absurd conjecture such as “maybe the Flood were the Forerunners’ Forerunners” to Infinity xenoarchaeology or ONI REAP-X personnel.
Inform new personnel the only latrines are on the other end of the ship.
Inform new male personnel they might “have a shot” with Spartan Commander Palmer.
Inform new female personnel they might “have a shot” with Spartan Commander Palmer.
Inform Swords of Sanghelios liaisons they might “have a shot” with Spartan Commander Palmer.
Interact with any personnel still undergoing Infinity orientation.
INF-101 Directive S1139-C: Research and Development
Deconstruct MJOLNIR torso plates to use their nuclear reactors for any reason.
Develop olfactory anti-Jiralhanae countermeasures outside of airtight lab environments. Again.
Research any further enhancements to THERMOPYLAE-grade prosthetic implants for the purpose of “giving Kodiak kick-ass robot arms”.
Ever bring up the idea of chainsaw bayonets again. And chainsaw swords are right out.
GEN2-compatible updates of pre-existing MJOLNIR variants are not to be created “because all the new ones look stupid.”
Attach active camouflage generators to anything, including but not limited to: Warthog ignition keys, alarm clocks, COM pads, Infinity Science Lead's glasses.
SPARTAN-G217 is expressly forbidden from experimenting with antigravity plating for the purpose of replicating Type-54 RAVs with UNSC equipment, constructing recoilless gravity rifles, or any other technology regardless of speculated utility. Gravity technology should only be used to keep your feet on the deck.
Developing intra-ship social networking platforms as social experiments, nor to provoke political discussion on any such platform. The resulting drops in performance efficiency are unacceptable.
While the M274-M is awesome, all work on the "Gun-snowboard" is to cease immediately.
Neither Infinity’s holographic imaging suites nor the War Games simulation chamber are “holodecks” and are not to be used to recreate sequences from any film, series, and especially not Chatternet videos deemed ‘viral’. How many cats were in the latter has no bearing on this decision.
Suggest alternate forms of ammunition for the MAC guns including Mantises, himself, or “a giant metal ball with spikes on it.”
Attempt construction of any ramp or vehicle launch mechanism aboard Infinity. Again. Yes, it was awesome. No, it doesn’t excuse the collateral damage.
Happy April Fools Day, from the Halo Fanon Wiki.
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hey if you feel up to it could you do one about Jega? one where there's no mention of his death, he acts increasingly sweeter towards the reader, isn't too violent, and is protective? if not thats completely fine!
I assume this was meant to be a short story but I decided to try and experiment with those kinds of fics that's like a hybrid of HCs and a short story so I can experiment with a plot for this :0 Sorry if this is what you wanted and it took too long, still trying to get back into the swing of my side blog.
I kept the pairing general, I hope it all came out okay!
Jega 'Rdomnai being protective/caring of Reader
(HCs and Story Segments - Halo Infinite AU)
Synopsis/Summary: HCs and mini interactions/story pieces of Jega 'Rdomnai showing softer behavior towards reader and ways if could work.
Content Warning: Gender-Neutral Reader/Male Character pairing, Romantic/Platonic pairing, OOC Jega 'Rdomnai at times (Normally a sadistic character), Canon typical violence/death, Sangheili/Sangheili pairing mentioned, Human/Sangheili pairing mentioned, Dark themes mentioned, Mature language.
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Jega is a Sangheili that joined the Banished due to his cybernetics.
He is also much more bloodthirsty than most Sangheili, even befriending Escharum despite the animosity between their species.
He is part of The Hands of Atriox and is a Spartan Killer.
Many fear him and his sadistic tendencies during his hunts.
He's killed many humans and is merciless to enemies.
Which is why the concept of him being softer towards anyone is foreign.
No one really expects Jega to have any sort of soft side.
He's a cold killer... for the most part.
In terms of how reader could meet them, here's some ways I think you could be compatible.
You'd have to be part of the Banished, be you taken in as a prisoner before joining or joining willingly.
Jega's affections towards you would be quicker if you were Sangheili as well, both betrayed and abandoned by your kind.
When you first met Jega it was a relatively cold greeting. Both of you haven't had the best interactions with your own kind. However, The Banished promised to give you a fresh start to make your own life.
Most of the time you two ignored each other. He was often off hunting the UNSC while you had your own duties. Yet you hoped the relatively cold interactions wouldn't last long.
After all, part of you felt intrigue towards the Sangheili, despite his Cybernetics.
Maybe he even felt similar to you and just did not show if as of yet, instead opting to walk by you with a passive glance.
If you're a human, another option I enjoy the thought of, Jega would take longer.
Even though you're part of The Banished for your own reasons, he still sees you as one of the many weak humans in this world.
However, part of him may feel particularly fond of you despite the opinions he expresses.
Humans are indeed part of the Banished. Be it soldiers no longer willing to be loyal to the UNSC or humans who were willing to make business, everyone had their reasons. Reasons they did not have to share if they did not wish to.
All that really mattered was you were Banished now and you worked with the group loyally.
When it came to Jega you tended to stay away most of the time. He's known for killing humans and you'd rather not piss him off. Any sort of proximity to Jega was usually met with you shuffling away and nodding at him to pass by from a distance.
Despite this the Sangheili often passed by you during work. You thought it was because he didn't trust you. Yet it was so often it did make you wonder if he had other intentions.
After all, if he hated you, why would he come by so often?
Either way, Jega would be someone who's slow to show anything other than stoic emotions and sadistic violence.
Unlike Chak 'Lok, Jega isn't as polite as The Tower's torturer.
He thrives off the suffering of others, so when it comes to you he isn't used to being so... close?
His companionship towards you is definitely slow to occur.
It takes some interaction between you two, maybe even some favors, in order to grow close.
He finds it understandable that he'd want to be close with a Sangheili, but a human puzzles him.
Why does he want to be close to the very prey he kills?
For some reason... when you aid him as a member of The Banished regardless on your species, he finds companionship towards you.
It's like how he felt with his fellow brothers before he was tossed out of his entire society.
He finds comfort in you despite the bloodshed he reigns in.
Just maybe... you're someone he should keep an eye on?
Jega wasn't sure why he felt such a... fondness towards you. It wasn't quite like how he felt towards Escharum. With the Jiralhanae he felt something more like a brotherhood relationship.
When it came to you he felt more... calm? He felt something that he hasn't felt towards anyone in what felt like forever. It was only when he met you that he felt such a way.
Jega decides to make a silent promise to himself to check in with you more often. Maybe if he becomes a closer member with you he'll find why you make him this way.
He just hopes Escharum will allow him to explore such a curiosity.
Once Jega catches wind of his own affections to towards you he would definitely be one to scope out why.
He doesn't want it conflicting with his duty so he spends free time hunting you down to look into this interest of his.
As expected, someone of his infamy has trouble connecting with you.
Part of you expresses that you're impressed, however if you're human you certainly express more discomfort.
He tries his best to listen to conversation that you bring up, finding himself listening closer than he thought when you bring up pieces of your backstory.
He appears hesitant to speak about his own but eventually he'll share pieces of how he got here.
Honestly through conversations, favors, and time... you could probably unlock some sort of softness in Jega when you're alone?
Jega isn't going to be the type who is overly affectionate or anything like that, most Sangheili just aren't.
He shows his care for you in subtle ways.
You notice his tone is less gruff and he eases it to be softer around you.
To you it appears he cares, but it's subtle enough others don't really notice.
Or if they do, Jega threatens them to keep quiet.
He's still violent, it isn't going to change, but never towards you.
In fact he's more protective and loyal towards you, similar to Escharum but softer.
His protective tendencies over you are done out of respect.
He knows you can fight if you're a Sangheili, yet will stick beside you just to make sure you do come out fine.
"I wasn't expecting to see you here, Spartan Killer." You comment when the infamous Sangheili materializes out of his camo beside you.
"I was called here." Jega answers simply, following you as you continue your patrol.
"Really? Last I knew someone of your skill is never called for patrols." You say back, a teasing bite in your tone.
"... seen anything?" Jega answers simply.
"No, if I needed back up I'd call for it." You slowly turn to him. "However... I don't mind the company, since you're so free."
Jega says nothing else and cloaks beside you in silence until he's called to slaughter another demon.
When it comes to if you're a human he appears to stick around more.
Fear is not in Jega's vocabulary, he just feels if your base is attacked you'll need a strong warrior to help.
You're both Banished partners after all, regardless of species.
"I want you to hide." Jega's order is demanding, a warning.
"Aren't I supposed to fight, Jega? For the sake of The Banished?" You ask, hiding the fear in your gut.
"And get yourself killed? Stay out of this. That's an order." Jega growls, shoving you out of sight.
Jega doesn't care if you're an ex-spartan, far as he knows he's going to treat you like a weak human. You've managed to make an impression on him and he isn't going to lose you to something stupid. He doesn't care if others look at him in disgust or amusement...
If you're alive and under his protection, he can rest easy.
He makes a mental note to see Escharum about moving you to somewhere more secure.
The most I can see Jega being when it comes to affectionate is him rewarding you with his protection and companionship.
He could see you as simply another Banished ally he's close with, or something much more.
He's already been cast out from his species by using forbidden cybernetics, he's already befriended Jiralhanae, at this point he does what he likes.
If he wants to dedicate himself to protecting you and caring for you, he will.
Jega cares and maybe even feels love towards you in his own way.
He may not be very affectionate or "loving" in the "traditional" sense.
But there is certainly a sense of care there when it comes to you.
"I used to be intimidated by you." You say softly towards the taller Sangheili.
"You're not now?" Jega scoffs.
"Don't get me wrong, you're infamous and terrifying at times. But between me and you... I feel safe." You go on with a slight laugh. Jega listens softly, eyes flicking to you.
"What are you implying?"
"I'm saying... I care about you, from one Banished to another." You finish, leaning against a wall. Jega soaks in your words before nodding softly, checking to see if you're still in private.
"... I can say the same." Jega admits. "You provide a sense of comfort no one else can. For that, I thank you."
You shine him a small smile.
"That's a first. I hope we can keep such a thing going?" You ask in a hopeful tone.
"Don't let it get to your head..." The Sangheili grunts before softening his tone. "... but I think the same."
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Interested in a Jega ‘Rdomnai scenario with a Spartan reader that defected from the UNSC.
Oh sure! So for this you're in The Banished and there's tension between you and Jega for... reasons at first. Along with moral conflict.
Edit: Sorry if the plot wasn't coherent or something, that's how the story ended up flowing.
Loyalty for Survival
Jega 'Rdomnai x Defected Spartan! Reader
Synopsis: In order to survive sometimes you have to change your allegiance. Despite you now being part of The Banished, Jega has his own suspicions about you.
Content Warnings: Romantic/Platonic Pairing (Dubious), Gender-Neutral Reader/Male Character, Trust issues mentioned, Canon typical violence, Death, Guilt, Dark themes, Sad themes.
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Ever since the remains of the UNSC crashed onto Zeta Halo, humanity has been rather mixed when it comes to beliefs. Some stayed loyal to the UNSC. Some sided with the Banished that occupied here. Some stayed away from either party.
You? You used to be a newer Spartan fighting for the UNSC. However, as you watched your friends die around you, you realized you needed other means to survive. So you became a mercenary.
Becoming a mercenary soon got you into Banished territory. Despite you being a human Spartan, a potential enemy, you were hired into their forces. The change being finalized once your armor color was swapped to the brutal red The Banished often used.
Despite your loyalty now being towards Escharum, The Hand of Atriox and the Banished as a whole, not everyone trusted you. Spartans weren't known to abandon their cause to other members thought this was all a ploy. To solve such an issue they assigned someone to watch you.
Jega 'Rdomnai, the Spartan Killer himself, was sent to watch you. Even to Jega he was baffled a Spartan joined their ranks. Despite this he tried to trust Escharum's word.
You were not blind to being watched. Jega may use cloaking technology but you always assumed he was somewhere around you. He was there to cut you down if you showed sign of betrayal.
You didn't complain, mercenaries aren't the most trustworthy individuals. Some Banished aren't, either.
Jega was usually quiet more often than not. If he wasn't watching you then he sent other troops to do so. Said troops you often talked to as if they were buddies as you oversaw certain Banished functions.
Talking with Jega was usually brief. There's times he'd check in and ask what you did that day. He felt accusing at times but you brushed things off.
What did make you uncomfortable was when Jega prodded at your origins. He asked how well you performed, he asked if you had Spartan brothers/sisters you were close with, he asked if you were close with "The Master Chief".
Jega had a tendency to prod at you and you never told him much. You didn't like thinking of your past. You didn't like thinking of what your friends would say if they knew you left the UNSC for the enemy.
It just... hurt a bit too much to talk about.
Your silence often frustrated Jega but he gave up if you showed enough hostility. It just wasn't worth it. Plus, he didn't need Escharum hearing about him antagonizing you for being a Spartan.
The tough and brutal thing about being a mercenary was the jobs. As expected, you were often sent to hunt down UNSC camps and targets. The more missions you did, the more The Banished trusted you.
Which meant Jega backed off more than normal.
The Sangheili became less antagonistic and mor casual. After all, he's seen what you can do himself. You've killed marines and many other UNSC personnel for The Banished.
In fact you're starting to become infamous around UNSC camps.
Tales of the rogue spartan echoed across Zeta Halo. Jega admitted he was impressed if not a bit intrigued. Did you care for yourself more than your own kind? Maybe your kind cast you out just as his did?
This was what drove him to ask questions. He wonders how you feel at the thought of having human blood on your hands. He wonders if you find the hunt thrilling... or disheartening.
Your shared infamy was what brought Jega closer to you as some sort of companion. While he used to just be some sort of enforcer for you, now you often turned to him for chat. Two killers... bonding over what they do.
As much as you've hate what you've done... Jega has ironically become the closest companion you have.
"Do you ever feel guilt?" Jega asks you. "Or that maybe this was a coward's way out?"
"What are you saying?" You try to avoid the question, looking at a data pad absent-mindedly.
"You kill those you were meant to protect." Jega elaborates. "Do you find it thrilling or saddening?"
"It's a job. I try not to think too hard about it." You comment blankly.
"Do you ever regret it?"
Your jaw tenses.
"... sometimes." You admit. "But here is much better than suffering out there."
The Sangheili laughs softly, pulling down your data pad.
"For a Spartan you intrigue me." Jega admits, pushing the pad aside. "You use your skills as a warrior for your own benefit. I'm actually pleased that I haven't had to kill you, if not a little disappointed to be on the receiving end of your skills."
"No one said we can't train together." You bring up, Jega humming in response.
"You've managed to prove yourself here, it's respectable. You're quite the hunter." Jega praises.
"Does that mean Escharum will no longer have you watching me?" You ask, changing the subject away from the slaughter of your species by your hand. The past is in the past... you belong to The Banished now.
"That eager to get rid of me?" Jega asks.
"Nah, if anything I'll miss you." You admit, the Sangheili watching you closely.
"Grown attached? How ironic." Jega snorts while you fully turn yourself towards him.
"Admittedly it's ironic since you kill those like me." You agree. "But you really are the closest to me out of anyone here."
"You tell me this... why?" Jega questions.
"Just thought you'd like to know I wouldn't mind fighting by your side. After all, I'm one with The Banished now. This is the only company I need." You offer. Jega looks at you with even more interest.
"You're saying you'd hunt a spartan, one of your own, if it meant you'd help me?" Jega pushes. You nod.
"You mean that much to me."
"You prefer me more than any other human."
"To keep it simple and brief, yes." You confirm as Jega steps closer.
"That's quite a claim..." Jega hums in consideration, standing beside you. "Would you be willing to confirm such loyalty?"
"Whenever you wish." You admit, hiding the sadness in your tone.
"I'll run what you said by Escharum." Jega promises. "I look forward to making you my partner, rogue spartan."
Jega cloaks out of sight, leaving you alone. You will admit the idea of betraying your own species still hurts. That's something you'll never get over....
Yet there's no turning back now, right? Not when you've found somewhere else to call home.
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can I be cheeky and request the non-requested story you were gonna do then dropped in favor of requests only: Alliance - Thel 'Vadamee?
I didn't really have ideas and that's why I got rid of it but I'll see what I can do! Here's a short story of Thel saving a marine darling during Attack on Crow's Nest.
Thel 'Vadam (Halo 3) x Human Marine! Reader
Synopsis: You try to get used to having a Sangheili, a species who used to be your enemy, around more often.
Content Warning: Romantic/Platonic Pairing (Dubious), Gender-Neutral Reader/Male Character, Xenophobia due to War, Takes place before Chief was found at first then time skips to after, Canon typical violence and death.
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The UNSC gaining help of the Sangheili was very important to win the Human-Covenant war. You understood this but still struggled with the idea of working with them. They were your enemy for a long time, after all.
In fact the one who frequented your base concerned you the most. Thel' Vadam, an Arbiter of the Sangheili, had done a ton of damage to humanity alone. He had glassed planets and hindered humanity in the past.
For that... you struggled to welcome him.
Thel was always polite when talking to human leaders and usually paid other marines no mind. You could tell the stares got to him at times but offered no comfort. You were also a marine stationed at The Crow's Nest that still feared Thel like many others.
Thel working with The Chief himself was an admirable trait. Despite this you couldn't just forgive his crimes. You mostly stayed out of the way and only answered questions when talked to.
Thel often came to base with other Sangheili but even then you typically stayed away. You had your own thoughts on Sangheili. Thoughts you'd keep quiet about.
Turns out Thel's Sangheili had their own thoughts about humans.
One of your encounters started in hostility when you accidentally got in the way of one of his soldiers. You were roughly pushed away from your workplace as a Sangheili growls before laughing at how high you jumped. You couldn't stop your beating heart.
Said Sangheili was then kicked into place when by Thel, The Arbiter. You could see Thel glaring at his subordinate before pushing him along. You then see Thel give you an apologetic look for his dishonorable brother.
"Did he hurt you?" He asks you. You struggle to find your words but eventually find something to say.
"Easy to do but it's nothing much, Sir...?" You reply. "I don't blame his actions, tension is a little high."
"I see." Thel hums. "I'll discipline him after seeing your Commander. Take care."
You'll admit you're thankful Thel knows how to keep his Sangheili in line. That interaction didn't help how you felt about the Sangheili as a whole... but you did respect Thel a bit more. Regardless... it still felt weird to be around him.
As much as Sangheili are helping the UNSC, you'd have to wait until Master Chief was located before this war could be changed.
Your next encounter with Thel was actually on a "mission" with the Chief himself. Once found, Chief was brought to The Crow's Nest. However, shortly after said base was attacked by Covenant.
As a marine should you fought with all you had. You stayed in the barracks and tried to defend against the waves and waves of Jackals and Grunts. It's when Brutes got involved that you began to falter.
You've seen Brutes tear marines apart, quite literally. You tried to give it your all, spraying bullets into crowds of Covenant. Despite this it was certainly a futile effort.
Before you knew it you were picked up off the ground by your neck like a toy. Claws threatened to crush your windpipe as you were disarmed. You stare the Brute in the eyes as it roared at you.
Even in your situation you try to fight. You struggle and claw at the hand around your throat. You try to kick the chest of the beast but it only laughs at your attempts.
You begin to fear for your life... until the familiar streaks of a plasma sword slide through the Brute's chest like butter.
The Brute drops you as it roars in pain, falling to the ground with an audible thump. You flinch when you barely land on your feet, looking up to see your savior. Your eyes grow wide when you see who it was.
Thel looks down at you with a plasma sword on hand. You feel your throat close as conflicting emotions bounce around your head. Thel, the one who's massacred countless humans in his past, saved you... a weak marine.
"Can you walk?" Thel asks you and you nod, regaining your footing and searching for a nearby weapon, Covenant or not.
"Yes, Sir!" You bellow, the Sangheili gesturing you to follow him.
"Your Sergeant has prepared a ship for us to leave. I've come to gather the other humans at the barracks." Thel explains, looking back to make sure you're keeping pace with him. "You're lucky I found you, Jiralhanae would eat a human like you once they killed you."
You feel yourself gulp, fear gripping you at the idea of that.
"The help is appreciated...." You say softly, running to keep up with the taller Sangheili. You push away your thoughts for his kind to share your gratitude towards him. It's fair to say he's earned it for saving your life.
"It is no issue." Thel states, aiming his Carbine down a hallway. "We are both soldiers fighting against a common enemy now. I'm supposed to aid you."
"Then I will do the same, Sir." You offer, Thel glancing back towards you.
"You fought well back there. The Jiralhanae are challenging foes."
"Brutish..." you hiss under your breath.
"Indeed." Thel snorts. "The name you give them certainly fits."
You were surprised how casual a conversation with Thel can be as he escorted you and other marines to a Pelican. To repay the favor you made it a goal to watch his back. You were also quite thankful The Chief came in to clear the landing pad of Brutes with Thel.
Taking your promise to heart you fired at Covenant troops until it was clear enough to lead. Even when you missed, Thel or Master Chief were quick to clear the threat. By the end of it Sergeant Johnson was escorting Thel and the marines onto the Pelican.
You found yourself taking a seat by your safety, sighing in relief once the ship closed. Thel looked down at you to notice you were there but said nothing. Instead, you spoke up in a whisper tone.
"Thanks for everything... you've earned my respect." You smile, the Sangheili looking back at you.
"It was the right thing to do, wasn't it. I think you've proven yourself as a warrior in training. I hope you're promoted in the future." Thel answers back, listening to the Pelican roar away.
After this... you think you can accept Sangheili a bit more. The past will never be forgotten, you are aware of what Sangheili have done before. Yet the fact Thel saved you made you rethink things.
Maybe you'll accept Thel and his species as a whole faster than you thought after this war is over.
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Could you do headcanons or a story scenario for Thel'Vadam in halo 5 who falls in love with a marine after they were stationed on Sanghelios? (They're short and kind too lol)
I actually haven't done HCs on this blog yet... so let me try :)
Thel 'Vadam (Halo 5) with Short! Marine! Reader HCs
Synopsis: Just an imagine/HCs about Halo 5! Thel with a Human! Marine! Reader as his mate/partner.
Content Warning: Romantic Pairing, Gender-Neutral Reader, Gender-Neutral/Male Pairing, Human/Sangheili Pairing, Intimacy implied yet never described, Vague political themes
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Despite the hesitance and hostility of some Sangheili factions on Sanghelios, for the most part Sangheili and humans get along.
Although the pairing between humans and Sangheili has still yet to be explored throughout the years.
Many Sangheili are actually nervous to admit they've fallen for humans in the past since the alliance.
Thel never thought too much about pairings.
He has his job as leader to tend to and he felt he couldn't get caught up in romantic feelings for the longest time.
The Arbiter expressed no desire for a Sangheili partner, let alone a human one... which, again, was a very new concept in Sangheili culture.
Humans were stationed on Sanghelios to provide aid for the civil war between Sangheili factions.
While Spartans were primarily the chosen troop, Marines accompanied them.
Newer Spartans and your average human already are dwarfed by the average Sangheili.
By Sangheili terms, Thel considers you short anyways.
Despite Marines being considered weaker, Thel also holds respect for your bravery and merciful nature.
Thel falling for a human would take time even in this new age.
Thel starts by holding respect for you, seeing you duel and train with your fellow humans or even a Sangheili at times.
You're honorable in the way you fight and don't tend to play dirty.
Thel has always held respect for your species ever since getting to know Master Chief.
Thel would not be desperate to court you, first he starts by forming a connection with you.
He'd find it odd if you expressed a crush on him first, yet allows it.
Somewhere in the back of his mind he admits that he too is curious on how a pairing would work with another species....
There's a good chance you may fall for him first due to your respect for him working with Master Chief.
That or you're just into aliens and their culture.
Thel just holds respect for you, although when you start showing signs of courtship he grows increasingly interested.
Let's be reasonable, there's a huge culture gap.
Not only that but Thel realizes humans don't live as long as his species.
It's a possible pairing but it takes some getting used to.
Thel wasn't expecting to fall for a human until you attempted to court him.
It takes the Sangheili Arbiter by surprise.
You work alongside him, offering to aid him.
You trust him as your higher up and show a loyalty he respects.
You even compliment his successes.
Thel doesn't think much of it until he realizes what you may be trying to do.
He's heard of Sangheili falling for humans... but not humans falling for Sangheili.
He's not as put off by it as he thought he would be.
In fact... it sounds interesting.
It would be a controversial pairing if he gave into your advances, although he could always try to keep it secret.
Thel would be loyal and caring towards his partner.
Even if you confess to him and he accepts, or he acknowledges your feelings first and gives you a chance, he doesn't care how it starts.
Thel wants to make his partner strong.
If you become Thel's partner, or mate in more primitive terms, Thel trains you to be capable.
You're small... a trait which both worries Thel yet he also finds it endearing.
Despite your size he is sure you can defend yourself in battle.
Even more so when he begins private training, teaching you the art of Sangheili combat.
Thel also likes the idea of holding his human partner.
When he embraces you he completely engulfs you.
You're so small but fit in his lap when he holds you.
Thel also takes time to teach you about his culture.
After all, if a human is going to live on his homeworld then they should know how to act among his people.
The relationship would be secret at first.
In private, Thel learns just how you and your people work.
Thel likes to listen about what humans do for their partners.
In exchange, you listen to him and what his partners do.
It takes times but eventually you and Thel come up with ways of courting and displaying affection between your species.
Breeding successfully is not possible between the both of you, regardless of gender, but pleasure is possible.
Thel struggles with the idea of kissing, due to the different mouth shapes.
Although he likes it when you kiss his skin and he lays his head against yours.
Each embrace feels warm and comforting.
Your smaller touch against his tough yet scarred skin feels euphoric to him.
You and Thel share a deep connection despite your differences.
He really does love you like he would a Sangheili partner, yet he isn't all that rough with you.
He'd also be protective as he knows humans like you are weaker.
Not overly protective, just concerned for your safety.
Dates are a new concept for both of you.
Thel likes to speak of dueling while you mention calmer forms of showing compassion.
Eventually Thel may announce your pairing.
The decision is controversial, like a lot of Thel's beliefs, but he is supported nonetheless.
Some of his Sangheili actually admit they have human partners of their own.
Some are curious... some are turned off by the idea.
Despite the division, this is yet another change brought to Sangheili culture.
The controversy does not deter either of you... as you both love each other deeply.
Thel even mentions the idea of marriage traditions to you in private after the announcment.
Your relationship begins a new age to his and your culture.
Safe to say when human forces are pulled from Sanghelios...
Some humans may actually stay behind, all because of the bond between you and Thel.
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(Anon who asked about Halo 5 thel) Or Thel'vadam from halo 2 who captured the marine at first before teaming up with the humans . It's up to you!
Why not both? We need more Thel content, lol! Hope this is good for you :) Sorry for the wait!
Thel 'Vadam (Halo 2/3) with Marine! Reader HCs
Synopsis: HCs of Halo 2/3! Thel 'Vadam capturing a Marine! Reader that begins before his alliance with Master Chief and transitions to what happens afterwards.
Content Warning: Romantic Pairing, Gender-Neutral Reader, Gender-Neutral/Male Pairing, Sangheili/Human, Kidnapping, Angst at the start, Religious themes, Canon typical violence, Mass death mentioned, Very brief mating habit mention for Sangheili but it's not graphic or anything.
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Around the time of Halo 2, Thel is still fiercely loyal to The Prophet's Great Journey.
He's obsessed with the idea of proving himself again after his failures.
He has been stripped of his rank and branded a failure....
Sangheili value honor in their culture.
Disappointing The Prophets affects him deeply.
Your capture was most likely for information.
Thel's killed countless humans, you'd also be easy to kill.
Yet humans are also important in the activation of holy artifacts.
The Arbiter was sent through many suicide missions when he was still devout to the Covenant.
It would be hard to impress him in this current state due to you being UNSC and him being part of the Covenant.
In fact, your first meeting may actually be an attempt to kill each other.
Romantic feelings are hard to form if we're talking about Thel during Halo 2.
It would have to start fully developing near the end of Halo 2 when he leaves The Prophets.
However, things would start like this....
On a mission of his he finds you and pulls you from the group.
You're fierce and try to kill him.
Thel respects this fighting spirit of yours yet he still needs to kill you.
... but he can't.
Instead he knocks you out cold but doesn't give the killing blow.
His fellow Sangheili don't understand why their Arbiter is hesitating.
This is when Thel turns around with a proposal.
"We can use this one for information."
They want to question him but he ignores it, slinging your smaller body over his shoulder before heading to a Phantom.
I can imagine any sort of attraction he'd have to you is slow.
He keeps you as a prisoner meant to follow him around until he has a use for you.
Marines are much weaker than Spartans, this much he's noticed.
However he does respect the fight you give despite your disadvantages.
His attraction towards you starts as minimal respect.
You're still on opposite sides and different species, but he holds at least a little bit of intrigue towards you.
I imagine the interactions you have are often stilted and awkward.
Questions and threats are often thrown around, he often grows annoyed and sometimes you even show fear.
I feel things would become easier as Thel starts learning the truth.
Awkward conversations through a plasma cell soon become longer.
You're desperate for communication even if it's with your captor.
You don't give information about the UNSC, but you do offer small parts of your past.
You try asking about him but he often avoids the question.
He doesn't understand why you keep trying to be so friendly despite your situation.
Humans are capable of being cunning creatures, though....
Thel doesn't give into longer conversations at first.
Soon as he begins to stray from The Prophets during The Great Schism he relents.
As a result he begins to take a liking to you.
You are an interesting human to talk to, putting up bravery when encountering the enemy.
Most Marines just die by his blade.
But he likes this one.
Thel doesn't show signs of romantic attraction until much later.
When you're still a prisoner he sees you as a fellow fighter.
To show his respect towards you he defends you with his life.
The Flood, The Covenant, even his own soldiers won't lay a hand on you.
He's protective of you, which is the start of his feelings towards you.
Thel lets you go from being a prisoner when he decides to side with the humans.
He knows no apology will make you forgive him, but he tells you that you helped him see past the lies of The Prophets.
He wants to leave you alone but you still seem to stick around him.
The start was horrible... but now you still want to fight alongside him.
It's the least you can do for him being so merciful.
Thel would need time to ponder the idea of a relationship with a human.
The idea is so foreign, especially since he's slaughtered so many of them.
The two humans he's closest to has been Master Chief and you.
In fact, he's probably been more acquainted with you longer due to the whole prisoner thing.
Safe to say he cares for you because of that.
Even when the events of Halo 3 begin to unfold, you're still right there with him.
He wonders if you cling to him for protection?
Or do you really have that much respect for him, even after everything?
Seeing you beside him like a loyal companion does make him think... strange thoughts.
He doesn't see you as just a human anymore.
In fact, you're quite the marine, he wonders if you'll move up your ranks.
Thel most likely is not the first to confess.
Everyone sees you two around each other so there's certainly rumors.
Said rumors make Thel snap at whoever spreads them, but he does consider it.
Maybe you do like him in such a way... as foreign as that sounds.
You would most likely be the one to confess, which leaves Thel a bit stunned.
I imagine since he cares for the fact you stuck by him despite the circumstances, he gives it a shot.
You've proven yourself to be a skilled and loyal warrior despite your rank.
It's surprising to everyone that Thel has taken a Marine as a mate.
Thel does not care for their words.
You two have seen hell with each other, he's even dragged you into it.
The least he can do is stick by you.
Affection is different due to your cultures but he tries.
He embraces you like a human but duels for you like a Sangheili would for their mate.
He loves the abuse the height difference, towering over you only to pick you up.
Your relationship could not be sexual in nature, it would most likely be emotional.
This is because mating behaviors are so different.
I imagine kissing would be strange too.
You'd probably be the one to kiss his face or something.
Thel is defensive of your relationship.
If anyone questions it he shuts them down.
You and him are intertwined by this point.
He'd fight anything if it meant defending you.
Meanwhile you'd happily fight by his side.
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love-beyond-space-war · 8 months
halo wars 2 Voridus x Reader? female or gender neutral?
Sure, I'll try! No plot given so I'm winging it. Reader is a vague species (Human, Sangheili, Jiralhanae). Jiralhanae are so under-rated. Not proofread, may have mistakes.
Reeling Him In
Voridus x Gender-Neutral Reader
Synopsis: Voridus once again is a reckless Jiralhanae leader. It's up to you, his partner, to ground him when his brother isn't able to.
Content Warnings: Romantic pairing, Gender-Neutral Reader, Reader is protective, Lighthearted, Mate mentioned once, Short story.
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"You tend to get yourself carried away often, Voridus." You find yourself saying as you tap away at a data pad. "As your brother says you often act like a pup, he cannot keep you in check forever."
"Isn't that what you're doing?" Voridus snorts. "You two are always so serious."
"For good reason!" You counter, unamused by your impulsive partner. "Everything you do is never thought through. Your experiments and uncontrolled curiosity has costed you many soldiers and gotten you hurt!"
"If I do not take such risks, who will? You really are like my brother." Voridus huffs, walking to you.
"We both care about you. Plus, Atriox is really getting tired of this-" You bring up, only for Voridus to force you away from the data pad to look at him.
"Oh? So it's about Atriox?" Voridus hums.
"What? That's not it!" You huff, seeing Voridus laugh. "I just want you to be safe."
"You want me more like my brother." Voridus scoffs. "What's the fun in that?"
He pulls you close to him with a grin. You still appear unimpressed as he traces his claws down your back. He's teasing you, yet you still seem unimpressed.
"I want you to listen to me." You say, Voridus staring at you with his red eyes.
"I'm fine, you know this." Voridus hums as he shoves his face in the crook of your neck. You lightly push on his chest but he doesn't move.
"Were you really fine when you fought The Flood that you released?" You sneer for a moment, causing Voridus to tense.
"... I'm sorry-" Voridus admits, causing you to sigh.
"See why you need me?" You smile softly, pulling his face from your neck to hold his face in your hands. "Who's going to look after you when your brother can't?"
"So what are you? Some sort of pupsitter?" Voridus groans but leans into your touch.
"No." You chuckle. "I'm your partner."
Voridus hums a deep growl in response as you kiss his skin. Despite the bickering you do, you still care for each other deeply. Your fights are just because you care for each other.
Voridus understands you're just looking out for him. He may give you a hard time but truthfully he knows he needs you. You love him as his mate and he knows you're the best for him.
"I made a good choice picking you then, hm?" Voridus teases, causing you to nod as you nuzzle into him.
"I'll try my best to watch over you, but please take care of yourself." You whisper, causing Voridus to shove you under his chin to lay his head on yours.
"Fine, if it makes you sleep at night." Voridus sighs, feeling pleased with you against his chest.
You accept that as an answer, sighing happily against your Jiralhanae partner.
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witchie-writings · 4 years
So just a thought... would anyone be interested if I wrote a fanfic with one of the Halo boys about the Hanahaki (sorry if I misspelled) disease? It'd be an x reader of course, and I have a draft from years ago with Carter about Hanahaki, but thoughts?
Do you guys want it with Jerome, Master Chief, Carter, The Arbiter, etc? I can only write with one guy because my attention span is so slim lmao
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Bit of a warning this is a bit dark. Reader was changed to be gender neutral. Was a little difficult to make this a normal X Reader so it's darker. Mostly because of his role- Honestly this went vaguely Yandere but you'd have to squint.
Chak 'Lok x Reader
Synopsis: You made a mistake when you accidentally stumbled upon The Tower on Zeta Halo. A place where POWs go to be tortured by Chak 'Lok, one of the Banished's warlords. Just what happens when you manage to get captured by said infamous warlord?
Content Warnings: Kidnapping, Blood mention, Dehumanization, Bittersweet relationship between prisoner and executioner (?), It's certainly not fluffy and you're treated like a pet, Bruising mention, Slight body worship mention, Death, Interspecies relationship, Mourning.
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Ever since you were captured you had heard stories among prisoners about your captor. That he was cruel and thought of humans as weak. He was even capable of bringing a Spartan to their knees....
You'd be lying if you said you weren't scared. If he wanted to he could pick you to try and extract information from you. Yet you were only a marine... maybe he felt you weren't worth the trouble right now?
You could clearly recall how you got here. It was an accident, you had gotten lost from your troop. Accidents happens, except this one got you caught in a Banished patrol.
You were grabbed by your neck and tugged to The Tower. Yet another human for the slaughter.... You'd be held there until they decided you'd die.
You never thought Chak 'Lok left you alone because he liked you. It was such a foreign thought to think. A Sangheili as ruthless as him couldn't like humans.
Although when you noticed him picking out prisoners, he'd glance at you. Yellow eyes giving a piercing gaze before picking out someone else. He was planning something... that or did he think you'd run away?
Sometimes you'd even hear chatter around The Tower from troops. Many Banished chatted here, surprisingly you even came up a few times. You could never figure out why....
"Heard he likes that one in particular... "
"Really? Do you know why?"
"Pfft... you ever wonder if he just wants to keep a human as a pet?"
"Isn't hard to do, really...."
You aren't sure what was worse. Being tortured by Chak 'Lok or being made into a human pet for him. It's not like what you thought matters, you weren't Banished and you were human.
Day by day you watched other humans leave their cells to be brought to Chak 'Lok. You even noticed you were being given more food than the other humans.... As much as you didn't want to think it was true, you couldn't deny the rumors.
Perhaps Chak 'Lok really did have some sort of odd fondness towards you....
"Prisoner!" A guard barks, roughly pulling you to your feet. "Warlord Chak 'Lok has finally called you to him, do not resist. Lethal force will be administered if you try."
Doing as you're told you are again dragged against your will to the chamber where your fate awaits. There was enough speculating, now you would meet Chak 'Lok formerly. To be tortured or worse was what you'd soon find out.
Once at the dark red chamber, you're tossed on the floor while the guards walk out. You hiss in discomfort before sitting up. From what you could see there was no Chak 'Lok... but there was the distinct smell of blood.
"There you are, I've been waiting for the right moment to bring you here."
You look around, sensing a presence but unsure where from. Then you heard active camo deactivating. A rough hand grabs the back of your throat and sits you up straight.
"I will grant you permission to tell me your name, human."
You breathe in quickly, eyes staring at the much larger Sangheili.
"... (Y/N) (L/N)."
"(Y/N)... doesn't that just roll off the tongue?"
Chak 'Lok laughs, dragging you closer to one of the torture devices within the chamber. You struggle against him but his grip is tight. Although, he stops just before it.
"Did you hear any rumors lately?"
Your look of fear swaps to confusion, why would he ask you that?
"Like... what?"
"I know everything that goes on in this tower. I heard my guards talking about you. Just know this, (Y/N)."
You're then held up eye level to him.
"You're lucky."
"Warlord Chak 'Lok-"
"When it is just you and me, it's just Chak 'Lok."
The rumors are true....
"Just what are your intentions?"
Chak 'Lok looks you over, yellow eyes scrutinizing over you.
"You hold no valuable information that will help the Banished. I have other uses for you."
Chak 'Lok only then places you inside the machine, plasma energy cuffs holding you still. He never turned it on but it was enough to hold you still. You may have caught his attention yet not his trust.
"I'll be keeping you here, unarmed, as some sort of company. Humans are soft and weak... yet I do believe you'll make good companionship."
You're worried in the position you're in. At any moment he could turn on the device you're in. Yet he doesn't... not even making an attempt to.
"That extra food was no coincidence. Neither was any of the extra attention. I've had my eye on you from the start."
A hand touches your cheek, the leathery skin of his feeling strange on your softer skin.
"Do not think we are equals, however. You are below me. However, I will promise you are above the other humans here."
"Does that make me a pet?" You ask him, not liking the sound of it but it was better than nothing....
"Yes, a pet. You'd make a very cute pet."
"I'll take that as a compliment...."
"Good, already fitting into your role."
Chak 'Lok paces about the room in front of you, eyes ocassionally glancing towards you. A laugh comes from him at your predicament. A sound that makes you want to shrink....
"I will be sure you're outfitted with the necessary accessories and out of those ragged clothes. If you will be beside me, then you will look the part."
He then stops and turns towards you.
"If you take any of this for granted, pain will await you. I hope you're good at listening to orders."
"Yes, Chak 'Lok...."
"Good, (Y/N). Now, you will return to your cell. I will see you at another time."
Were you that better off compared to everyone else?
You don't remember how long you've been here, but things have gotten better. As time passed while you were at The Tower you had gotten better with Chak 'Lok. You were unable to leave... yet part of you felt you didn't mind.
Out there you would be hunted down, no doubt. Here? Here you were allowed to spend time trying to understand Chak 'Lok as he spoke to you.
You wore decent clothes and had a red glowing collar around your neck. It was a sign of showing you were part of the Banished albeit low ranking. It prevented you from being targeted by Banished, at least.
Chak 'Lok wouldn't be too happy if you were harmed by anyone here in The Tower.
The relationship between you two was complicated. He treated you better the more he got attached to you, although you weren't quite seen equal to one another. Despite this...
What was between you was strong enough to be considered... intimate.
It didn't matter if the guards thought his preference was odd. Chak 'Lok did the torture here, he could easily slip them into a device. They shouldn't bother confronting him about his human.
How did you feel about this? Him not harming you made you thankful, at first you were scared. Now, you felt he was the only one you had here.
Which naturally made you fall for him.... Something he noticed and teased about it. Perhaps he felt similar feelings.
Humans were still soft and weak to him, yet in you such traits felt endearing. Soft and weak to him only made him want to play around with you more, maybe bruise you a little with his grip. He felt it made you perfect for him.
Your soft skin felt foreign but pleasant to him. While you were weak it never affected him much. You were a pet to him, yes...
Although his feelings grew a bit more intense as time went on.
Up until his demise and final fight, he never stopped caring for you. You'd always remember the way he touched you and the endearing words he said to you. It made your heart flutter....
Sure, maybe the feelings you felt towards him were misplaced, but you didn't care.
You loved him and he loved you.
You even mourned his death at the hands of Master Chief....
He was the only one you really had left on this Halo.
You'd never forget him.
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