#han hyeri
prettyrealm · 2 months
current events: han sohee vs lee hyeri
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what does han sohee think of lee hyeri?
han sohee thinks hyeri is delusional and wants her man back, she doesn’t think hyeri is over him at all. she feels threatened. she thinks hyeri isn’t backing off. she thinks hyeri is manipulating the public and is even more manipulative behind the scenes (even with how she treats people in general). she really thinks hyeri is a wolf in sheep’s clothing and hides behind an innocent demeanor, but she’s actually really sneaky with a lot of red flags. she 100% believes the instagram story was about her, not ryu junyeol. she doesn’t think hyeri will let him go easily at all. she think that hyeri is well liked, but it’s all superficial and if you really got to know her you wouldn’t like her (she might not actually know hyeri and this is just what she’s learned/been told from ryu junyeol as I’m getting she really thinks hyeri is a crazy ex). she thinks hyeri is super connected and has a lot of friends and uses that to hold power over people and gets what she wants. han sohee is a bit worried about what could happen to her due to hyeri’s connections as well. this whole situation has left sohee feeling like she’s had no time to catch her breath.
what does lee hyeri think of han sohee?
hyeri definitely thinks han sohee was/is the “other woman” and was sleeping with ryu junyeol while they were still together. i think possibly even to the extent that hyeri and ryu junyeol had discussed it in the past and decided to work on it/move past it, but now that they’re officially together she’s thinking about how this could have happened, (though it could be that they had also dealt with cheating in general in their relationship). worried that han sohee is more compatible with him than she was (she can give him what he wants like a family, children). i also get that she thinks han sohee is a lot prettier than she is. she’s actually worried that ryu jun yeol is serious about her and that hurts her a lot. she thinks han sohee has looks and money, but no manners and is extremely unclassy. she also doesn’t like that han sohee is who ryu junyeol has chosen to date because she knows that han sohee has had a pretty promiscuous past and doesn’t think that she is “serious” material. overall, hyeri feels very insecure right now.
what do han sohee & lee hyeri think of ryu junyeol?
han sohee - “ayo they could never make me hate you” vibes. she thinks he’s a really good person, loves him to pieces and thinks he’s the best boyfriend she has had and wants to start a family with him. (she could be a very intense person, don’t necessarily expect them to get married) she likes him to the point where she feels she genuinely needs him in her life and sees him as super protective over her. he just “gets” her in her eyes and she feels a lot of people don’t. she’s also mega attracted to him.
lee hyeri - she thinks he’s a major liar, but also that he’s smarter than her and that he’s really good at making her feel sorry for him. she thinks he was never true to his word, in a sense that he would never do things all the way, he was never nice but he was also never mean, he wouldn’t forget anniversaries but he would get her a lackluster gift (as if he had a habit of never doing things right but also never wrong) . he just never went above and beyond. she does still have feelings for him, but I don’t think she wants him back. if he were to bring it up she would consider it, but I don’t think she’s actually trying to get back with him. for the most part, she does want to move on from him and she really was just hurt in the moment when she made the story. she kind of finds them both embarrassing.
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vlovers · 2 months
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﹒✿ ﹒ (my love) 맴맴 돌아!
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sunzyn · 4 months
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m040622m · 2 months
Lee Hyeri : Pre-Debut
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sousrantings · 3 months
And he's gonna get out of this relationship as fast as he moved on from his last one, MARK MY WORDS.
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not-so-rosyyy · 3 months
the hyeri x ryu jun yeol x han sohee relationship drama is soooo juicy! breakup of an iconic couple. frolicking in the pool with the new boo in hawaii. rumors of overlapping timelines. subtweeting back and forth on Instagram stories. denying the new boo allegations. admitting the new boo allegations. new boo saying she'll apologize to past boo for being lame and rude. OMFG I LOVE CELEBRITY MESS.
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namjoohyuk · 3 months
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what a day!
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nasirsagron · 3 months
As a plot twist Han Soo Hee and Hyeri should just date each other and post a selfie with "now this is fun"
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jesusagrees · 2 months
Everyone acting like they wouldn't have reacted the exact same way Han So Hee did are a bunch of liars lmao I don't really care for nor really like Han So Hee, but this whole witch hunt is absolutely ridiculous.
How would you feel if suddenly you wake up and you see media reports that a random kpop idol is suddenly shading you on isnstagram, and that in these reports they are labeling you a "homewrecker" hence the hate, and then your social media accounts is flooded with hate? On top of it, the so called person you're seeing then refuses to clear things up, is telling you ONE story and you're just taking his word for it while being angry and confused at the whole situation.
Ya'll would be acting a fool too! This whole situation is stupid and confusing, and the so called man you're seeing just throws you under the bus and refuses to clear up the misunderstanding, so you're left to do it yourself while also getting attacked in the media and on your social accounts, suddenly losing brand deals, etc...
Everyone is painting this picture of you and the people involved are refusing to clear it up even PRIVATELY with you. Han So Hee wrote a public apology to Hyeri and exposed that her message was ignored BECAUSE she needed her fans to try and stop this hate train. The fact Hyeri didn't respond, she's not obligated to, but the fact she won't say anything is enabling her fans to continue on this witch hunt against Han So Hee. OF COURSE Han So Hee is going crazy. She feels wronged and Hurt and she can't clear things up priavately either so what is she going to do?
Ryu Jun Yeol is a whole ass coward for just letting her take the fall without clearing things up with anyone. Hyeri really triggered this and we can't say she didn't, she apologized and removed herself from the situation and yes, Han So Hee should have done the same as well. But Han So Hee is a REAL person with REAL feelings and the fact she's been trying to clear the air acting like a damn fool, anyone would have tried to do the same. I'm sure if Hyeri didn't have her team holding her back she would be on social media doing the EXACT same thing as Han So Hee. Be for real.
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kpophottakes · 3 months
It’s so obvious this man played them. HSH seems like she’s already spiraling before this PR nightmare and she needs to ditch him. I hope that man stays away from her and Hyeri after they patch things up. He’s trash.
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thenoonachronicles · 3 months
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icanseethefuture333 · 3 months
Have u seen the drama about Han so hee, hyeri and ryu junyeol it’s so crazy 😭
No because let’s talk about it what’s been going on with Han so hee tbh that video of her at the party kinda creeped me out. Idk if that was the theme or she was doing it for publicity but I was like why does homegirl look sickly 😭? Also idk why she (allegedly) decided to throw shade at Hyeri who didn’t even do anything herrr. All this for a man is so tacky to me
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korelist · 10 months
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb puanı: 7 Benim puanım: 8
Drama: Hyde Jekyll, Me
Hangul: 하이드 지킬, 나
Director: Jo Young-Gwang, Park Shin-Woo
Writer: Lee Choong-Ho (comic), Kim Ji-Woon
Date: 2015
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast: Hyun-Bin, Han Ji-Min, Sung Joon, Hyeri, Lee Seung-Joon
Yıl olarak  benim kırmızı çizgim olan 2016’yı yakalayamamış olmasına rağmen başarılı bulduğum dizilerden biriydi. Aynı zamanda Hyun Bin’in askerlik sonrası çıkış dizisiymiş. Ama benim için Han Ji-Min ile tanıştığım dizi oldu. Koo Seo-Jin(Hyun-Bin) zengin bir ailenin oğlu ve başarılı bir iş adamıdır. Wonderland isimli bir eğlence merkezinin sahibidir. Soğuk, bencil ve kaba bir karakteri vardır. Kimseyle yüzgöz olmaz, gerekmedikçe iletişime dahi geçmez. Eğlence merkezine bağlı ufak bir sirk işletilmektedir. Sirkten kaçan bir goril ortalığı karıştırdığı gün Seo-Jin sirkin yöneticisi Jang Ha-Na(Han Ji-Min) ile dolaylı ve olaylı olarak tanışır. Ve bu yaşadığı aksiyon sonrası, rakamlara da bakarak acilen sirki boşaltmalarını emreder.
Aynı gün, Ha-Na eğlence merkezinde ufak bir kaza geçirir ve onu birebir Seo-Jin’e benzeyen Robin (Hyun-Bin) kurtarır. Önce ikiz gibi düşünülse de aslında Seo-Jin’in çoklu kişilik bozukluğu (Disosiyatif Kimlik Bozukluğu) vardır. Nabzını belli bir seviyede tutar, heyecanlanmaz, üzülmez yani ani duygu değişikliği yaşamaz ise içindeki canavarın çıkmayacağına inanmaktadır. Bu nedenle vücut değerlerinin kontrol eden bir saat ile dolaşır. Herkese son derece mesafelidir. Sirkten kaçan goril ya da onu yakalayan Ha-Na onun bu sakinliğini bozduğu için Robin ortaya çıkmıştır. Robin ise Seo-Jin’in düşündüğü gibi bir canavar değil, düşünceli, eğlenceli, kibar yani onda olmayan ne varsa odur. Hatta Robin’in kendi hayatı vardır. Çok sevilen bir çizgi roman çizeridir. Kendi arkadaşları, ayrı bir çevresi vardır.
Diziyi Kill me, Heal me” den önce izlediğim için çok şanslıyım diyebilirim. Herhangi bir kıyas olmadan boş bir kafayla izlemek daha keyifliydi. Zira ikisi de aynı sene çıkmış olmasına rağmen “Kill me, Heal me” alır yürür. Onu daha sonra anlatacağım. Şimdi sulandırmayayım ama illede sonrada da olsa bir kıyas yapmam gerekirse, bu dizinin diğerinden en bariz farklı kadın başroldü. Erkek başrollerin ikisi de laf götürmez bir şekilde başarılılar. Bu dizideki kadın başrol; Han Ji-Min kesinlikle Hwang Jung-Eum’dan çok daha başarılı bir oyuncuydu. Keşke diğerinde de Ji-Min oynasaydı dedim.
Aslında dizinin konusu bundan ibaretti diyebilirim. Ha-Na’nın sirki kurtarmak için Seo-Jin ile anlaşmaya çalışırken Robin ile yakınlaşması ve Seo-Jin’in kişilik bozukluğunu düzeltme çabası. Hyun Bin için şunu söyleyebilirim ki, hem sert-soğuk karakterin hem de kibar-düşünceli karakterin hakkını tek seferde vermiş. Oyunculuğu şahaneydi. Dizide tabi ki mantıksızlıklar ya da öyle değil de böyle yapılsaydı daha iyi olmaz mıydılar vardı. Genel olarak kdramaların kanayan yarası sonlar olsa da bu dizinin sonunu da güzel toparladılar. Garip ama güzeldi.
İkilinin uyumunu beğendim. Hem yaşları birbirine yakın hem de uyumluydular. İkinci adam krizimiz aynı karakterin bölünmüş kişiliği olduğunu düşünürsek yoktu diyebiliriz. Bence başarılı bir hikayeydi. Tavsiye eder miyim, ederim. Bu tarz dizilerde çok fazla detay işin keyfini kaçırabileceği için uzatmayacağım. Ama sanmayın ki klişelere yer vermemişler. Artık izleyince görürsünüz.  Han Ji-Min kalp.
Raven Melus
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ririnanoriri1993 · 21 days
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not-so-rosyyy · 3 months
I’ll give my two cents but i think that man cheated and lied about his breakup with hyeri. now sohee is out there acting dumb over a relationship timeline that isn’t hers to discuss. hyeri had her suspicious and got proven right. because the way she shaded made it look like a whole traitor by olivia rodrigo situation.
i feel like sohee’s mistake was first, answering hyeri’s post in such a catty way because it made it look like she was trying to paint her in a delusional light only for her to end up indeed dating the man in question. this rests her any level of credibility. and also, who dates a man and doesn’t double check if he is indeed over with his almost a decade gf? like, you assumed a break up indeed happened because of a k-media article? i need her to stop talking because it’s not going well for her. and that man is a coward for letting his gf fighting it out in his name.
so yes, that coward of a man was a cheater. sohee was too dumb and hyeri got played with so i get her for feeling some type of way if i dedicated almost a decade of my life with a person.
i do think there was an overlap in the timeline between hyeri x jun yeol break up and sohee x jun yeol "starting" to talk, because otherwise, why would hyeri been aggravated enough to make a subtle IG story alluding to the rumors and then unfollowing jun yeol right after.
fwiw though, the rs between sohee and jun yeol didn't officially start till early this year (according to her). so at the very least, he ended it with hyeri before really pursuing sohee.
BUT the thing that's making me scratch my head is sohee directly responding to hyeri's IG story denying the cheating allegations and then her agency denying the dating news only to admit to it a few hours after 😭 also her long ass statement on her personal blog saying she lost her cool and then responding to fans' comments about it like i understand her kinda (because i think she's wary of her image being a "homewrecker" coz that's the exact role that catapulted her into stardom) but...MISS GURL THROW YOUR PHONE AWAY AND LOSE YOUR INTERNET ACCESS RIGHT NOW PLEASE. you'll just be digging a deeper and deeper hole for yourself atp.
and you're right, anon. the ickiest thing about all of this is the man being nowhere to be found while the girls get into a catfight over him. i used to like him as an actor even though objectively he looked like a skull in a biology lab but this whole mess is just...my god is he really even worth all this 💀 IS ANY MAN????
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lunaverrse · 1 year
𝒎𝒖𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒈 ✮ part. 1
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