higuemon · 1 year
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the-amethyst-stars · 6 years
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“If I may…” Maxwell says feably “I do love your daughter very much. Things did happen fast with us and yes, it probably is my fault. I put Hana in a difficult situation due to my carelessness and I apologize. But I do promise to always love her and to take care of her. I only regret that we had come to you with our news sooner.”
Hana’s eyes pool slightly with tears, as she firmly holds Maxwell’s hand. Hana’s father takes a deep breath, his expression softening as he looks down to Hana’s mother who nods.
"Hanawell" Series by @captainkingliam Chapter 8 - Baby, We're Just Getting Started
It's the last chapter of the series, pretty sad for me it has to end, but @captainkingliam said there's a possibility it will be more, and I'm looking forward to it 😉
*all pictures belong to the owners
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endless-vall · 7 years
Never a dull moment with you - Maxwell x Hana fanfic
Summary: As Liam and Amber’s marriage takes another big step, the media and people around Maxwell and Hana start gossiping and questioning whether their relationship is going somewhere. Hana doesn’t want to let it bother her... But sometimes the heart and the brain refuse to listen to each other. She’s so busy with her concerns and doubts she entirely misses Maxwell dancing around the same topic. Author’s note: Here is another Hanawell piece! (I gotta admit, maybe I was inspired by all those engagements last week’s chapters gave us) I actually have another one in mind but I’m not sure when will I have the time & muse to sit down and write it, so for the time being, enjoy this!
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Maxwell and Hana have been in a relationship for almost two years, when the media started buzzing with the question in hand. When will the couple settle down? And honestly, they couldn’t care less. Well... At least at first.
Their relationship was a very public one, so it was inevitable that the media would stuck their noses up their businesses. From the moment they started dating, and a photo made it across the news that the younger Duke of Ramsford had found a match in one of King Liam’s former suitors, Lady Hana Lee, to the annoying shows now that now spoke of their relationship and whether it was time for them to settle down, it sometimes felt as if their relationship wasn’t entirely their own. They were also very active on social media. Sharing their adventures and even special moments, you could learn a lot about Maxwell Beaumont and his girlfriend - Hana Lee, from just looking at their instagram profiles. They were travelling a lot. Hana has gotten to know so many new places and cultures she had wanted to know, and it was all thanks to Maxwell. They’ve raised foundries and continued to explore new things, as they experienced them together, and shared many steps of their way on their social media accounts. But now, the media tried to dictate to them how to live their life. This was unacceptable. Only... That it did make Hana wonder. Thoughts she wanted to push as far and deep away as possible.  These last two years have been the best time of her life. She loved Maxwell deeply, and she wanted to spend her life with him. But what if he woke up one day and realized she was just... Too boring for him? She was lying in her bed in the room assigned to her by Liam and Amber. She and Maxwell were visiting back in the palace, for the first birthday of their son Leon. Maxwell’s hands were wrapping her up, and usually this was when Hana drifted away to a blissful sleep. But not today... She woke up with the first ray of sunshine shinning through their window. Apparently she managed to fall asleep, after all. Maxwell stifled a yawn right next to her ear, and Hana blinked lazily at him. “Good morning, beautiful.” His smiled made all her worries fade away, if just for a few moments. “Good morning, love.” She answered, planting a kiss to his cheek. Maxwell giggled giddily, before sitting up. “It’s a little strange being here... After all this time.” He told her, searching her eyes. “Why? We visit all the time.” Hana shrugged, sitting up as well.  Her beautiful yet messy hair fell down on her shoulders, and Maxwell stretched up a hand and pushed a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “Well, yeah, but we just visit. It’s the first public event back in the Corodonian palace we’re about to participate in after... Their wedding day.” Maxwell pointed out. Great. Now he was talking about weddings and making Hana’s stomach twist in her place. She didn’t want to be that needy, husband-hungry girl, but she was raised her whole life to find a suitor. And she didn’t think about it until the media pointed it out, but now... She was wondering whether her and Maxwell had a future together. And she couldn’t push that away from her mind. Of course she wanted them to have... But she also wanted to... Settle down. Settling down and ‘Maxwell’ had very different, far places in the dictionary. “Hey, is everything alright?” Maxwell’s voice brought her back to reality. It turned out that her worries and concerns were showing on her face and Hana cursed herself for not maintaining a straight face like she was used to her whole life. It was just so easy to be herself around Maxwell, she never thought she’d need that. She just nodded and sighed. “I’m just still a bit sleepy.” She let out an excuse, and Maxwell nodded thoughtfully. “Well then, get some more sleep. We have a few more hours ‘till breakfast.” He smiled at her, kissing her temple. Hana nodded. “Okay.” She laid back on her pillow, wondering whether she was making up problems that they didn’t have, or scratching the surfaces of the ones they ignored. She was indeed tired, not being able to fall asleep for most of the night, and she managed to win another hour of sleep before Maxwell woke her up again. “We should be there in twenty.” He smiled at her, letting her know. Hana smiled at him and started to get ready. She thought about the last two years from her new perspective. She could never claim to be “wasting her time” with Maxwell. But was this relationship going anywhere? She shook herself back into reality. She couldn’t be thinking about it right now, she should be getting ready for the big event. And besides. She shouldn’t be thinking like that at all. She convinced herself, and stood up. Maxwell smiled at her brightly, his entire face lightening up. Hana smiled at him too, and got dressed. Maxwell was already ready, but he waited patiently for her. She put on a beautiful, navy dress, and tied her hair up in a loose bun. Smiling to herself at her mirror, she touched up her face with some makeup. “Done.” She announced, gladly, looking around the room. “You look like a goddess.” Maxwell’s breathe nearly hitched, and Hana was reminded of how much he loved and adored her. He always cherished her and made her feel special. Why was she worrying in the first place? Making their way to the grand ballroom, Hana and Maxwell were walking hand in hand. Hana met a few familiar faces, but her attention got drawn by some reporters that were present in the event. Rolling her eyes at them, Hana pulled Maxwell closer, and tried to ignore them as possible. They greeted Liam and Amber, getting to see little Leon again. “He grew so much since the last time we’ve seen him!” Hana commented, excitedly. She took little Leon in her arms, given to her by Amber, and planted a big smooch on his cheek. Leon giggled in bliss, and cuddled up to her. “Babies grow in a rapid pace. Sometimes it feels like we blink and he already learns something new or find some new way to romp the castle.” Amber told her, patting Leon’s back with a loving look in her eyes. Liam nodded in agreement, his hands finding their way to Amber’s waist and wrapping around it. From one look at Amber and Liam, you could clearly see how in-love they were. And Leon was just one more blessing in their life. They loved the little guy dearly. Hana adored him, too. She was named his godmother and there wasn’t a person more excited than her at that moment. “He adores you.” Amber told her, when taking back Leon to go greet other guests. “What’s there not to adore?” Maxwell teased, winking at Amber, who burst into laughter. “You know what? You’re right.” She nodded and started getting to other guests, promising to catch up later. As they got to mingling, Maxwell brought Hana a champagne glass. She took it from him but was still too lost in thought. “Let’s toast?” Maxwell suggested, when Hana didn’t reply. “Oh?” She blinked at him. “Sure.” She quickly put on a smile and locked her eyes with his. “To...?” She asked, eagerly. “I know this party’s about Amber, and Liam, and Leon... But I’d like to propose a toast to... Us.” Maxwell’s eyes twinkled and Hana’s heart melted for a second. He always knew what to say and how to make her heart swoon. “To us?” She repeated, her lips curling up just a little. “Hana... You’re amazing. I love you so much...” Maxwell’s words came out sincere. It was obvious he was speaking from his heart and Hana cursed herself for letting doubts inside her mind. But even knowing it was stupid to worry about it didn’t make her worry any less. “Oh... Maxwell... I love you too.” Still, she didn’t lie when she said she loved him. She truly did. She clinked her glass with his, and they both sipped from their champagne.  “To us.” Maxwell said. “To us.” Hana repeated after him. Eventually, they made their way to the palace’s garden. The celebration was big in her ratio and you could find people all over the palace, but most of them didn’t have access to that part of the castle and they were grateful. They both needed a moment to breathe, but... each of them had their own reasons. “Hana?” Maxwell asked beside her, making her turn back to him and snap back into reality. She was so dreamy in the last few hours she was too busy to notice how nervous he suddenly sounded. “I can’t do this anymore.” She broke out of character, finally letting her heart out with a heavy sigh. Maxwell’s eyes widened, and he seemed to be hiding something back inside his pocket, but Hana wasn’t sure that was what she saw. “What do you mean? Is everything okay?” Maxwell’s voice was worried and his hands immediately rose up to caress her. Hana furrowed her eyebrows and watched him with an equally concerned expression. “Maxwell... Every moment with you is a new adventure. And I love it, believe me... I do. But we can’t keep travelling on for forever. What if you wake up one day and realize that... I’m not what you want? That I’m... too boring for you?” She didn’t see a point in keeping something from Maxwell. His reaction right now will either confirm her worries, or will make them all fade away, for good. And she needed it, no matter the consequences.  “Hana...” His eyes were deep in shock. “Is that why you’ve been acting weird?” He questioned. His hands never left her face, caressing it tenderly. She nodded, lightly, biting at her lower lip. “Hana... Don’t you ever dare think like that...” His voice seemed to almost break. As if he was offended she ever suggested that. “I can never get bored of you...” He made her stop biting her lower lip with his thumb, his touch light as a feather and eyes dark with seriousness. “In fact, I don’t mind to travelling. I think of life as an adventure itself, and getting to spend my life with you, no matter where we are or what we do... Is a adventure itself. There’s never a dull moment with you... You’ve got to know that.” His words speak volumes to her, and her heart flutters as she leans in to kiss Maxwell. As they break apart, her heart feels lighter than it did before. She knew she shouldn’t have listened to those stupid reporters... And yet she did but Maxwell seemed to prove her wrong. And she was glad he did. A blissful smile rose up to her lips and she rested her forehead against his. “Maxwell... I’m so sorry I let something so stupid almost scare me away from you... I love you so much and sometimes it terrifies me. Not in a bad way, I mean...-” She starts mumbling but she can’t keep away how happy and content she’s inside. “I know exactly what you mean.” Maxwell assures her, and looking into his eyes - Hana knows he speaks the truth. “Actually...” He reaches back into the pocket Hana thought she saw him fumbling earlier with. “I’m a little scared myself. But if I’m taking that step forward with you... I’m not scared anymore... Hana...” He takes out a little velvet box out of his pocket, and stands up, kneeling before her. He opens up the box to reveal the most beautiful and unique engagement ring Hana had even seen. “Will you do me the honor, and make me the happiest man on the planet... In becoming my wife?” Her eyes widened. It didn’t even occur to her that he’d propose. Her hands immediately shot up to her face, wiping away tears of joy that started streaming down her face. While in all that bliss she forgot to answer. “Hana?” “Yes yes yes yes YES!” The nickle finally dropped and she jumped from her place, hurrying to attack Maxwell with her hug. His hands caught her just in time, and he spun her around giddily.  When they broke apart, he slipped the beautiful ring on her ring finger, his eyes sparkling. Hana didn’t even need to ask if he was proposing because people were pressuring them into this or because he sincerely, whole-heartily wanted it himself. His face didn’t leave anything to wonder about. Maxwell was smitten with her just as she was with him. Hana wrapped her hands around his neck, pulling him into a kiss. “I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you...” She said when they broke apart. “Me neither.”
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callmetippytumbles · 6 years
What are your Choices OTPs?
This is a good question @grapecaseschoices
I have a few that I kind of ride for.  Of course I stan Liam x MC, I think I like him as an LI the most and he speaks to me.  I do also like Zig x MC, Ben x MC, M! Hayden x MC (well my Mediator Hayden…he is practically a Liam clone), Jax x MC, Lily x MC and Sloane x MC.  
Outside of those pairings, I like quite a few non-canon ships.  Most of which was inspired by fanfiction.  Namien (Nadia x Damien) is one I directly blame on @boneandfur.  I could totally see it and I ship them so much.  She is so soft and fluffy she could break his overly cynical shell but also beat his ass.
I have been on a roller-coaster with Driara.  I like Kiara and she likes Drake.  I want Kiara to be happy and have good dick which Drake can deliver.  However how much emotional strife and bullshit would KiKi have to tolerate to be with him? Is that something I want to put a black woman through?  Especially when Rashad is right there, finally using lotion instead of baby powder to moisturize, has a job and a law degree and is fine and a duke.  Lots to offer.  I am torn.
I also like Hanawell (Hana x Maxwell), though I would prefer that Hana gets herself a stud or a stemme that would take GUD care of her.  
Outside of this, I guess I can be open with some exceptions…I am not out here trying to see a Demon engage in succubus activities.  I don’t need that.
That is all the answer for this I have, thanks for asking @grapecaseschoices
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boneandfur · 6 years
2-Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?: Oooh! ooh! That’s easy: Hana x Maxwell (Hanawell); maybe Dax x Poppy
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andthatisnotfake · 6 years
Top 5 Ships (any fandom) Top 5 Shitposters Top 5 blogs you think other people should follow & why Top 5 best fics you've read in the past month Top 5 cities you've visited
Top 5 Ships (any fandom)1 - Gallavich 2 - Kurtofsky 3 - Vegebul4 - Bertvannah 5 - LarsadieTop 5 Shitposters I follow a bunch of people, but of course I can't remember the names right now, so I'll get back to you about it. Top 5 blogs you think other people should follow & why OMG this is... Sorry, I'll try, but it's so hard because I follow bunch of great people. @whenindoubtapplymoreglitter - science, Hello Kitty, pink, Kylie Minogue and glitter. Why wouldn't you follow Papa Bear? @spookybibi - this girl is the sweetest? I met her in the Kurtofsky fandom and she followed me into the Choices pitfall (girl, you're welcome and also I'm sorry) @youknowyoutried - Elfy hasn't been posting much lately because she's been busy, but not only is she a great writer, she's also super funny and nice @gothika666faerie - my fellow Bertvannah shipper who exchanges headcanons with me on chat 😘 You're the best, girl. @boneandfur - She's super nice, she's funny and her stories are 🔥. I love her Dralivia stories. Top 5 best fics you've read in the past month1 - What Happens in Lythikos - @boneandfur 's Dralivia WIP2 - First Impressions by Allidon (Pride and Prejudice Gallavich AU) 3 - On_Line by flightlessxbird4 - Elephant by @loftec (I love everything she writes, really) 5 - that cute Hanawell + Dralivia fic, sorry, I forgot the authorTop 5 cities you've visited1 - Chicago2 - London3 - Paris4 - NYC5 - Dublin
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softmahito · 7 years
I literally threw everything away and started writing a hana x maxwell fic and I blame you @endless-vall and your hanawell fic for this asdfghjkl 😂😂 thanks 😂💞
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bobasheebaby · 5 years
Maxlivia, Hanawell
Why why why?! I just don’t see it. I’ve seen it written by some excellent writers and still I’m like uh what?!
I could actually see them together. They are great friends and could be a really cute couple.
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the-amethyst-stars · 6 years
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Maxwell throws his fist in the air, ‘oh yeah’ silently coming out of his mouth, until he remembers he is supposed to be proposing. He gets down on one knee, pulling the ring box back out of his pocket.
“Little blossom, would you marry me and become Mrs. Beaumont?” Maxwell grins widely
“Yes, I would love to” Hana smiles
From "Hanawell Series" Chapter 7 - The Ring by @captainkingliam
Maxwell Beaumont face claim : Xavier Serrano 
Hana Lee face claim : Liza Soberano 
The making of this Moodboard is kinda late, sorry, I hope it will do 😢
*all pictures belong to the owners 
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the-amethyst-stars · 6 years
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From "Hanawell" fanfic Chapter 2 by @captainkingliam "Hana is a woman"
Maxwell Beaumont face claim : Xavier Serrano
Hana Lee face claim : Liza Soberano
*all pictures belong to the owners*
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the-amethyst-stars · 6 years
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"Oh Baby" 
Hanawell Series by the talented @captainkingliam
Maxwell is super adorable in this chapter 😍
Maxwell Beaumont face claim : Xavier Serrano 
Hana Lee face claim : Liza Soberano 
*all pictures belong to the owners 
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endless-vall · 6 years
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Hanawell sweet moment~
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the-amethyst-stars · 6 years
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Inspired by @captainkingliam "Hanawell" fanfic. Here's the Moodboard for Chapter 1 of "Hanawell" series.
Hope you liked it! 
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endless-vall · 7 years
Three little words - Maxwell x Hana fanfic
Summary: The homecoming ball might be a big night for Amber and Liam, but he is also significant for Hana, and Maxwell. As they prepare for the big night, Hana reflects on the way leading up to this moment. And as they share a dance in the ball, they finally share their feelings with each other. Author’s note: So this happened? Enjoy! @miss-twombly​ @ifyouseekheart​ Tagging you lovelies since I love reading your responses to my Hanawell fanfics!
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Hana was preparing for the homecoming ball. This was it. It was Amber’s biggest moment, the moment of truth. If she can handle this, she’ll definitely become queen. And Hana was happy for her. She really was. Standing in the boutique, waiting for Amber, she bumped into Olivia. Olivia wouldn’t admit it, but she was a part of their friend-group. Hana shot her a smile, with a gentle glance, and Olivia nodded in agreement. While it was obvious the both of them weren’t in need of a dress, they were both looking for one. For Amber? The nickle finally dropped, and Hana smiled to herself, just outside of Olivia’s notice. Oh, how things have changed, since they just got here for the social season...
She wasn’t even going to mention how mean and rude Olivia was behaving back then, and the progress she’s made since, but the overall-progression of things. How Olivia opened up more, allowing the group to call her somewhat-friend. She helped them with the investigation and even got out with them in a few occasions. Yes, it was still early for Hana to call her a friend, after all they’ve been through, but Hana did know now that, if she needed it, she could trust Olivia. This was such a different concept from the beginning, it was even a little hard to grasp. At the beginning, Hana truthfully came here to win Liam’s hand. Yes, she wasn’t sure it’ll be any different from her first engagement, but she had to do it, for herself and for her parents. Maybe mainly for her parents, but she thought she’d give Liam a chance. The truth was, Liam was wonderful. He was compassionate and considerate and charming, but... He wasn’t IT for her. And while Hana was raised her whole life on the belief of marrying someone she doesn’t love was not only possible but almost certain, as the idea became closer to reality her legs urged her to flee. So when Liam took favorite of Amber, her best-friend of the race, there wasn’t anyone more relieved than she was. And if they’re talking about Amber, this was an even bigger surprise than the last one. She came here for a competition, not to make friends. And usually, the noble ladies weren’t as pleasant and genuine as Amber was, so even had she wanted to make friends, this wasn’t a possibility. Amber surprised Hana since the first night of their meeting. Protecting someone she barely knew and going after her to comfort her wasn’t something just anyone would do. Where else could you find someone like that? The answer was, nowhere. Amber was, one of a kind.  And Hana was happy she and Liam had found each other. It made her believe love still existed in this world. It made her believe in true love. And Amber did so much for her beyond that. From raising her morals and standing up for her, Amber taught her what was truly important. She helped her stand up to her own parents and living her own life. It was everything Hana always wanted, but was too afraid to even dream about. The feeling of freedom and self-fulfillment compromised the fact she was now probably unwelcomed in her own home. Which led her... To the last surprising detail of the turnout of events since the start of the social season. Maxwell. If they were being honest, Hana didn’t come to this competition to fall in love, either. And at first, she didn’t. Maxwell was just a friend. Like Amber, like Liam... Even like Drake. He was this goofy, positive figure that could always cheer her up, or brighten her day, but she never gave it much importance. It was just Maxwell... Y’know? Her feelings for him, haven’t started to develop, until much, much later. Or maybe... She just didn’t realize that they were. There were some subjects that even seemed to put Maxwell and her in two total different areas of the same scale, but somehow... They still found their way to each other. And Hana’s heart never felt more at peace, at home... Than when she was with him. She felt lighter, she felt on fire, she everything in the same time. She... lov- Amber has finally arrived, pushing through the boutique’s doors, and interrupting Hana’s line of thought. “Amber!” She exclaimed, going towards her direction, holding a beautiful pink dress. Olivia approached them too, with an equally beautiful dress, in the color of gold. After chatting a little, Amber picked out Olivia’s dress. There was no denying it, Amber looked glamorous. “Ready?” She asked Amber. Amber smiled at her. “Like I never was before.” She assured her. All three of them smiling, they got out of the boutique, and went back to their rooms to get ready. Hana wore her Chinese dress, the one she herself made, and pulled her hair in an up-do, they way she knew Maxwell liked it. A light blush crept to her cheeks as she watched herself in the mirror.  Look at her. Tying her hair a certain way just because she knew a boy liked it. Well... This wasn’t just any boy, and she did look great wearing it that way. A knock on her door cuts off her concentration again, and she turns around, just finishing touching up. “I’m almost ready!” She calls in response, wearing her heels. “Sweetheart, we should get going, the ball’s about to start!” Maxwell’s voice is heard through the door. “Sweetheart?” She opens it up, for him to come in, and questions in an amused tone. Not because she’s making fun of him, no... “You don’t like it?” He makes a pout-y face. Maxwell’s wearing a suit, and he truly looks... Handsome. “I love it.” She boops his nose, and giggles. Maxwell shakes his head in response, but gives in and chuckles with her. “Are you ready?” He looks her up and down. “You look stunning.” “Aw, thank you. Yes... I am, now.” She smiles, and takes his hand. “Shall we?--” Before she can finish her sentence, Maxwell pulls her in into a long, passionate kiss. He presses his lips to her, trailing wet kisses along it, and pulling her even closer. Hana doesn’t question his doings, and wraps her hands around his neck. Getting on her tip-toes, she kisses back just as hard as he does.   “What was that for?” She asks, when they finally break apart, grinning from ear to ear, still a bit dizzy. “I can’t kiss you like that in the ball in front of everyone, so I might as well do it right here...” Maxwell confesses, holding a hand over his neck. Chuckling, Hana nods. “You’re probably right. Bertrand would especially not like it.” She notes, and Maxwell nods enthusiastically.  Then, they go out, hand in hand, and make their way to the ballroom. “Maxwell Beaumont, and Lady Hana Lee!” The announcer announces their presence, and they make their way down the stairs. A few knowing glances, a few photos by the media, and they’re in. “Dance with me?” Maxwell asks, after Liam and Amber had shared their first dance for the night, extending a hand for Hana. “Sure.” She smiles at him, taking him on his offer. Something about this night... Is different. Hana feels nervous. Not bad-nervous... but good. Like her heart is going to burst out of her chest, from the intensity of her feelings towards... The man in front of her. “Do you ever feel alone in a room full of people?” He suddenly asks, and Hana looks up at him. She meets his eyes, and can see a sparkle shining in them. Maybe he was feeling the same way... “Not anymore.” She assures him, resting her head against his shoulder, as they waltz to a classic melody. She can feel Maxwell smiling at her answer. “Good. Neither am I.” He lets her know, and she looks up back at him, glad. “Hana-” “Maxwell, I-” They both end up blushing, looking at each other, a little bit lost, but mostly, flushed. “You go first.” She tells him, suppressing a smile. “Okay.” He nods. “Hana, I... Feel the same way. Actually, I’ve never felt this way, before I met you.” He begins. “And the more I spend time with you... The more I’m sure.” He smiles. “Sure? About what?” She can’t help but ask. “That... I love you.” He finally lets it out, and Hana has to hold in the urge to screech. They continue to dance for a few long seconds, not saying anything but searching in each other’s eyes. “Hana...?” Maxwell bites at his lip. “You don’t have to s-” “That’s exactly what I wanted to tell you!” She cuts him off, unable to suppress anything any longer. She breaks out from the perfect routine they were doing, and pulls him back into the crowd. Passing by countless faces, she finally pulls him in one of the balcony’s. “Maxwell...” At least there, they can have some privacy. She wraps her hands around his neck, not as eager as before - They were still in the presence of the whole court, just one door swing away - And pulls him into her embrace. “I... Love you too.” She finally says those three little words. The words that can change her whole life. She didn’t come here to fall in love. But she did. He kisses her briefly, before taking her in his arms and spinning her around. Hana’s laughter can be heard through the doors, probably, but they don’t care. The music will muffle it, anyway. He finally sets her down, after awhile, both giggling and just... In love. “You know, maybe I do feel alone in a room full of people.” She tells him. “You do?” An automatic, worried expression rises to his face, as he turns to her. “Alone... with you.” She winks at him. He snorts at her. “Like there’s no one else besides us in the whole world?” He asks, and Hana can see he knows what she’s meaning. “Exactly.”
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endless-vall · 6 years
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Liamber sharing a dance ~ (Special thanks to @helentwombly for coming up with the ship name! It’s genius!)
Bonus Dralivia:
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endless-vall · 6 years
hanaleine >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hanawell
If you'd rather have Hana with someone who psychologically taunted her simply for laughs than with a sweet and caring person it's your choice 🤷‍♀️
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