#hand wave ir sensor switch
cinakira · 1 year
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dual function IR sensor switches for 12V led lights .(hand wave sensor and door trigger sensor )
mini shape and easy installation .
IR motion sensor switch#IR sensor switch # 12v ir sensor switch#
ir door sensor switch#
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anonthenullifier · 4 years
Hiii!!! I just finished reading your Snapshots fic on ao3 and they're all amazing!!! I love how you write the family dynamics between the kids and wanda/vision, they're all vv sweet and I'm here for it!! Do u think tommy and billy ever did a parent trap kind of switch for some reason?
Thank you so much! 😁 This was a fun ask and I hope you enjoy! 
The sizzle of butter in the skillet provides a lively accompaniment to Wanda’s aggravation about the morning’s latest headline - one claiming that Tony Stark was personally responsible for the matchmaking that brought Vision and his lovely, currently scarlet eyed, wife together. It’s a claim not without some merit, if not for Tony’s involvement in Ultron’s creation and then in Vision’s own birth, he never would have been alive to fall so deeply in love with Wanda; however, as with most claims involving Tony it is also inherently hyperbolic. Had the billionaire actually been involved in Vision’s romantic pursuits, there is a very high probability that Wanda would have run the other direction.
“And you know what else it said?”
Vision scoops the pancake batter carefully into the buttered skillet as he responds, “What?”
“That he’s the reason Billy and Tommy want to be Avengers.” The only reason Wanda’s tea does not spill over the edge as she gesticulates out her anger is because she has wrapped it in a sheen of red. “Him!”
Grandiose sense of self worth is a rather glaring fault in the Stark family, a symptom Vision thankfully bypassed, no doubt due to the humble yet confident influence of Dr. Cho. “It is an unfair and misleading statement,” this diffuses her ire enough for her to take a sip of tea, “all that truly matters,” momentarily he turns from the stove to wrap his fingers around her upper arms and stare intently into her eyes, “is that we continue encouraging our sons to be their best selves, even if our work is never publicly acknowledged.”
Finally her face softens, the disdain etched into the lines of her forehead smoothing out with the roll of her eyes, “Fine.” Vision lays a peck to her forehead before turning back to rescue the almost burnt pancakes, “but wouldn’t it be nice if someone praised us for once?”
“It would.”
“Morning mom, dad.”
“Good morning Bil…” Vision’s mouth stops mid-greeting, brain a bit frenzied at the mixed signals he is receiving. The voice that just greeted him registers as Billy and yet the boy in front of him is sporting Tommy’s signature snowy hair and athletic clothing. “Um…”
“Tommy,” Wanda’s acknowledgement of their son should clarify everything, yet he can sense an odd amusement in the way she says the name, “why don’t you sit down, your father’s almost done with breakfast.”
To further add to the confusion of the moment, Tommy merely flashes them a grin (no snarky comment nor demands for it to cook faster) and then slides into Billy’s seat at the table.
Wanda’s hand comes to rest on Vision’s back, her voice low and a bit giddy, “This is going to be entertaining.”
“What is?”
“Just wait…” No further information is provided other than a wink.
Vision attempts to shove his curiosity and need to ask for more clarity down, instead channeling all of his energy into the pancakes and not burning them. Success at this repression endeavor is fleeting, the moment he turns to put the plate on the table, he cannot help but ask a question. “Where is your brother?” A glance up confirms it is three minutes past their usual breakfast time. Billy, like Vision, believes in punctuality and that being five minutes early is on time and being on time is late. For him to be late by normative standards is concerning. “It is unlike him to be late.”
Tommy chokes on his orange juice, eyes a tad wild as he twists around to look at the clock. “Um, I’ll go-“
“Good morning everyone!” Billy waltzes in with a cheery grin, his overall presence gregarious and brash, neither a word typically associated with him. His unusual mood  is highlighted all the more by  the uncharacteristically sloppy way his sweater is buttoned. “I’m famished.” A sentiment rarely shared by Billy.
Vision is torn between staring at his sons and seeking out Wanda’s reaction to whatever is happening in their kitchen. “Tommy,” his brother's name is overly enunciated, and the question, “Why are you in my seat?” asked with annoyance.
“Oh, sorry,” Tommy apologizes quickly, a first for sure, and then slides over to his normal chair.
This is, for want of a better word, weird.
Wanda, somehow, is making everyday small talk with their sons but Vision doesn’t process what is said, too focused on studying his children and the bevy of possibilities for why they seem so off. The initial fear is that they are Skrulls or some other shape shifting creature, a possibility they have sadly lived through before, not with the boys but on a mission with the Avengers. A vitals and physiology scan disconfirms this hypothesis (thankfully), the two bodies across the table are his sons. Despite this Tommy is eating at a snail’s pace, knife and fork working with precise movements to portion out perfect sized bites while Billy is going fast and loose with his fork, each bite different from the last. It also seems like Billy’s hair is a slightly different shade than usual, a tinge of cinnamon in his typically chestnut hair. Perhaps they have wandered into the multiverse yet again, though Wanda is his Wanda, he is certain of that and she seems to be more amused than concerned. Which means there must be a logical explanation.
Vision decides perhaps listening to the conversation at the table will better aid him. “Are you ready for the big math test today?” This is directed at Tommy, a pre-algebra exam Vision has spent several nights helping him study for.
Contrary to the numerous breakdowns that informed Vision that his son was going to fail so why bother trying, this morning Tommy seems...optimistic. “Yeah, dad’s prepared me well,” and overtly gracious.
“And Billy,” Wanda nudges Vision’s foot as she talks, always a sign he needs to get out of his head and pay attention, “today’s the mile run in gym, right?”
“Yep,” Billy answers while shoving a pancake into his mouth, continuing to talk while he chews, “gonna beat my record for sure.” This comment, and the smarmy confidence behind it, sets a new hypothesis into motion.  
Vision runs a second vitals scan, this time focusing on heart rate and brain waves. The results are surprising yet informative, but just to be sure, he recalibrates his sensors, scans again, and re-analyzes it, not wanting to make an erroneous conclusion if his sensors were off. The results match his last scan and the oddities suddenly make sense. Finally figured it out? He turns towards Wanda, her face set with impish victory typically reserved for when she bests him at training. A dip of his chin affirms her telepathic comment though his own mood is nowhere near as bubbly as hers because despite knowing the truth now, it does not actually alleviate any of his concern, in fact it breeds several other pathways of uncertainty. Follow my lead.  
The devious undertone of his wife’s comment transforms into an innocent smile as she addresses their sons. “Well boys,” both of their sons look up, “since it’s such a big day, we should celebrate later.” A shared look occurs between Billy and Tommy, one that Vision can’t quite label appropriately, a mix of excitement, bafflement, and victory.
‘Billy’ prods for more, his fork tapping the plate at roughly 200 clinks per minute. “Like what?”
Wanda is so natural at uncovering their lies that Vision can only sit back in awe at the way she effortlessly teases out the truth, “I need to meet with Strange later today, so Billy you can come along and we can ask if he’s finally willing to start training you to be a sorcerer.”
The current Tommy stares mouth agape at the offer, while the current Billy seems unimpressed, “Oh, um yeah, that’d be cool.”
“And Tommy,” Wanda reaches out to grab Vision’s hand, a gesture that is blissfully common but is right now no doubt meant to really drive home the offer, “Your father was going to do some speed trials this afternoon, maybe he can call the school so you can leave a period early and join him.” Vision was not going to do this but he withholds that knowledge so he doesn’t hinder his wife’s plan.
Tommy and Billy turn towards each other, no verbal words exchanged but Vision can easily recognize one of their telepathic conversations—bodies tense, their faces fluttering through a range of emotions, and eyebrows moving in emphasis of whatever comments they’re making. They break and ‘Tommy’ addresses the offer, “Billy has gym in 8th period.”
“Which is why he and I are going to meet with Stephen after school.” Wanda takes a deliberately long sip of her tea to let the information really settle in.
Their tactics switch to the other offer.“Isn’t uh truancy a pretty big deal, you know, if I,” ‘Billy’ catches himself, “Tommy were to leave early.
Vision decides he should aid in some way, voice matter of fact as he responds, “I do believe Tommy has a free period at that time. Plus,” thankfully this next part is not a lie or else Vision would feel guilty saying it, “I have to attend the PTA meeting tonight so we cannot wait until school is out if we would like to get a full session of training in.”
Another deep, very animated mental conversation occurs across the table, one that leads to an exaggerated roll of his wife’s eyes. “What if…”
Wanda cuts off the next suggestion, clearly done with the game, “Just accept that you’ve been caught.”
The two faces across from them are polar opposite, one shining with defiance and the other defeat. With a sigh, Tommy’s white hair darkens into chestnut, the real Billy slouching deep into his chair. His brother is not amused, “Are you really breaking that easily?”
Vision checks the time, noting their bus will arrive in less than 10 minutes. “Boys,” there are several things he wants to say, from questioning Tommy’s brown hair to why they thought they’d get away with it, but he decides those can wait, “perhaps instead of our planned celebrations tonight, we have a discussion on the harms of deception.”
Tommy, the real one, executes a perfect Maximoff eye roll, never one to appreciate the life lesson evenings that correspond with poor behavior. “It was just a joke.”
“I do not find it humorous.” And Vision does not, a deep despair blossoming in his chest at what his sons have attempted and what it means for how their sons view them, whether they think they are not loved enough nor noticed enough to be recognized by their own parents. “You intended to utilize this...joke for personal gain.”
Wanda cuts in, hand coming to rest on Vision’s thigh with a light, reassuring squeeze. “Why don’t you both change. The bus will be here soon. We’ll talk more tonight.” Muttered yes, mom s are lost in the scraping of their chairs against the wooden floor. “Tommy.”
“Did you dye your hair?”
“Yep,” Tommy runs his hand through his darkened locks, “the box called it chili chocolate.”
Wanda smirks, finding this far more endearing than Vision. “Just promise to use it responsibly.”
A not fully convincing salute goes along with Tommy’s, “Roger that,” and then he runs off in a blur.
“Wanda,” Vision waits until she looks at him, a bit unnerved that she does not seem to show any of the same concern for what just happened. “Are you not troubled at their flagrant disregard for honesty?”
Her eyebrows arch up, lips pursed the way they are whenever he has misassessed human nature and she needs to find a way to gently talk him through it. “It’s kind of a twin rite of passage.”
This is not forthcoming nor satisfying. “Did you and Pietro do this as well?”
“Once or twice.” His confusion must be evident, her lips curving up into a reminiscent mischief. “We weren’t good at it, especially once we were older. But you have to try.”
“Do you?”
A nod confirms the apparent necessity of such an experiment, though no further explanation is provided for Vision to comprehend why it is required. “You’ve never seen the Parent Trap, have you?”
“I have not.”
Scarlet energy entangles itself around the dishes at the table, floating them into the sink and away from their responsibility for now. “Come on,” Wanda stands and tugs on Vision’s hand, drawing him up out of his seat and then leading him into the living room. As she lightly pushes him to sit in the couch, a rush of feet, a banging door and a quick bye! marks the start of the school day, leaving them alone until this afternoon. “Want to watch a movie?”
“I suppose,” he wraps his arm around her shoulders after she sits next to him, pulling her closer and relishing the comfort of her head on his chest, “if it provides adequate research to understanding this cultural necessity of deceit, then yes.”
“And if it doesn’t?”
Vision considers the comment a touch longer than needed, just enough for her to look up at him in anticipation, “if it means a day spent with you,” he kisses her deeply, mirroring the soft curve of her lips as he pulls away,”then it is still a yes.”
“Good.” The tv turns on and his education begins.
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gumnut-logic · 4 years
Who do you save, John? (Bit 5a)
Bit 1 | Bit 2 | Bit 3 | Bit 4 | Bit 5a
Again in a hurry, I have no idea what I’ve written, sorry.
For @5hadow-alpha cos they wanted Shopping and a Tracy brother. They may have gotten more than one :D
John was shopping.
Well, he claimed to be. This activity did not resemble any of the other processes her father used to ‘shop’. Usually it involved scrolling through garments on the holoprojector until he found something he liked and shed credit tokens to order it.
Attending a family gathering where they all apparently disrobed together wasn’t something he had done before.
This was the second time in a matter of weeks.
And she did not like it at all.
She was well aware of John’s need for privacy, and he had reiterated it at length earlier before cutting her off. Not only was he not speaking to her, but because he was removing his clothes for this ritual, both his body sensors and comms were disconnected and left on the floor of some changing room.
It made her uncomfortable to be out of contact with him for long. She disliked it when he left Thunderbird Five at all. It took him out of her reach, out of her control.
Out of her protection.
John claimed she did not have to worry. It was a tailor’s shop in London. IR security would be on hand. It was a reputable place. All the staff had been vetted thoroughly.
He had warned her off peering through security cameras, reminding her that Virgil still hadn’t forgiven her for surprising him in the shower with a question about his body hair.
If there was a human rules directory somewhere that listed comparing red and black body hair as a faux pas, John was being a neglectful parent for not recommending it to her.
Cultural etiquette was confusing.
Eos wasn’t allowed to peer inside the rooms John and his brothers were currently inhabiting, but that didn’t stop her from skipping between street cams, the hallway security monitors in the residential apartments above the shop.
Two emergency calls came in simultaneously and she automatically sorted them and shunted one to Ethiopian authorities and the other to the London Metropolitan Fire department.
Cass McCready enquired after Virgil, of course. She was moving fast, yelling instructions, but each time International Rescue contacted her, she always had a word for the second eldest Tracy.
Eos excused Virgil by calmly stating that he was currently trying clothes on with his brothers and unavailable at this time.
Ms McCready didn’t answer that.
The brief flurry of activity was quick and it left her still staring down at that building in the middle of London. The fire was unrelated, but Eos kept an eye on it as the MFS attended.
A check in on Kayo, Mrs Tracy, the Mechanic, Hiram...all were fine. She spent an extra moment staring at Kayo. The woman had her knee in someone’s back on the floor. The person appeared not to appreciate it and was using language that Eos had been forbidden to exercise by Mrs Tracy.
Eos could not see why she wasn’t allowed when he was.
But Kayo was in control and had the man secured within seconds.
Eos let out an electronic sigh.
Another skip around the perimeter of the building, dipping into cameras and sensors, there was no sign of threat, just as John expected.
She was still on edge.
She didn’t like it when he was away.
It wasn’t loud, but it stopped everything.
Little more than a pop, a flick of warm moisture on his cheek, a sudden hot burning in his arm and a thud into the wall behind him.
Alan staggered.
Timothy threw off Alan’s two brothers. Scott received a kick in his midriff that threw him halfway across the room.
Gordon was backhanded in the face, despite moving so fast he was a blur.
Virgil had a fist in Alan’s shirt, holding him back. Time seemed so slow. The pain in his arm flared.
John was moving in slow motion, his eyes on Alan.
“Stop!” The gun whipped around and pointed at the older astronaut.
The room froze, the only sounds that of harsh breathing.
“He’s...got a detonator.” Virgil’s voice was breathless.
“Yes, I do. So don’t mess with me.” Timothy glared at a wheezing Scott on the floor, as he waved the appropriate fist at them.
John’s eyes were still on Alan as he reached for Gordon. The aquanaut was clutching his face.
As Virgil let go of him, Alan glanced down at his arm. The suit material was burnt and stained with blood. His own and...
Red flecks sprayed all over the light linen.
Alan’s eyes widened as the bullet’s trajectory formed in his head.
His brother turned to him automatically, his body twisting. “Allie, I...” A groan and he staggered. Alan didn’t think, he just moved, grabbing at his brother, breaking his fall.
Oh, god, oh, god, oh, god...
He was vaguely aware of his father helping him lower Virgil to the ground, but Alan had switched to first responder mode, his brain assessing injury, running procedures that were reflex and fast.
Virgil’s charcoal suit had a neat hole on the right side of his chest. It burnt straight through expensive fabric, through the green silk shirt.
Buttons flew as Alan tore off his brother’s clothes, getting to the wound underneath. The entrance wound was nastily neat, only dribbling a trail of blood, but as his father helped roll over his brother, the exit wound was anything but, a pool of blood forming on the dark suit jacket below.
“Allie...” His brother groaned.
“Don’t talk, Virgil.” His voice was sharp.
A sudden tearing of material and Scott’s hand appeared in his peripheral vision full of shirt cum bandage. The commander slid to his knees beside him, a hand landing on Virgil’s leg.
Alan was packing the wound without thinking.
He couldn’t afford to think.
“Oooh, he got himself shot.” Timothy took a step forward, but John rounded on him, placing himself bodily between the gunman and his prone brothers.
“John!” His Dad’s voice was worried.
Alan’s fingers were covered in blood.
“What do you want of us?” John’s voice was ever so cold and threatening.
“I told you to stop talking, Virgil.” The spot of blood on Virgil’s lips chilled Alan to the bone.
More material was torn, this time from his father’s shirt. Wrap, secure, add pressure.
Virgil cried out.
Alan blinked rapidly.
“What do I want? I want you to make a choice.” A snort and that fisted hand waved in Virgil’s direction. “And this just makes it easier.”
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minaa-munch · 4 years
Miniature Meta: Sensory Nin and a little bit on Minato || Sidenote: As always, this is my interpretation. Yours may differ. Which is fine. 
So...how does one sensor-ify? It is not a skill that can be learnt, per se. Some are simply borne with an innate sensitivity to different chakra frequencies. 
That isn’t to say however, that those born without this sensitivity are unable to sense certain chakra signatures; it can be acquired through enough practice [such as meditation, mastery over Yin release, sage training] - in fact, experienced shinobi [Densetsu Sanin, Hatake Sakumo, certain Jōnin] are able to identify certain, lesser known wavelengths over a restricted peripheral. 
I believe its roots lie in ninshū and ninjutsu. Why? Brace thyselves-- 
Ninshu is the ideology behind ninjutsu - to connect people spiritually, for the sake of understanding one another, peace and harmony. Ninshu stems from Hagoromo, though it got manipulated and abused into ninjutsu [because have you seen the number of conflicts and reincarnations? Shinobi = collectively thick headed] before Naruto’s talk no jutsu restored the balance somewhat. Not to say they don’t use ninjutsu anymore - the ideology is simply less corrosive because everyone is friends now. 
Back to ninshu: the concept of sharing spiritual energies in order to connect with others foreshadows the sensory peripheral. Certain clans, such as the Uzumaki, inherited this aspect from the source itself whereas other clans - such as the Yamanaka, probably acquired it early on and managed to nurture [yay inbreeding] it to the point of ‘sensory-ness’ being a clan specialty. 
Important to note: Not every clansman manifests the trait in the same way, as evidenced by the fact that not every Uzumaki or Senju [sole exception being Tobirama so far] is born with the innate skill. The nuance of being able to ‘sense’ emotions/chakra/auras could apply differently. The same stands for other clans in other regions who manage to ‘sense’ different aspects. That however, is a conversation for another meta.
Chakra and energies rely on certain signatures - wavelengths, if you will. [evidenced by Nagato controlling several bodies via rods] Naturally, since every chakra signature involves certain wavelengths, a sensor type would have to actively switch to receptor mode so as to open all the channels, in a manner of speaking [kinda like a nifty human antenna]. The Yamanaka were quite adept at it.   
Yin release ties into this because it deals with spiritual energy and the subconscious/unconscious. It isn’t explored in the manga as much, but I’ve exchanged a word or two with @senjutsunade​ about how Tsunade’s mastery over Yin release [as evidenced by her byakugo seal] makes her better at sensing certain energies - the trait would manifest in Sakura likewise. Perhaps not as skilled as an innate sensor type, but better than most others [though I believe sage training would make them just as adept as a sensor, probably even better].
Speaking of senjutsu and the sage realm -- tis one that relies on natural energies irrespective of chakra. The sensory range of a sage far out-strips that of an innate sensor - they can sense ‘life’, irrespective of chakra wavelengths over a wide spectrum. That would explain why sages and certain summons can track/trace/be inherently aware of their surroundings. By certain summons, I would like to refer to Kakashi’s Inue spirits in particular - they are not exactly dogs, per se, but they are excellent trackers [the inue symbolism thingus is an added bonus]. I’ve bugged @konohagakurekakashi​ about it quite a bit and there’s an interesting little detail they chalked out: his summons aren’t entirely dependent on scent, as they are on lingering strands of natural/spiritual energy. They are more spiritually aware of their surroundings and that in itself, makes them superior trackers. 
Additional note: Taoism could be considered a very loose signifier with regards to senjutsu as a signified, but if I were to start on that, this post would turn into a freaking chapter. Er...another post, maybe? [Unless you want a crash course on Saussure and the Taoist narrative @@ Maa...]
On to Minato: I’ve already tackled the bit about him being a sensor in this post. His fighting style is wholly dependent on the fact. [Here I repeat myself] Minato is an excellent sensor, as evidenced by the manga [239]. His sensory peripheral extends to a wide radius, and if he had had enough time to master senjutsu, it would have complimented his adaption of the Hiraishin to a devastating degree. 
Though...senjutsu would make him ridiculously OP [insert dismissive hand wave gesture] lets just pause here and leave Minato as the sneaky little bastard that he is. Here’s an excerpt [appendix A] from a history scroll I made up: 
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Advantages: A tactical upper-hand. This can be elucidated in Minato and Tobirama’s battle tact, as observed in the Fourth Shinobi War. Also, lets not forget the fact that Ino managed to telepathically connect everyone because she was an exemplary sensor - her skills lay in telepathy and projection, whereas the dead kages were more inclined towards instant execution. [Hiraishin does that to people]
Disadvantages: Increased sensitivity which may leave an inexperienced sensory nin vulnerable. There is something called sensory overload, which would make...sense [badum ts] in this scenario. 
Personal headcanon: Minato, in particular, has trouble holding his liquor in the early days - primarily because too much of it makes him acutely sensitive to the various frequencies littered around his sensory peripheral. He could be described as the ‘passed-out’ drunk [something his fellow Jonin have yet to let him forget]. This reaction gets better with experience, as the ‘switch’ to sensory mode becomes more defined, more...controlled, in a manner of speaking. ‘Tis ninja science! 
Also, he’s a lightweight because I find it hilarious. ^^ Its the perfect chink in the armor for well meaning [cough] comrades to exploit. Makes him more human -- demo, feel free to disagree. I am but a humble blog with nary a point to prove. 
P.s. The Shippuden manga is my primary source of information. The anime is secondary and therefore, unsavory. I did however, consult Narutopedia - but only because it has an interesting note on the script - the hiragana used for ‘senjutsu’ and ‘sensory’. The links for Yin, Ninshuu and Ninjutsu have been included for a basic understanding. 
Further P.s. My metas/headcanons have a habit of attracting anon ire. Apologies if this post offends you in any way or form - ‘twas not intended. 
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eshinestore · 3 years
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https://eshinestore.com/ - Hand wave IR Sensor is hand wave activated, touchless dimming control! hold your hand under the sensor to adjust the brightness of all lights in the same chain. no remote needed, lights turn on/off with a simple wave. connect this switch to existing lighting and enjoy with hand wave activation
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nuttydefendoryouth · 3 years
Best smart bulbs for your connected home
Smart LED bulbs that can be controlled by a hub or smartphone app are no longer a new idea. What is new is how far this technology has come since its advent just a few years ago. Also new: Products like the Nanoleaf Light Panels—a system of interlocking LED panels that let you decorate with light—fundamentally change the light-bulb concept.
Smart LED bulbs aren’t quite a commodity, but they are getting close to maturity as far as the market goes. Today’s bulbs are more compact, much brighter, have better color representation, and, for the most part, feature control apps that do more than ever and are easier to set up. Prices have also come down, with some no-name color-tunable bulbs now available for less than $10 each. (Buyer beware: You get what you pay for.)
With their rainbow of hues and myriad party tricks, color LEDs get all the press in the world of smart lighting. It’s fun stuff, but the reality is that most of us will rarely find much of a need to turn all the lights in the house blue or red—unless it’s time to celebrate our team winning the World Series. Even then, you’ll probably want to turn them all back to white after the celebration.
White light is also important in its own right, as today there is plenty of science to show how various shades of white—with variations in color temperature—impact our psychological state. Cool light that’s closer to blue has an energizing effect, and is best in the morning. Warm light is relaxing, and is best after the sun goes down. Note, however, that not every white smart LED light is color-temperature-tunable. Check out the specs before you buy.
White smart bulbs downplay the party features that are a staple of color-tunable bulbs. On the other hand, white smart bulbs are less expensive than color bulbs, making it more affordable to roll them out in multiple rooms.
We’ve tested just about every color and white smart LED bulb on the market. You’ll find links to all our reviews at the bottom of the page, and we’ll update this story as new models are introduced.
Philips was one of the first players in this market, and the company’s experience shows. Physically, its Hue Color and Ambiance bulbs haven’t changed much since their introduction in late 2012, but the latest generation lasts a lot longer and the company has added a Bluetooth radio that obviates the need for the Philips Hue Bridge (but most smart home denizens will want the Bridge anyway). The Philips Hue ecosystem is the industry’s deepest and broadest, including not only bulbs of every shape and size imaginable, but also indoor and outdoor fixtures as well, including the Philips Hue Calla pathway light and the Philips Hue Lily outdoor spotlight, both of which we like very much.
LIFX is a very strong competitor in the smart lighting space and comes a very close second place in our roundup. LIFX no longer has just A19 and BR30 form factors to offer, and we really like its unique  LIFX+ (which has an array of infrared LEDs that will help your home security camera see in the dark), but Philips still delivers much more diversity in its ecosystem and universe of third-party support.
Our choice won’t surprise anyone who’s been following this market. Philips dominates this space and is also our top pick for best color LED smart bulb. The latest Hue bulbs can be controlled via Bluetooth or Zigbee (the latter requires the Philips Hue Bridge), they deliver high-quality light, and are backed by a strong warranty. We received the BR30 form factor for our review, but the bulb is also available in A19, candelabra, and even with vintage-style LED filaments.
The new Cree Connected Max line of smart bulbs is agressively priced and available in all the most popular form factors: A19, A21, BR30, and PAR38. The A19 Tunable White + Color Changing bulb we reviewed costs just $10, and it supports both Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, so you don’t need to factor in the added cost of a hub to integrate it into your smart home. It’s a very good product.
Most home security cameras are equipped with infrared LEDs to deliver a semblance of night vision. the LIFX+ is equipped with infrared LEDs of its own, which are active even when the bulb is turned off via software. Infrared light is invisible to the naked eye, but the LIFX+ can bathe a room in it so that your security camera can see more of the room and in more detail than it can with its own infrared LEDs.
The 2020 version of the Philips Hue Lightstrip Plus LED is the only strip light to support both Bluetooth and the more robust Zigbee protocol (if you’re willing to pay for the required bridge to connect it to your Wi-Fi network, that is). The very nature of LED light strips renders them delicate devices, and the first review product we received broke after a short amount of time (the second one is holding up just fine). But we haven’t encountered a competing device that’s as versatile as this one.
Smart light bulb protocols and features
Three control technologies continue to vie for leadership in the smart downlight market (Z-Wave is a major contender in smart lighting, but you won’t encounter it in bulbs—just in switches, plug-in modules, control panels, and smart-home hubs).
Zigbee: Bulbs that use the popular smart-home networking protocol require a bridge to communicate with your home Wi-Fi network. This is the technology Philips has adopted for its Hue lineup, but it’s not the only one.
Wi-Fi: This class of bulb talks directly to your Wi-Fi router, no hub or bridge required. LIFX and TP-Link both manufacture excellent Wi-Fi smart bulbs, but neither company comes close to Signify’s Philips Hue lineup in terms of the depth and breadth of the Hue ecosystem.
Bluetooth: These bulbs skip your home network altogether and pair directly with your smartphone or tablet. As such, they can’t be controlled from outside your home. GE and a number of other manufacturers make Bluetooth bulbs, some of better quality than others. Signify has recently added Bluetooth radios to its Philips Hue line of smart GU10 spotlight, which eliminates the need to deploy the Philips Hue Bridge. Taking the bridge out of the equation reduces the overall cost of deployment, but adds some limitations. You can read more in our review of the new Philips Hue bulbs.
Each of these technologies has pros and cons, so before you attempt to settle on a specific bulb, first try to determine which tech is right for you. If you want to hook your bulbs into a broader smart-home system—such as SmartThings or Nest—Bluetooth bulbs are out. You can control more than one bulb with your phone, but you can’t connect it to sensors or other systems inside your home. Don’t like the idea of pairing a bulb to your phone? A Wi-Fi bulb will work best for you, though you won’t have quite as many options as you’ll find with a Zigbee product.
Smart bulb, or smart switch?
There’s a significant argument about the best way to install smart lighting, and two approaches present themselves. You can either go with expensive smart bulbs and control them all individually, or you can use cheap dumb bulbs and install smart switches to control all the lights on that circuit. Both approaches make sense: With smart bulbs, the biggest issue is cost, but there’s also complexity to deal with. While bulbs can usually be grouped based on location, this is only as intuitive to manage as the bulb control app.
Smart switches, on the other hand, are far more complicated to install—to the point where some users might be uncomfortable dealing with exposed wiring and would prefer to hire an electrician. Smart switches, however, provide more flexibility in many installations.
Habituated from years of flipping hard-wired switches, many users (or their children) will instinctively use the wall switch to turn the lights out when they leave a room. Once that happens, all the apps in the world won’t be able to turn the light back on until the switch is returned to the on position. While this won’t be an issue if you install smart switches, they can’t change a bulb’s color or color temperature.
That said, smart bulbs, no matter what the technology, still won’t be right for everyone. Notably, most of these bulbs cannot be dimmed via a hardwired wall switch (it messes with the power going to the radio, rendering them useless). Some will fail even if a dimmer is present on the circuit and dialed up to full power. The quality of light from an LED bulb is likely to be much, much better.
The good news is that bulb prices are going down, so it’s easier to get started with 2.4G/IR LED bulb and less punishing should you find that a product doesn’t work for you. That said, we want to get you started on the right foot. So without further ado, here are deep dives into the most worthwhile color and white LED smart bulbs on the market.
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steamlore · 3 years
High Fleet - Radar, Aircraft, Ship Systems & Nuclear Warfare
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Brief overview on the unexplained game systems for the junior Tarkhan. Good knowledge on these concepts are crucial for your success in any operation.
High Fleet Radar, Aircraft, Ship Systems & Nuclear Warfare
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High Fleet Radar Radars are detection systems that use radio waves to detect objects.OPERATION - Press the 1 button to conduct a single sweep. - Press the infinity button to conduct continuous sweeps. Or if already active, turn off the radar. - Toggle the sector search to confine your radar to a cone and increase the speed of the sweeps. - Toggle the ground knob to switch to ground sweeping - Adjust the knob to change the facing of the cone in a sector search. INFORMATION - Radars have certain ranges depending on the specifications on a ship. - In the picture above, you can see the overall radar range, and the tracking range. - Enemies within the tracking range will be visible on the map and your missiles will hone in to their location unless they are using jammers. Enemies outside the tracking range will only be visible in the module. - Note the location of the friendly ship in both the radar module and the map. The dot in the module is in the same location as the position on the map. !WARNING! - Your radar range is decreased while landed. - Enemy ships are only visible to the radar while they are in flight. Radar does not detect landed ships, this works vice versa. !When your radar is on, you are much more visible to strike fleets due to enemy ELINT (see ship system section below).! - The game does not pause if the enemy enters your radar range when you have them detected by ELINT. PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO THE BLINKING BLUE "CONTACT" LIGHT. - Enemy jammers are very good at confusing the radar and it will hide them even when they are in your tracking range. They also decrease the effectiveness of your non anti radiation nuclear/normal missiles (See nuclear warfare section). But enemies with jammers on are giant magnets for anti radiation missiles.
The Romani Fleet uses jet fighters on their aircraft carriers. PREPARATION Fighter armament is bought in the special ammo section in towns.
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HighFleet Aircraft Rocket There are two types of fighters, The T-7
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High Fleet Aircraft Rockets The LA-29
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High Fleet Aircraft Rockets As you can see, the T-7 is able to equip heavier and more armament, but it is also more rare and expensive. The T-7 is also much faster. OPERATION Aircraft are launched off of aircraft carriers while on the map. To select more planes for a sortie, click the ammunition picture till you have the sufficient amount of planes. Then click the area you wish to send them on the map.
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!WARNING! Aircraft do not strafe ground targets if only sent with their MG.This was fixed. Having too much planes in a sortie will result in them all targeting one ground target, wasting ammunition or have them commit to multiple strafes, decreasing their chances of survival. Aircraft need to manually be directed back after reaching their destination sometimes. Aircraft equipped with bombing armament are VERY VULNERABLE to enemy fighters equipped with air to air missiles. This goes vice versa. Dogfight scenarios ends with one squad being wiped out. !SURVIVORS OF AN AIRSTRIKE WILL SOUND THE ALARM! Make sure you planned and coordinated the annihilation of the enemy. Aircraft will perish in the EMP of a nuke.
Ship Systems
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HighFleet Ship Systems ELINT is a passive sensor that detects radar. Which means it can only detect ships which have their radar turned on. OPERATION No buttons to press unfortunately. The circle with the bearing of the radar signal will flash and it shows you how close that signal is with the bars. If there is multiple signals, the closest signal's circle will flash faster. INFORMATION The ELINT has far more range compared to the other types of sensors. Meaning that ELINT will detect a ship that is sweeping with a radar far out of that ship's radar's range. THE ELINT PICKING UP A SIGNAL DOES NOT MEAN THAT YOU ARE DETECTED However, if the enemy gets too close the ELINT will progressively raise the alert until you are danger close, which usually means the enemy sees you on their radar. The detection range of the ELINT is based on your own ships specs and the enemy's radar specs. Enemies with weaker radars will need to be closer in order for your ELINT to pick it up. ELINT will usually pick up radar signatures at around double the radar's range. Up to the specifications of the ELINT. !WARNING! This works vice versa and enemies with ELINT will be able to detect you much more early if you have your radar on.
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Example of an enemy strike force detecting your fleet due to ELINT
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Note the spike in the northwest. INFORMATION The Infrared scanner is a passive sensor that detects heat and is not detected by ELINT. Because of the very short range, IR scanners only really useful as a substitute detection system when your radar is turned off. They also detect ground targets. Don't forget about the contact light. Remember that things detected by the IR Scanner will remain invisible on the map until within visual range. !Do not neglect the information that the IR scanner gives (especially when your radar is off), you might be able to deduct that a missile is coming towards you, or if there is a transport arriving where you are stationed.!
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Jammers are active defense systems that scrambles an enemy's radar. OPERATION Jammer activate all around and will confuse enemy radar in a cone towards your ship and disable active missile guiding in that cone. (Example in Nuclear Warfare section). !WARNING! Jammers will absurdly increase your detection by ELINT.
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Jammers will still give the enemy an general idea of where you are on their radar. JAMMERS WILL GREATLY INCREASE YOUR RADIATION EMISSION AND WILL BE ACTIVELY TARGETED BY ANTI RAD MISSILES EVEN WITH YOUR RADAR OFF (SEE NUCLEAR WARFARE SECTION) On the other hand, Jammers massively decrease the search area of a normal missile while also nullifying the lock on if the enemy is within their tracking range.(Examples are in Nuclear Warfare section). Missiles will not be disabled and will still activate when they are on collision with your fleet. Enemy jammers are extremely good at hiding their own missiles. Expect one to pop out of their jammer cone.
Nuclear Warfare
Firing an Missile
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Flip of a switch, press of a button. OPERATION Firing an missile is an easy task, Tarkhan. Adjust the knob if you have different missile types installed to swap between them. Flip the switches to select the number of missiles you want to fire. They fire one by one instead of in a salvo. Press the launch button and select where you want to fire on the map. Missiles activate their sensors 100km before the point you selected.
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Press the launch button again to fire the missiles. !WARNING! Firing nuclear weaponry towards civilian centres with a population of higher than twenty thousand is a war crime and is subject to immediate punishment and investigation under the military tribunal of the Romani Empire. (Under normal circumstances). Needless to say nuking an city might also destroys the infrastructure required to repair and fuel our ships. Enemies will begin to fire nuclear missiles at you once you fired off your own.
Anti Missiles
There are not many options to counter an fired missile by the enemy. Missiles can be shot down with aircraft that have air to air rockets equipped.
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Notice the cone from the enemy, that is from their jammer. The missile was invisible until within the aircraft's visual range. Also note the red scanning cone from the missile. That means they are not anti radiation missiles and are just regular nuclear missiles.
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Successful interception, take care to avoid the resulting EMP. Missiles can be shot down by other missiles, especially if using nuclear ones.
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Take note on how our missile is tracking it because it is within our tracking range. Missiles can be avoided if the ship that fired it is not within their tracking range. Missiles will rely on their internal sensors which are still very deadly but it is possible to maneuver away from its trajectory if fast enough (which means you should not be landed) and detected early enough (which means radar on). Some missiles are anti radiation which mean they hone in on radar, (which means radar off). As such if an alarm goes off you should consider immediately leave the vicinity to avoid potential missiles. See Jammer section above.
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Example of a blind fired missile that was dodged. Final Defense Fire If that fails... When the missile is in point blank range, Fire your anti missile missiles immediately. Fire guns towards the missile. 37mm works best. Note that guns will prioritise using proximity fuse ammunition, which are much better at destroying projectiles. Read the full article
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droneseco · 3 years
The $99 Aivo Connect by iOttie Is a Superb Way to Bring Alexa Into Your Car
iOttie Aivo Connect
8.80 / 10
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If you're looking to add Alexa support to your vehicle, the Aivo Connect has you covered. 
Key Features
Built-In Amazon Alexa Support
10W Qi Wireless Charging
Motorized IR Cradle
USB-C Power Adapter
Mute Function
Adjustable Viewing Angle
iOttieConnect App
Brand: iOttie
Dimensions: 2.68 D X 3.14 W x 4.61 H
Weight: 6.17 oz
Connectivity: Bluetooth 5.0
Battery Life: N/A
Wireless Charging Is Convenient
Alexa Support Offers Numerous Smart Assistant Capabilities
Supports Wide Range of Smartphones
Multiple Mounting Points Available
Texting Support is Limited
Will Not Replace Android Auto or Apple CarPlay
Alexa Can Display Selective Hearing
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There are a number of ways you can attach your phone to your car. Whether magnetic mount or windshield suction, options for quick phone access while driving are plentiful. But many of these options don't include smart assistant support.
The iOttie Aivo Connect solves the problem of smart assistant support by adding a built-in Alexa interface into the car mount. But is it any good, and why would someone choose something like the Aivo Connect over Apple CarPlay or Android Auto? Let's find out.
An Introduction to Aivo Connect
iOttie's Aivo Connect is a $99 motorized phone mount for your car that includes Alexa Auto. This means that instead of playing with your phone, you can keep your hands on the wheel and ask Alexa to do things like make calls or get directions.
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In addition to those conveniences, Aivo connect lets you keep your phone in sight, so you don't miss anything important. And the integrated Qi wireless charger provides wireless power, so you don't have to worry about plugging your phone in during long road trips.
The Aivo Connect also uses an automatic motorized cradle to keep you from wrestling with manual mounts. A sensor in the Aivo clamp detects when an object is held near, and opens the cradle's jaws so you can slide your phone snugly inside.
Who is The Aivo Connect For?
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When you first see the Aivo Connect, you might ask yourself, "why the heck do I need that? I already have Android Auto or Apple CarPlay." Well, if you currently own a vehicle with one of those two smart assistants, then the Aivo Connect probably isn't for you. Probably. But, if you're a huge Alexa fan, Aivo Connect might still be something to consider.
Newer assistants like Apple CarPlay and Android Auto both have significant features and make good use of your in-dash display for traffic, music, and phone calls. Unfortunately, Aivo Connect won't replace the functionality of those two services.
But, if you drive a vehicle that is a few years old, then it's likely that a smart assistant isn't something currently available in your car. If you have a late-model vehicle that you're not ready to give up, Aivo Connect is a great way to update your vehicle with smart assistant capabilities to keep you driving safely.
Finally, if you're more interested in the motorized clamping mechanism, wireless charging, and sleek look of the Aivo Connect than the Alexa functions, you'll also appreciate this device. Even without Alexa support, iOttie scores a win here.
Related: What is Echo Auto and How Does It Work?
What's in the Box?
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Inside the Aivo Connect box, you'll get:
The Aivo Connect Wireless Charging Car Mount
The 12-volt to USB-C power cable
(2) stick-on twist-lock plastic base plates
The Aivo Connect instruction manual and Quick Start guide
As for installation, the Aivo Connect mounts to either the windshield of your vehicle or your dashboard. I chose the dash as I don't like objects obstructing my view while I am driving. The beauty of having two stick-on bases is that you can try different attachment points to suit your preference. On the other hand, the second plastic base can also be used for another vehicle, as the Aivo Connect locks and unlocks from the base with only a slight twist.
To attach the base plate, clean the mounting surface with something like rubbing alcohol (always test for colorfastness) and wait for the surface to dry. Then peel the red adhesive backing from the mounting plate. Align the arrow on the mounting plate in the driver's direction, and then press and stick.
From there, you'll slide the Aivo Connect onto the base and press down until the unit is flush with your surface. Then twist the mount one-quarter turn clockwise to lock it in place. Finally, plug the 12-volt power cable into the 12-volt auxiliary power port in your vehicle.
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You'll want to make sure you download the iOttieConnect app and the Alexa App if you haven't done so already. From there, turn on your vehicle, and open the iOttieConnect app. Then follow the prompts to configure your device.
Download: iOttieConnect App for iOS | Android (Free)
Download: Amazon Alexa App for iOS | Android (Free)
Testing the Aivo Connect
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To test the Alexa functionality of the Aivo Connect, I took the unit for a drive. Before getting out of my garage, I asked Alexa to cue up some 90's Hip-Hop, and I tried to get directions to the nearest Home Depot. As long as my internet connection wasn't spotty, then Alexa Auto functioned beautifully. But, about three hundred feet from my home, when the signal from my wireless router switched over to 5G, Alexa buzzed and told me that she was having trouble connecting. This wasn't unexpected.
As for the device's mechanical cradle, I did have occasional issues with the Aivo not recognizing that I was waving my phone at it. I found that if the phone wasn't square to the sensor at the base of the charging pad, the unit wouldn't reliably recognize something in front of it. However, if I made sure the phone was square to the sensor, then the Aivo Connect opened every time. Additionally, the unit detected my phone at a maximum distance of 4 inches away from the charging pad.
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Wireless charging also functioned well. I usually keep my phone in a Moment photo case, and with this case on, I had no trouble getting the Aivo to charge. That said, I don't usually use any kind of Pop-Socket, or grip on the back of my phone. If you do, you're probably already aware that wireless charging may not work with these accessories.
Phone grips like the Pop-Socket also present another problem with the Aivo Connect. This unit's jaws are relatively shallow and seem designed to work only with a phone and case combination. Putting a grip on your phone and then trying to insert it into the Aivo doesn't give the mount enough bite to hold your phone securely.
That means if you are one of those people who cannot be without your phone grip, then you'll want to skip this offering and try and find something that will accommodate the extra accessories.
On the rear of the unit are two buttons that allow you to release your phone from the clamp. The idea is that when you need to leave your vehicle, you hit one of these buttons and wait for the clamp to open and drop your phone into your hand. You've got to be ready to catch your phone, though, because this clamp does not mess around. Instead, pressing the button lets your expensive cellphone drop faster than an amusement park water slide.
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One common issue that I've had in the past with other phone mounts has been that they would not stick to my dashboard. My 2018 Honda CR-V has a pebbled leather dash, which means many mounting solutions don't adhere well. This issue was a concern for me when installing the Aivo Connect.
Fortunately, this wasn't the case. After a quick wipe down, I stuck the mounting base to my dash and held it for the required 30 seconds. I've been testing this unit for the last week, and I haven't had any trouble with the adhesion, even after removing and reinstalling the Aivo Connect multiple times.
For my final test, I wanted to see how Alexa handled loud music. One of the things that I love about Siri is its ability to respond, even when I'm blasting music at dad volume. Unfortunately, responses were where I had the most trouble with the Aivo Connect.
Related: How to Use Android Auto Wireless
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The unit has three microphones built into the base, and unless you've pressed the mute button, the microphones are always listening for the wake word. However, even with all three microphones active, when the music in my car was slightly higher than normal listening volume, Alexa had trouble hearing me. It's hard to determine whether this is an Alexa issue or an issue with the iOttie Aivo Connect.
On the back left of the device, there is a button that allows you to summon Alexa. This button is great and circumvents Alexa's selective hearing. I found that it came in handy when Alexa was acting like my teenage daughter and ignoring me.
But, if you're trying to use a hands-free smart assistant and you have to take your hands off of the steering wheel to scramble for a button, then the device isn't helping you be hands-free. So, if you're someone who likes to listen to loud music while you drive, then this device may not be suitable for you.
What Do We Love About the Aivo Connect?
Setup, installation, connectivity, and the motorized cradle are all well-executed in this unit. The wireless charging is one of my favorite features because it means I don't have to go digging around in my center console for a lightning cable.
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Also, not having to wrestle with a clamp when I want to attach my phone to my car is a feature that I appreciate. Adding a motorized clamp is genius, and it solves one of the most annoying aspects of mounting your phone in your vehicle.
Alexa support is also excellent. However, it won't replace Apple CarPlay for me. I've relied on CarPlay since I purchased my vehicle in 2018, and even though it has its quirks, it works well 90% of the time. I can also use my dash display to interact with it. If I did not have access to CarPlay, I would certainly benefit from Alexa. Being a cautious driver is essential these days, precisely because so many people aren't.
I also liked the two included bases and the ability to swap this device between cars. This ability is something that I think people might overlook. If you've got more than one vehicle and neither has a smart assistant, then you need something like the Aivo Connect.
Finally, iOttie has put some serious attention to detail into this unit. On the right-side jaw of the Aivo Connect, for example, molded into the rubber is a slight indentation. At first glance, this might not seem like a big deal, but when you install your phone into the clamp, that indentation keeps the clamp from accidentally pressing the side button of your phone. It's a minor detail, but it addresses another common annoyance of clamp-style phone mounts.
What's Not to Love?
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Alexa's selective hearing is something that might rub some people the wrong way. Again, this may not be the fault of the iOttie Aivo Connect, but it is something to be aware of. While not the end of the world, having reliable smart assistant support is arguably more important than having no support at all.
Additionally, you must be careful not to accidentally press one of the rear buttons that release your phone. If you're not attentive, then your expensive device could wind up falling out of the clamp and smacking whatever is underneath it on the way down. If you're aware of it, then you'll be much less likely to succumb to a disastrous spill.
There's also a limitation for texting support. If you'd like to text people, they must also be users of Alexa Communication. That means they must have either the Alexa app installed on their phone or have some type of Echo device to receive messages. For some, this might not be an issue, but if your primary means of communication is via text message, you might get frustrated with Aivo Connect.
Finally, as I've mentioned earlier, if you're already using a smart assistant in your car, then the Aivo Connect is not going to replace your current "boo thang." But these tiny gripes aren't stakes through the heart of the Aivo Connect by any means. They're more like minor rough edges.
Related: The Best Alternatives to Android Auto
Can You Repair the Aivo Connect?
On the rear of the Aivo Connect are four Philips screws that you can remove from the unit. To save you some hassle, I removed those screws and gently pried apart the wireless charging pad. Before I could get everything apart, however, I was greeted with wires, capacitors, and electronic components tightly sandwiched inside the unit.
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I'm not afraid to take most things apart, but once I saw the delicate electronics inside, I snapped the charging pad back together and reinstalled the screws. I highly advise against taking this device apart. There are no user-serviceable components, and if you break something, you're likely going to be out a hundred bucks.
Should You Buy the Aivo Connect by iOttie?
iOttie has done an excellent job with the Aivo Connect. If you are looking to add a smart assistant to your vehicle, I would recommend picking it up. The motorized cradle system and the wireless charging make the device worth its $99 price tag even ignoring the Alexa support. But it really shines once you make full use of Alexa. It's also a much more capable device than Amazon's Echo Auto. Even with the limitations that we discussed.
Overall, the Aivo Connect is a cleverly-designed unit that demonstrates the many reasons why iOttie is so prevalent in the automotive accessory space. We hope to see more great products like this one in the future.
The $99 Aivo Connect by iOttie Is a Superb Way to Bring Alexa Into Your Car published first on http://droneseco.tumblr.com/
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vapourdepot-blog · 6 years
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asMODus Lustro 200w Mod
The asMODus Lustro 200w Mod is the latest and greatest box mod from asMODus, incorporating several innovations that will change the world of vaping forever. Starting a trend of advanced, high-tech devices with features that turn a vaporiser from a simple nicotine-delivery device into a modern piece of technology similar to a smartphone or laptop.
One of the standout elements of the Lustro is the inclusion of an IR (infrared) sensor that allows for a futuristic hands free method of control that does not require the user to user the touch screen to interact with their device, turning your everyday vaping session into something you would see in a sci-fi movie. By simply waving your hand in front of the the device you may navigate through the menu or switch firing modes, an affair that you must experience for yourself to believe (can be turned off if required).
The asMODus Lustro 200w Mod also features a colour-changing LED stripe located to the left of the display, firing button LED and flashlight on the bottom of the device.
Driven by the GX-200-HUT chipset and powered by two high-drain 18650 Li-ion batteries (sold separately), the Lustro is able to output a potential maximum of 200 watts and features an easy to read speedometer inspired colour touch screen.
asMODus Lustro 200w Mod Specifications:
Requires 2 x 18650 sized batteries (sold seperately)
Touch screen type: Capacitive Screen
Wattage range (Power mode): 5W – 200W
Wattage range (TC modes): 5W – 120W
Temperature control range: 212° – 572°F / 100° – 300°
Atomizer ohm range: 0.1 – 2.5 ohm
Max output voltage: 7.5V
Peek output current: 45A
Charging parameters: DC 5V/1A
Upgradeable firmware
Product Dimensions:
Length: 80.4mm
Width: 40.5mm
Thickness: 36.0mm
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cinakira · 11 months
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double function IR sensor switch (hand wave sensor and door trigger sensor )for DC12v Led lights or led strips .
Compared with our common door trigger sensor or hand wave sensor ,this one can make lights gradually on and off which is better for our eyes .
door trigger sensor #wardrobe door sensor #cabinet door trigger sensor switch #12v cabinet door trigger sensor switch#led cabinet light sensor
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kozeys · 5 years
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Klozey.com: Klozey.com: DC 12V/24V IR Hand Wave Sensor Switch 5A Hand Sweep Switch 10cm Sense Distance https://kozeys.com/products/dc-12v-24v-ir-hand-wave-sensor-switch-5a-hand-sweep-switch-10cm-sense-distance?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_campaign=klozey.com%20%E2%80%94%20klozey Trending
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gumnut-logic · 4 years
Reactions (Bit 18b)
Bit 1 | Bit 2 | Bit 3a | Bit 3b | Bit 4 | Bit 5 | Bit 6a | Bit 6b | Bit 6c | Bit 7 | Bit 8a | Bit 8b | Bit 9 | Bit 10 | Bit 11a | Bit 11b | Bit 12a | Bit 12b | Bit 13 | Bit 14 | Bit 15a | Bit 15b | Bit 16 | Bit 17 | Bit 18a | Bit 18b
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Bit of a challenge to write this today, but here it is :D
For @soniabigcheese​ for Gordon and Bedlam :D
Scott gave up his verbal battle at some point, choosing to ignore Wainwright and her blathering. No doubt there would be hell to pay later, but there were more important things to attend to. 
Thunderbird One joined her sister hovering above the platform.
Virgil and Gordon secured their rescuees in Two’s medbay, Virgil helping Gordon cap the bleeder and stabilise the GDF captain he’d saved.
Returning to the cockpit revealed little had changed. The airjacks were still supporting the platform. It was secure for the moment.
“Where are those people carriers?” The sky was empty of the needed rescue relief.
It was Scott who answered. “Wainwright killed the order.”
“What?! You’re kidding me?! There’s a thousand people down there. We don’t have capacity to evac that many!”
“I know that, Virgil.”
Of course, his brother did.
“Thunderbird Five, any word on those escape capsules?”
“Eos reports she is almost done, but we will need one of you on the platform to reconfigure the safety overrides and do some rewiring.”
Virgil didn’t hesitate. “FAB. Send me details.”
Virgil’s wrist beeped almost immediately and a touch of his fingertips brought up the location of the connectors he would have to jimmy.
“Thunderbird Two, we have a problem.” Scott’s voice could only be described as exasperated.
Virgil stared at his sensor read outs. People were running out onto the remains of the landing strip, waving their arms and shouting up at the hovering Thunderbirds.
“Shit. The structure isn’t safe. We need those people back in their capsules.
Scott didn’t quite sigh. “I’m on it. Gordon, you’re with me.”
“FAB.” His aquanaut brother bounced out of his seat and slammed his helmet back on. 
Virgil slipped Two into position and his brother rappelled the distance down to the platform. “Watch your step down there, Gordon.”
“I’ve got it, Virg. Stop knitting grey hairs.”
Virgil grunted a reply before moving Two into position above the massive stadium at the end of the landing strip. The platform was one of a handful. Virgil had the privilege of watching an airshow from one of these a couple of years ago. While Scott oggled the planes and rattled off specs, Virgil had been more interested in the structure itself and its simple yet complex design. 
Each member of the audience was assigned to a pod. These pods were stacked up on each other not unlike cabins in a cruise liner. The difference was that the pods could, in an emergency, separate from each other, acting as escape capsules. Each pod had its own hoverjets and the stadium would simply disassemble.
In this case, that would require the people to actually be in their pods in the first place. As Virgil lowered himself down to the control panel at the top of the structure, the crowd below on the tarmac increased as Scott and Gordon strode to meet with it.
“Thunderbird Five, give me loudspeaker on comms.” Scott’s voice was firm.
Out of the corner of his eye as Virgil unlatched the control hatch, he could see Scott holding up his hands as a swarm of holocams hovered above him.
“This is International Rescue. Please stay calm and return to your designated pods. This area is unsafe.”
“I’m with the World Security Council.” Virgil blinked at the strange voice. John had linked in his brothers’ receivers? “That is Thunderbird Two, is it not? Why haven’t we been taken aboard.”
“Sir, we do not have capacity to rescue everyone using the Thunderbirds. We are in process of engaging the platform’s emergency protocols. Please return to your pod so you can be evacuated safely.”
Virgil pulled up the schematic John had sent him and located the circuitry that had to be rewired.
“Didn’t you hear me? I’m with the World Security Council.”
Virgil could almost hear his brother’s mental sigh. There was always one.
“Sir, please return to your pod.”
“I demand you let us board.”
“Jeremiah, will you please shut your mouth?”
Blink. That sounded like...
“Hugh Creighton-Ward. My apologies, Commander. Some members of the Council have become anxious.” That anxiety spluttered loudly in the background.
“Understandable. However, for everyone’s safety we need you all to return to your capsules. We will be evacuating you soon.”
Penelope’s father raised his voice to the point Virgil could almost hear it without the comms. “Everyone, can I have your attention please. International Rescue will be evacuating us as soon as possible. Please return to your pods and await instructions.”
The uproar at that was able to be heard without comms. A glance down at the tarmac and Virgil saw most of the crowd moving back towards the pods, but there was a core bunch still hovering around Gordon and Scott. Several claiming their right to be evacuated via Thunderbird immediately.
“If you do not return to your pods, you may miss an opportunity to be evacuated, sir!” Scott’s ‘sir’ was firm and aggravated.
The protest continued, Hugh’s strident voice arguing in favour of obeying IR’s requests. Jeremiah didn’t like that very much and continued to argue. Virgil swore under his breath as he jimmied the last of the wires. Eos acknowledged over comms when the connections slid into place. She tested the circuits and Virgil switched over full control to Thunderbird Five.
“How can we trust you after New York?” It was a woman’s voice and Virgil froze.
“Ma’am, I’m afraid you don’t have a choice in the matter.” Scott’s tone was professional but bore a touch of sadness that clenched Virgil’s heart.
But further thought was suddenly distracted. “Sir, you can’t go over there! It’s not safe!” Gordon’s voice was sharp over the general grumble.
Virgil stood up and far below he saw the aquanaut chasing a man running towards the broken edge of the runway. What the hell was he doing?
“I need a Thunderbird!”
Alarmed, Virgil grabbed his connection with Two and started the retrieval process, the cable pulling against his harness and drawing him up towards her forward hatch.
Gordon yelled. “No, sir! Don’t!”
The man suddenly disappeared, the fragile section of tarmac crumpling beneath his feet and throwing him into a free fall towards the vast ocean so far below.
And with zero hesitation, Gordon jumped after him.
46 notes · View notes
hunnybadgerv · 8 years
Holiday Harbinger 2016: Discreet Static
Summary: During the attack on the SSV Normandy, Shepard sacrifices herself to save her crew, to save Joker. After the hatch closes, between the commander and her pilot, things go sideways.
a/n: This was written as a Holiday Harbinger 2016 gift for @spacemomnephmoreau.
Links: AO3 | FFnet
Discreet Static
Small electrical fires crackled around the cockpit, hissing and spluttering, while new ones tried to spark to life. The Normandy usually handled smooth as silk, but the initial attack had left her hobbling along. And her pilot struggled right along with her, fighting to maintain a stable heading so that the escape pods launching wouldn’t be aimed at one another. Though part of him was certain he could guide the Normandy through an emergency landing despite the hull damage and constant shuddering.
Throughout his battle with the controls and sensors, quieting alarms as he went, Joker kept up the emergency hails. Someone would hear them, someone had to hear them, or so he reasoned. The questions sometimes whispered through the hazy process of his reactionary flying—how did they see us? Who are they? What were they after?
There hadn’t even been a warning. No hail. No chance to retreat or discuss whatever infraction prompted this. Nothing.
When his seat rocked again, his attention shifted from the panel, but only for a moment. The hand on his shoulder was gentle, the weight of it far too familiar. She shouldn’t be here. She should be gone.
“Come on Joker! We have to get out of here!”
Stubbornly, he rolled his shoulder out from under her touch. “No!” he insisted. “I won’t abandon the Normandy. I can still save her.”
Her hand returned almost instantly, with a gentle, comforting squeeze. “The Normandy’s lost. Going down with the ship won’t change that.”
It wasn’t the words, it was the tone in her voice, the hint of pleading. He turned and looked at her. The helmet hid her face, even her eyes. Shepard gave him a small nod, and he returned it.
“Yeah … okay. Help me up,” he relented.
Her hand shifted, gripping his upper arm under the armpit and giving a gentle lift. Even as Joker climbed out of the chair with the assistance, he noticed the enemy vessel repositioning on the monitor feeds.
“They’re coming around for another attack.” That revelation seemed to more fully commit him to his decision to get the hell out of there, and hers, if Shepard’s crushing grip on his forearm was any indicator. “Ah! Watch the arm.”
Once upright, she pulled his arm over her shoulder and all but lifted him by his belt. He was sure this wrestling match would leave him with a few extra broken bones that couldn’t be blamed on the attack alone.
The arm around him loosened only enough to punch the panel on the bulkhead, which controlled the door to the emergency pod. Given the movement of the ship, a soft landing was too much to hope for. But it was gentler than it could have been. He pushed himself into the seat as Shepard stumbled. Joker gave her a wave. “C’mon Shepard!”
Another blast rocked the Normandy, an electronics panel near the hatch exploded in sparks and a burst of flame. It left him curling away from the door for cover, when he turned back, he saw her foot lose contact with the deck. Then the other. He lurched forward as her hands scrambled for a hold. “Commander!”
Joker sought his own grip as he moved toward the door. “Shepard!”
Before he could reach for her to help, the enemy ship’s weapon sheared through the bridge, not far from the entrance of the pod. Somehow, she managed to grab the bulkhead, but light of the beam seared his vision, burning into his memory. He felt like it should be hotter, but it didn’t seem to do more than inch between them with a cold, yellow-white light. It lit up everything in the usually dark cockpit, even Shepard’s face. Well, not her face per se.  That detail he couldn’t see at all, but the light gleamed off her visor.
Joker knew what was coming even before it happened. He watched it though the slim window between the edge of the beam and the open hatch. With a shift of her shoulders, one hand let go of the bulkhead anchoring her within yards of the pod, then the pod’s door snapped closed and he knew Shepard had hit the pod release; sacrificing herself to save him.
Joker launched himself toward the hatch, but just as he pushed himself out of the chair the gravity faded. Desperately, he clawed at the door for a hand hold. His arm ached, pain searing through the limb with every clench of his hands, but he ignored it. “Shepard! No! Goddamnit Commander!” he yelled frantically. “You can’t do this! Shepard! Shepard!”
Joker screamed himself hoarse; scratched and grabbed at the door until his grip faltered. His hands scrambled for purchase against the slick metal. It didn’t make sense for it to be so slippery. Glancing down, the blood on his hands, which oozed from beneath his fingernails, shocked him into releasing the hatch completely. He expected to fall backward against the deck, but when it didn’t happen his eyes darted around. The incessant beeping of the alarms poked through the silence, as the flashes strobed within the small escape vehicle.
The pod lost gravity almost as soon as it left contact with the Normandy. The explosion of his ship set off a myriad of sensors. The sound flipped a switch in his brain.
Like a child on a jungle gym, Joker pulled himself, hand over hand, the length of the pod to the panels. Strapping himself into one of the forward chairs, his shrewd eyes scanned read-outs and checked the alarms. Thankfully, or not, they were all superficial and due to the proximity to the Normandy when she finally came apart. At least, the hull of the emergency pod hadn’t been breached in the explosion, though that wasn’t much of a consolation.
With that handled Joker pulled the communications panel up and started checking channels. “Shepard,” he called out with each change, then waited, listening for anything. His voice sounded loud in the silence, soaked in grief and weakness. He dropped his head into his hands. A rhythmic beep chimed.
That shouldn’t be the only sound, he thought. I should hear that devilish chuckle of hers. Most of the time that laugh set his nerves on edge, or made his spine tingle. But now he’d trade anything to hear it again.
Joker pulled the rolled-up cap out of his pocket. His fingers played over the gold stitching, as he repeated her name into the silence with every new channel. Normandy was gone, and so was Shepard. “I failed them both,” he mumbled.
“Why didn’t you see it?” His eyes scanned the panels. “Why didn’t you respond faster? His head landed in his hands, fingers clutching at the helmet he still wore. “Why didn’t I see it sooner?”
His voice weakened, as the grief swelled his ire ebbed. “They’re gone. It’s all gone.” He launched the cap in his hand toward the bulkhead of the pod.
His girl and the woman he … A memory of the first time he met her flashed through his mind. Shepard had dazzled him from the start with her sense of humor and those emerald green eyes; eyes that sparkled when she laughed. Closing his eyes, he could see her face with its wide smile and almost hear that confident cackle—even laced with the kind of menace Wrex’s chortle carried, it was a sound Joker came to crave hearing.
He shook his head, anger flaring with denial. “No! Not Shepard! She didn’t give up on me. I’m not giving up on her.” His hands raced over the panels with renewed determination. “If I just boost the signal, and redirect …” he mumbled as he started looking for a way to increase the reception and transfer of the pod’s primitive but functional communications. Maybe if she knew he was looking.
“Shepard. I’m still here,” he said over the usual channel she used on missions. “Don’t give up. Hang on. I’ll make them come back, or I’ll steal a ship and come back myself. I won’t leave you out here alone.”
He refused to believe she was gone. Not her. Not yet. I never told her.
“I’ll find you,” he swore. Only the low crackle of static crossed the headset. Even so, he listened for ... he didn’t know how long—waiting to hear any minute sign he could attribute to her.
“Why didn’t I just suck it up and tell you? At least then you would know. Fuck the regs, seriously!”
He must have wasted hours in his frantic attempt to prove the looming reality wrong. Joker continued to connect and reprogram systems in an attempt to prove his theory right when the hatch warning lit up prior to sliding open. It didn’t register past his dogged obsession.
The first voice to break through his concentration belonged to Chief WIlliams. “Where’s Shepard?”
Joker didn’t answer, couldn’t admit it to her--of all people.
The echo of her boots on the deck carried her closer, and her voice became more frantic. “Joker! Where the hell is the commander?”
“I’m looking,” he growled back, staring into her wide eyes. “I’ve almost got it. I’ll find her.”  He turned back to the panel, mumbling. “I always find her.”
The readings went hazy, and he blinked frantically to try and clear his vision.
“Joker,” Liara said. Her voice always held that strange mix of kindness and condescension when she talked to him in the past, but it wasn’t there now. It was genteel, sympathetic. “What happened?”
He didn’t think about what he told them, just relayed information. He needed to locate Shepard, needed a bearing for the rescue. Surely, her suit should be pinging a beacon. “Then they came around for a second pass. We were at the pod. Both of us. We were right there!”
For a moment, he turned and looked at Ashley. “I thought something like that would be hotter, but it wasn’t. It was so bright though. Almost like looking into the sun.” His eyes locked on hers and he barely processed the way they shimmered. “Lit up everything, but even though I couldn’t see her face, the look in her eyes, I knew what she was going to do before she hit the button.”
“Oh, God,” Williams gasped. She stumbled back as if the pod had been rocked.
“Goddess,” Liara whispered from behind her hand.
“But I’ll find her,” Joker insisted. “Why won’t this panel clear up?” His raised voice was punctuated by a kick at the underside of the panel. A mistake, he realized only when the pain shot through his leg.
The hand on his shoulder was as gentle as the voice of the quarian. “There’s nothing wrong with the controls, Joker,” Tali insisted. “We should get you to the med bay. Come on, that arm looks bad.”
His gaze dropped to the limb in question. The dark bruises blazed in contrast to the pale skin around them. Smallish handprints where Shepard had grabbed him just a little too hard. “Shit! She broke my arm,” he said, huffing out a quiet laugh. Even to his own ears it sounded maniacal. His other hand covered the marks made by hers as if somehow that would help anything.
Suddenly it all crashed around him. “It’s my fault,” he sobbed, finally. “I thought I could save her.”
20 notes · View notes
Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro review: King of the hill
Xiaomi built its entire business model on offering great value for money — and as the sales numbers indicate, the strategy has paid off handsomely for the brand. But following up on the Redmi Note 4 is a tough act, as there wasn't much wrong with the device.
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That's why with its 2018 budget phone, Xiaomi is focusing on core upgrades in all the major areas. The Redmi Note 5 Pro introduces an 18:9 display, a dual camera at the back and a 20MP front camera with LED flash, a Snapdragon 636 chipset, and up to 6GB of RAM. Xiaomi led the category for battery life last year, and things aren't any different this year — the Redmi Note 5 Pro has a 4000mAh battery.
With the competition also fielding increasingly powerful phones, does the Redmi Note 5 Pro have what it takes to further Xiaomi's cause in India? It's time to find out.
Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro review Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro Specs Operating System MIUI 9.2 based on Android 7.1.1 Nougat Display 5.99-inch 18:9 FHD+ (2160x1080) IPS LCD panel 403ppi pixel density 450nits maximum brightness SoC Octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 636 Eight Kryo 260 cores up to 1.8GHz 14nm GPU Adreno 509 RAM 4GB/6GB Storage 64GB/64GB microSD slot up to 128GB Rear camera 12MP with 1.25um pixel size and f/2.2 lens + 5MP with 1.12um pixel size and f/2,0 lens PDAF, LED flash 1080p video recording Front shooter 20MP with LED Selfie light 1080p video recording Connectivity LTE with VoLTE Wi-Fi 802.11 ac, Bluetooth 5.0, GPS, GLONASS Micro-USB, 3.5mm audio jack, IR blaster Networks LTE: 1/3/5/40/41 GSM: 2/3/5/8 WCDMA: 1/2/5/8 Battery 4000mAh battery Fast charging (5V/2A) Fingerprint Rear fingerprint sensor Dimensions 158.6 × 75.4 × 8.05mm Weight 181g Colors Gold, Rose Gold, Blue, Black About this review I (Harish Jonnalagadda) am writing this review after using the Redmi Note 5 Pro for over two weeks in Hyderabad, India. The device is a pre-production unit provided by Xiaomi India and is running a nightly build of MIUI 9 ( I tested the phone on Airtel and Jio's 4G networks in Hyderabad.
Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro review Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro Design The Redmi Note 5 Pro marks Xiaomi's foray into the 18:9 form factor in the budget segment. The brand led the way for bezel-less panels with the Mi Mix and the Mi Mix 2, and while the effect isn't anywhere as striking on the Redmi Note 5 Pro, you do get a taller 5.99-inch display with significantly reduced bezels when compared to last year's Redmi Note 4.
The switch to an 18:9 panel also means there's an all-new design up front. The capacitive navigation buttons have made way for on-screen keys, and you can change the orientation of the back and overview buttons from the settings menu.
Round back, things are more familiar. If you ignore the camera module, the Redmi Note 5 Pro is identical to the Redmi Note 5, which in turn shares the same design aesthetic as the Redmi Note 4. The Redmi Note 4 had an iterative design that was nearly identical to the Redmi Note 3, so what we have here is a design language that's three years old.
Like previous years, the antenna inlays at the top and bottom of the device are made out of plastic, but feature a metallic finish. There's a minor variance in color between the inlays and the metal back, particularly on the gold version. It isn't as noticeable on the other color options of the device.
While the aesthetic has evolved over the last three years, the design at the back is starting to look stale. The design works for the Redmi Note 5, which starts off at ₹9,999, but it would've made more sense for Xiaomi to differentiate the Redmi Note 5 Pro from the standard variant.
Talking about lack of differentiation from the Redmi Note 5, the Note 5 Pro also comes with a microUSB charging port. The standard is becoming outdated, and the onus is now on Xiaomi to make the switch to USB-C in the Redmi series. That said, the IR blaster is intact, as is the 3.5mm jack. The volume and power buttons offer a decent amount of tactile feedback as well.
The 18:9 panel up front is one of the best in the budget segment.
The fingerprint sensor at the back is identical to what Xiaomi has used in the past, and it is quick to authenticate and the positioning is just right. The sensor is located in the top one-third section and is right next to the natural resting position of your index finger. There's also a more prominent curve where the back meets the mid-frame, leading to better in-hand feel.
Coming to the display, the 5.99-inch LCD panel is one of the best in this segment. Xiaomi has made a habit of offering vibrant displays in this category, and the same is true for the Redmi Note 5 Pro as well. The panel offers a resolution of 2160x1080, which is becoming the standard for the 18:9 form factor.
Colors out of the box are excellent, and you can tweak the settings to your preferences by going into the settings. The phone also comes with a blue light filter that can be configured to automatically kick in from sunset to sunrise. If you're one to use your phone a lot during the night, you should enable the feature as it reduces strain on the eyes.
For better or worse, the camera sensor — with the lenses arrayed vertically and the flash tucked in between — is identical to that of the iPhone X. It protrudes from the back as well, which makes the phone wobble when laid on a flat surface like a table.
Overall though, the build quality as well as fit and finish are all top-notch, with Xiaomi undertaking stricter quality control measures. At 181g, the Redmi Note 5 Pro is heavier than its predecessors, and the taller panel doesn't make it conducive to use one-handed.
Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro review Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro Hardware Xiaomi is regularly in the first wave of manufacturers to roll out Qualcomm's latest hardware. We've seen that in years past, and that's the case with the Redmi Note 5 Pro as well, which is the first device to be powered by Qualcomm's Snapdragon 636 mobile platform.
The Snapdragon 636 is interesting as it introduces Kryo cores to the budget category. The Snapdragon 660 did the same for the mid-range segment last year, but a majority of the phones powered by the chipset — the OPPO R11 and the Xiaomi Mi Note 3 — were limited to the Chinese market.
The Snapdragon 636 features eight cores in total, with four performance cores complemented by four energy-efficient cores. We've seen that same combination in use in the Android space for a few years now, and it strikes the ideal balance between performance and energy efficiency.
The four high-performance cores are based on ARM's Cortex A73, one of the fastest cores available today. The energy-efficient cores are based on the Cortex A53, a mainstay in the budget segment over the last two years. Qualcomm has offered fully custom cores in the Kryo platform before, but it is leveraging the "Built on ARM Cortex Technology" licensing agreement to build semi-custom cores.
The Redmi Note 5 Pro is on par with flagship chipsets from just a few years ago.
The license allows Qualcomm to take off-the-shelf Cortex cores and make modifications to tweak the overall performance. We've seen Qualcomm go down this road with the Snapdragon 820, 821, and the 835, and the chip vendor is now doing the same for the downstream Snapdragon chipsets. Going with a Cortex license has several benefits as it gives Qualcomm the ability to go to market faster — it doesn't need to design a core from the ground-up — while retaining a competitive advantage.
Coming back to the Redmi Note 5 Pro, the Kryo cores make a tangible difference in terms of overall performance. You're looking at anywhere from a 15-20% increase in CPU speeds and a 10% uptick in GPU performance. As we've seen in the benchmarks, the Snapdragon 636 is an underclocked version of the Snapdragon 660, which delivers performance equivalent to flagship chipsets from just a few years ago.
The performance on tap with the Redmi Note 5 Pro is nothing short of extraordinary, and it's safe to say that this is the fastest phone in the budget segment by some margin. The GPU performance means that the phone can now handle visually intensive games as well, which was a limitation with last year's Redmi Note 4.
Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro benchmarks
The Redmi Note 5 Pro is also decked out with LPDDR4X RAM, which thus far has been limited to the high-end segment. It would've been great had the device offered UFS storage as well, but the global demand for storage meant it wasn't viable for Xiaomi to include it in the Redmi Note 5 Pro. The phone instead features eMMC 5.0 storage, and with both variants offering 64GB of internal memory, you're not going to run out anytime soon.
Also new with the Redmi Note 5 Pro is Wi-Fi ac as well as Bluetooth 5.0, with both features limited to the Pro variant and not available in the standard version. Talking about connectivity, the Redmi Note 5 Pro had no issues with calls, and the speaker at the bottom is astonishingly loud. In short, if you're looking for the most bang for your buck in the budget segment, this is the phone to get.
Battery life Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro review Xiaomi prioritized the battery segment last year, introducing a 4100mAh battery in the Redmi Note 4. The huge battery combined with MIUI's optimizations allowed the Redmi Note 4 to run rings around its rivals. A year on, that hasn't changed. While the Redmi Note 5 Pro has a marginally smaller 4000mAh battery, you're guaranteed the same great class-leading battery life.
You'll easily get a day-and-a-half worth of usage from that battery consistently, even if you're a power user and rely on your mobile primarily for your entertainment needs. In my usage, I averaged nine hours of screen-on-time spread over two days.
My main issue with the battery on the Redmi Note 5 Pro is the lack of fast charging. With the battery easily lasting more than a day on average, more often than not you'll be looking to top up your device in the middle of the day, and that poses problems as the bundled charger maxes out at 5V/2A. The phone itself is not compatible with fast charging, taking an agonizing two hours to get from zero to a full charge.
Fast charging isn't a big deal on a device with such great battery life, but the lack thereof is one of the few areas where the Redmi Note 5 Pro is behind the competition.
Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro review Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro Software On the software front, it's business as usual. The Redmi Note 5 Pro comes with the latest version of MIUI 9, but if you were hoping for Oreo, get ready to be disappointed. The phone is still based on Android 7.1.1 Nougat, with an Oreo update slated for sometime later this year.
Furthermore, with the Redmi Note 5 Pro being the first to run the Snapdragon 636, there are odd glitches along the way. My unit is on the nightly build, and the stable update is scheduled to make its way to the phone shortly after its release. The stable build should iron out the kinks and allow the phone to take full advantage of the Snapdragon 636.
Optimization could also be the reason why Xiaomi stuck with the Snapdragon 625 for the standard version of the Redmi Note 5. The manufacturer has been optimizing the chipset for well over a year now, to the point where it runs with nary a lag or stutter. It'll take a few weeks at least to get the Redmi Note 5 Pro to the same level, following which we'll hopefully see the Oreo update make its way to the device.
MIUI is a ROM that needed a visual refresh yesterday.
Apart from the lack of Oreo, the user experience on offer with the Redmi Note 5 Pro is similar to Xiaomi devices released over the course of the last twelve months. There's a ton of customization options and more features than you'll end up using, but that's one of the main draws of MIUI. Xiaomi has invested considerable resources in building out features, and MIUI 9 has plenty to offer in the form of quick replies in the notification window, an all-new Mi Video app, native split-screen functionality, and much more.
Then there's older features like Dual Apps — which let you run two instances of an app simultaneously — and Second Space, through which you'll be able to create a separate profile on your device. The SMS app has been tailored for Indian customers, taking the information from a ticket confirmation SMS and automatically creating a card with all the relevant details highlighted.
MIUI 9: Nine new features you need to know
As I said last year, MIUI is never going to adhere to "pure" Android in terms of a visual layout, and that's because a majority of its users are in China. The unregulated nature of the Chinese app market is what led to features like a dedicated Security app and granular control over autostart permissions.
But with usage vastly increasing in markets like India, we may see a wholesale change heading to MIUI in the coming years. The retooled notification pane is definitely a step in the right direction, but the interface as a whole is in need of a refresh to make it more modern. The recents menu, for instance, hasn't changed from the KitKat era, and if you need an app drawer, you'll need to look to a third-party launcher. Xiaomi will hopefully address these issues and make much-needed changes to MIUI sooner rather than later.
Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro review Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro Camera If you ignore the fact that the dual-lens arrangement at the back is identical to that of the iPhone X, there's plenty to like in the Redmi Note 5 Pro's camera. The phone features a 12MP primary camera that's joined by a secondary 5MP depth camera, and up front you get a 20MP camera with LED flash.
The Redmi Note 5 Pro does a stunning job in daylight conditions, with images offering plenty of detail and accurate colors. HDR is off by default, and while the mode was more of a hindrance in past Redmi devices, it's actually usable in the Redmi Note 5 Pro. Finally, the phone does a decent job in low-light conditions, which is a huge deal seeing as how most budget phones struggle in this area.
The camera on the Redmi Note 5 Pro beats other phones in this category by a country mile.
I put the phone to the test by using it as my daily driver during Xiaomi's launch event earlier this month, and came away impressed with the overall results. I normally rely on either the Pixel 2 XL or the Note 8 for launch event coverage as the lighting at these venues isn't ideal, but the Redmi Note 5 Pro did an admirable job.
The dual camera setup also enables portrait mode, which we've seen in the Mi 6 and more recently the Mi A1. The background blur effect is more conservative this time around, but as Xiaomi pointed out at the launch event, its edge detection algorithm is spot-on.
1 / 12Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro camera On the video front, you get electronic image stabilization, but miss out on 4K recording. It's unclear why the feature was removed as the Snapdragon 636 can handle 4K video, and as good as the Redmi Note 5 Pro is at taking photos, videos aren't the device's forte.
Sure, the Redmi Note 5 Pro won't blow the Note 8 out of the water, but you have to remember that the phone is available for less than one-fourth the price of Samsung's flagship.
Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro review Should you buy it? Absolutely The Redmi Note 5 Pro is Xiaomi's strongest showing in the budget segment in the last two years, and puts the brand in a great position as we head into the launch cycle for 2018. The 18:9 display is a much-needed change to keep the device competitive, and the Snapdragon 636 ensures class-leading performance for the foreseeable future.
This is the first Redmi device I'd consider using as my daily driver.
The Redmi Note 5 Pro is the first phone in the Redmi series I'd consider using as my daily driver. Previous phones in this series weren't short on power, but the camera was the one area where Xiaomi lagged behind.
The phone is offered in two variants — a model with 4GB of RAM and 64GB of storage, and a version with 6GB of RAM and 64GB of storage. The 4GB model retails for ₹13,999 and is on sale, and the 6GB version is available for ₹16,999. The phone should be making its way to Xiaomi's offline partners shortly after its launch, and head to the 22 Mi Home stores in the country.
The Good 18:9 display Class-leading camera Powerful hardware Two-day battery life Unmatched value for money The Bad Availability No Oreo 4.5 out of 5     With the Redmi Note 5 Pro, the manufacturer is taking the lead in the budget segment, and once again setting the benchmark for the rest of the field to follow. If you're in the market for a budget phone, the Redmi Note 5 Pro should be at the top of your list. The combination of sheer hardware combined with the great camera, two-day battery life, and 18:9 panel makes the Redmi Note 5 Pro the device to beat in this category.
0 notes
fmservers · 6 years
Amazon looked to the past to build the future
Over the last 20 years, smart home gadgets have evolved from fantasy to commodity. Walk into Best Buy and there are dozens of products that take just a few minutes to set up. It’s wonderful. Even better, it’s easy. There are lights and locks and screens from big and small companies alike. And therein lies the problem. There isn’t a unified solution for everything and Amazon’s vertically integrated offering could be the solution for the consumer and retail giant alike.
Sure, most smart home gadgets work, but nothing works well together. The smart home has to be as easy as flipping a switch to control a lightbulb. Amazon’s purchase of the mesh WiFi startup, Eero, speaks to the problem. Assembling a smart home containing more than a couple of smart gadgets is hard. There are countless spots where something can go wrong, exposing a smart home as nothing more than a house of cards.
What’s best for the average consumer is also the best for Amazon. In order for the smart home to be easy and functional as possible, one company should control the experience from every entry point. This is Apple’s approach to smartphones and Apple has long offered the easiest, most secure smartphone experience.
In theory, Amazon will likely look to either bundle Eero routers with the purchase of Amazon Echos or build mesh networking into Echo products. Either way, Amazon is ensuring its Fire TV and Echo products can reliably access Amazon’s content services, which is where Amazon makes its money in the smart home.
As Devin explains in this wonderful article, mesh networking is the solution to the problem created by Amazon’s push into every room. Wifi is critical to a truly smart home, but there’s more to it. The smart home is complicated and it goes back over 20 years.
Before wireless networking was ubiquitous, hobbyists and luxury home builders turned to other solutions to add electronic features to homes. Some gadgets still use modern versions of these protocols. Services like Z-Wave and ZigBee allowed home security systems to wireless monitor entry points and control power to otherwise disconnected gadgets like coffee makers and lamps.
Later competing wireless protocols competed with Z-Wave and ZigBee. Insteon came out in the early 2000s and offered redundant networking through RF signals and power line networking. In 2014 Nest with the help of Samsung, Qualcomm, ARM, and others introduced Thread networking that offers modern network redundancy and improved security. And there’s more! There are gadgets powered by Bluetooth 5, Wi-Fi HaLow and line of sight IR signals.
This cluster of competing protocols makes it difficult to piece together a smart home that’s controlled by a unified device. So far, at this nascent stage of smart home gadgets, Amazon and Google have built a compelling case to use their products to control this bevy of devices.
Apple tried, and in some ways, succeeded. Its HomeKit framework put iOS devices as the central control point for the home. Want to turn on the lights? Click a button in iOS or more recently, tell a HomePod. It works as advertised, but Apple requires compatible devices to be certified, and therefore the market of compatible devices is smaller than what works with an Amazon Echo.
Meanwhile, Goole and Amazon stepped into the smart home with their arms wide, seemingly willing to work with any gadget.
It worked. Over the last two years, gadget makers took huge steps to ensure its products are compatible with Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa. Last month, at CES, this became a punchline when a toilet was announced that was compatible with Alexa.
Smart commodes be damned. All of these connected gadgets require their own setup process. Every connected light, thermostat and toilet demand the initial user be comfortable navigating several smartphone apps, knowing their network configuration and what to Google when something goes wrong — because things go wrong.
Amazon’s own Alexa app doesn’t help. The single app is loaded with several tentpole functions including voice calling, skill setup, remote operation and access to Alexa — it’s overwhelming and unwieldy once several Echos are configured under the same account.
Something has to change.
If the smart home is to reach new demographics, barriers have to be dropped and centralized control has to become paramount. A layman should be able to purchase a couple of voice control hubs, connected lights, and a thermostat and set them up through a single app even though the devices might use different networking methods.
Amazon has already taken a big step towards working with different smart home wireless protocols. In 2017 the company introduced the Echo Plus. This version of the Echo speaker included support for Zigbee (Philips Hue lights use Zigbee). Later, in 2018 the company upgraded the Echo Plus and included a temperature sensor and offline smart home networking so when the Internet goes down, the user can still control their connected products.
Amazon has a growing portfolio of smart home companies. Along with its own Echo products, Amazon owns Ring, a video doorbell company, Blink, a wireless video camera system, and recently purchased, Mr. Beams, an outdoor lighting company. Now, with Eero, it can offer buyers a WiFi solution by Amazon. The only thing missing is a unified experience between these devices.
In order for any company to win at the smart home, consumers need to fully trust this company and Amazon has so far only had several, relatively, minor incidents concerning the privacy of its users. A couple reports have surfaced reporting Amazon handing over voice data to the authorities. Other reports have taken issue with Amazon’s video doorbell company’s neighborhood watch system that could lead to profiling and discrimination.
Amazon can weather disparaging reports. Amazon cannot weather dysfunctional products unable to reach Amazon’s revenue-generating services.
Amazon is not alone in its quest for smart home domination. Google, Samsung, and Apple take this growing market seriously and will not let Amazon eat the whole pie. Consumer electronic giants will likely continue to scoop up smart home gadget companies that have traction with consumers. Look for companies like Arlo, ecobee, Belkin, Wyze Labs, sevenhugs and Brilliant to be acquired. These companies offer some of the best products in their respective fields and would compliment the companies currently owned by the big players as they look to offer consumers a the most complete experience.
Via Matt Burns https://techcrunch.com
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toomanysinks · 6 years
Amazon looked to the past to build the future
Over the last 20 years, smart home gadgets have evolved from fantasy to commodity. Walk into Best Buy and there are dozens of products that take just a few minutes to set up. It’s wonderful. Even better, it’s easy. There are lights and locks and screens from big and small companies alike. And therein lies the problem. There isn’t a unified solution for everything and Amazon’s vertically integrated offering could be the solution for the consumer and retail giant alike.
Sure, most smart home gadgets work, but nothing works well together. The smart home has to be as easy as flipping a switch to control a lightbulb. Amazon’s purchase of the mesh WiFi startup, Eero, speaks to the problem. Assembling a smart home containing more than a couple of smart gadgets is hard. There are countless spots where something can go wrong, exposing a smart home as nothing more than a house of cards.
What’s best for the average consumer is also the best for Amazon. In order for the smart home to be easy and functional as possible, one company should control the experience from every entry point. This is Apple’s approach to smartphones and Apple has long offered the easiest, most secure smartphone experience.
In theory, Amazon will likely look to either bundle Eero routers with the purchase of Amazon Echos or build mesh networking into Echo products. Either way, Amazon is ensuring its Fire TV and Echo products can reliably access Amazon’s content services, which is where Amazon makes its money in the smart home.
As Devin explains in this wonderful article, mesh networking is the solution to the problem created by Amazon’s push into every room. Wifi is critical to a truly smart home, but there’s more to it. The smart home is complicated and it goes back over 20 years.
Before wireless networking was ubiquitous, hobbyists and luxury home builders turned to other solutions to add electronic features to homes. Some gadgets still use modern versions of these protocols. Services like Z-Wave and ZigBee allowed home security systems to wireless monitor entry points and control power to otherwise disconnected gadgets like coffee makers and lamps.
Later competing wireless protocols competed with Z-Wave and ZigBee. Insteon came out in the early 2000s and offered redundant networking through RF signals and power line networking. In 2014 Nest with the help of Samsung, Qualcomm, ARM, and others introduced Thread networking that offers modern network redundancy and improved security. And there’s more! There are gadgets powered by Bluetooth 5, Wi-Fi HaLow and line of sight IR signals.
This cluster of competing protocols makes it difficult to piece together a smart home that’s controlled by a unified device. So far, at this nascent stage of smart home gadgets, Amazon and Google have built a compelling case to use their products to control this bevy of devices.
Apple tried, and in some ways, succeeded. Its HomeKit framework put iOS devices as the central control point for the home. Want to turn on the lights? Click a button in iOS or more recently, tell a HomePod. It works as advertised, but Apple requires compatible devices to be certified, and therefore the market of compatible devices is smaller than what works with an Amazon Echo.
Meanwhile, Goole and Amazon stepped into the smart home with their arms wide, seemingly willing to work with any gadget.
It worked. Over the last two years, gadget makers took huge steps to ensure its products are compatible with Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa. Last month, at CES, this became a punchline when a toilet was announced that was compatible with Alexa.
Smart commodes be damned. All of these connected gadgets require their own setup process. Every connected light, thermostat and toilet demand the initial user be comfortable navigating several smartphone apps, knowing their network configuration and what to Google when something goes wrong — because things go wrong.
Amazon’s own Alexa app doesn’t help. The single app is loaded with several tentpole functions including voice calling, skill setup, remote operation and access to Alexa — it’s overwhelming and unwieldy once several Echos are configured under the same account.
Something has to change.
If the smart home is to reach new demographics, barriers have to be dropped and centralized control has to become paramount. A layman should be able to purchase a couple of voice control hubs, connected lights, and a thermostat and set them up through a single app even though the devices might use different networking methods.
Amazon has already taken a big step towards working with different smart home wireless protocols. In 2017 the company introduced the Echo Plus. This version of the Echo speaker included support for Zigbee (Philips Hue lights use Zigbee). Later, in 2018 the company upgraded the Echo Plus and included a temperature sensor and offline smart home networking so when the Internet goes down, the user can still control their connected products.
Amazon has a growing portfolio of smart home companies. Along with its own Echo products, Amazon owns Ring, a video doorbell company, Blink, a wireless video camera system, and recently purchased, Mr. Beams, an outdoor lighting company. Now, with Eero, it can offer buyers a WiFi solution by Amazon. The only thing missing is a unified experience between these devices.
In order for any company to win at the smart home, consumers need to fully trust this company and Amazon has so far only had several, relatively, minor incidents concerning the privacy of its users. A couple reports have surfaced reporting Amazon handing over voice data to the authorities. Other reports have taken issue with Amazon’s video doorbell company’s neighborhood watch system that could lead to profiling and discrimination.
Amazon can weather disparaging reports. Amazon cannot weather dysfunctional products unable to reach Amazon’s revenue-generating services.
Amazon is not alone in its quest for smart home domination. Google, Samsung, and Apple take this growing market seriously and will not let Amazon eat the whole pie. Consumer electronic giants will likely continue to scoop up smart home gadget companies that have traction with consumers. Look for companies like Arlo, ecobee, Belkin, Wyze Labs, sevenhugs and Brilliant to be acquired. These companies offer some of the best products in their respective fields and would compliment the companies currently owned by the big players as they look to offer consumers a the most complete experience.
source https://techcrunch.com/2019/02/11/amazon-looked-to-the-past-to-build-the-future/
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