#hank Voight x reader x Antonio Dawson
natti-ice · 26 days
18+ mdni
me after reading the craziest smut ever written
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poisonedjoinery · 9 months
Hello beautiful, just wanted to thank for writing stories and giving us reader some of your time. I don't know if you are open for requests but I give it a try. 🤍🙏 I'm in desperate need of a voightx reader fic, angsty hurt and comfort and fluff. Maybe you like my idea or get some inspiration to write something similar.
The reader is working with intelligence and Voight is instantly taken aback by her appearance. She is also attracted to Hank. But they keep their feelings for each other hidden. One night the goes out for drinks and in their tipsy state the reader and Hank make out.... The next day Voight is giving her the silent treatment and is also cold and unfriendly to her, just ignoring the fact they kissed. His unfair behavior goes on for days until she gets him to talk to her, telling her that is was was mistake and she should move on leaves her feeling more hurt and heartbreak than ever. The situation is also taking a physically toll on her, with no appetite and her deathly sick appearance the team instantly worries.
We all know Voight would think he can't give her what she needs or be good enough fir this kind and beautiful girl.
Later on there's a guy hitting on her and Voight pushes her to date the stranger (secretly dying from jealousy, but believing another man can give her all she needs). The date ends catastrophic when she realizes that the guy drugged her, secretly and in panic she calls voight in her dizzy and weakening state and manages to tell him the bar they're currently. Not able to defend herself in her drugged state the guy is able to drag her to his car in the parking lot. She's struggling and fighting for her life, he gets frustrated and beat her up..... Voight comes just in time and keeps the guy from kidnapping her. Nearly conscious and beaten Hank takes her to his house to attend her injuries and to take care of her. Some fluffy end in which he admits his feelings for her... 🤍🙏
Currently I am sucker for caretaker fics, with sick and hurt reader. The intelligence team would be soo cute taking care and at a Hank Voight who hides his feelings and worries for the girl just get me 😍
I am soooo sorry for this long request, but I have this idea in my head since forever and I just needed it to share, in desperate hope a talented writer might create a good story. Don't hesitate to tell me if this sucks.
Lot's of love 🤍
Eat the World Raw
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Authors Notes: This is an anon request, of super protective yet jealous Voight. I hope I have done your request justice anon, my apologies for the serious delay on this I have a hideously busy job these days and I find it hard to find writing time.
Summary: Reader is a new starter on the Intelligence Unit, and is instantly taken with Voight. After sharing a drunken moment, Voight pushes reader away. But a panicked phone call changes everything.
Warnings: Mentions of drink spiking and assault. Angst and fluff too. If you feel there should be any other warnings, please do let me know.
Gif by: @shelby-love
"Hey Boss, the new recruit is here." Antonio called out to Voight, as he walked you to your new desk. Dropping your bag to the side, you pulled off your coat.
"Thank you Detective, I appreciate your help." Smiling, Antonio nodded his head,
"Call me Tonio, everyone else does. Come on, we can get you some coffee, you're gonna need it." Nodding, you followed him to the break room. Tonio gave you the rundown of the most recent case the team was working on. A gang was currently running drugs through the city, and the intelligence unit was still unsure of how they were managing to go undetected.
"Wow... that sounds like a lot. You know, I worked a case once where a gang was using the postal service to distribute their drugs. The leaders brother used to work for them, and kept a master mailbox key." Antonio looked surprised,
"Huh... that... could actually be plausible."
"'TONIO!" Whipping his head round, he watched as Voight stalked in, a deep frown on his face.
"I thought you said the new starter was... here..." His voice trailed off as his gaze focused on you. You felt your breath leave you, as though you had been gut punched. You'd been told a lot about Voight, had been told what a hardass he was. Never taking no for an answer, scaring off more teammates and pissing off coworkers more than anyone else in the CPD. What you wasn't prepared for, was for how handsome he was. Yes, he was at least twenty years older than you but you couldn't help yourself, you let your eyes roam over him. From his boots, all the way to the black button down shirt with a black leather jacket over the top.
Clearing his throat, Antonio stepped forward.
"Boss this is (Y/N). I've already brought her up to speed with the case, and she's actually given a decent idea of how the drugs could be being moved around the city." Antonio frowned, looking at Voight, and then to you.
"Huh... yeah?" Clearing his throat, Voight gave a tight smile and held out his hand.
"Nice to meet you (Y/N), glad you're all caught up." Averting his gaze, he rubbed the back of his neck.
"Uh... Tonio, I need you to run down a lead. It's the one that Ruzek brought us yesterday, take the newbie." Looking back up at you, he gave a small smile and quickly turned around heading back to his office.
"Um... he seems... intense." Your voice sounded shaky. You quickly took a large gulp of coffee, wincing as it scolded your throat.
"Yeah he um... I think he's a bit stressed right now." Tonio frowned, then quickly smiled.
"Okay, let's go." Striding back out, you grabbed your coat and badge. Risking a quick glance behind you, you saw Voight in his office watching you.
The case took a nasty turn. The gang that was peddling drugs, seemed to have looped kids into their dealings. Picking the weak and neglected kids whose parents wouldn't give a shit as to their whereabouts. You kept your head down, working hard and not getting underfoot. Learning the ways and methods the team worked, but you could start to feel the pressure of this case sinking into your bones. You felt angry that innocent kids were being used, and made to believe that they were cared for. You rubbed your face, the night had settled around you causing the light from your screen to become harsh to your eyes.
"Hey (Y/N), it's late. Come on, we're all going for a drink." Glancing up, Halstead smiled from his desk as everyone else pulled on their coats, shutting down their computers. huffing out a sigh your stretched.
"Yeah sure... okay sounds good."
You all headed to Molly's, grabbing a booth in the back you sat and powered through a few beers. As the mood lightened, jokes started to fly around along with casual conversation. Soon you found yourself laughing at Ruzek and his ridiculous stories.
"There room for one more?" Glancing behind you, you found Voight staring down at you intently. Swallowing hard, you nodded and shifted your chair over.
"Sure thing Boss." Voight grabbed a chair and sat next to you.
"Thanks, and when we're not on shift, you can call me Hank." Smiling, you took a sip of your drink. Feeling more confident, mainly because of the ten or so beers flowing through you, you leant in closer to Voight.
"Thanks. So... Hank... how has your day been?" Smiling, Hank watched you for a moment, then lent in further.
"Well it has been busy... but I think we are making good progress, and the drinks are certainly helping right now." With that he took a large gulp of bourbon, causing a colour to rise in his cheeks.
The night continued, with the team drinking and laughing. The more you drank, you found yourself relaxing into your seat which incidentally lead to you leaning further into Hank. You enjoyed the warmth that came from him, the smell of his cologne, the deep laugh that vibrated out of his chest. You tried not to squirm as you felt yourself becoming flushed with excitement.
"Okay guys... I need to get to bed. I'd like it to be at least a month before I drunkenly embarrass myself. " The others laughed and jeered, trying to persuade you to stay as you pulled on your coat.
"I'm gonna head off too, (Y/N) I'll walk you out." Waving bye to everyone, you headed to the door, your mind racing at the thought of Hank being so close behind you. Rummaging in your bag you found your phone, pulling up a taxi app.
"How you getting home?" Looking up, you smiled and showed him your phone.
"I was going to get a cab."
"Ah, don't worry about that I'll give you a ride. Come on."
"Oh you don't have to..."
"I know I don't have to, but I want to. It's late and I can at least know you're safe." Dropping your phone back into your bag, you pulled your jacket closer around you.
"Then lead the way Boss." Smirking at him, as he raised an eyebrow, he lead you across the street to his truck. Climbing in, you sank into a soft leather chair. The air was heavy with Hanks smell, and coffee.
"So... where do you live?" Shutting the door behind him, Hank started the truck and turned on the heater. Giving him your address, you pulled your seatbelt on. The drive was quiet, but not uncomfortable. Hank maneuvered the truck smoothly through the light city traffic, occasionally asking you questions about your previous jobs. Before you knew it, you were outside your house. Stopping the truck, he placed his arm behind your chair, quietly watching you.
"Thank you, Voight. I appreciate the lift."
"You're welcome sweethear'." You felt a heat creep over your face at the endearment. You dropped your gaze not wanting him to see.
"Well um... goodnight. I..." Before you could finish your sentence, Hank had tilted your face up, his hand remaining under your jaw.
"Just... a taste." You blinked and felt as his lips pressed against yours. Moaning quietly, you reached your hand up grazing the back of his neck. Pulling him in closer to you. You're not sure at what point it happened, but you ended up pulled into Hanks lap, slowly kissing him for what felt like hours. Humming quietly, he pressed his head against yours.
"I um... I should probably go. I need to be fresh for tomorrow... I don't want my boss to get pissed at me." Smiling, Hank let you shift out of his lap and into the passenger seat again.
"I'll see you tomorrow."
"Bright and early boss." Climbing out you headed into your house, Hank remaining outside until you had locked your front door. Hank rubbed his face and pulled his truck out onto the main road. What the fuck had he done.
The next morning Hank got to the office bright and early. He didn't want to be disturbed by anyone. This case was starting to piss him off, and he didn't want to fuck around chasing any more dead beat leads. He noticed as the rest of the team trickled in, all of them having a haggard look that suggested they'd all drunk a bit too much last night. He noticed how you watched him through the blinds of his office, like you was waiting for him to call you in for a chat. He probably should talk to you, but he just couldn't do it right now. He was too pissed at himself to even consider having a civilised conversation.
He made sure he kept busy for the rest of the day, he didn't want to speak to anyone unless needed. He chased down lead after lead until he managed to find one that was promising. After ten hours, and a painful conversation with a local informant, Voight managed to track the ring leader down and haul him and his gang into lockup. He left Antonio and Burgess shutting down the lab, and bagging up evidence.
"(Y/N), with me." nodding quickly, you followed Voight out into the stations car park.
"I'm sorry about last night, I shouldn't have... I shouldn't have kissed you."
"I didn't mind Hank, I actually enjoyed..."
"No... it won't be happening again. I am too old for you, and I won't be able to give you anything that you want. So it's best to just... forget about it okay." It killed him to see the pain and hurt in your eyes.
"Hank I..."
"It was a mistake (Y/N), okay?" He didn't meant to raise his voice, but he saw the anger building in you.
"Not a problem Boss, I've already forgotten." Watching you march back into the building, he groaned inwardly, kicking himself for his tactless approach.
For the next few weeks, Voight watched as you worked alongside the team, effortlessly working leads and solving case after case. He couldn't stand how pale you had become, how when everyone else had lunch you seemed to find a reason not to eat with them.
"(Y/N), eat something will you. I don't want you passing out on shift." Whipping your head round, you glared at Voight as he stalked past you. Grinding your teeth, you forced yourself to answer.
"Sir." Grabbing your coat, you nodded to 'Tonio.
"I'm heading out for some food, want anything?" 'Tonio shook his head,
"Na I'm good, thanks (Y/N)." Nodding, you headed out.
You didn't realise how hungry you were until you were half way through a footlong sub from the local deli. Your stomach ached in protest and delight at the amount of food you were consuming. You couldn't help but think about how Voight had kissed you that night, it had felt glorious. You hadn't dated anyone for a few years, hadn't really had the time. You'd enjoyed your job too much. But when Voight had kissed you, you felt a new rush, a new thrill. Then the fucker had ditched you.
"Asshole." Throwing your rubbish in the bin, you headed back into the office. Taking the stairs two at a time, you wasn't focused on the people around you and you slammed into someone.
"Shit... I'm sorry I wasn't watching." Glancing up you found a guy in front of you smiling.
"(Y/N)! Christ I haven't seen you in years." Focusing on the face attached to the voice, you saw it was Jacob. A guy you had gone through the academy with. Huffing out a breath, you gave a wane smile.
"Hey, Jacob. How you doing?" Nodding, he grinned, stepping closer to you.
"Yeah I'm good thanks, I'm working over with homicide now."
"Sweet." You shifted your gaze, looking up to where you wanted to go. He glanced behind you, eyes going wide.
"Are you... you up in Intelligence?"
"Holy shit that is amazing, I've heard Voight is a right hardass... is that true?"
"I can be when pushed." Jacobs eyes widened as he spun round.
"Um... sorry Sir, I didn't mean anything by it." Smirking Voight clapped him on the shoulder,
"Don't sweat it. (Y/N), when you're ready we've got a lead to run down." Turning, Voight headed up the stairs to the rest of the team.
"I should head up." Moving to follow Voight, Jacob caught your arm.
"Hey do you fancy grabbing a drink tonight, after work?" Glancing up the stairs you saw Voight had slowed down, probably trying to over hear your conversation.
"Um... yeah I'll uh... I'll let you know. Big case, not sure what time I'll be finished."
"Yeah... yeah okay sounds good." Heading up the stairs, you caught Voights eye.
"Hey... you dating that guy?" Frowning, you glanced up at him.
"I... no I went through the academy with him. He just asked if I wanted to meet for a drink."
"Hmm... you should go. You're a young woman, you should get out from behind the desk." Watching him closely, you leaned in looking for any hint of a joke.
"You... okay sure, why not." Turning on your heel you marched into the office heading straight to your desk to phone Jacob. If Voight insisted you go, then you'll go. If only you'd turned round, you'd have seen the fury burning in his eyes.
Checking your reflection, you smiled. You'd picked your best emerald green dress, it dipped low at the front and hugged at your hips just right. You felt good for the first time in a while.
"Forget Voight." Grabbing your coat and bag, you headed out the door.
You found Jacob at the bar sipping on a beer, spotting you he grinned.
"Wow... you look amazing!" Grinning, you pulled your coat off and placed it over the bar stool.
"Thank you, you scrub up well yourself." Gesturing to the bartender, you ordered a red wine.
"Cheers." Taking a big sip you smiled. You looked around the bar, seeing all the different people chatting and drinking. You felt yourself relax a bit into your seat.
"So... how's your case going?" Looking up, you were stalled for moment.
"Uh... yeah it's going okay. It's a tough case but we're getting there." You didn't overly want to chat about work, as it reminded you of Voight. Jacob seemed to get the hint as you didn't expand any further on the subject. You sat quietly for a moment, just sipping on your drink. After a while, you both seemed to just relax into a conversation, reliving the academy days minutes passing into hours.
"You feeling okay?" Jacobs voice seemed to pull you out of a blurred moment that you didn't remember going into.
"Hmm? oh... yeah I'm fine, I'm just... gonna head to the bathroom okay?" Smiling, he nodded.
"Okay, well uh... shall we head out after this? Maybe find somewhere to get food?" Standing up, you nodded holding onto your chair for dear life.
"Yeah that's fine." Grabbing your bag, you headed to the bathroom, feeling your legs wobble and your head start to swirl. Pulling in a deep breath, you focused on the toilet door, not wanting to look more drunk than you were.
Pushing open the door, you leant on the sink and stared at your reflection. Your pupils looked blown, but you couldn't tell. You couldn't focus. You tried to remember how many drinks you'd had, tried to remember anything but it was all becoming a hazy dream.
"Shit.." Stumbling into a toilet stall, you locked the door behind you and rummaged in your bag pulling out your phone. You truly hoped you'd punched in the right number.
"(Y/N)?" Hanks voice cut through the phone, relief flooded through you.
"Han..k... I need... come help... been drugged."
"Where are you!" You felt yourself slowly drifting off.
"I... I'm ... bar...South side... bird...bird... Spar..." Your voice drifted off,
"Bird... the Sparrow... you at the Sparrow!"
"Yea... bathro." Your world went black.
Voight drove like a madman, sirens blaring not caring who he cut off in the process. Hold on, please god hold on. The streets were a blur as they flashed past him in a haze of lights and noise. Pulling into the car park, Voight spotted a guy hauling a woman to his car. Stepping out, he recognised it as Jacob. Picking up his pace, he started towards him catching your voice as he got closer.
"No... get off you sick fuck."
"Stop struggling... you know you're going to love it." Hank watched as you swung at him catching him in the mouth, but it didn't stop there. Jacob slapped you, and punched you in the stomach. Hank was at his back within seconds. Grabbing him by the hair, he slammed his face into the side of the car, continuing to punch him as he slid to the ground. He wouldn't have stopped, could have killed him had it not been for your voice calling to him.
"Hank..." Looking behind him, he saw you stirring on the floor blood pouring from your mouth.
"Shit... (Y/N), I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Scooping you up, he carried you to his car putting you in the passenger seat. Peeling out of the car park, he sped away from the bar. Glancing over at you he took your hand,
"Hey, (Y/N) stay awake alright. We're nearly there." You let your head lull to the side, the warm air from the heater and the blow to the head making you sleepy.
"Where's there?" you murmured out.
Waking up, your head felt heavy, your vision blurred. Rubbing a hand over your face, you realised you no longer had your dress on but a soft t-shirt with the letter CPD stamped on the chest. Your body ached, and yet you felt content in the soft confines of the duvet.
"Hmm... s'good."
"(Y/N)?" Glancing to the side, you found Voight sitting in a chair next to your bed.
"Hey, um... what am I doing here?" Reaching out, Voight took your hand and held onto it gently.
"You rang me last night, you went out for a drink with the Jacob guy and ah... he um... he spiked your drink." Frowning, you tried to remember but all you could think of was the toilet stall you had sat in.
"I got there just as he was dragging into his car, but you resisted and uh.. he hit you a few times."
"I um... christ I don't remember much I'm sorry Boss. Guess that's why my head hurts hmm?"
"What! No, don't be sorry, that scumbag is the one who should be sorry not you! I'm... I'm just glad I was able to get you out before... well I'm glad I got to you." Smiling you squeezed his hand with yours,
"Thanks Boss."
"'Tonio checked into your boy, and he's not a cop, well not any more at least. He didn't make it passed being a beat cop, he assaulted two women so he got fired." You felt your stomach churn.
"Well... maybe next time I should get you guys to run a background check on whoever I plan on going for a drink with hmm?" Dropping your head back into the pillow you winced as pain flared through your eyes. Looking around the room, you saw that it was rather warm and, oddly enough, cosy.
"We won't need to do that." Voight sounded a little nervous, something you had never thought he could be. Tilting your head, you gazed at him intently,
"And why's that hmm?"
"Because I'm not a creep who preys on women, so you'll be safe."
"Wha..?" Sighing, he shifted out of his chair to sit on the edge of the bed, running his other hand over your hair. It only occured to you now that this was Hanks house, Hanks bedroom, Hanks shirt that you were wearing.
"I shouldn't have encouraged you to go on a date with that guy. What I should have done, was date you myself. But instead I... I got nervous. Nervous that you'd see I wasn't anything but an old, beat up cop too stuck in his ways to make you happy in the ways that matter." Sitting yourself up, you leaned into Voight and kissed him. You wasn't sure how long it lasted, or when he had gently pushed you back leaning into you. Running your hands up his arms, you traced your fingers over his broad back. Breaking away, you pressed your head against his,
"You know, you never even asked what makes me happy. If you'd had just asked, I think we would have saved a lot of time... and spiked drinks." Smirking at him, he shook his head.
"Yeah I know, I'm a dumbass." Laughing at him, you brushed your hand over his jaw.
"I'll let you off, on one condition." Voight raised an eyebrow, and hummed quietly.
" You um... take these jeans off and stay in bed with me for the day hmm?"
"Yes Ma'am, you don't have to ask me twice." Standing he slowly unbuckled his belt, and unbuttoned the jeans. You felt a heat build in your face and stomach. This was going to be... an interesting day.
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chicago-pd-is-weird · 4 months
Hank Voight x Fem!Reader Oneshot (Part 1)
TW: domestic violence, multiple mentions of suicide
Synopsis: Reader is being abused and feels like she has nowhere else to turn to but a dirty cop named Voight.
Part one of however many because I like this idea and want to run with it a little haha.
Maurice Owens. Gangbanger. Scumbag.
Unfortunately, you needed his help.
You walked up to him, about midnight. His bodyguards stood, showing their guns, but you weren’t scared. You’d had worse than a pistol whip or bullet hit your body. “I’m just here to talk. I don’t have a weapon.”
“Alright, and who are you, huh? Never seen you around this block before,” Maurice replied, motioning his guards to sit back down. “You come looking for something, baby? You lost?”
“I heard you’re out there on the streets. I need to get a hold of someone. Think you can help?”
“Depends on what you can give me in return, baby girl.”
You sighed softly as Maurice eyed you up and down. You didn’t think you looked that good, but some men would bang anything that breathed. “Alright, then. What’s your price for information on a cop?”
“Cop?” Maurice huffed. “I don’t know no cops.”
“Look, I’m not stupid, Maurice. Anybody who’s heard your name knows you’re in bed with some dirty cops. I’m not PD and I’m not here to report them. I want to get a hold of one. A cop who can help me.”
“What’re you trying to do? Run game on the streets?”
You shook your head, sighing again, this time louder. “Look, I just need a cop who can help get me out of a bad situation. I’ve heard the name Voight tossed around by some bangers on my block. Get me him.”
Maurice laughed. “Voight, huh? He’s not the kind of guy you find. He finds you.”
“Then tell him to find me.”
“Ambitious, aren’t you? And, what should I tell Voight, should I ever cross paths with him?”
You thought for a moment before nodding to him. “Tell him I’ll be waiting for him. 2PM tomorrow - at Butler Field.”
“Yeah? I doubt he’s going to come just for that. I mean, I wouldn’t.”
“Didn’t I say I need help? Just tell him that. If he doesn’t show, then make sure you catch the news tomorrow night. They’ll be scraping me off sidewalk somewhere in the city.”
Maurice scoffed as you walked away, but whistled to you. “Hey, how are you gonna pay for this info?”
“You only get paid if this works out for me. Otherwise, you won’t have to worry about killing me. I’ll do it myself.”
With that, you walked away, listening to Maurice and his men talk about you.
When you got home, you let out a breath before walking around your house and to the back steps, as quietly as possible. Slowly, you moved the knob and opened it. The creak of your back door seemed like a siren compared to the silence in your house. You let out a slow breath, opening it only as much as necessary to slip your wiry figure through it, then closing it just like how you opened it. You bit your lip and turned around, the light turning on behind you. When you turned, he was standing there, arms crossed. You looked up at him like a child who had just been caught in the cookie jar.
“Where did you go?”
“I-I just went for a walk,” you replied, your voice shaking. It was the complete opposite from the way you’d spoke to Maurice just twenty minutes earlier.
“Yeah? At midnight? Without me?”
“You… You were sleeping. I didn’t want to wake you up. I just needed some time to myself, and-“
“Time to yourself?! Huh?!” He moved forward quickly, getting into your face and pushing you against the door. His hands gripped your shoulders to pin you against the wood, squeezing hard.
“Ah-Ah, ow! Please, Jeff! P-Please, please!”
“You bitch!” His hand raised, making you close your eyes and brace just as his hand came down on your cheek.
You cried out in pain, hot tears coming to your eyes. You were exhausted despite your adrenaline pumping. You barely ate, barely slept, and his abuse didn’t help. You had bruises from weeks ago that hadn’t healed because you were so unhealthy. “Please, Jeff! Please, stop!” You just wanted it all to be over. Voight was your last hope.
“Why did you leave tonight, huh?! Who were you going to see?!”
“Nobody! I swear, nobody!” You sobbed as his fist found your ribs, making you curl in pain and collapse on the floor.
“Tell me the truth, bitch!”
He kicked you, over and over and over again. Eventually, you blacked out, bloody and bruised.
When you woke again, it was mid-morning. Your body ached and your head spun. You slowly say up, wincing softly at the pain. You couldn’t be too loud, or else he would do it again. You pulled yourself up, stumbling to the bathroom to shower and change.
You peeled off your clothes, whimpering softly at every movement. Dark bruises were on your bony shoulders where his hands had dug into you the night before. Your protruding ribs, similarly, had dark bruises all over them. Not to mention all of the other cuts, bruises and scars he’d laid on you the past ten years. The paper trails were scarce, since he’d always contracted an off-the-books nurse when you got real bad. He’d threatened her to keep her quiet, and always got a different one.
As you got into the shower, you felt the water run over you. It was only lukewarm, since you needed a new hot water heater, but you weren’t going to bring it up to Jeff. You shivered as you watched the blood wash from your hair, suddenly bringing your attention to the cut on your temple where his toe had caught you just right. It wasn’t too bad, but head wounds bled a lot, you knew.
After you finished your five-minute shower, you got out and wrapped a towel around yourself. You took care of your dirty clothes right away, then went to your room to find some clean clothes. When you got dressed, you let your hair stay down, to cover the cut on your head, and you wore a long sleeve and pants despite the summer heat. You glanced at the clock - it was nearly 11:15. That meant you had an hour before he got home for lunch to check on you. Despite working a nearby construction job, he always came back to check on you, making it difficult to go anywhere or do anything without him knowing. You sighed, then decided to get lunch together for him.
When he arrived at home, you’d already made him lunch and cleaned the evidence from the night before. You ran the wash to get the blood out of your clothes and mopped the floor near the back door. He walked in, sitting down at the table without a word. You put the sandwich and chips in front of him, allowing him to eat while you did dishes from the night before. When he was finished, you took his plate and put a list in front of him. “I’m going shopping this afternoon. Can you write down what you’d like me to get, please?”
Despite your sweet voice, he huffed. “No, just get what you usually get.”
“Okay,” you whispered in reply, walking with the paper and pen into the kitchen to start writing down everything you were low on. “Can I use the debit card, or should I put it on my credit card?”
“Put it on your card. Not mine, bitch. I make the money. Go out and get a job if you want your own money.”
“Okay…” you mumbled again, deciding not to push it.
After his lunch hour was over, he got up and left without a word, allowing you to get everything together to go out. You had about thirty minutes to walk to the baseball field, which you knew would take you twenty. You decided, if you were coming back, to simply make your store trip quick.
You walked as fast as you could, your movements slowed by the pain in your body. You’d only eaten a small meal that morning, one egg and a piece of toast, not really hungry in the first place.
As you approached the baseball field, your adrenaline began to pump in a new way, one you hadn’t felt in a long time. There were people all over, seeing as there was a little league game going on. You breathed shakily, sitting up on the bleachers, away from everyone else, pulling your sleeves down over your wrists. You weren’t cold, seeing as the sun was still high in the sky, but you were shaking. The shade provided some shelter from the suns rays which made you look like a ghost because of how pale you were.
You scanned the park, paranoid he would somehow find you there. When a stranger walked up and sat near you, you nearly jumped from your seat. You looked to the man, who had sunglasses on, his hair greying. He was probably around your age, or a bit older, late 40’s. You bit your lip, looking down at the sidearm on his hip, then at the star clipped beside it. You let out a breath. “Are you Voight?” You asked quietly, your voice meek.
“I am. Who are you?”
“(Y/N),” you replied. “I need help.”
“With what?”
“Look, my husband, he-“ You choked up. Suddenly, it was hard to admit. You looked away as tears blurred your vision.
Voight let you have a minute before moving up to sit beside you. “What about him?”
It was now, or never. “He hurts me…” you mumbled, turning your head back at him as tears rolled down your cheeks. “I need help.”
“You ever make a report to the police?”
“What the hell do you think I’m doing?” You huffed, frustrated.
“Look honey, you seem nice, but you should go to the district and make a report.”
You huffed. “Fuck off. I knew this was a mistake.” You got up, wincing in pain as you stumbled off of the bleachers. “Don’t be surprised if you find my body tonight, officer. One way or another.”
You walked away, shaking your head as tears streaked down your face, letting hair fall down to hide it. You heard footsteps behind you, making you stop and whip around, eyes wide. You thought maybe someone would come to put you in your place for talking to a cop, paranoia setting in.
When Voight approached, he put his hands up. “Easy, easy. I’ll help you.”
“What made you change your mind?” You wiped your face, looking up at him.
“Look at you,” he replied softly, pushing the hair behind your ear and taking your chin softly to maneuver your head, examining the cut on your temple. “What else has he done?”
You started to sob, Voight leading you to his car to sit and talk with you for a while. You explained the last ten years to him, which took nearly an hour. When you realized the time, you looked at him. “Please, are you going to help me? Because… if not, I need to get to the store. If-If I come back without groceries, he’ll have a reason beat me again.”
“Let me get you to the store, then,” he said softly. “I can help, but you’ve gotta give me a few days. I got some other things to deal with.”
“Okay…” you mumbled. “Please… don’t abandon me.”
He gently held your chin to look you in the eyes. “I won’t. I promise.”
When your glassy eyes met his deep, brown ones, you nearly got lost for a moment. He made you feel safe and warm, like hot chocolate on a cold Chicago night. You nodded slowly, reaching over to grab his free hand. “Thank you…”
Hank drove you to the store, then dropped you off at home just in time. Your husband arrived about ten minutes later. You put the groceries away quickly, starting on dinner. He brought home beer and some friends, like he did every Friday night. You sighed softly, but knew at least he wouldn’t abuse you too much that night until his friends left.
You held out hope, for days, that one day cop cars would just show up and take care of your husband. When a week passed by, you snuck out to see Maurice again, walking up to him around eleven at night this time.
“Hey baby girl, you come to pay?”
“I need to get a hold of Voight again.”
Maurice laughed, shaking his head. “You ain’t heard? Nah, baby, he got put in jail.”
You stopped, looking over Maurice again for any sign that he was lying. “No, don’t lie to me.”
“I don’t have no reason to lie, especially when you owe me.”
You huffed, shaking your head. “What did you do? Did you report him?”
“Hell no, I didn’t. Me and Voight, we had a special relationship, baby. Mutually beneficial. Now that he’s in jail, I gotta groom another dog cop into looking the other way.”
You frowned, looking at him intently. “Where is he? Statesville?”
“Yep. Got sent away for a long time, I heard.”
You couldn’t help the tears that had welled in your eyes. Voight had promised you. Was that even still a thing? You debated going to the nearest tall building to jump from, but you just wanted out. “I need another favor.”
“Baby, you ain’t paid for the last two I just gave you.”
“I’ll pay. I’m good for it. You just gotta distract somebody for me. Make sure he can’t come home for the day while I catch the bus over to statesville.”
“Are you insane? That’s a big ask, baby. I don’t even know your name.”
“It’s (Y/N). I need you to keep my husband busy tomorrow. Jeff Greyson. Don’t let him come home for a few extra hours. He likes to drink, and he even used to shoot up when he was in high school. I’m assuming you’re drug runners. Dangle a free sample in front of his nose. I’ll pay you off after this.”
Maurice cocked an eyebrow. “What’s going on that you can’t tell him? You having an affair with Voight?”
You scoffed, looking at him intently. “My husband abuses me. I’m trying to get out. Voight promised he would help. Does he make good on promises?”
Maurice slowly nodded. “Every time.”
“Then I need to see him.”
“Fine, but my rate just doubled, baby.”
You finally got into Statesville and were sat at a booth with a phone on either side. Voight was brought in on the other side of the glass and sat down across from you. You picked up the phone, and so did he. “What the hell happened?”
“You knew I was a dirty cop when you met me.”
“Maurice says you’re a man of your word. Is that true, or should I go looking for a tall building for a solution?”
“You need to report this to somebody.”
“I can’t. The investigation could take weeks and if he finds out, he’ll kill me first. I’d rather go out after seeing the city skyline one last time.”
Hank sighed on the other end. “Can you make it to the 21st district?”
You frowned. “I just told you, I-“
“Trudy Platt. Remember that name. I’ll have her find you.”
“Platt… okay…”
“I make good on my promises, (Y/N). It’s just going to take a little longer.”
You sighed, looking back up into his eyes. He was genuine. “Alright…” you mumbled. “Fine… who is she?”
“Trudy Platt is a sergeant in the 21st district. I’ll have her find you and work your case, personally.”
“Just hold out. Has he hurt you any more?”
“Every day, Hank. Every fucking day.”
Hank sighed a little, but nodded. “Trudy will take care of you.”
The next few days went by without event, your hope dwindling with every punch, hit, and cut he put on you. One night, as you sat at home, straddling his lap at his request, a knock came to the front door. You jumped at the sudden knock, looking down at him to see what he wanted to do. He pushed you off him and got up, opening the door. “Can I help you?”
A man looked at him through the door, which he had only opened enough for him to be seen. “Detective Dawson. This is Detective Willhite. Can we come in?”
“No,” Jeff growled. “Do you have a warrant?”
The two detectives looked at once another, then back to Jeff. “Look,” Dawson said. “Some neighbors have called in complaints about a girl screaming here multiple nights in the past few months.”
You furrowed your brow. If that were true, wouldn’t the cops have shown up already?
“I guess the neighbors don’t realize we can still be active even though we’re in our mid and late forties.”
Willhite scoffed. “Oh yeah? Can we talk to your wife? We need to corroborate your story.”
“Sure,” Jeff said, motioning you forward. “Here, (Y/N), tell them.”
“Actually,” Dawson said, looking at you. “Standard procedure is to separate the two of you for questioning. Ma’am, could you step outside?”
“Maybe you should talk to our lawyer, then,” Jeff said with a huff, putting a firm hand on your shoulder. “Have a nice night.”
“Let the girl speak. We can’t go anywhere until she tells us what’s going on,” Willhite replied.
You let out a shaky breath, looking at the two detectives, nodding. “Yeah, uh, it’s… it’s all good… we’re just…” You cleared your throat. “… Active.” You blinked three times rapidly, three times slower, then three more times rapidly, hoping they’d catch on to it.
Dawson and Willhite looked at one another again, then each drew their guns. “Sir, we’re going to need you to step outside with us,” Dawson said.
Jeff scoffed. “This is completely unjustified. You came to my house and forced me to talk, and now you’re going to arrest me? This is not based in law. You’re going to have a six figure lawsuit on your hands now. Both of you, individually.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Dawson said as he pulled Jeff out of the house, making you yelp as his grasp pushed you into Willhite on accident.
She caught you, taking you out of the way and onto the grass. “Hey, it’s okay now. My name is Jules. That’s Antonio. Platt sent us.”
You started to cry, shaking. You were barely able to breathe because of your injuries as your body convulsed with sobs. Jules helped you lay down on the grass and breathe until the ambulance arrived. Jeff was taken away in a car, while you were taken to the hospital in an ambulance. Jules sat by your side the whole time as they checked you out. Turns out you had multiple broken ribs from a few weeks ago as well as several other ailments from the past ten years that never healed correctly. You cried until you couldn’t cry any more, slowly falling asleep as Jules held your hand, Antonio and Trudy Platt talking to one another in the hallway outside your room.
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drreidssahotch · 10 days
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- Spencer Reid
- Aaron Hotchner
- Derek Morgan
- Luke Alvez
- Emily Prentiss
- Jennifer Jareau
- Jay Halstead
- Antonio Dawson
- Adam Ruzek
- Hank Voight
- Erin Lindsay
- Matt Casey
- Kelly Severide
- Gabriela Dawson
- Sylvie Brett
- Connor Rhodes
9-1-1 & 9-1-1: LONE STAR
- Eddie Diaz
- Evan Buckley
- Maddie Buckley
- T.K. Strand
- Carlos Reyes
- Mark Sloan
- Alex Karev
- Jackson Avery
- Derek Shepherd
- Andrew DeLuca
- Atticus Lincoln
- Nathan Riggs
- Jo Wilson
- Lexie Grey
- Addison Montgomery
- Amelia Shepherd
- Meredith Grey
- Tim Bradford
- Tony DiNozzo
- Nick Torres
- Colter Shaw
- Russell Shaw
- Seeley Booth
- Lance Sweets
- Steve McGarrett
• note: more will be added!!
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unknowntoyou2205 · 1 year
Fear turns into confession masterlist
Info: Jay's friend from the army returns, and feelings arise when she becomes involved in the case.
Relationship: Jay Halstead x reader
Requested by @maybankangel
Main Masterlist
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part 1
part 2
part 3
Part 4
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no-damsel · 2 years
Just friends
Warnings: Swearing
Chapter two
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Becoming impatient, you bounce your knee while waiting for Voight to arrive. Adam called his boss after you finished breakfast and briefly explained the situation. Voight agreed right away and was currently driving over with Antonio.
“Nice place you’ve got here.”
Adam lets out a sarcastic laugh. “Oh yeah, the dirty dishes and mountain of laundry really add to the decor.”
Feeling restless, you stand up and walk around his living room. Adam suggested you meet at his apartment; that way, if anyone saw you with him, you could easily play it off as a hookup. You smile at the picture pinned to his fridge of him and a brunette woman posing. “She has a beautiful smile; who is she?”
“That’s my girl, Kim.”
“Where did you guys meet?”
Adam nervously scratches at his beard and says, “Work. She's a cop in my district.”
Laughing, you toss the dish towel hanging beside you at him. “I thought you’d know better than to get involved with someone you work with.”
“Yeah, yeah. How’s your dad and Eli doing?”
You gulp down a mouthful of cold water before pulling at the label covering the bottle. “Eli’s fine—great, actually—and my dad's just the same. Having a kid in the house again is good for him.”
Adam gives you a sympathetic look but doesn’t ask any more questions. You make small talk until Adam gets a text. “That’s them here," he says as he walks towards his door, ready to open it, saying, “Just remember not to be nervous. Hank and Antonio can be a little intense and dark at times, but they are good guys, and if you want, I can do most of the talking for you.”
You struggled to hold back a laugh. Adam was being so sweet and protective, and yet he was in for a surprise. Antonio walks in and gives you a polite nod before greeting his colleague. Hank walks in with a serious expression on his face that softens the moment his eyes land on you.
Adam clears his throat. “Boss, this is—”
“Detective Love,” Hank pulls you in for a hug. “It’s good to see you, kid.”
“You too, Hank; it’s been a while.”
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“Don’t drink anything the brunette waitress called Beck gives you; it’s spiked. All the rooms have hidden cameras. Be safe.” Antonio holds the note you placed in the uniforms between his fingers, “so there’s no safe space to talk inside? What about the staff changing rooms or bathrooms?”
“All bathrooms have cameras facing the sinks, and there are hearing devices in the changing rooms.”
Hank nods. “Before we go any further with this, we all agree that nothing that’s said leaves this room.”
All three of you nod.
“Now that’s sorted, Viola, tell me how you got into a club owned by Hector Vasquez; last I heard you were a detective in robbery-homicide.”
“I volunteered when I heard Nat Dickson was back in town.”
“I’m guessing since you’ve been undercover for a while, Nat’s still out there.”
Rage boils deep within your veins; “bastards have been keeping a low profile.”
“Who’s Nat Dickson? I don’t think I’ve heard that name before,” Antonio says.
“He’s wanted for human trafficking in New York. Viola, you should have come to me when you heard he was back in Chicago.”
“You were in prison.”
“Fair enough, but I’m here now.” He turns to face Adam and Antonio and says, “Nat Dickson is scum and extremely dangerous. Trust me, if you’re ever in a run-in with him, do your best to shoot and ask questions later.”
“Nat is part owner of the club, but his share is under a fake name, Lewis Archer. Jasper gives him a large amount of cash along with a bag of guns once a month, but the date, time, and location are always different.”
Adam’s eyes widened with interest as he looked through some paperwork: “The club is full of drugs and has been busted twice in the last month, but only one arrest has been made, and that was for public intoxication.”
“Jasper’s got eyes on the inside.”
Anger flashes behind Antonio’s eyes. “You're telling us a dirty cop is ripping him off for police raids?”
“Dirty as they come,” you say, clicking your tongue. “But I’ve no idea who or how many cops are mixed up in this.”
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“Is Nat still selling girls?
You chew on your bottom lip as Hank drives you back to the other side of town, where your car is parked. “If he is, he’s doing it in another location.”
“Tell me about this Beck who spikes people’s drinks.”
“Every so often she spikes men with sleeping pills, takes them into a back room with the promise of having sex, and robs them. She takes everything, from wallets to wedding rings. I’ve tried reporting her anonymously twice before, and each time it’s bounced.”
“Sounds like there’s more than one dirty cop involved. I’m going to have Ruzek stay on the bad-dope trail while you continue gathering evidence of Beck drugging and robbing men; I have a feeling they are contacted.”
“And Dawson?”
Hank turns a sharp corner, the tension in his shoulders obvious. “I want you to stay close to Antonio. Don’t get me wrong, Adam’s a good cop, but Antonio has been deep undercover before, so he knows what it’s like. Plus, he’ll watch your back without getting emotional.”
“I understand and thank you.”
“It’s what my team does; we watch out for each other.” He lets out a small chuckle and says, “I also have an ulterior motive.”
“What’s that?”
“Once this case is closed, I want you in intelligence.”
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supernatural-rp · 2 years
Jay Halstead X Reader
Trigger Warnings: Swearing, kidnapping, blood, violence
Near Death Experience
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It was mid December in Chicago. Jay and Y/N been together almost 3 years now. They met at a bar when Jay stepped in to save her from a drunk who was putting his hands on her when she told the man to stop multiple times.
Jay kissed his sleeping girlfriend on her forehead before he headed to work. The Intelligence unit was working a case involving human trafficking and drug deals gone wrong. They had just received another call about another drug induced homicide.
When Y/N work up, she stretched a little before heading off to take a shower and then get dressed before she had to clock in. After she was done, she grabbed her things and headed to her truck which was near an alleyway. She called Jay’s phone hoping he wasn’t busy.
Jay saw Y/N calling and picked up. “Hey, baby, heading to work?” Jay grinned as he waited for Antonio and Voight.
“Yeah, I just got to my truck. Heading to work now. I just wanted to call you and-“ But Y/N was cut off when someone came up behind her covering her mouth. She screamed. Her screams were muffled.
Jay heard the muffled screams. “Y/N?’ Hello?! Y/N” Jay called again. Then the line went dead.
As Voight and Antonio were coming out, Jay got a text from Y/N phone.
“If you ever want to see her again, stop working the case. And stop trying to play hero, Detective.” -Kidnapper
Jay swore under his breath. “Son of a bitch!!!”
Voight came up. “Jay, hey, what’s going on?” He looked at his partner.
Jay held his phone up. “They got her.” Was all Jay could manage to get out.
Sometime later,
Voight got everyone together. “Jay and I will go check out the apartment and truck. See if we can find anything. Antonio, you and Erin go talk to neighbors. See if they saw or heard anything. Also be on the look out for security cameras.” Voight told everyone.
Jay was quiet as Voight drove. He looked over at Jay. “We will find her, Jay.” He reassured Jay.
Jay sighed. “If I hadn’t left her alone, this wouldn’t have happened.” Jay blamed himself.
When they arrived on scene, Jay started looking around the truck. The door to the driver’s side was open, and he found Y/N’s phone on the ground. Smashed to pieces. He clenched his teeth. There was blood spatters on the ground.
“She must have put up a fight.” Voight studies the blood splatters.
With Y/N,
Y/N woke up on the ground. Her mouth taped shut, her hands and feet bound by tape. She opened her eyes blinking. Blood dripped down the side of her head where she had been hit upside the head near her truck before she was kidnapped. She tried to sit up, but the pain was too much for her to bare. She saw a man open the door, and walked in, locking it behind him. He kneeled down to her, lifting up her chin. “You’ll make the perfect trade.” He smirked, eyeing her up and down. “Once we get you cleaned up of course. Boss man doesn’t want to see you like this.” Y/N rolled her eyes at the guy. She mumbled through the tape.
Back at the Unit,
“Traffic cams manage to pick this up. A man came up behind her while she was talking to Jay. She opened her door up, and that’s when he attacked her.” Erin showed everyone the traffic cam footage. “And, we got a clear shot of his face. Ran it through the database, and we got a match.” She handed the files over to Jay and Voight.
Jay looked over the files. Anger washing over him. “I know him. He’s known for kidnapping women and selling them to sex traffickers. He’s also wanted in three states for capital murder, two drug induced homicides, drugs, assault, and attempted kidnapping.” Jay said.
“And we got a location on the vehicle he transported her in.” Antonio came into the room a few minutes later.
“Alright, gear up.” Voight said, as Antonio texted everyone the address.
“Let me go!” Y/N screamed and pleaded as she was dragged by her hair into the warehouse. “Shut the fuck up.” The man snarled, throwing her into a container. She screamed as she left in total darkness, her wrists and feet bound by tape. She cries softly, burying her face into her knees. She had black and blue bruises all over her arms and legs. Her eye was swollen, her lip busted. The side of her head was bloody.
Chicago PD surrounded the warehouse. “Chicago PD!” Jay yelled.
The men started firing at the PD. So, they fired back at the men. “Where is she?!”
Jay tackled the felon to the ground. “Where is she?!” He started the beating the shit out of the guy.
Voight motioned to Lindsay and Adam. They searched the warehouse. Adam threw open the container.
Y/N screamed when she saw the door to the container open. She scooted away, burying her face.
“I found her.” Adam called over his shoulder. “It’s okay, Y/N, it’s me, Adam.” He reassured her.
Jay stopped beating the guy. Voight handcuffed him as Jay took off to the shipment container. “Y/N?!”
She heard Jay’s voice and looked up. “J-Jay?!” Tears streamed her cheeks, as he freed her feet and wrists. She threw her arms around him. “It’s okay, it’s okay, I got you.” He cupped her bruised her cheeks. “You’re safe now.” He kissed her head, lifting her up, as he carried her out.
Chicago Fire was on scene. Severide and Casey helped her into the ambulance so they could assess her injuries. “Can Jay come? Please?” She looked up at Severide and then back at Jay.
“Yeah, he can ride.” Severide smiled reassuringly.
Jay hopped into the back, holding her hand in his. “It’s okay.” He kissed her hand.
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Chicago PD Characters
Jay Halstead
Antonio Dawson
Hank Voight
Kevin Atwater
Adam Ruzek
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daydreamkissesxo · 2 days
Hank Voight x daughter reader x Antonio Dawson | Daddy issues
Brief mentions of smut.
(I personally love Hank)
Being the youngest daughter of Hank Voight came with an incredible list of perks, but an even bigger list of issues.
He wasn't always present in your childhood due to his workload and eventual prison sentence but despite that, he was so insanely protective that it was almost smothering.
Once old enough you'd made the conscious decision to move to New York, and for once your father didn't even try to stop you.
He didn't know what was hiding beneath the surface, that you were hurting because of his lack of presence yet imposing such harsh rules on you when he was present.
He supported you financially and reluctantly sent you on your way, but he never told you just how much he wanted you to stay.
A part of you was tempted to come back, to cling to whatever attention your father gave you even if it was minimal, but you didn't.
Several years after your move, you'd found yourself homesick and incredibly lonely.
You were hopeful that your father would have changed his ways, that he would have missed you just as much as you'd missed him.
Once you'd arrived in Chicago, you immediately headed for the precinct, your luggage still in hand as you grew overwhelmingly excited to finally see your father.
Trudy greeted you with open arms and an oddly warm smile, she couldn't believe how much you'd changed since she last saw you.
Your excitement was quickly deflated as she informed you that your father was out on a bust, but she reassured you he'd be back soon.
You grew increasingly impatient as time started to pass, that excitement you felt earlier in the day now replaced with frustration and disappointment.
When Hank finally did return, Trudy escorted you upstairs to his office where he waited for you.
Your reunion wasn't as sweet as you'd hoped, he'd just taken an incoming call for an update on the ongoing case which left you stood there impatiently until he'd finished.
His attention was immediately brought back to you as the call ended, he smiled warmly before opening his arms to embrace you.
You coldly declined, remaining still in your spot while your expression grew increasingly sour.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Hank asked half amused, lowering his hands to his sides.
"You knew I was here. You knew I was waiting for you." you replied, a hint of frustration breaking through.
"I had to take a call. Sweetheart, you know this job is demanding, I'm sorry."
His tone was slightly sympathetic but not nearly as much as you wanted it to be.
"Just forget it." You reply, dismissing his sympathy altogether.
You roll your eyes, avoiding his gaze entirely as looking at him would only anger you further.
Hank never took kindly to being spoken to the way you always dared, his gaze grew colder as you give him a dismissive glance.
"Hey. I'm doing my job, okay? A job that keeps this city safe, one that keeps you safe. How about a little respect?" He asked rhetorically, waiting for you to give him even the slightest acknowledgement.
"If you'd been a better father all those years ago, maybe I'd actually respect you." You coldly reply.
Hank looked visibly stunned, he knew he'd made mistakes but he'd only ever cared.
"You're so busy fighting the bad guys in everyone else's lives that you've never even tried to fight the ones in mine."
"And If you'd have told me, I could have helped!" He replied, angry with both himself and your secrecy.
"You were never there! You were never available!"
Alvin stood from his desk ready to defuse the situation but Hank held his hand up in signal to halt.
"Financial support and emotional availability are two very different things, when are you going to realise that?!" You asked, a stray tear rolling down your cheek as you glare at him so defiantly.
"You wanted to go to New York." He said calmly, his jaw visibly ticking as he grind his teeth.
"I wanted you to stop me, not slap a stack of cash in my hands and send me on my way! I wanted you to show me that you care! I would have done anything outrageous just to get your attention!" You admitted, wiping your cheek roughly with your hand.
Hank could barely find the strength to respond, overwhelmed with anger and despair as your relationship hang by a thread.
"Go home, We'll talk about this later."
You stare at him in disbelief, once again feeling as though you came second to his demanding work load.
"I'm going back to New York, I have nothing more to say to you." You turn away, knocking the files that sit on the edge of the desk onto the floor before walking out and into the bull pen to take your leave.
Hank was furious, your explosive behaviour was tolerated at home but certainly not in front of his colleagues.
He stood from his desk, stepping over the files to follow after you before reaching out for your upper arm to halt your movement.
"You're not a little girl anymore, you're a grown woman, start acting like it!"
It amused you to know that you'd finally got a reaction out of him, you bit back the smile that started to grow.
"If you have a problem with my behaviour, perhaps you should look at your parenting skills. Children are blank canvas', it's their life experiences that mould who they become."
The tension in the air was thick, several surprised glances shared amongst the team at your boldness.
Grown men with multiple murder charges feared your father, yet you were so unbothered by his presence.
You remained sat in the waiting area of the precinct to wait for an old friend, your knee bouncing in lingering anger as the argument plays on a continuous loop in your mind.
Antonio had coincidentally taken a small break shortly after your heated conversation with Hank, hoping you were still around and in need of comfort.
"Y/N?" He called out as he walked down the last few stairs, your tear stained cheeks visible even from a few feet away.
He motioned you over to an empty room, smiling warmly as he watched you walk over.
"Sit down, let's have a chat.." he said, pulling one of the chairs out from beneath the desk for you to sit.
You hesitantly sat, his kindness wasn't unusual but uncomfortable given what had just happened.
"Everything I said was true. You're welcome to disagree as my dad's friend.." You said defensively, already growing tense as you'd believed Hank had sent him to mediate.
He shook his head in disagreement, offering a small smile of comfort. "I don't agree with everything Hank does, and I understand why you're so angry with him. It can't have been easy.."
You felt oddly comforted by the fact Antonio was unlike the rest, that he didn't rush to Hank's defence like they would.
"It pisses me off that he doesn't see why I'm so angry, it's like I'm the only person that can see what happened between us."
"I see it..believe me, I do."
Antonio used what little break he had to ask you the questions your father never, to find out what truly happened in New York and offer his services should you ever need them once you'd returned.
It was because of Antonio that you'd decided to extend your time in Chicago, his warmth was everything you'd ever craved.
Several days later, you'd revisited the precinct specifically around the time Antonio always left if development on a case was slow.
Trudy let you upstairs on the understanding that you were waiting for Hank to return and you innocently played along.
Your heart skipped an excited beat with each step up to intelligence, you swore it had stopped once you'd finally set eyes on Antonio.
He'd just finished packing up for the day, gorgeously disheveled from the undoubtedly dangerous tasks he'd had.
You confidently walk over, placing both of your hands on the desk in front of him as you leant over it a little.
"Are you busy?" You ask, a mischievous grin appearing as you look up at him.
"Never too busy for you." He replies, winking cheekily.
Your heart fluttered at the sight of his pearly white smile, something snapped inside of you and your confidence skyrocketed.
You walked around his desk, sitting against the edge of it before taking ahold either side of his jacket and pulling him into soft kiss.
Your lips tingled as they met his, your heart painfully bursting like a freshly lit firework.
He gently placed a hand on your shoulder, hesitantly distancing himself before his sympathetic gaze meets yours.
"Sweetheart, we can't.."
You desperately avoided his gaze, both embarrassed and humiliated by his sudden rejection.
If anything it made you insecure, had you read the signals wrong? Perhaps it was the age difference.
You brought a hand up to smooth your arm awkwardly, your sudden lack of confidence brought Antonio nothing but guilt.
"Is it my age? Am I..just not woman enough for you?" You asked timidly, your thumb caressing your own arm in an attempt of self comfort.
Antonio rushed to close the gap between the two of you, his hands taking hold of your face to force your attention back towards him.
"No, no you're the most beautiful woman I've ever met in my entire life, don't you ever doubt that Princesa."
He shook his head slightly, desperate to reassure you and diminish any insecurities.
"You're perfect, and I want you so fucking bad..but I can't." He whispered as he gently rest his forehead against yours, his thumbs softly caressing your cheeks.
You were confused, unable to fully comprehend the reason for his rejection if he felt this way.
"Antonio, I don't understand.." you wrapped your fingers around one of his wrists, you weren't going to let him slip away.
"I can't betray Hank-"
"Are you that scared of him? So scared that you'll deny yourself of what you want?" Partial rage replaced the softness in your voice, you hated the way your father dictated your life.
"It's complicated Y/N..Hank has done a lot for me over the years." He sighed, also feeling the frustration of the restraint he'd put on himself.
"He doesn't have to know." You reply boldly, leaning in to press your lips against his and silence any further denial.
Antonio reciprocated your kiss, rightfully refusing to deny himself any longer.
The kiss at the precinct was one of many shared between the two of you.
You'd waited until Hank was supposedly away for the night before inviting Antonio over, your brief sexual encounters in the back of his car were too uncomfortable to bear.
Your high pitched moans bounced off the walls as he pounded into you relentlessly, you were dazed in the best way possible.
Antonio did start to worry that the neighbours may believe he was hurting you with how loudly you were moaning, or worse that they would report back to Hank and he'd have to face an interrogation at work.
"Fuck, Antonio!" You moaned out, arching your back off the mattress.
The creak of the bedroom door opening halted Antonio's thrusts instantly, both of your heads snapping over at the semi open door.
Antonio's heart dropped at the sight of Hank, his grip on your pillowcase tightened almost painfully.
Your eyes widened at the sight of your disapproving father, your hands frozen on Antonio's biceps as if by some miracle that freezing meant you'd become invisible.
"Don't you say another word. I want you both dressed and downstairs in the next five minutes, we need to have a little chat." His eery tone caused you to tense up a little, your walls clamping down on Antonio's cock that remained fully inside you.
Antonio let out a hefty sigh once the door had closed, pulling out of you hurriedly as he wondered whether the next few minutes would be his last.
You couldn't help but smirk, seeing Antonio so panicked filled you with amusement.
You pushed yourself to sit up as you watched him rush to dress himself, you were in no hurry at all.
"I'll be lucky if he doesn't cut my dick off." Antonio mumbled, pulling his jacket on before turning to face the mirror to check the collar of his shirt.
You rolled your eyes playfully, throwing the comforter back as you got out of bed to collect your clothes and redress.
"You think I'm gonna let him do that to my man?" You ask, walking over to wrap your arms around his waist lovingly.
"I won't let anything happen to you, Antonio."
The two of you sat beside each other on the couch like a pair of high school sweethearts who await an earful from their conservative parents.
You couldn't help but giggle at the nervous look on Antonio's face, he simply shook his head to signal you to stop.
The brief silence was suddenly interrupted by the sound of a cocked gun, your heart racing as you turned to look at Antonio who was equally as panicked.
"You think I'm gonna let you defile my daughter, Dawson?" Hank asked, stepping into view as he pointed the gun towards Antonio.
Your eyes widened in disbelief as you looked up at your  father, immediately rising to your feet to stand in front of Antonio.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" You screamed, shoving his hand away fearlessly.
"Get out of the way Y/n." Hank replied calmly, not the slightest bit phased by your fear.
You glared up at him, your jaw visibly clenched as you attempt to show no emotion at all.
"Touch him and I swear to god, I will leave and never come back."
Your defiance angered him, he'd come to the conclusion you were purposely trying to get beneath his skin.
"Is this all part of a game? You want attention so you sleep with Antonio?" Hank calmly asked, lowering his gun but his tight grip remained.
"Voight, can we just talk about this?" Antonio asked, peering his head around your waist as your shielding left him no space to get up.
"There's nothing to talk about, Antonio." You reply, glancing down at him before glaring back up at your father.
"This was never about getting your attention. I'm a woman, and threatening people like you did when I was a teenager doesn't fucking work anymore!"
You glanced down at the gun, noticing how white your father's knuckles had become from the tight grip that remained.
"You've crossed a line, both of you." He simply replied, disappointment evident in his eyes.
"I like Antonio, and if you stand in my way..you will never see me again."
Hank knew how alike the two of you were, that you'd never give up on something you wanted to pursue just as he wouldn't.
"If you fucking hurt her, I will ruin your life Antonio. You know I will." Hank said, glancing down at him before recklessly lifting the gun to rub his temple with.
"And keep this shit out of my house. You wanna do anything, you rent a hotel room or go to his house."
Despite the circumstances, you were grateful to your father and his blessing.
Given his history and what you knew he was capable of, you respected that he hadn't taken that approach to Antonio and that itself was enough for you.
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delespresso · 4 months
DOWN BAD ━━ Antonio Dawson x fem!reader
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author's note; just a short lil thing because idk i just felt like it heheh prompt; “cause fuck it i was in love, so fuck you if i can't have us” summary; antonio is in a dark place but she'll never leave his side
━━ ☄. *. ⋆
Being in the Intelligence unit under Hank Voight would be taxing on anyone. The cases were grueling, and despite the support system within the unit and precinct — it was still a challenge.
Antonio had been her partner since she first got picked up by Voight from patrol and into the unit. She used to be an officer then. She's a detective now.
Antonio knew there was something about her from the start. He'd been married then, but it was already shaky. Though, even after the divorce he never made his move. It's been six years.
Eva's kidnapping was a month ago. His drug problem was around the same time. And god knows he's messed up from all of it. He was still going to therapy for it.
He pushed everyone away because that's what he did best. But not her. Never her. Try as he might, she would never leave.
“I'm your partner. For better or worse,” she'd said when he'd practically cursed her out to leave him alone.
“You can't get rid of me, Toni. I'm here for you.”
He'd stared at her like she'd grown two heads. And maybe she knew she was crazy. But god, she was crazy about him.
“I love you. And I don't care if you keep pushing me away — I will push right back because that's what you do when you love someone. You stick with them through everything.”
liked this tale? be a member and buy me some coffee!
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callsign-dexter · 8 months
Flirting with Risk 18+
Request: Okay, I might have the idea of another sequel of Gossip and Glances where Antonio sometimes gets really touchy at work and always tries to be close to you.. but you also fear that you get in trouble with Voight but he surprises you by saying he already knows about you and that it's fine as he knows you do a good job. So Antonio continues with his behavior and at home he can finally spoil you in all the right ways ? 🥵🔥
Pairings: Antonio Dawson x Intelligence!Reader
Warnings: angst, fluff, smut
First Installment: From Colleagues to Lovers
Second Installment: Gossip and Glances
Third Installment: Flirting with Risk
A/N: Thank you to the anon who sent this in! @talesofreading and @imagine-all-the-fandoms here is another smutty one for you!
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You and Antonio have been dating for 3 months now but to you it felt even longer. Everybody at work knew that you two were together because of him wincing when he leaned up against the back of his chair and hissed. The men pried it out of Antonio and the girls pried it out of you when they dragged you to the locker room. The only person that didn't know, or at least you thought didn't know, was your boss Hank Voight. When nobody was around or it was just your coworkers you two were pretty handsy but the minute you heard Hank you both straightened and acted like nothing happened, although when you looked over to Antonio, he just smirked at his computer screen and you rolled your eyes but smirked as well. 
Recently though he has been flirting with risk and to be honest so have you but he was the worst. It was one time during a briefing that he was the worst. He stood extra close to you and his hand would occasionally pump yours and you did it right back. Antonio slowly moved his hand across the desk and onto your back at first that didn’t bother you but when he got down to your ass and he lightly slapped it which made you jump a little and squeal not expecting it, you covered it with a cough “Are you alright Y/N?” Hank asked you and you nodded.
“Sorry it was just a little tickle. Please continue.” You said and he nodded and turned towards the board and you briefly turned your head and glared at your boyfriend who was just smirking and eating up the attention. You turned back to the briefing but caught the eye of the girls who were smirking and you rolled your eyes but continued to listen. 
“Antonio and Y/N I want you to go and check out the coffee shop owner.” Hank said and you both nodded and then he gave everyone else their assignments. Antonio and you went to your desk and grabbed your things and he opened the gate and held out a hand signaling you to go first which made you smile and as you were walking by, he patted your ass and you turned and looked at him with a glare. You quickly hurried down the stairs with him behind you. When you both got in the car you smacked him on the arm and he jerked back.
“Aww what was that for?” He asked and you looked at him in disbelief as he rubbed his arm.
“That was for almost getting us caught!” You shouted at him and he smirked.
“You liked it though.” He said with a smirk and started the engine.
“Yes, I did but we have to be more careful. We don’t want Hank to know.” You said and he smirked.
“How can I resist when you look so damn irresistible?” He asked as he stopped at a stoplight and leaned over and kissed your neck but gently nibbled on it and it made you moan. You just happened to look up and the light was green. 
“Tonio light green.” You moaned out and he turned away from you, you whimpered when he pulled away but he needed to focus on the road. His hand came over the console to hold yours and you gladly accepted it. Meeting with the coffee shop owner was quick and easy and surprisingly you got a lot of information and then you were headed back to the district. Nobody was there having still been out and you made sure Hank wasn’t there and when you confirmed that he wasn’t you grabbed Antonio’s belt loops and pulled him over to you as you leaned on the desk. Your lips met in a feverish kiss and then your tongues were battling for dominance and teeth were clashing against teeth, his hands went to your face and into your hair. It would’ve gone on until he ended up taking you right then and there but a throat clearing made you stop and turn to the top of the stairs. Kevin, Adam, Kim, Jay, and Erin were standing there smirking.
“Oh, don’t stop on our account.” Kevin said and got a hit to the chest but Kim. You were blushing like mad that you got caught but Antonio was smirking like he was proud that you two had gotten caught.
“Get a room.” Adam said 
“Don’t tempt us.” You said finally finding your voice and everyone laughed as everyone scattered to their desks, you went to your desk and began working and Antonio came up behind you and watched you work since. He was super close, close enough you could smell his cologne the both of you talked about the case and getting input from your team members when you voiced your findings. It wasn’t very long until Hank was coming up and you were pushing your boyfriend away but he stayed close. You always feared that Hank would find out and then there would be consequences. Hank walked into the bullpen and you pushed Antonio away secretly. He walked back to his desk and began working. 
It had been a few hours and you wanted, no need, something to eat and drink so you went to the break room. You were bent over looking through the fridge when you felt someone behind you and then hands on your waist, you knew who it was. Lips quickly found yours as you grabbed some food that was in the fridge and walked over to the counter, you moved your neck to the side “What are you doing, sexy?” He asked in your ear and you turned your head and gave him a kiss.
“Getting something to eat, handsome.” You said when you pulled away. “We could get caught.” You said as he kissed you again.
“It’s a risk I’m willing to take.” He said but then there was a knock on the door and you once again knocked him away and turned towards your food while Antonio turned to the person leaning on the counter. 
“You’re lucky it wasn’t Hank.” Jay said as he walked into the break room. “You two are flirting with risk.” He said and then you turned towards him, taking a bite of your food.
“I keep telling him that but he won’t listen.” You said and elbowed Antonio in the stomach and he let an ‘oof’ Jay just smirked.
“Just be careful you two.” He said and you nodded and then you were walking back out to the bullpen while Antonio stayed to talk to Jay, he watched you walk away with a smirk on his face.
It was in the middle when Hank appeared. “I wanna talk to you two.” He said then turned to walk into his office and you looked at Antonio with a scared look on your face and he shook his head and walked over to you. 
“You don’t have to worry about anything. I’m right here with you.” He whispered and you nodded. You both walked into Hank’s office as the others watched with smiles. Hank was leaning on his desk, arms crossed as you both walked in and stood in front of him like kids who got caught stealing something, your head was down and hands interlocked with each other and Antonio was standing close to you. 
“I know you two are together.” Hank said and your head shot up.
“You do?” You asked and looked at Antonio with a shocked look on your face and he did to then you looked back and Hank and he nodded.
“It wasn’t hard to figure out.” He said 
“How?” You asked, still trying to process everything.
“It was easy. You both are coming at the same time if not a second to a minute after each other, when it used to be 1 hour after each other. You both defend each other. You both protect each other and yes, I know your partners but this goes past just being partners. You both stand closer to each other during briefings. Also, you both disappear pretty much at the same time.” Hank said and smirked when your mouth fell open and Antonio had an unreadable expression on his face.
“How long have you known?” Antonio asked
“Since the day you both showed up at the same time and Y/N was wearing your hoodie.” Hank said “Just as long as you both keep it professional you can stay together but once your love life starts interfering with your work then we'll be having a totally different conversation.” He added, " Understood?” He asked you and Antonio, both of you nodded. 
“Understood.” You both said at the same time and Hank nodded. You both walked back out and Kevin was the first one to speak up.
“So…. what happened?” He asked
“He knows.” Antonio said “But that just means that I can be loving to my girl now here.” He said and hugged you from behind and gently squeezed you. You shook your head and then you both got to work although he kept his antics up and now that Hank knew you started to get handsy yourself and Antonio ate it up.
When you were done for the day, you were ready to go home and finish what you both started. “You guys coming to Molly's?” Erin asked.
“No, we're going to stay in.” You said and she smirked.
“Don't have too much fun.” Kim said and you threw a paper ball at her and she ducked while she laughed. You grabbed your stuff and then joined Antonio at the top of the stairs and began to descend down them. 
“Have a good night you two.” She said with a smirk and you flipped her off. You both walked to Antonio's car silently and got in. 
“Now he knows and we can do anything we want.” He said gripping your chin lightly and kissing you. 
“We have to keep it professional, Tonio.” You said when you broke away from the kiss.
“We will, when others are around but when they're not then you're all mine.” He said and you smiled and nodded he had released your chin.
“You're all mine too.” You said and kissed him “Now let's get home and maybe we can continue this.” You said with a smirk and a wink. He pulled a face and groaned then before you knew it you, he was speeding out of the parking lot and towards his apartment.
When you arrived at the apartment, he was quick to park and you both hurriedly walked in and got on the elevator. You pressed the all too familiar number and once you were sure the doors were closed you were quick to kiss him. It took him by surprise but he quickly followed the kiss. He was quick to turn you around so that your back was on the elevator wall. “Jump.” He said in a husky voice and you quickly did as you were told. You wrapped your arms around his neck and legs around his waist. “You're so beautiful.” He said when he pulled away and looked you in the eye. Then you brought his lips to yours as the elevator dinged. The kiss broke and you looked over to see you were on your floor. He didn't put you down, he instead walked with you clinging to him and went back to kissing you, you could feel how hard he was through his jeans and you had no doubt that you were soaking wet. 
“I need you, Tonio. Need you so bad.” You said as he stopped at his door and dug out his key and he broke the kiss to be able to see what he was doing.
“Soon, Baby. Soon.” He said and unlocked the door and pushed it open then he shut it with his foot and locked it blindly. “Can't wait to get you out of these clothes and see all of your sexy body.” He said against your neck and you clenched around nothing and you moaned. He walked to his bedroom with you wrapped around his body and still having a heavy make out session. Antonio gently put you on the bed and then crawled up your body after having removed his shirt and pants leaving him in his underwear that was tented with his erection and you could feel your mouth water. You would love to get your mouth around him but he had other plans as he started to undress you. When he was done you were completely naked and exposed to him and he sat back on his knees and just stared at you.
“Like what you see?” You asked and that damn smirk popped up on his face.
“Absolutely.” He responded and he was quick to shed his underwear and have them join the pile on the ground. He didn’t waste any time by giving himself one pump and then he was hovering over your body. You could feel him at your entrance. “Remember to tell me to stop if something isn’t right.” He said and you nodded and then he was slowly pushing into you, both moaning at the same time. 
“Fuck. Feels so good.” You moaned out as he halted and letting you adjust. After a minute you looked at him and nodded “Move.” You said and he obeyed. He set a slowly steady pace filling you just right and hitting you in the right places and the all-familiar stretch was perfect. 
“Fuck, always so tight for me. Such a good girl. Gonna marry you one day and pump a kid into you, our perfect little family.” He said not knowing what effect it had on you. All you did was moan as you started to close. 
“Faster, baby. Faster.” You said and he picked up his pace. “Feels so good!” You screamed out not caring who heard “Wanna have your kids and be your wife.” You moaned out, head thrown back and fingers digging into his shoulder blades and slowly making their way down his back. Antonio hissed from the pain but didn’t stop. 
“I’m close, baby.” He moaned out and as his thrusts started to get sloppy.
“I’m close too.” You said he dropped his head into the crook of your neck and you could feel his hot breath on your neck. His grunting and moaning were bringing you to the edge. “Cum with me.” He said as one of his hands came down to your clit as the other stayed by your head. He started to rub your sensitive clit and you felt his thrusts become even more sloppier. His head went down to your breasts and started to give them attention equally. 
“I’m gonna cum.” You moaned out a warning and that just seemed to make him pick up speed. That rubber band in your stomach snapped and you were cumming hard. You heard him moan out and stilled and you both came together. As you both came down from your highs he slowly pulled out and watched his cum leak out of you and smiled and then fell on the other side of you. You both just laid there. “You really mean it?” You asked him, looking at him.
“Hmmm?” He asked 
“About marrying me and making me a mom and you a dad.” You said reminding him. He turned to you and propped up on his elbow.
“One of these days.” He said and you smiled.
“I would love that, you know.” You said and he smiled.
“I love you.” He said and kissed you.
“I love you too.” You said and then you both got under the covers and fell asleep cuddled together thinking about what the future has to hold. You couldn’t wait to marry him and be the mother to his kid. 
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natti-ice · 3 months
One Chicago free use c.🤖!
Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated<3
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I made free use character 🤖 for the men of the one Chicago universe, here are the links! This only includes Chicago fire and Chicago pd since I haven’t seen Chicago med yet.
Can also find all my characters on my acc @/ nattiice !
If you would like to request a character please feel free to send me an ask with a prompt! Please note that c.🤖 does not allow nsfw.
Chicago fire:
Kelly Severide
Matthew Casey
Christopher Herrmann
Joe Cruz
Brian “Otis” Zvonecek
Wallace Boden
Randall “Mouch” McHolland
Chicago PD:
Hank Voight
Jay Halstead
Adam Ruzek
Antonio Dawson
Alvin Olinsky
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The Lady Of The Night
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Gif credit by @runabout-river.
Requested on wattpad
Hope you all enjoy.
Happy reading dollies.
Taglist @nocturnalherb16 @jesseswartzwelder.
Requested by AmberBatterton. I hope you like it. Sorry for the long wait. Thanks for the request.
Warning: polygamy relationship. Smut!  
"Come on out, Y/N. I bet you look great". Antonio called from his desk. The whole team waiting for you to come out from Voights office. You were changing into something rather sultry and seductive. You might have volunteered to help with the John patrol, playing a woman of the night on the streets.
"I'm nervous". You yelled, covering yourself up with your coat.
"You'll be fine. We'll be right there with you. You could be saving a lot of girls by doing this". Voight calmly spoke reassuring you.
"Alright. Here I come". You took one deep breath and opened the door. Slinging off your coat and strutting into the room. Your hands on your hips. Feeling quite fierce.
"Holy shit". Antonio's mouth dropped as he seen you in the tight little dress that didnt cover much and leave nothing to imagination. Your heels clinked as you twirled around.
"So"? You asked shrugging your shoulders. Before you could get a answer Antonio hit the floor with a thud. Everyone rushed over to check on him.
As you bent over to see if he was okay. Everyone heard another thud behind them. Voight had taken Antonio's queue and fainted as well.
"Maybe this dress was a little to much"? You bit your lip as Adam called for a ambulance.
"You think? You just had two men faint over you. All their blood rushing to their cocks. So I think you'll do great tonight". Alvin assured, shaking Hank to wake up.
After the ambulance got there you decided to stay out of Antonio and Voights sight so you rode with Gabby and Shay. They were laughing and joking around the whole way. You felt bad that that happened with Antonio and Voight. Not meaning to look this sexy.
"Hey, Y/N". Kelly, Herrmann and Otis came in just as y'all pulled into the bay.
"Hey". You said with a frown.
"Why so glum, chum? Herrmann asked.
"Voight and Antonio fainted. It was my fault".
"Why? What did you do"? Kelly asked confused.
You were about to open your coat when Gabby jumped in front of you screaming.
"This isn't happening again. She's wearing a dress thats extremely sexy. No you may not see it". Gabby told them. They stood there with a what has gotten into Gabby today face.
"Okay. Geez. Calm down. Don't want you to have a heart attack". Kelly chuckled and walked away with the others.
Gabby turned to you. "I think you shouldn't show anyone else until you go to work and that's all. I hate to have to travel around Chicago bringing people to life because of your dress and sexiness". She giggled.
"Yeah. I should be getting to work anyways. Got a bet going that I can't get tons of John's with this dress. I'll show them". You giggled.
"You show them girl". Gabby and Shay cheerfully cheered. "She's going to give them all heart attacks". Shay whispered to Gabby.
"Oh yeah. We have our work cut out for us tonight". Gabby huffed with a laugh as they went back into the building.
The captain of the undercover unit put you on the corner of 5th and main. It was a hot spot for walkers and John's. You knew most of the girls were undercover just as you were.
Soon as it got dark the street lit up with cars more than usual. Of course you got picked first and when you got into the car he fainted so it was a easy arrest.
Luckily the whole night was easy. The John's were coming out of the wood work. Maybe someone spread the word that a hot new young thang was working and they had to get a taste but you were glad to get some of these guys off the streets. They were pure creepy.
It was around three in the morning when the van came around to pick you up. You were exhausted. Antonio said he would give you a ride home when you got to the station. You didnt know why he would have waited that long for you but you thought it was a nice jester.
"How many did you get"? Antonio clapped as you walked up the stairs.
"Seventy five guys and surprisingly four women. One had her husband with her. They were trying to spice up their marriage. I was tempted". You laughed as you plumped into your chair.
"I heard. Sorry I wasn't there".
"No I'm sorry. I shouldnt have picked out the dress that would send men into cardiac arrest".
"You're all good, Y/N. You should take it as a compliment".
"How are you and Voight"?
"We're good. Voights in his office now".
You nodded and headed to his office to see what he thought about tonight's events.
Knocking on the door he told you to come in.
"Great job. We heard it all. Excellent work". Hank proudly said.
"Thank you sir. I appreciate it". You spoke with a huge smile on your face. He was proud of you and you couldnt be more happier.
"Let's celebrate". Voight pulled out three glasses and a bottle of whiskey sitting them on the desk. Three, who else was joining us?
"Don't start the party with out me". Antonio came jogging up to the office, and closing the door behind him.
Hank poured the glasses and handed them out. "Cheers to great police work and great company". Hank winked at you. Sending your cheeks to cherry red.
"You must be tired? Why dont you take your jacket off and sit awhile"? Antonio suggested, sitting on the edge of Hanks desk. Looking you up and down as he sipped his whiskey.
"I'll leave the coat on. After what happened today I dont want that again". You shook your head.
"We're fine now. We just got a little excited that's all".
"Are you sure"? You were hesitant at first but they seemed fine now and you slowly took off your coat laying it across the back of the chair.
"You look incredible". Hank mumbled into his glass.
"Fucking hell". Antonio did the same. All eyes were on you and you felt your center become moist. You pushed your thighs together. Shooting the rest of your drink down your throat.
"Another"? Hank offered.
"Sure". You held your cup out and Hank poured you a double.
"Are you trying to get me drunk"? You snickered at the thought of Antonio and Hank getting you drunk and having their way with you. Oh God the thought made you moan deep inside. It was your biggest fantasy. No one knew but you had the biggest crush on them both. You couldnt act on it because for one Hank was your boss and Antonio was married. And I say was because now he's divorced.
"No. Just celebrating. Unless". Hank looked at Antonio.
"Unless"? You hiccuped as you finished your second drink, wipping your mouth with the back of your hand.
"We've seen the way you look at us. Undressing us with your eyes". Antonio came closer to you, bending down beside the chair that you were sitting in.
"I'm...I'm...I'm". You started to stutter. Trying to think of something. Antonio smirked and pressed his index finger over your lips.
"Shhhh. You're not the only one that has been looking and undressing". Antonio looked at Hank.
"So what shall we do about this, Y/N"?
"What do you mean"? You asked nervously.
"What I mean is, how would you like to have us. We both want you and we've came to an agreement that we'll share you if that is what you like. Is that what you want, for us to share you"? Hank got in your face licking his lips.
Yes! Yes! Yes!  Your mind and body screamed. But you really had to think this through. Would it effect your job? Your friendship? What will the others think if they found out?
"Well, I uh. Yes. I want you to share me". The words shot out of your mouth without thinking for long.
"Who would you want first? We've got all night long". Hank kissed your lips, his hand tangled in your hair as he kissed your roughly. His tongue dominating yours. Antonio's hand wondered up your leg, to your thigh.  Squeezing it, making you gasped into Hanks mouth.
Antonio took that as a sign to travel further up, until he could feel the heat from your mound on his fingers. He could smell your juices.
"She's not wearing panties". Hank chuckled. "That's why I fainted. I was fine until she bent over and I saw that pretty little pussy. Those puffy little lips, hiding that suckable little clit. God, you make me so hard". Hank growled as he devoured your lips once more.
Antonio gulped licking his lips as he brushed over your pussy lips. Sliding his middle finger between your slit. Your juices covering his finger. He so badly wanted to taste you but your wiggling and moaning made him keep going.
He guided his long finger into your tight little hole, wiggling it around.  Until he found the spot that made your legs tremble. His thumb pressed again your clit. Rubbing it slow and gentle. Teasing you because you liked it rough.
Hank released your lips and went to your neck, sucking and licking along to your collarbone. Your breast were bulging out of your dress.
"Do you like this dress"?
"Yes". You gasped out as Anontio added another finger to your wet hole.
Hank chuckled, taking his hands and running them down your chest. Taking your dress along the way. Your nipples were hard as rocks.  Hank clamped on them and squeezed and tugged on them. Making you purr. By now you were a panting withering mess under their touch. Antonio played with your pussy while Hank tongues you down and playedwith your nipples.  You were so close, they could feel it.
"Aww, is baby girl going to cum for us"? Hank cooed.
"She's clenching the hell out of my fingers". Antonio grunted, he squeezed his cock through his pants.
"That's it princess. Cum for daddy". Hank attached his mouth to your breast. Suckling at your nipple while his hand pinched your free nipple.
From Antonio fingering you and rubbing your clit to Hank sucking your nipple, you couldnt take it anymore. Your knees buckled, your heart face and your body trembled as you came. Your head fell back along with your eyes. They made you come so hard at that moment. You felt your soul leave your body during your orgasm.
"Such a good girl". Hank released your nipple from his mouth with a pop and kissed your lips.
"She soaked the chair". Anontio licked his fingers as he stood up. His cock just begging to be released.
"We'll clean after she comes down. How does she taste"? Hank asked Antonio as he greedily sucked on his fingers.
"Like heaven and peaches". They both chuckled.
"Fuck. Mmmmm". You moaned, your head spinning.
"I dont think she can move. We should take her home and make sure shes okay". Antinio suggested with a smirk.
"I think that as well. You take her to the car and I'll clean up".
"Up you go little one". Antonio picked you up bridal style and walked you out the back way. A smile on your face and your body wanting more.
Hank gathered your things and cleaned up your little mess. He wanted to sneak a taste but stopped himself. He wanted to enjoy the real thing. Very soon.
Turning off the lights and heading out the door. He hopped in the car with Antonio and you. You were coming off your high.
"Let's head to my place. You're not finished with me yet. Theres so many things I want to try with you two. So many". You fell back onto the back seat with a satisfied sigh.
"We have all the time in the word". Anontio and Hank high fived each other. They didnt know you were just as freaky as they were. This was going to be the best three way relationship ever.
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chicago-pd-is-weird · 6 months
Hello! I wanted to ask if you could write an Antonio Dawson imagine where she’s his gf. Based on S3, Ep.14? The reader is Yates’ target. Antonio is worried about her & is more protective over her as everything is unfolding. As the reader is driving to Yates’ location he taunts Antonio through a video call saying he should’ve kept a closer eye on the reader or something along those lines.
At the end the reader shoots & kills him bc he tried to force himself onto her and when she fought back he wanted to kill her. Finally she breaks down when Hank and Antonio arrive but Antonio is there to comfort her & they go home together. Basically he’s there for her & expressing how he didn’t want her to lose her. And how he was thankful he arrived on time. Please & thank you!
Antonio Dawson x Fem!Reader
This was really fun to write, Anon! I took the episode and tailored it some, but I hope you like it nevertheless!
Requested by: Anonymous
Based on: 03x14 of Chicago PD - all ideas that come from it are not mine :)
TW: mentions of gore/violence as seen in the episode, mentions of stalking, attempted sexual assault
You returned home from New York. It was a horrible time, really. You hadn’t been able to recapture Greg Yates, no matter how hard you tried. As you looked out the car window, you felt a gentle hand come to your thigh, comforting you. You looked over to Antonio beside you, realizing how lucky you were to have him. “Hey,” he said softly. “Don’t worry about it. We’ll get him.”
“I know,” you hummed. “He’s heading back to Chicago. I’m sure of it.”
“His mistake. He’s on our land again. That’s how he was caught the first time.”
You took Antonio’s hand in yours, bringing it up to kiss his knuckles as he pulled up outside your apartment building. “I love you. See you later?”
“Let me walk you inside,” Antonio replied, getting out of the car to escort you.
“Come on, Toni, I’m a big girl with a big girl gun.”
Antonio hummed and pulled you close by your waist as you walked. He didn’t respond, but his body language told you everything. He was afraid something may happen to you, especially because Yates had taken a special interest in you in NY. Truthfully, you weren’t sure why, since you were nothing special.
Instead of fighting, you leaned into Antonio’s chest, looking up at him as you got into the elevator. “Toni, you’re scared.”
“Just trying to make sure my girlfriend is still around tomorrow.”
You sighed softly as the elevator got to your floor, taking his hand and pulling him with you and to your apartment. You keyed yourself in, then shut the door, taking off your coat and shoes. “Antonio Dawson, I love you, but you can’t completely shield me from the world. It’s no way to live. If Yates is coming after me, let him. What’s the difference between this and being undercover?”
Antonio sighed deeply, meeting your eyes. His were filled with deep concern, and he wrapped his arms around your waist to pull you close. “It’s completely different,” he replied. “Being undercover, they don’t know anything about you, and they’re not targeting you. This bastard, Yates, he’s targeting you. He knows everything about you. I-I just don’t want you working this one. He’s going to get into your head.”
“Sounds like he’s already in yours,” you said with a shrug, leaning up to kiss his cheek. “Look, Toni, the whole point is to not let him in. To not change. I’m going to keep working, just the way I always have.”
Antonio gently pressed his forehead to yours. “I can’t lose you,” he muttered, shaking his head. “If I lose you… I won’t know how to keep living.”
“You won’t lose me,” you reassured, gently nuzzling his nose with your own. “Hey, come here…” You gently pulled him to the couch, sitting on his lap and smiling a little, properly leaning in to kiss him. The kiss was deep and passionate, but kept a light tone to it, as you finally pulled away, but not far. You smiled again, whispering against his lips. “I love you, and nothing will ever change that. My love for you is so strong, I’d conquer death just to stay by your side.”
He smiled and pulled you back down for another deep kiss, hands wrapped fully around you, pulling your body as close to his as possible.
“(Y/N),” Antonio huffed as he followed you into the locker room, making sure nobody else was there before coming to your side. “You should stay at the district. I don’t like the idea of you being out there, with him, and neither does Voight.”
You rolled your eyes. “You’re just being overprotective, Antonio. I am still a detective and a damn good one, too. I’ve been in lots of situations where I’ve needed to be careful.”
“He’s completely obsessed with you,” Antonio replied, shaking his head. “He looked up your neighborhood, where you live!”
“Which means he’ll eventually make a mistake. I can’t let him get in my head and neither can you. Now, come on, there’s been three more murders and one attempted.”
You grabbed your gun and badge, pinning them on your jeans, then pulled on your jacket. Shutting your locker, you gave Antonio one last look, telling him you were completely serious. He sighed and simply followed you, riding with you to the scene. You looked down at your phone as an unknown number popped up. You sent it to voicemail.
It was brutal. Three nurses had been killed, and the fourth had been taken to the hospital. It didn’t look good. They’d been beat and tortured, and one even had a hand cut off. You shuddered a little, seeing how all four women had suffered.
“Alright,” Voight said as you all walked outside. “Antonio, Jay, go check on the person who lives upstairs, Nelly. (Y/N) and I will go back to meet Benson and the others.”
You rode back to the station with Voight to meet the SVU, a little upset he took you out of the field, most likely at Antonio’s suggestion. You sighed as you walked in and to your desk, but put on a smile when Olivia Benson and the others on her team walked into the bullpen. You stood to greet them, getting them up to speed on everything they missed in the last few hours.
Some time later, Antonio and Jay arrived back, Antonio looking distressed as he went straight to Voight’s office. You looked down as your phone buzzed. Unknown number. You sent it to voicemail again.
After a fairly short conversation with Antonio, Voight called you in. You went inside, shutting the door behind you. “What’s going on?”
“We found this at the crime scene where Nelly was kidnapped,” he said, handing you a note.
Too bad you’re at the station, (Y/N). You’re missing all the fun.
You shuddered, looking at the familiar cursive handwriting. You glanced to Antonio and Voight, then set the note on the desk. “So? He’s taunting us. Playing us. We can’t let him win by reacting to this.”
Antonio sighed and put his hands to his head, obviously stressed. Voight looked over Antonio, then looked to you with a soft shrug. “The safest place for you is here.”
“What?” You retorted, frowning. “You can’t bench me, Sarge. That’s hardly fair.”
“No, no, he’s right,” Antonio huffed. “I’m sick of telling you, over and over, (Y/N). You shouldn’t be on this case. You’re too close to it. He’s obsessed with you.”
“I could say the same about you,” you huffed in reply, rolling your eyes and crossing your arms. “I am fine.”
Antonio took a few steps toward you, grabbing your shoulders. “Just please, stay here from now on. Until we catch him. Please.”
“It’s an order,” Voight confirmed. “Sorry, (Y/N), but my number one rule here is that everyone goes home at the end of the night.”
“I thought it was to tell you the truth so you can lie for us?” You rolled your eyes again, shrugging Antonio off you and walking out of the office. You sat at your desk, frustrated by the men benching you, especially when Yates was pining for your attention. They could use you to play him.
Everyone went back to their work, trying to find Yates. A few hours went by, and you rubbed your eyes, having been staring at the computer screen nearly the whole time. You let out a deep sigh, but looked up when Kim got the attention of everyone in the bullpen.
“The desk sergeant just called up. A package was just hand-delivered to the front desk, addressed to (Y/N).”
You stood, frowning. Everyone’s gaze shifted to you, then back to Kim, before eventually settling on Sergeant Voight. He looked around and nodded. “Evacuate. Bomb protocol. Someone call in the bomb squad.”
You grabbed your coat, heading outside with the rest of the unit. Antonio stood beside you, a hand on your back. You sighed. “A bomb? Not his style.”
“Maybe, maybe not. He could be trying something new.”
“He probably thinks he has to, since none of you will let me out of the district.”
Antonio sighed again, looking down at you. “It’s to protect you. Why can’t you understand that I just want to protect you?”
“I know you do, and I understand it, but being overbearing like this isn’t protecting me. It hurts me.”
“If it keeps you alive, I’m fine with that,” he said with a small sigh, kissing the top of your head.
You couldn’t help but lean into his shoulder. Because you were among the first out, you were near the back. Your relationship was known, of course, but you liked to keep things private as much as possible. “Jerk,” you mumbled. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” he replied, leaning down to kiss you sweetly before pulling away as Voight and the head of the bomb squad came over.
“It’s not a bomb, we x-rayed it.”
“Then I’m going to open it,” you replied with a shrug, moving from Antonio’s arms and toward the box, which was now outside. You slit the box open with a knife and unfolded the flaps. Your face contorted as you found a human hand inside, figuring it was off of the body from earlier that morning. You slowly reached in, pulling out a note that the hand was holding. Swallowing hard, you opened it.
Why won’t you answer when I call?
You frowned, showing the note to Antonio and Voight, then pulling out your phone as it vibrated in your pocket. You looked to them. “It’s a video call,” you said softly. You hit record on your phone before answering, holding it up so you could be seen in the camera.
“(Y/N),” Yates said, holding the camera out so that you could see him and Nelly. “So nice to see you.”
“What do you want from me?”
“You remind me of someone, that’s all. I like seeing you around.”
You hummed. “Is this what you wanted? Attention?” You turned the camera to show everyone around you. “Cause we’re all here.”
“It’s nice, but what I really want is you. We should meet up sometime. Just the two of us.”
“Let the girl go, maybe we can talk.”
“Mmn…” He hummed and held the girl tighter. “You’ll have to find her.”
“If you wanted her, why kill the others?”
He huffed. “Oh no, you’re trying to get me to confess. You’ve got people there, witnesses. Not only that, but I could probably guess that you’re recording me, aren’t you?”
“Just tell me where you are. We’ll talk.”
“Come and find me.”
With that, the camera dropped, showing a picture frame, then the call cut out. You frowned, furrowing your brow and looking to Voight and Antonio. Mouse started to swear, stomping his foot. “The trace couldn’t go through in time. We don’t have him.”
You sighed, playing back the video. You zoomed in on the picture at the end, then gasped. “Guys… I know where he is.” You turned the phone around to show them a picture of you and Antonio from when you first began dating. “That’s in my apartment.”
Antonio’s eyes widened, and he looked to Voight, who nodded. “Let’s hit it. Get the rest of the team.”
You rode beside Antonio, holding his hand and squeezing it. “It’s gonna be alright,” you said softly, though you weren’t sure if you were trying to convince him or yourself. Antonio didn’t say anything, just humming in reply. When you pulled up, the whole team gathered and breached your apartment. There was no sign of Yates, but the girl was stowed away in your closet. You helped her up and stayed with her until she got back to the district.
The detectives from NY promptly interviewed Nelly, finding that she was Yates’ birth sister. The mother detailed that she put him up for adoption in South Carolina when he was young, because he had been a psychopath since birth. They found Yates to be in a frenzy now, wanting revenge on his mother. It gave you hope, thinking that you may just be able to catch him. They planned to raid his mother’s place.
“(Y/N),” Voight said, moving to your desk. “You’re not coming.”
You huffed. “Sarge, not this again.”
“Stay here with Nelly and her mother. They need you.”
With that, Vought walked away. You frowned as you watched him go before Antonio came into your view. You looked up at him. “Yeah, I know, he just told me I can’t go. I don’t have to hear it from you.”
Antonio hummed, looking you over as he leaned his hands on your desk, then leaned down to give you a deep, tender kiss. You blushed, but reciprocated. You loved him. How could you resist? Knowing he could die at any point, every time he left the bullpen, especially if you weren’t there to have his back. You gently reached up, standing to meet him again, and massaged his shoulders. “Hey…” you said softly. “Just… Don’t let him hurt you, okay? If he’s obsessed with me, it means you’re also in danger.”
Antonio hummed and pulled you close, rubbing your back as he embraced you. “I won’t let him get to you. Promise.”
“That’s not what I asked, Antonio,” you huffed, holding him tighter. “Please.”
“I love you. I’ll do whatever it takes to fight for you and protect you, until my last breath.”
Tears came to your eyes. You silently hoped that it wasn’t a trap of some kind, swallowing hard. “Okay,” you replied, voice barely above a whisper. “I love you too.”
He kissed your head, then gently cupped your cheeks, wiping your stray tears away. He kissed you again softly before leaving to suit up with the rest of the team. You swallowed hard and let out a shaky breath, wiping your face and sinking back down to your desk.
“Hey, it’ll be alright,” Mouse said, trying to comfort you.
You looked to him, offering a half-hearted smile. “Thanks.” You sniffled and let out another breath, then tried to focus on the paperwork on the case, pouring over it again to ensure nothing was missed.
After about a half hour, Nelly came to your desk, frenzied. Someone was calling her phone from her dad’s, but it wasn’t him. It was the man who had kidnapped her. You quickly took the phone and instructed her to go back into the room she’d come from, snapping at Mouse to get him to trace the call. You then lifted the phone to take the video call, seeing Yates with Nelly’s father in-hand.
“So good to see you again,” Yates said with a smile. “Oh, sweet (Y/N), what would I do without you?”
“What did you do for the years before you met me?”
“I dunno…” he hummed.
“I figured out who I remind you of.”
You walked into the break room, shutting the door. “Your mother.”
Yates huffed a little, tipping his head. “Yeah? Yeah. I guess you do.” He hummed again and stared intently into the camera, as if he could see into your soul. “So, have you figured out where I am, yet? Or, are you going to let this man just die?”
You looked up as Mouse came to the window with an address. You read it over, connecting the dots. “Yes,” you said into the camera. “Your childhood home.”
“Then come. Come and see me, (Y/N)… Or else, he will die. And come alone. I detest those men who decided to leave you behind. So ungrateful. You deserve the same chance they do. You won’t have to prove yourself to me. I already know you. Everything about you.”
“I’ll come,” you said softly.
“See you soon.” Then, the call ended.
You shuddered, setting the phone on the table before quickly grabbing your coat, running to the parking lot. You grabbed your car, driving to the address and calling Voight to let him know. He told you not to engage, but you knew you couldn’t follow that order. You apologized as you put your foot further onto the gas and sped to Yates’ location.
Meanwhile, Antonio pushed the gas pedal as much as he could, knowing you were in danger and might do something stupid. “Dammit, (Y/N),” he mumbled. Suddenly, his phone rang, and he answered the video call, settling his phone in a cradle on his dash so he could pay attention to the road as well as the video.
“Well, well, well,” Yates’s voice rang out. “If it isn’t the infamous Detective Dawson. You should’ve kept a closer eye on her. You know you can’t save her now, right? She’s going to be mine.”
“Like hell she is!”
“But she’s rushing to my side. She’s coming to save me. And then she’ll be mine. She’ll be mine forever. I’ll be the last thing she sees. The last thing she feels. My name will be the last word on her lips. And you? You will be nothing.”
“You really think that? No. She doesn’t love you. None of those girls loved you!”
Yates huffed and rolled his eyes. “Dear Antonio Dawson, doesn’t even know what love is. Love is seeing the life go out in her eyes, slowly fading away, while she grips to you and pleads out your name.”
Antonio hit the gas pedal to the floor, gripping the wheel as tightly as he could. He was so ready to beat Yates to a pulp. “You lay one finger on her, and I’ll kill you myself.”
“It’ll have been worth it in the end, because she’ll join me in the afterlife.” Yates then looked up, smiling. “Oh, she’s here. I’ll see you soon, Antonio.” The call promptly ended.
Antonio punched his steering wheel, growling as he raced across the busy Chicago city to save you.
You climbed the steps, your gun gripped between your hands, finger on the trigger. You found Yates in a room upstairs with a large hole in the floor. He was holding Nelly’s father over the hole in a chair, a noose wrapped around his neck. “Hello there,” he said softly. “Oh, (Y/N), please come in.”
“Let him go.”
“I don’t think you want me to do that… You know I’m the only thing that’s holding him up, right?”
You sighed, then pulled your hands up, holstering your gun. “Fine. Then let’s talk. You untie him and let him leave here. Then you and I can talk.”
Yates hummed, looking you over. You disliked the way his eyes roamed your body, swallowing hard. He smiled a little. “Uncomfortable?” He asked. “I’m just undressing you a little. I wonder what you look like under there.”
You bit your inner lip, trying to keep your hands from shaking. “Just let him leave here, and we’ll talk. Just you and me. You know you’re running out of time.”
Yates hummed again, then sighed. “Yes, well, he will have to leave here, won’t he?” And with that, he let the chair go, the man going over. The chair fell to the ground, but the man hung in the hole. You gasped, looking down at him. Yates took the chance to grab you, pushing you against the wall. He let his hands roam your body, including your chest and crotch. You cried out, hands pinned at your sides as he pushed his body weight against you, then eventually pushing you to the ground. “You’re everything I imagined you to be, (Y/N),” he mumbled, pushing his lips to your neck and biting down, making you cry out in pain as his teeth broke your skin. He then sucked and licked at the mark he’d given you, grinding down on you, as he was now on top.
You panicked, whimpering and trying to get to the gun on your hip. He growled and pushed down on you harder. “Stop it. Stop!” He grabbed at your arms to subdue you. “Stop fucking fighting me! Stop it, or I’ll fucking kill you! Just like Nadia! Just like those nurses! Just like all the others!”
In the chaos, finally, you grabbed the gun and pointed it at him, shooting him in the chest. The bullet went straight through his heart.
He fell limp immediately on top of you, his blood pouring onto your body from the wound. You cried out again, tears rolling down your face as you pushed his body weight off you. Then, you stood and pointed the gun at him, your hands shaking, ready to pull the trigger if he moves again, even twitched. You didn’t take your eyes off him.
Antonio and Voight got there very soon after, seeing the scene, and you shaking. Voight slowly pushed your arms down to lower your gun. Antonio checked the body, confirming he was dead.
“I-I-I had to,” you mumbled, sniffling and breathing shakily as sobs came to your throat. “I had to!”
“I know,” Voight said softly, gently taking your gun from you and putting it in his own waistband. “It’s okay, (Y/N).”
Antonio came to you quickly, checking you over. He examined your chest, where the blood had stained your shirt, but finding no injury, he turned to your neck. “Hey, we’ll get an ambo here to check you out.”
“Antonio…” you whimpered, your knees buckling beneath you.
He caught you with ease, picking you up bridal style and carrying you out of the room and downstairs. He set you down outside in the grass, still holding you up to stand. “It’s okay, (Y/N), it’s okay. He hurt you. It was a clean shoot.”
“I-I…” You sobbed softly into his shoulder as he held you tightly. “H-He…”
“Shh,” he shushed you. “You don’t have to explain to me. It’s okay. It’s all okay.”
Hours later, after speaking with internal affairs, the paramedics, and anyone else who had questions, you were finally allowed to go home.
Antonio drove you, holding your hand the whole time. Then, he escorted you up to your apartment and inside, helping you into your bedroom. He helped you undress, taking the blood-stained clothes and throwing them in the trash. He knew exactly how you felt about them, without you even having to say. He helped you into the shower, then let you have some time alone as he made some tea for you.
You turned the shower hotter, as hot as it would go, letting it scald your skin. You didn’t know what else to do. You didn’t know what to feel. You didn’t know what to say. The knot in your stomach intensified, making you sick. You heaved up the contents of your stomach and then some, feeling like you had thrown up your entire insides. Your throat burned as you watched it wash down the drain. You fell to your knees as your body betrayed you, sobbing softly. You simultaneously felt everything and nothing. You were so overwhelmed that you were numb. You sobbed yourself sick, heaving now as nothing else came up. You pushed your head against the shower wall, which was cool in comparison to the water. You sobbed and heaved, trembling on the floor of your shower for what felt like days, though only mere minutes before you regained yourself. Your body was still weak, but you managed to turn the shower off. The steam hugged you, even in the absence of the scalding water. You slowly pushed yourself up to get out, then got a towel to dry yourself. You sat on the toilet, swallowing hard as you played out the scenario in your mind, over and over.
What had you been thinking? Antonio was right. You never should’ve left the district. You would’ve been safe there. You trembled as the air grew cooler, leaving bitter kisses on your wet skin. You swallowed hard again, then stood, stumbling into your bedroom and finding some clothes to put on. You were able to find some underpants, but then you found some old sweatpants of Antonio’s that he had left previously. You also found one of his old CPD shirts from the academy. Putting them on, the smell of him comforted you in his physical absence. It helped to soothe your mind, thus soothing your body.
Moving shakily into the living area of your apartment, you looked around for Antonio. He was in the attached kitchen, looking at something on the counter, then turning around with two mugs of tea in his hands. He stopped when he saw you. “Hey…” he said softly. “You look pale…”
You blinked slowly, suddenly exhausted. You moved to the couch, sitting down on one side of it. Antonio moved in beside you, setting the mugs on your coffee table. He put his hands to your face, his fingers surprisingly cold. It felt good to you. You leaned into his touch and closed your eyes.
“(Y/N)…” he murmured, gently holding your face. “What you did in there… it was the right thing to do…”
“I don’t want to talk about it,” you mumbled. “Please… just… hold me…”
“I can do that,” he whispered, nodding and pulling you into his lap, allowing you to sit sidesaddle. He brushed wet strands of hair from your face, grabbing your mug of tea for you. “Here, sip.”
“Toni…” you mumbled, shaking your head. “I just threw up all of my insides…”
“Just sip. You’ll feel better. Please.”
You sighed, but took a small sip of the tea, swallowing it before resting your head on his shoulder. He set the tea down, and rocked you gently, kissing your head and whispering sweet things in your ear for a while before just rocking you in silence.
“I’m sorry,” you finally whispered, breaking the silence.
“I should’ve listened to you… to Voight…”
Antonio sighed softly. “What’s done is done… I am always here for you… no matter what you choose. I just… I almost lost you today… I never want to lose you. You and my kids, you’re the best things to ever happen to me. I never want to lose any of you. That’s why I have this job. Taking these guys off the streets so that they don’t hurt you or Diego or Eva.”
“I know,” you mumbled, pushing your face into his neck, accidentally reminding yourself of the bite mark on your own. Your hand moved up to feel at the tender skin, wincing as you ran the pads of your fingers across every groove his teeth had left. You sniffled, trying not to cry again.
“Hey, hey,” Antonio gently grabbed your hand, holding it instead so you couldn’t feel the mark. “Shh, you’re safe now. I’ve got you. I’ve always got you.”
“I love you,” you whispered, sniffling again as a stray tear escaped your eye.
“I love you too, (Y/N).” He rubbed your back with his free hand, just holding you, all night long.
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fromasgardandback · 2 years
Detective Halstead’s Girl
Jay Halstead x Olinsky!Reader
description: Jay falls for Olinsky’s daughter.
word count: 1.2k
warnings: stalking, creepy men, step-parent hate, car accident, boyfriend Jay
masterlist | oneshots
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Y/N Olinksy, the woman that Jay Halstead had fallen in love with. He didn’t know Alvin had an older daughter, but he did. They were young and in love when Y/N was born, and before he met Meredith. Not that Y/N had any distaste for her stepmother at first, but she did notice something off. Meredith would try to get in the way when she would come and spend time or even the weekend with her father. It got even worse when Y/N had to move in with her father. She had a good relationship with her sister, but because of Meredith, she spent most of her time outside of the home. That’s where she meets Jay, at Molly’s Bar on a Tuesday night.
“Hi.” He smiled his charming smile at her. “Thought you could use another round,” Jay set the bottle of beer down next to the drink on the counter. “I’m Jay.” 
“Y/N. Thank you for the beer. I definitely needed this.” She smiled lightly at him. She wasn’t in the mood to talk, but with a handsome man standing beside her, she’d forget about her woes for the night.
“Would you like to talk about it? Maybe take your mind off of what’s bothering you?” Jay sat next to her, not waiting for her answer.
“I’d like that.” Y/N smiled softly. “It’s a family thing, well, a stepmother thing. I live with my dad for the moment while I’m apartment hunting and his wife is quite possibly one of the worse people you could meet.” She grinned, trying not to bring Jay down with her.
“I’m really sorry to hear that. If you’d like, I could help you find an apartment. Actually, my brother owns and building and so does my co-worker.” He smiled proudly.
“Are you serious? Yes, I would love to check out both of them. Thank you so much!” Y/N's smile widened, immediately lifting her spirits.
They spoke the rest of the night getting to know one another before they said goodnight. Jay gave Y/N his number promising to give her Will and Kevin’s contacts in the morning. Which he did, bright and early the moment he woke up. She thought it was sweet that Jay was still thinking of her even when he just woke up. Some women would have thought that was creepy, but not Y/N. It was kind and thoughtful. 
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A couple of weeks had gone by and Jay and Y/N have been on a few dates but made nothing official yet. Y/N was like her father in that way, mysterious and keeping people on their toes. But when she called Jay in the middle of the night scared, he didn’t hesitate to call in back-up for his girlfriend.
“Y/N!” Jay ran towards her as she stood outside the front of the local bagel place near her father’s home.
“Jay!” She sighed in relief hugging him as he held her closer into his frame.
“What happened, darling? Are you ok? Did they hurt you?” Jay took a step back to scan her face and body for any signs of injuries.
“No. No, I’m physically okay. Just scared and freaked out.” Y/N sighed, still slightly trembling.
“Talk to me, what’s wrong?” Jay led her to his car.
“I don’t know. There’s just this guy I’ve seen wherever I go. I didn’t pay any attention to it at first cause it’s a semi-small neighborhood, but then it started to get everywhere I went. To the gas station, the grocery store, the post office, the bank, and even outside the building I work in. I’m pretty sure he’s following me.” She sighed a single tear falling from her eye. Y/N didn’t dare mention anything to her dad. She knew that she wouldn’t be “allowed” to go out alone or to be stuck at home with Meredith. She wanted freedom and promised herself to be careful, but now she wishes she told Al. It was starting to get out of hand and terrifying her by the day.
“It’s alright, baby. I’ll protect you. No one is going to hurt you.” Jay held her close again, gently rubbing her back to calm her down. 
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Now it was taken to a new level of scare and threat. Y/N walked outside of her office building and to her car. A small fire started in a car parallel to hers in the parking garage. She panicked and dialed 911 to notify them of a car fire. She then ran towards the stairs to grab the fire extinguisher and put it out. Once she met up with the owner she left knowing they’d take care of it. But as this was happening, her stalker put a tracker on her car. As she was leaving, there was a blue sedan following her one car behind. She noticed a couple of turns with this guy but didn’t make the connection until she was mindlessly driving around Chicago. Where she went, he went. Now Y/N was terrified and shaking. She knew what to do now, but all common sense ran out of the window and was replaced with anxiety. She fumbled to call Jay or Alvin. She hit a random number and heard the dial tone.
“Y/N?” No answer from her. “Y/N, sweetheart what’s wrong?” She heard Al’s voice on the other end of the phone.
“Dad?” She sighed shakily into the phone. “Daddy, there’s someone following me. I think it’s my stalker, I don’t know what to do.” Y/N sighed trying her hardest not to panic anymore and break down into tears.
“Y/N, listen to me. Do not go home. Come straight to the district.” Alvin said.
“O-ok.” Was the last thing Al heard before the sound of a car crash and tires squealing.
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Y/N sat in the banged-up car, bloody and confused. Trying to move, she saw a man slowly getting out of his car. She recognized the blue sedan and struggled in fear to escape the wrecked car. Her seatbelt was stuck and there was no way she would be able to get out of there without any help from the fire department. Sirens blared in the distance as the man walked closer to her. She saw a slight glimpse of something in his hand, and before she could register what was happening, gunshots went off. 
Y/N woke up in a hospital bed, machines beeping, and a nurse checking her out. She let her eyes adjust to the light before looking over and seeing Jay asleep in the hospital chair next to her bed.
“Jay.” Y/N said hoarsely as he woke up, looking at her.
“Y/N. You’re awake. Hi baby.” He softly placed a kiss on her forehead, letting his lips linger a little longer.
“What happened?” Y/N looked tiredly at her boyfriend.
“You were in a car accident. But don’t worry we caught the guy. And yeah, he was your stalker, but he’s locked up now for a long time. He can’t and won’t hurt you anymore. I promise.” Jay slid into bed with her, letting her rest on him. “I got you now.”
“Thank you for saving me.” She cried into his chest.
“For you, I’d risk it all.” Jay kissed her forehead, cuddling his girlfriend.
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Nothin’ I Wouldn’t Do For You
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Kevin Atwater x Fem!Reader 
Warnings: a few birthday tears, reader and Kim are besties, alcohol and the consumption of. 
Word Count: 1,675 words
Author’s Note: Happy birthday Jill!! @hauntedmilkshakeghost <33 I've been looking for motivation to write for our fav guy and this seemed more than fitting! so here's a little birthday treat for you :) 
The morning was dull, woken up to an empty house and no birthday cuddles from your boyfriend. It made you wonder if you missed a call from Voight but why wouldn’t Kevin wake you up?
Maybe he was planning to surprise you so you make your way downstairs to find the house empty. It stuck you as odd that Kevin wasn't home nor did he text you or leave a note.
It was almost 9:30 and you had to head out for work. Quietly and quickly, you get dressed and head out. You get a few birthday calls from family on your way in and when you get in, Trudy was sitting behind her desk.
“Mornin’ Sarge.” you smile, she glances up from her paperwork. “Hey, Voight just got in, you should head up.” Trudy nods towards the stairs.
You hum, signing the sheet in the sheet at the desk. You walk up the few stairs, your hand on the scanner when Trudy calls for you. 
“Happy birthday, kid.” she gives you a small smile.
“Thanks Sarge.” you return the smile, walking up the rest of the stairs.
Everyone’s at their respective desks, a bunch of flowers on your desk and balloons tied to it. The card attached to the flowers read; Happy Birthday Detective L/N. Thank you for everything - your family at intelligence
Your heart warms at the gesture but a little bummed that they weren’t from Kevin alone. It wasn't until you felt arms wrap around you that you realized you were at work. Someone’s arms were around you, giving you a squeeze, slightly picking you up off the floor.
“Happy birthday!” he kissed your cheek. “Thank you Ruz.” you smile, patting his arm.
The rest of the team comes over, all wishing you happy birthday and Kevin comes over last. He gives you a quick hug and a kiss before sitting on the edge of your desk, “any plans for tonight?” he asks.
You shook your head, “nothing really.”
“Cool.” Kev nods, getting up off your desk. You grab his hand before he walks off, he looks back at you. “Are you okay?” you ask.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” Kev’s brows furrow, looking at you.
“Just wondering.” you hum, letting go of his hand.
You felt like something was up, Kevin had been so distant lately and it was off putting. It made you feel like you had done something wrong even though you’re completely sure you didn’t.
Kim leans over from her desk, “hey,” she calls. “You don’t have plans tonight ?” she asks and you nod.
“Lemme take you out then, we can go for drinks or something.”
“Are you sure? Don’t you have plans with Adam?”
“No, plus he can wait.” She laughs, “drinks at Molly’s?”
You nod, smiling. “Yeah, sounds good.”
It's a bit past seven and you’re meeting Kim at Molly's. You were finishing up some last minute paperwork so you said you would meet her there. Bracing yourself, you let out a breath as you open the door.
There was a little hope in you that there would be a surprise waiting for you, your boyfriend and your team standing by the door, the bar full of people with balloons and banners.
Yet, when you open the door, it’s empty. Kim sat at the bar, talking with Otis and there were a few other patrons scattered around the bar. You walk over, mustering up a smile.
“Hey!” Kim smiles, as you sit on the stool next to her. “Hi.” you smile, turning to Otis. “Can I get a margarita and another of whatever she’s drinking?” you ask him and he nods.
“I know it’s your birthday today,” Otis calls to you as he pours the liquid into the glass. He slides it over the counter and over to you, “so this one’s on me, just don’t tell Herrmann.” he chuckles, giving your hand a pat.
You smile, taking a sip. Kim makes casual conversation with Otis as you two drink. There's something digging at your heart, making you feel like you were going to puke.
Otis was someone you nearly saw other than when you were at Molly’s or if you hung out with Dawson and Shay but the fact that he remembered your birthday and your boyfriend didn’t made you so upset.
Your eye brimming with tears when Kim looks over at you. “Babe, what’s wrong?” She asks, voice filled with concern and she rests her hand on your arm. “What’s with the tears?”
Wiping away the stray few that fall, you shake your head. “I’m fine.”
Otis looks between the two women, “did I do something wrong here? Shay always tells me I don’t know how to talk to women.” he mumbles under his breath, exhaling as he pinches the bridge of his nose.
You chuckled through tears, “no, it's not you.” you say, sighing. Kim’s brows furrowed, eyeing you. “That’s bullshit. What’s wrong? Really?”
“I-'' you sigh, “Kevin’s being so distant lately. It just sucks because I thought he’d care more about his girlfriend’s birthday.” you tell her and Kim hums, listening to you. “I went all out for his birthday, you know that. I flew out Vinessa and Jordan, I threw him a party and we spent the entire week together. I just don’t understand the lack of interest here.”
“Kev’s been busy, and like you said, you flew his siblings out. You know he missed them.” Kim tells you, just irritating you further.
“C’mon Kim, let’s be real. I’m not comparing our situations but a little effort from him would be nice. I would have been happy with the two of us eating takeout on the couch.”
“Then let’s go.” She scoots off the stool, setting some cash on the counter.  You look at the woman, head cocked to the side with a look of confusion on your face. Kim grabs your hand, pulling you off your stool.
“Kim, where're we going ?”
“Back to your place, we’re gonna have takeout on the couch and we're gonna get wine drunk.” She smiles, pulling you out of the bar. “But I’m gonna need you to drive because Adam dropped me off.” Kim links arms with you as you two walked towards your car.
Kim lets you drive seeing that she had a few drinks prior to you arriving at Molly’s but you noticed how often Kim keeps checking her phone. “You okay?” you look over at the woman when you come to a stop at the light.
She nods, shutting off her phone. “Just Adam checking in. Wanted to see if we wanted some company.”
You hum, “yeah, tell him to come by.”
It didn’t take long for you to get back to the house. It was dark when you pulled into the driveway and Kim followed you to the door when you got out of the car. You fish your keys out of your pocket, unlocking the door.
The lights turn on, the living room full of people and the walls decorated, covered in balloons and streamers, a banner hanging from the arch above the dining room.
“Surprise!” They shout.
Kevin at the front of the crowd, a grin on his face. “Happy birthday baby.” He walks over, pulling you into a hug.
You look up at him before looking at the crowd, the team from intelligence as well as some of your friends from 81 and med but you can’t believe they’re actually there. “How- when'd you have time to plan all this?”
“Couldn’t have done it without Kim and Adam.” He glances at the brunette behind you who was cuddled into her boyfriend’s side.
You wrap your arms around Kev, leaning into his side. “Is this why you've been so weird lately ?” and Kevin chuckles. “Yeah, I didn’t want you to find out but do you know how hard it was to keep this from you?” he asks.
“It was breaking my heart to push you away like that but I know how nosy you are.” he pinches your side making you smile.
You untangle yourself from Kevin, making your way around the room to say hello to everyone. The rest of the night goes off without a hitch and everyone’s having a good time.
When it comes time to cut the cake, you keep bracing yourself for Jay or Adam to smoosh your face into the cake or rub frosting on it but yet they don't. You’re taking photos and Kim is taking one of you and Kev when you call the team to come over and take a group picture.
Kelly’s holding the phone and Stella counting down for all of you to smile when you feel something cold on either side of your face.
You realize it’s frosting and when you turn to see who it is, you assumed it’s Jay or Adam but you had a habit of rubbing frosting on them but you managed to surprise yourself. Hank and Antonio are looking at each other, frosting covering their fingers as they laugh.
You roll your eyes, “I cannot believe you two.” You turn, rubbing frosting on both of them.
That spirals into a full fledged food fight, all of you covered in frosting and cake.
Kev’s got his arm around you, his finger trailing along your side. The two of you watching the reruns of whatever sitcom was playing on the tv. Adam’s snoring filled the silence, he and Kim crashing in the guest bedroom.
You glance up at your boyfriend, your hand reaching from his jaw before pulling him down to give him a kiss. Kevin smiles, “what was that for?” he mumbles against your lips.
Kissing him once more, you shrug. “Just a thank you.” you smile, resting your head against his chest.
“For what baby ?”
“For doing this.” you gesture to the living room, the balloons and streamers, the banners and what not.
Kevin smiles, kissing your forehead. “No need to thank me, there’s nothin’ I wouldn’t do for you.”
taglist: @chicago9-1-1-lonestar @slytherbun @halsteadssneakylink @twistnet @kellykidd @fighterkimburgess @atarmychick007 @alexxavicry​ @withakindheartx​ 
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