#hansung scenarios
mikey180 · 1 year
Omg i just found your blog and I'm already in love with you kcjajdhksid also side note I'm so glad that i have FINALLY found another hansung simp pike EXCUSE ME this man is so fine like ✋😔 how does he not have a cult following excuse my fangirling I'm just so happy skcjkaidhskdk i was actually here to request headcanons! This is my first time asking so I'm sorry if I do something wrong 😣 just finished binging tog for the fifth time and i am in desperate need of yasratcha content (which was how i found you in the first place, so thank you kitty for introducing me to this amazing person 💞) May i please get some fluff headcanons for our favourite cat? Thank you, have a great day/night and remember to drink water!
bro tumbler ate this for like a week!!! I hate this app sometimes. He should have a cult following. that man is just *chef's kiss* a literal god, but that's not what you're here for so...
This man's mission is to fluster you and then act like he didn't do anything to warrant your reaction.
again, THE CUDDLES!!! you won't escape. I mean it's how he takes care of you
Are you working too long? It's time for cuddles. Stressed? Cuddles. Tired? Long day? Need a reason not to go out? CUDDLES!
For dates he likes to stay at home, but if you really want to go out he would get a very expensive hotel. Ya know, like one with a spa, buffet, room service (sound proof walls)
He likes to bathe together. You on his chest just-
"ahhh, this is so nice." You said turning to lay face down on Yasratcha's chest, the steam in the large bathroom felt amazing. "Mmm humm." He humed in response. His head was tilted back resting against the wall, his eyes closed and his hair floating around the lilac scented water, his arms are wrapped fully around you. From this angle you could see every drop of water resting on his long eyelashes and dripping down his neck.
"see something you like, beautiful?" You looked back at his eyes, slightly open, then at the smirk that played at his lips. You used his thighs to push yourself up and rub his nose with yours. "Yeah, you. Well maybe just a little." You whispered before closing the gap between you two.
I'm sorry this is so short and late. My tumbler has been acting weird and I kinda spent most of my ideas for Yasratcha on the first one. If you'd like more though I'd be happy to write him again, maybe just give me a prompt or scenario. I think I'm starting to like writing for him more though
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My i request senerio in which hansung yu is teased being small and he just get back for it during sex and being dom teasing dirty talking...love you uwu :3
hii, sure you can request it! nsfw is under the cut 👀
Hansung paced around the shared kitchen, desperately trying to find all the necessary ingredients. He couldn’t understand how they were always in their places when he didn’t need them for anything but disappeared every time they would come in handy. Hansung let out an irritated sigh as he realized where the sugar was. Of course, someone had to put it on the highest shelf. He tried reaching out for the ingredient, but no matter what, his fingers couldn’t even scratch it.
The whole situation looked ridiculous from your point of view as you stood in the doorframe, observing Hansung with an amused glint in your eyes.
“You need any help, shorty?” you asked, smiling innocently at him.
“No,” he firmly declined your offer, deliberately choosing to ignore the lovely nickname.
Despite the rejection, you walked up to him and grabbed the sugar. Hansung didn’t appear too happy.
“I told you I didn’t need help.”
“But you looked like you wanted to get it so desperately,” you replied with a dramatic expression. “I couldn’t let my damsel in distress pull a muscle because of some sugar.”
Hansung furrowed his eyebrows, lips forming a thin line as he gave you a death glare. He definitely didn’t find it funny.
“You’re going to regret it.”
Your breath hitched as you felt a tongue licking a stripe up your neck, swiftly followed by bruising bites, Hansung’s teeth rough against your soft skin. His hands had already touched every inch of your body, yet you still didn’t find it fulfilling.
“M-More...” the moan came out quiet, barely coherent. Even though your eyes were closed, you could almost see the teasing smirk on his face.
His hand grabbed your thigh roughly, squeezing at the flesh.
“I won’t be able to hear you if you don’t speak up.” His voice remained calm, almost too calm – it sounded like he was introducing regulars to some peculiar floor test, not driving you mad with the desire to the point where you couldn’t speak properly.
“I-I need you to touch me, p-please-” you choked out, feeling his fingers diving between your legs. It was intoxicating – the heavy breathing close to your ear, a trail of saliva running down your chin, Hansung on top of you as he destroyed your whole being in the most disgustingly erotic way possible.
“Since you’re begging so nicely...”
You didn’t catch the rest of the sentence. It all became a blur, a fuzzy sensation of your entire body being on fire growing to enormous sizes. For a second, the world stopped spinning. Your ears were ringing, vision blacked out as a wave of pleasure ran through your veins.
You came from his fingers alone, Hansung’s arrogant expression becoming bolder as your pleas filled the room. They were almost like prayers, maybe even possessed a few common traits with them. Hansung couldn’t help but grin as he noticed your god’s name sounded suspiciously similar to his own.
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kdramacamper · 8 years
You like me? (HansungxYeo Wool)
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Summary: Yeo Wool and Hansung like each other, infact they really like each other a lot A/n: Something sweet and fluffy for my favourite pair, because i am forever bitter that this ship never got to properly sail.
Hansung had told Yeo Wool often that he disliked him; but they both knew that that was entirely untrue.
In fact quite the opposite. He was always so full of curiosity about the worlds wonders; and Yeo Wool happened to make him so much more curious than anything or anyone else. Hansung was usually so open and so expressive when it came to his thoughts and feelings and it was easy to tell who he liked and disliked from the way he would either scowl and pout like a puppy or smile brightly with shining eyes.
But Yeo Wool was so suave, such a smooth talker and an air of mysteriousness floated around him so much so that when Hansung found himself graced with his presence he ended up feeling, not quite intimidated and not quite jealous....but something? He wasn't quite sure what yet.
But what he was sure of was that he wanted to be like that even just a little, or at least he wanted Yeo Wool to think he was just as cool.
So when Yeo Wool pulled, he pushed. Telling him that he didn't like him or shrugging off his arm when it linked through his when they found themselves walking the same path. He wondered if it was working, because he had noticed that Yeo Wool would spend an increasingly longer amount of time with him than any of the other hwarang. Or maybe it was because he was being so obvious in trying to show that he didn't like Yeo Wool, that it was even more obvious that he did.
Yeo Wool liked that Hansung liked him. Most of the men in hwarang did not; since they were either jealous of his startling beauty or had their eyes set on wooing a woman instead.
And being rejected by the likes of Ban Ryu and Soo Ho was different to being rejected by Hansung. Because with the former two it was expected and he would only propose the idea of sharing their company to amuse himself with the sight of their disgruntled expressions. But when he aimed his flirtations at Hansung the younger one would sometimes stutter and adamantly state his disinterest; it was not the same. Hansung's eyes spoke differently to his tongue and his body when he would dismiss Yeo Wool and shrug his hand off his shoulder; they told him to stay and hold tight, when the rest of him said go away and let go.
Yeo Wool knew this because Hansung would forget to say his objections when everyone's eyes were elsewhere or when they were both alone, and he would let Yeo Wool's arm linger around his shoulder, and sometimes lean into it too. Yeo Wool would smile happily in these moments, the victorious feeling like he had won a battle settling upon him, especially when Hansung slightly smiled too.
Hansung had found a lone corner beside a pillar while he enviously watched Sun Woo sparring with their instructor. He hated sword fighting and well any kind of fighting at all. The weapon felt heavy and awkward in his hand, the sound of metal clashing when his sword hit another in an uncoordinated strike sent a sharp shiver through him as he winced and he would almost always then drop it to the floor with a messy clatter.
Everyone else had been watching Sun Woo too, with awestruck and impressed expressions-even Yeo Wool.
Hansung turned away from Sun Woo, sliding down the pillar and settling into a crouch, tucking his knees under his chin and wrapping his arms tightly around himself as he sulked. Sun Woo made everything look so easy, so effortless, he was so cool and everyone liked him, even his brother Danse liked him and Danse didn't like anyone-why couldn't he be that? Why couldn't he be strong and handsome and caring and talented. He would be teased and tormented and ignored at lot less then. He would be liked a lot more too.
He was too busy caught up in his moping thoughts to realise he was being approached, not until the somebody approaching him joined him in sitting on the floor and nudged his shoulder.
"Wielding a sword is so exhausting is it not?" Yeo Wool said with a sigh, stretching out his arm and curling his wrist.
"I'm too tired to even fan myself from the heat." He said with another exasperated sigh smirking just a little as Hansung's head shot up and his eyes widened.
"Yeo Wool!" Startled he looked over his shoulder, at the sparring Hwarang behind him, but they were too preoccupied to even consider the two in the corner. He visibly relaxed, but his thoughts still left a frown on his face and he pouted.
"Go away." He grumbled, not actually wanting him to leave and not knowing why Yeo Wool was even sitting next to him int first place.
But Yeo Wool knew him well and he refused to budge.
"Maybe later, i'm going to rest here for a bit. The shade is nice and the views not all that bad too." The older hwarang announced, stretching out his arms and letting one fall around Hansung as he winked.
Hansung stammered, trying to decide whether to get up and go or stay- he opted for the latter since no one was watching them anyway and stared at the slender hand that dangled on his shoulder. Yeo Wool was wearing that silvery snake-like bracelet again. The bracelet that curled around his wrist, wrapping around the back of his hand and entwined around his fingers. The sparkling silver only seemed to emphasize Yeo Wool's long elegant fingers and broad palms, and Hansung couldn't help but look and look again. He didn't wear it often, mainly when they had a day off and went to the Okta. He had never worn it during training though, and Hansung wondered why he had chose to do so today when it could so easily be scratched by a sword.
Yeo Wool had actually worn it because of Hansung. Like a bird, the young hwarang was drawn to shiny, sparkly things, and so Yeo Wool wanted to shine and sparkle as much as possible. Hansung looked at Sun Woo far to much for his liking; he wanted to be the one Hansung looked at. And it seemed to be working because his eyes immediately strayed to the shining piece of jewellery.
When Hansung turned to Yeo Wool he found himself floundering again, because Yeo Wool's eyes were on his and- had he gotten closer? Because his face was awfully close to his. He felt the tips of his ears burning and cast his head downwards, clasping his hands over his ears.
"Why are you here?" He mumbled, almost shyly and peeking upwards slightly to watch Yeo Wool respond with an amused smiled as he held his chin with his free hand and pondered.
"Hmmm, I suppose I prefer your company."
"Wha-why? Why not someone cool like Ji Dwi, or Sun Woo or-"
"Because I like you."
Flustered by Yeo Wool's confession, Hansung's mouth parted like a fish and he felt his ears burn again. Staring straight ahead of him he hugged his legs tighter.
"Why do you like me?" He muttered, brows knitted together in disbelief.
Yeo Wool quirked a brow at the young hwarang, a smirk lifting up the corner of his mouth.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"It means why do you like me?" Hansung repeated, in the same childish grumble as before and Yeo Wool chuckled.
"I'm not good a fighting or speaking, or anything really and I hate politics and, and I can't do anything the others can do." He rambled, as if trying to give Yeo Wool every reason not to like him. But Yeo wool found the fact all the more endearing.
"Perhaps that is the reason." He mused, unsure himself of what it was specifically that made him like Hansung so.
"What is?"
"That you are unlike any other. Perhaps that is the reason I like you."
It took a moment for the words to sink in for him, and he stared at Yeo Wool with his mouth opened wide before it slowly tugged up into a flourishing smiled as he beamed.
"Nobody has said they like me even though i'm different before." He said, smiling wider as Yeo Wool's words replayed in his head and filled him with a strange kind of happiness he’d never felt before.
Yeo Wool smiled too, happier now that Hansung's frown had evaporated.
"I feel honoured to be the first, but won’t you tell me that you like me now?" He teased with a pretend pout and Hansung shook his head adamantly.
"I don't like you." He said almost instantly, too quickly for it to be true and Yeo Wool tried to hide his smirk as he clutched his heart in mock hurt.
"You don't?" He gasped pulling away from Hansung and moving to his feet.
"Well in that case i'll go find someone who does."
Boldly Hansung reached out to the leaving hwarang, whining and pulling him back to their spot with a disagreeing whine.
At Yeo Wool's arched eyebrow that was questioning his actions Hansung let go of the other hwarang's sleeve folding his arms across his shirt as he reluctantly admitted.
"Maybe I like you a little bit. But not a lot, just a teeny tiny bit so you can stay."
For Yeo Wool it was just as good as a confession as any, since it was from Hansung. And so per the young Hwarang's request, he decided to stay.
Later that night, Hansung found himself kicked out by his roomates again. He had been unable to sleep, and so had tried to engage conversation with them but they wouldn't have it, since it seemed the only thing stopping them from getting shut eye was him.
And so he ended up in front of the room belonging to Yeo Wool and Sun woo and the other most popular hwarang with his pillow tucked under his arm and a blanket in hand.
They barely flinched when he entered the room, merely glanced to acknowledge him before settling back into their most comfortable sleeping positions. They had become quickly used to Hansung's presence among them, since more often than not he was expelled by his own roomates and these few were the only ones he could mostly tolerate- and they tolerated him.
Usually he would choose Sun Woo as a sleeping buddy since he was the only one he had felt comfortable with since the popular hwarang was quite like what he hoped a big brother to be like. Danse was his brother and he loved him yes, but he wasn't a brother like a brother should be, not like he used to be or like Hansung wanted. And so with Sun Woo he liked to play pretend. But even so he decided that tonight he was going to sleep somewhere else.
He stood in the doorway for a moment while he considered, but his curiosity won him over and he clambered up the bunk beds to settle himself by Yeo Wools side.
Yeo Wool peeked an eye open glancing at the Hwarang awkwardly trying to make himself comfortable in the small space beside him. With a sigh he shuffled over, pretending to be inconvenienced when he was infact thrilled that Hansung had chose to sleep beside him.
Hansung had been startled by the considerate action, and also thankful because he had been nervous after the last time he had tried to share a bed with Yeo Wool and the other male had started to touch his face. It had flustered him and he had fled to Sun Woo knowing he was a safe option since he would ignore him.
No matter how he tried though, he couldn't get comfortable, shuffling every few minutes into a new position so one minute he was on his back, then his side and then his other side. He hugged his pillow hoping that would help, but then there was nothing to cushion the back of his head and he ended up putting it back in its original place.
Yeo Wool let out an agitated huff since he too had been unable to sleep due to Hansung's struggles, and he wrapped his arms around the young Hwarang in order to still him.
"Yeo Wool..." Hansung whispered, face burning because he could feel his breath on his face and hear his heartbeat thudding against his ear.
But Yeo Wool gave no response, and Hansung wondered if he were asleep.  Maybe Yeo Wool was a sleep hugger like he was too? And so with no other choice and not actually minding the situation anymore, Hansung settled, snuggling into Yeo Wool as he made himself more comfortable. And then he felt fingers softly brushing through his hair.
Yeo Wool was awake?
He didn't have it in him to protest Yeo Wool's touchiness this time around as the feeling of fingers combing through his hair and the warmth of a body next to his actually wasn't so bad. It was quite calming and comforting actually and he found his eyes feeling heavy due to the relaxing touch.
But he didn't want to go to sleep yet, not until he had said to Yeo Wool what he needed to say, because the moment right now felt right enough to say it.
"Yeo Wool?" He murmured, in a hush tone so as not to disrupt the others.
The fingers in his hairr paused and it took a moment for him to receive a sleepy response.
"I like you. I really like you a lot."
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lamarkeu · 5 years
Runaway | K.T.H (Hansung)
*none of these gifs are mine credits to owners*
Requested by: @mymisstina
Type: Scenario
Genre: Angst, little bit of fluff if you squint
Warning(s): Arranged Marrige
Word Count: 1120
Summary: Hansung (V) tries to help his best friend get out of a arrange marrige to a prince and have them runaway together.
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“Prince Ji-Dwi, please, can we at least discuss the complications of this?” You follow behind the man in dark purple hwarang uniform, your arms grow heavy as you drag the pink and blue cloth of your hanbok.
The two of you had crossed through the castle courtyard, the red, wooden, pillars holding up the dusty brown tile roofs above. In the middle of the dark red bridge stretching across the diameter of the castle pond your husband turns around to finally face you. His eyes look at you with fire, his lips straight, and expression completely and utterly emotionless as he spoke. “What is there to discuss Lady Y/N?”
“You’re beautiful, level-headed, everything that it takes to become a powerful queen for this country.” His face moves towards yours, the heat of his words could be felt against your skin. “God, you’re basically perfection yet your ties to a minister of Silla, specifically, that of the opposition, is enough to drag you and your title through the dirt.”
“I only want to give you a chance to become more than what they could provide for you, I want to be the one who protects you.” Cautiously, he takes his hands that were against his sides, adjusting his uniform to bring his hands up to lightly cups your cheeks. With lips jutted forward, he pulls you forward, to leave a kiss upon your forehead. Cocking your head to the side, you avoid his soft hands and loving gaze. His head shakes in disbelief, his hands up in defeat as he looks around in frustration, he then continues to speak as his finger points towards you.
“Things will be easier for both of us Lady Y/N if you forget Hansung and his clan, and learn your place within this engagement.” He spits his last few words out like venom before his shoulder meets your frame pushing you off balance, before making his way towards his living quarters. At times of heartache and exhaustion, you tried to find comfort in the fact you knew Hansung was safe from the wrath of Sillas future king.
Your friendship with the youngest clan member of the Wolseong clan had blossomed when the skies filled with the constellations of your birthday. The clan had been the beacon of light that showed you the world after your mother and father died, your mother due to the complications of your birth, and your father during the battle he faced the same day. It was through Hansungs grandfather you were able to survived your younger years and taught the ways of court in your teenage years to become the hope for control of from the Kingdom of Silla’s opposition.
You drop to the ground, trying your best to curl your legs as you admire the pond from the sides of the bridge. The dark blue depths of the castle's pond was a contrast against the light soft glow of the moonlight. Glancing at the rough reflection of your face across the gentle ripples of the water made you sigh in defeat. It had been a while since you had last seen your complexion. Your rounded, coloured, happy face was now replaced by the thin pale mask before you. Your locks of raven hair had been overshadowed by the bright reds and yellows of the various pins that held your bun together. The muted, dark circle upon the underside of your eye was evidence for the sleepless nights in preparation for your wedding. The flash of a face beside yours immediately broke from your inner thoughts. Turning to him, you immediately engulf him into a hug. Hansung pulls you tightly to his chest.
Reality begins to fill your mind and senses as your arms finally release their grip around his middle. “Hansung.” Your eyes beg him for an explanation for his sudden and illegal visit.
His gaze locks on yours, “Ji Dwi has no place telling you who you can and can not keep in your life.” Taking your hands into his, his thumb tries to sooth you.
“You shouldn’t be here.”
“And you shouldn’t be forced to be engaged to someone you do not even love.”
You look at him, wondering what happened to the young, clumsy boy, that you had fallen in love with all those years ago. He had since grown, finally defying against his grandfathers' wishes and further getting himself involved with other peoples issues to fix the issues of the people he cares the most about. The two of you take in a moment to register his words, your hands clasped together tightly, a way to reassure you of your choices.
“If I refused to marry the king, who would even want me to be engaged to then?”
“Me.” Wide-eyed, you take in the sincereness painted onto his entire face.
“Are you insane?” Shushing him, you placed your hands to cover his mouth and turn around to hear where the possible noise could’ve come from. cover his mouth.
His eyes had a sense of shimmer to them as he begged, “Come with me Y/N.”
You take in the words from his mouth. Your best friend wants to run away with you and to get married, you dream since childhood finally coming true. You close your eyes and wince, as you stop yourself from living your fantasy, realizing how damaging this could be for him and his family. “Prince Ji Dwi is going to find you and hang you for high treason.”
He pulls your hand moving you towards him, your faces centimetres apart, before he continues. “We can run away, run to the furthermost village out of Silla that money can get us, change our names, and our life for the better.” The sound of guards, nearby could be heard, you quickly walk your way together towards the nearest wall before Hansung climbs back over the route he came from.
“My friends are waiting for me Y/N, so I must take my leave. Please, meet me in three days time, early morning, just before sunrise. I’ll be on the other side of this wall waiting.” With that, he carefully climbs the sides of the pillers before you see him jump off the side of the wall. You quickly jog your way up to your room on the second floor, greeted by him comfortable sitting top of his horse with a boxy smile upon his face. Taking in the view below you, you are greeted by the rest of his friends atop of their horses before the sound of galloping filled the air. Just like many days before, you were now left with the company of the sky, the moon and stars.
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vanillataehyung · 6 years
Congratulations to TaeTae for winning the best idol actor at the 2018 Soompi awards!
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syuhua · 7 years
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Bangtan memes moodboard - 2/7
Taehyung aka gucci boy
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jeonjiminys · 7 years
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「 떠나지 않았을까 내가 다른 선택을 했다면→ If I choose another path, you won't leave me right 」 Trans by @peachBOY_0613
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daintypup · 7 years
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HQ pics of BTS V
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charrytommoto · 7 years
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he is so adorable and precious and i want to hug him 
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ioricafes · 7 years
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Taehyung Lock/Homescreens Like or Reblog if saved💕
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eun-bii · 7 years
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BTS as demigods moodboard - 2/7
Kim Taehyung - Son of Poseion
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if something doesn’t have a link connected to it, then it’s probably in progress, and not published yet  👉👈
Katekyo Hitman Reborn
Tsuna x reader
when he cheats on you
Tower of God
Bam x reader
when you get jealous over Rachel
when you comfort him
when you risk your life for him
David Hockney
when you’re his childhood friend and he wants to climb the Tower with you
Khun Aguero Agnis x reader
when you get injured
when you get sick
when he confesses to you
when he wakes up from a coma
when you discover he’s still alive
when he makes you beg
when he acts cocky
when you say his name in your sleep
when he’s clingy
when he confronts you about being a spy
when you neglect him
Khun Eduan x reader
when he shares you with Jahad
when he realizes he’s in love with you
when you train with him and get injured
when he gets jealous
when he’s clingy
when he’s forced to choose among women, wine, and grapes
when you see his cruel side
when he’s not a player
Jahad x reader
when he shares you with Eduan 
when you’re his companion and you save his life [part 1] [part 2]
when he kidnaps you
Shibisu x reader
the little mermaid au
White x reader
when he falls in love with you
when he gets injured
when he gets jealous
when he tries to turn you on with other people in the same room
Katekyo Hitman Reborn
Hibari Kyoya:
being raised by a single mother
Superbi Squalo:
Mystic Messenger
Saeran & 707
MC acting similar to Luciel
Tower of God
Arie Hon:
relationship HCs (SFW and NSFW)
reader walking on Endorsi trying to seduce him 
Khun Aguero Agnis:
getting his wisdom teeth removed
with a reader who loves terrible food
with a reader who usually acts like a joker, but is actually smart
with a secretive reader
having a busty girlfriend
with a very kind reader with low self-esteem
Khun Eduan:
relationship HCs (SFW and NSFW) 
with a poor reader
getting jealous over 2D characters
relationship HCs (SFW and NSFW)
Day 1 -  Affection [Shibisu x Hatz]
Day 2 -  Promise [Rachel x Yura]
Day 3 -  Modern AU [Eduan x Jahad]
Day 4 - Cooking [Evankhell x Hansung]
Day 5 - Desire [White x Bam]
Day 6 - Date [Wangnan x Yihwa]
Day 7 - Dreams [Khun x Bam]
MY AO3 ACCOUNT [click]
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serenitymoriarty · 7 years
Drabble: Hansung and Y/N
For @mymisst 🌺 I hope this is as good as you expected 💓
You could see Hansung from a distance in the court yard talking with Yeo Wool, showing him his best fighting stance; making a fool of himself. You couldn’t help but laugh at him as he continued. He soon spotted you, leaving Yeo Wool standing on his own looking dazed as he ran towards you. You stumbled back as he embraced you, both of you laughing with a grin from ear to ear.
“Y/N! Ah I’m so happy you’re here!” Hansung was completely overwhelmed to find you in the court yard when he assumed you’d have better people to visit like Sun Woo or Ban Ryu.
“Of course I’m here, I haven’t got any jobs to do at Hwarang House today.” You laughed, observing the huge smile that crept onto Hansung’s face the moment you arrived.
“We have to do something today! You never get any free time, I’m going to show you how great it is to be a Hwarang!” His enthusiasm was almost over powering, you couldn’t help but try to match his excitement.
“Teach me how to ride a horse.” You asked, the large smile on your face still remaining.
“Really?? Y/N this is so exciting!!” He jumped up and down on the spot, embracing you in a hug as he did so.
“Hansung calm down.” You giggled, holding his arm and bringing it down to his side to try and calm his excitedness.
“I’m sorry I’m sorry, it’s just we never get any chance to see each other apart from on days like today. These days are my favourite days.” He smiled, settling down.
“I’ll make it my job to get more days like today where we can go on adventures, okay?” You asked, meeting his eyes. You both smiled as Hansung nodding his head.
“Come on, follow me to the palace and we can get the horses and ride down to the nice forest, the one with the lake! Last one to the palace has to clean the stables when we get back!” He announced before running east towards the palace, leaving you flustered and hurriedly chasing after him.
It was Hansung who arrived at the stables first, not a surprise to either of you. You laughed, out of breath, as Hansung opened the gate to where his horse was. “Meet Dong Yul, my personal favourite horse!” He ran into the training ground, grabbing his horse by it’s reins and pulling it along with him. You followed after him, stroking the chalk white mane and soft chestnut fur.
“Dong Yul is such a beautiful horse” you spoke, staring into the horses beautiful eyes, “is he yours?” “Yes, I’m very proud to say he’s my horse, he’s one of the most beautiful here.” Hansung responded, walking back into the stable to get another horse. When he returned with another horse, he saw how enticed you were with Dong Yul, stroking his soft fur and brushing your hands over his head.
“You can have Dong Yul today, I’ll take this horse.” Hansung spoke as he walked in with a pale grey horse with a jet black mane.
“Really? Are you sure? Dong Yul is your horse, not mine.”
“I’m sure, don’t worry! You two seem to have a really strong bond.” Hansung reassured you and you smiled politely back, bowing your head.
“Careful now, just step up onto the saddle.” He held your arm tightly as you attempted to get up onto the horse for the third time.
“Y/N there’s nothing to worry about, I’ve got you!” But you fell down again. This time, Hansung couldn’t hold back his laughs.
“Hansung his isn’t funny you should be helping me!” You exclaimed, standing back up off the hard ground.
“Okay okay, try getting on it again.” He said, helping you brush a mixture of sand and mud off your hanbok.
You took a deep breath and stepped up onto the horse again, trying hard to keep your balance, and sat yourself down on the saddle.
“Y/N you did it!!” Hansung cheered, applauding you, the grin on his face growing even wider.
“Now stay there while I go and grab our picnic bag.” You held firmly onto the reins firmly as Hansung left the stables, only briefly to grab some food he managed to sneak from the Hwarang’s when they were eating.
Out of no where, the horse bucked wildly. You yelped and kept your grip on the reins tight as the horse began to run all round the stable at a speed faster than you thought it could go at. It began heading for the stable doors, the ones Hansung had left only minutes ago. You called out for Hansung once you were in the courtyard again, but you could only see other Hwarang’s looking startled as the Dong Yul wouldn’t stop running no matter how hard you tried to slow him down. Suddenly, the horse bucked for the second time, this time not giving you enough warning to grip the reins as you felt yourself falling back, and no one was there to stop you.
“Y/N!” You heard Hansung call out to you and before you knew what was happening you, you were in his arms.
You panted, out of breath from the panic and on the verge of tears. You wrapped your shaking arms around his neck and whimpered into his neck, still trying to calm yourself.
He slowly settled you on the small grassy area nearby along with himself.
“You’re okay now, you’re safe.” He rubbed his large hands across the back of your head, trying to reassure you that you were safe and out of harms way.
“I thought I was going to die.” You muttered shakily. “I’m here now Y/N, I’m not going to let anything happen to you ever again, I’m so sorry for putting you in danger, this is all my fault.” Hansung rambled, close to fretting.
“Don’t feel bad Hansung, please. I don’t blame you for anything, it was m-” before you could finish your sentence, you noticed his plump lips pressing against yours, moulding perfectly. Hansung placed his hands on your cheeks, catching the small tears that still fell from your glazed eyes. Euphoria filled both your bodies, a true connection being formed. Hansung pulled away breathlessly, hands remaining on your tear stained cheeks.
“I’m sorry I put you in danger Y/N, I love you.” He muttered, staring deep into your eyes. This was a different to the giggly Hansung you knew, this was lovestruck Hansung, but you knew every word he spoke was true.
“I love you too.” You wrapped your arms around his shoulders again and pulled him into a hug, smiling into his neck.
This was where you wanted to be; in Hansung’s arms.
Edit: Since y’all are here and this blew up can y’all request me things to write I’m mega bored. My requests are open, I’ll write pretty much anything for quite a lot of groups! Don’t be shy!
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ugotnotoothpaste · 8 years
Seokjin probably after watching Han Sung die 
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step-on-me-khun · 4 years
Hansung x female reader 👁👄👁 they meet when the reader became the test administrator
I’m not confident that I can do a scenario and make it true to his character, all I seem to be doing is refusing these requests and I’m sorry for that, I’m more used to writing for characters that have had shit tons of screen time and I can actually read into them and write them down confidentally
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kookmejeon · 8 years
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Texting bf Taehyung while watching Hwarang (I'm actually dead rn and my eyes hurt from crying what have you done to all of us kim taehyung) (I was just watching new episode and then this happened and i was so broken that i have to do this texts sorry for spoilers if you didn't watch it yet) ~~ Send your requests!!
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