#hapi the chao
r0semultiverse · 11 months
Digital Circus AMA Notes
Digital Circus is getting a season 1 at some point!!!!
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#webcore aesthetic board for the series design
Pomni was going to be a frog originally. 🐸
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90s toys Zooble inspo
Caine is an antagonist, but not by active choice, he doesn't know he's not helping. He doesn't feel a whole spectrum of human emotions (he's an AI).
"Caine canonically just lets things happen if he thinks it's funny."
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Characters eat like Chao in Chao garden in Sonic. The characters can eat the food, but they can't digest it.
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Jax's favorite food is spaghetti.
Pomni likes salmon.
Q "Was the ending a 'Last Supper' reference?" A "in a very superficial kinda way yeah." Religious stuff is sometimes just used for the funny.
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Gooseworx tumblr sketches MAY or MAY NOT be canon to the series, so it's up in the air for every single one.
People can abstract from feeling too much pain if it breaks their mind from it being too much. Characters feel pain from things, but not as intensely as they would in real life.
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Zooble is gonna swap parts every episode (implying they have spare parts) except their body & head.
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Jax chose his own name & gooseworx likes to think he chose Gangle's name.
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Ragatha was named "Emmy" originally.
They (the cast of characters trapped in the circus) can't change their clothes but Caine can. It's part of their skin sorta kinda.
There's empty space under Pomni's hat because video game model physics.
Spamton was partially inspo for Caine, Caine's VA did Spamton dubs.
Gangle only has 2 masks. Why's it (her hapiness mask) break all the time? Mental state, but the "real her" is "harder to break."
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Kaumfo was gonna be part of the main cast originally before Jax.
Kaufmo's model has nothing below the waist at this time, but was made for that promotional image on twitter.
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Q "What kinda person was Kaufmo?" A "He was the same as Ragatha in a sense, goofy & cheery, sometimes toxic levels of positivity."
I'm paraphrasing for the sake of note taking in real time, go watch the stream playback for more context & details if you want.
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mamamoon92 · 9 days
Major Egyptian deities✨
Aker – A god of the earth and the east and west horizons of the Underworld
Amun – A creator god, patron deity of the city of Thebes, and the preeminent deity in Egypt during the New Kingdom
Anhur – A god of war and hunting
Aten – Sun disk deity who became the focus of the monolatrous or monotheistic Atenist belief system in the reign of Akhenaten
Atum – A creator god and solar deity, first god of the Ennead
Bennu – A solar and creator deity, depicted as a bird
Geb – An earth god and member of the Ennead
Hapi – Personification of the Nile flood
Horus – A major god, usually shown as a falcon or as a human child, linked with the sky, the sun, kingship, protection, and healing. Often said to be the son of Osiris and Isis.
Khepri – A solar creator god, often treated as the morning form of Ra and represented by a scarab beetle
Khnum (Khnemu) – A ram god, the patron deity of Elephantine, who was said to control the Nile flood and give life to gods and humans
Khonsu – A moon god, son of Amun and Mut
Maahes – A lion god, son of Bastet
Montu – A god of war and the sun, worshipped at Thebes
Nefertum – God of the lotus blossom from which the sun god rose at the beginning of time. Son of Ptah and Sekhmet.
Nemty – Falcon god, worshipped in Middle Egypt,[18] who appears in myth as a ferryman for greater gods
Neper – A god of grain
Osiris – god of death and resurrection who rules the underworld and enlivens vegetation, the sun god, and deceased souls
Ptah – A creator deity and god of craftsmen, the patron god of Memphis
Ra – The sun god
Set – An ambivalent god, characterized by violence, chaos, and strength, connected with the desert. Mythological murderer of Osiris and enemy of Horus, but also a supporter of the king.
Shu – Embodiment of wind or air, a member of the Ennead
Sobek – Crocodile god, worshipped in the Faiyum and at Kom Ombo
Sopdu – A god of the sky and of Egypt's eastern border regions
Thoth – A moon god, and a god of writing and scribes, and patron deity of Hermopolis
Wadj-wer – Personification of the Mediterranean sea or lakes of the Nile Delta
Cite error: The opening  tag is malformed or has a bad name
Amunet – Female counterpart of Amun and a member of the Ogdoad
Anuket – A goddess of Egypt's southern frontier regions, particularly the lower cataracts of the Nile
Bastet – Goddess represented as a cat or lioness, patroness of the city of Bubastis, linked with protection from evil
Bat – Cow goddess from early in Egyptian history, eventually absorbed by Hathor
Hathor – One of the most important goddesses, linked with the sky, the sun, sexuality and motherhood, music and dance, foreign lands and goods, and the afterlife. One of many forms of the Eye of Ra.
Heqet – Frog goddess said to protect women in childbirth
Hesat – A maternal cow goddess
Imentet – An afterlife goddess closely linked with Isis and Hathor
Isis – Wife of Osiris and mother of Horus, linked with funerary rites, motherhood, protection, and magic. She became a major deity in Greek and Roman religion.
Ma'at – Goddess who personified truth, justice, and order
Menhit – A lioness goddess
Mut – Consort of Amun, worshipped at Thebes
Neith – A creator and hunter goddess, patron of the city of Sais in Lower Egypt
Nekhbet (Nekhebit) – A vulture goddess, the tutelary deity of Upper Egypt
Nephthys (Neb-t kha-t) – A member of the Ennead, the consort of Set, who mourned Osiris alongside Isis
Nepit – A goddess of grain, female counterpart of Neper
Nut – A sky goddess, a member of the Ennead
Pakhet – A lioness goddess mainly worshipped in the area around Beni Hasan
Renenutet – An agricultural goddess
Satet – A goddess of Egypt's southern frontier regions
Sekhmet – A lioness goddess, both destructive and violent and capable of warding off disease, protector of the pharaohs who led them in war, the consort of Ptah and one of many forms of the Eye of Ra.
Tefnut – Goddess of moisture and a member of the Ennead
Wadjet (Uatchit) – A cobra goddess, the tutelary deity of Lower Egypt
Wosret – A goddess of Thebes
Both male and female forms
Heh – Personification of infinity and a member of the Ogdoad
Kek – The god of Chaos and Darkness, as well as being the concept of primordial darkness. Kek's female form is known as Kauket.
Nu – Personification of the formless, watery disorder from which the world emerged at creation and a member of the Ogdoad
Ra (Re) – The foremost Egyptian sun god, involved in creation and the afterlife. Mythological ruler of the gods, father of every Egyptian king, and the patron god of Heliopolis.
Tatenen – Personification of the first mound of earth to emerge from chaos in ancient Egyptian creation myths
Anubis/Anput – The god/goddess of embalming and protector of the dead
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livsoulsecrets · 2 years
I'm obssessed with the Willow dynamics, Jade's "Who protects Kit? I do!", Kit being willing to leave everything behind to be with Jade, Graydon's "I'm not asking for you to love me back", Elora doing everything she can to save Graydon when he's possessed, Boorman and whatever the hell he has going on with Scorpia.
Not even just romantic ships wise, I'm also amazed by the pure chaos of this makeshift family they become, Willow just parenting Elora left and right every time she screws up, her hapiness to see him come back for them in the end, Boorman risking himself to keep the group safe, Willow telling Graydon he's proud of him (the man is just determined to solve all daddy issues), Kit's love for her brother saving him in the end !!
I mean, I need season 2 and I need it NOW
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sonic-oc-showdown · 1 year
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Ghost belongs to @retrochao
Shred belongs to @snakolyte
Find out more about them below!
Ghost: (image credit @/superemeralds)
"Ghost" is a hedgehog hailing from the southern reaches of Shamar - He has spent most of his life in the desert, with one goal in mind; Raise Enough Rings to travel to Adabat, a more suited location for his best friend, Hapi, the swim chao. Ghost is a bit physically frail, he cannot run or climb, so instead, He sails across the sand dunes searching for Treasure (and adventure!) to the best of his abilities. The treasure he finds is sold back to the people of Shamar - so he spends his time in ancient ruins or being a delivery boy to save up any money he can manage for their dream.
This is, however, prolonged indefinitely; Ghost has a Curse. One that works against him at every turn. The people of Shamar are so afraid of what state the curse turns him into that the town gossip has nicknamed him "The Ghost" or "The Desert Phantom". He is effectively haunted - the curse changed his fur color from brown to white, and its hold on him gets stronger at night or when he is vulnerable/weak. He cannot control what happens during these outbursts.
He is somewhat Solitary, only coming and going when he needs to, but tries his best to be of help or kind to others when they need it. He's a sweetheart, as well as somewhat a dork, but ever since the curse, hes been a lot more stressed and represses a lot of his desires in order to keep it at bay, to prevent him from scaring, or possibly hurting others. He very obviously struggles with this, and tends to be alone more often. He really enjoys others company, though, so its been tough.
He eventually becomes friends with @theknifedance 's Ganymede, a hare who is studying at Spagonia University, abroad in Shamar for Astronomy - Leading Ghost down a new path; letting himself open up to making friends and accept help with his curse.
She's an occasional nuisance with her siblings Scrap the Mouse and Tatter the Pigeon (neither shown), working as the power of the team. Most often they're stealing small things to keep themselves fed but if given a good enough offer they're willing to work with a big bad (with plans to betray them shortly after. LOL)
Shred herself is loud and reckless but not unnecessarily mean, just a bit smug. She cheers on her siblings and is their biggest fan
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Evet, Eylül ayı konserleri bütün hızıyla devam ediyor. Bu hızlı maraton arasında geçen haftalarda katıldığım 40. Senesini deviren “Black Metal”in sansasyonel grubu efsanevi “Mayhem”den bahsetmesek olmaz. Eski, yeni ve hatta “Ölü” grup elemanlarıyla birlikte kalabalık bir şekilde tekrardan ülkemizde ağırladığımız “Mayhem” grubu 40. Yıl turneleri kapsamında bize unutulmaz anılar bıraktılar. Unutulmazdan kastım sadece laf olsun diye değil, emin olun aradan bir kırk sene daha geçse ve ben bilinç sahibi bir birey olarak hayatta olmaya devam etsem, bu günkü gibi yazarım, anarım, hatırlarım bu konseri. Bu etkinlik, ilk anından son anına kadar görselinden, grubun performansına, ışık şovlarından, ekipman güzelliğine inanılmaz bir konser olmasının yanı sıra dokümanter, belgesel niteliği taşıyabilecek anlara da şahitlik etti. Bu kısma zaten ilerleyen satırlarda bol bol deyineceğim. Konser duyurusu geçildiğinden beri sabırsızlık içindeydim, nihayet o gün gelmişti! Nerelerden başlasam inanın bilmiyorum. Her zaman olduğu gibi konser akşamının ilk saatlerinden itibaren adım atayım. Betondaki bir oyukta bir Metalci yaşardı, Beşiktaş’a doğru yola çıkardı. Gayet heyecanlıydı.
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“Mayhem” söz konusu olduğunda adamların 40 senelik müzikal kariyeri bir yana kendileri 60’larına dayanmış olsa da içimde çoğu zaman halihazırda taşıdığım “ergen heyecanım” nükseder. Bunun sebebi “Mayhem” grup elemanlarının Norveç’te ergenlik zamanlarında geçirdikleri ve yaşadıkları karanlık dönem, koskocaman bir tarzın kurucu unsurlarının başını çekerek son derece yenilikçi, enerjik, hızlı olmaları veya grubun şeytani derecede vahşi kökleri olabilir. Ya da sadece ergen nefretini, depresifliğini ve karanlığını en iyi yansıtan, aşırı uçlarla kafayı bozmuş bir grup adama zamanında beslediğim korku/heyecanla karışık hayranlıktandır. 16-17 yaşlarında ben ve o zamanki tayfam bütün yazlarımızı bulabildiğimiz en ekstrem Metal müzik gruplarını dinleyerek, (Bazen yapmaya çalışarak.) karanlık, izbe yerlerde bira içip dolaşarak, boş evlere girip korku filmleri izleyerek, duvarlara grup isimleri ve başka saçma şeyler kazıyarak, boyayarak geçirirdik. Otobüs duraklarında fotoğraf çekilirdik, vandallık ve primatlığın dibine vururduk. Tarih öncesi dönemleri yaşayan amatör neandertal Silivrili “Mayhem” gibiydik, hayatımız boyunca yaşayacağımız en güzel yazlarımızı geçirdiğimizin zerre farkında değildik. Rahmetli Lemmy amcanın dediği gibi, o yaz aylarını hatırlayamıyorum ama asla unutamıyorum...
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Sadece “Gibiydik” tabi.. “Mayhem” grubunun sansasyonel kökleri, eski vokalistlerinin kendini tüfekle vurması, geri kalan grup üyelerinin kafatasının parçalarından kolye yapmaları, gruba o dönem yeni katılmış “Burzum” kurucusu Varg Vikernes’in orada burada kiliseleri yaktıktan sonra “Mayhem”in kurucu gitar/vokali Euronymous’u kendi evinde öldürmesi sonrasında yıllar boyunca hapis yatması “Mayhem”in geçirdiği tatlı süreçlerden sadece bazılarıydı. (“Nargaroth” grubunun bu hadise için bestelediği “The Day Burzum Kills Mayhem” adlı eseri es geçmemek gerekir.) Daha fazlası için grup hakkında yapılan belgesellere ve filmlere bakılabilir. Oyunculuk ve senaryo konusunda bazı zayıf noktaları olsada 2018 yılında gösterime girmiş olan, yukarıda bahsettiğim süreçleri kurgusal olarak anlatmaya çalışan “Lords Of Chaos” filmini “Mayhem” 101 olarak önerebilirim. Bu bilgiler ışığında tekrar düşündüğünüzde tam kadro gelen bir “Mayhem” konserine ergen heyecanıyla hoplaya zıplaya giden bendenizi belki daha fazla içselleştirebilirsiniz.
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Beşiktaş IF’in önüne geldiğimde tahmin ettiğim kitleyle karşılaştım. Tırnak içinde büyümüş, yaşlanmış, grup formalarını üzerine geçirip sıraya girmiş bir sürü ergen. Belkide konserlerin en sevdiğim yanıdır bu manzara. Gerçekten rahat, kendim gibi olabildiğim, kendimi iyi hissettiğim, bu kadar bok püsür, olay, kriz arasında toplum ve kültür Jungle’ı içerisinde nefes alabildiğim yegane yer. Bu ortamdan görebildiğim bütün dostlarla merhabalaşıyorum, bira tokuşturuyorum, anlık olarak yirmi sene önce ki yazlara şöyle bir dönüp sonra malesef geri geliyorum. Nostaljik düşünceler eşliğinde içeriye biraz erken giriyorum. Konserde alt grup yok çünkü öyle bir süre yok. Grup neredeyse iki saat boyunca sahnede olacak. 40. Yıla özel uzun, bir “Black Metal” grubu için çok uzun bir “Setlist”leri var. “Mayhem” “Merch”leri efsane. Kendime göre bişeyler bakınıyorum hemen. (Bayrak falan şahaneydi gerçekten.) “Merch” kısmını tamamladıktan sonra sahneye dönüyorum ve bir daha gözlerimi buradan ayıramıyorum. Henüz daha grup ortada yokken bile sahne düzeni, sağlı sollu hoparlör yanlarına asılmış yıldızlı bayraklar ve ışıklandırma çok çok iyiydi. Bu sahne size nasıl bir şeyle karşılaşacağınız hakkında epey fikir veriyordu. Kısa süre sonra sahnede izleyeceğimiz şey, beklentilerin çok üzerindeydi.
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Ben hala daha bayraklara bakarken seyircide ve sahnenin arkasında ki ekranda bir hareketlilik başladı. Ekranda 80’ler İskandinav bağımlılık belgeseli tadında “Mayhem” grubunun tarihi anlarından görüntüler izlemeye başladık. Bu görüntülere eşlik edilen müziği asla unutmayacağım. Sadece bu kullanılarak başlı başına “Dark Ambient” tarz bir albüm yapılabilir o derece.. “Mayhem”in kendini vuran solistleri “Dead” (Bu kadar temiz yüzlü, güzel bir adam kendine nasıl kıyar hala kahrediyorum. İskandivan depresifliği işte.. Orada yaşayan arkadaşlar daha iyi anlatır, değişik bir psikoloji..) öldürülen gitar vokal Euronymous ve kürkçü dükkanı, grupta halihazırda tek kurucu üye olarak kalan ve az sonra sahnede sarhoş olacak olan “Necrobutcher” davulcu “Hellhammer” uzun süredir “Mayhem” vokallerini üstlenen Atilla Csihar, eski, yeni bütün üyeler anlamsal kadrajların içerisine yedirilmiş halde bize tek tek gösteriliyor. (Necrobutcher’ın “A Headbanger’s Journey” belgeselinde yayınlanan konser röportajı beni hep güldürmüştür. Duygusal “Dead” görüntüleri üzerine iyi ayar çekti.) Tiyatro sahnesi tadında geçecek olan “Mayhem” sahnesi bize bir tanesi bile yetecekken o akşam 40. Yıl turnelerine özel olarak yeni, eski üyeleriyle birlikte toplam 3 setten oluşacaktı ve bu tarz belgesel görüntüleri zaman zaman şarkıların arasına girerek peşimizi asla bırakmayacaktı. Buradan arşivim için alabildiğim kadar kayıt aldım, instagram sayfasından paylaşırım.
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1984’ten başlayıp günümüze gelene kadar geçen süreç tek tek “Mayhem” görüntüleriyle geri sayım şeklinde izletildikten sonra malumunuz “Mayhem” grubu “Malum” şarkısıyla bütün haşmetiyle sahneye çıktı ve unutulmaz geceye start verildi. Ekranda yüzünden kanlar damlayan bir kurukafa önünde lego gibi binlerce parçasıyla “Hellhammer”ın inşa ettiği davulu, kostümler, makyajlar, şeytani “Mayhem” “Sound”u… Bu atmosfer gerçekten görülmeye değerdi. “Bad Blood” “MILAB” “Psywar” yıldırım gibi üzerimizde çakarken Atilla Chisar’ın muhteşem sesi her saniye bizi daha da geriyor. “Illuminate Eliminate” ve “Chimera”da konserin başından itibaren başlamış olan “Mosh Pit”ler doruğa çıkıyor. “Hellhammer” tokmaklarını üzerimize salıyor. Bu gece “Mayhem” gazabından kurtuluş yok! “My Death” ve “Crystalized Pain In Deconstruction” şarkılarıyla devam eden ilk bölüm “View From Nil” ve “Ancient Skin” ile hız kesmeden bizi bu “Set”in son şarkısı olan “Symbols Of Bloodswords”e taşıyor.
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İlk şoku üzerimizden atlatıyoruz, manik depresif şekilde geçen ilk “Set” sonrası “Dead” görüntüleri tekrar ekrana veriliyor. Çayır çimen üzerinde koşturan “Dead” gördüğüm için yine hafif duygusallaşıyorum.(Ağlayanların olduğu iddia ediliyor.) “We are not ordinary, We worship Death!” Sözleri sonrası “Hellhammer” bagetlerini havaya kaldırıyor, grup tekrardan sahneye çıkıyor. Kaftanlar giyilmiş, hazırlıklar tamamlanmış, Atilla Csihar sahnede Barış Manço hareketleri sergileyerek sanki bir orkestra şefi gibi bizleri mum etmiş. Ve işte böylece 2. “Set” Euronymous anısına, bağırışlar, çığlıklar, hezeyanlar içinde efsanevi albümden efsanevi “Mayhem” şarkısı “Freezing Moon” çalınırken başlıyor. Şarkının yarısına kadar seyirci çığlığından şarkıyı duymakta zorlanıyorum. “Life Eternal” ve “Buried By Time And Dust” eserleri sonrası zurnanın zart dediği yere geliyoruz. Albümle aynı ismi taşıyan güzide parça “De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas” Atmosfer o kadar iyi ki daha önce bolca bahsettiğim If’in güzel “Black Metal” “Sound”una değinmeye gerek bile yok. Albümlerden çok daha iyi bir ses kalitesini konserde canlı olarak dinleyebildik. “Mayhem” o gece hatasız, tavizsiz ve tarifsizdi!
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Yeni bir dokümanter görüntü, yine sahnede “Dead” şarkı sözleri ve sinematik şekilde akan görüntüler. (Bunlardan en az bir düzine deneysel film/video çıkar benden söylemesi..) “Dead”in anıldığı yazılar sonrasında belki de konserin en duygusal, dramatik, şaşırtıcı, özel anları yaşanmaya başlıyor. “Mayhem”in “Funeral Fog” şarkısı “Dead” tarafından (Evet ne kadar ironik değilmi..) söylenmeye başlanıyor. Kendisi bu Dünyada değil ama ruhu hala aramızda! “Mayhem” üyeleri şarkıyı çalarken “Dead”in sesinden “Funeral Fog” dinliyoruz. Gerçekten unutulmaz dakikalar.. Bu unutulmaz anlar sonrası yine bir görsel şölen, ekran ve mekan kırmızıya boyanıyor, Necrobutcher 3. Şaşkınlık perdesini “Mayhem in eski vokali Messiah ve eski davulcusu Manheim’ı sahneye davet ederek açıyor! O ana kadar yeterince şok atlatmamışız gibi bu üyelerin sanki bir “Pentagram” konseri enerjisiyle sahneye çıkmaları kendi adıma son nokta oluyor. 1980’lerden “Mayhem” şarkıları dinleyeceğimiz bu bölümde artık arkalarda saklanmak yok! En öne koşturuyorum. Belki tekrardan Necrobutcher, Hellhammer falan görürüz ama bu Oldschool manyakları görürmüyüz? bilemiyorum! Bu noktada şaşırtıcı şeyler olmaya devam ediyor.
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Manheim gayet mütevazi bir şekilde davulun başına geçerken, Messiah kırmızı tişörtü, kel kafası, koca göbüşüyle mikrofonun başına dikiliyor. Necrobutcher kolay vedalaşamadığı bira şişesini bir kenara bırakıyor ve ayin tüm hızıyla devam ediyor. Messiah! Abi sende ne ses var be! Ben kendi adıma bu adama hayran kaldım, gözlerimi hipnotik bakışlarından ayıramadım! Kendimi bu saatten sonra “Order” “Fan”ı ilan ediyorum! Manheim’a söylenecek söz yok. Gerçekten profesyonel müzisyenler. “Deathcrush”, “Necrolust” hele “Chainsaw Gutsfuck” bize biraz nefes aldır. 1 konser diye geldik 3. Konserimizdeyiz! “The True Mayhem” “Carnage” ile üstümüzden geçmeye devam ederken ruhumuzu “Pure Fucking Armegeddon”da artık sonunda teslim ediyoruz… Manheim tarafından “Weird” çalınırken biz kopan parçalarımızı toplamaya çalışıyoruz, savaş gibi konser geçirdik. “Mayhem” grubu seyirciyle uzun uzun vedalaşıyor ve bir daha geri gelmemek üzere “Beşiktaş If” sahnesinden bu konserlik ayrılıyor.
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Ben yine dağılmış vaziyette çıkışa doğru yolumu bulmaya çalışıyorum. Konser sadece bir konser olmadığı, aynı zamanda bir tiyatro belki bir sinema niteliği taşıdığı için görmek ve götüntü almak için oradan oraya koşturmuşum fakat kesinlikle değmiş. Çıkışta beni bekleyen rüya gibi, muhteşem bir sürpriz var. Biraz dışarıda soluklandıktan sonra IF’in kapısının önünde dikilen iki tane tip görüyorum. Kim mi bunlar? Manheim ve Messiah! Gözlerime inanmasam da hemen yanlarına ilişiyorum. “Merhaba” “Harikaydınız” “Çok memnun oldum” hezeyanlarından sonra hemen konumuza dönelim “Bir fotoğraf çekineydik”… Acayip mütevazi adamlar tabiki diyor ve ben “Mayhem”in efsanevi üyeleriyle tanışma, fotoğraf çekilme fırsatı bulduğum için inanılmaz mutlu oluyorum. Herkes grubun geri kalanını beklerken bu zavallılarım ekipten ayrı düşmüş orada masumca bekliyor. E kurt kapıyor tabi onları hiç affetmem. Ne kadar beklenirse beklensin “Mayhem”in geri kalan üyelerini yakalama süreci bir sonuç vermiyor, adamlar ışık hızıyla kapılardan geçip minibüslerine atlıyor. (Eski günlerim olsa onları da yakalardım ben peeh.) Herşey bittikten sonra aşırı güzel anılar, fotoğraflar ve hikayelerle birlikte evimin yolunu tutuyorum. “Mayhem” konseri “Unutulmaz” oluyor. Konser yoğunluğu yüzünden yazılar yetişmiyor kusura bakmayın dostlar. Yarın bir çok grubun sahne alacağı çok iyi bir festival var “Bosphorus Metal Fest” Güzel, Metal dolu bir hafta sonu geçirmek için orada olacağız. Gelin hep beraber festival kafası yaşayalım, biraları tokuşturalım! Sonrada anılarımızı yazalım, paylaşalım! Görüşmek üzere, herkese Metal Müzik dolu bir haftasonu dilerim!
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fantasyinvader · 10 months
I think I've solved something that snowballed into solving a few things.
Lysithea recognizes the outfits of TWSITD due to the experiments on her and her siblings. These were supposed to be Imperial overseers after House Hymr tried to defect to the Alliance. I was thinking though, we do know one imperial battalion that dresses in those outfits. House Vestra's Sorcery Engineers. An engineer being someone who is involved with inventing, designing or maintaining something, in this case sorcery. House Vestra are known for being secretive yet not having any lands to their name. Lysithea's experiments happened 13 years before the start of the game, four before the Insurrection of the Seven happened, but also the same year Hubert became Edelgard's vassal which is weird because Edelgard was the ninth=born child of Ionius.
I think the clues point towards not Hubert being a secret Slither, but rather his dad. It mean a few things.
1) His role in the Insurrection would be more clear. He was on team Ionius until the Insurrection was in Enbarr, where he switched sides and opened the palace to the opposition. Up until then, he was okay with Ionius abolishing houses and consolidating power, saying it was his family's duty to serve the emperor only to betray him at the final hour. 2) Hubert's anger at his father for the experiments Edelgard underwent. It's not that he betrayed his duties, it's because it was his family's people that did the experiments on Edelgard. 3) Hubert's support with Hanneman is recontextualized. It's not that Hubert doesn't want to hear how good his dad was out of guilt and a desire to avoid looking at the truth. The truth was the father Hubert had admired was a piece of shit, could even tie into him abandoning his former desire to be a pegasus knight to protect Edelgard. 4) This would also give Hubert an avenue to find TWSITD to work with them. It's part of the plan, a plan Hubert wants to derail for Edelgard's sake.
But I think this would also mean that Edelgard wasn't a case of luck of the draw when it came to her surviving the experiments. She was chosen for Hubert the same year TWSITD managed to give someone two Crests despite her claim to the throne being pretty low. They picked Edelgard, then we know by the following year Cornelia in the Kingdom had her hands on Hapi, experimenting on her to control monsters. Hopes even connects Hapi, Lysitha and Edelgared in their shared paralogue.
Cornelia was the one who offered sanctuary to Anselma when she left the Imperial court, introducing Anselma to Lambert, keeping Lambert and Anselma separated after they married, in addition to making it so that Anselma never knew Edelgard was in the Kingdom until Thales replaced Arundel and took her back for the experiments. TWSITD then orchestrated the Tragedy of Duscur, throwing the Kingdom into chaos for Edelgard's benefit in the war they were planning. If it had been any other kid who survived the experiments, experiments they had already done in the past, then the Tragedy would not have worked as Anselma's part was based on a desire to reunite with her daughter. Not to mention, Thales replacing Edelgard's uncle Arundel to take her back to the experiments and who then became regent after Ionius was rendered incapable of ruling.
So Edelgard not going insane through the experiments, getting the second Crest and surviving, becoming heir to the throne while Thales becomes regent after already replacing her uncle while at the same time priming Anselma to betray Lambert and throw the Kingdom into chaos (weakening Loog's descentant as payback for making peace with the Church perhaps?), then using Ionius as a puppet to indoctrinate Edelgard against the Church while sending in her vassal, Hubert, to push her into working with TWSITD despite his father betraying Ionius to the Insurrection (with Edelgard not as trusting to the other kids of the Insurrection when she retakes Enbarr in Hopes).
Really…Edelgard was being played all her life. Hell, maybe the whole history of House Vestra has been covertly pushing the decline of the empire while supposedly working for the emperor?
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pk-frost · 1 year
Hapy chaos
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blackrainbowblade · 11 months
One of the grounding principles of Ancient Egyptian thought was the idea of dualities. They conceived of the world existing as a series of complementary or, at times, opposing pairs. Even Egypt itself was known as the Two Lands (Tawy), which can refer to both the duality of Upper (southern) and Lower (northern) Egypt, and to the duality of the black land (Kemet - the fertile land around the Nile and delta) and the red land (desheret - the desert). The known world was made up of earth and sky (personified in the gods, Geb and Nut). Even the next life had a dual existence, sometimes described in celestial terms as an assent to the sky, and sometimes depicted as a journey through a chthonic underworld. Symmetry and complementarity pervades Egyptian art.
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To the Egyptians, time itself was a duality. It did not exist in a linear fashion, which is how we often conceive of it, but instead, there were two kinds of time: eternity (djet) and perpetuity (enheh or neheh). 'Eternity' was considered a kind of stasis. It was the time in which stone monuments existed, static and unchanging. Of the two ideas, djet, is perhaps closer to our modern one, a continuing existence, stretching off towards forever. In contrast, enheh is cyclical time. It is time that repeats, yearly, monthly or even daily. The epitome of cyclical time is the cycle of the sun, its rising and setting every day. The repeated cycle of the seasons is also part of enheh.
It's understandably hard to get our heads around this. One way of looking at is is that the fact that we have such things as days or years, these are unchanging facts; they exist in djet time. But the individual events, the sunrises and sunsets, winters and springs, these exist in enheh time. Enheh sees constant change, death and rebirth. Djet, in contrast, is eternally unchanging.
This painting, in the tomb of Horemheb, shows Ra (in the form of Khepri, the scarab beetle) sitting back to back with his counterpart, Osiris. These two gods personify the dual aspects of time. Ra-Khepri represents enheh: he is the sun, constantly circling, always moving and always changing. (Even the name, Khepri, means 'becoming'). He is the king of the living world, which, simply by being alive, is caught in the cycle of life and death. Osiris represents djet: he is a good who was murdered and, in death, he became eternal and unchanging; he is the king of the dead.
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When pairs with opposing characteristics, like this, are brought together, they represent completeness. Egypt's myths are defined by themes of separation and return. After his father's death, Horus is exiled to the wilderness; harmony is only returned to the world after he himself returns, claims his birthright and unites the Two Lands. In the myth of Sekhmet, chaos reigns when she leaves behind her father, Ra, and roams about the world, slaughtering mankind. Harmony is restored when she returns to her father. In the Book of the Dead, the journey of the sun is characterised as one full of hazards, where he daily risks his boat being run ashore on a sandbank or being consumed by the serpent, Apophis, in the western horizon. When Ra returns to the western horizon and, in the night, is united with Osiris, he is at last rejuvenated and reborn again.
Separation and union.
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Separation and union were at the centre of Egyptian consciousness. In so many temples, you will see the symbol of unification. Here it is shown centrally with the cartouche of Ramesses above. It is usually flanked by a pair of gods. Here, both gods are Hapi, the personification of the Nile, but elsewhere, you will often see Horus juxtaposed with Seth. Such scenes reference an end to their fighting and the restoration of justice and stability to Egypt. In other versions of the motif, Thoth stands in for Seth. Thoth was a 'safe' option, since Seth was, at times, considered too dangerous a deity to depict. However, Thoth also forms a complementary pair with Horus because Thoth is a moon-god and Horus, a sun-god.
The idea at the heart of all these depictions is the union of opposing forces, resulting in the restoration of order and harmony (in Egyptian, 'maat').
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fodlaneverafter · 7 months
FEA character mini-analyses: the house lords, rhea, and byleth
Here is part 3 of explaining why I cast characters the way I did in FEA (my ongoing 3H/EAH crossover fic)! Part 1, about the Black Eagles, is linked here, Part 2 on the Blue Lions is here, and Part 3 on the Golden Deer is here.
Now without further ado... let us begin!
Edelgard as Raven Queen: the biggest hurdle for writing El as Raven was--and honestly still is--the huge personality difference. While El is kind, she's not exactly... as nice? I also imagine her inner monologue to be a lot less insecure than Raven's, so I had to take some liberties on that front. Other than that, though, I can't think of any reason why Edelgard wouldn't be the leader of the Rebels--she's here to contest the system and make a real change. To echo her twin Crests, I tweaked Raven's destiny-bound magic so that El just has weaker magic than she should, and thus relies on spellcraft.
Dimitri as Apple White: I don't think Dimitri would actually be as in love with his story as Apple apparently is, but they share their obsession with duty and what I would call an intense fear of the unknown. Dimitri disagrees with El for exactly the same reasons as Apple disagrees with Raven--because of the disastrous consequences of division and unrest. Apple isn't hiding any demons in her head, though, so again we have some liberties at play. I thought having super-strength (echoing the Blaiddyd Crest) would be an interesting secret for Dimi to keep.
Claude as Madeline Hatter: Claude is the son of Alice here, but Alistair from the original show never did anything interesting and no one else deserves Maddie's iconic role. I couldn't make the Wonderland situation perfectly parallel to Almyrah, but I do want a spotlight on Claude's identity being split between Fódlan and Wonderland. Even though there are other Wonderlandians, he's the only one who is from both worlds--who has to be both logical and mad, but is never quite enough of each. Just, you know, the typical TCK experience. Oh, and talking to the Narrators is of huge importance too!
Yuri as Ramona Badwolf: I took some biiig liberties with this one. Yuri is not related to Bernadetta, but he has the Badwolf name because Mr. Badwolf needed to hide his marriage to Red while still preserving the story's future somehow. I never liked the idea of him having another child, so I thought it'd be cool to mess up some succession laws and have Yuri--the only house lord in the game who didn't come from a wealthy background--"fight" for his destiny by beating all the other Wolfs to it.
Rhea as Milton Grimm: well this is a no-brainer! I'm still smoothing out the wrinkles in how her backstory has to do with Sothis, but just like Milton, Rhea's fear of losing control causes her to rewrite history to fit her narrative. This is gonna be key in FEA.
Byleth as... like... Just Byleth: so... yeah, Byleth doesn't get an important role in this AU, mostly because I couldn't think of a good reason they'd be involved. Honestly it would be hard for me to write them in an interesting way so I'm fine with that.
other characters: Seteth mostly suffers at the hands of chaos and Flayn enjoys it. Jeralt is mentioned exclusively by Leonie. Sothis does not appear as a living character but uh... let's not spoil that. Rodrigue appears as often as I can allow because he's King Charming (!!), who teaches a class at EAH. For the most part, I don't include the 3H students' original parents. Dimitri's father is still named Lambert but his mother is the EAH version of Snow White; likewise for Edelgard. As for the Ashen Wolves--Constance is the daughter of the Marsh King (look it up; I think you'll agree with me!), I made Hapi the daughter of the Sea Witch just because, and Balthus... there's no good reason for him to be around, I'm afraid :(
And that, my folksies, is that!
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ayizan · 2 years
Translated from the tomb of the Pharoh Tuk Ur
Praise Tuk Ur, son of Isis and Pharaoh Duul Aman, son of Ra and Anng Ela!
Praise the Pharaoh, who held Osiris’s ear in his hand!
Praise the Pharaoh, who captured Hapi, and bound her to his bidding. 
Praise the Pharaoh, may his journey to the afterlife be sweet and his life plentiful, as it was on his days here in Ma’at.
Praise to the Pharaoh! Praise to Tuk Ur!
To call the day hot would be an understatement. It was like Ra himself was having a bad day and was determined to spread that heat with the rest of the world. The air sweltered and shook, the flies crumpled, even the camels stamped their feet against the burning sand. Daa ni found himself struggling to keep up with the chores his father had assigned to him. He wished he could have joined his sister at the river to wash the ceremonial artifacts, but his parents had other plans. So here he was, standing in the sunniest corner of their courtyard, scratching into the dirt the long archaic glyphs needed for tonights ceremony. Sweat collected on his brow and slid down the curve of his nose, to collect under his nostrils, threatening to cut out his breathing. 
What a way that would be to go, Daa ni thought to himself. To drown in your own sweat. What would Sa’ma say if she heard that? She would probably kick her head back and laugh that deep belly laugh that got her into so much trouble in the Royal Halls. 
Daa ni chuckled at the thought. As much as she liked to complain, Daa ni thought Sa’ma’s life was heavenly compared to his. She didn’t have to deal with the constant chaos Daa ni’s parents brought to his life, the strange spells, the sleepless nights spent chanting under candle light, the endless endless endless washing of bloodied alters. If there was something Daa ni would happy to do without, it would be the blood and blood sacrifices. It made his stomach churn to think of all those poor beasts that had died in their halls, so Daa ni turned his thoughts away from and back to Sa’ma, to their plans tonight. The anniversary of the Pharaoh’s ascension to the throne was to be celebrated and the Nile would be full of boats and festivities. Sa’ma had sworn she found the perfect spot to view it all and even Tuk Ur had promised to come, though Daa ni thought that might be tricky considering how many of the festivals would need him. He was a prince after all. Nevertheless Daa ni was excited for the tonight, and was happily humming when his father came in behind him. 
“Finished yet with the glyphs?” his father, Ja ak Phe’en Ten, towered over the boy, looking down with a loose smile on his face. He was large and heavyset, his belly sagging over the girth of his robe, weighted down from years of grain wine and the sweet syrup of sugar cane. Those who met him once assumed he was simple. Those who knew him well thought he was crazy. On any given day, Daa ni felt both, but more than anything he felt embarrassed. If only his father wasn’t so obsessed with the dead, with uncovering their secrets and repelling them from this earth. If only his mother wasn’t such a skilled sorcerous that could make most of his father’s ideas succeed. Then maybe Daa ni could live a simple life, rather then days filled answering to his parents whims, and to the whims of the Pharaoh who fueled their strange rituals. Daa ni never met the Pharaoh but he often wonder what state of mind a man must be to depend on his parents for anything. It seemed more likely that his mother had a role to play.
“Almost,” Daa ni said, dusting off some dirt from the scroll he was transcribing. 
“Be careful there,” his father warned, “if what it says in there is correct, a scroll like that is worth twenty boys like you on the market.”
“And if its wrongs?” Daa ni asked, annoyed by the threat. His father liked making callous jokes like that. 
Ja ak shrugged. “Then you spent a whole afternoon writing gibberish in the dirt.” 
Daa ni fought the urge to smack his father. He was spending all these hours in the burning hot sun for nothing. Already he could see tomorrow, his painstaking efforts trampled by his carless parents. A whole afternoon wasted. Daa ni jammed the last glyph into the dirt and threw the scroll to his father.
“There! I’m done. Is there anything else you want? Or can I get out of this awful heat?” 
“Sure,” Ja ak said. He squinted up at the sun as Daa ni stomped back into the relieving shade. “Oh one more thing Daa ni.” 
“What?” Daa ni snapped.
“Be back here before the sixth bell. We will be needing you tonight.”
Right. Daa ni thought, as he walked away. Of course they do. It was looking like the festivities tonight would be short lived. 
Part 2
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blackstarregulus79 · 10 months
I updated Hell Hath No Hapiness!!!
I'm not sure how I fell about this chapter, please comment thoughts or opinions if you are comfortable with that (nothing too harsh or mean though, lets be kind plz)!
plot for chapter: An angel's stuck designing a child while his demon buddy's on a bender, and their bosses are just sipping celestial tea, clueless about their cosmic heartbreak chaos.
song lyric for chapter: "And I hate you for what you did and I miss you like a little kid" -motion sickness by Phobe Bridgers
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alienducky · 1 year
1, 8, 15?
Ask game questions
1) Fave house
My beloved Rainbow Rangers. They were my first playthrough, and always will be first in my heart. I love their dynamics, mainly how dysfunctional they are. My chaos babies
8) Fave house leader
Claude. Sneaky man who pretends he doesn't have a soft gooey centre, always trying to minimise the fallout and see all the sides, and just wants everyone to be friends. Even in Hopes, kinda. He got his head stuck up his ass for a while there, but eh. No one's perfect
15) Fave support convo
Errrrrrrrrrr. Besides Coco-Claude, but that's in Hopes. Also Annette-Lorenz in Hopes, because any support where Lorenz gets called out is gold
In Houses... It's been a while so I don't really remember all of them, and I still haven't done post skip Blue so I'm missing the few that show up there, but I don't think I have a particular fave? I remember snippets from some of them that I love if that counts?
Like Ignatz and Petra with the glasses. Caspar kidnapping Bernie for the sunset. Hilda tricking Ferdie into making tea. Raph teach Flayn to roar. Sylvain realising Leonie's a girl and breaking. Actually all of Sylvain's up to B only supports (I'm mad he didn't get Petra Coco and Hapi. So mad). Coco-Yuri and the boots. Lysithea and Cyril with the reading. Hanneman tricking Seteth into being a test subject. Hilda tricking Caspar into rearranging her room. Hilda taking a nap with Annette.
Just. All of them?
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OKAY love! lets make angst!
Dustin is about to confess his feelings to El and this is not just a normal confession, he brought a flowers,chocolates,love letter and even stuff teddy bear.
He even wear a formal suit, like- he is meeting the president kind suit.
Dustin is on his way to El house, walking happily until he came across a park and he saw El with Lucas and Max.
Dustin decided to come up there and say hi but before he could take a step, he saw something that made his heart stop, drop everything he brought and tears run down on his cheek.
Lucas and Max give El a present and when she opened it, She jumps out of hapiness and kissed them in the lips and hug them, Max and Lucas hug her back and kiss her forehead.
what do you think Dustin will do? will he run? or he will just stand there until El notice him?
oh dear, I see that u just loooove henderhop-elumax angsty dramas (but its okay, we love little chaos in fics).
god, its heartbreaking, really. I don't want to see Dustin being hurt again...
But, uh,,, what if...
In the end, Dustin decided to go to El. He would dry his tears, take gifts from the ground and just walk to them, as if nothing happened. And El's eyes would light up, seeing him, making Dustin feel even more miserable, because now he knew that it wasn't romantic. El was being just friendly and happy like that naturally.
El would greet him, and Dustin would try to act casually, like "Sup, I got you these." and he would give El gifts that he bought for her earlier. He wouldn't even realize that he's ignoring Max and Lucas, but honestly he wasn't able to hear them, even if he wanted to, his thoughts were too loud in his head.
El would ask "what's an occasion?" with an innocent smile, and Dustin would want to disappear, because he feels so foolish. He thought he has a chance with her, but it was all in his head, as it seems, it was just his little silly fantasy. <Why would she ever see me in a romantic light?> he would think, feeling bitter for no one but himself.
"Just, feeling like being a good friend. I missed you." He would answer El with a fake smile, and just then, after letting go of these heavy gifts, finally acknowledging Max and Lucas, seeing that they totally saw through his act. Dustin would panic inside his head, so he would quickly add, "But, I need to go. Steve's being a stupid womanizer again, and needs my help. See ya!" and with that he would walk away, not waiting for El's answer and not wanting to hear Lucas and Max's resentful words towards him.
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🗣️Talk about your favourite WIP
I could never choose only one of my children like that, so I'm gonna say three 😅🙈
The most current one is a Ted/Trent fic that's an AU based on the 2007 rom com/drama "No Reservations". In this one, Trent is Catherine Zeta-Jones basically, the overworked, overwhelmed guardian of his niece since his sister passed away. And Ted is of course Ted, the manic pixie dream coach who gets the little girl to open up and helps Trent to see that he's not trapped in this situation. So far, I've written two very short chapters and I wanna write more, I just kinda lost focus 🙈
Then there's also the two big projects that I started in 2020 for my two biggest German fandoms. One is called "Hühnerküsse" and it's about the girls from "Die wilden Hühner", a kids' book series by Cornelia Funke about a girl gang - it's from the 90's/early 00's and even though it's mindblowing to me that they already had a canon lesbian character in a children's book in 2003, I decided that I needed to make it even more queer. So I started writing this little story in 10 chapters about how all of them kissed each other at various points in their friendships, for various reasons - I just never finished it because for one pairing, I couldn't decide how I wanted the kiss to happen, I wrote three or four different versions of it, I was never hapy with it and then I stopped. :( Recently rediscovered it again because someone left some lovely notes on it and it really made me want to revisit the story.
The other one is a five part series called "Kontrolle und Chaos" and it's about my two favourite milfs from the German crime show classic "Tatort". They're called Charlotte and Anaïs (the latter played by love of my life Florence Kasumba of Marvel fame and also, more importantly, known from the German cast recording of the musical Aida, in the title role) and god, they've got issues <3 And I had so, so many issues with part 5 of that series. I started writing it just after their second episode, fully committed to writing a lesbian love story and ignoring the uncomfortable love triangle created in the show. But then unfortunately, I fell in love with Daniel Donskoy who plays the man in that love triangle and has openly advocated for polyamory, and suddenly I had to rethink the whole thing. So now I've written four of five parts, trying to figure out how to make the last one fit with the new information I've got, and just like with Hühnerküsse, I wrote several versions I didn't like and eventually dropped it. Sure hope I'll finish this one because I have recently found some notes for it that offer a pretty good solution.
📝Share a snippet of an unposted WIP, with or without context.
Okay, this is technically an outtake from my current Jamie/Roy(/Keeley) WIP, meaning I probably won't be able to make it fit anywhere in the fic but it was too funny not to share so here you go:
“I have one rule,” Roy says. “You do not call me ‘daddy’ in bed.” Jamie scoffs, pretending the idea has never even occurred to him. Roy doesn’t believe him. “What about out of bed?” Jamie asks and wiggles his eyebrows. “I have two rules,” Roy says. Jamie laughs. “Just fucking with you, mate. Out of bed, you’re granddad of course.” He ducks just in time to avoid the pillow Roy throws at his head.
🔍Give a clue (a picture, emoji, a word, etc) and let your followers guess what a WIP is about.
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here's a clue for the Jamie/Roy one lol
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sonic-oc-showdown · 1 year
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Matilda belongs to @halcyon-pandion & @frostios
Ghost belongs to @retrochao
Find out more about them below!
Funny ant who became a real girl through the power of love and SO many chaos drives. She was once Shadow's pet ant who he rescued from being eaten by Knuckles. After being fed chaos drives, Matilda suddenly formed a chao-like chrysalis and mutated into a Mobian. She now is the youngest member of Team Dark, basically a little sister to all of them. Her main goal now is to train enough to become as strong as she can to one day beat the shit out of Knuckles as petty revenge.
Ghost: (image credit @/superemeralds)
"Ghost" is a hedgehog hailing from the southern reaches of Shamar - He has spent most of his life in the desert, with one goal in mind; Raise Enough Rings to travel to Adabat, a more suited location for his best friend, Hapi, the swim chao. Ghost is a bit physically frail, he cannot run or climb, so instead, He sails across the sand dunes searching for Treasure (and adventure!) to the best of his abilities. The treasure he finds is sold back to the people of Shamar - so he spends his time in ancient ruins or being a delivery boy to save up any money he can manage for their dream.
This is, however, prolonged indefinitely; Ghost has a Curse. One that works against him at every turn. The people of Shamar are so afraid of what state the curse turns him into that the town gossip has nicknamed him "The Ghost" or "The Desert Phantom". He is effectively haunted - the curse changed his fur color from brown to white, and its hold on him gets stronger at night or when he is vulnerable/weak. He cannot control what happens during these outbursts.
He is somewhat Solitary, only coming and going when he needs to, but tries his best to be of help or kind to others when they need it. He's a sweetheart, as well as somewhat a dork, but ever since the curse, hes been a lot more stressed and represses a lot of his desires in order to keep it at bay, to prevent him from scaring, or possibly hurting others. He very obviously struggles with this, and tends to be alone more often. He really enjoys others company, though, so its been tough.
He eventually becomes friends with @theknifedance 's Ganymede, a hare who is studying at Spagonia University, abroad in Shamar for Astronomy - Leading Ghost down a new path; letting himself open up to making friends and accept help with his curse.
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iheartmyipod · 2 years
wat r ur thoughts on frontiers so far??? i havent been 2 invested in recent sonic stuff but im watching a live playthrough and the atmosphere is sooooo cool it def seems like a step in the right direction 4 the series XP
dont want 2 spoil someone accidentally:P VVV
OMG LITERALY ITS SOOOOO GOOOOD sum aspects kf it reminds me of unleashed which is awesome 2 me cus rhats one of my faves… i dont pay much attention to actual gameplay in sonic i mostly like the storys and characters but frontiers is supeeer fun and i love being able to explore and do the challenges and the stages are pretty cool too … im not the best at them thiugh…. Seriously ive been talking myselr so much about how much i adore it its like they made a game just for melina i never play video games but this is so so fun to me. I was kind of confused at first tho ill be honest it is overwhelming with how big the islands are (im on the second one right now i forgot its name:P) but ithink im getting the hang of it its SO FUN EXPLORING SOOOO FUN and i like how sonic even mentions he likes how muchcroom there is to explore … omg the characterization im not too sureabout for amy i dont know if its her voice or what but THAT IS NOT AMY ROSE! I always get sad when she is written as more mature i miss 12 year old amy…She is so sweet though i still love her forever.&knuckles is so silly i love seeing sonic knuckles interactions OMG jusy so happy to see sonic characters talking to eachother and being friends i LOVEEE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also sage js so interesting i have no idea what is going on with her i didnt keep up with anything about the game before it released cus i didnt want spoilers but i like her. Very interedting veeeery interesting i like how they bring back phantom ruby stuff(i assume) along with lore established in sonic adventure i think it really ties the world together in a way i always craved im so hapoy they are building more on chaos and angel island and master emerald lore seriously … ALSO I LOVE THE DESIGNS FOR ALL THE CREATURES SO MACH OMG the koco are adorable i want keychains of them and in the second island the enemies are so sick oh mai god . … the little kocos true old form or whatever look like chaos mademe go nuts i got so excited i wonder wat it allll meaaansss…. Hopefully i will FIND OUT! Also the msyic so badass im so hapy after i finish the game i know i will be listening all the time its just too good>< i love how huge the game is too and there is socmuch you can do in it if you want to. Also im super into the weather and time changes i think it is so cool but makes you think sonic is staying awake for days and in the rain so gross he needs a shower .. I HAVE SO MUCH MORE TO SAY THANK YOU FOR SENDING THIS ASK I HAVE BARELY TALKED ABIUT IT TO ANYONE Nothing beats sonic adventure though🤷‍♀️lets be real.actually i miss sonics adventure attitude wah but i think in frontiers it is kind of saying they are older and not so much kids anymore which could explain why amy is like that… still not into it personally but i always think its interesting to hear them acknowledge past events.okay im done.okay. ITS JUST SO COOL before it came out i kind of thought i would not apply anything in the game to how i view the sonic world in my head (cus thats how i feel about sonic forces LOL i just ignore it) but its surpriseing me how much i like it i havent liked a sonic games  world building this much since sonic unleashed ... still i dont think frontiers will be like the basis of sonic for me but it gives super intruiging bits and pieces that i will hold on to forever in my brain. OKAY.i played at schol today in my math class its so hard playing in public cus i need to chill💆‍♀️OKAY IM DONE. okay but also like for me i usually dont really care much for new sonic stuff i like the old stuff wayyyy more but i agree this game is like a huge good step for the series GAH OKAY
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