#happy 20 day anniversary guys
saturntheday · 1 year
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acrosstheujiverse · 2 months
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Through the Years
【📂】 summary: it’s you and your husband's silver wedding anniversary. it's been 25 years since you've married kim mingyu and you’re filled with nostalgia as you reminisce back on how life has been in your sleep. 【🖇️】 pairing: husband!mingyu x wife!reader. 【💿】 genre: nostalgia and heartwarming. 【🧺】 tags: established relationship; memories; pregnancy; mentions of religion; one mention of "cheater"; married life.  【📦】 word count: 2.5k+
📬 — author’s note!this is inspired by a real story.
thank you for the overwhelmingly positive response to my headcannon post, dynamics of an introverted couple !! (check it out if you haven't).
i dedicate this to those who are raising children—we appreciate you. some of us (children) may be too afraid/shy/embarrassed to say this… but i’ll say it on behalf of them. from the bottom of my heart, thank you for all your effort, support, love, and sacrifices.
*i’ve included some easter eggs! ^^
(it was my birthday 2 days ago so i was motivated to give you a gift in the form of this story hehe~ happy reading! ٩( ᐛ )و*)
p.s. please pardon any grammatical error.
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after spending the evening at a restaurant downtown, you and your husband, mingyu, walk hand-in-hand into your dimly lit house.
“huh… i guess the kids must be in their rooms right now.” you said to your husband.
all of a sudden you both hear muffled sounds in your guys’ living room.
you and mingyu exchanged knowing looks at each other. “let’s not make them wait any longer, hon. let’s go.” mingyu whispered to you.
chuckling quietly, you nodded in agreement. “let’s go, my dear lord mingyu.”
he cheekily smiled, “right after you, lady (y/n).”
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“shhh! be quiet--i hear them!”
“hurry up, aji!”
“okay... in 3-2-1—!”
both you and mingyu feigned shock and surprise.
your three kids stood in the middle of the living room beaming with joy, feeling satisfied with their surprise celebration. ,. one was holding a cake, another was holding a handmade banner, with ‘you’re the best mom and dad ever!’ written on it, and the other one setting off a confetti wand.
you cooed at the sweet gesture from your kids.
“aww! thank you, my babies. your dad and i appreciate your efforts.”
mingyu initiated a family group hug. “thank you kids.”
giggling, all three of your kids said in unison, “you’re welcome mom and dad!” 
you gave mingyu a side hug after everyone dispersed themselves. the two of you held a warm gaze into each other’s eyes. a sweet and loving smile never leaving both of your faces.
“happy anniversary again, love~”
“happy anniversary again, hon~”
you exchanged kisses.
both of you chuckled at the déjà vu of it all.
but you and mingyu don’t mind celebrating your wedding anniversary again because this time it’s with your whole family.
it was, indeed, a mirthful celebration. 
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“goodnight, gyu.”
“goodnight, (y/n).”
as you lay in your shared bedroom, you begin to reminisce about the beginnings of you and mingyu’s relationship. you softly smiled as you slowly slipped into your dreams.
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“mom… (y/n) and i are going to be parents. (y/n)’s pregnant.”
you were both not ready to be parents. you were 23 and mingyu was 20.
you were in your last year of college, while he was in his second year.
you both were filled with limitless opportunities, but in the eyes of both your parents... it was a different story.
mingyu’s mother was a religious woman, a devout believer of god, and an avid churchgoer.
born and raised in the countryside where everyone knew each other, both you and mingyu knew that you were going to be the talk of the town for… a while. 
(with hindsight, it was only years later that you realized how your mother-in-law took the brunt of most of the gossip.)
although mingyu’s mother was strongly opposed to the pregnancy at first, she knew she could do nothing to change the fact that you were pregnant. you were relieved that she wasn’t like those cruel stepmothers portrayed in disney movies—definitely, not. she eventually warmed up to the situation at hand and guided the both of you during your pregnancy.
you and mingyu were set to be married a month before your first child's due date. yes, it was an outdated belief that both your families held back in the day, but it was what was considered acceptable at that time. you married early because of the pregnancy, but you had already decided long before you got pregnant that he was the one. mingyu was the one that's meant to be standing beside you at the altar and the one that you were going to grow old with.
the moment that truly changed mingyu’s mother’s heart was when aji was born. the moment she first laid eyes on your first born baby girl, her eyes were filled with love. 
(she later told you that it was as if she was a first-time mother again.)
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to say that raising a child was hard would be a huge understatement.
you were blessed with three children.
the first born, aji, was the hardest to take care of because you both didn’t know what you were supposed to do. (both of your parents were there to guide you for the most part, but the rest of the work had to come from you and mingyu.) with aji, the both of you were overly protective.
the second child, chi, was less hard to take care of because now both of you had experience but it wasn’t easy. learning from all the mistakes and lessons from your first child, you and mingyu applied all the knowledge you had with chi, and for the most part all of your tactics worked. chi was a very sickly baby when she was born, and so you and your husband worked tirelessly to provide all the necessary medication that your baby needed. with chi, the both of you were protective. 
the youngest, bo, was easier to take care of because you both learned valuable things from the last two. however… the skills and tricks you had learned from raising aji and chi wasn’t really working well with bo because… he was the only boy. so it was like being back to square one again. with bo, the both of you learned to be a little bit carefree.
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your husband was a man of many admirable qualities.
kim mingyu had a strong work ethic.
in the beginning of your guys’ marriage, he would work odd jobs, anything that would pay him. anything that would sustain your growing family.
when you were pregnant with your youngest, it was an unexpected pregnancy (it was déjà vu). you noticed the signs of pregnancy early and confirmed it with a test kit. 
mingyu had a plan, you were skeptical at first but you eventually caved in. he would apply to work abroad and get a permanent residency. the work and money in your guys’ small town did not pay enough for a family of five, so mingyu looked for work outside of your country since they pay much more.
fortunately, he was there when you gave birth to bo and when he took his first steps. 
it was only when bo was about two years old that mingyu left to go abroad.
you had worked on a video call schedule with him so that you and the children would have communication with him. he’d send a few pictures and videos of his life abroad… but it didn’t fill the feeling of longingness for him in your heart. you missed him so much.
raising all three of your children without your husband by your side took a toll on your mental and physical wellbeing. the first year without mingyu was the hardest for you, but you eventually got back on your feet thanks to the support you had from your friends, and his and your family. you knew you had to be strong not only for your husband and children, but also for yourself.
and you maintained your unwavering commitment to being a great mother to your children in the five years that mingyu was gone.
it was only until bo was seven years old that he met his father again. aji was about 15, and chi was 9 years old.
his five years abroad was the longest you two have ever been apart, but it proved to be an incredible testament to the lengths you both would endure just to provide your children with a comfortable life. a life that used to only exist in the movies and dramas that you two would watch before but has now been made possible because of the hard work and sacrifices you and mingyu made.
kim mingyu was chivalrous.
it was the simplest gesture of his that you would take notice of: he would hold open doors for you and your children. it was an automatic response from him–you didn’t need to ask him to–he just simply did it. as a father, his gentlemanly actions set the standards and expectations of your children. they especially influence the actions of your youngest son, bo. 
mingyu was someone that’s attentive to the needs of others. an altruistic person.
he’d say to your children, “if you can help, then help.”
your husband isn’t an overly kind person. he knows his boundaries… sometimes. in your viewpoint, at times, he gets a bit into helping others to the point that he fails to recognize that they were only using him for their own selfish reasons. you were his voice of reason and helped him put a limit to his kindness.
kim mingyu was a homemaker.
from cooking, driving the kids, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning dishes, folding clothes, mowing, cutting and dyeing the kids’ hair (and your hair)—mingyu was an absolute all rounder around the house. but it’s not like you don’t do your fair share of house chores–you do. the two of you alternate chores every week. it’s a routinized system that the two of you made. 
your relationship with your husband isn’t at all perfect, but you know you’re both going to get through it together. in times where you don’t see eye to eye, or say things in the heat of the moment… both of you will silently apologize through actions. 
it’s not like you both can’t verbally apologize to one another… it’s just that the both of you are not used to expressing your emotions. you two didn’t grow up in an environment where emotions were talked about.
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once, mingyu shared a personal story with you.
it was about his father.
he shared how he was distant with his father. mingyu, as a child, hated the way his father would always leave and make his mother cry. his mother always hid away in the bathroom or their "shared" bedroom to shed her tears, away from mingyu, but he heard them. he heard her painful cries every single night. there was never a day where his mother didn't cry herself to sleep.
his father was someone who couldn’t keep his zipper up—a cheater.
his father was what made kim mingyu the man that he is now.
he hated his father. he didn't want to be like him when he grew up. so he made a silent promise to himself that he would never treat the woman that he loved and married like how his father did to his mother.
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the past 25 years of your married life and family life had its ups and downs, of course no relationships are ever picture-perfect, but you try to embrace each other's shortcomings.
after 25 years of being married, you can proudly say that 23 year old you and 20 year old mingyu would be glad to see 48 year old you and 45 year old mingyu still standing strong together. that no matter what life has thrown your way, you've both gotten through those battles  and came out victorious at the end. (some battles may have taken some time to resolve but you both remained by each other's side.)
you and mingyu may not see eye to eye on some things, but you always try to make things work. you try to make compromises with each other. 
your marriage may have started because of unexpected circumstances... but it has led you both to an unpredictably beautiful future.
a future with your three children. a future with you and him. a future with a loving family that you both only wished of when you were younger.
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tears continuously pour down your face as you remember your trip down memory lane last night. you try to quietly wipe your tears and lower your weeping but your repeated attempts at silencing yourself only stirs your husband awake.
he's shifting his body beside you to try and face you. "hon..? are you—"
but before mingyu could see your tear stained face, you quickly buried your face into his bare chest.
"woah. (y/n)—honey—are you okay?" he slightly chuckled in his morning voice.
"m jst gld yr he," your muffled voice softly answered.
"what? i didn't understand what you said. could you repeat it while looking at me... please?"
he knew just how to get you to open up to him.
darn you, kim mingyu!
you gave in to his request.
“i’m just glad you’re here…”
you looked up at him and when you met each other’s eyes, his slowly started going wide with worry. "aww, (y/n)... did you have a bad dream?" he gently brushed your tear stained eyes and cheeks.
you shook your head. "no... it was actually the opposite."
giving him a small smile, you rest your head against his warm toned chest as you begin to share the contents of your dreams.
“i dreamt about us last night. how everything started to how everything is now. it opened my mind to how much we’ve been through all these years. it made me feel more grateful to have you as my life partner and husband.”
tears started to welled up in mingyu’s eyes. his heart overflowing with even more love for you.
"thank you for fighting for us, love. thank you for fighting for me–for fighting for our family. i know many were opposed to us because of the sanctity of our marriage but we proved them wrong by staying true to our vows. i’m so thankful that i have the best husband, partner, and father (to our children)–it’s more than i could ever ask for. i love you.”
with that, mingyu embraced you ever so delicately with his muscular arms, it was as if a gentle giant holding a porcelain vase, afraid you were going to break if he applied too much pressure.
“all the promises that i’ve made to you, on our wedding day and after we were married, will never be in vain (y/n)... i can assure you that. we’ve already been through so much together; we’ve witnessed each other's worst pains and great joys. we work great as a team and i wouldn’t want to experience the rest of my life without you. i want to keep making more great memories with you. i want us to keep being by each other's side. thank you for loving me, even though i’m not perfect.”
“i’m not perfect either gyu. we both are imperfect—but it’s that imperfection of ours that i love so much. we’re not perfect but we are perfectly imperfect for each other to love. we complement each other’s weaknesses with our strengths.”
his hold on you tightened slightly, as if he was afraid you would suddenly disappear. you couldn’t see it, but a single tear rolled down mingyu’s cheek. he wore a bittersweet smile on his face. 
your sentimental words have your husband feeling bashful and so warm inside.
feeling that his throat was closing up soon, he could only muster up the courage to utter one last endearment to you. 
“i love you (y/n)… more than you could ever know… thank you for loving this imperfect me.”
- fin.
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wlntrsldler · 7 months
smau (instagram): luke castellan x poseidon!reader
based on yourstingrey's post about luke being a drake stan and my obsession with this guy’s tiktok videos
a smau where luke didn’t betray everyone and chb allowed phones; teenage, drake stan!luke (birthdays edition)
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tagged yn_yln, silenabeauregard, and others.
clarisselarue: shut up, the birthday girl’s talking 🎂
yn_yln: happy birthday clar <3 i love u
clarisselarue: i loveeee you more. thanks for celebrating with me!!!
silenabeauregard: ohhhh u look so good in the first picture
clarisselarue: thanks for taking the best pictures of me ily
silenabeauregard: i’d literally do anything for u
chrisr0driguez: happy birthday clarisse!!! hope you had a good one!!
lukecastell4n: he was shaking typing out this comment
poseidonsfavchild: bro is down BAD
poseidonsfavchild: happy bday clarisse thanks for contributing to my character development (bullying me)
lukecastell4n: presents, presence, and power g 💯 have a good one!
bethchase: what does this mean luke
gr0verunderwood: ????
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tagged bethchase, gr0verunderwood, and others.
poseidonsfavchild: FINALLY a teenager 😈
bethchase: nobody leave ur cabins ITS FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY
gr0verunderwood: bro turned 13 and forgot how to act
poseidonsfavchild: bro is in his 20’s and beefing with a 13 yr old?
yn_yln: happy birthday baby bro 🔱🩵 (change ur username! it’s false 😃)
poseidonsfavchild: did he show up to ur birthday party??? DIDNT THINK SO
yn_yln: DAD WAS THERE?
lukecastell4n: another point scored against Father Time, i see you 💯
poseidonsfavchild: what do u know about fathers?
clarisselarue: nah u ate with this 😭😭
chrisr0driguez: PAUSE.
bethchase: percy.
poseidonsfavchild: sorry
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tagged lukecastell4n, clarisselarue, and others.
yn_yln: another trip around the sun! thanks for not letting me drown, dad 🩵
poseidonsfavchild: how r u a child of poseidon and dont know how to swim? AT UR GROWN AGE?
poseidonsfavchild: happy bday tho sis
yn_yln: thanks percy 🙄
clarisselarue: happy birthday my love ❤️‍🔥
yn_yln: thank uuuuu clar i love u always
silenabeauregard: happy birthday pretty girl 🩷
yn_yln: thank u bae
lukecastell4n: here’s to another chapter of your legend. love you 🖤
poseidonsfavchild: how u managed to pull my sister is the biggest unsolved mystery of our generation
bethchase: can u say happy birthday like a normal person for once
chrisr0driguez: dont listen to the haters bro this one goes hard
yn_yln: love you always <3
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tagged yn_yln, chrisr0driguez, and others.
lukecastell4n: more life
poseidonsfavchild: hey brother cake and candles man
poseidonsfavchild: salute to your birth anniversary bro
gr0verunderwood: roaring into another year of glory
bethchase: acknowledging your yearly ascent
clarisselarue: celebrating ur legacy day big dawg
silenabeauregard: marking another year of your strength
yn_yln: happy birthday lover boyyyy
lukecastell4n: thank you babyyyy
lukecastell4n: ik yall are clowning me in the comments but jokes on you, these comments go hard
poseidonsfavchild: ....
bethchase: luke pls
chrisr0driguez: NAH FR these are bars
liked by lukecastell4n.
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matchingbatbites · 2 years
2112 Days | Ao3 link
tw: memory loss
When Steve wakes up in the morning, he doesn't know where he is. The last thing he remembers from the night before is the party all piled up in his living room, everyone too anxious to sleep, and now he's in a bedroom that he has absolutely no memory of.
He looks around the unfamiliar room, tries to get a sense of what the fuck is going on, and on the nightstand next to him, he finds a tape recorder sitting on top of a photo album. On the tape recorder is a sticky note, with the words 'play me' written across the yellow paper in scratchy handwriting.
Steve is so confused and frustrated, he doesn't have time for this, they have a plan to carry out. But something deep inside him keeps him in place. Tells him to play it. He picks up the device and sees another note on the album, this one reading 'open me', and he presses play on the tape recorder before grabbing the book. 
There's a little bit of sound fuzz before a voice says "Good morning, Stevie!" and Steve blinks, because that's Eddie's voice. 
"Today is Saturday, August 29th, 1992, and it's been 5 years, 9 months, and 12 days since we killed Vecna and closed the gates permanently." 
Steve's hand jerks out and stops the tape, his breathing picks up because what the fuck? That can't be right, they're supposed to fight Vecna today. That's why they all stayed at Steve's house. One more sleepover, one more chance to be there for each other before they have to split up, before they have to finish the job.
He takes a moment to just breathe, lets the words sink in as he opens the photo album. It takes him a second to realize it, but the first picture is of himself, in a hospital bed, bandages wrapped around his head and a tube down his throat. He looks bad, and he doesn't remember a single second of it. 
There's more of that scratchy writing just below it. ‘November 20, 1986. Taken by one of Owen’s guys.’ The next page has a doctor's report, and Steve sees the words 'brain injury' and 'short term memory loss' before he continues. 
He flips through the album, sees more pictures of himself that he doesn't remember being taken. Each one has a date next to it, and some have a little description to give him context. There are photos of him with the party, with Robin and Eddie and Nancy, and there are news articles scattered amongst them, important things he should remember, that make his head hurt when he tries too hard to do so.
There are pictures of Nancy and Robin's graduation from college, Wayne's wedding to some woman named Cynthia, the grand opening of Jonathan and Argyle's pizza shop.
A photo of him and Eddie, wearing tacky sweaters and kissing under mistletoe, with the description '1987, Our first Christmas together', and oh, that's something that sends tingles up his spine. He'd had more than a crush on Eddie before their second run in with Vecna, but he hadn't had the courage to do anything about it before they ran head first into danger, again.
Are he and Eddie together now? Like, together together? 
The answer seems to be yes, because the next few pages are just more photos of him and Eddie, most taken by Eddie himself, his arm stretching out to capture the moment. Pictures of their first apartment, multiple anniversaries, the day they got their cat (Lucy is written next to this one in Steve’s handwriting, along with a little heart).
And then a photo that makes Steve's heart stop. It's them again, standing on a beach, hand in hand as they face each other. They're both barefoot, wearing slacks and nice shirts, Eddie's a deep, wine red, and Steve's a soft baby blue, and the love on their faces is blinding.
The description says 'June 15, 1991, Our wedding. Not legal, but very, very real.'
And Steve looks at his hand, for the first time sees the gold ring on his finger, like it's perfectly happy at home there, and he thinks he might start crying.
On the bottom of the page is his own handwriting, a small addition that just says 'play the tape.' Steve glances over, presses play again with a shaky hand, and Eddie's voice starts up once more.
"You got pretty banged up during the fight, and your many knocks to the head finally caught up with you. You have some extensive brain trauma, and your short term memory is basically non-existent.
"It's okay, though. You're not alone, you've got tons of people that care about you, baby. The Upside Down stuff is all over, there haven't been any blips on the radar or anything. The kids are all okay - scattered to the wind, but okay.
"Robin's in town today, we're meeting her for lunch at noon, but you've got plenty of time before then. Finish looking through the album, and as soon as you're ready, come find me in the house. Just follow the sound of music, baby. I love you."
The tape ends, and Steve takes a minute to process. He flips through the rest of the album, pictures dated all the way up to a month ago, when he and Eddie had apparently visited Nancy in New York.
It hits him that this is real, this is his reality. He looks at the tape recorder, thinks that this must be an everyday thing for Eddie, and he's suddenly overcome with emotion for the other man.
He climbs out of bed and grabs the tape recorder before he heads out of the room, hears music coming from somewhere, and follows it to a kitchen. 
And there's Eddie, with his hair pulled up into a messy bun, wearing sweatpants and humming along to the tape that's playing on a nearby stereo. There are more tattoos inked into his skin, more piercings in his ears, and Steve can see that yeah, he has aged a little. 
"Eddie?" he says softly, and the older man turns to look at him with a bright smile. 
"Morning, Stevie. How are you feeling today?"
Overwhelmed, Steve thinks, but he swallows hard and holds up the tape recorder. "Do you record these for me every day?" 
Eddie's smile softens at the question and he motions Steve closer. "You ask me that too often, like you just can't believe I'd do something like that for you."
Steve goes over to him, sets the device on the counter as one of Eddie's hands settles on Steve's waist, the other moving up to cup his cheek. "I can't believe it, it's so-" Kind? Selfless? 
Steve doesn't have the proper word to describe it, and it only adds to that overwhelmed feeling. Eddie's thumb strokes over his cheekbone and he hums softly.
"It's worth it for you, sweetheart. After all the shit we’ve been though, that you’ve been through, you deserve a normal life, and I swore do everything in my fucking power to make sure that happens."
And Steve is definitely crying now. The fact that Eddie has been doing this for almost six years, that he's stayed by Steve through it and hasn't given up on him? The effort he’s put into helping Steve feel somewhat normal? It's too much for Steve to comprehend, and Eddie pulls him into a tight hug, mutters softly softly into his ear as he starts to sob.
"I know, baby. It's okay." 
They stay like that for a while, until Steve's tears slow, then stop, and he's able to breathe normally again. "Sorry," he mutters and scrubs a hand over his face, and Eddie shakes his head. 
"Don't apologize, Steve. This happens sometimes, and it's perfectly okay. It's a lot to process all at once, and we just take it a day at a time, yeah?"
"Yeah, okay," Steve says, and takes another deep breath. He thinks back to the album, to the photos of him and Eddie, and he knows exactly what he wants in this moment. "Will you kiss me, please?" 
And Eddie smiles, says "Of course, honey." 
It feels right when Eddie kisses him, and it's weird, because he doesn't remember ever kissing Eddie before now, but it's like his body does, like it knows all of the steps to this dance that his brain can't remember. 
They stay in the kitchen for a while just kissing and talking, Eddie answering all of Steve's questions with such patience, until it's time to go meet Robin.
Later that night, just as Steve is dozing off, he feels Eddie pull away before getting out of the bed. 
"Where 're you goin'?" he mutters, and Eddie cards a hand through his hair. 
"Gotta go record your tape for tomorrow. Just go back to sleep, baby." 
Steve hums his disapproval and hears Eddie chuckle, before a kiss is pressed to his forehead. "I'll see you in the morning, gorgeous."
When Steve wakes up in the morning, he doesn't know where he is.
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kamisama1kiss · 5 months
First off LOVE THE PAGE AND THE WRITING and as a fellow reader I’d like to request maybe possibly a Lloyd Dating headcanons? Pretty pleasssssssssse with a cherry on top 🫶🏻🥺
AHHH Thank youuu!! 😭😭 this is so cuteee. I am giggling to myself writing these headcanons!! Suprised, I hadn't thought of this yet!! Might even have gotten a bit overboard with writing for him🤭🤭
(!Gender neutral!)
Lloyd Garmadon Headcanons { Dating The Green Ninja }
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- As in start, he would make sure NO ONE knew you were together when he was the green ninja since he was scared for you to get hurt in any way (expect the other ninjas)
- But when outside of being the green Ninja and in public, he didn't mind having small affection of PDA as in hand holding, cheek kisses, and ect
- It was definitely a rookie start with his past feelings going horribly, which meant he would need a handful of reassurance, understanding, and patient
- His favourite pass time is reading comics with you in his arms, reading with him. Leaning your head on his shoulder would definitely make him a bit shy no matter how many times you've done it
- Couple goals since day one!
- Everybody knew about his crush for you before he even knew it himself. He had refused for a little while, Kai eventually pushed him enough to ask you out
- He is 100% a communication kind of guy, even with the smallest subjects. All he wants to make sure of is that fact that you and him can rest easy without worrying about anything.
- The kind of guy who would admire you when doing absolutely anything, as simple as reading, his gaze filled with nothing but admiration for you
- If you cought him looking, the tips of his ears would turn bright pink. Looking away and acting as if he didn't just admire you for like 20 minutes
- Expect in private back hugs, surprise kisses, long comforting hugs, and cuddles for days, but you'd only achieve this after a few months since in the start he was scared to even hold your hand
- Checks up on you to make sure you eat and take care of yourself, but make sure to do the same. This poor guy forgets himself all the time, and the burden of being the green ninja weights on his shoulders
- Date nights wouldn't be regularly since his duty, but he always tried his best to at least do it on your anniversary every month. If not that day, then the day before or after
- Knowing if you were upset, broke his heart completely, would do anything in his power to make you smile and feel better.. maybe even a small snack that he knows you enjoy.
- Stargazing is a must!! It's a way to rewind and hangout, the world is finally quiet. He feels as if he can breathe and just enjoy his time with you, no worries in the back of his mind when holding you under the stary nights
- Would get teased by the others the both of you all the time, but nonetheless, they were happy he found someone who wasn't a evil person in disguise
- You'd join their family nights at one point. He'd silently be thankful over the fact you all get along and took you over many more get togethers
- At some point, being introduced to Misako was nervracking for the both of you. It went very well since she was very open and talked to you the whole time, over all after you left, she told him to bring you over for dinner next week.
- You'd bandage him up after fighting the bad guy this time around. He knew you were reliable if he ever did need help, but he felt guilty every time after you did help.
"You don't have to help me every time if you dont want to.. you do know that?"
"I want to help you, I care about you."
"..I appreciate it. Thank you, love.."
- Golden retriever boyfriend!!
- Playing with his hair is a must, it's very soft and well taken care of since he dose not use those 3 in 1 kind of bottles.
- His favourite kinds of dates would be being alone with you, most likely taking you away from everything and everyone. Picnic dates are 100% the onse you go on the most.
-Finding it easier to sleep with you in his arms at night, having not experienced it before he felt pride but also a sort of comfort to know you'd be there when he wakes up.
-Meeting Garmadon would be just a tiny bit different. Dont get me wrong he is happy for Lloyd but he's definitely a bit more difficult to get liked by, just know he'd eventually grow a soft spot for you (This is when he isn't like killingly evil, yk)
- Overall being with Lloyd as in Dating will be a adventuris and a exciting experience! The most green flag in a man you could ever meet
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14buddy22 · 8 months
“Ours” by Taylor?? Reader is in a relationship with Aaron despite others saying it wouldn’t be a good idea since he isn’t there all the time and has an unreliable schedule. Maybe even Aaron doubts the relationship working since Haley didn’t understand it sometimes either but reader pushes for the relationship to work and continues to love even others don’t believe it’ll last :,)
Meeting the love of your life at a bar wasn't what you thought was going to happen to you. You always figured you'd meet your dream husband at the book store or a local coffee shop, not a bar.
It's not that you despised bars, you actually like dive bars. But you never thought you'd meet the love of your life here. Love works in mysterious ways.
You and Aaron Hotchner had been dating for 6 months. You learned his busy schedule and you knew he was not going to be there all the time.
Canceled dinner dates, last minute texts saying your weekend plans would be canceled. Everything in between, yet you understood and were never mad.
Aaron always wondered how long it would be until you finally snapped at him for his busy schedule, but you never did.
Until you did worse than snap, you cried to him. Started having self doubt, and this is how it all went down.
You were at a bar on a Friday night with your coworkers. You all loved going out after the work week. Sometimes everyone invited their spouses, some nights they didn't, it all just depended.
Tonight was a night that no spouses came, which was a little upsetting because Aaron actually was in town this weekend. Which you know you should be spending with him, and a part of you felt a little guilty for it. But he told you that this was your guys' thing and that it's okay to go out with your friends, he'd be waiting for you to text him when you got home so he could call and say goodnight to you.
The minute the conversation at the table started going, you knew where it was leading too.
"My husband's schedule is opposite of me, which is perfect so we never need a sitter."
Everyone was talking about their significant others' schedules and you were just sat there.
"How long are you going to stay with Aaron? You can't put up with his schedule for the next 20 something years. The late nights, the missed dates, long weeks without seeing him. You should dump him now, or soon it'll be your 1 year anniversary and you'll feel stuck with him."
You never felt stuck with him. He told you about his ghosts of the past. He told you about Haley and why Haley left. You wouldn't have been with him if you weren't prepared to commit for the long run.
"I love Aaron. And this won't be his schedule for the next 20 years. Maybe the next 10. He'll be able to be section chief if he wants it or he'll put in for early retirement. The offer still stands ever since his ex-wife passed away."
"Don't you want someone there for you all the time? How can a relationship be built when he's never with you?"
Aaron tries. He really does. You were so happy with him. Weren't you? Maybe there was this lie being built. Trying to believe in something maybe you didn't.
No, no, you loved Aaron. You couldn't doubt yourself. There is nothing to doubt about. You wanted to be with Aaron forever, regardless of his busy schedule. They don't know that he sends texts to you every single day, calls you every night, sends flowers to your home once a week if he can't deliver them in person. Aaron loved you and you loved him.
"I'm very happy with Aaron and his schedule is not going to be the thing that makes me leave."
You just wanted to go home to him now, so you were paying for your tab and saying goodbye to your friends shortly after the conversation.
When you called Aaron, asking to come to his apartment, he told you yes, saying he would love it if you spent the weekend with him since Jack was at Jessica's.
When you walked into his apartment, he was greeting you with a kiss, hug, and flowers.
You loved this man, a schedule would never change that.
"You never call it early with your coworkers, what happened honey?"
You explained everything to Aaron. He listened intently. You saw the fear sitting behind his brown eyes. He didn't want you to break up with him. He was in love with you and he knew that you were the girl that he'd been waiting for. You were perfect.
When you wiped your tear after saying they wanted you two to break up, he hugged you. When he pulled away, he said, "No matter what decision you make, someone will always disapprove. It's true when people say you can't make everyone happy. Someone will always want to go against what the decision was."
You kissed him and said, "I will never leave you because of your schedule, it's going to take a lot more to get rid of me Hotchner."
You both chuckled and he pulled you into his arms.
"Don't you worry your pretty little mind. People throw rocks at things that shine. Life, well that makes love look hard. This love is ours. No one can take that from us, sweetheart."
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rxmqnova · 10 months
Hello there!
Can you write one with Wanda x Reader, like they are together for i don't know, seven or eight months, yn is russian and practically lived her whole life in there but two years ago her parents had to move for work.
So they are in college, they knew each other in there, and then a new student came to their class, Nat.
Yn introduced herself and her girlfriend, and when Nat told her that she is russian, they inmediately became friends, the country was a connection for both of them, they missed it a lot.
Wanda was happy for Yn, because she saw the way she talked about it with Nat, but sometimes she thought Yn was happy with Nat, not because they are for the same country, she was a bit jealous, not that Yn gave her motives for that, she always respect Wanda. When the three of them went to have lunch, Wanda didn't want to go, even when yn tried to talk to her in the conversations they have, she felt out of place, she never went there, she didn't understand the things they were saying. So when they finished, they said their goodbyes to Nat and went to their room, yn felt something was wrong and then Wanda talk to her about what was bothering her and Yn reassure her that she only saw her life with her, told her about she introduced Nat to a friend of her, Maria, she doesn't have to worry about it. (You know, a little love speech) and she gave her a promise ring she supposed to give it to her in their first year anniversary.
The right one
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Y/N: 20 years old ——————————————————
NO ONE'S POV It's another school day and Y/N with her girlfriend only just stepped into the classroom. As usual, they sit down at their desks and start planning what will they do after their lessons.
"Hey, hm. Sorry to interrupt. Is this seat free?" A redheaded girl approaches the pair, making both, Wanda and Y/N, look up at her.
"Yeah. It's free" Y/N speaks first, the russian accent still hearable in her voice as she's been living in New York for only 2 years. "Are you new here? I don't think I've seen you yet?"
"Oh yeah. I switched classes. I'm Natasha, by the way" Natasha smiles at the pair with hope to find new friends.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Y/N. This is my girlfriend Wanda" Y/N smiles warmly introducing both of them to the new girl.
"Hey" Wanda smiles too, giving Natasha a small wave.
"Natasha… that's a typical russian name" Y/N tells, smiling at the thought of her hometown.
"Yeah, well. I'm Russian, so" Natasha shrugs, making Y/N gasp immediately.
"No way! Me too! I only just moved here about 2 years ago" Y/N squeals happily.
"Wait. Like actually? I'm here for a bit longer, but this is really cool. Did you move here for college?" Natasha asks, continuing the conversation while Wanda just watches them, happy for her girlfriend that she has someone to talk to about her hometown.
"Nope, my parents had to move here for work, but it's really nice here. And I ran into Wanda, so that's a big plus" Y/N says, interlocking her fingers with Wanda under the table which makes the brunette smile even more.
"That's sweet, how long are you together, guys?" Natasha asks, switching her gaze to Wanda to involve her into the conversation.
"About 8 months now" Wanda answers, her smile never leaving her face.
That's how Natasha and Y/N became best friends. The two constantly talk about their lives in Russia which makes Wanda really happy. She loves the way Y/N's eyes always shine when she talks about her hometown with Natasha, though she feels a bit left out lately.
"Do we really have to go, Y/N/N? I'd much rather stay home with you" Wanda sighs, holding her girlfriend's hand and trying to get her to stay home tonight.
"Wands, we promised it to Natasha. She's already waiting for us. We can't just cancel it" Y/N sighs too, rubbing her thumb over Wanda's knuckles.
"Can we at least go home earlier? We haven't really been together lately and I really want to spend some time with you… alone" Wanda gives in, knowing there's no chance Y/N would stay home with her tonight.
"Sure" Y/N smiles, leaning in to kiss her girlfriend's lips. "Come on now, we're already late and I'm hungry" She says, dragging her girlfriend away.
The pair meets with Natasha in front of the restaurant which luckily isn't that far away from Wanda and Y/N's apartment, so Natasha didn't have to wait for long.
As always, Y/N greets her friend with a warm hug on which Wanda can't help but feel a little jealous. She knows Y/N would never cheat on her, but the feeling of jealousy is just there. Especially when Y/N gets so lost in a conversation with Nat and Wanda's just sitting there and listening.
This time Y/N noticed Wanda's discomfort though, just when they sat down at the table. Y/N listens to Nat carefully, trying to find an opportunity to involve Wanda in the conversation.
"Well, and then Yelena-"
"Yelena? That's your younger sister, right?" Y/N jumps in, earning a nod from the redhead. "Cool. I'm an only child, but Wanda has a twin brother" She says, looking at her girlfriend and hoping she'd say something.
"Wait, really?" Natasha asks surprised.
"Mhm. Pietro" Wanda smiles at the thought of her brother.
Unfortunately, that's all what Wanda said, so Natasha got back to her story. Y/N tries again and again, hoping her girlfriend would eventually join, but that just never happens.
It's not like Wanda wouldn't want to, but the brunette has no idea about the things the girls are talking about. Of course Y/N told her a lot from her life, but she still can't really imagine what's Russia really like when she's never been there herself.
After a few more failed attempts of trying to involve Wanda in the conversation, the pair says goodbye to Natasha and go back to their apartment.
As soon as the door of the apartment shuts, Y/N decides to break the uncomfortable silence that's been with them ever since they left the restaurant.
"Are you okay? Is anything wrong?" Y/N asks, looking at her girlfriend with worry in her eyes.
"… I just… You and Nat seem to have such a great connection and I just… I always feel a bit left out and I'm scared that one day you'll realize that I'm not the right one for you. I mean… you and Natasha just seem to be a perfect match and I always just sit there and watch you" Wanda admits, her eyes filled with tears by now.
"What? No. Wands, of course you're the right one for me. I love you… I love you so damn much and I couldn't imagine my life without you. Natasha is just a friend and we might seem as a perfect match, but that's just because we both miss our hometown and love talking about it. We're completely different people, but you and I… we are the perfect match, Wanda" Y/N smiles softly, taking Wanda's hand in hers and rubbing her thumb over Wanda's knuckles as tears are quietly running down Wanda's cheeks.
"Really?" Wanda asks quietly, a small smile formed on her face from Y/N's last words.
"Really. Do you know Maria? Maria Hill from the other class?" Y/N asks, earning a nod and a confused look from her girlfriend. "Well, I kinda introduced her to Natasha and the two actually seem to get along really well. Natasha even told me she liked her, so you really have nothing to worry about. My heart belongs only to you" The girl smiles, making Wanda chuckle a bit at how cheesy that sounded.
Y/N suddenly drops Wanda's hands, rushing to the bedroom to take something and then quicky rushing back.
"And to prove you I'm really serious about us, I have here something for you. My original plan was to give it to you for our first year anniversary, but I think this is the right opportunity" Y/N smiles, opening the little black box she's been holding. "This is a promise ring. There's no one else I would love to spend the rest of my love with than you, Wands. I'll change it for a real engagement ring one day. I love you so much, Wanda Maximoff"
The ring is now on Wanda's finger and the brunette can't help herself but immediately hug her girlfriend tightly, pulling her in for a kiss right after.
"I love you too, Y/N Y/L/N"
Wanda Maximoff masterlist
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foreveraphan14 · 6 months
Y’know, Dannypocalypse stuff aside, happy anniversary guys!
20 whole years of this dead show being kept alive by an active fanbase that continues adding content, lore, and world building to this very day.
I don’t know what the phandom will bring in the next 10 years, let alone another 20! But I can’t wait to see what we come up with next.
Happy 20th Anniversary!!
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Sand pits-Walker!Percy Jackson x f!reader
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Warnings/Notes: Slight mention of trama for a few seconds, Spoilers for Mark of Athena, established relationship, tripping into holes(if that bothers you steer clear), flufffff(fr tho), Stoll brother pranks🥺
Summary: Percy takes reader for a walk on the beach at camp on their 2 year anniversary. Takes place way after HOO. Percy and reader are 19 and 20.
A/N: bare with me where, I don't write to often, hence the current lack of skill some of ya'll have😔. I was also writing this as well as writing a D&D campaign so you could only guess how absolutely scattered my brain is. Not proof read
Sunny. Just how it was the day Percy asked you to be his girlfriend. Officially, that is, because before you two got together, you guys had spent lots of time together, held hands, and exchanged "friendly" kisses on the cheek and lips. Maybe it was denial? Or perhaps just obliviousness? You weren't sure, but more than two years later, it was all worth it.
"Beautiful day today.." You say with a warm smile as you hold Percy's hand, walking along the sandy shore of the cold lake.
"Just like the one when I asked you to be my girlfriend," Percy responds with a smile. He looked so happy, walking with you along the shore, blonde hair blowing in the soft breeze. Despite his happy smile and bright face, his body looked tense. Most of the time, You'd overlook it as him being sore from training or sleeping funny, but this wasn't either.
"Percy, are you alrig-" Your sentence gets cut off when you suddenly fall into what seemed to be a hole. You let out a quiet yelp as you fell into the hole quite far down. Your hand slips from Percy's as you fall to the bottom.
Suddenly, a flash of a few years ago floods your brain. When you fell into Tartarus. But you had Percy then now you were just fallin-
Your body hits the bottom of the hole with a thud. You look up and see Percy's slightly worried but amused face as he sees you in the hole. The hole wasn't deep. Maybe three or four feet. But when you fell in, it felt like time froze, leaving you back in Tartarus again.
You breathe heavily, panting since you hit the bottom so hard the wind got knocked out of you.
"Y/N! Are you okay!" Percy calls out as he falls to his knees, reaching into the hole to grab your hand and help you stand.
"Yeah... I'm alright..." You say as Percy pulls you out and pulls you into his arms.
"Good... You had me worried there... Your eyes... Your eyes had the same look from when we fell into Tartarus..." Percy says as he holds you tightly against him and kisses your hair softly. "Either way, I got you now...." Percy says as he pulls you away from the hole.
When Percy pulled you into his arms, you felt safe immediately. No matter where you were, Percy was always your safe space, especially in Tartarus.
"Thank you, Percy," You say as you pull away and smile at him. He gladly smiles and pecks your lips softly before intertwining his fingers with yours before walking again. "I also think that was Travis and Connor's doing." You say with a soft chuckle. Percy nods, smiling, putting his other hand in the pant's pocket.
The two of you kept walking down the beach, completely forgetting what had just happened and enjoying the time you were spending together. As you reach the further part of the beach, Percy clears his throat.
"So, um, Y/N?" He says as he stops walking and faces you.
"Yes, Percy?" You respond and look up at him, smiling.
"I need to ask you something important.." He says nervously, his hand still in his pocket.
"Yes..?" You respond, slightly worried.
He pulls something out of his pocket and goes on one knee. "Y/N, I've loved you since I laid my eyes on you. Whether I realized it at the moment or not, I knew you were the one I'd always love unconditionally. As we've grown closer together, I've really realized that I want to spend every moment of my dying breath with you. Y/N M/N L/N, will you marry me?"
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xaeethebaee · 2 years
Random Fluffy TR Headcanons
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As the title suggests, some fluffy (maybe even humorous) headcanons about various characters from Tokyo Revengers.
A/n: This is actually an SFW version of the headcanons. If you're over 18 and haven't seen my NSFW version, you can go over there and read it.
Warnings!: Just the Tokyo Revengers characters being cute and quirky.
Even though Ran is the older sibling, he can be really clingy to Rindou. He sometimes climbs into Rindou’s bed in the middle of the night just to snuggle with him so he can peacefully sleep.
Draken went out of his way to rescue a puppy from a sewer. It now lives with him.
Guys who would be very affectionate to their girlfriends are MIKEY, SHINICHIRO, CHIFUYU, RAN, Mitsuya, South, Takemichi, Takuya, Pah-chan, Peh-yan, Benkei, and Ran.
Pah-chan gave his girlfriend a bottle of hand sanitizer that matched his Toman jacket as a surprise anniversary present.
Sanzu likes the back of his ear to be scratched. He will kick his feet out like a happy dog during that.
Chifuyu names the animals in his pet shop after his favorite characters from Manga
Mucho has three pet guinea pigs
Another clingy sibling is Angry who climbs into Smiley’s bed for a snuggle, and Smiley happily accepts it
Takeomi, Shinichiro, and Hanma are the type of partners who will NOT smoke around their Significant Others (only if the S/O is not a smoker)
Hakkai allows Mitsuya’s sisters - Luna and Mana - to dress him up like a princess
Ran sometimes likes to get pedicures and manicures, and would often drag Rindou with him. He even proudly refers to it as his 'Mani-Pedi Day'.
Kazutora’s natural scent has a sweet smell to it.
Izana’s favorite smell is freshly cut grass
Shinichiro keeps a notepad of pick-up lines and has crossed out the ones that failed. Unsurprisingly, there are 20 crossed-out pick-up lines.
Besides the previously mentioned brothers, HANMA, MIKEY, KAZUTORA, SANZU, SOUTH, Kisaki, Wakasa, Senju, Inui, and Hakkai has to cuddle with something/someone in their sleep. (That possibly explains why South has so many stuffed animals.)
The quickest and easiest way to put Baji to sleep is to play in his hair. (Though, he'll only allow his s/o to do it.)
South once slept through a riot. (Yes, he is a HEAVY sleeper.)
Draken is TERRIBLE at basketball. The guy has 0 accuracies when it comes to making a shot.
On the other hand, Baji is surprisingly an excellent baseball player. (I can't be the only one that headcanons Baji as a baseball player, right?)
The Haitani Brothers watch The View in their free time.
Who would be clingy boyfriends? RAN, MIKEY, WAKASA, Hanma, KAZUTORA, Chifuyu, Hakkai, Takuya, Akkun, Shion, and Shinichiro
Speaking of Shion Madarame, he is the type of boyfriend who would always try to protect his girlfriend, but he often is the one that needs protection.
Benkei bakes in his free time. He would have Shinichiro, Takeomi, and Wakasa taste-test his pastries. He is surprisingly a good baker.
Mikey is also remarkably BAD at flirting. The younger Sano brother once approached a girl and with the most innocent smile on his face, he asked: "Did you fart 'cause you're blowing me away?" That was the day Draken died of second-hand embarrassment.
[Requests are always open! Also, don't be afraid to leave a comment as long as it is respectful.]
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fazscare87 · 1 year
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"Five o'clock, get a call to go blading at the skate park down by the mall.
But my mom says I gotta prevent hostile aliens from annihilating us all ("Hi-ya!")
With the strength of a million-seventy men, I guess I really shouldn't complain
Still, I wish I could go for a walk without rusting in the rain
It's enough to fry my brain!
So welcome to my life (as a teenage robot)
The story of my life (as a teenage robot)
My teenage robot...LIFE!" HAPPY 20 YEARS OF MLAATR! Can’t believe it’s been that long since it came out, actually I can since it’s the same age as me now lol. So for this year I had a few things in mind, Maybe some cool-looking Jenny art, slightly aged-up versions of the characters to look like a few years have passed, so “My Life As A Young Adult Robot.” basically, and other concepts and ideas. However I opted to do a remake of an old drawing I made, it was one I was quite proud of, and that was “Taking Back Tremorton and the Earth”, one of the biggest drawings I ever made, so I decided that I’d digitize and update it, plus the old one did kinda need an update. This is the end result and I’m proud of how it turned out! Hope you guys like it, and a big thank you to Rob Renzetti for making the show in the first place!
(Hope you guys like it and have a Faztastic day! ^^)
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ofmdrecaps · 2 months
08/03-04/2024 Weekend OFMD Recap
TLDR; David Jenkins; Rhys Darby; Taika Waititi; Samba Schutte; Ruibo Qian; Rachel House Dominic Burgess; Nathan Foad; Articles; Fan Spotlight; OFMD Colouring Pages; Our Flag Means Fanfiction; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Today's Taika
Okay yall, I ended up being up all night for days with a grumpy kiddo so I am yet again behind, I'm really sorry. Here's the weekend recap. Aug 5 will go out tonight if I have to chug espresso for the next 4 hours!
== David Jenkins ==
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Source: David Jenkins Twitter
== Rhys Darby ==
Our Captain is out in Edinburgh Scotland! Doing his Live Cryptid Factor show with Dan Scheiber and Buttons!
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Lots of short videos on his Instagram Stories:
The Cryptid Factor Live - Edinburgh - Buttons CraftTime
The Cryptid Factor Live in Edinburgh - Dan's Book
The Cryptid Factor Live In Edinburgh - The Crypid Factor
The Cryptid Factor Live In Edinburgh - The Caves
Source: Rhys Darby's Instagram
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Source: petrichorpond On Twitter (per @mon-ster-chen's Post)
= Astras TV Awards Nominee =
Rhys has been Nominated for BEST ACTOR in a Streaming Comedy Series in the Astra TV Awards! The TV Awards ill be held on Aug 18th so keep your eyes peeled around then!
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Source: Hollywood Creative Alliance Instagram
== Taika Waititi ==
Happy Wedding Anniversary to Taika and Rita! (Aug 4th 2022). They were caught smooching out in London recently <3
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Source: Instagram
== Samba Schutte ==
No context, but Samba called it "Man in the Mirror"
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Source: Samba Schutte's Instagram
== Nathan Foad ==
Nathan's weekly Saturday Celebration
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Source: Nathan Foad's Instagram Stories
= Ruibo Qian =
Just some stills from the Ms. Holmes/Ms. Watson BTS I wanted to include cause they're adorable.
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Source: OldGlobe's BTS Video
= Rachel House =
So these are a week old but I found them via a more recent post from someone else there, so putting them in today! Rachel out with friends <3
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Source: Instagram
= Dominic Burgess =
Dominic sending us goodnight cat pictures. What a guy <3
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Source: Dominic Burgess' Twitter
== Articles ==
Thank you to @adoptourcrew for highlighting this article!
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Source: Adopt Our Crew Twitter
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Source: Adopt Our Crew Twitter
== Fan Spotlight ==
= OFMD Colouring Pages =
Another set of colouring pages from our fab friend @patchworkpiratebear - I love that we're getting multiple versions each time now! These are super cool!
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Source: PatchworkPirateBears Tumblr: Teacups / Flag
= Our Flag Means Fanfiction =
Another episode of the Omegaverse! This time hosted by Tessa! Check them out on your favorite listening platforms here!
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Source: Our Flag Means Fanfiction Instagram
== Love Notes ==
Hey Lovelies!!! Found this really adorable artist this weekend and I thought I'd share them with you because they really express a lot of things that I tend to think--- like how much I love you all, seriously, did you know you're fucking FANTASTIC?? and fucking BRILLIANT AND AMAZING AND TALENTED!?
Whenever I'm stuck doing work, or other family/life stuff, I always come back to thinking about this awesome fandom, and how much I miss talking too you all and how much I love all the crazy stuff you all get up to every day! I haven't been interacting as much because it's really hard for me to focus with so much going on (yay neurodivergence!)-- but please know I'm watching and laughing, and crying and smiling, and wishing you all the best and cheering you on! Hope the end of the weekend and beginning of the week is treating you wonderfully <3 Take care lovelies!
== Daily Darby / Today's Taika ==
Just needing some of the Cinnamon Sugar, Salt and Pepper boys smiling together for this one <3 Gifs courtesy of more of our gif-masters @eddie-redcliffe and @thunderwingdoomslayer!
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chaepu · 1 year
Today is what? - Kim Chaewon
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pairing: kim chaewon x reader tags: established relationship genre: fluff
y/n spends all day celebrating chaewon's birthday, but it's not her birthday?
"you have a delivery unnie" eunchae says while rubbing her eyes, walking out of chaewon's room.
chaewon grumbly rolls out of bed in her pajamas and walks out of her room to see a vase of roses sitting on the counter.
it's not everyday chaewon gets a vase of roses sent to her dorm. confusion setting in, she grabs the note attached to the delivery and reads,
Sending you smiles for every moment of your special day. Love, Y/N.
special day? the gears in chaewon's head start moving at a rapid pace. had she forgotten an anniversary? after running to her phone to check her calendar, she sees nothing that gives her a reminder of what this special day is.
nonetheless, she grabbed the vase and placed it right next to her nightstand. taking a picture, she sent a message to you, thanking you for the gift.
sorry i couldn't be there when you woke up. i'm off from practice in like 20 minutes, breakfast?
chaewon laughs and sends you a reply before getting ready for her day.
it's not long before you two are at your guys' favorite cafe. eating her favorite pancakes and omeletes, you take out your phone to take some pictures of her. chaewon was surprised to see that you had an entire day planned out for the two of you.
after breakfast, you took her to a pottery class that she had been wanting to try and then to the markets to grab a quick lunch. once you settled at your table at a restuarant you reserved for the both of you, you grabbed a small present from your pocket and handed it to her.
"here you go" you say beaming at the girl in front of you. chaewon grabs the rectangular gift from you. she opens it and her mouth drops. it's a necklace that she quickly mentioned she wanted a few months ago when you and her were walking around the mall.
"what? why?" chaewon says, looking up from the necklace to see your smiling face.
"you mentioned how much you liked it when we were buying yunjin a present so i got it for you" you shrug.
she looks at you with confusion, "but why?"
"what do you mean why?" you tilt your head, "it's your birthday baby, why wouldn't i get you something?"
chaewon stares at you while you stare at her. she grabs your hand, "baby, it's not my birthday."
your mouth drops and you let go of her hand to grab your phone. you look at your calendar and see your plans for today, including the reservation but your eyes move over to tomorrow's date… <3 CHAE'S BIRTHDAY <3
you lock your phone, leaning back and letting a loud groan escape your lips. chaewon chuckles before moving from her seat in front of you to sit next to you.
"i'm sorry." you say with your head down.
"sorry for what?" chaewon says quietly.
"it's tomorrow… i forgot your birthday." you look up at her with tears brewing in your eyes.
she grabs your face, rubbing her thumb across your cheek, "baby, it's okay. it's the thought that counts." she says to you, you shake your head no, "you made me feel more special than you already do, on a regular day. i had a lot of fun and i appreciate everything you've done for me today."
you look at her, "i'm still sorry. the fucking comeback is flooding my head and i didn't double check the dates."
"stop, i'm happy that you were able to take time to hang out with me. there's nothing to be sorry about. okay?" you nod your head. she reaches over the table and grabs the necklace you got her, "can you put it on me?"
she turns around and moves her hair out of the way. after clasping the necklace together, she turns around and looks at you. you look at the necklace then at her, "pretty." you say. she smiles and leans in to kiss you.
"thank you, for everything. it means a lot." chaewon says.
the next morning, eunchae knocks on chaewon's door, "unnie you have another delivery"
walking out of her room, she sees a vase of tulips on the kitchen counter. she smiles when she reads the note,
express delivered :) i hope your day is even more special today. happy birthday baby. i love you, see you later <3
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Aoi Twitter 2022 (+bonus Tsuchinoko tweets):
2021 July 26: "This year, I was able to meet up with Tsuchinoko without any issues, and it seems like Uruha-san's fans are getting more used to it. From now on, I might have to call it the 'shy blue-tongued skink blog,' but that’s so long - I really don’t wanna! #ItHasBeenUpdated"
2021 July 27 Ruki: "It's the blog of our rumored Tsuchinoko lead guitarist. 🦆"
2022 Feb "Th-there's Tsuchinokoーーー! With a photooo! For more details, go to my profile! #UruhaBlogGotUpdated
2022 Mar 26 Uruha: "I’ve started Twitter to commemorate our 20th anniversary. Everyone, please continue to support us. Let's make the tour even more exciting!!"
2022 Mar "Wait, hold on a second. Could this be the Tsuchinoko guy? 🤔"
Uruha QT: "I'm not a Tsuchinoko! LOL"
Reita QT: "Ah, he's on Twitter… You can't call him Tsuchinoko anymore! 🤘🏻"
Uruha QT: "Ah, that's the thing that matters!"
2022 Feb "Right now, I have this overwhelming urge to grow my hair super long. To put it simply, I want to look like Rapunzel."
2022 Mar "I really like Ruki's delicate sense of aesthetics."
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2022 May "And just between us, I missed the timing for a song and when I got back to the dressing room, Uruha was grinning and said, 'Nice arrangement 🤩👍'. Before heading to the venue tomorrow, I'm going to stop by the 100-yen shop to buy some joke glasses and party poppers. I’m going to tease him big time when he messes up. Just you wait."
Uruha QT: "I just returned the favor since you always say it to me 🫶."
Aoi QT: ( ˘ω˘🫶 )
2022 May HBD My bro.🧁
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2022 May "Fukuoka, I’m back. And thank you. I won’t say anything more today. Once again, happy birthday, Reita 🎂."
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2022 Jun "Nagoya, I’m back! Ruki and Kai also mentioned it, but we’re really feeling like a band more than ever. Sometimes things don’t go perfectly, but being able to turn our ‘want to play’ into ‘getting to play’ is a blessing. I’ve got some unfinished work, so I’ll head back early, but let’s hang out again soon ✊Thank you, Nagoya."
2022 Jun "Good morning 🙌 Let’s have a great day today. I have just one job for you all—cheer me on!!!"
2022 Jun "I couldn’t figure out one of the trending Visual Kei quiz questions. But of course, that makes sense. After all, I am a being that transcends the boundaries of the Visual Kei genre itself 🍷."
2022 Jun "I mean, Seikima-II is releasing a new album, so I won’t be able to sleep until the release day. It brings back memories of being scared by my brother at the beginning of 'House of Wax' when I was in elementary school. I’m so excited 🙌."
2022 Jun HBD URUHA🍰🎉🥸
2022 Jun "Thank you, Sagami-Ono. Live shows are just the best, aren’t they? Looks like I’m going to have some good dreams tonight. Let’s hang out again soon 🙌."
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2022 Jun Reita: "Take this as a souvenir for the afterlife. The residents of Shimote"
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2022 July "But then again, wanting to peek into someone else’s romance might be human folly, so perhaps it’s better if it stays hidden behind the clouds. Since the universe doesn’t cloud over, I’d like to think that’s better for the two of them. (Serious face)"
2022 July "What exactly is a fan meeting? I've been pondering this for almost 20 years now. The hardest part is whether I can properly convey my gratitude to everyone. I'm not very good at expressing myself. Just thinking about it gives me a stomachache, so I've been wondering for the past two hours if it's finally time to use some of my paid leave. What do you think? 🤔"
2022 Aug "Good morning ☀︎ I watched the 20th ANNIVERSARY -HERESY- video that arrived last night this morning. That day really was the best. I hope you're all looking forward to it 😌 I think it airs on 8/11."
2022 Sep "Ah, I looked amazing again today. I might end up charming everyone without meaning to, so please forgive me."
2022 Sep Reita "But you all have nowhere to go because I won’t take my eyes off you. But starting today, since we’re having rehearsal, I’ll have to look away for a bit 🫣"
Aoi QT: Yes, Fallen in love.
2022 Sep: "After the fan meeting, I’ve been putting all my effort into preparing for this day. I played my guitar with everything I had—my fingertips are torn, my hair is in disarray, and I played with single-minded focus. What you see here is the culmination of my efforts. Thank you, everyone. On the first day of band rehearsal, I’ve completed this 02 tour. The rest is up to you... Have goods dreams... (:3 」 ∠) The end."
2022 Sep: "Huh? The 02 tour hasn't started yet? More importantly, I can't get out of my head how Uruha kept smirking and saying, 'Aoi-san has a lot of solos this time, doesn’t he?' If the tour starts like this, my frail heart will surely burst. So, with that, adiós... (|3 」 ∠)."
Uruha QT: "No, that’s not it! I was just jealous 🤗"
Aoi QT: "I have more than usual compared to previous times. Uta-ma has as many as usual. So there's no need to be jealous ( 🫶˘ω˘ )"
2022 Sep: "I'm getting closer to achieving the sound I want day by day, but on the other hand, there's the dilemma of having sounds I've prepared but hardly ever use. I'm trying to sound like a musician here, but tweaking presets is risky and a hassle, though if it works out, it’s worth it. It’s frustrating."
2022 Sep: "That aside, the truth is, we're basically Sailor Moon, so we really need to get that thing today. Was it 'Tsukimi has changed and it's delicious'? That's a clever line. Well then, I'm off to the studio🙌."
2022 Sep: "Ugh, that sauce had an unpleasant flavor. And can you stop putting up pictures of me looking like a cross-dressing old guy holding something vulgar?"
2022 Sep: "We had a really good rehearsal today ◎ I've slimmed down a bit, so look forward to it 🫣 P.S. I think our new uniforms are really comfortable. Hmm... 🤔"
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2022 Sep: "Sorry for the late hour. Listening to this again now, I recall the emotions I had when I composed those phrases back then, and it makes me feel a bit embarrassed but also proud. 😌 When you type '20 years,' it's just three characters and a brief moment, but it was an irreplaceable time."
2022 Sep: "When I think about it, during those 20 years, we were a part of so many people's youth. In a few decades, let's look back on those days together in a retirement home 🤘 Well, good night."
2022 Oct: "Just between us, one of my acoustic guitars isn't working well, so I'm borrowing Uta-ma's guitar. I plan to return it in better condition than when I borrowed it ┏○)) The Kobe performance will start in about 45 minutes. Please look only at me."
2022 Oct: "Great job in Kobe! I still believe the latest is the best. It might sound self-serving, but when the band is at its best, the results follow. It was that kind of night. Everyone in Kobe, let's hang out again 🙌 Next up, Kagoshima—wait for us! 💪"
2022 Oct: "Hey ✋ From what I remember, the highlights of yesterday were REITA trying to stomp on my Achilles tendon, and the person on the right side of the stage inching closer, making little adjustments, as if they wanted to have their back against mine 😪."
2022 Oct Reita: "Worship us, who have descended upon Kagoshima."
Aoi QT: "So, it's not written in katakana…?"
Reita QT: "Revere us, for we have descended upon Kagoshima…"
2022 Oct: "Kobe and Kagoshima were so much fun, but it seems I was really tired. I slept for about 10 hours like I melted 🫠. I overslept, so I’m heading back with messy hair. Please don’t look at me."
2022 Oct: "U: 'Huh? You don't get it? The answer is peanuts!' A & K: (Writhing in stomach pain and dying peacefully) By the way, 'peanut' is the Japanese name, you know. That’s it from the backstage about 10 minutes before the performance.┏○))"
Uruha QT: "Stop it! ❗️lol I just said that instead of nitpicking, it's better to build up your virtues, which will then contribute to the success of the live show—didn't you just say that yourself? 😫"
Aoi QT: "Just between you and me, you were the one who said that, and I only replied, 'Yeah, that's right.' 😲 To be honest, from the way it's written, it doesn't even sound like something I would say…"
2022 Oct: "Great job, Fenice 🫶 By the third song, the volume pedal—the 'one that controls everything'—went crazy, and I ended up making a face like 'dafuq' It’s probably a curse because I couldn’t find the right pedal before the show and settled for this one instead. 'Punished,' just like the drumsticks. Please accept this as my humble offering."
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2022 Oct: "I got a little caught up preparing for tomorrow, but once again, HBD KAI 🍪"
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2022 Oct Reita: "I have returned from hell to annihilate the carefree fools."
Aoi QT: "Please accept this offering (┐「ε:)【ヲ】"
2022 Oct "It’s been a while since I decided to grow out my hair like Tatsuro’s long locks. Right now is the hardest period, where styling is the most difficult. But I endured this morning, believing it will get easier once I push through. By the way, I mean Yamashita Tatsuro."
2022 Nov: "The moon is amazing 😲"
2022 Nov "I was planning to grow my hair long enough to braid it and use it as a jump rope, but I'm starting to lose motivation. I'm always shouting in my head, 'So annoying! Ugh, so annoying!'"
2022 Nov Reita: "The day after tomorrow, we’ll be in Koriyama for the first time in a while. Next up is BEAUTIFUL DEFORMITY. Let me post a picture of myself from back then. I wonder which generation REITA this was, since now I’m the 8th generation… I keep dying and reincarnating all the time ☠️"
Aoi QT: "Back then, we were like razors, weren’t we? You were the 'Kami' and I was the 'Sori'."
(*TN. Play on words. "Kami" (カミ) means "god" or "hair," and "Sori" (ソリ) means "razor" or "shaving.")
Reita QT: "Now, both are gods"
2022 Nov: "Thank you, Utsunomiya. Each show is special, and because of that, I didn’t want to ruin it with my own lack of skill. MASS has been that kind of tour for me, but it's entirely because of my own shortcomings. Not writing anything would only make everyone worried, but right now, I can’t find the right words. For now, before the day changes, I just want to say thank you for today. Thank you."
Ruki QT: "Personally, today was a day where I gave it my all, but there are still plenty of times when I feel frustrated like this. It’s proof of how serious we are about each and every live show. But the strength of a band lies in how we each cover those frustrations, come together, and help each other grow. And I believe that every challenge we overcome allows us to grow even more. 🔥"
Aoi QT: "Hey, stop it. I wasn’t expecting this, and now I can’t read because my vision’s all blurry.."
2022 Nov: "To be honest, I was scared today. Even though it's my own fault, it felt like a bit of a hurdle to stand in front of everyone. But it looked like everyone accepted me and had a great time. Thank you. Let’s have fun again! By the way, Reita's chest wasn’t my type."
Reita QT: "How rude to grope it without permission, right? 💕 But you know, it can be surprisingly addictive 😘
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biaonww · 9 months
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"13th of december". nanami based • angst & death.
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may contain errors, similar content is coincidental.
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december finally came. 
it’s crazy how 11 months pass by so quick..
today was december 13. the anniversary, and the day it all ended with your first love, nanami kento. 
did you guys end badly? no, in any way, things ended beautifully. 
you confessed at the beach while it was snowing, and our last moments together before he left was at the same snowing beach. but still, there was just this gut feeling-
that you both knew that you guys weren’t going to last that long. plus, he needed to go to shibuya. 
but he promised he’d meet you again in the same spot the two of you only know. no one else knew, but you two did.
so he gave a promise ring. 
after he left to do the mission though.. the two of us just grew apart and lost contact, and simply stopped trying. 
as a naive girl in her late 20s, it did hurt. it hurts knowing that you're just clinging on something that was meant to fall apart.
but looking back, that’s just how life is.
nonetheless, you still find yourself in that same beach. 
it’s still snowing.
there’s a couple over there who seem so happy together. the boy exactly had the same glint kento had for you, the look of love.
winter, spring, autumn— no scratch that, every season felt colder without him.
it’s sad that you and him never went to malaysia. he would’ve loved it there.
you still wear the same promise ring he gave. it’s a shame, he never came home after shibuya.  
it seems like you two will never be mrs. and mr. no matter how much his friends teased him and you about marriage, huh?
you wish you cherished your first love much more, so you stay here, stuck reminiscing about him. - fin.
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oh this fr sucks STOP ME. but this was a quick drabble & my first time posting smth here on tumblr, so hope its good enough to be posted (honestly kinda insecure ab it but anyways) !! snow on the beach ref. + based on me & my ex's anniversary, if you know me, no you do not (sobs) if this goes well maybe i'll release my other drabble ab sae itoshi...
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I love your writing and just wanted to request a sadie sink x reader where they both are starring in stranger things. It can be both in social media and irl.
Thank you!!!
thank you!! i wasn't sure if you wanted it to be just social media separately so i made it a mix of both... i am so in love with sadie sink it's not a joke.
face claim: gacie abrams warnings: language based on the song daylight by taylor swift!
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My love was as cruel as the cities I lived in Everyone looked worse in the light There are so many lines that I've crossed unforgiven I'll tell you the truth, but never goodbye
I never thought that one day would turn my life over this much. I went from just a high school kid to an actress in strangers things along with some of my best friends and as cheesy as this sounds... my heart. Sadie and I had been best friends for two years (while I had the biggest crush on her, mind you) before one drunken night I kissed her out of the blue... imagine my surprise when she kissed me back...
I was on cloud nine. It felt like a dream. Hell, it still does! Every time she looks at me with those gorgeous blue eyes gives me that smile, talks to me with her intoxicating voice, and every goddamn time she touches me, I lose it. And... so do the fans.
I don't wanna look at anything else now that I saw you I don't wanna think of anything else now that I thought of you I've been sleeping so long in a 20-year dark night And now I see daylight, I only see daylight
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yourname.official happy two years @sadesink!!! i am so so lucky to have you by my side. you are my rock, my best friend, and my soulmate and i am grateful for all the highs and lows and for every single moment i've spent with you. thank you for your unwavering support, your infectious laughter, and your unconditional love. you are the reason I wake up each day with a smile on my face, and the thought of spending my life with you fills me with joy. happy anniversary, my love. Here's to many more years of love, laughter, and happiness. liked by sadiesink, taylorswift and 3,09,800 others.
sadiesink You really brought tears in my eyes. I love you so so much. Thank you for... everything 🥺💕
forever.more OMFG MY PARENTS 🥺 fearstrx you're both so gorgeous!!!! y/nsinks this duo is the only reason i believe in love anymore 😔 yourname.forevermore I LOVE THIS. I LOVE YOU BOTH. I'VE FINALLY STARTED LOVING LIFE.
milliebobbybrown 💘🥺
taylornation you guys!!! 💓
Luck of the draw only draws the unlucky And so I became the butt of the joke I wounded the good and I trusted the wicked Clearing the air, I breathed in the smoke Maybe you ran with the wolves and refused to settle down Maybe I've stormed out of every single room in this town Threw out our cloaks and our daggers because it's morning now It's brighter now, now
"You what?!" I asked furrowing my brows feeling a mixture of anger and confusion. "I revealed that we're dating on the jimmy fallon show..." she said with uncertainty in her eyes. "I heard what you said.. but why?" I asked. "Do you not want anyone to know-" "No, of course, I do but, are you sure that YOU want to be seen with me?" She walked up and gave me a hug from behind which she knows always calms me down... "There's nothing I'd want more," she said almost in tears. "I'm- don't cry, Sades" I mutter with my eyes closed. "Sadie... I care about you so so much but you realize both our managing teams said that it's best not to reveal this, right?!" "You think I care, I don't want to hear any of their remarks but the thing that I want most is to be with you!" she hugged me from behind, knowing my weakness. "Of course, I want that too. I just want what's most beneficial for you..." I said. "Well, staying with you has many many benefits" she whispered laughing into the crook of my neck. "Oh my, ms. Sink, you've managed to convince me" I finally break into a smile and pull her in front of me.
And I can still see it all (In my mind) All of you, all of me (Intertwined) I once believed love would be (Black and white) But it's golden (Golden) And I can still see it all (In my head) Back and forth from New York (Sneaking in your bed) I once believed love would be (Burning red) But it's golden Like daylight, like daylight Like daylight, daylight
We had finished our press release and were walking to a pub with the whole cast. Sadie looked like a goddess. No joke, she looked better than Aphrodite herself and I had just zoned out thinking about how goddamn lucky I was. Of course, being the darling she is, she noticed this and gave me a playful nudge... "I'm so fucking lucky to have you in my life, Sadie Sink" I look her in the eyes and voice my thoughts. "Yes, you are now don't get all sappy on me," She says while squeezing my hands three times. This woman right here? I'm gonna marry her. I decided that right then and there. The light that she's gotten in my world.. she's the literal definition of sunshine in my eyes. She's my daylight. She is my everything I realize watching her with pride shining in my eyes.
Like daylight It's golden like daylight You gotta step into the daylight and let it go Just let it go, let it go
It was terrifying, our 5-month anniversary... I had rehearsed many many scripts before but now my head fails me as I am in front of the love of my life finally wanting to admit it that I loved her...
We paused in front of our favorite bakery and got our favorite croissants. Sitting on the bench I let my panic take over... "Okay I need to tell you something but I need you to stay quiet," She said to me. "Thank you for being here with me for so long and I am so so grateful for you. You're the most perfect girl I've ever seen and" "Okay..." I managed to speak out but all I saw was black and white as I anticipated the words "but we should see other people".
"I-" she stayed quiet for the longest thirteen seconds of my life and then she said, "it's been occurring to me that I'd like to hang out with you for my whole life." It was our thing... when we couldn't express our feelings fully with words, we started using lyrics.
I wanna be defined by the things that I love Not the things I hate Not the things that I'm afraid of, I'm afraid of Not the things that haunt me in the middle of the night I, I just think that You are what you love
"I love you, y/n y/l/n" she said looking up at me with hopeful eyes. "Well, damn you beat me to it. And with Taylor swift lyrics, how original!" I talked back. "Shut up you scared me there" she laughed out.
"I’ve never been so into somebody before and every time we both touch I only want more. I love you more, Sadie Sink" I say
"Not possible!" She says and just as I am about to counter her, she kisses me to shut me up. Yes... the best day ever.
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