#happy 420 to anyone who celebrates!!!
rosicheeks · 1 year
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do-you-have-a-hairtie · 2 months
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katsukikitten · 2 months
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Bakugou’s head pounded as he struggled to fit his front door key into the lock, roughly smashing it against the cold metal until it clicked. Practically falling into his house as he strumbled to regain his balance, fuckin’ dunce face and his happy hour strawberry daiquiris. He’d always told him that those drinks were the most lethal, the ones that would really get you in trouble.
He hadn’t planned on going out to celebrate his birthday, perfectly content with spending the evening at home cooking his favourite mapu tofu and watching reruns of the American All Might documentary; but instead he’d found himself at a dingy dive bar surrounded with all his friends who insisted on plying him with drinks. Practically groaning at the puppy dog eyes Kirishima had given him when he’d returned with a tray of shots, “You need to let yourself relax and unwind a little, Bakubro! It’s not good keeping yourself so pent up.”
And perhaps his best friend was right.
Collapsing onto his bed as he attempted to struggle out of his jeans, barely able to unbutton them before giving up with his chest heaving. For fucks sake, the room was spinning. It didn’t help that his cock was stood proudly at half mast, bulging beneath the denim and desperate for some sweet relief. He’d spent the entire day bricked up, and the alcohol had only worsened the sensation.
Bakugou unlocked his cellphone to check for the time, wincing when a bright 1:49AM flashed across the screen. But even more glaringly obviously was the influx of notifications that had caught his eye, a multitude of them replying to a post that in his drunken stupor he hadn’t even realised he had sent.
Reply from @kweenkatsuki-fics just head, king?
Reply from @kingkatsuki who knew Dynamight was such a slut?
Reply from @saturnsorbits thought you said you weren’t that desperate, huh?
Reply from @bakugotrashpanda video attached, hit me up
Reply from @strafepanzer anyone will do huh?
Reply from @katsukikitten picture attached, location shared, cum here
A Bakugou Birthday Bash Collab!!!!! A mix of smut and crack fics we've whipped up and hope you enjoy! Please be sure to check back for the fics on the mentioned blogs! Fics will be posted around Bakugou's birthday! 420 blaze it 🍃
Intro written by @kingkatsuki
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amazinglyegg · 1 year
Egg!!!!!!! I wanna kno. What companions you thing would smoke the za? Which companions would enjoy it or hate it or not wanna try it again?
Finally, now THIS is a good companions react!!!
Side note you almost got a "companions react to pizza" because I did NOT know what "za" was slang for. I was very confused on why companions would smoke pizza. I am not a cool druggie :(
Also also I Have Never Touched A Drug Ever so all my information comes from spying on my older sister and her friends "doing their homework in the backyard" when I was like seven. Enjoy.
Companions React to: Weed
Yeah sure why not
Pre Benign Intervention she already does a shit ton of psycho so she wouldn't turn down weed
Post Benign Intervention probably won't continue though for obvious reasons
Not the type of person to make it her entire personality though
Okay okay I know he can't actually smoke it BUT
It's not like they'd program a mr handy to snitch on their owner for slurping on the bong (is that what they do??? That's what it sounds like)
If Sole's having a good time with friends then Codsworth's happy to be the designated sober friend :)
Will only try it if its edibles
Smoking is BAD FOR THE LUNGS and she's the type of person to smell someone smoking weed from across the road and complain about it
She is interested in seeing what being high is like and there's no real risks to it so she's down for experimenting
Probably won't do it again but she enjoyed the experience
Medical use marijuana?? More likely than you may think
NOT a partier tho. Will take his One (1) perscribed gummy bear he keeps in his weekly pill organizer and frown at anyone who even mentions the number 420
Makes it surprisingly easy to sneak it past him tho. "I'm making weed brownies.... for medical reasons.... the baking helps with my anxiety as well. Don't eat them."
Oh yeah totally [lie]
You would 100% THINK he's the guy to smoke pot. He knows all the code words. He wears the weed shirts. He knows what "za" means.
But deep down he's a fraud
After getting clean from hard chems he really just does not want to touch any drugs or be around high people in general
His deep insecurities and fear of being abandoned as soon as he's unlikeable will leave him too scared to admit any of that though, so he'll end up smoking just to fit in if he can't find a good excuse to do otherwise
Has probably done it as a teen and probably enjoyed it but won't do it again
She is too important to the Railroad to ever be inebriated
Unless Glory convinces her to take a break and then mayybbee she'll get high with her
Takes a lot of convincing though and will probably only happen as a celebration for destroying the Institute
Sole will blow smoke in his face and he will die right there and then he is Too Old
Gage canonically doesn't like drugs but come on he'd smoke weed
Just a little bit. As a treat. Not the type of person to get ridiculously high for hours
Probably had a bunch of bad highs in the past and now is too scared to do it again around others
Not only does he enjoy it, he's like, Into It
Knows all the different kinds of strains and will shit talk your dealer if you show up with Low Quality Weed
Don't ask him too many questions or else you'll be listening to him explain the details of every strain for three hours straight
NO drugs are BAD and he needs to be a GOOD INFLUENCE for his SON
Ends up getting FOMO immediately and tries it.
Probably enjoys it??? Idk bro this is such a hard prompt I DONT KNOW WHAT WEED IS LIKE
I give up
This comic is all you need
Would try it if Sole gave it to her
Would enjoy it
Uses all the terminology wrong though
Lets be honest he needs it
Probably won't like it recreationally and good luck getting him to a doctor so he can get it medically
But medical marijuana would be helpful for him pls get him some
He's a teen boy who's rebelling from his parents (the institute) for the first time so of course he tries it
Acts like he enjoys it even if he doesn't
Does this
Bonus Carrington because I have a good guess on who sent this ask:
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lizzie-boo · 2 years
🍃420🍃 Follower Celebration
So, this probably seems like a weird milestone to celebrate. This is why I feel that it needs a bit of backstory. Whenever I get a large influx of followers, I always excitedly show my fiancé. While it doesn’t happen often, he always jokes about letting him know when I hit 420. Even though he doesn’t actually smoke it has become a fun joke between us so now it feels only right to celebrate this milestone even though it isn’t a very big one. Hopefully, you will join in on the fun with us!
So, to celebrate this occasion I am going to host a little celebration. Below are the different emojis to send in for each option with a brief explanation of each. This will be open for anyone who wants to send an emoji in, not just followers. I want this to be open for whoever wants to celebrate with me. 
And before I forget, THANK YOU ALL FOR FOLLOWING. I never thought I would see the day when I had 100 followers let alone over 400. You all bring me so much happiness knowing that you like what I’m making. So thank you for your support! 
The celebration will run from today 7/6 through 7/13 so everyone has enough time to send something in if they want. 
The fandoms that will be available for the options below are:
Stranger Things 
Harry Potter 
You can pick any characters from these fandoms!
🌼 Blurbs- Send me a little description of something you want to see from the above fandoms, and I’ll write you a little something. 
📖 Titles- Send in what you would name a fic and then I’ll write up a description of what I think the story would be about. Please specify fandom for this. 
❓Ask me anything. - Let’s get to know each other! 
🛳 Ships- Send me a ship and I’ll give my opinion on it. 
🦕 Anonymous opinions of me. What do you think of me? Let me know anonymously and I will react. 
🎮 Games- Time for some good old FMK and Would You Rather. Send me three characters and I’ll pick who I would fuck, marry, and kill. Send me two options and I will pick which one I would prefer. 
🎵Shuffle- If you send this one in I’ll shuffle one of my playlists and tell you what song I get. This way you can see what I listen to daily! And if you want you can send in some song recommendations for me to listen to. 
Hopefully, you enjoy this just as much as I will! 
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fatopiaplus · 10 months
Dava Neychev
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Hiyas! I'm sure you know my brother Ethan, but I know you haven't met me yet so I'll introduce myself. My name is Davidian Neychev. Don't ask me why I'm named that, but all my friends call me Dava so go ahead and call me that too. Now, I'm a little different than Ethan, because I was fat, lost the weight and decided I hated being thin. If you look above, you'll see me at my slimmest weight since I was seven. I slimmed down to 175 pounds at the urging of a school councilor and once there, I was very disgusted. I didn't like being thin. I was thirteen and I decided that it was time for me to once again be the person I truly was. I look pretty ticked here, don't I? I don't like SKINNY!
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So, over the course of the summer, I seriously began to pack on some poundage, much to Ethan's dismay. I reassured him that I knew who I was and that Skinny Dava wasn't it. By the time spring break came around, I'd fattened myself up to a nice, roly-poly 310 pounds. Pretty plush in anyone's standards, but not mine. This wasn't fat enough to make me happy. This picture was take at a camp that our school gang went to over the summer. Akia's been instrumental in getting these nice photographs. I can't thank her enough.
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At school's end for the summer, I'd bulked up to 370 and was feeling better about myself. I wasn't meant to be thin and I knew it. My daytime was spent down at the ice cream store, the candy store and the other great places to broaden my horizons. It was funny. Ethan loves apples and so here I am, in an apple orchard, and I sat down and ate and ate and ate until I swore I'd never eat another apple. Akia counted the apples I ate ... thirty nine. Look at my belly! It's getting big.
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Byt by the holidays, it was even bigger. I'd packed on quite a but at Thanksgiving, and t\at Christmas time, I sat my 420 pound frame down to dinner. On New Year's Day, I sat my 438 pound frame down to dinner. I love the holidays. ^.~ I wore the same outfit for comparison and Akia put me in the same orchard. Ooooo.... apples. Ooooof.
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By my birthday in June, it was a double celebration. I was 16 years old and 500 pounds. I was feeling like myself again. This is who Dava Neychev really is and take her as she is because she makes no apologies for weighing 500 pounds. I really am not happy unless my belly is so big I waddle. Ethan's friends have been great and they helped me gain my weight. Akia, who is normally against feederism, helped my cause with her wonderful cooking. She knew that I was in control. I didn't need to be fatter. I didn't need the food. I didn't need to be told what to do. I simply desired it. She realized that I never claimed to need anything. That's proof in her book that I'm not out of control. Besides, I set a goal for myself. I refuse to gain more than 600 pounds. And not only did I get up to 500 for my birthday, I got a delightful 550 pound boyfriend named Ryan Larson, who is delightfully known as Hog because of his occasional spurts of pure insatiability. In those weeks when he can eat and eat and not be satisfied, he can easily gain 20 pounds in a week. Akia says when they met he was only 350 pounds. He'd look incredible at 800 or more pounds, but I'd never make him get any bigger. Not my style. Anyway, if I get bigger, I'll let you see. ((~_^)
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hwy95eh · 1 year
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Is there a more appropriate day than the 20th of April (4/20) to announce an idea that isn't completely ready to be announced yet (a "half-baked" idea, you might say)?
Sure, I could wait until the plan of announcing the return of THE 95EH EVENTS CALENDAR for the start of May (maybe even the 9th of May… which is 9/5 day, eh) — BUT — in the process of figuring out how to get the same fully-stocked Kimberley & Cranbrook area events calendar up & running like the one 95EH.CA was running before the pandemic (remember that?), I ended up getting things setup & working AND NOW there is a fully-stocked local events calendar just sitting there with events in it that will 'expire' before I do the more "official" announcement of the return of THE 95EH EVENTS CALENDAR in May (and that feels like a waste of work already done, eh).
So, for anyone who happens to be interested in checking out a place where you can find dang-near EVERY event happening in the Kimberley & Cranbrook area (and where you can get your local area events added for FREE by just creating a Facebook event for it), OR… for those who are just curious link clickers and want to find out more about this 'Mutually Beneficial Employment' idea that is being slowly pitched around to help support the human-work that goes into keeping THE 95EH EVENTS CALENDAR up & running, all you have to do is either click this link below or type it out into your fave browser window (and then maybe it'd be a good idea to bookmark that page for future revisits, as local events have a habit of continuing to happen every week forever):
-> moun.town/events <-
And "Happy 420!" to all who celebrate 💨
Jeremy / @HI54LOFI
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becauseimbexx · 1 year
Who is Bexx?
Who is this girl?
.....where did she go.......
~ why did she come back~
Should she stay or go?🎶 🦋🍄🌻
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I guess some might be wondering these kind of things.lol 🫠🙃😝 Where the fuck do I even start? lol it's like I know who I am, but when I'm put on the spot and asked about myself I clam up and don't know what to say. Kinda-sorta-like how I can think about the many materialistic things I could want, but the instant it becomes birthday/holiday season, and someone asks you for a wish list and instead my mind goes completely blank. Is anyone else like this?
Anywho... back to business besties!
Hello there, 👋🏻
My name is Bexx, I am a fierce force to be reckon with. A loving stay at home mommy & wifey. I am the 4th oldest in the lineup of my total of ten siblings. I was born October 31st, 1993. Yes I was born on Halloween, and Yes, I do indeed turn 30 this year. Go team scorpio ♏️. I grew up in the great PNW. specifically Vancouver WA, & Portland OR. I love the place I call home. 🌲☔️
Some fun facts about me are:
My favorite color(s) are, Orange, Purple, & Green
My favorite food is all food.
My all time most favorite Tv show is the OG Gossip Girl. I am 100% a Blair Waldorf.
I like to express myself through many forms of art. I love to cook, curate playlist, host parties & fun gatherings (I love planning every detail & being extra) Pinterest is one of my happy places.
I have a love for all aesthetics & enjoy playing dress up.
I am & will always be an adventuring kind of girly. I want to travel the globe & experience its magnificent beauty for myself. I've had quite the journey on social media & would like to meet the people that make up my world.
I've almost always got music playing & prefer music over movies. I listen to & have an appreciation for all eras & genres.
But when it does come to movies, it's either a cheesy rom-com or Horror.
I enjoy being goofy as fuck & making art out of my life on the internet for others to see. While simultaneously being vulnerable & talking about the not-so-beautiful parts of life.
I am not a religious person but, I am a very spiritual being. I don't publicly talk about politics for so many reason. The most important part being is just don't want my page to be about that. At least for right now.
I am 100% 420 friendly use weed on the daily for its many medicinal & recreational purposes.
I believe in celebrating life however one chooses to do so. Literally just do what makes you happy.
I have been married for 4.5 years & have a 5 year old son. Some of ya'll might see posts about them occasionally but aside from that, I will not be putting them on my page until they decide they want to. That goes for anyone in my personal life honestly.
Honestly I started this dream of a career in social media over a decade ago in my mother's basement where my siblings and I would plan out shenanigans to document and put on the internet. But we never actually did anything. Through my many attempts at starting something I was constantly trying to figure out where I fit in and what could I do that would make a worthy career. It took some time for me to realize that there are already many influencers like myself that already don't fit a particular niche. They're just genuinely being themselves & doing what makes them happy. I want to do that too.
Here & across other social media platforms I want to document life experiences, and share my life with y'all. & at the end of the day, I also aim to create a safe and fun environment for us all to share the things that make our world beautiful. Let's go forth & live our best lives together.
#BexxBesties for life.
XOXO- Bexx 🤍🖤
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stargiirl27 · 2 years
In honor of it being weed day i thought I'd share the story of how i completely bypassed weed and went straight to cocaine in highschool, sixteen year old me was really like "smoke weed? and damage my pretty pink porcelain lungs??" but as soon as someone was like "hey man wanna snort this crystalized rock up ur nose?" I was like hell yeah brother hand it over what the fuck was wrong with me
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Surveys #431-432
two biggins’ in one, beware the long post.
Do you own any Funko Pop! figurines? No. How many cats and dogs have you had as pets in your lifetime? I couldn't possibly count the cats. A lot. We've had I wanna say eight dogs through my entire life. Can your mom and/or dad play any instruments, or how about anyone else in your family? No. My older sister played the clarinet in school, though. Have you ever colored in an adult coloring book as a stress reliever? I have, but they don't really affect my stress level. Can you crack crab legs without a tool? UGH EW I hate crab legs. So mushy and just... ew. I don't think I've tried to without a tool. How many light sources are in the room you’re in? Excluding the natural light out my windows, three. What’s your favorite thing to put on bagels? Just your usual cream cheese. Who’s your favorite director? Tim Burton. I love his style. Bats: cute or gross? Bats are SO goddamn cute. What was the last really intense pain you felt? I had a sudden pain in my chest the other day that scared me quite a bit. Would you rather vacation by a beach or a lake? A lake, for sure. How would you feel about traveling abroad alone? I'd be way too lonely. What is your father's middle name? John. Where did your last kiss take place? The airport. Which movie villain do you find the most terrifying? Probably Jason. A masked guy just casually pursuing you with a knife is horrifying to me. If you married your favorite celebrity what would your last name be? Fischbach alskdfla;wer;lkwera;wle Do you stick your tongue out often in pictures? No. Which one of your family members are you closest to? My ma. Would you rather have name brand shoes or name brand clothes? Shoes. It's very important for them to be comfy for me. Are you a good liar? Yes. :x Are you proud of your parents? Yeah. If you could get backstage tickets to ANY concert - which would you pick? If Mom was with me, Metallica. She would actually fucking die if she met them. Like she cried and laughed with joy when she found out about the concert in Raleigh some years ago, and we thought we were going to go, but yeah, money. Which is better: orange or grape soda? Orange cream soda. Grape soda is so gross. Was the last thing you ate hot or cold? It was room temperature. Who was the last person in your house who isn’t family? Our landlord/family friend. I think. What color was the last swimsuit you wore? Black. Can you remember the last song you listened to? I'm listening to "Thoughts & Prayers" by Motionless In White right now. Have you ever been dumped really harshly? Ha, that is a colossal understatement... Can you do a back flip, or anything else of that sort? Definitely not. I couldn't even do stuff like that as a kid. Do you have any exes you can’t stand anymore? No. What happened to cause you to feel that way about them? ^ Are you more of a phone or a computer person? Computer, for sure. Do you have a job, and if so, where do you work? No. If not, do you want one? Not right now. I want to focus on the gym and getting in shape. Do any medical afflictions run in your family? A whole lot. What’s your favorite Mexican dish? Shrimp quesadillas. Or rice with cheese sauce. Have you ever been to a professional sports game? Yeah, hockey and baseball. Do you prefer pads, tampons or something else? I'm actually conflicted on this right now. I use tampons, but there are reasons I don't really like them and am considering something else. Have you ever ordered a specially made cake from a cake shop? Not me myself, but Mom has. What months were you and your siblings born in? My two immediate sisters were born in April and June. What did you have for dinner last night? Uhhhhh... I want to say I had a chicken pesto bowl? Have you ever had sex in/on a vehicle? No, that sounds so uncomfortable. Do you do anything to groom your eyebrows? No. I don't care about that anymore. Has your town ever flooded? Oh, for sure. Hurricane Floyd from when I was... I wanna say two or three WRECKED my area. Have you ever played at the McDonald’s play place? Yeah. That was a blast as a kiddo. Have you ever taken a picture of snow? Yeah. Do you cry easily? Very. Are you happy with where you live? No. The suburbs suck. I miss living in the country so much. Do people ever mistake you for being a different race? No. Do you hate the last person you kissed? No, she's my best friend in the whole world. What genre is your favorite movie? I actually don't know what it's considered? It's a kids movie, though. Who was the last person you were in a car with? My mom. Do you like the picture on your license/I.D. card? My permit picture is fucking hideous. When was the last time somebody hit on you? *shrug* Was the last person you met a male or female? A guy - my personal trainer. What brand is your underwear? I'm in my pjs, and only a madman would wear underwear to bed. What’s your favorite Thanksgiving food? Just the rolls, really, lol. I'm not a big fan of Thanksgiving foods at all. Do you have a TV in your room? No, because I don't watch TV. Are any of your electronics charging right now? My laptop always is, though I know you shouldn't do that. I need to charge my phone, too. What was the last video game you played? Video game, not computer, I want to say uh... The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon? What’s the biggest promise someone’s ever made to you? Did they keep it? To never leave me. He didn't. Google, Bing, or Yahoo? Google. What was the last song you had on repeat? The song I mentioned earlier. Who is your favorite person to watch on YouTube? Markiplier. :') How many college degrees do you want? It'd be nice to have a Bachelor's in SOMETHING, but I'm not returning to school. Three tries was enough money down the drain. Can you wink? Yeah. Do you own any jerseys? No. Have you ever tried to snort Pixie Stix as a child, or even an adult? Uh, no. Do you like going to baby showers? Do you go only for the cake? No. The last time Jason and I hung out in any capacity was his brother's wife's baby shower, and it's a bad memory. As well, it just reminds me of what I once wanted with him. I'll go to them and be okay, but definitely not thrilled. Has there ever been a time in your life, you felt sexually undecided? Yes, especially in the I want to say 8th grade. I had an inescapable crisis that literally lasted a whole week (or maybe more) forcing myself to believe I was straight, despite already showing but denying bisexual attractions. I was religious back then, so believed if I wasn't straight, I'd go to Hell. Then I came out as bisexual in uhhhh... 2018 I wanna say, and that was a long examination of my feelings. It felt like a massive weight off my shoulders when I accepted it. I felt legit happy. Do you think tattoos and piercings are sexy on the opposite sex? ugggghhhhh yes Do people ever ask you to do things they’re too short to accomplish? No. What color are the headphones you have at this moment in time? My earbuds are pink and white. Ever choked severely on something during lunch at your school? No. Do you eat more vegetables or fruits? What’s your favorite fruit/veggie? Fruits, for sure. My fave is strawberries. What would you say is the color of your favorite bra? I have a pink and black lacy one that is super cute, but it's too small for me right now. It just stays in my drawer. Is anyone in your family a firefighter? Who is it anyway? No. What do you usually buy when you go to the dollar store? If I'm stopping there for a snack (which is usually the only time we stop by one), I tend to get a honeybun. Ever peed in the pool? Be honest! No, that is so gross. When you’re older, what kind of house do you want to live in? I want a medium-sized house that's semi-isolated in the woods. I'd love a nice path to walk down and take photos, a catio for Roman or whatever cat I may have in the future... stuff like that. I need lots of nature. Where do you want to get married? In some sort of gothic building, though I'm sure that would be a WILDLY expensive venue, so I doubt that'll happen. Realistically, either in the woods or even a massive flower garden. Do you plan on having both your parents at your wedding? Yes. What is your favorite childhood TV show? Pokemon. Honestly, do you like school? No, I didn't. Last thing that made you cry? PTSD. Honestly, are you keeping a big secret right now? No big secrets, no. Last person you took a walk with? Sara, years ago. Have you ever liked someone who didn’t like you back? Oh, have I... Who was the last person to actually pick you up in the air? Probably Jason, honestly. Does any part of your body hurt? My non-existent abs are killing me from exercising yesterday. If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to change a regret what would you do? While it's tempting, hand me the cash. Can you keep a secret? Absolutely. You tell me a secret, you can guarantee I'll be keeping it between you and me. Your favorite romantic movie? The Notebook. How do you feel about Valentine’s Day? I honestly like it. I love the aesthetic of it, and I know people say "well you should celebrate love every day," and while that's right, what's so wrong about nationally designating a specific day to appreciate it? I think it's a very cute holiday. Who was the last person you took a picture with? My sister Katie. Do your jeans have rips, tears, and holes in them? I haven't worn jeans in yeeeeaaaarrrrssss. When I did though, I loved jeans like that, especially for skinny jeans. Do you celebrate 420?No. Have you ever kicked a vending machine? No. How do you eat Oreos? I prefer to just dip them in milk. If that's unavailable, I separate the two parts, eat the cream, and then the two cookies. Do you wear your shoes in the house? No. Would you survive in prison? Absofuckinglutely not. It's dark, but just to be entirely honest, I'd probably find a way to kill myself. Ever been to Georgia? I've been through it. Do you get your hair cut every month? Not every month, no. It needs a trim right now badly, though.
Current relationship in detail. I'm single and should be. If you were kicked out of your house, who would you call/go to? My dad. List things you spend money on in an average week. Nothing. Rate each of your sexual partners (if any) from 1-10. He was honestly a 10 lmao like I don't have a lot of experience at all, but yeah. Post the last FB group/page that you joined. I actually don't remember because I've been on break from Facebook for around a month. Would you parents be mad if you were in a relationship? No... Think of the last person you had sex with. Do you think they’ve slept with anyone else since they last slept with you? I'm sure he has. He dated someone right after me for like... eight months or something? Is there someone that you believe you will always be attached to? I think that's very obvious by now. What board games are you good at? Idk, I don't really enjoy board games. Is there a sport/hobby you keep thinking about taking up, but that you’ve never quite gotten around to starting? Definitely no sports, but I've been wanting to get back into video editing. I just... haven't, even though I have the software. Do you think pranks like egging/toilet-papering someone's house are funny or immature? They're incredibly immature. I see zero humor in them. Do you think “sleeve tattoos” are a good idea? They're hot as fuck, man. Is there anything in particular that your parents argue about? What? I'll just say they're divorced for good reasons. Do you ever actually read the “Terms and Services” when you sign up for websites and such? No. If you have a handheld games console (a DS or GameBoy, for example), how often do you use it? Almost never. Your phone is ringing. It’s the person you fell hardest for, what do you say? Realistically, I wouldn't answer because I don't answer numbers I don't recognize. Hypothetically, if I knew it was him, I'd probably say something along the lines of, "Hey J, are you okay?", because something must be seriously wrong if he wants to talk to me of all people. If your best friend was kicked out, would your parents let him/her live with you? Mom absolutely would. Are you afraid of falling in love? I'm terrified of it. Is there anybody you wish you could be with right now? I wish I didn't. Have you ever kissed someone & wished you didn’t? Yes: Tyler. Did you get kissed last night? Haven't been kissed in years. Do you enjoy going through a carwash? Bring out the rainbow soap and it's hype lmao. How did you get most of your scars? My cat, ha ha. He sometimes plays way too rough, and I just scar very easily. Ever had to take an inkblot test? Yes, when I went to a psychologist. Have you ever been in trouble for something you honestly didn’t do? Maybe? Have you ever seriously slapped someone in anger? My sister as a kid on her arm. Safe to say I got in trouble for it. What/who woke you up this morning? Just my body. Who was the last person to be in your bedroom besides you? Mom. What’s one of your locked text messages? da;lsd;fakwer I have one locked from Sara that says something like, "You are so beautiful." I cried. Have you ever finished a game of Monopoly? I think? Jason and I used to play the digital one you could download on the PS3. Is there anyone you know who’s in any way paralyzed? No. I mean, I know of a girl who went to my school who was paralyzed from the waist down in an accident, but I didn't/don't know her personally. She was a MASSIVE deal in my education community. Like you would see "prayers for (name)" on school and church signs. The truth all comes out when someone is drunk, true? Usually true. I sometimes think back on the one time Jason was drunk, and he just told me in the most adoring voice, "I love you, Brittany." It's painful as fuck to remember. I really do wonder if he meant it, given this was in the later half of our relationship. When was the last time you felt disappointed in yourself? Constantly. How about feeling disappointed in someone else? I dunno. For you, do you commonly feel more jealousy or envy? I definitely experience envy more often. Do you rely on the heads/tails flipping of a coin sometimes for decisions? No. Do you have any specific chores you do around the house? I'm supposed to empty the dishwasher in particular. For you, does comfort or fashion come first in dressing? Comfort, 100%. Have you had two friends that absolutely hated each other? No. Do you like Laffy Taffy? I do. That sounds pretty good right about now. Do you prefer electric or manual pencil sharpeners? Electric. Are your biceps at all noticeable? Yeah, no. Have you ever seen a walrus? Yeah, at SeaWorld as a kid. Did you ever have one of those Easy Bake ovens as a kid? Yeah. My little sister in particular was obsessed. Does your bathroom have a theme to it? No. From inside of your house, how many doors lead outside? Two. Are there a lot of trees in your yard? No. :/ I miss that. Have you ever liked someone that treated you like crap? No. Have a best friend? Yeah. :') Does it bother you when your best friend does stuff without you? That is so childish. Everyone needs space sometimes. But to answer the question, considering she lives many states away from me, obviously not. Is there a secret you’ve never told your parents? Yes. Does anyone hate you? I wouldn't at all be surprised if Jason does. Colleen might, but I really don't give a shit if she does. What’s the one thing you regret more than anything? The way I spoke to Jason after the breakup. If only I could take those letters back. Do you remember important dates? I am VERY bad at dates, doesn't matter how important they are. What’s some lyrics from a song that means a lot to you? "For such a little thing, you sure are in your own way" from a Mother Mother song. Who gives the best advice? Sara. Who do you usually see in your dreams? :) Jason is nearly a permanent fixture. Jeez, I'm bringing him up a lot in this one. I'm surprised my PTSD isn't dragging me into a pit for it. What type of cake did you last eat? Uhhh I wanna say double chocolate? Mom got two slices from the store for me and herself a long time ago. How many of your friends are gay or bisexual? A large number. I don't feel like counting. What’s your favorite type of sandwich? Just your usual peanut butter and jelly. When was the last time someone asked you out? Did you accept or decline? Years ago by Girt. I accepted. Do you like The Offspring? Sure, I like a handful of their songs. One pillow or two? I sleep with two. Do you like Mad Libs? Sure, they can be funny. Are you suicidal? Well damn, just throw that in there. Anyway, no. I'll admit I've had very brief, passive thoughts very rarely as of the late, just wondering if there really is a point to me being here, but I'm not actively suicidal at all rn. Where do your grandparents live? They're dead. When alive though, they lived in Florida and Michigan. Do you cut yourself? And this one? No, I haven't in many years. What is your pet’s name? Roman and Venus. Have you ever been to Canada? No, but I'd love to visit. Aren’t babies overrated? "Overrated" is definitely the wrong word... I don't particularly find a lot of babies cute and I don't want my own, but they're not overrated. Have a built-in pool in your backyard? Never have. Ever won yourself a stuffed animal? Yeah. Ever had someone else win you a stuffed animal? Yes. Ever been to a circus? No. I wouldn't set foot into one. Ever shot animals? I never, ever could. Do you consider yourself intelligent? I USED to. I think I'm dumb as shit now. School knowledge did not latch onto me well, I guess. Have you ever run away from home? Yes. It was so overdramatic. I came back hours later because I had my phone and Mom texted me threatening to call the cops. Do you put family first, friends, relationships, school, or something else? I will never put my mental health behind anything/one again. What’s something you’ve stood up for in the past? When Colleen and I were friends in middle school, we both spoke before the class in absolute disgust at how our classmates were treating our poor substitute teacher. Colleen had AT them, while I was more tame about it but still wanted to bash into their heads that they were all being absolute trash to the poor man. What’s something you worked extremely hard to get? My mental wellbeing. Granted, I'm not exactly "well" now, but once upon a time I was living in the deepest ocean trench as far as depression goes. Are you satisfied with your body image? Hell no. I really, really, really hope loyally going to the gym will help me with that. Have you ever been labeled negatively or otherwise been called something extremely derogatory? Not that I know of. Have you ever seriously taken advantage of someone or been taken advantage of? No. Have you ever been seriously ill? Mentally, immensely. Physically, not really. I've had some nasty stomach bugs, but nothing truly severe. Have you ever befriended a former enemy? Ha, it's funny, I used to hate Jason's first ex/heartbreak for how badly she hurt him. Like she could've been falling off the face of the earth with only me to save her, and I'd let her keep falling. I hated her. Yet now we're Facebook friends and comment on each other's stuff like it's nothing, ha ha. She reached out to me a few years ago to apologize for high school stuff (she also hated me for Juan - her ex or something along those lines - being interested in me instead of her), we chatted a bit, and now I think she's great. If you’re not religious, would you ever pray as a last resort? If you are religious, do you often pray for other people? I don't pray anymore. That's all I'll say to keep this from becoming potentially very offensive. Have you ever dated someone, then after you dated they came out of the closet or switched (for lack of a better word) sexual orientation? I'm pretty sure my middle school boyfriend Aaron is gay, but I'm not certain. He vanished from Facebook a long time ago. Has a boy/girl ever walked a ridiculous distance just to see you? How about vice versa? I tried doing that the night of the breakup. By car, I know it was a seven-minute drive, but walking there, never mind at night, was ludicrous. I only didn't manage because after a few minutes, Mom came after me and kept cutting me off with the car. When was the last time you felt really uncomfortable? Right now. My abs REALLY hurt, and I'm also cramping like a motherfucker after not having a period for 3+ months because of TMS therapy. I'm still pissed about how it had a physical effect on me, but didn't mentally do what it was meant to. Is there anything that your mom is really known for as to how she is as a person? She is very, very loving and lives to help others. Who have you been talking to the most today? Nobody, really. I've spoken with Mom obviously, but for the most part, today's been quiet. Are you nosy? I can be pretty damn nosy, yes. What’s the meanest thing you have done to a friend? Consistently flirted with her boyfriend behind her back. I was 12, okay? If your ex called you crying, what would it most likely be about? THE ex, I have no idea. I don't know what's going on in his life, besides his mother dying quite a few months ago, but I don't see why he'd contact me about that. Who was the best kisser out of all the people you have kissed? Jason. Have you ever been told that you have an annoying laugh? No, but I think I do.
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blackhakumen · 4 years
Mini Fanfic #420: Certified Moms' GroupChat (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
Certified Mommies' GroupChat
Samus: Ok. So this might be the dumbest question I'm gonna ask....But does anyone else feel like crying again after that wholesome party our kids thrown for us?
Peach: OMG YES!!! I've never cried so hard with that much JOY before!!
Daisy: Me neither, cuz. The way Pitty went up on the stage and told us how much he and the other kids here love and appreciate us, without even having a written speech LITERALLY got me in full force! Like.......HOT DAMN that was a good cry!! :'D
Rosalina: It was a wonderful celebration for all of us. I'm just so blessed to have them in our lives.
Peach: Me toooo~ I love each and everyone of our babies so much! Speaking of which....I got something precious to show you ladies today!
Samus: Lay it on us, princess.
Peach: Uploaded PreciousFamilyCuddleTime .JPEG
Rosalina: So Precious....
Peach: I knooow, right?!~ I cried so much earlier today that I made Mario and the kids worried lol. Even my precious Ultimate Lifeform was Worried about meeee!~ I'm soooo happy right now that I just can't!!!~
Samus: That's really cute and all....but you ain't the only one who's having a Cuddly moment right now.
Samus: Uploaded TheCuddleSquad .JPEG
Peach: Oh my goodness that is soooo adorable!!~
Samus: Lol Yeah. Kirby and My Little Partner been with me back when we were all crying our all out over Pit's speech. And they never left my side ever since.
Daisy: Too Precious for words, Sammy....
Samus: Will you ever stop calling me that?
Daisy: Never! :p
Rosalina: Uploaded WholesomeCuddlesandSnuggles JPEG.
Peach: Awwww!~
Daisy: Awwwwww!~
Samus: Wow even Rosie having a Cuddle Squad of here own lol.
Rosalina: It's true. Ryu and the children we're all Worried about my well being ever since the Mother's Day Celebration Party. So they were all so kind enough to keep me company. I'm really glad Lucas, Ness, and Ashley came back home here safe and sound.
Peach: Me too. I missed them sooo much earlier today, but I'm really proud of Lucas for being brave enough visiting his mother's grave. And I'm proud of the other two for staying by his side as well.
Daisy: Tell me about it. That kid....He really been through a lot, hasn't he?
Samus: Yeah....But I'm really glad he's doing much better now.
Rosalina: Us too, Sammy.
Samus: Seriously?
Rosalina: Yes :)
Daisy: See? Even Rosie likes the nickname.
Samus: Whatever.....
Daisy: Anywho....I wish I have a Family to Cuddle with, but Luigi and Yoshi went out to grocery store a couple of minutes ago. So I'm all alone now :((((
Peach: Awww.... I'm sorry, Daisy.
Daisy: Eh it's fine. Weegie told me he and our baby boi will me give me lots of cuddles once they get back. So I honestly can't wait! :D
Samus: Of course Luigi gonna give you some Cuddle Time. Like, has there ever been a day that he doesn't?
Daisy: Other than the time him, Mario, and Peach went to a Fancy Haunted Hotel for the entire week, my man NEVER forgets our Daily Cuddles~
Rosalina: That's because he loves you very much.
Daisy: I Knooooooow!~ And I love him too!~ So Frickin' Much, People!!~
Peach: We know, sweetheart. Calm down lol.
Samus: Okay, Seriously, Does anyone here agrees that this is best Mother's Day any of us had this year?
Peach: Oh Absolutely!~
Rosalina: Of Course.
Daisy: Hell Yeah! It was amazing!
Peach: And so beautiful that I might cry again :'D
Palutena Joins the Chat
Palutena: Hey, Ladies.
Peach: Hello, Palutena. How are you this evening?
Palutena: Amazing. And I have a special guest with me~
Bayonetta Joins the Chat
Bayonetta: Why Hello, My Girlfriends~
Peach: Bayonetta!!~
Daisy: Yo! Welcome back!
Samus: The hell you been all day lol
Bayonetta: Oh nothing special. Just came back from a date with my darling little Joker.
Daisy: Oh yeah...I forgot you told us Ren was taking you out today! How was it?
Bayonetta: Absolutely Wonderful, Darling! We both had so much fun with one another. He even took me to this stunning Restaurant from a across the street. And I CANNOT express how happy I am to tell you all the Wonderful News today.
Samus: "Wonderful News"...............No.....
Bayonetta: That's right, my dear Sammy. It's finally happening!~
Samus: Holy Shit..........
Daisy: What? What is it?
Samus: Ladies, I think Bayonetta is saying here is that Ren has accepted their proposal of adopting him officially.
Peach: OH MYYYYY!~
Rosalina: Oh my goodness!
Palutena: Yep!~ As of today, our Renny is going to be Officially joining our family!~ :D
Peach: Oh my Goodness that is WONDERFUL NEW!~ I'm SOOOO HAPPY FOR YOU TWO!!~
Bayonetta: Us too!~ I've cried more than twice today and they're ALL Tears of Undying Joy!~
Palutena: Also......
Palutena: Uploaded HappyCuddlyFamily .JPEG
Samus: My God.....Does the Preciousness EVER ends?!
Peach: Never in a Million Years, Sammy!~
Samus: You too?!
Peach: Yes! It's cute and I already Love it.
Samus: I swear, you people are impossible sometimes.....
Bayonetta: And yet you love us all the same~
Samus: True. You all are like the a huge family I never thought I wanted until now.
Daisy: Awww~ You do loves us!~
Samus: Guess I do lol
Peach: I Love Everyone of You with All my Heart!
Samus: Us too, Princess. Us too.
Daisy: Happy Mother's Day, Everyone!! :D
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scribble-skull-rat · 4 years
all of numbers for question post
1. What’s your sexual orientation?
2. What are you obsessed with right now?
3. Ever done any drugs?
No but i was allowed to have pot
4. What piercings do you want?
Ears, and lip
5. How many people have you kissed?
6. Describe your dream home.
Cabin in the forest with a few dogs and cats, a couple snakes and an overall peaceful place
7. Who are you jealous of?
No one at the moment
8. What’s your favorite show to binge?
9. Do you watch porn?
10. Do you have a secret sideblog?
I did but then it became public
11. If you could teleport anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?
To my boyfriend
12. What’s one of your fantasies?
Living a peaceful and happy life with the one i love.
13. Do you have/would you get your nipples pierced?
No and no
14. How would you spend a million dollars?
Spend half and invest the other half
15. Are you in a relationship?
16. Do you follow porn blogs?
17. Are you angry with anyone right now?
18. What tattoos do you want?
A full galaxy on my back with the name kitty in cursive, kitty is my moms name if you're wondering
19. If you could change your name, would you? What would you change it to?
I'd change it to toby since lemon is more of a nickname i like
20. What is something you’re obsessed with?
21. Describe your best friend.
Uhhh loyal or smthn idk
22. Tag someone you think is hot.
@imasleepdeprivedtransboy 100/10 absolutely gorgeous
23. Who are five of your favorite bands/musical artists?
Cavetown, p!atd, anson seabra, dodie and thomas sanders
24. What are three places you want to travel?
Florida, i heard it was insane, new hampshire, its where i was born and oregon, its where i was raised most of my life
25. Describe your perfect Friday night.
Cuddles and hotcocoa with fresh cookies
26. What’s your favorite season?
Winter, v cold.
27. What’s your pet peeve?
Loud noises
28. Who is the funniest person you know?
My brother and Noah
29. What’s the most overrated movie?
30. Tag someone you want to talk to but have been too shy to message.
@tooloudarts and my sister who has a tumblr but i forgot what the name was
31. Do you like paper books or ebooks better?
32. If you could live in a fictional world, what world would you pick?
33. If money was no object, what would your wardrobe be like?
lots of baggy clothes, soft and fluffy sweater, lots of hoodies, a couple of nice dresses and some cute skirts
34. What’s your coffee order?
Idk, wichever one is oreo flavored and doesnt taste like coffee
35. Do you have a crush on anyone?
Uh yeah? @imasleepdeprivedtransboy! You seen how cute he is? Who wouldn't have a crush on him!
36. Do you still have feelings for any of your exes?
37. Have any tattoos?
I wish but nope
38. Do you drink?
Sometimes, if i can convince my mom to let me
39. Are you a virgin?
Id rather not talk about it
40. Do you have a crush on any of your mutuals?
I already said who my crush was!!
41. How many followers do you have?
101 atm
42. Describe the hottest person you know.
Okay so hes pretty short, 5'1 if im correct, short brown hair and blueish green eyes that are so beautiful, a bit chubby but that just gives me more to hug and love! His voice is so handsome i swear, he calls me randomly but i always love talking to him, he has bad anxiety but im trying to help to the best of my abilities, he can draw really good, like, better then any of the artists ive ever seen, hes always so kind and thoughtful and hes helped me though some of mu biggest problems and i could never thank him enough, i love him with all my heart and soul! His name is so awesome too! His name is Noah!
43. What’s your guilty pleasure?
??? Like something i feel guilty about but enjoy? Uhhhh, ice cream i guess??
44. Do you read erotica?
Nope, never been interested
45. What’s the worst date you’ve ever been on?
Never really been on a date
46. How many people do you follow?
47. If you could marry any celebrity, who would you pick?
Idk, no one
48. Describe your ideal partner.
Uh i already did? His name is noah!
49. Who do you text the most?
My discord chat
50. What’s your favorite kind of weather?
r a i n
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eldritchsurveys · 5 years
420 (ayyyy).
Hello :) Do you like to use a lot of smiley faces online? >> Not a lot, but I do use some.
Which instant messaging service do you use, if any? >> Discord. Tumblr also has an IM feature, but it’s not very good IMO. I hate that tiny little window.
What are your opinions on Justin Bieber? >> I don’t have any opinions on him. He rarely crosses my radar.
On December 21st 2012, if the world starts to go down, what will you do? >> I don’t remember what I was doing. I was in Colorado at that time, and that’s really all I remember.
Do you Facebook creep / Myspace stalk? >> No.
Is there a celebrity you're obsessed with? Who? >> Not really. There are celebrities I like looking at and ones I like watching in movies and such, but I’m not obsessed, just interested.
Do you look at yourself in any reflective surface you pass? >> Usually.
What theme is your calendar? >> I don’t use calendars. 
Is there anyone famous born on your birthday? Who? >> Most certainly, but I don’t know who.
Do you have a background on your cell phone? Of what? >> My lock screen is this Gunship album cover because it looks so fucking cool, and my home screen is a shot of Quentin Oliver Lee as the Phantom of the Opera.
Have you ever watched the clock tick a full minute? >> Yeah.
Is there anyone you know who kind of looks like you? >> No.
Do you wish you had a twin? If you do, do you wish you didn't? >> No.
Which lollipop flavor is your favorite? >> ---
Do you still enjoy coloring with crayons? >> I never enjoyed colouring with crayons.
If someone came up and randomly hugged you, what would you do? >> Flip my shit and probably hurt them.
Are we really getting lazier with all the technology advances these days? >> Possibly. But I can’t be bothered to care about that.
What was the last movie you saw in 3D? >> Probably a Marvel movie, I don’t remember now.
1-ply 2-ply or 3-ply bathroom tissue? Or does it matter? >> 2-ply seems sufficient. I hate the really soft stuff (it leaves particles behind, for one, and it’s bad for the plumbing, for another) but 1-ply is a little too spartan.
Have you ever tried out products at a kiosk at the mall when they ask you? >> No. I avoid those kiosks with the ruthlessness of someone who’s lived in a big city and knows how to avoid canvassers and panhandlers and everyone else who wants my attention (and money).
Do you ever wish you got more actual letters in the mail? >> I don’t really care. If I wanted to get letters that badly, I’d find a penpal and start sending some.
Have you ever knocked/rang the doorbell, then ran? >> No.
Do you take the bus often? >> Not often, because I don’t go out often, but I usually take it whenever I go out by myself.
Do you like serious people or ones with a sense of humor? >> I like people who can do both.
When you read a happy scene in a book, do you find yourself smiling? >> I mean, sometimes, probably.
Have you ever went to the movie theatres by yourself? >> I often do.
Is one of your main reasons for going to the beach to check people out? >> No.
What food do you absolutely despise? >> Bananas.
What is your favorite genre of music? >> I don’t have one.
Do you shave? >> No. I trim occasionally, but that’s all.
What is your opinion on the Twilight saga? >> I think people should feel free to enjoy it without being ridiculed by people with superiority complexes. Also, lay off the fucking author already.
Which celebrity will you always think is good looking? >> I don’t know, tastes are always liable to change.
Do you use twitter? Do you twitstalk a lot of celebrities? >> No.
Have you ever taped your fingers together? Doesn't it feel weird? >> No.
Do you like the squishy feeling of clay or mud beneath your feet? >> No.
What is one habit you wish you could cut? >> Picking at my lips. I’ve tried so hard to stop but nothing works.
When was the last time you used the bathroom? >> About an hour ago.
Do you have an accent? >> To someone, I’m sure.
Do you clean your house? >> I clean part of it.
How many tabs do you have open right now? >> Four.
Is wearing a lot of makeup being pretty or cakefaced? >> ...
Do you care about the Olympics? >> I don’t.
Do you ever wear headphones but then don't listen to anything? >> Yeah, when I’m using them to block out environmental noise.
Do you have a Youtube account? >> I have a Google account, which automatically is a Youtube account.
Do you know anyone who collects pins? >> No.
Do you enjoy taking pictures? >> Not as a hobby.
Do you ever video chat with people? >> No.
Have you ever tried Chatroulette or Omegle? >> I think I tried them once, but it didn’t interest me.
Are you a sports fan? If so, what sport(s)? >> No.
When did you stop trick-or-treating? Or do you still go? >> I’ve never done it.
Can you bake a good cake from scratch? >> I’ve never tried.
Can you bowl? Good? >> No.
Do you wish your life was like a movie sometimes? >> No, because that really wouldn’t make any sense.
Do you just smile or make silly faces/poses in pictures? >> Most of the time I don’t do anything, unless I specifically feel like making some sort of pose.
Do/did you ever like the books you have/had to read in high school? >> I only liked one -- Their Eyes Were Watching God.
Do you live in a small town or a big city? >> I’m not sure what Grand Rapids qualifies as. It definitely ain’t a big city, though.
What is your cell phone carrier? >> Boost Mobile.
Do you have any stuffed toys? >> Yeah, a lot of them.
What was your favorite childhood toy? Do you still have it? >> I don’t think I had one.
What song fits your mood right now? >> I don’t know.
Have you ever had a pet fish? >> No.
What internet browser are you using? >> Chrome.
Do you have a lot of bookmarks (internet)? >> Not a lot, but I have a good number.
Are you doing anything fun this weekend? >> I don’t know yet. Probably not.
Do you have any big plans for the upcoming summer? >> Winter is what’s upcoming, and no.
What did you do last New Years Eve? >> I don’t remember.
Plaid, stripes, checkers, or polka dots? >> Plaid.
Do you join a lot of fanpages on Facebook? >> No.
Can you curl your tongue? How about in a clover shape? >> No.
Is there any TV show that you get extremely excited about? >> Yeah, a few. I’m excited about The Good Place and Superstore coming back for their fall seasons.
What kind of lotion do you use? >> Aveeno.
Have you ever squeezed a zit and popped its nastiness everywhere? >> No, I hate the very idea of zit-popping.
Have you ever bit your cheek, and then bit it again in the same place? >> Yes, and god it’s awful.
Have you ever had a bath with a sibling/cousin when you were little? >> ---
Would you rather not eat or not sleep for 24 hours? >> Not sleep.
Do you ever actually take cold showers during the summer? >> No.
When was the last time you played on a playground? >> I don’t remember. At least a few years ago.
Do you like the really spinny rides at amusement parks? >> Not really.
What's your opinion on facial hair? >> I don’t have an opinion about that.
Have you ever gambled at a casino? >> No. I’m pretty sure just stepping inside a casino would send me into instant sensory overload.
What's your favorite thing to shop for? >> ---
Duz it bothar U wen Pplz tYPe Lyyk th!s ?!!one?!!?? >> People don’t really type like that anymore, so.
Do you know someone really thin who eats a lot (and doesn't puke it up)? >> No...?
Do you make a wish at 11:11? >> No.
What was the last present you bought for someone? >> I bought a couple of small things at Vault of Midnight (a comics/games store) that I thought would be good as stocking stuffers. I have a hard time with stocking stuffers so I figured I’d start early and collect things over time.
Aren't pad and tampon commercials just ridiculous? >> Most commercials are ridiculous, honestly.
Do you use a wallet or just put money in your pockets? >> I use a little zip pouch as a wallet.
Do you like your ID picture (whichever ID you have)? >> Not really, but it’s not a big deal.
Do you do online gaming? >> Yeah.
What was the last thing you put in your mouth? >> A toothbrush.
Who were the last people you hung out with? >> Some people from the West Michigan Geeks meetup group.
On a scale of 1-10, how attractive do you think you are? Honestly? >> No.
Do you think you have a good sense of humor? >> I mean, it works great for me.
Lmfao, Lmao, Rofl, Rotfl, Lol, Haha, Hehe, other? >> I use lmao a lot.
Have you ever tried to count grains of sand in your hand? >> No.
What does your ideal partner look like? >> ---
Do you ever have to write your name on food to keep it from getting eaten? >> No.
Do you have a friend you still hang with even though they're annoying? >> No.
What is one thing you've always wanted to do? >> *shrug*
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greencrusader13 · 5 years
f1, h2, r4, t2 for cirak, L1, n3, w2, z3 for tyar, and c2, j5, s4 & u5 for eonur
F1. What do they do for fun?
Since he’s more on the extroverted side, Cirak tends to enjoy doing socially active things. Parties, drinking, gambling, clubbing; things like that. On the calmer side of things he took up woodworking in large part due to Dekon. Other times he stays on the ship and converses with his crew. He might also just go out and get pampered.
H2. Do they prefer summer or winter?
Summer. It gives him more of an opportunity to wear his signature pink tank top and sunglasses.
R4. Have they broken any rules they now regret breaking?
Nah. Rulers are for suckers :P (lol 420 blaze it hashtag yolo).
T2. Can they tell if someone is lying?
Yes. One of the many things his father taught him was how to read tells. An errant finger twitch, a broken glance, a stuttered word: these are all things Cirak keeps an eye out for in conversations. Bounty hunting has given him ample opportunity to hone his discernment of people’s intentions. 
L1. What is their favorite fruit?
Tyar strikes me as an orange kind of guy. He’d use the Force to peel it before consumption. 
N3. Is there anything they absolutely can’t believe people do?
Lying down and giving up. Tyar is someone who will fight and claw and scrape until all breath has left his body. He simply cannot fathom anyone without that same sort of willpower.
W2. Have they learned to swim?
I’m quite certain it was covered when he was an initiate at the Jedi Temple. They’d want him to be prepared for those sorts of situations. 
Z3. Cats or dogs?
Well he’s a Cathar, so I’m going to say cats :P
C2. In what position do they sleep?
Eonur’s a stomach sleeper. He stretches out, one arm tucked under his pillow with the other outstretched in front of him. Makes sort of a “d” shape from his shoulders up.
J5. What brings them the most joy in the world?
Seeing his friends and companions happy. It’s the moments of celebration after something dangerous that makes him so happy; the people he loves the most made it through to the end with him.
After marrying Lana Beniko and becoming a father it’s spending time with his wife and daughter.
S4. Has anything happened to them on the streets?
I like to think that in his early teens (like 13 or so) he, Tyar, and Greylam ran into an altercation with someone on the streets of Coruscant and were thus banned from leaving the Temple for some time since they’d wandered from their group. Of course, the instigator himself was in more danger than the three of them. Even pint-sized Jedi are more than a match for the average person.
U5. Have they surprised people with being good at something?
It’s how he freed in the first place by the Sith Lord who found him. Eonur has a strong and natural connection to the Force. He picked up on abilities and skills very quickly when training at the Jedi Temple as an initiate.
Thanks for asking! I know I said I’d have it up this morning, but it took me a little while longer than I expected. :)
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lovebunnie · 5 years
Do them all nerd
Tumblr media
1. meaning behind my url?
- i like venom and symbrock (veddie) is good
2. a pisture of me
- people get creepy with pics of me (plus u know what i look like already) so have uh this?
Tumblr media
i look like this
3. how many tattoos do i have and what do they look like?
- i dont have any (yet) but i really love tattoo culture
4. last time i cried and why
- i was looking at cats that needed to be adopted online and they all are….. so cuuute
5. piercings i have
- i dont have any :p
6. favorite band?
- gorillaz 
7. buggest turn offs
- if you make rude jokes ill immediately be annoyed with you (twitch humor)
8. top 5 (insert item)
- well since u didnt do it ill do top 5.. numbers..
420, 69, 666, 0, 👌
9. tattoos i want
- i want some roses, maybe some song lyrics and some special pieces drawn by the artist because i love artists expressing themselves
10. biggest turn ons
- im babby but also hand holding
11. age?
- im 18
12. ideas of a perfect date
- ive said before that i want my first date to be to a build a bear because thats CUTE we make bears for each other
13. life goal?
- i want to one day give a ted talk
14. piercings i want
- not really what i want but i actually really love gauges and septums because im gay and goth
15. relationship status?
- absolutely not dating anyone and pining over like 5 people
16. favorite movie?
- dead poets society
17. a fact about my life
- i had a half brother i didnt know was a half brother until i was 15 years old lmao
18. phobia?
- throwing up
19. middle name?
- it starts with an ‘m’ but thats all ill say
20. height?
- i havent gotten measured since like 8th grade so last time i checked i was 5 2 but honestly i dont know
21. are u a virgin?
- have u seen me and my content? of course i am
22. whats your shoe size?
- 7.5 or 8 depending on the brand
23. whats your sexual orientation?
- im bisexual :3
24. do you smoke, drink, or take any drugs?
- no because im not cool enough to get them and also my family is full of addicts so if i start itll most likely kill me
25. someone you miss?
- every single person i met at camp (ian and rivers and connor and jared but theyre the ones i have tumblrs from) i love them dearly and i cant wait until the summer to see them again
26. whats one thing you regret?
- i wish i did more theater because i honestly really enjoy it
27. first celebrity you think of when someone says attractive?
- jake gyllenhaal (followed closely by hugh dancy and megan fox)
28. favorite ice cream?
- turkey hill mint chocolate chip
29. one insecurity?
- my face looks like a pizza i have such nasty skin
30. what my last text message says
- fun fact but if u know me youll know im the absolute worst at responding to messages, i didnt text my grandma back so much my dad threatened to throw my phone in a ‘fucking lake’ (his words) but anyway it was to my friend seb and it said “yeah just me being a pretentious fool as usual” talking about my twitter
31. have you ever taken a picture naked?
- absolutely NOT lmao who would i send it to my english class gc?
32. have you ever painted your room?
- my old room in maryland yeah, we painted it light blue
33. have you ever kissed a member of the same sex?
- i havent had my first kiss yet whoops
34. have you ever slept naked?
- HELL NO my cat steps on me in my sleep
35. have you ever danced in front of your mirror?
- literally everyday it makes me really happy and its fun and im not apologizing
36. have you ever had a crush?
- i dont think ive ever not had a crush like deadass
37. have you ever been dumped?
- no ive only really dated one person
38. have you ever stole money from a friend?
- no all my friends are broke like me we suffer together like champs
39. have you ever gotten into a car with people you just met?
- god fucking NEVER all my closest friends live away from me and are gay so none of us can drive (yet. connor is getting there) but yeah no i dont even trust my brother to drive me
40. have you ever been in a fist fight?
- no but id win because my muscles are so huge
41. have you ever snuck out of your house?
- no i live in the middle of no where. i could walk to food loin or burger king if i wanted to but i dont. so no. im asleep at 8:30
42. have you ever had feelings for someone who didnt feel them back?
- literally all the time, i like people who will never like me back
43. have you ever been arrested?
- no im a rule follower
44. have you ever made out with a stranger?
- see question #33
45. have you ever met up with a member of the opposite sex somewhere?
- like in secret? no. but as friends? yes.
46. have you ever left your house without telling your parents?
- accidentally yes and when they tell me they were worried i cry in shame
47. have you ever had a crush on your neighbor?
- i think back in elementary school i had a crush on a neighbor boy. he was a lax bro and i think liked me back even if i was 2 years older than him
48. have you ever ditched school to do something more fun?
- no and actually, last year i had gone the whole time without missing a single day so my mom and i went into the city and i asked to go home to finish homework and my mom called me a nerd :(
49. have you ever slept in a bed with a member of the same sex?
- that has never come out, no
50. have you ever seen someone die?
- ive been watching our country die for years
okay im only doing half because im literally falling asleep i might finish the other half if u want me to
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lovingtheroyals · 6 years
A Speech by The Duke of Sussex at The Prince of Wales’ Patronage Celebration at Buckingham Palace
Good afternoon and welcome to Buckingham Palace.  
We are here today to reflect on, and to celebrate, my father’s dedicated support to all of you and the work that you do.
But first, I would like us to take a moment to remember all those affected by the tragic events at the Manchester Arena a year ago. We are fortunate to have over 250 representatives from the Emergency Services here today. It is right that we take a moment to recognise the amazing work they do every day and how each member of our Blue Light Services rise to meet the challenge of tragic events such as the attack a year ago. We are also joined by Youth United Cadets. Their organisation also provided triage support to the medical crews on the attack.
So, on behalf of my family and everyone here, I would like to say thank you to the Emergency Services and all those who supported the injured and affected. My brother, William, would be here today, were he not attending the service in Manchester to honour the victims, their families, the Emergency Services and the survivors, this afternoon. Our thoughts are with those who lost loved ones and those still dealing with the experiences of that night.
It really is amazing to see so many of you here today for this family celebration. I say ‘family’ because this is a chance for us to honour The Prince of Wales's work over the last forty plus years, with all of his charities, patronages and military associations – and, as you all know, my father views all of your organisations like an extended family.
As I was preparing for this afternoon, I looked through the long list of those who had been invited. Pa, I was again struck by the range and diversity of the work which you are involved with.  Currently there are your two major charities, The Prince's Trust and the newly formed – Prince's Foundation – which has brought together your work supporting vulnerable young people in society, the built environment, culture, heritage and education.  These sit alongside your 18 military associations and more than 420 patronages, ranging from music and the arts to rare breeds and plant life.  Although the subjects vary enormously, I know that the way in which you work with each of them does not.
Who amongst you has not known the joy, and perhaps trepidation at receiving a handwritten note in response to some news shared from your organisation, urging you on and asking for more to be done to address this issue or that?  Who has not come away from a meeting with my father, their head spinning with a dozen new ideas which he wants to get underway urgently, having met a group of people or read something that has fired his imagination and started the flow of ideas.
His enthusiasm and energy are truly infectious; it has certainly inspired William and I to get involved in issues we care passionately about and to do whatever we can to make a difference. In fact, many of the issues William and I now work on are subjects we were introduced to by our father growing up.  His passion and dedication are remarkable and seeing so many of you here today, I cannot fail but to be in awe of the drive he has had for so many years, to contribute to the enrichment of society both in this country and around the world.
But Pa, in my mind, this event sums up your approach to work – I know you really didn’t want today to be about you and would far rather the focus be on the people and organisations represented here. I know that in your mind, you see the opportunity of bringing everyone together as a chance to thank them for all of their amazing work! It is your selfless drive to affect change, whether that is to improve the lives of those who are on the wrong path, to save an important piece of our national heritage or to protect a particular species under threat, which William and I draw inspiration from every day.
So, Pa, while I know that you've asked that today not be about you, you must forgive me if I don’t listen to you – much like when I was younger – and instead, I ask everyone here to say a huge thank you to you, for your incredible work over nearly 50 years. Work that has given self-confidence and opportunity to thousands of young people who might not have had the best start in life; Or to champion causes like climate change long before almost anyone else was talking about it; and above all, for your vision and ability to bring people together to make change happen.  
You have inspired William and I, and looking out here today, it is clear to see that we are not alone.  You have created an incredible body of work that has, and will continue to make such a huge difference to so many people's lives both here and around the world.
With that, Ladies and Gentlemen, please can I ask you to join me in wishing The Prince of Wales a very Happy Birthday – 6 months ahead of his 70th! How very Royal!
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