#happy birthday agustin
Baby Mirabel AU: Adults Nighttime Routine
* Julieta and Agustin : A+ parenting
* Wasn’t it obvious? This is their baby
* Julieta would take Mirabel into the room where Agustin was already change into his pajamas
* Julieta would pass Mirabel to her esposo
* Agustin face lights up whenever he sees her and with Mirabel in his arms he felt on top of the world
* The routine is simple Agustin would change her diaper
* He would then play airplane with her
* He loves doing it because it makes Mirabel laugh
* Her laugh is the cutest thing possible
* He would not put a shirt on her letting her just sleep in a diaper
* The little bow she wear throughout the day would be off
* He would let Mirabel try to crawl around the bed
* Or would go to one side of the bed and help Mirabel crawl towards him
* Julieta would come out change and with her hair down
* She would go towards the bed with a smile loving the sight she sees
* Agustin wouldn’t be Agustin without him falling out the bed and onto the floor
* Julieta quickly got to Mirabel first making sure she doesn’t fall out of the bed
* “Ay Agustin” luckily she had a spare arepa for this moment
* She gives him the arepa while holding Mirabel
* She puts herself and Mirabel under the covers while Agustin gets himself together
* Mirabel would take Julieta’s hand and play with it, slowly yawning as she wind down
* Agustin would get in too and would start to take a finger and drag it up and down her little legs
* The calming motion the parents put on her, made her more sleepy
* Mirabel falls asleep with the two looking at her
* On his birthday Agustin thank Dios everyday for having his daughters with him. He would walk towards the window and pull Mira close to his chest
* To smell see, feel, and hear her . Looking at her again so small and innocent makes him smile (Happy Birthday Agustín)
* Pepa and Felix: I went into their routine a bit before
* They still sing to her but they are very hands on
* Like the last couple , however they communicate with touch often times Mirabel fall asleep with them much quicker
* Especially since they tired her out faster
* Baby Mira likes watching Pepa brush her hair
* For Pepa it’s relaxing it also help that Mirabel looks so fascinated by it
* Felix would then scoop Mirabel up holding her with one hand
* Which causes Pepa to panic since she is so small
* Felix would laugh it off saying he did this to all of the kids, he just could do it with Mirabel again
* Mirabel loves it, she would grabs Felix’s hands and sit upright laughing
* Felix would then start to sing a slow song dancing with Mirabel in his hands
* Mirabel would babble, and he would pretend she is singing along with him
* Pepa laughs at it every time without fail
* These two would put Mirabel to sleep the fastest
* Bruno is oddly enough the only person who doesn’t need to be active to get Mira to sleep
* All he has to do is lay down next to her
* Mirabel can’t sleep without him
* He would tell all his telenovas
* It’s that simple and easy
* If he is not in the bed while she is trying to sleep Mirabel won’t sleep either
* Bruno’s sleepless nights is cure because he falls asleep along with her
* He also taps her belly in a rhythmic motion
* If he’s not tired she’s not tired and it can cause a grumpy baby
* And no one wants a grumpy baby no matter how cute she looks
* So Bruno is force to lay down, his thoughts don’t haunt him since his thoughts would turn to Mirabel
* Truly is beneficial for the both of them. Mirabel wants her tio next to her and Bruno gets some sleep
* Alma by accident is the one that keeps Mirabel up the most
* Alma is good at telling stories
* Mirabel pays the most attention to when she does
* Alma is also the only person who can get Mirabel to sit there while she change
* Mirabel is usually a wiggly baby which makes her staying still for anything difficult
* Alma would tell story after story, it would be until midnight when she realize she kept Mirabel up for so long
* Mirabel would babble so much she never yawn it’s after she is done telling that Mirabel yawn.
* There is no point to do anything else since Mirabel automatically goes to sleep
* Abuela would be the one to stay up even after Mirabel is sleeping, she probably sleeps the latest after checking everyone one more time
Happy Father’s Day and Juneteenth! Happy birthday my favorite himbo
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allofasudden00 · 2 years
Hey look what it is! Its the birthday smut I was going to post on Sunday! I managed to write the rest of it while staying the night at my partners apartment. She was asleep, I don’t need her or people irl to know I write smut lol 
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wishing4nuclearwinter · 7 months
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This year for Agustín's birthday he's [checks notes] mauling Evander to death (as soon as he puts him down of course)
Based on this ↓
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Mirabel Birthday prompt: Mirabel watching as the entire family does a horrible job of acting normal while they plan a surprise party
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Her family were terrible actors sometimes. For a family of people who were so good at hiding their feelings, thoughts and stress, they were terrible at hiding when they were planning something.
Mirabel could admit, that included her. When she was planning a surprise, she knew her giddiness hinted at something. But she couldn't help it! She just got so excited!
And so it went for the rest of her family. Her birthday was coming up, two weeks away now, and it was painfully obvious they were hiding something. Conversations stopped when she entered the room. Dolores squeaked frequently and refused to make eye-contact. Luisa giggled at random. Antonio kept giving her a beaming smile and asked her questions like, "Do you want a new dress?"
Yeah. Obvious.
The front doors opened and Casita suddenly rattled the floor, hastily pushing Mirabel towards Abuela.
"Ah, Mira!" Abuela's smile was a little too wide and she looked worriedly at the doors as Félix came running in, doing a poor job of hiding the armful of wrapping paper rolls in his arms, and a big bag of what looked like balloons. "Perhaps you could help me with something in town, amor?"
"Sure, Abuela," Mirabel said with an amused smirk. "What is it?"
Abuela plainly hadn't thought that far ahead. She gave an undignified, sputtering cough and quickly steered Mirabel towards the back doors. Casita rippled, hurrying them along. Mirabel could hear Agustín calling, "Pepa, did you get it?" and Pepa practically screaming back, "Keep your voice down, idiot!"
"How about we just take a walk instead?" Abuela said with a sigh. Laughing, Mirabel linked her arm with Abuela's.
Her family was obvious. So terribly, horribly, ridiculously obvious.
It was a good job she loved them so much. Anyone else would tease them mercilessly.
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sesamestreet47 · 2 years
Félix Madrigal headcanons because it was his birthday recently
Félix Madrigal, random headcanons
!english isn’t my first language, so there can be some grammar mistakes that I am sorry for in advance!  
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sings in the shower
knows how to play tennis
knows how to tap dance
used to use the “here comes the airplane” feeding method when his kids were just toddlers
biggest girl dad
used to do Dolores’ hair all the time when she was little, she still sometimes lets him do it
probably the only person who was never fooled by Camilo’s shapeshifting powers
biggest romantic and gentleman
doesn’t like corn
loves when Pepa kisses him on the forehead, loves the height difference in general and never fails to show Pepa that
became very protective when Dolores started going out with Mariano
has a lot of hats and sombreros as he wore them almost everyday when he was younger
the red neckerchief Antonio wears used to belong to Félix
whenever he’s proud of his children he pats them on the shoulder and says “that’s my boy/girl” and walks away, it’s a small gestures but Dolores, Camilo and Antonio know it means a lot
he’s not the type of parent to break his kids up when they’re fighting, he stands on the side and watches because he finds their bickering amusing
has a very warm laugh
makes the bed very carefully, won’t let there be a single wrinkle on the sheets
when he sweeps, he dances with the broom
used to work as a shoeshiner in his teens
speaks with his mouth full
wasn’t nervous when meeting Alma for the first time, she actually became very fond of him very fast
gives the best hugs
whenever something exciting happens to Mirabel, tío Félix would be the first person she’d tell
these two are actually quite close as Mirabel would spend a lot of time with her dad and tío when she was younger, they were comforting her a lot after she didn’t get a gift
him and Isabela usually get into debates on various topics at dinners, when that happens the rest of the family just listens to them
happy birthday Félix! <3
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neonpinkfeels · 2 years
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rodribentancur · 9 months
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ginnyweatherby · 2 years
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encantoartdump · 2 years
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Feliz Cumpliaños, Señor Rojas-Madrigal!
It was an odd sensation, the man was usually awoken by one of Antonio's bird friends by now. Or at least by the bright rays of the sun from Pépa's morning romps with Félix. No one is surprised by that anymore. Alas, it seemed with the slow rise and fall of his bare and neatly trimmed chest, that he was still off in slumber; every so often with a twitch or two and a mumble about bee's being everywhere. The poor man was haunted even in his dreams of the creatures, they wouldn't pose such a threat to him if he'd just let Antonio relocate the nests- but he insisted that it was him encroaching on them that caused the stings, they weren't naturally violent things.
That's the kind of man Agustín Wilmer Rojas-Madrigal was.
The morning was peaceful and quiet, very much unlike any other morning. If it weren't the sunrays or the birds waking him- a violent and sudden rapping on the door from his youngest would surely give his not-so-old heart a jolt and wake him up better than the strongest Colombian café. Only thing usual about this morning was the empty side of the bed where Julieta usually slumbered. How he missed the mornings where she'd feel just as lazy as Pépa, and hunker down in his arms. Breathe in his scent, more or less from the night before during throes of passion, that she was so addicted to. Of course, Alma would scold her for those days, but Julieta would always give him a look that read 'worth it'. Before going about her day as normal, just in hyper-speed to make up for lost time lazing.
Slowly peeling his dark hazel eyes open, only to dilate and force his lids shut quickly as a beam of sunlight happened to seep through the closed slats of their window and cascade just over his eyes. There's that sudden rush of adrenaline he was used to in the mornings. If it wasn't one thing- it was another. It was bad enough he couldn't hardly see, sans glasses, but now the sun was trying to take the rest of his sight! Sitting up and rubbing his eyes to get the sun spots out of them from the sudden onslaught of light. He felt around for his glasses to which he heard them fall and clatter to the ground, and with a defeated sigh... he froze. Debating- if he got out of bed to look for them, he would more than likely end up stepping on them, or kicking them under the bed. But, he couldn't just sit in bed waiting for Julieta to come rescue him- she might be out all day with her cart full of arepas and bunellos for the villagers. The conundrum came to a halt when he went to rest on his arm and slipped off the edge of the bed; with a loud thud he came crashing to the ground and turned his head, his glasses laying right next to him.
What luck.
Not ever one to look a gift burro in the culo- he gripped the arms of his glasses and slipped them on, pushing himself up and standing. He swore he'd gone to bed fully clothed- taking note in the vanity mirror at the other side of the room that his shirt was missing and- GASP -his night cap! He knew Julieta hated the damn thing, but it completed his ensemble! He was also painfully aware that sometimes his beautiful wife often would unbutton his night shirt as he slept so she could put her face to his skin- claiming it's far more calming than that itchy fabric of his night shirt. He couldn't argue that it wasn't itchy... but it was comfortable! Aside from the itch.
Looking around suspiciously, there was no sign of Julieta, no sign of Miraboo- no sounds of Camilo and his grandeur over-the-top dramatic rehearsals with Bruno. Nothing at all. He often felt left out of many family ordeals when it came to Madrigal gift-events... and when everyone would leave Casita for their morning jobs, it was always he and Félix left behind to clean Casita... which was a pointless job and they both knew it... because Casita could clean itself! They had once tried to get Mirabel excited about helping around the house like that... before she fixed everything with Alma and brought Bruno back. She was not impressed. Honestly, neither were they as they tried to break it down and make it sound important.
So Agustín decided to get dressed, slipping into his usual dark blue pinstripe slacks with matching vest, long sleeved white shirt with the sleeves rolled up, navy blue tie with brown dress shoes and the peace de la resistance... his mismatched socks and flor on his chest. He figured he didn't have any wood to chop today, nor anything else around Casita to help with, so he'd venture into the surrounding jungle to find that perfect spot where he found the cutest little chamomile flor that he'd present Julieta every time he came to her for healing when they were younger. It'd been a little bit since he'd gotten her one. Usually her apron pockets were weighed down and brimming with the things, but he'd been relatively careful after Bruno returned to live with them... well, he'd supposed he'd always been living WITH them... but returned to being PRESENT.
He opened the bedroom door and immediately was wrapped up in vines and blindfolded by a flower crown- Isabela. "Bellbell-" Agustín spoke quietly, as to not hurt Dolores' ears, not knowing where the quiet girl might be skulking around. "Sí, papa?" His eldest daughter's playful tone made the man's heart melt, he couldn't ever be mad at the kids, even Camilo. It just wasn't in him to be. "The blood is rushing to mí cabeza. Could you let me down, and perhaps explain the ambush?" He asked his daughter in the calmest and sweetest tone. "I can let you down- but I can't explain and you can't take the flower crown off your eyes."
Now that made him raise an eyebrow, usually reserved for flirting with Julieta- his hand was forced when Isabela said something curious. "You can't tell me why you ambushed me?" He was slowly let down from the snare of vines and he stood up, respecting her wishes and leaving the flower crown over his eyes. Even going as far as to adjust it along with the rest of his outfit, once he stood on his feet. "Correct, papa. I promised I'd keep you busy- and can't disclose information or I'll have to suspend you again" She stated with a sly smile "Sorry, papa. Thems the rules." Agustín smiled and shook his head "Camilo's been teaching you strange terms again?" He asked her with a chuckle and Isabela could only giggle along "no this time it was Tío Félix." Agustín should have figured it was Félix's doing- one way or another... it was the yellow team teaching his daughter odd outlandish slang. She lived for it, his little wild child. Ever since Mirabel fixed the miracle, and Alma's let up on being so overpoweringly controlling, Isabela's really come out of her shell with her own wild personality. Honestly reminding Julieta and Agustín of a young Pépa, which was only slightly terrifying.
"Is that pa?"
A voice called up from the dining room just adjacent to la cocina, Isabela soon responding "No. It's Camilo, I have him tied up in case papa comes out." The sound of sarcasm in her voice being evident, "that ain't me!" another voice called up from the dining room and Agustín was certain he heard Isabela roll her eyes. "I was being sarcastic, tontos! Yes it's pa. Who else would it be if Camilo is right next to you, Mirabel?" Ah. That explained the sarcasm. The girls did reconcile their differences long ago... but they still had a sisterly dynamic to where they poked fun at one another often, that would never go away. They'd do it with Luisa too, but the sweet thing was so sensitive, she'd often take things to heart or overthink them- and either end up crying or apologizing. Agustín's gentle giantess.
"Well in my defense he was just Tío Bruno up until you said he was up there with you" Mirabel called back and crossed her arms "Anyway, mom says you can bring him down now" She left to return to la cocina, Camilo attempted to as well, but was immediately booted out by Casita at Julieta's request since they couldn't keep making more things after he over ate them. "I'm on it~" Isabela sing-songed which earned a loud gruff groan from Mirabel in la cocina, and loud smooching noises from Julieta who was now smothering Mirabel with kisses speaking to her between the kisses "you cant smooch always get smooch annoyed with smooch your sister smooch when you smooch know smooch smooch-" a laugh emitted from Mirabel with the double kiss "Moom! That was a double attack you can't do that!" The playful banter and the over-smothering of love from his beautiful bride with their children always brought Agustín such pure joy. The banter went on for a while as Isabela brought Agustín down and into the dining room. Sitting him in a chair, and kissing his cheek sweetly "Stay there papa~" she moved away and he sat there in silence for what seemed like ages. "What's going on everyone? I'm not getting any younger-"
What a way to phrase that.
"Funny you should say that" Luisa's voice chimed and made him jump a bit. Luisa was home?! What upside down backwards day was this, and where could he get more days like this! Though her workload has lessened since Mirabel saved the miracle, she was still ever the over achiever and work horse, so it was still not often he'd see his little -not-so-little- girl unless for meals. "Lulu!" Agustín chirped happily, still not able to see just yet. "Buenos Dias papa" The large Madrigal giggled and leaned down, pecking his cheek too. "Dios I feel so special to have all my girls here in one place and it's not for a meal! It must be my birthday." He said. As a joke. It took several long minutes of everyone being absolutely quiet for him to realize...
"IT IS MY BIRTHDAY!" He shouted, making Luisa jump a bit. Isabela and Mirabel shook their heads and giggled to themselves. That was their papa, he eventually got there without anyone's help. It just... took a little while.
"Ay, Agustín"
Julieta said from the kitchen, finishing up the last decorations to the cake she and the girls worked diligently for all morning. She brought it out and placed it in front of her husband, kissing his cheek softly, then the tip of his nose... then sweetly on his lips... then not so sweetly on his lips. "MOM" Mirabel gagged and Julieta giggled "What, I get to give mí esposo his birthday kisses". The eyebrow shot up over the flower crown and wiggled "That she does" he quickly agreed. Making all three girls groan, and the cackling from Camilo commence. "Can I take the flor crown off yet? While I love it, Isabela, I also love my sight- what little I have left of it." Agustín chuckled warmly.
"Yes papa, you can take it off- right mama?" Isabela made sure that was the plan right now and Julieta nodded "Correct." She smiled as he lifted the crown and lowered it to his lap- his eyes wide to see the cake before him, two large wax candles in the shape of a 4 and a 9 adorned the top of a beautifully decorated two-tier cake. The icing was glossy and slightly marbled with a handsome dark teal color. His eyes began to tear up and he bit his lip trying to stop it from quivering,
"Feliz Cumpliaños, Pa/Papa/Agustín!"
They all said together and hugged him from all sides. Never mind it being Father's day... they always made sure to celebrate his birthday first... and later on in the day fathers day. It always made Agustín feel so special. Dios did he love his girls!
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slayyyysworld · 2 years
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And of course we cannot forget that its FATHER'S DAAAAY!!!
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historysquib · 2 years
Agustín’s Birthday
IT’S OUR FAVORITE DILF’S BIRTHDAY!! A short one-shot of Agustín’s birthday. I had no clue what to title this. Shoutout to @sophiasi1172 and @enigmaticdoctorscully​ for the encouragement during my mental crisis. They really know how to bring the chaos and love. I appreciate them.
The sun peaked through the windows of the bedroom. Stretching every limb and rubbing his eyes, Agustín awoke from his slumber a little later than usual. He missed breakfast but planned on getting some once he went downstairs. Everyone was out of the house doing their regular chores. He did his final touches to his tie and vest before placing his glasses on the bridge of his nose. His hand touched the doorknob and he muttered, “Another beautiful day.” He pushed the door open ready for the day’s adventures.
Agustín walked into an empty kitchen where a few arepas sat on the counter. Agustín grabbed one, bit into it, and pondered his to-do list in his head. It was supposed to be a quiet day since it was his birthday and Father’s Day. He looked around the kitchen and thought about making something. Usually, he would not be allowed to go near the kitchen or even cook in it, but since no one was home, he might as well take advantage of it. Agustín decided to make some polvorosas for the family to enjoy upon coming home from their various activities. He laid out all of the ingredients and got to work. He was excited to do this for his family. They all worked so hard, from his wife, who cooked for the whole village, to his daughter, who carried the world on her back. 
He continued his quest, enthralled by what he was doing. Lost in his world, he pulled the tray from the oven, and the smell filled the room. A smile came to his face, and he was pleased with his work. Agustín plated them nicely and set them out on the counter before leaving for town.
He walked through town, waving to various villagers. Agustín was known for his clumsiness at first but also for having a bright smile that lit up wherever he walked. The kind smile helped the clumsy outsider integrate smoothly into the village. 
A small group of children played ball, and the ball landed at his feet. "Kick it, Señor Madrigal!" Agustín kicked it to one kid, who kicked it to another, passing it to another. The group of kids giggled as Agustín stumbled as they kept a good volley going, and one kid kicked it so hard that the ball flew through someone's open window. Agustín and the kids froze. 
Being a responsible adult, Agustín lectured, "We should politely apologize and ask for the ball–." but was interrupted by a yelling Osvaldo. Agustín's eyes went wide, and he interjected, "BUT in this case, we should probably just…. RUN." 
The kids and Gus scattered, running in different directions while giggling. Out of breath, Agustín stopped running, and he found himself in front of a flower shop. Agustín walked in, deciding to get some flowers for his girls.
The storekeeper waved at him, "Hola! Señor Agustín! Is Isabela alright?"
"Ay, si! I want to get the girls some flowers, but I want it to be a surprise," Agustín smiled, holding the petals of the marmalade bush in his hands. 
"What can I get you today?"
"I'll take a bouquet of pink bromeliad flowers, a bundle of purple banana flowers, and an orchid. 
I would also like the small cactus. They are Isa's favorite," Agustín grinned, pulling out his wallet. 
He walked out of the shop with all sorts of flowers in tow as he hiked back to Casita. He opened the door and could faintly hear the piano playing, followed by a frustrated groan. He made his way to the doorway, where his wife and daughters stood around Luisa playing the piano. Mirabel held her accordion and Isa stood with her tiple. 
"It has to be perfect, and you are not doing what I want you to do," Luisa argued. 
"Luisa, we are doing our best," Mirabel sighed. 
"Yeah, plus–," Isa started putting her tiple down.
Luisa's hand flew up to her forehead, "It's just I want this to be the best birthday surprise for Papí, and I don't know how long he is going to be gone."
"Before I walked back, I saw him at the flower shop, which is rude because I can get him whatever he needs," Isa bragged. 
Julieta, lost in the polvorosa, piped in, "None of you made these? They are so delicious." Julieta examined her snack, poking, and smelling it before taking another savory bite. 
Entertained by the conversation, Agustín chimed in, "What a sight to behold to have all my girls in one room on a Tuesday!" The girls turned around to see Agustín smiling, setting all the flowers on the table. 
The girls flocked to him to embrace him in a giant hug. "Happy birthday Papí and Happy Father’s Day!" All the girls sang with their bright smiles.
"Ah, thank you, but I must ask what you are doing?"
Isa pulled back and interrogated, "Hold on, what are all those flowers doing here? I could have made you some, papí."
"Ay, mi flor, I got each of you flowers. Well for you Isa, I found your favorite type of cactus. But these are for you," Agustín chuckled, "I wanted it to be a surprise, so, of course, I couldn't ask you to make them. No hard feelings, ok?"
Isa flew in to hug her father. “I love you so much, Papí.”
Julieta took the last bite of the polvorosa, trying to savor every last bit of it, even going as far as to close her eyes as she chewed. 
"Ay, mi amor, are they alright? I threw them together quickly," Agustín asked, grabbing her hand. 
Julieta's jaw dropped, "You made these?"
Agustín nodded before Mirabel giggled, "She has been talking about them since she took a bite."
"A rave review from the renowned Chef Julieta Madrigal," Agustín boasted, "All the lessons rubbed off." He threw a wink at her and she blew him a kiss. 
"I'll let the fact that you cooked in my kitchen under strict rules slide because those polvorosas were so damn good," Julieta announced. 
The family broke into laughter, collecting themselves once Luisa asked, "Papí, why are you doing all of this? It's your birthday; we should be spoiling you, not you spoiling us."
"'I'll answer that once you answer my question. What are you all doing?"
"We all decided that we wanted to play a song for you with vocals from Mamí," Luisa confirmed, "We were getting in one last rehearsal so we can sing after dinner. Mamí made your favorite."
“Your other gift is coming later, querido,” Julieta purred, winking at Agustín who adjusted his tie, turning red at the thought. 
“Mamí!” All the girls groaned, shaking their heads and rolling their eyes. Mirabel gagged before putting her head down on her accordion. 
"Anyway!” Isa diverted, “Luisa got a little stressed out,"
Luisa grabbed her neck and blushed, "I just wanted it to be perfect for him."
"Remember what we talked about, that word 'perfect’," Mirabel interrupted. 
Isa demanded, "Now, answer our question!”
Agustín giggled at her demand. He sat next to Luisa on the piano bench with the girls surrounding him. "I know it's my birthday and it’s been a quiet day today. I played futbol for the first time in ages and didn’t fall on my face. I was relaxed today but I wanted to do something for my four favorite ladies. You spend most of your days worrying about me, and I just wanted to show you how much I love you."
A smiling Julieta's hand rested on her chest, and the girls chirped, "Awww. We love you, Papí!" 
All four of them clung to him in a group hug, giving him as much birthday love as they could. 
Agustín held on to them, hoping the moment would never end, but curiosity got the best of him as he looked at each of his daughters and wife. 
"Now, can I hear what you planned for me?" Agustín asked, smiling from ear to ear.
The girls rushed into formation with their instruments. Pride and excitement exuded from each of them. Agustín could help to have pride radiate from him. All four women standing before him had come so far in the last year, and he couldn't control the broad smile on his face.
"Ready?" Luisa counted her sisters off, "Uno, dos, tres– hit it!"
*I drew inspiration from Avatar: The Last Airbender during the episode where Uncle Iroh goes to celebrate his son's birthday. Specifically the scene with the soccer ball and Uncle Iroh encouraging the kids to take responsibility.
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Happy Father’s Day Agustín
You are amazing animated parent I wish you were my dad
What can I say about you….never stop being a good father and husband. We all appreciate your clumsy and protective nature seeing you with your wife and children was the cutest part of the movie.
Oh and Happy Birthday!
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for luisa's birthday (happy birthday to her!) maybe julieta or agustín comforting her while she cries or something? it can be for any reason! thank you :)
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Luisa didn't cry. Luisa was stoic and perpetually calm, always taking whatever came her way with a steadfastness most people (let alone teenagers) could only dream of.
At least, that was what everyone thought.
Ever since Casita fell (even just before it fell) the family were starting to realise that, yes, Luisa cried. Quite frequently in fact.
And there was nothing wrong with that.
"S-sorry," Luisa stammered, wiping her eyes. Julieta handed her a tissue. Agustín was still tightly hugging her, rubbing her back.
"You have nothing to apologise for," Julieta told her firmly. "Nothing at all, amor."
"You've been through a lot," Agustín said. "It's gonna take some adjusting."
"I just feel so silly," Luisa said, shame-faced, as her tears continued to fall.
"Well, we don't think you're silly at all," Julieta said. "We think you're very brave."
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aeoneri · 2 years
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Happy Birthday/Father's Day to the one and only Agustín Madrigal! ...oops, he dropped a Pokeball containing a Beedrill...it's not even his.
Trainer: Agustín Madrigal Pokemon type: Normal/Electric Pokemon: (main) Spinda, (not shown) Plusle
– Pokemon x Encanto Series: Mirabel | Bruno | Antonio | Pepa | Félix | Dolores | Camilo
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dottable · 2 years
something very interesting about agustin's costume design is that he doesn't have any distinct icons of his own. his entire ensemble already stands out because it's a suit, but there isn't really an icon to call his own (Felix doesn't have one either, but at least his clothes have a distinct pattern in the form of geometric shapes that indicate he is a stable force for pepa.)
however, he does sport the icons of his daughters through his socks and the flower pin on his chest. mirabel is similar in this aspect because her skirt has icons of all family members. they love their family so much, they always wear something that symbolizes them. they're so soft 💛
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happy august-10 (august-ten)
ba dum tss
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mbat · 2 years
new chapter! this chapter is literally set today but like, 71 years ago today, which i find fun
5 notes · View notes