#happy birthday krystal
jrob64 · 1 year
I Loved You First - a Daddy Charming birthday fic for @kmomof4
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As many of us in the CS fandom know, Krystal is the best cheerleader, encourager and flailer for our Captain Swan stories. However, she also loves the relationship between Emma and Charming, so I've written a Daddy Charming birthday story for her. l wish you the happiest of birthdays (a day early), my dear friend! Love you!
Special thanks to @cs-rylie and @snowbellewells for checking this story over and leaving lots of lovely comments and suggestions!
STORY SUMMARY: Emma and her father share some special sentiments with each other before he walks her down the aisle to marry her True Love. A canon compliant missing moment for 6X20, just prior to Emma and Killian's wedding.
WORDS: 1083
ALSO POSTED TO A03 and ffn
David Nolan paced in the hallway outside the room where Mary Margaret was helping Emma get ready for her wedding. He could hardly believe he would be giving his daughter away in just a few minutes, and to a pirate, no less.
He remembered in Neverland when he said he would see to it that Hook would never get Emma. David wasn’t too prideful to admit he’d been wrong. Nobody can stand in the way of True Love, after all - he and Snow were proof of that.
And now that pirate, whom he’d tried so hard to hate, was his soon-to-be son-in-law…and his best friend. While Killian was earning Emma’s heart, he was also earning her father’s trust and friendship. So much so that Emma and Mary Margaret teasingly accused them of having a ‘bromance’.
The door opened and Mary Margaret emerged, brushing joyful tears from her cheeks. “She’s ready, David, and she looks absolutely beautiful!”
David pulled his wife into his arms, murmuring, “So do you, Sweetheart.”
She hiccuped a laugh. “You’re only supposed to notice the bride on her wedding day, not her mother.”
He leaned back, giving her one of his trademark smiles. “There will never be a day when I don’t admire your beauty.”
“I knew I called you ‘Charming’ for a reason,” she beamed. After kissing him soundly, she wiped his lips clean of the lipstick she’d left behind and said, “Now, go see your daughter before it’s time for us to walk her down the aisle.”
David straightened his tie and buttoned his jacket, then gently rapped his knuckles on the door. “Emma? May I come in?”
“Sure, Dad,” came her reply.
He turned the knob and slowly opened the door, peeking around the edge of it. His breath hitched when he caught a glimpse of his daughter. She was truly a vision in her wedding gown and veil, causing him to blink back tears of his own. “Oh, Emma,” he breathed.
“How do I look?” she asked nervously, twirling in a circle.
“You look…perfect,” he managed to choke past the lump in his throat.
Her cheeks flushed at his praise and she looked down at herself, smoothing out non-existent wrinkles in her gown. “Do you really think so?”
“I do,” he assured her.
“Hey, I think that’s my line today,” she giggled.
David laughed and stepped forward to take both of her hands in his. “Any second thoughts?”
“None,” she said confidently. “Besides, if I don’t marry Killian, you might just snap him up.”
“Very funny,” he said, narrowing his eyes at her. Then his expression sobered. “I know you’ve had a lot on your mind the last few weeks, but I want you to put everything aside today and just enjoy your wedding.”
“I’ll try.”
“I’ve thought about this day ever since we found out we were having a daughter. I was sure no one would ever be good enough for you, but Hoo-, um, Killian has proven himself time and time again. I suppose if I have to give your hand in marriage, it couldn’t be to a more worthy man.”
“You didn’t always think that.”
“I know, but I was, well…I was wrong.”
“I’m sure Killian would be very satisfied to hear you say that,” she quipped.
“Of course he would,” David sighed. “But enough about Hook. What about you? How are you feeling?”
Emma’s face took on a serene look. “I’m happy, Dad. Really, really happy.” She swung their still-clasped hands back and forth.
“Happiness looks good on you,” he replied, letting go with one hand and using the other to spin her around. Then he pulled her back toward him, putting his free hand on her waist as hers moved to his shoulder.
They slowly danced in a small circle around the room to music only they could hear. “We missed out on so much of your life, Emma. I’m very glad we didn’t miss out on watching you fall in love and marry the man who won your heart.”
“I know we lost a lot of time with each other, but let’s not talk about regrets today, Dad. We’re together now, along with Henry and everyone else in town. I have more family and friends here than I ever dreamed was possible. And I’m marrying a man who has been at my side without fail, even when I didn’t really want him to be.”
David chuckled. “He has proven himself to be persistent, that’s for sure.”
Their swaying came to a stop as Emma looked up into her father’s face. “You and Killian are such good examples for Henry. He’s lucky to have both of you in his life, and so am I.”
They heard the wedding music beginning to play, and David checked his watch. “I guess it’s about that time. Will you allow me to get a little sentimental before we leave this room?”
“Just don’t cause me to smudge my makeup.”
“I’ll try not to,” he promised, then took a deep breath. “Emma, from the moment your mother and I found out we would be having a baby, I wondered what our child - what you - might grow up to be like. Nothing I imagined even came close to the person you are - strong, smart, determined, brave, and so very, very beautiful. You’ve defeated dragons, ice monsters, witches, the darkness and Hades himself; yet you’re one of the most loving, generous, and kind-hearted people I’ve ever known. To say I’m proud of you doesn’t do justice to my true feelings. I love you, Emma, and I’m blessed beyond measure to be your father.”
A tear spilled over her lower lashes, and David dug into his pants pocket to retrieve a white handkerchief. After dabbing the wetness away, he tucked it back in his pocket, kissed her forehead, then pulled her into a hug, cupping the back of her head, as usual.
“I love you, too, Dad,” she whispered in his ear.
They stayed that way for several moments, until they heard a tap on the door. Mary Margaret stuck her head in, whispering reverently, “It’s time.”
David nodded and stepped back, gripping Emma’s upper arms as he looked into her eyes. “Ready, Princess?”
“Yes,” she replied firmly.
“Alright, then,” he said, “but just remember this - Killian loves you now, but I loved you first. You’ll always be your daddy’s little girl.”
“I’ll remember,” she said, a soft smile on her lips.
“Good. Now, let’s go get you married.”
Please join me in wishing Krystal a very, very happy birthday!
Tagging: @hookedmom​​​​​​ @kmomof4​​​​​​ @cs-rylie​​​​​​ @qualitycoffeethings​​​​​​ @grimmswan​​​​​​ @wyntereyez​​​​​​ @the-darkdragonfly​​​​​​ @ultraluckycatnd​​​​​​ @paradiselady19​​​​​​ @xarandomdreamx​​​​​​ @motherkatereloyshipper​​​​​​ @julesep3026​​​​​​ @courtorderedcake​​​​​​ @lfh1226-linda​​​​​​ @pawshapedheart​​​​​​ @vampcoffeegyrl23​​​​​​ @tiganasummertree​​​​​​ @captainswan4life85​​​​​​ @bluewildcatfanatic​​​​​​ @eleveneitherway​​​​​​ @elfiola​​​​​​ @kday426​​​​​​ @julieenchanted-swans​​​​​​ @gingerchangeling​​​​​​ @andiirivera​​​​​​ @djlbg​​​​​​ @jonesfandomfanatic​​​​​​ @snowbellewells​​​​​​ @huntressandlioness1​​​​​​ @anmylica​​​​​​ @booksteaandtoomuchtv​​​​​​ @pirateherokillian​​​​​​ @cocohook38​​​​​ @ilovemesomekillianjones​​​​​​ @laschatzi​​​​​​ @zaharadessert​​​​​​ @jennjenn615​​​​​​ @yasbio2015​​​​​​ @lyssapup27​​​​​​ @nachocheese-itsmycheese​​​​​​ @singersdd​​​​​​ @mie779​​​​​​ @undercaffinatednightmare​​​​​​ @winterbaby89​​​​​​ @xsajx​​​​​​ @jackieorioncat​​​​​​ @teamhook​​​​​​ @bdevereaux-blanche​​​​​​ @soniccat​​​​​​ @searchingwardrobes​​​​​​ @jarienn972​​​​​​ @apiratewhopines​​​​​​​ @softkilly​​​​​​​ @goforlaunchcee​​​​​​​ @kymbersmith-90​​​​​​​ @captainswan217-blog
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yuliangs · 1 year
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Seoyeon ♡ Cherry Talk ♡ 230504
happy birthday fio @iridescentspacewhale <3
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jillyb2004 · 3 months
Happy 61st Birthday to Krystal from Squidbillies!
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fydramas · 9 months
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@asiandramanet event 02 ㅡ not so secret santa @asiandramanet creator bingo ㅡ black & white @lgbtqcreators creator bingo ㅡ transition
happy belated birthday and happy holidays @lenteur ♡♡♡ (krystal jung version which i based this set on) (insp ♡; ♥; ♡)
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808airsoftbros · 6 months
Vampire Jung Sisters as Your Vampire Mothers
Krystal Jung (Countess)
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After her clan was disbanded Krystal went up to become a Countess after proving her worth to the Queen
Then she found little you along the way and she didn't hesitate to take you in as her husband as you were just adorable and such a well-behaved child despite your traumatic history
Throughout your childhood, you never gave Krystal much trouble even though you have thrown some minor temper tantrums there and then but that's because you're clingy for her attention and love
But Krystal always makes time for you no matter where she is and would bring you along in her trips giving you a chance to see the world and you're just happy to be with her
Krystal would be such a caring and loving mother and wife, she believes every child deserves and needs a loving mother
However, she'd often spoil you to make up for a lost time, she gifts you expensive luxury brands and toys but you never cared much for them
You'd only want to be with her and she was quite delighted to say the least so she'd prioritize spending her free and down time with you whenever she isn't busy with her royal duties
But as you kept growing older you started developing hormones much to Krystal's expectations and she was waiting for this moment ever since she adopted you
When you were finally turned of age, Krystal would start teasing and flirting with you more and test your boundaries to see where what you're comfortable with
Eventually Krystal would wear revealing outfits and even lingerie in the house like it was normal to grab your attention so you're solely focused and addicted to her
"What's the matter baby boy~? What are you looking at me like that~?" She teased innocently knowing exactly what she was doing
Privileges: Would let you choose her lingerie, feed you her homemade cooked meals, be able to stare and admire as much as you want, be spoiled rotten with gifts and attention, and being able to see the world with her
Jessica Jung (Countess)
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Just like her older sister, her clan would disband and she'd move up the ranks of the Sisterhood to becoming a Countess under the Queen
Jessica was late to adopting a husband and she finally felt it was about time to find her soulmate she could take care of and love for the rest of her life
There her heart choose you, Jessica didn't know how to explain it in words when she first saw your small baby doll eyes and she felt everything was right when she met you
Without hesitation she took the oath and choose you to be her husband, Jessica would juggle her duties as a Countess and your mother throughout the days and ensure you weren't being neglected
Being your mother and wife and also a Countess are all huge responsibilities that can even overwhelm a regal Vampire such as herself and some nights would feel so much pressure and anxiety making her a perfectionists
But you were always there to calm her down as a tight little hug is more than enough to calm down her worries and troubles and she'd always be reminded that as long as you're happy, safe, and healthy that is a victory for her
She'd also have her older sister Krystal to help her and the two sisters would host play dates between yourself and Krystal's husband
But eventually when you got older and became a matured adult, Jessica would feel sad as she misses craddling you when you were a baby but happy at the same time...
That is because she is now able to express her sexual desires but she'd only go by your boundaries and what you're comfortable with
Jessica would start sleeping half naked and eventually fully naked with you in bed until the two of you did the deed
Jessica just like her sister would wear revealing and sexy outfits and on your birthdays and special occasions, she'd be totally naked with her assets on full display just for you and she smirk knowing this will always have an effect on you
Privileges: Utterly spoils you with her love and body along with expensive luxury products, would let you touch her body whenever she wasn't busy, cuddles and movie nights, and having a beautiful Vampire wife
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krystaljungs · 9 months
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@asiandramanet event 02 ㅡ not so secret santa @asiandramanet  ㅡ december creator bingo ㅡ typography @lgbtqcreators — creator bingo — typography
wishing all happiness in the world to my fellow krystal jung lover and a very belated birthday ! happy holidays @lenteur (insp ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥) ㅡ bae suzy's version
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vaniloqu3nce · 1 year
More about the wenclair kids, this post is dedicated to @krystal-maiden because they wanted to know more about the twins! If anyone wants to ask anything about them, I’d happily share my hyperfixations with anyone (:
Leonidas is a pack animal and prefers company. He follows his moms everywhere and whenever his uncles visit he will hold something they have hostage so they can stay longer. Leonidas was jealous that Wednesday AND Enid had brothers, so he asked for brothers for his birthday. He got two twin sisters instead.
When the twins came home, Leonidas tried to return them because he thought they got the wrong kids.
Vittoria and Naenia are not identical twins, in fact one look at them and nobody could tell they were twins at all. Vittoria is the spitting image of Enid and Leonidas save for her nearly black eyes. And Naenia is the spitting image of Wednesday, except her bright blue eyes which stare into the soul of anyone and everyone.
Naenia and Vittoria were born with their dominant gene being psychic, and because of their twinship they share a connection. If Vittoria cries, Naenia will start crying soon after. If Vittoria is hungry, Naenia will cry, if Naenia wakes up in the middle of the night and sits there quietly, Vittoria will wake up and start crying. If Naenia needs to be changed, Vittoria will start crying. Leonidas noticed this and immediately started trying to experiment to figure out the limits of this. Wednesday always manages to catch him before someone gets beheaded though.
Vittoria was smiling as soon as they left the delivery room. (They had to make sure Leonidas didn’t cut the breaks) Naenia didn’t stop crying unless Wednesday held her and they didn’t like to be separated. Leonidas spent the entire car ride pouting because he wanted brothers.
Naenia has a permanent glare, unless her face is relaxed, like when she’s inspecting Enid’s fangs or near Vittoria. (Naenia will play with Enid and Leo’s fangs as a baby) The first time she smiles is at Leonidas as he’s about to set her on fire, and he decides she is more useful alive (his heart melts and he realizes he’d protect his baby sisters with his life). Vittoria is a very happy baby so long as she’s entertained. She’s very curious and tries to get into everything Leo owns (annoy him to death) and thus starts their life long prank rivalry.
Yoko loves the twins and Leo, she insist they call her aunty or dad (Wednesday firmly disagrees even though she is their god mother). Frequently Yoko just pops into the house with gifts for the twins and Leo. Vittoria loves anything colorful to chew on and expensive (she seems to be able to smell what costs money). Yoko very quickly becomes Vittoria’s favorite and Naenia loves her fangs.
Leonidas always tries to ambush and kill Yoko but she’s much faster and stronger than he is. Yoko just thinks he’s adorable every time he tries to jump on her back with a toy knife. He makes it his goal to defeat her in combat (even though he won’t say it, he respects her a lot). And he likes that she protects Enid, Leo is very protective of his moms.
Naenia loves being around Leonidas, she smiles most as a baby when he watches horror movies with her.
Vittoria loves when there are a lot of people around to watch, she doesn’t like to be bored at all. She often spends time in Leonidas’s old carrier with Enid because she likes to move around. And because Naenia doesn’t like to be far from her, Enid buys a second one for Wednesday to use in public. She is appalled. She wears it anyway. They’re in their snood colors.
Enid: We can match!
Wesnesday: …Leo I think your mom is trying to send me to an early grave.
Leonidas: Grave digging! :D
Wednesday, nodding: Yes we do have to take them on their first grave robbing expedition, they’re getting about that age.
Enid: …they’re five months old.
Wednesday: By that age my father and my uncle had already taken me across the sea to slay my first kraken with them. It’s a bonding experience for family.
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thisisnotthenerd · 10 months
since shriek week doesn't really have formal combats/encounters, we're moving on to starstruck:
quick episode descriptions:
welcome to the spacin' life, buddy!: first episode and we're already doing battle. norman is an asshole. fighting jan de la vega. sidney and barry go for it. margaret is a busy businesswoman who nonetheless helps out. raymond zam wants to reschedule space battle. the intro flashbacks: use your tongue. fuck erotica ann. never go to the zoo. would you like to buy pleasure putty. young and hip people don't need to say they're young and hip.
all in the hot exit: running from the carbine kennel club dog show with aurora nebbins, princeps zortch and gnosis in tow. the pleasure putty factory is exploding. gunnie casts flash. two nat ones. my future is changing! are you hacking a dice? sidney throwing grenades. barry tanking so much damage. i'm hurt. margaret banking in pitched battle. that's the most advisable thing you could have been doing. nat 20 on the jib jobbers showing up. take care of my legs! riva yanking gunnie to the ship and glindaing jan de la vega. nat 20 death save that took so long. making it out with 30000 credits & a 5 star rating.
wallops at swallop's: skip's incredible back to back turns. freon blast. jumping into the rafter where everyone can see you. stealing back the kublacaine. popping off and not running and still winning. the sheriff is shitting in the bathroom. the first get nasty from margaret. skip shooting the sheriff for 21 points and then mounting his decapitated head on a cactus. killing the police force and then partying after.
baustin skiffy limits: running through the market. barry with the table. setting up for combination moves with the oil slick. ship style combat. fleeing amongst the skiffers. riva's persuasion with you hate the government. colonian turn. running from brigade tigers. hospitalizing crunch moon-jones. we're just going away.
flee from fantanimalland: my ass! sid & skip going down the elevator, margaret & barry with hogg cobb, riva vs barry nyne on the ship, and gunnie buying a maple cake. gunnie steals the maple cake, gets accosted by a vercadian & gets escorted out while carrying margaret. sid meets the junkmother & gets the krystals. saw a hole. had to check it out. riva gets barry nyne off the ship without zortch. arcadia prime monologues at barry while skip teaches gunnie to ram the ship into the building.
battle of the brands: the gang buys truly so much stuff. you are required to do a certain amount of drugs. barry is the angel of mercy. the sisters of the cosmic veil having a bikini party. taking kublacaine. we are the ball. barry taking brutus to the finals on a nat 20. nat 20 death save from aurora nebbins. margaret speaks to the plinth and then is down to 1 hit point. skip crits on the plinth. free teleportation shenanigans are not allowed. gunnie casts explosion. barry rapid shots the plinth and does product placement. operation slippery puppet. am i getting ocean's'd 11'd on my own fucking show? what the fuck is happening? a real son of a bitch is no more. sundry sidney has saved the dog!
the house always wins: barry kicks off with a 39 to grapple brutus. leap? oh no i fall out of the crow's nest. margaret walks up, says you suck and walks away. call to the guards. this is the sensible beardsley season. everybody going down and coming back up. except for gunnie. full on cleganebowl. we're going over the edge. it's only a 28. happy birthday murph. margaret inducing crises. barry & brutus bonding. the girl guides. i'm stacks. chasing down the nuns. and the house always wins! the casino paid for itself. bambi leroux.
jailbreak!: skip on handy annie, sneaking through the halls. barry & gunnie playing rock paper scissors. we're all really worried about you, man. why would that be mine? running with the other prisoners to get out. barry's fists are d6 weapons. stunning & killing. sid kisses the vercadian. i think mommy is nice. zortch & the girl guides betting on a horse. splitting the party for stealth. riva's big distraction. improved grade to space casting. sidney crits on the vercadian. it doubles damage. ship to ground is multiplier of times 10. 560 points. nat 20 stealth. plug shows up. with their guns trained on you.
the luckless, the abandoned and the forsaked (part 1): riva does customer service. zortch wearing a plaastic bag on their head. ponytail barry. u4f allies. danielle scrap. galatia 9. barry nyne is on the wurst. riva phase walking to uftp. plugging gnosis into the wurst. i'll roll as many d8s as you want me to. gunnie grows a shield generator. margaret's campaign office singlehandedly changing the course of the battle. zortch getting slugged & attacking skip.
the luckless, the abandoned and the forsaked (part 2): emily snarfed. command ships attacking each other. the guernicans are incompetent. the entire barry conversation. expertise in being a barry. a weird little cranny where maybe there could be turtles. exactly 14 damage. what is the nature of micro ftl jumps. gnosis rolls a 2. i might actually vomit. an off-camera bit. what's up, baby! it's space. loose duke's been on the ship the whole time. boarding party kicks ass. the kind is dead, long live the king. the random factor. sid releasing gnosis. filling rubian v with powdered egg substitute. lucienne was on the ship the whole time. barry crits & does 62 damage. while sid does 40. the ram does 16. capping it off with a wedding.
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snowbellewells · 2 months
Fandom Birthday Rec List for @jrob64
Happy Birthday, dear Joni! Happy Birthday to You!!!
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Okay, when I set out to make this list of my favorites of your works, I had a couple in mind right off the top of my head, and thought "This is a no-brainer! It'll be easy!" You would think I'd have known better after the massive list I created when Krystal asked for our favorite fics overall a couple years ago and I ended up making a Sweet 16 style bracket to even narrow mine down. Needless to say, I ended up with a solid dozen stories on my paper, instead of the five or six I needed, and discovered a few hidden gems from way back before I knew you that I hadn't even read!! However, my very, VERY favorite has never wavered and is still exactly the same - you'll see! ;)
Anyway, I am so glad I found your wonderful writings, have gotten to know you in person, text with you, travel with you, and become genuinely good friends. Your are a blessing in my life, and I hope this gift brings a bit of a smile to your face as I try to celebrate the joy you've shared with us all in creating further adventures for our pirate and princess. Happy Birthday!!!
**Top 6 Favorite @jrob64 Fics (in descending order)**
#6 - "One Thrill Ride Leads to Another" (my own birthday fic! ;p )
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This five part (six, with the epilogue) story is pure fun and chemistry and sweetness overload. I adore it more than I can really say, and am beyond flattered that a handsome sight and chance comment of mine helped to birth the original idea. And no, it isn't even just because this one include an alive and happy Graham as supporting character and a hilariously hot secondary Red Huntsman plot line -- though it certainly doesn't hurt!! ;) My rambling can't really do this one justice, so if anyone reading this has missed it, I beg of you: Check it out for yourself! It's a perfect summer treat!
#5 - "Silly Songs With Killian" (Modern AU one shot - adorable!)
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Okay, I realize that I am using a valuable spot on this list for a fluffy little one shot, but it's just that much fun and has that much heartwarming power. I dare you to get the image of Killian playing VeggieTales on the guitar for a wildly enthusiastic audience of one small boy who is madly excited by the effort out of your head! You won't be able to - it's gonna stick with you and make you smile every time it floats back in!! If you've had a bad day and need a pick me up, this is your fic right here!
#4 - "Taking on Mrs. Jones" (hilariously hot silver fox one shot)
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This is another more comic/lighthearted one shot, but I just can't resist it. In fact, I re-read it in making certain of my list, and I love it all the more. This one features a slightly older, professor Killian (one of my serious weaknesses) and a married version of CS. Plus, when he gets an overly flirtatious new co-worker who makes him uncomfortable - Emma comes perfectly to the defense of her man and teaches that girl a lesson.
#3 - "Ghosted" (a WIP supernatural modern AU MC for @cssns24)
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This story is still in progress, but it has very quickly jumped the list to become one of Joni's best, best offerings (in my humble opinion)! I love the unusual and intriguing plot and can't wait to see how it will turn out. The inclusion of Will and Belle as secondary characters (and a secondary love story) is wonderful👩🏻‍🍳 *chef's kiss!* And a ghostly version of Liam absolutely tugs on my heart. Definitely check this one out if you haven't yet.
#2 - "Always in my Heart" (5 Part Modern AU, so feelsy and angsty and deep)
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This one moved me to tears in the process, way more than once. I loved the long lost friends reunited aspect of this story, right from the start. I loved the sense of adopted family Emma has with David and MM, and most especially Ruth. (I always loved David's mom in canon, and the chance to see a lot more of her in this fic, and to see what this version of her means to Emma was priceless, even if heart wrenching too.)
#1 - "Sowing Seeds of Trust" (and its extra chapter "Marco's Legacy")
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This story was the first one of yours I discovered, Joni, and I was completely captured! It was wrapped around my heart from the very first chapter. I loved the vulnerability and need, but also strength and resilience, in this version of Emma. I loved Killian's support, understanding and love in how he reached out to her. I love the friendships with David, MM, Ruby, and of course MARCO!! (He steals the whole show here, honestly!) The faith and restoration and perfect "happy beginning" after trials in this story are original, unique, and unforgettable. It's always going to be my favorite, I think, as it lead me to your writing to begin with, and it touched me deeply.
*Honorable mentions - if anyone is curious - also not to be missed:
"Snowstorm Confessions"
"Lonely No More"
"Faultline"/"Seismic Waves" (Liam x Elsa)
"Where Her Heart Belongs"/"Her Heart's Home"
"For the Sake of Henry"
Hope you enjoy your little list - and an absolutely wonderful day!!! Very Best Birthday Wishes to You!!!
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jrob64 · 2 years
Her Heart’s Home - Part II of Where Her Heart Belongs (Killian’s POV)
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY @kmomof4​!!!! 
I’m a day early, but since the story is finished & I won’t have time to post it tomorrow, you get an early present! As requested, here is a second part to Where Her Heart Belongs from Killian’s point of view. I hope it’s everything you wanted!
Extra special thanks to @winterbythesea for allowing me to use the beautiful artwork she created for WHHB to make the banner. Thanks also to @hookedmom​ for being the best beta once again. 
**I’ve taken the liberty of using two of the most iconic CS scenes in a different way for this story. I hope no one minds. 
Rating: M (because Mary insisted Krystal would want it that way!)
Words: 6262
Find Where Her Heart Belongs on Tumblr, Ao3 or ffn 
Find Her Heart’s Home on Ao3 or ffn
“I’d say you’ve got your magic back,” Killian said, seeing the wand Emma was holding start to glow. “Now, shall we go?”
She closed her eyes and concentrated and he turned to see a portal beginning to open in the wall of the Dark One’s vault, then gestured for her to go through it ahead of him. When she didn’t do as he indicated, he turned back to face her again, but she wasn’t there. Glancing around the space with an increasing sense of panic, he didn’t see any sign of her.
The only thing he could figure was that she somehow slipped through the portal without him noticing, even though he didn’t know how that could have been possible. Realizing his only chance of escaping the vault was going to close soon, he jumped through it.
When he landed on the floor of the barn, he looked around, hoping to see a flash of blonde hair. His heart sank at the sight of the empty building. He quickly got to his feet and rushed out the door. Just beyond it, he heard a buzzing sound and spotted Emma’s talking phone laying on the ground. He tried to push aside the thought that she probably would have picked it up if she had come through here.
Stuffing it into his pocket, he continued to Granny’s, bursting through the door, breathing hard and scanning the diner for Emma.
“Hook, did you find her?” David asked, rising from the booth where he was seated with Mary Margaret and the infant prince.
“No, I…didn’t she come back here?” Killian asked. “I thought perhaps she made it through the portal and…”
“Portal?” Mary Margaret interjected with alarm. “What are you talking about?”
Killian took another quick look around and realized nothing had changed since he left to pursue Emma. Sighing heavily, he began relating the story of being sucked into Zelena’s portal and their adventure in the Enchanted Forest.
Emma didn’t return that night or the next, or the one after that. For four days, Killian, her family and friends searched everywhere for her, but she seemed to have vanished.
As they sat strategizing in the loft the evening of the fourth day, Regina rose from her seat abruptly and went to stand in front of the mirror where they had witnessed the reunion of Ariel and Eric.
“What is it, Regina?” Mary Margaret questioned, crossing the room to stand beside her.
Regina continued to study the mirror. “I thought I saw…yes! There it is again! Do you see it?”
Henry knocked his chair over in his rush to join his mother, with Killian and David right behind him. “What, Mom? What do you see?”
“It…it’s Emma!” Killian shouted, seeing a blurry image on the surface of the mirror.
The room filled with noise as each of them began to see the same thing as Regina and Killian.
“Regina, can you do anything to let us see her more clearly?” David asked.” Maybe we would be able to identify where she is.”
“You know I can’t perform mirror magic,” Regina snapped. “Obviously, there’s some residual magic left in it from Emma and that’s why we can see her.”
“Can you please try, Mom?” begged Henry. “Please?”
Regina’s eyes softened as she looked at her distraught son. Turning her attention back to the mirror, she held both hands out in front of her, closed her eyes, and concentrated.
“It’s working!” Mary Margaret cried. “Regina, you did it!”
Killian stepped closer, trying to determine Emma’s location. “Do any of you recognize that place?” he asked.
All of them stared at the image, shaking their heads one-by-one, before Henry suddenly shouted, “She’s going into what looks like a library! What does the sign say over the door?”
David squinted. “Columbus Public Library,” he read slowly. “Columbus? Where is that?”
“There are lots of different Columbuses in the country,” Henry informed him, running to get his phone. He Googled ‘Columbus’ and read, “There are twenty-three states with a city of Columbus in them.” His shoulders sagged and he looked up sadly. “How are we supposed to figure out which one it is?”
“Are you saying she’s in the land without magic, Lad?” Killian questioned.
“Yeah. She must be somewhere in the United States, we just don’t know where.”
“Well, we can narrow it down somehow, right?” Mary Margaret asked hopefully. “It looks like it’s pretty chilly there, so we can rule out warmer states.”
After Henry pulled up a map on his computer, he and Mary Margaret began checking off states like Texas and New Mexico. Meanwhile, the other three continued to examine the mirror for any more clues to Emma’s location.
The sick feeling in Killian’s stomach gnawed at him as he watched her browsing books in the library. Clearly, her memory had been wiped since she seemed to feel at home in the location and didn’t appear to be attempting to find her way back to them. To him.
“Henry, come here!” David suddenly shouted, noticing something on the wall behind the circulation desk.
The boy quickly did as told, casting his eyes on the spot where his grandfather was pointing. “What are you…oh! That’s a state flag! I think there’s only one that’s shaped like a pennant!”
Rushing back to his computer, his fingers flew over the keys as he typed in another search. “It’s Ohio!” he shouted. “Columbus, Ohio! That’s where she is!”
“How far away is it?” Killian asked. “Can we make it there tonight?”
“We’re not going there,” Regina said decisively.
“What the bloody hell do you mean?” Killian growled. “We have to go get her!”
“Look,” she said, turning haughty eyes on him, “you said you were in the Dark One’s vault right before Emma disappeared. That means he’s probably the one who sent her to that place and obviously wiped her memories. If we go swooping in there to rescue her, she’s not going to know who we are and we’ll never convince her to come back with us. We’re going to have to find another way.”
“And just how do you propose we do that?” Killian spat, stepping closer until he was toe-to-toe with the queen.
“I’m not sure, yet,” she countered, not backing down. “I’m going to have to think about it.”
“Well, think fast, because Emma has already been gone too long!” he stated venomously. “Unless you have another reason for not wanting to bring her back. Maybe you like being with Henry alone. Maybe you like not having Emma around!”
“Enough!” Mary Margaret interjected, cutting off Regina’s retort. “It’s getting late. Let’s all get some sleep so we are refreshed and can try to come up with a solution tomorrow. At least we know where Emma is and have a pretty good idea of what happened to her.”
“Belle might be able to help,” Henry suggested hopefully. “We can ask her in the morning.”
“Aye, and perhaps she can get the bloody crocodile to admit what he did and make him undo it,” Killian snarled.
Regina and Henry said their goodbyes, but Killian was loath to leave the mirror as long as Emma’s image was visible. Stepping in front of it, he was frustrated to see it was blurry once again.
Mary Margaret looked at his forlorn expression and handed the baby to David. “Could you please change his diaper and get him into his sleeper? I’ll be in to feed him in a few minutes.”
David put the fussing infant up against his shoulder, glanced over at Killian, then gave Mary Margaret a nod and went into their bedroom.
“Hook?” Mary Margaret said softly, placing her hand on his forearm. “I know you’re worried about her, but there’s nothing more we can do tonight. Go to your ship, get some sleep, and we’ll get a fresh start in the morning.”
He swallowed hard, then turned sad eyes toward her. “I no longer have my ship.”
Mary Margaret’s brows raised in surprise. “What do you mean? Where is it?”
He studied his boots for several moments, before finally speaking in a low, tortured voice. “I…I had to find Emma and I needed a magic bean, so I…made a deal with Blackbeard.”
“You traded your ship for a bean so you could bring Emma back?” she asked incredulously.
“Aye,” he said simply, his eyes still fixed on the floor.
She stood stock still, digesting the shocking information, finally shaking herself out of her reverie to say, “Stay here. I…I’ll be right back.”
He was still standing in the same spot when she returned. “Here are some pajamas,” she said, holding them out when he turned to face her. “You can stay up in Emma’s room tonight.”
His eyes widened in surprise. “Pardon me?”
“Killian,” she began, and at the sound of his given name, his eyes grew even larger. “You sacrificed something very important to you to bring our daughter back to us. The least we can do is provide you a place to sleep.”
His lips turned up with a hint of a smile. “Thank you, Milady.”
“Please call me Mary Margaret or Snow,” she said warmly. “Now get some sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a very important day and we all need to be well rested…or as well rested as one can be with a newborn in the house. Goodnight, Killian.”
“Goodnight, Mary Margaret.”
After she left the room, he squinted into the mirror one more time, sighing when he was unable to distinguish Emma’s form within the cloudy surface.
He trudged up the stairs and changed into the pajamas, then settled into Emma’s narrow bed, finally relaxing as he was surrounded by her scent. “Tomorrow, Love,” he murmured. “We’ll bring you home tomorrow.” Yawning widely, he turned his face into her pillow and fell asleep.
Unfortunately, nothing they tried brought Emma home the next day. Belle agreed to help and suggested a way to try to jog Emma’s memories. Aided by a spell Regina discovered, they were able to send the storybook through the mirror to Emma. Once she found it, they were relieved to see that her image in the mirror was clear as long as she was looking at the book.
 They also realized that people could be transported through the mirror and several were eager to help, each one hoping they would be the one to trigger the return of her memories. But when Killian attempted to pass through, he was met with a solid, impenetrable wall. He was horrified and furious, sure Rumplestiltskin was the person responsible for blocking him, but Gold claimed to have no memory of doing it.
“Bloody crocodile,” he ground out through gritted teeth, addressing Mary Margaret, David and Belle. “She would recognize me from the illustration in the book if I could just get through to her.”
Belle promised she would try to persuade Gold to remove the magical block, if he had indeed put one on. In the meantime, Killian had to watch one person after another interacting with Emma through the mirror, despairing that he was unable to be one of them.
They saw Emma beginning to put the pieces together little by little, but had no idea how long it would take for her to figure out who she was and where she belonged. As the days passed and everyone returned to their routines, Killian remained, watching her every move.
When the figures in the picture began to dance around the page, he was sure it was her magic causing it, even though she was in the land without magic.
Her parents, Henry, Regina and Belle were with him when Emma wore the red ball gown and pushed her fingers through the page. Killian swiped at them, attempting to make contact, but she pulled them back before he could. When he heard her murmur, “So close, Killian Jones. Someday I’ll make it to you,” his heart shattered.
The group decided to send Ashley and Marco through with the necessary things to complete Emma’s look, everyone hoping it would be enough to help refresh her memory. If not, they knew they had one last chance - sending Killian to her, provided Belle could get Gold to remove the block.
Killian took up his familiar position in front of the mirror, staring into the blank surface as he wondered if Ashley doing her hair and Marco giving her the jeweled headband would do the trick. Suddenly, her image materialized before him, looking exactly like she did in the illustration. His breath caught as she created ripples with her fingers, then he heard her whispered plea - “Please let me get through to you, Killian Jones.” A halo of white light appeared as her hand came through the mirror. Thinking quickly, he pushed his hook toward her searching fingers. As soon as she grasped it firmly, he pulled with all his might.
He caught her in his arms, the relief flooding through him like a tidal wave. “Swan. At last!” he exhaled.
Emma drew back to look at him for several seconds. Just as he was beginning to fear that her memories hadn’t returned, she tugged him to her, fusing her lips to his. His concern dissipated and then he was returning the kiss. She rarely let her walls down enough to give him any indication of her feelings for him, but in that moment, he was almost certain he could feel the love he was pouring into the kiss being reciprocated.
He spent the next several minutes after the kiss ended holding her and answering her questions about what happened. When she started to ask him why he hadn’t come to her like all the others, he could read the trepidation in her eyes and hurried to assure her how much he wanted to, but was blocked.
His heart swelled when she thanked him for never giving up on her, and felt like it was going to burst when she explained that she was talking about all of the times he encouraged her and stayed by her side. She noticed.
Then she told him she and her heart were back with him where they belonged, and he swore he had never felt happier in his entire life.
Far too soon, her family and numerous townspeople came rushing in the door, alerted to Emma’s return by the energy her magic sent through Storybrooke. Wearily, he sat down and watched the happy reunion, suddenly feeling the physical and mental exhaustion fully setting in.
When he glanced up and saw her send him a smile, his weariness lifted long enough to return it. He expected everyone to stay for a while, so he decided it would probably be best to head to Granny’s inn. He stayed there his first three nights back from their adventure in the Enchanted Forest, until Mary Margaret extended the invitation for him to stay with them.
He rose from the bar stool and made his way across the loft, speaking briefly to Belle and Henry before stopping in front of the door. Looking over his shoulder for one more glimpse of Emma, he noticed her giving a hug to August and thanking him for alerting her to the presence of the storybook in the library.
Quietly slipping out the door, he pulled it shut behind him, then started down the stairs. Two steps from the bottom, Emma’s voice stopped him in his tracks. “Killian, where are you going?”
The thrill of hearing his name roll off her tongue zipped through him before he turned to face her. “I thought I would give you time with your family and friends,” he explained.
“And you don’t think that includes you?”
He gave her a tired smile. “I’m happy to know that it does, Love. I just…I was going to get some sleep.”
“So you’re going to the Jolly Roger?”
Dropping his head, he scratched behind his ear. “Actually, I, um, I’m staying at Granny’s,” he admitted.
“Instead of your ship? Why?”
His ears reddened. “It…it’s a bit of a long story, Swan.”
“Well, hang around and once everyone leaves, you can tell me.”
Killian glanced toward the outside doors, then back up to Emma at the top of the stairs. He wasn’t keen to tell her the tale, but he couldn’t deny his Swan anything. “As you wish,” he responded, before climbing up the stairs to join her.
Granny sent food over for the group, who lingered until early evening. When everyone said their goodbyes and left, Henry giving Emma a long hug before leaving with Regina, David cleaned up the kitchen while Mary Margaret got the baby ready for bed. Emma pulled Killian down on the couch with her and intertwined their fingers. They sat quietly for a few minutes, each lost in their own thoughts, simply happy to be together again.
“Mom told me you slept in front of the mirror nearly every night since I was sent away,” Emma finally said, speaking quietly as she stroked her thumb over his rings. “That couldn’t have been comfortable.”
“Your mother provided some bedding and pillows for me. I’ve slept in far worse places.”
“You could have slept in my bed, you know.”
He chuckled lightly. “I did, the first night, but once we were able to see you whenever you opened the book, I didn’t want to take the chance of missing you.”
“You can sleep in there tonight, if you want,” she whispered.
“In your bed?” he asked. Seeing her nod, he hurried to add, “No, Swan. I’ll not make you sleep somewhere…”
“I meant with me,” she interrupted, her eyes not meeting his.
His grip on her hand tightened. “I’m not sure your parents…”
“I’m an adult. I don’t need permission from my parents to have a man in my bed.”
“Even if that man is a pirate?”
She twisted around and placed her fingers under his chin to turn his face toward her. “Being a pirate doesn’t define you, Killian. You’re so much more than that.”
His left eyebrow quirked up. “You truly believe that?”
Placing both hands on either side of his face, she looked into his eyes intently for several seconds before answering with certainty, “All the help you gave us to rescue Henry from Neverland, then finding us in New York and bringing us back, not to mention everything you did to protect and help me after we fell through Zelena’s portal - that’s more than enough proof that you’re an honorable man.”
Killian wondered if she had any idea just how much those words meant to him. He opened his mouth to respond, but found he couldn’t get words past the lump in his throat. He settled for giving her a lopsided smile as his face turned a deep shade of red.
“So, yeah,” she said, “I want you to stay with me tonight, if that’s alright with you.”
He gave a slight nod, and she rewarded him with a smile, then stood and pulled him up beside her. Keeping her fingers threaded through his, she walked into the kitchen. “Hey, Dad,” she greeted.
David was just finishing up the dishes. He pulled the plug to let the water out of the sink, dried his hands, then turned and leaned against the counter, folding his arms over his chest. “Hi, Sweetheart,” he smiled. Shifting his gaze toward Killian, he said, “I guess you won’t need to sleep on the floor in front of the mirror tonight, huh Hook?”
“He’s going to sleep in my bed with me,” Emma said without hesitation.
Her father’s brows shot up and his mouth dropped open, then he cleared his throat. Killian prepared to defend himself, but the next words out of David’s mouth took him by surprise. “You…uh, you’ll need to borrow a pair of my pajamas again, I’m assuming?”
Killian blinked rapidly, trying to register the prince’s question. “Aye, if you don’t mind,” he finally responded.
David’s eyes darted between the two of them, taking in their linked hands, before sighing and leaving the kitchen.
“See? Nothing to worry about,” Emma said, but despite her confident words, Killian was sure he could hear relief in her voice.
Mary Margaret returned with David, going directly to her daughter and giving her a hug. “David tells me you’re heading off to bed.” When Emma affirmed it, her mother added, “The past couple of weeks have been very tiring for everyone. Sleep well, Sweetheart. I love you.”
“Love you, too, Mom.”
Killian could see the tears shining in Mary Margaret’s eyes when Emma pulled away to go give her father a hug. He was sure the tears were in response to Emma easily calling her ‘Mom’, after struggling with it for so long. It seemed her time with her parents back in the Enchanted Forest had something to do with that.
David handed Killian the pajamas, then took his turn hugging his daughter, fixing the other man with an intimidating look after releasing her. Killian didn’t drop his eyes, meeting the prince’s gaze unwaveringly. After several moments, David finally gave him a nod, bade them both goodnight, and followed Mary Margaret into their bedroom.
Emma led Killian upstairs, each taking their turn to change into sleepwear. When he entered her bedroom, she was sitting on her bed waiting for him. “I didn’t know which side you wanted,” she explained.
He subconsciously ran his hand over his hook as he answered, “The left side would be fine, if you don’t mind.”
After pulling the covers back, she slid under them and scooted over, turning on her side to look at him. He unclicked his hook, removed it and laid it on the table beside her bed, then slowly pushed his sleeve up and unbuckled his brace. His hand wrapped around the leather covering his wrist, but he hesitated, looking up at her.
Locking eyes with him, Emma reassured him, “It’s alright, Killian. You don’t have to take it off if you’re not comfortable, but I promise you it’s not going to bother me.”
He paused another few seconds, before firmly grasping the brace and pulling it off, placing it beside his hook. Her eyes never left his as he did, not even glancing at his scarred wrist, despite having never seen it before.
Giving her a small smile, he laid down on the narrow bed, positioning himself so he was face to face with her. “I don’t think I ever want to take my eyes off of you again,” he said, bringing his hand up to rub his thumb along her jaw.
“I would despair if you did,” she smirked.
He grinned, recognizing his own words from their first meeting in the Enchanted Forest. “May I ask you something, Love?”
“Sure, but then I want you to tell me what happened to your ship.”
“If you insist,” he conceded.
“What did you want to ask me?”
“Were you happy in that Columbus place?”
She lifted her left shoulder in a shrug. “I guess, but I was all alone…again. I always had this feeling something was…off. Missing. Things just didn’t feel quite right, you know? And then when I found Henry’s book in the library, it was…” she paused, obviously trying to put her feelings into words. “It was like I had…hope. The stories felt like old friends, even though I’d never read them before; at least, I thought I hadn’t. I guess they were still deep in my memories, despite Rumplestiltskin trying to take them away.”
“We could tell by watching that you were beginning to recognize things.”
“Yeah, especially that picture of the two of us dancing. I couldn’t figure out how it was possible that I could be in there.”
“I knew you would work it out, Swan. You’re bloody brilliant.”
A blush filled her cheeks at his praise. A few beats passed, until she said, “Now, tell me about the Jolly Roger. What happened to her?”
Killian’s fingers switched from stroking her face to scratching behind his ear. “I, uh, she no longer belongs to me,” he admitted softly.
Emma’s eyes grew wide, her mouth forming an O in surprise. “Wh-what do you mean? Who has her?”
He swallowed hard, no longer able to meet her gaze. “Blackbeard.”
“He stole your ship from you?” she asked, anger seeping into her voice.
“No, I…I traded her to him,” he muttered.
She shifted backwards to look more fully into his face. “Why in the world would you do that?”
Licking his lips nervously, he considered how to answer. He hadn’t wanted to tell her all the details about how he found her and Henry after Pan’s curse; what he’d given up and why he made that choice. He was afraid it would overwhelm her to discover how desperate he was to have her back with him. She was just beginning to trust him enough to let down her walls for him, and he didn’t want to give her a reason to build them back up and shut him out.
Finally, he said, “I needed a magic bean and he had one. The only thing he would consider to trade for it was the Jolly.”
“But why would you need a…” she stopped and a strange look passed across her face. “You used the bean to get to New York and find us, didn’t you?”
He raised his eyes to hers. “Aye,” he replied simply.
“You traded your ship for me?” she whispered, her voice breaking.
“It was the only way, Emma. Your family needed you and your boy, and I…I couldn’t bear to be apart from you any longer, so when I got that message from the bird, I did the only thing I could. I would do it again in a heartbeat. I have no regrets.”
“But Killian, it’s your home.”
“They say home is where your heart lies, and…” his voice trailed off, unsure of how she would receive his declaration of her being his home. Silence filled the room as they each got lost in their thoughts.
“I remember telling you that the only one who saves me is me,” Emma said at last, “but you seem to keep saving me again and again.”
He wrapped his right arm around her waist and pulled her into his chest, whispering his words into her hair. “You have saved me too, Emma, in more ways than you will ever know.”
She was quiet for a long while as he reveled in holding her close. “Do you think we might be able to catch a break and not have a crisis for the next few days?” she asked.
Killian chuckled. “I wouldn’t count on it, Swan. This town seems to attract every imaginable disaster.”
“And yet you chose to stay here when you could have sailed away and left it behind.”
“I stayed for one reason.”
“I know,” she stated. “To get your revenge.”
“That’s why I came here, but that’s not why I stayed.”
She leaned back to look at him. “Why then?”
“Don’t you know, Emma?” he asked in a hoarse whisper. “It’s you.”
He watched the look in her eyes change from wonder to disbelief to awestruck, as tears gathered in them. Then she leaned in and tentatively pressed her lips to his.
Killian slid his hand up to the back of her head, holding her to him as he returned the kiss. Their lips moved softly and languidly together, the tips of their tongues teasing and tasting.
The kiss they shared when she returned had been filled with relief and passion, and left him breathless. This tender kiss spoke of the deeper connection they now shared with one another; one built on trust, understanding, and another feeling neither of them was quite ready to express out loud.
It left him equally breathless.
When it ended, Emma snuggled into his chest, his arms encircling her and holding her tight. He knew she could probably feel his heart hammering in his chest, but if she did, she didn’t mention it.
They lay quietly for so long, he was sure she had fallen asleep, so her words murmured into his neck took him by surprise. “Killian, may I ask you something?”
“Of course, Love.”
She raised herself up to rest on her elbow and looked into his face. “Do you ever think about…taking our relationship…to the next level?”
“The next level?” he asked, hoping he understood what she meant.
“Yeah, you know…physically,” she said, a blush moving up her throat.
He reached up to brush his fingertips over her reddened cheek. “I have,” he affirmed. “It just…it never seems to be the right time.”
She ran her hand down his chest and teased the skin under the hem of the henley he was wearing. “Now seems like a pretty good time,” she whispered into his ear, sending shivers of excitement through his body.
“Are…are you sure? Your parents are right downstairs.”
“Despite the upstairs being open, sound in the loft doesn’t really travel; it’s almost as if it’s been soundproofed. I never hear them when they’re…being intimate. Thank the lord.”
A grin spread across his face, but faded almost as soon as it appeared. “Emma, are you really sure?”
Her eyes darted between his before she leaned in and kissed him again, her tongue demanding permission to explore the warmth of his mouth. When she pulled away, leaving him panting, she asked, “Does that answer your question? If not, maybe this will.”
Her hand moved lower to rub against the pronounced ridge of his cock through his flannel pajama pants. He groaned, closing his eyes as he felt his erection stiffen even more. “Gods, Emma!” he gasped.
“Shh, this place might be reasonably private, but I don’t want to test that theory,” she mumbled against his lips.
He would’ve been able to follow her instructions better if she hadn’t squeezed his cock at the same time she was admonishing him.
As she continued to move one hand up inside his borrowed shirt and give attention to his rapidly swelling shaft with the other, Killian began to lavish open-mouthed kisses from below her ear down to her collarbone.
“Too many clothes,” Emma murmured. “I need…”
“Need what, Love?” he asked, between licking at the small marks he had sucked under her clavicle.
“I need to feel your skin on mine,” she whispered. “I just…I need more.”
He nodded his understanding before reaching behind himself to grasp the collar of the shirt and yank it over his head. Her fingers went to work right away, skimming through the abundant hair on his chest and abdomen.
“Do you have any idea how often I’ve wanted to do this?” she sighed. “You and your aversion to buttoning your shirts has nearly driven me wild sometimes.”
Her light touches were doing the same to him at the moment, but he wasn’t about to complain. He spent the last two weeks yearning to bring her back. Being separated from her cemented his awareness that he had to have Emma Swan in his life.
“Your turn, Swan,” he said, pulling at the collar of her pajama top.
She sat up and gave him a sultry smirk, then slowly began undoing the buttons down the front of the shirt. His breath caught as her fingers pushed each one through the buttonhole, knowingly teasing him. He was sure it would be worth the wait.
His assumption was verified when she finally shrugged out of the shirt, exposing her splendid breasts to his hungry eyes. “Bloody hell,” he exhaled on a shaky breath, and then he was giving them the attention they deserved - fondling, licking and kissing them, while Emma closed her eyes and moaned with pleasure.
She fell back on the bed and he shifted to hover over her, his hand and wrist working their way down her ribcage to the top of her pajama pants. Suddenly, a thought occurred to him and he halted his movements.
“Is…is something wrong?” she questioned.
“What if I…impregnate you?” he asked, his brow furrowed in concern.
“I’m using birth control.” At his quizzical look, she explained, “That means there’s hardly any chance I’ll get pregnant from…doing this.”
“Oh, I see. That’s good to know,” he replied. “Shall we, um, proceed?”
In response, she grinned and trailed her fingers down his stomach and under the waistband of his sleep pants. He inhaled sharply as her fingers wrapped around his girth, returning the favor by easing his hand down the back of her pants to squeeze her lovely backside.
Their pajama bottoms and underwear soon joined their shirts on the floor and they were completely bared to each other. He knew his Swan had nicely toned muscles on her trim form, but gods above, he could never have imagined how breathtaking she was, her body absolute perfection.
Killian took his time mapping her curves with his fingers, lips and tongue, while her hands roamed and stroked his physique. He didn’t know how much longer he would be able to hold himself back, but he was determined to let Emma be the initiator for every step.
When his fingers found their way to the heat between her legs, he could feel that she was very ready. He slid them through her sodden folds, his thumb finding her bundle of nerves. Her legs began trembling and her fingernails dug into his sides.
“K-Killian,” she stammered, voice low and sultry, “I…please say you’re ready.”
“Aye, Love,” he grunted, his cock so painfully erect, he was afraid he would explode as soon as he was inside her.
She arranged herself underneath him, widening her legs, and he settled between them. Looking up, his eyes met hers and he was awed by what he saw there. This wasn’t about satisfying lustful feelings for either of them; he could tell it was more than that. If he had to put into words what was shining in her eyes, he would say it was affection and trust, and a large part of him hoped he wasn’t reading too much into it by thinking he saw love there as well.
Bending her legs, she brought them up on either side of him, then reached down and aligned him at her entrance. He pushed into her slowly, watching her face for any sign of discomfort, but her eyes were closed in bliss as she ran her tongue across her bottom lip, puffing out short breaths.
When he was completely engulfed in her heat, he rested his forehead against hers, biting his lip to keep from saying the words that were on the tip of his tongue. She had said her heart was back with him where it belonged, but stopped short of saying those three little words. Even though he was completely in love with her, he wasn’t going to tell her, until she declared her love for him first. He couldn’t take the risk of making her run to avoid her feelings, as she was prone to do. For now, he was going to savor the feeling of being joined together with her.
 Once he was sure he could move without climaxing too soon, he slowly withdrew and pushed back in. “Faster, Killian,” Emma whimpered, digging her nails into his arse.
He complied, snapping his hips while trying to muffle his groans of pleasure. The pleading gasps she pressed into his chest spurred him to deepen his thrusts and she began lifting her hips to meet them.
Killian could tell she was getting close and started adding an extra grind with his pelvis, which quickly had the desired effect. She wrapped her legs around him, pulling him to her tightly as her orgasm washed over her. He saw her biting her lip to keep from crying out, briefly wondering what it would be like the next time when they were in a more private setting - if there was a next time. Gods, he hoped there would be a next time.
Her walls squeezing his cock prompted his own release. He stilled within her as he spasmed, his breathing harsh and raspy in the crook of her neck.
Their sweat and breath mingled as they lay tangled together, neither ready to move away from the other yet. Her fingers kneaded the skin on his back as he scattered kisses over her shoulder and throat.
After several minutes, Emma finally spoke. “Do you remember when I told you it was a one-time thing after we kissed in Neverland?”
“Aye,” Killian assured her, wondering with a bit of apprehension where the conversation was heading.
“I won’t say that this time, because I’m really hoping it’s not,” she said, lightly trailing her fingertips along his jaw.
“I’m very happy to hear that,” he sighed, pushing up to look into her eyes.
She cupped his face between her hands. “You look exhausted, Killian. We should both get some sleep.”
“Aye, Love. I won’t argue with that, as long as I can stay here with you.”
She gave him a soft kiss. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
After using tissues from her bedside table to clean up, they redressed and settled into bed. He held her in his arms, her head on his chest and her legs tucked between his.
“Goodnight, Killian,” she whispered.
“Goodnight, Love,” he returned, then drifted off into his first restful sleep since she was pulled away from him, intent on never letting her go again.
Please send @kmomof4​ some birthday love. If anyone deserves it, she certainly does! 
Tagging: @xsajx​ @hookedmom​ @kymbersmith-90​ @kmomof4​ @lassluna​​ @pirateherokillian​ @teamhook​ @stahlop​ @elizabeethan​ @whimsicallyenchantedrose​ @resident-of-storybrooke​​ @therooksshiningknight​ @jennjenn615​ @lfh1226-linda​​ @ilovemesomekillianjones​ @killianswannn​ @stories-enchanted​​ @eleveneitherway​ @withheartfulloflove​ @kday426​​ @lyssapup27​​ @swanlovato @djlbg​ @kristi555​ @laschatzi​ @xarandomdreamx​​ @lkles08​​ @wyntereyez​​ @bubblegum1425​​ @xhookswenchx​​ @yasbio2015​​ @tiganasummertree​​ @winterbaby89​​ @wefoundloveunderthelight​​ @hollyethecurious​​ @let-it-raines​​ @jonesfandomfanatic​​ @searchingwardrobes​​ @dreamingdreamsalways​​ @oncechicagolove​​ @andiirivera​​  @gingerchangeling​​ @everything-person​​ @klynn-stormz​​ @qualitycoffeethings​​ @vampcoffeegyrl23​​ @enchanted-swans​​ @ohmakemeahercules​​ @donteattheappleshook​​ @bluewildcatfanatic​​ @the-darkdragonfly​​ @demisexualemmaswan​​ @lavenderbudd​​ @grimmswan​​ @spartanguard​​ @flslp87​​ @ultraluckycatnd​​ @thisonesatellite​​ @captainswan21​​ @zaharadessert​​ @mariakov81​​ @snowbellewells​​ @xouatxcs​​ @kiwistreetswan​​ @batana54​​ @nadine200179​​ @probalicious17​​ @courtorderedcake​​ @julesep3026​​ @jackieorioncat​​ @whatthehell102082​​ @jarienn972​​ @sthonour​​ @linda8084​​  @pirateprincesslena​​ @daxx04​​ @winterbythesea​​ @artistic-writer​​ @cocohook38​​ @captainswan4life85​​ @molly958​​ @kingofmyheart14​​ @badwolfreturns​​ @itsfridaysomewhere​​@fallingforthecaptain​​  @onceratheart18​​ @strangestarlighttree​​ @omgmarvelousmorgan​​ @justanother-unluckysoul​​ @mrs-potato-but-likes-tomato​​ @anothersworld​​ @deckerstarblanche​​ @purplehawkcaptain​​  @superchocovian​​ @k-leemac​​ @citygirlscowboy​​ @laughterandbooks​​ @sotangledupinit​​ @apiratewhopines​​ @huntressandlioness1​​ @cosette141​​  @gingerpolyglot​​ @motherkatereloyshipper​​ @cs-rylie​
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rainboopz · 9 months
Happy birthday to Wolf’s car side view mirror! 🥳🎉🚘 There’s something I’ve always wanted to about Krystal: Does she ever stare at her own reflection in the mirror? Aside from that time she posed for Wolf’s snapchat against Fox. I feel like she would do it when’s she’s alone waiting in the car thinking about her past… Or this ask could be used to commemorate the first anniversary of your aux animatic. I always come back to that video and enjoying Wolf’s gang shenanigan snaps.
And I can imagine her doing that, but more so looking through windows to arwings or the sky, because that's a theme I have apparently lmao
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and thanks for still liking the video! it was funny and fun to do <3
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lenteur · 2 years
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happy birthday to the one and only krystal jung ♡ #krystalshining29th
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Girls' Trip Fairy Tale Ending--Chapter 5 of 6
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Summary:  This is my combined birthday gift for Joni (  @jrob64​  ), Marta ( @snowbellewells ) and Krystal ( @kmomof4 ).  Happy birthday ladies! Four fandom friends are nearing the end of their annual girls’ trip when they’re suddenly visited by Isaac, the author before Henry.  He gives them an each a gift–an opportunity to jump into any scene in the storybook they want and fix it.  Large focus on CS, although other characters and relationships will be explored.  A big shoutout to @hollyethecurious​ and @winterbaby89 for betaing!
Word Count: 2420
Tagging a few people who may be interested (Let me know if you want to be added or taken off the list): @sailormew @annaamelll @flslp87 @emmateo26 @bethacaciakay @ultraluckycatnd @effulgent-mind @ilovemesomekillianjones @kat2609 @brooke-to-broch @missgymgirl @galadriel26 @the-lady-of-misthaven @charmingturkeysandwich @jennjenn615 @laschatzi @kimmy46 @snowbellewells @iamanneenigma @daxx04 @nickillian  @gillie  @britishguyslover @ginnyjinxedandhanshotritafirst @kmomof4  @linda8084 @golfgirld @captain-swan-coffee @searchingwardrobes @hollyethecurious @laughswaytoomuch  @allyourdarlingswans  @winterbaby89 @facesiousbutton82 @therooksshiningknight, @lfh1226-linda @tiganasummertree  @jrob64  @anmylica   @booksteaandtoomuchtv​ @elfiola
Other chapters:  (1) (2) (3) (4)
Can also be found on: (ao3) (ff.net)
Jen didn’t know what she expected transportation via storybook to be like, but she was delighted to discover it was something like entering a snowglobe.  Snowflakes swirled around her, and she watched with delight as they landed on her arms, her shoulders, the ends of her hair.  Each one was different, but each was thoroughly exquisite in its own way.  She knew that most people didn’t get her love of winter and snow but it was beautiful and fascinating, and she would go on loving it despite what anyone else might say.
So engrossed was Jen in the snow swirling around her, that she barely noticed moving from her place in the cabin until the air cleared and she found herself just inside the Charming’s flat.  Her eyes fell first on the tremendous, festively decorated Christmas tree in the sitting area and then the simpler evergreen wreath hanging on the inside of the door.
So it was Christmastime in her version of events?  Well, why not?  Wasn’t Christmas the time for magic?  And she would need some heavy duty, industrial strength magic to fix the mess Isaac had made of the latter part of season 6.
“So Hook….he killed my father?  Okay, that’s a little tough to process.” she heard David say from the kitchen area, and suddenly she knew just exactly where they were in the story.  She hung back for a moment, trying to figure out just the right time and the right way to intervene.
“I was hoping I didn’t have to tell you,” Emma said, sounding defeated from her perch on the breakfast bar.
“Where the hell is Hook anyway?” David asked, aggressively pacing the kitchen. “He didn’t have the guts to come tell me himself?”
If anything, Emma looked even more dejected. “There’s more.  Hook, he … he left town.”
“What?” David exclaimed, finally coming to a stop and staring at his daughter in disbelief. 
“We had a big fight about him hiding this, and I told him if he wasn’t ready to trust me that, that we shouldn’t talk for a while,” Emma said, “so I guess he wasn’t ready, because Leroy saw him on the docks, and he got on the Nautilus and just…sailed away.”
At this, Jen found herself shaking her head, hurrying forward to intervene.
“Emma,” she said gently, “are you sure?  Are you absolutely SURE that’s what happened?”
Emma looked up, anger and pain written all over her face.  She spread her hands wide.  “He’s not here, is he?  What am I supposed to think?”
“I know how hurt you are by all that happened,” Jen said, “but hasn’t he shown you yet that you don’t need to put up your walls to protect yourself from him?  Hasn’t he proven how much he loves you?”
“Not enough to keep from hiding things from me,” she muttered.
“Kind of like how you hid the truth about the shears and your destiny as savior from him?” Jen asked, being careful to keep any hint of accusation from her tone.
“That’s….that’s different!” Emma spluttered, jumping from the counter and striding purposely toward the coat rack.  “I’ve gotta get to the station. Look, whatever you or I or anyone else might think of him, the facts are the facts, and the fact is that Leroy saw him leave me.  End of discussion.”
As though to punctuate her sentence, she stepped out the door and slammed it behind her.  The Christmas wreath on the door fell to the floor with the violence of the action.  David moved forward to replace the decoration on its perch.
“You know I’m right, don’t you David?” Jen asked.  
He didn’t look at her, instead taking long moments to adjust the wreath just so on the door.  Finally he turned back to face her.  “She’s my daughter, Jen, and she’s hurting, and he’s the cause of it, whatever led to it.  My focus has to be on helping her heal”
“But if things aren’t exactly the way they look…if maybe this is the work of a villain or something,” Jen said, “wouldn’t the ideal way to help her be to figure out the truth?  And you know Killian.  You know how much he loves Emma.  Doesn’t he deserve the benefit of the doubt?”
David frowned, and Jen could tell her words struck a chord in him.  “I suppose you’re right.”
With another delightful swirl of snow, Jen found herself transported to the sheriff’s station where David and Emma were discussing digitizing files and the merits of busywork to help dull the pain. She decided to hang back in the shadows, watching to see how this scene played out.
“I’ve got just the thing to mend a broken heart,” Regina said happily, brushing snow off of her coat as she breezed into the station and held up a small piece of paper rolled into a scroll.
Emma eyed it warily. “Whatever spell that is, I don’t want it.  I’m seriously not in the mood for magic.”
“Who said anything about magic?” Regina said unfurling the scroll which was covered in so many images of the season, it looked like Christmas had thrown up all over it.  “It’s a two for one drink coupon for that new club, Aesop’s Tables.  Seems they’re having a big Christmas sale.  It’d be a shame to waste it!”
David stepped up, looking at the coupon and shaking his head. “Really?  You think half priced liquor is the way to go.”
“I certainly do,” Regina said.  “We need a ladies night out, me, Emma and Snow.  We go early enough, we can get back in time for Christmas eve with the family.”
Emma looked unimpressed at the suggestion.  “Remember she’s in a sleeping curse?  She’s at home. Asleep.”
“Well, she doesn’t have to be asleep,” Regina said with a meaningful look at David.
“Oh come on!  I just woke up!” he said.  Regina gave him a look, and he rolled his eyes.  “I guess she doesn’t have to be asleep.”
Emma got to her feet, clearly in no mood for any of this. “I can’t. I’m about to go on patrol, and shouldn’t you be trying to break that curse?”
Regina blew out an exasperated breath. “Well, I’m working on it, but I could use a break.  We all could.  I know you’re hurting, and I know you’re trying to hide it because, well, you’re Emma, but you can’t just run from this.”
Emma gave her a hard look.  “I didn’t run.  Hook ran, so, there’s nothing more to say.”  She placed the last file on the pile in front of her with rather more force than strictly necessary, and then headed toward the door.  It was abundantly clear that she was running from the conversation as much as she was heading out on rounds.
“You know,” David said speculatively as she walked out, “I’ve been thinking.”
Regina snorted, “a dangerous pastime.”
He glared at her and then went back to the topic at hand. “I’m not sure it’s true.  I’m not sure Hook really DID run,” he finished.
“Well he’s not here, is he?” she asked, gesturing around the office to make her point. “Seems your daughter has some reason to think he skipped town.”
“Leroy,” David said.
“I beg your pardon?” Regina said.
“Leroy’s her reason,” David said.  “He apparently saw Hook on the docks, told Emma something about Hook getting on the Nautilus and sailing away.”
Regina tutted derisively.  “Leroy?  Emma’s just going on the word of that gossip girl?”
David shrugged.  “You know how hard it is for Emma to trust, how closely she guards her heart.  She’s hurting, but you and I both know Hook.  That man isn’t capable of loving by half measures.  It doesn’t make sense that he’d decide he doesn’t trust her and just….cut his losses and skip town.”
Jen nodded in satisfaction.  That’s the David she knew, rather than the clueless one Isaac wrote, the one who was ready to believe the worst of Killian at the slightest provocation.
“I guess you have a point there,” Regina conceded, “and we do have a psychopath running around trying to separate Emma from all her sources of support.  I can’t believe I’m saying this, but maybe it’s time to give the pirate the benefit of the doubt.”
With another swirl of snow, Jen found herself in the sitting room of Emma’s house.  She smiled as she saw the tall Christmas tree in the corner, bedecked with lights and garland and all manner of  hook, swan, storybook and Disney character ornaments.
The smile slid from her face as she spied Emma and Henry sitting together at opposite ends of the sofa.  Henry played on his phone, earbuds in place while Emma slowly, gently placed Hook’s possessions in his chest. She hesitated as she reached Liam’s ring hanging from its chain.  She held it close, looking down at it, the tears coming to her eyes in spite of herself.
Beside her, Henry seemed to notice her distress.  He pulled the earbuds from his ears.  “Mom, you okay?”
Emma took a deep breath and decisively placed the ring in the trunk and closed the lid.  “Yeah, I’m fine,” she answered. “I have to be,” she added under her breath.  “Henry, can you take this out to the shed later?”
Henry nodded.  “Yeah, whatever you want.”
That was it?  That was all Henry had to say on the matter?  Clearly it was time for Jen to intervene again.
“Take a moment to think about this Emma, Henry,” Jen said.  “Look at what’s sitting before you.  Hook’s chest, filled with all his most prized possessions.  If he was going to leave you, why would he leave all of that behind?”
Jen saw a small glimmer of hope dawn in Emma’s eye, but just as quickly it disappeared.  “I don’t know, but I’ve already told you.  I have to face the facts.  Holding on to false hope only hurts worse.”
Beside her, Henry furled his brow.  “Jen’s got a point, mom,” he said, Jen nodded in satisfaction. Maybe the Truest Believer was ready to work his (metaphorical) magic once more.  “Killian spent two hundred years trying to avenge my grandma Milah.  Once he loves someone, he loves them forever.”
There was that tiny spark of hope in her eyes once more.  It lasted longer this time before it faded. “But sometimes love is not enough.  Seems that’s the case with Hook.”
“Mom, he literally went to hell for you,” Henry said.  “You two were proven True Love.  When Zeus wanted to send Killian to his ultimate reward–to the place he truly belonged–he sent him back to you.  You really think he gave all of that up over an argument?”
Emma took a moment to think this over and seemed to be on the verge of responding when there was a brisk knock on the door, and a moment later David and Regina strolled in.
“Regina…what the hell?” Emma asked, getting to her feet.
“Your Charming father and I have been talking,” Regina said, “and we’ve come to the conclusion that you’re being an idiot.”
“I’d like to point out for the record, that that is not  the conclusion I came to,” David said with an exasperated glare in the direction of his step-mother-in-law.  “I said that I thought your pain might be clouding your judgment.”
“Technicalities,” Regina said with a wave of the hand.
Emma rolled her eyes.  “As much as I’m enjoying the bickering at my expense,” she drawled, “is there a point to your visit?”
“We were thinking,” David said, stepping forward.  “How many times in this town has a villain screwed with things and made circumstances seem different than they are in order to despirit the heroes and further their plan?  How can we be sure Gideon didn’t, I don’t know, do something to make Killian leave?”
There was that hope in Emma’s eyes once more, and this time it stubbornly refused to fade.  “Do you really think that could be the case?” she asked.
“Of course!” Henry said, “and we know what Gideon’s trying to do!  He’s trying to separate Emma from all her sources of support before the final battle!  It would be just like him to get rid of Killian, her true love.”
“But…” Emma said, starting to protest once more, but far more weakly this time.
“Emma he’s your True Love, and that’s a special kind of magic,” David said, placing his hands on her arms.  “Don’t you at least owe him–and yourself–trying to figure out for sure?”
“I suppose you’re right,” Emma said, “but how?  Forget why he left.  We don’t even know where he went.”
Jen stepped up, looking at Regina.  “It’s Christmas time.  Surely there’s some sort of…I don’t know…enchanted Christmas ornament ro something that can help us out.”
“I don’t know about an ornament,” Regina said slowly, “but there is the legend of the Christmas wreath.”
“What legend is that, mom?” Henry asked.
“Well the evergreen wreath is a symbol of everlasting love, right?” Regina asked.  “You know, evergreens never shedding their green needles, the circle the symbol of that with no beginning or end, all of that?”
Emma shrugged.
“Well, apparently, at Christmastime, the wreath has a special, even greater magic,” Regina says.  “The magic of the season enhances its True Love properties, and, in short, if someone is True Love, it’s said they will be able to see their True Love in it, assuming they adorn it with something meaningful belonging to said True Love.”
“One problem,” Emma said.  “I don’t have a wreath.”
“But Grandma and Grandpa do!” Henry said excitedly.  “They made it together and it’s on their door!  That could work, couldn’t it?”
Regina groaned.  “Given how utterly sickening their True Love is, I’d say a wreath they lovingly made together might be the perfect option.”
“And as for something meaningful to Killian,” Emma said, reaching into the trunk and grasping Liam’s ring, “I’ve got the perfect thing.”
“Well, what are we waiting for?” David asked with a broad smile.  “Let’s get back to the loft!”
“I don’t see anything,” Emma said dejectedly several minutes later.
Regina had poofed them directly to the loft, and Emma had wasted no time in draping Liam’s ring over her parents’ wreath before staring into the center of it.
“You have to believe, Emma,” Regina said, “truly believe in the strength and everlasting nature of your love.  You need to put all doubts from your mind.”
Emma took a deep breath, closed her eyes for a moment, and then looked back through the center of the wreath.  She gasped, hearing him before she saw him.
“Emma? Emma are you there? I didn’t mean to leave. I was on my way back to you and Gideon, he sent me away.”
Slowly the picture began to emerge from within the wreath.  Killian seemed to be in some exotic place, a place in the desert.  If Emma wasn’t mistaken, he was standing beside…was that Ariel?...and he was speaking into what looked like a seashell.
“Seems he’s trying to communicate via ‘shell’ phone,” David grinned. Regina groaned and Emma shushed them both, concentrating on what she was hearing from the wreath…or shell…or whatever the hell was happening.
“I would never leave you. Emma. He wanted me out of the way, and I love you. I don’t know if you can hear me but I’m trying to get home to you, and I won’t ever stop until I do.”
Tears of relief filled Emma’s eyes and spilled down over her cheeks. “Killian?” she answered.  
Through the wreath, she saw him start and look down in wonder at the shell in his hand.  “Emma?  You’re there?”
“I’m here,” she said tearfully.  “I hear you.  I love you too!”
“I’m trying desperately to get home to you,” he said.  “Christmas is tomorrow, and I couldn’t bear to spend it without you.  Do you have any suggestions?”
Emma looked around at Regina.  “Anything more to that wreath legend?” she asked.  “Can it, like, transport someone?”
“Well,” Regina said slowly, “I suppose it’s possible, if he could find a wreath of his own and something of yours to tether them together.  Maybe the wreath could bring him home.”
“Are you there, love?” Killian asked.
“He can’t hear you?” Emma asked Regina.  
She shrugged.  “Well he’s not my True Love.”
Emma rolled her eyes before telling Killian what Regina had just conveyed to her.  It was a matter of just a moment to get everything arranged.  As luck would have it, Ariel had, among her tremendous collection of random things, a Christmas wreath, and Killian was able to tether it to Emma’s by adding her engagement ring to its boughs.
There was a flash of Christmas lights, and then he was there, back in the room with them.
Jen held her breath, knowing what was coming, thrilled at the prospect of being a witness to it.  She pulled back to give them a bit of privacy, even if she had no intention of withdrawing entirely from a scene of such great importance to her very favorite fictional couple.
“I’m sorry, Emma,” Killian said, taking her hand. “I should have told you what I did to your grandfather all those years ago, and I should never, never have even considered running away.
Jen noticed the tears in Emma’s eyes, her watery smile as she looked up at him. “It’s okay.  I didn’t exactly make it easy for you to tell me the truth.  Come on. Let’s get you cleaned up.”
She turned away, trying to pull him with her, but he held his ground.  “No,” he said, “no, there’s something I have to do before I get pushed into another portal and this time, I’m gonna do it the right way.”
Killian reached into his jacket pocket, wincing with the pain the movement caused his bruised body.  He pulled out the engagement ring and Jen noticed how brilliantly it shown in the light of the Christmas tree behind them.
“Swan,” he continued "I know that you face an uncertain future, but there’s one thing I want you to be certain of–that I will always, always be by your side.”  He sunk to one knee gazing up at her with every ounce of the love and adoration he felt for her. “So, Emma Swan, what do you say?  Will you marry me?”
While normally not nearly as exuberant as Krystal, it was only with great difficulty that Jen restrained herself from squealing.  The scene had been beautiful and romantic when she’d watched it on her TV screen–multiple times–but being there, in person–there were no words.
And then when Emma got to her knees beside him, took his face in her hands, gave him her yes and then kissed him tenderly, there was no way Jen could have held back her ecstatic sigh.
Neither Emma nor Killian, who were thoroughly engrossed with each other and cocooned in their love nor anyone else in the room heard or noticed as the snow swirled one last time to transport Jen back to the cabin.
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exhaustedpirate · 9 months
parent for hire
here is the end of our adventure! consider this a late christmas gift and thank you so much for joining us in this journey! this whole story is dedicated to krystal (@kmomof4) for how amazing she was during this whole thing, thank you so much!
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Chapter Eight - Epilogue
word count: 2,010 words 
rating: Teen and Up
tag list: @cocohook38 ; @bluewildcatfanatic ; @piraterefrigerator ; @sotangledupinit ; @booksteaandtoomuchtv ; @teamhook
read on AO3 | prologue | one | two | three | four | five (1) | five (2) | five (3) | six | seven
Two years later
Avalon looked the same as it had the last time they had been there. It had looked the same as the time before that, too. And the time before that, and the time before that… Killian and Emma had made the journey to the island many times in the last two years.
After the portal disappeared from the water’s surface, they had sat on the water’s shore for a few long moments, hand in hand, barely any space between them. They hadn’t wanted to leave. They hadn’t wanted to face life without the boy. 
Returning back to the Caspartine had been a slow trek, silence filling the space between them. They were received with understanding and mournful expressions. Despite his short time aboard, Henry’s presence had impacted the crew, the boy’s family, greatly.
Killian and Emma had joined the Caspartine crew in their voyages, dividing their time between the skies and the Misthaven court, sharing time with their families. 
They had been present for Nemo and Shakespeare’s retirement celebration and had helped the former Captains move their belongings into a cliffside cabin. Then they had been in attendance at Prince Lucas’ birth. He was named Crown Prince after Emma declared her decision to join Killian captaining the Caspartine. 
The ship had two captains once more. Ones just as in love as the former.
Their relationship had continued its growth during their separation from Henry. Without adventures and villains, Emma and Killian had finally been able to enjoy the quiet moments. They leaned on each other, trusted each other, and loved each other. 
Killian knew he loved Emma far earlier than he thought possible. It took all he had not to shout it out before she was ready. The crew would forever remember the time he almost navigated the ship through a flock of birds when Emma whispered her love for him in his ear. Thankfully, her laughter at his reaction had been easily silenced by a kiss.
Every month, without exception, they would make their way to Avalon. They would row to the shore, settle on the bank of the lake and watch the sun rise and the sun set. Every month, Nimue and the island would welcome them as old friends and they would feel her understanding, her care, the shared love for their missing halves.
Sometimes Killian would quietly tell stories about the stars, repeating some, telling others anew. Sometimes Emma would sing, her voice blending with the nature surrounding them. They did it all in hopes of triggering Henry’s return. It hadn’t worked yet.
The sun was high in the sky, its blinding light reflected in the crystal clear water. Despite the cold air, the warm glow of the sun created a balmy atmosphere. Killian lay on the blanket they spread on the grass, parallel to the bank of the lake with Emma’s head cushioned on his chest.
“It’s Henry’s birthday soon,” Emma said quietly, popping a slice of pear in her mouth. “Will and Elizabeth invited us to be there. We need to bring him something.”
“Aye,” Killian sighed, his fingers running casually through Emma’s hair. “He did tell me what he wanted as a present, when we were last there.” 
With a curious frown, she stretched her neck to look up at him. “What did he say?”
“He wanted Henry there.”
Her quiet answer left even more quiet in its wake. It was why he hadn’t told her then, not when she was so happy, shown by the wide smile on her face, at spending time with their friends. Not when just the thought of the boy reminded him of the missing part of their hearts.
His strokes through her hair turned more comforting as the quiet gave them space to feel their loss.
“It’s been so long,” Emma whispered, her voice breaking. “What if something happened?”
The questions had been asked time and time again. Nimue would smile reassuringly at them, explain that this training was Henry’s destiny, and that she was confident he was safe. Snow and David would hug them, patting their backs comfortingly, giving them words of hope. They stopped engaging with the Blue Fairy after some aggravating comments over their “reckless behavior” when they split their hearts to save Henry instead of preventing it all together. If Killian had had any more interaction with the head fairy he wouldn’t be able to restrain himself from attempting something very foolish.
“We would know,” he answered as he did every time. Despite his own heart-wrenching concern for the boy, he knew that their hearts would also be the ones to warn them.
Emma turned around, carefully avoiding the spread of treats over the blanket. Crossing her arms, she lay her chin on them so they could look at each other. He cupped her cheek with his hand, rubbing his thumb on the apple of her cheek.
“We would.” Like always, she would place her hand over his heart, focus on its steady beating and he would feel the warmth spread over it. 
He followed her arm to lay his hand over hers on his chest, his fingers tracing hers, focusing on her ring finger. His heart beat faster at the thought of adorning the empty finger. She smiled, feeling his touch and he was thankful she couldn’t read his mind.
It wasn’t the right time. There was still something missing.
“Come here.” Killian smiled, removing his left arm from behind his head to rise on his elbow.
Emma shared his smile and rising up on the palm of her hand, she cupped his cheek, their eyes focused on each other. His hand laid on hers once more, unable to keep from touching her, from being close to her. 
Her lips pressed softly against his, a chaste kiss that still brought a spark to his whole body, like she always did. The kiss turned deeper, their love shared between the touch of their lips, the soft moans and sighs filling their little haven.
A powerful wave made the ground tremble, leaving a feeling of warmth. They opened their eyes, breaking the kiss. A frown creased their brow even as a surprised smile stretched their lips.
“How did you do that?” Killian asked, impressed.
Her smile dimmed as her frown deepened. “That wasn’t me…”
Their joint confusion melted into realization, their eyebrows raised and lips parted. At once, they turned to the lake, their hearts beating faster in anticipation.
Henry stood over the water like they had before, a closing portal behind him. He looked different, older, but they would always recognise their boy.
“Hi.” Even his voice sounded different and not just due to the emotion in it. 
Killian’s whisper prompted them into action. Faster than they thought possible, they stood up, rushing towards the water. Henry did the same, running towards them.
They met in the middle, crashing together in a jumble of limbs. Henry had grown taller, his head now reaching their shoulders, his arms long enough to wrap around them both. There was a mess of sobs, tears, and smiles in the almost non-existent space between them. They were together again.
“You’re back,” Emma cried, grabbing onto Henry’s cheeks to place several kisses on his forehead and cheeks. “I can’t believe you’re finally back.”
“I missed you guys.” Henry smiled, tears streaming down his cheeks, burying his face in Emma’s neck. “So much.” 
With Emma’s arms wrapped around the boy, Killian wrapped his left arm around the both of them, his hand on the back of the boy’s head. “So did we, my boy.” He laid a kiss on his forehead.
He raised his head with an excited smile, his eyes shining. “I have so much to tell you!” 
“So do we!” Emma grinned, wiping her tears with the back of her hand before going back to touching Henry’s face and arms almost immediately.
“A lot has happened.” Killian smirked, wiping away Henry’s tears, uncaring of his own.
Henry looked between them, his happy smile filling all the cracks in their hearts. They stood in silence for a few minutes, reveling in the fact that they were reunited, that they were a family once more. 
“You have cake?” Henry asked, his eyes having finally gone to the spread blanket on the grass.
The two adults let out a surprised laugh. “Aye, my boy. Elsa made it specially for you.” 
Henry frowned. “How did she know I would be back?”
“She didn’t.” Emma’s smile was melancholic as she caressed the boy’s cheek. “She makes it for us every time we come here, just in case.” 
“Oh…” Henry sighed, a frown creasing his forehead.
“But you’re back,” Killian added, a smile on his face. “That’s all that matters.”
“Yes and we’ll have a lot of time to make up for.”
Henry gave an agreeing nod, a smile lighting up his face. “Starting with having cake.”
They laughed together as they began to walk back to the blanket.
“Actually,” Killian stopped their progress. “There is something that I’d like to do. Something that has been a long time coming.”
His companions looked at him, a curious expression on their faces. The realization of what he was about to do made him nervous, his heart beating faster and his palm sweating. 
“I was waiting for you to come back to us to do this,” he began, looking at Henry. “Not only because I wanted you to be present for this but also because you have a very important piece of this puzzle.” Killian took a deep steadying breath, glancing at Emma’s confused expression before holding his hand out towards Henry. “I’m hoping you still have my ring?”
“Yeah.” Henry quickly unclasped the chain. “I kept it safe.”
As the ring was deposited in his hand, Killian saw Emma’s eyes widen in realization. Henry still sported a curious and confused expression.
“Thank you, my boy.”
He turned to Emma, her parted lips and wide eyes greeting him. He dreaded finding something in her eyes that told him this was a bad idea, but all he saw was love.
“Emma,” Killian said with a deep breath. “You know I love you and I hope you know I want to spend the rest of my days by your side. I want to be your family. I want to be your home. And now that we have our boy back, we can be just that.”
Killian smiled at Henry’s shocked face, finally realizing what Killian was about to say. He returned his gaze to Emma, sharing her smile and the watery shine in her eyes.
“So, Emma, our Swan…” His smile grew as his companions chuckled. “Will you marry me?”
He never felt more exposed - his heart in clear view of the world - as he did now, standing in front of the love of his life and his son, holding a ring that symbolized the family he had had once and that he hoped to have again.
His heart stuttered as Emma shook her head. Despite his nerves, he never expected a ‘no’. But then her hand cupped his cheek, her smile wide and bright, her other hand grabbing onto his and he could do nothing but get lost in her eyes as he shared her smile.
“With words like that,” Emma’s voice trembled. “How could I say no?”
His smile widened as he closed the space between them to kiss her fiercely, passionately. He could feel his heart fill with love, warmth, happiness. So full he felt it was doomed to beat out of his chest. Distantly, he heard Henry’s cheers.
They broke for air, Emma’s smile blinding. She let go of his hand to open hers to him. Understanding her intention, he chuckled, sliding the ring onto her finger. It fit perfectly. Henry wrapped his arms around their necks pulling them into a hug, now filled with laughter. 
They were a family. They didn’t need anything else.
Well, Henry thought differently, much to their amusement.
“This calls for some cake, right?”
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sugarmasonmearii · 11 months
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[C] Layne & The Five Magics
"Pokémon Go trainer, Layne Chavez and his team of five lovely eeveelutions, the Five Magics gather around in front of the fireplace for a group photo!
This art piece was made as a birthday present to celebrate me turning 26. The setting is of the living room belonging to my grandmother's home in Paradise Valley, Arizona. A place filled many fond memories ranging from today all the way back to my early childhood.
The Five Magics: Krystal the Glaceon, Porcelina the shiny Vaporeon, Amanda the Sylveon, Sweet Leaf the Leafeon & Nevada the Espeon." - Layne
Now, real talk from the artist, this actually took unnecessarily longer than planned to finish. Originally set to a deadline that is before client's birthday. I hadn't finished in due, as I had to deal with burnouts from the previous two gigantic commissions, as well as an outage screw-up of the file with the most progress, plus low-down moments due to perhaps being sick of drawing Eeveelutions. I'm just glad to have it finished for him, and him being happy with the outcome.
If you're interested in a commission from me, [do check here] for details. Or you can check my [Carrd art commissions.] Or you can DM me too.
You can support me via [Ko-fi] and/or [Patreon] too!
Client: LaynetheVaporeon from DA and Discord
Pokémon belongs to Nintendo, Gamefreak and Creatures. Art done by me.
This is a paid commission and the only the artist and client have the rights to repost this art. Do not trace, copy, use, steal or distribute!
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gaymer-hag-stan · 11 months
Happy 29th birthday to the radiant Krystal!
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