#happy birthday mikasa and falco!
casualaruanienjoyer · 2 months
How the AOT characters contribute to a surprise birthday party
Hello! Thank you for sending this!!
It's YOUR birthday, how do these Aot characters contribute to a surprise party for you?
Armin: he's the one tasked with distracting you. Has to try his ABSOLUTE best to make sure that you have no idea they are planning anything for your bday. You have your doubts, but this man sure is good at distracting you. You somehow end up going shopping with him and Armin seems to want to buy EVERYTHING today.
Jean: he's telling everyone what to do. Keeping everything in check. He wants this to be perfect for you, but it's chaos and nothing goes as expected. He almost has a complete mental breakdown but remembers that you will appreciate it either way.
Annie, Falco and Gabi. Annie's the person tasked with blowing up all the balloons. She might be small but she has some seriously strong lungs. Falco and Gabi fashion different silly looking animals out of the balloons, and even draw faces on some.
Mikasa and Pieck: these girls are working hard to make sure the cake ends up absolutely amazing. They try their best, with Mikasa being the one to assemble it and Pieck decorating it with her dexterous hands. The cake ends up being super delicious, the highlight of the night!
Connie and Sasha: to keep Sasha away from the cake, they decide to go shopping. They are the ones to grab all the supplies needed such as party hats, confetti, balloons, candles. None of them are right and you end up blowing a candle that says 5, holding ballons that say "Congrats on your graduation" and eating from Shrek themed plates. But it sure is fucking hilarious.
Hange and Levi: they are the ones to put up all the decorations. Hange reaches up to hang flags, lights and a massive HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDMA banner (again, Connie and Sasha's doing) while Levi sets the table. No cutlery is out of place. He makes sure of it.
Reiner: he's the one to wrap everyone's presents. He's pretty good with his hands and surprisingly dexterous when it comes to folding paper and making bows. All your presents are wrapped super neatly!
Eren: he was tasked with taking photos and videos of everything, but instead he ends up recording his face for 25 minutes. Everyone finds it hilarious.
Zeke and Yelena: they show up at the supermarked dressed as robbers, and they kidnap both you and Armin. It's all staged, but you're still kinda scared. They end up dropping you back to your home and you watch their car disappear into the sunset. At least you and Armin made it back safely.
Onyankopon: this man can SING and so he does! The moment you open the door, he gives the tone and everyone follows, wishing you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
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starblizzard247 · 8 months
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Happy Birthday to my AoT favs, Mikasa and Falco!!!
(Since it’s hard to tell, the hat Falco is holding is Colt’s)
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pickalilywrites · 9 months
The alliance post rumbling celebrate the holidays + Levi's birthday fic request
thanks :)
happy birthday, old man
levi ackerman. canon compliant. 1349 words. read on ao3.
The small cottage that Levi has been living in has been decorated from ceiling to floor with festive decorations: holly and ivy, mistletoe and tinsel, paper stars and paper snowflakes. He’s never been one for festivities and had even told those damn kids that he didn’t need to do anything special, but they had insisted on coming over and covering his house with every ridiculous decoration they could find. He’s still not sure about the winter holiday that they’re about to be celebrating. It’s something that was introduced to Paradis after the island opened its borders, but the kids found it amusing that the holiday fell on Levi’s birthday. They’ve told him they’re gathering here to celebrate that strange new holiday, but he knows it’s only a guise for celebrating his birthday.  
“I have a headache just thinking about how much cleaning I’ll have to do later,” Levi mutters as he wheels himself around the house. He hates tinsel especially. It comes apart too easily and seems to get everywhere. He frowns as another thread of tinsel falls to the floor and tries to repress to pick it up immediately and chuck into the garbage bin.  
“Oh, don’t worry about that! Falco and I’ll be sure to clean everything up until everything sparkles and shines the way you like,” Gabi says. He refers to all of them as kids, but even Gabi and Falco are teenagers now. They tower above him and they’re sure to grow even more in these next few years. 
“I met as well just clean it myself then,” Levi says dryly. Gabi is far too impatient to clean anything thoroughly. Falco is only slightly more reliable and would probably do a half decent job if he weren’t always rushed by Gabi. Levi looks over at the blond boy who is hovering nervously over the tinsel that had been bothering him earlier. “If you really insist on it, then you can clean it up. Just don’t leave anything behind, Falco.”  
Falco jumps at the mention of his name and immediately snatches the tinsel off the ground. “Y-yes, sir!” he stammers. 
“Oh, stop teasing the poor boy,” Mikasa says, giving the retired captain a swat on the shoulder. She takes the tinsel from Falco’s hands and crumples it into her fist to throw away later. “Don’t bother about the mess. Everyone else will clean it later and you can grumble about what a poor job we did afterward.”  
“I can grumble about it now,” Levi says, but somebody grabs his wheelchair and begins wheeling him towards the dining table.  
“Can’t you take one day off to not grumble about things?” Jean laughs as he pushes Levi towards the head of the table. He takes a seat beside Levi and the others gather around.  
Everyone has come to celebrate: the remaining members of his last squad that had fought alongside him during the Rumbling, the Marleyan Warriors, and Gabi and Falco. The ones closest to him sit by his side while the soldiers from Marley sit further out. Onyankopon is on the other end of the table, adjusting the camera so that it captures everyone. In his hand is a remote shutter to take the photo. Once everything is in place, Onyankopon hurries over to an empty space beside Reiner Braun. 
“Is everyone ready? Smile for the camera!” he says and pauses for a moment before clicking the shutter in his hand.  
The shutter clicks as it takes a few photos and Onyankopon hurries back to the camera to roll up the wire of the remote shutter and fold up the tripod. The others begin chatting away while Historia and Connie help to carry the food from the kitchen to the table. It’s a far larger dinner than Levi had expected: a perfectly cooked turkey with crisp, golden skin, mashed potatoes and gravy, honey roasted ham, a color salad filled with fresh greens and thinly sliced tomatoes and cucumbers and drizzled with vinaigrette, green bean casserole, buttery dinner rolls, cranberry sauce, and corn pudding. It’s far too much for all of them to eat, but they’ll worry about the leftovers later. 
“I thought I recalled telling you that it wasn’t necessary to celebrate my birthday this year,” Levi says as everyone is polishing off their second plate. 
“Who says this is for you?” Pieck asks jokingly. They’re all still pretending that they care more about this new holiday where people give each other gifts even though none of them have brought a single present to Levi’s house. “We’re only here to celebrate the holiday. It just happens to be on your birthday.” 
“Do you really think you’re so important that we would gather here on your birthday?” Reiner teases.  
“I did offer to make your birthday a national holiday, but you refused,” Historia recalls. She leans over so that Levi can get a better look at the grin on her face. "Do you regret turning down my offer now?” 
“Knowing how much the Jaegerists despise us still, it’d probably make them hate the Captain even more,” Jean chuckles. 
“I’d be throwing eggs at his likeness with the rest of them,” Annie says before sipping her drink and her remark earns a few chuckles from their comrades around the table.  
It’s been a while since Levi has heard so much laughter at the table. It reminds him of his younger years. The people are different, but the laughter is the same. He still thinks about it sometimes, sitting around the table with his old squad or having a cup of tea with the other squad leaders. That was back in the day when they were fighting to stop the end of the world or die trying. As it turns out, the world didn’t end even when they thought it would and now here they are, back at this table swapping stories and laughing. Everything has come full circle.  
“By the way, Captain,” Armin says before passing a small package wrapped in parcel paper. It’s been a long time since the war has ended and yet he still refers to Levi by his old rank even though most of his other peers have dropped the formalities. “I know you said you didn’t want any gifts this year, but I couldn’t stop thinking that you’d like something small at least.”  
“I suppose I shouldn’t have expected you to keep following my orders after leaving the Scouting Legion, huh, Arlert?” Levi remarks dryly, and Armin cheeks flush a bright pink. Nonetheless, Levi accepts the package and tears off the wrapping carefully. He doesn’t expect to see a picture frame inside nor the detailed portrait that has been carefully placed inside.  
It’s a drawing of Levi and all his comrades, most of them fallen but some of them in the room with him now. The portrait is in black and white, drawn in graphite, and was conjured by a careful hand that can only belong to Jean Kirstein. The drawings of the fallen soldiers are not perfect. They don’t completely match the image of the comrades that still live in his memories, but they are similar enough that Levi can make out pieces of them that Kirstein has managed to coax out despite having never met them at all. 
“I wasn’t able to meet many of them, but their family members were very helpful in giving us descriptions,” Jean murmurs as they all watch Levi cautious, gauging the captain’s reaction. “We thought you might appreciate it, especially since you don’t have any photographs of it.”  
“Not bad, Kirstein,” Levi says finally, the sound of his voice breaking a heavy silence. He sets the framed drawing down in front of him and looks up at the comrades he has left. There are more of them than he thought would be here. Some of them he had never even anticipated himself allying himself with. “I might even hang this up.”  
At this, everyone cracks a smile. Mikasa reaches out to squeeze Levi’s shoulder. “We’re glad you like it,” she tells him. “Happy birthday, old man.”  
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darkstarlight82 · 9 months
🎄 Happy Birthday Levi, Merry Christmas Y/N 🎁
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It was a really busy day at the cafe and I was in the back cleaning some dishes lost in the feeling of Christmas humming along to the carol playing over the speaker. "Y/N you need to come up front. We need your help.....please. I heard Levi yell. " I will be there in a sec." I yelled back drying my hands from doing the dishes. I put on my apron heading to the front. I was stopped in my tracks when I saw the store was empty. "MERRY CHRISTMAS!" everyone yelled when I walked in from the back. "What is this? I thought we still had costumes?" I asked as Gabi runs up to me giving me one of the Christmas cookies.
Levi was rubbing the back of his neck. "I was thinking about having a Christmas party for you for doing such a good job." Tears fill my water line. "Levi that was so sweet thank you." I walk up to him giving him a hug and kissing his cheek. "Can I get one?" Jean asked pointing to his cheek. "Only if you want to loss your job and get an ass kicking." Levi deadpans, I kiss hie cheek again. "Sorry Jean but I can give you a hug." The staff laughed.
"So what do you have planned for this party." Eren said from the back having his arm crossed. "Well first you guys can go change out of your nasty uniforms." Levi said as he untied his apron. Eren, Jean and Armin head to the men's room when Mikasa, Annie and Gabi head to the woman's. "Reiner is picking up Falco and the kids. Erwin will be by later with Connie and Sasha. I also asked your dad if he will take the kids tomorrow night." He whispered in my ear. My heart and stomach did a backflip. "Plus I got myself a birthday/Christmas gift for us when they leave."
As the party went on all I could think about the gift Levi got. 'Was it the new green lace set that I saw on Adam&Eve's, website last month or was it something else.' I thought to myself as I was cleaning up after the party. As I was lost in thought I didn't hear Levi walk up behind me putting his arms around me. And in all honesty I really didn't mean to hurt him. He just scared me. That's what I told him the hole way to the hospital after I broke his nose and dislocated his arm. "Sunflower really I'm okay truly. I'm somewhat glad you remembered the defense moves I taught you when you work at night by yourself." I looked at him tears falling down my face.
After being there for 4 hours we were sent home. Levi in a sling and me with a bruise ego. "Mommy was funny when she flipped daddy like that. Uncle Erwin couldn't stop laughing." My daughter told my dad when we got home. "Yeah and Uncle Jean looked like he was about to be sick when he saw dad's arm." Okay you two, get ready for bed or Santa wouldn't stop at the house." Levi told the kids as he got him a water from the fridge. "Here let me help.... I was interrupted by Levi opening his water bottle. "See I still can do things you need to calm down. I'm fine really." He put the water bottle down on the counter. I took a deep breath then looked at my dad. We're good dad I will call you if we need anything. He nodded walked over, kissed me on the head and walked out heading home.
After we got the kids to bed and a very long night of me not sleeping Christmas morning came with a lot of screams, giggles and thank you (for Santa too), we got the kids all packed up and sent off to my dad. As I was picking up I felt myself started to get upset and tears start to from in my eyes. Knowing something was wrong Levi came into the living room with a cup of mint tea. "You really to stop betting yourself over this. You did nothing wrong. If anything you could feel proud." I looked at him over my cup mid sip. I pulled my cup away from my lips putting it down on the table. "So your telling me I should be happy that I hurt my husband?" He put his cup down that he was holding with his good hand and took my hand in his
"No what I'm saying is that you don't always need me to protect yourself and the kids. You made me proud even though it hurt like hell.... He paused to laugh at my face I was making. Your a strong woman Y/N bout physically and mentally. He leaned in to give me a long sweet passionate kiss. I could feel him pull me closer to him, and my body moved along his pull. When I was close to him he picked me up with his good arm and carried me into the bedroom. "Take off your clothes, sit on the edge of the bed, hands in your lap and close your eyes. I did as I was told. With my eyes closed I could hear him messing with the drawer by the bed that have my blindfold in. Okay you can open your eyes.
When I did what I saw took my breath away. What he held was a necklace that had his the kids and my birth stone in the shape of a heart. My head went to my mouth as I was trying to cover the sob that was trying to escape. "Oh wow Levi this is beautiful." I helped him to put it on me. "I looks lovely on you. As I sat there in nothing but the necklace, I could see that Levi was getting a little excited with my new gift. Come here sir I think you need to relax after the day you had. He walked over to me. I undid his belt and slowly and carefully took down his pants and underwear.
Taking his cock in my mouth I could here his breath shake a little and his hip buck a bit. "I can see you like your Christmas gift a lot." He said as his hand held my cheek. I looked up at him as I moved my hand out and down his shaft pulling my lips from him. "Would sir like to lay down and have me give him his birthday present?" I asked him as I felt his cock stiffen in my hade more. I didn't need a verbal answer when I felt him pick me up and put me on top of him. I could feel him slide into me and I started to move my hip.
Happy Birthday Levi. Merry Christmas Y/N
That was the best Birthday/ Christmas we both had
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@arlerts-angel @i-literally-cant-with-this (and other people that I can't think of right now cuz I'm tired. It's almost 4 in the am. I need sleep)
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dcsertrose · 1 year
𝔴𝔢𝔩𝔠𝔬𝔪𝔢 𝔱𝔬 𝔪𝔶 𝔟𝔩𝔬𝔤 . . .
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hi! my name is Reen! My pronouns are she/her. This is a multifandom writing space dedicated to several ships and characters. Antis and MDNI. This blog is 18+ and dead dove friendly, a lot of my stories include dark content so beware the tags. All my fics are on my ao3! You can also find me on twitter! My ask box is open for all things fics and hc related! Feel free to brainrot with me.
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Attack on Titan:
• To you, 2000 years later — rated e 18+ [in progress]
Mikasa and Eren are reincarnated in the modern world. They reunite after 19 years as university students. He remembers everything but she doesn't recall a single thing about their past life. They fall in love with each other all over again and that love entails dire consequences.
• Two’s a company, three’s a party. — rated e 18+ [completed]
A one-shot set in the 2000 years universe. Eren and Armin spoils Mikasa for her birthday. An EMA threesome.
• To the boy who sought freedom, happy birthday. — rated e 18+ [completed]
Mikasa surprises Eren with a picnic for his birthday. They fuck under the tree. That's it. That's the plot. Another one shot set in the 2000 years universe.
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Jujutsu Kaisen:
Love is the most twisted curse of all: A 3 chapter fic focused on the life of Toji Fushiguro and how he met and lost the love of his life (Megumi's mother) — rated e 18+ [in progress]
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• Requiem for a dream (loosely based on the AnR theory) — rated e
Eren completes the Rumbling. He's crowned king of Eldian empire and the new world. Mikasa failed to do what needed to be done. Gravely injured mid battle, she and Levi escape on Falco's titan to find refuge. Consumed by power and madness, Eren only seeks one thing. Mikasa on her knees and begging him for mercy.
• In the eyes of the ocean — rated e 18+
An Arumika ( Armin x Mikasa ) fic that explores their relationship post Rumbling/139.
• It will always be you — rated e 18+
Mikasa reflects on her relationship with Eren. Set during the 4 year timeskip; Kiyomi Azumabito reaches out with an offer to reinforce the ties between Paradis and Hizuru. A marriage proposal between Mikasa Ackerman and the lieutenant colonel of the Hizuru military.
• The good doctor (inspired by the House M.D episode 'informed consent') — rated e 18+
17 year old Mikasa Ackerman becomes infatuated with 30 year old Eren Jaeger, the son of her family doctor.
• Queen of the damned (inspired by the 2000 adaptation) — rated e 18+
This au follows the vampire Eren Jaeger who has awaken from his slumber and reinvents himself as a rock star in the music world. His music wakes Ymir, the queen of all vampires, and inspires her desire to make Eren her king. Meanwhile, Mikasa Ackerman, a young archaeologist from London with a fascination for the dark side is instantly drawn to Eren; aka vampire rockstar Eren + archeologist Mikasa.
• What's your number? — rated e 18+
Mikasa decides to track down her exes to see if she missed out on Mr. Right. When she has trouble locating them, she asks her neighbor Eren, who sleeps with a different woman every night and sneaks out the morning-after to avoid talking to them, to help her. Presenting hot girl Mikasa + fuckboy Eren in a romcom.
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ricebunnyarts · 2 years
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Happy Birthday, Mikasa and Falco!
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hercollectorcreator · 2 years
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Happy Birthday To Mikasa and Falco
(Art belongs to the owner)
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bluesylveon2 · 1 year
Summary: Eren finds a mysterious lamp after making a deal with a mysterious man. Now he is a prince trying to woo Princess Mikasa and has a genie named Levi, who grants him three wishes. What will Eren wish for?
Disclaimer: Aladdin is an American animated musical fantasy film produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation and Walt Disney Pictures.  Attack on Titan is a manga/anime series written by Hajime Isayama and published by Kondasha. 
A/N: I am back from the dead!!! I honestly was not motivated to finish this, but then I played Twisted Wonderland and here we are again lol. Updates will be slow since I have summer classes/externships. I hope yall enjoy the chapter!
Warning: not beta read and my Japanese is probably wrong (pls correct me!)
Masterlist: Here
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Chapter 2:
"Your princess is crazy! Both she and that bodyguard are!" Prince Jean yelled while running out of the castle. He was covered in tea and was hastily trying to keep his pants up.
"Prince Jean! Wait-" A woman, Empress Kiyomi, tried to stop the prince, but it was too late. He was already out of the door. The queen sighed and turned to the large staircase where her granddaughter, Princess Mikasa, stood annoyedly. Her attendant, Annie, tried to hide her smirk behind her hand. "Mikasa, why did you turn Jean away? He was a good candidate."
Mikasa began to descend the stairs, with Annie following behind. "Prince Jean was rude and knew nothing about personal space. I was only defending myself, and Annie was there as backup. Not to mention that man was overdressed and self-absorbed."
Kiyomi sighed again and met Mikasa when she got to the bottom floor. "You can't reject every suitor that calls, Mikasa. It was hard for Zeke even to convince Jean to come, and you know what the law says.."
Mikasa wanted to roll her eyes at the mention of the royal advisor's name but chose against it. "Obaasan, I know I have to marry a prince by law, but I want to marry for love like Okaasan and Otousan did. Besides, I can defend myself, and I have Annie with me. We can wait out my marriage until I find someone I truly love."
"I understand your frustrations, but I am getting older, and one day I will not be by your side. I want to be sure that you are safe." Kiyomi smiled sadly; Mikasa was almost a carbon copy of her late daughter in terms of looks and personality.
Mikasa frowned. "Obaasan, you never let me go outside alone, and I only have one friend," The princess complained.
"Mikasa, you know why I do this. Why I'm so strict with you is for your safety. I do not want to lose you too."
"I just want to see what is outside the walls one time!"
"No!" Kiyoomi stated firmly. "My answer will always be no." she stood up and wiped some imaginary dust off her kimono. "I will be going now because I have some business to attend to. Mikasa, think about what I said and prepare for your next suitor." The queen walked away, and silence filled the room.
Annie watched the empress leave before turning to the princess. Her eyes widen with surprise. Mikasa had a determined look on her face.
"What are you thinking, Mikasa?"
Mikasa looked at her friend and grinned, "If Obaasan doesn't let me outside, then I will do it myself."
"What am I going to do with that girl?" Kiyomi asked herself while wandering the halls of the palace. Mikasa's birthday was coming soon, and she refused to say yes to anyone. She stopped walking to look at a portrait of her late daughter and son-in-law. The pair looked happy holding baby Mikasa in their arms. Kiyomi sighed and looked at her daughter's brown eyes, "If only you were here."
"Your Highness." A male voice called out to her. Kiyomi turned to her guest and smiled. Standing next to her was Zeke Yeager, her advisor. Zeke is one of Kiyomi's old friends from a country called Marley. He wore a black kimono and carried a staff with a snake carved on the top. On top of his shoulder was a small falcon named Falco that Zeke acquired on a trip.
"Ah, Zeke, my most trusted advisor. How was your trip?"
"I went will Your Highness. I learned a lot from other countries."
Kiyomi smiled, "I'm glad it did." her smile was replaced with a frown. "Zeke, I need your wisdom about Mikasa."
Zeke bent down to give a slight bow to Kiyomi, "My life is only to serve you, Your Highness."
Kiyomi sighed and turned away from the portrait, "It is about the suitor business. Mikasa keeps rejecting everyone."
Zeke nodded and briefly glanced at his pet with a smirk, "I can provide you with a solution to your problem, but it will require using a blue diamond," he said while picking up Kiyomi's hand to inspect her ring.
Kiyomi pulled her hand away, "My ring? It has been in the family for years."
"It is necessary to find Mikasa a suitor," Zeke stared at his staff before turning it so it was at Kiyomi's eye level. Its eyes began to glow red, "Don't worry, everything will be fine."
Kiyomi's eyes turned red, "Everything will be fine," she repeated robotically.
"The diamond?"
"The diamond." Kiyomi pulled off her ring and handed it to Zeke, "Here you go."
Zeke snatched it away, "Thank you, Your Highness. You have a busy day, right?" Now run along.
"Right." Kiyomi's eyes continued to glow red while she walked off to who knows where. Meanwhile, Zeke quickly went away before his spell wore off. He laughed manically once Kiyomi was out of sight. Soon, his spell will wear off, but the queen will not be able to recall what occurred during it.
Zeke eyed the ring once before hiding it in his clothes, "Now," he said to Falco, "it is time to find our little diamond."
It was hours before sunrise when Mikasa made her move. She and Annie prepared everything in Mikasa's bedroom on the castle's third floor.
"Do you have everything?" Annie asked while she secured Mikasa's bag.
"I double-checked to be sure," Mikasa replied, wrapping a white cloth around her head to cover her hair. The plan was for Mikasa to wear Annie's clothes and for Annie to wear hers to disguise herself. She turned to face Annie, "How do I look?"
"Like you're going to get caught by the guards if you are not careful."
Mikasa chuckled, "It will only be for a day at most. I will be back by bedtime. You know what to do, right?"
Annie nodded. Before this, Annie had asked Kiyomi if she could go to town to get some stuff for Mikasa. Kiyomi agreeing to it was the catalyst for Mikasa's trip.
"Just make sure to keep Obaasan and Zeke busy. Speaking of, have you seen Zeke lately?"
Annie hummed in thought before shaking her head, "I heard he was meeting with some nobles. Either way, he will be too busy to notice your absence."
"Good," Mikasa said, giving her bag a final pat, "I'm ready to go."
"Don't die out there," Annie called out when Mikasa opened her window and removed half her body.
"I'll try not to," Mikasa replied and jumped out to taste freedom.
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©: This story belongs to bluesylveon2. Do not modify or republish
A/N: What is up with the characters I'm writing and freedom? 😂
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lun4rl0ser · 2 years
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bella-donna418 · 4 years
Happy Birthday Mikasa and Falco!
A/N: A BDAY PARTY FOR THESE TWO → Mikasa and Falco
Happy bday!!!! Ok you don't look fine at all, BUT IT'S ALL AN ACT RIGHT? Right? *sweats*
So it's Mikasa and Falco's birthday today and everyone are really giddy about it especially they planned this, along with the directors.
But since everyone in this channel production are pure evil/clowns they'd of course prank them both BEFORE going to the real surprise.
So they planned to do such cruel thing 😂😂😂.
They put hidden cameras all over the place (pro hiding skills go brr 😂)
So preparing them took almost a whole day and yeah, the entire production have their own roles 😅😅
Annie, Sasha, Jean, Pieck, Connie, Udo, Zofia, Zeke, Reiner, Porco,Yelena, Historia, Ymir, Armin, Levi and Hanji (oh please manifesting LeviHan, HANJI FORCED LEVI 😅😅) were the ones setting up the decorations while Niccolo is the one in charge of all the food for them (YES FREE FOOD FROM HIS RESTAURANT 😂😂) along with their cakes.
So let's go to Sasha cam.
Sasha would be like, "Alright, guys. Decorations are set up and it's 6:08pm right now and we DIDN'T eat a proper lunch... just coffee from Starbucks and some chips/doughnuts."
Connie and Jean would be in the background goofing around with silly string sprays (and of course, they're NOT actually spraying to each other, just threatening 😂😂😂) and Levi just scolding them to stop.
Earlier that day...
Ok Eren went to the director and asked for a favor.
And that favor was the prank 😅😅
So the plan was that the director will keep telling Mikasa and Falco that they were doing a bad job (even if it was so impossible since they were both the serious and on point ones)
The director understood this and he was like, "This will be difficult" (since they're literally great at their stuff and never once got mad at them, I mean he's too nice and he even laughs with Sasha and Connie during the play dead scenes)
So the pranking has begun.
So everyone was now at their places and the director was ready to pull this through.
Secret camera mode (one of the production members placed it there 😅)
The director then said to Mikasa like, "More emotion!"
And Mikasa tried harder.
Then the director sighed in "✨disappointment✨" and cut and said, "That's it for now."
Mikasa gloomily exited and went to take a seat somewhere (she was hurt ಥ‿ಥ)
So she sat alone and scrolled through her phone trying to keep her mind off of things and chill.
So Eren went to Mikasa (camera at hand) and Mikasa was just—there.
So he was like, "That's alright, pretty sure he was just tired or something."
Mikasa ignores him and Eren was trying not to smile (you cruel bastard ಥ‿ಥ) and put the camera closer to her while she turns away from it.
Mikasa stood up to get coffee because she definitely needs it (she drinks coffee to ease)
Eren just watched her and looked at the camera trying not laugh and was like, "She's trying not to cry 😂😂😂"
So let's go to Falco...
The same thing happened to Falco but he coped it in a different way.
Falco sat there and started playing on his phone while Gabi was sitting there talking to him smirking while looking at the camera she's holding.
She was like, "Are you ok?", "It's alright, you did your best." while trying not to laugh (THEY'RE ALL HAVING A HARD TIME NOT TO 😂😂😂)
Back to recent time.
Mikasa was curling up on a couch and watching Netflix and Falco across her playing games on his phone with Gabi beside him when Eren came.
He was like, "Y'all wanna go in another room?"
Falco nodded and stood up along with Gabi while Mikasa just stayed there.
He bit his lip and went to Mikasa—dragging her.
Mikasa was like, "Stop." and Eren just chuckled in reply.
Here it is. Moment of truth.
They opened the door and the lights were off.
Mikasa not caring turned on the lights and she somewhat regretted it because her heart rate just shot up
"SURPRISE!!!" They all (except Levi) exclaimed and Mikasa jumped in shock (no puns lol) while Falco just stared at it like, "am I dreaming?" (✨cutie✨ ik)
So Sasha went to Mikasa and dragged her on the couch while the boys were starting to spray the silly strings making Levi take it in because he knows that once this is over, he can clean it all.
Pieck then shrieked, "THE CAKE!"
Everyone looked at the door and saw the entire production team and the director holding the cake while another cake was being held by a staff.
Mikasa and Falco's mouths fell agape because they couldn't believe their eyes.
"You've been pranked!" Connie laughed as Mikasa started to cry while Falco's mind flew away (poor birthday people 😅😅)
"Sorry about earlier." The director smiled sheepishly and brought the cake to them (cake sponsored by Niccolo 😂😂😂)
"Thank you." Mikasa smiled while wiping her tears and Falco standing frozen while being squished to death by Udo, Zofia and Gabi in their bear hug.
Annie crossed her arms (standing beside Armin yah) and snitched on the culprit, "It was Eren's idea to prank you."
Mikasa looked at him like 'really?' while he smiled and scratched the back of his head.
"Let's eat! I'm fucking hungry!" Sasha immediately headed to the table filled with food as Niccolo gave her a plate to which she thanks him for it.
They all placed the cakes down on the table as Mikasa and Falco were seated on the couch.
They sang happy birthday to them (singing is just  ✨✨)
Then they blew their candles and everyone clapped (except for Sasha, she's too busy eating)
Their gifts would be up to your imagination OwO
They also watched a birthday message they all made on the TV making Falco and Mikasa laugh at some parts and how they're teasing each other.
They spent the whole time laughing and eating—loosening up and being their chaotic selves celebrating this special day for them (actually night but ok lol)
A/N: I'm so sorry if this HC is soooo disappointing and it looks so rushed (because it is) since I have so many things to do for school ಥ‿ಥ
Tell me if he hurt u I'll track him down ಥ‿ಥ
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aengelren · 2 years
In honor of Eren’s birthday, here is my 10th fact about him :)
Thank you and happy birthday to my depressed little sunshine
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nayachann · 4 years
Happy Birthday To Falco Grice and Mikasa Ackerman!❤️
•February 10, 2021•
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ninthcircleofhell · 4 years
Mikasa we love you babes
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falcon94ssy · 5 years
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A redraw of birthday post in 2019
Happy Birthday to Mikasa and Falco!
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Happy belated birthday to these two precious people. I just thought Mikasa needed cheering up after the recent chapters and who better to do it than sweetheart Falco? So, I present to you...*drumroll* a not-so graceful Mikasa and a concerned Falco with baby bird hair. 
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superjaegerbros · 7 years
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・ Falco Grice | February 10th  ・
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