#happy to adjust anything if needed
fireliit · 1 year
closed starter for @evnoia from seonho jones to daphne miller or ito ruriko
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Eyes on the road and hands at ten and two, Seonho's fingers thrum on the steering wheel to the beat of the song playing through the stereo. "You can change the music if you would like." Briefly, he glances over to the passenger on his right, tapping his passcode into his phone and pulling up Spotify in one easy swipe. "I have a few saved playlists but you can really search for whatever. The only thing I request is no instrumentals preferably. I love them and all, but they can be almost too calming and I'd like us to get to our destination in one piece.
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pyrrhiccomedy · 10 months
hey pyrrhic, I'm the anon who asked about adhd and executive function, whom you recommended meds to. I fully agree, problem is, I AM medicated (my bad did not include that relevant info). and I'm doing way better than before but nonetheless, this still happens. maybe I just gotta find a way to shoulder through the stuck door that makes it an Engaging Enough Challenge, so to speak (and make sleep/routine/self care improvements no doubt). thanks for reading and answering, I appreciate it!
maybe you should be medicated more
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sangreprince · 11 days
Closed Starter | @Spiderwarden
The deathly Prince of Hades was not as cold blooded as his kin. In the depths of his heart was a kindness and desire to see the mortal world a better place than before with each passing day. It was one of his mother's qualities that he held in fond regard, even if he was not fully conscious of her influence. And so when Tav and their companions dealt with the hobgoblins and other such monstrosities, he was left to combat the Drow.
It was not easily done. He was weaker on the surface, his only solace being the cover of blackest night and embrace of the earth. That much they had in common, him and the daughter of the Underdark that he fought. But when it came to blows, he would not strike her down. There was undue influence upon her mind that compelled her to act, this much he could tell. As such, he instead delivered Minthara to the others and gave ample space.
It had been several days when next Zagreus appeared to the camp as a whole. In the dead of night did he arrive, making small greeting to the others before he once again set his eyes upon Minthara. Cautiously he approached, yet true was his intent and sincere was the concern that bled into his voice. His accent strange and foreign, the Common he spoke not as refined as one might expect. Yet passable nonetheless.
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❝ Minthara, was it? I don't know if you recall but we had a bit of a scrap earlier. Supposed it would be best to try and get you sorted out and not kill you outright. I assumed you wouldn't mind, so I took the liberty of escorting you to the closest people I believed could help. How're you holding up? ❞
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account-name · 11 months
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had a bit of free time for once and thought it might be fun to try and render one of my doodles digitally. somehow that turned into me completely redrawing most of it whoops. anyway here's phoney
original under the cut:
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multishipper-baby · 5 months
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I still have wing brainrot so... Some very simplistic concepts with Rayray. Featuring the colors of the animal he was based on, and both of his dad's colors.
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booksofadventures · 2 months
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@tophatz asked ;; “What am I supposed to find?” (( Daichi @ Judai LET'S GOOO ))
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"Wait Daichi...you don't know what we are looking for either?"
And cue the puzzled look on Judai's face as he now stares at his friend. Was he just teasing the other or being serious right in this moment.
"...I'm joking, we are looking for my lunch money so we can go get sandwiches! Did you forget!"
There's Judai thinking on with his stomach, yet again. But he was hungry and for once was deciding he would treat Daichi to a sandwich, this totally had nothing to do with a friend baseball bet between the two at all.
If it had been a duel, he knows he would have kicked the other's butt and won.
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bitchfitch · 1 year
So, Conrí and Gwyn went through a few major story iterations before I settled on their current 'Isekai but it's about a giant wolf man trying to get home to his kids while an old wizard and the wizard's roommate slow him down' but I still have all of my original draft fragments and I found one of them again last night and have been kinda. picking at it. Because there was something There.
These two rival kings with a long standing feud between their families. As different as two men can physically be from each other. Notions of honor and revenge and grudgingly respecting the other despite all the bad blood. There's a Vibe.
A massive wolven monster in a snow storm, its fur just as white as the snow. a young man in red who has Everything, and everything to lose.
But I couldn't make it work. for over a year, I couldn't Find It. the angle. The thing that would make this worth telling.
But Finally. FINALLY. I've found the three things that needed to change to make the story work.
1. They don't meet as equals. The wolven king is aged and settled into his throne, his territory thrives under his reign. The human one is young, his crown still sized to fit his father instead of him, his country is at war and he knows they have no hope of winning it if he can't find an ally to fight with them.
2. The wolven king is still an arrogant cock of a man, but his cruelness is heavily tempered by the fact he's only mean when people are looking. The newly crowned kinglet isn't who has wronged Wolf King even if he is going to use him to get back at the rest of the family. Human King's own arrogance is now tempered by his lack of experience, he acts the part but is fully aware that he doesn't know what he's doing and needs guidance from someone who does.
3. The bad blood is that once upon a time Wolf King had a Wolf Queen, and she dumped him for Human King's (much older relative) bc Wolf King sucks and to this day he Still believes she was forced to leave him and not that she just got tired of his shit and left 100% of her own accord.
I haven't come up with names for the secondary and tertiary cast yet but Wolf King is Maelgwn, and human king is Erasyl. When I have time and brain space for it I'm drawing them and bitching about having to name them that instead of Conrí and Gwyn. bc like. These were the characters Those names were chosen for originally and they fit these guys better than the Isekai guys.
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cfgodsandmonsters · 1 year
{ @were-jer liked for a Nox starter! }
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“So, like, not to make this weird or anything --” he cut off, pausing to rake his teeth over the inside of his lower lip, as his gaze shifted to...anywhere that wasn't Jeremy, really. Shit. He was gonna make this weird, wasn't he? He really hadn't known what to expect from Jeremy's home town -- it was still a little crazy to him that he was here at all, honestly -- but what he hadn't expected was for the whole to bear the lingering scent of predators.
He couldn't imagine Jeremy didn't know. There was no way he didn't know, right? He really didn't need to say anything...except what if he didn't know? They'd never really directly talked about...that sort of thing while at school. Maybe this was a new thing since he'd been away? In the end, Nox couldn't find a good enough excuse to keep quiet. Sure, it might make things weird if he did know... but if he didn't and Nox didn't say anything... yeah, no, it wasn't worth the risk. Finally, he looked back to Jeremy, and finished speaking. “--- you know there are like, a LOT of vampires in this town, right?”
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chryzuree · 10 months
chryzure should have a cult pop up based on their legend. the goddess of many names and her cursed lover or something like that. in one life (one where azure had lost his mind a bit, it’s okay), azure wound up taking leadership of the cult for a mo. they show back up in another life and chrysi sees what insanity does to her soulmate and she’s like “man, what the FUCK. i’m not a god. you aren’t either.” & azure’s like “speak for yourself” what does that mean????????? what does that MEAN
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jvzebel-x · 1 year
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it's a mixed up, muddled up, messed up world
(i don't wanna be a boy, i don't wanna be a girl)
let's cast spells-- let's chant rhymes
(let's be gay-- let's do crimes)
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vaugarde · 1 year
Jumping to Gates, I've always loved the idea of Emolga and Eris growing super close because he helps him figure out how to control his electricity since they're such similar Pokemon
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Belphegor desktop wallpaper (300 x 200) (900 x 600) Requested by: 👑❤️ Anon
Please like and/or reblog!
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softersinned-arc · 2 years
@grar / starter call (accepting).
A warrior, Varric said, someone reliable, and Astoria has learned by now that questioning Varric is foolish at best. He tells the truth when it matters, and in this, it matters. And he wasn't exaggerating here, she's learned; Fenris' arrival was welcome, and that he's remained with the Inquisition at all, for whatever reason, is a gift. She is half desperate for allies, and there is something undeniably soothing about seeing him on a battlefield, swinging a sword that seems to be as tall as he is, and knowing at least he's not swinging that sword at us.
But there are no swords now, no battles, no blood. There is always something new to worry over, and not for the first time, Astoria stands at her war table, her hair in a crooked braid over her shoulder and a cloak thrown hastily over her nightgown and wrapped tightly around her in the cold, a new and inevitably important missive held in her hand as she reads by candlelight. It's so late it's early, and she'd only just begun to drift to sleep when one of Leliana's women rapped on her door to make the delivery with some urgency.
"I'm sorry to summon you like this." If she ever looks imperious in the daylight, she certainly doesn't now. Her voice is husky from exhaustion and she can't stifle a yawn, and for once, the thought of politics has her miserable. She's sent all the rest to bed; Cullen had tried to argue it and she'd insisted that at least one person she trusted to handle things while she slept should be well-rested when morning came. And she cannot quiet her mind long enough to get any rest herself, despite her body's desperation for sleep, and so she sits here, and she stares at the letter, and she ignores the tea someone brought her an hour ago that's gone cold beside her.
And so the request for his presence comes not from the Inquisitor in all her glory, but rather from an exceedingly tired woman who, if asked right now, might hand over her throne to Corypheus if it meant an uninterrupted night. "The Prince of Starkhaven wrote. We had hoped for his support, given his piety, but it seems he has conditions, should he extend any friendship to us." She remembers the tea, now, and she holds the cup between her hands, watching as the water slowly heats and her skin glows a pale gold. "He is, it seems, intending to invade Kirkwall, and demand Hawke and Anders be surrendered to him.
"You knew him, did you not?" She fights off another yawn, and she shakes her head. "Would he follow through on his threat?" And then, with a hint of real unease in her voice—"Hawke and Anders aren't still in Kirkwall, I can only assume. I can only hope. What danger is Kirkwall in, if he does move to occupy the city?"
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armageddoncolony · 2 years
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@modestmuses​ said: Rumble: “Okay, I’m nodding here and just pretending like I have some idea what you’re talking about.”
(Bones Starters [open])
Tegu has Rascal perched on one hand, the glowing light on its back shining a bright red as it displays a holographic map of The Cradle. With their other hand, they’re pointing out various points of interest as they explain the relationships between the different colonies. This isn’t exactly a subject they have any level of expertise in, nor is it one they care about, but Rumble had asked, perhaps a little offhandedly, why the Myriad and Jagni colonies hate each other so much.
Not knowing how else to explain the complicated world of inter-colony politics, Tegu had started this impromptu history lesson they’re having now. Tegu isn’t even that well-versed in the intricacies of the colonies, but here they are. At the very least, they know the gist--every colony has different beliefs and they all hate each other about it, especially the Myriad and Jagni.
The full explanation has lasted well over ten minutes now, and Tegu can tell that Rumble is well on the way to losing any interest he might have had originally. Unfortunately, though, they’re in this deep, so they may as well see this through. Besides, he’s nodding along as they speak, so they figure he’s, if nothing else, humoring them long enough to finish their explanation.
“-and the current Jagni head, Twilight, has been making more of an effort to work with the Myriad lately,” Tegu says, zooming in on the map to show Rumble a specific gorge between the two colonies’ home bases. “Unfortunately, though, the Myriad head--I think their name is Lichen?--anyway, the Myriad head has been fighting her for this little strip of land for weeks now. It’s not even really that advantageous for anything, though, so I don-”
That’s about the point that they fully register the look on Rumble’s face even as he nods along with what they’re saying, and they trail off midsentence, narrowing their eyes down at him. “Are you paying attention?”
It’s then that he speaks, telling them point-blank that, no, he isn’t, and he’s just pretending to understand their long-winded explanation. Tegu supposes that is fair enough, all things considered, but they still feel their fur bristle in indignant embarrassment. At first, they’re not sure how to respond, but Rascal beats them to it anyway.
“To be fair,” the automaton says in its heavy, slightly posh accent, “that was, perhaps, the least interesting way you could have chosen to explain it.”
“Shut your fucking mouth,” Tegu tells it, tapping its back to turn off the map. They then shoot Rumble a glare, though it’s more defensive than it is actually angry. “Anyway, there, now you know. The colonies hate each other because they’re stupid and shitty about literally everything, and the Jagni and the Myriad are the worst about it.”
“There, was that so hard?” Rascal chimes in. For a moment, Tegu briefly considers turning the fucking thing off, but they quickly decide against it. They still need the little shit, after all. Even if it's an annoying dickhead.
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darkpoisonouslove · 2 years
I'm... I'm weak.
#erda#og post#guys guys guys guys!#i could list at least 10 reasons why this scene is perfect#1. “we haven't done anything that needs justification” “we could fix that”#2. the fact that this is the first time she's worn a dress so far (and i'm pretty sure she only ever does it again at their wedding)#3. the very smooth arm around the shoulders#4. the little pause she makes when they start talking specifically about the two of them having sex#it's not so much shyness or awkwardness as it is just the need for a moment to adjust since this is all very new after years of loneliness#(in fact it's always very noticeable how comfortable they are with each other regardless of what they're doing or saying)#5. the way they laugh and lean closer together instinctively#6. the three very slow and small kisses that are barely anything more than just brushing their lips together#7. the way she startles and pulls away as if she forgot everything else#8. the way she starts to object but interrupts herself right before he kisses her again#9. the sync between their movements#10. the way he cradles her head and doesn't let go#11. the way he also strokes her hair while he's doing that#12. THE FOREHEAD TOUCH#13. “you're so beautiful when you smile“ ”but i don't know if i'll find it in myself to smile again“ ”you will. i'll show you happiness“#14. her: it's rotten work. him: not to me. not if it's you#she's so hurt from all the bullshit that's happened to her that she thinks happiness is forever lost to her#and he's just trying to give them both the chance they deserve#15. “let's build our life together. i need it just as much as you do.”#16. “you'd know that even though i'm not smiling you made me feel things i didn't know before”#17. “i'd like to [be with you]. but i think that i can't be happy. nor can i make you happy.”#18. the way he clearly disagrees but didn't speak over her only hugged her#19. another forehead touch and 20. then he kissed her brow#c'mon are you trying to kill me?#congratulations! you broke intimacy down to its barest essentials#look at that! a perfect twenty bc that's what this scene is
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kaijutegu · 10 months
Today I was talking with my mom about why seeing an alligator is fundamental to my mental health. At first she laughed but I got her to listen and she gets it now. My psychiatrist and I call this the alligator litmus test, and it works really well for making decisions about my treatment. I bring this up because perhaps there is something in your life that you can use in a similar fashion.
I have severe major depressive disorder, and I treat this depression with medication. I've been on meds for about... seven years now, and sometimes we have to mess with them. But sometimes the emotional part of the depression is just super bad and there's something underneath that needs to be addressed. When we are figuring this out, my psychiatrist says to take one alligator and call her in the morning.
See, no matter how bad I'm feeling, seeing an alligator almost always cheers me up in the moment. (This works with other large crocodilians, too- they gotta be big, it doesn't work with caimans. I don't know why.) I can't look at their goofy toofers and beautiful eyes and bumpy hides and not be a little wowed by them. Millions of years of evolution have led to this amazing creature and they are completely unbothered by me. Almost all of the time, they make me feel happy. Or maybe I'll feel sad for some unspecified reason. Maybe I'll get worried about the ecosystem or something- but invariably, I will FEEL.
Unless, of course, it's my brain chemistry. If I can experience an alligator and not feel anything- not happy, not sad, just numb- there's something wrong and we should talk about adjusting my meds. Usually with a little tweaking I'm back to my very functional medicated baseline in quick order- instead of wasting time with coping skills and such alone when what I really need is brain chemicals, it's a much quicker way to communicate what's going on with me. At the same time, it also helps me know when the coping skills ARE likely to work without changing up my meds, or when there's something I need to work through with some help.
It's a pretty solid test. Might not work for anyone else on the planet, but it works great for me!
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