ducavalentinos · 2 years
Hello dear :) I hope you are doing ok !
Since you talked about you started to be interested in your country history, I have a question stuck in my mind.
What your favorite portuguese historical period ? and why ? Maybe have a fav king ? queen ?
Bonne journée !
Hi lovely! :) I'm good and I hope you are, too! And oh, I'm not portuguese, I'm brazilian heh, maybe my answer in that ask was confusing, so sorry! My country was discovered by the portuguese circa 1500 given the Treaty of Tordesillas, which btw our dear Papa Borgia played a role with it. If Rodrigo had decided to divide the newly discovered places outside of Europe differently, the spaniards might have discovered us instead of the portuguese, and I would be speaking spanish right now....that's a constant thought in my head ngl hah, but anyways, since the discovery, we of course established a tie with Portugal :)) and we had an Imperial period, which it's my favorite period <3 I really like Dom Pedro I as emperor (our Pedrão as he is sometimes affectionately called here, followed by the nicknames "the Liberator" and "the Soldier King") and his son Dom Pedro II, as well as the empresses Maria Leopoldina of Austria and Teresa Cristina of the Two Sicilies. Merci pour la question et Bonne journée à vous, aussi! 🥰
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zittiebuonis · 3 years
Hello :) A little confession to make here ! I laughed so hard about Damiano's café joke cause it makes so much sense in French too x) Also burst into laugthing about Bidet cause France had it too aha. This video with Nikkie was such a gem to watch ♥ Just wanted share this with you.
Love your blog ♥
I gotta admit that I really love those kind of jokes too haha and it’s so funny to read the tags on that gif set because some people think it‘s soooo funny and others think it‘s an absolute trash joke
I really loved the vibe Nikkie was able to create, so glad she provided us with that video 🥺
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I start to seriously want to watch Hannibal.
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sherlock-is-ace · 5 years
Six celebrity crushes
I was tagged by the lovely @hardcorefangirlgroupie <3 This is gonna be dificult lol And I’m basing this in people I have actually heard talking in interviews or something, not just based on looks btw ;)
Michael Sheen: duh!
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David Tennant: I’ll always love this man :’) (i wanted a gif not in character but I couldn’t resist! fkjgfg)
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Stephen Fry: I discovered this crush pretty recently, I love him and there’s nothing I can do about it lol (i literally had to go and gif something specifically for this cause there were no good gifs of him not in character :P )
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Ben Whishaw: I mean... have you seen that cutie!? I love him sm <3
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Jake Gyllenhaal (I spelt that correctly in the first try ;) ) I’ve been obsessibly watching his interviews a lot lately, I haven’t even seen that much of his work lol
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Jodie Whittaker: She’s so cute look at her! (I tried so hard to include at least one woman in here lol)
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Why did I use all my gifs even when I didn’t upload them specifically for this lol (except the Jodie and Jake ones ;) )
I tag: @nekomimi-ghost @foolish-principalitee @zwergenmaedchen @queenvulture0  @pocketwishes and whoever wants to do this as well :D
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cobaltbeam · 5 years
TV Show Tag game
Rules: attach 10 gifs from 10 of your favorite TV shows without naming them and tag 10 people
I’m super late but thank you @brieflymaximumprincess and @hardcorefangirlgroupie for the tag, you know I love these games!! :D Here’s 10 shows I really love! 
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an-exhausted-wreck · 5 years
10 songs I am obsessed with
Oh damn, I keep forgetting to do this! Sorry! Thank you @brieflymaximumprincess and @hardcorefangirlgroupie for tagging me <3 <3 <3 So here we go
Firecracker by Voxtrot (great summer mood)
Bang Bang by Green Day (energy! Alive!! Good!!!)
You’re gonna go far, kid by The Offsprings (Good To sing in the shower)
Don’t stop me now by Queen (it’s pride babey!!!)
Starlight Brigade by TWRP (*italian chef kiss* Mwah!!)
About You by Caravan Palace (drawing mood)
La Ghigliottina by Caparezza (warning: italian)
The Egoism by Fleshgod Apocalypse (warning: Loud)
Almost (sweet music) by Hozier (awake in the middle of the night feel)
Still feel. by Half alive (Also great to sing in the shower very off key)
Tagging uhhhh @blakechaos08 @bluestoystercult @batfam-art if you want! 
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fresh-slice-of-hell · 5 years
List 5 things that make you happy, then put it in this in the ask box of the last 10 people to reblog something from you. Spread the happiness.
thank you so much!!
1. My friends because they’re awesome
2. Sunrises
3. Rainbows
4. Other pretty things the sky does
5. Finding new shows to bingewatch 
0 notes
nicolabarth · 6 years
Ship: Sam/Lucifer, Dean/Michael, Castiel/Meg, Billie/Raphael
Rating: Explicit
Tags: Mafia AU, Murder, Murder as coping mechanism (it doesn’t work too well), graphic description of murder, illegal activities, prison, Samifer pining
Summary: When Lucifer and Castiel spring Cas’ friend Balthazar out of prison, Lucifer meets an old “friend” that he has unfinished business with and leaps at the chance to kill him. Unfortunately that gets him caught. The rest of the Archangels, together with Sam and Dean, start working on getting him out again immediately, but it’s not easy and requires a few cases of murder. (Well, you know, the usual.) That again catches the attention of mortician Billie and her friend resident doctor Adam Milligan. And Michael starts to wonder how many more brothers his boyfriend Dean might turn out to have that just can’t keep their noses out of the Archangel’s business. Can they at least just kill this one? But of course Dean won’t have that, so they somehow have to get Adam and Billie on their side.
New chapter is up! In which an azalea bush is planted.
Tagging: @askatosch @coplins @brieflymaximumprincess @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell@humongouscandycoffee@schizonephilim@coffee-queen448@little-boyking @solo-skywlker @talkmagically@whinywingedwinchester  @spn-you-idjits@samwise-the-true-hero wise-the-true-hero @hooker-legs@consultingmooseintimeandspace@savagearchangelforthewin2-0@me-fangirl@hardcorefangirlgroupie @thisisnotsteva  @cat-n-claw@logicalize @aldehydean @batfam-art@blakechaos08@captain-winchester-27
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funkopop-syntia · 6 years
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Wrestling Show The pops belongs to @hardcorefangirlgroupie
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otg2012 · 6 years
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The Most Fascinating Creature > AO3 | James/Thomas | 1335 words
Miranda knocks on Thomas’ bedroom door and enters once she hears the ‘come in’ from inside the room.
She finds her husband taking off his jacket and leaving it on the chair in front of the desk.
“I just heard you arrive,” Miranda says. It’s been at least a year since Thomas spent the night out and she is curious to say the least. “I thought perhaps you’d like to have breakfast with me.”
Thomas smiles. “I think I’m in need of a bath first,” he says unbuttoning his vest.
“As you wish,” Miranda nods, starting to turn around.
“It’s not like you…” Thomas says.
“What is not?” Miranda looks back at Thomas.
“Not saying what’s on your mind. I know breakfast is not the reason why you came here. Why don’t you ask me?” You’ve done it before. Thomas doesn’t need to say it.
“I wasn’t sure if it would bother you,” Miranda admits.
“Nothing you could ask me would ever bother me? And this time is no different.” Thomas takes two steps until he’s standing in front of Miranda.
“Come, sit with me,” Thomas takes her hand and she follows him, sitting next to each other on the big, perfectly made bed.
“The answer is yes, I spent the night with him.”
“You don’t owe me any explanation.”
“But I think I must.” There are no secrets between them and this time shouldn’t be any different. “I know this must be difficult for you and for that I’m very sorry. Believe me when I say that I never meant for this to happen. It’s true that I was attracted to him when I met him but I tried not to act on my feelings.” Thomas snorts as he remembers. “I told myself it was one-sided and absolutely pointless despite the fact that he made it truly difficult.”
Miranda smiles. “You never mean for anything to happen. With you things just happen,” Miranda says, waving both arms. “You are you. I’ve known that more or less since the day I met you. So, you don’t have anything to be sorry about.”
”Well, perhaps that is true but this time... I am the one who kissed him.” Thomas snorts. “You were there. You know what happened.”
“Yes, I was. And I also heard what he said. But it was nothing I didn’t already know, and if I knew, I’m sure you did too, so don’t tell me this was all your doing because it wasn’t. And let me ease your mind if you think I’m jealous because I’m certainly not. I’m just worried. I’m worried for both of you.”
“Worried?” Thomas raises his eyebrows.
“Yes, of course. There’s been nothing else on my mind since that moment. I’m not saying you shouldn’t have done it but the implications of your relationship with him… if your father finds out... And even if he doesn’t. It would complicate everything even more than it already is. You may not see it now but you really need to take a moment and give a proper thought at what you’re getting into. This isn’t--”
“There’s no reason for you to be concerned.” Thomas interrupts her. “My father’s opposition and resentment is not going to change whether he finds out or not... I’ve never cared about his opinion and I’m not about to start now. And I think you should know that my feelings for James are true--”
“Do you think I don’t know that you’re in love with him? I’d have to be blind not to see how you feel about him. And that’s something else that worries me. The last thing I want is to see you hurt.”
“Hurt?” Thomas raises his eyebrows. “Why on earth would that happen?”
“Yes, hurt. I know all the reasons why you like him because they are the same reasons why I like him but we don’t really know much about his past. It didn’t take too long for him to kiss me too, remember? And not only that... you two have totally different lives... he spends most of his in the sea and you might only see him a few times a year if you’re lucky. Having an affair is one thing, but it’s clear to me that that’s not what you want...”
“And you think he does?”
“That’s just it. I don’t know what he wants.”
“Well, I do.” And despite what his wife said, she should know too. He wonders if there are other feelings involved in Miranda’s apparent mistrust.
“Dear, it’s fine if you love him too, you know that, right?”
Miranda stays silent, avoiding Thomas’ gaze which confirms his suspicion.
“And you think… you think he’s in love with you?” Miranda finally asks.
“You can’t ask me that…”
“I think I just did.”
“Then you shouldn’t because that’s not something I can answer. If he is… I’m not sure if he himself knows that. With as many virtues as he has, he’s not the most communicative person. And we may not know about his past but it’s quite obvious that he’s never had a relationship before… at least not with a man.”
“Did he tell you that?”
“No, of course not. I didn’t think it was my place to ask him. I wasn’t sure how much he’d like to share… and besides, the conversation was quite short last night.”
Miranda grins, she has no problems whatsoever imagining why. “So, how was it?”
Thomas licks his lips and shakes his head. “I thought you were not going to ask.”
“Liar…” Miranda smiles.
“Fine.” Thomas smiles. “I suppose it was different than I expected. I could tell he was nervous. At first his mind wouldn’t stop thinking. Human contact affects him in a way I hadn’t anticipated. It was refreshing. I don’t know… it felt new... being with someone who craves that touch.” He’s not sure if Miranda will really understand him but how do you explain such a thing in words. He can’t remember having a partner like that before. “Perhaps I’m not making much sense but words fail to describe what it felt like.” Thomas runs a hand through his hair and closes his eyes for a second as he remembers.
“It felt like he needed me, Miranda… truly needed me. It was… it was intoxicating.” His taste, addictive. “His skin, he has the softest skin…” And those freckles will be the end of him. “He is... as strong as he is, there is an innocence about him that I have never encountered before.” How is it possible for this man to hold such attributes? Someone as smart and sensitive as he is breathtaking.
Thomas smiles and licks his lips. “He was exquisite…” He really can’t think of a better word. “And yes, I could tell that his experience with men is rather limited.” Which only made him more fascinating to Thomas and he’s sure Miranda can gather that.
Miranda can tell just by Thomas’ expression that it was an experience difficult to describe and that he’s being as revealing as he can be, which is fine because she’s not sure that she actually wants to know so much.
“He’s the most fascinating creature, Miranda. You’re right when you say that this complicates things but not because of my father. I’m afraid that now, having him so close every day might be some sort of torture.”
Miranda smiles wickedly. “I’m sure you’ll find the way to make it more pleasant… Is he coming today?”
“Yes. He said he’d be here at noon to further discuss how to proceed with our plans.”
“All right, in that case, I suppose I should let you have your bath,” Miranda gets up, heading to the door. “And I’m going to have some breakfast.”
When Miranda reaches the door, she turns around. “Despite my worries and my doubts, I’m very happy for you… you know that, right?”
“I do.” Thomas nods. “Of course, I do.”
“Good,” Miranda says, smiling before leaving the room.
Notes: Thanks so much to @flintsredhair for her great beta . Also thank you to @thomas-hamilton, @hardcorefangirlgroupie and @olincino for their support.
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ducavalentinos · 3 years
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@hardcorefangirlgroupie Ah, vous êtes très gentille! ;) Merci pour le vote de confiance, heh. J'essaie toujours mon mieux, et á dire vrai, c'est un plaisir pour moi de penser et d'écrire sur ma chéri famille Borgia et César. J'ai rarement l'occasion de faire irl, alors je suis contente que ça te plaise. Et ouais, c’est clair pour moi maintenant que ils se aiment vraiment,et c'est dommage que nous n'avons pas leur correspondance personnelle, parce que je pense que cela aurait été un matériel très intéressant et précieux.
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Money Well Spent - chapter 1
I’m happy to bring you the longest fanfic I ever wrote!
This verse is running and hoping around in my brain like a good plot bunny since a long time. So here a version of it.
SUMMARY : Sam is running after a promotion as a partner at the law firm he works for. He doesn't have time for a relationship right now.
So when he inheritates a large amount of money he doesn't want to keep, the idea of spending it on paid sex doesn't sound too bad. He needs to let go of some steam and some sexual frustrations.
There walks Lucifer in. High profile prostitute, who happens to have been Sam's boss boyfriend in the past.
PAIRING : Samifer of Course! 
RATING :  this is fluff and smut (explicit)
Money Well Spent - chapter 1 on Ao3
Tags under the cut.
A special big up  @ellenharvellen who gave me the motivation to start writing this fic. I was playing with this idea for years before I decided to make a try, thank to your kind words.
And a special wink wink to @blakechaos08 who had bits and parts of this verse from time to time in their instant messagerie. Thank you for listening to my ramblings.
@kajuned  @annechuu @talkmagically   @this-darkness-light @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @coplins @hardcorefangirlgroupie@sassysupernaturalsweetheart @mylittlewingedangel @coffee-queen448  @captain-winchester-27 @angel-the-pluviophile @silvaxus @saucy-motherfucker @inter-ruptingmoose  @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell@selfeater666 @qslucid @mrsimoshen @anhellsangel @demoncat131@ @malicethewriter @i-miss-balthazar @lsrby @moriganael @kawaiidreamerarbiter @gallifreyansinger @holylulusworld @goldmother81 @capsickled @scarecrowandmrking @dakova777 @naaliahivernal @franthehorsegir @tastedwritersblock @uvallynn @cobaltbeam
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sherlock-is-ace · 5 years
Black Sails group rewatch
Well hello, this started as a thought I had last night at 2am but I got excited and I actually wanna try it on.
The plan is to use Rabbit to watch the show together and chat about it live. I’d be sharing the link half an hour before we start so people can join. Everyone can join, no matter if you’ve seen it a million times or this is the perfect excuse to start, tho bear in mind there may be spoilers in the chat.
The schedule would be every week day at 7pm (Buenos Aires time, check here to see what time it would be in your part of the Earth). As I said I’ll be making a post half an hour before we start and then another a few minutes before. Both post will include the link to the stream and the episode we’re in, in case you missed some. All those post will be tagged with #black sails group rewatch so be sure to check the tag or block it if you’re not interested ;)
If you want me to tag you on those post as a reminder, please let me know ;)
All episodes will have english subtiltes (cc).
We’re starting on Monday March 4th. I’ll see how it goes, it may fail misserably and I won’t continue to share the stream lol but that’s ok, I’m just trying things out ;)
Finally, I’m going to tag some people that have said they were interested or people I think may possibly be interested but there’s absolutely no pressure and y’all can ignore this ;)
@zwergenmaedchen @pocketwishes @captainsandcats @hardcorefangirlgroupie @tomhoppersarms @olincino @flintsfancyscaffcaff @flintrage @annevbonny @gaysails @gaygingerpirates @char7
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nicolabarth · 6 years
Ship: Sam/Lucifer, Dean/Michael, Castiel/Meg, Billie/Raphael
Rating: Explicit
Tags: Mafia AU, Murder, Murder as coping mechanism (it doesn’t work too well), graphic description of murder, illegal activities, prison, Samifer pining
Summary: When Lucifer and Castiel spring Cas’ friend Balthazar out of prison, Lucifer meets an old “friend” that he has unfinished business with and leaps at the chance to kill him. Unfortunately that gets him caught. The rest of the Archangels, together with Sam and Dean, start working on getting him out again immediately, but it’s not easy and requires a few cases of murder. (Well, you know, the usual.) That again catches the attention of mortician Billie and her friend resident doctor Adam Milligan. And Michael starts to wonder how many more brothers his boyfriend Dean might turn out to have that just can’t keep their noses out of the Archangel’s business. Can they at least just kill this one? But of course Dean won’t have that, so they somehow have to get Adam and Billie on their side.
New chapter is up! In which Asmodeus is not quite kentucky fried.
Tagging: @askatosch @coplins @brieflymaximumprincess @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell@humongouscandycoffee@schizonephilim@coffee-queen448@little-boyking @solo-skywlker @talkmagically@whinywingedwinchester  @spn-you-idjits @samwise-the-true-hero @hooker-legs@consultingmooseintimeandspace@savagearchangelforthewin2-0@me-fangirl@hardcorefangirlgroupie @thisisnotsteva  @cat-n-claw@logicalize @aldehydean @batfam-art @blakechaos08@captain-winchester-27
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funkopop-syntia · 6 years
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Mötley Crüe ft Punk'Harley (Pop Motley Crue belongs to @hardcorefangirlgroupie)
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Money Well Spent - chapter 10
I am happy to give you a classic fanfic trope for this chapter : the famous “bed sharing” trope. Which can only means that this is a key point of the story.
In fact it’s the major change between what was my idea at the beginning, when it was only a writing idea, and how the story evolved to turn into a complete fic. It changed the whole ending (which is not for this chapter) and made it more satisfying for me.
It finally rains... Lucifer stays the night.
PAIRING : Samifer of Course!
RATING :  this is fluff and smut (explicit)
WORD COUNT : 3666 (yep, this is the biggest chapter of the whole fic).
Money Well Spent - chapter 10 on Ao3
Tags under the cut.
@kajuned  @annechuu @talkmagically   @this-darkness-light @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @coplins @hardcorefangirlgroupie@sassysupernaturalsweetheart @mylittlewingedangel @coffee-queen448  @captain-winchester-27 @angel-the-pluviophile @silvaxus @saucy-motherfucker @inter-ruptingmoose  @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell@selfeater666 @qslucid @mrsimoshen @anhellsangel @demoncat131 @malicethewriter @i-miss-balthazar @lsrby @moriganael @kawaiidreamerarbiter @gallifreyansinger @holylulusworld @goldmother81 @capsickled @scarecrowandmrking @dakova777 @naaliahivernal @franthehorsegir @tastedwritersblock @uvallynn @cobaltbeam  @ellenharvellen  @blakechaos08 @fallenangel-grace @bibbidi-bobbity-booyah  @dcvilswccthart @21st-century-hexism @spoopy-assbutt67     @serpentdelecture @viwillow
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