#harish Patel
screenzealots · 6 months
"A Nice Indian Boy"
Finding the right partner is one of the hardest things to do in life, and director Roshan Sethi‘s “A Nice Indian Boy” captures a same-sex, interracial love story in the most tender and honest way. This film has everything you’d ever want in a traditional rom-com, from sincere performances, a touching story, and charismatic characters, to a vibrant identity that’s very funny, romantic, and sweet.…
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camyfilms · 1 year
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I've watched humans destroy each other when I could stop it all in a heartbeat. Do you know what that does to someone after centuries? Could our mission have been a mistake? Are we really helping these people build a better world? We're just like the soldiers down there: pawns to their leaders, blinded by loyalty.
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bollywoodisforlovers · 7 months
Episode 152 - Madhuri Madness 2024: Mrityudand and Lajja
To celebrate International Women's Day, we are kicking off Madhuri Madness 2024 with two feminist consciousness raising ensemble dramas.
Show notes:
Happy International Women’s Day
Madhuri Madness
Every film industry is patriarchal (except Paradise Island)
Hollywood vs Bollywood women’s pictures
Shabana Azmi and Om Puri
Prakash Jha’s political filmmaking
INTERVAL ("Badi Mushkil" from Lajja)
A real multi-starrer
Manisha Koirala learns about feminism
Tonally inconsistent
Ajay Devgn's whip sword
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ellie88-blog-blog · 7 months
Run Fatboy Run: I Promise, That’s the Name of the Movie
For fans of comedy and heartwarming stories, "Run Fatboy Run" is a must-watch, offering a unique take on romcoms and emphasizing personal growth and second chances.
I’m a sucker for a good romcom and I’m half in love with Simon Pegg, so to have both of them combined is like heaven for me. Directed by David Schwimmer and written by the talents of Michael Ian Black and Pegg, 2007’s “Run Fatboy Run: should be more well-known than it is, but I NEVER hear people talk about it when they mention a Simon Pegg film, which is a shame because it’s a delight and…
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veryslowreader · 2 years
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The Adventurers by Harold Robbins
The Buddha of Suburbia: Episode 2
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Harish Patel on Four Weddings and a Funeral Season 1
as Haroon on Four Weddings and a Funeral (S1 E1)
Information on beautifulfaces
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jgroffdaily · 6 months
Stars Jonathan Groff and Karan Soni and director Roshan Selthi on the joy of making “A Nice Indian Boy,” joking: “An independent film needs a famous white person to get made.”
When Jonathan Groff met with director Roshan Sethi about a role in the romantic comedy A Nice Indian Boy, he asked Sethi to cast Karan Soni as his love interest. Groff assumed Soni was straight, but he’d seen the Deadpool actor in Sethi’s first movie, 7 Days, and liked his vibe. As it turns out, Groff’s request had already been granted: Not only is Soni gay, but he’s been dating Sethi since 2018. Sethi thought he’d have to work to court Groff—“An independent film needs a famous white person to get made,” he half-jokes—when in actuality Groff was already envisioning the exact film that now exists.
To hear the trio talk about A Nice Indian Boy is to hear tales of kismet and glee (Groff pun intended). “It felt like an emotional throuple,” Soni tells The Daily Beast’s Obsessed, also half-joking. The movie unleashed its charm at the SXSW Film and TV Festival on Tuesday, capping off an intensely personal experience for Sethi and his cast.
A Nice Indian Boy, initially a play by Madhuri Shekar, is built on a meet-cute at a local temple. During prayer, down-on-his-luck doctor Naveen (Soni) catches the eye of a dreamy photographer named Jay (Groff), and soon his wish for romance has been fulfilled. Jay was adopted by an Indian family and immersed himself in their culture, but he’s far more comfortable in his sexuality than Naveen, who avoids introducing Jay to his folks (Zarna Garg and Harish Patel) until they’re engaged. It’s Meet the Parents: Hindu Edition. But not only is he bringing a boy home—he’s bringing a white boy home. With that, A Nice Indian Boy goes from a romantic comedy to a comedy of manners to a spectacular wedding comedy.
Together, Sethi and Soni wrote 7 Days, a straight rom-com co-starring Geraldine Viswanathan. That was a warm-up act for A Nice Indian Boy, a movie that begins with one dazzling Indian wedding—that of Naveen’s sister (Sunita Mani)—and ends with another. When producers sent Sethi the film script adapted by Eric Randall (In the Dark), it was like clouds parting. Here was something he and Soni had contended with their entire lives: being gay in a culture that loves elaborate marriage rituals as long as they don’t involve two men or two women. If 7 Days was like their senior year of high school, Soni says, A Nice Indian Boy was their freshman year of college, full of new liberation.
“Halfway through making the movie, Roshan was like, ‘This might be the most personal thing we ever do, so we should really soak it all in,’” recalls Soni, whose other credits include Miracle Workers and Always Be My Baby. “This checks so many boxes of our experience, and to do it together is so rare. I remember him saying, ‘We should experience and feel everything,’ which is also Jonathan rubbing off on us, because that’s all this man does. He is in the moment. He’s never on his phone in between takes. He loves to talk about things. We want to be more like Jonathan.”
Groff says he picked up the no-phones-on-set thing from Keanu Reeves, who would strike up conversation between takes while they were shooting The Matrix Resurrections. Jay is the more sanguine character in the film, so Groff’s grounding presence was life imitating art. But even if the Broadway veteran helped to secure the project’s financing, he wasn’t the biggest celebrity around. That honor belonged to Garg, the comedian, podcaster, and TikTok superstar who recently opened for Tina Fey and Amy Poehler’s tour. During the Vancouver production, locals stopped their cars in traffic to catch her attention. “It was harder for her to go places than anyone,” Sethi laughs.
Not everything was uplifting, though. Sethi reached out to various Hindu religious leaders to find a consultant for the wedding scenes. Not a single Vancouver priest—including one billed as “the most liberal pundit in Canada,” who apparently sent Sethi a homophobic slur in response—agreed to participate. However crushing, such reactions underscored the importance of a film that’s very much about internal and external acceptance. Sethi and Soni eventually enlisted a priest based in Malibu who FaceTimed them from his stylish convertible.
For Groff, aspects of A Nice Indian Boy were like an analog to Looking, the swoony HBO series that also featured amorous walk-and-talks. “I could kind of be transparently myself while playing the character and not feel inhibited," he says. "Karan talked about that, too. When we get to do something gay, there’s this feeling of extra freedom. When it’s a gay story, it feels ultra-personal.”
Independent filmmakers like Sethi are reinvigorating a genre that has long attracted gay audiences without featuring them in principal roles.
“Even though there were financial and logistical obstacles that kept cropping up, it was an experience of pure joy,” Sethi says. “Halfway through, I was like, ’Maybe it will never be this good again.’ We did it with people we love about a subject we love.”
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(Amar Chadha-Patel) [THE CONSTANT]. Please welcome [Raj Aiyangar (HE/HIM)] to Huntsville, WV. They are an [36]-year-old [VISITOR] who lives in [THE COMMUNE]. You may see them around working as a [ASSISTANT FUNERAL HOME DIRECTOR]. Poor unfortunate soul. We’ll see if they survive.
Thinking, feeling 'What is this, what did I miss?'
Full Name: Raj Jayant Aiyangar Nicknames/Aliases: N/A DOB: 08/24/1986 (Virgo) Birthplace: Huntsville, WV Orientation: Pansexual, Panromantic
Sometimes I wish I had control...
Raj was born the youngest child of your typical middle class family in a small town one over from Huntsville. Was he a... surprise? Yes. And boy does he know it. His older siblings were double digits by the time he came around, and his parents were not exactly excited to have another baby in the house. Not to mention, by the time he was old enough to actual try and have a good relationship with his siblings they were off to college, leaving Raj feeling like an afterthought for most of his adolescence. He didn't get the 'baby of the house' treatment that most younger siblings get, and maybe he resents his parents for this. It wasn't his fault they fucked up and got pregnant but it always felt that way.
While his family didn't live in the funeral parlor they ran, Raj was there almost constantly as a kid. And when he wasn't counting ceiling tiles his parents were passing him off to extracurricular activities so he wouldn't be in the way. He was always too loud, or too silly, or not smart enough even though he excelled at school and at the various hobbies they forced on him. He knows how to play piano and viola, can sing, was a straight A student, was well liked with his classmates and stayed out of (enough) trouble. He was a good kid if a bit of a handful. Smoked weed only sometimes. Got in trouble with his teachers never. Whether his parents ever acknowledged that was up for debate and is a point of contention to this day.
Raj always day-dreamed of leaving. But wasn't given much time to ever consider what his life might be like outside of WV (considering the moment he was old enough to help at the funeral home that was how he spent his evenings and weekends).
So his brother and sister could go off and live whatever life they wanted. And Raj had to stay here. And hang around with dead people.
Fear is in the mind...
Something of an ambivert, if there was any silver lining to his situation it was the people he grew up with. All things considered, Raj liked helping folks, and he had always been more personable and comforting than his father was when it came to grieving families. It wasn't like there was a lot of brown people walking around their area, and still Raj was always met with surprise when he told people he was Harish's boy. Raj was everyone's buddy, he was funny and charming and easy to talk to. It made the unfortunate situation he so often met people under easier for everyone and, somehow, he managed to thrive.
He had taken over the funeral home for his father in his mid twenties -- earlier than he'd hoped for but his father's dementia took up all of his mother's time. And he knew how to run the funeral home. It was the final nail in the coffin for him (pun absolutely intended), tethering him to his small town for the foreseeable future. He had to be ok with that. As strained a relationship he had with his parents, who else was going to take care of things? He ran his family's funeral home smoothly, the only change being their feud with their major competition in Huntsville. His father had always been rivals with Bruno, but Raj found he had little time for it. Huntsville became an afterthought, until a couple years later when he stopped hearing from Bruno at all and his own business started to boom due to the lack of competition.
Raj assumed they fell victim to the same fate many small businesses in forgotten towns did: they couldn't afford it. But it was curious how sudden it all seemed to happen, and after trying to reach out to the family he knew since childhood multiple times without answer Raj ignored his parent's wishes and made the short drive to Huntsville to check on them. Little did he know that what his father called his bleeding heart would literally trap him there.
It was terrifying to see the state of things, but quickly offered his services to Bruno who at the time was overrun with death from the paradox. You never really want to be busy at a funeral home, but this was Huntsville. And for that first year there, Raj was pulling multi-day all nighters just to keep up with how much death plague the early years of the paradox. He was exhausted, barely could keep his eyes open, so concerned with taking care of everyone else, concerned about his parents, angry no one had come to look for him, and grieving all of the loss he forgot to take care of himself. After a few days without sleep, the hallucinations started. It made focusing hard. Or functioning. And it was this lack of sound thinking that ended Raj outside in the cemetery later than he should have been.
Dulled down by a blunted scream...
The memories of that night are hurried and blurred, drunk on lack of sleep and terror. All he remembers is rain and how running, sprinting for his life, made his head pound. He remembers the laugh more than anything. And he remembers thinking:
'Is this how I die? Am I going to die in Huntsville?'
And how tragic that would have been for someone who only ever dreamed of getting the fuck out.
This was back when mass graves were far too common. Raj knew where they all were, he organized them, and still rolled his ankle, falling down into a large grave he helped dig only a few days ago and hitting his head off the sharp edge of an exposed rock on the way down. Funny. How falling into a grave could save your life. At the very least he was unconscious when the bodies fell and blanketed him, and the monsters, successfully tricked, passed him over.
Raj woke up later, buried under corpses. He had to force himself to keep from gagging knowing that any semblance of movement, or sound, or too heavy of a breath would be his death wish. The only option was to lay there, prone, and wait until sunrise. And like so much of Raj's life he did what he had to do. He stayed still in a giant wet, muddy grave. For no other reason other than 'he had to.'
While he doesn't remember much of the morning after, he does remember the stench of decay -- how it stuck to his skin and his clothes -- and how tacky the blood against his temple and down the side of his face felt, and how his hands were caked with dirt and mud. It was an overwhelming, horrifying sensory experience that he'll never forget. After that, forming new memories was near impossible, his head injury causing a kind of anterograde amnesia he had to constantly remind himself he had. The first couple of years were rough. He was frustrated more than he wasn't and felt very alone. He should have died. He knows that. And there is a guilt he keeps private about how, sometimes, he wonders if living a life of sticky notes and phone reminders is really worth it.
His amnesia has gotten better after time. But he still can't help but be hard on himself more often than he isn't.
I don't want to think anymore…
Fun Facts…
-Raj suffers from horrible night terrors from the night of his injury. Everything before late 2012-early 2013 he remembers clearly.
-For a while after his accident he stayed in an apartment with Zach which was a horrible mistake and high-key ruined their relationship. After which he moved into the commune refusing to move in with his parents (for a number or reasons, not wanting to be even more of a burden on his mother considering she was already his father's full time care taker one of them).
-It was Fern who he stumbled into the next morning, covered in dirt. He never told her what happened.
-Come to think of it I don't think he's told anyone what happened that night.
-He keeps meticulous notes and files them all away in multiple places. He will kick his amnesia's ass behind the dumper in the denny's parking lot at 2am. He is very high functioning despite everything.
-He is such a good friend. He gives the best hugs, he's great at hyping you up or talking you off ledges, he will stick up for the people he cares about vocally and unapologetically. He's sweet, and caring, and gives great advice. (And you know what? He's a great lay. Honestly, jack of all trades, over achiever, bay-bee!)
-Sleeps around quite a bit so he doesn't have to stay at the commune which he often finds suffocating. I don't think he and Sunflower got along all too well.
-He'll also sleep at work sometimes but will never make the same mistake of over working himself again.
-His amnesia has gotten better over the past decade and those who know him will have been able to see that progress. Still, he struggles to form lasting new relationships (though he puts a lot of effort into trying)
-He has one niece, Aish, who he adores. He is vodka auntie, no further questions.
Possible connections…
- Past hook-ups
-Childhood friends!
-New friendships he's trying to maintain
-Anyone from the commune
-His older siblings (note his older sister is a lawyer and the mother of his niece, penned by Ryan. If you’re interested in bringing here we can all chat about it!
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This Week’s Must-Watch OTT Releases: Romance, Thrillers, and More!
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Emily in Paris Season 4, Episode 2: Romance and Challenges in Rome Season 4, Episode 2 of Emily in Paris premiered on Netflix on September 12. This episode promises to deliver more romance, professional hurdles, and a picturesque getaway to Rome. Khalbali Records: A Musical Journey on JioCinema Khalbali Records premiered on JioCinema on September 12. The series features Skand Thakur, Saloni Batra, Salonie Patel, and Punjabi rapper Prabh Deep, along with a star-studded ensemble of 30-35 musicians, including Rekha Bharadwaj and Amit Trivedi. The eight-episode drama explores the life of Raghav, a music producer disillusioned with his father's label. Mr. Bachchan: A New Take on the Hindi Classic The remake of the 2018 Hindi film Raid, titled Mr. Bachchan, was released on Netflix on September 12. Starring Ravi Teja and Bhagyashree Borse, and directed by Harish Shankar, the film tells the story of an honest Income Tax officer battling a powerful politician. Berlin: A Spy Thriller Debuts on ZEE5 The spy thriller Berlin, featuring Aparshakti Khurana and Ishwak Singh, premiered on ZEE5 on September 13. Set in 1990s New Delhi, the film follows a deaf-mute man suspected of espionage. Sector 36: Crime Thriller Starring Vikrant Massey and Deepak Dobriyal Sector 36 debuted on Netflix on September 13, showcasing Vikrant Massey and Deepak Dobriyal in gripping new roles. Directed by Aditya Nimbalkar, this crime thriller marks his directorial debut and promises intense performances. Read the full article
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Here are the winners of HIGHEST LITERARY AWARD who have inspired the world through their valuable contributions -
1. Mohammed Omer Farooq Quadri Al Multani
2. Dr. Shahir Y Bajowala
3. Sameera. A
4. Gayatri Channaya
5. Dr. Prashant Mundeja
6. Kainat Javed
7. Ashwin Kumar
8. Sujoyita Pal
9. Ms.Zeenat Barkatali Merchant
10. Rangeesh Chandrasekar
11. Salma Shaheen
12. Zaeema Roshan
13. Wajiha Adrees
14. Clochard
15. Shreya Ghosh
16. Dr.Sanjida Khanam,Shaheen
17. Prof Dr Pandit Ghanshyam Pundlik Thorat
18. Maryam Mughal
19. Rubina Tousef
20. Anthony Savio Herminio Da Piedade Fernandes
21. Faizan Mushtaq (Faiz)
22. Ayesha Yasin
23. Dr. Hemant S Jain (Lodha)
24. Pratiksha Sharma
25. Dr. Brajesh Kumar Gupta ‘Mewadev’
26. Dr. C M Gupta Atal
27. Dr. Gulab Chand Patel
28. Mayaa SH
29. भानुप्रिया देवी
30. Dr. Minhaj Abdullah
31. Dr. Kaptain K. Bajpayee
32. Dr. Harish Kumar Khatri
33. Rameen Mohammad Shahid
34. Noor Ul Ain
35. Dr. Mahendra Kumar Sarva Raipur
36. Fauqia Asma Ahmed
37. Qurat- Ul- Ain Bashir
38. Sumaira Rashid
39. Dr. Srilatha Suresh
40. Areeba Khan Niazi
41. Hajra Tamana Binte Paras
42. Samina Saqib
43. Tuba Gul
44. Dr.Muhammad Safdar Bhatti
45. Anita Tripathi
46. Muskan Jain
47. Nutan Lal Sahu
48. Amina Ameer
49. Aiman Irfan
50. Fatima Lika
51. Ankur Singh
52. Dr. Gyaneshwari Vyas Smriti
53. Rajeev Kohli
54. Dilshad Alam
55. रईस प्रसद्दीकी बहराइची
To Read Their Full Biographies, Please Visit The Following Links -
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forblogmostly · 2 months
Hazoor Multi Projects Limited Announces Key Decisions from Board Meeting Held on July 26, 2024
On July 26, 2024, Hazoor Multi Projects Limited convened a crucial meeting of its Board of Directors at its registered office, located at C-45, Floor 4th, Plot-210, C Wing, Mittal Tower, Barrister Rajani Patel Marg, Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400021. The meeting, which began at 11:30 A.M., was a significant occasion for the company as it addressed several key decisions impacting its future operations and corporate governance.
One of the primary resolutions made by the Board was the recommendation to appoint M/s. VMRS & Co., Chartered Accountants, as the company’s Statutory Auditor for an additional five-year term. This decision, subject to approval by the company's shareholders, reflects the Board's confidence in the firm’s capability to provide comprehensive auditing services. VMRS & Co., established in 2002, has built a solid reputation for its services across a wide array of clients, including corporate entities, banks, and government organizations.
Additionally, the Board endorsed the reappointment of Mr. Harsh Harish Sharma as an Independent Director. His new term, starting July 30, 2025, will extend for five years, continuing his valuable contribution to the company. Mr. Sharma, who brings over seven years of experience in the broking field, holds a postgraduate diploma in Banking Management and is recognized for his expertise and commitment.
Another significant item on the agenda was the proposal for a stock split. The Board recommended the subdivision of the company's equity shares from a face value of Rs. 10 each to a face value of Re. 1 each, pending approval by the shareholders. This move aims to improve share liquidity and make the shares more accessible to investors. The details of the split, including the expected timeline and its impact on the company’s capital structure, have been disclosed in accordance with SEBI regulations.
The Board also addressed the alteration of the Capital Clause in the Memorandum of Association, contingent on the approval of the proposed stock split. This change is designed to reflect the revised share capital structure post-split.
In terms of corporate governance, the Board approved the Annual Report for the financial year ending March 31, 2024. The report, alongside the notice for the 32nd Annual General Meeting (AGM), will be presented to shareholders during the meeting scheduled for August 27, 2024. The AGM will be held via Video Conferencing (VC) or Other Audio Visual Means (OAVM), reflecting the company's commitment to maintaining accessibility and transparency.
The Board also set the Book Closure dates from August 21, 2024, to August 27, 2024, with the cutoff date for voting purposes on August 20, 2024. The e-voting process will be open from August 24, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. to August 26, 2024, at 5:00 p.m., allowing shareholders ample time to cast their votes.
In another key resolution, Mr. Ranjit Binod Kejriwal, a Practicing Company Secretary, was appointed as the Scrutinizer for the e-voting process during the AGM. His reappointment as the Secretarial Auditor for the financial year 2024-25 underscores his ongoing role in ensuring the company’s compliance with regulatory requirements.
The meeting concluded at 5:20 P.M., marking a productive session where the Board made several pivotal decisions aimed at enhancing the company’s governance, operational efficiency, and shareholder value.
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playermagic23 · 8 months
EXCLUSIVE: 100 hours, 3 days, hand-painted depiction of Ramayana – Alia Bhatt dons custom Mysore silk saree for Ayodhya’s Ram Mandir Consecration – Stylist Ami Patel describes intricate details
Bollywood luminaries graced the Ram Mandir Pran Prathistha ceremony on January 22, 2024, with Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor in attendance. Alia, styled by celebrity stylist Ami Patel, paid a poignant tribute to history in a bespoke turquoise blue Mysore silk saree. The garment, adorned with hand-painted depictions of pivotal moments from the Ramayana, showcased the artistry of celebrated artisans. Beyond a mere sartorial choice, Alia’s attire became a canvas, blending fashion with cultural homage at the auspicious inauguration of the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya
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EXCLUSIVE: 100 hours, 3 days, hand-painted depiction of Ramayana — Alia Bhatt dons custom Mysore silk saree for Ayodhya’s Ram Mandir Consecration — Stylist Ami Patel describes intricate details
Taking to Instagram on Tuesday, Ami Patel described the look that the actress wore for the event. Etched in the weaves from Madhurya Creations, the garment, adorned with scenes from the Ramayana intricately hand painted on the pallu, unfolded the epic narrative with a simplicity that spoke volumes. “Simple yet Historic! Alia Bhatt’s custom turquoise blue Mysore silk saree from @madhurya_creations had important scenes from the Ramayan intricately handpainted on the Pallu,” Ami wrote on Instagram.
In a traditional “Pattachitra” style, miniature paintings captured pivotal moments such as the breaking of the Shiva Dhanush, King Dasharatha’s promise, the boat journey with Guha, the allure of the golden deer, the dramatic kidnapping, the creation of the Ram Setu, Lord Hanuman’s poignant presentation of the ring to Ma Sita, and the grandeur of Rama Pattabishek. Each stroke of the artist’s brush encapsulated the essence of these scenes, immortalizing them on the fabric. The meticulous artistry, taking a staggering 100 hours to complete, not only showcased a dedication to craftsmanship but also paid homage to the rich cultural tapestry of India.
“The breaking of the Shiva Dhanush, King Dasharatha’s promise, in the boat with Guha, the golden deer, the kidnapping, the Ram Setu, Lord Hanuman presenting the ring to Ma Sita and the Rama Pattabishek. These miniature paintings were done in a traditional “Pattachitra” style and took 100 hours to complete on time for this momentous occasion of the inauguration of the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya,” Ami added.
When Bollywood Hungama spoke to Ami Patel, she revealed, “We were exploring a few options. We were looking at a Baluchari weave, like handloom silk sarees originating from West Bengal and we were looking at other options that had Ram Sita weave and historic prints. We were looking at Banarasi sarees and a lot of options. And then this one kind of just hit the spot because it’s a painting; it’s so subtle, and just on the pallu. The turquoise blue is a beautiful colour. I also thought that turquoise was a color that nobody’s going to wear and it’s the colour of the sky, which is so beautiful. Amongst everything, this was honestly our favourite.”
Customized especially for Alia Bhatt, Ami Patel also added that the hand painting was very intricate work. “It had miniature work. There were 10 epic scenes of the Ramayana — different chapters of the epic.”
Ami Patel hoped to make a ‘moment’ with his handloom that Alia Bhatt was going to wear because it was a very important and special event. “Ofcourse, we wanted to do a handloom but picking the right handloom. There were several options and colours,” adding, “Alia and I, we have a vibe and understanding. I like to present options to her. Alia always has great input thoughts and style also. We were on board, on the same page with everything!”
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Bollywood Hungama also spoke to Bharathy Harish, founder of Madhurya, who revealed that the hand-painted work on the pallu of the saree was done in three days. “Ami Patel told us that Alia Bhatt has been invited to this huge event, so send something interesting that is appropriate for this event. What we had was the lovely turquoise blue Mysore silk sake in the store. We asked Ami for a brief — in terms of colour, pattern etc. Once we received that, we showed her this colour and she said yes, the colour works. So after that, then we had to figure out what we could do in such a short time. So we thought of Lord Rama’s coronation, so if it can have something about him, but at the same time respectful. So you know you can’t put it in the border or the leg. So the pallu was like the best place to showcase something beautiful.”
Talking about working with their senior artisans, Shashi Bala and Sujit Behera, Bharathy further said, “We had artists on our team, this chalchitra artist who is very senior and they need to be able to paint also, in excellent quality, in a short time, which means it has to be a master artist. So we have a chalchitra artist in our team and we requested that we do this. The time is very short. Normally, he would have needed at least two weeks to do this but we told him we have three days to work day and night on this and get it ready. He also accepted the challenge and the husband and wife painted non-stop, day and night and very nicely they completed it. And then we took a chance and sent it to Ami and we are just very glad Alia liked and wore it.”
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Talking about selecting the chapters from Ramayana, she revealed, “Ramayana is a story we have all grown up with. The story itself is separated into different volumes like Balakandam, Ayodhyakandam, Aranyakandam, Kishkinda kandam, Sundara kandam, Yuddha kandam and Uttara kandam. So we just chose the most important events, especially what came to our heart, as a very important event that happened in that particular chapter of Lord Rama and Lord Sita’s lives.”
Adding further, she said, “We chose the part where Lord Rama broke the Shiva Dhanush at Janaka’s place and Sita with a garland — that is one scene we added. Then the next significant event that made it was Dhashratha asking them to go to the forest, based on Kaikeyi’s requests. So those scenes are depicted like Lord Rama taking lessons from Dhashratha to go to the forest. Guha, who is the devotee, and who is taking Lord Rama, Sita and Lakshmana, across the Ganga in the boat and his devotion is iconic, that was a scene that was depicted.”
“If you see in the second panel, the golden deer, if you see there, that is there; it’s a very miniature thing. Then, the kidnapping of Sita when Ravana comes in disguise as a saint and kidnaps her and subsequently is the iconic Ram Setu construction across the ocean. Hanuman presents [Lord Rama’s] ring to Sita and after that is Lord Rama’s coronation. So these eight events, at that moment, we thought as significant and symbolic turning points in the Ramayana and the last is a very celebrated coronation.”
ACTOR: Alia Bhatt
OUTFIT: Madhurya, with hand-painting by Shashi Bala and Sujit Behera artisans
STYLIST: Ami Patel, assistant by Garima Garg, Sanjay Kumar Dohalia
SHAWL: Dusala Kashmir
EARRINGS: Neety Singh Jewellery
HANDSTACK: Mahesh Notandass, Curio Cottage Jewellery
BATWA: Ami Patel
HAIR: Amit Thakur
MAKE-UP: Riviera Lynn
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publictaknews · 2 years
Vasan Bala on making cinema till death and the problem with new-age directors. web series
Amazon Prime Video’s new docu-series Cinema Marte Dum Tak examines a forgotten “parallel cinema” movement within Hindi cinema – the shoddy, low-budget erotic films of the late 90s and early 2000s. From producers Vasan Bala, Sameera Kanwar and Niharika Kotwal, the show explores that thriving subculture by talking to directors, artists and actors of the time, including Kanti Shah, Harish Patel,…
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sillypandallama · 2 years
A group of immortal alien creatures that live among humans on Earth and have the ability to protect and defend Earth from external danger
‎‫تمثيل ,Alan Scott, Angelina Jolie, Barry Keoghan‬‎ Bill Skarsgård, Brian Tyree Henry, Esai Daniel Cross, Gemma Chan, Haaz Sleiman, Hannah Dodd, Harish Patel, Harry Styles, Kit Harington, Kumail Nanjiani, Lauren Ridloff, Lia McHugh, Ma Dong-seok, Richard Madden, Salma Hayek
Directed by Chloé Zhao
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twistedpiner · 2 years
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How can I download songs from the album Pawan Kalyan Hits ?Īll songs from Pawan Kalyan Hits can be downloaded on JioSaavn App. Babu O Rambabu Song from the movie Kevvu Keka, Dance Performance by Prem's Cube Students.Choreography : prem Editing : a.r.manoharFor more videos Subscribe. The total playtime duration of Pawan Kalyan Hits is 1:11:04 minutes. Laden Sie kostenlos Kabir Singh Naa Songs In Telugu mp3 herunter, schnell und einfach Kabir Singh Naa Songs In Telugu (8.1 MB) Song und hren Sie sich Kabir Singh Naa Songs In Telugu (05:54 min) beliebtes Lied auf MP3 Music Download an. The total playtime duration of Pawan Kalyan Hits is 1:11:04 minutes. What is the playtime duration of the album Pawan Kalyan Hits ?
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There are a total of 15 songs in Pawan Kalyan Hits. Jump To babu rambabu full video song 124124 kevvu keka video songs 124124 allari naresh sharmila. There are a total of 15 songs in Pawan Kalyan Hits.
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Download Babu Rambabu ( ) song and listen Babu Rambabu MP3 song offline. How many songs does the album Pawan Kalyan Hits have? Listen to Babu Rambabu MP3 Song by Sunidhi Chauhan from the Telugu movie Kevvu Keka free online on Gaana. Download Kevvu Keka songs or listen online free, only on JioSaavn. Telugu movie featuring Allari Naresh, Sharmila Mandre. The most popular songs from Pawan Kalyan Hits are Dekho Dekho Gabbar Singh, Aaradugula Bullet, Ye Mera Jaha, Dil Se, Panjaa, Melikalu, Pillaa, Kevvu Keka, Narajugakura, Aale Bale, I Am An Indian, Akasam Ammayaithe, Made In Andhra, My Heart and Jalsa Jalsa. Listen to Romeo Juliet song by Ranjith, Deepthi Sayanora, Vijay Prakash from Kevvu Keka on JioSaavn. The most popular songs from Pawan Kalyan Hits are Dekho Dekho Gabbar Singh, Aaradugula Bullet, Ye Mera Jaha, Dil Se, Panjaa, Melikalu, Pillaa, Kevvu Keka, Narajugakura, Aale Bale, I Am An Indian, Akasam Ammayaithe, Made In Andhra, My Heart and Jalsa Jalsa. Watch & Enjoy Gabbar Singh Latest Telugu Movie Songs, Starring Pawan Kalyan, Malaika arora & others, Music Composed by Devi Sri Prasad, Directed by Harish Sh. What are the most popular songs from Pawan Kalyan Hits ? Play Kevvu Keka Song by Mamta Sharma from the Telugu album Pawan Kalyan Hits. Who is the music director of Pawan Kalyan Hits ? Download Kevvu Keka ( ) song and listen Kevvu Keka MP3 song offline. Devi Sri Prasad composed the films music and Jayanan Vincent was. Gabbar Singh Audio Launch - Director Harish Shankar Speaks about Pawan Kalyan - 12. Pawan Kalyan Hits is a telugu language album released in 2015. The plot follows a police officer who embarks on a mission to take down a corrupt politician. Gabbar Singh Video Promo Songs - Kevvu Keka. Pawan Kalyan Hits is a telugu language album released in 2015. FAQs for Pawan Kalyan Hits When was Pawan Kalyan Hits released ? Listen to all of Pawan Kalyan Hits online on JioSaavn. The songs were composed by talented musicians such as Baba Sehgal, Naveen Madhav, Devi Sri Prasad, and more. There are a total of 15 songs in Pawan Kalyan Hits. Kevvu Keka Movie Babu Rambabu Full Video Song Mumaith Khan, Allari Naresh.
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jgroffdaily · 7 months
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@wayfarerstudios We’re headed to @sxsw for the world premiere of A NICE INDIAN BOY!
When Naveen (Karan Soni) brings his fiancé Jay (Jonathan Groff) home to meet his traditional Indian family, they must contend with accepting his white-orphan-artist boyfriend and helping them plan the Indian wedding of their dreams.
Directed by Roshan Sethi
Written by Eric Randall, based on a play by Madhuri Shekar
Starring Karan Soni, Jonathan Groff, Sunita Mani, Zarna Garg, Harish Patel, Peter S. Kim, Sas Goldberg
3/12: 1:30p World Premiere at Stateside Theatre
3/13: 2:45p Alamo Lamar 4
3/14: 9:30p ZACH Theatre
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