#harmony x toffee
gxthicbat · 2 months
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wordynerdygurl · 2 years
Someone to Watch Over Me
Part 1:  “Love is Blind”
Author’s Note:  Do you think the Duffer’s realized what they were doing when they brought Eddie Munson to life on paper?  I don’t think so.  Because it’s been, what, nine or so months now, and I’m still all in on my favorite ne’er do well metal head.
This is my first time with an Original Character standing in for “reader”.  Just like with my reader insert fics, our OC is female and plus size. Pairing:  Eddie Munson x Plus Size OC Amanda Patterson Summary:  It’s love at first sound, pitch perfect and fated, everything in harmony.  If only life were a love song.  
Amanda and Eddie meet by chance but their connection is real.  Some night music and milkshakes maybe all it takes to show that Hawkins’ resident bad boy is worthy of love.  The kind of love a misfit like Amanda is ready to give to the right guy.  Have they each found the right someone to watch out for them? Warnings:  This is a slower burn than my usual, but I think it’ll be worth it.  There will be SMUT in additional chapters, but for now, there’s making out, eating a lot of junk food, some size shaming and self doubt.  Oh, and a character gets slapped.
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“There’s a saying old, says that love is blind”
“So, Eddie, how’s the tour been going?”
Pulling a long strand of dark hair over his cheek, a nervous habit he couldn’t seem to break, Eddie raised his dark eyes to the reporter asking the questions, ignoring the video camera and boom mic hovering overhead.  It took everything in him to keep the sarcastic edge in his tone to a minimum, “Well, Chuck, it’s been a helluva time.  Me and the boys, we’re just taking what comes.  It’s been fuckin’ amazing to see so many cities and of course, our fans.” “Oopsie!  Can’t curse like that, Eddie.  Can we cut around that?”  Chuck was asking some producer, talking over Eddie’s head, ignoring him all in the name of being appropriate for television.  Already he was over this whole experience.  What Eddie really wanted was to get back to the green room, have a beer or a smoke- scratch that.  And a smoke, before having to play tonight’s show.
The conversation around editing was still happening, Eddie’s interview on pause.  It gave him a minute to evaluate the man asking the questions.  Smarmy, yea, that’s the word Eddie would use for a guy like Chuck.  Hair slicked back and suit a little too colorful to be classy, the guy was cheesy as hell, but he was going to film a piece about the band.  Something for MTV to use in promos or some shit.  Eddie didn’t really care to know.  There were people for that now.  The same people who kept assuring him that there was no such thing as bad publicity.  Not when there was a nationwide tour that needed to sell tickets and t-shirts and records, so he bit his tongue and smiled sheepishly, waiting for the next question. “We rolling?  Great.  Ok, ready Eddie?” Nodding in answer, Eddie gave him the green light.  The interviewer tapped his finger against the skinny microphone in his hand, picking up seamlessly from where they had stopped earlier, “That’s good to hear.  Now, Corroded Coffin plays specifically metal but who has influenced your musical journey?  Which artists do you listen to?” Blowing out an exhale, his lips parting, Eddie thought for a minute.  “Ya know, all the greats Chuck.  I mean, I cut my teeth on Led Zeppelin.  Heart, Black Sabbath, obviously-” he rolled his eyes for emphasis, “-Iron Maiden and Metallica.  You play metal music and I’m there, man.” Chuck nodded along, agreeing with everything coming out of Eddie’s mouth, trying way too hard to seem interested.  He seemed more like a Madonna kinda guy, too caught up in the look of something to worry about its substance.  It grated on Eddie’s nerves, set his teeth on edge. “Gotcha.  So, the people want to know-” Chuck drug out the question, clearly enjoying the way he baited his interviewee, “-What is Eddie Munson’s favorite song?” Toffee colored eyes widened.  Despite the movement around him, the roadies hauling in speakers and gear, the conversations between stage crew and security guards, the clicking of boot heels on parquet flooring, Eddie could hear it.  His favorite song.  Clear and distinct, the memory a perfectly preserved bubble of sight and sound.  From over his shoulder someone coughed, bringing Eddie back to the here and now.  “Uh, sorry.  Didn’t mean to zone out there.” “Don’t worry, we’ll edit it out.”  Chuck’s hand made a motion urging him to continue. Eddie’s ring laden right hand rubbed across the skin on the back of his neck, internally debating just how real to be with his response.  In the end, Eddie told the whole truth.  He spilled one of his deeply held secrets to a douche bag with gelled back hair and a smile that was too much teeth. Looking directly into the bubbled lens of the video camera, Eddie offered up a reluctant, almost embarrassed smile, “My favorite song?  That’s a great question, man.  And, uh, ya know, I wanna say something hard rocking and fast.  But honestly?  Someone to Watch Over Me by the Gershwin brothers.” Eddie’s voice was practically a whisper at his admission.  He was ready for a ribbing.  A hard rocker like him, known for bad boy behavior and leaving a lady behind in every city?  No way Eddie Munson could possibly be a romantic at heart, right? Fully expecting a laugh from smarmy Chuck, some jab about the softness of his choice, or a comment on it being a standard, something old fashioned or behind the times.  But Eddie only heard the insipid agreement of the interviewer, “Great song.  A classic.” “Yea.  It is.”
It had always come naturally to Amanda.  She opened her mouth and the sound just came out, warm and round, with the right amount of inflection and sweetness of tone.  Singing was what she did.  From the time she could talk, Amanda was making music, using her body as the instrument. Church choir taught her how to sight read sheet music, her voice moving up and down the scale in time with the half and quarter notes.  Learning how to let her high Soprano melt in with the other members of the chorus so that no individual could be heard over another.  Discovering the power of dynamics; an effective hushed line that built into a climaxing crescendo, the rush of belting out a powerful note with all of the choir members doing the same.  Amanda continued to discover the best ways to utilize her voice, really only ever happy when she was humming or whistling or belting out a tune. One Christmas there was a tawny wooden guitar under the tree.  She carried it with her everywhere she could.  Teaching herself the chords from a beginner’s guide until she could play “Frosty the Snowman” without stopping.  And her unquestionable love of music grew with every new song she memorized until the entire book had faded from overuse. There were high school musicals, of course.  Grease, Annie, Guys and Dolls, Anything Goes.  And even if she was always the sidekick with no solo, hanging around in the back of the chorus lines, she loved performing.  Being on a stage, with the lights and excitement, the tension of anxiety turning into the power needed to propel her through the show.  Amanda lived for the thrill of it.  Something could go wrong or things could go incredibly right.  In either case, you could never truly know which way it would play out until it was happening.  Then, the curtain would fall and there would be bows and applause. Amanda loved the spotlight, absolutely and unequivocally.  Only, the spotlight didn’t love her back. Her round, full cheeks wouldn’t do to play Sandy.  The curvy, womanly figure she’d grown into wouldn’t work for Annie or Pepper or even Mrs. Hannigan.  Despite the lovely, lyrical quality to her voice, it wasn’t enough to outweigh her looks. So Amanda sang out loud and long from the back row of the chorus, her robe tight across her ample chest.  She learned the simple choreography for musical numbers and was told, “you’re so light on your feet” as if it was shocking to see.  Every year was a new chance to gain that place in the middle of the stage, singing for all she was worth for everyone to hear, but never making it due to a healthy appetite which made her soft in the places where people would rather she be firm. It was the bitterest of pills, but she swallowed it, happy just to be involved.  Pleased to have her name printed in the program as a participant even if she was living off of the scraps of lesser performers who just so happened to look prettier under the hot stage lamps.  She accepted hugs from the pretty boys who tried on singing and dancing as a way to meet girls, but wouldn’t give her a second glance.  The boys who saw her as the funny, talented friend of the group.  Always happy to drive everyone home, listen to everyone’s troubles, offering sage advice and asking for nothing in return.  That was Amanda.
All too soon, school was ending.  Over.  And college loomed in front of her, full of promise and secret worries.
She knew what she wanted, what she had always wanted.  It had never changed despite the wacky directors who hid her behind scaffolding or pushed her to the dim corners of the stage.  Amanda was on the earth to do one thing only: make beautiful music. It was, after all, her favorite thing to do. Unfortunately, it was also incredibly difficult to make a career out of, something her parents constantly felt the need to remind her about.  They only wanted what was best for her, that’s what they said anyways.  And what was best, in the opinion of Mr. and Mrs. Patterson, was a steady job as a hairdresser or nurse or preschool teacher.  Anything really to fill the gap until she met “the one”, got married and started having their grandchildren. Too bad Amanda loved the music so much more.  It had taken a lot of work, hours and hours of debating and shouting but somehow she had convinced them to let her go to school for music.  The catch?  She’d also study education.  It was a compromise Amanda was willing to make, just to get her foot in the door.  Worst case?  She’d wind up a music department chair at some high school or another, a great back up plan to her real dream: musical super stardom like Linda Rondstadt or Carol King. Only, school was expensive, especially when you were trying to make music your career.  And her parents did as much as they could, which she was incredibly grateful for, but everything cost so damn much.  So, almost broke and entirely desperate, Amanda searched around until finding a part time position at The Music Shop.  She started selling sheet music and drum sticks, auto tuners and guitar straps from a squat building painted an obnoxious shade of ocean blue that could be seen for miles in any direction. Occasionally there’d be a student in need of some musical mentoring and she’d drag out her acoustic guitar, the tawny one she kept in its cardboard case after all these years.  Showing them where to hold their fingers and how to press against the tough strings in order to get a pretty sound out of the instrument brought her a lot of joy.  It was still making music and that was enough for her between class work and socializing and generally trying to be a good person. The college classes related to music and music theory were fascinating.  Her collection of records and tapes had grown significantly.  It seemed as though every new person she talked to had a list of bands she “just had to listen to” and Amanda did. How could she ever thank her roommate’s boyfriend for turning her on to Lou Reed?  Did she live before knowing all the words to Pirates of Penzance?  How did Whitney Houston sound so incredible all of the time?
Writing a paper on the importance of Tom Petty’s ability to pen pretty lyrics, Amanda found herself surrounded by like minded musical folks.  She was invited to parties where everyone sang along to the radio, getting rowdy in the tame way theater kids everywhere are prone to do.  Drinking beers was fun.  Smoking cigarettes killed her throat through and Amanda refused to damage her instrument with nicotine like that.  Besides, she couldn’t afford them anyway. When she wasn’t studying or singing or stocking, Amanda did gig out.  Sometime during her first semester she had been approached by Jim, a cellist, Mark, a drummer and Carly, a pianist.  Having met the threesome at someone or other’s pre-Thanksgiving break bash, Amanda hadn’t realized it right away but she was casually auditioning for their band.  Not once did her size come up.  All the three seemed to care about was how quickly they could get her into a rehearsal.  They had a jazz trio and wanted someone to vocalize for them, someone with a soft tone, an easy timber that could get them playing in front of bigger crowds.  That she blended in with their group dynamic made it an easy fit and soon, the four of them were playing shows together all over the area and regularly too. Now, well into her third year at school, Amanda had a good idea of what her life was going to look like.  She would work the store, teaching a couple of private students the ways of the guitar, and sing out with the band on the weekends.  If they happened to get a wee bit drunk after a show, who could blame them?  After all, they were barely twenty and the world still had so much left to show them. At the music shop, one late September Saturday, Amanda took a minute to hang up the flier for Hawkins’ Autumn Concert Series.  Their quartet had been asked to entertain, practicing for weeks now getting the set list perfect for their biggest concert yet.  Smiling happily to herself, she gently forced the pushpin into the cork board where the typical announcements of used instruments for sale, lessons for keyboard or piano, and imploring alerts for new band members all co-existed in a colorful, clashing collage. Stepping backwards, Amanda wasn’t entirely paying attention, her mind already drifting to the highlight of the performance.  What she was going to wear, how she’d do her hair, all the little details that she liked to get right in an effort to make sure that the show went off without a hitch.  That’s how she missed the fellow who was crouched down behind her, ringed hands reaching for the Iron Maiden song book that was propped up on the bottom shelf. Her booted foot hit something solid, something that shouldn’t be in the aisle, and she turned quickly.  A blur of black leather and curls flew upwards fast.  The joint of her ankle rolled and Amanda reached out blindly, connecting with a solid wall of a person, holding on with a death grip to keep on her feet. Holy shit, did this chick have pretty eyes.  It was his first thought and boy, was it a doozy.  Eddie could see the shock clearing as worry crept in, crowding around the wide irises, her lips parted in a panicked “o”.  Clipped nails clawed into the denim vest he always wore, holding herself upright against the unfair tug of gravity, her forearms pressed tightly to his chest.  Bringing a steadying hand to her wrist, he shook his head, shyly smiling, “You alright there?  Took a bit of a tumble, didn’t ya?” Inhaling shakily, Amanda nodded dumbly, her heart still thrumming.  Still standing much too close to a stranger.  She had been certain of falling but having this, this guy break that fall, was disconcerting in an entirely different way.  “Oh, I am so sorry!  I didn’t see you, and-” “Hey, it’s ok.  No harm done, so long as you’re ok.  You are ok, right?”  There was a brief flash of concern that crossed his face, but it faded when Amanda bobbed her head at his question. She hadn’t moved.  Eddie was still looking down at her upturned face, the way her hair fell softly against her cheeks and the sweet sweep of her nose making her look about as precious as he had ever had the pleasure to see.  Eddie didn’t want to look away. For another beat they stood there, together, surrounded by score books and tutorial materials while an instrumental version of “Don’t Stop Believing” played through the store speakers.  Shifting in his Reeboks, Eddie swayed to the melody and Amanda let herself be carried along with him.  In another second, Amanda was certain that she would wrap his arms around her waist and call it a day.  Already, Eddie’s free hand was sliding towards her shoulder, another point of contact with this unknown, but very cute, man. “Yo!  Amanda?  Are you-”  Kyle’s voice cut through the force field around the pair.  At the sound of her manager’s shout she panic jumped back far enough to thud against the very cork board which held her proudly hung announcement, knocking the air out of her lungs with a grunted, “Oof!” “Jesus!  What are you doing?”  
Amanda’s eyes went wide at Kyle’s intrusion, and she pressed a hand to her chest to stop her startled heart from bursting free from the unused adrenaline, “Me?  Kyle, you scared the crap out of me!” Eddie’s head had snapped towards the interruption before pivoting back to the pretty lady he now knew was called Amanda.  His hand reached for hers reflexively, to help steady her, the same shy grin tugging at his lips.  That she took it and held it like a lifeline sent a zig-zag of energy from his fingertips straight to the muscles of his tummy which tightened at the contact. One of Kyle’s eyebrows shot skyward, his face skeptical, “What’s going on over here, anyway?”  He asked as if he already knew the answer, questioning eyes full of judgment. Amanda’s mouth opened and closed wordlessly.  What was going on back here?  She didn’t know, really. Luckily, Eddie did.  “Uh, your beautiful sales associate was just helping me find this-” holding up the song book with Iron Maiden’s logo splashed across the cover, he continued, “-and uh, then you came around the corner and, ya know, scared her half to death.” “Were you dancing?” Sneaking a quick glance her way, Eddie chuckled, “Dancing?  While she’s supposed to be working?  Naw man.  Like I said, she was helping me out.” His arms crossed over his chest, Kyle stared directly at Amanda, all but demanding her side of the story.  Running a palm up her neck, leaning into her hand, she exhaled loudly, “He’s- he’s right, Kyle.  I was just giving him, ya know, a hand.” Narrowing his eyes, not believing either of them, Kyle groaned in frustration, “Fine.  Whatever.  Just, I had a question for you.  Ya know, when you’re free?” Nodding, “Sure.  Yea, of course.  Just um-” she gestured towards Eddie, “-Give me a minute, ok?” “Yea.  Ok.”  Snorting, Kyle moved back towards the register, leaving Eddie and Amanda alone once more. Blinking those amazing eyes his way, Amanda locked her hands together to keep from touching the broad boy in front of her anymore, “So, thank you.  I’m not entirely sure what was going on, but I’m glad I don’t have to explain it to my boss.” “Right.  Well, I’m sorry for tripping you up.  Covering for you seemed like the least I could do.” Amanda heard the store’s music shift, something by Annie Lennox filling the space, and she took a tentative step away from Eddie causing him to lean forward, “Wait-” “Yea?”  Her hair swung over her shoulder, that’s how fast she spun around to face him, her stare open and curious. Nervously, Eddie bit his bottom lip as he rocked on the worn down heels of his sneakers.  For the first time in as long as he could remember he was almost unsure of what to say, “Uh, can I see you again?” Amanda didn’t laugh in his face and she didn’t shy away, both reactions he fully expected if he was honest about it.  Instead, and to his utter amazement, she reached behind her, yanking down the flier she’d only just hung up, “Absolutely.”  And she pushed the paper into his hand before scurrying toward Kyle. Shit.  He was in trouble already. Waiting just another couple of minutes, Eddie made his way to the cashier, patiently standing behind a flustered mom and her teenage son.  That the kid kept trying to get her to look at the cherry red electric guitar and amp set, already staged for Christmas, wasn’t lost on Eddie.  It’s exactly the type of gear he’d lusted after when he was young and eager, before he’d gotten his Sweetheart, and never looked back. Mind wandering, he didn’t hear her at first, “I can help you over here, sir.” Tilting his head towards her voice, Eddie took a shuffling step toward her register, “Ah, thank you, miss.” “No problem.”  But it most definitely was a problem, because Amanda couldn’t lift her gaze his way.  Not when her body rolled over hot at the memory of his chest under her fingers, his brown eyes peering down at her with sweet desire in their burnt caramel depths. Amanda punched in the code numbers, reading the price sticker and busying herself with recording the sale correctly.  “Amanda?  What’s the price for the Fender capo?” “Twelve fifty!”  It’s automatic and Eddie was astonished at how she kept focused on his sale while answering her colleague from memory. Finally, she raised her face to find Eddie’s smiling one already looking in her direction, and struggling to keep the flush of her embarrassment in control managed to ask, “Is uh, is there anything else today?” “Naw, Amanda.  I think this’ll do it.”  Giggling, a bit more timid now that she was safe behind the counter, Amanda bagged up the book and relayed the total.  Eddie pulled the bills out of his wallet, his chains clinking together musically, as Amanda made change for him quickly and precisely.  When he grabbed for the package, his fingers rested over her own for just a heartbeat, “I’ll see you soon then.  And uh, thanks for the dance, Amanda.” Stunned, all she could do was stand there, confused at the Dio patched metal head who pushed through the doorway and onto the street.  Under her breath, Amanda swore, “Fuck.  He knows my name.” —
Eddie didn’t know what he was supposed to wear to an outdoor concert in Hawkins Memorial Park at the beginning of October.  Was it a jacket and tie sort of situation?  Were jeans enough?  Was he going to stick out like a sore thumb if he was wearing a Metallica t-shirt? All of these questions and more burned through the bong ripped brain of Eddie Munson.  Pacing in front of his mirror, he fluffed his hair with his fingers, fidgety and fussing.  “Dude.  You’re fine.  What’s the big deal anyway?” Fixing Dustin with a stare that would wither lesser beings, Eddie folded down the collar of his red checkered flannel shirt, “The big deal?  I’ll tell you, Henderson.  The big deal is-” grabbing for his well used bottle of Aqua Velva and splashing a few shakes into his hands, “-I don’t wanna look like a jerk.  I want to blend in.  Just uh, enjoy some new music, and a nice night.” “Psst.  Bullshit.  Who’s the chick?” His eyes widened.  How could the little butthead know?  Eddie hadn’t said a word about the music store beauty and still, somehow, the pipsqueak was calling him out. “What chick?  Who said chick?  There’s no chick.” “Me thinks thou doth protest too much.” Pausing while he fiddled with the buttons on the sleeves of his shirt, confusion filling his face, Eddie blinked, “Wha?” “It’s Shakespeare.  You protest too much ‘cause, ya know, you’re covering up.”  Frustrated, Dustin shook his head, closing his eyes as he exhaled heavily, “Nevermind.  You’re clearly lying.  Tell me about her.  Who is she?” Looking over at his youthful friend, Eddie thought about it for a long second.  Tell Dustin about Amanda?  What was there to tell?  Shrugging safely into his shirt, Eddie bought himself some time fiddling with the buttons.  “Uh, well.  I don’t really know her all that well.  We, literally, bumped into each other at the music shop when I was picking up my new bible.”  He was now entirely focused on his hair which had decided to go fluffy.  Disgusted at what he saw, looking more pampered poodle than suave rocker, Eddie continued to run his hands through the curls as he chatted with his sidekick, “She’s uh-” “Pretty?” Dropping his gaze to the top of his dresser, Eddie’s cheeks colored at the word, “Yea.  So cute.  And, she seems smart.  Funny, ya know?” Nodding, Dustin came up behind his friend, plucking a stray hair from his shoulder, “Sounds pretty damn perfect, man.” “I’m sure there’s a catch.  There always is when it comes to women.”  Eddie couldn’t help trying to keep his excitement in check.  It was better to set his expectations low.  Less likely to hurt so bad when someone disappointed him and people always seemed to be disappointing Eddie Munson. Catching his older friend’s eye in the mirror, Dustin offered up a toothless smile, “I don’t know, man.  Maybe she’ll surprise you?” —
People were scattered around the park.  Some hovered near benches, others sat on blankets and a lucky few used their lawn chairs, dragged from home, all to get a good view of the small stage where the quartet would be performing tonight.  It was exciting. Amanda had unpacked her mic and cord, scatting a bit so that the guys could get a level on her voice and ensure a balanced sound through their mixing board.  She didn’t really understand all the technicalities, but in the end it helped make sure that they all sounded as good as possible, so Amanda played along.  “Testing one, two, three- testing one, two, three.  Can y’all hear us out there?” A smattering of claps and one enthusiastic “Woo hoo!” met her question.  Carly’s electric piano came next, banging out a couple of chords, before Jim slid his bow across the strings of his bass.  Not to be excluded, Mark took a couple of rim shots, making them all laugh. Now all that was left was waiting for the start of the show.  Seven o’clock and one of the town’s cultural council staff members used her microphone to blab about why they were hosting this event and to welcome Amanda and the band.  The lawn had filled in a bit, more people milling around which was always a good sign, so Amanda took a deep breath before greeting everyone, “Good evening everyone!  We’re the Indiana Four and we’re going to play for you tonight.  If you like what you hear, there’s a tambourine-” jingling the instrument to get everyone's attention, Amanda added, “-and I’ll leave it right here, in case you wanna put a little something in it!”
It was still too early for a full on sun set, but the sky didn’t know it.  Painted in bold streaks of orange that melted into petal pink due to the rays of the sinking sun, it created a warm glow which outlined everything around them with a gilded golden edge.  The moon was already a ghostly crescent barely visible in the rainbow tinted ether when Amanda let her voice rise into the oncoming night.  Mark counted them in with a broad smile in her direction and Carly’s piano joined the swell of music.  The deeper bass notes of Jim’s cello grounded the opening strains of their first song.  Amanda gently shut her eyes, letting her body feel every word of the song she was singing, just like she would do at home in her shower or behind the wheel of her tiny car.  Unaware of herself and completely at ease, letting her instrument, her voice, blend into the melody the four of them created together. Eddie was never going to get over the sound of her voice.  Sweet and soaring, she seemed to change the quality of its tone depending on the song, always leaving him guessing.  Which version of this lady was going to sing next?  A sultry vixen, heart broken and mournful?  The shy ingenue, new to love?  A plaintive bard, looking for answers?  Or some new character created to enchant him with only the power of her voice? In between songs, Amanda smiled brightly, joking with the people gathered and teasing her band mates playfully.  It made the entire concert feel comfortable- easy.  Like the folks who came down to see them were in on the funniest joke.  All one big, happy family who simply wanted to share music on a random October evening in the middle of Indiana. “Ok everyone, you’ve heard us sing a little of this and a little of that-” wrapping her hands around the microphone, Amanda pulled the silver stick closer, “-but now we’re going to do a favorite of mine, if that’s alright.” At the opening strains from the piano, a couple, older with matching graying hair, stood in front of their chairs and started swaying together, wrapped in each other’s arms.  Amanda’s lips spread in a wide smile pointed in their direction as she started, “There’s a saying old, says that love is blind. Still we’re often told, seek and ye will find. So, I’m gonna seek a certain lad I’ve had in mind.” Moving from the lamp post he had been leaning against, no longer content to watch from the shadows, Eddie stepped directly into Amanda’s line of sight.  She saw him.  How could she miss the leather wrapped, long haired guy who was peering straight into her soul?  And she wanted to look away, give someone, anyone else in the assembled listeners, her attention, but Amanda found that she couldn’t.
Had she expected him to be there?  Shaking her head for the crowd to see answered her own thoughts.  No, Amanda had no idea that the metal loving smooth talker would actually come to seek her out.  But, she had thought about it in the small moments between guitar lessons or while driving to her classes in the morning.
So, no.  Seeing Eddie stand there, bold as brass with his wide eyed stare and his hands in his pockets was not what Amanda had been expecting.  Hoped for, maybe.  Wished for, absolutely.  Reality though was better than anything her mind might have considered. “Looking everywhere, haven’t found him yet He’s the big affair I cannot forget, Only man I ever think of with regret.” Eddie swallowed hard.  The words she was singing wrapped around him on the night’s breeze and held on tight.  It was as if they were having a conversation that no one else could decipher, a conversation for only two. “I’d like to add his initials to my monogram, Tell me, where’s the shepherd for this lost lamb?” And she sounded lost.  Abandoned.  Alone.  Exactly like the type of person that Eddie was collecting for Hellfire or the band.  A person who needed someone like him to shield them from the big bads in life.  A guy who could protect her from the sort of wolves that a shepherd like him knew about all too well. “There’s a somebody I’m longing to see, I hope that he turns out to be Someone to watch over me.”
She was singing just to him.  Only Eddie.  There was no one else to look at, no one else who could understand or appreciate what the lyrics demanded.  “I'm a little lamb who's lost in the wood, I know I could always be good To one who'll watch over me”
Eddie felt his smile slide into place.  It wasn’t the wide, dimpled, open grin that showed off his teeth and let you know he was happiest.  No, this smile was small, secret.  It drew his pretty pink tongue over the plush swell of his lips, something Amanda could see from a distance.  Then, just to be coy, his pearly top teeth bit into the pillow cushion of his bottom lip, teasing her from her position on the small stage. Even from this far away, Amanda could see that he had made an effort.  A shirt with a collar was buttoned across his chest, all red and black squares that looked soft and broken in.  Sure, it was still under his leather jacket, but the denim vest must have been left somewhere safe, because he wasn’t sporting the pins and patches that she remembered from their first encounter.  Jeans, dark blue or was it black?  She couldn’t really tell, but it didn’t entirely matter.  Either way, they fit snugly around his thighs and only sported a single torn knee.  The threads stretched across his joint, frayed and begging to be played with. His hair was wild.  It fell in waves of dark tendrils, looking to all the world like no care had been taken in its shaping and styling.  Amanda stretched the fingers of her right hand, the one not holding her mic, imagining how Eddie’s curls would feel wrapped around her fingers. He saw it all.  The way her hand fisted at her side before trailing up the chord of her microphone, tangling the slack in her fingers.  How Amanda let every note have its own moment before the next one rose to join it. “Although he may not be the man some girls think of as handsome, To my heart, he carries the key”
Eyes fluttering shut, Amanda took a breathy inhalation as the melody shifted, daring to break the spell by denying herself the sight of Eddie in the crowd.  Her heart thumped in time with Mark’s gentle drumming, thick hips swaying without her conscious approval, the crowd around her all but forgotten.  Sliding back to the original cadence, the song swelled up and out of Amanda, nearing the end. “Won't you tell him please, to put on some speed, Follow my lead, oh, how I need, Someone to watch over me”
Eddie was transfixed.  There was only him and Amanda and her voice and the falling sun burnishing everything rose golden in the fading light.  He caught the way her skirt curled happily at her ankles with every shift of her feet.  The way her mouth formed around the lyrics.  How her chest rose and fell with each expressive stanza. The words repeated: “Won't you tell him please, to put on some speed Follow my lead, oh, how I need Someone to watch over me”
Amanda let her eyes flutter open.  Closer now, unavoidable and un-ignorable, Eddie was standing directly in front of her.  The final note, held until her lungs burned from want of air, faded into the ether and she winked at him.  She couldn’t help it, really. Not when she had somehow managed to carry on as if the most handsome guy Amanda had ever bumped into wasn’t staring straight into her soul as she sang.  Not when every note was rich and ripe and reverberated across the people packed plaza even if, presently, she sang solely for an audience of one. Applause.  Clapping and whistling came from every corner of the park, jostling Eddie’s attention.  From the stage, Amanda giggled at his reaction, but smoothly covered her response, “We are just so grateful that you all came to see us tonight.  So-” tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, a shy smile pointed in Eddie’s direction, she continued, “-we’re going to do one more song before we say goodnight.” She didn’t look at Eddie at all this time.  Amanda wasn’t even sure she could, not after the intensity of singing, to him, for him.  But she could tell he was there all the same, with his elbows bending outward like leather wrapped wings, nervous energy causing him to bounce on his toes in time with the music.
The new melody started and Amanda let it take her away too.  This number is lively, the rhythm more rock than jazz, and she gave herself permission to have a little fun, show off a little bit.  Still, she actively ignored the one set of eyes that didn’t seem to stray from her own through their final song. Soon enough, it was all over and the Indiana Four began breaking down.  A few friendly folks from the audience came up and said kind words.  Luckily there were a few dollars in the tambourine and Amanda happily handed the take to Carly, “Not so bad.” “Not bad at all-” But her friend stopped mid sentence, a voice familiar and still foreign cutting through the conversation, “Um, excuse me?  Amanda?” Turning around, Amanda was surprised to find Eddie so close that the toes of her boots brushed against his Reeboks.  She looked up at him through the curtain of her mascara, “How can I help you?” Now her voice was breathy.  Husky.  And it made Eddie’s skin prickle hotly.  “Uh, I just wanted to tell you- all, tell you all just how much I enjoyed your set.” Only, Eddie never looked past Amanda’s face.  Couldn’t really.  Not when her wide eyes were staring into his own, their long lashes accentuating her curious gaze, her head tilted in a way that showed sincerity.
His calloused palm rubbed against the back of his neck, nerves getting the better of him the longer that Eddie stood there.  It felt like hours.  Long, silence filled hours where no one spoke and he dangled from a weak branch of his own social awkwardness. In reality it was only seconds before Amanda giggled like a crushing school girl, dropping her gaze to break the spell she had unwittingly cast, “Well, that’s awfully kind of you…?” Clearly she was prompting him.  It was unfair that she was at the disadvantage of not knowing his name when he had learned hers through the forced politeness of the customer service industry.  Behind her, Carly snorted as they watched Eddie extend a heavy ringed hand, taking Amanda’s in his own.  Raising it high enough to press a chaste kiss to the back, adding a saucy wink for good measure as he answered, “Eddie.  I’m Eddie.” “Eddie.”  Amanda wasn’t aware that she’d whispered it out loud until her friend was reaching past her, extending her own hand Eddie’s way for a greeting, using her flirty voice to try and charm the very handsome, very out of place guy, “Carly.  That’s me.  And-” dropping her hand when Eddie failed to take it, Carly laughed ruefully, “-you don’t care.” Carly was absolutely right.  Neither one of them paid her any attention because the world as Amanda knew it no longer existed.  Not anymore. There was a new sun, a new sky.  One with raven curls and plump, pink lips.  A center of the galaxy that smelled like Aqua Velva and cinnamon gum and something mossy green.  The world had shifted off its axis, tipping her right into the arms of Eddie Munson. For Eddie, well, he had been gone from the second Amanda had tangled herself around him so tightly that she’d almost fallen.  But it was amazing to recognize that these feelings he was having were mutual.  He got shy then, toeing at the patch of grass in front of her, hands in his pockets while he played at casual, “Wanna get outta here?” Nodding wordlessly, Amanda agreed, only to realize her unspoken intention.  “Yea!  Uh, yes.  Yes.  That would be nice.” When Eddie cocked his chin up, the smile on his face was dazzling, “Excellent.”
— She was sure that she told the band where she was going and who she was leaving with, but Amanda couldn’t be certain.  It felt like so long ago.  An age had passed since she had been standing on the simple stage, singing for all of Hawkins to hear.  Since then, the long ago days of the early evening, so much had happened. Eddie had held her hand as he walked her to his van, holding open the door and ensuring that Amanda was tucked safely inside.  Boys didn’t do that- not for Amanda Patterson.  Not for the chubby girl who still had her baby weight to lose. When he caught her nibbling worriedly at her bottom lip, Eddie asked pointedly, “Everything alright?” “Uh, yea, I just-” “Afraid I’m trying to kidnap you, huh?  I get it.  Vans do have a-” he waggled his eyebrows suggestively while pressing the tip of his tongue to the center of his top lip, “-certain reputation.  But I promise you, Amanda.  No funny business.”  With one hand over his heart, Eddie extended the other, holding his pinky finger out. She recognized the gesture.  Every school aged kid would.  “Is that- are you making a pinky promise?”
His cheeks split into a solar powered smile as he nodded, “Oh, yes.  Absolutely.  And it’s ironclad, since, ya know, we link our little fingers.” Chuckling with her whole body, her shoulders lifted as Amanda agreed by reaching out her own pinky, “Ok, ok.  No funny business.”
They wrapped their littlest fingers around the other, huffing out laughs like naughty children.  And it did comfort any nagging fears that might have flooded Amanda’s mind because it was so silly.  So unexpected.  It was also entirely sincere. Roaring to life like a beast roused from slumber, the van started and Eddie shifted into gear, “Are you, by any chance, hungry?”
He was hoping against hope that she was because Eddie wasn’t ready to say goodnight.  Not now when he finally had this beautiful songbird buckled into the passenger’s seat, looking at him with those electric eyes.  Eyes that kept pulling him in anytime he dared glance Amanda’s way, now fully focused on him and beaming. Normally a question like that would be fully loaded for a young woman very aware of her size and stature, but for the first time and without any hesitation, Amanda answered without reservation, “Starved.”
Exhaling through a grin, Eddie shook his hair off his shoulders, “Then let’s go!” The drive to the diner was filled with chatter.  He offered kind words about the band, the concert and her vocals.  “You, you’re just incredible.  Never heard someone sing like that before.” “Thanks, but truthfully, Carly and Mark and Jim, they make me sound better.”  Amanda did that thing where she deflected the words, the attention, to anyone else in order to minimize herself.  What she didn’t count on?  Eddie’s ability to see right through her. Blowing his bangs off his face, Eddie swiveled to face Amanda, his tone finally serious, “Uh uh.  Nope.  No way.  You’re gonna have to accept that you’re the star of the show, sweetheart.”  Then, he leaned over the center console, right into Amanda’s personal space to bump her shoulder with his own, “Please, take the compliment.” Her jaw snapped shut, hands in her lap where Amanda fooled around her with fingernails, fidgeting.  She swallowed thickly and bobbed her head, her voice gaining strength.  “You’re right.  I, uh, I appreciate you saying that.” “No problem at all, hun.  I’m only telling the truth.”  That’s when she noticed his little finger wiggling her way, “Pinky promise.” — Normally Amanda would frown at the idea of a booth.  They tended to be a tight squeeze, embarrassingly so when she’d have to slide across the bench, her supple thighs sticking to the tacky pleather. She desperately did not want to be embarrassed in front of the forthright dude in front of her. But Amanda didn’t need to worry.  Eddie, lacing her hand in his, tugged her to the back table, “My usual spot- out of the way and the most comfortable one in the place.” Deep and roomy, the color of jellied cranberry sauce from a can, the cushion was accommodating because of its indeterminate age.  She plopped onto the seat with room to spare, more than a little relieved, “Oh yea?” “Yea.  I’ve been breaking it in for years.” Cocking her head in a way that made Eddie’s breath hitch, a clever half teasing smile curling one corner of her mouth higher than the other, Amanda joked, “So you bring all your women here, then?” The deep barking laugh that came straight from Eddie’s chest made an elderly gentleman sitting at the countertop turn around with a scowl.  “All my women?  You make me sound like a lothario.” “Mr. Goodbar?  Is that you?”  She squinted her eyes, leaning into the bit. “Oh, Mandy, honey.  I am nowhere near that good with the ladies.” “I don’t know.  You’re doing pretty good with me, so far.”  And it was out of her mouth like a runaway rocket.  There was no way to pull it back, no way to reign it in.  It was there- out in the ether, like a comet bound to crash through the atmosphere. Amanda froze because now she’d done it.  She had pointed out her interest, revealed herself as wanting, knowing that any other time she had dared to give voice to her attraction it had always been met with let down and heart ache.  The embarrassment boiled through her. God, she had wanted so badly to play it cool.  To ensure that Eddie was really into her before making any kind of declaration that couldn’t be passed off as a joke.  Stewing, Amanda waited for the inevitable rejection from the man far prettier and sexier than she should ever hope to have for her own. But instead of a dismissive shrug or, worse, a comment about liking her as a ‘just friend’, Amanda got to watch as Eddie’s eyes lit up joyfully.  He couldn’t hide it either, apparently, since his smile widened enough to show off a pair of precious dimples, “Yea?  Ya think so?  That’s- uh, that’s good to hear.” Something about his own reckless enthusiasm caused the flood of worry to ebb away, leaving Amanda filled with a warm, gooey sensation that was not as familiar.  Could it be?  Was this what mutual attraction felt like?  Was this what love songs had been selling for generations and greeting card companies were always trying to find new ways to describe?  Was this… love? “Hey lovebirds, what can I get ya?”  It is a universal law that wait staff appear at the table when it is least convenient and this interruption by Cheryl ensured that all was right with the cosmos, her tiny pencil poised and ready to write. They had spent no time reading the menu, but Eddie had it memorized cover to cover.  Looking at Amanda, he nodded, “So, uh, do you trust me?” Again, her head tilted, appraising this nearly perfect stranger with the gorgeous grin and shaggy hair.  “Uh huh, yea.  I trust you.  Why do you ask?” Licking over his lips, he turned all of his unfiltered attention to their waitress, dialing the charm up to eleven, “Hiya Cheryl!” “Hi yourself, Eddie.  What’s it gonna be?”  There was a familiarity there that spoke of too many late night coffee cups and slices of pie.  It wasn’t friendly, really, but it was warm enough and Eddie’s puppy dog eyes moved the conversation into safer waters. “Hmm… patty melts.  Two please, with the curly fries, ok?” A curt nod answered his request, “Yea, and to drink?” He looked at Amanda, that impish twinkle shining bright in his cinnamon dark eyes, “Milkshakes?” “Oh!  Yes!  Vanilla for me, please.”  She beamed at Eddie, excitement at the consideration evident in Amanda’s face. “And I suppose you want chocolate, right Eddie?” Cheryl lifted her gaze from the scribble filled notepad to stare down at Amanda’s dinner companion. Placing his ring covered hand over his chest, Eddie batted his eyes, “You know the way to my heart, Cheryl.” Snorting approvingly at his antics, she jotted down Eddie’s preferred flavor, “All right kids, be right up.” And she wasn’t kidding because before either of them could let the silence grow, two tall and frosty milkshake glasses were being slid across the glittering formica, each topped with a mound of whipped cream and a luscious, over sweet cherry as a crown.  A pair of straws were tossed down without much thought and Amanda greedily grabbed one, eager to taste the delectable treat in front of her. “So, tell me about you.  What do you- like, what do you do for fun?”  Eddie was toying with his straw’s paper wrapper, making small talk and working hard at looking effortless.  He hadn’t been out like this, with a girl he was so into, in ages.  Maybe ever, really, and he was rusty, more than a little out of practice. Amanda swirled her own straw through the thick vanilla shake in front of her, biting into her bottom lip before replying, “Well, I work.  A lot.”  “At the Music Shop?” She shrugged, “Yup.  But it’s not all restocking sheet music and replacing guitar strings.  I teach-” “Like guitar?”  Something about the prospect was so exciting.  A fellow musician to noodle around with and she just happened to have the voice of an angel?  Was this paradise found, or what? Amanda nodded at his eager response, “Yea.  Also some keyboard, like, really beginner piano, ya know?” Eddie slurped at his chocolate shake, brain going a mile a minute.  Shaking his long hair off his shoulders, nearly gawking, he clicked his tongue before sighing deeply, “It’s not really fair.” Worry filled Amanda’s features.  Had she done something wrong?  It had all been going so well, maybe too well?  “What’s not fair?” Rapping his ringed knuckles against the tabletop before pointing her way, “You.  You’re like, too good to be true.” Shy now, Amanda turned away from his kindness, his honeyed praises, and fiddled nervously with the pendant of her necklace.  It wasn’t something she had a ton of experience with; flirting and compliments and genuine appreciation.  If she was on a stage, under a white hot spotlight, Amanda would know exactly what to say, what to do, but here on the worn out bench seat of a small town diner, Amanda found herself unmoored by all the attention Eddie was sending her way. “Oh, that’s like- I mean, I’m not-” she let her voice trail off, suddenly transfixed by something outside of the plate window. “Hey-” Eddie laid his hand, palm up, on the worn down table, his voice dropping to a whisper.  He’d said something to upset Amanda because she had taken those brilliant peepers away and that felt wrong on a primal level. “-Amanda?  Did I- uh, shit.  Did I do something, ya know, wrong?  Shit.” There was something in the defeated sound of Eddie’s expletive that brought her around.  She saw his open hand, still laying on the table and cautiously linked her fingers with his.  But she still could not meet his questioning look.  Twirling one of those big, heavy rings around his large and frankly, distracting fingers, Amanda finally huffed out a lungful of air. “I guess I should like, be honest here and tell you that I’ve never really done this.”  She motioned between the pair of them with her unoccupied hand as if that alone would explain her behavior. Eddie squeezed her fingers for a second, a trace of teasing in his tone when he asked, “Had dinner in a shitty diner?” Rolling her eyes skyward, she snorted out a small laugh, “No.  Well, kinda?  I mean, I haven’t really had a-” she let her eyes lock onto Eddie’s maple brown ones, holding him still, “-a date.  I, uh, never really had anyone, ya know, wanna take me out.  So, this is new.  For me, anyway.” Eddie could see what the admission cost her.  The once pleased smile now turned just a little pouty as her bottom lip puckered from the effort of opening herself up.  Her chest rose and fell rapidly as if she couldn’t keep the air inside her for too long, but perhaps the most telling was the way that Amanda’s hand clung tightly to Eddie’s. For a long second neither one of them said anything.  The kitchen crew could be heard, banging around pots and plates.  Another couple in a nearby booth was laughing loudly.  The radio was tuned to the oldies station so everyone could listen to Sam Cooke singing about Cupid. And when Amanda realized that Eddie wasn’t going to respond, she sat up, stiffer than before, readying to take her hand with her.  But Eddie closed his fist around her fingers, keeping his hold on her and tugging her gently forward, a pained pinch obvious in his voice, “Me either.” “What?” He closed his eyes and swallowed thickly, “I don’t date.  Uh, that often.”  Popping one eye open, just to see if Amanda was still with him, Eddie continued, “Um, I’ve got a bit of a, well, a reputation.  And for some reason, the ladies around here aren’t into that.” Shooting for levity, Eddie hoped to lighten the mood.  Moments like this, where he was on display emotionally, where he was open and vulnerable, made him nervous.  Anxious.  Twitchy.  It was fucking scary to be sitting here with this pretty bird and tell her how much of a disaster he really was with no bravado to use as armor.  And if Amanda wasn���t already heading for the hills, there was no way he would be able to stop her now. “It’s the van, isn’t it?  All the people you’ve attempted to kidnap, right?”  At her gentle jest, both of Eddie’s eyes popped open.  She was still there, sitting sweetly behind her melting shake, a tentative twist of her lips making it impossible for Eddie to stop imagining what kissing her would be like and he felt himself nodding with a hoarse giggle, relieved, “Yea.  That’s, uh, that’s it.  I’m just a creepy metal head with a super creepy van.” “You probably have candy too and uh, puppies?  For the luring of innocents?” “Of course.  What’s a kidnapper without his bait?”  “A weird guy with an empty van?”  And that absolutely shitty punchline was enough to send them both into a giggle fit, shattering any lingering tension created by being a touch too honest in the moment.  There would be a better time to talk about deep dark secrets and the reasons why two lonely people could find comfort in each other, but this wasn’t it. When Amanda pulled her hand back this time, Eddie let it go.  She used her napkin to dab under her eyes, clearing away the tears that laughing together had created.  Then she was dipping down to slurp at her creamy concoction, grinning, “This is so good!” “Right?  But, I gotta say, vanilla is-” “What?  What’s wrong with vanilla?”  Shaking his head with a laugh, Eddie raised his eyebrows, “Vanilla is kinda boring.” “It is not!”  Scalded by his choice of words, Amanda leaned over their shared table at the diner, motioning him closer.  When she was near enough for her now vanilla scented breath to skate across Eddie’s mouth, Amanda husked, “Vanilla is smoky.  Sweet.  It’s hard to grow, super hard to harvest and while there are many imitators out there.  Real vanilla.  The good stuff?  Well, that shit would rock your world.” Amanda, feeling bolder, pushed in tighter despite the formica between them, continuing in a hushed tone.  “And Eddie-” her voice dropped even lower, forcing him to concentrate on every word leaving her tenderly parted lips, lips that smelled like bourbon and sugar and cream.  Lips that Eddie wanted to taste so badly that he was sure he was going to go mad, right here in the goddamned diner, before their burgers ever made it to the table.  Lips that begged to be kissed stupid, carried on, unaware of his rising desire, “-never forget this: chocolate needs vanilla to taste so damn good!”  Sitting back, pleased as punch now that her point was made, Amanda slurped down another sip of her vanilla shake.  Eddie needed a minute.  Or seven.  He was still almost lying chest down on the booth’s table, having to cock his head up to look at the vanilla loving vixen gloating over him.  Spreading his broad hands over the tabletop, Eddie dramatically pushed himself back into his seat, eyeing Amanda warily, acting contrary for the fun of it.  “It’s a good story, kid.  But I’m still not convinced about vanilla’s superiority.  Maybe-”  He was pushing his luck, he knew it.  God, but he knew it only too well.  She’d admitted to being new to all this, inexperienced, but still, fortune favors the bold, isn’t that what some famous person had said once?  Amanda, unknowingly, waited for his follow-up, her mouth wrapped around the striped straw, her cheeks round and smiling, “Maybe?” Leaning onto one leather wrapped elbow, Eddie reclaimed the space at the center of their table, “Maybe I need to taste it again?” She’s confused.  Yea, definitely, confused.  So Amanda moved, ready to slide her icy half filled glass his way.  But Eddie shook his head slowly and waved her forward until their foreheads were almost pressed together.  That’s when he cupped her cheek, gently, softly and Amanda, powerless to stop her body, nuzzled into the warmth there. It felt natural.  Right.  Easy.  And there was no way that Amanda was going to deny herself this little bit of pleasure being offered so openly. If what Eddie had admitted was true, and the way his eyes had scrunched gave her a pretty good idea that it was, then he was in uncharted waters himself.  Something about that idea, that they were both in this raging waterfall of connection together made it safer somehow.  It made it easier to shut her own eyes and enjoy the calloused caresses of Eddie. Eddie slid his thumb over her plush bottom lip which parted without question, “Wanna taste you.  That alright, Mandy?” God, did she like being called Mandy.  She bobbed her head ‘yes’, her eyes shut from the want, already anticipating Eddie’s movements.  But he surprised her again, asking- no, telling, “Open your eyes, baby.  Please?” And only when Eddie could spy the blown open pupils of his dinner companion did he allow his mouth to surge forward.  His slightly chapped lips separated enough for his tongue to sweep across Amanda’s own and he was rewarded with a sultry sigh.  It made Eddie braver.  Bolder.  
Now he was intrepid in his search for the flavor of vanilla, teasing and taking a taste of every muggy corner of her mouth.  His tongue brushed against her own, the fresh flavor of vanilla sweetness everywhere.  Heady and exotic and exciting.  Amanda tipped her chin downward, ready to deepen this first kiss that arched over forgotten milkshakes and the paper napkins wrapping up their silverware, tentatively running the tip of her tongue over Eddie’s teeth.  Traces of chocolate and the syrupy sweet cherry from the top of his treat lingered on Eddie’s lips making Amanda hum harmonically.  Her fingers fisted into the collar of his flannel shirt, ensuring that Eddie couldn’t escape, at least, not without effort. But she wasn’t worried.  When his second hand molded to the curve of her other cheek, Amanda couldn’t avoid smiling, knowing that Eddie was as into this as she was.  As far as first kisses went, this one was ranking pretty high on the list of all time greats and both were reluctant to pull away first. “Ahem!  AHEM!  I have your order.” Two heads turned toward the intruding voice of the bored and bordering on disgusted server Doris but Eddie and Amanda didn’t jump apart like a couple of randy teens might have.  Oh no, Amanda leaned further into the cup of Eddie’s palm, offering their put upon server a small smile, dazed and almost drunkenly, “Hmm, thank you so much.” Eddie would have rather died than forfeit the pleasure of her trusting touch.  With his free left hand he reached for one of the two plates, “Here, lemme have that.” “Whatever.”  Without any further ceremony, Doris, because that’s what her name tag read, plopped both heavy ceramic dishes to the table, “Need anything else lovebirds?” Amanda lifted her head slowly, licking over her bee stung lips and nodded towards the pink cheeked shaggy headed boy still draped across their booth, “Uh, yea.  Could we have another vanilla shake, please?  It’s his favorite flavor.” Chuckling, Eddie let his broad thumb with the bitten down nail graze over the apple of her cheek, speaking to Doris but only looking at Amanda, “Two cherries, huh, Doris?” Rolling her elderly eyes, the waitress shook her head, “Right away.” Steam rolled off the two cheeseburger melts and stacks of seasoned french fries but they remained huddled as close at the table between them would allow.  Cocking his eyebrow, Eddie couldn’t help the teasing, “My favorite, huh?” “Oh yea.  You’re a convert now.” Settling back reluctantly, Eddie smirked your way, “Ever think that you’re my favorite flavor?” He was rewarded with a small kiss pressed to the inside of his wrist and what he realized was a trademark tilt of her head, “I told you that everything tastes better with vanilla, Eddie.” “Yea, you sure did.”  Biting into his burger, Eddie grinned through the grease on his face, sure he had never been happier in his short life.  And if the triumphant smirk Amanda flashed his way proved anything, she felt the exact same way.
— The second their empty plates had been cleared away, Eddie’s hand naturally kind of reached for Amanda’s, needy and greedy for the reassurance of touch.  Just as natural, Amanda slotted her fingers between his, “I gotta say, Eddie, that was a pretty amazing burger.” Pleased at the recognition, Eddie squeezed her digits for a second, “Thanks for trusting me.”  And then he seemed to realize the full implication of his statement.  Thanks for trusting him on the drive over.  Thanks for trusting his judgment about the restaurant and not just his menu choices.  Thanks for trusting his intentions. Her eyes rounded at the sentiment, giving Eddie a flash of sympathy before leaning into a flirty smile, “I had to.  You did pinky promise me that there would be no funny business and that’s ironclad.  At least, that’s what I’ve been led to believe.” “God, you remember everything, huh?”  But he sounded impressed.  Happy that she hadn’t lingered on his more revealing comment. Nodding, Amanda agreed, “Yea, I mean, I kinda have an ear and it’s always been easy for me to memorize stuff.  Lyrics, melodies, lines from movies-” Leaning forward again, engaged and interested, Eddie licked over his bottom lip, “No shit?” “No shit!” Eddie couldn’t help it.  He let his eyes roam over the pretty face in front of him, etching all of the details into his own memory, vowing never to forget the greasy sweet shine of her lips around the red striped straw or how she folded her disposable napkin up primly before laying it across her dinner plate.  The way Amanda’s hand felt so right in his and how her mouth tasted like vanilla ice cream with a trace amount of menthol throat drop lingering along her teeth. Eddie needed to remember it all for later.  For tonight when he went back to his trailer, like a gentleman.  For tomorrow or the day after or the day after that.  For all the days that would spread between this time together and the next time Eddie would be able to see her.  He was going to live off the sound of Amanda’s begrudging laugh when he made a joke that was funnier than it had any real right to be.  He planned to survive on the nourishment of her sugared sighs when those perfect, plump and pouty lips had welcomed Eddie’s own.  It was food for his soul.  Essential for life like oxygen or water. “Uh, Eddie?”  Amanda’s quiet question yanked him out of his own head and back into the present moment. He tugged the forward chunk of his hair between his long fingers, embarrassed at being caught, “Hmm?”  “You’re, uh, staring.” “Yea.  Sorry about that.  It’s just-” “Do I have something on my face?”  Panicked, Amanda patted at her cheeks to find the non-existent stain. And how could he help himself?  “Oh, yup.  A little higher.  No, lower- uh, nope, other side.  It’s right there-” he directed her wildly, pointing at the corner of his mouth to watch Amanda lick the same spot of her own, “-almost.  How do you keep missing it?” “You little shit!”  It was suddenly crystal clear that Eddie was full on fucking with her.  There never had been anything on her face. “What?  You got it.  Just now.”  Eddie’s impish grin made it impossible for Amanda to be truly mad so she settled for shooting him a playfully spiteful glare, “Uh huh.  Yea, sure.” His thumb rubbed along the side of her pointer finger, the gentle drag a grounding reminder of Eddie’s unwavering presence.  Amanda rested her chin against the flat of her right palm before sighing deeply, “What am I gonna do with you, Eddie?” Reflexively, re-actively, he answered, “Whatever you want, baby.” It was Amanda’s turn to stare.  There was an open honesty in the hot coffee color of Eddie’s eyes that hooked her right through the heart and tugged like a caught fish on a rusty lure.  He was being serious, there was no denying it. Around them the air shifted.  It was no longer funny.  It was no longer polite. The world narrowed once more, big enough for only the two of them and the dingy diner booth where they sat as everything else fell away. Her throat tightened and a lick of heated flame unfurled through her belly.  Words flooded her thoughts but Amanda couldn’t seem to settle on the ones that would say what she wanted desperately to express.  Eddie’s seemingly simple declaration had untethered her. Because it was too soon to speak with such clarity of purpose.  Too early for the implication of more to be made.  And yet, for the first time, Amanda saw the ghostly shape of possibility in the earnest expression Eddie wore. There was a promise there, stronger than one created when two little fingers linked, and something about that was spooky.  Scary.  Only, Amanda didn’t feel frightened like she thought she should, shrugging smoothly, “I- I wanna stay with you.” That was her truth, in the singular sparkling now.  Leaving Eddie, even for the comfort of home, was a thought so daunting, so disruptive, that she was actively moving against it.  Everything in Amanda Patterson said ‘stay’.  Eddie’s head bobbed in understanding.  He had no intention of letting the night end so early and without any plan in place for a follow-up rendezvous.  At Amanda’s declaration, he’d changed the grip of her hand, turning it so that their palms touched, textured heat melding together.  
He’d be lying if he denied the libidinous way his blood shot south at the whispered want in Amanda’s voice.  He was a young and virile guy, after all.  But Eddie wasn’t thinking with his dick when he said, “I don’t wanna let you go, Mandy.”
“Am I-” pausing to catch her breath, Amanda started again, “-are we crazy?” “I uh, I don’t think so.”  Conspiratorially, Amanda huffed, “Then what do we do now, Eddie?” His free hand brushed through his curls roughly before landing on the back of his neck, “Let me take you home?” It was a question born of chivalry and Amanda agreed with a thin, “Yes, please.” Eddie stood up first, somehow managing to keep her hand in his as he slipped out of the booth smoothly.  Once he was on his feet, he tugged lightly, bringing Amanda to the edge of the bench before offering his arm.  She watched as Eddie threw some loose bills on the table and then he was leading her outside of the bacon scented diner and onto the sidewalk. She floated at his side, the swaying of her skirt brushing against the stiff denim of Eddie’s jeans.  What had been an appropriate outfit for the early evening was now a bit too thin and he saw her shiver under the bright and clear Indiana sky.  Popping open the van’s door, he saw her settled inside and as she buckled her seatbelt, Eddie shrugged off his leather jacket, “Here.  Snuggle up under this, yea?” Gripping the body warm coat with greedy fingers, Amanda clutched it to her chest, humming her thanks.  He watched as she spread it over herself, nudging the collar with her nose, “Oh man, it smells like you!” “Cigarettes and bad decisions?” “Nope.”  Inhaling deeply, she thought for a minute, “Cologne?  Aqua Velva, like my granddad wears and uh, Green Apple shampoo?”  She couldn’t hide the surprised way her eyes widened or the knowing little smirk her mouth made at this discovery. “What?  I think it smells good.”  Lingering in the space between inside the van with Amanda and outside on the sidewalk, Eddie’s arms leaned into the rusted metal frame, effectively caging her in the seat. Not that she minded when every time he stretched his flannel shirt rode up just enough for an alabaster white slice of belly to peek over the waistband of his jeans.  She had already noticed splashes of black ink over each hip but couldn’t be sure of its shape.  His forearms were on display, the strong veins of his wrists visible under the artfully stained skin, and Amanda let her mind wander at the idea of what Eddie looked like under all that cotton and cloth. Amanda swallowed thickly.  She was very aware of the protective bubble Eddie had built around her, here in the cab of his vehicle.  The scent of him.  The sight.  It was a feast for the senses. And now all she wanted was to taste the plush and pillowy softness of his lips.  Lips that were moving, saying something but her mind had gone over into staticy silver.  She couldn’t help it.  Not when he was standing with his trim waist nearly at eye level, the belt of his jeans drawing them low on his hips.  “Huh?” That grin.  Broad and toothy, spread smugly over his face, “Uh, did I lose you for a second?” “Hmm, yea.  Kinda.  Sorry, what were you saying?” “I was saying, I don’t want to say goodnight, at least-” he raised a hand to her cheek, brushing the calloused pad of his thumb across her smooth skin, “-not so soon.” Having already melted into his touch, hoarse and throaty, she agreed, “Yea, no, me either.” “Yea?  So, if you’re up for a little adventure, I may have an idea.” Amanda lifted an eyebrow, questioning the boy before her with a sarcastic thread to her words,  “An adventure?” “Don’t worry, babe.  I'll make sure to get you there and back again.”  His pinkie finger was wiggling, just waiting for Amanda to link them together in a silent show of trust. —
Thanks for reading!  Part 2 is coming soon!
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artisanteseo · 5 months
Have You Tried The Diwali Gift Box Suggestion From Artisante Yet?
Exchanging gift boxes during Diwali is a time-honored tradition that holds cultural, social, and symbolic significance. Here are some reasons why gift boxes are given during Diwali:
Expressing Good Wishes : Diwali is a festival that symbolizes the triumph of light over darkness and good over evil. Exchanging gift boxes is a way of expressing good wishes for prosperity, happiness, and success in the coming year.
Symbol of Affection and Gratitude : Giving and receiving gifts during Diwali is a gesture of affection, love, and gratitude. It reinforces the importance of relationships and the joy of sharing blessings with family, friends, and neighbors.
Tradition of Giving : Diwali is a time when people traditionally give and receive gifts as a token of appreciation and celebration. It has become a cultural practice deeply ingrained in the Diwali festivities.
Promoting Unity and Harmony : Exchanging gifts fosters a sense of unity and harmony within communities. It strengthens social bonds and creates a positive atmosphere of sharing and caring.
Auspicious Beginnings : The act of giving gifts during Diwali is considered auspicious. It is believed to bring good fortune and positive energy to both the giver and the receiver.
Spreading Joy and Happiness :Diwali is a time of joy and celebration. Gift boxes filled with sweets, goodies, and thoughtful items add to the festive spirit and bring happiness to those receiving them.
Acknowledging Relationships :Diwali gift boxes often reflect an acknowledgment of the importance of relationships. It's a way of saying "thank you" to those who have been a part of one's life.
Overall, Diwali gift boxes contribute to the positive and festive atmosphere of the occasion, embodying the spirit of sharing, joy, and goodwill. Below are some gift box options from artisante you can explore for making your Diwali moments special. Diwali Gift Box Options By Artisante :
Are you a sweet tooth, then below are the sweet suggestions you can explore of Artisante which are as follows :
Flavor Of India Gift Box
This gift box highlights chocolate bars and hot chocolate inspired by traditional Indian flavours and festivals. Saffron, Pistachios, and our favourite 'chai' spices feature in various forms across this selection. The perfect gift bix which contains Holi, White Chocolate with Delicate ‘Gulabi’ Rose Petals, Green Roasted Pistachios and sprinkles of Pink Salt x 1. Rajputana, Milk Chocolate with our in house Royal Chai blend of Indian spices, Cardamom, Ginger, Black Pepper and Star Anise, laced with Saffron threads x 1, Diwali Milk Chocolate with Saffron Threads and Delicately Roasted Pistachios x 1. Kaaju, Milk Chocolate, paired with caramelized cashew brittle and a delicate sprinkling of cardamon. x 1. And if you wish to try this diwali gift box set of 6 then you can find it at buy dark chocolate online india
Gift Box Of 18 Mini Chocolates
A tasting gift box of our entire range of miniature's ranging from Santorini, Dark 65% with Olive Oil, Rosemary, Sea Salt, Purple Haze, Ruby Chocolate with Blueberry, Cranberry, Cold Brew, Dark 65% with Coffee, Hazelnuts, Amore, Milk Chocolate with Strawberry. Midnight, Dark 70% with Mint, Zest, Dark 70% with Orange Peel, Almonds, Sao Thome, Single Origin, Dark 70% with Orange Peel, Madagascar, Single Origin Dark 67%. Ecuador, Single Origin Dark 70% with Roasted Hazelnuts, Botanist Dark 70% with Lavender, Diwali Milk Chocolate with Pista, Saffron, Fruit & Nut, Milk Chocolate with Almond, Hazelnut, Cranberry, Rajputana, Milk Chocolate with Royal Chai Mix, Saffron. Toffee & Nut, Milk Chocolate with Almond, English Toffee, Vanilla Latte, Milk Chocolate with Espresso, Vanilla, Tiramisu, Caramelized White Chocolate with Espresso, Cocoa Dust, Galactico, Caramelized White Chocolate with Toasted Almonds, Sea Salt, Holi, White Chocolate with Rose, Pista, Pink Salt. And if you wish to try this everything chocolate meets coffee. large gift box then you can find it at shop chocolate gift in india.
Textures Of Caramel Gift Box
A curated gift box of chocolates and hot chocolates highlighting different types and textures of caramel, featuring caramelized white chocolate, English toffee and a lot more. The perfect gift for to satisfy your sweet tooth the Gift Box comprises of Galactico, Caramelized White Chocolate with Toasted Almonds and Dash of Sea Salt x 1. Toffee & Nut, Milk Chocolate with Crunchy-Toasted Almonds and English Toffee x 1, Tiramisu, Caramelized White Chocolate with a shot of Espresso and Cocoa Dust x 1, Kaaju, Milk Chocolate, paired with caramelized cashew brittle and a delicate sprinkling of cardamom. x 1. And if you wish to try this diwali gift box set of 6 then you can find it at shop chocolate gift in india.
Apart from the above best dark chocolate in india online, there are many other options in terms of almond butter dark chocolate. And when it comes to chocolates there are only some fine brands who cater your demands in a right way. And Artisante is a one-stop solution when it comes to best dark chocolate in india online, buy chocolate gift boxes, buy vegan chocolate online india & artisante chocolates that you can explore on their website.
To know more: https://artisante.in/collections/shop-chocolate-gifting-india
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chadwick211 · 2 years
Best Christmas Gifts for Spirit lovers
Christmas is right around the corner. And there wouldn't be any celebration without some quality holidays spirit. Buying those Christmas gifts in advance would have been a better idea. However, we are here to assist you.
With the festive season upon us, Sendgifts has gathered some of the best bottles to give as gifts. Whether it's for tequila lovers, Scotch whiskey connoisseurs, or the entire family, you'll find the perfect Christmas gifts. Providing a wide range of liquor for spirit lovers, Sendgifts is a leading online liquor store.
Here's a handy guide to help you come across as the thoughtful person if you're still looking for last-minute Christmas gifts. what are you still waiting for? Pick up your phone and take advantage of our affordable Christmas gifts online.
 Christmas gifts ideas
Glenmorangie X Single Malt Scotch Whisky
Glenmorangie has released a new single malt Scotch whisky specially made for mixing. Crafted in consultation with top global bartenders, X by Glenmorangie’s sweeter, richer taste is perfect for tall, simple serves, which promise to refresh the way single malt whisky is enjoyed.
Nose: Honeyed malt with underlying lemon and apple, plus a touch of nutmeg bringing oaky warmth.
Palate: Lots of vanilla and apricot notes, with more apple coming along too. A hint of flaked almond later on.
Finish: The honeyed orchard fruit theme continues on the finish, with a pinch of peppercorn.
 Remy Martin Vsop Cognac
Remy Martin V.S.O.P is a well-balanced and multi-layered cognac that embodies the perfect harmony of powerful and elegant aromas. This gold color and versatile V.S.O.P is twice the age of a standard V.S, with notes of vanilla and stone fruit such as apricot.
Aroma: Vanilla, hints of licorice, baked apricots and peaches, violet.
Taste: A perfect harmony of elegant and powerful aromas.
Body: Multi-layered with a silky texture.
 Jose Cuervo Gold Especial Tequila Mexico
Jose Cuervo Gold Especial Tequila is a blend of tequilas aged for 1 to 2 months. It has rested in oak for a minimum of two months, which gives it its amber hue better known as gold. The aroma has pleasant agave notes. It is exceptionally smooth tasting, with a hint of sweetness and a rich, well-balanced character of oak, spice, and vanilla tones. It boasts a balanced, short, and smooth finish.
Perfect for margaritas and large party gatherings; we highly recommend that you bring this tequila to your most festive events! It makes the classic margarita, frozen, or on the rocks. Enjoy!
Appearance: Gold.
Aroma: Soft, subtly spicy and sweet.
Taste: Cooked agave, vanilla, oak, mixed spices.
Finish: Short and smooth.
 Bacardi Gold Rum
BACARDI Gold Rum is the perfect aged rum that you can casually sip or mix into any number of cocktails. This light-bodied rum is filtered through a secret blend of charcoal, mellowed for one to two years in toasted American white oak barrels, and blended to create a light golden rum with a soft oak flavor. This gluten free BACARDI rum imparts notes of vanilla, ginger root and toasted with a dry and slightly sweet finish. When you are out with your friends enjoying the moment, use this rum liquor to bring depth and character to classic rum cocktails like the Cuba Libre, Ginger Snap or Rum and Cola. BACARDI is the oldest and largest family-owned rum company in the world.
Color: Light golden amber. Given that the rum is quite young and charcoal filtered, the color might result from caramel coloring added to provide a consistent hue.
Nose: Light and pleasant notes of pineapple, toffee, and hints of oak, along with a fair amount of alcohol  
Palate: Mild, with vanilla and light tropical fruit notes (pineapple, banana, coconut), along with a slightly harsh astringency, which could come from the charcoal used in filtration or from insufficient aging—Bacardi Gold is less than two years old.
Finish: The oak and char linger in the back of the throat long after the sweeter flavors have faded.
 Four Roses Small Batch Bourbon Whisky
Four Roses Small Batch is created from four original and limited bourbons. Those have been expertly selected and blended by the Master Distiller. Aromas of sweet spice and dried fruit lead to a full, rich palate with mellow notes of ripe berry, vanilla, toffee, and caramel. Flavors of oak and spice linger through the soft, smooth finish.
Appearance: Amber.
Aroma: Spicy aromas with hints of cedar, cloves and cinnamon.
Taste: Lovely flavors of red plums, berries and apples with touches of peppercorn and toasted rye.
Finish: Smooth and soft finish with a slight vanilla end.
 Chivas Regal Blended Scotch Whisky
Chivas Regal 12-Year-Old is a blended scotch whisky crafted for a smooth, warm taste and mouthfeel from scotch whiskies that are at least 12 years old. Chivas Regal 12-Year-Old is delicate on the nose with a bouquet of fruit, aniseed, toffee, and wild herbs. Round and creamy on your palate, you experience a bold taste with notes of honey, apple, caramel, and vanilla.
Nose: A creamy, aromatic melange of vanilla custard, hints of aniseed, lemon curd, and butter toffee. Wood shavings and dried banana chips develop with just a hint of cassis.
Palate: More of those banana chips showing through on the palate, this time there’s a creamy hit of barley malt too, pepped up with a little allspice. Notes of ground walnut and caramel.
Finish: Light spice and black pepper on the tail. Lingering notes of cereal sweetness.
Overall: A spicy, beautifully balanced blend. Lots going on here.
0 notes
farehamwinecellar · 2 years
Urbina Rioja Sampler – 6 x 75cl bottles
Urbina Rioja Sampler – 6 x 75cl bottles
The Rioja wines of Urbina are a perennial favourite at Fareham Wine Cellar. This is a selection of 6 bottles showing off three different styles, Crianza, Reserva and Gran Reserva that show off how Rioja wines age into elegant and subtle wines.
The Urbina Rioja Sampler contains Two bottles of each of the following wines:
Urbina Crianza Rioja, Bodegas Urbina 2012
Aged 12 months in American oak casks and a minimum of 6 months in bottle before release. Ruby red colour with garnet hues. The nose is dominated by mature fruits. It is intense with mellow ripe strawberry, vanilla, coconut from the American oak and spices reminiscent of white pepper. The palate is well-balanced and complex with blackcurrant, spicy notes of incense and musk, combined with  more black fruit. There are slight herbaceous flavours with splash more cream, spice and more black fruit. Good structure and persistence, refreshing acidity.
Urbina Reserva Especial Rioja, Bodegas Urbina 2006
Aged for a 2 years in French and American oak casks and a minimum of 2 years in bottle before release. Bright, dark ruby colour. The nose has aromas of fine black fruits, black cherries, ripe plum, leather and tobacco notes which integrate perfectly with the oak. The palate is round, silky and smooth. It has a voluptuous, sweet middle palate with delicious, concentrated ripe berry and mature fruits. Refreshing acidity, elegant complex and classy. Long finish.
Urbina Gran Reserva Especial Rioja 2004
Aged for at least 36 months in oak barrels and 48 months in bottle. Dark ruby ​​colour, medium robe with light mahogany rim. Complexity on the nose, splendid maturity, mineral aromas, ripe fruits, figs, cherries and plums, tomato and dried apricot jam, cigar box, cherry blossom, harmonious and well-defined spicy touches of cinnamon, vanilla and clove tips. Some leather, blond tobacco, and nutmeg. Musk, Frankincense and Kola nut. Background of fresh and elegant toffee and balsamic candies. On the palate you can see harmonious and balanced oak, fruity tannins, great elegance and velvety smoothness, and wonderful length.
      The post Urbina Rioja Sampler – 6 x 75cl bottles appeared first on Fareham Wine Cellar.
from You searched for wine | Fareham Wine Cellar https://ift.tt/yvntADi
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awinger24 · 4 years
UPDATE: Posted a revised version of this cover. Now with better orchestral samples and programming.
Originally composed by Brian H. Kim. This is a fan-made cover and orchestral arrangement. The original soundtrack respectfully belongs to Wonderland Music Company/The Walt Disney Company.
Anyway on to this track, everything is made in Logic Pro X.
Orchestrating from the original piano based cue, I give props to Brian for coming up with such a beautiful melody. The only thing I could critique is for the emotional moments, the upright piano comes in. It seems to be the show's overall mood. Toffee's theme overall was first to be characterized by the upright piano, even the Blood Moon Waltz is too (later is accompanied by a music box). If that's how it is, it's alright. Ramin Djawadi for Game of Thrones' score and it's go-to emotional moments are accompanied usually by a solo cello.
Anyways, the way I arranged this cue is have the woodwind instrument exchange solos (In order: flute, clarinet, flute, clarinet, english horn, oboe, and piccolo). I was inspired by Randy Newman's opening cue to the Pixar film "A Bug's Life" and a couple of John Williams poignant moments.
I still have the synth strings and brass in to give SVTFOE it's retro-synth feel.
I have the suspended cymbal and mark tree played at the moment Eclipsa opens up a gift (being a rooster's beak?)
They are accompanied by string chords and arpeggiated piano/harp chords. The wind solos are doubled by vibraphone, celeste, and even first violins to give it more color.
For the large and grand emotional climax, I have all woodwind, brass, and strings playing all at once doubling the melody and harmony. The mark tree gives it texture. All creating tension and release. The brass comes as the horns and trumpets double the synth brass counterpoint. The trombones and tuba outline the chords. Also added harp glissandos and mark tree to give some magical texture when Eclipsa and Globgor kiss.
At the very end (which was edited out of the final cut of the episode), you would hear a modified toy piano which is Eclipsa's usual palette. Doubled with piccolo and glockenspiel to give it some color, and the synth string and violins play the sustaining G note in octaves.
I still gave the piano something to do.
I say I did a good job on this cover. Thank you Brian H. Kim. I hope one day you'll listen and read this. I'll continue to grow to these desires as an orchestrator and music producer in-training when all I got is a laptop and 25-key MIDI controller.
Sheet music will be on the way.
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familylightfox · 4 years
     “Good morning Mr. Lightfox.” 
     Just like that, the soft voice gained some focus as Volt opened his eyes to look up at the white ceiling. A familiar ceiling if he was being honest and then turned his head slowly to the side, spotting another familiar face. The most he was able to provide was a tired smile as she brought over a small tray with a meal. 
     He would have attempted to take the tray from her but found that his arms were pinned down and Harmony would need to be nudged if he was going to eat. At least the sugar glider was patient as he shifted, just enough for his daughter to notice the movement and pick her head up. The light sleep had become a habit from watching over him and with a quick look around, realized that she needed to move. 
     Onto the nearby chair she went and Volt took the tray so that he could begin eating. 
     “I’m guessing everything was a success?” He didn’t feel like he had to ask the question but still was relieved as Rebecca nodded and handed Harmony a tray of her own breakfast, using one finger to put against her lips with a wink. 
     “We still need to get another x-ray, but the doctor is confident that he was able to clear everything last night. I thought you might like to have a bit of something to eat beforehand and I knew that Harmony would be hungry since she refused any of my toffees last night when we brought her up to your room.” Thankful for her honesty, Volt nodded and went back to his meal. 
     Once he was done, a wheelchair was brought in and there was a small chuckle that followed as the orderly panicked briefly watching Volt detach himself from the IV and wires before standing up. Just to be safe, he paused once his feet were on the floor, then shook his head. “I can walk.”
     “It’s policy Mr. Lightfox. As much as I know you can run a marathon, humor us.”
     “You guys are lucky I like this hospital...” He stuck his tongue out and got into the chair. A small ‘oof’ followed as Harmony hopped onto his lap. If the orderly looked to be ready to argue, there was a glance given by the older hybrid that stopped them before they could say anything. 
     The ride up the elevator was quiet, Volt just waiting for the door to open and be wheeled down the hallway and into the room they needed. He only stood up once they arrived and went to get everything done while Harmony waited next to the nurse in the next room. What he hadn’t been expecting was for Dr. Quack to be waiting for them. 
     “It still simply astounds me that you can have major surgery and as long as you are in good health, will get right up and walk around.”
     “Blame my creator.” Volt shrugged. “He’s the one who messed with all those DNA samples until he got me.”
     “About that...” Volt raised an eyebrow to the doctor. “I think you may need to have a seat for this Voltage.”
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gensgrimoire · 6 years
Starbucks Drink Correspondences
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stir clockwise - to manifest
stir anti-clockwise - to banish
coffee - clarity, focus dispels nightmares, encourages hard work, removes internal blockages, infuses intentions with stamina
Teavana Hot Brewed Teas
earl grey - strength, stability, endings, finished business, banishment, expelling negativity, financial growth, spiritual shield, peace, balance, clarity, intuition
royal english breakfast - strength, stability, endings, finished business, banishment, expelling negativity, control, health, luck, protection, prosperity
oprah chai - abundance, healing, love, protection, spirituality, luck, money, success, beauty
emperor’s clouds and mist - fire magic, healing, love, catalysts, mindfulness, passion, sexual health and new energies
jade citrus mint - fire magic, healing, love, catalysts, mindfulness, passion, sexual health and new energies, purification, luck, love, energy, divination, protection, money
youthberry - air magic, purification, protection, clarity, realization, meditation, cleansing, luck, money, chastity, strength, love, healing
mint majesty - healing, love, mental strength, psychic powers, purification, energy, divination
passion tango - love, protection, lust, luck, psychic powers, abundance, harmony, balance
peach tranquility - gentle strength, joy, fertility, love, wishes, divination, love
pineapple kona pop - chastity, luck, money
Starbucks Refreshers
very berry hibiscus - divination, love, lust, healing, money, protection
strawberry acai - fortune, friendship, love, healing, strength, energy
mocha -  clarity, focus, dispels nightmares, encourages hard work, removes internal blockages, infuses intentions with stamina, friendship, love, balance, grounding, prosperity
caramel - positivity, comfort, memory, self-love, friendship
pumpkin spice - prosperity, divination, love, luck, clarity, focus, abundance, energy, strength, psychic awareness
salted caramel mocha - clarity, focus, positivity, comfort, memory, self-love, friendship, protection
vanilla bean - love, lust, self-love, positivity
cinnamon dolce - clarity, focus, energy, peace, abundance, love, healing, power, spirituality, success
white chocolate mocha - dispels nightmares, encourages hard work, removes internal blockages, infuses intentions with stamina, friendship, self-love, fun
java chip - friendship, love, balance, grounding, self-love
strawberries and cream - fortune, friendship, love, happiness, platonic love, self-love
green tea - healing, love, catalysts, mindfulness, passion, sexual health, new energies, peace, relaxation, purification
double chocolatey chip - friendship, self-love, fun, nurturing, love, balance, raises emotional energy, romance, grounding, prosperity
chai creme - abundance, healing, love, protection, spirituality, luck, money, success, beauty, passion, courage
cotton candy - love, lust, self-love, positivity, peace, fun, strength, reliability, endurance
midnight mint - protection, cleansing, purification, positivity, raises emotional energy
milk - nurturing, prosperity, protection, fertility, growth, strength
soy milk - success, prosperity, growth, strength
coconut milk - protection, spiritual cleansing, growth, strength
whipped cream - prosperity, love
chocolate powder - friendship, self-love, fun, nurturing, love, balance, raises emotional energy, romance, grounding, prosperity
cinnamon - abundance, healing, love, lust, power, psychic powers, spirituality, success, luck, happiness
nutmeg - clarity, clairvoyance. luck
vanilla powder - love, lust, self-love, positivity
honey - money, protection, psychic powers
caramel drizzle - positivity, comfort, memory, self-love, friendship
mocha drizzle - clarity, focus, dispels nightmares, encourages hard work, removes internal blockages, infuses intentions with stamina, friendship, love, balance, grounding, prosperity
dolce sprinkles - abundance, healing, love, lust, power, psychic powers, spirituality, success, luck, happiness
Syrup Flavours
vanilla - love, lust, self-love, positivity
caramel - positivity, comfort, memory, self-love, friendship
cinnamon dolce - abundance, healing, love, lust, power, psychic powers, spirituality, success, luck, happiness
hazelnut - creativity, inspiration, luck, fertility, enhance magical abilities
toffee nut - soothing, healing, fertility, empowerment, prosperity, luck, love, protection
peppermint - healing, love, psychic powers, purification, sleep, dreams
raspberry - love, strength, endurance, reliability
classic (simple syrup) - love, attraction
sources: (x)(x)(x)(x)(x)(x)(x) and my own personal correspondences
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boozehouse · 2 years
Father’s Day Gifts to Buy: 7 Boozy Gifts for Every Type of Dad
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Father’s Day is almost here, and if you’re like most people, you’re still trying to figure out what to get your dad — and it may seem like a daunting task. How about a bottle of premium liquor?
We know that dads are hard to shop for. We’ve put together a list of seven popular Scotch whiskies that would make the perfect Father’s Day gift. This article has compiled a list of five popular Scotch whiskies that are sure to please any superhero dad.
Don Julio 1942 Anejo Tequila
Father’s Day is just around the corner, and if you’re looking for a gift for the special man in your life,Tequila is a timeless gift that can be enjoyed by anyone, and there are many different types to choose from.
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Don Julio 1942 Añejo was created for the first time back in 2002 to celebrate the 60th anniversary of Don Julio and is the ultimate expression of the Tequila art. Made in the Añejo style, this Tequila is made from the finest piñas, double distilled and aged for 24–30 months in small oak barrels. Rich, sweet aromas of caramel and toffee are layered with a fresh vanilla fragrance and hints of cherry-like red fruits.
Johnnie Walker Blue Label Year of the Tiger Limited Edition 750mL
The Johnnie Walker Blue Label Year of the Tiger Limited Edition is a great gift for the Scotch-loving dad. The whisky has a rich and full flavour that is perfect for sipping. The limited edition bottle is also a great collector’s item.
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To the one who never walks alone, to the one whose steps inspire yours — celebrate prosperity and good fortune this new year with the new limited edition 2022 Lunar New Year design for Johnnie Walker Blue Label. This year’s intricate design marks the Year of the Tiger and is illustrated by Chinese artist Shan Jiang. The incredible artwork pays homage to the tiger as a symbol of strength and progress. The majestic animal is depicted with golden wings, as in the famous Chinese idiom, an expression of vigour and vitality, representing how we are stronger when we walk together. The visuals are completed with the tiger high amongst the mountain clouds, ascending towards the modern metropolis — a sign of prosperity and progress, signifying good fortune for all in the year to come. The intricate illustration is matched by the rare whiskies and centuries of craft that create the rich fruity flavours, perfectly balanced smoke, and remarkable depth of character found in every bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue Label.
Hibiki Harmony Ryusui Hyakka Limited Edition 2021 Suntory Japanese Whisky
One popular option is the Hibiki Harmony Ryusui Hyakka Limited Edition 2021 Suntory Japanese Whisky.The bottle design is based on Ryusui Hyakka, which is more of a Japanese ceremonial design and means One Hundred Flowers and Flowing Water.
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Hibiki Japanese Harmony is delicately balanced, smooth, and subtly sweet. Its harmonious blend of the finest, select whiskies creates a oneness, unfolding a full orchestra of flavours and aromas.
The House of Suntory, the Founding House of Japanese Whisky, announces the release of a specially-designed, limited-edition bottle of Hibiki Japanese Harmony. Adorned with painted flowers and flowing ribbons of water, this one-of-a-kind bottle was designed to represent the vital force of Japan’s everchanging twenty-four seasons.
Gentleman Jack Golf Ball Gift Pack, 700 ml
Created in 1987 as a tribute to Mr Jack Daniel himself, Gentleman Jack is known as “the smoother side of Jack.” Gentleman Jack is charcoal mellowed not once, but twice for ultimate smoothness. Their hand-crafted barrels are matured exclusively on the bottom 2 floors of the barrelhouse where the climate is less intense for a softer, lighter flavour.
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So, if you’re looking for a Father’s Day gift that he’s sure to love,
May Tasting Gin Gift Set, 4 x 50ml
Father’s Day, Father’s Day gifts, Father’s Day scotch whiskies, superhero dad It’s that time of year again! It’s time to start thinking about what to get the special man in your life for Father’s Day. If your dad is a fan of gin, then you’re in luck. Here are some of the most popular Scotch whiskies that make great gifts for dads.
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You can try all four Malfy Gin flavours with this miniature gift set, containing four 5cl bottles of each of the following Malfy Gin’s: Originale, Con Limone, Gin Rosa, and Con Arancia.
Malfy Originale is a homage to gin first being created in Italy in the year 1050AD by monks on the Amalfi Coastline.
The Malfy Con Limone is a marriage of the finest quality Italian coastal lemons with the unique Malfy gin recipe.
Malfy Gin Rosa is distilled with sun-ripened Sicilian pink grapefruits, Italian juniper, rhubarb and four other botanicals to create Italian sunshine on the rocks.
Malfy Con Arancia — using the peel of Sicilian Blood Oranges, Italian juniper and four other botanicals to create this delightfully refreshing gin —
Master Keep One Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey by Wild Turkey
Wild Turkey Master’s Keep One is the seventh entry in the Master’s Keep brand line. This edition features a blend of 9–10-year-old bourbons selected by master distiller Eddie Russell and 14-year-old bourbons selected by master distiller Jimmy Russell. They then blended them into a single batch and finished the batch in toasted barrels for an undisclosed amount of time.
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Wild Turkey Master’s Keep One flat out gets its toasted barrel finish right. I’ll further add it’s one of Wild Turkey’s more elegant bourbons they’ve put out in a long, long time. It oddly lacks the Wild Turkey fruitiness that I love from the brand, which either could have made this one of the best Wild Turkey releases in the modern era, or made it completely off-balanced. There is an undeniable amount of finesse with this release that makes it such a joy to experience. Its toasted finish stays relatively in the background during its palate, likely contributing to its evenness, but becomes a major player during its finish. The Master’s Keep One has a good chance of making you a believer in the toasted barrel finish process, and that all has to do with the expertise of the people producing it.
If you are looking for a unique and memorable gift for the special dad in your life, look no further than Wild Turkey Master Keep One Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey. This whiskey is sure to make any dad’s Father’s Day complete.
Jack Daniel’s Old No7 Black Label Tennessee Whiskey on Cradle 3 Litre
Arguably the most iconic American whiskey and certainly the most well-known, Jack Daniel’s classic Old №7 is a powerhouse when it comes to bold, brazen flavour. If you are a fan of whiskey, then you simply must have a bottle of the Old №7 Black Label on your shelf. For many collectors, this is where it all started — smooth, smoky sweetness and the unmistakable warm finish. This 3-litre edition comes with its own cradle, so you can make it a centrepiece for your celebration of whiskey.
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So if you’re looking for a unique and special Father’s Day gift this year, pick up a bottle of Jack Daniel’s classic. Your dad will thank you for it!
So there you have it, our top picks for Fathers Day gifts. All that is left to do now is choose your favourite and have it delivered straight to his door! Cheers!
You can view all of our Bottles by clicking here, and can grab a 15 % offer on your first order& Free shipping Use code BOOZESAVE
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another-tmnt-writer · 7 years
High School Musical
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Leonardo x Reader
High School Musical
Author: Morgan
Note: Here’s some Leonardo High School AU. I had this thought after watching a show called Zombie Prom, a great musical about a girl whose undead boyfriend comes back to win her heart. If you like Warm Bodies, you’d like it. It’s cute. Like, really cute. And it takes place in the ‘50s. There are a few good versions on youtube, and there was a short film, but they didn’t use my favorite song from the musical, so…
Warnings: Musical Theater
Word Count: 1289
Leonardo didn’t know what his first words coming home from his and his brothers’ first week of high school would be. But he figured they probably wouldn’t be: “I think I’m gonna try out for the musical.”
“Yer gonna what?” Raph burst out laughing. The thought of his older brother on stage was enough to make milk spew out his snout. He was thankful he hadn’t been drinking anything when his brother made his sudden declaration.
“The show they’re doing is about a green guy.” Leo sort of smirked. “My time to shine.”
“Yer gonna sing. And dance. And kiss the girl playing the lead.”
“Well…” Leo rubbed the back of his neck and shrugged. “Yeah, maybe.”
“You must be on something, bro…”
Leo showed up later that week after school in the auditorium for the audition. He was nervous. It didn’t help that all of the eyes in the room seemed to be drawn to his large green form. He kept to himself, no one really building up the courage to talk to him. Except for one girl.
“Who are you trying out for?” You asked, smiling as you sat in the row in front of him and turned around to face him. All of the people auditioning were doing so behind the curtains in front of the directors, while all of the people waiting were sitting in the auditorium seats.
“I’m trying out for Jonny.” Leo glanced up from the sheet music in front of him, but he didn’t expect to see an angel. “You know, I figured I wouldn’t need makeup for half of the show.”
“Well, you’ve got the green part down,” you chuckled. So did he. “I’m trying out for Toffee.”
“Oh really?” Leo raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah, I’ve been listening to the soundtrack for like three weeks on repeat.” You gushed, blushing bright red. “What song are you singing for your audition?”
“Blast from the Past.”
“Good choice.” You nodded. “I’m singing Toffee’s part from Voice in the Ocean.”
“I’m sure you’ll do great.” Leo smiled a smile so handsome it almost melted you into a puddle on the spot.
“Leonardo!” The director called from behind the curtain. He stood up, towering above you.
“Break a leg.” You smiled and waved as he walked away, his heart racing. He could take out a squad of ninjas like it was nothing, but this one human girl had managed to send his poor terrapin heart into a frenzy.
You got a message on Instagram a few days later, and the notification caused your heart to race.
Leo_the_blue_one: Hey, I got a callback for Jonny. They want me to sing Voice in the Ocean, so I was wondering if you could help me learn the part? It’s okay if you’re busy.
Your_username: Congratulations! My callback is tomorrow at five, but I can meet you in the choir room after school and work on it until then! *That cute smiley emoji*
Leo_the_blue_one: That sounds awesome! Thanks so much!
Your heart was pounding like a bass drum the entire text conversation. You weren’t sure what it was about Leonardo that just turned your insides to jelly. Was it his handsome face? His clear blue eyes? That lady killing smile? The muscles? The height? The tattoos? God, the list went on and on. And then there was his singing voice...Oh God, this wasn’t like any crush you had felt before, and you knew it wasn’t going anywhere any time soon.
You were in the choir room before Leo got there, plucking out the song on the piano, and when he walked in, he couldn’t believe his ears. Your voice, along with your piano skills, absolutely blew him away. You stopped when you noticed his large green figure standing in the doorway, your face all red.
“Don’t stop on my account,” he smiled that handsome, but smug smile.
“I, uh-” You couldn’t seem to find any words, so you scooted over on the piano bench and gave it a pat, inviting him over. “So, is there any particular part of the song you’re getting stuck at?”
“I’ve been listening to it a lot, and I think I’ve got most of it down. I just thought maybe we could...run it together?”
“Sounds perfect.” You smiled and started playing the song from your phone.
The two of you hit every note, every harmony, and when it ended, you were left feeling something...different.
“Leo, I think you’re gonna kill your callback.”
“Hell yeah. They’d be crazy not to take you.” You told him. You didn’t think mutant turtles could blush, but you were wrong.
“Well, I think you’d make one hell of a Toffee.”
Before either of you could say anything else, someone knocked on the door.
“Guys, your callbacks are happening. They wanna hear you together.”
You closed your binder and got up from the piano. “Well, glad we’re warmed up.”
You walked up to the lunch table the boys sat at the next day, ready to explode with excitement.
“LeoLeoLeoLeoLeo!” You ran up to the blue-clad turtle and stopped, breathing heavily. “Did you see the list?”
“It’s up?” He asked. You grabbed one of his large green hands and pulled him away from the table (not an easy feat) and down the hall to where a considerable crowd was gathered around the musical cast list. They were curious about Leonardo, and with good reason. He had gotten the part. Well...most of it.
“Zombie Jonny.” Leo read.
“You got the part!” You were jumping now.
Leo was silent, staring at the words. He couldn’t believe his eyes. He had actually gotten the part. And...so had you.
“So did you,” He pulled you into his arms, smiling. He was still in disbelief. This wasn’t happening. No way. He got to play the love interest of the most beautiful girl in the whole world.
“This is going to be so much fun,” you gushed, still clinging to him.
“It already is.”
You, Leo, and the rest of the cast worked your asses off for the next few months learning the songs and dances and blocking and acting and piecing together an amazing show. The rest of the cast couldn’t believe the chemistry you and Leo had, but were surprised you weren’t dating yet. After all, you were both single.
There was some teasing about the whole “different species” thing, but overall, it was jokingly so. The cast was close and you couldn’t wait to show the rest of the school what you had put together. Backstage before the show the first night, Leo found you. You had both been mic’d, but they weren’t on, so you could talk.
“Ready?” You asked.
Leo couldn’t help but grin at the sight of you in your poodle skirt and high ponytail.
“Well...There ain’t no going back.” He chuckled, referencing one of the only songs in the show he wasn’t in due to the split casting. Human Jonny had the pleasure of singing that one with you. He didn’t mind, though. He was the one that got to kiss you, after all.
Until now, you had left the kisses out of rehearsals hoping it would feel more real in the moment. It wasn’t until now that you realized it would probably be Leo’s first kiss ever. After all, how many kisses could he really have had before he started going to school. Your rough estimate said none.
“You’re going to be great.” You took his hand and gave it a squeeze. Warmth flowed through him and he squeezed your hand back. You stood on your toes and kissed his cheek. “Break a leg, handsome. I’ll see you on the other side.”
Part 2?
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gxthicbat · 4 months
The whole family! :D
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sleemo · 7 years
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Limited-edition Star Wars: The Last Jedi ice cream from Ample Hills Creamery. 
Inspired by the heroes, villains, and enduring themes of the iconic film franchise, we’ve designed three flavors inspired by the films’ narrative. Each Star Wars 3-Pack includes a specially-designed, limited-edition pint of each of these three flavors:
• The Force ice cream flavor : Inspired by the harmony and peaceful nature of the Jedi, The Force illustrates the precarious balance between the dark and light side with sweet cream ice cream, swirled with rich chocolate fudge, and set against a galaxy of white and dark chocolate pearls.
• The First Order ice cream flavor : To showcase the monolithic, fierce power of The First Order, salted dark chocolate ice cream represents relentless villainy, while cocoa powder, bittersweet chocolate and a dash of powerful espresso reinforce the dark side.
• The Resistance ice cream flavor : A celebration of the spirit and determination of the Resistance fighters who stand against the First Order, The Resistance is a brown sugar and vanilla bean ice cream with an assortment of mix-ins: fiery red velvet ooey gooey butter cake to represent tenacity, hard-edged toffee pieces to exhibit ferocity, and hopeful marshmallows.
Each Star Wars 3-Pack ships in a specially designed box and a punch-out x-wing fighter.
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artisanteseo · 9 months
Do You Like The Christmas Season? If Yes, Do You Prefer Having Sweets In It?
As the winter chill settles in and the aroma of freshly baked cookies fills the air, we know that Christmas is around the corner. This festive season holds a special place in the hearts of people around the world, and for good reason.
Celebration of Love : Christmas is synonymous with love and goodwill. It's a time when people come together to celebrate the spirit of giving, kindness, and compassion. The act of giving gifts and spending quality time with loved ones becomes a beautiful expression of love.
Festive Decorations: The twinkling lights, the scent of pine from Christmas trees, and the festive decorations create a magical ambiance. Homes and streets adorned with lights, wreaths, and ornaments evoke a sense of warmth and joy, turning ordinary spaces into enchanting wonderlands.
Traditions and Rituals: Christmas brings with it a rich tapestry of traditions and rituals. From hanging stockings by the fireplace to singing carols and decorating the tree, these customs create a sense of continuity, connecting generations and fostering a sense of belonging.
Delightful Culinary Delights : The Christmas feast is a culinary journey filled with delectable delights. From the traditional roast turkey to gingerbread cookies and eggnog, the festive season is a treat for the taste buds. It's a time when indulging in sweet and savory treats becomes a cherished tradition.
Magical Moments for Children : For children, Christmas is a time of wonder and excitement. The anticipation of Santa's visit, the thrill of unwrapping presents, and the joy of spending time with family create memories that last a lifetime. The belief in magic is kept alive through stories of Santa Claus and his reindeer.
In essence, Christmas is not just a day on the calendar; it's a feeling that warms the heart and brings people together. It's a celebration of love, joy, and the simple pleasures that make life extraordinary. As the saying goes, "It's the most wonderful time of the year," and indeed, Christmas is truly special. When it comes to chocolates there is no better brand then Artisante in offering the best dark chocolate online india or the best vegan chocolate online india. Below are some of their Christmas collection you can explore for your reference : Chirstmas Gift Box Options By Artisante :
Are you a sweet tooth, then below are the sweet suggestions you can explore of Artisante which are as follows :
Christmas Cheer Festival Gift Box
Spread the Joy with our festive Christmas Cheer gift box, featuring a selection of delicious Christmas treats. You can write a note to your special one and we will add it in the Gift box & the gift box comprises of Christmas Spiced Hot Chocolate - a cozy festive treat x1, Midnight, Dark 70% with refreshing natural mint x 1, Candied Almonds & Cashews with Christmas Spices x1, Toffee & Nut, Milk Chocolate infused with bursts of traditional brown sugar English toffee and crunchy, toasted almonds x 1. And if you wish to try this christmas cheer festival gift box then you can find it at buy dark chocolate online india
Box Of 16 Christmas Truffles
Bring on the Christmas cheer with a box of our special seasonal truffles. A set of 16 truffles, 4 exceptional festive flavours. Packed in our elegant  Christmas Gift Box comprising of silky milk chocolate with a pumpkin spice creamy ganache, Rich dark chocolate with peppermint creme, Smooth white chocolate with Biscoff, Silky milk chocolate with candied ginger ganache and holiday spices. Unwrap the magic of the season with our Christmas truffle collection & if you wish to try this box of 16 christmas truffles then you can find it at shop chocolate gift in india.
Christmas Spiced Hot Chocolate
Savour the festive season with our Christmas Spiced Hot Chocolate. A harmonious blend of rich cocoa and festive spices, creating a delightful blend that captures the holiday spirit in every sip. You can enjoy it hot by adding 2 heaped tablespoons to a cup of hot milk, stir till smooth. Use a whisk or frother for a creamy texture & continue the above process. Also add ice or chill in the fridge. Use a frother or blender to mix directly into chilled milk for a velvety finish. Add marshmallows, whipped cream, ice-cream, cookies or brownies for a heavenly delight. And if you wish to try this Christmas spiced hot chocolate then you can find it at shop chocolate gift in india.
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To know more: https://artisante.in/collections/christmas-specials-1
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fannishcodex · 7 years
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AU. Pretty much in continuity with this previous fanart [x]. Rasticore and Toffee try celebrating Fruit Tree Night, a monster holiday predating the mewman invasion that’s managed–for the most part–to survive to the present day. But Toffee’s entirely seized by the holiday blues, especially since a component of the holiday is its additional role as a memorial to the dead. Toffee remembering lost comrades, lost loved ones; Rasticore doing the same, but still trying to give Toffee some reprieve, still trying to cheer him up somehow.
(Please click on the image for hi-res full view, or click here for for hi-res full view.)
The current and main origin story for this holiday roughly goes like this: once upon a time, there had been a severe drought in the monsters’ homeland.
The forests had become so dry and filled with dead wood, that when the heat grew too much, and the winds turned too fierce, terrible wildfires ignited across the land. So much was destroyed, and many monsters perished. When it was over, surviving monsters performed funerary rites and did what they could for their dead; they tended to their wounded; they searched for those still unaccounted for, those who had become lost in the chaos of the wildfires; they began to rebuild. The forests were gradually growing back. Life continued.
Some lost monsters wandered in areas that had grown unfamiliar in their ruined state, and without any shred of food in sight, no plant life or wild beasts to feed on. Nothing but things burned and blackened. They still had some water left to share, until one night they drained the last drop, and still tired, starving, and still thirsting, they settled down to rest by another patch of burned debris. They drifted to sleep, quietly conversing among themselves, telling stories and sharing jokes and singing lullabies for comfort, saying their prayers to the nature spirits, their gods, and the spirits of their ancestors.
But when they awoke in the morning, to their great astonishment they found a large and entirely unburnt, intact tree before them, bearing fresh fruit. But this impossible tree was even more impossible. This single tree bore more than one type of fruit, even fruits that were not usually found on trees. This one tree offered apples, grapes, strawberries, bananas, pears, and others–all sorts of fruits. Unable to maintain their frozen shock, the lost monsters eagerly and gratefully ate their fill from the fruit, before they organized themselves to harvest some for rationed supplies. They were surprised again to find that as they plucked fruit, the tree grew more before their eyes, replacing each piece of fruit they took.
The lost monsters carried on, and eventually found their kin. They were able to trace their steps back to the impossible fruit tree, to share it with the others. The impossible fruit tree remained standing, and remained for all to enjoy, until the rest of the forest grew back. Then, the impossible fruit tree did not immediately replace the fruit that was harvested, and eventually became bare, and its leaves changed color and fell, and it wilted and passed on, while the rest of the rejuvenated forest remained. The monsters carefully lit candles before the impossible tree, and hung its branches with skulls–both real and artificially crafted–in honor of its passing, and in honor of those who had passed in the wildfires before. The impossible tree was continually honored and preserved, becoming a sacred site.
It became a practice for monsters, during the anniversary of these events, to build or get a hold of some sort of replica of the impossible fruit tree–small or large–and light it for several nights. This became the most common sort of replica: a small tree and its fruits carved out of wood or stone, with candles set in each of the fruits, and real or sweet candyspun skulls hanging from the branches. This anniversary–Fruit Tree Night as it came to be called–was also observed in celebratory gatherings with family, friends, loved ones; and in memorials to those who have passed on. So Fruit Tree Night became a holiday of spending time with and celebrating with family, friends, loved ones, community; of honoring the dead; and of remembering the origin behind Fruit Tree Night.
For those who wish to examine this holiday more deeply, these are some of the common thoughts monsterkind has developed about it: 
-The mix of fruit on the single tree represents the idea that all monsters should come together in harmony and cooperation. They may differ like different pieces of fruit differ–but they are all monsters still.
-This–more obviously to monsters themselves–ties into a part of monster culture, the part concerned with memorializing the dead and respecting the dead and ancestral spirits, and how that commonly manifests through skull imagery, used in adornment of objects, architecture, clothing, etc. In this case, in decoration of the impossible fruit tree spoken of in stories, and in ceremonial replicas of said tree. This cultural norm among monsters has reached a point where many monsters will simply engage in skull imagery without knowing the full origins of why they use this imagery; they largely know it more in terms of having grown up with it and being raised to see it as perfectly normal, but the original reasons for it have not been consistently remembered.
-This current version of Fruit Tree Night’s origin tale may either take on new meaning due to the mewman invasion that occurred centuries after this holiday’s inception–specifically the brutal fire/arson tactics the mewman invaders used against monsters–or it may indicate that the tale has shifted to incorporate elements representing the mewman invasion, and the tale may have been something different before.  
All forms of monster religion are banned by Mewni/mewman/Butterfly law, and Fruit Tree Night is considered a part of that. But Fruit Tree Night is still commonly practiced in secret. Sometimes, in some places, it’s an open secret. It all really depends on the attitudes of the particular mewmans in the area, or how far away the nearest mewmans are. Today when it comes to Fruit Tree Night, mewmans have become less consistent in the severity of punishment; all generally disapprove, but some will just do that and sneer and not bother with it because it’s a pathetic stupid little monster ridiculousness in their mind; or some won’t even bother sneering, they just really don’t care as long as it’s out of sight. Other mewmans remain more strict about it.
But Fruit Tree Night can generally get away with more than other aspects of monster religions. Generally Fruit Tree Night is the only aspect of monster religion that now slides by mewman attention, considered inconsequential enough. (Monsters have gradually made efforts to make Fruit Tree Night celebrations seem innocuous and nonreligious.) But on every other aspect of monster religion, mewmans remain consistently severe. (Monsters have not been as successful at making other aspects of their religions something that could slide by mewman attention; and there are some things where they simply can’t visibly make a show of removing religious aspects without defeating the entire point, which is to maintain the religion, not lose it in a different way by changing it too much and entirely losing its original spirit.)
So here’s Toffee and Rasticore also quietly observing an illegal holiday. Those rebels, those outlaws.
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ayanna-banana · 8 years
Ice Cream Asks
chocolate: when was your first kiss? My sophomore year of college (I was 19)
french vanilla: how old are you? 22!
cotton candy: three places you want to travel to? New Orleans, Japan, Italy
strawberry: a language you wish you could speak? Italian
coffee: favorite cosmetic brands? CVS?
mint chocolate chip: indoors or outdoors? Outdooorrs!!
cookie dough: do you play any instruments? A little piano. Also my tum c:
rocky road: favorite songs at the moment? Cranes in the Sky and F.U.B.U by Solange, and Big Bad Wolf by Fifth Harmony
butter pecan: favorite songs for life? Heroes, Over the Rainbow, Fine on the Outside
cheesecake: what’s your zodiac sign? Virgo
toasted coconut: the beach or the pool? The beach
chocolate chip: what’s your most popular post? An anti-Trump sign I made for a rally 😂
bubblegum: books or movies? Both…but more so movies
pistachio: manga or anime? Manga
salted caramel: favorite movies? Kiki'a Delivery Service, Hidden Figures, The Exorcist, Girlhood, Scream, the Wizard of Oz
birthday cake: favorite books? Caucasia, Lolita, Where the Red Feen Grows
moose tracks: favorites for manga? Chronic Crusade, Eureka 7, Nausicaa, Deadman Wonderland
orange sherbet: favorites for anime? Full metal Alchemist, Samurai Champloo, Fooly Cooly, No Game No Life, Chrono Crusade, One Punch Man
peanut butter: favorite academic subject? Art and History
black raspberry: do you have any pets? One cat
mango: when and why did you start your blog? In 2012, and really just to reblog gifs from the Olympic year 😂
mocha: ideal weather conditions? Midday dark clouds with pouring rain that softens the ground. Perfect soup or tea weather indoors
black cherry: four words that describe you? Mellow, curious, cheeky, humble
neapolitan: things that stress you out? Not having set plans, reading too far into actions, and comparing myself to others
raspberry truffle: favorite kind of music? Chillwave, folk rock, trip hop, RnB, soundtrack
chocolate marshmallow: favorite brands of candy? Twix and Hershey c:
toffee: a card game that you’re good at? Uno and Cards Against Humanity
lemon custard: do you eat breakfast? Yes!
dark chocolate: turn ons? Intelligence, style, interest in my life, and a healthy figure c;
fudge: turn offs? Narcissism, bad hygiene, bigotry
peach: how do you relax? I light a candle, swaddle myself, and read
praline: a popular book you haven’t read yet? The Great Escape, Perks of Being a Wallflower, Six of Crows
superman: do you like sweaters? Ohhh yeah!
cherry: do you drink tea or coffee? Both but mainly coffee
dulce de leche: an instrument you wish you could play? Better piano
blackberry: have you ever laughed so hard you cried? Too many times
ginger: a new feature you wish tumblr could have? Unlimited queue
blueberry lemon: favorite blogs? sixpenceee biisousss, and recked
almond: favorite mean girls quote? “Whatever, I’m getting cheese fries”
butterscotch: what color are your nails right now? Colorless
cinnamon: have you ever been confessed to? Not TECHNICALLY
blue moon: have you ever had a crush on someone? PFFFFT…all the time :x
cappuccino crunch: do you take naps? ALL. THE. TIME
mint: the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done? Would rather not say
brownie batter: do you like sushi? YASSS!!
key lime: where do you want to be right now? In my own NYC apartment livin it up
red velvet: do you wear prescription glasses? Yes
green tea: favorite flavors of ice cream? Cookie dough, fudge brownie, raspberry, Reese’s, French vanilla
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tipsoctopus · 5 years
"We'll be back stronger", "Keep going" - Some Everton fans react to player's tweet
Everton have got off to a mixed start to the season and, after slipping to a third consecutive away defeat in the league, fans how showed support for Lucas Digne.
The Frenchman has, for the most part, continued where he left off last term – when he won Everton’s Player of the Year – and he has made a valuable contribution in defence and attack so far.
However, he failed to impress against Bournemouth in Sunday’s 3-1 defeat. Not only did he fail to find a target with 10 out of 12 crossing attempts, but he achieved a pass accuracy of just 68% and only once came close to adding to his season tally of three assists.
Despite an underwhelming showing from the left-back, fans have chosen to back their player and offer him support in response to his latest Twitter post, which stated that the squad is “always together”.
With Sheffield United the visitors to Goodison Park on Saturday there is a good chance for the Toffees to return to winning ways, and strong squad harmony will certainly be needed for success in the campaign ahead.
Watch Everton Live Streams With StreamFootball.tv Below
Here are some of the reactions from Everton fan to Digne’s post…
Keep going blue boys, win together , loose together COYB #EFC
— Pauline Ratcliffe (@PaulineRatclif4) September 16, 2019
Class lads
— mattie (@ftblmattie) September 16, 2019
Yes Lucas ? ?
— Fiai$ (@vitor_fiais) September 16, 2019
Yes Lucas??? We’ll be back stronger mate just keep the hard work.
— Aziz (@toffee_man1) September 16, 2019
Love you Lucas
— Lee (@1878Lee) September 16, 2019
Love you mate x
— Dogs Of War (@EvertonFutbol) September 16, 2019
from FootballFanCast.com https://ift.tt/31xBv1K via IFTTT from Blogger https://ift.tt/2I5qNIb via IFTTT
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