#harold fo1
analogbreakdown · 7 months
Harold and the Master are literally parallels.
They both knew each other
They both were affected by the same FEV at Mariposa
They both spread something; Harold is life, Master is death
They're both plural; Harold has Bob and the trees he can see through, the Master has the creatures and humans he has absorbed.
They both became immobile due to the exposure to FEV
They both are worshipped as gods; Harold by the Treeminders, the Master by the Children of the Cathedral
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rad-hound · 21 days
Put me in a room full of ghouls and I'll come back a mother.
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thewastelandlosers · 2 days
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Caught The Feathered Thief! Small extra piece for @snapitkeeper! Harold is one brave man for grabbing such a cranky goose for Ozias!!
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magg0t-king · 9 months
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That one Twitter SU redraw thingy
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calder · 7 months
Fallout Official Survival Guide p. 97: "Harold: An Old, Old Mutant Harold is the oldest person alive in the Hub. In fact, he was five years old when the war started. After his vault opened and its inhabitants made their way out into the wasteland, he became a merchant. At some point many years ago, he handled an artifact contaminated with the FEV virus that caused him to mutate. He is now very old, sick, and he tends to ramble on a lot. Some of his information may be out of date. He can be cranky at times, but he likes to tell stories. He could be a good source of information on people and things within the Hub, and it's worthwhile talking to him to find out what he knows. Hints Be patient with Harold and draw him out. He has one critical piece of information that may be of use: He knew the Master when the Master was still human, and he has been to the lost military base."
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noodle8 · 2 years
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some cool guys and gals to celebrate fo1!!!
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thefalloutwiki · 1 year
Fallout: Harold (TMA)
Tell Me About: Master
"Who? Is he some sort of sex therapist? I could use one, you know."
-Harold, Fallout
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Check out our page for the Tell Me About system here:
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falloutnewnobody · 3 months
harold and the master lovers to enemies send post
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enlichened · 5 months
fallout fans i beseech thee... whats a plausable m/m couple in the first game. my only stipulation is that it CANNOT include the master
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olgunny · 5 months
richard grey is one of my favorite characters ever in just media in general. One of the best written to me personally. he’s on my list
along with clay puppington and I guess brad armstrong honestly
but richard grey had such a hold over me in what? 2019. I still LOVE how that entire thing was with the mariposa base. with him and harold, truly great. utterly fantastic. fallout 1 still has a funky grip on me I appreciate it so much, best fallout game. best fallout game.
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harold parallels the vault dweller/fallout 1 protag and it baffles me no one else seems to see it:
both are from vaults (VD from 13, harold from 29)
both went on a quest to stop the source of mutations (the second act of fo1 vs harold's story of the mariposa expedition with grey)
both canonically lost friends over the course of said journey (VD memoirs in fo2 manual states dogmeat died in mariposa + the fo2 opening mentions that the vault dweller "suffered greatly" and "lost many of [their] friends", grey/mark/francine all died — "died" in grey's case — in/around mariposa)
both were irreversibly changed at mariposa to the point their homes (vault 13 / the hub) rejected them on their return. (the fo1 ending, harold talks about how he went from a successful trader to homeless beggar because the hub started treating him badly after his mutation)
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analogbreakdown · 7 months
[Speech 80; has Harold] I know the original you is somewhere in there. Let him out, for Harold at least.
No. No? NO! n o... RICHARD IS DEAD! We. WE are the Master. His name means n o t h i n g to us. You cannot break us. Can? NOT!
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snapitkeeper · 4 months
If I made FO1 / classic Fallout keychains are there any characters yall would like 2 see ? ( other than The Master, Frank Horrigan, and Harold ? )
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crazysodomite · 1 year
my thoughts on fallout 2: fo1 was definitely better
ultimately it was. okay. it wasn't so bad i wanted to quit but there wasn't really anything gripping or memorable.
the beginning of it was ASS. it all went downhill after the starting cutscene which i liked.
i genuinely wish the whole tribal aspect wasn't there entirely because it makes me so uncomfortable and it feels out of place. i enjoyed myself way more when i pretended it didn't exist at all and that's pretty bad considering it's the main quest.
the whole 'chosen one' thing wasn't enjoyable to me at all. i liked that in the first game it was more down to earth and realistic. you weren't the most awesome or strongest or chosen, you were probably just the only one who agreed to go out or just looked like you could survive outside...
the geck thing is goofy. sorry. I didn't like it. Whats with this game and geckos? The gecko enemies also felt cartoony and out of place to me…
i would say the game feels scattered and confusing. a lot of the areas felt forgettable. its hard for me to even structure what i think because i don't know where to start.
arroyo: im glad i never had to go there after the start of the game. BORING AND BAD! ugly location with boring quests and unlikeable npcs.
klamath: boring. i barely remember anything about it and couldn't name any npc from there if you put a gun to my head. i severely dislike sulik. so so so so so uncomfortable. though i liked that toxic caves had a secret not accessible at the start!
mordoc: it was okay. once again the npcs are forgettable but i do remember when i saw the fake corpses and was shocked. i liked that a lot.
im writing this from memory so if i forget a location it was just so bad that i completely forgot…
vault city and gecko: i actually liked the quests here and it's where things picked up a bit. i liked lenny and his interaction with marcus later on. i liked harold too but there's not much to do with him.
uhhh…. the den i think?: i already forgot all about it. boring…
broken hills: i liked this location and the quest. marcus is one of my favorite npcs and i enjoyed having him as a follower. i wish there was more though…
redding: pretty boring and i really, really dislike the alien enemies. there was potential in the whole miner rivalry but in the end it was just. give it to one or the other person.
new reno: i didn't like it and pretty much didn't do any quests there but that's my personal opinion i guess. it was mostly because there was just too much going on and too many people and i dont want tofuck or do drugs so im leaving… i liked when they stole my car and i talked the guy into giving me upgrades and free batteries though!
NCR: it was fine. i didn't spend much time there except the bazaar to buy weapons. i enjoyed the fact tandi was there! i also liked talking down the guy with the bomb.
it was annoying having to leave my companions or tell them all to holster their weapons so that's why i rarely went inside. it definitely has potential
vault 15: i liked it!
vault 13: i really liked it, and i wish there was more to do there… the concept is pretty awesome
military base: i really really enjoyed this location. it was so fun to explore and get all the holodiscs. it was exciting.
san francisco: hands down the ugliest location in the game in my opinion. it had such great potential that i feel was wasted. it felt extremely out of place and like it didn't belong in the game. i WISH it was better because the concept of the location was great with the big ship and all. the girl i saved from the alien also got me stuck in a corner and i had to load a save. i couldn't name any npc from there if you put a gun to my head. though i liked seeing the big shuttle outside.
navarro: i liked it. getting there was fun and the side quests were okay. i hated that there were only 2 ways to get to the fob without fighting, and both of them were really stupid in my opinion.
i love the enclave soldiers talking heads. they look like adorable little critters to me.
the enclave: it was okay. i hated the electric floor puzzle. i hated how many npcs were there and i could only talk to like. 3 of them. it felt unrewarding when i talked a scientist into killing everybody with toxins and it looked weird when everybody except the important npcs died. the dialogue with the scientist was written really weirdly. the president is just boring and pointless? vice president even more boring and more pointless. the president is basically just there for you to kill him and get the card, and there's no way to talk him into giving it to you or stealing it or doing it any other way. you can only kill him which is annoying.
the end boss is just. okay… i don't remember him being foreshadowed or mentioned prior. you can't talk to him. killing him is surprisingly easy if you get the key card and talk the other guys into helping you. hes boring and forgettable as a final baddie especially compared to the master. i already forgot what his name was. to be entirely honest. he also looks like a cute little thing to me
i loved the cutscene of the ship taking off though. it was really good.
NPCs: idk if it's just me. This game is SEVERELY lacking in talking heads. There's WAY way more npcs but they're just completely forgettable and boring. There's a lot more 'flavor' npcs which is annoying because i can't always see who i can actually talk with. its really annoying to click through a whole room just to realize no one has anything useful to say. i know unique npcs usually have a unique description but hovering over each npc in a HUGE map is frustrating.
the speech options rarely made me felt like i accomplished something by choosing the right options and usually felt like "oh. i passed a check. how boring.."
in fo1 almost all locations had a talking head who was a pretty developed character with a lot to say and ask. here i can pretty much count them on my fingers which was disappointing… i can remember most important npcs in fo1 which is not the case in fo2
maps: maps are bigger and usually uglier to be completely honest. a lot of useless houses and useless npcs. a lot of maps also don't even label shops and look very similar so i have to run around aimlessly until i stumble on the one building i need. i would have preferred smaller maps with more condensed content. some maps felt cool and enjoyable and some were so bad i was kind of shocked.
in general. it was Okay. i wasn't ripping my hair out from how bad it was but there's really not much i want to replay the game for. there definitely were some fun moments but not A Lot. my favorite locations were probably the military base, vault 13 and vault 15.
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magg0t-king · 2 years
as you guys might've known, I'm absolutely down bad for the fallout games. so uh-
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calder · 6 months
avellone really didnt seem to understand why the master is cool
his deep affection for harold and his neuropsykic stuff dont really come up. his absorption of the minds of lesser mutants is described as merely eating them.
i kind of like him getting exiled for murder but the dr moreau literary allusion stuff seems overwrought and shallow to me
the cathedral writer disappeared after fo1. i rly think ave picked up that lore and warped it quite a bit in making it more appealing to himself. more male. seems like he tried to build the master up as a Bad Ass like frank horrigan or smth
anwyay im recording a podcast ep on the fallout bible tmrw tonite. wanna try to get the podcast relaunched by the time the tv show drops. i dont have a ton of faith it will all work out but wish me luck
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