#harringtons younger sister
munsonluhvr · 3 months
✶ SISTER, SISTER - older!steve harrington x college student!henderson!reader
“I didn’t know you had a sister, Henderson!” Steve whisper-shouted to his younger friend as he bent at the waist. The pair crept down the hallway of Dustin Henderson’s house, the floor creaking against their weight. 
Steve had a straight view of you as you sit in a kitchen chair, one of your legs hiked up on the chair. You teeter in your seat, bending low to spoon cereal into your mouth as you flip the page of your paperback. You are oblivious to your younger brother and his older friend passing by the kitchen doorway. Steve, however, thinks you’re the prettiest girl his eyes ever laid on. 
“That’s because she’s annoying!” Dustin yells just as he and Steve pass by you. You look up, startled, and meet the gaze of your brother and his good-looking friend. Your eyebrows raise when you notice the boys in the doorway, then scowl when what your brother said registers in your mind. 
“Are you sure you aren’t the annoying one, Dustin? I certainly think so.” You hum back, glancing back at your bowl of cereal. Your brother’s nameless friend snickers, glancing between you and Dustin. “Yeah, yeah,” Dustin says, flapping his hand at you. “We’re going upstairs, don’t bother us.” 
You roll your eyes, turning your attention back to your book and afternoon snack. You hear your brother shuffle down the hallway towards the stairs that lead to his bedroom, but you notice in your peripheral vision that a figure still lingers in the doorway. “I’m Steve Harrington by the way,” your brother’s friend says. You look up in time to see him shove his hands into his pockets, tilting his head so that a strand of his hair dangles in front of his face. He had boyish looks, and you could feel your cheeks heat up. 
“Y/n,” you say with a small smile. Steve Harrington. So, this was your little brother’s idol. You get a better look at Steve, tilting your head, your eyes grazing his figure. He was well put together, clearly comes from money by the way his pants and shirt are pressed to perfection. Though, you hold back the urge to laugh, Dustin’s experimentation with his curly hair for the winter dance making sense now that you look at Steve and his head full of hair, almost in the same style as Dustin had. ‘This is how Steve does his hair and he gets major girls,’ Dustin had informed you when you attempted to tell him his hair was perhaps too extravagant for a middle school dance. 
“Do you go to Hawkins’s High?” Steve asks, his eyes grazing your figure too. You’re in an oversized t-shirt and your shorts are hidden underneath. Your legs are bare, your hair is a mess as if you just woke up, yet you’re radiant, your eye’s sparkling against the kitchen lighting. Steve can feel a bubble of nerves coursing through his stomach. 
You shake your head. “No, I graduated. I’m at Indiana University now.”
Steve raises his eyebrows, his nervousness increasing. So, you’re older than him – Steve’s interest in you increases a couple of notches. “Oh,” Steve says, clearing his throat when his voice comes out weak. “What year are you?” 
You shrug casually, glancing back at Steve. “I’m only a freshman.” 
Steve nods silently, then opens his mouth to speak but nothing comes out. He wants to ask you endless questions, get to know you more. He feels as if he just won the jackpot, uncovering the deeply hidden treasure of discovering his close friend’s gorgeous older sister. Steve makes a mental note to flick Dustin on the side of his head for not introducing him to his sister sooner. 
After a few seconds, Steve comes up with the idea to ask you out. Maybe you’d be interested in going out on a date or just hanging out casually. It was the summer after all, and you were home for college - you wouldn’t have anything going on anyway. “Would you-“  Steve begins to say but Dustin’s voice rings through the house’s hallways. 
“Steve! Stop flirting with my sister and get up here!” Dustin yells from down the hallway, his tone expressing annoyance. 
Steve smiles sheepishly in your direction, a pink tint creeping across the apples of his cheeks and over the bridge of his nose. He runs a hand through his wild, brown hair and steps back from the entrance of the kitchen. “Guess I should go.” 
You hum, amused by the boys unwillingness to depart from the kitchen and away from you. You were flattered as Steve made it clear he had an instant crush on you. “I suppose so. Dustin will come in here if you wait any longer.” 
Steve laughs, offering a wave. “I’ll see you around then.” And he slips down the hallway towards Dustin’s room. 
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angeldreamsoffanfic · 2 years
“What’s the deal with you and Harrington?”
Robin Buckley glanced up toward the question asker, her brows slightly furrowed as she cast an inquisitive look toward Eddie Munson. He’s leant up on one of his elbows, chin cradled in the palm of his hand. His eyes are on her, large and curious, instead of the usual half-lidded expression he wears during the “adult” hangouts.
They’d all started hanging out ever since Vecna was destroyed, taking time away from the younger members of The Party to spend time all together. Herself, Eddie, Steve, Nancy, Jonathan, and Argyle. Sometimes, every once in a while, it led them all to feel normal. As if they hadn’t all been dealing with more Upside Down crap just a few months prior.
“What do you mean?” Robin instead asked, her eyes moving from Eddie’s to dart out toward the Harrington’s pool. Steve is sitting on the edge of it with Jonathan, the two boys heads bent together as Argyle watched on- a dopey almost lovesick expression curled on his mouth. A spliff dangled from Jonathan’s fingertips, rolled by Eddie but the weed supplied by Jonathan.
“You’re… not together.” Eddie’s voice is soft, and barely spoken above a murmur. Robin nodded slowly, and turned her head towards him to try and indicate him to continue. “Nancy and the kids all repeat platonic with a capital P, but I just… how did you and Harrington even happen?”
“Scoops A’hoy,” Robin grinned wide, barely able to stifle the laugh that’s on the backend of her words. She was able to catch the widened look that Eddie threw her way, before his eyes darted out to look towards Steve, before his eyes moved back to her own. “He and I worked there back when the mall was open.”
“And… what? You instantly became best friends?”
“No, actually.” Robin shook her head with another soft laugh, before she paused so she could rub her palms together. She allowed herself to twist one of her rings around her finger, brows pinched for a moment. “I actually thought he was like the worst, y’know?” Robin scoffed to herself, before she sent Eddie a look. She knew what she must look like, her eyes wet with tears and her gaze all permanently soft.
“You know how he was in school, King Steve and all that.” Robin continued on, and she flicked her tongue out of her mouth to wet the corner of her lips for a second. “And when my manager told me that I’d be working with a Steve, well… there was only one Steve in Hawkins I could think of.”
“So how did your opinion of him change then, Buckley?” Eddie cocked his head again, one of his hands coming up to twirl a strand of hair around his pointer finger. His brows were furrowed taut, creating a worry line in between them. “The kids told me about the Russians-”
“It was sort of before then,” Robin admitted with a small shrug, and she twisted the corner of her lip into a shy smile. “He raved to me, y’know? About uh, these kids. These five kids he’d babysit and shit, and it was so… soft?” Robin watched as Eddie mouthed out names to himself as he ticked his fingers, before he cast a look to her. “But he always talked about this one, Ellie, who he’d call his little sister.”
Eddie drew in a sharp breath, eyes wide as Robin let out a soft hum.
“Yeah, and I don’t know if you submitted yourself to Harrington family lore-” Robin gestured behind her toward the Harrington house with a flick of her hand, before she continued. “But I knew that Dick and Helen Harrington didn’t have more than one kid.”
“Supergirl?” Eddie asked softly, and Robin let out a soft confirming hum as she watched Eddie’s eyes dart toward Steve. Steve was still talking to Jonathan, though Argyle had shifted forward so he was able to join in the conversation.
“And then imagine my surprise when one day our stupid sailor ice cream shop is visited by none other than the Chief.” Robin shook her head with a small laugh, before she continued on. “And he was so excited to see Steve, Eddie. Like genuinely excited to see him, ordered a couple tubs of ice cream togo and then said he’d see him at home.”
“Fuck.” Eddie breathed out, and Robin let out another sigh of a laugh.
“And I asked Steve why the Chief of the Hawkins police force was visiting him at work, and Steve just…” Robin shrugged slowly, shaking her head to clear her thoughts before she continued. “He just gave me this look, like… like he didn’t actually know either.”
“Then later, he told me why he watched all of the kids. He told me that he would’ve given anything for someone to just… to just care about him when he was their age. That all he wanted was for just a person to give a shit about his wellbeing.” Robin shook her head again, before she carded a hand through her still chlorine sticky hair. “And after that my opinion just… it just changed about him.”
“Then the Russians?” Eddie asked softly, and Robin hummed as she dipped her chin in a curt nod.
“Then the Russians, and he didn’t… he didn’t even hesitate to take the attention onto himself when they started questioning us.” Robin shook her head again, sniffling. “And after I asked him why he would do that, and he told me it was because he knew I had a family waiting on me to come back home.”
“Yeah, and then afterwards when we were getting seen by the EMTs? He didn’t have anyone to call Eddie. Because Hopper? Hopper was just… just presumed dead.” Robin let out a soft bitter laugh, and she twisted a strand of her hair around her finger. “My parents decided to take us both home after, and he stayed with us for a couple of days- until his concussion was okay enough for him to sleep through the night.”
“And that’s when you became best friends?”
“That’s when I decided that, Steve? He deserved way more from people than he seemed to ever fucking get.” Robin shrugged, before she cast a soft smile toward Eddie. Eddie’s eyes were glassy, wet with tears and Robin just patted her hand soft against his forearm. “That’s when I decided that he was my best friend.”
“Platonic with a capital P?”
Robin cast a look toward Steve, where the older teen already had his eyes on her. He had a hand extended, fingers wiggling toward her in a small way to beckon her toward his side. Robin stood without responding to Eddie, and she left her towel on the lounge chair she’d commandeered as her own. She took a moment though, cast a softer look toward Eddie- even as the corner of her lip twitched into a nervous smile.
“He’s not exactly my type, y’know?” Robin kept her admission soft, even when Eddie’s eyes were quick to flood with confusion. She instead cast a look toward the sunbathing Nancy Wheeler, who had one of her arms strewn over her face across the backyard where she laid in the grass.
When Robin let her eyes move to meet Eddie’s again, he has a look of pure understanding on his face.
“I think I get what you mean.” Eddie murmured and Robin simply flashed Eddie Munson a shy smile.
Eddie Munson watched as Robin Buckley walked away from him, quick to tuck herself into Steve’s side once she reached him. Steve threw his arm around Robin’s shoulders, tucking her further into his grasp- though the flow of conversation that he was having with Argyle and Jonathan didn’t even pause.
It’s in that moment when Eddie Munson realizes something extraordinarily fucking crucial.
He’s in love with Steve fucking Harrington.
this is gonna become a multipart fic i think btw! it will probably be on here / ao3, haven’t fully decided yet but hope you enjoyed nonetheless!
now with a part two! click here
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sp0o0kylights · 2 years
Part Two
15 days before Christmas Steve Harrington flinches when the Christmas lights strung along the arcade flicker. 
Eddie only notices because he makes a habit out of keeping an eye on questionable people when he's out and about. 
Watches Harrington recover with a little shake of his head and a roll of his shoulders, as Gareth finishes up his shift, swapping cashier positions with Jeff. 
Dustin and Lucas stick around long enough to greet Jeff as Eddie stares, before scuttling off to Harrington's car, pushing and shoving each other the whole way. 
Eddie frowns, but decides to put the whole thing out of his head. 
He doesn't need his little lamb's adoration of evil high school figures to poison his day. 
12 days before Christmas and Eddie is starting to realize Harrington is everywhere. 
There's a little holiday display the town center has put on. A temporary ice rink surrounded by dazzling lights, hot chocolate stands, and plenty of things to see. 
Wayne and Eddie, with their traditional day of Christmas shopping complete, stroll within it, a cup of hot chocolate in hand. They never buy much--can’t, but it’s still something fun for Eddie to do with his Uncle and so and he bounces about with glee as they people watch. 
A familiar shriek hits the air, and Eddie turns in time to see Mike and Dustin collide on the ice, while Lucas and his sister skate literal circles around them, laughing. 
Unable to pass up on the opportunity to tease, Eddie flies to the edge of the rink, waving his hand and demanding one of the kids do a flip. 
"A flip!? Eddie, I can't even skate a circle!" Henderson shouts, at the same time as Wheeler adds; 
“Let’s see you try and skate with these idiots!” 
“Sorry Wheeler, I think getting on the ice with you might be hazardous to my health.” 
“Shut up!” 
Delightful banter officially traded, Eddie turns to find his Uncle in a conversation with Steve Harrington. 
Grin immediately faltering into a frown, he approaches cautiously right in time to see Wayne clap Harrington on the shoulder. 
“It gets better.” Wayne says gruffly, in that tone he uses when he’s trying to give deeply emotional advice without the emotional part.  
The younger boy gave a hard nod, muttering something that might have been “Thanks.”
Eddie jerked to a stop several steps away, but close enough for Wayne to see him, to know he was done and it was time to go. 
Thankfully his Uncle picked up the signal, and made his way over, so the two of them  could finish out their lap around the town center. 
"He’s one of your classmates, right?" Wayne asked, as they turned away from the rink, Harrington back to watching the kids laugh and play around the ring. 
"Not anymore." Eddie scoffs. "That's Steve Harrington."
Wayne hums noncommittally.
"As in, the rich Harrington's.” Eddie prods, because come on everyone knew who the Harrington’s were, just as everyone delighted in rightfully shitting on them. They weren’t good people. “As in, the assholes from Loc Nora?" 
Another hum. 
Then; "People are more than their last name, Eds. You should know that."
Eddie jerks back, stung at the admonishment. 
Wayne’s not mad, never is, but Eddie recognizes his Uncle’s disappointed tone loud and clear. 
"One of the gifts you got from me was seein’ through people's bullshit.." Wayne continues, before sucking in a draw on his cigarette. "I'm surprised you didn't see through his." 
‘I don’t want to see through his!’ Is what Eddie wants to say, but keeps it to himself.
Changed the subject instead, shoulders hiked to his ears, because Harrington having some kind of claim on his new players was one thing, but his Uncle!?
He didn’t care about whatever crap the guy was going through. King Steve has been an ass for as long as Eddie had known him, the kind of bully whose downfall you cheered for. 
Sure it was petty, but guys like Harrington reveled in pettiness. 
So who cared if Eddie didn’t want to look closer at him now? Harrington wasn’t a lost lamb.
He was at best, an injured wolf, and no amount of sad looks was going to make him any safer to be around. 
 9 days till Christmas and Wheeler is having a tantrum that's delaying Hellfire's holiday oneshot.
"I don't get why he hates Christmas so much. He didn't even know Will when he disappeared!" Mike snips with his arms crossed. 
Dustin is across from him, a furious scowl on his face, as Lucas stands between, a physical barrier between the two. 
"As usual, you're talking out of your ass, Mike." Henderson spits, furious. "He was in Will's house with Jonathan and Nancy. That's reason enough!"
As if that makes any kind of sense, but then this isn’t the first argument that went into weird territory like this. Eddie’s always prided himself on pulling stories out of people, earning secrets and truths with a well trained ear and a smarter mouth. 
The freshman though, were proving to be a hell of a challenge.
Mike throws his hands in the air. "I'm just saying, we all have way more reasons to hate Christmas, but none of us are acting like the grinch!"
“I know you can only have two good thoughts a day without breaking your brain, but you're being so stupid." Dustin thunders. "Did you ever think Steve might have other reasons to hate Christmas!?”
Eddie almost groans aloud, because of course, of fucking course, this is about Harrington. 
The guy was a goddamn ghost at this point, hellbent on haunting Eddie’s entire life. 
Didn’t even have the courtesy to die first! 
"Guys." Lucas stressed, hands now firmly pressed against Mike and Dustin’s chest. “Come on, we’re wasting time. We can talk about this later.”
“Oh don’t worry about that Sinclair,” Eddie purred, making the three of them jump, as though they had forgotten they had a full ass audience in the form of the rest of the club. “I’m just docking their HP points for every minute they hold up the game.” 
“Shit!” Dustin and Milke yelled as one, scrambling to get to their chairs. 
Gareth and Jeff snicker, Grant making it known he was over their antics with a look that could have burnt gold. 
Eddie clapped his hands once, hard enough for it to echo throughout the room. “If everyone is done bickering,” He announced, slipping into his DM voice, “we can begin our tale…” 
He launches into the story he’d planned, and enjoys pulling everyone into it, all thoughts of Steve Harrington left behind.
5 Days before Christmas and Eddie is panic shopping.
He’s not the one panicking, nor the one shopping, but he has a car and friends who know where he lives, so he’s woken up at an ungodly hour of the morning (10 am) by Gareth, Grant, and Henderson of all people. 
“Gareth’s sister took the car again.” Grant explains with dramatic, rolling eyes at Eddie’s exasperated face. 
“I’m sorry you planned going shopping five days before Christmas?” 
“Well--no-” Grant continues at the same time Dustin and Gareth yell protests. 
They talk over each other for a moment, loud enough to make Eddie crave coffee and the comfort of his bed. 
He runs one hand through his frizzy, bedhead hair before yanking it out and waving it around to catch his friend's attention. “Alright, I get it! You all decided to do white elephant gift thing last minute, and are now scrambling." 
"Speaking of which, you're invited." Henderson tells him with a cheeky grin. "We're doing it on Christmas Eve." 
Of course they were. 
 "Please man? It'll be fun." Gareth pleads, as Grant shoots him his patented puppy dog eyes. 
Eddie sighs. 
"I'll do it, but!" He sticks a finger in the air as grins broke out, "I'm demanding food and coffee and payment!" 
With that he retreated from the door, stomping back to his room. 
"Good coffee, too!" He hollers as he throws on clothes, happy chatter breaking out among his friends. 
Several arguments and one run to the best to-go coffee shop in town, and Eddie was following his buddies around as they wandered through downtown Hawkins. 
Since the mall had burned, shopping options had been rather limited, shops slow to reopen. 
It made it difficult to buy things last minute, but Eddie found it was actually kind of fun as Henderson explained the rules they'd all agreed on (hopefully, Gareth added, because the rules had been passed along in pieces.) 
"The goal is to get outrageous, funny stuff." Dustin explains as they browsed the local bookstore. "Nothing more than fifteen dollars, and nothing Christmas-y."
Eddie raises an eyebrow. "Nothing Christmas-y?" He echoes curiously. 
Dustin nods, serious. 
"Yeah. Christmas can be kinda a downer for some people. We came up with this as a way to celebrate without all the holiday stuff involved."
"Some people like Harrington?" Eddie guesses, sinking feeling in his stomach. 
There's no way Grant and Gareth would've  agreed to do a gift exchange with Steve Harrington.
Dustin sighs dramatically, whole body heaving. 
"I know you've got a weird hate-on for him, but this time of year is really hard on Steve." He snaps, exasperated. "It's not my place to talk about it outside the Party, but he doesn't deserve to deal with it on his own."
There's that word again, Party. 
Capital P implied, just as it implies that it's a group that Eddie is firmly excluded from. 
It stings as it lands, an unintentional insult that reminds Eddie that his newest little lambs have secrets they refuse to share.
Nevermind the fact that Steve is clearly included. 
Eddie collects secrets like candy, but his poking and prodding had yet to get him a solid answer on the mysterious "party." 
Rather than press, Eddie raises his hands in surrender. 
"Easy there, tiger. No offense meant." 
Full offense meant actually, but Eddie wasn't in the mood for a full blown Henderson Rant. 
Dustin narrows his eyes, but takes his words at face value. "You know, you guys would really like each other if you both just got over yourselves." 
Eddie snorts, but covers it by playfully shoving Henderson's cap down into his face. 
"When hell freezes over maybe. Now look, they have a new science fiction display!" The last part is sing-songed. 
Thoroughly distracted, Dustin lets the conversation drop, much to Eddie's relief.
(Because really him? Liking Harrington?
Not in a million freaking years.) 
 It's Christmas Eve and Eddie is staring furiously at Steve Harrington's house. 
"No one told me he was involved." He hisses angrily, knuckles white on his steering wheel. 
"Oh my god, stop being dramatic." Dustin rolls his eyes as he talks, unbuckling himself. “I told you Steve hates Christmas, so this is how we’re including him!” 
Jeff is looking equally uncomfortable, even as Lucas and Mike fall out of the van.
Gareth's car is behind him, Grant with him.
No doubt they too, are staring at the massive house in front of them in horror. 
Slowly the elder Hellfire members file out, standing in a clump as the younger members rush forward. 
They storm the door like they live in the damn place, fluttering about like moths. 
"What the hell." Jeff mutters quietly to Eddie's left. 
"Yeah guys, what the hell." Eddie repeats, shooting a glare toward Gareth and Grant. "No one mentioned this part!"
"We didn't know." Gareth defends angrily. "This was all the freshman!" 
"Are you idiots coming inside or not!?" Robin Buckley of all people yells, appearing in the now open front door. 
Or rather, one of the front doors, because Harrington is rich enough to have two. 
"Shit." Eddie mutters. 
"It's not weird if we just--leave, right?" Grant mumbles, shuffling from foot to foot. 
"It's very weird if we leave." Jeff responds flatly. 
A flare of anger ignites in Eddie. It comes from Steve Harrington invading this entire holiday, and Eddie finally has a chance to catch him off guard.
He'd be damned if he let it pass by. 
"Brave faces men." He says, tossing his hair back with a jerk of his hand. "We're storming the castle."
Struts forward determinedly, present in hand, fully planning on making Harrington as uncomfortable as he had made Eddie.
Unintentional, or not. 
It's the day before Crapmas, the one holiday Steve hates, and he's somehow been sweet talked into hosting the kids white elephant exchange.
Which was fine--they were welcome in his home anytime and they knew it--but they'd conveniently forgotten to mention this was a Hellfire Club event.
As in, Eddie "the freak" Munson and his crew of three other dudes whose names Steve doesn't know (but who probably knew his.) 
"I dunno man, I wasn't the best person to a lot of people." He worried at Dustin this morning, when the brat had sprung it on him. "This probably isn't the best idea."
"Please Steve!? It's too late to change the venue and you promised you'd do a holiday thing with each of us!" Dustin whined on the other end.
At least he had the forethought to not actually use the word "Christmas." 
"You did everyone else's, you can't skip out on mine!"
Everyone else's was simple shit like taking them ice skating, or shopping, or making gingerbread houses.
Not hosting a whole ass party with four people who likely hated his guts--and for good reason.
Which Steve repeated to Dustin, staring vacantly at his carefully decorated house.
Once again, his parents had called in designers to come keep appearances, sending along their usual message that they may or may not be home depending upon various work factors.
"We just never know anymore with your father's job honey." His mother slurred on the phone, four years ago. "We'll make it up to you, sweetheart. Promise."
Like more money on his credit card could fix years of ruined holidays. 
(At least them being gone was better than forcing Steve to perform in their horrible holiday parties. Dressing him up like a doll, gathering drunk adults around the piano to make him play horrid Christmas songs. 
Showing him off like a well trained dog, complete with finger snaps to signal him to move on to his next trick. ) 
As always, Steve crumbled under Dustin's badgering.
"Fine, fine!" He’d said. “You're responsible for letting them know me and Robin are gonna be there though!” 
Robin, who’d been laying on his couch, poked her head up at her name. 
“They’ll know!” Dustin had promised. 
Then abruptly hung up, like the brat he was.
Now four half-terrified, half-murderous looking dudes were staring Steve down as they awkwardly stood in his living room, and he had the wondrous realization that Dustin had probably sprung this on them too. 
‘Little. Asshole.’ Steve thinks, but plasters the best non threatening smile on his face. 
“Hey, uh, guys.” He says with an awkward little wave.
He gets three sets of glares and one impressive looking spooked face back. 
Mike and Lucas were already tackling the snacks he’d put out, cheeks full of chocolates and popcorn. Dustin was re-arranging furniture to his liking, and Robin, in-between her four classmates and Steve, glanced at both sides and rolled her eyes. 
“Steve, go pull the pizza out of the oven. You lot, come sit down, you look like you’re about to bolt.” Robin snaps, making everyone sans the kids jump. 
Happy for the distraction, Steve quickly retreats to his kitchen, overhearing Robin try and get the elder Hellfire members to identify themselves. 
Chatter fills the room, slow at first, but it becomes more fluid with Robin’s ruthless prodding. The pizza ends up needing another five minutes, which suits Steve since he hadn’t had time to pull out drinks. 
He’s bent at the waist, pulling out various cans when Dustin loudly announces his presence by barging into the fridge and smacking Steve’s ass with it. 
With a yelp, cans fly everywhere as Steve drops them, bouncing off the floor and rolling across the kitchen. 
“Henderson!” He gripes, standing up as the kid grins at him. He has all his teeth now but the smile will probably always feel cute to Steve. By-product of knowing the little shit for far too long. 
“Sorry Steve.” He says dismissively, before stepping aside with a dramatic flair. “Now stop being a total housewife for a second and meet Eddie!” 
The sound of cans still rolling ringing in his ears, Steve finds himself staring into Munson’s eyes. 
Who looks all too delighted to have seen Steve fumble. 
“Thought you were a jock, Harrington. What happened to those reflexes?” He smirks, and Steve feels his face flush red. 
“Yeah well,” Steve says, hand reflexively rubbing the back of his neck, “Turns out hanging around kids kinda ruins them.” 
This is clearly not the response Eddie was expecting. 
Nor is he expecting Dustin to loudly announce that; “Steve once played a D&D campaign with us, but he totally ate it as a cleric. You should give him some tips, Eddie!” 
Now it’s Steve’s turn to smirk, because Munson looks completely thrown. 
“Is…that a joke?” Eddie asks carefully, looking between the two of them. 
Dustin shakes his head. “Nope! You can ask Lucas’s sister, she was there.” 
He then glances down at his watch, and gives the biggest fake gasp Steve has ever heard (and Steve once sat through Will and Mike acting in a play for their English class, while Nancy and Jonathan silently suffered second-hand embarrassment next to him.) 
“Oh shit, I forgot something! Be right back!” 
“Language!” Steve calls, as Dustin shoots out of the kitchen. “And be careful not to trip on the cans!” 
Munson, who looks like he’s taken a wrong turn and ended up in the Twilight Zone, stares at him. “Did you seriously play a cleric?” 
“Weave Healington was a brave man who sacrificed himself in a time of need.” Steve tells him seriously, just to see the guy’s reaction. “May he rest in peace.” 
“Weave Healington.” Eddie deadpans. 
Steve, keeping his face blank by the skin of his teeth, nods. 
“Please tell me that wasn’t the pizza you just dropped.” Robin says as she flies into the kitchen, interrupting Eddie’s face rapidly cycling through different emotions with a badly wrapped present in her hands. 
“Stevie boy dropped the pop, Buckley Bird.” Eddie says, recovering quickly. “I would not recommend drinking out of anything currently laying on the floor.” 
“Noted.” Robin says, pausing to stare at the cans scattered about. “Hey Steve, did you wrap your weird eyeball thingie? Or do you want me to do it? I dunno how long the kids are gonna wait.” 
Like a dog hearing a whistle, Munson’s whole head tips sideways. “Weird eyeball thingie?” 
“Oh my god, it’s this--I don’t even know how to describe it. Like an alternative ouija board? It says it’s a “fortune telling game.” Robin makes the quotation marks with her hands. “It has this giant, ugly eyeball in the middle.”
She leans forward conspiratorially to add; “It glows in the dark.” 
 “Oh my god, Steve, your gift is Ka-Bala!?” Dustin says, bouncing up like a damn jack-in-the-box. “I’ve always wanted that game!” 
“Robin!” Steve hisses, because of course she’d announce that right as Dustin would pop back up. 
“Oh shit.” Robin says, shooting him an apologetic glance. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to ruin your gift.” 
Steve sighs dramatically, but keeps a small grin on his face so Robin knows he’s not really upset. “Guess I’ll have to go find a new one--which means your punishment is that you and Dustin are now in charge of the pizza. And also picking up all the cans.” 
“Curses.” Robin says flatly, before breaking out into a grin herself, while Dustin whines. 
“It’s probably for the best.” Eddie says, though the guy sounds weirdly like someone desperately off balance and scrambling to fix it. “You know you weren’t supposed to pick cool gifts, right Harrington?” 
Steve raises his eyebrows at him. “Cool? It’s kinda weird. It’s disgustingly neon green. And Robin forgot to mention it’s a board game.”  
He pushes Dustin’s hat down as he walks by, and laughs aloud when Eddie follows up by knocking it right off Henderson’s head. 
“Hey!” Dustin squeaks, hands darting to cover his hat hair.
He’s ignored. 
“Neon green, giant eyeball, fortune telling board game?” Eddie sums up. “Yeah might have to murder Buckley because that sounds rad as hell.” 
Steve snorts as he walks down the hall and up the stairs, somehow unsurprised to find the metalhead is following. 
“You want it, Munson?” He asks as they hit his second floor, Steve aiming for his fathers office. “You’re welcome to it, I never even opened the thing.” 
“What do you want for it?” Eddie asks, following Steve right through the door, before stopping dead. 
A typical reaction to someone walking into his fathers stuffy, stupidly expensive office. Like the rest of Steve’s house, it looks as though it was transported straight out of a magazine. Everything is shiny and worse--unused. 
“Nothing, man.” Steve said, standing in front of said desk now with his arms crossed. “I mean it, it’s still got the plastic on it. You’re gonna have to sneak it by Dustin though.” He turned to smile at Eddie, feeling like they were sharing a joke, “He might physically fight you for it.” 
For some reason this made a hell of a blush streak across Munson’s cheeks, before the guy coughed and swung into the office behind Steve. 
“He can try.” Eddie managed finally, voice a shade higher than normal. 
As he always did to social things he didn’t understand, Steve just ignored the change. 
“Why’d you never play it?” Eddie asks, as Steve scans the shelves of stupidly expensive knick-knacks. 
“Someone trying to impress my parents got it for me one Christmas.” He says with a shrug. “They wouldn’t let me open it then, and I forgot all about it until I was digging for something else.” 
“They don’t care about it now I take it?” 
Steve can’t help the snort that leaves his throat. “They’d have to be around to care.” Then to get the conversation back on track, says; “Okay, I’m thinking the shitty World’s Best Boss trophy.” 
He points to the gaudy thing, all shiny from the ass kissing the person who’d purchased it had done in hopes Steve’s dad would give him a raise. Or not fire him, Steve never knew which it was. 
 "I take it your dad’s not gonna be here to care that it’s gone?” Eddie asks, walking up to stand next to Steve. 
 Another grin appears on Steve’s face, shared conspiratorially with Eddie when he looks over to the metalhead. “That’s my gift to myself man. I’m gonna see how long it takes before he notices it’s gone.” 
Eddie whistled, quiet enough to not hurt Steve’s ears. “Fuck the old man, huh?” 
“Absolutely.” Steve agreed, stepping forward to fish the trophy down. 
“Gotta say man, you’re surprising me. I didn’t expect such a thing from you. Especially since Henderson told me you hate Christmas.” 
Steve shrugged as he turned back around, new white elephant gift in hand. “Yeah it’s a thing I’m trying.” 
Eddie raised an eyebrow. “Not hating Christmas?”  
“Not being a dick. Which,” He shook the trophy, “--means sticking it to the biggest dick in my life. I think I’ll always hate Christmas.” 
Eddie snorted a laugh, then looked startled, like he hadn’t expected that reaction out of himself. 
Steve grinned at it. 
“You uh--you know if you ever want to talk about the hating Christmas thing, I think I get it. Or can relate. Sorta.” Eddie says, and it’s so stilted that it takes Steve a moment to figure out what he’s offering. 
He almost asks him if he’s kidding, but thinks better of it. 
“I think I’m less cut up about it then the kids are but, for what it’s worth--thanks.”
Doesn’t think he’ll ever take anyone up on that offer, epically not someone who doesn’t know that an entire hell dimension exists under them but--
It’s nice. To have someone recognize that Steve hates it. That there are reasons he might.
He recalls suddenly that the man at the ice rink who’d also seen through his melancholy was in fact, Eddie’s Uncle, and briefly wonders if this just runs through the family. 
“Come on, I gotta wrap this and then get back downstairs before Robin and Dustin burn the house down.” He says instead, because he doesn’t want to get in his own head about it. Not tonight, when he knows the kids have gone out of their way in an effort to celebrate the holiday without making him feel like he was celebrating it. “Or worse, they start the white-elephant without us.” 
“After you, my liege.” Eddie says with a dramatic bow. 
Steve pauses awkwardly for a moment, before giving the world's most careful curtsey back. 
(Laughs loudly  as Eddie almost falls on his face in surprise, before the older man scrambles to chase after Steve, out of the office.) 
It’s 12:00 pm, making it officially Christmas day, and Eddie Munson is rapidly re-evaluating his entire life.
Well perhaps not all of it, just the parts with Steve Harrington.
They’re playing the best white-elephant game Eddie has ever participated in, a cutthroat competition that’s filled the house with shrieks and laughter. 
Henderson’s gift, cat-paw shaped mittens with “You’ve gotta be kitten me” scrawled on the back is the current winning prize, with Mike’s salt and pepper shakers made in the shape of two pigs “porking” being a close second.
The worst gift is a tie between the eye searing scarf Gareth’s mother had created (complete with bedazzled gems) and an abomination of a stuffed animal Grant insists is an ET doll.
It looked like a deformed llama sat on its ass, and Lucas already scared Mike with it twice. 
Eddie’s own gift, ( a mug with Tom Selleck posing shirtless) was jokingly fought over by Robin and Steve to the bitter end, while Gareth was defending the blue circular cookie tin (the kind that mothers shoved needles and sewing threads into, but shockingly enough actually held real cookies) with his life. 
Literally at one point, as he laid over it while Jeff tackled him. 
Eddie himself had gone for the gold, wanting the trophy Steve had procured. He too, was defending it aggressively against Dustin, who was currently stuck with Lucas’s gift (one of his sister’s pet rock creations she’d apparently tried to sell to her classmates. 
It was hideous.)
Now stretched out on his bed, legs in the air as he stares at the Ka-Bala game Steve had snuck into his arms with a wink, Eddie finds he’s the guy’s managed to go from haunting his whole life, to trying to haunt his heart. 
Made him want to do the thing he’d angrily been against this entire time--take a look at the guy closer. 
See past his bullshit, at the person hiding underneath. 
Find out what Steve was talking to his Uncle about, and why his house looked like a Christmas themed tomb. 
Why his parents were gone. What the hell made him he pick a cleric in D&D. How he met the kids and why Dustin thought the sun shines out of his ass. 
But most of all?
Why the hell had Steve Harrington put a note on the back of the Ka-Bala game? 
‘Hope you like the game..’  It read, with the dorkiest little smiley face. ‘I wouldn’t mind hanging out again.’
Below it was a number, and Eddie felt himself go red in the face. 
Steve Harrington was a fucking mystery, but one Eddie himself, had been personally invited to solve. 
‘Merry Christmas to me I guess.’ He thought, and tried very, very hard not to kick his legs in the air. 
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blue-blue-blooms · 5 months
Eddie Munson Headcanons
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Eddie Munson x Harrington!Reader
A/N: I'm super depressed and this is my only form of comfort these days. So, here you go! If you have any requests, send them my way! Let's make the most of my depression and write these fics.
You're Steve's younger sister and in your senior year. You've definitely ridden on Steve's coat tails and gained popularity for being a Harrington. You're top of your class, a cheerleader, and friends with the 'popular kids'.
Admittedly, you were a bit self absorbed and consumed with the illusion of popularity. You didn't have real friends, no one that you could trust and be your true self around. You think getting dragged into finding Dustin's pet demogorgon was the best thing that could've happened to you. Besides the obvious trauma of everything that happened in '85, you found real friendship.
Robin and you became attached at the hip. You regularly hung out with Nancy. You were still popular but just severely humbled. '85 knocked your ego down a few pegs. You changed.
You changed so much that you didn't even ignore Mike, Dustin and Lucas when they first started highschool! I mean, even after you saw Dustin's Weird Al shirt. You looked out for all of them.
You'd known of Eddie. You'd seen him around at school. He was always really loud, abrasive, and kind of intimidating. He'd jump on top of lunch tables, going on spiels about 'forced conforming'. He was a little odd, a little rough around the corners, but you didn't know enough about him to form an opinion.
You officially met Eddie after Dustin, Mike, and Lucas joined the Hellfire club.
They were having one of their DnD meetings and needed a ride home. You were staying late for cheer practice so you agreed to drop them home.
You'd been waiting in the parking lot when they all came rushing out, 15 minute late.
"Hey, Dingus 1, 2, and 3! I've been waiting for 15 minutes!"
Eddie and everyone else in the Hellfire club (excluding the party) looked shocked when they saw you, to say the least.
"You know Y/N?" Eddie whispered to Dustin.
"Yeah, she's one of my best friends."
"You're friends with Y/N Harrington? Queen of Hawkins? Are you aware of the fact that we exist on the opposite spectrum of the stratosphere from her?" Gareth spoke incredulously, "Are you making this shit up?"
Before Dustin could respond, they all reached where Y/N was standing.
"Y/N! These are our friends from Hellfire! This is Gareth, this is Jeff, oh and this is Eddie! He's the president." Dustin excitedly spoke.
You gave them all a smile and a shy wave, "I've heard so much about you guys! These three were really excited when they found out about your DnD club."
"Do you play?" Gareth asked, immediately being smacked on the arm by Jeff who whispered: "I highly doubt that, idiot."
You smirked slyly and said: "Oh, I used to play with these guys all the time! We've been on many adventures. Fighting demogorgons, slaying a Mind Flayer, we've done it all." Of course, this wasn't a complete lie. You hadn't ever played a DnD game. Hell, you weren't even entirely sure what it was. But you had fought monsters with them. Mike, Dustin, and Lucas looked at you with incredulous looks and rolled their eyes, nodding along with your lie.
Of course, Eddie, Gareth, and Jeff didn't know the truth. They were pretty amazed that you even knew what DnD was.
After that first meeting, you'd smile and greet the Hellfire club whenever you saw them around school.
You'd also stand up for them if any of the jocks were messing with them.
Like the time Jason had shoved Gareth in the hallway and called him a 'freak', you'd immediately smacked the back of Jason's head and told him to 'fuck off'.
This is becoming more about the Hellfire club than Eddie so let's refocus.
You realized that you and Eddie were in some of the same classes. Now that you'd officially met him, you became more aware of him. Suddenly, he was everywhere.
The first time you'd chosen to sit down next to him in class, he'd choked on the water he was drinking.
"Are you okay?"
Y-yeah, just..water..wrong pipe. What're you doing here?"
"In this class?"
"Uh-no-like here, with me, in this seat?"
Oh, I'm sorry! Do you want me to move?"
No! Sorry, that came out wrong! I just-I wasn't expecting you to interact with us...you know the whole being 'freaks' thing...it might affect the way people see you."
"I don't care how people see me. Besides, I'm also a freak. Maybe just a...closeted freak."
Eddie swore that was when he fell in love with you.
Suddenly you were hanging out with each other all the time, sitting together in class, talking in the parking lot after school, giggling over random stuff in the hallway.
The more Eddie got to know you, the more he fell in love.
He'd find dumb reasons to touch you, passing random notes with doodles in class so he could briefly touch your hand, pretending like you had an eyelash on your cheek so he could take it off, ruffling your hair jokingly, putting his arm around your shoulder so he could whisper 'top secret DnD campaign stuff' (which was obviously just an excuse).
Your relationship developed and soon you'd be over at his place learning how to play his guitar, or going through his music collection, or forcing him to do his homework.
The first time you kissed was after Eddie accidentally confessed that he liked you. He heard that you were going out on a date with some random jock from school, and it was like all his nerves went into hyperdrive and the words spilled out. He thought that you'd never talk to him again, that he'd ruined everything, but you'd simply smiled and kissed him gently.
"I like you, too."
Bonus content: Dustin cries after you two get together. Happy cries, though. Mike gags any time he sees you two even remotely close to each other, even when you're not touching.
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reputationmunson · 2 years
Bad Habit | Eddie Munson x Harrington!Reader
Summary: your brother’s friend has a bad habit of sneaking into your bedroom
Content: Smut (18+ ONLY), AFAB!reader, r is Steve’s adopted sister and is a year younger than him, making out, grinding, oral/fingering (f receiving), virgin!reader, some pet names, fluff, two dummies in love <3
part two
The first time Eddie climbed through your bedroom window, you thought he was just trying to scare you. You had no idea you’d end that night in Eddie Munson’s lap desperately making out and barely giving in to the need for air.
Now, it’s a part of your nightly routine. It’s pretty simple.
Step 1: Get ready for bed
Step 2: Say goodnight to your naive brother
Step 3: Triple check that your door is locked and let in the cute boy patiently waiting outside your window
Sneaking around with Eddie made you feel alive. He sees you for who you really are.
Everyone else sees you as the quiet, innocent girl that occupies the corner of a room while your eyes wander, observing the people around you. While there’s nothing wrong with those things, Eddie knew you were much more than that and he was the perfect person to help you break out of your shell.
People expect you to be just like your brother. But when you turned out to be the complete opposite, no one paid much attention to you. As much as you loved Steve, being in his shadow made you feel invisible.
You weren’t much of a partier and you weren’t… friendly like Steve was. And by friendly you meant a little slutty. It was hard to get out there and make more friends let alone date anybody.
You were so drawn to Eddie from the moment you met him and ever since that first night he snuck into your room, you felt your walls start to come down and he’s the only person that doesn’t make that scary.
Three taps on your window alert you that Eddie’s outside. You scurry over to let him in and greet him with a quick peck on the lips. Your arms wrap around his neck and his hands find your waist, pulling you a step closer to him.
“Hey, gorgeous” He says with his signature smirk on his face.
“Hi’ You reply, shyly. Even though Eddie helps you out of your comfort zone, you can’t help but avert eye contact whenever he compliments you.
Every time you do, Eddie puts his hand under your chin and gently tilts your head up. “Don’t hide from me, pretty girl” He loves making you bashful almost as much as he loves kissing you.
Eddie guides you to your bed, never breaking eye contact. He falls backwards and pulls you down with him, making you giggle.
“I missed you” He whispers quietly, like he’s scared you’ll hear him being vulnerable. “I missed you, too.” Usually you would make a joke like “yeah it’s been a whole twenty-four hours. How did you survive?” But you always miss him.
You can’t exactly tell him you wish you could shrink yourself to three inches tall so you can live in his pocket and never be apart, so you cover it up with humor. But right now, there’s nothing funny about the way your heart is beating because of the way he’s looking at you. Like you’re the only girl in the world.
Eddie likes to tease you. He thinks it’s cute that you whine when he doesn’t immediately give you what you want. He knows it's a little mean but it makes him feel wanted and being wanted by you is the best thing he’s ever experienced.
His nose brushes yours and you think he’s going to put his lips on yours, but instead he gives you a soft kiss on your cheek. Then on your forehead. And one on both corners of your mouth.
“Eddiieeee” You whine and he chuckles. “What, baby?” He asks like he has no clue what he’s doing to you. So as expected, you do your signature pouty face and he has to act like it doesn’t affect him as much as it actually does.
You decide you can’t wait anymore. You take his face in your hands and lean in to get what you’ve been waiting for all day.
His hand comes up to grab a hold of your wrist. You worry he's going to remove your hands from his face, but he just keeps his hand on your wrist, rubbing it lovingly with his thumb. His other hand goes to rest on your lower back, sliding under your shirt. The feeling of his big hand on the bare skin of your back sends shivers down your spine.
Eddie’s tongue swipes across your bottom and you open your mouth to grant him access. He brings the hand that’s holding your wrist to where his other hand rests on your lower back. Both hands begin to slide up your back, making your shirt ride up all the way to your shoulder blades.
You let out a small gasp, suddenly feeling exposed. “You okay?” Eddie asks, worried by your reaction to your shirt being halfway off. You hum in response and find his lips again.
For the past month, you and Eddie hadn’t gone further than messily making out and clothed dry humping. It’s not that you don’t want to go further. You want nothing more than to rip his clothes off and then have him do the same to you, but you worry that your lack of experience would turn him off.
It was no secret to Eddie that you were a virgin. Considering he was your first kiss since Bobby Hopkins in the third grade and how nervous you got around him, it wasn’t that hard to piece together. Of course he wants to be your first time, but doesn't want to pressure you. If things never went any further and he had to go home and jerk off after every makeout session, he would happily do so.
After a while, you pull back for air and roll off of Eddie, laying on your side to look at him. He rolls on his side to look at you. “Hi” He speaks up, scooting closer to you. “Hi” You place a kiss on the tip of his nose. His hand comes up to rest on your hip and you cover his hand with your own.
Neither of you speak a word. You just stare into each other's eyes with lovesick smiles on your faces and soak in each other's presence. These nights are your favorite. Everytime you all hang out in a group, you ache to touch him. It’s difficult to keep your hands off one another, but it’s a sacrifice you’re willing to make if it means keeping your brother from killing Eddie.
Eddie’s about to say something but before he can, there’s a knock at your door. “y/n?’’ Steve calls out your name from the other side of your bedroom door. Your eyes widen and both of you freeze. Steve says your name again and you know he isn’t going away until you respond.
“Y-yeah?” You barely get out. Steve tries to open your door and sounds offended when it doesn’t open. “Why the hell is your door locked?” He’s still wiggling the doorknob. “Because I’m allowed to lock it. How can I help you?” Eddie snorts at this and you glare at him.
“Do you have my walkman?” You can’t help but roll your eyes at this question. “No, I don’t have your walkman. I have my own walkman that I got on the same Christmas that you got yours. I’ll help you look in the morning.” You hear Steve huff dramatically and walk away.
“I’m gonna put on some music” You say before rolling off your bed. “Play my favorite?” Eddie requests. You were going to play his favorite anyway.
Once the music starts, you turn around and see Eddie playing air guitar. He’s the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen. You don’t move from where you're standing. You just stay put and watch him act like a total idiot. He’d act like an idiot for the rest of his life if it meant making you smile.
He finishes his air guitar solo and looks over at you and tilts his head. “C'mere,” He says, motioning for you to sit next to him.
Once you get to the bed, you crawl towards him and straddle his lap. Feeling hot and bothered, you place your hands on his shoulders and start to grind down on him. Eddie lets out a sigh and throws his head back to rest on your headboard.
Feeling bold, you take his chin in your hand and move his head so he’s looking at you. He puts his hands on your hips and encourages you to move faster.
You can feel him getting hard and you let out a small moan. Eddie puts a hand on the back of your head and pushes you closer to him, capturing you in a breathtaking kiss.
You’re moaning into each other's mouths and it feels so good, but you need more. You pull away from him and take a second to catch your breath, thinking of how you want to word what you’re about to say.
Eddie can tell you want to tell him something. “What is it, baby?” He brings a hand to your face and rubs his thumb back and forth on your cheek. Your heart swells at how well he knows you.
“I was wondering if we could take things a bit further tonight.” You respond and his smile widens. “Hell yeah we can. You sure?” You can’t nod fast enough.
“Lay on your back for me. Don’t be scared to tell me if you want me to stop, kay?”
“Okay” You smile and roll onto your back.
Eddie hovers over you and leans down to give you a quick peck on the lips. Then he starts to kiss down your jaw and to your neck. He starts with light kisses and when he hits the sensitive spot on your neck, he kisses harder. He starts to suck on your sensitive spot, making you moan.
Usually, you both steer clear hickeys to avoid questionings from any of your friends and your brother, especially. But right now, you’re so turned on you can’t find it in yourself to care. You wrap your arms around his back and push his full weight onto you. He licks and kisses at the fresh mark.
“Fuck, that feels nice” You moan out. “Want me to do something even better?” He pulls back and smirks at you. “Please.”
He goes to tug at the hem of your shirt and looks at you for approval. Once you give it to him, he removes your shirt and is pleased to see that you aren’t wearing a bra. He looks up at you and raises his eyebrows. “What? No sane woman wears a bra to bed.” He laughs and shakes his head. “Trust me, I am not complaining.”
He goes back to kissing your neck. His kisses start moving down to your chest and he plants one on each of your breasts before taking one of your nipples in his mouth.
It feels…different, but in the best way possible. “Eddie, that feels so good” You’re trying to keep quiet but you’re feeling things you’ve never felt before.
“Say my name again”
“Do something that will make me say your name again”
You can tell he’s surprised at that.
“Challenge accepted”
He kisses down your stomach and puts his fingers in the waistband of your shorts. At a torturously slow place, he pulls your shorts down and throws them on the floor. “No panties either? Is it my birthday, sweetheart?” You laugh and roll your eyes. “Get back to it, Munson” You say in the most unserious tone ever. “Jeez, okay. Someone’s bossy”
“Can you, uh, take your shirt off too? This feels unfair”
Eddie doesn’t hesitate to take off his shirt.
“Maybe your pants too?”
“Anything for you” And he means it.
He stands up to take off his pants. Once they’re off you can see how hard he is and your jaw drops. Your clit throbs at the sight and you involuntarily whine.
Eddie sits on his knees, placing himself in between your legs. “I’m gonna touch you now, okay?” “Eddie, please. Need you” you mewl.
He runs a finger through your folds and groans at how wet you are. “All this for me, baby?”
You nod “Just for you. Always”
“Tell me, pretty girl. Do you ever touch yourself and think of me?” He starts to slowly rub your clit. Your eyes roll back and you slap your hand over your mouth to muffle your moans. “Tell me or I’ll stop” You remove your hand from your mouth and try to keep quiet. “Yes. Every night after you leave”
He starts rubbing your clit a little faster and you start to lose composure. “What do you think about?”
“I think about you touching me. Just like this. Or going down on me. I think about your cock inside me. Fucking me until I can’t take it anymore” You admit. “Hmm. I think we could start to make some of those fantasies realities”
He removes his fingers from your clit and you feel like you’re gonna pass away if he doesn’t make you cum any time soon. “Eddie, please don’t stop. pleasepleaseplease. Touch me again” You feel desperate for begging, but lucky for you, Eddie is even more turned on than before.
He doesn’t say anything. He just lays down between your legs, admiring how wet you are. You’re about to beg some more but then he starts to run his tongue up and down your folds. “Oh my god”
He begins to suck your clit and it feels so fucking good you can’t believe it. Sure, you’ve heard your friends talk about it, but you never would’ve imagined it feeling this good.
Your eyes start to tear up and you look down at Eddie, letting out a moan when you see how much he’s enjoying it.
Your fingers thread through his hair and pull it a little, making him moan into your pussy. You swear you feel the vibrations throughout your entire body. You don’t think it can get any better until Eddie slowly inserts a finger into you. You would have expected it to feel uncomfortable, but there's nothing unpleasant about it. “More, Eds” You plead.
He thinks about teasing you for a second, but he knows how badly you want it. He obliges and inserts another finger, reaching that spot you can never reach on your own.
You can feel the tension building in your stomach and Eddie starts going faster. His fingers are pumping in and out of you and you can hear how wet you are. He’s eating you out like it’s the last thing he’ll ever do. Eddie can’t help rutting up against the mattress. The way your pussy feels and the noises you make are driving him fucking mad. Both of you swear you’ve died and gone to heaven.
It hits you like a fucking bus. Your back is arching off the bed and you have to cover your face with your pillow because it’s impossible to keep quiet. You’ve never been more thankful that you don’t share a wall with Steve.
Eddie works you through your orgasm and slowly takes his fingers out of you when you're finished. You look lifeless and he can’t help but chuckle at how blissed out you look. He slowly crawls next to you and lays down,
“You alright?” He whispers.
“Well, I feel like I left my body for a second so I would say I’m more than alright.”
“Good. So you had fun?” Eddie sounds insecure. You turn to look at him before you respond.
“Eddie, were you not there? I was losing my mind. I had no idea it could be that good” You give him a well-deserved ego boost and he flashes his million dollar smile. “Okay, your turn.” You say, eagerly. “Don’t worry, babe. I came in my boxer like a goddamn teenager.” His cheeks turn red and you give him a kiss on the cheek. “Next time?” you ask. “Definitely”
You lay your head on his chest and he wraps an arm around you. “Thank you” You say, snuggling as close as possible. “For what?” He starts to rub your back. “Everything. My life’s better with you in it’’ Eddie’s heart nearly bursts. He can’t believe he’s improved your life even a little bit.
“Anything for my girl” He kisses the top of your head. Your lift your head up and look at him with the biggest smile on your face “Your girl?” Eddie tries to play it cool “Yeah, if that’s something you’d be interested in.” You can’t think of anything else you’d rather be. “Only if you agree to be my boyfriend.” “Hm.. can I think about it?” You playfully smack his chest. He grabs your hand and kissed it, looking into your eyes.
“How about you agree to be my girlfriend and I’ll agree to be your boyfriend and everyone’s happy”
“Deal, boyfriend” You can’t resist the urge to kiss him any longer. He hums in appreciation and the kiss goes on longer than intended.
“I should probably get going” He sighs. “Nooooo” you protest, holding on to him tighter. “I know, but I gotta unless you want to risk your overprotective brother finding out I’m here” You know he’s right and you move allowing him to get up. He hands you the clothes thrown on the floor and you both get dressed.
“Maybe I can stay with you tomorrow night? I can tell Steve I’m staying with a friend.” You move to stand in front of Eddie. “Yeah, I’d like that.” He smiles and pulls you in for a hug.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?” You nod and he gives you one last kiss.
You watch him climb out of your window and after you shut it, you stare out your window to watch him run out of your yard. He turns around to give you a wave and being the wonderful girlfriend that you are, you decide to flash him. Without hesitation, Eddie lifts his shirt up and flashes you back, causing you to laugh a little too loud.
There’s no doubt in your mind that this is the man you’re going to spend your life with.
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strawberryspence · 2 years
They both have different stories when asked, "When did you first meet?"
Steve says it was in school, along the hallways with freshman Steve Harrington and sophomore Eddie Munson locking eyes for the first time. Eddie says it was in a party, drinking beer and selling drugs, a transaction.
Annalyn Harrington knows the truth. The truth that way before monsters, way before creatures from games came true, way before the end of the world, way before everything, that Eddie and Steve have already met.
Annalyn remembers it, so vividly at the back of her mind. She babysits her nephew— her younger sister, Amanda's son— so often. Steve is an angel, so innocent and kind. Annalyn often questions as to how Richard Harrington could've ever had a son so pure and good.
She remembers that day. It was a bright spring day, with fresh daisies growing on the fields and birds chirping in excitement.
Annalyn takes Steve out of his school a few hours early, takes him to eat at his favorite diner. When Steve begs for her to take him to the park, telling her he really wants to play and how could she say no to those brown eyes?
It's relatively empty when they arrive at the park. It's only after lunch and the kids are still in class. But there's one kid playing in the swings, his hair is curly at the ends, wearing a tattered jacket as he kicks the sands. His guardian— a man sitting on the only bench— is watching him closely. He's frowning, deep in thought.
"Go play. Be nice." Annalyn reminds Steve, more as a habit rather than a reminder. She knows Steve will be kind, it's engraved in his soul.
Annalyn sits beside the man, quietly watching as they hear Steve introduce himself to the kid.
"Hello! I am Steve!" She hears him say, waving slightly at the kid.
The kid looks at him, blinks for a few seconds before he says his name. They chatter for a few more minutes, Steve asks if he wants to be pushed and the boy says yes.
Annalyn turns to the man, "Is that your son?"
The man turns to her, "I— Yes— No— It's complicated." He sighs, gritting his teeth so hard Annalyn can see his jaw clenching, "He's my nephew. I just got custody of him today."
"Oh." Annalyn breathes out, looking back at the kid who's now pushing Steve instead. Both laughing and giggling.
"I don't know what I am doing. I can barely take care of myself, let alone a child." The man continues, clearly frustrated and scared, "But he's never got a good home and I want to give that to him."
Annalyn smiles, "Just the fact that you want to give him a good home is telling me that you'll be just fine. Don't overthink it, life's too short for that."
The man blinks at her, and it's almost the same as the look the small boy gave to Steve, "Thank you." He says, finally smiling and looking back at the kids, running around and playing tag with each other.
"Steve's your boy?" He asks.
Annalyn smiles, "Yeah, he's my boy. Not my son, just my nephew. But I love him like he's mine."
The man softens, nodding along like he completely understands— which he does.
They spend half of the afternoon there. Just playing, rolling around the grass, swinging each other in the swings. Just before the sun sets, Annalyn asks Steve to say goodbye to the boy.
There's daisies tucked in his hair like flower crowns, and she sees the other boy, with a flower tucked behind his ear. They're whispering, too intimate for a simple goodbye.
Steve waves at the boy, head sticking out of the car, waving until they can barely see the other boy anymore and until they turn the block.
When Steve sits, he turns to her and with his big brown eyes blown wide, with his whole heart in his hands and says, "I am going to marry that boy."
And Annalyn steps on the break, turns to the side of the road and has to turn to her nephew and look at him— really, look at him. Steve smiles at her, toothy and all gummy, determination bleeding in his eyes. The flowers the boy Steve just said he's going to marry still hanging from his hair.
She can't help but smile, moving closer to kiss his temple.
"Alright, Mr. Lover." Steve giggles, and she wants to hear it for the rest of her life, want to shield him from all the horrors of this world.
"Listen to me, okay?" Steve nods, "There's nothing wrong with wanting to marry a boy. But you have to promise me something, Steve? Okay?"
He nods, earnest, "It needs to be our little secret for now, okay? You have to promise me."
Steve's face droop into sadness, "Why?"
Annalyn's heart breaks into pieces, "Because people don't like it when a boy wants to marry another boy. There's nothing wrong with it, but they will hurt you and they will hurt that boy."
"They can't hurt him!" Steve protests.
"I know, honey. That's why we have to keep it a secret for now."
"Okay," Steve nods, stoic and strong, "I'll protect him. I won't tell anyone. Promise."
Annalyn smiles, "Good job, Steve. I am proud of you."
They drive back home, have dinner and build forts in the spacious Harrington living room.
She remembers that day. The day Steve wanted to marry that boy. The daisies tucked in his hair. The other little boy beaming so brightly, like it's always been meant to be. The results of the tests. The cancer coming back. The chemo is not working. The time she has left. But most of all, she remembers Steve.
Annalyn dies six months after that exact day.
It's years and years later when the story is brought back up. On one random morning when Steve visits her grave, with a bunch of tulips in his hands. Steve tells the story of the boy with the daisies to his best friend, Robin, as they sit side by side by her grave. Steve tells her, that he never saw the boy again.
Annalyn laughs as she listens.
She laughs, as another boy comes out of no where, picnic basket in hands, and daisies in the other.
"Eddie! You're late!" Steve exclaims, making the other boy roll his eyes. The boy looks different now, with longer hair, a look in his eyes that is way beyond his age. But he's happier, older.
"I am sorry, Stevie. But I picked you this."
They lay the blanket, and eat with her, just like old times, just with new friends. Annalyn wishes she could say hello, and formally meet his friends. The friends that sticked with Steve even in life or death situations.
Steve cleans her grave, "Auntie, we're here for a reason. I have some news."
Annalyn raises her eyebrows, "Eddie and I— We're engaged."
"I hope to God you don't haunt me. I just want your approval." Eddie says, making Steve laugh. It's the same sound as when he was a kid, and only Eddie (and his found family) can elicit it from him nowadays.
"Anyway, it's not legal or anything. But we're doing it with family, you know?" Steve plays with the ring in his hand, just a simple golden band, "I wish you were here."
Annalyn wants to tell him that she is, that she's always here, "I wanted you to walk me down the aisle. I want you to meet Eddie."
They stay for a few more minutes, before they finally start packing up and cleaning.
Just before they leave, Steve whispers to her grave, "Come to my wedding, okay? Move a few glasses. Maybe say hi to El or something. Just be there, please?"
Annalyn laughs, and nods, and promises that she'll be there. She watches as Steve and Eddie, hands intertwined, walk together as Robin starts the car.
Steve turns one last time, waves at her grave, his engagement ring catching sunlight and beaming. There's daisies tucked in his back pocket, like a reminder, that everything has been set from the moment we were born.
If there's one thing about Steve, he's a stubborn, determined kid.
Annalyn smirks, "Son of a bitch, Steve really is marrying the daisy boy."
→ Wayne's POV
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corroded-hellfire · 7 months
Scout's Honor - Eddie Munson x Reader
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Collaboration with my dearest @munson-blurbs
An As You Wish story
Summary: The annual Father-Daughter Girl Scout Square Dance comes around but Eddie and Steve are saddled with some car trouble.
Note: Everyone needs to go thank Bug for this incredibly adorable idea!
Words: 2.1k
[As You Wish masterlist]
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Can’t live with them, can’t…convince them not to go fishing on the day of their daughters’ Girl Scouts events. 
Eddie and Steve had promised you and Nancy that they would be home in time to take Eliza and Mia to the annual square dance. 
“We’ll get an early start,” they’d said, ignoring Eliza’s insistence that she won’t go with her father if he reeks of fish. He’d just laughed, kissed her cheek, and reiterated that he would shower before the dance. 
Maybe you’re naive for believing him. And yet, when the phone rang and Eddie’s sheepish voice explains that Steve’s car broke down—codeword for ‘we ran out of gas’—you’re wholly unsurprised. 
“I always made fun of Wayne for fishing.” Eddie muses, the payphone crackling as he exhales. “Called it an old man activity. This is what I get.”
You grit your teeth, hand clenched in a fist. “Just…get home,” you hiss, hanging up the receiver and massaging your temples. 
Who could have ever foreseen such an outcome?
While you’re stewing over the men’s incompetence, Mia remains levelheaded—just like her mother—and proposes a solution. “What if Luke and Ryan take us?”
Her suggestion is almost certainly rooted in her crush on your younger son, but it proves to be a worthwhile idea, nonetheless. Eliza’s face lights up, and before you know it, your five-year-old is dragging her brothers from their room. 
“Please?” She pouts sweetly, batting her doe eyes up at them. “Daddy and Uncle Steve can’t make it, and we can’t go all alone.” She lays it on thick, knowing full well she doesn’t have to—the boys would do just about anything for her. 
Ryan and Luke raid Eddie’s dresser drawers for flannels, finding the ones that he had nabbed from Wayne’s trailer. The girls don cowgirl hats, excitedly giggling as they climb into the back of the minivan. It’s still strange for you to see Ryan behind the wheel, but your heart swells with pride as you watch him double-check Eliza’s booster seat before pulling out of the driveway. 
At seventeen years old, Eddie Munson spent his Saturday nights selling cheap weed at high school parties—many of them, ironically, thrown by “King” Steve Harrington. 
At seventeen years old, Ryan Munson is spending his Saturday night taking his little sister and her best friend to the Girl Scouts square dance. 
“Everyone buckled?” He calls back, already knowing that they are. Still, he waits until he receives a chorus of yeses before he drives off. 
Luke turns around from the passenger seat. “Now, do we have to make a perfect square?” He keeps a serious expression, much to Ryan’s amusement. “Like, what if it’s a bit oval-y? Do we get kicked out? Do you two get banished from the Girl Scouts?”
Eliza and Mia are both used to his nonsense, and they burst into a fit of giggles. Ryan cracks a smile of his own, eyes trained on the road. 
Precious cargo and all that. 
When they arrive at the old VFW hall, the girls immediately pull them over to their group of friends. It’s a sea of young girls and their dads—and some moms—but nary a big brother in sight except for the two Munson boys. 
Ryan barely has time to feel out of place. The emcee, a middle-aged woman with bright pink lipstick and a too-wide smile, grabs the mic. 
“Welcome to our Father-Daughter Square Dance!” The room erupts into applause, quieting down only to hear about how this fundraiser supports the Girl Scouts of Indiana. The scouts repeat their pledge, which is met with more cheers, and then a western tune bleats over the old sound system. 
Eliza grabs Ryan’s hand as the emcee calls out instructions. Mia is a bit shyer with Luke, but they still manage all of the steps without stomping on the other’s toes. 
“Liza, I’m sorry Dad couldn’t make it,” Ryan says between songs. 
Eliza gives him a small smile. “That’s okay. It’s kinda cooler to bring my big brother.”
He grins. Just wait until his dad hears that. 
As everyone is getting into position for the next dance, a new song comes on that has more banjo than Luke has ever heard in his life. 
“Oh, yeah. We’re definitely in Indiana,” he says.
Mia chuckles as she peeks up at Luke from beneath the brim of her straw cowgirl hat. A blue ribbon on one of her red pigtail braids is loose so Luke reaches down to fix it for the little girl. Mia’s freckled face blooms as red as her hair. Luke pretends not to notice, not wanting to embarrass her. The big crush on Luke became obvious when she was three, and now at ten, it’s still hanging around. The fifteen-year-old Munson boy thinks it’s flattering and only ever teases her if she starts it first. 
“Ready?” Luke asks, offering Mia his hand.
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“But I didn't realize any of this until I was standing alone. In a barn... wife-less. Now, you can imagine my disappointment when it suddenly dawned on me that the woman I love is about to be kicked out of the country. So, Margaret. Marry me. Because I'd like to date you.”
Both you and Nancy hold your wine glasses, neither moving a muscle as you watch Ryan Reynolds catch up to Sandra Bullock in a New York City office building. An empty pint of mint chocolate chip ice cream sits between you on the couch, two green-smudged silver spoons resting inside. 
With the men out fishing, Ryan and Luke out with the two girls, and Natalie watching the rest of the kids over at the Harrington house, your place became the ultimate Mom’s Night In for you and Nancy. A chance to drink a little, gossip a little, have some snacks and watch some romcoms. 
Your peace has finally come to an end, however, when the front door bursts open and two men who reek of murky water, bug spray, and gasoline come barging in. 
“Jesus, Steve,” Nancy says, face pinching up at the foul odor wafting from your husbands. 
You wave a hand in front of your face as if that will make the smell dissipate any faster. 
“How were the fish?” you ask, turning your head away to give your nostrils a fighting chance.
“We caught a grand total of zero,” Steve says with a sigh, his black fishing boots looking comically misplaced on him. Neither of the men look natural in fishing gear. But when a guy from work offered Eddie the use of his boat for the day, he found he couldn’t turn it down. 
“Did you bring the fishing poles?” Nancy asks, sarcasm lining the amusement on her face.
Both men give her an annoyed side eye before Eddie looks around and takes a step towards you.
“Where are the girls?” he asks. 
“Ryan and Luke took them to the dance,” you tell him. “They should be back soon.”
Steve grimaces and claps a heavy hand down on Eddie’s shoulder.
“Eliza’s gonna kill you.”
Eddie raises his eyebrows and spins to meet his friend’s eye.
“And Mia won’t kill you?”
Steve grins. “Not if she got to dance with Luke.” This is the only time the man has ever been thankful for Mia’s crush on the Munson teen. 
Front door still open from when the men barged in, Ryan, Luke, Eliza, and Mia walk inside, laughing and talking over one another. Ryan is giving Eliza a piggyback ride and Luke has Mia’s too-small cowgirl hat perched on top of his head. The moment Eliza’s wide brown eyes spot her father, she demands answers. 
“Daddy, where were you?”
Ryan gently lets her down and she stomps over in her beige cowgirl boots, stopping right in front of Eddie. 
“Liza, I’m so sorry,” Eddie pleads. “Our car broke down. We tried everything we could to get back in time—”
Tears build up in Eliza’s eyes and Eddie feels his heart constrict in his chest. It might as well be Eliza’s little fist squeezing it.
“You were s’post to go with me!”
Eddie sighs and runs a ringed, smelly hand over his face. “I know. And I promise I’ll go next time. But I’m glad you got to bring your brothers. 
“Did you have fun at least?” Steve asks from behind him. 
Mia nods emphatically and both you and Nancy have to bite your lips to keep from smiling. 
Eliza nods in agreement, although not as enthusiastically as her friend. “Yeah. And Ryan is a good dancer.”
Luke smirks, and if Eddie were looking at him, he’d see the devious glint in his eye. “Not as good as Dad, I’m sure.”
Loud snickers come from you, Nancy, and Steve. Eddie’s jaw drops open as he looks around the room. 
“I can dance!”
“Yeah, Dad?” Ryan asks.
“Lucky for you, we’re all right here to witness it,” Luke says with a shrug. 
Eddie scoffs and shakes his head. “There’s no music. And I don’t really think my Metallica is easy to groove to.”
“We’ve got my Billy Joel—” you start.
“Or my *NSYNC!” Mia adds. 
“No,” Eddie says. “Thank you girls, but no.”
Smirk only growing larger, Luke pats his father on the shoulder. “Lucky for you, we’ve got just what you need.”
Eddie raises an eyebrow as he watches his son take a CD out of a Target bag he was conveniently hiding behind his back. 
“How was fishing, by the way?” Luke asks as he wrestles with the plastic engulfing the case.
“Pointless,” Steve says.
“Your uncle didn’t bring enough bait,” Eddie added. Steve is about to refute but Luke speaks before he gets the chance.
“But you would have, Dad? Does that make you a master baiter?” 
Ryan is the only one who is unable to contain his laughter. The joke goes over the girls’ heads, but you give your son a soft glare anyway. Never mind that you found it hilarious, just as you know the other adults did as well, but sometimes you’ve got to be the parent. 
Luke shrugs it off and pops the finally-freed CD into the stereo and the sound of a bow sawing over fiddle strings fills the room. Your second-oldest nods his head to Eliza.
“Go ahead, Lize. Show the old man how it’s done.”
“There’s not enough room to square dance in here,” Eddie says.
Without even so much as glancing at one another, you and Nancy get off of the couch and push it back, making plenty more space in the living room. The two of you smirk at one another and Nancy crosses her arms over her chest.
“Y’know, I don’t think it’s fair that you guys get to reap the benefits of your daughters being Girl Scouts without putting in the work.”
A grin grows on your face as you see where Nancy is going with this. 
“Yeah,” you agree, “maybe you don’t need more Samoas this year.”
Eddie’s face falls, and he looks at Steve, who shrugs in defeat. Gotta hit the guys where it hurts: food. 
“All right, show us the moves,” Steve says.
Mia grins, a bounce in her step as she takes Eliza’s smaller hand and walks to the middle of the floor. “Okay, me and Liza will be partners. Just watch us.”
Steve furrows his eyebrows and looks between the two girls, one with now-messy twin red braids, and the other with a light brown cowgirl hat atop two curly pigtails. 
“Wait, if you two are dancing together, who are Eddie and I dancing with?” he asks. 
Eliza giggles. “Each other.”
“Nope,” Eddie replies. “No way.”
With an over dramatic sigh, you shrug your shoulders at your husband. “No dancing, no Samoas.”
“Damn those little coconut fuckers,” Eddie mumbles under his breath. “All right, big boy. But I get to be the guy.”
“Sure, we’ll play pretend,” Steve quips back. It’ll be a miracle if they both make it through the first dance alive.
Eliza and Mia begin to go through the motions, showing their fathers what to do. Everyone is laughing as they do-si-do and hook arms to swing each other around. 
“Did I earn my cookies yet?” Eddie asks once the next song ends.
“That’s up to your daughter,” you tell him with a shrug. 
Eddie looks at Eliza expectantly, the big puppy dog eyes that he passed down to her working their magic. 
“Almost, Daddy. You gotta dance with me first.”
“Now that, I can do.”
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unclewaynemunson · 2 years
Wayne sees it all happen from his armchair. He’s quiet, hidden away in the corner, so usually the kids forget he’s even there within the hour. He enjoys being on the fringe of his nephew’s new group of friends from there, simply observing them, watching them from behind his newspaper, tuning in and out of whatever it is they’re talking about. Every now and then, one of them comes up to him for a chat or to offer him a drink, but they mostly leave him alone in his corner, just how he likes it.
He sees how Eddie makes every single one of them feel like the crappy old trailer is a place they can always come home to. He sees how Eddie always makes sure that Max is comfortable in her wheelchair and not missing out on anything going on around them because she can’t see. He notices how he always speaks to Eleven in an extra soft voice, reigning himself in a bit from his usual theatrics in order not to startle her. He hears how he’s never afraid to tell Dustin that he loves him and he sees the way Dustin starts beaming whenever he does. He sees how he makes a habit of taking Will aside from the group for hushed, earnest-looking conversations, and he sees how that always leaves Will with a brightness in his eyes and a smile around his lips. He sees how he plays around with the other two boys, Mike and Lucas, who are all over Eddie every chance they get. He sees how he always has some extra candy at hand for the youngest one, Erica. He sees the softness in his features, the sparkle in his eyes, whenever those kids are around, and it reminds him of how he felt himself, all those years ago, whenever little Eddie would show up at his trailer unexpectedly.
He also sees how embarrassed Eddie is to accept the help of Nancy Wheeler. He notices how she refuses to take no for an answer and shows up multiple nights a week to tutor him. He sees how she strictly refuses to let him get distracted when they’re doing their homework, and he hears the honest heart-to-hearts they have after they’re done. He sees the way Eddie looks at her: like he gained an older sister who is always looking out for him, even though she must be younger than him. Like he’d be completely lost without her.
He sees how much fun Eddie has with Robin Buckley. He sees how much chaos they create whenever they’re together. He listens along as they bond over music, and he tries not to eavesdrop as they talk about their respective hopeless crushes and being queer in a small town in rural Indiana. He sees the way Eddie looks at her: like he gained a twin sister who is exactly like him. Like he understands her in a way he never understood anyone before.
And he especially sees how Eddie feels about Steve Harrington. It’s written all over his face, so it’s really impossible to miss: it’s in the longing gaze in his big brown eyes, the way he shamelessly stares at the boy for minutes on end whenever they’re watching a movie together; it’s in the way he hangs onto every single word the boy says, even when they’re having the most mundane conversations possible; it’s in the way he leans into him, almost as if he isn’t noticing he’s doing it; it’s in the way he loudly laughs at every single one of his jokes, no matter how unfunny they are; it’s in the way he always seems to find some excuse to touch him, brushing their hands together when he hands him a drink or sitting a little bit too close to him on the couch or reaching for his shoulder whenever he makes some kind of flirty remark at him. Wayne sees all of it, but he doesn’t worry. Because he also sees the way in which Steve leans back into Eddie’s touches, he also sees the way in which Steve is constantly staring at Eddie’s lips, he also sees the fond looks Steve can’t seem to stop giving Eddie, and he definitely sees the blush creeping over Steve’s cheeks whenever Eddie is openly flirting with him. He sees it all happen from his armchair and he knows they’ll be alright.
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ashwhowrites · 10 months
Eddie Munson part 3
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Cindy Lou Who🎄 - Y/N can't help but feel blue as she watches Eddie fall in love ( angst )
Baby on board - requested- Y/N has been fwb with her older neighbor, and finds herself pregnant ( angst to fluff )
The line between love and hate- requested - Eddie and Y/N hate each other, but that doesn't stop them from constantly hooking up. ( Angst to fluff )
Hairspray - requested - Steve believes Eddie is sneaking into his house to steal....but he's there for his sister?
His gift🎄 - requested - Eddie and his best friend exchange gifts for Christmas, Y/N plans to admit her feelings ( angst? Fluff, smut )
Oh neighbor - requested - Eddie can't keep his eyes or hands off his young neighbor ( fluff, smut, angst? )
Billy's daughter - requested - Y/N needs a job and finds herself crushing on her manager. They flirt, they sleep together, and like each other. But fear takes over when Eddie finds out who she is.
Shy game - requested - Y/N and Eddie are too shy to talk to each other. Their friends try their best to make it happen ( fluff )
Hideout jealousy - requested- Y/N finds herself jealous when she feels Eddie is into another girl
Work crush - requested - Eddie falls for his younger coworker. A holiday party brings them together
Rich girl, poor boy- requested - Eddie and Y/N introduce each other's families, not knowing the downfall it'll cause ( angst to fluff )
The mother of it all- Eddie finds himself crushing on his girlfriend's mom ( angst, fluff, smut. ⚠️age gap, perv!Eddie, Eddie is legal (18) reader is 35 )
If the van is shaking, don't come knocking- requested - Eddie finds himself jealous over the jocks who flirt with his girlfriend ( smut )
Love vs popularity - requested - Y/N Harrington falls for Eddie, a relationship that puts her relationship with Steve on the rocks ( angst to fluff )
Young girls and trust don't mix- requested - Eddie falls in love with a younger fan, and Wayne is suspicious ( angst to fluff )
Rockstar baby- requested - Eddie's one night stand leads to a future of parenthood
Dustin's babysitter - Eddie catches himself having the hots for Dustin's babysitter
Rockstar love- requested - Y/N finds herself opening for the one and only Eddie Munson. But he isn't what she expected him to be....in the worst way possible ( angst, smut, fluff )
Cheerleader Cupid - requested - Y/N has a crush on Eddie but doesn't know how to say it. So she wrote it
Daddy- requested - Y/N gets drunk and lets a little nickname slip ( fluff, tiny smut)
Cute but an asshole - requested - Y/N's dad is best friends with Eddie, and she cannot stand him. Until she's drunk and needs a ride home ( angst to fluff )
No cash, no problem -Y/N can't afford to pay Eddie for the night, but he has a different payment in mind ( smut, milf reader! X babysitter! Eddie)
Billy x Eddie x reader headcanon
Scared?- requested - Y/N and Eddie watch a new horror film. Eddie assumed Y/N needed the protection, but maybe he did. ( Older Eddie )
Weekend nights - requested - Eddie doesn't get along with his neighbor, Y/N Hargrove. Eddie has enough and confronts the issue ( older Eddie, smutty)
Project?- requested - Y/N and Steve are paired for a project and it sends Eddie in a spiral
The look- requested - Y/N finds her boyfriend and Chrissy talking, and she sees a look in Eddie's eyes that breaks her apart
Wingman vs wingwoman- requested- Max wants to set up her babysitter with Eddie. And Dustin wants to set up Eddie with his student council president
Dustin's friend- requested- Y/N Henderson has been keeping a secret from her brother
Who's your girlfriend?- requested - Eddie let's a girl get too friendly with him and Y/N doesn't take it well
2 boyfriends 1 girlfriend - requested- Billy doesn't realize how badly he's hurting his girlfriend until Eddie makes him
Wrong Cunningham - requested - Y/N likes Eddie but he likes her sister, so where does that leave her?
Don't yell- requested - Eddie makes the mistake of yelling at his girlfriend
To die for- requested - Y/N is a quite nerd who falls for the popular Eddie Munson, it turns sour when she asks him out in front of his friends. Then the upside down turns everything around
Wrong name - requested - Eddie wants to be set up with Y/N, but Dustin thought Y/N liked Steve
Daddy's girl- requested - Y/N knows her dad and Eddie have a bad past so she keeps them apart. But Eddie likes to cause trouble
Push away- requested- Eddie likes to run when he starts to feel
Tutor Turor- requested- Y/N is new to school, and becomes Eddie's tutor. He wants to ask her out but he has to pass a test first
Bedtime whispers - requested - Eddie thought Y/N was asleep when he confessed his love. After she heard it all, she wanted to hear more.
Lose it all for something more? - requested - Eddie and Y/N have been together for 6 months, but a certain cheerleader won't leave Eddie's mind
College boys - requested - Eddie is older than his girlfriend, he gets insecure when the young college boys want a taste of her. Instead of lashing out, he fucked her until he was the only thing on her mind ( ⚠️smut )
Happy again because of you- older rockstar Eddie x nanny reader (⚠️smut)
Friends? Or something more?- requested - Eddie feels like he's losing his girlfriend to Steve
Wrong story- Y/N has a crush on her teacher, filled with inappropriate thoughts she needs a release. So she writes it out...and accidentally sends it to him. (⚠️ Smut)
The first time - requested - Y/N is an inexperienced virgin and nervous for the next step. But she's ready for her and Eddie's first year anniversary (older Eddie ) (⚠️ smut)
She's different - requested - Eddie is known as the hideout fuck boy, but then he meets a girl that changed it all
A bit of daddy's help- requested - Y/N has been pregnant for too long and she needs Eddie's help to induce labor (⚠️ smut)
Frenemies - requested - Eddie and Reader have a weird relationship. They hate each other but still protect each other
Her attention - requested - Eddie is a simp for his girlfriend and wants her attention 24/7
No words - requested - Eddie falls for the new quiet girl ( deaf! Reader )
The friend- requested- Eddie is in love with his best friend, and when an opportunity knocked, he took it
All grown-up- requested- Eddie and Y/N are enemies with benefits until she finds out she is pregnant
The older woman - requested - Eddie is crushing on his hot older neighbor
His smell- requested - Eddie reads that a pregnant woman's smell can change and dislike the smell of their me
Both of you- requested- Chrissy and Eddie finally get together, but where does Y/N fit?
Baby talk - requested - Y/N finds out she's pregnant, and worried for Eddie's reaction
Runaway girl- requested - Steve doesn't realize what he has until she's Eddie's
Hawkins Princess - requested - Eddie is shocked to see the Hawkins princess in dentition, even more shocked that they seemed to get along
Gomez and Morticia - requested - blurb based on Gomez and Morticia
Daddy issues- requested- Y/N meets Eddie at a bar, turns out they have more in common than she thought
Poking- requested - Eddie doesn't want to have sex with his wife because of the baby ( fluff )
Ring thief - requested- Eddie and his partner always switch up rings (gn!reader)
Bet on me- requested - Eddie finds himself in a bet...but falls in love in the process
Prom dress- requested - Eddie doesn't know how to express his feelings so he drives the girl he likes away
A quiet place blurb
To believe in him- requested - Y/N came from a very religious background, and her parents don't accept her relationship with Eddie ( older Eddie )
Stutter- requested - Y/N Henderson is back in Hawkins, and she talks to her crush Eddie Munson. She begins to stutter with all the nerves, leading Eddie to think she's no good (angst to fluff )
Involved - requested - Y/N is a single mom who falls for Eddie. She lets her secret out and Eddie steps back ( angst to fluff )
3? Give me four- requested - Steve admits he's slept with Eddie's girlfriend in the past. Making Eddie feel like he needs to prove himself (smut)
Pick me, choose me, love me- requested - Eddie gets a girlfriend and it puts a strain on his friendship with his best friend. A fight breaks out and Y/N learns the truth ( angst )
Around her finger- Even though Eddie is older than his girlfriend, he's wrapped around her finger (smut)
Rebounds - requested - Eddie doesn't know his relationship was based on a rebound
Secret girlfriend- requested- The Hellfire boys had no idea their master had a girlfriend
Our secret- Dilf! Eddie x daughters friend reader!
Dungeons and Revenge - Eddie finds out the new guy in Hellfire is his ex's new boyfriend
Rumor has it- requested- A rumor spreads around the school that Eddie and Y/N are sleeping together. It gains popularity for Eddie, but the opposite for Y/N
Different- requested- Eddie falls for Dustin's alternative cousin
Runaway daddy- requested- Eddie runs when he finds out he is going to be a dad
Tickets to Con - requested - Y/N has tickets to a con, but no one will take the extra ticket, until her best friend and crush step up
No PDA- requested - Gareth is worried Eddie's girlfriend isn't into him
535 notes · View notes
steddielvr · 2 years
secret's out
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Henderson!Reader
Summary: Steve’s crush on the eldest Henderson sibling is outed by a certain Sinclair who’s tired of watching him pine. (Set between season 3 and 4.)
Word Count: 1.2k+ words
Warnings: FLUFF, flustered!Steve, matchmaker!Erica
a/n: this one really melts my heart! i could just imagine Erica being a total terror if she knew Steve had a crush on someone in their group and just waiting for the perfect opportunity to out him, and so this fic was born. hope you enjoy! <3
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You put your car into park outside of the Family Video store, Dustin, Max, Lucas and Erica practically sprinting from it as soon as you come to a halt. You shake your head at their impatience with a laugh, pushing your sunglasses further up your face and exiting the car, locking the doors before following them inside.
You had been ‘babysitting’ the kids at the Wheeler’s house when Dustin had mentioned a new movie that had recently come out that he thought would be perfect for movie night. And you, being the lovely older sister that you are, had offered to take him to go and get it. Erica had jumped at the chance to come along, at which she had said there was no reason, but you knew she missed Steve and Robin sometimes, even if she wouldn’t admit it. Max wanted to go with you because she enjoyed browsing through the movies and Lucas wanted to go because Max was going, the others were content to stay at home. 
Hearing the bell go off signaling they had a new customer, Steve and Robin’s heads simultaneously snapped up and wide grins spread across both of their faces. The shorter of the two instantly ran to you, engulfing you in a tight hug which you happily returned.
“Oh, I’ve missed you” she mumbles into your shoulder, pulling back to frown at you. “Dingus here has been getting on my nerves” She gestured in Steve’s direction, who was smiling sheepishly at you.
“Hey, Henderson” He greeted, wrapping you in a quick, warm hug. “You stuck babysitting again?” he joked, looking around at the four kids you brought with you.
“Sadly, yes” you sigh, hopping up to sit on the counter in front of Steve, pushing your sunglasses up onto your head. “So, what’s new with you two?” you ask, leaning back onto your hands and studying the two brunettes before you.
“Nothing much” Steve shrugs, “The new job’s okay, but the company could be a little better.” He chuckles, playfully pushing Robin’s shoulder.
“Aw, don’t let him fool you, Y/N/N. He secretly loves me.” Robin teased, ruffling his hair and laughing as he frantically tried to put it back in place.
“He secretly loves someone, alright.” The youngest Sinclair suddenly appears at your side, raising her eyebrows mockingly at Steve. 
You look between them in confusion, brows furrowing as you watch his cheeks turn a deep crimson. “What are you talking about?” 
“She’s not talking about anything, right Sinclair?” he laughs nervously, glaring at the smaller girl, Erica returning the gesture. She opens her mouth to retort but is interrupted by a shout from across the room.
“We found it!” The other three teens come around the corner of an aisle, your younger brother waving the movie in his hands.
“Which movie are you getting?” Robin asks, speaking mostly to you.
You shrug at her, not actually knowing what film Dustin was after. “I don’t know. Dustin said it was new and he wanted to watch it for movie night.”
“You’re having a movie night?” Steve perks up, looking between the group, eyes lingering on you the longest.
“Yeah. You two are more than welcome to join, if you’d like” you offer, silently praying they say yes so it won’t just be you and a bunch of teenagers.
“Oh, I’m sure Steve would love that” Erica chuckles, relishing in the way her words were making Steve so flustered.
“What?” you question, eyebrows furrowed in bewilderment.
“Nothing, nothing,” Steve was quick to reassure. “So, you want a movie?” he turns his attention to Dustin, reaching out to take the tape from his hands. “Oh yeah, yeah, this one is supposed to be good.”
He types the title into the computer before handing it back to Dustin, turning back to you with a smile. 
“So, are you going to come along?” You question, taking the money out of your bag to rent the movie before a warm hand covers your own, stopping you.
“No, no, no. Don’t worry about it, it’s on me” he blushes, fumbling to remove his hand once he realized what he’d done.
“Would you please quit your pining and just tell her that you’re in love with her before I vomit?” Erica fake gags, eyes narrowing on Steve.
“Erica!” he shouts, covering his face in embarrassment at his secret being outed in front of the one person he didn’t want to hear.
“Oops” she smirks, before Robin ushers the kids away, giving Steve a reassuring smile and thumbs up, mouthing a quick ‘you’ve got this’ to her best friend.
“You’re in love with me?” you whisper, eyes wide and a small smile on your face.
“Well-I-uh” he fumbles over his words, hand rubbing the back of his neck anxiously. “You weren’t supposed to find out this way. Well, you weren’t supposed to find out at all but clearly, I have incredibly poor judgement and thought it was a good idea to tell Robin about my feelings for you in front of a 10 year old and-”
You shake your head with a fond smile before deciding to save him from his rambling, reaching over the counter to grab his face in your hands and pull him towards you. He stops talking instantly, mouth agape and eyes flickering over your features in surprise.
“You’re an idiot, Steve Harrington” you whisper, before pressing your lips to his in a short, but sweet kiss, pulling away to see his face split into a bewildered smile. “But I guess you’re my idiot now.”
He laughs breathlessly, hardly believing his luck at your words. He was so sure you wouldn’t feel the same, preparing himself for months for the sting of rejection that he was convinced would come if you ever found out. No matter how many times Robin had told him that he was being stupid and that it was obvious you returned his feelings, he had never believed her, instead choosing to think that you could never want to be with somebody like him. But he couldn’t have been more wrong.
He doesn’t waste any more time, instantly jogging around the counter to wrap you up in a tight embrace. When he pulls back, he takes your reddened cheeks into his shaky hands, looking at you as if you had just made his biggest dream come true, which in a way you had. He begins to lean back in, no longer having to hide his love for you or wonder how your lips would feel against his own.
“Seriously, Harrington? Dude, that’s my sister!” The pair of you whip around to see your brother shaking his head at the two of you, but he had a huge smile on his face nonetheless. He had known how you both felt for months now, waiting impatiently for one of you to finally crack and tell the other how you felt. Erica and Robin were smirking and high-fiving, Max and Lucas giving you both an approving thumbs up. 
You laugh into Steve’s chest, the sound making his heart clench with fondness as you look up at him with a love-sick smile, arms coming up to rest over his shoulders. 
“So, are you going to come to movie night or?” you tease, playing with the hair at the back of his neck.
“Oh, you bet your cute little ass I am.”
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choerypetal · 4 months
Love at first Sight / Steve Harrington x Winchester!Sister
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Summary: The reader, as the younger sister of the Winchesters, moves to Hawkins to investigate a hunt after losing contact with their father, John. Unbeknownst to them, Hawkins harbors dark secrets, particularly when a certain boy rescues them from the monsters.
ps: This is my longest story to date, and I had so much fun writing it. I hope you enjoy it just as much! Since English isn't my first language, I apologize for any minor grammar errors.
word count; 6ks.
tag list ; @figurantedefilme
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“Father, hasn’t come back.” 
Dean’s words reiterate in your mind as you sat in the passenger seat. Sam, your twin, understood the potential consequences of bringing you along. You vividly recalled his argument about the test you had the next morning, how he had done everything possible to support your decision not to get involved. The thought of dragging their little sister, on the brink of graduating high school, into family matters made him troubled. "And where exactly is the location?" he asked, struggling to conceal his irritation while casting worried glances in your direction. 
Dean understood he had no alternative. If given the opportunity, there was no doubt he would have ventured alone. However, giving John's unequivocal instructions left no room for debate on the matter. When family, particularly your father, was concerned, it was imperative for everyone to participate, regardless of their preferences. Dean's grasp on the steering wheel tightened as he disclosed the destination you were bound for.
Hawkins was nothing like Kansas. After an eight-hour drive with multiple stops, your brothers took turns at the wheel. For once, you all agreed that your father should be immensely grateful when you finally rescued him, especially given the uncertainty about where to start. It wasn't until you checked into a motel near Hawkins that the research on the haunting began in earnest.
Dean had gone to buy some food while Sam and you continued your search. The sun had set, giving way to the shimmering stars of the night. One of the things you couldn't help but admire about Hawkins was the luminous presence of its own scenery. You were stargazing from your motel window when you heard the door creak open and Sam's voice, poised to relay any information about your father's whereabouts. But it was Dean who spoke first, interrupting Sam's rambling about anything he could find useful. "So, you're telling me there are no official records, just a stupid student article about the incident that happened, what, a year ago? When it all started with a boy going missing?"
"Maybe we should ask for the chief," you suggested, recalling the man around your father's age whom your brothers had seen at the gas station an hour earlier. One who could definitely be a source of information. However, your brothers dismissed the notion, unwilling to involve others. "No, no, no," Dean said, pulling food from the plastic bag and placing it on the table. Sam, still engrossed in his laptop, grabbed the first item his hand found. "The one thing we definitely can't do is involve the cops, especially the sheriff."
And he was right, much as you hated to admit it. Dealing with the cops had never been your brother's strongest suits. Recalling numerous arrests, all tied to their hunting activities, with your father or Bobby often being the one to bail them out.
"I think I found something," Sam said, capturing your attention. Dean snatching the laptop from him, causing Sam to roll his eyes and start munching on his sandwich. "Demogorgon, really?" Dean said, almost offended by the article. What struck him, though, was how off the situation felt with the missing boy and the lab in Hawkins.
"I don't know, man. Don't look at me like that. Just read further," Sam insisted as Dean tried to process the information. Despite their extensive hunting experience, from Wendigo's to the King of Hell, Dean was on the verge of dismissing the student article entirely. This seemed like a stretch even for them.
"And you're telling me Dad went missing because of a half-man, half-creature that feeds on human powers?" Dean asked incredulously. Sam chuckled at his brother's disbelief and nodded. "That's what the article says," he confirmed, though Dean remained unconvinced. He needed more evidence, which meant by morning they will have to start questioning anyone around Hawkins. "Tomorrow, first thing. If the rumors are true, and as much as I hate to admit. Dad might be the creature's next snack anytime soon."
The next morning in Hawkins, you and your brothers headed to the nearest diner. Unlike other places you'd visited, Hawkins had a surprising calmness to it. You were particularly excited to visit the DVD store that had caught your eye, likely the only other place of interest besides the arcade. You always made a point to bring something back from each mission—a habit your brothers found odd yet endearing.
"Please," you begged Dean as the three of you walked into the diner. He rolled his eyes as you all sat down and ordered the usual breakfast: two coffees and an orange juice for you. "What do you even need at a DVD store?" he asked. "Maybe it could also be a good excuse for you and Sam to investigate," you replied with a hint of amusement. Your brothers exchanged a glance and thanked the waitress as she brought the food. "She isn't wrong, you know," Sam agreed, seeing the potential in the idea. "And if it makes Y/N feel at home..." 
"Fine," Dean finally conceded with a sigh. "But after that, we're heading to the trailer park." He insisted, knowing it was one of the areas where the creature had reportedly lingered and the last place your father was apparently seen.
"Robin, I told you, the last time I flirted with a woman, I couldn't even avoid making her cringe," Steve sighed as he brought the DVD tray to restock returns. Behind the counter, Robin mentally tallied her best friend's countless failures, a smile playing on her lips. “I call dibs on the next client.” As she noticed three silhouettes entering the store, her attention shifted entirely to them. "Welcome!" she greeted them, her tone ambiguous enough to make it unclear whether she enjoyed her job or not. "May I help you?"
Your brother wore an expression of determination. Sam, ever the polite one, smiled first and quickly refocused on their primary mission: finding your father. "We just need a few pieces of information," he said, presenting their fake FBI cards. You leaned forward, peeking between your brothers. Immediately catching Steve's attention. Outside, Max and Billy, being new in town, added to the unusual sight of newcomers, especially at this time of year. Steve couldn't help but admire this in awe. "I'll go look for a souvenir. Don't wait for me," you said, glancing at them one last time before heading off. 
"Alright, Chipmunk, just don't take long," Dean replied, prompting you to roll your eyes. Steve noted the nickname, remembering it all too well. As you made your way toward the shelves of tapes, Steve remained with your brothers, soon summoned by Robin.
"It's about their father," Robin had filled Steve in on the situation. Wherever their father was, it didn't sound promising, especially with everything happening—the Demogorgon, Vecna—anything could be connected. Observing Dean's expression shift from annoyance to complete shock, as Sam realized that dismissing the student article might have been their first mistake.
"So... you're saying you fought one of them?" Sam directed his question to Steve. Usually, Steve couldn't resist a bit of ego-boosting, but the serious expression on Dean's face and his repeated glances in your direction, ensuring you wouldn't make a mess, made Steve reconsider. Perhaps setting aside the flirting was the wisest choice. Thus, he simply nodded. "Yes, thanks to Dustin, who obtained the information initially. Even the police are clueless about what's truly occurring."
The Winchester brothers exchanged glances. "Dustin?" they asked simultaneously. Steve nodded in confirmation. "Yes, and not just Dustin. We also have El, who possesses superpowers. She's been instrumental, but given your father's disappearance, someone would have found his body by now or—" Steve hesitated, unwilling to entertain darker possibilities, especially after their experience in the Upside Down. He shared a concerned look with Robin, who shrugged, considering various scenarios. "Wait—let me just process all of this," Dean interjected, taking a step back. Robin offered him a seat at the counter, which he gratefully accepted as he attempted to piece everything together.
"So, let me get this straight: first, this kid Will goes missing, then you guys run into some Demo-whatever-the-hell-it's-called, and now there's this girl with random powers who was held captive in a lab by some Vecna creep?" Dean recalled how vague his father had been on the phone the previous night, mentioning he'd be at some sort of lab. The thought worried him, prompting Sam to give his brother a concerned look. "Are you okay?" Sam inquired. Dean hummed a yes and locked eyes with Steve, who swallowed nervously. Despite only meeting briefly that day, something about your older brother made Steve fidgety. Dean paused momentarily, then retrieved an article from his back pocket and placed it on the counter. Steve immediately recognized Nancy's handwriting.
"Not to sound arrogant, but that's your source?" Steve gestured towards the paper, blinking twice. While Nancy's article was informative, she had to simplify and spice it up to attract readers for her publication, not to mention keep the whole Upside Down ordeal a secret. Steve distinctly recalled her mentioning that. However, he hadn't anticipated it would attract a group of hunters brandishing fake FBI badges. Despite his reservations, he refrained from commenting on it. "Also," he added, indicating their badges, "this whole fake badge charade doesn't fool us. We've already dealt with the Russians trying that stunt," he remarked smugly. Just as you arrived with a stack of DVDs, you couldn't help but laugh. "See? I told you those FBI badges were outdated."
Sam's lips curved into a playful smile as he observed your reaction. Despite disliking that you were traveling with them and missing out on a normal life outside of hunting, it was gratifying to see you interacting with people your age. Your formal demeanor while conversing with Steve, who nodded in response to your comment, was refreshing, as were the small interactions you shared with Robin. "Cash?" Steve inquired next, prompting an eager nod from you as Dean stepped in to pay. "But I have enough!" you protested, pouting adorably—a sight that Steve found strangely endearing. He snapped back to reality as your brother impatiently waited for him to retrieve the cash. "Want-Want the receipt?" Steve asked stuttering slightly, to which your brother shook his head. As the three of you prepared to leave the store, thanking the two employees one last time, Dean paused, causing Sam and you to exchange a curious glance. Dean clearly had something in mind.
"Can we arrange a meeting spot?" he inquired. Steve and Robin shared a glance, aware that the next day they would be assisting Dustin in searching for his friend Eddie. It appeared to be an ideal opportunity, particularly since your brothers intended to explore Hawkins' forest as well. "Skull Rock?" the younger boy proposed. Neither your brothers nor you were aware that you would have more company than anticipated. Dean hesitated, but upon seeing your radiant expression as you held the stack of DVDs you had purchased, you spoke up on their behalf before he could respond. "We'll be there!"
Steve's prediction proved accurate. The following morning arrived, and he remained uncertain whether you would indeed appear, let alone bring your brothers along. The previous night, after interviewing numerous locals, you had practically pleaded with them to join, convinced it was an excellent idea. Considering your father's tendencies, initiating the search in the forest seemed logical. "If this is because of that Steve boy again," Dean interjected with disdain evident in his tone, prompting you to roll your eyes. "It has nothing to do with him! Besides, he's taken down one of these creatures before. I'd sooner trust a DVD seller than a random sheriff at this point." You made a valid argument, and upon witnessing the resolve in your expression, Sam concurred, "She's got a point." With a sigh, Dean drummed his fingers on the steering wheel before starting the engine without another word and directing the car toward Skull Rock.
"So who are we waiting for exactly?" Dustin inquired impatiently, observing Steve's restless pacing. "And what's with the sudden nerves?" Robin teased with a smirk. "It's Y/N." "Y/N?" Steve spoke your name, almost offended. "Oh, so you know her name?" Robin enjoyed Steve's irritation and couldn't resist teasing him further. "She mentioned it before they departed, in case you were paying attention, lover boy."
"They?" Dustin regarded the two adults before him, clearly perplexed by the situation and the strangers they had involved. "Her father vanished, and her brothers, who are apparently hunters, were dispatched here. We're just hoping we don't stumble upon their father's lifeless body along the way," Steve explained. He hadn't intended to sound so severe, but his nerves had taken over, leading him to adopt a touch of sarcasm. His confidence faltered as he heard your brother's voice drawing nearer. "Y/N, this is nonsense. We should've contacted Castiel."
"Yes, but remember, Castiel's at the hospital right now. He needs the rest," you reminded them, recalling the events of the last hunt. "Come on, grumpy old man," you added, grabbing Dean's arm, eliciting a whine from him, while Sam chuckled, enjoying the moment. As your eyes met Robin’s, you waved at her. "Robin!"
Robin was the first to notice your arrival and approached you with a hug. You were introduced to Dustin, whom they described as the clever one, and who had some knowledge about the creatures and your father's potential whereabouts. Lucky for him, he had mentioned about seeing a man whose description bore a striking resemblance to your father's, which he promptly relayed to Dean. "So, that's how you stumbled upon this entire Russian trap?" you inquired. They all nodded in agreement, but their conversation was interrupted as Eddie emerged from his hiding spot, causing you to startle slightly.
"Dustin, you rascal," Eddie's voice reverberated in your thoughts. Amidst the chaos of your missing father and the onslaught of curses from Max and Eddie, whom you had only just met, Eddie extended his hand to shake yours, his fingers lightly brushing against yours as he flashed a smile. "Haven't seen you around before, sweets," he remarked, managing to find humor in the situation despite its gravity, prompting a slight cringe from Steve, who had been the first to encounter you. Yet, you couldn't deny that Eddie exuded a certain charm of his own. "We've been sent on a mission. My father disappeared around here a few days ago, and my brothers, who are hunters, insisted I come," you explained, introducing Dean and Sam to everyone present, including Lucas, Max, and Nancy, all of whom reciprocated with their own introductions.
"And I assume you're familiar with me," the metalhead sighed at his presence, wishing for a more auspicious introduction. You shook your head, seeking confirmation from Robin and then Steve. "Eddie," Steve answered, somewhat irritated. "The 'supposed boy' who was involved in the cheerleader's death?" your brother recited from a news article. But quickly flinched and groaned in discomfort as you took the crumpled article and hit it against his chest. "Good Lord, Y/N, what was that for?" he protested as you gave him a knowing glance. 
"Do you get a serial killer vibe from him?" you questioned, coming to Eddie's defense. “It’s alright, Y/N, there’s no need…” Observing the unfolding scene, Steve couldn't help but wish he were in Eddie's position, but circumstances had changed since your meeting with him the day before. Determined to contribute, he spoke up. "Shouldn't we be, you know, taking action instead of just standing around? Especially for their father, Dustin, and everything?" 
Dustin briefly glanced at Steve, recognizing that familiar look of jealousy. First, it was with Nancy, and now it seemed directed toward a complete stranger. Amused, Dustin couldn't resist teasing him and feigned ignorance, only serving to make Steve's jealousy even more evident. Meanwhile, you were completely absorbed in Eddie's presence, oblivious to Steve's inner turmoil. Dean, always the vigilant brother, interjected, "Come on, lover boy, no time to waste," playfully tousling your hair as he noticed Steve's uneasy glance. You muttered a few choice words before smoothing down your hair. It was endearing to witness the two men vying for your attention, but it also put Dean, the protective brother, on edge. "Sammy?" he called out, turning to Sam, who was already assisting Dustin in plotting the next course of action. "Ready?"
You, on the other hand, gave a final glance to Eddie, who appeared ready. "Lead the way, sweetheart," you encouraged. The walk proved lengthier than anticipated, and as the sun began to set, the sky revealed the first twinkling stars, a sight you never failed to appreciate. Steve made a point to remain by your side throughout. "Look!" you exclaimed, prompting Steve to recall the way your smile lit up your face. Your observation caused everyone, including your brothers, to pause in their tracks. "The stars seem larger tonight," you remarked in awe. "Are you a fan of astrology?" Eddie inquired, leaning closer to you, and you turned to regard him. "And you?" you countered. He shrugged. "Not particularly, but now that you mention it, Hawkins nights do hold a certain allure, don't they, Steve?"
"Indeed," Steve responded, the faint edge of irritation apparent in his tone. Eddie noticed, recognizing the signs of infatuation, and chose not to press the matter further. "Perhaps," he suggested, "rather than discussing stars, we should direct our attention to..."
An interruption broke the silence—a familiar screech that caused Dustin to halt abruptly, prompting everyone to freeze in place. He listened intently, ensuring it wasn't merely his imagination. "Do you all hear that?" he whispered, the sound growing louder. Your brothers remained nearby, while Steve stood steadfastly by your side. You could have sworn you felt his fingers graze yours, prompting you, out of habit, to reach for his hand and give it a reassuring squeeze. In that moment, he was your knight in shining armor.
Dean swiftly seized the flashlight, his actions quickened by a piercing scream resonating through the air. As you turned to confront the creature lurking in the shadows, a chill of fear gripped you, compounded by the sight of blood dripping from its jaw. Paralyzed, you sensed its menacing presence drawing nearer with each passing second. In the blink of an eye, it lunged towards you. "Y/N!" Steve's urgent voice reverberated in your mind as Dean barked orders at Sam to take the first shot. Yet, the gunfire proved futile against the relentless creature. "Steve!" Robin's frantic shout pierced through the chaos as she tossed him the bat. Everything unfolded too swiftly to comprehend.
Overwhelmed by the sheer presence of the creature, you found your knees giving way, sending you tumbling to the ground. In a swift response, Eddie rushed to your side, offering reassurance in a soothing tone. "It's alright, it's gone," he repeated, his words a steady anchor amidst the chaos. With trembling hands, you instinctively shielded your face, attempting to suppress the rising tide of screams threatening to escape.
Unbeknownst to the group, your father had been silently observing from the shadows all along. With keen interest, he monitored the actions of his two sons and daughter, though the sight of you among them caught him off guard. This situation served as a test, one that Dean might soon recall—it was designed to assess whether the two boys were prepared to tackle cases beyond their usual scope. However, your involvement was an unexpected twist, not part of the original plan. Little did John know, another version of himself had been lurking much closer than anticipated.
Sam was the first to discern John's presence. His disbelief was palpable, tinged with a hint of revulsion at the sight of his father seemingly unscathed, contrary to the myriad theories the three Winchesters had fervently debated in recent days. "Dad? Dad?" Dean's puzzled expression mirrored Sam's confusion, just as Steve swiftly dispatched the Demogorgon with a well-timed blow. 
"Boys," John greeted with a smile that felt forced. Max, sensing an underlying unease, found herself growing suspicious. Though not intimately acquainted with the Winchesters' father, her own encounters with flayed individuals had honed her instincts. "Guys," she interjected, attempting to capture Steve's attention, "I have my doubts about him." Steve, casting a brief glance at Hargrove, immediately redirected his focus upon hearing your faint cries, ensuring your well-being as he knelt beside Eddie. Meanwhile, your brothers stood frozen in astonishment at the sight of their impostor father.
"Dean?" Max's voice reverberated in your brother's mind, prompting him to turn towards her. "Yes?" he replied, noting the concern etched on her features. An instinctual feeling swept over him, suggesting that the figure before them wasn't their father. With Sam in close proximity, Dean couldn't resist beckoning him over, yet there was no response. "I don't believe it's your father," Max murmured softly, her words carrying a weight of conviction. "And what leads you to that conclusion?" Dean inquired, though inwardly he harbored similar suspicions. Despite clinging to a glimmer of hope, he remained open to Max's insight. "Do you notice any discrepancies?" Bingo. Dean scrutinized the man masquerading as their father, discerning subtle nuances in his smile, his gaze, and the feigned affection. It became increasingly apparent that whatever entity had taken control was failing miserably at replicating their father's mannerisms.
"I'm relieved to find you all here. I was growing concerned," the voice emanated, its tone unsettling. Max's intuition proved correct. Sensing trouble, Sam moved closer while Dean hastened towards him, their actions synchronized with the abrupt sound of another gunshot. The bullet found its mark, striking the impostor masquerading as John. A sickly green fluid oozed from his mouth, portending imminent danger. His once-human eyes now glowed an eerie white. In a stroke of luck, John had managed to discharge a bullet into his counterfeit form. Sam's eyes widened in horror as he cried out for his father.
Dean's grip tightened on his firearm, grappling with the uncertainty of the situation, questioning the authenticity of the figure before him. John's eyes met yours, a silent challenge conveyed through his gaze. Despite the tension, you managed to steady your breathing, feeling the weight of the moment. With Steve's presence lending you reassurance, you stood your ground, determined to maintain composure amidst the uncertainty.
"Bringing Y/N along, really?" Your father's tone dripped with a mix of disgust and shame, causing Sam to sense the weight of the situation. Understanding the pressure you were under, he rose to stand by your side. Meanwhile, Eddie and Steve, recognizing the need for composure, subtly suggested maintaining distance, hinting at the gravity of family matters. Despite their advice, you clung to their shirts, silently pleading for their support. "Please," your eyes implored. Thus, you, Sam, Eddie, Steve, Max, Lucas, Dustin, Robin, and Nancy maintained a respectful distance, observing the unfolding events.
Dean harbored discontent towards his father's stance on involving you in the discussion. While it had been acknowledged that reaching a certain age would inevitably draw you into the hunting lifestyle, akin to Sam's trajectory, Dean remained disheartened by the prospect. He often cited Sam's own journey, pointing out how it led him to abandon Stanford and commit to hunting full-time. Unlike Dean, Sam advocated for a conventional life for you, one filled with relationships and camaraderie. The time spent in Hawkins only solidified this perspective for you. "She's prepared," Dean asserted, though John's skepticism was evident.
"Y/N, return to the car," your father's voice rang out, commanding attention as all eyes turned towards where you knelt, shaking your head in defiance. "I said, return to the vehicle," he reiterated, employing the same authoritative tone he used on Sam during the vampire hunt. Just as you were about to interject, Sam's figure materialized beside you. Sensing the escalating tension, Steve cautiously ushered Eddie away, allowing space for Sam to intervene.
 He knelt beside you, meeting your gaze with familiarity, recognizing the turmoil reflected in your eyes—a familiar sight during conflicts between your father and himself. Understanding the need to address the situation decisively, not only for his own sake but for yours as well, he inquired, "Do you want me to speak to him, instead?"
A silent sob and a nod conveyed everything. "No, Dad," Sam's voice, grave and resonant, shattered the stillness. He reserved that tone for moments of utmost gravity. Dean attempted to interject, "Sam!" but his words fell on deaf ears; Sam had already approached their father. "She's not prepared," Sam asserted, his gaze penetrating the darkness of the night. Towering slightly over their father, he leaned in, exuding an air of palpable tension. "You are the reason she departed in the first place. In any case."
"What did you just say?" John's voice carried the weight of authority, now laced with a menacing undertone aimed at both his son and daughter for their insubordination. "You heard me," Sam retorted unwaveringly, his gaze hovering dangerously close to his father's collar, poised for confrontation. Yet, he refrained from physical action, mindful of the precarious situation in Hawkins. The tension between the two men simmered, with Dean positioned between them, striving to defuse the escalating conflict. "Yes, you left when your brother and I needed you. You chose her over us! Sam! You—"
"And let's not forget, Dad, you're the one who said, 'Don't come back.' You slammed that door shut on her, not me! You were just angry because you couldn't control her anymore!" Dean interjected, seizing his brother's collar to preempt any potential altercation. John, their father, fixed his gaze on you. Sam's accusation hit home. Despite your love for him, the scars from his domineering nature and the dangers of the hunt still haunted you. Was it all to prove a point about strength? Even now, the memories of that day haunted your dreams. 
"We're all exhausted," Dean interjected, attempting to diffuse the tension. "Now that we've found you, maybe we can head back to the motel." Sam's expression betrayed his reluctance, but it seemed like the most prudent course of action. With their father located, the Winchesters knew their business in Hawkins was concluded. However, your intentions were different. You had someone else in mind: Steve.
Steve observed the scene with mounting fury. The family conflict played out before him, and seeing you curled up, trying to hide your distress, fueled his anger. He was furious at your father for forcing you into a life you hadn't chosen, for making you feel trapped by the family legacy. Watching your brother stand up for you only deepened his ire. Later that night, while your brothers tried to calm your father. From how you would see him gently caressed your cheek, wiping away any lingering tears, and let you collapse into his arms. Murmuring soothing words such as, "Hey, it’s going to be alright. I’m here." And he meant it. He stayed with you all night, knowing that by tomorrow, you might be gone. Or so he thought.
The following night, you faintly recalled your brothers arguing, their voices rising until they stepped outside to avoid waking you. The hunt had left you drained, but your father's harsh words lingered in your mind. With your eyes closed, feigning sleep, you heard the front door of the motel room creak open. Your father entered and knelt beside you, gently brushing the hair from your face. The look on his face, one you couldn't forget, made you wonder if Sam had managed to get through to him. "I am so sorry..." he murmured softly.
His voice was hoarse from crying. Whatever they had discussed was more significant than you had imagined, affecting not just you but Sam as well. As his twin, you had always stood by his side, through thick and thin. Your father, recognizing this bond, finally broke the silence, "If you want to go to college," he said, his voice laden with emotion, "then you can. I love you."
He hadn't wanted to wake you, but his genuine words stirred you. You couldn't help but lean in and wrap your arm around his waist just as he was about to leave. Initially thinking you were asleep, his eyes widened in surprise, then softened as he smiled and returned your embrace. When your brothers returned with food, Sam smiled but refrained from teasing, not wanting to embarrass you. "Dinner?" he asked simply, the warmth of the moment lingering in the air.
Your father glanced at you as you wiped away the last of your dried tears. Nodding, you joined the three men at the dinner table. As you ate, your thoughts drifted to Steve and the longing to see him one last time. "I know we're leaving tomorrow, but..." you began, cheeks flushing. Dean, catching on immediately, spoke through a mouthful of sandwich, "The lover boy?" He raised an eyebrow. Both Sam and your father chuckled, with your father raising an eyebrow in mock confusion. "Who?" he asked, though he clearly knew. "Steve," you murmured, so softly that your family made you repeat it. "Who?" they echoed, smirking. "Steve! Alright, jeez. Anyway, I have to return my DVDs anyway."
Dean rolled his eyes, even though he was notoriously inept when it came to romance. Seeing you with someone, especially someone like Steve, was undeniably endearing. He knew Steve was a good guy—after all, he had helped a complete stranger in the woods, which had led to more than just uncovering their father's disappearance. Now they knew their dad had been flayed. While Dean hated the idea of leaving so soon, he understood that helping Hawkins was necessary. And if it meant you could spend a little more time with Steve, he didn’t mind at all. "You know," he said in a suggestive tone, "I talked with this Dustin kid..."
You met your brother's gaze, eyebrows furrowed, sensing he was onto something significant. "Spill," Sam demanded.
"Well, I also talked to Dad," Dean began. "We discovered something more sinister lurking beneath Hawkins. They need all the help they can get, so I offered our assistance. We’ll be staying a few days to start our search." Your eyes widened in shock and joy as you processed your brother's words. This meant you might be staying for weeks, even months, given the seriousness of the Upside Down situation. And it also meant more time with Steve. “So, we’re staying?” you asked, excitement evident in your voice. Dean nodded with a smile, ruffling your hair. "Don't get too excited, Chipmunk. But yes, and Dad is joining in."
You couldn't be more grateful, and as the three of you settled into bed that night, only one thought occupied your mind: Steve.
The next morning, your brothers and father decided to eat at the nearest café in Hawkins. Over breakfast, you managed to gather more information: one piece related to Max's curse and another concerning Eddie's possible connection to Chrissy's murder, a name you learned only afterward. “And I thought vampires were bad,” you quipped, eliciting chuckles from your brothers. Given your extensive hunting records and those of your brothers and father, it was evident that this situation in Hawkins was unlike anything you had faced before.
After breakfast, while your family was investigating with Dustin's help, you decided to visit the store. Steve was nowhere to be found, so you gently placed the DVDs on the counter and waited. As time passed, your patience waned. With a sigh, you left the DVDs and some cash on the table, resigning yourself to the thought that Steve might already be thinking of someone else, perhaps even kissing another girl. Just as you were about to leave, a familiar voice called out, “Y/N! So sorry, it was my break shift. I didn’t–”
Your face brightened at his presence, a wave of relief washing over you for not considering his break earlier. You watched him clumsily put on his vest and walk toward you for a hug. “You okay?” he asked, releasing you and focusing entirely on you, his eyes filled with affection. You nodded, a small smile playing on your lips. “Yes, we finally managed to talk it out with my father,” you murmured, still processing the emotional weight of the conversation.
Steve's concern was palpable, but relief washed over his face as you spoke. “Also,” he added, a smile spreading across his lips, “I heard you’ll be staying here for a while, huh?” His teasing tone made you roll your eyes, but you couldn’t help but smile, nodding your head and murmuring a soft, “Mhm.”
"Yep, my brothers insisted on helping as much as they can," you said, appreciating their unwavering support, even in the gravest situations. It was one of the many reasons you wanted to join their hunts; balancing college and hunting didn't seem so daunting after all. "This means seeing your face all day," you added with a teasing pout, trying to feign offense. Steve's chuckle and eye roll, however, told you he saw right through your playful act.
"Ouch, I am hurt," he said sarcastically, stepping closer. It was now or never, he thought. If he waited another day, another week, who knew when he'd get another chance to express his feelings. "You know," his voice became slightly hoarse as his eyes roamed over your face and body. His fingers gently brushed your chin, lifting your gaze to meet his. Up close, you realized how striking Steve's eyes were—something you'd have to get used to. "I don't have anything planned for tonight," he purred, making you tilt your head in feigned innocence. You knew Steve had something in mind, even if he wasn't saying it outright.
"I was thinking of inviting you over for a movie night at my place. I'll cover the pizza," he offered, his words causing your cheeks to warm. While you felt the urge to inform your brothers, you decided to wait until later, until you were at Steve's house. "Alright, lover boy," you said, using the nickname your brother had coined for him. Steve grunted and rolled his eyes, dismissing the teasing. "So, tonight at 8, Chipmunk?" he added with a smirk, to which you responded with a playful glare.
"Eight o'clock it is," you agreed. Just as you felt the warmth of Steve's proximity, the door swung open. In walked Dustin, Max, Eddie, and your brothers. Dean, unable to resist, was the first to comment. "Alright, lovebirds, we've got some research to do. If you want my sister by eight, we need to get started immediately."
"Dean!" you protested, turning to face your brother with a glare. He smirked and followed Dustin to the DVD computer, while Steve protested for more carefulness. As everyone crowded around the screen, Sam approached you, leaving the two of you momentarily alone. "You know," he said with a genuine smile, "if you want to go to college—" You shook your head. Despite your father’s agreement, you couldn’t leave your family behind; you loved them too much. "No, I really think I'm ready," you replied. Sam raised an eyebrow, taken aback but relieved, and wrapped one arm around you in a quick hug.
"Then let’s kill this thing," Sam said, and you nodded, following him. Who would have thought that a place you initially hoped would hold clues about your father's whereabouts would also be where you'd find friends and someone to count on—Steve Harrington. "You okay?" Steve murmured as you joined him, noticing your brief discussion with Sam. "Yes, I am," you replied with a smile, feeling his hand gently squeeze yours. "I just can’t wait for tonight as well," you confessed, and you could have sworn you saw Steve's cheeks warm at your comment, which you found adorably endearing. He leaned in to press a kiss on your cheek, returning the favor.
"I am too," he said.
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petew21-blog · 4 months
The Strangest things
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Billy and Steve haven't really started on a good note to be honest. Billy was your typical bully dominating the entire school, especially the younger students like Mike and the gang. But most of all his sister, Max. She had it the worst. Maybe it was his childhood trauma, maybe just his shirt personality. But Billy truly enjoyed tormenting people. Even his family. He didn't like to have Max as part of his family just cause his father said so. He wanted his normal family back, his own mother. It wasn't possible though, his mother died so many years ago and there was nothing normal about his family even back then. His family was always secretly abusive, it was just well hidden inside before his mother passed away.
While trying to set up his new alpha rule over Hopkins High School, he found out that this school already had it's own tormentor. Why was he the popular one? He had a stupid haircut, didn't even torment people. Why was he so popular? His plan was simple now. Get rid of him and take over the school. That way he could have power again. Cause that's the way people leade, with fear. And then people will follow like sheep
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He decided to crush him during the basketball practice. People watched, but that wasn't enough. He had to humiliate him somehow. Maybe ruining his reputation would get him out of the way. But how could Billy make Steve seem like a criminal? There must be a way. Billy had to go over some methods he thought he might never use. Maybe drugging him would be enough.
He got some pills from a dealer, some oddly mixed stuff. There was actually one druh that you could crush into powder and it would absorb through the cornea of the eye. Wild stuff
"Where would he be the most unprotected? Hah, the showers." The scene drugged Steve would cause in the locker rooms might just be enough to make his reputation die out and making Billy the King of the school.
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He got into the showers while Steve was washing his hair. "HEYYYY Hairy Harrington, the rumours didn't lie after all"
"What do you want Billy?"
"How dare you just ask me without calling me 'Sir', huh?"
"Look sir Billy, nobody cares about you, you're a nobody and it will stay that way, cause nobody cares about this high school bullshit anymore. So be chill ok?"
"We'll see about that"
As Billy blew the powder into Steve's face and watched him suffer, he also turned off the water to make it harder for him to wash it out.
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"This is gonna be fun, Harrington"
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What Billy didn't know was that the drug dealer harvested the drug from one of the entrances to the Upside down. And now the powder left on his fingers was making microscopic roots into his nervous system. The roots hated the light and warm water. Steve now unkownigly turned on the cold water on both of them. This closed the circuit and the roots now communicated. Not only the roots, Billy and Steve too. And both of them now found each other on the other side of the shower.
The roots wanted more, they wanted to grow deep inside of their bodies. But they couldn't let their hosts know about their presence. Tapping slightly into their brain, activating some receptors to make them both horny.
Billy, now inside of Steve's body, felt his dick pulsating. But he didn't see anything. His eyes were full of soap. So he splashed some water into his eyes. As he looked down not only he saw Harrington's hairy chest, but he also saw his own body on his knees aprroaching his dick to suck it.
Normally Billy wasn't gay, but this was something else. Something was making him hornier than ever. Wanting to fuck his own body. That something wanted him to let go and control him. But his new body was stronger. He won't be controlled by something else. If he would fuck Steve Harrington in his own body, making Steve his little bitch, it would be on his terms.
He took his own body by the neck and pushed him againts the shower. Choking him really hard. The look of Billy's face controled by Steve, clearly showed that it was full of lust, but Billy realised, that this something else that tried to control him and failed, now succeded inside of his body, with Steve Harrington as his passenger.
Maybe it way time to make a slight change of plans. Maybe embarassing Steve wasn't the only way to become the King of this school. Maybe being Steve Harrington and tormenting everyone would be much easier now. But that would mean he had to embarass his own body. No, that would mean he would embarass Steve, not himself. And on the other hand, he would now have a new family without his abusive father, without Max.
He forced his grip to let go and now took his old dick into his hand. Crushing it. Steve was looking at him with lust and desire.
"Say you're my bitch!"
"I'm your little bitch"
"Suck my dick you little bitch!"
Steve got on his knees and took the throbbing dick into his mouth. Taking it whole. That massive monster. But Steve's mind was during him to do more. To do everything to make them both cum. He never wanted to make someone cum so hard. Not even himself.
Billy was pushing more and more. Feeling the pain it caused to Steve, but he didn't care. He was making Steve his bitch and his bitch was deep throating him like a pro.
"I'll cum your face, you little bitch"
"Please cum on me, Sir. I am your little bitch"
Just this sentence could make everyone pour out streams of cum for hours. The cum now all over Billy's old face was enough to make Steve cum and out of being dominated by his own body, he did.
Both of them came in the showers. But only one of them won
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Billy felt as the other entity died inside of him. As he won over his new body back, fully.
That unfortunately can't be said about Steve in Billy's. The roots now formed a copy of his nervous system, controlling everything he did.
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Billy observed as a mischievous smirk appeared on his old face. Towering over him now and grabbing him by the neck.
"Stop this Harrington, or I'll beat you up" Billy said as he fought back.
But there was no use. His old body now possessed some new strength. He couldn't fight back.
They got to the upside down portal, which Billy obviously didn't know. Steve just smiled at him and said:"Enjoy the torment, STEVE" as he threw him there. The portal closed behind him
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Billy got up and looked around
"Where the hell am I? Why is everything so dark? It looks like where I was, but also not"
"And what the hell is that thing heading towards me. Jesus Harrington, where did you send me?"
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"Hey! I... I'm Billy. Steve Harrington sent me here. He said you need someone to tutor you math. I'm the best guy for it."
"Ahhh, yeah my grades haven't been really up to code recently, but I do know the important stuff. Besides, I can already tell you're gonna be a great student. But before I enter I must warn you. I do like to do more... practical knowledge rather than theory." Steve said with Billy's charming smile. The idea that BIlly is somewhere in the Upside down fighting for his life, didn't even cross his mind. He only felt his dick hardening
He was happy now.
And so was Vecna in the Upside down. He was now going to set up an army. And have some fun too on the way, controlling Billy's body
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lexirosewrites · 24 days
Thinking steddie thoughts as usual 🤔
I'm thinking abt a regency AU maybe some inspiration directly from Austen
O!Steve, his twin sister O!Robin, & their younger twin siblings A!Max & B!Dustin lose almost everything overnight when their widowed mother Scott Harrington nee Clarke (idk what I'm doing don't look at me) dies from a drawn out illness leaving them without a will tht will protect them, their older brother from their dead sires (Richard Harrington) previous marriage A!Tommy & his wife B!Carol kick them out of the only home they've ever known with barely anything set up for a monthly sum to cover their expenses
It was pure foresight on their mothers part tht he sent letters to his cousin A!Hopper to seek housing for his 4 children in a cottage on his property. Hopper of course took them in, even sending means for them to travel. The 4 arrive to a rather small abode with 3 bedrooms on the second floor to accommodate them; Steve & Robin get separate rooms bc they're older & also as omegas the social expectation is tht they'll need more privacy. A!Max & B!Dustin grumble but don't throw any tantrums abt having to share a room. They all know their existence hangs in a precarious balance dependent on the good will of a cousin none of them had ever met.
Hopper is gruff but sympathetic & kind. His mate A!Joyce is all motherly instincts & empathetic to them as she lost her previous mate, leaving her w her two sons B!Jonathan & O!Will & a barely thought out will tht had been written before the man had married her. They're invited to luncheon with the couple at their main house on the estate & there they meet Hopper's charge/adopted daughter O!Jane (Eleven) as well as Joyce's sons. Jonathan is quiet but very kind to Steve, showing notable interest in him, asking questions, & paying attention to Steve's answers. Jonathan is a fairly successful lawyer whos holds great interest in botany, making a very decent living with a townhouse in the city he stays at when he is not visiting his mother & younger siblings.
The two alphas expect Jonathan & Steve will begin courting inevitably. Steve supposes it wouldn't be a terrible match, Jonathan can keep him & his siblings in relative comfort, he has shown himself to b kind, & has seemingly endless patience for Max's moods & Dustin’s curiosity.
Until one day nearly a month after they'd settled in the cottage Joyce invites them all to picnic to celebrate the return of their friends the Munsons. Wayne is a former officer of the military as well as a member of the peerage, & his nephew is an eccentric but well meaning heir. The two have been on a trip to some far off place.
Blah blah blah idk what happens but this was all very much inspired by sense & sensibility
oops i guess i have to watch sense & sensibility because i love Jane Austen, but i don’t know that one🤭 i’m assuming it ends with Steve and Eddie together?😉
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xoxoavenger · 3 months
The Perfect Plan
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
summary: Steve has a perfect plan to propose to Y/N, but the timing seems not so perfect.
word count: 2009
warnings: none
Steve had it planned out perfectly.
Everyone was back in town, the plan being that they were all gonna camp out at the lake as a reunion. Steve was sending all the girls out to get their nails done, so Y/N wouldn't be suspicious as to why her nails had to be done. Even Robin was getting hers done, if only because Steve told her the plan. Nancy seemed suspicious, but Steve was confident she wouldn't say anything. Now, all that was left to do was to get everything set up at the campsite with the boys.
"So, why are they all getting their nails done before we're going camping?" Eddie asks, helping Steve lay out one of the tents. Steve just shrugs casually, as if he didn't plan the whole thing.
"I thought Nancy told me it was your idea?" Jonathan asks from across the camp, pausing his fight with Will.
"El told me it was just them getting together before having to be here." Mike chimes in, dropping his tent and causing Dustin to jerk forward.
"Having to be here?" Steve repeats, feeling a little hurt that El didn't want to hang out with him.
"Max said they were supposed to be back, like, an hour ago." Lucas said, finishing his tent. They've got quite a few up, and Steve made sure his and Y/N's tent is furthest away from everyone. He finally finishes setting up the tent with Eddie. He looks over to see Mike and Dustin still struggling, but otherwise there are six (seven with Mike and Dustin's) tents standing between the trees.
Steve checks his watch for the first time since they arrived and realizes that it's been far too long, even with all six girls getting their nails done. It's starting to get dark, and he wanted them to be here before the moon settled in.
"What the hell are they doing?" Steve mutters, frown creasing his face. He looks toward the boys as they start yelling, still not having the last tent set up, when a couple cars start rolling in the dirt road.
"Finally!" Dustin throws his poles on top of the tent tarp and walks away. "Maybe they can figure this out." He mutters, and Eddie just smirks in amusement.
"Sorry we're late!" Robin runs out of Y/N's car, which she was driving. Steve tried to look around Robin for Y/N, but then Robin was in front of Steve. Her face was trying to smile but he could tell something was wrong.
"What happened?" Steve's heart is racing, thinking the worst.
"Don't panic," Robin starts, which makes him panic even more. Robin's about to tell him the rest when Y/N runs stumbles into Steve.
"Steeeve!" She screeches, flinging her arms around him.
She's drunk.
"I thought you were," Steve starts, but he catches Robin's eyes over Y/N's shoulder and sees her shake her head, pointing to her nails and frowning. Steve gets the hint that he should not talk about the nails for some reason.
"Steve!" Y/N cries, this time sadness seeping through her voice. "Steve, oh my God, they fucked up!" He's pretty sure there's real tears coming out of her eyes, so he just rubs her back while staring at Robin, mouthing what the fuck.
"She made us go to the bar and do shots." Erica sighs, walking up to the boys.
"How did you get in?" Lucas asks as he walks up, crossing his arms. His younger sister, the only one in the group not 21, just stares at him.
"Why did you do shots?" Steve whispers to Y/N, who's still hugging him close and crying.
"Look at these!" She cries, shoving her hands in his face. He grabs her wrist to see more clearly, pushing her hand away slighting so it wasn't right next to his eyeballs.
"What's wrong with them?" Steve asks, seeing the color. She had chosen a light, pastel version of her favorite color. They're short and cute, and Steve is confused as he stares at them.
"Are you kidding me?" She cries, tears falling down her face. She walks over to the far tent, probably because she wants to be away from everyone, and almost rips the zipper as she locks herself in. Steve is glad he put all their stuff in there before helping everyone set up the rest of the tents, because he thinks she could use a nap.
"I think she knows." Robin whispers as the other girls begin getting their stuff out of the cars and helping the boys finish up everything. The sun is starting to set, and Steve feels a headache coming on already.
"What?" Steve knows what Robin must be talking about, but he doesn't want to admit it to myself.
"She wanted white nails. White! But somehow, they were out of whit polish. I mean, what kind of nail salon runs out of white?" Robin looks over to the tent Y/N disappeared into, Steve following her eyes. It's quiet, but Steve is sure she's still crying.
"That's why she's upset?" Steve asks, trying to understand his girlfriend's frustration. It's just a color. Why would it matter?
"I wish." Max is suddenly next to them, and Steve almost jumps at the sound of her voice. "No, it's worse than that."
"Worse?" Steve is so confused and worried now, not sure what he can do to make this better.
"They cut her nails too short." Robin explains with a sigh, remembering the terrible experience at the salon.
"And the polish isn't even!" El chimes in from where she's helping Mike set up their tent. It's going much better than it had with Dustin, who has a beer cracked open as he watches Eddie and Argyle trying to start the fire.
"Shit." Steve puts a hand on his face, not sure what to do. This was supposed to be the perfect time to propose; they brought champagne, they're all here to celebrate. He can't push it off. Maybe it would cheer her up, if he did it tomorrow instead of on the last day?
Steve leaves everyone to go over to the tent, heart cracking when he hears the sniffles from outside the tent.
"Y/N?" He mutters before he begins to unzip the tent. She's laying there, on the small air mattress Steve somehow managed to sneak in and blow it up with only Eddie noticing. Eddie had asked if Y/N was pregnant, and Steve had almost slapped him, and then Eddie stayed quiet about it.
Steve isn't sure if Eddie thinks she's pregnant, but if it keeps him from telling everyone that there's a mattress in their tent then he'll let him think whatever. Now that Y/N is drunk however, he's not sure how long that secret is gonna last.
"Baby, what can I do?" Steve asks quietly, noticing how she put on the sheets and blankets and pillows on the bed but didn't get underneath it. Y/N just stays face down, sniffling into the pillow. He feels bad, but he has no idea what to do.
"There's nothing to do." Y/N cries, not lifting her head.
"What if I make a fire so you can have a s'more?" He suggests, rubbing her back. She looks up slowly, and he fights back a smile.
"That's fine." She says, sitting up and falling into him.
"And when we get home, I'll redo your nails." Steve has no idea how to do nails, but it makes Y/N give a watery smile.
"I wish I could go back in time." Y/N says, and Steve knows they need to get off this line of thought.
"If you went back in time then we wouldn't be having s'mores." He tells her, trying to get her out of the tent.
"You right." Y/N giggles, letting Steve lead her back out.
The next day, they're on a hike. Dustin is complaining, so much that Steve wants to throw him over the side of the mountain. It's not a large one, but needs some peace. His heart is racing, the ring in his pocket burning a hole in his thigh.
They all make it to the top, Eddie throwing himself dramatically over the bench with a groan while Dustin continues to complain. Everyone splits up, walking around the top and talking to each other. Y/N and Steve walk to the edge, overlooking the lake and the forest.
"We saved that." Y/N smirks, reminiscing on the UpsideDown days. Steve scrunches his face at the unpleasant memories but feels a little pride bubble up.
"I love you." Steve mutters, looking down at her and pulling away slightly. She smiles at him from under her cap, tilting her head to let him kiss her. He pulls away and is about to get down when Robin snatches his arm and pulls him away.
"What the fuck are you doing?" Robin asks lowly, eyes wide but brows pinched.
"What are you doing?" Steve asks, anger bleeding into his voice. "You're ruining my proposal!" He almost yells it, but one look over his shoulder at Y/N, who is now talking to Max and El, makes him lower his voice.
"Your proposal was ruined when Y/N's nails got all messed up! You can't propose because then every time she thinks of the proposal she'll remember her nails." Robin explains. Steve thinks this through; it makes sense, but he doesn't like it.
"But you said you thought she knew about it anyway." Steve argues. Robin just shakes her head. "So if I don't propose, she may get upset."
"Steve," Robin mutters, but Steve isn't listening.
"I chose this weekend because all our friends are here. If I wait, you guys won't be here. So if it's that big of a deal, I will go to the goddamn store and buy fake nails and glue them to her nails and paint them white then, fuck, that's what will happen!" Steve runs a hand through his hair, his voice raised louder than he realized. Robin was looking wide eyed behind him, and Steve was at the end of his rope.
"Steve," She says again, but he almost explodes.
"What?" He yells, watching Robin point behind him. He turns to see Y/N, mouth open as she stares at him.
His heart stops.
"You heard that?" He asks her, trying not to let his voice shake.
"Of course I did." She whispers, smiling with teary eyes. Steve isn't sure what to do, so he just stares. "Steve, I love that you would do that for me. But I don't need that. And I had a feeling you would propose, which is why I was upset. But I knew how much thought you put into this." She raises an eyebrow after she finishes, clearly waiting for Steve to finish what he started.
"I love you." He repeats, and she just smiles even harder as he gets down on one knee. "I have known it was you since the beginning. And I couldn't imagine my life without you. I don't want to. I feel like I finally found myself when I found you. And I want to feel like this forever."
Steve's back is facing Robin, so he doesn't see Robin open her mouth to say Get on with it! and Eddie skillfully putting his hand over Robin's mouth.
"Will you marry me?" He asks, barely getting the words out over the emotion in his throat. Y/N nods, and then Steve realizes he never brought out the ring. He fumbles for a moment in his pocket before grabbing the ring and pulling it out. She lets him slide it over her finger but doesn't even let him stand before she is tackling him to the ground in a hug. Everyone is cheering, their friends letting them have one moment before they join in on the dogpile.
"This is perfect." She whispers into Steve's ear. He just chuckles and rubs her back. He's barely able to breathe underneath everyone, but he doesn't tell them to move.
"Who brought the champagne?" Dustin asks, and everyone hikes quickly down the mountain to get back to the camp. 
tags: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187  @one-sweet-gubler @sadbitchfangirl @gloryekaterina  @oblivion-void @alexshaff2002 @m-rae23 @icequeen1371 @mcueveryday @parkershoco @feelinglikeineedlotsofnaps @peculiarwren @kenzi-woycehoski @multifandom-boss-bitch @freezaz123 @mads-weasley @johnricharddeacy @sweetdreamsshifter @param8re @ashlynhasmanyhyperfixations @wish-upon-a-star-1310
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stvharrngton · 2 years
three or four times
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a/n: my weaknesses are titles and endings so I apologise if they are horrible ghsjdjdj. the more I read this the more I dislike it but I just couldn’t leave it unfinished
pairing: steve harrington x henderson!fem reader
word count: 2.2k
warnings: enemies to lovers sorta, a little angsty, swearing, steve pining asf
prompt: “last time i checked, you guys were at each others' throats. how come you're sending heart eyes every time you see her now?"
requests are open!
The first time Steve thought you were pretty was in high school. You a year younger, leaning against your locker books held close to your chest, talking to another girl from your year - someone from Steve’s history class he was sure.
The way the pink skirt you wore hugged your waist, teased at your thighs, the clean frilly white socks a stark contrast to your dirty Converse. You giggled with your friend as you tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear. Steve was gone right there and then, your laugh intoxicating - the way your lips reached your cheeks sending a pang right to his heart.
I’m in love, Steve thought.
He sauntered past you and your friend - Rachel, maybe? Nah. A smirk plastered on his face, his hand raised so he could wiggle his fingers at you in greeting, his left eye closing in a wink. Tommy H and his friends hollering in a trail after him, clasping him on the shoulder.
I hate Steve Harrington, you thought. And his dickbag friends.
The second time Steve thought you were pretty was during the fall of 1984. Your younger brother having claimed Steve as his sidekick for whatever problem he was trying to solve. You rolled your eyes at the notion of Dustin being involved with Steve, claiming he was an asshole.
But as you ended up with your brother, Max and Lucas and unfortunately, Steve, at the junkyard trapped in the broken down bus your irritation subsided for fear. You shielded the kids behind you whilst you watched Steve cling onto his studded bat - ready to swing.
Once the Demodogs had scampered off and the coast was clear, he turned to you and the kids. All charming smile and smugness complete with that damn wink again. You rolled your eyes at the gesture.
“Knock it off, Harrington,” you scoffed, “let’s go.”
Arms crossing over your chest hugging yourself as you all began the long walk home, attempting to provide a slither of comfort to your cold body. Eyes trained on Lucas and Max bickering in front of you, Steve and Dustin lingering behind you. 
Steve couldn’t stop staring. Granted, it was dark and he was staring at the back of your head but his eyes were glued to your figure. When you turned your head to check on Dustin he caught a glimpse of your face.
Cheeks pink and the tip of your nose tinted red, eyes glassy and your hair pulled back in a messy ponytail, two curly strands framing either side of your face. Steve’s brow furrowing at the thought of you being cold; wanting to wrap you up in the biggest blanket he owned. You were cute, Steve thought. So very cute.
When you finally made it back to your house, you sped up to your front door ready to be greeted by the warmth of the inside, Dustin held Steve back - his arm falling back against his stomach to stop him.
A glance at you before he turned to the older boy next to him, “What’s going on with you?” Dustin whispered.
“What?” his eyes fell over to you, watching you dig in your pockets for your key, “What are you talkin’ about?”
“Don’t play dumb with me! I’ve seen you ogling her all day!”
Steve scoffed, “Your sister? Henderson I-“
“You’ve been making googly eyes at her all day, Steve! Whatever this is,” Dustin mocked, fingers drawing imaginary lines between you and Steve, “stop it. She’s off limits.”
Finally fishing the key from your jacket pocket, you turned it in the lock, your brows joining together at the sight of Steve and Dustin having some sort of agitated conversation, “Dustin! Move your ass, come on.” you whisper-shouted into the night.
“Coming!” Dustin called out to you, rushing his way over to your house, not before he turned back to Steve, “Off. Limits.” he stated, gesturing back to you.
Steve could only hold his hands up in defeat, waving you both inside your house before beginning the walk down the street to his own. It was then that Steve Harrington forced himself to hate you for the sake of your meddling little brother.
The third time Steve thought you were pretty was the beginning of summer ‘85. The thick Indiana air hot and sticky, all busy days at the local pool and cherry slushies. Steve managed to get a job at the new Starcourt mall - Scoops Ahoy ice cream parlour complete with the uniform of a sailor.
Unfortunately for Steve that job came with a co-worker, that co-worker being your best friend, Robin. Making your appearances at Scoops reoccurring and making Steve’s situation ten times harder than it already was.
As if on cue, you sauntered into the ice cream shop making a beeline for the counter and Steve couldn’t help but stare, cloth wiping the counter in circular motion on automatic. You looked pretty, so pretty, no, beautiful actually. High-waisted denim shorts pulled in at your waist with a cute red belt, tight black t-shirt donning the logo of the clothing store you worked at hugging your chest, finished with your red-rimmed sunglasses in the shape of hearts perched on top of your head, freckles sprayed across your face.
Your soft pudgy thighs on show for everyone to see and it drove him crazy, you did it on purpose, he swore. You dinged the bell on the counter obnoxiously, snapping the boy back to reality.
Steve scrambled to look natural, like he wasn’t so obviously staring at you.
“Nice get up, Harrington.” you teased, an outstretched finger pointing to his outfit.
He rolled his eyes at you, “Can I suggest you get some new jokes?” scooper in hand, ready, “The usual, Henderson?”
“And can I suggest you become less of an asshole?” you said, “but yes, please.”
The boy scoffed at you, “Sure, anything for you.”
It was your turn to roll your eyes now, slapping your dollar bills down on the counter and snatching the small cup of mint choc chip from Steve. 
“You’re welcome!” he shouted after you as you went to sit at your usual booth to wait for Robin. You didn’t mean to be such a brat but you couldn’t help it; Steve just irritated you. It’s not like you didn’t want to get along with him, but he was just unnecessarily mean lately so you gave it back as good as you got.
Storming through to the back Steve slumped into one of the chairs in the break room, hards carding through his hair in pure frustration. He sighed, calling out to his co-worker, “Robin! That piece of work you call a best friend is out there waiting for you!”
“Have you tried, I don't know, actually talking to her instead of bickering all the time?” Robin pondered, “I think you would actually get along great.” A scowl her only response.
Robin left Steve in the break room wondering if there was any chance that you felt the same and why the hell he was letting your little brother control his love life.
Present day and Steve was head over heels, he was convinced.
You could only grimace when Dustin invited you over to Steve’s place - an afternoon by the pool in his backyard where he would be shirtless? Awful, you thought. But your brother insisted he needed a ride and that Robin would be there and so you reluctantly agreed. 
Steve could only gawp when you arrived, Dustin in tow. Tiny shorts that barely covered your ass, red strap of your bikini top peaking beneath your shirt as it hung off your shoulder. 
Sweet brown eyes trained on you all day from behind his signature black RayBans, Steve was sure if anyone could see his pupils they would be blown, full of affection for someone he could never have. A soft smile plastered all over his face as he watched you giggle with your brother and his friends, as you lathered yourself in suncream, kicking himself when he didn’t offer to help when you couldn’t quite reach your back.
Steve sat at the edge of the pool, long legs dangling in the cool of the water. Palms pressed into the flat of the grass, head back letting the sun kiss all of his moles and freckles in the way he wished you would. A nudge to his knee brought his gaze back down to the culprit.
“Last time I checked, you guys were at each others’ throats. How come you’re sending heart eyes every time you see her now?” Robin questioned, eyes looking up at Steve before glancing back at you on the sun lounger.
Fuck. He tried not to be obvious, thought the sunglasses would shield his eyes from everyone else. That they would hide the way his gaze lingered a little too long on the cherry red bikini you wore, how the barely there ties were high on your hips, how you looked so damn pretty.
“I literally have no idea what you’re talkin’ about, Robin.” 
Robin simply chuckled at the boy, “Sure, Stevie. Do you like her?”
A sigh, a shrug. Steve really couldn’t be bothered to have this conversation with his co-worker turned best friend right now. Especially when you were here looking like that by his pool.
As the afternoon turned into evening, the energy of the group simmered down a little. The kids moving inside to devour and pick at the pizza and snacks provided. Steve watched you from his kitchen - beer in hand as your feet curled into the grass beneath. A shit mumbled from his lips, he made his way outside to you, sitting on the lounger next to yours.
“Hey,” he whispered, “how come you’re outside by yourself?”
Never looking at him, you shrugged, “I like the quiet.”
Steve watched through his lashes as you sipped your beer, lips turned down, no sparkle in your eyes. You looked sad. All he could muster was a nod in reply.
Your tongue clicked against your teeth, you turned to Steve now, “Why do you hate me, Steve?” you paused, eyes glassy as they bore into his dark brown ones.
His brows furrowed together at your question, “Hate you? I don’t hate you, what makes you say that?” he feigned ignorance.
You shrugged, the label on your beer bottle becoming more interesting. “Dunno, I just- you’re so mean sometimes.”
Steve’s heart shattered into pieces, he was sure, like you reached right into his chest and stomped all over it. If only you knew how he really felt.
“I don't-” he stammered, looking for some sort of reason to give you, like you had just caught him in headlights, “I can’t, you just have to believe me, sweetheart. I don’t want to be mean.” 
The endearing term all but stopped you in your tracks. You sniffled, bleary eyes narrowing questioning what he was saying, “What do you mean?”
Shit. Shit, shit, fuck. Well, it was now or never, Steve thought.
“It was Dustin.” Steve hushed, like he almost didn’t want to nark on your little brother. Like he didn’t want to admit he let a 14 year old have a say in his love life.
“Dustin?!” you screeched, “What do you mean, Dustin?” Arms flailing into your lap.
“I- he said you were off limits, that I couldn’t, that we couldn't..” he trailed off, “so I thought it might be easier this way, I wouldn’t fall hopelessly in love but I was so wrong.”
“Steve,” you whined, “why on Earth would you listen to that little shithead?”
The boy chuckled, fingers tugging at his brown locks, shrugging, “He was just trying to protect you, I kinda admired it.” he paused, contemplating what to say next, “And I don’t exactly have the best track record,” his gaze flicked down to the ground now, “I know you thought I was an asshole in high school.”
You rolled your eyes now, “That was high school, Steve. It’s not like you’re the King of Hawkins High anymore, right?” you said, hopeful.
A breathy laugh left his lips as he nodded, his eye trained on you as he watched you stand and sit yourself next to him on the lounger. Knees knocking and shoulders brushing.
“Did you mean it?” you asked.
“Hm?” he looked up at you with confusion.
“What you said,” a smile toying on your lips, eyelashes fluttering up at the boy, “that you were hopelessly in love with me?”
A blush crept across his cheeks, heat prickling the back of his neck but he grinned at you nonetheless, “Yeah, yeah I did.”
Steve laced his fingers with your own then, the foreign feeling welcome and comforting. A touch that said I'm here and I'll take whatever you're willing to give me. Steve’s gaze fell to your lips, plump and inviting, before climbing back to your eyes. 
You shifted next to him, your free hand came to sit on top of his thigh as you inched ever closer. Then Steve’s lips were on yours. It was soft and slow, the dim taste of warm beer and his strawberry chapstick crowding your senses. You sighed into the kiss, Steve licking into you all pretty, like he had been wanting to do this for a long, long time.
His hand came to cup your cheek, thumb soothing the pink of your sunburn as you broke the kiss. Chest heaving and Steve's forehead resting against your own. Eyes dreamy and thick with honey, nothing but pure adoration washing over his features.
You both burst into a fit of giggles, eyes lighting up like the stars in the night sky. Giddy and full of excitement.
“Good to know.” 
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luveline · 1 year
kbd universe is my absolute favorite 🤩 maybe a request for when the new baby is home and she’s going through a colicky phase and won’t sleep and reader and steve are super stressed and doubting if they can do this and avery overhears and reassured them they’re the best parents? (srry if this is too specific, any direction you go will be amazing!!)
ty babe ♡ kisses before dinner au
Avery Harrington wakes up with her little sister's hand over her nose. She snorts in surprise, bed springs creaking formidably as she dislodges the small hand and rolls away from her added heat.
Bethie, the younger sister in question, has been sneaking into Avery's bed at night to put distance between them and the nonstop crying of the new baby. The baby, Avery notices, seems to be crying right now from downstairs. 
She lets her curiosity get the better of her. Slipping out of bed, she makes sure to cover Bethie with the blankets again before she leaves just like their dad does, imitating Steve's gentle cheek touch before creeping away. You and dad finally got rid of the baby gates (though they've been on and off over the years, you've retired them until the youngest learns to crawl), making her journey down a secret one. 
She can hear two voices at once just under the rattling baby cries. Steve's louder and yours softer, both speaking with the love Avery's come to expect. 
"Maybe try holding her legs higher," you suggest. 
"I think I've held her every way a baby can be held without hanging her upside down." 
"I know, honey." You're always tired lately, your voice hoarse with fatigue. "I can have her again. Pass her over." 
You get sweet when you're tired. Her dad gets cranky. He told Avery once that that's why you're good together, but Avery knows you can be just as cranky after a while. 
Avery pauses in the door of the living room. You're sitting on the farthest seat of the leather couch while Steve's standing, passing the baby to you carefully. She cries and cries no matter how much caution he shows. 
"What if she never stops?" Steve asks. 
"She will. She'll get too tired to keep going." 
"I heard about this baby who had his heart in the wrong place." 
"Steve. Honey, sit down. You're tired." 
"I can't sleep while she's crying like that. No point." 
Avery frowns as the conversation between you both devolves. She doesn't want to make things worse by showing you that she's awake, watching and waiting in the dark as you pat the baby's back desperately, and Steve's eyes get glassy. 
Avery has seen her dad cry loads of times. At the movies, the radio, sad stories. Steve cried when she broke her pinky finger, and cried again when they took the cast off. Avery isn't sure she's seen him get upset over something like this. 
He whispers something. You whisper back, trying to hold his hand in the dark, but you stop when he says, "What if we can't do this?" 
"Steve, we have to. This is it. And we want to, so… I don't know." You sound dejected yourself, looking down at the baby where she refuses to take a bottle hopelessly. "Maybe we can't do it." 
Avery can't know that neither of you truly feel this way, that you're both tired enough to catastrophize. She just watches her dad, an unshakable pillar of support, start to waver, and she knows you've got it wrong. 
"Daddy?" she asks. 
Steve rubs his eyes with a rough hand. "Ave?" he asks, plastering a meek smile over his face. He's one of the handsome dad's, everybody says so, probably because he's always smiling. 
"Sorry, did the baby wake you up?" you ask. 
Avery grins as Steve opens his arms and runs into them. Too tired to lift her up, Steve stays crouched for the hug, but eventually sits on the floor, pulling Avery into his lap. Closer, Avery cringes at the baby and her screaming. 
"Beth smushed my nose," she says. 
Steve turns her face to check it over. "You look okay. Does it hurt?" He squeezes her cheeks into a smile. 
"No," she laughs. 
Steve gives her another hug. "Well, that's good." 
He just cuddles her. Avery melts into his touch, the sound of the baby's cries feeling further away, Steve's hand covering one of her ears. 
"Sorry," he says into her hair. "I know it's not fair. Baby's just figuring out what she needs." 
"You said you can't do it." 
Baby shrieks. Steve pulls Avery's head back. "What?" 
"You and mom." Avery turns to look at you. You're frowning, bobbing the baby against your chest. "You said we can't do it." 
"We were being silly," Steve says. 
"We're tired," you agree.
"And your sister won't stop crying, we're worried she's not well, and it's really tiring, Ave, but we weren't thinking straight. Of course we can do it," Steve says breezily. 
"Yes, you can. You're the best mom and dad ever. Ever ever!" she says severely. "You can do everything, I know you can do it. Maybe I can have her and you guys can sleep and then tomorrow you'll be ready again." 
You and Steve laugh at the same time, chuckles that warm her heart, though she knows she's being shot down. "That's really nice of you, but that's okay. Me and mom got this," Steve says, brushing the back of his finger down her cheek.
Avery preens at the attention, back going lax in his arm. Steve leans down to hug her, his chin digging into her shoulder, heavy with fatigue. She doesn't tell him to move. 
It's a miracle that the baby seems to run out of steam not long after, marked by your happy sigh, "Aw, good girl. You're hungry, I knew it. You just don't like these bottle nibs." 
"See? I told you you could do it," Avery says.
You offer her a grateful, adoring smile. "You're my smart girl, that's why." You bop the baby on the nose with the tip of your finger. "And you're my tired girl." 
"What about me?" Steve asks. 
"You're my pillow, handsome. Come up here, I need to lean on you. Ave, you can be my blanket." 
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