#harry styles suspenders
clarinhasarchive · 3 months
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diapause · 6 months
Some People on the internet need to stop pretending a really terrible outfit looks good just bc a non binary or trans person is wearing it like. like you can respect their identity and not their fashion sense it is possible I promise
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loveofmylifeh · 11 months
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Harry Styles | Love On Tour | Uncasville Night 2 | 23 October 21
Photos : xivegotstylesx
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With Discretion
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Here it is! I hope you guys like part 1. Part 2 is in the works. I am planning for this to be a 2 parter, 3 at the most haha we'll see! You can find more of my work here. In the meantime enjoy this one! (Once again, gif credits to @londonharry 🫶🏻)
Warnings: Infidelity (adultery), inappropriate relationship, mentions of drinking/partying, mild dirty talk, slight praise kink, multiple and forced orgasms, dry humping, choking, oral sex (f receiving described, m receiving mentioned), fingering, sex (protected & unprotected)
WC: 12.7K
You had never intended on sleeping with your husband, Caleb’s, boss but you had six months ago and you hadn’t stopped thinking about him since. It was overwhelmingly excellent and of course, unforgettable. You didn’t even feel guilty anymore when you fantasized about him when you and Cal would sleep together. The way it developed felt almost like a TV drama scriptwriter had taken over your life and was writing your character into a completely surreal situation. 
You had suspicions that Cal was having an affair. You lived in the suburbs so his commutes to work were nearly an hour there and back, so when he had to work late it made sense to get a hotel and stay the night in the city. But it was hard to miss the fact that over the course of the past year, the odd late night at the office had suddenly become more commonplace.
At first you thought nothing of it, but one day he made the mistake of using your joint account to make a reservation at one of the fancier restaurants in the city. You just so happened to be checking the activity of the account that afternoon because you were expecting a reimbursement from a purchase you had made for a client a few weeks before. A simple call to the restaurant confirmed your suspicions that it was a reservation for two. And not even an hour later, you’d received the usual text he sent when he was “working late”. Maybe it was just for business but to verify, you decided to show up at his office an hour before the reservation. Their building was a skyscraper and housed a couple different offices, but when you made it to the 23rd floor and it was pretty desolate your suspicion started rising. You had only visited his office once when he’d first go hired. He had brought you along on a Sunday to help him set up and decorate without disturbing any of his coworkers. The building had been just as vacant as it was tonight. Regardless, you headed over to his office and saw the blinds and door were closed, so you knocked just in case and after not receiving any response you opened it up and peeked inside to find it empty with no sign of him even coming back and you sighed. 
The feeling of reality just bitch slapping you across the face was strong, but before you could even start to feel any disappointment your entire body froze when a deep voice came from behind you: “Excuse me, can I help you with something?” 
The man before you was striking, it stunned you for a second, suspending time as you looked deep into his furrowed eyebrows. He seemed concerned that a stranger was peeking into the CFO’s office. You were quick to explain that you were Caleb’s wife and were stopping by to see if he wanted a dinner break since he was working late. That’s when he introduced himself as Harry Styles, CEO, and verified that he’d only asked Caleb to stay late twice in the 3 years he’d been working for him. When he saw your face fall he caught on quickly and immediately apologized. You then explained that you had suspicions of Cal’s unfaithfulness for months now and had actually come in to confirm your suspicions. He asked if there was anything he could do to help, but you assured him there was not and went home.
You were devastated initially, but as time went on you were just annoyed that you hadn’t caught on sooner. It seemed so obvious now that you were aware, there was even more damning evidence that you had failed to see before. And well, you were afraid of what this meant for you because Cal was a bit older than you and he had money, and had some personal funds invested in your event planning business. You wanted to fight about it or to get him back, but you had a lot to lose if your marriage ended so you decided to be selfish & just let it be. At least now you knew and you could just start to move on emotionally. 
A few months after that interaction with Mr. Styles, Cal had left for a “business trip” with all of the top executives from the office. So you and your friends took a trip to the city to bar hop a bit and much to your surprise, you saw Mr. Styles leaning against the bar and you made your way over and tapped him on the shoulder. When he turned around he was surprised to see you of all people.
“Why’s the CEO of the company not in Tokyo for the all executive business trip?” You had asked with a playful grin.
“Because there’s no business trip to Tokyo.”  He responded with a smirk. 
You had expected Cal to lie, but the confirmation of it had once again made you close another emotional tie to your husband. Harry had been so kind and ended up buying drinks for you and your friends for the night and even brought you guys into the VIP area with him and his friends. 
He was fun, sweet, and very attentive. Even a little flirty with you, dare you say, but you chalked it up to the drinks you’d each had.  But as the night progressed your friends and Harry’s friends slowly started disappearing one by one. And nearing 1am it was just you and one of your more drunken friends along with Harry & a couple others from his group. Your friend, Cece, was plastered and you wanted to get her to bed so you thanked Harry for his generosity and let him know that you would be heading out, but he insisted that his car service drop you guys off at your hotel. Your friend ended up passing out in the car and because of this, Harry offered to help you get her up to her room. Once she was safe in her own room for the night Harry walked you up to your room and well, that soon turned into a lot more than you had expected…
“Thank you so much for helping me get her up here.” You smiled as you held your friend Cecilia’s door open as Harry hurried by, carrying her bridal style to her bed.
“Not a problem.” He assured as he gently set her down. She groaned and stirred a bit, “We should probably leave a bin within reach.” He glanced back to you as the heavy door closed with a loud thud.
“Good thinking.” You smiled as you hurried over to the other end of the room where a trashcan was nestled beneath the desk. You sighed when you saw that the liner had not been put in and was just sitting neatly at the bottom so you bent down to do just that. 
Harry didn’t mean to ogle you the way he had been all night, but he couldn’t help himself. You looked absolutely breathtaking and for the life of him, he couldn’t understand how Caleb could just screw you over the way he was. Harry didn’t even know he was married until you had shown up at the building a few months back looking for him. In his eyes Caleb was immature and a complete fool, even if he was 15 years his senior. Because if he had someone like you at his side he would never dream of doing anything to jeopardize that.
“Alright, that’s all set.” You said as you put the garbage can by Cecilia’s bedside, flicked on the bedside lamp, and then turned around to smile at him.
“Well at least she had a lot of fun.” He said as you started making your way out of the room.
“Exactly.” You giggled as you shut off the big lights and opened up the door and you both made it back into the hall. You walked to the elevator in a comfortable silence and then stopped before it, you turned to him to say goodnight.
“Are you up or down?” He asked you as he walked up to the buttons on the wall.
“Up. Much to my displeasure.” You mumbled and he smiled.
“Scared of heights?” He asked and you nodded in confirmation, “Me too. I hate that my office is all windows.” He said with a chuckle, “First time I got in there I decided to look out of it and I got a spell of vertigo for a few hours.” He admitted and you frowned a bit.
“Oh wow, so it’s bad.”
“Yeah, awful.” He confirmed just as the elevator chimed to indicate it’s arrival.
“You don’t have to take me up, I know it’s late and-”
“No, it’s alright. Just want to make sure you get in safe.” He assured as you both stepped inside.
“Thanks, that’s sweet of you.” You smiled as you pressed the button to the 15th floor.
“It’s nothing.” He assured you with a smile, “Ummm…you can tell me to fuck off if I’m prying, but I guess I’ve just noticed that you don’t seem all that upset about Caleb cheating and lying to you about his whereabouts.” He said and you sighed.
“I was at first, after I went to the office?” You reminded and he nodded, “But I then decided that it was out of my hands and like…I don’t know, it’s not that I don’t love him enough, but I just…don’t want to fight and if all this is is like a fling or midlife crisis,” you giggled, “It’ll sort itself out.” You explained and he hummed. “It might also have a lot to do with everyone telling me that marrying and older man was a bad idea.” You admitted with a slight smile and he did as well.
“So no one was supportive?”
“Not really.” You confessed.
“How old are you now, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“30, turning 31 soon.” You said.
“Oh, I just turned 31! It’s just as annoying.” He assured and you giggled.
“Good. People’ve been a lot more invested in my personal life since I turned 30.”
“Oh yeah…"when are you getting married?", "Are you going to have children?", "When are you going to start acting your age?"…” he recited all of the same questions people seemed to concerned to know the answers to and you chuckled.
“Exactly.” You hummed, “I mean, I was 24 when we got married. Literally fresh out of grad school. That same summer.” You said and he hummed in understanding.
“Did you date long?”
“A year and a half or so? We met at an entrepreneurial convention and I was manning a booth for the place I was working at, at the time and we just got to talking. You know how he can just get along with anyone…” you explained and he nodded. “I did fall hard and fast…but I mean, I think he just wanted to snatch me up before I lost interest or something because I wasn’t in a rush to be married. But he seemed to be and well, I agreed because I did love him-er I do, sorry! I do love him.” You corrected yourself, feeling a bit shocked by your fumble.
“I mean, feelings can change.” Harry pointed out.
“Yeah…I mean, clearly his have.” You said as the doors opened up on your floor.
“I mean, sounds like yours have too a bit.” He said as you started guiding him down the hall.
“I think you made a mistake in walking me to my room. I’m pretty deep in.” You explained, changing the subject and he smiled at you.
“It’s no bother. I quite like talking to you.” He said and you smiled up at him.
“I ummm…like talking to you too, Harry.” You assured him. “So what about you? Any lucky lads or ladies?” You asked him and he chuckled.
“Hmmm, sometimes, but not to any serious capacity. I’m always so busy with the firm.” He explained, “It’s not like I don’t want that though…I just want to make sure that when I do have that it’s…as right for me as possible. I don’t know, not so big on wasting people’s time, you know? Like if I were in your shoes I would make a fuss and try to get even in someway…” he said and you chuckled.
“So vengeful!” You teased.
“Well you’re married to the guy! You made a commitment to each other, you know? It’s just disrespectful in my opinion. If something changed for him then he should say that instead of sneaking off with someone else, you know?”
“I wholeheartedly agree.” You concurred as you made another turn, “But if I were to “get him back” or give him a taste of his own medicine I’m just not sure that it would make anything better for me at least.” You explained as you slowed down as you reached your door, “Like, do I think bout it sometimes, yeah! Of course I do.” You chuckled, “But I don’t think it would impact him in any way. I wouldn’t advertise it to him either, you know?” You explained as you glanced down and opened up your bag to search for your key. 
“Well if not to get back at him then just for yourself. I mean, if he’s out there getting his ego boosted by who knows who, why wouldn’t you?” Harry asked and you smiled as your eyes flickered up to his.
“I mean…thankfully, I don’t think I need that validation from anyone else.” You explained and he smiled a bit, “I know who I am and I am happy with who I am, in every way. And, not to sound arrogant, but I know what I bring to the table as a partner and if that’s not enough for someone then… their loss.” You concluded with a simple shrug.
“You’re absolutely extraordinary.” He said softly, as if he were in awe of you. You felt your cheeks warming as all of the blood rushed to your face at his compliment and you looked away. Bashfully shaking your head as if that would help ward off the feeling his compliment elicited from you. 
“Hardly.” You said lowly and suddenly his hands were on your face and he was tilting you up to look up at him. His touch was gentle as his eyes flickered back and forth over your own.
“You are, Y/N.” He assured you softly and you felt like your were on cloud 9, your hands grabbed around his wrists firmly, “If I had you, I would never be so careless with you.” He said with so much conviction. 
His words made your heart beat wildly and your insides melt. You were so affected by him, it was getting hard to keep yourself together in his presence. He was overwhelming in the best way and you wanted to feel completely immersed in the energy that he exuded. The attraction that was brewing between the two of you was reaching its boiling point. It was getting hard to ignore the signals of desire that your body had been giving off since you started hanging out earlier. But now, the subtlety was gone…your pupils were blown wide, his were as well. You were running hot all over, but particularly between your legs, you were so wet for Harry, you were certain that your panties were an absolutely sticky mess at the crotch.
“I think I-uh…sh-should ummm…get inside.” You stumbled on such simple words because you were trying so hard to just behave for another few seconds.
“Yeah.” He agreed, but neither of your were letting each other go. “Did you find your room key?” He asked and you nodded.
“S’in my purse.” You assured and he nodded and reluctantly let you go.
“Good.” He smiled as you dug back into your little bag and retrieved it to show him, “Alright, in you go.” He said softly and you turned around and slid the key into the slot, waiting for it to turn green so that you could turn the handle. He was quick to step forward and help you push the heavy door open.
“Thank you.” You hummed as you stepped past the threshold and turned to face him again, “Thank you for literally everything. The drinks, the laughs, the ride, the chat…” you smiled at him and he returned the friendly gesture.
“It was my pleasure.” He assured you.
“I had a lot of fun tonight.” You smiled.
“Me too.” He confirmed, still standing at the door. Neither of you made a move to retreat.
“Ummm, can I…hug you?” You asked through a timid giggle and his dimples carved deep into his cheeks.
“Of course you can.” He said and you were quick to pull the latching lock out so that the door wouldn’t shut on you when he let it go. 
You were going to hug around his body, but he hunched down at bit so you could reach him better, which resulted in your arms draping over his shoulders. Harry’s arms then naturally wrapped around your waist and as you closed the gap between your bodies you relaxed into his hold for a few seconds, leaning your head against his. He smelled divine, you were tempted to take a big inhale of him but decided against it almost instantly. 
You initiated the pull back and your hands rested on his shoulders, your noses nearly brushing from how close you were. You started to close the gap as your eyes fluttered down to his lips and he nudged your face to the side a bit, allowing him to fit his face better against yours. "What am I doing?" Was the last thought you had before your eyes fluttered closed and your lips met his in a sensual kiss. You two pulled back almost instantly, lust and longing clouding your minds to a dangerous degree. But before you could decide against it, you tugged at the collar of his shirt as your lips smeared together urgently once again. One of his arms remained around your body as the other pushed the room door open until you were both shrouded in darkness. He blindly flipped back the latch and as soon as the heavy door closed your body was up against it as his hands found your face and held you in place as your kiss started to deepen.
You hadn’t been fucked in at least four months by that point and with the attraction that you felt towards Harry, you didn’t care that you were married. After all, Cal had already tainted the marriage with his own affair… with this in mind you just gave in. You licked into his mouth and he ended up moaning before he shoved his tongue past your lips. You guided his hands to the parts of your body that craved that long missed masculine touch. His hands felt bigger than Caleb’s and he was groping at your bottom the second you guided his hands there. He stayed there for a few minutes as you kissed heatedly, but soon he started to slide his hands up your body. He was intentional as he felt and familiarized himself with the curves and dips of your body. Your skin was tingling from his attention and buzzing in anticipation of where his curious hands would travel to next. You immediately got dizzy when his right hand landed over your neck and started to tighten a bit around your throat. 
“Harder.” You begged breathily and he sighed in relief before squeezing harder against the sides as you kissed sloppily.
You felt him trying to nudge your legs apart with his knee so you parted them and as he pressed closer you whined when you felt his thigh nudged against your center just a bit. You needed more though, you were greedy for it and ground down against him and he flexed his quad, the bulge of his muscle created a surface of better friction for you and you moaned as you started to go faster. You immediately felt the turning up of his lips as he smirked, more than glad that you were so eager for it. 
“Better?” He asked and you nodded, “Good. Get what you need, Y/N.” He hummed before he pressed his forehead to yours. Your pants and soft moans were heating up the minimal space between your faces but he seemed to be enjoying this as much as you were. You were clinging to his shoulders for dear life as you humped at his thigh to your heart’s content and Harry would have it no other way. 
Harry only wanted one thing and that was to get you off as many times as were physically possible. You deserved the world on a silver platter and he was determined to give you whatever you would let him tonight. How could anyone in their right mind neglect someone as gorgeous, smart, and extraordinary as you? He didn’t get it…how anyone could neglect your body or choose another’s…that’s why any guilt he felt about this immediately evaporated. His other hand was securely latched at your waist, keeping you steady as you used him to get off. He wanted you to do whatever you wanted, whatever you needed to feel good.
You were so determined! You wanted to come so badly and were doing everything in your power to cling to that little spark of pleasure that would shoot down your legs and make you shudder each time your clit rubbed against his thigh. The slick mess in your panties caused the glide to be smoother and so you started grinding with more intention until your jaw was dropping open as you moaned in celebration of your impending orgasm.
“I’m- oh, I’m coming!” You got out as you lost your rhythm and fell forward into his chest and Harry’s hands went to your hips. You continued grinding wildly to draw out the pleasure of your orgasm as much as possible. Harry was encouraging you with his words while his strong body kept you steady as your legs grew weary from the orgasm that had just taken you out. Your ragged breathing and the pulsing of your pussy were synced with the beating of your heart, you swore he could hear it as well and you tried to straighten up.
“S’alright, I’ve got you. Holding you nice and tight, just take some deep breaths, baby.” He said cooly as you tried to recover.
As the seconds passed your inhales finally became deeper and you were able to relax into Harry’s hold. He was patient, waiting for you to make a move to regain your strength.
“Jeez, I haven’t come like that since I was a teenager.” You confessed through a giggle and he chuckled.
“Is that a good or bad thing?” He asked and you glanced up at him.
“I’m not sure…I just hadn’t been so turned on that I was able to.” You said and he grinned.
“Are you saying I turn you on more than your husband?” He asked haughtily, a satisfied glint in his eyes.
“No, no, no…Don’t do that to me.” You responded through a nervous laugh and he chuckled.
“You’re right, that was low. Sorry.” He apologized and you smiled.
“It’s alright.” You assured him, he could still see the lust glazing over your gaze. “Can I return the favor though?” You asked him, more than ready to do your best for him.
“Can I make you come again first?” He asked and your eyes widened a bit.
“Again?” you questioned him and he nodded.
“Yes, again.” He said as he started walking you back deeper into the room, “And again, and again, and again until your poor, little pussy can’t take anymore.” He said before kissing you deeply. You moaned at his dirty words and gasped when the backs of your legs were met with the edge of bed. You fell back and he climbed over you, still kissing you fervently.
His big hands slid up your thighs, helping you part them around his body so that he could get even closer still and the moment you felt the seizable bulge in his pants pressing near your center you felt an impatience to feel and see what he had to offer you. Of course, his company was lovely, but you were absolutely touch starved and in dire need of a good fucking. Your hands slid back to his firm bottom and you pressed him deeper against you still. His grin broke the kiss and you opened your eyes to meet his playful gaze.
“Cheeky little thing.” He smiled and you only offered a shrug to excuse your handsiness. "Are you still okay with this?” He asked you and you bit your lip to suppress the grin that was threatening to take over your face.
“I don’t know but I want it. Need it.” You said and his gaze softened a bit.
“How long’s it been?” He asked you and you sighed.
“Since I’ve been fucked? Four months.” You said and he looked displeased.
“I mean since you’ve come.”
“Since I’ve come? Not by my own devices…?” you said and he chuckled, “I honestly don’t remember.” You confessed and now he just looked flat out offended at this.
“You’re lying…”
“Why would I lie about that?” You giggled.
“And even after that you haven’t cheated?” He asked with a chuckle and you shrugged.
“Well, I am now.” You said and he smiled.
“Well I’m definitely following through on what I said before. Gotta help you make up for lost time.” He smiled and you playful rolled your eyes at him. “Nuh-uh, none of that bratty stuff.” He said to you and you grinned.
“After everything I’ve been through?” You asked and he grinned.
“Pulling that card are you?”
“Of course.” You smiled and he bit down on his lip, “What?” You asked him.
“You’re just so fucking pretty.” He said, voice soft and sweet.
“Ummm, thanks.” You responded softly. You suddenly felt so small beneath him.
“Yeah, of course.” His smirk was giving you butterflies. His hand started trailing up your thigh, making its way to your center. When he finally reached your panties he did his best to contain his amusement at just how wet you were for him. “Shit.” He whispered lowly as his eyes met yours.
“I know…” you giggled, “M’so wet for you.” You whispered back and immediately wriggled a bit when you felt him slide the material to the side and soon the warmth of his fingers were making direct contact with your slit. 
“Say it again.” Harry asked, his lips tickling against yours as he made his request.
“I’m so wet for you, Harry.” You said again, practically tingling in anticipation. He could feel your arousal seeping through as he ran his fingers down to where your entrance was. Harry almost moaned at how sopping wet you were, you’d made a proper mess for him and he didn’t even ask before kissing you hard and then sliding down to the ground.
“Harry, what’re you- Oh my god…” You gasped breathily when his thick tongue pushed into your entrance. Your eyes fluttered closed and your fingers buried into his hair as he started to bury his face against you even more, he was nuzzling against you, his nose bumping against your clit a few times before he licked up the entirety of your pussy and then dexterously used it to flick at your clit until your body started to turn to mush, “Oh fuck...that’s so fucking good…” you praised him and when he started to gently suck at you, your vision started to blur and your abs to tense. You would be mortified by how quickly you were building up to an orgasm if everything that he was doing wasn’t distracting you from having a singular thought apart from “Keep sucking”.
He moaned against you as your orgasm starting to take over you. It made you come harder to know that he was enjoying it as much as you were because even as you were withering, he never stopped. He did slow down enough to let you come down from it all but when he’d realized that you’d caught your breath you felt his fingers teasing at your entrance. You parted your legs further, non-verbally communicating to him that you wanted him to finger you. He kissed at your inner thigh and you smiled as you felt him sucking at you.
“Are you-”
“Yeah. S’just for you, for the memories.” He hummed before he sucked a bit more, ensuring that he left a dark hickey and you giggled, but soon your breath was hitching as he laved at your clit as he introduced his index finger first, feeling it out to see what you were able to handle. 
It did feel nice, but you needed more. He wasn’t stingy when you asked for it, instead he rewarded you with his middle finger as well. His hands were so big, so this did make a difference. He was feeling around with his fingers, searching for your spot.
“Just a little bit deeper.” You said as you propped yourself up on your elbows to be able to see him.
“I’m not hurting you?” He asked. His tenderness was making your heart flutter.
“No, I’m alright. Now just curl your fingers into- Oh fuck… r-right there!” You encouraged through a bright smile and he grinned as he watched your head fall back onto the bed. He started to go a bit harder until your legs started to tense up, soon enough they were trembling as your toes curled and you started to come once again. You couldn’t believe how good you felt. Beautiful colors were bursting behind your closed eyelids as you rode the wave of pleasure you had been so fortunate to catch. You could practically hear the blood roaring in between your ears at how hard your heart was beating. And the longer he kept his fingers pumping inside of you the longer your orgasm lasted. You whimpered as your legs shook from yet another orgasm as he expertly prodded his fingers into your g-spot.
“Good girl…come for me.” Harry spurred you on. 
You genuinely felt like you were going to explode because he had found the perfect pleasure point and it’s like you couldn’t be turned off. You felt so much pressure building inside of you, it was making your back arch and your legs shake and your moans to pour incessantly from your mouth, but you couldn’t ask him to stop. It felt too good to put an end to it yet. Fingering had always done wonders for you, but add to that a partner who’s intentional about it, and well your body will do things you never thought it capable of. Again, he’d give you small breaks to help you catch your breath and start up again. Your entire body felt like it was vibrating as he built you up again. Your hips thrusting to try meet his fingers, hoping to feel him deeper as he fucked you with them and used his mouth to lick and slurp at your clit until your body was going limp once again as you came. This time there were no colors, just white as your ears rang.
But then you gasped as he pushed himself to stand, his body loomed over yours and a he gave you mischievous grin before he started pounding his long, thick fingers inside harder and faster than before, never failing to miss the spot you showed him. And as his dark eyes met yours with a hungry gaze you felt completely lost. You could feel your poor little pussy throbbing as he started to work you up to the summit of pleasure again, but this time it felt even bigger than before. You had that pins and needles feeling tickling up your legs and to your core, but it felt like it was coming from the inside. Fighting to get out. 
“Gonna come again. I can feel it.” He said lowly. The deep tones of his voice settled over you like the warmest hints of sunlight, making you feel toasty from the inside out. 
“It feels…fuck, it feels like so much.” You whimpered.
“I know, baby. You’re gonna squirt for me, aren’t you?” He asked and you nodded furiously at the insane pressure threatening to just explode, “Come on then, give it to me. Show me how good it feels, Y/N.” He hummed with a subtle arrogance that you swore was the thing that did you in or maybe it was that he suddenly started to rub your clit with his thumb. Your head fell back into the mattress and your back arched for a few seconds before the fireworks took over. You couldn’t contain your moans and cries as you felt yourself quite literally exploding with your orgasm. He held one of your legs open with his free hand, taking in as your writhed in pleasure, gushing cum for him. He started to slow down, but you had so much more. It’s like a part of you that had been repressed was finally free.
“D-don’t stop! Not yet! I-I need more!” You begged breathily.
“How about I fuck the rest out of you?” He asked instead as his fingers slowed down and rubbed into that spot. You immediately nodded and he was quick to lean over you and attach your lips together. 
You helped each other get undressed and then he fetched a condom from his wallet before texting his driver to dismiss him for the night. In the meantime you made yourself useful and grabbed two towels from the bathroom to put under you. Already you felt wobbly on your legs and Harry was more than pleased. You watched with a salivating mouth as he rolled the condom down his long and deliciously thick shaft. He stroked himself a few times and it made your walls flutter in excitement. 
“Grab a pillow for me, please?” He asked you nodded and reached back, blindly feeling around until your fingers grazed the corner of one and pulled it down, “Thank you. Hips up for me.” He said softly and you did as he directed. You’d heard of this before, never really certain of whether this worked or not, but you guessed you were about to find out. He tucked it beneath you, asking a few times if it was comfortable for you until it was positioned just right.
And from one moment to the next the reality of this situation dawned on you and your excitement turned into hesitation. You were suddenly anxious about this…were you really about to cheat on Caleb? Your husband. With his boss? It just felt like the most surreal situation and when you finally got out of your head Harry was looking at you with a tenderness in his eyes.
“We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.” He said and you swallowed thickly,  “I’m sorry if I…caused a lapse in judgement or-” he was cut off as you tugged him down by the neck and kissed his lips with so much need. You didn’t want him to feel bad for this. This total stranger, basically, had shown you more attention and kindness than your own husband had in ages. And you talked yourself out of believing that this was for revenge on Cal. No, this was for you. You wanted it, you needed it desperately. Even more so as you felt the tip of his cock tickling at your labia as he hovered over your body. His hands were securely on your hips. But you parted your legs further, to let him rest against your entrance.
“You sure?” His question was mumbled against your mouth and you nodded.
“Yes. I’m sure.” You reassured him of your decision. “I’m just…nervous.” You confessed. “Like…I never thought I would be in this situation.” you said through a breathy giggle.
“Yeah, this is definitely a unique situation.” He agreed with a smile on his lips.
“I guess I just need you to know that…like I’m not a bad person.” She said and he shook his head.
“I don’t think that you are, Y/N.” He assured, “I think that you’re fun, smart, sweet, strong, and beautiful…or at least from what I’ve seen.” He said softly, “If anything I’m the bad person for…not giving a fuck that you’re married.” He chuckled and you did as well.
“If it helps I don’t think you’re a bad person either.” You assured him and he smiled before he kissed you again.
“Mmm…you might after I’m done with you. Gonna ruin you for my cock.” He smirked as he started to push inside. 
Your eyes fluttered closed as he started to stretch out your entrance with the thick head. “Fuck you’re tight.” He hummed in delight as he added more pressure with his hips. He was just starting to wonder when the tight ring of muscles would give when they did, and the leaking and sensitive head of his cock was sucked into your delicious little pussy. You moaned together in relief as he surged forward, not able to wait for your to accommodate to his intrusion. He just needed to get in you, it was like he had lost all self-control; forcefully spreading your walls apart with his girth and then finally settling inside of you fully. You whimpered at how deep he was and he shifted his hips a bit, doing his best to find the spot that had you in puddles for him. 
“Oh god…” you sighed in relief when his cock finally found your spot. Your thighs squeezed around his hips to push him in as deep as possible. You swore he was in your stomach and it hurt so good. “Fuck me. Just fuck me, Harry.” You implored and he wasted no time in giving in to your request. 
His thrusts were hard and merciless. It almost felt like with each deep thrust he was knocking the air from your body. You felt drunk and dizzy on his cock as he pounded into your spot so hard that your vision started to blur. Before you even realized it your walls were spasming around his erection and your were writhing around with an unexpected orgasm.
When Harry felt you tighten up he grinned and moaned at the feeling of you coming around him so suddenly. He was mesmerized by the way your tits bounced with each powerful thrust. He was melting for your pretty and whiny sounds of approval and of the sound of his name being uttered and moaned from your lips with so much gratitude. 
“Shit…” he swallowed thickly as his cock slipped out from how wet you were now. He quickly guided himself back inside of you, thrusting in the way you had liked and then started rubbing your clit as well. He chuckled as he felt your legs trembling around his hips as you came yet again. His own legs felt like they were about to give, so he slowed down and wrapped his arms around you before carrying you higher up the bed so that he could kneel on the mattress. “Get on your tummy for me.” He said and you did as you were asked, “Let’s get this under you…there you go.” He said as he placed the pillow back under you and you got the chills when you felt his fingers rubbing against your entrance the up to your bum, rubbing against your much tighter hole. Then you felt the weight of his cock back at your entrance and he slowly pushed inside. You squeezed the comforter in your fists as his cock somehow felt even bigger than it had before. You literally gasped and he moaned as he gave a few testing thrusts before some part of you just opened up and let him bottom out, that one did make you yelp. “Alright?” He asked.
“Yes, it’s just so fucking big.” You mumbled into the bedding and he grinned.
“Yeah it is, but you’re taking it all so well.” He assured you as he started to grind into you and your were paralyzed. "Fuck baby, take all of me." he grunted in time with his thrusts. He was right up against your favorite spot this way and it was making you feel loopy as it was stimulated over and over and over again. He wasn’t even going hard, he was just focusing all of his efforts into getting that spot and well, he seemed to be enjoying it too as he moaned and groaned above you. “Fuck you feel so good…you’re so fucking good.” He moaned with a satisfied smile.
You had never come vaginally as much as you had tonight and these orgasms were different than the clitoral ones you typically had. These orgasms felt bigger and like it was taking your whole body to achieve them. Your mind was blanking every single time…and this one was going to be the end of you, you were sure. You could feel yourself throbbing around his cock hard. He started to gyrate his hips and you literally gasped.
“There? Is that it?” He asked with a smirk you couldn’t see, but it was evident from his tone.
“Yes, right there! You’re going to make me come!” You warned and he hummed and put more of his weight over you. You welcomed it and your heart nearly beat out of your chest as one of his hands slid up your arms and to your hand. You let his fingers interlace with yours and squeezed as you got closer and closer to your orgasm. It was absolutely overwhelming as you cried out in ecstasy as your orgasm literally crawled up from your toes to the top of your head. Every part of you was hyperaware and feeling tingly as your mind floated freely in gratification. You were covered in goosebumps and your limbs felt like jell-o as he fucked you through it. You were reeling, completely pliant in his arms and as soon as you started to come down from that incredible orgasm he started to thrust into you nice and deep not letting your orgasm end. His thrusts were timed so perfectly, you were trembling and begging him for more, so he gave you more. He went harder and deeper as he shifted to straddle you and fuck you like that. You were basically weeping as he fucked two more orgasms out of you like this, it just felt so good you couldn’t even stop it. Your body was just responding to it and you were so out of sorts.
“One more like this and I’ll give you a break, baby. Just one more, can feel your little pussy squeezing me, throbbing around my big cock.” He said and you moaned, practically drooling on yourself and the bed by now. 
It’s like you had no say over it, you just surrendered to the feelings and let yourself drown in them with no shame or remorse. That last orgasm was earth-shattering. You were vibrating uncontrollably as your ears rang and the tears slipped from your eyes even though they were screwed shut. You were just grunting in time with each hard thrust he delivered into you until your come was gushing and spurting out of you. You were gasping because the intensity of it all made you feel like your were free falling. It was soaking his cock as he moaned and then pressed inside as deep as he could before he came undone, filling the condom with his come but wishing he could’ve just unloaded in that tight, sweet pussy of yours. His hands pushed you deeper into the mattress, making it just a little bit harder to breathe and that somehow made it all the better. When he finished, he relaxed his body he just fell over you, covering you in his warmth. Time felt suspended as you both caught your breaths. You swore that mentally you weren’t all there now and wouldn’t be for a bit. 
“Am I crushing you?” He whispered, this words tickling the shell of your ear and you smiled, eyes still closed because to you, it felt like the room was spinning.
“Yes, but in a good way.” You hummed bad tiredly.
“In a good way…” he repeated lazily through a playful smile.
“Mhmm.” you said and then your smile widened as his fingers found yours and interlaced with yours again. He shifted a bit and you rolled along with him so that you were on your sides now. His cock was still softening up and you were grateful that he wasn’t quick to just pull out and go. As much as you needed a fuck, you also needed the tenderness and affection of another person and he seemed to understand that. You tangled your legs with his and he squeezed your fingers before pulling your closer into his body.
“Was that alright?” He asked softly and you laughed a bit.
“I’m like…mentally on another planet…I feel like I’m floating… so yeah, I’d say that was alright.” You whispered and he laughed a bit.
“Good.” Is all he said. 
When you had come down enough he proceeded to get back between your legs. His tongue and mouth were a lot more gentle this time around and again, he made you come several more times until your body was so sore that you just couldn’t give any more. You sucked him off eagerly and made him come once more before you both passed out. You woke up around 7am when his alarm went off, but instead of seizing the day he fucked you once more, bare, and it was your turn to mark him up. You were so exhausted that you flaked out on breakfast with your friends and didn’t wake up again until just shy of midday.
“Feel free to shower if you need to.”
“Yeah, I think I will.” Harry said lazily as he checked his phone.
“Mmmkay. I’m gonna order something in, do you want anything?” You asked him through a yawn.
“Will we have time?”
“Yeah, I’ve got a late check out.” You assured.
“Oh alright.” He smiled, “What’re you having?”
“Probably some eggs and pancakes and well coffee. I’m quite drained.” You said with a smile.
“I’ll have the same. Eggs over easy though.” He said as he stretched.
“Oh, same!” You smiled as you rolled over to reach the telephone and he hopped in the shower while you place the call.
Thankfully nothing was tense or awkward which you appreciated. Harry didn’t take long, so you were able to get showered as well and had literally just stepped out in your robe when Harry was placing the tray down on the little table in your room. You guys made conversation, he asked about your business and what kinds of events you liked to do, if you were interested in any other ventures. It was very, very normal. You were just waiting for the bubble to be burst by the metaphorical needle that was your reality…that being that you were a married woman who had just cheated on her husband, but it hadn’t come… and whether it did or not, this couldn’t happen again. Maybe when you were out of his presence and left alone with your thoughts, because you liked him way too much to feel anything bad at the moment. You thought it would happen when it came time for him to go, but that wasn’t how your goodbye went at all.
“Umm…before I go I just think we need to…debrief a bit.” He said and you smiled at him.
“Yeah, sure.” You agreed easily.
“I mean…I like you, I think we’re very compatible and like…we just have a connection I think.” He said and you nodded, “And I mean…I can’t say I respect Caleb as a husband and a man after…hearing what he’s put you through, but I still respect him as my employee and obviously what he does outside of work isn’t really my business.” Harry spoke clearly and concisely, but he was looking for any signs of distress from you at this but you were just nodding.
“Yeah, I agree 100%. Like, thank you…for hearing me out and…helping me out, but obviously this is not something that can happen again. And well, I like you too, a lot.” You said and he smiled a bit, “I just don’t want you to walk away thinking that I just used you to get back at him, you know? And I mean…I don’t think us running into each other often will even be an issue. He doesn’t ever want me involved in any of his work stuff.” You said simply and he nodded.
“Right. Well, I did have a great time with you and ummm…I don’t regret it. I hope you don’t either.” He said more meekly and you shook your head.
“Nope, no regrets.” You assured him with a smile, “Thank you though, again for everything. You’re a really wonderful person, Harry.” You said and he smiled bashfully at your compliment. Moments later you were ensuring he had all of his things as you walked him to the door and you guys hugged briefly before he made his way out into the hallway and gave you one final wave before he was gone and disappearing amongst all of the strangers in New York City.
As was expected, you hadn’t seen or even heard anything about Harry since then, just like before. But one thing you couldn’t help but notice was that now Caleb was around a lot more. Well, it took a few months after the whole thing with Harry, but it felt like things were going back to how they had been before. You had no idea what had happened between him and his mistress, but it couldn’t have been good because he was suddenly so present and even doting on you like when he was first trying to convince you to go out with him. And on this particular night you were in the middle of doing your skincare routine before bed when Cal came into the en-suite, just in from the office.
“Hey, sweetheart.” He hummed and kissed your cheek in passing.
“Hi, how was your day?” You asked as he undid his tie.
“Really fucking good.” He grinned, “So on Saturday we’re gonna have a celebratory dinner for a deal that we closed. It’s not everyone from work, but a few of the guys. S’nothing official, just those of us who did the grunt work to get this client. Do you have plans?” He asked as he moved on to his shirt now.
“Nope, no plans. Why?” You asked in confusion, as your eyes met through the mirror.
“Obviously I want you to join, sweetheart. If you want to.” He smiled in confirmation.
“Oh, sure!” You said quickly, “I’d love to.” You happily accepted his invitation. 
“Excellent! It’s formal wear, we’re doing a fancy dinner.” He grinned, “So get yourself something nice in the next few days yeah?” He said.
“Oh, ok. Is there like a specific vibe I should go for?” You asked as you turned to him and he came over to you and grabbed your face gently.
“Hmm…” he hummed pensively, “I’d say something sexy, but really classy. S’gonna be the first time you meet my work friends. Wanna show you off, gloat a bit.” He said to you, voice low and sultry.
“Okay…do I have to wear a bra with it?” You asked and he chuckled before kissing your lips deeply. After a few moments he pulled back with a smirk as his thumbs ran over the apples of your cheeks lovingly. 
“Mmmm, I’d prefer you ditch it for the night…but that’s just my opinion.” He grinned and you chuckled, “Probably pack a bag for overnight in case we get a little too wasted, yeah?” He asked and you nodded in confirmation, “Alright sweets, m’gonna hop in the shower.” He said before letting you go.
Needless to say, you were shocked. Hell must’ve been frozen over because Cal never even took you to the office holiday parties! So of course you accepted his invitation before he could take it back. Seeing Harry at this dinner had definitely crossed your mind almost instantly, but from what you knew, he didn’t really socialize with his colleagues outside of work so you got the possibility of seeing him again out of your head. Specially now that it seemed like Cal had made it past whatever midlife crisis he had been suffering. Maybe it was about time that you put the fantasies on the back burner and focused back on your husband. After all it seemed that he was extending an olive branch with this invitation. Making up for lost time and for his distancing from you. And well, in the interest of perhaps seeing Harry again in the future, you wanted to really wow his coworkers and make sure that you scored more invitations to work things.
You had spent your lunch hours for the next few days scouring all the boutiques in your suburb for a dress that made you feel sexy but that wasn’t too slutty or suggestive. Always in the back of your mind asking yourself if Harry would like it, but then bringing yourself down from that hopeful cloud. You had found a dress that you loved and bought it, but despite that, you had walked into one more shop before heading back to your house.
You were looking through the racks when a beautiful magenta fabric caught your eyes and when you pulled it out of the bunch you immediately smiled at the dress it belonged to. It was a halter neck, which you would never typically go for, but you could already envision it on your body. There was a slit and the back had a little cutout that you imagined would serve to draw the gaze to the curve of your lower back and ultimately your bottom. The dress you had just purchased was a lot more understated, it flattered your shape and was definitely a less showy color, but you were practically drooling over this dress. It was gorgeous.
“It’s stunning isn’t it?” The clerk suddenly appeared beside you with a smile.
“Yeah…” you smiled at her.
“Want to try it on?” She asked with an enticing arch in her eyebrow.
“Absolutely.” You responded almost too quickly and she smiled and grabbed it for you and guided you over to the changing room. "Oh my god..." you sighed dreamily.
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You were a vision in it. The color just livened you up and made you feel electric, powerful, and sensational. Your previous dress did make you look elegant and beautiful, but gave more of a demure and understated beauty vibe; it was the kind of dress you’d be expected to go for and typically did. But this other dress, it brought out an air of confidence in you, you could see the difference even in how you posed in it. Caleb did say he wanted to show you off…And well, even if you upstaged the evening, your husband had been having an affair for a year and while he seemed to be coming back to you, it couldn’t hurt to remind him of what he had and perhaps it would help to keep repairing the invisible, but tangible, distance that still existed between the two of you.
“I’ll definitely take it.” You said to the clerk with a smile.
After rushing a few streets down, you returned the other dress and then hurried home to your meeting. You’d keep the dress hidden in your closet until Saturday and surprise Cal with it as well.
Cal had been quick to get ready, he didn’t stray too far from his day to day look, he just ditched his tie. You were working on your makeup when he told you that he’d be down in his office when you were ready to go. The dinner was at 7pm and you did have quite a drive according to Caleb, so you hurried to get your look together so that you could get on the road quickly. After spritzing on some setting spray you rushed into your closet and pulled the bag off of your new dress and smiled as soon as you saw it again. You quickly got undressed and slipped into it. You hurried back to the vanity to get a visual to tie the pieces of fabric for the halter top and you were struggling a bit.
“Sweetheart, are you almost-” Caleb’s voice stopped as he just gawked for a moment before he smiled, “Wow.” He said softly as your eyes met though the mirror.
“Yeah? Like it? Is this okay?” You asked timidly and he nodded.
“Yeah. You look great.” He smiled as he came up behind you, “Need some help?”
“Please.” You responded and he aided in getting the ties situated. 
“There you are, my darling. You all packed?” He asked softly and you nodded and allowed him to peck your lips.
“Yeah, my bag’s on the bed.” you said and he smiled.
“Perfect, I’ll take it and go start the car, OK?”
“Yeah, go ahead.” You assured and he went to do that as you wrapped up the final details of getting your shoes on, grabbing your purse, and finally getting on a bit of perfume and tucking a little travel version of it in your bag. You felt like a million bucks for the first time since Harry…and well, it was nice to feel good on your own, not because of another person so this felt so special. Like you were reclaiming yourself in a way. And so with that feeling of confidence making you glow you grabbed the bottle of wine you’d purchased as a gift and locked up the house before you carefully slipped into Cal’s Quattroporte, it was his baby and he’d take it out anytime he was feeling on top of the world. You hoped that you had something to do with it for now. 
The GPS indicated that you guys were heading down towards the Hamptons, which was a bit over an hour drive. Cal was conversing with you about your work and clients, which was kind of odd. He never really cared much for your event planning business apart from giving you the start up money. But you soon realized that he was nervous because he was incessantly tapping at the steering wheel and clearly, he was talking with you to keep his mind off of whatever was making him feel this way. You wondered if it was the fact that this was going to be your first time meeting his work friends? You knew that he always tried to create boxes to compartmentalize his life and merging them could sometime be nerve-racking. Instead of letting it trip you up and darken all of the light and positive feelings your were having over this invitation, you decided to just focus on how good you felt.
“Sweetheart, we’re almost there.” Cal’s voice and his firm squeeze to your knee roused you from your slumber. You yawned and rolled your shoulders back.
“Sorry, didn’t realize I fell asleep.” You spoke a bit groggily and he smiled at you. 
“God, did you guys rent out the biggest Airbnb?” You asked as you looked out the window. You were driving down the line of mansions by the coast.
“No. Didn’t spend a dime on this getaway thankfully.” He chuckled, “We’re going to the CEO’s vacation home.” He explained and you quickly turned to him.
“The CEO rents out his vacation home in the Hamptons to his employees?” You asked him incredulously, Harry seemed way too Type A for something like that.
“No, sweetheart. Of course not.” He scoffed through a laugh, “He’s the one throwing the party for us.” He explained and your stomach literally turned and you swore you were about to start sweating cold.
“So w-we’re sleeping at your boss’ house? You said it was work friends!” You said to him with panic in your eyes.
“Did I not mention that?” He asked and you shook your head, still in disbelief, “Oh, well either way, Harry’s from work and I mean, we’re not really friends or anything yet, but we’re friendly.” He explained, “And well, considering I just made him half a million dollars richer this week alone I’d say we’re about to get a lot more chummy.” He explained with a cocky grin.
“Cal, my tits are out! No one’s gonna take me seriously now…oh god.” You mumbled lowly and he chuckled.
“It’s alright, s’not like this is an official work event.” He assured you. 
But suddenly you didn’t feel so hot in your dress. You didn’t want Harry to think that you wore this dress as soon as you heard it was at his place to impress him or to try and seduce him after you had both agreed that it was a one time thing. Yes, he was hot and you had played with the idea at first, but that’s all it was! An idea. A fantasy that you could keep playing at in your mind but had no intention of following through with. You didn’t seek each other out because you both knew that what had transpired between the two of you so many months ago had been a sort of lapse in judgement that you both just indulged in to do some justice to whatever had been in the air and sparking between you two that entire night. You weren’t a cheater like Cal and you weren’t interested in jeopardizing your marriage because for the last couple of months it felt like you were on the mend and you didn’t want anything to get in the way of that.
“All your coworkers are going to think I’m a whore.” You said with slight irritation and Cal scoffed.
“They will not. You should see some of the women they bring around…”
“I don’t even want to know what that means.” You mumbled lowly. “I just don’t want to make a bad impression or give anyone the wrong idea about…us. You know how people are already and-” 
“You worry too much about what other people think, sweetheart. Who cares? If I cared what everyone said or thought I wouldn’t have you, would I?” He asked you with a small smile and well, the fact that his tenderness did nothing to your heart was a bad sign, “I mean, what’s the point of living life if you’re not going to have fun and take risks? You took a fucking risk, sweetheart! And I’d say it payed off.” He grinned at you and you shook your head before looking away to avoid him from seeing you smile at his compliment, “Hey, don’t turn away, look at me, sweets.” He insisted as he squeezed your knee again and you reluctantly turned back to him, “It’s going to be fine. They’re gonna love you.” He assured you and you just exhaled slowly and nodded, forcing a smile onto your face.
Finally, you were pulling up through a large iron gate and following the path down to the entrance of the home. There was a parking attendant that signaled for Cal to pull into one of the lines that had been drawn out for a parking space. Thankfully, there were already other cars there, so you wouldn’t be alone with him and Harry until more guests arrived. As soon as Cal parked the car someone was opening up your door to help you out, it was all very extravagant. You wondered if Harry always had this level of service or if it was just because he had guests tonight.
“Thank you.” You smiled as the man extended his hand and helped you down form the vehicle.
“Certainly. Do you have any bags you’d like us to put in the guest room?”
“Oh sure, they’re in the trunk.” You informed him and he smiled and hurried on to the back. You shot Cal a look and he looked just as surprised at this level of attention and service. 
Cal did offer to help carry the bags, but the man insisted he would do it as he led them over to the entrance of the home. There, someone else was waiting and took over for the man that had helped at the car.
“Good evening, Mr. Hargrove.” The man greeted Caleb with a nice smile before slightly glancing to you, “And who-”
“Gerard, this is my lovely wife, Y/N.” He said with a bit of emphasis which was odd, specially when Gerard’s eyes widened a bit in surprise. It shouldn’t have been too much of a shock to her…Harry himself had said that he had no idea Caleb was married.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Hargrove.” Gerard smiled and well, you hadn't actually changed your surname, but you didn't have the heart to correct Gerard. He looked to be a sweet man a already had been thrown for a loop just knowing that you were Caleb's wife.
“Pleasure to meet you, just Y/N is fine though.” You assured with a friendly smile and he nodded once.
“Well, I can escort you to the room you’ll be staying in before guiding you to the dining area?”
“Please, that would be great. I’d like to freshen up a bit”, “That won’t be necessary, just tell me which room.” You and Caleb spoke at the same time and then chuckled.
“Umm, you can go head, honey. I just want to freshen up and use the bathroom before we start drinking. I’ll meet you over there.” You assured him.
“Are you certain?”
“Yeah, of course. Go celebrate with everyone.” You insisted and he smiled and grabbed your face gently before kissing your lips quickly.
“Thanks, sweetheart. See you in a bit.” He assured and you nodded.
“Alright, let me show you to your bedroom.” Gerard said and then he got a bit awkward when you were alone as he guided you down a hallway.
“Ummm Gerard?”
“Yes, miss?”
“You don’t have to be weird around me. I expected that Cal had been here before with another person. Or persons…” you explained as you kept walking.
“Right. Well I’m sorry for making you feel odd, I just had no idea Mr. Hargrove had been married recently.” He said and your smile faltered a bit.
“Umm…it’s been seven years actually.” You said as he stopped in front of a door and turned around quickly with a concerned look on his face. “Ummm, have you worked for Mr. Styles for long?” You asked and he nodded.
“About 15 years.” He stated.
“And Caleb has…stayed here with other women how many times?” You asked him.
“I don’t know that I should-”
“I’m not going to cause a scene, I assure you. I just…I need to figure out if there’s anything worth salvaging after the most recent affair. It’s the only one I found out about.” You explained and he looked sad for you.
“I wish I could tell you for certain, but since he started working for Mr. Styles I uh- I’m really not sure, but there’s been a few. I’m sorry.” He said and you sighed.
“Alright, well thanks anyway. Is this it?”
“Yes, this is the room.” He said as he opened it up and let you in. He came in behind you and set your bags down on the large bed. “You have your own bathroom through here. If you need anything ironed or steamed for tomorrow feel free to just leave it hung up on one of these hooks and we’ll take care of it while you’re at dinner.” He assured.
“Thank you so much, this is gorgeous.”
“Of course, Miss. Anything else?”
“Obviously you’re quite busy, how would I find the dining area after I’m done?” You asked and he quickly explained and you nodded, keeping his directions fresh in your mind before you scurried into the bathroom.
You closed the door behind you and then turned around to look at yourself in the mirror. You took a deep breath and exhaled slowly as all of the information that Gerard had shared with you started to sink in. You started to wonder how long ago the cheating had started…maybe it was before you had even been married. The only good thing that could come of this dinner was seeing Harry again. And well, you knew that he probably wouldn’t even speak to you too much, but at the very least you could just steal discreet glances of him and forget about the fact that your marriage was basically a farce. But that wasn't all Caleb's fault, after all you had also slept with someone else. With his fucking boss of all people. But god, you would do it again if he wanted to...
Caleb was glad that you had headed off to check out the room and freshen up. He had been so in his head about so much that Gerard almost tipped you off about his affairs. He had always been a man who wanted the best, who wanted more…and well when he got you he was shocked that he had managed it. You were everything he had ever wanted in a partner and throw in the fact that you weren’t just after his money, well he snatched you up right away lest he lose you to someone else. It’s not that he wasn’t happy with you and everything you had together, but sometimes he just needed to switch it up, he had always been like that so he never advertised that he was married. And while usually his extramarital affairs were limited to single events for work, things started to change when he met Daniela. Daniela wasn’t as ambitious or entrepreneurial as you were. In fact, she was a midlevel employee and seemed happy in her position. But she was about your age, if not a year or two younger, and yes she was smart and gorgeous in her own way, but she never made an effort to stand out all that much, but she was so good at what she did that she naturally stood out.
He met Daniela two years ago when he was told that she was the most reliable statistical analytics person they had. So he started to go to her to double check all his numbers, a second pair of eyes could never hurt when it came to numbers! But he soon found it helpful to also run all of the data he had for presentations to clients and other board members by her. Daniela was sweet and soft spoken and a bit shy while Cal was a people person. So what started out as him just doing nice things to get on her good side so that she would keep helping him, soon turned into gestures designed to increase their interactions because he liked her. His acts of kindness became motivated by these deeper feelings that he himself couldn’t understand at first because she was the opposite of everything he ever really went for, but they were there. Daniela had started to like his attention and thoughtfulness and so they started to have lunch together often or to get coffee together and the attraction grew.
All of this wooing reached it’s culmination after a Thanksgiving party a coworker threw. Caleb offered to walk Dani to her car and they ended up kissing. And after that they continued to see each other outside of work and Cal started to fall for her. He had pulled her into his project with this new client, so that they could spend more time together but also to get her on Harry’s radar because she was absolutely brilliant. But he had fucked it up; upon realizing the depth of his feelings for Daniela he decided to start writing out some talking points to talk to you about his growing feelings for her and brainstorm how to bring up the topic of a divorce to you. But Dani had no idea he was married, so when she saw that notes on his phone she got angry and broke things off with him. And here he was, months later, still heart broken and longing for Daniela.
“You look beautiful.” Caleb spoke softly as he came up to the bar beside Daniela. She sighed as she recognized his voice.
“What do you want, Caleb?” She asked lowly.
“Just to talk and explain. I want to fix us-”
“There is no more us, Caleb. You’re married and I have a boyfriend now so get over it.” She stated firmly and he sighed.
“Please just…I’m going to end it with her-”
“Caleb, please not tonight.”
“Does that mean we can talk soon?” He asked hopefully and she sighed.
“I don’t know, Cal…I’m just processing all of the lies…I just don’t trust you right now.”
“OK, I understand. I’ll just…give you some space.” He said and she nodded, “I ummm…I want to warn you that I did bring her with me tonight. I stupidly wanted to make you jealous-”
“Jesus, Cal..." she sighed feeling the anxiety starting to churn up her stomach, "Just…keep it together because I don’t want anyone to be suspicious and think I’m a home wrecker.”
“No one even knows I’m married. I like to keep the personal things private. So everyone will be meeting her tonight and learning about...my marital status so-”
“Well I don’t want to meet her. I couldn’t, it's humiliating…” she said lowly and he nodded.
“OK. I won’t introduce you.” He said and she swallowed down that awful feeling of disgust in herself, “I’m really sorry, Dani. For everything.” He said quietly as the bartender came back with her two drinks.
“Thank you.”  She smiled to the bar tender and hurried off without acknowledging his apology…again.
“Anything for you sir?” He asked and Caleb sighed.
“Ummm, not right now. Thank you.” He assured and turned around only to see Daniela smiling at the man she had brought with her tonight. 
He looked about her age and was quite bulky and strong, very handsome. Caleb couldn’t help but feel insecure as she watched him being introduced to some of the others that approached her. This wasn’t a big group, just about 10 of them or so, but with the plus ones, the group was a bit larger and well, hopefully he could sit somewhere where he could keep an eye on her. He felt his heart lurching in defeat as her boyfriend tucked her hair behind her ear in a delicate motion, she had this piece from her outgrown bangs that really defied her new hair part. He’d done the same thing to her plenty of times before and he wished he could be the one to do it for her now. 
Caleb had really tried to smooth things over with Daniela at the very least but she felt so betrayed. Understandably so, and she made it clear to him that she wasn’t ready to forgive him and that she intended to move on with someone else and it hurt that she seemed to be fairing well. Caleb had tried to move on too, to focus back on you and your marriage…hopefully being around you more would reignite the love he once had for you, but it wasn’t happening, he was too far gone.
He was running out of lifelines to salvage his chances with Dani. Earlier in the week, when Tamika (Harry’s assistant/intern) mentioned to him casually that she was excited to meet Daniela’s boyfriend at Harry’s dinner Cal felt his heart darken with anger. And in his anger he decide that he wanted to make Daniela jealous back, which is why he invited you, his wife to this dinner… all to make his mistress jealous. He knew that this was fucked up and unfair to you, but he was in love and he was desperate to get Daniela back however he could and she would be his again tonight. He had no idea how to proceed, but he was certain of one thing, whatever he did to get Dani back had to be done with courage, all the love in his heart, and most important of all, with discretion.
---TAG LIST---@sunshinemoonsposts @daphnesutton @gurugirl @sad-avocado @sunflovverharry @angelbabyyy99 @justlemmeadoreyou @permanentllyharry @jessitpwk @cherrysulewski @matildasatellite@keriberi @reveriehs @ottawaoutlander
Let me know if you have feedback or want to be added:)
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Daddy’s New Hair Style.
my masterlist || ask me anything <3
my blurb masterlist is here!
authors note - i actually really like harrys buzz cut era, it makes him look more macho in my opinion 🤷‍♀️
word count - 1.7k
in which, your fiancé returns home one afternoon, shocking both you and your son milo when he appears to be sporting a new hair cut, neither of you seemed to be prepared for.
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In the cozy embrace of your London home, you find yourself nestled on the sofa, a soft blanket enveloping you and your precious two-year-old son, Milo.
The room is dimly lit, creating a tranquil ambiance as you cradle him in your arms.
Milo, having fallen asleep while breastfeeding, (his afternoon snack.) radiates an innocent calmness, his tiny breaths rhythmic and soothing.
The gentle hum of a TV show provides a subtle soundtrack to this tender moment. The muted glow from the screen casts a warm illumination on the living room, creating a serene atmosphere.
The characters on the show move through their scripted lives, but your attention is divided between the unfolding drama and the cherubic face of your slumbering child.
A cup of tea, steam curling upwards, rests precariously on the arm of the couch, a momentary escape forgotten in the bliss of maternal connection.
The aroma wafts through the air, adding another layer of comfort to the scene. The liquid within holds the promise of warmth and solace, a silent companion in the quietude of this shared repose.
His tousled hair (much like his fathers.) and cherubic features evoke a sense of wonder and fragility, a reminder of the preciousness of these fleeting moments.
The air is filled with a hushed lullaby, a fusion of Milo's delicate breaths, the ambient sounds of the TV, and the distant chirping of birds outside the window.
The subtle creak of the front door signals your fiancés arrival, and although your back is turned, you instantly recognize the familiar sound.
The atmosphere in the room shifts with anticipation as his footsteps echo through the entrance hall, a symphony of his return. The television's hushed murmur fades into the background, overshadowed by the promise of his presence.
"M’home!" Harry's voice, warm and resonant, fills the air with an infectious energy. Even before laying eyes on him, you can sense the genuine joy in his greeting, a sentiment that bridges the physical gap between you.
As he steps further into the living room, the scent of the outside world clings to him – a mixture of the crisp outdoors and the subtle musk of his cologne. It's a scent that has become synonymous with comfort and familiarity, a sensory reminder of the life you share.
The sound of his keys finding their place on the table, a routine symphony that accompanies his homecoming, adds to the rhythmic cadence of the moment. The soft thud of his jacket being hung up, a tactile cue that he is settling in, marks the transition from the outside world to the intimate haven you've created together.
The shuffle of his footsteps pauses briefly, creating a suspended moment where time seems to hold its breath. In the pregnant silence, you can almost hear the smile in his voice as he calls out again,
"Where's m’favorite people?" The endearment, spoken with a familiarity that comes from shared history, melts away any residual tension in the room.
As you turn to face Harry, a reflexive smile plays on your lips, ready to greet him after the day apart.
However, your expression freezes, and your eyes widen in surprise as they fall upon his head. The shock sets in when you realise that the familiar cascade of curls that once adorned his head has been replaced by a sleek buzz cut.
Your mouth hangs open in astonishment, a reaction born from the unexpected transformation.
Your gaze remains fixed on his shorn head, and a kaleidoscope of emotions dances in your eyes – surprise, confusion, and a touch of nostalgia for the familiar texture of his hair.
Harry, oblivious to your internal turmoil, wears a grin that carries a hint of mischief. His eyes twinkle with the satisfaction of a well-kept secret, and he revels in the delayed reaction playing out on your face.
The silence between you becomes palpable, echoing with the unspoken question of whether you'll recover from the unexpected twist.
Harry settles onto the sofa beside you, a tender smile gracing his face as he observes his slumbering son cradled in your arms. The rhythmic motion of his hand, gently rubbing up and down the little one's back, is a silent lullaby that adds to the serenity of the moment.
The room is hushed, filled only with the soft sounds of your child's breathing and the muffled ambiance from the TV in the background.
As you glance at Harry, your eyes inadvertently catch a glimpse of his newly shorn hair. The sight triggers a wave of emotions within you, and the words that could express your thoughts seem to elude you. Uncertain of how to navigate this uncharted territory, a lump forms in your throat, and an overwhelming surge of emotion finds release through tears.
"M’love, s’wrong?" he inquires gently, his voice a soothing balm.
You glance up at him, your shoulders shrugging in a gesture of uncertainty.
"I just... I miss your curls," you admit, your voice catching slightly as you try to articulate the complex mix of emotions swirling within.
A sympathetic understanding softens Harry's eyes as he takes in your words.
"M’didn't think it would hit y’this hard. S’just hair," he says with a wistful smile, attempting to downplay the significance of the change.
You nod, a half-hearted smile forming on your lips.
"I know, it's just... it's going to take some getting used to," you confess, the vulnerability of the moment hanging in the air.
Without another word, Harry wraps an arm around your shoulders, pulling you into a comforting embrace. His touch is a silent reassurance that transcends words.
"Change can be a bit overwhelming, huh?" he muses, his lips brushing against the top of your head in a gentle kiss.
You nod again, finding solace in the warmth of his embrace.
"Yeah, it's just that your curls were... a part of you. It's like I need to recalibrate my mental image," you explain, your words a hesitant attempt to convey the intricacies of your feelings.
Harry chuckles softly, his hand rubbing soothing circles on your back.
"Fair enough. M’guess I should ‘ave warned y’about t’big reveal," he admits, a playful glint in his eyes.
A light chuckle escapes your lips, and you nuzzle into his shoulder.
"Maybe just a heads-up next time," you suggest, the tension dissipating as humour finds its way into the conversation.
He nods, his hand now gently playing with your hair.
"Got it. And hey, it's still me, curls or no curls," he reassures, his voice a comforting anchor in the midst of change.
Milo, roused by the comforting familiarity of his father's voice, stirs on your lap. His sleepy eyes flutter open, and with a drowsy curiosity, he turns his gaze towards the source of that familiar sound.
Upon seeing Harry, a small, delighted smile graces Milo's face. The connection between father and son transcends words, and with newfound energy, the two-year-old wriggles on your lap. With determination that only a toddler possesses, he begins to crawl off your lap towards his father.
"Ey’ there, little champ," Harry greets, his voice a melodic blend of warmth and affection. He extends his arms, ready to receive Milo into his embrace. The room is now filled with the joyous energy of a family reuniting.
As Milo reaches Harry's waiting arms, the father-son reunion is marked by laughter and the soft patter of little feet against the living room floor.
Harry scoops Milo up, lifting him into the air with playful ease. The room is filled with the infectious laughter of a child delighted by the simple joy of being in his father's arms.
With a gleeful determination, he lifts his small hands, fingers outstretched, ready to engage in his usual ritual of playing with the curls at the back of his father's neck.
However, as his tiny fingers reach the intended destination, there's an unexpected void. Confusion clouds Milo's face, and a puzzled expression replaces the usual delight.
His fingers flitter through the air, searching for the familiar texture that has always greeted him during these tender moments.
When realisation strikes, a small whine escapes Milo's lips, a sound that echoes both disappointment and surprise. The absence of the once-present curls disrupts his routine, and with a spontaneous burst of emotion, he throws his head back, as if in protest against this unforeseen change.
Harry, caught off guard by Milo's reaction, looks down at his son with a mix of amusement and understanding.
He chuckles softly, his hands adjusting to accommodate Milo's newfound exploration.
"No more curls, buddy. Daddy's got a new look," he explains, trying to soothe Milo's evident dismay.
Yet, Milo remains unconvinced, his little face contorted in a blend of confusion and protest. His fingers continue to explore the unfamiliar terrain, perhaps hoping that the missing curls will magically reappear. The room is filled with the comical symphony of a toddler expressing discontent with the capricious nature of change.
His little face scrunches up in contemplation, and then, with the sincerity only a child can muster, he begins to babble excitedly about his own hair.
"Daddy, hair go bye-bye!" Milo exclaims, his words a delightful blend of toddler language and exuberance.
His tiny fingers point to his head, emphasising the absence of what was once there.
Harry, caught off guard by Milo's animated commentary on his own hair, joins in the toddler's excitement.
"S’right, buddy! Daddy got a new haircut. No more curls," he explains, his laughter mirroring the infectious joy radiating from Milo.
As Milo continues his animated monologue, his eyes shift towards you, seeking acknowledgment and perhaps wanting to share his newfound discovery.
With an enthusiastic gesture, he points at his head again and then looks at you as if to say, "See, Mommy?"
You respond with a warm smile, playing along with the adorable sincerity of the moment.
"Daddy looks great, doesn't he?" you chime in, your words laced with affection.
Just as you said those words, a thought immediately popped into your head and you snapped your gaze so it was locked onto your lovers.
He hummed from where he was playing with his sons dummy, playfully taking it in and out of his little ones mouth making him laugh hysterically.
When he looked at you for a brief second, you eyebrows were raised.
“Your curls better be back before the wedding.”
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justmystyles · 1 year
NEED YOU TO WRITE A JEALOUS/Angsty one for the picture of whoever is applying moisturiser to Harry. Your angst is soooooo good
PS: I’m OBSESSED with your work
Business or Pleasure?
read my other works here!
pairing: Harry Styles x plus size reader
word count: 2.3k
summary: you return to Love on Tour after an extended break, but after your last interaction, you come back to an awkward situation with Harry.
a/n: first of all, thank you so much for sending in this request, and for your kind words! when i first saw it, i wasn't really sure how to make angst out of it, but i think i figured it out pretty well.
i did take some artistic liberties with timelines here, i know the outfits and tour dates don't line up, but i had to suspend disbelief a little to make the story work out. sorry, don't come for me!
**Hey, so let's try this again! The first time I posted it was answering the wrong ask. That one will still be done snd posted. I promise!**
tags: @allthelovehes @ameerakane20 @ash-craze @bethanysnow @blue-ballad @blueraspberryreader @brightlightsinlife @creativelyeva @cute-as-ducks420 @deannaard @fanficismydrug @gem1712 @golden-hoax @gothmingguk @groovychaosavenue @hillzrry @iceebabies @indierockgirrl @jerseygirlinca @jng4kook @jooniesbabie @kaverichauhan @laurxn-robinson @lexiecamposv @mrs-anna-styles211994 @n0vaj3an @potterheadandsherlocked @rach2699 @ravenclawdirectioner @stylesfeverr @superchrystaldrug @tenaciousperfectionunknown @tiaamberxx @thechaoticjoy @theekyliepage @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @youknowwhaaat
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As your car traveled through the streets of Glasgow, you were unable to really take in the stunning scenery around you. You were too busy worrying about what the day had in store for you, panicking about being face to face with him again. 
Love on Tour had been on break since November, so you hadn’t seen Harry in nearly seven months. And the last time you did see him, things got complicated. After the last show, Harry had rented out a local bar to throw what he deemed the ‘Love on Tour holiday party’. Since everyone would be going their separate ways for a bit, he wanted to give this family he had formed a chance to celebrate together. 
As with most holiday parties, the alcohol was flowing rather freely, and everyone was getting loose and having a good time. You noticed that as the night went on, Harry was by your side more and more, his jokes getting slightly more flirty and his touches lingering just a little longer than they usually would. You two had developed a pretty flirty relationship, but he was like that with everyone, so you didn’t think much of it.
Until you found yourselves in a secluded corner of the bar with his tongue down your throat. 
Sure, it was something you had thought about for a while. Harry was one of the most gorgeous people you had ever seen, and to top it off he was so kind, and funny. He was technically your boss, but you would never know it. He treated you like his equal, his friend. Developing a crush on him was inevitable. But you had never expected anything to happen. Then it did, and you hadn’t heard from him since. 
At some point, Harry had gotten pulled away from you to do shots with the band, and you had an early flight the next morning. So you decided to slip out while he was distracted, it would allow you to put off the awkward conversation, at least for a little while. 
You had expected a call or text, anything from him the next day, but you didn’t. You hadn’t heard from him once since that night. You had seen him making appearances and doing interviews, which meant that he had hired someone else for his glam during the break, that hurt. He had regretted that night so much that he didn’t even want to work with you. 
You were contracted for the entirety of his tour, so you knew you would have to go back. When you signed on for the tour, you were excited to see the world, but now you were dreading every second you had to spend with Harry pretending that nothing had happened between the two of you. Pretending that you weren’t heartbroken. 
“Miss?” The driver’s voice brought you out of your thoughts, and you realized that you had arrived.
You thanked the driver as he handed you your bags and made your way through the backstage area. As you walked down the hall, you stopped to say hi and caught up quickly with people you’d run into, sharing quick stories about your break and promising to catch up soon. You found your way to the glam room, and took your time setting everything, partially because of how particular you were, but more than that, you wanted to kill as much time as you could so you didn’t have to go out to the common areas and socialize. You knew he’d be there, and you didn’t want to face him. 
Once things were set up, you killed time alone in your space, scrolling through your phone. You heard voices coming down the hallway, one of them was unmistakable. You put your phone down and took a deep breath to prepare yourself. As he walked through the door, you plastered your best fake smile on. 
Harry saw you, and you noticed his expression falter slightly, but he quickly corrected it. “Hey Y/N, welcome back.” He said, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and pulling you into a quick side hug. It was significantly shorter than your past hugs, but it was long enough for his scent to overtake your senses. 
“Thanks,” you mumble as you step back, signaling for him to take a seat. You and Jeff say your hellos, and you make your way to your kit. The sooner you got started, the sooner you’d be finished, and you’d be able to get some distance from Harry. 
Jeff stayed by Harry’s side while he was in your chair. No doubt a calculated measure by Harry to make sure you weren’t left alone. As grateful as you were for that, you were also annoyed. He was the one that kissed you, and he wasn’t even man enough to reject you and apologize. 
“You’re all set.” You said once you were finished. You noticed Harry flinch slightly at your tone. You didn’t mean for your words to come out so stern, but you would only be able to hold back your emotions for so much longer. 
“Oh… okay, thanks Y/N.” Harry said cautiously as he got out of the chair, walking out of the room with Jeff. 
Once they were gone, you sat down into the chair Harry had just been in and dropped your face into your hands. The rest of this tour was going to be a nightmare. 
“Y/N, we need you backstage real quick.” Jeff sticks his head in the door only a couple of minutes before showtime. “And grab that lotion.” 
You furrow your brow, but comply. Grabbing the bottle and following Jeff down the hall. You find Harry standing shirtless amongst the hustle and bustle of pre-show preparations. 
“Um…” You got Harry’s attention and held up the bottle. “Jeff asked for this?” 
“Oh, right. I um… well…” He gestures to his bare torso. “I can do it if–”
“No no,” you interrupt him. “It’s fine, it’s my job.” You pump some lotion into your hand and set the bottle down. You rub your hands together and step up to Harry, taking a deep breath to center yourself before placing your hands on his chest and rubbing the lotion in. 
As your hands run along his body, your mind flashes back to that night. Your hands on his, his on you, your tongues entwined. You shake off the thoughts.
“Are you okay?” Harry asks, you look up to meet his concerned, almost sad gaze. 
“Yeah, I’m fine.” You lie. Your eyes remain locked on each other, Harry opens his mouth to say something. 
“The internet is going to go nuts for this!” You both snap your attention over to Lloyd, who was snapping pictures of your interaction. 
You feel your face heat up and look down, trying to hide your blush from Harry. You hurry to finish applying the lotion. “All set,” you finally say, unable to look up at him. He thanks you as you’re scurrying away, rushing back to your area. 
All you wanted to do was go back to the hotel and hide, but you knew you’d need to stay for a few touch ups before the encore. So you spent the entirety of the show sitting alone in the hair and makeup area lost in your thoughts, wondering how you were going to make it through. 
You kept an eye on the show through the monitor, making your way to the backstage area as he was finishing up his final song before the encore. He rushed over to you, breathing heavy, and adrenaline running high. You made some quick adjustments to his hair, and handed him a towel so he could wipe down a bit before going back out there, avoiding his gaze the whole time. 
He thanks you quietly before he returns to the stage, and you return to your space. While he’s finishing the show, you pack your things, hoping to get out of there and back to the hotel before he’s off stage. As you're closing up your case, you’re startled by a knock at the door. You look up and silently curse yourself for not moving faster when you see Harry standing in front of you. His chest rising and falling rapidly, still catching his breath, his body glistening, a combination of sweat and the lotion you had applied earlier. He was the last person you wanted to see, but you couldn’t look away. 
“Hi,” he breaks the silence. “Can we talk for a minute?” 
“I can’t, my car is waiting. I’ve gotta get back to the hotel.” You pick up your case and move closer to him, but he refuses to move from the doorway. 
“Please,” he pleads with you. You look up and see determination in his eyes. He’s not going to let you go without talking. You relent, dropping your case by the door and signaling for him to come in. “You’re not going to pull some fancy footwork and run past me if I move away from the door?”
You shake your head, you know he’s making a joke, but you can’t bring yourself to laugh. You move further into the room, hopping up to take a seat on the counter. “I’m here.” 
Harry takes a seat, running a hand through his hair as he tries to form the words. “I think I owe you an apology for the last time I saw you.” You remain silent, hoping he continues. “I was drunk, I crossed a line that I shouldn’t have, it wasn’t professional.” 
“It’s okay, we were both drunk.” You say, your feet swinging back and forth. 
“The last thing I wanted to do was screw up what we had,” he confessed.
“It’s fine, like you said, you were drunk. It didn’t mean anything.” 
Harry looked up at you, his brows furrowed. “I said I was drunk Y/N, not that it didn’t mean anything.” 
Your eyes went wide at his words. “I… what?” Before he could continue. “I just assumed it was a dunk fling or whatever.” 
“Have you ever heard the phrase ‘drunken words are sober thoughts’?” You nod, trying to put the puzzle together. “Well in this case, it’s drunken actions.” He stood from his seat, stepping closer to you. “I’ve been wanting to kiss you for a long time. I had liquid courage running through me that night, I knew I wasn’t going to see you for a while, and you looked so beautiful, and you smiled at me like that, and I just couldn’t help myself.” 
“Oh,” you said softly, it was the only thing you could manage to get out. 
“After the guys pulled me away, I tried to find you. I wanted to lay everything out, tell you how I felt, but you left.” He looked down, but you could see the pain in his eyes before they dropped. “We had kissed, it was this amazing kiss, and then you just left without saying goodbye. I realized I had fucked up.” 
“I didn’t, that’s not why I left, I…” You were about to apologize for leaving, but he could have just as easily called you. “Why didn’t you just call? Text? Anything?” 
“I felt so bad. I didn’t know what to say. The more time had passed, the harder it got. And before I knew it, it had been seven months.” He saw the tears welling in your eyes, and his heart sank. “I missed you so much during the break, but I miss you more now. You’re right in front of me, but it feels like you’re a million miles away.”
“I’m right here, Harry.” 
“You’re not though, we’ve barely said anything to each other, and there’s this awkwardness between us. I hate it.” His voice starts raising, frustration growing in his tone. “It was one of the best kisses of my life, but if I could go back in time and stop it from happening so that we could be us again, I would.” 
“Harry?” He looks up at you and you see a vulnerability in his eyes that you’d never seen before. “I wanted that kiss too. It meant so much to me.” 
“But… but you just left…”
“I had an early flight, and I didn’t want to pull you away because you felt like you needed to let me down easy. I just assumed I’d hear from you the next day, hungover and apologize. But I never did.” 
Harry stepped in between your legs, his hand coming up and brushing across your cheek. “You’ve wanted to kiss me too?” Your breath hitched from how close he was, all you could do was nod. He smirked at your nerves, relief washing over him. “You know, when you were putting that lotion on earlier, when your hands were all over me,” his face moved closer, his lips just a breath away from yours. “You were driving me crazy.” 
You couldn’t contain yourself, his husky tone, his breath against your face, you closed the distance and kissed him. He groaned against your lips as his hands rested on your thighs, squeezing gently. This kiss was different than the last, that first kiss was sloppy, desperate. This time, it was slower, more deliberate. 
When you finally separated, you were both breathless, silly grins plastered on your faces. “So, what now?” You ask, unsure about where this leaves you. 
“Well,” Harry sighs, his thumbs running back and forth over your thighs. “We definitely still have stuff to talk about, but I’m hoping it leads to a lot more of that.” He smiled, kissing the tip of your nose. 
“I have a feeling it will.” You smirk, pulling him in for another kiss. 
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Just Let Me Adore You (BuckTommy) - 1/4
Summary: What if…instead of Chimney taking the role of interim Captain of the 118, Tommy is asked to take on the role.
Or, what happens when Buck meets Tommy in S2
Words: 3.6k
Notes: Title from Adore You by Harry Styles
Read on Ao3
Part One
“Tommy! Hey, man, what are you doing here?” Chim called out. 
Buck followed his line of sight. He didn’t know the man standing up on the loft, hands resting on the railing, already in uniform. He also didn’t understand why Bobby was coming up behind him still in jeans and a button down. Neither of them said a word, but the guy — Tommy — offered them a nod. 
“Hey, who is that?” Buck asked as he and Chim made it into the locker room. 
“Tommy? He used to work here, transferred to the 217 a few years ago right before you started. Come to think of it, I guess you replaced him,” Chim said. 
“And now he’s back?” 
Chim shrugged his shoulders and Buck settled for getting out of his street clothes and into his uniform quickly. Eddie ran in looking confused too. After the week they’d had they had all been looking forward to things going back to normal. No heists, no police raiding their homes, and no more questions from detectives. 
They made it up just in time to join Hen and a few of the others. Bobby had them gather around the table with Tommy standing somewhere behind him. It seemed it was more than just Chim that knew him going by the fist bumps and high fives and nods and smiles exchanged. Buck couldn’t keep his eyes from straying towards Tommy because there was something so absolutely captivating and Buck couldn’t put his finger on it other than to acknowledge that yes Tommy was one of the most beautiful men that Buck had ever seen. 
And then, Bobby told them he was being investigated. He was suspended pending the investigation and Tommy Kinard was taking over as Captain for the time being. Bobby seemed resigned more than anything and behind him Tommy just stood silently as they all tried to argue that Bobby shouldn’t be investigated for something he’d more than atoned for. Buck was the one that walked Bobby out to his car. 
“It’s okay, Buck,” Bobby said. “I don’t know what’s going to happen, but if this is the way it goes this is the way it goes.” 
“Is there anything I can do? Anything any of us can do?” 
Bobby smiled at him. He pat his shoulder. “Not at the moment. Just gotta wait and see.” 
“How are you this calm?” 
“I always knew it was a possibility. You should get back in there. New Captain and all.” 
Buck grabbed Bobby’s arm. “Wait, who is that guy?” 
“Tommy? He’s good people. It was going to be Chim, but Tommy was available and the Chief decided Tommy could do it. Not permanently—”
“Because you’ll be back in no time,” Buck said. 
Bobby rolled his eyes. “We don’t know that. For now he’s your Captain, don’t make things any harder than they need to be.” 
“Sure. Sure.” 
“I mean it, Buck.” 
He headed back in and found Chim, Hen, Eddie, and their new interim Captain in the kitchen. 
His eyes found Tommy and it was hard to look away, especially when he was smiling. His teeth were just so white and the skin on the edges of his eyes crinkled. His jaw was defined, sharp as can be and his chin had a cleft. He was captivating. 
“Buck, come over here and meet Tommy,” Chim called out, motioning for him. “Tommy, this is Buck.” 
“Buckley,” Tommy said. “Your name isn’t Buck Buckley is it?” 
There was a glint of amusement in his eyes. Buck was struck by Tommy’s gaze. His eyes were blue and piercing, it was as if he were looking right through Buck to his very soul. 
“Uh, Evan,” Buck said. 
“Evan,” Tommy said and he said it like it was important, like Buck was important.
Tommy wasn’t happy about the placement. It felt like a punishment, especially for someone like him. Of course, it was better than the alternative. He was grounded. No flying for him. Captain Reid had given him a choice and as dumb as the whole situation was, he supposed that being at the 118 as acting Captain was better than having to sit out on air support calls at the 217 and watching everyone else get to climb into the helicopters and go up leaving him to respond with the ground crew. He’d see the judgment from some and the pity from others. So, no thank you. 
Of course, going back to the 118 meant that he’d be facing his past and that…well, that could go wrong if Tommy let it. 
The timing had just happened to work out and though Tommy wasn’t privy to why Captain Nash was getting investigated, he just knew that it would blow over. There was no way they had anything on him that would lose the man his job. The short time that Tommy had worked with him, he’d been impressed and if it hadn’t been for the opportunity to get back in the air, he would have stuck around. Maybe he would have even managed to tell them all the truth. Or maybe, he never would have built up the nerve. 
The moment he stepped into the 118 again it felt like going back in time. His bag was slung over his shoulder as he walked past the trucks and he found Captain Nash regarding the trucks. He looked mostly resigned. 
“I didn’t know you’d be here,” Tommy said. “Can I ask what happened?” 
“I wanted to tell them myself. It’s my past catching up with me. I always knew it could be a possibility,” Bobby said. “I’m sure you heard about the bank heist we almost got framed for?” 
Tommy chuckled, bemused. “What? No. I didn’t.”
He’d been a little too busy dealing with his own shit to pay attention to something like that. 
Bobby chuckled in response. “It was a long week,” he said.
“The Chief didn’t say much,” Tommy said. 
“Well, we had a call to a bank and afterwards money and diamonds were missing. Someone put the cash on the truck, so they looked into all of us pretty deeply. They found stuff about my transfer and here we are.” 
“I’m sure this will all get cleared up,” Tommy said. “There have been worse people that managed to keep their jobs in the LAFD.” 
He could tell that Bobby wasn’t convinced as he walked past him to the familiar locker room. Tommy had loved this place once, had thought that he’d found where he belonged. Of course, it had also meant compromising who he really was. He’d been so deep in that closet, but it was entirely about self-preservation. Leaving the 118 as much as it had been about flying, had been about being ready to embrace who he was. It had been about telling the truth. 
Returning to the 118 felt like falling backwards. Back into the lies. Back into the closet. Back into the mindset that he had to build up a wall to keep himself safe. Except that…he could choose differently. He didn’t need to lie. He was the Captain, they didn’t need to know anything about his personal life. If they asked, Tommy wouldn’t lie. He wasn’t going backwards. 
He met back up with Bobby at the loft. It still looked the same as when he’d left. 
“Circumstances aside, how do you feel about being back here?” Bobby asked. “I know this wasn’t your first choice.” 
“It was my only choice,” Tommy said. “I’m excited to work with Chimney and Hen again. Timing worked out, I guess. Who would they have gotten the position otherwise?” 
“Chim,” Bobby said. “But once the Chief mentioned you might be up for it, I figured that worked just as well. You know this house and you know the job.” 
Tommy ducked his head. “And I’m rooting for you to be back as soon as possible,” Tommy added. 
“There’s that, too.” 
“Chim would have made a good Captain,” Tommy said. 
“Yes. I just don’t think he would have liked it.” 
He could tell that Bobby hadn’t been told why Tommy was available, and Tommy didn’t offer the information. He wondered if Bobby would be alright with him taking his spot if he knew? Somehow, he did think that Bobby would be on his side. Hell, even Captain Reid was on his side even if his hands were tied. He thought that Bobby was about to ask, but Bobby was too professional to ask even if he did look curious. 
Bobby took him through a few things back in his office — the office Tommy would be taking over. He was warned about the paperwork, but Tommy already did more than his share of paperwork back at the 217. 
It had never been a goal of his to make it to Captain. He wondered if giving Sal a call as the acting Captain of the 118 might be warranted. He’d wanted it so badly back then and now it was Tommy in the position even if temporary. Sal might get a laugh out of that. He could send Gerrard a postcard too with just two words on it “Fuck-You”. Tommy never said he couldn’t be petty. All things considered, it was nice to think of doing things like that, but Tommy wouldn’t. He and Sal had lost touch a while back a little bit on purpose and Tommy hoped to never have to see Gerrard ever again. 
By the time that they heard the A-shift getting in, Tommy was as prepared as could be. He wouldn’t live up to what Bobby was as a Captain, but he would try his best and rely on having good people working under him. If nothing else, Tommy had time and experience on his hands and he was a damn good firefighter. A pilot too. 
What Tommy was not expecting was the gorgeous man walking in with Howie. So maybe, it’d be a little more complicated than he’d expected. 
So maybe he checked out a guy every once in a while. Buck was appreciative of the human form and sometimes those forms were male. It was normal. Completely and absolutely normal and everyone did that right? He had never really thought about it, but could easily admit to himself that Tommy Kinard was a beautiful man. 
Throughout that first shift with Captain Kinard in command, Buck might have let his eyes linger on the man more than should be normal, he just couldn’t help himself. It didn’t help that Tommy was competent too. No one could ever replace Bobby, but he could admit that Tommy knew what he was doing. Within a few calls, he seemed to know who worked well together and who did what best. He was creative, too, and open to suggestions. 
The one weird thing was that Tommy insisted on calling him Evan. Not in a condescending way or anything, but just because that’s the name that he felt like using. Stranger still was how much Buck liked it, it was why he didn’t correct him, not even when Chim made a face at him.
“Evan, get the jaws,” Tommy ordered. “Hen, how’s it looking in there?” 
The car accident wasn’t major, luckily. The girl inside couldn’t have been more than seventeen and she’d been panicking ever since the shock wore off. 
Buck returned with the jaws just in time to see Tommy lean to speak to the girl from the passenger side. His voice was calm and reassuring. It was so smooth and was it bad that Buck wanted to just listen to him speak forever? Could he narrate every book that Buck wanted to read? Or start a podcast? 
“Buck, what’s the hold up?” Hen asked. 
He blinked and rushed forward. “Sorry.” 
He thought he saw Tommy quirk an eyebrow. 
With help from Eddie, he got the door open and removed. Hen did a more thorough check up and Tommy stayed nearby. The girl seemed awed by him and Buck didn’t blame her one bit. 
A couple rushed towards them, escorted by Athena. 
“Amelia!” the woman shouted.
“Parents,” Athena said. Before any of them could move, Tommy got to them. 
“Your daughter is fine,” Tommy told them. “Just give my paramedic time to check her over. We don’t even think she’ll need to go to the hospital.”
On their way back to the station, they started discussing their dinner options. Buck was sure that if a few of them — not Eddie — got into the kitchen they could come up with enough edible food. Nothing on par with Bobby’s cooking but edible, Buck had picked up enough over the years. Tommy didn’t seem to trust that. 
“Maybe we’ll attempt that another day,” Tommy said to Evan.  
“Pizza it is,” Chim said. “You know, Cap is the one usually doing the cooking. You don’t want to give it whirl, Tommy?” 
Tommy laughed. Hen joined in. 
“If you want to get food poisoning.” 
“You can’t cook?” Buck asked. “Can’t be worse than Eddie.” 
“Hey, I can microwave stuff,” Eddie said. 
They all burst into laughter. 
When they got back to the station, Buck somehow found himself on his own with Tommy. Chim had been tasked with ordering the food and Hen had gone with him to make sure he got it right. Eddie was already on the phone with Shannon which was the norm for him since they’d reconnected. Buck thought that Eddie was looking a lot happier, as complicated as it all seemed to be. 
“How do you think I’m doing on my first day?” 
“Uh…you want my opinion?” Buck asked. “I’m…I mean you’re doing good. You cl-clearly know what you’re doing.” 
Tommy stared at him and then gave a nod. “Thanks, Evan.” 
Buck didn’t want him to walk away. He still knew very little about Tommy. Just that he’d transferred out of the 118 right before Buck arrived as a probie and now he was back to his old house. He’d also been a firefighter longer than any of them, going by how he’d talked about Chim’s first day as a probie. 
“Hey, so how come you left the 118?” Buck asked. 
“It was time. And I wanted to get back in the air,” Tommy said. 
Buck lost a step, but caught up to Tommy’s strides. “Wait, the air? So you’re air support? Like planes? Or helicopters?” 
“Both. But mostly helicopters,” Tommy confirmed. 
It only made Tommy that much hotter. And wait…since when did Buck think that men were hot? Maybe not like in general, but Tommy was…if you had eyes there was no way to miss that he was hot. 
“You were the one Chim called that time at that fire. Saved Eddie’s life…well, Eddie and the kid he was rescuing.” 
“Yeah,” Tommy said with a chuckle. 
“That’s really cool. So why — why give that up to come and boss us around?” 
At that, Tommy lost the smile. The crinkles around his eyes went away, replaced by frown lines on his forehead. 
“I should go fill out some reports,” Tommy said and walked away. 
“Touchy subject, I guess,” Buck said and watched as Tommy walked away from him, unable to tear his eyes from his back and yes, maybe checking him out just a little. Was it his fault that Tommy’s ass filled out his uniform really well? 
They really were a family. It wasn’t shocking to him, but it still left him feeling more than a little jealous because this is the thing that Tommy had always wanted. He’d thought he would find it in the Army and then he thought he would find that as a firefighter, and then his expectations had been lower when he transferred to Harbor and as much as he liked it there, it wasn’t a family. They were co-workers and some were friendlier than others, but it was nothing like whatever was happening at the 118. 
He watched them banter throughout the day, and as welcoming as they were, he didn’t quite fit. They had inside jokes and a way of communicating that made their work quick and efficient. Tommy wasn’t supposed to be their friend, that kept him outside of it too. He didn’t know how Bobby had managed to balance it all. 
“Tommy, you joining us?” Hen asked. “You know we all eat together around here.” 
Tommy let out a breath. “I’ll be right there.” 
“How are you holding up?” Hen asked, always perceptive. “Being the Captain?” 
“I have a good team. It’s not too bad,” Tommy said. “Different, I guess. I haven’t been on this many ground calls in a while.” 
She asked him about Harbor and as long as Tommy didn’t have to talk about the events of a week ago, he could discuss it. He could see Evan and Eddie listening in, but other than Chim, no one chimed in. 
After dinner they had a call out to an attempted suicide. He stood back and watched as Hen and Chim worked to get the guy out of the car he’d landed on after jumping off a building. His gaze then found Evan. 
Evan who was helping with the gurney and talking to the owner of the car. Evan who was capable and well meaning and who had been his replacement when he transferred. It would have been easier if Evan was less interesting and less adorable. He was straight, though, and there had been mention of a girlfriend. Tommy had crushed on enough straight guys to know how it went, but there was just something about Evan. Maybe it was the happy-go-lucky attitude, or how confident he was out on calls. Or maybe it was just how good he looked while wearing turnouts. 
By the time their shift ended, Tommy had been cajoled into joining them out for a drink. Eddie turned them down because he had a date with his wife. He almost expected Evan to excuse himself too in favor of spending time with his girlfriend, but instead he was happy to have an excuse not to go home. 
“You don’t have a home,” Chim said. 
Tommy looked between them. 
“Just because I’m staying with Maddie, doesn’t mean I don’t have a home,” Evan threw back. Turning to Tommy, he said, “I’ve started searching for my own place. It’s just hard.” 
Hen didn’t comment, but she shook her head and pat Evan’s arm. Tommy found all of it curious. 
At the bar, Tommy found himself in the booth with Evan to his left and as the night went on he felt like Evan had gotten closer and closer to him. He didn’t mind, liked the line of his warmth, and liked how every time Evan moved, he brushed up against him. It was dangerous, though, and Tommy couldn’t let this infatuation grow. 
“So, Tommy, you seeing anyone?” Hen asked. 
Tommy shook his head. “Not at the moment,” he said and this was his moment. It was presented to him perfectly. He just needed to say it. 
It was the time to tell them he dated men and that to be entirely clear they were first dates or hookups because Tommy was not luckily enough to find someone that wanted something deeper with him. Everytime he tried…well, Tommy just wasn’t lucky enough to find someone that fit. 
On apps they were all interested because of what he looked like and then he took the time to set up a date and then he was disappointed because those guys wanted to sleep with him and weren’t actually interested in getting to know him. Half the time they didn’t even want to go on a date as much as meet up for a romp in the sheets. The same thing happened at bars. He’d be approached, sure, but nothing ever actually went anywhere. Tommy was actually getting sick of trying. 
“Really?” Evan said. “But you’re so…I mean, who wouldn’t want to date you.” 
And then, Evan reached over and felt up his arm. His fingers lingered and Tommy glanced down at Evan’s hand and then back at Evan. Evan went pink and he dropped his hand to his lap as if he’d had no control over his hand. He coughed. 
“That’s precisely why,” Tommy said. “Seems all anyone sees is the muscles.” 
“Their loss,” Evan said, staring at him. “You are definitely more than just brawn.” 
When he met Hen’s eyes, she looked like she was squinting at him. Tommy decided it was time he get their next round. He was surprised when Evan bumped his shoulder a moment later. 
“Wanted to help you carry,” Evan said, but he looked like it was actually more than that. 
“What is it, Evan?” 
Evan shifted on his feet. “I just…I wanted to say that I get it. Not, uh, not being seen for more than one aspect of who you are. I only met you today and I’m…I mean, you’re impressive.” 
“Impressive, huh?” Tommy asked, looking at him, askance. 
Evan was…was he blushing? Because the pink on his cheeks was definitely more than a result of the beers he’d drunk. 
“You fly helicopters,” Evan responded and seemed on the verge of listing other things, except the bartender arrived with the four beers he’d asked for. 
Tommy could have carried them on his own, but he let Evan grab two of them. When they got back in the booth, he tried to keep some space between them, but it didn’t matter for long. 
“Buck, you haven’t talked about Ali lately,” Hen said and it felt pointed even if Hen wasn’t looking at him. 
Evan leaned back. “She’s in Seattle for a few days,” he informed them. “Not much to say when I haven’t seen her in a while.” He shrugged his shoulders. 
Looking at Evan, Tommy couldn’t tell if that bothered him or not. He did see Hen and Chim share a look that Evan missed. Was there a story there? If there was, no one was willing to tell him.
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blouisparadise · 5 months
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Upon request, today we have a rec list of bottom Louis fics with twink Louis. If you enjoy our rec lists, please be sure to like and reblog the post to help spread the word. Happy reading!
1) Sweet Little Virgin | Explicit | 2,304 words
Harry and Louis are roommates and have been for years. Harry didn't know Louis was a virgin, until now.
2) Suspenders And Lace | Explicit | 2,784 words
Note: This fic is locked and can only be read by AO3 users.
Harry has a thing for suspenders and white lace. Louis happens to have a thing for being a good boy for his Daddy.
3) You're A Good Boy And You Know It. | Mature | 3,234 words
Harry Styles a big famous pornstar, a young alfa sensation. Big and strong with tattoos all over his body, and a big alfa cock. And Louis Tomlinson is just a barely legal omega who is about to make his big debut in the porn industry, about to be knotted for the first time by the one and only Harry Styles.
4) Just a One Night Stand | Not Rated | 3,250 words
He heard Harry hum then he felt his hands on his waist, his thumbs digging into his skin. The grip he had on his waist was so unbelievebly strong, and Louis couldn't wriggle out of his grasp. But maybe he didn't want to get away. Maybe he wanted this.
5) The Rich And Beautiful | Mature | 3,341 words
Louis Tomlinson aka: "Teasy Tommo" dances for the richest man in England and gets more than what he bargained for.
6) The Library | Mature | 5,088 words
Louis works at a library, and Harry really needs a biology textbook.
7) When You Die (I Become Alive) | Not Rated | 5,797 words
“Saw your twink in the staff room," Niall says as he enters the elevator. “Have to admit, that ass is big.” "He is not my twink-" Harry is looking at his reflection in the elevator, "-but I'll see if he works out."
8) Wicked Games | Not Rated | 6,996 words
Prompt: Louis is the socially awkward kid who has anxiety and self harms and just isn't popular. Harry's the really popular one who never picks on anybody but has some pretty assholey friends who pick on Louis a lot and one day they pull his pants down and see that he's wearing pink boxers and most people laugh and Louis is mortified so he runs out but Harry follows him because he thought it was really hot and then they have sex with Harry cherishing every part of Louis body and making him feel important.
9) Deflower Me | Explicit | 20,154 words
Louis is a proud virgin, and no matter how much society tries to make him feel like a freak for not acting on his natural urges, he doesn't suffer from his lack of experience. He has never felt drawn to someone in a way that made him want to get involved sexually with them, and he isn't planning on rushing himself so he can get some because people think it's what he should do. In walks Fratboy, the Serial Haunter of His (wet) Dreams, who thankfully has a little business going on that might be just what Louis needs.
10) A Couple Months Too Long | Mature | 21,291 words
"I mean who wouldn't be scared when a cute little twink comes to tell a famous rockstar that the great sex in a doorway they had ended with a baby." And yeah, now Louis is staring at him with wide eyes. Louis is a fan of Harry's and they fuck and end up with a child.
11) Heart Open, Bloodstain On My Sleeve | Explicit | 35,706 words
Note: This fic is locked and can only be read by AO3 users.
“I couldn’t help myself,” Harry admits, one hand coming to rub the back of his neck, “I stared at you for a good while before I finally got the guts to come up to you. You looked so pretty sitting there, with your little ankles and your pencil in your mouth, so enthralling… art in front of art.” Louis’ not sure what to say, so he just kind of sits there, eyes bugging out as he stares at Harry. “I mean, like you’re not an object!” Harry rushes out, babbling. “I just, there’s something about you that’s so captivating, and maybe it’s the way your eyes are like a watercolor painting of the sea, or how delicate your hands look when you draw, but I just wanted to get to know you. It’s not like I pick up random boys at art museums usually, I swear. Not that I’m trying to pick you up! Unless you want to be…God, fuck I’m sorry this is so awkward now. I can go, um, if you want."
12) Take My Pure (And Wash It All Away 'Til I'm Cured) | Explicit | 40,629 words
And Louis decides, as the boy slowly starts backing away with that cheeky grin lighting up that whole stupidly beautiful face, that he should sue him for emotional abuse just for the fact his pecs stretch the fabric of his shirt like that alone. He really should. He might even win the case.
13) Falling Out Of Fashion | Explicit | 42,123 words
Harry Styles has been the established face of the Grimshaw House of Design for two years. It’s a prestigious and coveted modeling contract Harry took away from once-famed supermodel Zayn Malik. With the model transition Grimshaw’s designs went from a more urban, Zayn-forward aesthetic, to a Harry-favoring flowery, flowing femininity in the Grimshaw designs for men. So when Harry sees a dress Grimshaw made for a famous Marvel actress, “only a tease”, Nick says, of the evolving look, Harry knows Grimshaw is shifting his aesthetic. Harry wonders if he can pull off the look. Or could Grimshaw be looking for a new face?
14) A Love Like This Won't Last Forever (And I Don't Mind At All) | Mature | 53,978 words
“I thought you’re a woman.” “Excuse me?” “Rumour has it that I’m about to have a new stepmother. Just didn’t expect it would be a man, though twink would give a much better description.” “I’m not a twink.” Louis crossed his hands in front of his chest defensively. The man looked at him from head to toe and gave him a sweet fake smile. “Yeah, you are.” “I’m not— hold on,” Louis loosened his arms and now playing with his thumbs, “what do you mean stepmother?” The man extended his hand and stupidly Louis reached for it. Once the bigger hand engulfed his own, the man shook it. “Harry Styles, pleasure to meet you. What should I call you? Stepmother or the mistress?” Harry tightened his grip. “Or maybe a homewrecker?” He gave him the most cruel smile a man could offer.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
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mcondance · 1 year
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"she, (she), she lives in daydreams with me, she's the first one that i see"
pairing oj haywood x Black! afab fem!reader
summary oj's stoic demeanor is long gone when he makes love with you.
contents oral (fem receiving), rlly rlly passionate lol, unprotected sex, praise but like.. in a very oj way, belly bulge but make it so fucking romantic, reader and oj are fucking whipped omg, creampie let's go, it's actually insane how in love they are like woah am i interrupting something..? coded language (core, clit), reader has afab! parts but there's no pronouns used
words 1.5k
notes reupload from my old blog. i wrote this in like one day. oj's just my silly little stoic man with a heart of pure gold. pls listen to "she" by harry styles while reading this omg. ignore the lyrics tho cause i only rlly relate the chorus and the sound of the song to this fic and to oj cause it's just one of them songs.
oj’s so good at making love to you.
he’s good from the beginning. good as he grinds against you slowly, kissing you just hard enough to leave you breathless but also wanting more. good when he pulls your shirt off along with his, eyes taking in your lack of a bra. good when he kisses down your body, pulls your shorts and underwear down your legs, leaving kisses on your thighs. 
he’s almost reverential with the way he handles you, the definition of passion as he spreads you open for his worshiping eyes, dips right down and licks a stripe up your core. he lets you squirm, knows just how fucked out you get when he goes down on you.
he moves up to focus on your clit, already puffy and aching to be touched. he doesn’t deny you any pleasure, slips his mouth around you clit and sucks, licking with it still in his mouth. your hands find his head to pull him closer and he just lets you, lets you damn near use him. 
he doesn’t mind. he never does.
even as your hips begin to move against his tongue, he keeps his movements steady, a low groan of “mhm, that’s right” leaving his mouth, nodding against you and sending waves of honey-like ecstasy through you. 
it’s always so maddening, endorphic, borderline insane when he goes down on you, sweet pleasure trickling through your veins until you’re like putty in his hands, hips barely able to continue their rocking motions against his determined tongue. no matter, though, he takes over when it gets to be too much, when your body can’t keep up with what he’s done to you. 
soft moans of his name slip past your lips and he knows what you mean, knows all too well that you’re about to reach that precious peak that he’s so willing to throw you off of. fingers join his tongue on your clit, rub in tight circles with the skill of a man you’ve known for years.
he lives for this, for this feeling ordained by the gods above. lives for the way your thighs close around his head, the way your hands try and fail to find purchase in his short curls. he loves making love to you in so many different ways, the knowledge that he’s yours and you’re his, that he is making love to you, makes his mind feel indescribably perfect. 
“oj, ‘m gonna—”
“i know, baby. you got it.” it’s a low murmur, paired with another nod and just a little more pressure on your clit with his tongue and fingers. he knows you like the back of his hand. he knows your whines, your whimpers, your short little breaths that he only hears right before you—
“you’re good, baby. give it to me.” and you do. hips roll over and over again against him, meet his dutiful moves against you, send you higher and higher and impossibly higher, until you’re not sure you’ll ever come down. you float like a fucking bird, wings lifted with the air of oj’s masterful, almost adoring, motions. it’s always like this, always so fucking sweet , mind-numbingly so. the saccharine pleasure drips throughout your veins, his soft groans of affirmation drifting to you as you lay suspended in the blissful madness he’s given you.
you come for oj in a way that’s so different, because the way in which he makes love to you is so different. and you love it.
you love it as he slows down to a stop, kisses your shaking thighs and fluttery stomach, making his way up to your softly heaving chest. he continues his pursuit, lifting up until your lips connect, transferring your taste to your lips. any other time, this would be filthy, the sharing of your taste on his tongue. but now, it’s so right, fits in perfectly with the way oj handles you. 
your hands make their way to the waistband of his jeans, pull the denim down along with his boxers and he finishes the job for you. you feel him, hard and heavy against your thigh, so turned on from just pleasing you. it’s always a gratifying experience, knowing that it’s you that makes him this way. no matter his exterior— the stoic cowboy, preferring horses over people, chooses his words carefully as though he’d die if he spoke too much— he loves you. you are the tear in his heart, that one thing that breaks down his walls. 
and you feel it when he entraps your lips in another kiss as you reach down between you two and line him up with your entrance as he groans at your touch, and he slides in with one smooth stroke, your body always open to him. you both can’t break the kiss for him to do anything other than thrust oh-so softly, movements barely there. but it’s enough, god it’s more than enough, because every touch, every fluttery glide of his hips against yours is like fucking magic, the shared love between you two heightening everything tenfold.
this is how oj makes love to you. face to face, your legs coming up to wrap around his waist as he pushes into you slow and deep, hits every single spot you need him to. he’s calculated with his moves, like he is with everything, hands balancing him above you as his chain bumps your chin with every forward stroke. kisses broken are reciprocated just as quickly, mere milliseconds separating every one. 
“you're so good, baby.” it’s genuine, his brain blanked and grasping for words to describe the feeling you always give him. whines meet him in response, you’re too far gone to manage anything else.
this feels almost criminal, the pureness of his love, reflected in his every move, in every kiss he places against your lips. his every thrust is on purpose, is meant to drive you wild, to somehow translate his love for you into something tangible. and it works. you feel it, feel what you know is impossible for him to say. 
you don’t speak much, dirty talk reserved for times other than now. now, is just him moving inside you, you pushing down against him. bodies together, lips locked in an almost infinite kiss. and then he shifts just a bit, brushing over that perfect spot. the whine that meets him in response, one from deep in your stomach, tells him all he needs to know.
“there we go.” he drawls, heavy accent making his words that much more insanity-inducing, goosebumps raising up on your heated skin as he directs his gaze to where you connect, eyes falling on the bulge that’s so prominent. “i’m right there, baby. you feel it?” he wears a slight smile, loves making love to you like this. 
“feel it, oj. feels so good .” another depraved whine meets his ears, words an abstract to you that you don’t think you’ll ever understand again. his pace is steady, building you up without ever moving past a slow grind. and you’re gonna come again.
“you close, baby?” he asks, knowing how much you love his voice, how you live for how he talks to you when you’re together like this, how even though he doesn’t have to say a word to get you this high, his voice can push you that much higher. you just nod, meet his lips again and moan into his mouth when his fingers meet your clit, rubbing those same brain-numbing circles from earlier. god he’s so good, so fucking good and this is it, you’re gonna come for him once again. 
“come on, baby, let me have it.” that’s all you need to hear. the pleasure pooling inside you overflows, spills over the edges of your being as you you’re dunked into it, mouth and nose and entire body filling up with the sweet feeling that oj has once again given to you. his praises float to your ears, a soft murmur of “that’s it, baby, you got it.” breaking through your syrupy delirium, pulling you even farther into what you can only feel as indescribable bliss. 
oj’s so close too, streams of shakes moving through his body as you come around him, your back arching into his chest, legs tightening around his waist. his head is tucked into your neck now, placing soft kisses against the skin there. he doesn’t have to say anything, because you know he’s almost there, turning your head to whisper into his ear, your turn to drive him absolutely mad. 
“come on, oj, need it, wanna feel you.” it leaves you as a moan, and it’s more than enough to drive him mad, his hips still moving slowly as he lets go just as you did, breath heavy, small groans escaping his mouth that’s still pressed into your neck. you hum as you feel him inside you, warmth filling your body and seeping into your bones. his lips meet yours again, kissing slow and soft, like always. you both don’t intend to move for a while, chests rising and falling in tandem as you soak in the afterglow of love, bodies close enough to fuse. this is your natural state, oj sinking love into your skin just for you to give it right back to him. 
this right here.. this is perfection. this is how oj makes love. 
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dcbbw · 6 months
Catch and Release
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I’m back, Tumblr! Unsure if anyone even realized I was gone, but I have missed sharing stories with you guys. I am slowly easing my way back into writing on a somewhat semi-regular basis; currently working on a couple of items on my WIP Wishlist, and Stormholt.
First up is a story that is my “hold my beer” response to a recent conversation I had with @ao719 about how Liam would never be a cold-hearted asshole EVER, even in the face of betrayal. This is a rewrite of the Drake and candles scene during the Homecoming Ball, sans assassins.
This is a one-shot, but already toying with an alternate version ….
THANK YOU to all who read this over in parts and pieces! The key smashes and follow-up questions reminded me why I love writing, and sharing on this hellsite.
To those who will read this, THANK YOU! Your likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated more than you realize.
Please excuse any and all typos, grammatical errors, and missing/extraneous words. MS Editor rates this piece as 99% error free.
Song Inspo: Fine Line, Harry Styles
Pairings: Liam x Riley, Drake x Riley
Rating: M for Mature for a smallish, unripe lemon
Word Count: 3,213
I can’t breathe.
My arms are stiff by my sides, hands tightly clenched into fists. The pain in my heart aches and pulses with every breath I draw. The rage that boils my blood also tightens my throat. Images flicker through my brain, snapshots of the scene I walked in on.  Even as my mind reels from the betrayal and my heart falls into a million pieces that shred me from the inside out, I still try to justify and deny.
My eyes are fixed on my fiancée who still sits on the edge of her bed; her eyes are trained on her slip-covered lap. I notice the fingers of one of her hands comb through her hair; the other hand lays limply against silk sheets.
Her skin is golden in the candlelight, her hitched sobs mixing with the crackle and hiss of the wax torches’ flames.  For reasons known only to Drake and Riley, there are dozens of lit candles covering nearly every available surface. No lamplight, no overhead lighting.
Just candles.
She’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, and the only woman I’ve ever hated.
No. I don’t hate her, not really. But in this very moment, I see why crimes of passion are committed.
Drake. Naked. Kissing her neck before their lips lock in a heated kiss.
Riley. Clad in only a slip. One of her hands stroking his member as she slides to her knees.
“Liam,” she says softly in a quavering voice.
I shake my head slowly. “No, Riley. Whatever you have to say right now, I don’t want to hear it.”
She swings her leg; it’s a nervous habit she has. One of the swings increases into a stretch and I wonder if it’s deliberate.  Her leg is long and tanned; my eyes take in a luscious thigh leading into a toned calf that flows into a shapely ankle. Her perfectly manicured toes point downward as she arches her foot.
Her limb is suspended for a moment too long before it falls.
The moment it takes for my cock to stiffen and butterflies to take up residence in my stomach.
She turns her face towards me; I see her lipstick smeared across her mouth, shiny streaks on her cheeks, and regret in her eyes.
Regret. Not remorse.
“I’m sorry you had to find out this way.” Her voice is thick with tears.
Our relationship has been littered with apologies … always from me … beginning with our first meeting. If I could, I would laugh at the irony that the one apology I find myself repeating stemmed from accusations of the American suitor being unfaithful to the future King.
The rumors weren’t so unfounded after all.
This is her first admission of guilt and/or wrongdoing our entire time together.
She has no choice.
I attempt a deep inhale, but my chest is too tight.
The wedding is in one week.
“Yes, Liam yes!!! A THOUSAND TIMES, yes!”
Tonight is the Homecoming Ball; a celebration of many things, including our engagement.
I caught her … them … the woman I love madly, truly, deeply and the man I trust more than anything in the world … preparing to indulge in an act I consider so sacred, I have never dared to ask her to perform it while we are merely engaged.
I manage to choke out a single question. “Why?”
Her shoulders slump as her head falls forward, causing her hair to cover her profile. “It hasn’t been going on long; it started on the Engagement Tour. I told him in Vegas that what we had would have to end.”
I watched her leave the stag-and-doe party arm-in-arm with Drake Walker. My best friend, with whom Riley wanted to have a fling. She swore it was a one-time affair; she was so much in love with me, but she wished to satisfy her curiosity.
I attempted to leave first, but I was not only one of the honorees, I was also King.
Per traditional protocol, the King is the last to leave.
So I remained behind, drinking copious amounts of American liquor, making small talk in a loud voice so as to be heard over noisy music, and dancing with women I had previously rejected.
All while Riley spent the night with another man.
“But it hasn’t,” I interrupt harshly, abruptly.
Her gaze lands briefly upon me, an irritated scowl marring her features. “I don’t love him,” she says simply, as if that excused everything.
I turn away from her; as disgusted as I am, I still find Riley Brooks distractingly desirable. I say that as if we’ve been treading this road of infidelity and discovery for years and years. Except it’s only been months since we first met, and if I hadn’t come looking for her this evening, I still would be none the wiser.
She was in my arms, kissing me deeply as we waltzed our way around the ballroom barely an hour ago. 
We beamed brightly at each other and the crowd as the gathering toasted us with champagne and strawberries.
I smoked a celebratory cigar with Drake.
An hour ago, I was the luckiest man in the world. I was happy.
Now ... I’m heartbroken.
I stumble my way towards a wingback chair, pausing to shrug out of my dinner jacket and drape it across the back of it. I sit heavily, legs spread slightly apart; I push off my shoes and undo my tie while maintaining eye contact with my fiancée.
“I’m highly upset with you, Riley. This … this has hurt me. Deeply.”
“I know,” she whispers as the back of her hand swipes at errant tears. “Other than promising that this will never happen again, what can I do to make it up to you?”
The pad of my forefinger taps my chin thoughtfully as my eyes scan the room. I see the flames flicker and dance in silhouette against the walls. One of Drake’s shoes lies on its side near her night table.
When I cleared my throat to announce my presence, his eyes had gone wide as his face paled. Drake gathered his clothing, trying vainly to make eye contact with Riley; however, she was suddenly fascinated with the pattern decorating the carpet.
I could practically hear his unspoken question to her: What does this mean for us?
In less than a minute, my “best friend” was half-dressed and ran out, not speaking one word to either me or Riley.
“I’m not sure. You know I harbor trust issues about being open, honest … vulnerable, with women. No one’s ever wanted Liam for Liam; I have always been merely a conduit to bigger and better.”
And apparently, best friends.
“Liam, I love YOU. Not your moniker, not your wealth. Tonight … with Drake … was a moment of weakness!  YOU are my bigger and better!
I arch an eyebrow.  “Whatever the excuse, your love for me doesn’t diminish the lust you have for him.”
She has the decency to look ashamed.
“Please, Liam! It won’t happen again, I swear it! You mean too much to me! Just tell me how to make this up to you!”
Her pleas are urgent, not fervent. Insincere, almost.
I find the lack of apology perturbing.
 It is obvious she has no idea the jeopardy she has put me, and our relationship in. Very few at Court are in favor of our impending nuptials due to the simple fact that a union with a foreign commoner yields nothing for the Crown. A marriage with Riley does not increase Cordonia’s landholdings; it does not give the country seats at tables where we are already overlooked; I, and by extension Cordonia, gain absolutely nothing from this.
Riley is the only winner here.
And I don’t care.
The last thing my country is worried about is its fiscal health. Our prosperity is guaranteed for the next 80 generations without investments and development. All I wanted from Riley was her love and loyalty; with that, I would be able to scale mountains and slay dragons. But even the bare minimum I require is too much for her to give.
But I’m in love with her. Even now, I can’t not be with her in some fashion. I need to know that she is still mine, even if only in the basest of ways.
I unfasten my belt buckle and undo my pant button; my cock is uncomfortably hard. I crook my finger, beckoning her to me, wondering how many times the woman I have put first, the woman who influences my thoughts, actions, my very decisions has given me sloppy seconds.
An expression fleetingly crosses Riley’s face; I am uncertain if it’s hope or smugness. After a moment’s hesitation, her walk of shame towards me is contrite, yet confident. Like a child who knows they’ve done wrong but realizes a way of escaping punishment.
I tug my zipper down before slipping my hand inside to release my raging erection. The head of my cock is purplish in the muted lighting and pre-cum leaks from the tip. My hips arch upwards as I begin to pull my pants and underwear down. My eyes glance up to see Riley standing expectantly before me.
It reminds me of our first meeting in that bar in Brooklyn.
“A little help would be nice,” I quip with a small smile that doesn’t feel quite right.
She kneels before me, pulling and tugging at my trousers and silk boxers. My eyes are trained on the rounded tops of her cleavage as my hand slowly slides along my member. Once Riley’s task is finished, she looks up at me with repentant eyes.
“Do you forgive me, Liam?” Her voice is hesitant, her tone tentative.
I lean forward, the back of my fingertips caressing the curve of her cheek. “I’m in love with you, Riley. There’s nothing to forgive,” I assure her in a soft whisper.
She leans into my palm. “I love you so much. I’ll never lie to you, or hurt you ever again,” she promises.
I aim my cock towards her plump lips, still smeared from her earlier kiss with Drake. Small halos of smoke wreath her hair.
“Would you … could you … perform oral on me?” My voice is shy, hesitant. Even in the face of her obvious infidelity, I am uncomfortable asking her this.
Her eyes fill with relief that forgiveness would come so easily, and wariness at the request. “You’ve never asked for that before.”
I lock eyes with her before quietly replying, “We’re betrothed.”
She nods in understanding. If that act is good enough for her lover, it’s certainly good enough for the man who will make her Queen.
Riley places her palms flat against the top of my thighs; her head dips and I feel the tip of her tongue lightly lick my balls. It tickles, but no mirth escapes my lips. Without thought my hand drifts to the top of her head, fingers combing through her soft hair.
The flat of her tongue licks wetly up the underside of my cock while she cups a hand to fondle my balls. I stare down at her cleavage, the rounded tops of her breasts teasing me as they rise and fall in time with her breathing and ministrations.
My head falls back against the chair’s headrest when her mouth opens wide enough to engulf half of my cock. When she has a tad over half of me in her mouth, she hollows her cheeks and snakes her tongue around my erection while stroking its base.
Memories and images flash in my mind as my hand tightens its grip on her hair.
The Masquerade Ball
Hedge Maze
Forgotten Falls
Deep pants escape my lips as I simultaneously lift my head and slide down further into the chair; my hips arch upwards. Riley’s head bobs as she sucks me. A thin line of drool ekes from a corner of her mouth. My cock eases deeper down her throat, and my hand pulls and pushes at her head to get to take all of me.
I close my eyes as her warm mouth tightens around me.
Coronation Night
Barn Raising
Her gagging breaks my reverie and hardens my cock even more. I sit up, my palms pressed against either side of her skull as I begin fucking her mouth. Her eyes are closed; bliss or boredom, I don’t know. Her lashes are dark against her skin.
“Look at me,” I order in a voice that isn’t mine.
Obediently her eyes open; her jaw and chin are wet with spittle and pre-cum. She continues to suck me, emitting low moans over my member. My strokes get faster, longer, rougher. My balls are heavy, and I feel a tightening in my muscles before the last image flashes before me.
The scene I walked in on.
With a harsh yank, I pull her even further down onto my cock as I push myself down her esophagus as far as I can. A primal yell rips from my throat as an intense orgasm comes over me. My body shudders and convulses as ropes of white cream pulse out of me.
As my seed fills my fiancée’s mouth and spills down her throat, I forcefully tug her hair so she is looking up at me; her eyes are questioning.
It takes me a moment to compose myself and catch my breath. I watch Riley swallow all that I have given her.
“The engagement is off. Our relationship is over. I am finished, do you understand me?” My voice is gravelly, tone firm. “You shall retain your title of Duchess, and ownership of Duchy Valtoria, but you will never be my Queen.”
Fright and fear fill her eyes. The heels of her hands press deeper into my flesh as she attempts to pull away from my cock, but I don’t relinquish my hold.
“A press release will go out tomorrow afternoon, after security and housekeeping move you and your belongings to the South Wing.  I think you will appreciate being closer to Drake Walker.”
I release Riley’s hair, and she falls back on her haunches.
“WHAT are you talking about??” she demands angrily.
I stand and begin collecting my clothing; I step into my boxers, glancing over at her.
“I trust you fully comprehend what I just stated. I believe I communicated openly and honestly what our next steps are. Already, I have offered you more than you or Drake have ever given me.”
I glance at her left hand; the engagement ring glints in the light. “I would like my ring back, please.”
I am tucking my shirt into my pants when I see her rise from the floor and come at me, fists flailing. Her pummels upon my arm and shoulder are no surprise.
I do not defend myself against the attack; I merely sidestep and continue dressing.
“And there isn’t. I will once again assume the guilt and blame for your lack of transparency and communication. But this is the last time. We’re over.”
I reach for my jacket from the back of the chair and begin to pull it on. Riley’s face is twisted in rage and hurt; her eyes are narrowed into slits.
I look her over impassively and hold my hand out, palm up. “The ring, Lady Riley.”
“FUCK YOU,” she shrieks. “This is ALLLL your fault, and you KNOW IT! If you had never picked Madeleine …”
“I picked her because neither you nor your lover felt the need to tell me what happened in Applewood, something I have never been offered an assurance or reason for. I made a decision for your safety and protection with absolutely no context. I have apologized and explained this to you over and over and over again.”
Riley blanches before playing her last card. “My BEST protection would’ve been with you, under your care!”
“My engagement to Madeleine was the most viable protection. With all eyes on me and my fiancée, it took the target off you, and freed up our friend circle to freely pursue Tariq with the aid of my HEAD GUARD!”
I cut my eyes at her. “Presumably you were too busy justifying spending all of your time with another to even consider that I was the doing the very best I could in a situation that I was blindly thrust into.”
I jostle my hand impatiently. “The ring,” I remind her.
Her mouth hangs open slightly, her eyes baffled as she slowly pulls off the engagement ring. Her fingers hover above my palm before dropping the jewelry into it.
“Liam, why are you doing this to me? To us?” she asks brokenly.
I am slipping the ring into my jacket pocket; I pause to look up at her in puzzlement.
“Me? You did this, Riley. You have been holding onto one incident our entire relationship while committing multiple transgressions against my love for you. You accepted my proposal. You betrayed my trust when it was unnecessary. I’ve been the one saying sorry, being tormented by guilt, feeling less than for not being there to protect and defend you. And the whole while, you were with Drake.”
“I was single when I was with Drake!” she hollers.
“Were you single after accepting my proposal? Were you single tonight when you were getting on your knees for him?” I challenge in a cold voice.
Riley looks around helplessly before offering more feeble excuses. “I was tipsy! He caught me in a moment of weakness! I SWEAR to you, it’ll never happen again!”
I am at the door, my hand on the doorknob, twisting it.
“Liam, you still love me! I never stopped loving you. We can work through this!” Her words are rushed, laced with desperation.
But they strike a nerve, sparking hope.
 My head drops and my eyes close; my feelings and her words tumble in my brain. I breathe out a deep sigh and turn to look at her.
“You want me to forgive you, yet you have never forgiven me.”
The door is slightly ajar and light from the hall spills into the doorway; chatter and merriment from the party can be heard. It muffles the last break of my heart. But I do not leave immediately. Instead, my hand falls from the knob, and I deliberately make my way back to her.
The merest of fractions separates us. My eyes take in her tousled hair, ruined makeup, her curves and swells making an hourglass of the slip.
I pull her in for an embrace, which she eagerly responds to. Her body fits perfectly against mine as it always has. Familiar scents assail my nostrils: strawberry shampoo, coconut rose lotion, jasmine and vanilla perfume.
I wonder if I’m making a mistake.
“Riley, I am in love with you but it’s apparent that even with all my wealth and resources, it isn’t enough for you. I’m not enough for you. We both deserve to be people who will find us ... sufficient, not supplemental.”
She is silent as tears fill her eyes again; I brush them away from her lashes and cheekbones before I place a gentle, lingering kiss on her forehead.
Her lack of reassurances and promises tells me I’m not.
“Thank you for giving me the Drake Walker treatment,” I say politely as my eyes burn from smoke and unshed tears.
And I let her go.
Her hand reaches for me, but she lets it fall as she watches me exit the room, closing the door quietly behind me.
Tagging: @jared2612 @marietrinmimi @indiacater @kingliam2019 @bebepac @liamxs-world @mom2000aggie @liamrhysstalker2020 @twinkleallnight @umccall71 @superharriet @busywoman @beezm@gabesmommie1130 @tessa-liam @gardeningourmet @mainstreetreader @angelasscribbles @emkay512 @princessleac1 @charlotteg234 @alj4890 @lovingchoices14 @lady-calypso @choicesficwriterscreations @queenjilian
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clarinhasarchive · 3 months
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defmaybe · 1 month
As much as I would love to read Mistake and see what the story is like, I'm more than fine with waiting until you think the story is perfect :] Obviously, you shouldn't be overcritical with yourself, but I believe that the satisfaction you feel about your own work as a writer should be more important than trying to make something to appeal to every reader.
While I'm here, I will ask, what made you start writing, and more specifically, what made you start writing in this community? Have you written any other stories outside of kpop fanfic? Do you have any particular influences that have effected your writing style?
Excited to see what you put out next, whether it's Mistake or something else entirely :]
Octa🥺🥺🥺🥺 Thank you for the encouragement!!!
As per my past, it originated from my love for films! I used to write long film reviews a few years ago. And despite my hectic schedule, I still seek free time for writing, since it comforts me to do this, whether it’s venting my emotions or being an assignment.
For the community, I found Tumblr through the now-suspended Kpopfap Comments account on Twitter lol. The first k-pop smut I’ve ever read was @rosiesmuts’ Muse. And to be fair, it opened a new possibility in writing for me!
Noona from the Bar is actually my first fiction work, to be honest. My other works are all film reviews and a few editing works back in high school.
Finally, my influence is pretty much from whatever I’ve read years ago lol: Harry Potter (yeah I know), Percy Jackson, and a few other YA books like The Maze Runner, Divergent. I also like to write in a non-linear fashion, though whether my reader will follow it remains unanswered.
And for Mistake, I don’t think I can write it quickly lol. It’s quite a personal story, and I don’t want the release to be met with criticisms. The daunting length doesn’t really help either - 15k words lol.
I’ll put out some shorter works to satisfy myself first! I have 1-2 drafts in my Docs that’s in progress and I hope I can release them soon!
Have a Haewon!!!
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hollowboobtheory · 10 months
Harry Styles (specifically him with his coquette suspenders and hat on)
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Sexuality Headcanon: tbh i don't feel comfortable speculating on the sexuality of somebody who has publicly stated they want to keep it private because so much of the rest of their life is up for public consumption
Gender Headcanon: mtf trans girl on estrogen and considering top surgery but isn't getting bottom surgery bc she wants kids someday. actually she might have gotten sperm frozen so it's not a concern. anyway yeah baby fever harry is almost as good good as baby fever gwen
A random headcanon: on the day before one direction broke up he gathered the boys together at his house for one last night together of tearful pre-breakup sex and also jackbox games
General Opinion over said character: i don't think he's that fashionable. his fits are kinda lackluster
A ship I have with said character: HOBAMA its a fuckin classic
A BROTP I have with said character: him and taylor swift i imagine they were such great beards they had such a fun time laughing at the paps who fell for it
A NOTP I have with said character: larry. RPF is gross you guys :/
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mariacallous · 1 day
Donald Trump’s youngest son, and his only child shared with Melania Trump, has largely remained out of the public eye to the degree any former president’s child could. Well, until recently. Newly 18, Barron Trump is now a freshman at NYU and a burgeoning political adviser to his father.
For the past two weeks, my TikTok For You page has been filled with posts from New York University students posting clips of Barron Trump attending classes as if he were Sasquatch: the videos are all blurry and taken hurriedly, and mostly feature fellow students trying to track down the once-elusive Trump. These cryptic videos, complete with shaky camera angles set to songs like Chamillionaire’s “Ridin,’” are all over, taken from “day in my life”-style student videos and reposted to the dozens of Barron stan accounts across TikTok and Instagram.
These posts have garnered millions of views and look like paparazzi shots. You can tell from the camera angle that the people filming are trying to hide their cameras under backpacks or sweaters. New genres of Barron memes have flourished.
“I feel like Barron could’ve gone to any school, but the fact that he chose one of the most liberal schools in the country speaks volumes,” Grace Rowley, an NYU student who posted about Barron on TikTok, told me. “I was shocked and super intrigued that he would choose NYU. Would love to speak with him and would love to read his ‘why NYU’ essay.”
This kind of projection has been part of Barron’s story for years.
Before September, Barron was an enigma. He had no social media accounts and rarely made public appearances. For eight years, his personal life and interests were left to the public’s imagination. In 2020, rumors spread on TikTok that his then classmates had identified his Roblox username, “JumpyTurtlee.” The account’s bio said that the user was a fan of anime and K-pop and supported LGBTQ+ rights. While the rumor was never confirmed, it became part of Barron’s online mythos. Users would grab clips of him looking glum and make it sound as if he were miserable and despised his father, and then post them under the hashtag #savebarron2020.
Barron was the subject of dozens of pieces of fan fiction on sites like Archive of Our Own and Wattpad, and on fan accounts that recycle the same few clips and images over and over again. As Slate writer Luke Winkie noted earlier this year, Barron became a blank canvas for anyone even somewhat interested in the Trump family to project their own “fantasies” on to.
As Winkie also noted, the weird Greco-Roman antiquity-obsessed wing of the conservative base has obsessed over Barron as well, comparing his jawline to that of Alexander the Great and referring to him as America’s Caesar. Earlier this week, someone made an account seemingly impersonating Barron, making it appear as though he were making misogynistic comments about Kamala Harris. That account has since been suspended.
But fans of Barron won’t need to make up their own personal headcanons any longer, especially as it looks like Barron is beginning to take on a more public-facing role supporting his father. He made an X account on Monday to join a Space hosted by Trump to announce the former president’s new crypto venture. “He talks about his wallet, he’s got four wallets or something, and I’ll say, ‘What is a wallet?” the former president said. When Trump sat for an interview with Kick streamer Adin Ross earlier this year, he said that Barron was a fan of Ross. “My son’s told me about you,” Trump told him.
Time will tell, but for now, I'm not sure the internet can assume Barron is merely a weeb anymore. At least we'll probably find out on TikTok soon.
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Airport Entertainment.
masterlist || ask me anything <3
word count - 5.3k
in which, two days ago, you got a call in the early hours of the morning from your sister saying that you had to fly home immediately due to your aunt having taken ill during the night, so that left harry to look after your two year old son archie, he promised they would fly out to be with you as soon as possible, so now, harry has to try and keep little archie entertained…this is going to be fun.
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Amidst the bustling airport, Harry Styles stood tall with his two-year-old son, Archie, by his side. Their journey had begun as they successfully checked in their luggage and emerged from the labyrinth of counters, transitioning into the next phase of their adventure.
Harry's mind, however, carried a weight beyond the mundane travel preparations. Just two nights prior, his wife, Y/N, had received a heart-wrenching call, informing her of her aunt's sudden illness. With unwavering love and determination, she swiftly arranged a flight to be by her aunt's side, leaving Harry with a newfound purpose – to join them as soon as he could.
So, he booked the first flight he could find and knew for a fact that he had to be by his wife's side in this time of need.
He had met her aunt so many times that he even called her aunt when speaking to her or about her. She thought of Harry as a son and knowing she was sick made his heart plummet straight into his stomach.
The airport teemed with life, a vibrant symphony of hurried footsteps, the rolling of suitcases, and an orchestra of conversations in diverse languages. It was a reflection of the interconnectedness of the world, a place where paths crossed and destinies intertwined. The spirit of busyness infused the air, electrifying every corner, as people scurried to their gates, their faces etched with anticipation or tinged with farewell.
Having checked in and bidding adieu to their bags, Harry and Archie passed through the gateway of security, where the atmosphere took on a different dynamic. The once expansive terminal seemed to shrink, as a throng of travellers condensed into a serpentine queue. The surrounding walls reverberated with the ceaseless hum of anticipation, the clinking of belts being unbuckled, and the soft rustle of belongings being prepared for inspection.
Forty minutes stretched before them, like an infinite corridor of time. The queue wound its way through the maze of dividers, a labyrinthine path that seemed to twist and turn, never allowing them to glimpse the destination. The air buzzed with whispered conversations, snippets of laughter, and occasional announcements echoing through the speakers, beckoning passengers towards their respective flights.
For Harry, every minute spent in the security queue was a reminder of the urgent purpose that propelled him forward. The weight of concern for Y/N and her ailing aunt pressed upon him, mingling with the impatience that built within. The minutes melted together, as if time itself had been distorted within the confines of the checkpoint, leaving him suspended in a paradoxical state of urgency and waiting.
Archie, his wide eyes filled with curiosity, observed the commotion with innocent wonder. His tiny fingers tightly clasped around the straps holding him in place in his stroller, seeking solace and familiarity amidst the sea of strangers. Harry, in turn, offered his son gentle reassurance, his smile and gentle facade conveying both love and a silent promise that they would be reunited with Y/N soon.
As the minutes gradually gave way, the queue inched forward, teasing them with glimpses of progress. The rhythmic shuffling of feet, the gentle clinks of bins being placed onto the conveyor belt, and the intermittent hum of security scanners formed a background symphony. Harry's senses absorbed the collective energy, a mosaic of emotions spanning from excitement to weariness, from joyous reunions to bittersweet farewells.
Finally, their turn arrived. Harry guided Archie through the checkpoint, his footsteps in sync with the beat of their racing hearts. As Harry and Archie passed through the scanner, the little one being told softly by the security officer that he needed to come out of the stroller, his innocence and curiosity temporarily intersected with the stringent protocols of travel. Harry followed closely behind, reclaiming his belongings, his gaze fixed on the path that lay ahead.
The arduous passage through the security queue had served as a metaphorical bridge, connecting Harry to the journey that awaited him. The airport, with all its organised chaos, had become a transient space, a conduit linking him to Y/N, her aunt, and the unknowns that lay beyond.
Having successfully navigated the security checkpoint, Harry found himself pushing Archie's stroller through the bustling airport terminal. The early morning hours had begun to awaken hunger within Archie's little belly, and he tugged at his father's sleeve, his voice filled with innocence and hunger.
"Dada, me hungry," Archie's voice chimed, drawing Harry's attention away from the flurry of activity surrounding them.
Harry's brows furrowed in gentle concern as he glanced down at his son, a mix of adoration and responsibility shining in his eyes. "Aye, little man, I reckon it's time for some breakfast,"
Archie's eyes lit up with excitement, and his tiny finger pointed towards the golden arches, a beacon of familiarity in the distance. "Look, Daddy! Mac-Donald's!"
Harry's initial inclination to steer clear of fast food wavered in the face of his son's earnest enthusiasm. He knew that a hearty breakfast would keep Archie content and energised for their journey. With a resigned smile, he relented, his voice filled with a touch of indulgence. "Alright, Arch. Just this once, we'll make an exception."
As they approached the familiar restaurant, the inviting aroma of freshly brewed coffee and sizzling bacon wafted through the air, mingling with the familiar sounds of sizzling patties and cheerful chatter. The breakfast menu tempted them with an array of options, from warm muffins to savoury breakfast burritos.
As the line at McDonald's slowly moved forward, Harry guided the stroller over to the counter, ensuring Archie had a clear view of the menu. The friendly McDonald's worker, caught up in the whirlwind of orders and customer requests, called out, "Next customer, please!"
Harry approached the counter, a gentle smile gracing his lips, and caught the worker's eye. Instantly, recognition flickered across her face, a mixture of surprise and excitement. Trying to compose herself, she greeted him with a blend of professionalism and admiration.
"Good morning, sir. What can I get for you today?" she asked, her voice carrying a hint of awe.
Harry, ever gracious, returned her smile. "Morning! I'll 'ave the sausage and egg McMuffin with an orange juice, please," he replied, his order a familiar choice.
The worker scribbled down the order, her hands trembling slightly with excitement. The opportunity to serve someone so well-known brought a touch of nervousness, which she tried to conceal. Composing herself, she turned her attention to Archie, bending down to his level.
"And what can I get for you, young man?" she asked with a playful tone, enchanted by Archie's adorable presence.
Archie, his baby talk endearing to all around him, replied, "Pancakes, pwease!"
The worker chuckled at his delightful request, her heart warmed by his innocent charm. "Certainly, pancakes it is!" she confirmed with a smile.
She swiftly tallied up the total and informed Harry, "That'll be £6.98, please."
Harry reached for his wallet, retrieving his card with practised ease. Holding it aloft, he placed it against the contactless payment machine, effortlessly completing the transaction. The seamless act reflected the modern convenience that had become second nature in their fast-paced world.
The McDonald's worker thanked him, her professional demeanour now mixed with a hint of gratitude. "Thank you so much, sir. Your order will be ready shortly."
Harry skillfully manoeuvred the stroller to the designated waiting area, where customers eagerly anticipated their order numbers to be called. The bustling sounds of the McDonald's restaurant filled the air as conversations and the sizzle of food blended harmoniously. Archie, his curiosity piqued, observed the vibrant scene from his cozy perch.
After patiently waiting for approximately ten minutes, a different McDonald's worker, with a friendly smile, called out, "Number 149!"
Harry's eyes lit up, recognizing his order number, and he guided the stroller toward the counter to collect their tray of breakfast delights. The worker, wearing the iconic McDonald's uniform, carefully placed the tray in front of Harry, her demeanour friendly and efficient.
"Here you go, sir. Enjoy your meal!" she said warmly, her voice echoing with genuine hospitality.
"Thank you," Harry replied with a grateful smile, appreciative of the worker's attentiveness.
With the tray in hand, Harry skillfully navigated through the bustling restaurant, his gaze searching for an unoccupied table. Spotting a vacant spot near the window, he guided the stroller and tray towards it, ensuring Archie had a comfortable view of the outside world.
As they settled into their chosen spot, the aroma of freshly cooked breakfast wafted through the air, tantalising their senses. The table, adorned with a vibrant red and white chequered pattern, provided the perfect setting for their morning meal. Harry carefully arranged the tray, placing the delicious assortment of food within easy reach.
Harry gently lifted Archie out of the stroller, placing him on the seat next to him. Archie, his eyes gleaming with delight, tugged at Harry's sleeve and uttered his innocent request, "Daddy, sit hewe!"
Harry paused, a wide grin spreading across his face as he realised Archie's desire for closeness. " ‘f course, little man. Right next to you," he responded, his voice filled with warmth and affection.
With a slight shift in his plans, Harry moved to the seat beside Archie, their closeness fostering an environment of joy and connection. As they settled into their seats, ready to indulge in their McDonald's breakfast, they embarked on a lively conversation, Archie's baby talk intermingling with Harry's words.
Archie, his face beaming with excitement, kicked off the conversation with an enthusiastic question. "Daddy, what we do befowe we get on the plane?"
Harry's eyes sparkled with playful anticipation, mirroring Archie's infectious enthusiasm. "Well, little mate, we could walk around and explore the airport. Maybe see some big planes taking off?" he suggested, his voice filled with a touch of adventure.
Archie's eyes widened with wonder, his voice brimming with curiosity. "Big planes! Like the one we going on?"
Harry nodded, his voice tinged with excitement. "Exactly, Arch! J’like the one we're gonna hop on. And maybe we could find a shop with some toys or books to keep us entertained on the journey," he added, envisioning the joy of discovering new treasures together.
Archie clapped his tiny hands, his eyes shining with anticipation. "Toys! Books!" he exclaimed, his words a testament to his infectious eagerness.
Their conversation flowed seamlessly, filled with laughter, shared dreams, and simple pleasures. Harry listened intently to Archie's sweet musings, cherishing every precious word that fell from his son's lips. The moments they shared were not just a series of exchanges but a celebration of the deep bond they nurtured as father and son.
As their breakfast came to a close, the remnants of their meal still scattered across the tray, Harry reached out to wipe a smudge of syrup from Archie's cheek. Their eyes met, an unspoken connection forged in that brief but tender gesture.
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As Harry and Archie strolled through the bustling airport, their path meandered past various shops and bustling crowds. Archie's eyes darted around, eager to absorb every bit of excitement that surrounded them. Then, in the distance, he spotted a vibrant, soft play area adorned with colorful structures and laughing children.
"Daddy, I wanna go thewe!" Archie exclaimed, his voice filled with uncontainable excitement.
Harry's eyes crinkled with a knowing smile as he saw the play area ignite his son's enthusiasm. "Aye, Arch, let's go have some fun in there," he responded, his voice laced with anticipation.
Approaching the play area, Harry spotted a friendly lady overseeing the activities. Archie wriggled in his arms, impatient to explore the wonderland before him. Harry approached the lady, a warm grin on his face.
"Is it alright if my son plays in here?" Harry asked, his voice filled with hope.
The lady, with a kind smile, assured him, "Absolutely! It's a free play area. Feel free to let him have a blast!"
Harry's heart swelled with gratitude, knowing that this little adventure would not only entertain Archie but also help him burn off some energy before their flight. He gently set the stroller aside, securing it in the designated stroller bag with the others, ensuring its safety.
With the stroller safely stored away, Harry joined Archie within the vibrant play area. Soft structures welcomed their every step, inviting them to partake in the joyous revelry of childhood. Archie's eyes widened as he took in the sights and sounds, his tiny feet eager to explore.
"Daddy, look!" Archie called out, pointing at a colorful slide. "I wanna go down!"
Harry chuckled, his eyes twinkling with delight. "Alright, mate! Climb up and I'll catch you at the bottom!"
Archie climbed up with a determined focus, his little hands grasping the handrails. With a joyful shriek, he slid down the slide, his laughter echoing through the play area. Harry stood at the bottom, arms outstretched, ready to catch his adventurous little one.
"Good job, Arch!" Harry cheered as Archie landed safely in his waiting arms. "You're a champion slider!"
Archie beamed, his face flushed with excitement. "Again, Daddy! Again!"
Harry happily obliged, the two of them repeating the slide-and-catch routine, their laughter merging with the sounds of playful chatter and gleeful shrieks from other children.
After a few more exhilarating slides, Archie tugged at Harry's hand, his voice filled with anticipation. "Daddy, let's climb that!" he exclaimed, pointing at a colorful climbing structure nearby.
Harry chuckled, his heart swelling with pride at Archie's adventurous spirit. "Sure thing, little man! Let's conquer that climbing tower together!"
As they climbed and explored, their conversation continued, punctuated by laughter and playful banter. Harry and Archie shared their dreams and desires for their upcoming journey, their voices blending with the joyful symphony of the play area.
"Daddy, I wanna see a big, big plane!" Archie exclaimed, his eyes shining with wonder.
Harry nodded, his voice full of excitement. "We'll see one soon, Arch! And maybe w’can even sit by the window so w’can watch the clouds go by!"
Archie clapped his hands, his voice brimming with delight. "Clouds! Plane!" he squealed, his words expressing the sheer joy of the moment.
As Harry and Archie continued to enjoy their time in the play area, Harry noticed that Archie seemed slightly out of breath, his cheeks flushed with exertion. Concern etched Harry's face as he crouched down beside his son.
"Arch, do you want your juice, mate?" Harry asked, his voice filled with both worry and affection.
Archie nodded eagerly, his breath coming in short bursts. "Yes, Daddy, juice, pwease!" he replied, his voice slightly breathless.
Realizing that he had left the juice in the baby bag near the stroller, Harry quickly scanned the area. His gaze landed on a man, intently watching his own daughter play nearby. With a hopeful expression, Harry approached him.
"Excuse me, mate," Harry said politely, "could you please keep an eye on m’son for a moment? I left his juice in the stroller bag, and I don't want him to get too thirsty."
The man, sensing Harry's urgency, nodded kindly. "Of course, I'll keep an eye on him. Go get his juice, mate," he reassured.
With a grateful smile, Harry rushed over to the stroller, his mind focused on retrieving the much-needed juice. However, as he approached, the sound of a child's cries reached his ears. Concern gripping his heart, he hastened his steps.
With the juice in hand, Harry returned to the play area, only to find Archie crying, tears streaming down his face. Harry's heart sank as he noticed a small cut on Archie's knee, evidence of a fall that had transpired in his absence. Guilt washed over Harry, his mind racing with regret.
"Oh, Arch, I'm so sorry, mate," Harry murmured, his voice heavy with remorse. "I should have been here with you."
The man, looking after Archie, looked apologetic, his voice filled with regret. "I'm so sorry, I didn't see him fall. I tried my best, but..."
Harry placed a comforting hand on the man's shoulder, offering reassurance. "No need to apologize. Accidents happen, mate. Thank you for watching over him.”
Archie's cries escalated, his small voice calling out for his dad. Harry's heart ached, and he knelt down beside his son, wiping away the tears with a gentle touch.
"Hey, Arch, you've been such a brave boy," Harry whispered, his voice filled with love. "Daddy's here now."
Archie's tear-filled eyes met Harry's gaze, his bottom lip trembling. "D-Daddy, it huwts," he sobbed, pointing at the tiny cut on his knee.
Harry's heart broke at the sight of Archie's pain. He pulled out a wipe from the stroller bag and gently cleaned the wound. "I know, mate, m’sorry you got hurt. But don't worry, Daddy's going to fix it," he assured him, his voice soothing.
As Harry applied a plaster to the cut, Archie's sobs began to subside, replaced by sniffs and hiccups. Harry wrapped his arms around his son, offering comfort and security.
"You've been so brave, Arch. I'm proud of you," Harry said softly, planting a kiss on Archie's forehead. "Y’my little warrior."
Archie sniffled and looked up at Harry, his watery eyes searching for reassurance. "Daddy, make it better?" he asked in a small voice.
Harry smiled warmly, reaching into the stroller bag once again. This time, he retrieved a small toy car. "How about this, mate? We’ll go to the shop and daddy can get you a new teddy?”
As Harry gently tried to guide Archie back into the stroller, his little one clung tightly to him, refusing to let go. Archie's eyes were still watery from his recent tears, and his sniffling voice filled the air.
"Daddy, no stwoller. Want Daddy," Archie whimpered, his voice laced with a mix of vulnerability and a longing for comfort.
Harry's heart melted at the sight of his son's distress. He knelt down, embracing Archie in a warm hug. "It's alright, little man. Daddy's here. We can walk together," he assured, his voice soothing.
Archie's grip on his father's neck tightened, finding solace in his arms. "Thank you, Daddy. Love you," he whispered, his voice still carrying traces of his earlier tears.
Harry's eyes softened with tenderness. "I love you too, Arch. Always," he replied, his words a testament to the unwavering love between them.
With Archie safely in his arms, Harry adjusted his posture, making sure his little one was comfortable. As they walked towards the toy shop, Archie's sniffles gradually subsided, replaced by a sense of excitement and curiosity.
Amidst the joyful chatter and bustling atmosphere of the airport, Archie began to speak, his voice still tinged with a hint of lingering sadness. "Daddy, I want to buy a big teddy bear. A weally soft one," he shared, his words punctuated by small hiccups.
Harry smiled, grateful to see Archie's spirits lifting. "A big, soft teddy bear, huh? That sounds like a great choice, Arch. Y’can hug it tight, just like you hug Daddy," he replied, his voice filled with warmth.
Archie's eyes sparkled with anticipation, his voice growing stronger. "And maybe a shiny car too, Daddy. We can play together!" he added, his excitement building.
Harry's heart swelled with joy at his son's enthusiasm. "Absolutely, Arch! We'll have s’much fun playin’ with the shiny car and the soft teddy bear," he assured, their shared anticipation filling the air.
As Harry and Archie entered the toy shop at the airport, their eyes were greeted by a kaleidoscope of colors and a world of endless possibilities. They strolled down the aisles, Archie's eyes gleaming with excitement, eager to explore the wonders that surrounded them.
"Daddy, let me down!" Archie wiggled in Harry's arms, a determined look on his face.
Harry chuckled, his grip on Archie loosening as he gently set him down on the shop floor. With an infectious grin, Archie darted towards the end of the aisle, drawn by a box filled with a delightful array of teddy bears.
Harry's eyes widened in a mix of panic and amusement as he watched his little one leap into the bear pile, disappearing amongst a sea of plush fur. Laughter bubbled from Harry's lips, a testament to the sheer joy and uninhibited spirit of his adventurous son.
Just as Harry moved closer to rescue Archie from the bear-filled frenzy, a shop worker approached, a stern expression on his face. "Is this your son?" the worker inquired, pointing at the bear-filled spectacle.
Harry's smile faltered slightly as he nodded. "Yes, he's m’son. m’sorry about that," he apologized, a mix of amusement and sheepishness coloring his voice.
The worker, rolling his eyes and clicking his tongue, sighed with exasperation. "Please, sir, could you get him out of there? It's a bit disruptive," he requested, his tone a mixture of annoyance and weariness.
Harry nodded earnestly, quickly moving to retrieve Archie from the bear pile. With gentle hands, he carefully extracted his giggling and wriggling son, who was thoroughly enjoying his plush-filled escapade.
"M’sorry about the mess," Harry apologized once more, a hint of laughter still lingering in his voice.
The worker's expression softened slightly, a trace of amusement flickering in his eyes. "Just try to keep an eye on him, sir," he advised, his voice laced with a touch of understanding.
Harry nodded gratefully, fully aware of the truth in the worker's words. As he held Archie in his arms once more, he couldn't help but marvel at his son's sense of wonder and the ability to find joy in the simplest of moments.
As the worker walked away, Harry looked down at his son who was in his arms, a mischievous smile dancing on his lips. He pointed to one of the teddy bears in the pile and asked, "Is this the teddy bear y’want, Arch?"
Archie's eyes lit up as he nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, Daddy, that one!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with delight.
Harry couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth and affection as he witnessed his son's excitement. He leaned closer, a playful glint in his eyes. "Alright then, Arch. What are y’going to name y’new friend?" he asked, his voice laced with anticipation.
Archie pondered for a moment, his little brow furrowed in concentration. Then, a mischievous smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. "Harry," he declared, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
Harry's eyebrows shot up in surprise, his mouth forming an exaggerated gasp. "Harry? You're going to name your teddy bear after me?" he exclaimed, his voice filled with mock astonishment.
Archie giggled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Yeah, Daddy! Harry!" he confirmed, delighting in the playful banter.
Harry playfully rolled his eyes, a grin stretching across his face. "Alright then, Arch, I'm honoured," he replied, his voice laced with affection. "Harry the bear it is!"
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As Harry and Archie found a cozy spot near the big window at the airport terminal, their journey seemed to pause for a moment of tranquility. The soft glow of sunlight bathed their surroundings, casting a warm hue over the area. Archie, his tiny frame seated on the floor, was engrossed in play, his small hands hugging his new teddy bear tightly.
Harry, sitting behind him, propped against the wall, watched his son with a fondness that swelled within him. His heart swelled with gratitude for the little being before him—a testament to the love he shared with his wife, a living, breathing miracle they had brought into the world.
In this serene moment, time seemed to slow down. Harry's gaze, filled with admiration, traced the contours of Archie's face—the tousled locks of hair framing his forehead, the innocence in his wide eyes, and the dimples that danced on his cheeks when he smiled.
The terminal hummed with the gentle bustle of passengers, yet all Harry could focus on was Archie—their son, their joy, their hope. His love for him overflowed, evident in the way his gaze lingered on every gesture, every giggle, every captivating moment that played out before him.
Archie's laughter filled the air, a symphony of pure delight that brought a smile to Harry's lips. His tiny hands wrapped around the teddy bear, forming a bond that mirrored the connection Harry himself had with his son. It was a reminder of the precious moments of tenderness and care that they would share, of the adventures and challenges that lay ahead, and the unwavering love that would guide them through it all.
In this quiet corner of the airport, the world around them faded into the background. Harry was entranced by the simple beauty of his son's innocence, the way he surrendered himself wholeheartedly to the realm of imagination, his laughter echoing with boundless joy.
As Harry's gaze continued to linger on Archie, he couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and gratitude for the privilege of being a father. The responsibility was immense, but so too was the reward—the chance to witness this little soul grow, to guide him, and to be a steadfast presence in his life.
As Harry remained captivated by the sight of Archie playing with his new teddy bear, his focus suddenly shifted as his phone began to vibrate. Glancing at the screen, he noticed a FaceTime call from his wife. His heart leapt with anticipation, knowing that this call would bridge the distance between them, even if only for a moment.
"Archie, come here, mate," Harry called out, his voice laced with excitement. "Mama's on the phone!"
Archie's head snapped up, his eyes lighting up at the mention of his beloved mother. With an infectious grin, he scrambled to his feet and eagerly climbed into Harry's lap, settling comfortably in his father's embrace.
Harry's fingers danced across the screen as he accepted the call, the familiar face of his wife appearing before them. The room seemed to come alive with the sound of her voice, filling the air with warmth and familiarity.
"Mama!" Archie exclaimed, his voice filled with delight. "Look, I have a teddy bear!"
Harry chuckled, his gaze shifting between Archie and the screen. "Say hello to Mama, Arch. Show her your new friend," he encouraged, his voice brimming with affection.
Archie held up the teddy bear, his face beaming with pride. "Look, Mama! Teddy bear!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with enthusiasm.
Through the screen, Y/N's face lit up with a loving smile. "Oh, Archie, it looks wonderful! I can't wait to give you a big hug when you come back," she replied, her voice filled with warmth.
Archie beamed, his tiny hand reaching out as if trying to touch his mother's face through the screen. "I miss you, Mama," he said, his voice tinged with longing.
Y/N's voice softened, carrying a wealth of love and reassurance. "I miss you too, my sweet boy. But remember, Daddy and I will be there soon. We'll have so much fun when we're together again," she assured him.
After a few more moments of conversation, Archie's attention waned, his eyes drifting towards the floor. He wiggled out of Harry's lap and landed gracefully on the ground, his interest shifting to the toys scattered nearby.
Harry watched his son with a mixture of amusement and adoration, his eyes sparkling with paternal love. "Alright, Arch, go play for a bit," he encouraged, his voice filled with warmth. "I'll talk to Mama for a little while."
Archie's eyes gleamed with anticipation as he delved back into his world of play, his imagination taking flight once more.
With Archie happily occupied, Harry refocused his attention on the screen. He leaned in closer, a tender smile gracing his face. "Hey, love, how are you doing? How's your aunt?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine concern.
Y/N's expression softened, appreciating Harry's genuine care and thoughtfulness. "I'm doing alright, Harry. It's been a challenging time, but we're taking it one day at a time. Thank you for asking. And my aunt, well, she's stable at the moment. We're hopeful for her recovery," she shared, her voice tinged with a mixture of weariness and hope.
Harry nodded, his eyes conveying a deep empathy. "M’glad to hear that she's stable. Sending our love and well wishes to her," he said sincerely.
They continued their conversation, their voices carrying the weight of their shared experiences and the warmth of their love. Harry updated Y/N on their adventures at the airport, sharing snippets of their journey and the excitement building within them as they prepared to board the plane.
"I can't wait to have you and Archie by my side again. It's been a bit challenging without you both here," (Y/N) admitted, her voice filled with longing. "But you're on your way, love. We'll be together soon."
Harry's eyes softened, his voice filled with affection. "I miss you both too, darlin’. We'll be counting down the hours.”
(Y/N)’s aunt lived in Madrid, whereas the Styles family were currently residing in London, so it wasn’t going to be a long flight that Harry had to endure with a toddler.
Harry chuckled, a warm glow emanating from his heart. "You know I will, love. He's in good hands. We'll see you soon, baby. Love you."
“I love you.” (Y/N) grinned, blowing a kiss which Harry playfully put in her a pocket.
As the video call came to an end, Archie reluctantly made his way back to his father, his tiny figure climbing onto Harry's lap. The weariness in his eyes was evident as he knuckled at them, a clear indication that he was tired.
"Y’look tired, Arch," Harry observed, his voice filled with gentle concern. "Are y’ready for a nap?"
Archie nodded, his head bobbing with a sleepy affirmation. "Yes, Daddy. Tired," he murmured, his voice tinged with drowsiness.
Harry's heart swelled with tenderness as he realized his little one needed rest. "Alright, buddy. I'll help y’fall asleep," he whispered, his voice carrying a soothing tone.
Archie, seeking comfort, looked up at his father with hopeful eyes. "Can you rub my back, Daddy?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
Harry smiled, understanding his son's request. He began to gently rub Archie's back, his touch flowing with tenderness and love. The rhythmic motion brought a sense of calmness, soothing his son into a peaceful slumber.
As Harry's hand moved in gentle circles, Archie's sleepy voice filled the air. "Daddy, when will we see Mama?" he murmured, his words laced with a touch of longing.
Harry's voice, soft and reassuring, reached Archie's ears. "We'll be seeing her soon, m’love. A little while longer," he replied, his voice brimming with affection.
Archie's eyelids grew heavy, fluttering with the weight of his fatigue. He snuggled closer to his father's chest, his breaths growing slow and steady. In the midst of their tender conversation, sleep embraced Archie, gently pulling him into its warm embrace.
Harry continued to rub Archie's back, his touch a soothing lullaby. The conversation between father and son continued, their voices a gentle cadence that filled the room.
"Daddy, can we bring mama a present?" Archie asked, his words becoming softer as sleep claimed him.
Harry's voice held a loving reassurance as he replied, "Yes, Arch. We can get mama a present , we always bring the best surprises. You'll see."
As their conversation tapered off, Archie's breathing grew steady, his slumber deepening. Harry pressed a tender kiss to his son's forehead, his lips conveying a silent "I love you" that words couldn't capture.
In the peaceful serenity of that moment, Harry couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by a sense of gratitude. He marvelled at the beauty of their connection, the unconditional love that bound them, and the joy that their little family brought to his life.
With Archie now asleep, Harry held him close, cherishing the weight of his son's form in his arms. The room was filled with a quiet, gentle love that only a parent and child could share. In that embrace, Harry knew that the bond they had forged would carry them through any distance, any obstacle, and any challenge that life presented.
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fromnewyork · 1 year
1989 tv is gonna be announced by harry styles being suspended from the rafters making style a duet
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