#has had Phoenix mediate disputes
pictureswithboxes · 2 years
Maya Fey having next to no knowledge of how the law works despite having a decent sized group of lawyers at her beck and call is so important.
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sokkastyles · 4 years
Abused kids are often not aware of or have trouble regulating their own emotions but tend to, conversely, be hyper aware of and tapped into the emotions of others. This is a survival mechanism in people who grow up with an abusive parent, because any sudden changes in the mood of the parent could indicate danger. See the scenes of Zuko when he is with Ozai, particularly in "The Awakening" and in the flashback to the war meeting in "The Phoenix King," when Zuko carefully measures his responses to his father's praise, because even accepting praise is dangerous and could be a trap.
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Although Zuko is often oblivious in social interactions, he actually shows a pretty keen insight when it comes to mediating and understanding what the others need once he joins the gaang. He figures out that the loss of his firebending is connected to his change of coat, he helps Aang overcome his fear of fire at the same time he overcomes his own mental blocks with regard to his element, and he realizes that Sokka will go on a foolhardy mission to rescue his father no matter how much Zuko warns him that it's dangerous, so he resolves to go with him. Particularly in "The Southern Raiders" he pretty astutely figures out that the source of Katara's anger was her unresolved feelings about her mother's murder, and knew how to help her. He also shows keen insight into what Katara needs. Aang, though he means well, responds to Katara with moralizing that just makes her angrier and more determined to go her own way. Zuko offers her the means and lets her lead the way, and defends her to Aang after Katara had made it clear she did not agree with Aang. Zuko, in fact, gets angry at Aang on Katara's behalf, and interestingly, Katara, the person who regularly told off anyone who ever said a bad word to Aang and who, a few episodes ago, threatened to kill Zuko himself if he ever hurt Aang, says nothing in response to Zuko’s sarcastic words to Aang, only thanks Aang for understanding in a tone that implies that she doesn’t think Aang understands at all.
Zuko also seems to be aware of the tension between Katara and Aang at the end of the episode, as he purposefully leaves Katara on Ember Island and goes to speak to Aang himself about what happened when they confronted Yon Rha. This implies not only that Zuko knew Katara needed space to process her feelings, but that he knew that Aang and Katara would need time away from each other after the angry way they parted, and it also implies that Zuko wanted to explain Katara's perspective to Aang, fearing that Aang would misunderstand. Aang actually misunderstands anyway, wrongly assuming that Katara had forgiven Yon Rha, and Katara angrily tells him that she will never forgive her mother's murderer, but does forgive Zuko.
Zuko tells Aang that he was right about Katara, although that is contradicted by what Katara just said and the events of the episode. I know some people theorize that this was a result of a lack of unity in the writing, but I also don't think it's out of character for Zuko to say this, even though he also ultimately disagrees with Aang's stance on violence. Zuko is again playing a mediator role and playing both sides a bit, because the episode positions him between Aang and Katara, but he also leaves Aang with a challenge to his moral absolutism.
So I don't think it's a stretch to assume that in the very next episode, Zuko was also picking up on some tension between Aang and Katara when he sat between them. I'm not sure he knows about Aang's romantic feelings for Katara - although he would when he hears his actor on stage call Katara "the Avatar's girl" and sees Aang nod. But he does seem to pick up on Aang's irritation being about more than just a taken seat, as he responds with unprompted anger. Zuko also takes note of Aang’s increasing anger throughout the play, with a concerned expression on his face. 
Remember what I said about abused kids being hypersensitive to the changing moods of others? It might be that, or Zuko might be feeling anxious about his role in the play and feeling like he doesn’t deserve forgiveness, or it might be that Zuko is hyper aware of the conflict between Katara and Aang carried over from the last episode to this one.
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Actually, this shot is particularly interesting because the rest of the gaang is laughing at the portrayal of Toph, including Katara, until Toph shows that she’s pleased by the play’s portrayal of her. Then we see Katara frown, her attention shifting to Aang. 
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Katara is unhappy that her attempt to get even with Toph backfired, then when she notices Aang as the camera pans to her left, she looks even more unhappy. Then we see the shot above of Zuko looking at Aang with clear concern over the situation. I’m pretty sure that Zuko is aware that something is going on between Katara and Aang at this point. Especially since Aang’s anger at being played by a girl (which is made worse by Toph’s happiness at being played by a boy) is linked to his insecurity about his relationship with Katara, and the play keeps making jokes about it, meant for us to feel sorry for Aang for being put in the “little brother” zone.
I think Zuko was generally anxious going into the play. You can see when they walk in that he has his hood pulled up, to hide his face, because he's aware there's a chance someone will recognize him. So even before the play starts, with its incriminating and humiliating portrayal of him, he is probably already on alert and wants to draw as little attention to himself as possible. Aang's outburst is the kind of thing that would draw attention, and Zuko tries to minimize the attention by insisting that Aang just sit next to him. Zuko also reacts with defensive anger, as he is wont to do when he is anxious or upset, which of course would have the opposite effect from drawing attention away from them. But Aang acquiesces in frustration, and Katara, interestingly, notices the dispute, but just like when Zuko defended her to Aang in "The Southern Raiders," says nothing. Katara also is facing away, fidgety, and looks unhappy while the confrontation is going on. This is also consistent with (and probably contributed to) the way Katara reacts to Aang’s pushiness and accusations later on.
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Zuko spends much of the back part of season three physically close to Katara, which is a visual way for the animators to show how close they have grown. It’s not necessarily an indication of romantic Zutara, although there is nothing wrong with interpreting it that way, and I find it hilarious how threatened some people are by shippers gushing over the idea that he wanted to sit next to her, particularly in this episode because this episode actually intentionally plays up the “love triangle” for the purposes of getting the audience to sympathize with Aang and root for him to “get the girl.” Regardless of whether we interpret it in a romantic context, I think it is a good indication of how Zuko feels about Katara once he has gotten her forgiveness. Given Zuko’s social ineptitude, it would make sense that he would be likely to want to stick close to the people he felt closest to, especially in situations where he is surrounded by potentially hostile strangers. Witness his behavior in “The Beach,” where he spent most of the time awkwardly glued to Mai’s side and it was when he was separated from Mai at the party that he ran into trouble with the other partygoers, who make fun of him. That might explain why Zuko, although he comes from the opposite direction when they enter the theater as everyone else does, walks all the way down the end of the aisle to sit next to Katara. 
It might also explain why he wants to sit in between Katara and Aang, as these are the two people who he now feels closest to. It also is very likely that he is subconsciously picking up on the tension between Katara and Aang, which comes to a head later in this very episode. It’s worth noting that Zuko is often positioned physically between Katara and Aang throughout this episode, which is meant to communicate to the audience Aang’s anxiety over Katara not returning his feelings (and Zuko plays an indirect part in that, or at least, his stage actor does).
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Zuko is also positioned narratively between Aang and Katara as a mediator and comfort to Katara after her fight with Aang in the very next episode, “The Phoenix King,” in which Zuko tells Katara to let Aang figure things out for himself when he runs away after yelling at Katara.
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So no, I don’t think the deliberate positioning of Zuko in between Aang and Katara is a coincidence, nor is it “lol Zuko is clueless!” I’m actually very tired of seeing people talk about how clueless Zuko is, especially since a lot of his reactions come from trauma. Even if Zuko didn’t pick up on Aang’s romantic feelings towards Katara he very obviously picks up on and reacts to and interacts with the dynamic between them. And it’s very telling that certain fans will complain about the “infantilization” of Zuko when it’s traits that make him seem sympathetic, but then talk about a traumatized abuse survivor as if they’re completely incompetent.
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astrologista · 4 years
AA4 Medieval AU
getcher apollo justice fantasy/medieval au right here. (spoilers for aa4 kinda tho)
this idea will not leave my mind so... take it... i think i messed up some details lol but this is just for fun so please, don’t rake me over the coals for it.
(time is screwed up here so before the timeskip apollo is 7 and trucy is a baby. after the timeskip apollo is 14 and trucy is 7. for the sake of it i’m gonna have klavier also be about 14 post-timeskip. other ages may be scaled down for consistency... idk i had to make it work somehow.)
Once upon a time, King Magnifi of the House Gramarye ruled the land in peace. In his old age, his daughter Princess Thalassa readied herself to become queen. It came time for Thalassa to choose a royal consort, the person who would also be the next king of Attornia.
There were two choices, Zak and Valant. In the end, Princess Thalassa chose Zak. Disgraced, Valant left for parts unknown. Thalassa and Zak married and received Magnifi’s blessing before his death. Thus began the reign of Queen Thalassa of House Gramarye, and King Zak Enigmar.
It wasn’t to last, however. Seeing his chance to seize power, Count Kristoph of the House Gavin, King Zak’s closest advisor, betrayed King Zak and murdered him in cold blood. All the evidence vanished without a trace, and the case was never solved. In the process, he was able to cause Queen Thalassa significant injury, as well. The people assumed she, too, had been murdered in this incident...
Though hotly debated throughout Attornia, no one could deny that the line of succession had been broken, since Queen Thalassa and King Zak had not had any children, and therefore no heirs or heiresses to the throne. According to the law, Count Kristoph, at the age of 25, was now able to seize power and become King Kristoph of Attornia.
His rule, while considered by many to be stable, measured, and fair, was completely tyrannical. He arranged for the citizens to worship him like a god, encouraged a cult of personality, tripled work hours on the poor and taxed basically all the citizens into poverty, then used all the tax money to build extravagant monuments to himself, and expand the palace into his personal utopia complete with gold, jewels and hundreds of servants. One of his servants is a young foundling named Apollo Justice, who’s about 7 years old when he was left at the palace gates. King Kristoph decided to make Apollo his successor... someday. But for now he’s being trained as a servant, because he’s just useful like that, and he’s eager to please.
But, there is still hope for Attornia, as Queen Thalassa has one trump card hidden up her sleeve. She was spirited away from the palace by her attendants, and forced into a life of hiding as the mysterious wise woman, Lady Lamiroir. Her memory had been taken from her by the injuries sustained during Gavin’s assault. What no one knows, though, is that she was pregnant at the time. Luckily, the baby was unharmed. She is Trucy Gramarye, the one true princess. To keep her safe, Lamiroir entrusts the girl to a trusted man, Phoenix Wright.
Some seven years have now passed since then, and Attornia is still suffering under the reign of the House Gavin. Trucy Gramarye is 7. Apollo Justice is about 14. The day comes at last when Apollo meets a strange man in town, a mysterious stranger in peasant clothing named Phoenix Wright, who tells him a tale of the true and rightful heir to the throne. By rights, Trucy should be crown princess, as she has royal blood. (Phoenix will serve as regent king in her place until she’s old enough to rule.) At first Apollo doesn’t and can’t believe it, because King Kristoph would never lie to him, right? And Apollo then learns that he, too, has royal blood... except for the little issue that he’s a product of an illegitimate relationship between Princess Thalassa and a bard named Jove Justice and therefore has no claim to the throne. This crushes Apollo as all his hopes of becoming what Kristoph has been training him to be all his life are dashed. (I kind of waffle on whether Jove should be alive as a bard or dead in this AU. Alive would be good. Let’s go with alive. Or else this AU is going to be too traumatic for Apollo. How he got separated from Apollo is... something I’ll think about later but it’ll probably be sad)
But, once Phoenix shows Apollo once and for all how the poor are suffering under the reign of Gavin, Apollo eventually changes his mind and decides to join the effort to investigate and restore peace to the realm, with the help of Phoenix, Trucy, Lamiroir, and... others!
One thing Kristoph doesn’t want to draw attention to is his brother, Klavier, who is a knight in training (and a bard with a lute on the weekends). Instead of granting him a lofty government position, he hides him somewhere in the ranks of the knighthood and otherwise avoids interacting with him. Daryan is one of the other knights in training (and is also a bard). The captain of knights in training is Romein LeTouse. The foremost of all knights is Sir Edgeworth. (Simon Blackquill is one of the other knights because yes. And who doesn’t want Knight!Blackquill with Taka?)
Supporting cast includes weird jester Spark Brushel, a medieval pub run by Eldoon and Olga Orly, a scholarly monk named Wesley Stickler, a small village/hamlet run by the Kitakis where Wocky is considered royalty, royal healers Pal Meraktis and Alita Tiala, and a certain Marie-Curie-like young woman named Ema Skye who is a relatively well-off lady to most, but secretly has a whole science lab running experiments with beakers and a lot of steampunk stuff. Phoenix keeps an eye on Lady Lamiroir who has to stay in hiding. She takes in a young boy named Machi Tobaye, who reminds her of the son she lost many years ago (she doesn’t know that Apollo is that son, or doesn’t find out until later). There’s also the royal portrait painter Drew Misham and his daughter Vera.
The gang ends up diffusing some diplomatic troubles between Wocky’s family and Alita Tiala when it comes out that Alita is just looking to marry into royalty. In the next plot, Daryan is revealed to be a traitor to the knighthood and is doing some shady stuff on the order of King Kristoph, such as tailing the gang to find out how much they know. (If Kristoph finds out about Trucy and gets to her first, it’s all over...) Klavier eventually becomes part of the gang, turns out his knowledge is extremely helpful, but Apollo does question whether he can even be trusted considering his relationship to Kristoph. Most of the rest of the plot is attempts to destabilize Kristoph’s regime and reveal his evil and selfish acts. For some reason I’m seeing a situation with a play, where somebody gets to say (probably Apollo) “So the play’s the thing wherein we’ll catch the conscience of the king?” because, yes. In the final plot, royal portrait painter Drew Misham and his daughter, Vera, are in trouble and are at risk of being executed by King Kristoph (botched portrait of the king maybe??). The gang has to stop that at any cost. And, they have to reveal to the entire kingdom the true nature of King Kristoph... and the fact that he’d be willing to execute an innocent painter and a young girl is definitely going to make clear that true nature to everyone.
And finally, of course our heroes triumph in the end, and Phoenix becomes King of Attornia, as regent for Trucy who will one day be Queen! Lady Lamiroir also gets to return, and she is still considered a beloved ruler despite her injuries preventing her from fully embracing the role, she still supports Trucy and Phoenix from the background. And some of her memories return! Apollo of course will always have a place as part of the family, too, and decides royal life isn’t for him. He instead becomes something of a local mediator of disputes! And they all lived happily ever after!
As for King Kristoph, he is pissed and promises he’ll return with a vengeful scheme. For now they just exile him to some remote island like Napoleon where he’ll hopefully just rot and die. But we still have to set up the sequel somehow right??
Now someday I need to find the time to... actually write this and make it like a 50k or something longer... oh boy
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gpm-maam · 3 years
A Year-end Message from David Sebesta, GPM Local Secretary
Fellow Greater Phoenix Mensans:
I hope this message finds you safe and healthy.  Whether it’s celebrating with friends and family, binging the latest thing on Netflix, or just decompressing from work for a few days, please have an enjoyable holiday season.   As 2021 winds down, I look back and reflect on the last two years Greater Phoenix Mensa has faced.  I remember one of the first ExCom meetings I led, where we had the unenviable decision to cancel the Phoenix Phiesta for the first time in decades. With things coming to a halt due to the pandemic, we had to scramble to find ways of keeping Mensans engaged.  Zoom was our lifeline for months, whether for ExCom meetings or Judy Herrmann’s Saturday virtual discussion forums.  I appreciate every GPM member for sticking with Mensa during these unprecedented times.   I’m happy to say 2021 improved, albeit at a slower pace.  Thanks to our volunteers – Jim Delton and Pete Costantino especially – we hosted our Member Appreciation Day this past summer and followed it with a well-attended Thanksgiving Day dinner.  I’m happy to say several of our dine-out events have resumed, and we have new events like bicycle rides and trivia events showing steady growth.  I extend my sincerest gratitude for your efforts to all those who have stepped up and coordinated these events.   By the time you read this, we’re well past the holidays and on to celebrating Earth’s next journey around the Sun.  We all celebrate New Year’s Day in a myriad of ways – watching the ball drop, embracing your significant other to the chords of Auld Laud Syne, going to bed early (for us introverts), or starting a New Year’s Resolution list. Personally, the one resolution I had that I didn’t break came a few years ago where I resolved to take a more active role in my social groups. As GPM shows life again, we’re seeking volunteers for a few critical roles.  Depending on the level of interest and position, the time commitments vary.  If interested in any volunteer opportunity, don't hesitate to get in touch with me at [email protected] or call (480) 798-9409. A complete list of openings may be found below. Thank you once again for your continued GPM membership.  I look forward to more significant events and dinners throughout 2022! Regards, David Sebesta Local Secretary The following volunteer positions are open: ExCom Member at Large Opening The Member-at-Large is a voting member of GPM ExCom. The time commitments are minimal – a virtual board meeting on the second Sunday afternoon of each month, plus any other programs or initiatives you would like to lead.   An appointment to this role would last until the end of the current ExCom term, which ends June 30, 2022. Any questions about this specific position may be directed to [email protected]. GPM Gifted Youth Coordinator The Gifted Youth Coordinator helps shape the future of GPM.  Some GYCs set up mentor programs within their chapter Group to encourage gifted – often overlooked – youth through interested adults who are accomplished in professions, disciplines, and hobbies.  A GYC also works with local schools to coordinate intellectually stimulating activities, such as essay contests, museum trips, or science fairs.  This role is ideal for a passion for learning and working with talented children and educators. There is an application process, and a criminal background check is required and the candidate must be a Mensa member.  More information on both is on the American Mensa site: https://www.us.mensa.org/lead/certifications/gifted-youth-coordinators/ Any questions about this specific position may be directed to [email protected]. GPM Ombudsman Opening The Ombudsman is GPM’s first avenue to resolve member disputes.  Time commitments are minimal, and this role is ideal for someone versed in conflict resolution and mediation.  The GPM Ombudsman will cast a vote in Spring 2022 for the National Ombudsman. More information on the role and its responsibilities are here: https://www.us.mensa.org/lead/handbooks/ombudsman-handbook/ Any questions about this specific position may be directed to [email protected]. GPM 2022 Regional Gathering Chairperson Opening While GPM has not held Regional Gatherings in 2020 and 2021, we intend to host a Regional Gathering (Phoenix Phiesta) during 2022’s Thanksgiving weekend. Photos and Program from the 2019 RG may be found HERE. This role will coordinate volunteers, work with a hotel to set up an event hospitality contract, and establish an event calendar for the four-day event.  More information on Regional Gatherings is here:   https://www.us.mensa.org/attend/regional-gatherings/ Any questions about this specific position may be directed to [email protected]. GPM Proctor/Testing Coordinator Sought This role is key to increasing GPM’s membership.  Leveraging Mensa’s Prospect Management Tool, coordinators can easily track prospects, download contact information, and email prospects about in-person testing events.   Additionally, the coordinator identifies testing locations (typically libraries or event centers) and works with our pool of certified proctors to conduct testing. Any questions about this specific position may be directed to [email protected]. GPM Speaker Forum Coordinator Sought GPM would like to resume the Speaker Forum Series, preferably in an in-person environment.  This role coordinates speakers, identifies Forum locations, and serves as the host for the Speaker Forum. Any questions about this specific position may be directed to [email protected].
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bananaipindia · 5 years
boAt Splashes Competitor’s Unjust Enrichment Dreams, Brexit to Not Effect UK Trademark System for Now, 'Mambacita' Trademark Filed by Kobe Bryant Weeks Before Death, Little Caesars Pizza Ventures into India with Veg Only Option, and more
New Post has been published on https://www.bananaip.com/ip-news-center/boat-splashes-competitors-unjust-enrichment-dreams-brexit-to-not-effect-uk-trademark-system-for-now-mambacita-trademark-filed-by-kobe-bryant-weeks-before-death-little-caesars-pizza-ven/
boAt Splashes Competitor’s Unjust Enrichment Dreams, Brexit to Not Effect UK Trademark System for Now, 'Mambacita' Trademark Filed by Kobe Bryant Weeks Before Death, Little Caesars Pizza Ventures into India with Veg Only Option, and more
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boAt Splashes Competitor’s Unjust Enrichment Dreams, Brexit to Not Effect UK Trademark System for Now, ‘Mambacita’ Trademark Filed by Kobe Bryant Weeks Before Death, Little Caesars Pizza Ventures into India with Veg Only Option, and morebrought to you by the Trademark Attorneys at BananaIP (BIP) Counsel.
“boAt” Splashes Competitor’s Unjust Enrichment Dreams
Delhi High Court has passed an interim injunction against Exotic Mile, an audio-gadgets business firm, for violating the registered trademark “boAt” of Imagine Marketing Pvt. Ltd. Imagine Marketing is the proprietor of boAt, a well know electronic products supplier in India. It contended that Exotic Mile had dishonestly adopted the trademark “BOULT”, which is phonetically and deceptively similar to “boAt”. Further, it alleged that the usage of the tagline ‘UNPLUG YOURSELF’ by Exotic Mile was confusingly similar to its tagline ‘PLUG INTO NIRVANA’. The Court while considering the presence of both companies one-commerce platforms,passed an interim injunction restraining Exotic Mile from using the trademark “BOULT” as well as the tagline ‘UNPLUG YOURSELF’.
Brexit Not to Affect the UK Trademark System for Now
During the recent ratification of the ‘Withdrawal Agreement’ between the United Kingdom and the European Union, the Intellectual Property Office (IPO) of the UK has clarified that there will be no disruption to IPO services or changes to the UK IP system during the transition period (1st February, 2020 till 31st December, 2020). Accordingly, the UK will remain part of the EU trademark system and the UK legal representatives will continue to have the right to represent clients before the EU IPO. The International registrations for trademarks and designs designating the European Union via the Madrid and Hague systems will also continue to extend to the UK. The IPO has further informed that the businesses, organisations or individuals, that have applications for a EU trademark which will have a period of nine months from the end of the transition period to apply in the UK for the same protections.
‘Mambacita’ Trademark Filed by Kobe Bryant Weeks Before Death
Kobe Bryant, the legendary basketball player, had filed a trademark application for the word mark “Mambacita” at the United States Patents and Trademarks Office, just weeks before his and his daughter’s death in a tragic helicopter crash in California. Kobe Bryant, who went by the self-proclaimed nickname “The Black Mamba”, had affectionately dubbed his 13-year-old daughter Gianna, “Mambacita”.The trademark “Mambacita” was filed for sportswear including athletic shirts, shorts, hats, jerseys, sweatpants, sweatshirts, t-shirts, etc.
McDonald’s Ties up with Joester Loria Group to Bring Out Fashion Collection
McDonald’s Corporation, the world’s leading global foodservice retailer, is collaborating with the Joester Loria Group,a premier full-service brand licensing agency, based in the New York to develop collaborations and collection of fashion, accessories and collectibles for adults. McDonald’s first ever brand license was during the 1980’s and ever since has a history of partnering with leading fashion brands and retailers. By entering into the recent licensing agreement, Joester Loria Group would work closely with the McDonald’s global marketing team to tap into the brand’s unique cache, popular characters, and iconic brand campaigns.
Smiley Coming Out with Collectibles for Kids Through Game Maker
The Smiley Company, a London based brand licensing company, is collaborating with toy and games brand ‘Splash Toy’ to launch its first series of The Smileys collectibles. The collaboration will target kids in the 6-12 years age group and help them explore their emotions through a unique mix and match play pattern of The Smileys. The first series will be launched with blister packs, which include a secret Smiley and also blind boxes for toy distribution, and for kiosk distribution.
Little Caesars Pizza Ventures into India with Veg Only Option
Little Caesars, the world’s third-largest pizza chain, headquartered in Detroit, Michigan has forayed into the Indian market with two stores in Ahmedabad, Gujarat through franchisee Phoenix Nexus. Little Caesars which is popular for its Hot-n-Ready pizza and bread has rolled out its vegetarian menu in the Indian market and is currently focused on the dine-in format of quick service restaurants. With its Indianised menu, consumer-focused strategies and affordable pizzas, the company has aggressive plans and looks forward to join hands with interested entrepreneurs to continue rapid growth throughout India.
Lamborghini Stops Fraudulent Domain from Impersonating It
Automobili Lamborghini, the popular Italian luxury sports car manufacturer, had filed a complaint with the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center against jjoest, based in the US. Lamborghini alleged that the domain name “lamborghlni.com”, which is similar to its domain name “lamborghini.com”, was connected to a fraudulent email scheme by jjoest.  The scheme used the mark and the email address to impersonate an employee of Lamborghini to obtain  misdirected payments. The Administrative Panel headed by Nicholas Weston was convinced that the disputed domain was confusingly similar and jjoest used the domain name in bad faith. Thus, the Panel ordered the transfer of the disputed domain name to Lamborghini.
Spiti Chharma (Sea buckthorn) and Its Products Filed for GI
Spiti Chharma (Sea buckthorn) is a perennial, woody, nitrogen fixing and thorny deciduous shrub covered with silvery scales. Sea buckthorn which grows in cold regions is naturalised to snowfall or low temperature conditions. Sea buckthom grows in Lahaul Spiti, upper Kinnaur and Pangi in Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh.While, the Chharma (Sea buckthorn) fruits are used in cosmetics, the high concentration of vitamin C in its juices and squashesare useful for treating blood pressure, heart diseases, ulcers of the intestine, skin diseases, bronchitis and cancer. The Spiti Sea buckthorn Society of Kaza, Spiti, has filed an application for Spiti Chharma and its products under the agriculture, horticulture and forestry products category.
Authored and compiled by Poorvika Chandanam
About BIP’s Trademark Attorneys
The Trademark News Bulletin is brought to you by the Trademark/Copyright, IP Transactional Strategy Divisions of BananaIP Counsels, a Top IP Firm in India. Led by Sanjeeth Hegde, BIP’s trademark attorneys are among the leading experts in the field. If you have any questions, or need any clarifications, please write to [email protected] with the subject: Trademark News.
The weekly trademark news initiative is a part of their pro bono work and is aimed at spreading trademark awareness. You are free to share the news with appropriate attribution and backlink to the source.
Disclaimer: Kindly note that the news bulletin has been put together from different sources, primary and secondary, and BananaIP’s reporters may not have verified all the news published in the bulletin. You may write to [email protected] for corrections and take down.
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paulbenedictblog · 5 years
New Post has been published on %http://paulbenedictsgeneralstore.com%
News Two Kids Are Missing. Now Police Are Looking At A String Of Family Deaths And Allegations Of A Doomsday 'Cult'
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First and main, 49-300 and sixty five days-feeble Tammy Daybell’s loss of life used to be chalked as a lot as natural causes.
The favorite college librarian had married her college boyfriend and helped him stumbled on Spring Creek E book Co., where they self-published apocalyptic novels geared in the direction of a Mormon viewers. The fantasies that Chad Daybell spun up featured Chinese language bioterrorism attacks, devastating pandemics and hurricanes, and rising civil unrest. Tammy’s family described her as “the precise backbone” of the operation, designing e book covers whereas also managing the company’s budget.
After she used to be stumbled on pointless in her Idaho dwelling final October, Tammy’s obituary said that she “handed away peacefully in her sleep.” But when Chad, 51, expeditiously remarried and went on the lag with his contemporary wife, authorities rapidly came to glimpse her loss of life as potentially suspicious. On Friday, amid an investigation into two missing younger of us and allegations that Chad belonged to a fringe, cultlike non secular team, the FBI and native law enforcement businesses raided the family’s ragged dwelling. In accordance with the East Idaho News, they were trying to salvage any possible forensic proof that also can lend a hand to demonstrate Tammy’s loss of life.
The investigation into Chad and his contemporary wife, 46-300 and sixty five days-feeble Lori Daybell, who are wished for questioning relating to the younger of us’s disappearance however possess no longer been charged with against the law, started Nov. 26. In accordance with police in Rexburg, Idaho, Lori’s prolonged family had grown concerned that they hadn’t been ready to focus on to her 7-300 and sixty five days-feeble son, Joshua, since September. Two days earlier than Thanksgiving, they asked for a welfare check, noting that the boy had particular wants.
When police confirmed up at the beige townhouse, the couple told them Joshua used to be staying with a family buddy in Arizona. It didn’t elevate lengthy for investigators to salvage out that wasn’t precise. But when they confirmed up the subsequent day with a search warrant, Lori and Chad were long previous.
Authorities rapidly realized that Joshua “J.J.” Vallow had left his elementary college in September and by no methodology returned. His sister, 17-300 and sixty five days-feeble Tylee Ryan, had disappeared around the identical time. Neither had been reported missing. Meanwhile, the Fremont County Sheriff’s Issue of job began to demand whether or no longer Tammy died a natural loss of life, noting that Chad and Lori had married roughly two weeks later. In a December issue, officials announced that her body had been exhumed so that a entire autopsy might happen.
“Those are the 2 pieces of this,” Fremont County Sheriff Len Humphries told Fox 13 in Salt Lake City. “And how they’re linked we’re no longer rather obvious, however we produce factor in they're linked.”
As it modified into out, Lori had a fancy backstory of her possess. Joseph Ryan, Tylee’s father, died of a coronary heart attack in 2018, the Rexburg Fashioned Journal reported. One day — it’s no longer sure when — Lori married Charles Vallow. But by February 2019, they'd transform estranged, and Vallow told a divorce court docket mediate that Lori believed she used to be a reincarnated deity, despatched to Earth to prepare of us for Jesus’ second coming.
Lori used to be contented she used to be forever married to the Mormon prophet Moroni, Vallow’s attorney wrote in court docket filings no longer too lengthy in the past unearthed by Fox 10 Phoenix, and also the grandmother of Mormon founder Joseph Smith. If he stood in the model of her divine mission, “she would assassinate him.”
True five months later, in July 2019, Lori’s brother, Alex Cox, shot and killed Vallow in a Chandler, Ariz., dispute that is unexcited under investigation. In accordance with Fox 10 in Phoenix, Cox said that he intervened in an argument between the estranged couple, and Vallow hit him in the head with a baseball bat. Cox had shot the actual person in self-defense, he claimed. Then, on Dec. 12, Cox himself died of unknown causes.
Every other relative rapidly came forward with a tale of his possess. Brandon Boudreaux had been married to Lori’s niece until final summer, when she without warning asked for a divorce. Boudreaux attributed the spoil as a lot as the truth that his wife had started spending more time with Lori and varied contributors of the unconventional non secular team to which Lori belonged. “I believed I had a ecstatic marriage, so it used to be gorgeous overwhelming,” he told the Arizona Republic.
On Oct. 2, the Republic reported, Boudreaux used to be riding dwelling from the gym when someone shot at him. The bullet shattered the window of his automotive, missing his head by mere inches. In what Boudreaux believes is greater than precise an eerie accident, the automotive he had been riding used to be registered to Vallow.
Chad and Lori possess both denied any wrongdoing in the direction of their family members. “Chad Daybell used to be a loving husband and has the support of his younger of us in this matter,” their attorney, Sean Bartholick, said in a December issue to local media retailers. “Lori (Vallow) Daybell is a gradual mother and resents assertions to the different. We peep forward to addressing the allegations after they possess moved beyond speculation and rumor.”
Admire a different of Lori’s family members, Boudreaux has accused Chad of main her precise into a cult, though that hasn’t been officially confirmed. “There is a ton of speculation and quite loads of rumors, however nothing that we possess got sure of classified as a cult,” Rexburg Assistant Chief of Police Gary Hagen told the Fashioned Journal.
Before they married, Lori and Chad seemed collectively on podcasts dispensed by Preparing A Of us, a media company which touts the tagline, “Helping to prepare the of us of this Earth for the second coming of Jesus Christ.” The corporate has since denied being a cult and distanced itself from the couple, deleting the podcasts in demand and announcing in a December issue that it used to be “alarmed” and “deeply alarmed” to learn of the investigation.
“We also produce no longer fragment any of Chad Daybell’s or Lori Vallow’s beliefs if they're opposite to Christian solutions of honesty, integrity and truth, or if they produce no longer align with the doctrines of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,” owners Michael and Nancy James wrote.
Some family members are skeptical. “I don’t are seeking to attack somebody’s beliefs … however whereas you peep at the fruit that’s attain from this team and its beliefs … it no doubt, from my mind, doesn’t attain from God,” Boudreaux told the East Idaho News.
Tylee and Joshua are unexcited missing, and it’s unclear if they're alive. Closing week, police said they were obvious Lori knew what took space to them, however she had left Idaho along with her contemporary husband and “refused to work with law enforcement.” She also reportedly told of us that her daughter had died.
“Our important impart at this point is merely finding Joshua and Tylee and charging selections will seemingly be made in due direction basically based upon the proof readily available,” the issue said. “If we discover that injure used to be carried out to those younger of us inner our jurisdiction, we are going to prosecute whoever brought about that injure.”
Tammy Daybell’s family members are equally wanting to learn the truth and possess said that she perceived to be healthy and used to be in precise spirits two weeks earlier than her loss of life. Some possess expressed suspicion about a call she made to 911 in the times earlier than her loss of life, announcing that a particular person used to be pointing what regarded as if it'd be a paintball gun at her.
“We speculate worship all americans else,” her father, Ron Douglas, told Fox 13. “It’s laborious to know that we lost our daughter and that our son-in-law of 30 years has stepped into this mess. We don’t know. We’d worship to hope for the most uncomplicated. Every time you peel a layer off the onion it makes you scratch your head.”
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b133d-4-u · 7 years
Korrosin Chronicles Workshop #1
So, as I said last week, I’ve decided to take a break from Tabletop Tuesday for awhile. Instead I’ll be posting some lore for the novel I’m writing. The series is called the Korrosin Chronicles, after the main character Sarah Korrosin. It’s a high fantasy YA that follows a half-human girl on her quest to gather other Chosen Champions of the gods. The dominant races are many, with humans being a fresh arrival to the world through some unknown occurrence; in fact, humans have only been in this world for about 20 years.
To start off the workshops, I’ll be describing the many different races that will make a notable appearance during the series, starting with the Quastani. There are a total of 10 races besides the humans, and I will describe one each week. And now, for the Quastani!
The Quastani are bird-like humanoids that rule Xitarka. Excellent scholars and mages thanks to the energy rich land they inhabit, they show little interest in the dealings of the outside world. Ruled by the notorious Council of Wisdom, they retain their neutrality and peacefulness even during all out conflict unless they are actively threatened. Unlike the other races, the Quastani change radically as they age, which confuses newcomers as to whether or not there are subraces. The appearance of these stages seems to tie into choices and events that occur throughout a Quastani’s life, meaning one can potentially determine exactly the kind of character a Quastani has solely based upon their appearance.
The Quastani came to be several thousand years ago during a time of great strife. The mammalian Bukushar slaughtered the ancient, reptilian Qanala under the deceit of Dorinum. When the Blood Raids succeeded in killing every last Qanala in Orstrys, the balance of the world had been destroyed. Shakkar, the goddess of life, death, and rebirth, took it upon herself to create a new race to fill the void using the souls of the Qanala, at the cost of their memories and culture.
Magic 9.5 - Quastani are inherently magical due to both their origins with Shakkar and their magic infused homeland. They are excellent mages at any age, and only get more powerful. Intelligence 9 - The Quastani way of life ensures that knowledge takes precedent over all other pursuits. It is for this reason that the most scholarly citizens bail from Xitarka. Defense 3.5 - Despite being gifted in the magical arts, a Quastani’s natural physical defenses are extremely poor in comparison. Their bones are hollow to aid in their flight, and as such break very easily. Offense 6 - While young Quastani aren’t the best physical fighters, adults and elders tend to develop talons and increased musculature and can cause quite the nasty wound by swooping in from above. Speed 7 - In addition to being excellent flyers, Quastani are also fast on their feet. Some Quastani even grow up to be flightless, but make up for this by being much faster on the ground.
Infant The infantile stage of the Quastani is similar in appearance to your typical chick. Eventually they grow their down, and will retain this until their third molt.
Child The child stage of the Quastani is similar in appearance to that of a songbird, though varying in actual appearance. They will remain in this stage until their 12th molt.
Teenager The teenager stage of the Quastani is entirely unpredictable, in that one’s appearance seems most dependant on environment and can change abruptly should one change that environment. Typically, a teenage Quastani will appear similar to a raven, however. They will retain this until their 21st molt.
Adult The adult stage of the Quastani is similar in appearance to a bird of prey. Molting slows down once reaching adulthood, gradually increasing in time between. They will remain this way until their 50th molt.
Elder The elder stage of the Quastani is similar in appearance to an owl. These are among the oldest and most experienced Quastani, and tend to make up the Council of Wisdom. Molting slows down even further once in the elder stage, and some Quastani Elders have been recorded to reach 400 years old, with outside influence. Typically, this is the last stage a Quastani will achieve before death, though one more exists.
Ancient The ancient stage of the Quastani is similar in appearance of a Phoenix. It is unknown just how a Quastani reaches this final stage, with various Ancients having done many different things to become one, but its existence has led many to believe that the Quastani are the direct offspring of Shakkar, and this belief is well established in folklore and religion. Once achieving the Ancient stage, a Quastani is unable to die by age or sickness, although they can be killed.
The Quastani were the first to learn the secrets of the Qanalan ruins, unlocking vastly advanced magic and technology and cementing themselves as the central governing body across most of Orstrys. Despite following an impartial ideology and focusing on personal enlightenment, most of the other inhabitants of Orstrys turn to them for political and spiritual guidance. They act as mediators in political disputes to ensure it doesn’t escalate to all out war.
Internally, their value of wisdom and age leads to their central governing body to consist of the oldest and wisest Quastani. With their centuries of experience they guide Xitarkan society by trying to avoid the mistakes of the past. Many younger Quastani disagree with this approach, leading a lot to travel the world instead.
Notable Quastani include the Chosen of Teribos Quastiili, the Chosen of Dorinum Mastiil, Sulisii Malaande, and Vessel Hiisimaan.
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mountphoenixrp · 8 years
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We have a returning citizen in Mount Phoenix:
                                    Athena, the Goddess of Wisdom and War,                                             whose origins stem from Ancient Greece.                                             She is now a member of the City Council                                                and professor at Phoenix University.
FC NAME/GROUP: Park Jiyoon / solo singer GOD NAME: Athena PANTHEON: Greek OCCUPATION: Member of the city council, teaching the occasional course at the Phoenix University, running her own law firm on the side. DEFINING FEATURES: Her eyes are her most defining feature; bright, awake and the colour of silver, almost always carrying an amused gleam to them.
PERSONALITY: Athena has always been known as one of the most levelheaded deities among the Olympians, and that is a reputation that she takes great pride in. She carries herself with a calm and proud, almost regal, demeanor and in many ways that mirrors her personality. She is logical and intelligent, slow to anger and difficult to truly impress. Yet there is almost always an amused glint to her eyes, revealing a woman who is much friendlier than one might think. It might not show on the outside but Athena is liberal with her advice if she thinks you worthy of it, and is no stranger to the occasional joke or tongue-in-cheek pointed comment. Her mind is at all times busy, bustling with ideas and plans of all sorts. Yet she never quite shows how occupied her head keeps her. Somehow she isn’t sure everyone would enjoy a look into the rapid-fire thoughts of a goddess of wisdom.
Although the goddess could best be described as stoic, there are times when that image cracks and gives way. She is so very controlled by her mind that she rarely allows herself to listen to her feelings rather than thinking things through. Athena is never the one to make a decision based on what her heart desires, because that makes you impulsive and irrational and weak and she is none of those things. She is well aware that uncontrolled emotions are a weakness and she fears them. She has seen herself do terrible things to people she held dear, simply because she couldn’t keep her anger or hurt pride under control. No, Athena doesn’t deal with feelings – rationality and well thought through decisions falling much more in her favour.
Athena constantly strives to widen her horizons and to learn new things, because despite being the goddess of wisdom she is not all-knowing. She is simply remarkable at making well-educated guesses, finding patterns and deducing the most probable answer to any question based on the knowledge she has. It is almost always successful of course, as it is at the very essence of her powers. Still, she is well aware that there is so much left in the world to learn, even for a goddess of her prominence.
Thankfully there are books to aid her in that search for increased knowledge. She reads everything from autobiographies and prose to scientific papers and math textbooks. Although most volumes tell her little that she doesn’t already know, they do all at least give her a little more insight into the minds of mortals, and that in it self is reason enough for her to read. You will find that she carries at least three or four books with her at all times. Sure, it may make her handbag ridiculously heavy, but it eases her mind like nothing else knowing she can always grab something to read, would she get some spare time during the day.
She is of course not only a goddess of wisdom, but one of war too, although not in the sense of her brother’s raging violence. No, Athena tackles the art of war like she does everything else: calmly, calculatingly and with a great deal of planning. Her wars are only fought with weapons and violence if it is absolutely necessary and everything else has failed. First and foremost she is a diplomat, one to sit down and talk things through until a compromise has been reached. She is always just, making sure no one side gains unfair advantage over the other. The times Athena favours a side it is only because it clearly deserves to win. When disputes like that make it onto the battlefield, you can rest assured that the goddess will draft out every strategic move to perfection, fighting in the front lines as she leads her side to victory.
HISTORY: The life of Athena started with a disastrous prophecy and the worst headache in history. Her mother Metis had been the first wife of Zeus. It had been predicted that Metis would give birth to a son so powerful that he would beat even his father. To avoid the danger of being overthrown by his own offspring, Zeus decided to attack the source and swallow Metis whole. Unfortunately for the king of the gods, Metis was already pregnant. It didn’t take long before Zeus was hit with a headache so terrible that it prompted a fellow god to cleave his head with an axe. Out sprung Athena, fully grown and dressed in full armor.
She soon proved to excel in many things. She was wiser than most other greek deities, skilled at all sorts of handiwork (although particularly good at weaving) and on top of that a remarkable military strategist. As such, Athena was given the title of goddess over a wide range of areas. She was soon busy settling disputes and fights between both immortals and humans as she earned the reputation of being unusually levelheaded and just for being a goddess.
She competed with Poseidon for the patronage of Athens, a city that was still unnamed at the time. The olympians agreed that they would both offer the city a gift, and the one whose gift the citizens preferred would be named the winner. The god struck the earth with his trident and water sprung up, but although it allowed the city to turn into a great sea power, the water was salt and not good to drink. Then Athena stepped forward and planted an olive tree. It gave food, oil and wood to the citizens and they decided the goddess was the winner of the competition. The city was named after her and from that day, she was patron of Athens.
The goddess took an interest in heroes and their endeavors early on, following them all with interest. Oftentimes you could find Athena offering help and advice crucial to the completion of their quests, cheering them on from the sidelines as their biggest supporter. She was considered a mentor of many heroes, both Heracles and Jason being among those, although Odysseus earned the title of her favourite thanks to his bravery and sharp mind.
As the goddess of strategic warfare, Athena never was (and still isn’t) the one to leap headfirst onto the battlefield. She has always preferred trying to talk things through as a first solution, only taking to war when reaching a satisfying agreement proves impossible. At the instances where the only suitable solution was to fight the conflict out, she would be the one to draft out the strategies that without fault would lead the right party to victory. The goddess herself fought of course at the front lines, her battlecry echoing across the battlefield.
Then, somewhere along the way, the sound of weapons clashing against each other turned to high heeled shoes clicking against asphalt.
Athena has lost interest in modern wars, for they are fought without for no good reason. She is still present every time there are negotiations of peace underway, trying her best to mediate but usually leaving feeling disappointed in the outcome. It is better to leave modern day fighting to her brother and other gods more interested in irrational and unnecessary war. She’d rather go without it.
There are other battles to fight that she prefers, that she excels in. As a goddess of law and justice it wasn’t far fetched for her to start up a law firm, one with an impressive record of won court battles (in fact, she has never lost a single one). She is selective with the cases she picks up of course, lately focusing on aiding demigods who have fallen foul of the law and saving their skin to allow them to start anew.
It was only a matter of time before Athena ended up deciding to settle in Mount Phoenix. That she would join the city council to be able to influence the development and government of the city was also nothing but natural. Her hope is that the city will thrive despite being the last outpost of the gods and their children. It is often she who sends letters to demigods unaware of their heritage, telling them about the island sacred to people of their kind. Helping heroes on their way to greatness is after all something that she has always loved to do.
POWERS: Incredibly intelligent. Capable of logic thinking and strategizing to inconceivable levels. Holds a battle cry that offers strength to her forces and strikes fear into the heart of enemies. Possesses great physical strength and is very weapon-savvy. Excelling in all sorts of crafts and handiworks. Able to shift the shape of both herself and others, although that is a power she very rarely uses. STRENGTHS: diplomatic and fair, intelligent and highly logical, possibly one of the most level-headed greek deities, caring and supportive of demigods, battle sense that is hard to match WEAKNESSES: perhaps a tad too proud, may come across as condescending to people she doesn’t deem ”cleaver enough”, out of touch with her own feelings, tends to think things through too much, tends to lose control when sufficiently angered
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mastcomm · 5 years
Your Monday Briefing – The New York Times
Cruise ship’s coronavirus cases nearly double
More than 60 new cases of the virus have been confirmed on a ship quarantined in Japan, bringing the total to 136, the ship’s captain told passengers today. Here are the latest updates and maps of where the virus has spread.
The news comes a day after 97 people in China died from the virus, a daily record. The country’s death toll of 908 now exceeds that of the SARS epidemic 17 years ago, although the death rate from SARS was higher.
Related: China said on Sunday that it would allow in a team from the World Health Organization, which first offered help weeks ago. Health experts say that deaths and infections are probably being undercounted because testing facilities are under severe strain.
Closer look: In Wuhan, where the outbreak originated, our reporter met a family in which three generations have been sickened.
Tips: There are more useful things to do than worry. To start, wash your hands, and get a flu shot.
How the Iowa caucuses became a fiasco
It was more than just a faulty app.
A team of Times journalists in Des Moines reports: “As disastrous as the 2020 Iowa caucuses have appeared to the public, the failure runs deeper and wider than has previously been known, according to dozens of interviews with those involved. It was a total system breakdown that casts doubt on how a critical contest on the American political calendar has been managed for years.”
Related: Nearly a week after the caucuses, the Iowa Democratic Party released results on Sunday indicating that Pete Buttigieg was the winner. But errors have led several news organizations, including The Times, to refrain from calling the race. Bernie Sanders’s campaign said it would call for a partial recanvass of results.
What’s next: With the New Hampshire primary on Tuesday, Mr. Buttigieg and Mr. Sanders are escalating their rivalry.
‘Parasite’ makes Oscar history
The comedy-thriller from South Korea on Sunday became the first film not in English to win the Academy Award for best picture.
“Parasite,” which has earned $35.5 million at the North American box office since its release in October, also won awards for best director, original screenplay and international feature.
The details: In the acting categories, Joaquin Phoenix won for “Joker”; Renée Zellweger for “Judy”; Brad Pitt for “Once Upon a Time … in Hollywood”; and Laura Dern for “Marriage Story.” Here’s a complete list of winners.
Go deeper: The ceremony offered a grab bag of emotional moments and head-scratching choices, our chief TV critic writes.
Closer look: View our collection of photographs from the red carpet.
An internet delusion seeps into the real world
QAnon, which began online more than two years ago as an intricate, if baseless, conspiracy theory, has found a foothold offline, surfacing in political campaigns, criminal cases and at least one college class.
About a dozen candidates for public office in the U.S. have promoted or dabbled in QAnon, and its adherents have been arrested in at least seven episodes, including the slaying of a New York City mob boss last year.
Background: QAnon began in 2017, when cryptic posts written under the name Q Clearance Patriot appeared on the online message board 4chan. In more than 3,500 posts, Q — whose identity has never been determined — has claimed, among other things, that President Trump was recruited by the military to run for office in order to break up a global cabal of pedophiles, and that Robert Mueller’s investigation would end with prominent Democrats being imprisoned at Guantánamo Bay.
If you have some time, this is worth it
A battle for the future of the Nile
Egyptians have controlled the river for thousands of years, but pollution, climate change and Egypt’s soaring population are taking a toll on the Nile.
Now the country is sparring with Ethiopia over the construction of a $4.5 billion hydroelectric dam. The sides are scheduled to meet this week in Washington, where the White House has been mediating a dispute that threatens to break into a wider conflict.
Here’s what else is happening
A $4.8 billion budget: President Trump is expected to propose a spending plan today that will include billions of dollars for a wall along the southern border and steep cuts to safety net programs, including Medicaid.
Amazon vs. Nazis: The retailer once said that it would sell “the good, the bad and the ugly,” but it has become increasingly proactive in removing Nazi material. In a book related to Amazon’s show “The Man in the High Castle,” swastikas and other Nazi-themed imagery were digitally erased.
Snapshot: Above, a Nenets woman with a tray of stroganina, thinly shaved raw, frozen fish or meat that has long been a favorite snack in northern Siberia. Our correspondent calls it one of Russia’s hidden delicacies.
Metropolitan Diary: In this week’s column, riding downtown, waking up from a dream and more reader tales of New York City.
What we’re reading: This essay in Essence, addressing the attacks on the broadcast journalist Gayle King after she raised the question of a dropped rape accusation against Kobe Bryant. “The term misogynoir — the special type of hatred directed against women of color — says it all,” says the Briefings editor, Andrea Kannapell.
Now, a break from the news
Read: The writer Matthew Lopez discusses “The Inheritance,” his two-part play about gay culture and the legacy of AIDS.
Listen: The indie rock duo Best Coast has a new song, “Everything Has Changed,” and a new outlook on life.
Smarter Living: Our Wirecutter colleagues present hacks, tips and products in their “Five Days to Better Sleep” Challenge. (Sign up here.)
And now for the Back Story on …
Revisiting ‘The Year of Africa’
Seventeen African countries shed their colonial status in 1960. Sixty years later, our archival storytelling team, Past Tense, paired photography from collections at The Times and elsewhere with writers and thinkers of African descent for a special section, “A Continent Remade.” Veronica Chambers, the editor of Past Tense, spoke with Adriana Balsamo about the project. Here are some edited excerpts from their conversation.
Can you speak to the decision to have more youthful writers be a part of the project?
We really wanted a certain dynamism to the conversation. And we thought that it would be interesting to ask youngish people who are really connected to the continent … and who have a sense of pride about it. David Adjaye, for example, spent years cataloging the architecture of Africa in a way that had never been done before. But he grew up half his life off the continent.
There’s always a period of discovery for someone who has a foot in a country but didn’t necessarily grow up there. And especially because the countries are so young, it felt like it’d be interesting to ask these young people who in some ways really benefited from all of the good of independence — their lives were shaped by everything that came after — to look at the pictures and respond.
What is your favorite photo?
I think the mother and baby picture [with Imbolo Mbue’s essay] and the Miss Independence picture [with Luvvie Ajayi’s essay] were really important to me because those were the two I found first, in October 2018. I held on to those two pictures as a kind of proof of concept. I also love the picture at the United Nations by Sam Falk [with Mr. Adjaye’s essay]. He’s so special to the history of The Times and just to know what it must have meant for those men to be able to go and represent new nations. To say, “Our country is three months old and here we are. Let’s talk about how we fit into the rest of the world.” I think that’s pretty powerful.
What do you hope readers take away from the section?
We are really hoping that people on the continent will read the digital version, and we’ve worked really hard on the interactive. When you look at the news photographs, it was a time when very few New York Times readers would have been to Africa. And so when we look at where we are at 60 years later, there’s still a lot of people who have never been and may never go.
And I hope what readers will take from it is a sense of possibility that I believe continues to this day. A sense of beauty, a sense of community. And I hope, interest: I hope they will continue to read some of the writers we featured.
That’s it for this briefing. See you next time.
— Chris
Thank you Mark Josephson and Eleanor Stanford provided the break from the news. You can reach the team at [email protected].
P.S. • We’re listening to “The Daily.” Today’s episode is about a company that has compiled a database of three billion images and the ensuing privacy concerns. • Here’s today’s Mini Crossword, and a clue: Where the heart is (five letters). You can find all our puzzles here. • The New York Times Company now has more than five million subscriptions, including 3.5 million that are digital-only. Thank you!
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Liability and Legal Questions Follow Uber Autonomous Car Fatal Accident
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Liability and Legal Questions Follow Uber Autonomous Car Fatal Accident
The death of a pedestrian hit by a self-driving Uber vehicle in Arizona this week could offer a test of who can be held legally responsible for accidents when a human is no longer at the wheel, legal experts said.
Any litigation that arises from the accident, the first fatality involving a fully autonomous vehicle, could pit the ride-hailing service against technology suppliers and the vehicle’s manufacturer, legal experts said. It could also provide a window into confidential indemnification agreements that companies developing self-driving car systems may have reached to shield themselves legally.
In Sunday’s accident, Elaine Herzberg, 49, was walking her bicycle outside the crosswalk on a four-lane road in the Phoenix suburb of Tempe when she was hit by the Volvo XC90 SUV, which was traveling in autonomous mode at about 40 miles per hour, police said.
Tempe Police Chief Sylvia Moir, who saw video of the crash, told the San Francisco Chronicle late Monday that it “would have been difficult to avoid this collision in any kind of mode (autonomous or human-driven) based on how she came from the shadows right into the roadway.”
The Tempe Police Department said in a statement later that the department does not determine fault in vehicle collisions. “Ultimately the investigation will be submitted to the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office for review and any potential charges,” it said.
It was not clear whether a lawsuit would be filed on behalf of Herzberg’s estate.
Bryant Walker Smith, a law professor at the University of South Carolina with expertise in self-driving cars, said most states, including Arizona, require drivers to exercise due care to avoid hitting pedestrians on a roadway, even if the pedestrians use an unmarked crosswalk.
Sergei Lemberg, a California-based lawyer who has brought several lawsuits against self-driving car manufacturers, said that Uber, Volvo, which manufactured the sport utility vehicle, and any companies that supplied self-driving technology could potentially be held liable if litigation ensued from the Tempe accident. The “safety” driver who was behind the wheel but who appears not to have operated the vehicle could also be named as a defendant, Lemberg said.
“Suing all these parties would be my top thought right now,” he said.
Uber said in a statement it was fully cooperating with local authorities investigating the accident.
Volvo, the Swedish car brand owned by China’s Geely , confirmed its vehicle was involved in the crash but said the software controlling the SUV was not its own. Volvo said in 2015 it would accept full liability when one of its vehicles equipped with its own self-driving system was in autonomous mode. The company said in 2017 it had agreed to supply Uber with 24,000 self-driving vehicles.
Until now, most litigation over non-fatal accidents involving self-driving vehicles has been confidentially settled, according to legal experts. A case in which a motorcyclist sued General Motors after a collision last year with one of the company’s autonomous test cars in San Francisco is pending.
GM has said in a statement regarding the lawsuit that in its collision report the San Francisco Police Department determined that the autonomous vehicle was not at fault in the accident.
Legal experts said liability in the Tempe case would depend on the facts of the accident and the results of U.S. National Highway Safety Administration and National Transportation Safety Board investigations.
Car accident litigation usually turns on whether a driver acted negligently, or failed to exercise a reasonable level of care.
By contrast, a lawsuit involving an autonomous vehicle could revolve around whether the self-driving system had a design defect, legal experts said.
Design defect claims do not require a finding of fault or negligence. To prevail, a plaintiff must show only that a product had an inherent design defect that would render it unsafe.
Automakers and software writers could counter with detailed data gathered by on-board sensors on how cars behaved during a collision, experts said, to show that it was impossible for the vehicle to avoid a collision and that all the systems functioned properly.
One question that would likely arise in litigation is whether Uber, Volvo or any companies that supplied self-driving technology entered into indemnification agreements, in which an entity assumes another company’s liability costs.
Paul Rafferty, a California-based lawyer who represents carmakers, said such agreements in the autonomous vehicle world are confidential and disputes over indemnification are generally arbitrated or mediated behind closed doors.
Volvo declined to comment on whether it had entered into indemnification agreements with Uber.
Jennifer Dukarski, a Detroit-based lawyer representing suppliers of autonomous-vehicle technology, said the lawsuit filed by the San Francisco motorcyclist against GM raised only negligence claims.
So if any litigation in the Arizona accident alleges design defect claims, it could set legal precedent and be “very impactful” on the nascent autonomous vehicle industry, she said.
Regardless of who is at fault, the University of South Carolina’s Smith said he would expect Uber, which has faced past scrutiny over its business practices, to settle any litigation quickly to avoid the public spotlight.
“Only if Uber believes that it was wholly without fault could I see this case going to trial,” he said.
(Reporting by Tina Bellon in New York; Additional reporting by Paul Lienert in Detroit Editing by Noeleen Walder and Frances Kerry)
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Did That Billionaire's 'Nazi' Rant Begin With A Dispute Over Landscaping?
In case you lengthy for a more lovely backyard area, but lack the funds to hire a panorama designer, try these DIY design tips and methods to improve your out of doors house on a dime. You need solely claim that I've not proved what can't be proved in the context of accelerating organismal complexity that links quantum physics to quantum biology via the de novo creation of nucleic acids and RNA-mediated events linked to cell kind differentiation in all cell types of all people of all dwelling genera. Summer advantages: Holding plant roots cool means preventing vegetation from broiling in the scorching summer season solar. Even in areas with average summers, crops are in danger when temperatures swing to extremes. Property house owners who make the most of mulch property will be capable of plant far more delicate shrubs and flowers without fear that heat publicity will kill them earlier than they've time to mature. Termed LUSH 2.zero, the improved programme will embrace extra development sorts ranging from residential developments to retail, workplace and even hotel developments. It would also cover extra geographical components of Singapore in addition to additional incentives to encourage developers landscaping dubai to combine more green options. Ceri Wagnell, of Empire Lane, mentioned the design of smaller gardens required a lot more thought so as to make sure the pool labored effectively throughout the backyard and provides worth to the property. One among my absolute favorite vegetation is the versatile daylily. These crops, just like the iris, are available in a variety of colors and bloom times. Daylilies are very hardy and stellar garden performers. There's a seemingly never ending spectrum of coloration accessible and nurseries are developing new varieties every year. They nonetheless appeal to the most effective in design. I used the remaining-room within the Bauhaus Bistro. The faucets work with sensors. The hand place turns on and mixes sizzling/chilly water or prompts the dryer. Solely cleaning soap isn't allotted by them. Do not sneeze! In case your hand shakes, you can begin once more to really feel for the dryer position. A specialist of panorama upkeep in Phoenix purpose is to take the day-to-day trouble out of sustaining your panorama by providing quite a lot of companies and developing a protracted-time period relationship with you. They'll present weekly or bi-weekly service, or a custom schedule to fit your upkeep wants. Contact your local specialist of landscape maintenance in Phoenix for extra details about their companies. With a blend, the sooner germinating grasses come up quick, and act as a nurse crop for the slower germinating seeds. Having a blend also offers you some protection in case some new pest comes along that assaults certain types of grasses. If you ever see any indicators of raccoons near your property, you may need to contact a wildlife management service instantly. Raccoons aren't just a nuisance—they can be a real hazard to your property and everybody in your home. For those who spot a raccoon or think that you might need a raccoon downside, then it is best to schedule an inspection with a wildlife control service straight away. Putting in new landscaping can value several thousand dollars upfront, but the water bill financial savings add up. Helen mentioned one in all his clients who gave up his garden now pays simply 20 % of what he used to on water and saves greater than $1,000 a year. This landscaping pattern has been standard for a few years, however we're beginning to see it grow in reputation now that more Millennials are forgoing homeownership in favor of renting Programmable green space can be utilized for a variety of actions, from cookouts to flag soccer, a Frisbee event or a family picnic. Programmable green house is particularly important for metropolis dwellers, as it evokes the sense of a yard for renters residing in a concrete jungle. The German military had began to arrange Operation Sealion in early November 1939. For those who're able to submit your first article for consideration, simply go to the reside article and click on the undergo a HubPages Community Site” button within the black bar above your article's title. It will start the submission process. continues to ignore pure selection for nutrients and nutrient-dependent adjustments in RNA that clearly refute the pseudoscientific nonsense of evolutionary theory exemplifies the current state of ignorance exhibited by evolutionary theorists. This plant below is a Cupplant planted from seed three years ago, it's flourishing in a raised bed in my back yard. I do not perceive how one can blame our present President. I hope you'll lookup the date the conflict in Iraq began. Start a bit of kitchen garden either outdoor or on your windowsill. Good companion herb crops for sage are rosemary and thyme as they have related water and sun necessities. Go to to see pictures of blue flowering sage and skim more about dry garden plants and herbs. Completely satisfied gardening! While the tireless work of park rangers, scientists and researchers is vitally important, each single customer to the islands can do their part. To learn more about thatch and what industrial landscaping upkeep crews do about it at totally different times of the yr, please contact us on the Chapel Valley Landscape Firm. Thatch elimination and the opposite administration duties mentioned is all part of our business landscaping firm's service plans. This has the advantage of not solely saving house, but with a set window, can provide very good visual connection from inside the house,” she mentioned. Now my techniques will increase the ire of traditional gardeners and I am afraid that the green motion would have my head for a few of my practices. I do not pretend to be the proper gardener and follow the strict rules of the inexperienced motion but what I managed to do, and I'll show you find out how to do it to, was create a ravishing garden in a short period of time. Show deceptive tags, categorizations, and/or titles that do not match the Hub's content, including irrelevant or excessive tagging. Over the last few months, I've had the chance to see several sites (outside of HubPages) which have achieved major actions like this and in some instances it has taken two years for a big landscaping dubai traffic shift after creating clusters of top of the range content. So, I feel there may be nonetheless a chance that we will see a major site visitors transfer, and it appears that there's some slight site visitors profit within the quick term on common.
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caveartfair · 7 years
Controversial Sam Durant Sculpture to Be Ceremonially Burned—and the 9 Other Biggest News Stories This Week
Catch up on the latest art news with our rundown of the 10 stories you need to know this week.
01  A Sam Durant sculpture at Minneapolis’s Walker Art Center that drew protests from the Native American community will be removed and then ceremonially burned.
(via Star Tribune)
A two-story structural work by Durant, Scaffold (2012) was a recent addition to the Walker’s renovated sculpture garden and was intended to critically evoke imagery of the gallows used in the 1862 hanging of 38 Dakota in Mankato, Minnesota. However, Native American groups asserted that the work insensitively portrayed a history of violence and genocide. Following two days of protest, the Walker’s executive director Olga Viso announced that she and Durant had agreed upon the work’s removal. In a prior statement, Viso expressed regret that the museum excluded Native American groups in the decision to host the work. “It’s a small victory,” said Dakota artist Graci Horne, who broke news of the removal to a crowd of roughly 100 protesters. “It happened so fast. We were prepared to be in a marathon with this.” As part of a removal process determined jointly by Dakota elders, Walker staff, and Durant, the work will be disassembled beginning Friday and ceremonially burned in a Dakota-led ceremony. Due to the events, the gardens’ re-opening has been pushed back to June 10th.
02  On Wednesday, a noose was left in the National Museum of African American History and Culture’s Segregation Gallery.
(via the Washington Post)
This is the second noose left on Smithsonian grounds this week, after police discovered another on Saturday among the grounds of the Hirshhorn Museum. The incident is under investigation by U.S. Park Police. After finding the noose, the NMAAHC closed part of its galleries as the Smithsonian Office of Protection Services joined police in an investigation. “The noose has long represented a deplorable act of cowardice and depravity—a symbol of extreme violence for African Americans,” said the museum’s founding director Lonnie Bunch III in a statement. “This was a horrible act, but a stark reminder of why our work is so important.”
03  A work of art looted by Nazis will be auctioned in July, with the proceeds to be divided between the trust of the previous owner and the heirs of the Jewish couple who originally held the piece.
(via the New York Times)
La Punta Della Dogana e San Giorgio Maggiore by Michele Marieschi was looted by Nazis during World War II after the Graf family fled Austria during the late 1930s, leaving the painting and other possessions behind. A multi-decade search eventually surfaced the work, which was being held by an unidentified collector, though the discovery did not result in a restitution. While a judge revealed the name of the collector to the Graf heirs, the identity otherwise remains secret, and the collector refused to part with the piece up until her or his death in 2013. Two years later, the collector’s trust reached out to a mediator who began negotiations with the heirs. The current settlement, which the son-in-law of the original Jewish owners called “bittersweet,” is a compromise that brings the dispute to an end without restituting the piece to the heirs. The agreement sees the painting head to auction at Sotheby’s in July, where it is expected to bring between $650,000 and $905,000. The eventual sum will be split between the trust and the heirs, though the exact details of the settlement remain confidential.
04  On Tuesday, Art Basel sued the German sportswear manufacturer Adidas for trademark infringement and a host of related allegations in a Florida federal court.
Art Basel and its Swiss parent company, MCH Group, assert that Adidas did not receive permission to emblazon “Art Basel” on roughly 1,000 limited-edition sneakers distributed during the fair’s 15th edition in Miami Beach last November. The art fair—which holds a registered trademark on its name—is seeking treble damages, the destruction of the “offending” shoes and connected material, and other relief. Calling its brand one of the fair’s most “valuable and important corporate assets,” the complaint notes that Art Basel has licensed its “mark” to several companies—from UBS to BMW, but not Adidas. The complaint charges that by placing “Art Basel” on its shoes without such an agreement, Adidas infringed on a “registered and incontestable” trademark, while implying a nonexistent affiliation between the manufacturer and the art fair brand in consumers’ minds.
05  A prominent Geneva-based antiquity-dealing family is under investigation for potentially handling ISIS-looted objects.
(via the Wall Street Journal)
Brothers Ali and Hicham Aboutaam, who together run Phoenix Ancient Art, are currently the subject of three separate probes by Swiss, Belgian, and French authorities. The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is also looking into the family’s affairs, as part of a broader examination of U.S.-based antiquities dealers and their connections with trafficked material. In March, a driver working for Ali was arrested by Swiss law enforcement on suspicion of avoiding value-added taxes; around the same time, Ali’s wife was detained for two weeks when she failed to produce proper documentation for several artifacts. However, no charges have been leveled against the brothers at this time. A lawyer representing the dealership said it “has never knowingly purchased or sold any looted items, let alone items looted by ISIS.” The the Aboutaams have run afoul of the law in the past. In 2004, Hicham pled guilty to falsifying a customs declaration and was fined in New York court.
06  MoMA revealed the final design for its ongoing $400 million expansion on Thursday.
(via MoMA)
The first phase of the project—a reconfiguration of the museum’s east section, begun in February 2016—was also completed this week, increasing MoMA’s public space by 25 percent. The institution’s upcoming Frank Lloyd Wright exhibition will open this month in a suite of these renovated galleries. The second half of the expansion will see an overhauled main lobby and additional, flexible galleries. But change is not limited to the physical space—MoMA will now organize many of its galleries according to time period or theme rather than discipline. “It’s a rethinking of how we were originally conceived,” museum director Glenn D. Lowry told the New York Times. “We had created a narrative for ourselves that didn’t allow for a more expansive reading of our own collection, to include generously artists from very different backgrounds.” This mission will be put to the test in 2019, when the museum will only display works from its collection to mark the opening of the expanded building. MoMA said it has already raised the money necessary for construction, aided by a $100 million donation from entertainment mogul David Geffen.
07  New York City’s Public Artist in Residence Tania Bruguera will work with a team of women to deliver important information on social services by bike to immigrant communities.
(via the NYC Office of Immigrant Affairs)
New York City Cultural Affairs Commissioner Tom Finkelpearl announced the project, CycleNews, on Tuesday at a City Hall rally in solidarity with immigrants, alongside Immigrant Affairs Commissioner Nisha Agarwal and Bruguera. CycleNews will launch with a pilot program in Corona, Queens, where roughly 15 women will travel by bike and provide immigrant populations with information on the “critical services MOIA provides: IDNYC, ActionNYC legal services, English conversation classes, and know your rights materials,” the press release said. The women are part of Mujeres en Movimiento, a group of Spanish-speaking mothers and community advocates. “After spending time getting to know the Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs, I wanted to build on MOIA’s community outreach strategies and initiatives, furthering their relationship with the communities they serve,” Bruguera said.
08  A Greek LGBTQI and refugee rights group has stolen an artwork that is part of Documenta 14.
(via Artforum)
The theft is an act of protest against the expenditure on the high-profile art event as refugees live in dire conditions across Europe, and, according to statement put out by the group, condemns the “fetishization” of refugees. The artwork, Replica of Oath Stone, by Spanish artist Roger Bernat in collaboration with Roberto Fratini, was “a facsimile of a limestone table where oaths were sealed” and made of “porexpan, fiberglass, and acrylic paint,” according to Artforum. Bernat’s project, “The Place of the Thing,” saw the sculpture carried through Athens in a fake funeral procession, after which it would be shipped to Kassel for a burial. Artforum reported the LGBTQI group had agreed to be one of the groups in the performance, and had accepted a €500 payment for its participation. But in its statement, it mocked the “grand donation” of €500, and said the disappearance of the rock symbolized the disappearance of the many refugees who had died “seeking better lives in Europe.”
09  El Museo del Barrio has fired one of its senior executives as internal issues continue to mount.
(via the New York Times</a>)
In recent years, the New York museum has faced numerous financial and institutional challenges, including seeing three different directors in just seven years. Now added to that list is the firing of deputy director of institutional advancement Berta Colón, who was only named to the position in August. The museum cited “performance reasons” for her May 19th dismissal. However, in a letter to the museum’s board of trustees, Colón claims that the revenue goals provided to her were “not based on solid expectations” and that her performance had never been officially evaluated. In the same letter, Colón accused interim executive director Carlos Gálvez of employee intimidation, suggesting he unduly influenced museum workers toward his preferred candidate for the executive director position. Patrick Charpenel, the latest appointment as executive director, comes to El Museo del Barrio from a curatorial position with Museo Jumex in Mexico City. Officially named as director on May 1st, Charpenel has seen his appointment delayed as he awaits the necessary paperwork for U.S. work clearance.
10  The sculpture personifying justice as a woman removed from Bangladesh’s Supreme Court last week has been reinstalled.
(via the New York Times)
Only two days after protests from the hardline conservative Islamic group Hefazat-e-Islam—which claims Islam prohibits artistic representations of living things—pressured authorities into removing the statue, the decision was reversed. The work was returned but relocated 300 yards away, near a less prominent annex to the country’s Supreme Court building. Though Bangladesh is a secular country, strict fundamentalism spurred by groups such as Hefazat has exerted increasing influence in the nation’s rural areas. This ideological conflict came to a head Friday when left-wing student groups countered conservative religious groups at rallies in the capital of Dhaka. Sunday’s compromise appears to have left no party satisfied, the Times reports: Sculptor Mrinal Haque said his statue has been “sent to isolation” while Hefazat’s leader, Shah Ahmad Shafi, is unhappy with its continued existence.
—Artsy Editors
Cover photo by Lorie Shaull, via Flickr.
from Artsy News
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studentehelp8 · 8 years
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Now answer is easy to find through Studentehelp.  This site having unique solutions of 575 Business Law Final Exam Answers. We provide all type of problem solution on stundentehelp by our experts.
LAW 575 Final Exam -
LAW/575 Final Exam
1)  Which of the following is true regarding state and federal court jurisdiction?
In all cases, state courts have concurrent jurisdiction with the federal courts.
Federal courts begin with exclusive jurisdiction until a state court intervenes.
In all cases, state courts have exclusive jurisdiction unless the state's Supreme Court grants jurisdiction to a federal court in the state.
In some cases, state courts have exclusive jurisdiction; in some cases, state courts have concurrent jurisdiction with the federal courts.
2) Which of the following is true regarding a sole proprietorship?
A sole proprietor shares control of the management of the business.
The sole proprietor keeps a portion of the profits from the business.
Profits are not taxed as the personal income of the sole proprietor.
A sole proprietor is personally liable for obligations of the business.
3) Which of the following is a type of ADR?
Case argument
Case analysis
4) Which of the following is an extension of negotiation?
Neutral case evaluations
4) Which of the following is an extension of negotiation?
Neutral case evaluations
5) Without obtaining advance permission, Annie places an unflattering photograph of the president of the college that she attends on folders that she is selling outside of class for extra money. Which of the following is true?
Annie has committed defamation of the college president in the form of slander.
Annie has committed defamation of the college president in the form of libel.
Annie has appropriated the photograph for commercial gain, which constitutes an invasion of privacy.
Annie has not committed any tort.
6) ________ torts occur when the defendant takes an action that is inherently dangerous and cannot ever be undertaken safely, no matter what precautions the defendant takes.
7) The violation of a duty of care is called
breach of responsibility
breach of statute
breach of duty
objectionable breaching
8) Which of the following are common classifications of torts?
Intentional, negligent, and criminal
Intentional, criminal, and strict-liability
Intentional, negligent, and strict-liability
Criminal, negligent, and strict-liability
9) Which of the following are commonly used theories of recovery in product liability cases?
Negligence, negligence per se, and breach of warranty
Strict product liability, negligence per se, and breach of warranty
Breach of warranty, negligence, and negligence per se
Negligence, strict product liability, and breach of warranty
10) The person who makes an offer is called an
11) Which of the following is what a person will receive in return for performing a contractual obligation?
12) Which of the following is true regarding the adequacy of consideration?
Courts generally consider the adequacy of consideration in determining whether to enforce a contract.
Courts consider the adequacy of consideration only if something is sold for less than 90% of its market value.
Courts consider the adequacy of consideration only if something is sold for less than 80% of its market value.
Courts consider the adequacy of consideration only if something is sold for less than 70% of its market value.
13) Which of the following represents an accord and satisfaction?
When a dispute over an unliquidated debt is settled and is paid for less than the full amount
When a dispute over a liquidated debt is settled and paid for less than the full amount
When a dispute over an unliquidated debt is settled and paid for the full amount
When a dispute over a liquidated debt is settled and paid for the full amount
14) Jenny works at a Mexican fast-food restaurant, which is owned by an international company located in Mexico. Jenny is very angry with her supervisor, Sleaze, as he has been making inappropriate sexual comments to her and other employees. Jenny decides to sue and retains a lawyer, Brice. Brice talks with the owners of the restaurant and is informed that Jenny signed an agreement to arbitrate any claims. Jenny also informed Brice about other employees who had complained about sexual harassment and entered into mediation agreements. Brice promises her that he will get copies of all documents and everything that was taken down by the court reporter at those mediations. Brice also tells Jenny that, while he is not going to bring it up now, if they so choose, Brice and Jenny can avoid the arbitration agreement, because under a new federal law, such agreements cannot be enforced if one of the companies involved is internationally based. He also tells Jenny in response to her question about the possibility of mediation in her case to forget it, because mediation is pretty much the same thing as arbitration. Brice tells Jenny that an option is to arbitrate and, if the outcome is bad at arbitration, she can file a court action in federal court. Brice says that the federal court judge would not consider an arbitrator's decision in making a determination. Assume the Uniform Mediation Act provisions apply. Can Brice obtain information from the previous mediators regarding what occurred at the previous mediations?
Yes, but only if a court reporter was present.
He can get accounts of statements, but not copies of written documents.
He can get the information only if the mediators in the other cases want to cooperate.
He cannot get copies of documents or accounts of what was said from the mediator.
15) Which of the following is generally defined as a relationship between a principal and an agent?
16) Which of the following is true if there is no agreement between a principal and an agent regarding the amount for which the principal will compensate the agent?
It will be assumed that the agent agreed to work for free on a gratuitous basis.
The principal will be allowed to set the price, which will be enforced unless it is unconscionable.
The court will appoint a magistrate to set the price.
Compensation will be calculated according to the customary fee in the situation.
17) Which title of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 deals with discrimination in employment?
Title VII
Title VI
Title V
Title IV
18) Which of the following is true regarding discrimination based on sexual orientation?
There is a federal law specifically prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation providing back pay, attorney fees, and punitive damages as available remedies.
There is a federal law specifically prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation, but it only provides for back pay as an available remedy.
There are no state laws specifically prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation nor is there any federal law providing such protection.
While there is no federal law specifically prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation, some states do have laws prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation.
19) Which of the following is a federal law regulating the payment of wages and overtime?
The Fair Pay Act
The Fair Labor Standards Act
The Regulatory Wage Act
The Subsistence Pay Act
20) Striking union members of ABC Company decide that picketing ABC Company is not accomplishing the desired results and decide to further their efforts. Sally, the union president, suggests that they picket XYZ Company, a supplier to ABC, to pressure XYZ into not doing business with ABC. Which of the following is true regarding Sally's plan?
Sally's plan is a good idea, and this type of picketing is frequently and legally engaged in by union members during labor disputes.
Sally's plan is a good idea only if the strike has been going on for more than 30 days, because under the National Labor Relations Act, union members may not picket any company other than the employer for at least 90 days.
Sally's plan is only legal if XYZ employees are represented by the same union as ABC employees.
Sally's plan is illegal because of the prohibition against secondary boycotts occurring during a labor dispute when employees boycott a company other than their own to force it to cease doing business with their employer.
21) A ________ is a distinctive mark, word, design, picture, or arrangement that is used by a producer in conjunction with a product and tends to cause consumers to identify the product with the producer.
Trade secret
22) In which of the following types of ownership does each co-owner have the right to sell his or her interest without the consent of the other owners, the right to own an unequal share of the property, and the right to own property subject to the right of a creditor to attach his or her interest?
Joint tenancy
True tenancy
Tenancy in common
Joined tenancy
23) If a trademark is registered, what may the owner obtain in the event of infringement from a person who used the trademark to pass off goods as being those of the mark owner?
An injunction prohibiting the infringer from using the mark only
An additional amount of damages computed as a multiplier of 5 times the original damages
Damages, an injunction prohibiting the infringer from using the mark, and additional damages based on a multiplier of 5 times the original damages
Damages and an injunction prohibiting the infringer from using the mark
24) Which of the following types of insurance should a business manager purchase to obtain protection against a broad range of risks?
A commercial general liability policy
A business tort policy
A litigation commercial policy
An economic protection policy
25) Which of the following oversees the purchase and sale of securities?
The Securities Act of 1933
The Securities Exchange Act of 1934
The Depression Act of 1932
The Oversight Act of 1935
26) A workers' compensation insurance policy is an example of which of the following types of insurance?
27) How are directors typically chosen after the incorporation process?
By majority vote of the shareholders
By majority vote of all officers
By a two-thirds vote of shareholders
The president appoints them at his or her discretion
28) Wendy is the president of a business that manufactures kites. The kites of her company, ABC Kites, are sold to large toy stores. After Wendy learned a great deal about kites, she started to make kites at home. She started selling kites to friends, and she also started to make inquiries regarding selling her kites to larger toy stores in the area and to make a few sales to them. Her plan was to start small and then leave ABC after she had increased sales. She did not work on her side project while she was on the clock with ABC. Some of the directors learned about her kite sales and accused her of wrongdoing. Wendy denied any wrongdoing and pointed out that she did not work on her project while she was on the job with ABC. What duty, if any, did Wendy violate?
She did not commit any violation.
She violated the duty of loyalty.
She violated the duty of care.
She violated the duty of understanding.
29) Which of the following best describes the term comparative law?
It is the study of the legal systems of different states.
It is the study of the laws governing the conduct of states and international organizations and their relationships with one another.
It is the study of the difference between public and private law in the United States.
It is the study of the difference between constitutions and administrative rules and regulations within the United States.
30) What has the U.S. Supreme Court held regarding whether U.S. courts must rely on customary international law?
The U.S. Supreme Court has held that U.S. courts may disregard customary international law.
The U.S. Supreme Court has held that even if a governing international agreement says otherwise, a U.S. court must rely on customary international law.
The U.S. Supreme Court has held that even if a controlling executive act is to the contrary, U.S. courts must rely on customary international law.
The U.S. Supreme Court has held that in the absence of a governing international agreement, or controlling executive, or legislative act, or judicial decision, U.S. courts must rely on customary international law.
Read more:-  LAW 575 Final Exam
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paulbenedictblog · 5 years
New Post has been published on %http://paulbenedictsgeneralstore.com%
News top stories daily news hot topics Scrambled eggs on Pa. road, stolen golden coffin, Chocolate University: News from around our 50 states
News top stories daily news hot topics
News top stories daily news hot topics Alabama
Bernard Law 1st viscount montgomery of alamein: The Alabama Forestry Commission issued a statewide fire alert Wednesday attributable to extraordinarily dry weather. It became as soon as an make stronger from a previously issued fire hazard advisory. The extraordinarily dry weather methodology any fire can fleet unfolded of preserve watch over. The associated rate acknowledged all around the last week firefighters responded to 182 wildfires all around the declare, burning about 2,608 acres. Those included a 470-acre fire in Talladega County and a 39-acre fire in DeKalb County. The associated rate acknowledged permits for out of doors burning will doubtless be restricted and issued on an particular person basis on the discretion of the declare forester. Someone who burns a field, grassland or woodland with out a allow could well per chance face prosecution.
News top stories daily news hot topics Alaska
Anchorage: Two pilots were fined $3,000 apiece for flying airplanes low over walruses on the shore shut to Point Lay two years ago. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service spokeswoman Andrea Medeiros acknowledged names of the pilots who unnerved walruses can’t be launched, but didn’t point out why. Residents of Point Lay in September 2017 saw two airplanes flying shut to resting walruses. Cameras that notice the marine mammals captured photos of the airplanes and walruses leaving the distant seashore in response. Low-flying aircraft could cause stampedes that crush younger animals. Walruses’ most traditional habitat is sea ice. Ice since 2007 has retreated past the shallow continental shelf to water too deep for walruses to dive for clams. Walruses this year began exhibiting up on shore in July. On Saturday, about 40,000 walruses had been shut to Point Lay.
News top stories daily news hot topics Arizona
Phoenix: A runt pig “craze,” paired with a lack of schooling on the manner to take them, has led to house owners surrendering or releasing them into the barren dwelling at an alarming rate, acknowledged Danielle Betterman, owner and director of Better Piggies Rescue, a pig sanctuary in Phoenix. The overflow of runt pigs is so inferior, she acknowledged, that her sanctuary has needed to quit accepting owner surrenders. The Ironwood Pig Sanctuary in Marana has bigger than 100 pigs on its resign waitlist to date, acknowledged Mary Schanz, its president and co-founder. Most of them aren’t spayed or neutered. Schanz, who has been within the pig rescue industrial for 18 years, acknowledged her sanctuary has largely been able to withhold up with the incoming pigs, “but now, it’s beautiful past our ability.” The field, she acknowledged, is that there are no rules for pig breeding. Backyard breeders rear too many pigs and then sell them to these that mistakenly mediate they'll preserve diminutive. The Arizona Department of Agriculture saw an lengthen in pickups of stray pigs within the last year. There relish already been 17 pig pickups in 2019, when put next with 15 in all of 2018, acknowledged Cody Egnor, an assistant declare veterinarian for the agriculture division.
News top stories daily news hot topics Arkansas
Sizzling Springs: Oaklawn Racing On line casino Resort is raising the minimal wage for its nearly about 1,000 workers. The racetrack and on line casino acknowledged it would lengthen the minimal wage for nontipped workers from $9.25 an hour to $13 an hour initiating on the tip of the month. Tipped workers will sight their minimal wage lengthen from $2.76 an hour to $6 an hour. Oaklawn acknowledged the trade impacts about 970 beefy-time, segment-time and seasonal workers. Oaklawn is expanding after voters legalized on line casino playing in four counties in 2018. Development is underway on a $100 million enlargement, which involves adding a lodge and tournament heart. In 2018, Arkansas voters well-liked an initiative to step by step raise the declare’s minimal wage to $11 an hour by 2021.
News top stories daily news hot topics California
San Francisco: The U.S. Environmental Safety Company acknowledged California is falling short on combating water air pollution, largely attributable to its field with homelessness in gargantuan cities corresponding to San Francisco and Los Angeles. EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler outlined the complaints Thursday in a letter to Gov. Gavin Newsom. Wheeler is stressful an intensive knowing for fixing the complications inner 30 days. The letter acknowledged “piles of human feces on sidewalks and streets” could well per chance cause water contamination. It criticized San Francisco for routinely discharging inadequately treated sewage into the Pacific Ocean. Wheeler acknowledged if the declare doesn’t meet its tasks, the EPA must take movement. The letter escalated a feud between the Trump administration and California, a predominantly Democrat declare that has fought the administration’s efforts to weaken environmental rules.
News top stories daily news hot topics Colorado
Denver: A flight became as soon as diverted to Denver after a passenger became as soon as stumbled on trapped for the interval of the airplane’s rest room. KUSA-TV reported that Denver Worldwide Airport spokeswoman Emily Williams acknowledged the door to one among the airplane’s toilets got stuck, but could well per chance no longer verify why or how. Officials acknowledged United Flight 1554 became as soon as scheduled to shuttle from the District of Columbia to San Francisco earlier than it made an emergency touchdown Wednesday in Denver. Williams acknowledged the flight crew called for assistance and the Denver Fireplace Department responded to the airport and helped originate the door. Williams acknowledged there had been no requires clinical assistance. United Airways confirmed that any individual became as soon as within the john.
News top stories daily news hot topics Connecticut
Hartford: A carrier canine that became as soon as the topic of several books by an Iraqi wrestle inclined who suffered from put up-worrying stress disorder has died. Tuesday, a golden retriever, became as soon as 13 when he died Tuesday in Burlington, in accordance to Trained Canines Assisting with Disabilities, a carrier canine working towards organization that areas dogs with veterans. Tuesday obtained reputation touring the nation with dilapidated U.S. Army Cpt. Luis Carlos Montalvan, who wrote the memoir “Till Tuesday: A Wounded Warrior and the Golden Retriever Who Saved Him.” The book, the major of four written by Montalvan about his life with Tuesday, grew to alter into a bestseller in 2011. It became as soon as credited with helping raise consciousness of PTSD and the provision of carrier dogs for veterans. Montalvan, who became as soon as wounded in Iraq, earned two Bronze Stars and a Red Heart. Montalvan grew to alter into a leading recommend for military veterans’ mental health and rising accumulate admission to to more carrier animals. Montalvan took his absorb life in 2016. He had left Tuesday with family and the canine became as soon as no longer with him on the time. Tuesday became as soon as later positioned as a carrier canine with a Connecticut cancer affected person. He died within the palms of that man, Gordon Schafer, at their dwelling after being identified with a mass in his belly.
News top stories daily news hot topics Delaware
Seaford: The Seaford College District issued an apology for a combination-up and is investigating why a parody model of the nationwide anthem sung by Rosanne Barr became as soon as archaic earlier than a volleyball match Tuesday between Seaford and Milford excessive schools. In a letter to the district and community, Superintendent David Perrington acknowledged pregame proceedings will doubtless be improved to prevent it from occurring again. Known as “disgraceful and disrespectful” by fogeys on social media, the incident sparked uproar from spectators questioning how it became as soon as allowed to happen, and whether no longer it became as soon as an beautiful mistake made by college students. “The district performs the National Anthem sooner than sporting occasions to honor our nation and in abet for the boys and girls who serve within the nation’s military,” Perrington wrote within the apology. “Sooner or later, the district will effect basically the most of our district-well-liked model at athletic occasions.” The college district moreover reached out to Milford College District on Tuesday evening to claim sorry. Conducted in 1990 earlier than a San Diego Padres recreation, Barr’s screeching rendition rocked the nation earlier than there became as soon as such thing as a viral video. Total with spitting and midsong laughter, Barr’s off-key shrieks most ceaselessly are ranked among the worst performances the anthem.
News top stories daily news hot topics District of Columbia
Washington: A technology developer who filed a lawsuit in opposition to the District’s $215 million no-dispute sports playing contract has requested a short restraining picture to quit the district from upholding it. WTOP-FM reported that Dylan Carragher filed the movement Tuesday, declaring the sole-provide contract awarded to Intralot violates town’s procurement rules that be definite competitive bidding. Carragher’s attorney, Donald Temple, acknowledged if the contract is illegitimate, and the authorities shouldn’t be allowed to withhold out it. Carragher’s lawsuit acknowledged the contract illegally bars him and diversified attainable distributors from taking fragment within the “doubtlessly profitable enterprise.” The D.C. Attorney Popular’s Office declined to commentary. Court documents acknowledged the picture, if granted, will block Intralot from receiving a $30 million fee due Oct. 1.
News top stories daily news hot topics Florida
Melbourne: A local zoo assisted 39 green and loggerhead sea turtle “washbacks” that had been pushed ashore when heavy waves disrupted their habitat. Brevard Zoo’s sea turtle manager Shanon Gann acknowledged in a data originate that the washbacks had been stumbled on on Brevard County’s seashores all around the last week. Gann acknowledged workers participants and volunteers cared for the turtles, which were then despatched to Gumbo Limbo Nature Center in Boca Raton. They had been anticipated to be taken by boat to the weed line and launched on Thursday. Sea turtles depend on vitality stored of their yolk sac upon hatching to effect the multimile swim to offshore weed lines. If the seaweed is disrupted by worthy winds or waves, they could well accumulate washed support onshore.
News top stories daily news hot topics Georgia
Savannah: A Georgia sheriff’s employee has been fired over a video that showed him confronting a 19-year-inclined Latina for talking Spanish at a McDonald’s and then admitting to being a racist. Chatham County Sheriff John Wilcher told newshounds that the person has been fired from the division, but declined to name the person or present his job title. The expletive-stuffed video shared on Twitter showed the white man confronting Cristina Riofrio for talking Spanish to her chums, announcing she doubtlessly came over on a ship. At one level, Riofrio acknowledged“I’m videoing this. You’re a racist,” to which the person replies, “I know I'm.” Riofrio acknowledged the person shouldn’t be delighted with that reality beautiful earlier than an off-cowl employee told the person he wishes to head away.
News top stories daily news hot topics Hawaii
Honolulu: Wildlife officers on Tuesday euthanized two emaciated, sick dolphins that stranded on a Maui seashore decrease than a month after one other mass stranding within the identical declare. The two animals had been respiratory closely and had irregular heart rates, acknowledged David Schofield, the regional stranding coordinator for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. They moreover had critically low ranges of an enzyme called alkaline phosphatase, which in dolphins and whales indicates inflammation, illness or unlucky nutrition, Schofield acknowledged. Veterinarians who examined the animals certain basically the most humane thing to develop would be to euthanize them, he acknowledged. The two had been among six pygmy killer whales, a species of deep-ocean dwelling dolphin, that agency officers had been monitoring for about 10 days in shallow waters off Maui. The last four had been gentle within the declare off Sugar Seaside within the coastal town of Kihei. Pygmy killer whales are ceaselessly at a loss for words with unsuitable killer whales and melon-headed whales. The species is stumbled on basically in deep waters for the interval of tropical and subtropical areas of the enviornment. Eleven pygmy killer whales stranded on the identical seashore on Aug. 29. One calf died and officers euthanized four adults after that stranding. Dorsal fin marks showed diversified other folks had been bearing in mind the 2 stranding occasions.
News top stories daily news hot topics Idaho
Boise: Idaho Humane Society officers acknowledged they’re seeing an lengthen within the number of parents surrendering their pets attributable to housing disorders. Kristine Schellhaas with the Idaho Humane Society told KBOI-TV in Boise that some house owners can’t manage to pay for pet insurance coverage or the larger rental rates they must pay with pets. To this level this year, the refuge has taken in bigger than 1,500 owner-surrendered cats and dogs. Schellhaas acknowledged it’s heartbreaking since the families fancy their animals although they relish got to rehome them. For pets wanting short serve, the Idaho Humane Society has a pet food pantry. Householders facing monetary disorders can accumulate six months of accumulate admission to to the pantry. The refuge’s animal health heart moreover affords veterinary care to low-profits pet house owners.
News top stories daily news hot topics Illinois
Springfield: The Illinois Sigh Museum has agreed to achieve 42 culturally main objects to Australia. The gesture comes nearly a pair of century after they had been brought to the US. The museum acknowledged in a data originate that it’s the major institution within the enviornment to repatriate artifacts as segment of the Australian authorities’s Return of Cultural Heritage Mission. It’s an attempt and bring support indigenous materials taken from the nation. Boomerangs, necklaces, shields, spears and diversified items that will doubtless be returned had been gentle in Australia between 1929 and 1931 by College of Chicago linguistic anthropologist Gerhardt Laves. They had been transferred by the college to the declare museum in 1942 for incorporation into its rotating show sequence on international cultures. They haven’t been exhibited by the museum since 1981.
News top stories daily news hot topics Indiana
Indianapolis: Advertising review agency J.D. Power launched its 2019 North America Airport Pride Query, and Indianapolis Worldwide Airport ranked very best in customer pleasure for medium-size airports, which carrier 4.5 million to 9.9 million passengers a year. Right here is the 2nd time the airport got this honor, topping the record in 2016. Indianapolis Worldwide earned 833 parts, ranking first within the cleanliness of terminal concourses, hallways and restrooms, as neatly as comfort within the terminal, ambiance, Wi-Fi carrier and readability of signs and instructions. Jacksonville Worldwide Airport in Florida became as soon as 2nd with 831 parts and Buffalo Niagara Worldwide Airport in Original York came in third with 829 parts. Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport topped the pleasure record for mega airports and Portland Worldwide Airport in Oregon earned the title for immense airports. Indianapolis Worldwide Airport first earned a high J.D. Power ranking in 2010 for basically the most primary diminutive airport in North America. It landed within the tip three as soon as a year moreover for 2011 by design of 2014, when no gaze became as soon as printed. In July, the airport landed at No. 2 on the Scoot + Leisure High 10 Domestic Airports record. In April, construction began on a refresh of the airport’s dining and retail recommendations. The three-year knowing will sight unusual restaurants, at the side of Shake Shack and Bub’s Burgers. At an Indianapolis Airport Authority Board assembly this month, officers acknowledged some restaurants would originate as a lot as shut in October, replaced by short food and beverage distributors.
News top stories daily news hot topics Iowa
Des Moines: Gov. Kim Reynolds signed a proclamation Wednesday naming Sept. 28, 2019, as “Carson King Day” in Iowa to honor the 24-year-inclined Altoona resident who has raised bigger than $1 million for charity. “Members fancy Carson King show how ‘Iowa Nice’ isn’t beautiful a slogan, but our design of life,” the proclamation reads. Reynolds, joined by King, read it aloud and signed it in her formal save of job within the Capitol on Wednesday afternoon. She moreover signed a proclamation designating September as “Childhood Most cancers Consciousness Month.” King rose to prominence after hoisting a signal on ESPN’s “College GameDay” in Ames that read “Busch Light Provide Desires Replenished,” and soliciting for beer money be despatched to his Venmo account. When he got several hundred bucks, King acknowledged he would donate it to the College of Iowa Stead Family Childhood’s Clinic, a pass that induced more donations to originate up pouring in, on the side of matching donations from Busch Beer and Venmo. King now is hoping to take $2 million for the clinical institution by the tip of the month.
News top stories daily news hot topics Kansas
Lawrence: A pair from Emporia, Kansas, has committed $1 million to the inner treatment program on the College of Kansas College of Tablets in Wichita. The college on Wednesday launched the reward from Scott and Julie Smiley. The money will doubtless be divided into three funds. One will profit the Department of Inside of Tablets, one other will abet residents within the inner treatment program, and the third will fund student scholarships, with preference given to school students exasperated by inner treatment. Scott Smiley, a native of Newton, Kansas, who graduated from the faculty of treatment in Wichita, is a health care provider in Emporia. Julie Smiley is a veterinarian who moreover practices in Emporia.
News top stories daily news hot topics Kentucky
Distinguished Cave: A historic Baptist church at a declare park has been vandalized with orange spray paint. WBKO-TV reported graffiti now covers ingredients of Distinguished Cave Baptist Church’s exterior and inner, on the side of its dwelling windows and benches. One wall now reads “I heart Satan,” with a drawing of a heart. Distinguished Cave National Park Superintendent Barclay Trimble acknowledged the church is one among handiest three that remain from the time earlier than the park became as soon as established in 1941. Park officers acknowledged the strategy of eradicating graffiti can waste the historic wood, making the graffiti’s complete elimination nearly about no longer doable. Repairs are estimated to fee no decrease than $10,000. The save acknowledged these caught spray painting surfaces within the park can face as a lot as six months in prison and fines of as a lot as $5,000.
News top stories daily news hot topics Louisiana
Fortress Polk: A helicopter crashed on an Army unsuitable, killing one person and injuring three others, military officers acknowledged Thursday. The Army chopper crashed early Thursday within the Fortress Polk working towards declare, Fortress Polk officers acknowledged in an announcement. There had been four crew participants on board, authorities acknowledged. Their names weren’t being launched till relatives are notified. The fortress acknowledged the goal slack the fracture is under investigation, and no further diminutive print had been in an instant launched. About 8,000 infantrymen are stationed at Fortress Polk, its web space states. The unsuitable is in central Louisiana, about 150 miles northwest of Baton Rouge.
News top stories daily news hot topics Maine
Castine: A referee who became as soon as hit within the face by a cannon blast for the interval of a Maine Maritime Academy soccer recreation is getting higher from his accidents. The referee became as soon as taken to a clinical institution with nonlife-threatening accidents Saturday. The Hancock County Sheriff’s Department told WCSH-TV that an academy alumnus brought the cannon to the recreation in Castine. The alumnus reportedly loaded the cannon with sunless powder and a substance that had been made into a wad. It is miles a tradition for a cannon to be fired with a smooth shotgun shell when the academy scores.
News top stories daily news hot topics Maryland
Baltimore: A Baltimore genuine acknowledged town is gentle attempting to search out a company that must develop the Accomplice monuments it eliminated all the design by design of the evening two years ago. The Baltimore Solar reported the statues were hidden in a city-owned lot since their August 2017 elimination. Historical and Architectural Preservation genuine Eric Holcomb told the newspaper a museum expressed curiosity within the bronze statues but they had been too immense. He acknowledged the associated rate is attempting to search out any organization that will present a “historically steady interpretation” of them. Ragged Mayor Catherine Pugh ordered the monuments taken down following violent clashes over related statues in Charlottesville, Virginia. Since then, strategies relish ranged from destroying them to adding contextual markers, to melting them and turning them into statues of civil rights figures.
News top stories daily news hot topics Massachusetts
Boston: Sigh public health officers acknowledged a fourth Massachusetts resident has died of the mosquito-borne jap equine encephalitis virus. The declare Department of Public Health launched Wednesday that the most up-to-date victim became as soon as an Essex County resident. No more data about the person became as soon as disclosed. Officials moreover acknowledged they relish got confirmed an 11th human case of the virus, a Worcester County man in his 70s. As a result, the communities of Auburn, Charlton, Dudley, Leicester, Southbridge and Spencer were elevated to excessive chance for the illness. There are now 35 communities within the declare at main chance, 46 at excessive chance and 122 at moderate chance. Sigh epidemiologist Dr. Catherine Brown acknowledged residents can relish to proceed to protect themselves from mosquito bites till the major bright frost.
News top stories daily news hot topics Michigan
Holland: Excessive water alongside a west Michigan river has compelled Hope College to pass its annual tug-of-wrestle contest for the major time in bigger than a century. The Holland Sentinel reported the Pull traces its roots support to 1898 and the 122nd installment is Saturday. But as another of being held all around the Sad River, the competition between the freshman and sophomore classes will take save alongside a Holland boulevard. The newspaper acknowledged the Pull has handiest been held in two areas, with groups competing all over a circulation within the early years. The Pull’s workers adviser, Richard Frost, acknowledged “college students agonized over this.” He acknowledged they’re devoted to tradition but “wide awake of the safety of the contributors.” Frost acknowledged the competition is anticipated to achieve to the Sad River.
News top stories daily news hot topics Minnesota
Albany: Officials are monitoring a farm shut to Holdingford the save about 20,000 gallons of liquid manure leaked from an above-ground storage tank. The Stearns County sheriff’s save of job acknowledged the farmer, Mark Leukam of Albany, reported Wednesday that he had a manure leak from a tank that holds 400,000 gallons. An estimated 20,000 gallons leaked out and drained into a low declare, which contains an intermittent circulation that flows by design of several miles of swampy declare earlier than connecting with a creek. The leak became as soon as stopped with a short fix. A trench and grime berm had been dug to have any future leaks till the tank could well per chance moreover be mounted. The Minnesota Pollution Adjust Company will proceed to note the spill and pumping efforts, and work with the farm owner to mitigate the affect.
News top stories daily news hot topics Mississippi
Gulfport: A heating, air proceed alongside with the movement and air conditioning technician stumbled on a slithering shock whereas repairing an out of doors unit at a house. WLOX-TV reported that what started as a conventional day for technician Conner Smith fleet turned into an episode on National Geographic after Smith stumbled on a ball python for the interval of the HVAC unit. Homeowner Steve Ramos acknowledged he heard Smith tell “whoa,” but he idea Smith became as soon as terrified by the repair work. Smith told Ramos he stumbled on the homeowner’s snake. But Ramos doesn’t absorb a ball python. Smith acknowledged it’s no longer queer to search out animals, especially reptiles, inner AC devices. Ramos acknowledged finding the snake defined a pair of household mysteries, corresponding to why his dogs had been barking at a nearby tree.
News top stories daily news hot topics Missouri
Springfield: A homegrown program that mixes international industrial, entrepreneurship, community model – and chocolate – will mark its 10th year by taking one other sever of declare highschool college students to Tanzania. Chocolate College, a partnership between Askinosie Chocolate and Drury College, is now accepting applications for the immersive program that involves an in another country day out next summer. The deadline to apply is Monday. Missy Gelner, chief kinship officer for Askinosie Chocolate, acknowledged college students from Greene and Christian counties – who will graduate in 2020 or 2021 – are eligible to apply for one among 14 spots. Founded in 2009, Chocolate College finished its first immersion program with a day out in 2010. The journeys are provided every diversified summer and the 2020 day out could be the sixth within the history of this technique. The chosen college students will take part in a 10-day immersion of entrepreneurship, craft chocolate and cacao agronomy for the interval of a day out to rural Tanzania, the save they'll meet with farmers who present raw ingredients for Askinosie Chocolate. They will moreover uncover about management, the Tanzanian culture and the Swahili language. Sooner than the day out, the college students accumulate for studying classes concerning snarl alternate and the ways an enviornment industrial can give support and invest within the folks of 1 other culture. Shawn Askinosie, the founder of Askinosie Chocolate, acknowledged college students accumulate to know farmers that accomplice with the Springfield-basically based mostly company and serve harvest cacao. The 2018 day out fee $4,000 per traveler with scholarships on hand by design of grants and personal donations. To exercise, focus on with www.chocolate college.org. The accumulate application process requires an essay and advice letters, from which a narrowed pool of applicants are chosen for in-person interviews.
News top stories daily news hot topics Montana
Bozeman: Sigh plant life and fauna officers were unable to uncover a grizzly undergo that mauled an Ohio hunter in southwestern Montana. Fish, Wildlife and Parks wardens began investigating Tuesday, quickly after the assault became as soon as reported within the Gravelly Mountains. FWP spokesman Morgan Jacobsen acknowledged Thursday the hunter reported he became as soon as walking by design of blown-down bushes when he became as soon as attacked by a undergo at shut fluctuate. The hunter acknowledged he fired several photos on the undergo till it left. Investigators did procure evidence the undergo became as soon as injured. The Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Wooded space has posted signs warning online page online visitors of undergo job. Tuesday’s mauling came about about 8 miles south of the save three hunters had been injured in two separate assaults on Sept. 16. The undergo or bears bearing in mind these assaults had been no longer stumbled on.
News top stories daily news hot topics Nebraska
Lincoln: The Nebraska Capitol Commission has well-liked spending $181,000 on emergency repairs, in segment to withhold gold tiles from falling off the dome. Work will originate up rapidly to protect the dome from moisture and iciness’s freeze-thaw cycles now that the declare’s Capitol Commission voted to shift around funding. A July inspection stumbled on caulking utilized to enlargement joints in 2001 had deteriorated so worthy that water became as soon as getting for the interval of the inner dome structure. Some exterior tiles had been moved misplaced, raising the chance they could well tumble off, Ripley acknowledged. The caulking had been replaced as segment of a masonry restoration project finished in 2010. But present caulking products don’t last as long as old formulations, which contained more toxic ingredients, he acknowledged. Recaulking of joints within the decrease ingredients of the building has been done as soon as a year, but budget boundaries refrained from the associated rate from checking the dome previously, Ripley acknowledged. To head attempting to search out the dome, contractors exercise rope harnesses and rappel down from the unsuitable of the Sower statue. He made up our minds this year that the dome inspection could well per chance wait now no longer. Plans for the emergency repairs name for workers to rappel down the dome and fleet seal the enlargement joints to withhold the tiles in save. The longer-term reply will require scaffolding so workers can take away the tiles, fix the underlying structure and save the tiles assist in save, he acknowledged. Caulking work moreover will doubtless be important on the tower.
News top stories daily news hot topics Nevada
Las Vegas: Officials acknowledged that the number of passengers the utilization of McCarran Worldwide Airport became as soon as up in August when compared with the identical month a year ago. The Clark County Department of Aviation on Wednesday reported 4.4 million arriving and departing travelers last month. That’s a 3.1% lengthen from August 2018. The airport has dealt with nearly about 34.2 million passengers this year, preserving it on pace to surpass 50 million for the year for the major time. McCarran dealt with a file 49.7 million passengers in 2018. It’s one among the 10 busiest airports within the U.S. in accordance to passenger count. Southwest Airways became as soon as the busiest carrier at McCarran in August. Spirit overcame Delta for 2nd, followed by American and United.
News top stories daily news hot topics Original Hampshire
Concord: The Original Hampshire Office of the Minute one Recommend has started a overview of how restraint and seclusion are being archaic on about 400 younger other folks in behavioral health settings. The overview will review at younger other folks positioned in personal residential products and services and the Sununu Childhood Companies and products Center by the Division for Childhood, Childhood and Households. Minute one Recommend Moira O’Neill acknowledged the patterns of how restraint and seclusion are archaic in Original Hampshire are poorly understood. She acknowledged the handiest statewide data on hand is an aggregate number that shows the total incidents of restraint and seclusion all over all products and services. Since 2014, there were bigger than 20,000 incidents of restraint and seclusion all over all residential products and services. But it indubitably’s no longer certain what that methodology.
News top stories daily news hot topics Original Jersey
Atlantic City: Original Jersey horsemen could well per chance accumulate thousands and thousands of bucks in damages after a federal appeals court dominated that the horsemen had been financially harmed whereas the legality of sports betting became as soon as being litigated. In a ruling Tuesday, the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals acknowledged that the Original Jersey Thoroughbred Horsemen’s Affiliation, representing house owners and trainers, is entitled to damages. The affiliation has sought the fee, with curiosity, of a $3.4 million bond that the four major skilled sports leagues and the NCAA posted in 2014. It became as soon as intended to staunch losses that can per chance per chance very neatly be suffered for the interval of the month that a restraining picture became as soon as in fabricate, prohibiting the horsemen from providing sports betting at Monmouth Park Racetrack. A decrease court dominated in opposition to them, but the appeals court reversed that ruling, kicking the case support to U.S. District Court in Original Jersey to resolve the appropriate quantity of damages. Original Jersey within the waste obtained a U.S. Supreme Court case in Could per chance per chance year clearing the manner for ethical sports betting in all 50 states. The horsemen moreover are looking out for financial damages over no longer having the skill to present sports betting from the time the restraining picture expired in Oct. 2014 till the Supreme Court ruling in an quantity Drazin estimated at $150 million. That quantity became as soon as no longer coated in Tuesday’s ruling. When the affiliation returns to court, this will doubtless look to existing it will receive the $3.4 million from the bond. But it indubitably moreover will look prolonged damages, intending to argue that the leagues acted in inferior faith, something the leagues relish denied in old court filings. No hearing date has but been space.
News top stories daily news hot topics Original Mexico
Carlsbad: Original Mexico’s U.S. senators need the Trump administration to protect the declare’s pecan growers from tariffs for the interval of ongoing alternate negotiations with India. U.S. Sens. Martin Heinrich and Tom Udall, each and each Democrats, no longer too long ago signed on to a bipartisan letter from 12 senators urging U.S. Substitute Representative Robert Lighthizer to negotiate the lifting of a alternate barrier, the Carlsbad Most up-to-date-Argus reported. The senators argued that rising imports from Mexico, Chinese tariffs and tree loss after Typhoon Michael strained U.S. pecan costs, and India’s rising center class represented a market that can per chance per chance serve decrease the industrial injure. Records existing India charges a 36% tariff on pecan imports, whereas diversified tree nuts corresponding to pistachios and almonds are charged tariff rates of 10% or much less. Original Mexico grew to alter into basically the most attention-grabbing pecan-producing declare last year after Typhoon Michael ravaged Georgia’s sever. Original Mexico became as soon as estimated to relish produced about 90 million pounds of pecans in 2018, down about 2 million from 2017.
News top stories daily news hot topics Original York
Original York City: A gilded coffin that became as soon as featured at Original York’s Metropolitan Museum of Artwork is on its design support to Egypt after it became as soon as resolute to be a looted antiquity. Wide apple District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. and Egypt’s foreign minister Sameh Hassan Shoukry held a repatriation ceremony in Original York on Wednesday for the Coffin of Nedjemankh. The Met provided the piece from a Paris art vendor in 2017 for about $4 million and made it the centerpiece of an exhibition. It became as soon as eliminated last February. The Met has apologized to Egypt. Investigators acknowledged the coffin became as soon as smuggled from Egypt by design of the United Arab Emirates, Germany and France. They acknowledged the museum became as soon as given unsuitable documents, at the side of a solid 1971 Egyptian export license. Prosecutors acknowledged they’ve stumbled on evidence of a full bunch more antiquities thefts.
News top stories daily news hot topics North Carolina
Raleigh: Officials acknowledged nearly about half of of North Carolina’s counties are experiencing a moderate drought attributable to a lack of rainfall. Klaus Albertin, chairman of the N.C. Drought Administration Advisory Council, acknowledged in a data originate issued by the Department of Environmental Quality on Thursday that water supplies, agriculture, fire threat and circulation-flows statewide are foundation to mirror the shortage of precipitation. Forty-5 counties within the western and central ingredients of the declare are in moderate drought stage, the least detrimental of four classes archaic in federal drought maps. Twenty-two counties are experiencing abnormally dry stipulations, that methodology a drought could well per chance emerge with out sufficient rainfall. Albertin acknowledged although Typhoon Dorian left heavy rainfall alongside the flee, nearly none fell west of Interstate 95. He acknowledged stipulations could well per chance irritate earlier than they make stronger.
News top stories daily news hot topics North Dakota
Bismarck: The flags of North Dakota’s 5 tribal countries will doubtless be on permanent show out of doors the governor’s save of job on the declare Capitol. Republican Gov. Doug Burgum launched the choice to show the flags for the interval of his Sigh of the Sigh address in January. The bipartisan Legislative Job and Arrangements Committee well-liked making the show permanent on Thursday. They characterize the Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara Nation; the Standing Rock Sioux; the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa; the Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate; and the Spirit Lake Nation. The connection between North Dakota officers and tribes has been strained within the past, especially for the interval of protests three years ago in opposition to the Dakota Salvage admission to pipeline shut to the Standing Rock Sioux reservation. Burgum acknowledged the tribal flag show became as soon as done “within the spirit of mutual respect.”
News top stories daily news hot topics Ohio
Reynoldsburg: The Ohio Department of Health has confirmed the major human loss of life within the declare this year from the West Nile virus. Authorities acknowledged Wednesday that a 68-year-inclined Lucas County man hospitalized with encephalitis moreover became as soon as the major human case within the declare this year. Health officers acknowledged Ohio had six fatalities among 65 human West Nile conditions in 2017, after 5 deaths among 34 human conditions in 2016. On Tuesday, Agriculture Department officers reported two confirmed West Nile conditions among horses within the declare. Most West Nile conditions are transmitted by mosquitoes. Authorities accelerate the utilization of repellant and preserving clothes and putting off standing water and diversified attainable mosquito breeding areas. Most infected other folks don’t relish symptoms, but some accumulate flu-fancy symptoms. A pair of will manufacture a primary neurologic illness.
News top stories daily news hot topics Oklahoma
Stillwater: The lifetime of Oklahoma Sigh College alumnus and benefactor T. Boone Pickens has been illustrious on the campus the save the gradual vitality industry billionaire donated a full bunch of thousands and thousands of bucks to abet academic and athletic applications. Pickens, who died in Dallas on Sept. 11 at age 91, became as soon as lauded at a memorial carrier Wednesday for his legacy of philanthropy and inspiration that college President Burns Hargis has inspired diversified donors to transform the college. At some level of his lifetime, Pickens donated $652 million to the college, at the side of a $165 million reward in 2005 that on the time became as soon as basically the most attention-grabbing athletic reward in NCAA history. Since then, the college has raised $2 billion in money and pledges. Pickens became as soon as a 1951 graduate of the college’s College of Geology, now is named the Boone Pickens College of Geology.
News top stories daily news hot topics Oregon
Portland: The being pregnant of a 26-year-inclined elephant is named Chendra on the Oregon Zoo has resulted in miscarriage. The Oregonian/OregonLive reported veterinarians on the zoo grew concerned earlier this month after they seen a drop in doubtless the major Asian elephant’s reproductive hormones. Last week, more definitive exams showed that she became as soon as now no longer pregnant, acknowledged Bob Lee, who oversees the elephant program on the zoo. Chendra became as soon as around eight months alongside, which would correspond to the major trimester in folks. The gestation interval for elephants is around 22 months. Chendra came to Oregon in 1999. She became as soon as stumbled on as a younger calf wandering on my own shut to a palm oil plantation in Borneo. Twenty-5 elephants were born on the Oregon Zoo since 1962.
News top stories daily news hot topics Pennsylvania
Hegins Township: Police acknowledged bigger than 136,000 eggs splattered on a boulevard after they shifted and fell out of a tractor-trailer driving by design of Pennsylvania. The Republican Herald reported that 11,340 dozen eggs and a pair of,260 gallons of egg product had been ruined when a 66-year-inclined driver lost preserve watch over of the rig Tuesday. Hegins Township police acknowledged driver Joseph Miles had beautiful picked the eggs up at Carl Faus Farm and became as soon as on his design to Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania. Police acknowledged Miles became as soon as driving north on Route 125 uphill. As he approached the Route 25 intersection, the load shifted causing the eggs and egg products to tumble and roll down the hill. Miles reportedly didn't realize the eggs had fallen and continued his drive. A fragment of Route 125 became as soon as closed for several hours after the incident. An investigation into the unsecured load is ongoing.
News top stories daily news hot topics Rhode Island
Providence: Diverse models and actresses relish sued a Rhode Island strip membership they acknowledged archaic their photos in social media and promoting campaigns with out permission. The models, at the side of Tara Leigh Patrick, who's fitter is named Carmen Electra, acknowledged by the utilization of their photos, the Cadillac Lounge in Providence made it appear as within the occasion that they either labored at, counseled or had been in another case affiliated the membership. The plaintiffs are alleging deceptive promoting, violation of privacy, defamation and unjust enrichment. The suit filed last week in federal court in Rhode Island seeks unspecified damages, an pause to the utilization of their photos and a jury trial. No attorney for became as soon as listed for the membership or owner Nancy Shappy in court records. A listed number for the membership became as soon as no longer in carrier.
News top stories daily news hot topics South Carolina
Columbia: A nationwide organization acknowledged Gov. Henry McMaster is violating the Structure by conserving prayers earlier than data conferences. News stores reported the Freedom From Religion Foundation despatched a letter to the governor’s save of job relating to 2 prayers earlier this month earlier than data conferences concerning Typhoon Dorian. Foundation attorney Ryan Jayne acknowledged the put together violates the institution clause of the First Amendment, which prohibits the authorities from favoring one faith over others. A spokesperson for the governor, Brian Symmes, acknowledged as long as McMaster is governor and the declare has to put together for dreadful storms, there'll doubtless be a chaplain announcing prayers earlier than data conferences. The foundation moreover despatched McMaster a letter in January relating to prayers earlier than data conferences for Typhoon Florence last September.
News top stories daily news hot topics South Dakota
Sioux Falls: An incident that induced Southeast Technical Institute officers to alert college students of a police investigation on campus Wednesday morning became as soon as resolute to no longer be a snarl threat. Sioux Falls cops investigated a “attainable incident” on the campus after a suspicious item became as soon as point out within the Abilities Center on the west facet of campus, STI president Robert Griggs acknowledged. The Abilities Center is dwelling to the Original Tech Excessive College, which is the save the item became as soon as stumbled on, acknowledged Capt. Mike Walsh with the Minnehaha County Sheriff’s Office, which affords security for the STI campus. Walsh didn't tell what the stumbled on item became as soon as that induced the incident. The preliminary originate, despatched to school students at 10: 29 a.m., read “The Sioux Falls Police Department is on campus to analyze a doable incident. Reminder: Whereas you happen to sight something, tell something!” At 10: 57, an all-certain became as soon as despatched: “The Sioux Falls Police Department has investigated the reveal and it has been certain there could be never any such thing as a on the spot threat to security or security.” Southeast Technical Institute serves bigger than 2,000 college students and offers bigger than 60 applications as one among two technical schools within the dwelling. The college is overseen by the Sioux Falls College District’s faculty board.
News top stories daily news hot topics Tennessee
Chattanooga: The guardian of an autistic kindergartener acknowledged the 5-year-inclined boy became as soon as for punished for hugging a classmate. Chattanooga resident Summery Putnam told WTVC-TV a teacher accused the boy of sexual actions after he hugged one shrimp one and kissed one other on the cheek. Putnam acknowledged the teacher told her the shrimp one became as soon as overstepping boundaries and she acknowledged a file became as soon as filed with the declare Department of Minute one Companies and products. Hamilton County Department of Training spokesman Tim Hensley launched an announcement that acknowledged faculty personnel are required to file concerns concerning younger other folks. Putnam acknowledged the shrimp one doesn’t realize long-established social cues and boundaries. She acknowledged he has now switched classrooms and lecturers and is enrolled in particular schooling products and services.
News top stories daily news hot topics Texas
Caddo Mills: Emergency officers acknowledged several airplanes were destroyed in a hangar fire at a diminutive airport in North Texas. Fireplace officers acknowledged no one became as soon as injured in Wednesday’s blaze at Caddo Mills Municipal Airport, about 35 miles northeast of Dallas. Authorities are attempting to resolve what sparked the fire, which became as soon as brought under preserve watch over after about two hours. Hunt County Fireplace Marshal Richard Hill acknowledged no putrid play is suspected within the fire that destroyed three aircraft, an automobile and a motorcycle. Caddo Mills is a town of about 1,600.
News top stories daily news hot topics Utah
Salt Lake City: Sigh officers acknowledged they relish got shaved $100 million off the estimated mark of a proposed pipeline that can per chance per chance pull water from Lake Powell. The Utah Division of Water Resources acknowledged in a data originate Wednesday the fee savings attain from scrapping plans for 2 reservoirs that will relish generated hydropower at high demand times. Division spokeswoman Marcie Larson acknowledged the project is estimated to fee $1 billion to 1.7 billion, down from as worthy as $1.8 billion. It could most likely per chance per chance even be repaid over 50 years. A legislative audit stumbled on this will doubtless require a immense rate, rate and tax increases in Washington County in southern Utah to pay for the project. Critics name the pipeline an pointless exercise of funds and acknowledged the emphasis can relish to be on getting residents to make exercise of much less water. The project is pending regulatory opinions.
News top stories daily news hot topics Vermont
Montpelier: An after-faculty energetic shooter drill at an predominant faculty has raised concerns from several fogeys who had been upset that some younger other folks heard words fancy “intruder” and “energetic shooter.” A college resource officer acknowledged the younger other folks, who had been on the playground for the interval of the drill, had been no longer meant to listen to what became as soon as occurring, but snarl language is important to steer certain of confusion in an actual disaster. Diverse fogeys complained on social media about the phrases that had been broadcast at Union Elementary College for the interval of the drill Monday, the Barre-Montpelier Times Argus reported. Superintendent Libby Bonesteel acknowledged the drill became as soon as segment of declare-mandated working towards for all four schools within the Montpelier-Roxbury Public Colleges District. The drill became as soon as meant to put together faculty and workers, so college students in an after-faculty program had been despatched to the playground, faculty administrators acknowledged. But some college students could well per chance gentle hear the public address machine, they acknowledged. Cpl. Matthew Knisley, a Montpelier Police Department faculty resource officer, acknowledged it became as soon as a worn drill that uses snarl words to picture the threat. But he acknowledged younger other folks had been no longer meant to be a segment of the drill, which is why they had been despatched out of doors.
News top stories daily news hot topics Virginia
Richmond: A Canadian-owned bushes company is spending $32 million to lengthen sawmill and wood drying operations at two hump mills. Gov. Ralph Northam launched Wednesday that Teal-Jones Crew will build a total of 126 unusual jobs with expansions in Martinsville and Kinsale. The company will receive assorted declare grants price $650,000 to staunch the project. Northam’s save of job acknowledged Virginia beat out Oklahoma and Washington for the initiatives. Northam acknowledged the company plans to absorb bigger than $100 million in bushes from Virginia sources within the subsequent four years.
News top stories daily news hot topics Washington
Bremerton: U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement relish arrested a pair of parents in Kitsap County, a pass critics acknowledged became as soon as in accordance to racial profiling. The Kitsap Solar reported Tuesday that immigration advocates relish criticized ICE job in Kitsap County for racial profiling for the interval of focused operations. Two immigrant advocacy organizations relish entreated residents to know their rights. American Civil Liberties Union officers acknowledged a judge-signed search warrant is required to give police and immigration officers’ accumulate admission to to search property. Officials acknowledged there are some exceptions, but other folks can relish to bid their rights under the Structure, at the side of the appropriate to remain soundless. Some county officers tell rising immigration operations within the declare are inflicting anxiousness in families and pushing communities into financial disaster when a friend or relative is detained.
News top stories daily news hot topics West Virginia
Charleston: The Appalachian Original Movie Festival is making its design support to monitors in West Virginia after a short hiatus. The Charleston Gazette-Mail reported the competition will doubtless be from Friday to Sunday on the Floralee Hark Cohen Cinema in Charleston. Organizer Jon Matthews acknowledged the competition opened efficiently in Lewisburg in 2015, but lost funding after a 2016 gaze by the Koch Brothers on authorities atomize became as soon as main of the competition. The newspaper reported that the gaze acknowledged taxpayers would procure the motion photos “objectionable.” Matthews acknowledged the competition became as soon as focused for its exercise of the phrase “Original.” He acknowledged the competition fought to preserve afloat as it opens minds in and about Appalachia. He acknowledged it took atomize day to build up abet. Matthews acknowledged all people is welcome.
News top stories daily news hot topics Wisconsin
Mishicot: The season for wanting ruffed grouse within the northwestern two-thirds of Wisconsin has been shortened by bigger than three weeks. The declare Department of Natural Resources board voted Wednesday to effect the trade over concerns a pair of dwindling inhabitants. The ruffed grouse season right now runs from mid-September by design of Jan. 31 in that segment of the declare. The season will now pause on Jan. 5. Hunters in Wisconsin took handiest 173,347 birds last year, the lowest total in 35 years of hunter surveys. The clarification for the decline is unknown.
News top stories daily news hot topics Wyoming
Casper: The U.S. Department of Energy has awarded $5 million to a pair of Wyoming-basically based mostly review initiatives to scheme alternative uses for coal past vitality generation. The Casper Star-Tribune reported that the federal authorities chosen Ramaco Carbon, a coal technology company in Sheridan, for four review and model grants to delve deeper into the fabric science slack coal. The review grants attain at a time when downhearted demand for coal from the electricity generation sector turns into a peculiar long-established. Ramaco will accomplice with two diversified organizations to confirm into the utilization of coal for products fancy carbon fiber, a hearty cloth archaic to build aircraft, autos and more. Ramaco moreover got a federal Energy Department grant a pair of year ago.
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