#Every time they’re just like ‘I’m not that kind of attorney’ and Maya just gets so irritated
pictureswithboxes · 2 years
Maya Fey having next to no knowledge of how the law works despite having a decent sized group of lawyers at her beck and call is so important.
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linklethehistorian · 4 months
“Choose Violence” Asks: Ace Attorney fandom
Y’all asked for it, you got it. I have answered the entire question list for the Ace Attorney fandom; hope you enjoy!
Answers below the cut both due to length, and for spoilers for various games. Proceed at your own risk.
the character everyone gets wrong
Unpolished ramble answer from livestream:
[Transcript from Linkle Plays: Persona 3 Reload (Live)] “I… *sighs* Offhand I only have a few…in mind; I’m sure that I could come up with…more than that when I actually write it out…but…at this moment in time… *sighs*
The character that I feel…m— a lot of people get wrong, in a sense, in Ace Attorney would be…*sighs* probably Athena Cykes, because….a lot of people…try to claim that’s she’s — well, at least a lot of people that don’t like her — claim to tend that she’s…just kind of a replacement for Maya and I don’t…really feel like that’s the case at all. I don’t think that they’re even comparable by means. I…feel like… *sighs* I feel like Athena, she…has an entirely…different vibe to her. …I-I — I know people miss Maya, and she’s beloved, but I gotta be honest; between the two of them —
*sighs* I’m not saying Maya’s not an interesting character, or that…the — or that…people loving her is unfounded, but, I feel Athena kind of has deep — deeper story from the get-go. I…very much enjoy her story in — in Dual Destines; I think that she’s…very strong — has very strong story, and…for me, the things that she went through — and…spoiler alert, if you haven’t played that, so uh…if your worried about the spoilers, maybe, mayyyybe mute meee…for a few minutes, but — I feel like, she — what she went through as a child, with…her mother experimenting on her and — and…her bonding with Simon Blackquill, and…then having to — despite her…issues with her mother and believing that she was…doing this and using her as a Guinea pig, when that is not the truth and her mother loved her very much, but I feel like…watching her mother die and, believing that she was responsible so much that she blocked this out, and Simon coming and saving her and taking the blame, purely to protect her, and her living her entire life trying to get him out of his situation because she believed so strongly he was not responsible, despite everything, I…feel like she had a much stronger and deeper and more well-written backstory from the very beginning, whereas Maya, she — kind of just was what she was; yes, she lost her sister, but…beyond that — I mean, come on, let’s be honest: she was getting framed for something every day of the week practically in most of the Ace Attorney games, let’s not even lie here — it — she was just kind of there to be…Phoenix’s reason for doing things, and…not so much — where Athena was more her own person, and…was separate from that, and…from the very beginning, and — yeah, I could definitely write about this better, but…I think that a lot of people don’t really give her enough credit, she’s really an amazing character and, I’ve always liked her? I don’t think that it’s fair to compare the two; I think they’re two very…very different characters, I…don’t dislike Maya — I think she’s very likeable, but…yeah. [/end transcript]
Polished answer:
Athena Cykes — not necessarily in terms of fanfiction and the like, which I feel like this question would usually be interpreted to mean, but rather just on a more basic, fundamental level of misunderstanding.
There is this really unfortunate attitude within the Ace Attorney community that Athena only exists as a stand-in and/or discounted replacement for Maya, and I honestly find it really insulting and diminishing towards her character and all that she is — not to mention just plain wrong.
Don’t get me wrong — I know Maya is a really beloved character to a lot of people in this fandom, and I’m not meaning to ignore or put that down in any way; I think it’s completely valid on every level, but…calling any female lead that happens to enter the scene “just a cheap replacement for Maya” is just plain absurd, especially when it’s a character like Athena, who from the very get-go of her introduction case and game automatically came with a clear unique personality, ability, and deep, complicated story, motivation, and narrative masterfully interwoven with the other characters within the game.
With all possible due respect to Maya and her fans, it is my personal opinion that between the two characters, if we are talking about a sense of narrative relevance and involvement and the complexity and depth of backstory, Maya by far pales in comparison in the vast, vast majority of her games to Athena in just her one singular introduction game alone.
While yes, Maya did lose her sister in her intro case and get framed for her death and that’s very, very sad — that’s about all the depth there is to her character for the entirety of the game; she was the sister of your mentor character, who unfortunately just happened to be visiting at the wrong place and wrong time and then somehow ended up tagging along with you from that point forward because her power to channel spirits came in handy. Aside from her first case and the last few cases in the third game, she didn’t really serve much purpose other than to be that character who is Phoenix’s silly, goofy, quirky sidekick and when the situation called for it, his motivation to put up with absurd circumstances — usually because she was either being framed for something, or kidnapped, or otherwise put at threat of serious danger if he didn’t; I mean, let’s be completely real here — lovable, iconic character or not, she was practically getting into trouble every day of the week like it was her fucking hobby. She was, in essence, his damsel in distress in need of constant rescuing like Princess Peach/Toadstool in the older Mario games.
And then, on the other hand, we have Athena, who is someone Phoenix took in initially not out of guilt but out of seeing sincere promise in her ability in a lawyer and passion for seeing her dream through — a deep, moving, endgame plot-relevant dream of saving the man who believed she snapped from her torturous experiments into her power and killed her (in her own eyes) cold and abusive scientist mother, choosing to shelter her and damn himself to take the fall for the woman’s death to the point of receiving the death penalty. We have Athena, who spends the entire game having blocked out the memory of what she supposedly did from the sheer trauma of that moment, and yet still believes so intensely in the innocence of the man she once called a dear friend that she continues to chase desperately after that dream and rush to become a lawyer and frantically search for a way to clear his name — even as the month and day draw ever nearer and all seems hopeless and without a single loose end to be found.
Whether you believe Maya to be the best female character in the series or otherwise (I personally do like her a lot, though I would never go that far), Athena is nevertheless not a mere cheap stand-in for her absence, but completely her own character with a unique identity and purpose all hers and hers alone.
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
Ron DeLite is SO not a top, and he would never top, and you cannot convince me otherwise. lol His wife, Dessie, has all the top energy that exists in that relationship and he just has absolutely none of it. He is very smol and timid and submissive — especially to her, and I think she adores that about him.
So yeah. I’m not saying Ron could never top anyone ever physically, but I just really don’t think he wants to, you know? I imagine Dessie is absolutely on top no matter what they’re doing, and I think he’s very comfy with that — with letting his wife have all of the control in the situation, since he loves seeing her happy and would do anything for her at all. He probably gets pegged sometimes, too, honestly.
I love them.
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
I’mma be honest; I’ve never been on Ace Attorneyblr, and I have no idea whether that is a blessing or a curse, but at the very least it means that I don’t have any horror stories from Tumblr to share with y’all.
As for a description of the worst take I’ve seen anywhere ever…well, probably just in general any of the takes that talk about any new character just being a discount replacement for one of the old ones, or Dual Destinies being the weakest game in the series…but we’ll get to the latter issue later.
4. what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
I’ve never blocked anyone in the Ace Attorney fandom, and I’ve never really felt the need to, yet, either; all my disagreements with a lot of this fandom’s general opinions aside, I’ve never really had a bad experience in this fandom that ever inspired me to block someone. Lovely fandom all in all when it comes to respecting each other — from what I’ve experienced, at least.
Here’s hoping it stays that way.
5. worst discord server and why
I’m not in any Ace Attorney servers, so…sorry; I can’t really comment on this one.
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
To be honest, I can’t really think of any ship fans in this fandom that are really particularly annoying on the whole… I mean, sure, there are some annoying shippers out there, but like…isn’t that just true of nearly every single fandom and even semi-popular ship that exists out there in some manner?
I guess if I had to pick out ships in this fandom in particular that have an at least slightly noticeable level of annoying people in them, it would probably be NaruMitsu and NaruMayo — but both for totally different reasons: certain NaruMitsu fans for allegedly sometimes bullying the NaruMayo fans out of ship rivalry (though this cannot be confirmed, as I’ve only ever heard about and never seen this happen firsthand), and certain NaruMayo fans for playing the victim card constantly about being oh-so-tiny and “not popular enough” and daring to tell others in and out of the fandom that “you’ve never experienced a small fandom if you don’t ship them”, when, in fact, they are basically the second biggest ship between the main characters of the first three games. -_-
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
As I said in my Legend of Zelda version of this post, I’m not really typically the type of person who can have a character or ship or fandom ‘ruined’ for them by association to something negative, so obviously, there’s no one in this series that has become hated by me because of such things.
I guess the closest thing I can say is just that although I do still like Maya as a character a lot, I do end up thinking a lot about the childish tantrums this fandom has thrown over her every time I see her. 😅
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
Well, also like I’ve said in a previous post for a different series, I don’t believe that an opinion — if it is truly an opinion — can, by definition, be wrong; the very nature of opinions is that they’re supposed to be subjective personal feelings on something, so there is no such thing as right or wrong ones — merely different ideas.
However, there is such a thing as a false statement, and unfortunately many so-called “opinions” are actually this — something that regardless of anyone’s personal feelings, is just plain factually incorrect in terms of canon, so today I’ll just talk about those instead.
For starters, there’s the stupid widespread attitude where every new sidekick, main lawyer, or detective is treated as though they are just a weaker, more watered down bootleg version of the original cast from the first game; that’s just absolutely absurd.
I don’t want to get into explaining why they’re wrong about every single character that’s gotten accused of this, as this would get much, much too long if I did, but I’ve already given a very good example of what I mean back in the first question when I was talking about Athena Cykes.
Athena is NOT a cheap replacement for Maya Fey or Apollo Justice or Phoenix Wright; she is Athena Cykes, a character with her own personality, talents, well-written character arc(s), motives, and place within the series.
Trucy is NOT a cheap replacement for Maya Fey; she is Trucy Wright, a character with her own personality, talents, well-written character arc(s), motives, and place within the series.
Ema is NOT a cheap replacement for Maya Fey or Dick Gumshoe; she is Ema Skye, a character with her own personality, talents, well-written character arc(s), motives, and place within the series.
Bobby is NOT a cheap replacement for Dick Gumshoe; he is Bobby Fulbright, a character with his own personality, talents, well-written character arc(s), motives, and place within the series.
Apollo is NOT a cheap replacement for Phoenix Wright; his is Apollo Justice, a character with his own personality, talents, well-written character arc(s), motives, and place within the series.
They all have different personalities.
They all have different strengths and weaknesses.
They all have different character arcs and well-written backstories and motives for what they do.
They ALL belong, just as much as the OG cast.
And as for another major “opinion” this fandom is wrong about, it’s that Dual Destinies is the weakest game in the series.
Everyone is allowed to have their own preferences and opinions in regards to which is the subjectively best or worst game in the series, but when it comes down to calling Dual Destinies the “weakest” in the series, this is just plain untrue; love it or hate it, in terms of its main overarching plot, even from a purely standalone perspective, Dual Destinies is literally the most structurally sound and well-put-together story in the entire series, possessing the most and best-written foreshadowing throughout the entire game that any main entry in the Ace Attorney franchise has ever managed.
I could write an entire essay on that game — and someday I probably will — but seriously, calling it weak very simply is not correct, even if you for some reason absolutely hate the story.
Feel how you will about that game, but weak is not a word you can factually use to describe it. It’s just absurd, and I hate that peoples’ weird bitter biases lead them to claim shit like this.
9. worst part of canon
Definitely not a point a lot of people are going to agree with me on, but honestly, for me, it’s some of the very poor writing decisions in Spirit of Justice that bother me the most — from the fact that despite having Apollo recite the very most important parts of his life and the people in it to his adopted father, he somehow forgot and failed to mention his lifelong best friend who was murdered only just the prior year, to setting up an entire case merely so that you could pit Apollo and Phoenix against each other in what felt like a very ham-fisted and unnatural way.
10. worst part of fanon
I’m not really sure; I can’t say that there’s a lot in fanon that I hate enough to call it the worst, but I suppose the constant erasure of Miles’ long-since officially confirmed asexuality is a little frustrating.
I’m of the opinion that it’s perfectly fine to do whatever you want in AUs (though I will question at some point if you change a character so fundamentally why you don’t just create an OC instead), but a lot of people I’ve seen in general tend to act like Miles’ asexuality doesn’t necessarily exist in canon, and it’s kind of annoying. It’s very rarely acknowledged.
11. number of fandom-related words you've filtered
None, yet; that could change someday, but for now, there are no words or tags I’m filtering when I search for something.
I suppose in this case, it’s because, aside from being a little loud in an irritating way from time to time, it’s definitely not the worst fandom ever to be in. Far from it.
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
Well, I already went on a long rant about Athena earlier, so I suppose she’s definitely on the list, but I think another one would be Pierce Nichody; while there are definitely some extremely human characters and even antagonists throughout the series, I think that Pierce is above all one of the most tragic antagonists to exist — slotted right alongside Godot, and certainly sharing his grief over a lost loved one, but quite unique from him, as well.
While Godot’s decision to risk his life to protect his late fiancé’s sister is definitely one of the forms that love and grief can take and infinitely healthier than Pierce’s, there is still something so compelling to me about the idea of grief over loss of a loved one being so intense that their entire world stops at the moment of said loved one’s death and they become so overcome with anguish and despair that they are willing to burn the world over that event and to try to “fix” things (whatever that mean for the individual character and circumstance), even though they may know it’s not necessarily the right thing to do or even what their dearest would want.
And Pierce’s pocket watch — the one belonging to his late fiancé, that broke on the day of her fatal accident — somehow finally advancing time again at the end of the trial to remind him that he could move forward and let go and that she would always be with him, and having him break down over that and the weight of his actions, is so absolutely heart-wrenching and beautiful.
There are a lot of other characters I could talk about, yes, but I think Pierce is definitely the one who deserves the most credit and appreciation and yet never gets it.
13. worst blorboficiation
*shrugs* Still can only guess what this means, but even then, I don’t think I’ve necessarily seen this in this fandom; usually when there’s a character being mischaracterized here, it’s because someone has a chip on their shoulder against them — not the opposite.
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time
NaruMitsu….? lol Other than that and a few other popular ships, not really much comes to mind as typical to see in an Ace Attorney fic — either positive or negative.
15. that one thing you see in fanart all the time
Again, just some typical ships: NaruMitsu, KlaPollo, for some reason Simon Blackquill x Bobby Fulbright despite it not being super popular outside of art… Beyond that, not a lot to comment on.
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
Spirit of Justice in general, compared to Dual Destinies; don’t get me wrong — SoJ did have some good moments and even good cases, and I don’t think there was anything wrong with it in concept overall, it’s just that…it’s quite weak compared to DD plot and writing wise?
My best guess is that it’s because Maya and Ema both come back — though especially Maya — in that one, and since people worship the ground those characters walk on for whatever reason compared to some of the newer cast, the nostalgia bias is making people prefer it, but really I just found it underwhelming.
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
Platonic (or hell, even romantic) ClaPollo and JuniPollo art in general would be nice to see, and I’d definitely like more fics that are written in the same format of the games (I came across one like that once and it was super awesome, though I can’t for the life of me remember which one right now), but at the end of the day, as I’ve said, people should really just write and draw whatever they’re inspired to — not what I *personally* or anyone else would like to see.
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
Like I said, Dual Destinies in general, and also Spirit of Justice’s DLC case, Turnabout Time-Traveler — the latter of which not only is the case Pierce is in, but it’s also just an incredibly wild, plot-twisty, deep, and heart-wrenching ride altogether for a lot of the case-specific characters involved. Also Turnabout Stoyteller’s Athena and Simon dynamic with Simon on co-counsel; it is so fucking good and just…nobody appreciates it enough.
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
Simon/Bobby (once upon a time I actually knew the ship name for this, but I’ve forgotten and I’m too lazy to google at the moment lol), as a ship.
Like….I don’t ship it at all, personally, but I have to admit I do find the concept of it so appealing, considering how it would mean that Simon fell in love with this absurdly altruistic detective bent on saving him from himself and reforming him and getting him off of death row, only to later find out that the man he cared so much for was actually dead (potentially even before he met him — I can’t remember when Fulbright started hanging around him) and all along this has been an imposter essentially wearing his skin, who actually is the reason he was charged and put on death row to begin with, and is actively seeking to destroy him and the only other people in his life that Simon cares about. It’s just…a really cool and exciting and heartbreaking concept. So yeah, I get it, even though on one hand I can’t possibly bring myself to actually ship it or even see it as being truly plausible in canon.
20. part of canon you found tedious or boring
I don’t know… I guess Justice for All had some cases that were really kind of flops — especially the first Maggey Byrde case (2-1); they weren’t all bad, though.
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
I guess just Maya Fey and Spirit of Justice in general, for the reasons I’ve already stated.
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
Not to repeat myself for the umpteenth time, but definitely Dual Destinies as a whole, SoJ’s DLC case, and the Simon and Athena dynamic present in Turnabout Storyteller.
23. ship you've unwillingly come around to
NaruMitsu — I was originally a NaruMayo fan back in the early days simply because I used to buy into the “if there are a male and female protagonist, they must be in love” rhetoric with no further basis needed, and I used to see Miles as so AroAce that he would never pursue a romantic relationship with anyone, but over the years and having seen enough canon evidence to the contrary, I’ve eventually stopped thinking that for me Phoenix and Maya really have that kind of vibe in canon, and come around to the idea that perhaps Miles may be Ace and on the spectrum of Aro, but Phoenix is an exception for him, though he hates to admit it.
I’m not sure if I actively ship it or not, but if I don’t I’m very close to doing so as it is and only very slightly bordering on indifferent whether they’re romantic or platonic. I definitely think Phoenix likes Miles, at the very least.
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
I don’t know… I can’t really think of anything in particular at the moment, to be honest; this fandom is relatively chill overall.
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
Again, this attitude that in order for another lawyer character to exist, be they male or female, but especially female, they must be a replacement for another character.
Also the Dual Destinies hate, and Apollo supposedly “having three backstories because they couldn’t choose one”, when in reality what actually happened — aside from some moments of poor writing I can’t and won’t defend — is that he was a character that grew and was expanded upon over the course of multiple games, and none of what was revealed ever necessarily conflicted with or contradicted any other part of the backstory.
People are allowed to decide to expand on their characters further and add new details to their lives — y’all don’t need to take everything so personally.
Question List
Previous Answers for Questions 4 and 16 (all fandoms)
All Questions Answered (Legend of Zelda fandom)
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1960z · 12 days
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also inspired by penny parker’s ace attorney liveblog on here, I decided to do a character tier list! I’ll add to it once I start playing tgaa 2. some explanations under the cut
sholmes and iris
honestly I felt pretty unsure about the both of them when I first started the game. I like the few holmes stories I’ve read well enough and obviously have massive respect for their impact on literature and like the character fine but I’m not someone where “holmes is a character in this story!” is a selling point. and when sholmes was first introduced he was fun but his presence also felt kind of invasive. I also found the deduction scenes to be even slightly tedious at times honestly. but by god the way they portray him he just… wore me down lmao. by case 5 I found him fucking hysterical and was enjoying every minute he was on screen. and his relationship with iris gives him a surprising emotional core.
speaking of iris, I also felt hesitant at the whole “what if watson was actually a 10 year old girl” shtick and that brand of “child genius” character tends to annoy me most of the time. but fuck she’s just so immediately loveable. she still feels like a 10 year old despite being written to be a genius and is just truly so kind and sweet and she deserves the world. she’s so smart and curious about the world but she’s also still very naive and vulnerable in a lot of ways and it very literally makes me want to take a bullet for her. I think the idea that she writes the sholmes stories and they’re actually fictional retellings of her father’s diary entries is really cool too. it adds an extra layer that’s more than just “the holmes stories are real in this universe” which I enjoy
susato and van zieks
I’m hoping they’re both going to be in “would take a bullet for” category by the end of the next game but as it stands I feel like there’s a lot about the both of them that remains to be seen. like comparing them to maya and edgeworth at the end of aa1 and the journey we get to go on with those two characters, it feels like I barely know anything about susato and van zieks in comparison. and I am expecting to find out more, I mean… why does susato know about the hound of baskervilles is definitely playing on my mind and van zieks has his whole reaper thing going on as well as the “japan has betrayed me” thing he’s alluded to however of course none of these things have actually been explored yet and I feel a little emotionally distant from them as a result. susato and ryunosuke’s friendship is really sweet though if we get to see more of that I don’t think it’ll be long before she’s bumped up honestly. I also think van zieks is extremely cunty as you all know keep it up king.
ashley graydon
tbh I was so ready to say I just straight up hated this guy and put him in boo 🍅🍅 because he just… refused to take the L and people somehow kept siding with him without much logical reason to do so and it pissed me off… but they just had to make him interesting and throw in themes of the corrupting force of wealth and becoming the very thing you hate right at the very end. very dorian grey of him, just like his character design
taketsuchi auchi
the payne bit feels pretty played out at this point honestly and it feels considerably less charming whenever it’s coming from someone who isn’t actually my boy winston. so auchi just kinda annoys me
if anyone wants me to explain any of my other choices I’d be happy to!
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hollysoda · 2 years
I’m in one of those moods :) time for what kinds of plushies ace attorney characters would buy
Phoenix just loves a classic teddy bear. He still has one from his childhood that sits on a shelf in his room since he cuddled it to death as a kid and now it’s pretty tatty and fragile
Edgeworth lost all of his plushies from his childhood after DL-6. He would never admit to having a soft spot for them and usually just sees a cute dog plush in a store, picks it up, smiles and walks away. All his current plushies are gifts from Phoenix and he adore them
Maya is obsessed with Jellycats, especially the ones based on food or inanimate objects. She just thinks they’re hilarious. Phoenix has probably lost more money to Jellycats than hamburgers because damn they’re expensive
Pearl loves Beanie Boos. After spending a lot of time out of Kurain she became one of those kids with five Beanie Boo keychains on her bag and at least two in it. Her favourites are the ones with pastel colours
Gumshoe has one handmade, dog plush from when he was a kid that he protects with his life. If there’s a leak in his apartment he keeps the dog as far away as possible. If the dog is damaged he patches it up immediately. It’s important to him :)
Franziska collects plushies that are custom made/from small businesses that are meant to be displayed rather than cuddled, like fluffy dolls. Maya has bought her a big Jellycat tiger which she cuddles with at night though
Ema likes Kenji plushies, or just any super big and squishy plush that she can easily scream into after a stressful day at work. She doesn’t have any cushions in her house, they’re all squishy plushies
Apollo prefers plushies that are based on video games, mostly Pokémon . He has to physically restrain himself from reaching for his wallet whenever a new Pokémon plush releases because he knows he won’t be able to afford his weekly shop if he buys it.
Trucy’s a Disney girl in my eyes so definitely has a collection of Disney plushies. They’re so ridiculously soft (and once again expensive so Phoenix’s wallet takes a beating)
Because he can, Klavier always buys big plushies. There’s a corner in his home office filled with them. Apollo probably ends up laying it in more than him.
Athena isn’t fussy with plushies, she loves them all, even the shitty ones you get from carnivals or play-til-you-win claw machines. It’s probably why she has to clean out her collection every few months
Athena gave Simon a little cat plush when they were younger and somehow (because it’s Simon Blackquill) he managed to sneak it into prison with him. He would always find a way to hide it whenever his room was inspected, and even if a guard did see it they would be too scared to question it. When he was released it was dirty and falling apart, so Athena spent ages trying to find the exact one again. Simon would pretend not to care, it’s not like he cuddled the old cat at all, but it sits proudly on his desk in the prosecutors office for all visitors to see.
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rivalsforlife · 3 years
Phoenix Wright: The Truth Reborn: Oh No We’re Doing This Again
Nearly two months ago, I wrote an essay summarizing and making very wild conclusions about the second Takarazuka Musical. I did this about two and a half years after watching the first Takarazuka musical. As such I did not have the full context for many things from the musical and was relying mostly on my memory, which blocked many things from this musical for my own safety. However, just this week, I decided to rewatch it, because I enjoy tormenting myself. I said I wouldn’t write anything on it. Here I am writing something on it.
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Here’s the youtube thumbnail so that you know what you’re getting yourself into. And here, of course, is the link. This is the HD version which may be slightly more pleasant to watch. Maybe.
It was not quite as cringe in a funny way as the second musical to me, and therefore this essay may be less funny, but I feel like I’m doing a disservice to people by providing a summary of the second musical while completely neglecting the first. Quite possibly doing this is even more of a disservice. I just eagerly await the day that the third musical is translated because *that* will be the day that I finally shuffle off this mortal coil. Either way, I want to write this stuff down so that I never have to watch the musical again out of curiosity.
The following essay will contain major spoilers for both the first and second Phoenix Wright Takarazuka musicals, as I will be using many points from this musical to argue my thesis of the second musical. ... like you were going to watch them anyways. 
This one broke 8k. I’m dead inside.
Introducing The Director
Again another disclaimer that I don’t have anything against the actresses or the theatre troupe. I DO have something against Suzuki Kei, who I recently learned is the writer and director of all three of the Ace Attorney Takarazuka musicals, and is quite possibly my mortal nemesis.
This man is the one who brought this monstrosity into the world.
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This man, allegedly, cleared the first four ace attorney games *seven times* before sitting down to write these musicals. He played these goddamn games seven times and did not take in a single word. The man clicked through them mindlessly while watching a badly written legal romance drama in the background and got them completely confused. I genuinely have no idea how this man could have played these games more times than even me and yet managed to get so many characters (MAYA!!!!) completely and utterly wrong. This haunts me every day, truly.
This man played Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations, and Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney seven times. SEVEN TIMES EACH!! and was told to create a musical based on the series. He played these games seven times each and you know what he said?? You know what he said?? “This sucks, I’m getting rid of all of Phoenix’s backstory, butchering half the characters, and writing Phoenix/Lana fanfiction, but also rewriting all of Lana’s backstory so that she was Phoenix’s childhood friend, and you know what, I’m changing her name for good measure.”
I think this man played the games seven times each and then hated it so much and was so sick of it he tried to write something that destroyed as much of the series as possible while still being vaguely recognizable. And then somehow it became a massive hit because people like me see this and go “what the actual hell” and watch it, or people who haven’t played the games see this and go “wow what a great musical!” and then he wrote TWO MORE, destroying EVEN MORE every time in his wake, until finally, finally, he stopped after making Edgeworth straight and time traveling into the past to face off against a corrupt Gregory. I guess that was the last straw.
I have to issue a disclaimer here that for legal reasons this is a joke. I don’t actually hate this man and would not punch him in the face if I met him because that would be rude, and he is entitled to his wrong interpretation of the games. I don’t know what his thought process was. But allegedly he did play the games seven times according to the wiki. This whole essay here is satire and not slander and I don’t want to offend this guy if he somehow stumbles across my nonsense tumblr post. At the same time: Suzuki Kei blink twice if you need help.
Anyways half the reason that I’m making this essay is because I want to share my fake ao3 page for this musical. The other half will become apparent later.
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Sorry if that’s illegible because of tumblr quality it’s not really important. All you really need to know is that it’s a fake ao3 screenshot for the musical. Also in the author’s note I said he played the games four times but it was actually seven I just remembered wrong because I didn’t want to believe it.
at this point you may be like “Grace shut up and get to the actual musical” and okay, fine, let’s start this nonsense. Also note that I may be referencing things from my essay on the second musical very frequently; I’m not going to force you to go read that though because the fact that you’re reading this is enough of a torment already.
The Musical Begins
Unlike the second musical, this one opens with some narration from Phoenix.
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Phoenix: I’m reviewing a particular case at the moment. To me, this case... is one I’ll never forget.
Immediately I think this is important because it establishes that this whole musical takes place in a flashback that Phoenix is reflecting on. Why is this important? Because we know, by the time of the second musical which takes place three years later, Leona is dead.
Knowing that Leona is inherently doomed to die of her Sad Woman Disease paints this whole musical in a different light. It’s not Phoenix reflecting on how he got back together with his lover; it’s Phoenix dwelling on their past together, and the opportunities they had, before her life was so cruelly and inexplicably taken away. We don’t know if Phoenix’s reminiscing takes place before or after Leona’s death... but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was after.
Phoenix, still in the present, starts to sing. “A wave appears on the horizon like a mirage, it trembles, then vanishes. Your voice, carried upon the waves, fades upon the shore, erasing the splendor of the past.”
This line actually shows up in the second musical, sung by Lucia about her imprisoned fiance quite possibly. It’s kind of hard to tell what the meaning of these songs even are. They’re too abstract for me I think. But this line appears very frequently in the first musical when Phoenix is thinking about Leona.
Then we enter the flashback time.
Phoenix inexplicably yells at a newspaper saleswoman. This is not relevant to anything whatsoever. Then Larry barges in to the office, looking for Maya. Phoenix describes him as “A real trouble maker, but you just can’t hate the guy”, the latter part of which I think many people would disagree with. 
Well, afterwards, Maya comes in. Phoenix describes her like this while making exaggerated “can you believe this shit” gestures.
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Phoenix: She’s as ditzy as they come. Oh, and about the outfit... Apparently she comes from a family of spirit mediums. Try not to make fun of her, okay?
Suzuki Kei personally has it out for Maya and I can never forgive him for it. Maya in these musicals is here for pure comedic relief but it’s not even comedic because I just get so angry. How can you play the trilogy seven times and think this about her?? The girl who figured out DL-6?? The girl who told Phoenix to sacrifice her life in order to find the truth?? The girl who put on a brave smile in order to try and cheer up her younger cousin even after she saw her own mother murdered right in front of her eyes?? That Maya Fey?? Ditzy as they come??????
Ugh. Moving on.
Maya and Larry run off, leaving Phoenix to watch the American Broadcast.
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Important things to note here are the Godot mug, the little line up of what I think are the messed up little ace attorney figurines beneath the screen, and the fact that while this broadcast is supposedly from and to America the screen is actually not at all showing America. Like literally almost everywhere in the world except North and South America.
The broadcast says that Leona Clyde, age 24, was arrested for murdering the senator Robert Cole! Leona Clyde -- that’s Phoenix’s ex-girlfriend! He runs off to the detention center.
She is not happy to see him.
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Leona: Mr. Wright... I’m not the woman you once knew.
Let’s Play A Matching Game
Sorry for the abundance of screenshots that are going to be throughout this section. Phoenix convinces Leona to let him defend her. Some of the conversation seems... familiar.
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Leona: No one would defend someone who admits to killing a senator. I’m waiting for a court-appointed attorney.
Edgeworth: Every defense attorney I’ve talked to has turned me down.
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Phoenix: In that case, let me defend you.
Game Phoenix: Let me defend you.
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Leona: Don’t be ridiculous!
Edgeworth: Don’t be ridiculous.
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Phoenix: I’ll never accept that you’re a murderer. Let me prove your innocence!
Game Phoenix: Huh? Isn’t it obvious? I’m going to prove that Miles Edgeworth is innocent.
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Leona: I’ve already confessed my guilt.
Gumshoe: He confessed that he did it! In court!
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Leona: It’s foolish to think you can win this case.
Edgeworth: My case is near hopeless, Wright.
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Leona: (in response to phoenix offering to defend her) No you won’t! Don’t ever come here again.
Edgeworth: Look, just go away, and leave me alone!
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Phoenix: You of all people should know. Once I decide to do something, I see it through to the end.
Edgeworth: Once you start on something, you always see it through, don’t you?
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Leona: I never thought that you’d be representing me.
Phoenix: Ah, who could have guessed this day would come?
Edgeworth: Not me.
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Phoenix: You believed in me. You saved me. And this time, I swear... I swear I’ll save you!
Game Phoenix: Edgeworth believed in me, and I believe in him. I’m the only one who knows the real Edgeworth. I’m the only one who can help him.
I could’ve done a few more, but tumblr is already threatening to murder my laptop.
So long story short, Phoenix manages to convince his lover to let him be the defense on the case. Then immediately after swearing to save Leona, he starts singing a song, which I’m not screencapping because this is enough:
“As long as there are people in this world, there’s only one path I will follow! As long as there is love in this world, there’s only one path I will believe in!”
Edgeworth sings this in the second musical after saying that he returned to California because of Phoenix. Phoenix sings it now after swearing to defend Leona. You draw your own conclusions.
And then we finally get the opening credits. Eleven minutes in.
Just Pretend This Is Narumitsu Fanfiction
Following the credits, we see a beautiful beach. Couples (exclusively heterosexual, of course,) dance and embrace in the background for some time, before revealing Phoenix and Leona, in the Even Further Past, before the LSATs or whatever the ace attorney universe’s excuse for law school exams are.
Phoenix establishes his absolute hatred of change, an important characterization moment.
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Phoenix: The view here never changes, huh?
Phoenix reminisces on when they were kids. Leona’s parents were both lawyers (they’re both lawyers) and sometimes they would be like lawyers with her when she was a kid. This inspired her to also become a lawyer after their tragic death of Sickness. They never specify what the sickness is that caused two people who must be relatively young to die while Leona was in her early twenties at the latest. It may be whatever sickness claimed Leona’s life later. Sad Woman Disease. (Sad Man Disease for her father, I guess?)
Phoenix also talks about why he’s becoming a lawyer.
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Phoenix: Watching you chase your dream inspired me to become a lawyer too.
So, it’s not “my childhood friend looked sad in a newspaper” because I guess that makes no sense or is too gay or something. But this is another important piece of Phoenix characterization. His entire life so far has been focused around Leona. They’ve been friends since they were kids, and then Phoenix decided to become a lawyer solely because Leona was becoming a lawyer. Not even to try and get back into contact with her after she moved away or anything; just because he’s so obsessed with her that he wants to have the same career as her, then they can run a Mom & Pop Law Firm or something, years in the future, after years of happy marriage and a few children or like whatever the hell.
Well, there’s a few steps they’ll need to get to that. At this point Phoenix still hasn’t confessed his feelings for Leona. He does so here, on this beach.
Leona tries to protest.
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Leona: But I’m pushy, selfish, and only care about my goals... You’d get fed up with me.
Phoenix: That’s what I’ve always admired about you. That’s who I’ve been chasing all these years. That’s the only person... I love.
Sooo, Phoenix, your type is pushy selfish people who only care about their goals...? In the first, older lower-quality video translation it was “only care about my work”, too. Hm. Things to think about.
They sing a little duet together. Then we go back to present-day of what’s technically still a flashback. Whatever. Murder is happening.
Back To The Murder
So some plot things to establish: Leona is the legal counsel of Governor Miller, who is running for president in the AMERICAN PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. After the flashback so that Phoenix has some time to change clothes, they show an interview of him talking about the murder.
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Governor Miller: I vow to forge a peaceful country with my own two hands, and to prepare myself for whatever may lie ahead.
Reporters: Through thick and thin, he’s a friend of the people!
The Takarazuka musicals are not very good at hiding their killers.
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Phoenix: Oh yeah... It’s almost time for the presidential election, isn’t it?
Anyways, we meet Gumshoe, who is incompetent once again. Maya runs around the crime scene, picks up the murder weapon, puts her fingerprints all over everything, moves things around, all while Phoenix is like “lol get a load of the world’s stupidest girl” or whatever. But who cares about that.
It’s time to get to the only valid part of this musical.
Edgeworth’s Gay Little Villain Solo
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You may have seen this one before.
Edgeworth arrives, but not really. It’s like Phoenix heard Edgeworth was prosecuting and immediately entered a dream-like state, where Edgeworth is heralded by the sound of trumpets in Great Revival. He’s played by a different actress than in the other two musicals, since I think she retired in between the six or so months from this musical to the second. She still plays the role well, though, or as well as can be when you’re written in an ace attorney Takarazuka musical.
Shrouded in scarlet solitude... it’s Edgeworth.
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Yes, those are six Edgeworths. Yes, they pick Phoenix up and carry him around and dance with him. Yes, it was probably not meant to be at all homoerotic.
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He sings a song that’s called “My rule”. I only figured this out later, but it’s loosely based on a “catchphrase” of his in the Japanese version - in game 1 he says something along the lines of “All I can do is get every defendant declared guilty! So I make that my policy.” In DD in his dramatic anime introduction before the trial, he says “I intend to question the defendant with all I have. For that is a part of my creed.” “So I make that my policy” and “For that is a part of my creed”, to my understanding, are both translated from the same line, which I think is like, “sore ga watashi no ruru”, “That is my rule.” (If I’m wrong, please correct me.) In this song he sings about how he’ll reduce all criminals to ash and such, basically talks about his game 1 prosecuting strategy as “my rule”. 
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It’s very fun and probably if you want to only watch one number of this musical, it can be this one. It starts about 26:10 in the video I linked.
Once the musical number is done, Phoenix and Edgeworth stare at each other, and the background fades into the courtroom, so court begins. I feel like I should note that Phoenix has not picked up any evidence or talked to any witnesses in this investigation except for Gumshoe, since Maya just moved some things around and then Phoenix had some weird fever dream about Edgeworth which presumably took up the rest of the day.
The Trial, Day 1
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Edgeworth: Consider it a prelude to the poignant Greek tragedy that’s about to unfold.
Maya: The real tragedy’s your pompous attitude!
Those are the only screenshots I took of this trial day. Here’s a summary, though:
The trial starts off with Leona confessing, Phoenix says “no I think she’s innocent”, and since ace attorney doesn’t care about the defendant’s wishes he’s allowed to proceed. For some reason Leona lets him do this without complaint. 
Gumshoe is the first witness, he claims to have caught Leona red-handed at the scene of the crime, standing over the corpse. Phoenix tries to claim that since Gumshoe didn’t see Leona committing the crime, he didn’t actually catch her red-handed, to which Edgeworth responds “What do you think being caught red-handed means?” 
Once Gumshoe is dismissed, Lotta takes the stand. She has a photo of the actual moment of the crime, where Leona is holding a knife in the air in front of the victim. 
The Takarazuka musicals like to do this thing where the image is blurry and zoomed out, but then Phoenix will go “I’VE NOTICED A CONTRADICTION” and it zooms in really far as the resolution increases drastically in order to show you the contradiction that is impossible to spot for yourself, because they don’t want people figuring out the mystery in this musical based off of a video game where you have to solve the mystery yourself. Anyways Phoenix zooms in on this photo and sees that there’s blood on Leona’s hand, presumably before she stabbed the victim. How did it get there?
Edgeworth suggests the victim was stabbed multiple times. Phoenix says the autopsy report contradicts that. Edgeworth, uncharacteristically, does not update it to suit his argument. 
Phoenix concludes that this photo is not showing the moment Leona stabbed the victim, but the moment Leona removed the knife! ... Which somehow casts doubt on her having been the one to stab the victim. Because as everyone knows, anyone wanting to kill someone would never remove a knife, it’s not like they’d bleed out faster that way, or anything.
And this whole contradiction is confusing because presumably if the victim was stabbed and then the knife was removed, they’d know that happened, because then the knife would not be found stuck in the victim’s body, since the victim was only stabbed once. So this shouldn’t be news to the prosecution that someone removed the knife after stabbing. But the investigation was headed by the most incompetent version of Gumshoe ever, so. sure. I guess no one knew.
That at least manages to extend the trial another day.
This Totally Has To Be Illegal
After the trial, Phoenix goes to talk to Governor Miller, aka Mr. Totally The Real Killer. Phoenix asks him why he decided to hire Leona as his legal advisor.
Basically, it’s because her parents were both renowned lawyers. Her father was a Chief Prosecutor, and her mother was a defense attorney. ... a prosecutor and a defense attorney couple... who does that remind us of...
Phoenix points out that just because her parents were good lawyers, it doesn’t mean she’d necessarily be one. Miller says that, sure, but she is actually really talented, and her law school marks were spectacular. Phoenix says “WHY WERE YOU LOOKING AT HER LAW SCHOOL MARKS”, like it’s somehow? suspicious? for a government official hiring legal counsel to look at their law school marks?
Apparently it IS suspicious because Governor Miller freaks out and asks if this is an interrogation. Before Phoenix can press much further, he gets a phone call, and leaves Phoenix alone in a big room.
So naturally Phoenix behaves like a fully grown adult running a law firm.
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If all he did was sit in the chair, lift up a desk lamp, and poke his finger on a pen, that’s one thing. But then he leans over, OPENS THE GOVERNOR’S DESK DRAWER, and finds a knife that’s just sitting there casually. It looks like a butter knife. It’s not anything major. Maybe the dude just wanted to butter his toast?
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I mean I know Phoenix will dig around in stuff whenever in the games, but he has no reason to suspect Governor Miller at all, much less dig through his drawer probably full of confidential government documents to lift up a knife that he thinks is suspicious. It’s not even covered in blood or anything?
Naturally Governor Miller’s assistant comes in just then, and Phoenix puts the knife. in his breast pocket. 
bud. It may look like a butter knife, but putting knives up against your chest is not a great idea. Much less stealing a knife from a governor? 
Well, in his panic, he accidentally knocks over a bunch of books on the desk. The governor’s assistant helps him pick them up, and they find a photo. Look a little familiar?
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The photo has the assistant, the victim Robert Cole, Governor Miller, and the victim’s brother who died in an incident two years ago. He’s the “Neil Marshall” of this musical, and he died in what was essentially the SL-9 incident. Same general premise, except it occurred in the courthouse, and the names are different.
AND FINALLY WE REACH THE END OF ACT 1. They do a musical number here which is a weird sort of mashup of the main opening credits song, Edgeworth’s Villain Solo, and the love duet between Phoenix and Leona. They are all such different songs that it sounds a little weird.
The act begins on a sour note with Maya playing with the knife and showing off her characterization, which is one of the most infuriating Maya characterizations you’ll sometimes see around the fandom by people who don’t like Maya.
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Maya: Let me whip up my special spirit channeler hamburgers!
But then we’re saved (?) by the arrival of EDGEWORTH, who is presumably just here to chat. He asks Phoenix if he’s defending Leona in hopes of winning her back, then says to keep out of it, since it’s a very important case and he can’t understand the gravity of it.
Then Phoenix says this.
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Phoenix: Would you be saying that if you were the one on trial? The defendant is in a dark prison, reaching out for hope... Can you imagine the loneliness and sorrow of being ostracized?
Edgeworth responds to this by essentially rehashing his speech in Turnabout Sisters about how he needs to find all defendants guilty because he can’t guarantee their innocence and all that. Maya gets upset and leaves so that Phoenix and Edgeworth can talk about their childhood in private.
Phoenix once again complains about how people change since nine years old.
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Phoenix then says that he has something Edgeworth doesn’t: the POWER TO BELIEVE! Then Maya comes in and tries to spike Edgeworth’s coffee, so he leaves.
The Class Trial
Phoenix explains a bit about Edgeworth and his backstory to Maya. Namely, the class trial. Phoenix was accused of stealing lunch money, Edgeworth stood up for him, but instead of Larry, Leona stood up for him. I guess Suzuki Kei thought “oh the class trial, if Leona stood up for him, it would be so romantic, because she’s a woman, and he’s a man”, or something like that. 
Edgeworth wanted to become a Great Lawyer Like His Father! But then he turned cold as ice.
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Phoenix: His father got too deeply involved in a case... and paid for it with his life. Edgeworth saw him murdered. He was never the same again. I bet he couldn’t forgive the criminal.
Yeah I bet he couldn’t ever forgive the person he thought killed his father all these years, Phoenix. I bet he really hates that person, Phoenix. I bet he has nightmares about that person killing his father or something, Phoenix.
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Phoenix: He vanished, then returned without his mercy or compassion. He had become a monster. When he lost his father, he also lost the ability to believe in others.
So like... one of the most chilling things about this musical is that they never actually solve DL-6. This probably roughly takes place 15 years after DL-6, since they were about the same age when the class trial started, and at least Leona is 24 now. The next musical takes place three years from now, and in it, Edgeworth refers to von Karma as his mentor, implying he’s still around and doing things.
So, in addition to everything else going wrong with this musical, DL-6 still happens, but von Karma never frames Edgeworth for it fifteen years later. The statute of limitations runs out, and von Karma forever gets away with his crime. And Edgeworth has no idea.
What changes did they make to DL-6, though, you may ask? I’m desperate to know as well. In the third musical, which I’ve watched because I hate myself but am unable to fully understand because I don’t know much Japanese, there is a scene where Miles flashbacks to DL-6. It’s abstract, but he makes gun-throwing motions at Gregory, followed by a gunshot sound.
Therefore, in this musical’s internal canon, either Miles Edgeworth shot his father, or he believes he did for the rest of his life.
... moving on.
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Phoenix: But he still has his humanity. It’s still there, deep down inside!
At least, if nothing else, Phoenix still believes in him. Even this Takarazuka Musical couldn’t touch that.
The Feenie Sweater
Right after this, Larry barges in, and Phoenix leaves him alone with Maya. The musical tries teasing Larry/Maya, but fortunately, Maya’s having none of it.
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Maya: You’re barking up the wrong tree.
Props to this musical for not being as bad as it could have been.
After this, the two sit down on the couch, and Maya asks for more gossip on Phoenix and Leona. Larry launches into a story, which turns into a flashback that ends up being narrated by Phoenix halfway through. This one’s about Phoenix and Leona’s relationship.
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This is an interesting line in here, “I’ll guide you to the future”, for it loosely referencing the sort of love ballad Phoenix sings with Lucia in the second musical which is about “I’ll take you to that radiant future”, and he later sings to the memory of Leona right around the time of his big spiral into despair.
I’m sorry if you haven’t read my other essay and just said “wait what” to what I just typed.
Leona was getting ready to move to New York to defend the weak “in the big city”. This is rather strange wording because it implies that California does not in fact have a big city. She says some things in her conversation with Phoenix that probably plant some of his later issues.
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Leona: This is the first time we’ll be apart since we were kids.
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Leona: We promised we’d always be together.
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Leona: I’ll be waiting. Waiting for you to come to me.
Haha. Sure would be a shame... if something were to happen... and they wouldn’t be able to be together anymore...
So some dancers wearing black come in and take off their outer jackets, to symbolize the passage of time. They circle around Phoenix and Leona. In this, you can just barely see, Phoenix is wearing a pink sweater beneath his jacket.
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“Oh,” I think to myself, “Is that the Feenie sweater? Are they including it here as a reference to the games?”
Then the dancers keep moving.
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THAT IS NOT THE FEENIE SWEATER. That is a pink sweater with a sexily drawn woman on it.
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This is the other half of the reason why I decided to go through with making this essay. 
This is so incredibly funny to me. Suzuki Kei Who Has Played The Games Seven Times has seen the hand-knit bright pink sweater with a giant red heart on it seven times. The sweater Iris, Phoenix’s girlfriend, lovingly knit for him that he wears all the time even though it is one of the tackiest, cheesiest items of clothing to ever exist. And so, when the costume designers were designing the clothes for College Phoenix Wright, they asked themselves: “Should we include the Feenie sweater?”
and “NO,” someone must have shouted, “NO, we can NOT include the Feenie sweater, it is PINK and it has a HEART on it and it’s TOO GIRLY. Phoenix Wright is a MANLY MAN. He would not EVER wear something PINK with a HEART on it.”
“BUT,” someone else said, “it’s a REFERENCE to the original games, where he DID wear a pink sweater with a heart on it! We MUST include it to pander to the fans!”
“WAIT,” a third person interjected. “I have a BRILLIANT IDEA. We can keep the pink... But to make it VERY CLEAR he is a heterosexual, masculine male... we put a sexy woman on it.”
And Person Three Got A Raise.
Thank god we’re finally halfway done this musical.
We Just Have To Go On With Our Lives Now
There’s plot or something happening. Leona breaks up with Phoenix inexplicably over the phone. Probably because of that freaking sweater. Imagine wearing that. God.
Eventually we go back to Phoenix talking to Leona, and he asks about the Jack Lyon case, which is the rip-off version of the Joe Darke case. Leona is pretty cagey about it, but Phoenix proves that she was there in the gallery that day. Leona refuses to answer, claims again that she killed the victim in her case, and leaves.
This makes Phoenix sad, so he starts singing.
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Phoenix: I want to bring you back! I believe in you.
If this sounds familiar, it’s the part where I started absolutely losing my mind in the second musical because this line had never shown up before then, I’d forgotten it was in this musical, and Phoenix was screaming it alone in a red room, so I thought he was like desperately resorting to a necromancy ritual in hopes of bringing Leona back to life.
Instead, this line actually has CONTEXT, though it does just end up enforcing my theory. This is Phoenix mourning what he used to have with Leona, wanting to bring the “old her” back, because he’s devastated that people sometimes change. There are several flashbacks of their college days where he’s wearing his Sexy Woman Sweater. He does succeed in winning her back at the end of this musical. Before she dies, of course.
Phoenix in musical 2 still believes that he can bring back what he used to have with Leona... even beyond death. That’s something affirmed by this musical. I’m very grateful to it for somehow managing to enforce my nonsensical theory.
Doctor Ema
After this, Phoenix returns to his office, and meets with someone new.
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That’s right! Only now, halfway through the musical, do we actually get to meet the Ema-equivalent to Leona’s Lana-equivalent. Her name is Monica Clyde. She has little rainbow heart stickers on her briefcase, which is the closest thing this musical has to acknowledging that gay people exist.
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But what does this little briefcase contain, you may ask? Scientific investigation tools? No.
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A full surgical toolset. Because you never know when someone’ll get sick, or when someone will need an entire operation in front of you. I guess.
So yes, Monica Clyde is not a forensic scientist in training, but a doctor! She decided to become a doctor because of her parents, who passed away of The Sickness, and so became a doctor in order to save lives like theirs.
Once more this has much darker and deeper implications than the musical is even aware of, because Monica is so anxious about treating sick people that she carries a full surgical toolset around with her at all times, scared to lose someone like she lost her parents... and then sometime in the next three years, Leona, her big sister, is going to die.
Of what? The strange Sickness that claimed her parents? A car accident? A botched spur-of-the-moment surgery? Whatever it is, Monica was unable to save her, even when she’d been training her entire life for it.
Monica is not mentioned at all throughout the second musical. It’s as if she does not exist.
Because unlike Ema of Rise From The Ashes, Monica is not at the heart of this story. She is, primarily, a plot device here to make Leona not trust Phoenix so that he can angst about their relationship. 
What a mess this world is.
The Trial, Part 2
Rather than try to prove Leona’s innocence, Phoenix wants to link the current case to not-SL-9, the Jack Lyon case. He does this by showing this picture.
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Senator Cole, the victim, is in this picture. His younger brother whose name I’ve forgotten, the victim of not-SL-9, is also in this picture. They are brothers. It is apparently novel that they are in the same picture, and somehow makes their cases linked.
As well, Governor Miller is in the picture. I guess you could say like... Governor Miller’s legal counsel is the defendant, so that’s another link? Even though the Governor would presumably know a Senator, so this isn’t an unusual group. Right now Phoenix has absolutely nothing to prove that these two cases are linked other than “hey, these two victims are brothers”, but apparently it works. So they spend a lot of time talking about not-SL-9, since Leona has confessed to the murder on day 1 and there is absolutely nothing indicating that she can’t be immediately declared guilty.
They hid the fact that Monica was a hostage in this not-SL-9, meaning that some of the case records were forged. Here’s Edgeworth’s reaction when this comes out.
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Edgeworth: This is an outrage! I’m the most influential prosecutor in America! There’s nothing I don’t know!
In RFTA, when Edgeworth learns he’d been using forged evidence to give a man the death penalty, he is devastated, his entire worldview is shaken, he sees himself as a monster who could end up becoming horribly corrupt if he isn’t stopped.
Musical Edgeworth goes “I DIDN’T KNOW SOMETHING???”
It’s certainly strange characterization, but I guess Edgeworth is further behind in his character arc than in RFTA, so... ugh. Fine. 
Phoenix calls Monica out as a witness to prove she was involved in the case. This causes Leona to panic, and try to dismiss Phoenix as her attorney, like Lana in RFTA, but Edgeworth interjects to call Monica in anyways. He and Phoenix have a little moment.
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Edgeworth: You said to believe in others. I suppose I’ll try believing in you. Try to keep up.
Phoenix: Edgeworth!
So Monica comes to the stand to testify. We get to see this picture of Monica being held hostage, and not-Joe-Darke’s incredible eyeliner.
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Lots of it is very similar to the actual RFTA, except instead of the victim being stabbed on the knight with the giant knife, he’s instead stabbed with a regular old knife. Leona still refuses to admit to what really happened, until Edgeworth convinces her to believe in Phoenix.
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Edgeworth: Your attorney is a runaway train with a one-track mind. Yet he placed all of his faith in you. Believe in him. You owe him that much.
Leona testifies, and says that when she found the victim, he was stabbed with a scalpel.
Here is where things get weird.
Scalpels Can’t Kill People
So basically earlier in this trial, they talk about how Leona knew that the knife that stabbed the victim was double-edged despite being buried in his chest. The judge questions if this means Leona killed him, but Phoenix is quick to say no, she was searched when she entered the courthouse and couldn’t have concealed a knife.
Yet, Monica was able to bring in her surgical toolkit which contains several sharp knives, scalpels, scissors, etc.
This is the first major contradiction.
Leona continues to say that when she found Monica, and the scalpel stabbed in the victim, she also ran into Governor Miller, who if you haven’t been able to tell yet is the Gant-equivalent of this musical. He offered to help her with the cover-up, etc.
The next bit goes a lot like RFTA. Phoenix accuses Governor Miller, who barges in, says Phoenix has the decisive evidence in his pocket. This is the “butter knife” that Phoenix took from his office when he dug around in confidential documents and stole it for no particular reason. It has Monica’s fingerprints on it! ... And Phoenix’s and Maya’s too probably because they were handling it without gloves, but they don’t mention that part.
Leona cries about how she shouldn’t have trusted Phoenix because he was apparently now blaming Monica, Monica looks terrified, she and Leona have some good sister moments but it’s not as good as it could be if the story was actually about Leona and Monica like how RFTA was about Lana and Ema. But Phoenix has the decisive piece of evidence that can turn this around.
It is this:
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Phoenix: Scalpels are made for medical incisions, not stabbings. So how did it stab the victim?
... What?
So like. Yes, scalpels are made for medical incisions. Medical incisions often involve cutting through flesh, very easily. As a result, they are sharp. Extremely sharp. As in: their purpose is literally to stab people, very specifically.
Yes, they’re easier to control, so that surgeons don’t regularly stab people how they’re not supposed to be stabbed, but it’s not like, impossible to stab someone in a killing way with a scalpel? Admittedly, I have never tried to kill someone using a scalpel. And I do not have experience using a scalpel for surgeries because I am not a surgeon. But I’m pretty sure, if you take a sharp scalpel, and you stab someone in the chest with it with a reasonable amount of force... they die.
Like, is this a particular kind of scalpel that is not very sharp? Is the problem that the blade doesn’t match up with the initial wound? But even then, we don’t have the original unforged autopsy report or even a picture, so how would Phoenix know what the original wound looked like to say it didn’t match up? And even then why wouldn’t Phoenix say that instead of SCALPELS CAN’T STAB PEOPLE???
This is his decisive contradiction and it makes ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE TO ME!!!
Well Darn I Guess Scalpels Can’t Kill People
This is such a decisive piece of evidence, that scalpels can’t kill people, coming from the man who thought “caught red-handed” does not involve being caught standing over a corpse with blood on your hands, that it causes Governor Miller to confess.
Unlike Gant, who created the murder with Neil Marshall both to ensure that there was decisive evidence to convict Joe Darke, a serial killer who had not left any decisive evidence behind, and gain control over the prosecutor’s office in order to pull similar stunts to get criminals convicted using false evidence, Governor Miller does not have that as his motive. After all, he’s not a police officer. Instead, he ended up accidentally killing not-Joe-Darke, and then set up the incident in order to get Leona on his side. As her parents were both influential lawyers and very respectable, having her and her parents’ reputation on his side could help him become President of America Where This Takes Place.
So, let’s just take a moment to run over some of the things that made the original Rise From The Ashes great, in my opinion. Just for fun.
1 - The heart of the story between the Skye sisters. Lana closing off to protect Ema, Ema wanting to get through to her sister and get back to the way things used to be. Phoenix, in this story, is more of a bystander to this plotline rather than in the heart of it himself.
2 - Edgeworth’s Character Development. Basically RFTA creates an interesting transition between Turnabout Goodbyes and JFA. It causes Edgeworth to re-evaluate everything he knows about being a prosecutor. So quickly on the heels of Turnabout Goodbyes, it crushes the last bit of hope in him. It compares him to Gant, who also hates criminals, and forces him to wonder if his hatred of crime will one day lead to him being a criminal himself. He’s already convicted one person on forged evidence; how many others could there be?
3 - The Ends Justify The Means. ... wait come back, don’t leave. What I found neat about this case was also Gant’s motive. At one point he was presumably an honest person who hated crime and wanted to stop criminals. But over time in the police force, he became corrupted. He wanted to have all criminals convicted. So what do you do when you don’t have the evidence to convict them? Joe Darke was a serial killer who has killed several people and may have killed more if he’d gone free. The only way to stop and convict him was by using forged evidence. Other criminals could hide evidence to get away with their crimes, so people like Gant would make it up to catch them; but then when do you stop? What happens if there’s no evidence because someone is truly innocent? When does the line between “this person is a criminal and I want to stop them” and “I just want to convict everyone I’m dealing with” become blurred? This is also something he shares with Edgeworth and helps to advance his character.
All three of these things are either lessened or outright ignored in this musical. Leona and Monica’s story takes a backseat to Phoenix and Leona’s Love Story, with Monica only showing up halfway through, and mainly as an excuse as to why Leona is withdrawn. Edgeworth doesn’t seem to blame himself for the forged evidence he used, and doesn’t have a crisis questioning his morality over it. And Governor Miller’s motive is purely power. Unlike Gant, who would have become Chief of Police whether he solved SL-9 or not, Miller needed Leona to win the presidency. And instead of asking her to help him with his campaign like a normal person, he just blackmailed her instead.
... How do you play the games seven times and miss this much?
The Case Finally Ends
god. we’re almost there.
The case ends, Leona is declared not guilty but will still face trial for covering up murders and such. Probably less of a sentence than Lana because she was not involved in ongoing police corruption? Either way she’s dead in three years, so she’s got something a bit more concerning coming up.
She’s led away. Phoenix sings a bit about Leona before being interrupted by Edgeworth... who has something important to tell him.
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Edgeworth: You awakened within me those once-cherished emotions I had discarded. I see visions of a distant, nostalgic past.
So basically this is the unnecessary feelings of the musical. Something along the lines of “seeing you again and fighting for my former ideals is making me question many things about myself.”
How does Phoenix respond?
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Phoenix: Edgeworth... Try talking normally for a chance.
Sure, we were all thinking it, but that’s a little cold, Phoenix.
Edgeworth tries a smooth recovery.
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Edgeworth: I don’t do... idle chit-chat.
This doesn’t accomplish much. So he leaves to allow Leona to visit with Phoenix alone. He’s got to go change for something more important coming up.
Leona and Phoenix decide that they’re going to get back together once Leona is done her sentence! They make a promise that is very funny if you know she’ll be dead in three years.
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Phoenix: I’ll be waiting. For you.
There are a lot of hugs here, I’m not screencapping them all. There are also several moments where their faces get very close together and like, their nose brushes the other’s cheek or something, but they never actually kiss. Is it because the actresses weren’t comfortable with it (valid), or they thought kissing would be too much for the musical (sure, whatever), or since both characters are played by women the show staff did not want two women kissing on stage (probably the real answer)? I don’t like watching kisses, but I kept bracing myself for one and then it never happened, so.
Phoenix ends the main part of the musical with one last musical number starring my personal favourite piece:
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Phoenix: I want to bring you back! I believe in you.
I like to think that at this point, this is present-day Phoenix, after finishing his reminiscing, still desperately wishing he could bring Leona back from death.
But alas, he cannot. And so, after one last daydream of them dancing together on the beaches of California, singing about their love, the musical ends.
Dance Time!
This starts at exactly the two hour mark, if you’re interested in watching what is, once again, one of the only fun parts of this musical.
Seriously, Edgeworth’s actress kills it here, when I first saw this I went “oh, this is why I saw so many people being gay for her on twitter.”
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Edgeworth’s song is an encore of “My Rule”, so it’s lots of fun. Afterwards Phoenix gets another fun piece.
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Then we get to the love ballad part, which I can probably overanalyze, I feel like I haven’t done enough ridiculous over-analyzing in this essay in comparison to the other.
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Uhhh so the fog represents how Phoenix feels lost in this world without Leona. You can see it in the second screenshot separating the two of them, representing the barrier of death between the two of them. Idk it’s midnight I’m getting worn out from having to think about this musical for so long.
But his mourning over Leona’s death becomes even more apparent in the credits, where Phoenix sings that one line again:
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Phoenix: I want to bring you back! I believe in you.
I’m not fixing that screenshot, I think it’s oddly fitting, in a way. That’s me right now.
Then at the very end, he sings this song.
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Phoenix: I’ll spend... this eternal life... soaring through... the heavens!
Technically, this refers to his name Phoenix, but let’s dig a little deeper. He spends the rest of his life soaring through the heavens... the heavens that Leona went to after her untimely death, perhaps?
Overall, the musical becomes much more interesting when you just see it as a prequel to the second musical. This musical establishes many core concepts of Phoenix’s character: his refusal to believe in the concept of things changing, for one, and also his extreme dependency on Leona who he was never separated from since they were kids and where he based his entire life around her dreams and ideals. All he can think about is her. And in the end, he promises to wait for her in California.
Yet, to paraphrase Miles Edgeworth, all that is waiting for him is her death. Their dream of opening up a Mom & Pop Law Firm will never come true.
Thanks again for bearing with me even though this wasn’t as funny!
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moonbeamwritings · 3 years
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It is a truth universally acknowledged, that an exhausted defense attorney in possession of a massive workload, must be in want of a cup of coffee. But Phoenix Wright could never just get one, could he? 
His life could never truly be normal, not even something as seemingly mundane as stopping for his daily coffee could ever be uneventful. Sometimes you’d be working, distractingly beautiful and devastatingly kind, always smiling in that way that made his heart race and mouth stutter through his coffee order, face burning hot. While other times he’d meet Maya there and they’d walk to the office together, Maya talking his ear off about the latest episode of Pink Princess while she slurped away at whatever fruity drink she’d ordered this time.
Today was exceptionally bad, so unfortunate that Phoenix wondered why he’d even gotten out of bed in the first place if he was going to be publicly humiliated in his favorite coffee shop and in front of his favorite barista no less. It was the perfect storm and maybe he should’ve seen it coming, but Phoenix was far from perfect and that was just a fact.
Maya had been hounding him all week, poking and prodding at his arm to get him to finally “spill the beans” about the cute barista she would catch him smiling at and blushing over.
“They’re pretty,” she’d said one morning, a gentle breeze drifting through the air as they walked side by side, “Maybe a bit out of your league, but pretty. You should go for it! It’ll be like all of those cheesy rom-coms I’ve seen where…”
As a practiced tactic in self-preservation, Phoenix allowed himself to drift off into his own little world, Maya’s rant about you and him and your “potential” going in one ear and straight out the other. He didn’t have nearly enough patience for it and it didn’t even make sense.
He had a friendly relationship with you, sure. You chatted with him every time he came in and you always managed to slip him a free pastry precisely when he needed one, but it’s not like you liked him. You were just doing your job after all.
So now, as he stood in front of the counter listening to Maya talk your ear off about how much of a catch her little Nick was, he could only seem to space out, willing the floor to open up and swallow him whole. Or that a tornado would whip through and kill him. Or that he could disappear…
Or… or… or…
When he ran out of his somewhat morbid and increasingly ridiculous fantasies about ways to escape the situation, he snapped back into the conversation at hand. His thoughts filled with potential robberies or perfectly-timed phone calls replaced by Maya attempting to sweet talk you on his behalf.
“Yeah, so he’s free most weekends. Trust me, he has nothing going on besides work.”
Wait what? Exactly how much had he missed?
“That sounds good! I’m around most weekends too.” The smile you sent Maya had Phoenix’s heart beating a mile a minute, threatening to burst from his chest at just the mere sight of it.
“Though I’d love to actually talk to him during the date, if that’s okay?” You teased, shooting Phoenix a wink as you redirected your smile to him.
Get a grip, Wright, this is your chance.
“Yeah! Uh, yeah! I’d love that! I can, uh, I can talk!”
Nice save. Very smooth.
His face was growing hotter by the second, the blush creeping up his neck and along his cheekbones threatening to humiliate him even further. This was definitely worse than any panicked flush he’d faced in the courtroom. It had to be.
You beamed at him as you pushed their orders across the counter, gaze meeting his own. “Enjoy your drinks you two!”
In a daze, Phoenix reached for the drink with a mumbled “you too” as he watched you walk away from the front counter to help someone with a pastry. Maya, after taking her own drink, began pushing him from the shop to prevent him from any more slip ups.
“You’re being an idiot. How uncool can you be? That was your rom-com moment and you blew it!”
The cool breeze that welcomed them as they stepped outside worked to soothe the burning in his cheeks and Phoenix was grateful to finally be removed from whatever hellscape he’d just experienced. As he fell into stride next to his partner in crime, he noticed a little note carefully placed on the side of his cup: “text me! xxx-xxx-xxxx :)”
He couldn’t stop the grin from spreading across his face or the pep in his step at your number on the side of his cup, the barista he’d been pining after for weeks. As he walked, grinning so wide his cheeks began to ache, he imagined your first date and where he would take you. He imagined the cute, bashful smile you’d grace him with if he complimented you in just the right way.
But, like an unceremonious record scratch, Maya had to butt in and ruin his beautiful daydreams.
“I don’t know what you’re so happy about! I did all the heavy lifting back there!” She admonished, throwing a thumb in the direction they came from as if to further prove her point.
Phoenix rolled his eyes good-naturedly, rubbing his free hand against the back of his neck. Yeah, well, a win was a win in his book and he was going to savor this little victory.
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4ragon · 3 years
can you please expand your thoughts on how aai1 handled turnabout ablaze? I noticed your (rightfully) low ranking of Alba earlier so I’m kinda curious about your opinion ^_^
Okay, before I go into this, I want to say: I love this game. I love all the AA games. Even the ones I have the most complaints about (this and DD) are wonderfully fantastic games with a fun cast and intriguing murder mysteries. You should play the ones you haven’t played yet, even the ones you’ve heard negative stuff about.
That being said, Turnabout Ablaze I think is sort of emblematic of every single problem I do have with AAI.
Ace Attorney Investigations is a little bit of a mess. At its best, it’s a fun murder mystery game with a stellar cast. It introduces Kay Faraday and Shi-Long Lang, it gives us more time playing as Miles Edgeworth, always a treat, and more time with my man Gumshoe. The mystery solving is fun and it offers a new kind of gameplay than the usual point and click style for investigations.
However, it also has a lot of weird pacing problems. Your new assistant and rival don’t show up until case 3 of 5. And Lang isn’t even in case 4, so he’s barely even a presence in his debut game, even though he’s a wildly interesting and fun character. All of his development is shoved into Turnabout Ablaze, and even though it’s welcome development, I kind of wish it was spread out more.
But going more into Turnabout Ablaze: It is long, arduous slog occasionally interrupted by some fantastic moments only to be dragged back down into the deepest recesses of hell. Its midpoint feels like a climax and everything past that point slowly and sadly peters away into a sad mess of one man slowly walking away from you to get on a plane.
To start with, this case in particular has so many different people being accused of murder. Kay, then Larry, then Shih-na, then Franziska, then Alba. AAI has this issue in almost all these cases, but it never feels as pronounced as it does in this one, this meandering, confusing mess of a case. It feels like we’re never really making progress, we’re just running in circles and occasionally hitting a brick wall while we get derailed from some bullshit or another.
I feel like the setup of AAI makes accusing people you care about far less impactful than it did in any of the other games, since that blame can be passed around so quickly and easily. Every single case has at least one moment where a recurring character gets accused, and it feels almost artificial? Like of course we’re going to have to care about Gumshoe and Maggey and Kay and Franziska and maybe not Larry but that’s a personal choice of mine. Yet most of those accusations never really last long enough to have anything meaningful happen plot or character wise, save for maybe Gumshoe in the flashback case? But there’s no tension to that one since we know Gumshoe ends up fine. The rest of the time it’s just an excuse to keep dragging Miles through a constantly meandering plot.
Also, there’re these weird distractions all over the place that lead nowhere. Having to deal with Larry and Oldbag for a few minutes hours even though it has nothing to do with the case at hand is annoying. If we got rid of that second murder, would anything have changed other than a few hours of gameplay? You just have to rewrite a few parts and boom, two hours of my life saved. Or the statue section, did we need to have that statue section? These would be well and good if they were fun to solve, or character building, but they weren’t. They were just there to add time to an already bloated final case.
Adding to that, I was not a huge fan of the Smugglers plot that they were pushing to be the overarching narrative. I feel like it was meant to be this big, intimidating force, but it ended up being so boring and impersonal. And boring. And did I mention boring? 
You know what was interesting? Calisto Yew, betraying her friends. Calisto Yew murdering Byrne Faraday, and then Kay’s investment in hunting her down. Then you get to the big climactic showdown with Shih-na, and it’s amazing! It’s satisfying! We’ve been developing this Big Bad for three cases and watching her finally break down, getting to that reveal of who she was, the shootout, all of it was fantastic and wait, what was that? Shih-na didn’t do the murders for this case? She was just a cog in the machine? There’s more game? Oh. Uh. Right. Okay. Whoo.
Also Quercus Alba, uh, sucks? He sucks. He sucks so much. He’s boring and smug, but also he’s this nothing character. He sweeps in at the eleventh hour to be the final hurdle, but he had no buildup other than walking around in the background as this doddering old man we didn’t care about. It wasn’t even in a “Ooo he was always there the whole time” way that Shih-na had, it was just this boring old man doing boring old man things.
And then they have the audacity to make the final confrontation with him last for HOURS longer than it needed to. And every single time it feels like we’ve progressed, not only have we made no progress, but we are actively slamming ourselves into the same brick wall over, and over, and over again.
“Oh, you see, Miles Edgeworth, I have ✨Diplomatic Immunity✨!”
“Ah, well, how about this proof! Proof that you are involved with the smuggling ring! What do you think about that?”
“Well, what do you think about this ✨✨Diplomatic Immunity✨✨ that I still have. Oh well time to go on a plane—”
“Wait! Wait Quercus Alba, what about this new proof! This proof that you could have done the crime!”
“Wowie, my ✨✨✨Diplomatic Immunity✨✨✨ certainly thinks you’re making an interesting point.”
And then Lang shows up to get rid of his ✨✨✨✨Diplomatic Immunity✨✨✨✨ after we’ve been in the same fucking time loop for what feels like twenty years of my life and then suddenly we have to prove without a shadow of a doubt that Alba did the murder?? Why???? That’s not how it works?????? Can someone fucking ARREST THIS MAN???? GUESS WHAT GUYS YOU DON’T NEED TO PROVE HE DID IT YET, YOU HAVE MORE THAN ENOUGH TO ARREST HIM YOU’RE NOT IN COURT?????????? END IT!!!! PLEASE!!!!! JUST END IT!!!! FUCK!!!!!!!!
I don’t care about the Smuggling Ring! It’s this weird nebulous idea that has no real bearing on any of the main characters other than Lang. And also like “Oh no, my country’s economy is in shambles” that’s so????nothing???? Again, if we could have anything tying us to the importance of improving Zheng-Fa’s economy maybe that would be different. Human beings as a species don’t really connect that well to a macro level if there’s nothing to make it feel personal, you know? We know nothing about Zheng-Fa and have no connection to Zheng-Fa, and we don’t have any way to conceptualize Lang’s struggle in a way that holds any meaning. Sure it’s important, but it’s not dire to us, and that makes for a shitty confrontation!!!
Let’s look back at the other final cases in this series. AA original: Miles is in danger. His smug mentor is not only trying to get him killed, but did the killings himself. AA2: Maya is kidnapped. It’s a struggle between your ideals of finding truth and justice and making sure your best friend isn’t killed. AA3: Maya is missing, and then later, suspected of murder. You’re confronting this big bad who's been a problem from case one and then also proving yourself to Godot.
They’re all personal stakes. They all matter to the main character, and the bad guy had a DIRECT hand in why. And yes, Alba ordered the killings, but again, it’s so impersonal, it’s like three steps removed so as rendered meaningless. Then you add on top that he’s got no motivation, other than greed and power I guess, he’s not fun, considering how many circles he makes us run in only to get to the same problem every single go around, he’s barely a character, he—!!! I hate him!!! I hate him and not in a fun way!!! Just end the case!!! Please Capcom!!!!
Again, the first half? When we were building to that confrontation with Shih-na? Great! Climactic. Fun. Interesting. But the rest? So deeply incredibly frustrating.
Sorry this was longer than I meant for it to. But I’m not too sorry. After all, I have ✨✨✨✨✨Diplomatic Immunity✨✨✨✨✨
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askaceattorney · 3 years
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Dear Anonymous,
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I still have yet to play (or watch) DGS2, unfortunately, so we’ll have to save that part for another time, but I’d love to delve into the shared adventures of this adorable duo in the first game.
When Ryuunosuke first meets Susato, she’s nothing more to him than an ally in his defense in court.
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He doesn’t see her again until he and Kazuma find themselves at the end of their rope.
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It makes you wonder if she’s the one who founded whatever School of Interrupting at Just the Right Time so many Ace Attorney characters apparently went to, doesn’t it?
When she appears, “calm and dignified, in our desperate final moments,” to use Ryuunosuke’s words, she causes quite the stir.  Luckily, the five minutes granted to her by the judge to present some crucial evidence is all she needs to help him and Kazuma pull off the first turnabout in Ace Attorney’s history.
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The mysterious legal assistant’s wish for Ryuunosuke’s good fortune was granted, apparently.
Thus Ryuunosu--  Um...  Is it okay if I call him “Ryu” for short?  Thus Ryu’s life was saved by a humble young woman who had the courage and decency to collect, summarize, and present the evidence that turned the case around in the nick of time.  After leaving to finish his acquittal procedures with a humble bow, she disappeared, never to be seen by him again.
Or so he thought.
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Similar to Phoenix and Maya’s first encounter, Ryu and Susato's second meeting occurs under the most tragic of circumstances.  His close friend and classmate has been found dead in his cabin on the ship he managed to smuggle himself onto.  Unlike Phoenix and Maya’s situation, however, it’s the lawyer (or soon-to-be lawyer) who is initially blamed for his death.  To make matters worse, the young woman who helped to save his life isn’t feeling quite so compassionate this time around.
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Her anger and distrust are understandable, considering that the evidence seems to point to Ryu as the culprit, on top of the fact that Kazuma was her foster brother.  Luckily, she’s polite and reasonable enough to hear Ryu’s side of things, and even claims that she wants to believe him, so the two of them are at least able to treat each other civilly.
That is...until he tries to start investigating.
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There’s a bucket load of energy beneath that demure countenance of hers, it turns out.  Her move even has a special name -- the “Susato Toss.”  Who would’ve thought she came straight out of Street Fighter?
Thankfully, she still has a reasonable side.
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By presenting evidence of his innocence, Ryu not only vindicates himself, but finally starts to gain Susato’s trust.
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Sadly, her trust only lasts until a certain world-famous detective shows up to accuse Ryu of being a Russian revolutionary.
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It’s hard to blame her, of course.  Who wouldn’t trust THE Sherlock Holmes’s logic?
Nonetheless, her determination to find out more about Kazuma’s death is strong enough for her to begrudgingly continue the investigation with Ryu.  One notable moment occurs here when he attempts to gain favor wither her by appealing to her love of mystery novels.
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She’s no fool, of course, and only dislikes him even more for expecting her to fall for it.
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If I didn’t know any better, I’d say this was the “main characters don’t get along until they’re forced into a situation together” cliché.  This situation may not fit that cliché perfectly, but it’s not too far off if you ask me.
When Ryu is finally allowed to investigate outside the cabin, Susato begins to show a bit more sympathy for him.
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I have to give her some credit for that -- it takes a special kind of person to show compassion for a possible murderer.  It also seems like she’s beginning to see Ryu as more of a human being than a heartless criminal.  Baby steps, as they say.
From that point on, their dialogue begins taking on a more friendly tone.  Thus Susato, whether on purpose or by fate, takes on the role of the first official assistant in Ace Attorney’s history.  And boy, does she pull it off like a pro.
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To make a long story short, their cooperative efforts combined with the ridiculous logic of a kooky detective (as well as the assistance of the less kooky Detective Hosonaga) bring them to the truth of Asougi’s death in the end.  While this clears Ryu of the crime and offers some much-needed closure for both him and Susato, his death still affects them deeply.
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Something wonderful stems from this tragedy, though -- a crucial moment, not only for the two of them, but also for the Japanese and British Empires.
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With Asougi’s passing, the exchange program between Great Britain and Japan is forced into suspension, unless, somehow, a replacement attorney can be found before the ship reaches London.
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It’s a shame it has to end this way after all they’ve been through together, but that’s just the way it goes someti--
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...Oh.  Well, then.  Who would’ve seen that coming?  (Besides us, I mean.)
And strangely enough, the young woman who once saw Ryu as a cold-blooded murderer has this to say about him becoming an attorney:
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Thus a new attorney/assistant pair arises from the ashes of one attorney’s passing (pun fully intended), and the two of them step into a new journey in their lives together.  And thankfully, it wasn’t exactly the cliché it appeared to be -- the two of them are now trusted friends, and Susato even offers to let Ryu toss her three times as punishment for not believing him.  (It doesn’t quite end that way, but that’s beside the point.)
The first leg of said journey takes place in the “centre of the world” the incredible city of London.  What a place to begin, am I right?
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Thus their incredible legal adventure begins (or adventures begin, I should say) in beautiful Victorian Era Britain.  To describe their encounters here briefly (and so I don’t spend a whole year on this essay), they learn together how the British court system works...
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...about its imperfections...
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...how it feels to pull off a turnabout in a British courtroom...
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...and perhaps most importantly, about the value of trust.
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To say nothing of their misadventures with Mr. Holmes, his young genius assistant, and several other unforgettable British folk.
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And a fellow Japanese immigrant, too, of course.  Who could forget him?
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You know, I’m starting to wonder if he might be one of Larry’s ancestors.
The game throws one final curveball for the great legal duo before it ends.  After telling Susato she’s the world’s best legal assistant, Ryu gets a very unexpected response from her:
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When he attempts to confront her about it, all he gets is another Susato Toss.
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What could someone like her, who’s already proven her worth as a legal assistant several times, be hiding?  Unfortunately for Ryu, he’s unlikely to find out soon, since her father’s illness has called her back home, leaving him to pull off his next turnabout on his own.  She doesn’t go without leaving behind as much helpful evidence as she can muster, of course.
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But, as fate would have it, a storm prevents her ship from departing for at least half a day, giving Ryu and his new flatmates a chance to see her off.  On top of that, it gives Ryu the chance to find out precisely what inspired Susato’s words of doubt.
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He catches her preparing to throw a copy of the British Empire’s Code of Law into the sea.  What would cause her to do such a thing?
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It turns out she broke one of the rules by tampering with the scene of the crime, and another by concealing that fact.  Her intentions may have been good, but her conscience became a little too heavy for her to let it go.  She takes it a step further by claiming that, for one moment, she began to doubt the law.
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She may not be wrong in stating this (she learned it firsthand in the British courts, after all), but it still caused her to see herself as a failure of a legal assistant.  Luckily for her, though, Ryu had learned some things himself in the time they spent together.
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While her methods were questionable at best, Ryu recognizes something in Susato that sets her and every just person apart from a criminal: a desire to protect the innocent.  Whereas Chrogray used her tampering as a way to protect himself, her only desire was to protect Gina’s life and to ensure that Ryu would be able to prove her innocence in the end.  In other words, her faith in the system may have been lacking, but her desire for justice, like Ryu’s, never faltered for even a moment.  With that knowledge in mind, the two of them can part with a better knowledge of the law, a better understanding of each other, and smiles on their faces.
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So, to sum it up, Ryu and Susato go from being friendly acquaintances, to a murder suspect and suspecter (for lack of a better word), to investigative partners, to full-fledged legal partners, and finally, to a legendary legal duo.  Will their relationship ever go any further than that?
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Also, full disclosure -- it’s been a long time since I watched Dai Gyakuten Saiban, so I had to do a hefty amount of re-watching in order to remember some of these details...hence why this essay took so long.  Thanks for waiting!
And hey, how’s that for good timing?
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Don’t know about you, but I’m eagerly looking forward to revisiting this unforgettable saga.  And, y’know...doing it the proper way instead of depending on fan translations.
-The Co-Mod
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💎⛰️🎢☀️📜✏️⭐📣🔦 for currents & 💡 for the scurvy fic. i need to know.
sparrow that’s. so many. (but you’re asking me to talk about currents and I am always looking for a reason to talk about currents so. Thank You)
(also, obvious spoilers under the cut for undeniable you (the currents pulling me onward so. if you care about that you might want to read the fic first)
💎- What was your favorite part?
I’d probably say...the beginning of chapter 7? Where it’s immediately post-trial and Klavier and Apollo are just so tired and at loose ends and they go and sit on the courthouse steps and talk. I basically wrote the entire fic in order to write the last 4 chapters--the emotional aftermath of the trial, but I had to write the trial first so it would have context. 
⛰️-  What was the hardest part?
Figuring out the whole Gramarye Siblings situation, for sure. Because--the thing is that canon isn’t entirely cohesive on who did what when. I did a ton of research by perusing the wiki and taking notes on Jove, Thalassa, Magnifi, etc--and then I kind of just decided that if there was no coherent canon timeline, then I didn’t need to stick to it--and made as much of it up as I felt was necessary.
🎢- Were there any scenes you were nervous about? For audience reception or otherwise?
With every single courtroom scene, I was worried that it would be super boring or wouldn’t live up to the games or that all of the arguments I used would be Wrong and Bad? also this isn’t unique to currents but every single time I write a kissing scene I worry that it’s going to be bad
☀️- Was there symbolism/motifs you worked in?
A little? If anything, I was trying to emphasize the symbolism and Themes that I felt the canon games after AA4 didn’t utilize at all--like, I deliberately used Apollo flying across the ocean after hearing about Klavier as a parallel with Edgeworth flying across the ocean when he heard something happened with Phoenix, and obviously the “POV defense attorney defends rival prosecutor” is a deliberate parallel with 1-4. I guess Klavier’s hair might be a bit of a motif but that’s mostly because I think it’s pretty and less of a deliberate choice lmao
📜-Do you want to write something like this again in the future?
Depends! I would maybe write another casefic if I had a really good concept for one, sometime In The Future (because they are So Annoying to plan)--but as for multichaptered fics, I definitely want to write another one sometime. I just need to have a Good Idea and the motivation to stick with it--currents was written mainly out of spite at the dropped plot threads from AA4 and my determination to resolve a bunch of them and also further my Klapollo Agenda.
✏️-Would you go back and change anything if you could?
At the moment, I don’t think I would--but if you asked me again in a year or so, I probably would change things. I still want to write a series of oneshots in the currents universe--stuff focusing on characters we didn’t see enough of, like Trucy and Phoenix; and Kristoph pre-fic; and Phoenix and Miles; and Klavier and Apollo after everything
⭐- What’s a scene/paragraph you’re proud of?
“We can’t dwell too much on that part. But one more thing—if they planted the nail polish back then, and the powder in the mortar and pestle—how could they be sure you wouldn’t...accidentally…”
Apollo trails off, but they both know how that sentence ends. Klavier shudders.
“I almost never use that thing, anyway—it was a housewarming gift, and I’ve only ever been ambitious enough to grind my own spices about twice. Otherwise, it’s just easier to use the stuff in jars. I guess they must have known that, somehow? Either that, or...it didn’t matter if…”
“So, they’re someone who either wanted you to be found guilty for a murder you didn’t commit, or didn’t mind if you were poisoned by accident—and who probably works for that dogsitting company,” Apollo murmurs, pulling out his planner and jotting down a few notes. On the other side of the glass, Klavier sighs, tilting his head so that his fringe obscures his eyes.
“I wonder...if they’d gotten me, accidentally...would they still have killed Kris? Or would they have been satisfied with just me?”
The question is nearly inaudible, but Apollo looks up sharply, staring at Klavier.
“You think they killed him just because...it would hurt you?”
Klavier shifts, meeting Apollo’s eyes. “What would be the point, otherwise? Vengeance? Apollo, who’s left alive that would need to enact revenge on him? He was already on death row—what does this accomplish, besides hurting me?”
As much as Apollo tries, he can’t come up with an answer.
I don’t know if I can think of too many specific scenes I’m proud of--but I really do like this one, because I think it shows Apollo’s pragmatic side--trying to solve the murder mystery, pushing his emotions aside when he can--while illustrating Klavier’s attitude of “usually I would brush this off but we both know this premise is a little wonky and this isn’t adding up.” 
...that might not have made sense, I’m not always the best at analyzing my own writing. I just throw words at the page and what happens, happens.
📣-What was the best piece of encouragement you got?
It’s cheesy, but everyone who commented on each chapter was an invaluable source of encouragement? like, the absolute best feeling in the world was posting a new chapter and then seeing all the comment notifications come in, and spending the rest of the day replying. I’d written 6 chapters before I posted the prologue, but having people give me their reactions to each chapter really was the most important thing that made me keep going <3
🔦-Did you learn anything while writing it? About yourself? Writing?
I learned a lot about How To Write A Murder-Mystery--first and foremost, that it involves so much planning. And I maybe had to spoil the ending of AA6 entirely for myself--fun fact, I still haven’t finished the game, I’m stuck on Trial Day 1 of the Maya case (because I’m Tired, okay?). About writing and myself--I learned that I definitely need a deadline, and that using external “word count goal” tools is pretty essential for me if I want to write anything longer than a oneshot.
For The Scurvy Fic:
💡-What was the motivation behind the story?
okay SO. There was a conversation going on in a Klapollo discord server. Somehow we ended up talking about Klavier and/or Apollo being cheapskates. I think I mentioned something about Klavier surviving entirely on ramen noodles because they’re cheap? and then it devolved into a conversation about how they’d totally get scurvy if they did that. And I started thinking about how Klavier and Apollo are inherently pretty competitive, and how they’d totally just get into a stupid bet and be so stubborn that they wouldn’t back down, because they have to Prove A Point, even if they get scurvy from their awful diet of Whatever’s The Cheapest. And then...Scurvy Fic Happened. (along with the Other scurvy fics, because there’s Three of them!! I was just the only person who went with the obvious title).
Thank you for the ask!! Hope this was...enlightening??
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the-hidden-writer · 4 years
A Second Chance: Chapter 1
An Ace Attorney fanfic. Read on both AO3 and FF.net!
Summary:  Miles learns the identity of his "dead" mother, and the aftermath of that revelation is a tricky one. Especially when his newfound little sister is trying to turn him into a spirit medium.
AKA Miles is a Fey. Miles also doesn't really know how to family properly.
[Chapter 2] | [Chapter 3]
Comments make my day! :D
The Box
Hazakura Temple was one hell of a case, and he’d seen some weird ones over the years. It was like fate how he, Dick Gumshoe, always got roped into those weird ones. Or maybe you could say they were the exciting ones. Depends on who you ask, he thought, as he climbed the stairs of Elise Deauxnim’s cottage- each step creaking dangerously as he went.
It usually wasn’t his job to search victims’ houses, but he thought this time he owed it to Maya. The poor girl lost her mother, and if there was anything in there he could give to her he would find it.
One cupboard at a time.
Even for a famous children’s author, Elise Deauxnim didn’t seem to have many possessions. All he’d found were books and clothes. Even her house wasn’t that big, though it was pretty secluded. Which would make sense since she was Misty Fey in hiding.
God, that was weird to think about. He’d read his nieces a bunch of her stories and secretly enjoyed them too. He’d never be able to do it without thinking of the author’s corpse now.
Clink! Thud!
The others were probably packing up the silverware to give to charity downstairs. Death was so strange… one moment a person’s there, living their life as always, and then the next they’re gone.
He contemplated his own death as he sifted through the belongings of Ms. Deauxnim’s bedroom. Nothing special. There was a neatly-made double bed with a floral quilt, a small wooden bedside table with a shaded lamp, and a few wardrobes full of various clothes.
In the final wardrobe, the small white one, he finally noticed something valuable.
Among the dresses and cardigans, somewhat hidden behind them, was a familiar lengthy, deep purple robe. Dick had been to Kurain village so he knew what it was almost immediately. At least he knew they were in the right house.
At least he could give something to Maya.
Gently, he tugged at the robe. It was stuck. So he pulled again, a little harder.
It remained glued to the rail.
So he thrust his hand far into the wardrobe, half expecting to find Narnia, and felt around with his large fingers until he had a fistful of robe. Sucking in a breath, he yanked it out.
He cringed.
Good news: he had the robe. Bad news? The clothes hanger that the robe had been attached to had fallen to the ground.
Sighing, he went to pick it up, when he noticed that it hadn’t fallen on the bottom of the wardrobe. Instead, it had fallen on what looked like some sort of gift box.
Curiosity taking over him, he carefully took it out. It had yet another floral pattern on it (she sure was into flowers, huh) though this one was a lot more faded than the one on her bed or her curtains. On the lid, written gracefully in ink, was the word “Kurain”.
He crouched down onto his knees and slowly opened the box. Inside, was a folded robe- one much smaller than the one hung up. Maybe once belonging to a child? Under that was an old photograph of two girls, desperately trying to fix a broken vase of some sort. It was adorable.
There was also a small pendant in the shape of a magatama, which looked like it could open.
He tried to open it, but his fat grubby fingers kept on slipping off. Maya could probably do it.
Satisfied with his find, Dick leaned over (wobbling slightly on his knees) to close the wardrobe door when he noticed something behind where the box had been.
Another, smaller box.
He took it out, and immediately almost dropped it again.
On the lid, written in that same ink calligraphy was one word.
Dick’s eyes went wide. What was he supposed to do? Open the box? That might cost him his salary… but he couldn’t not open it.
“Sorry, Mr Edgeworth.” He muttered as he took off the lid.
He stared blankly at the box’s contents for a few moments, the reality of what was inside not sinking in, and after what seemed like way too long he finally uttered two words.
“Holy moly.”
He needed to call Mr Edgeworth.
“Mr Edgeworth, Sir!” Gumshoe cried, thrusting open the door so that it ended up hitting the wall with a loud bang.
Miles winced and sighed. At least he could always hear Gumshoe coming, so he had a few seconds of bliss to mentally prepare himself. He clicked his pen and looked up from his desk.
“Detective.” He greeted.
What he wasn’t expecting was the large man to be noticeably more out of breath than usual, huffing and puffing with a large white evidence bag under his arm.
Miles couldn’t help but groan when he noticed the lack of label on the bag. “You’re not supposed to take evidence without registering it first, Detective.”
Gumshoe scrunched his nose in apology. “I know pal, but this is important, I promise.”
He flopped onto the couch and started to fiddle with the zip on the bag. Miles sighed again. It was evening, and since Gumshoe had been investigating Misty Fey’s residence, which was a good few hours away by train, he hadn’t been expecting a visit from him today. Not that he particularly enjoyed his visits...
Tapping his finger impatiently, Miles waited for Gumshoe to finally take out the contents of the bag. He was underwhelmed to say the least. It appeared to be a small rigid gift box of some kind.
“C’mere, sir.” Said Gumshoe as he thumped the seat next to him and looked up at him expectantly.
Miles relented and stood up to join the detective.
“You know,” he said, “when I received your text, I believed this to be something urgent.”
Gumshoe shrugged. “It is, pal. I wouldn’t’ve disturbed you if it wasn’t. Don’t you trust me Mr Edgeworth?”
“Of course.” He said, sitting down. Miles didn’t, but decided that this wasn’t the time to reveal that particular secret to his sensitive colleague. “So what is it?”
All of a sudden Gumshoe visibly steeled himself. His expression became soft, but his shoulders were tense. All of his usual energy solidified into something that resembled that of a detective’s. Miles had seen this multiple times before, and it was always when Gumshoe had bad news to tell. It was unnerving to see the man do it in their own conversation.
A bad feeling began brewing in his gut.
“So, I was checking Misty Fey’s house, right?”
“Yes.” He answered, a little too quickly.
“And… she was the one who channelled your dad, wasn’t she?”
Miles didn’t have to answer that. That bad feeling only worsened.
“Well uh, I found this and…” Gumshoe paused. “I think you’d better take a look for yourself.”
Slowly, as if he were handing something fragile to a small child, Gumshoe passed the ominous box to him and gestured for him to open it. What immediately piqued his interest was the fact that it had the word “Edgeworth.” written neatly on the lid.
So, with an unhealthy amount of caution, he began to lift it...
...and almost fell off the couch at Gumshoe’s outburst.
“What?” He asked, disgruntled.
The detective turned to face him. “I uh just wanted to say, whatever’s in there, that I’m here for you Mr Edgeworth. Whatever you need. I knew you should have this the moment I saw it, no questions asked.”
“I see.” Was all he said in reply, as his curiosity was beginning to eat away at him with every passing second.
He opened the box.
...and breathed a sigh of relief. He’d been half-expecting something to jump out.
A bunch of papers. Newspaper articles, mostly. He recognised the majority at once- they were all reports of his father’s death. The DL-6 incident. He furrowed his brows, wondering why Gumshoe assumed that he hadn’t read each one of these articles a million times over already.
Then, whilst removing them, he noticed more faded newspaper clippings underneath. However, this time they were ones he didn’t recognise. They were far smaller, from a local company he hadn’t heard of, and difficult to make out on the yellowed paper. But they all shared one common sentence:
“Defense attorney Gregory Edgeworth wins case.”
The original shock wore off quite quickly as soon as he thought through it logically. Reading them one by one, it started to become clear to him. It made sense that Misty Fey would have researched his father’s career- the police asked her to channel his spirit after all. And his father was good enough of a defence attorney to have various reports written about him.
This box was nothing more than an accumulation of research resources.
Through the corner of his eye he noticed that Gumshoe was still fiddling with his hands nervously. The detective caught his gaze and nodded at him to look further into the box. Obviously he hadn’t come across what he wanted to show him yet.
He tentatively took out those newspapers, flicking through them with his pale fingers to be certain that he hadn’t missed anything. See, newspaper clippings made sense for research.
What didn’t make sense was what was lying beneath them.
A photograph. Slightly crumpled, yellowed, and worn at the sides, but a photograph nonetheless. Yet the quality of the picture was of no interest to Miles. No, what immediately caught his attention was the pair of smiling faces.
The photo was of a young man and woman. His father and a woman, with one arm wrapped lovingly around his waist and a head resting on his tall shoulder. Dad and…
He gulped.
“...Misty Fey?”
He phrased it as a barely audible question, even though he knew deep down that Gumshoe was as in the dark as he was. The poor detective nodded anyway.
Adjusting his posture to rest his elbows on his knees, Miles used both hands to grip the photo tightly as if it would disintegrate in his hold.
It didn’t. It was real.
“How… how did they know…”
Again, he knew Gumshoe didn’t have a clue. He just needed to get the words out. He had a tiny, impossible suspicion that was starting to make him feel sick.
“Um, sir?”
His head snapped to look at Gumshoe, who yet again nodded towards the box. Miles just stared at it in fear.
What other secrets could this damn box possibly hold?!
Turns out, it was an open envelope. Miles braced himself to perhaps learn something new about his father. He took it out and turned it over. And almost had a heart attack.
It was addressed: “To Miles.”
Enough was enough. Quickly, Miles threw the envelope face down, held his head in his hands, and let out an odd whimpering sound.
He could sense Gumshoe shuffling towards him and could visualize him outstretching his arms.
“Don’t.” He commanded weakly, to no avail. He was still engulfed in the detective’s arms.
“Did you read it?” Dick asked softly.
“No.” Miles replied, then thought for a second. “...Did you?”
Gumshoe took his arms away from him in order to scratch the back of his own head nervously. “I couldn’t help it. If ya want I can tell you what’s on it, but I think you should read it yourself.”
Miles sniffed. He was starting to get emotional over what was probably nothing, or at least that’s what he told himself. He tried to pull away from the bigger man but didn’t really care that much at that point. He’d already read it without his permission.
He made a mental note to cut his salary later.
With a deep breath, he removed the mysterious letter.
Slightly smudged, it was written in the same calligraphic handwriting that was on the box lid.
“Dear Miles,
I’m sorry for not writing to you sooner. My name is Misty. I heard about what happened to your father, and I would like to be the first one to express my sympathies to you. He was an amazing man, the best I have ever met, and you should think yourself extremely lucky to have been able to meet him.
I want to tell you something dear, something very important. I am your mother, Miles. From what I understand, your father had told you that I died when you were young. I am so very sorry that we had to lie to you, but I’m afraid we had no choice. We are not allowed to stay together. I do love you Miles, and I always will. But the situation is very complicated at the moment.
Bad people are chasing me, so I have to run away- which means I can’t come and see you. Believe me, If I could then I would just snap my fingers and come and take you home to your sisters. That’s right, you have two sisters! A sensible older sister called Mia, and a little cheeky scamp called Maya. I’m so very sorry to say that we had to lie to them in the same way. They both believe their father died, and they don’t know that they have a brilliant brother called Miles.
Please don’t come and find me. I promise that when the bad people stop chasing me, I will come to you. Until then, stay strong. Your father would not have wanted you to be so upset over him.
Don’t forget that I love you Miles. You’re not alone. Love Misty.”
“Sir?” He thinks Gumshoe asked, but his vision was so misted over and his ears were ringing so much that he couldn’t be sure.
Miles barely registered Gumshoe holding him as he began to sob.
This was going to change everything.
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youngbounty · 4 years
Why Nahyuta Sahdmadhi is Uninteresting
I want to talk about my issues with Nahyuta Sahdmadhi. There’s a reason I consider him to be the most uninteresting prosecutor in Ace Attorney. It’s disappointing, because I do see a lot of potential in his character. The things that make him uninteresting will boil down to the fact he is boring, until the very end of the game. With other prosecutors, while we are never given backstory of them until the end, there was still something about them that grabs our attention. Miles Edgeworth was a smug, but genius prosecutor that only cared for Guilty verdicts. Franziska Von Karma was a vengeful prosecutor with a whip and the daughter of Manfred Von Karma, who was the villain of the first game. Godot was a coffee addict prosecutor that often used coffee metaphors, seemed wise and had a vendetta against Phoenix that we continued to question. Even Klavier and Blackquill had something interesting to them that made them stand out, whether it would be a rock star prosecutor that became the reason for Phoenix losing his job or an inmate prosecutor that used psychology and samurai skills against his opponents. Aside from being a monk prosecutor and throwing beads, there isn’t anything about Nahyuta Sahdmadhi that makes him different from the typical asshole prosecutor we meet in every game. Though, at least we never had to question why they were assholes. 
When I have to question why Nahyuta Sahdmadhi is an asshole prosecutor, despite being built up as the opposite at the beginning, that’s already a bad sign. Yes, we didn’t know much about the other prosecutors, but as I stated before, there was never a question why they had to be assholes. Edgeworth was an asshole, because he only believed in winning and Guilty verdicts. Franziska was an asshole, because Phoenix placed her father in jail. Yes, she did correct it was because of Edgeworth, but even that made sense. Godot had a vendetta against Phoenix and, while we didn’t know what that vendetta was, at least we could make sense that it was the reason he was being an asshole. Blackquill being an inmate and the Dark Age of Law already speaks for itself of why he’s an asshole. Why is Nahyuta an asshole and does he have to be? Klavier certainly wasn’t an asshole prosecutor, so why do we have to accept that every prosecutor we meet has to be an asshole of some kind. If we had something concrete, it would be enough to pull us in. Claiming that he’s an asshole, because he and his country hate defense attorneys is not a reason when he prosecutes internationally and has a father, who is also a defense attorney. Speaking of prosecutors with fathers as defense attorneys, Edgeworth didn’t like Defense Attorney’s either, but he at least had a concrete reason for it that wasn’t just Guilty Verdicts. I’m still questioning why Nahyuta treated Apollo and Athena so horribly, it isn’t like they’re in his own country where all eyes are on him. Even if he did have eyes on him, he could just say, “I need to be respectful to these people and their beliefs or our country will be at war with theirs and there will be no peace.” 
What makes even less sense is why Nahyuta avoids Apollo. For Edgeworth, it made sense, because he didn’t want those he loved to be involved with something that traumatized him as a child and Phoenix was already too deeply involved and with those involved in it. For Blackquill, it made sense, because he was protecting his dead master’s child from being arrested for a murder she may or may not have committed as a child. For Nahyuta, you could argue that there was a reason, being that Apollo is his brother and did not want him to be anywhere in his country or defending those of said country. But, the thing is, Apollo isn’t involved with Khura’in and neither is Athena. It’s possible Nahyuta may’ve predicted their involvement, since the game mentions of him predicting someone’s karma, but we never get into detail with that sort of power or understand it. If Nahyuta didn’t want Apollo getting involved, wouldn’t being a complete asshole do the opposite? It isn’t like Apollo knew what was going on, except through Phoenix, and even when he did, he made no plans in going to Khura’in. Considering Trucy’s situation in The Magical Turnabout, Nahyuta’s actions make less sense, if he was intending on protecting his loved ones from his kingdom’s tyranny. Had Trucy been found Guilty, all the money from the agency would be milked dry, Phoenix would be stuck in Khura’in and Apollo will be without a job. Wouldn’t it make better sense if Nahyuta was sweeter and nicer to Apollo to give him the false sense of security that everything was doing fine in Khura’in, so that he won’t worry? Wouldn’t it make more sense if Nahyuta was more livid and unforgiving toward Roger Retinz, after finding out about him conning Trucy and that almost putting the Agency in jeopardy, because it would have done harm to his brother? At least Turnabout Sisters made it clear that Redd White had blackmailed prosecutors and everyone involved with DL-6 to give the players a hint that Edgeworth was probably blackmailed into indicting Phoenix for murder. 
Speaking of reading people’s Karma, what kind of power is that? We know Nahyuta has that power, but we don’t know what it is or how it’s used. It’s not to say that magic has never been used in Phoenix Wright, but there’s always context or rules to it. What are the rules for Nahyuta using his karma-reading abilities? Can he predict the future? If he can, how is he able to do so? We are never given anything and this is sad, considering I was expecting something like the Divination Séance or Spirit Channeling where we can see some supernatural stuff. What we get instead is guesses and “duh magic” being the answer. One of Nahyuta’s magical abilities is using some magic item like beads or Apollo’s bracelet to constrict, but are never told how it works. At least with Apollo and Athena, we are shown and told how their powers work and if they’re passed down. There are rules and limitations. What rules or limitations does Nahyuta have? Are they from his mother, who is a spirit medium? Are male offspring of spirit mediums given certain abilities different from spirit mediums as a symbolism of their royalty? If so, what are they? Do the males in the Kurain Village where Maya lives have those abilities? Throw me a bone here! If I can’t understand how Nahyuta’s powers work, I’m not going to care or feel threatened by them. 
There are others that don’t make sense, but these are the main parts of Nahyuta that stood out to me. The sad part is that these could be fixed to where his character can stand out a little bit more without changes to his backstory. For instance, perhaps instead of introducing Nahyuta during the trial of The Magical Turnabout, introduce him as Apollo’s brother paying a visit and joining with him to watch Trucy’s show. Have him be very kind and sweet at the beginning, excited about seeing Apollo and wanting to spend time with him. Then, when it’s revealed that he will be prosecuting against Trucy, his asshole personality will be taken as him trying to protect Apollo from someone he thinks is trying to hurt him and thinking Trucy to be that person. This will introduce him as an overprotective brother using his ruthlessness to protect his family and those close to them. Nahyuta telling Phoenix, Apollo and Athena to “let it go and move on” will make sense as someone trying to protect the only good defense attorneys and those close to his brother in his own way, because he doesn’t want them to suffer or have to run like his father is. Instead of avoiding Apollo, perhaps he is more social with him in trying to give him a false sense of security that everything is going good at his home when it is not. 
I would especially go into detail about Nahyuta’s ability to read people’s karma. Perhaps it is something like fortune telling where he can see the fate of someone through their eyes in the form of a vision. His limitations are that he can only see the vision, but not touch, taste, smell or hear what is going on. He also cannot predict when they will happen and only lasts for maybe a minute to five seconds. Also, the longer he sees these visions, the more taxing it will be on his energy level, much like with spirit mediums summoning spirits. Perhaps his abilities to use beads or Apollo’s bracelet to constrict whatever it is wrapped around is how he’s able to gain these visions. He has to use the beads to wrap around his opponent’s source of strength, then as it tightens around the opponent’s body part, Nahyuta gains clear visions of their karma or fate. He can do this with any jewelry that has a source of magic. As for how Nahyuta gained these powers, they can be from his mother and be considered magic passed down among royalty through the males. This can make it to where even males with these kinds of magic have some sort of hierarchy. 
While this would risk having Nahyuta being revealed to being Apollo’s brother, it will not spoil any backstory he has. It won’t even spoil who their father is. If anything, it adds mystery to who this new opponent is and Nahyuta would be considered the first prosecutor openly related to one of the main characters, even if it’s as a foster brother. Having Apollo’s brother be the opponent to Spirit of Justice would give his character that uniqueness he needs, especially if his motive for facing against the main characters are to protect them against a tyrannical dictatorship in his country. There is an attractiveness towards characters that are willing to make sacrifices and make themselves evil in order to protect their loved ones. So then, by the time  you get to Turnabout Revolution and Nahyuta realizes his father is dead and Apollo might be next, there is this sense of dread that he feels he’s failed to protect those he loved, after doing so much and giving up everything he stands for, for their sake. 
Of course, these are my thoughts. Now, I don’t think Nahyuta is a terrible character, just poorly executed. To be honest, I think Rayfa should’ve been the Prosecuting Attorney, because I felt she was a much more interesting character. It would also be interesting to see a young spirit medium as a prosecutor. If there ever becomes an AA7 with Apollo Justice, I would like to see the main prosecutor of that game be a spirit medium. Though, what do you guys think?
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lesbianmarth · 4 years
it’s been a while since i posted about aa but i just finished soj in its entirety tonight. here’s my new list so far
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i still have to give thoughts on cases 4 5 and dlc so that’ll be under a cut. spoilers!
6-4: this was such a filler case, almost shamefully so. i don’t know why they thought they could manage to do this in the 4th case when every game with 5 cases has been pretty consistent about making the 4th case plot relevant, sometimes literally just a preamble to case 5. so yeah i think this one was kinda ass
the two things it had going for it: one, athena. in 6-2 i actually got confused about why i ever liked her, because in that case she felt like she was just acting the part of the Peppy Teen Girl With a Rowdy Streak that makes up almost every assistant character. But then as SOON as she started bantering with Simon in 6-4 i was like “oh, THAT’S why i liked her!” was nice to take control of her again.
two, uendo toneido. while i don’t think you can say the DID was portrayed with quite the necessary respect or kindness, it was handled better than i’ve seen other media handle it-- at least it’s not completely demonized. other people have written more on that in better detail so i’m not really the judge, but the basic point is that this witness was mad fun to read, and even the dumb jokes like the changing number of floor cushions were entertaining. thus why this case is in the “hard carried by one side character” tier.
especially since there was like nothing else going on. no connection to the main plot, only two other characters besides uendo, and for some reason the clown tits girl was here instead of the magic show case (and to be honest, she wasn’t enjoyable for me even BEFORE she did the standard aa female villain thing and changed her speech pattern as soon as she fell under suspicion). just a weird, nothing case stuck right around the point aa games usually enter endgame. And especially weird because...
6-5 part 1: inexplicably there are two separate cases in the final chapter and each gets one day of investigation and trial. such a weird setup, and it really shouldn’t work... but i think it kinda barely does. barely. it would still have been better to split it into case 4 and case 5 though.
i have a hard time articulating much on the first case bc it sort of blends together for me. the main thing is that the concept of it being a civil case where apollo and phoenix face off is really good. it was a good change of pace, even though you knew it was gonna be a murder somehow anyway. sarge was reasonably nice, i guess, paul atishon had some good animations and quirks (my favorite being when he tries to just walk away from the stand to avoid answering a question), and the logic of the actual murder was good enough.
but i especially got those strong “oh this is a FINAL case!” vibes during the segment in the cave, and that added so much to it even if not much of it was relevant in the first half of the case. the adventure feel reminded me of some of the (out of context bc i still havent played it) scenes i know from 3-5, which is a good association to invoke imo. and it did a lot to give apollo and dhurke time to bond.
speaking of which, dhurke, holy shit. what a KING. i don’t think i’ve ever liked a dad character in ace attorney this much. he’s so genuine and like down to earth that it’s impossible not to start liking him and believe how much he cares for his sons. the bit where he rescued apollo from the cave flood... i felt it in my heart
6-5 part 2: let me just get this out of the way: ga’ran sucks. her design after she goes full evil is so bad, she’s so malicious that it’s immediately obvious she’s going to be the culprit, her breakdown is ridiculous and just embarrassing to watch, and inga had already established way more charisma as a villain when he did the “those were orders of execution actually” bit in 6-3. with that said,
i actually liked it for the most part. the spirit channeling stuff was excellent imo-- they probably use it to similar or greater effect in 3-5 but as someone who again has not played that, i was surprised and almost impressed by how well it was applied. maya was relevant for something! it feels like it’s been ages!
rayfa was a little underutilized, i think-- her moment of determination where she stops letting ga’ran have control over her was alright but it fell flat bc it didn’t have any weight during the moment. i kept hoping she would like, wordlessly take of her shawl and do the little verbal preamble to the divination seance while ga’ran kept yelling at her to stop, but no, the script can’t be good like that, i guess. and since she didn’t get to be the investigation assistant for long, none of her charm in that role carried through.
but DHURKE!! oh my god! in a game almost devoid of emotional impact, his involvement in this case really hit. the way they painstakingly animated his death, the scene where he makes a promise with maya, and then the weight of knowing in hindsight that everything he did in the first part of the case was after he’d already died and just wanted to see his son again before passing on for real....... it hurt. i felt something during that section. this case would also be hard carried by him if not for the fact that i really liked the murder bits.
amara was good too--liked how they made her suspiciously serene and accentuated it with the lightning strikes to make her look like a hidden murderer character about to reveal herself, only to walk it back and confirm she was being forced to act that way. i thought it worked. nahyuta was boring though, i’m sorry-- i get the motivation with having to be a bastard bc his sister and mom were basically held hostage, but the only time i found him compelling in that mess was the bit where he removed his one fingerless glove and revealed he still has the dragon tattoo. that was it. athena was also completely unused the whole case (not even a single mood matrix? really?) and trucy one again went without any role of importance.
the ending also... yknow, a friend said they had to end it this way bc they never figured out what they were going to do with apollo (since following up on what they started in aa4 clearly wasn’t an option???) and just threw him on a bus to get rid of him. i agree with that-- he really feels thrown to the side, and with that i think trucy’s officially stranded with no hope of any character advancement. and the way they ended the game with phoenix and lamiroir deciding “yeah, maybe NOW we should finally tell those two they’re related” honestly felt insulting lol
but maybe the dlc case will let things go out on a high note...?!
6-6: it was okay.
it would’ve worked pretty well as a filler case in an older aa-- honestly i think it’d be one of the better filler cases, certainly worth replacing the shitty ones like 2-3 or 3-3 or, hey, 6-4. but whether i’d say it was worth paying for... eh.
the time travel conceit was done well enough, i think. the way they tied it back to sorin and pierce’s backstories was nice, and the twist about having two receptions was good, although they needed to treat that as a real twist with much more gravity. when the truth comes out it just feels like “oh of course that’s what happened” rather than a big surprise worthy of the Confessing the Truth theme. it’s sort of important because the case becomes a lot less interesting when you take out the time travel element.
far as characters are concerned, i think they needed more side characters to sell the whole thing-- another sprocket family member or another servant of the household. it felt a little limited-- sorin and pierce are pretty good witnesses and i like their quirks and their secrets, but the only alive woman (ellen) has very few traits and no connection to the deeper story of the case, so she falls really flat. the old aa characters didn’t add much- maya and edgeworth were just there for fanservice, ema didn’t get to do much other than acknowledge for the first time in years that she’s a big edgeworth fan, and larry is annoying as hell like he always is.
and oh my god i actually forgot while i was writing that, how they put in athena and trucy but only used them for brief slapstick where trucy would try to set athena on fire and shit. again-- no mood matrix? couldn’t even try once to fit those two characters into something?
i did like pierce’s transformation into his surgeon form though-- that was really cool. loved him doing surgery on a robot, taking xrays of the lawyers, and his breakdown was fantastic-- he would make a really good culprit if they didn’t whiff the last bit of pathos at the end. i don’t think he should’ve been aiming for revenge on sorin; it would have hurt much more if he was still loyal to the guy and never intended for him to be in danger, but the final “why’d you do it?” talk in the trial just felt flat and one-note, much like the one in 6-4.
... so that’s spirit of justice! not a super positive experience but i’m happy to say it’s done. as much as i want to go and replay dgs, i think when i do go back to ace attorney i’ll be replaying the trilogy for the first time since high school
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carbootsoul · 4 years
i was tagged by @katarahairloopies!!! thank u :mwah:
name: leo! @/zeitgeistofnow on ao3, @lazypigeon & @timetohope on here, altho i’m considering uh switching back to not having an art blog :/ i have to think abt it.
fandom(s): ace attorney is my main one rn bc i’m replaying the games with a friend of mine and it’s reminding me how invested i am in the characters!! a lot of my recent fic is atla stuff, altho i’ve been distancing myself from the fandom bc i’ve kinda exhausted my interest in it. finally i’ve been reading a lot of mp100 fic but i don’t think i’ll ever write for it. i just love how dumb all the characters r (with the dubious exception of ritsu)
where you post: ao3!! tbh i always get suprised when people say they write/read fic on any other platform like i haven’t messed around w wattpad or ff.net since middle school... catch up........
most popular oneshot: going just by “one chapter” as the definition of a oneshot, the firestarters, bc it’s fluffy and modern au :) i wouldn’t necessarily call it a oneshot tho bc to me a oneshot shows like, one scene? so like by my definition and your sweet sweet sun makes me crazy (i wanna lay you down and see how you amaze me is my most popular!! (also @ kit u thought UR fic titles were unnecessarily long??? i’ve hit the ao3 LIMIT for characters in titles. it’s about the aesthetic
most popular multichapter fic: sdkjflakjlkj it’s two crowned kings; and one that stood alone, which is a w359 fic i wrote back in late 2017. it’s literally the last fic i haven’t orphaned from when i actually wrote podcast fic (i have 4 other podcast fics but they were all borne out of nostalgia and written after i stopped participating in the fandom). i rewrote all but the last chapter? the last two? about a year ago and i fucked up halfway through so like chapter 6 and 7 are repeated and there’s something missing but i’m too lazy to fix it. no one’s going to read it now anyway :) it WAS the top minlace fic for a little while tho which i take great pride in.
favorite story you’ve written so far: oh that’s a hard question akfsldkfj i honestly like most of them!! and i write a LOT so there’s a lot to choose from. tonight, we are young is def one of my favorites- it was fun to write and i got to explore the ways zuko and yue r similar, which i LOVE to do outside of a zukka/yukka view. you can lean on my arm as you break my heart  is one that i’m really proud of? the whole “cooking as an expression of bato’s love” is definitely some of my favorites. a lot of my ace attorney fics would be categoried as my favorites if i hadn’t improved, too, if that makes sense. like they’re no long my favorites because i can see where my writing is shitty and it bothers me, but if i had written them a month ago they’d be my favorite.
fic you were nervous to post: figures 1-5: killing gods def!! it’s a lot more purple-prose-y than most of my fics and it was also written before i’d kinda like emersed myself in the atla fandom so i didn’t have as good a grasp on the general understanding of zuko’s character as i do now. tbh it’s one i’m rly happy w tho!! i have a few people leave really nice comments on it and rereading them makes me really happy. also it was the start of me hating the position of fire lord and being at least passively anti-it in my fics.
how you choose your titles: they’re almost all song lyrics!! only 14 of my 50 words AREN’T song lyrics and about half of those are from before i started writing ace attorney fic lol. sometimes i go into a fic with a song in mind for the vibes and then i usually go with lyrics from that (like in ‘cuz we’re the greatest /they’ll hang us in the louvre), but otherwise i usually pick an artist i’ve been listening to and go through their songs until i find a lyric that fits. sometimes the lyric doesn’t even really fit the fic and i just chose it at random or because i searching up the word “fly” in my spotify library or whatever. honestly i like coming up with titles? i know a lot of fic writers hate it but being able to just use song lyrics is v soothing for me and while i know that most people won’t search out a song just bc it’s a fic title like.. seeing that the title of a fic is a hozier lyric does affect how i read it and i kinda like that.
do you outline? i outline my long form/multichaptered fics with varying strictness. usually anything over ~8k will have some kind of outline. sometimes i go into it with every single scene planned out, sometimes it’s just notes on the side of the google doc that say “it's about MORE family. about how it's not betraying your existing family to find more” and “scenes i want to include: [...]” and “vampires... ngl kinda hot.” i’m trying to outline super strictly less bc i’ve found it’s less fun? but i do try to keep a plot arc in mind. since most of my fics are more character-driven than plot-driven, that usually just means keeping track of what character development i want to happen or what is motiviating the characters. 
complete: um everything posted on ao3 i guess. also the MULTITUDE of orphaned fics out there asksfjldkj i always click ‘leave my pseud on’ so if u look up my username you see all of my fics and then a. lot of other ones.
in progress: - a fic titled ‘dad phoenix’ that is actually just a no DL-6 au with defense attorney miles edgeworth and single dad bartender phoenix where neither of them want to date for A While but phoenix gets wrapped up in one of miles’s cases. it’s about family. it’s about writing teenagers. it’s about the background franmaya which is ALWAYS what i’m here for in wrightworth fics - a franmaya werewolf/vampire au because i’m ~gay~ and love rivals to lovers and also franziska and maya both being angry their older brothers r dating each other. - my secret santa fic!! which i can’t talk about much but it does feature toph and zuko and also piandao and jeong jeong???? idk where they came from but they are Part Of The Fic Now also i forgot iroh existed for half the fic and wrote piandao as zuko’s father figure and now i’m in too deep. - a 5+1 bakoda fic (maybe a bato/hakoda/kay fic??? i need to decide. that’s part of why this fic is still incomplete bc i can’t decide which relationship dynamic i prefer) that’s 5 times bato said he loves hakoda and one time hakoda said it back. possibly i have already written him saying i love u back and i need to change the title a little. - retail au klapollo where klavier works at an overpriced boutique and apollo comes in to buy earrings for nahyuta’s birthday. klavier gives him a punch card (one that the store doesn’t actually offer anymore as a bid to get apollo to come back) and all of apollo’s family come in to use the punch card and also give klavier variations on the shovel talk/find out if he’s actually into apollo. - a LOT of atla fics that i don’t think i’ll ever finish :(
coming soon/not yet started:  - i want to write some blackmadhi bc they’re.. cute..... and it’s a good excuse to also write athena and i love her - my stuff for yueki week!!! i have NOT prepped enough but hopefully i’ll remember in time! i wrote the prompts in a way that kinda set up stuff i’ve already wanted to write (don’t look at me lol) so hopefully i’ll get at least two or three fics finished in time. - i want to rewrite the wrightworth fic i have about them not getting married bc it was interesting and i like what i wrote about but i think i could have written it better and made it more interesting. rewriting fics is hard tho bc i’m never sure if it makes sense to just edit in the new work or to repost it? and then if u repost it do u delete the old one? conflicting so i might just not
do you accept prompts? totally!!! a disclaimer tho i’m not super into writing atla stuff anymore (most of the atla stuff i’m still writing is  something i made a commitment to finish) so if your prompt is an atla one i probably won’t do it :/ basically anything else is fair game tho!! podcasts/aa/sa/uh i don’t remember anything else but like if you search a fandom on my blog and come up with more than two posts about it chances r i’d be happy to write fic for it!
upcoming work that you’re most excited about: oh huh i mean probably the no dl-6 au!!! it’s the longest ace attorney fic i’ve written already and since it’s wrightworth it’ll get more attention than any franmaya fic i write. my standards r so high now tho after getting to much feedback from atla fans... love u all... obviously i have no choice but to pressure my atla mutuals into playing ace attorney. pls ask abt it bc i WIll Give You A Sales Pitch about why you’d like it in relation to atla
tagging: i’m not rly tagging anyone!!! @deadflora if you still consider urself a fic writer also consider urself tagged! also any of my other mutuals who write fic i just can’t think of anyone rn
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saltyaro · 5 years
You know, I’ve been replaying the Ace Attorney games lately. At first I was bored and out of nowhere, I redid Dual destinies just because I hadn’t in a long time. Which led me to play the first game again (mainly for the Edgeworth case I love it so much tbh) and I’m now replaying Spirit of justice. 
And...I can’t help but absolutely love those games because. It’s just so easy to hc everyone - and bu that I mean absolutely everyone important - as arospec! In canon, Phoenix does have one (1) romantic relationship at one point but I’d like to point out that one crush in your life does not make you alloromantic. Given the context I’d say either greyro or heteronormativity? I guess he can’t really be demiro but he could also be recipro (with the context again. Recipro does sound particularly consistent though). He doesn’t have any other romantic stuff even hinted at him! Pearls wants to believe Maya and him are dating but it always makes them 100% uncomfortable (the age gap people. Also, siblings dynamic). Pearls is kinda brainwashed by TV but hasn’t ever expressed interest in romance for herself, even her older self. 
Edgeworth doesn’t have any interest in romance either. And I know he’s often shipped with Phoenix (I learnt about that quite recently actually-) but...even outside of my “I’ll make everyone aro if I can” motto, I...never shipped them romantically, even before I learnt of aromanticism. I like their dynamic, and how it’s implied Edgeworth opened up more (to everyone) after his trauma got relieved a bit. I want him to act like a stupid kid around his friends. Like, I can acknowledge Phoenix and him have a special bond, but someone special doesn’t mean it’s romantic and. Edgey’s emotional development got stopped after he parted with Pheonix and Larry so there’s that to consider too. This is the kind of bond of trust that can’t be broken and I find it beautiful, but I’m also pretty sure it would be unhealthy to only rely on one person, regardless of the nature of the relationship. 
Apollo? Doesn’t have a romantic subplot. I guess there’s Junie who’s got a thing for him but he doesn’t reciprocate - and I relate to him not even being aware of it lmao. He’s so oblivious around romance, if he’s not arospec who is.
Athena? No romance in her life. She’s a lot like Phoenix (in her past trauma and her reason for doing the things she does) and I love her. Also, if someone ships her romantically with Simon, then I hate that person and will steal their bed. They’re like siblings and have like, a 10 years gap. 
Trucy is the sun and doesn’t know what romance is. She’d use it as a magic trick and burn it/make it disappear into her magic panties (actually please do that Trucy, I beg of you). 
Well, I could also mention like, Gavin, I guess he’s just a flirt but I don’t think it really means anything, romantic-attraction-wise. He’s also too cool to be straight to i’m going to make him aro. Though I don’t have a consistent HC for him outside of “not straight” if I’m being honest. 
And it’s not even like romance doesn’t exist in the AA universe! Larry’s the straightest guy to ever straight (he’s harmless but outside of that...) and the cases often have romantic subplots and all. Well, not *that* often, and it’s generally the cause for murder but still. It’s a thing, it exists. Also we have a canon WLW in Dual Destinies and she’s one of the rare romance-havers not to be a culprit! She’s not the best, like she def has anger issues, but it’s all explained and understandable. She also loves her brother very much and deserves good things and therapy. 
I really, really love the dynamic of Phoenix’s found family? You have Maya, Trucy, and Pearls (and I guess Athena and Apollo are part of it too but they arrive later and have less interactions so). Pearls is Maya’s cousin, but otherwise, no one has any blood relationship in their little family. No romance needed. Phoenix adopted Trucy (and is apparently doing a great job) and babysits Pealrs and Maya. They’re all free of doing whatever they want, and they know they’re always going to come back together. It’s a found family but, not the “nuclear family” way, you know? Maya definitely isn’t acting as Trucy’s mother, and more like Phoenix’s sister I guess (Trucy and Maya do lack canon interaction but I always felt like said interactions were implied). I love their little family and the freedom in it. It’s just so healthy. 
The last thing, not aro related, but still great and why I love those games-
Mental illness. I’m not saying it’s great rep, I don’t think it is, but...it’s just, so refreshing that you have characters with mental illnesses and issues that aren’t bad people. They aren’t the culprits, and, like in real life, are more likely to be victims. The diagnostic is never given in the game, but Edgeworth’s trauma? Not mocked. He definitely has PTSD, and, his fear of earthquakes? Wondered about, but not mocked. I guess that’s part of the reason I always go back to his case in the first game: to hear someone you care about, someone you trust, tell you: “I believe in you. I know your mind has been lying to you the whole time, and I’m here to say it’s okay. Those are just lies. Even when you stop believing in yourself, I’ll still believe in you.” That’s just so powerful, I can’t help but feel emotional every time. Add to that the fact that this bond isn’t romantic and. Yeah.
For Athena’s trauma, it’s the way it’s displayed I really love. Her game is much more recent, and it shows. She just blacks out when her PTSD gets triggered and no one shames her for that. Even though no one knows what’s happening inside her head for the longest time. She needs to be brought back to her senses, to be grounded. It’s not like she gets to have therapy on screen or anything, no character really gets a lot of time off the courtroom anyway, but given the context, I found she was treated in a very sensitive way.
The last example I can think of, is a character with DID. I say DID, but I doubt that’s good rep, and that’s probably not the way people with DID experience life, but that’s what’s said in the game so...Anyway, they’re a witness and, if you know how AA games work, the real culprit is *always* a witness. And you know how in pop culture, people with multiple personalities are often treated as villain, with the “hidden personality” no one knows about, not even the person, and this hidden personality is a murderer? I was sooo afraid the game was going to go that way. They even did hint at it, with giving the character the “hidden personality”. Except, the “hidden personality”, much like all of the other people of the system, is...100% harmless. And just that was so refreshing. Which goes to say a lot about the state of the rep for mental diversity. I don’t know the reality of experiencing DID, but in the game the witness interacts with themselves, and everyone in the court speaks to each individual differently, and the witness isn’t treated as delusional. 
Those characters are accused wrongly of murder, when in reality they haven’t hurt a fly. And exonerating them is key to solving the case at hand. I don’t know who’s responsible for that, but I’m extremely grateful to them. To explicitly have your main character, the character you’re playing, clear the name of the mentally ill characters? It’s a blessing and not something you would expect from a game that named one of its recurring characters “Larry Butz”. 
Anyway, I guess I am kinda trying to convince some of you to play those games (and goof about it with me) in this post. Even though it wasn’t my initial intent. If all of this isn’t enough to convince you - play those games for the awful puns. The characters’ names are terrible. Also I know I mentioned romance existing but weirdly enough it wasn’t annoying? Probably because it’s actually downplayed a lot. It’s only relevant as a plot device and it’s just like. Stated. Not dwelved deeper into. Those games are great for when you’re romance tired. 
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kikiofthevast · 5 years
Fanfic I have downloaded on my phone
I do recommend all of these and read them fairly consistently.
Sanders Sides
A Lovely Night - Peter164
Virgil has a boyfriend, a dramatic, over the top, self absorbed boyfriend. But his dad doesn't know. He asks for some help from a trusted adult. This trusted adult just happens to be his teacher. But it seems that there always has to be a secret boyfriend in the family when his dad starts dating.
Genre: Fluff and Smut
Ships: Prinxiety + Logicality
My Thoughts: Fantastic, and you can skip the smut chapters without missing anything. It's a good, pretty healthy, supportive romance on both ends and I love reading it, it's so nice.
Powerless - patentpending (on Ao3) (Tumblr: @/impatentpending)
“People like us,” Logan had once remarked to Virgil. “Are statistical anomalies.”
(Almost) Everyone in the world has powers. As for those who don’t, well, they’re such a small part of the population - only 0.04% - why would anyone care about them?
Ever since he realized what people mean when they call him Powerless, Virgil Sanders has tried to fight back against the system that oppresses people like him, Patton, and Logan. When Patton’s bakery is targeted in a hate crime, he finally snaps. With the help of a mysterious sponsor, Virgil becomes a villain, ready to remake a broken society. The only thing standing in his way is the world’s most Powerful (and infuriatingly charming) superhero: The Prince, who is hiding the fact that his gilded life isn’t as perfect as it may seem.
Genre: Angst
Ships: Prinxiety + Logicality (with background OC+OC)
My thoughts: Without a doubt one of the best fanfics I've ever read. The author likes to keep readers on their toes and surprise you around ever corner. Every part of the plot is well-executed and enjoyable, and you can feel the emotion of the characters.
Horizons - triggermoreliketiger (I know they have a Tumblr but I don't know what it is)
The life of Roman del Rey was planned to the bits. Born in a wealthy family he was supposed to take over his father’s business. His last moments of freedom? The journey abroad. He couldn’t have predicted that when he would come back, everything he knew was about to change.
On the opposide side of social ladder, the genius inventor- Logan Sanders was struggling to make it through another day. His only chance? Get himself a sponsor rich enough to fund another year of Logan’s work. He couldn’t know that his last chance would blew up right into his face.
Genre: Angst
Ships: Prinxiety + Logicality
My thoughts: Holy crap I love this fic so much you wouldn't even believe. I adore the way everyone is characterized and Virgil and Patton are probably my favorites on that front. Just go read it, you won't regret it.
Patton's Break - Shay_Nioum (Tumblr: @/sidespromptblog)
When Patton snaps one day, it directly affects Logan. A misunderstanding on Patton's part, and a broken heart on Logan's.
Genre: Angst
Ships: Platonic Logicality
My thoughts: I read this whenever I need to cry. It's such quality angst and I love it a lot. Logan is trying so hard, poor boi.
Ace Attorney
The Phantom's Curse - gen
Everyone knows the story of the Phantom; usually mothers whisper it to their babies to get them to behave, or it's told around the campfires of travelers. What they don't know, however, is that it is very real, and the Phantom could be watching at any time, from any set of eyes.
Genre: Angst and Adventure
Ships: Wrightworth/Narumitsu
My thoughts: I'm a sucker for pirates. I love the way this fic was written and executed you you should go read it. Also: don't be me and waste time being suspicious of Kristoph because he ain't evil in this. Still a bit of an ass, though. All the references to the cases were nice and the whole plotline was just so fun and enjoyable.
A Beautiful Thing - wrightgotwronged
"The Girl was offering me a way out...and I was desperate enough to believe her,"
Private Inspector Phoenix Wright is given the case of a lifetime when the mysterious Dahlia Hawthorne walks into his office. With a missing girl and murder on his plate, Phoenix is caught in a whirlwind of confusion and deceit. His past coming back to haunt him in the form of the District Attorney doesn't seem to help either.
Genre: Angst and Mystery
Ships: Eventual Wrightworth (Brief Phoenix/Dahlia)
My thoughts: I adore this fic. It's got a good, substantial mystery, and though most people can predict some of the turns it takes, it's a fun ride and 10/10 would read again.
Turnabout: Bloodline - MalikRuttingAssassinAss
Chief Prosecutor Edgeworth collapses at work in the midst of a heated trial. What comes from his hospitalisation throws both his and Phoenix's worlds into mass confusion, exposing forgotten family secrets, a murder, and uncharted feelings.
Genre: Angst and Smut (with a side of Fluff and Comedy)
Ships: Wrightworth/Narumitsu
My thoughts: This is a fantastic storyline, Phoenix is also kind of an idiot for the first bit but it's still really entertaining and nice.
The Turnabout of Hazakura - MalikRuttingAssassinAss
Sequel to Turnabout: Bloodline
Losing patience with the so-called "gift" of his lineage, Miles Edgeworth, along with Phoenix Wright, seeks the tutelage of the Nuns of Hazakura temple. Whilst hoping to control his "gift" with a punishing endurance regime, a horrific murder is discovered within the Temple grounds, and the evidence points towards one person.
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Mystery, and Smut
Ships: Previously established, also developing Phoenix/Miles/Simon
My thoughts: This fic is incredible and I agree with Miles on the reveal of a certain plot point, honestly. But the mystery is well-executed and I just love the inclusion of Shi Long Lang (even though I haven't played either of the Investigations games).
sleep no more - prinsipe
Blood is thicker than water.
Or: Klavier deals with the aftermath.
Klavier’s first memory of blood went a little like this: the turkey at the family dinner, the worn handle of the knife, and Kristoph’s brown hands.
In retrospect, it was those details that stuck out at him above all else—the family dinner, because it was the first and last of its kind, the worn handle of the knife because it made him think of how it looked like it was made for the grooves of Kristoph’s hands, and Kristoph’s hands because they moved in a way that made him think he was born for the kitchen, not the courtroom.
(Of course, as a child, it had slipped his mind that knives weren’t just used for cooking.)
Genre: Angst and minor Hurt/Comfort
Ships: Pretty Background Klapollo, implied past Daryan/Klavier
My thoughts: A very long but a very good fic. I love the way everyone is characterized, and honestly this is one of those stories that you get more out of it if you read it aloud. Klavier is just alone, and I love the way Apollo slowly helps him get back up.
Damage Control - pantswarrior
After an emotional reaction from Phoenix following Edgeworth's return, Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth chooses death in truth. Fortunately for Phoenix, he doesn't quite succeed - and both of them have to learn a few lessons about communication.
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Ships: Wirghtworth/Narumitsu
My thoughts: This is such a good story, but things have to get worse before they get better so read the tags and proceed with caution.
Lost in a Lie - court-ships (virtualbrownie)
Miles Edgeworth learned to kill when he was a newborn, and he learns to love it at the age of six.
Genre: Angst and a bit of Horror
Ships: None
My thoughts: This is really dark, but I really like it and you should definitely proceed with caution. Warnings for character death, murder, animal death, and blood.
Intermetamorphosis - Jessepinwheel
Or: Five Times Miles Edgeworth Didn't Know What Was Wrong With Phoenix and One Time He Wished He Didn't.
Or: God dammit Phoenix, stop shoving evidence in criminals' faces, or at least invest in a recorder.
Or: The story where Phoenix dies, but that doesn't stop him from being an ace attorney.
Genre: Comedy and Angst
Ships: None
My thoughts: This story is ridiculous but it's the good kind of ridiculous. There's just something so bizzarely funny about this happening that you just laugh at Miles's ignorance. Okay, that sounds mean, but really Miles?
Turnabout Santa Claus - lostangelssong
A Christmas trial that could have been.
Genre: Comedy
Ships: None
My thoughts: It's literally just Miracle on 34th Street. That's all it is. But it's so gosh darn funny and ridiculous that I had to recommend it.
The Rise and Fall of the Stalk Trucy Wright Club - SlashPrincess15 (slashprincess15)
Trucy Wright is a weird girl who makes all sorts of claims that cannot possible be true, at least that's what her school's student population believe. It all changes however when she starts getting picked up from school again.
Genre: Comedy and Angst
Ships: None
My thoughts: Such a nice fic, honestly. It's pretty funny, and the interactions Trucy has with the people that come to pick her up are fantastic.
The Realm - Farris
It started off normal and innocent enough: a welcome home party for Iris.
But when a demon comes slashing through, bringing a world of ghosts and crazy with it, Maya Fey has no choice but to stand as Master to save her friends and restore balance to the Afterlife. Unfortunately, she's not Master yet. Nor is she sure she wants to be, given all that's happened to her and her family. Oh, and things only get worse when she discovers she must face a series of Trials to prove herself and her worthiness of said Master title.
Still very bitter about Kurain's role in DL-6, Miles Edgeworth finds himself having to come to terms with spiritual powers as he tags along to the realm between this world and the next. And then there are the monsters. And the gods, his father, and the Trials. Not to mention something is very much wrong with Wright... like the fact that he's not dead.
Genre: Action, Adventure, and Angst
Ships: None
My thoughts: Definitely in my top 10 favorite fics, if "A Beautiful Thing" is a 10/10, then this thing is off the scale. Also Gregory being a Good Dad™ deserves it's own book.
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rivalsforlife · 3 years
Do you have anything you wished was different from Ace Attorney canon?
Hello I'm finally slowly starting to get around to answering some of these! Sorry for the wait.
Uh this ask got super long so a basic summary of it: narumitsu being canon in a well-written way would be nice even though I don't think it would ever happen, I stand by not bringing back Phoenix as a main protagonist in DD, and I'd also want to rewrite all of SOJ so that Apollo goes to Khura'in in place of Phoenix, to have more interesting character stuff going on.
So the longer answer is this:
Aside from some of the actually problematic stuff that I don't feel qualified to talk about, story-wise, I answered a sort of similar question about a year ago here. I have changed my opinions a little bit since then, particularly with regards to the canonicity of narumitsu... because while I do love narumitsu I feel like I don't trust Ace Attorney to actually do it properly. After all if this past November has taught us anything "making a ship canon" could actually be quite undesirable and I have no desire to see Phoenix and/or Edgeworth sent to superhell. (I literally know nothing else about supernatural sorry about that.)
If capcom were somehow able to make narumitsu canon but in an unobtrusive way and as a natural progression of the storyline, like oh hey, the court record profile for Miles Edgeworth's Obligatory Last-Case Appearance has Phoenix mention they're dating, and maybe there's a few lines suggesting they live with each other, but it's not like... taking the entire story to force them together and otherwise does not change the way they interact with each other and butcher one or both of their characterizations in the process? I'd definitely be happy about that. Not gonna lie even if they made narumitsu canon in the most terrible way possible I'd have a "holy shit I can't believe they did that it's the best day of my life" kind of moment before I could think about it critically. But I honestly see no chance of them ever actually making narumitsu canon, so that's quite unrealistic to hope for anyways.
Aside from that in that other ask I talked about basically the premise of an Apollo trilogy and not bringing back Phoenix as the main protagonist in DD, and I still stand by that, buuut in my other ask I did touch on making SOJ a different game where Apollo goes to Khura'in instead of Phoenix - and you know what I'm going to take some time to actually talk about my dream version of SOJ because there were a lot of little things about the one we got that I didn't like. And it's going to be very long. So it's under a cut.
SO yeah I talked about it a bit in the other ask. I think that Phoenix going to Khura'in is a rather weak idea both externally and in-universe. In one of the interviews, too lazy to find which one, Phoenix basically goes to Khura'in because the writers couldn't figure out how to challenge him anymore. ... And then they don't actually challenge him at all. Because oh well now we're going to this new country where they KILL DEFENSE ATTORNEYS WHO LOSE and then it's supposed to be *shocking* that Phoenix would risk his life for a kid or his best friend. you know the guy who ran across a burning bridge to save his best friend. you know the guy who got punched in the face, nearly killed by the mafia, and tazed trying to save his clients. This doesn't tell me anything new about Phoenix's character. His whole travel in Khura'in doesn't tell me anything new about Phoenix's character. Basically the only reason he's there is to see Maya - Maya who theoretically would be returning home in about two weeks. Maya who was still in her training for two more weeks when Phoenix visited so he wouldn't be able to see her anyways. ... And in the meantime Trucy had the biggest show of her life that was going to be on TV and Phoenix wasn't there for it. And of course Phoenix didn't return home after Trucy was accused of murder (yes he couldn't be there for the trial, but he definitely could have for the emotional support afterwards) and instead just sits for two weeks in Khura'in doing literally nothing after Ahlbi's trial.
(And yes I know about the anime prologue that has Phoenix think Maya's in danger... but that's not strictly canon since it's never mentioned in game, isn't technically a part of the game, and even still, why wouldn't he go home after knowing that Maya's safe and that Trucy had been ACCUSED OF MURDER. Honestly that's what makes me angriest about this whole thing is that it makes Phoenix out to be a terrible dad. We really don't need any more takes like that, especially not from canon.)
And what about Apollo, you may ask? Well, given case 5 of SOJ, Apollo actually has a personal link to Khura'in and ends up staying there afterwards... after being there for like a day or two. I should note here that it has been a while since I went through SOJ in its entirety so I am fuzzy on many of the details. But both through what I remember and some conversations with people who actually played the game recently, the motivation for Apollo to actually stay in Khura'in isn't that great. It mainly seemed like guilt about his dead dad who he hadn't been in contact with for years and had completely written off until a few days ago but oh he died and then went to go visit him so... better take up the law office!
If Apollo had gone to Khura'in in place of Phoenix and spent more time there, reconnecting with his childhood home and actually getting passionate seeing how corrupt the legal system is there (even though we have a corrupt legal system at home) and being driven to fix it, that would make for a stronger story, I think. The Khura'in plot is more personally focused around Apollo than it is Phoenix. Phoenix's connection to Khura'in is through Maya, but Maya doesn't really have much of a connection to it aside from "it's where spirit channeling is from and she trains there". But Apollo, I guess, grew up there. So it's so strange to me that they force all of Apollo's connection to Khura'in in the last case while Phoenix is running around doing who-knows-what for the rest of the game. Phoenix spends more time getting to know the state of Khura'in and the Defiant Dragons and case 3's whole thing but he isn't the one who in the end decides to sit down and fix it; that's all on Apollo. It almost feels like they forced one of the two plots in to everything. And it was probably conceived as a Phoenix story that they needed to fit Apollo into last minute because oops he's supposed to be a protagonist too.
Some other strengths to Apollo going to Khura'in include that it would shake up the character dynamics a bit. Instead of Phoenix defending Maya, it's Apollo defending Maya, and that's a particularly interesting thing to look at in the context of Khura'in's "we kill defense attorneys" system. Of course, Phoenix would risk his life to save Maya, 100%, every time. But what about Apollo, who hasn't met Maya, who only knows her as "Mr. Wright's former assistant" - would he risk his life for her? And I feel like Maya would argue more against him defending her because of that. "We're strangers, you don't know me, you don't have to risk your life defending me." (Sidenote that I was always upset that Maya didn't protest much when Phoenix offered to defend her, knowing his life was at risk - sure she knows him better and knows he's always been able to get her out of these situations, but at the same time, the fact that there was no "what about your daughter?" conversation sucks. I really wish SOJ wouldn't have like. completely forgotten about the phoenix-trucy father-daughterisms.)
Let's say Apollo goes to Khura'in. Phoenix stays at home. Phoenix gets a call from Apollo that's basically "uhh hi Mr. Wright you know your friend Maya, she's been arrested for murder, if I defend her and I lose we're both dead," then you can tie in to that moment in 6-2 where Phoenix (who can't make it in time for the trial!) believes in Apollo and his skills as an attorney, not just to save Maya's life, but also his own. It ties in a bit more to the overall challenge of defending someone at the risk of your own life. Again, Phoenix would have very few hesitations, if any, risking his life to defend Maya. Apollo may have more defending a stranger at the risk of his own life.
Then if you can actually have Apollo and Maya talk together that would be neat - Maya can tell him embarrassing stories about Phoenix's rookie days, for instance. Their dynamic would be quite a bit different from Phoenix and Maya's, and that would be an interesting thing to see, unlike what we have in SOJ where all of Maya's substantial interactions are with characters she already knows or brand new characters.
(It would also be pretty neat to know more spirit channeling politics and dive in more to Maya's perspective on Khura'in and also her role as upcoming Master of the Kurain Channeling Technique and where she plans to lead the village in the future and also reconcile with her family's bloody legacy, but I'm not quite sure how to fit that in right now.)
And how about Phoenix, back home in Japanifornia? Evidently he'd end up being in charge of defending Trucy. Now, I did love the siblingsisms in canon 6-2, but I feel like there is still potential for Phoenix defending Trucy. All of Apollo Justice has a bunch of good moments between Apollo and Trucy, and she's co-counsel on all his trials, but we've never had any substantial Phoenix and Trucy investigation or co-counsel moments. I feel like AU 6-2 would be a great opportunity to dive more into Phoenix and Trucy's relationship and how it may have changed after Phoenix got his badge back. Plus, Phoenix being "the only one who knows how she really feels on the inside", he'd have unique insider knowledge into some of the Gramarye stuff that comes up in the case and Trucy's personal connection to the Gramaryes, which Apollo knows a bit of, but Phoenix knows more of. ... Or at least, should know more of, given that he raised Trucy for nine years at this point and they're very close, and Phoenix knows her better than anyone else does, even if capcom has forgotten this.
... Of course having Athena defend the case would also be great because more Athena spotlight is never a bad thing, but it's hard to come up with a reason why Phoenix wouldn't be there to defend her. And doing more switcheroos in terms of role in the plot is a bit beyond the scope of what I have in mind right now. Sorry Athena.
Aside from that, Athena still gets Storyteller, Apollo still heads Turnabout Revolution, and Phoenix still gets the DLC case. Apollo stays in Khura'in in the end with a bit more to his motivations. Rather than it just being about carrying on Dhurke's legacy, it's also something Apollo is passionate about after all he witnessed here. While we're at it I'd still rework a lot of Turnabout Revolution to make it so that Phoenix genuinely believes in Atishon because that makes for sooo much more interesting of a plot and actual character development on Phoenix's part than "Maya was kidnapped again and Phoenix is only wrong when he has no other choice", but that'd require some more detail and this post is long enough already.
And in terms of other details that need to be sorted out, there's the question of why Apollo would need to go to Khura'in in the first place. I'd probably say something to do with Dhurke. Maybe he comes back a bit earlier - actually alive, maybe, though crossing borders would be a bit of a challenge, or he reaches out to Apollo remotely somehow and Apollo goes to yell in his face about abandoning him (or at least that's what he thinks he wants.) Then we could have some more Dhurke and Apollo bonding time, potentially? Idk, if you switch up Phoenix and Apollo you're pretty much writing a whole new game and obviously I have not worked out all the details, but I think if Capcom had tried to go with this route from the outset they'd have a stronger game. At least stronger character motivations.
So... yeah. Those are my opinions. If you read through this whole thing I'm very impressed because it got very long!
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