#has he been going commando throughout the entire tour?
professionalnihilist · 7 months
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seapandora · 4 years
Birthday wishes|One-Shot
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Bucky x female!Reader
A/N: Today is my birthday, so I just wanted to write something cute. I was planning something else entirely for Sunday, but I needed some fluff in my life, thank you very much! Please reblog with your thoughts and like if you enjoyed reading this. Info on a future series will be out very soon so stay tuned! GIF-cred to owner
Warnings: Fluffy, angst, age gap (Buck was born in 1917…), birthdays, age-paranoia
Summary: Reader is celelbrating her birthday, but wll she celebrate it on her own or will her love come home in time?
Words: 1439
August 13th  
Bucky was supposed to be home now, but he had been delayed in Europe. His book had sold more than anyone could ever imagine and he had had to add in dates for book signings. That was why Y/N was sitting alone in their shared bedroom watching some news.
After Steve went back in time Bucky and Sam worked apart from the state for a while. Doing more or less illegal missions, but saving people. After a very heavy mission, Bucky had decided to quit.
The money he had received as a war veteran had helped him buy a house in the suburbs of New York. It was fairly close to Steve and Peggy´s house, where he was often invited for lunch or dinner. A month or two after he moved into the house he adopted a shelter dog. It was a really sweet older dark brown boxer he had adopted. He had named the dog Commando after his former association with the group.
Commando was the sweetest old lady. The shelter had put her at 5 years but the vet Bucky had taken her too had confirmed her age to 7 or 8 years. She was a shy thing and it took her some time to warm up to Bucky but when she did she was the best dog. Commando could anticipate and feel when Bucky was starting to get anxious, and when he did she would curl up close to him.
Six months after that Bucky had met Y/N. She was a recently graduated journalist who free-lanced for different papers. Her latest project was a personal one though. She wanted to make an article about the anniversary of the end of the second world war, and she had her eyes set on Bucky for an interview. An interview he had happily given her.
He had been focused on telling Steves story before Y/N had politely stopped him and asked for his side of the story. She wanted to hear from the Seargent, not the captain. Bucky had been stunned but had started over with his point of view now instead. It was the first time someone had asked for his side of the story rather than him retelling Steves.
The article proved why Y/N had been so adamant about hearing his side of the story. She had already interviewed Steve, and yet the article was focused on Bucky rather than Steve. Reading the article Bucky saw his life in another's eyes. It was beautiful, and it was everywhere.
It gave Y/n the opportunity of becoming an editor while Bucky was approached by several editors who wanted to offer him the best deal to make an autobiography. It wasn’t until Y/N approached him and asked if he would consider it that he said yes.
One thing led to another and two years later, they were now married. The book had taken a long time and a lot of late nights to finish but four months ago it was published. Bucky was sent on a world tour as the face and mentioned author of the book while Y/N stayed behind and dealt with the publicity. She didn’t like traveling a whole lot and Bucky had promised to be home for her birthday.
And yet here she was, not a word from Bucky for the past three to four days. That was weird when you were married, right? Y/N thought so at least. Throughout her life, she had had people leaving her for, in their words, bigger and better things. Of course, her mind had begun to scare her into thinking the worst.
Commando could practically feel the anxiety roll-off Y/N and jumped up on the bed to curl up with one of her owners. It calmed Y/N in two ways. One, she had someone around to sleep beside, and two Bucky would at least have to come back, he wouldn’t leave Commando.
She sighed to herself and turned the sound of the tv as to not disturb Commando. “What do you say Do? Let´s sleep and just get tomorrow over with, eh?” She asked and looked down at the dog who looked back up at her with big eyes. Y/N chuckled and turned to her side turning the light off. She didn’t bother checking her phone since she knew she wouldn’t see anything of importance.
August 14th
Commando woke Y/N up bright and early on Friday that was Y/Ns birthday. Y/N groaned but sat up after just a few seconds. The other side of the bed was as empty as it had been the night before. She sighed and shook her head before she got up and got into some sweatpants and a sweatshirt.
Running always helped Y/N when she was overthinking. She hated running but did it anyway. Of course, Commando came with her, but Y/N´s running was at most a leisurely trot for Commando. They were out for 45 minutes before they came back home to have some breakfast and just enjoy the day.
Y/N could hear her phone go off with notifications in her bedroom but she made no move towards it. She got dog food for Commando before she made herself a cold smoothie. It was supposed to be a hot day so Y/N felt happy about having her exercise for the day done.
She enjoyed her smoothie in the kitchen while looking out the windows of the house. A car pulled up outside but she made no attempt to move. Commando didn’t bother until she heard the door at which point she went flying out to the hall to greet her dad. Y/N stayed behind and finished her smoothie before washing the mug off and putting it in the dishwasher.
A pair of strong arms wrapped around her mid-section, one colder than the other. She felt kisses along her neck and shivered. “I don’t get a hug or even a hi?” Bucky asked softly and Y/N could hear the disappointment in his voice. “Yes well, I would expect that if I were you and hadn´t kept in touch for a few days,” Y/N bit back and closed the dishwasher before turning to look at Bucky who now had a deep frown etched onto his stupidly beautiful face.
“I told Steve to tell you I lost my phone!” He said loudly making Y/N flinch a bit. She had always had issues with loud noises and Bucky raising his voice wasn´t an exception. “Has he tried to reach you?” He asked and reached up to pull a hand through his hair. It no longer flowed to his shoulders like it once had but Y/N still liked it.
She frowned now as well and shook her head. “Well, I might have ignored my phone and all that because I didn’t want to feel anxious or stuff.” She mumbled and shied back a bit as if she was afraid. “Christ doll, I´m so sorry. I lost my phone three or four days ago, I hurried home as fast as I could.” He said and reached out taking Y/N´s hands in his own.
He tugged on her gently to pull her closer. That’s when the dam broke for Y/N and she began to sob into Bucky's chest. All of her anxiety was in vain, and she felt stupid for ever thinking Bucky didn’t want to be with her anymore. He had married her for goodness sake. “Please don’t cry doll, I should have figured out a way to reach you,” He mumbled and caressed her hair with his right hand.
Bucky didn’t know how to make it better so instead of trying with more words he picked Y/N up and carried her into the bedroom. Commando followed behind him whining softly. He placed her down on the bed carefully and got in beside her without taking anything off. Of course, he had left his shoes by the door but right now he knew Y/N needed him close. The weighted blanket they had gotten together was by the foot of the bed and he pulled it up over both of them.
Right then and there he promised to never ever be gone for Y/N´s birthday or other important days. Nothing was more important to him than Y/N. He sighed softly and held her close. “Doll I know it´s tough right now, but tell me your birthday wishes, tell me what you want. I´ll give you anything,” he mumbled and kissed her forehead.
“You, just you, that’s all I want and need,” She whispered and buried her head in his neck taking in the safety his arms provided her.
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winterbranded · 4 years
    [ ✮ ]    HEADCANONS  //  MUSICIAN / SINGER  AU :
      DON’T ASK ME WHY THIS SUDDENLY EVOLVED INTO A THING BUT WHOOPS.  so this is basically going to be a huge mix of headcanons / backstory for  buck.y’s  musician au verse  ( my spirit doesn’t move like it did before ).   i’ll be deep diving into everything and hopefully adding some reference photos !  enjoy !!  this verse has been mulling in my brain for a few weeks so i’m super hyped to get this written down
   trigger warning :  motorcycle / vehicle accident mention ,  depression,  and brief bone mention.
    james buchanan barnes  or  mainly known as  ‘ buck.y ’  is a left handed bass player who is also adept in playing acoustic guitar within a band called  the howling commandos.  he switches between lead singer and bass some times during shows and manages to steal the show even when he’s not in the spotlight.  he writes his own songs and showcases some of them in live shows but he sometimes does small shows on his own without the band.  ( bucky’s appearance during this time is clean shaven and short styled hair that always comes unraveled under the hot spotlights ).      however, one day on his way home from a studio recording, barnes unfortunately got into a motorcycle accident on an intersection.  the car ramming into his left side.  he had to under go surgery and a metal support had to be added to his arm because of the shattered bone.  there was a lot of doubt that he wouldn’t be able to play again due to muscle and nerve damage.  because of this, he decides to leave the band ( the howling commandos soon disperse after this decision ).  battles depression and the possibility that his entire career could be out the window during his time in the hospital.  but with a long long journey of physical therapy and practicing with his bass and guitar, he begins to gain back his skill and motion. once discharged from the hospital,  he was met with shuttering cameras and a bombardment of questions.  avoiding all inquiries, he takes a taxi home.  he didn’t bother to contact any old friends out of light fear and anxiety of seeing them again after everything that had happened.  he didn’t permit any visitors during his time at the hospital. becoming kind of a lone wolf and soft spoken individual.  a complete 180 turn from his charming and out-going persona of his days in the band.  ( bucky’s appearance during this time is medium length hair and a light five-o-clock shadow.  his arm has prominent scars across it from the accident and surgery ). i have a voice claim for buck.y which is  matt mae.son  bc a lot of his songs actually inspired this verse now that i think about it  ( specifically  straight razor  is what set everything off which is a song i have had in my buck.y barn.es playlist for a good few years ) ???  i’ll be linking some prominent songs throughout this that i can imagine buck.y singing / writing. i highly recommend listening to the songs as they appear in the story to help get immersed.   after a few weeks of being home and adjusting back into life, he begins to write a few songs in his old notebook he’s had since the beginning when he joined the band.  then one day looking in the mirror, he impulsively decides to get a tattoo sleeve across his left arm.  feeling subconscious about the look of the scars and wanting to move onwards.  the tattoo takes almost a week and a half of consecutive hours of work.  ( paneled lines much like the winter soldier design is across his arm. giving it a robotic look, most likely something pertaining to the rod of metal now within his arm, having it take on a new meaning. it’s simply shaded in just black ink at the top of his shoulder but tapers off into more flat lines towards his palm/wrist.  a small outline of a star is on the side of his shoulder as a nod to the  howling commandos  despite his lack of communication with them all.  there’s some small tattoos upon his fingers and knuckles, subtle robotic like joints across the bands of his fingers ).   dealing with tattoo care for the next few weeks,  he manages to write a few more songs out of restlessness.  not necessarily planning to do anything with them other than to vent out his emotions in the form of song.  portraying his journey in a different light versus what the media had been ruthless in.  a year passes, floating in a quiet loss of what to do with himself.  going back and forth between the guitar and bass, writing melodies and retouching lyrics.  then one night after receiving a majority of missed calls from colleagues, he calls up a small intimate bar/cafe with a good accompanying stage. asking if he can preform a light show there to announce his new album :  ghost.   this show would be his first public and solo appearance after the accident in the winter.  he sets up and preps a majority of things himself with his coordinator.  and with a quiet strike of courage he sends out invitations to some friends he had been avoiding for the past year.  nothing accompanying the texts besides the picture of a flyer.  and when the day of the show arrives, barnes doesn’t expect anyone really to come, not even a good handful of fans.  he tells his coordinator not to tell him the numbers no matter what they are.       so the moment he steps out on stage, it hits him like a tonne of bricks.   the chatter of the full house audience dies down almost instantly.  within his left hand, he holds his new black acoustic guitar.  there’s a moment of pause out of shock before he continues his way across the stage. a small spotlight with a humble chair waiting for him accompanied with a microphone. he pulls the acoustic over his shoulder.  everything is silent as he takes a minute to check the tuning upon the guitar.  hands slightly shaken.  he then faces the audience.  glacier blues quietly search the crowd before his gaze returns to the guitar, bringing the microphone a little closer.     barnes has been soft spoken during most rushed and attempted media interviews.  many thinking his vocal cords must have been damaged during the accident.     so when he begins to sing  go easy  ( this song being one of the first he wrote when he was in the hospital and continued to write after returning home ), his voice takes everyone by surprise.  his singing always being the true way he’s expressed himself.  but this hits different.  his voice holding so much weight and emotion as it accompanies the light sound of his guitar.     it then melds into  tread on me  ( addressing the eyes of the media and his hard journey within the past year along with the connections he lost during that time ).  eyes daring to briefly glance up towards the audience as he sings.  voice loud and clear amongst the speakers, as if he were pouring his heart and soul out upon the stage.     cringe  ( acoustic / stripped version here )  is then sung ( i imagine this song is directly linked to his change in appearance and change in behavior and attitude across the past year and his anxieties and fears in almost losing his musical ability ).   voice more confident as he sings.  beginning to drop back into his element as a performer.    grave digger  is next  ( addressing family issues and his conflict in pretty much running from friends who wanted to support him during rough times but decided to push them away in anger and fear ).  and then, with a long hesitant pause, the audience begins to applaud but with a simple raise of his hand, it dithers out.  his gaze keeps to the floor for a moment before it raises.  he leans forward towards the mic, keeping his eyes out towards the audience as he speaks for the first time :   ‘ ... this one is for the commandos.  i’m sorry.  to all of you. ’  he states before  he begins to play  straight razor  ( a song i imagine he wrote and preformed during his time with the howling commandos which is eerily now fitting for his current situation ).  he can’t help but have tears well in his eyes as the final song is sung, but he doesn’t let any fall no matter how much they wanted to.  
 once the last note is played, it echoes out into the audience with a gentle ping. a few beats of silence are given before a few audience members begin to clap. soon it roars across the small space. even the small crowd that had begun to form outside of the bar/cafe joined with the applause.  a light nod of appreciation is given towards the audience, managing a half smile through the shine of the spotlights.  he rises from his seat to give a small half bow before quietly thanking everyone for coming to the show before taking his leave.  an announcer ( most likely the cafe owner ) then starts to direct everyone to the back where they can get a copy of the album.  
  quietly he packs up his guitar and attempts to leave through the backstage door.  but as he leaves, the howling commandos band members are there waiting for him along with a few friends close friends.  those welled tears now returning and finally falling as a tight and well needed group hug is given.  
                               ‘ good to have you back, buck. ’    buc.ky continues to write songs and is planning to go on a small one man tour soon as his solo career progresses.  he keeps in contact with the commandos and is planning to do collaborations with a few of them.  now no longer going through life alone.      GUITARS / BASSES  BUCK.Y  OWNS  :       the first is his   good ol’  ‘ baby blue ’  bass.   he still has it even after he left the commandos and uses it for his own shows.  it holds a lot of nostalgia for him and he can’t imagine having any other bass replace it. 
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     then this is now his iconic   black acoustic guitar   that he uses for his new solo shows.  on occasion he’ll break out the original wood acoustic, but he prefers this one.  he bought it not long after he got out of the hospital.
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Kindergarten Crush
Prompt: thank ya girl @kpopgirlbtssvt for this!
Y/n is a kindergarten teacher who has decided to take her kiddos on a ~super duper~ field trip to the museum where she finds herself a little too interested in one of the exhibits.
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Word count:  5094
Warnings: language...maybe? Length also? I have a problem with over writing my stuff and I feel like it gets boring and too lengthy. Also my computer always fucks up the formatting so that might also be an issue. 
Here we gooooooooo
“Alright come along my little ducklings!” You smiled happily, leading a small line of children off a yellow bus and out into the parking lot of the Smithsonian.
“Miss y/n how come we have to go to the museum? It’s soooooooo boring!” moans a small boy who huffily stomped down the stairs of the bus.
“Joey, that is actually a very good question! but we’re gonna have to work on your manners,” you smile while making sure to wave a stern finger at the cute little boy. “Can anyone remember what we were learning about yesterday and our word of the week?” you ask lightly, making sure that all children are accounted for before entering the large building.
Multiple children raised their hands excitedly, wanting to be the first to answer the question (most likely because you rewarded each child who answered correctly with either a small piece of candy or a cute pencil topper) You looked around, making a thoughtful face as you decided who to pick on. Your mind became set on a red haired boy named Connor. He had been quite respectful during the bus ride over and had been nice enough to give his early morning juice box to a clumsy girl who had dropped hers. “Connor? Would you like to answer?”
As the rest of the kids lowered their hands in slight disappointment Connor smiled happily and took a second before answering, “um we um we learned about uh the uhm the first airplanes! And then um the uh the word was um respect!” he answered happily.
You giggle at his slightly rough response and hand him a small piece of strawberry taffy, his favourite and gave a quick response, “Good job Connor! we are learning about the very first planes and how they’ve helped us in history. Your also correct for our word of the week being respect. Now can anyone tell me what respect means?”
Another round of hands shoot into the air and you waste no time before choosing the next student, “Charlie go ahead,”
“Respect is when you are super nice to someone,” the little girl smiles sweetly as she answers the question.
“Good job charlie, here you go honey,” You giggle at her cuteness while handing her a little kitty pencil topper that she gladly took before putting it into her pocket.
“Thank you miss y/n!” she yells happily, making you smile down at her with a grin of your own.
Before going into the museum you wanted to make sure that all your students knew how they needed to behave for the day so you whistled a fun little tune to get everyone’s attention (they were suppose to attempt to copy it back to you but most of them failed each time... it was extremely cute)
“Alright guys, we gotta make sure to be super respectful to all the people and exhibits. That means no shouting or touching things you’re not suppose to, so always ask beforehand okay buddies?”
The children all replied with a synchronized chorus of “Okay buddy!”, another one of your fun rituals.
A wide grin was painted onto your lips as you lead all the kids and chaperones into the museum with the hope of a fun day following beside you.
“Miss who are they?” one of your students asks quietly and points to the most populated and well maintained exhibit in the entire museum.
“That’s Steve Rogers and his best friend, Bucky Barnes. Mr. Rogers is Captain America and that’s what he looked like way back when he first started being a hero, same with his friend there.” your explanation was quiet and you spent a bit more time looking at the handsome face of the Winter Soldier when the old timey video paused to share a few facts of the metal-armed soldier.
You were pulled from your small day dream by an even smaller hand gripping your shirt, “Can we go closer miss y/n?” Conner asked, which was quickly followed by a small chorus of please’s by the other three kids in your touring group.
You nod kindly before responding, “of course guys, remember to stay near me though,”
The group of you go over to the small room, full of World War Two memorabilia and everything having to do with the famous super soldier known as Captain America. A video played on repeat as the sound echoed throughout the dimly lit room softly. The four children that accompanied you slowly spread out, keeping mind to stay close enough for your comfort as you slowly made your way around the room, being careful to read everything that was presented to you.
The history behind Steve Rogers was interesting, but after a little bit, you started to notice how interested you were in Bucky. He was, after all, your favourite Avenger so it wasn’t too surprising to you that he was what caught your eye the most.
Best friends since childhood, Bucky Barnes and Steven Rogers were inseparable...
It was a sad story...the origin of The Winter Soldier.
Barnes, was the only Howling Commando, to give his life, in service of his country.
The video clearly needed to be updated... Though you knew deep down that, even though Bucky was alive, he’d had enough trauma and life experience for an entire soccer team. You couldn’t imagine what went through his head everyday and the extraordinary weight that he carried on his broad shoulders.
Very handsome broad shoulders at that...
“Miss y/n! Can you come help me be as tall as Captain America please?” Conner asks from across the room rather loudly.
It caught the attention of a few bystanders, including an extremely tall man who was giving you weird vibes with his hooded figure and dark clothing. You only glanced at the mysterious man before going over to the small boy looking up at the screen that held Steve Rogers height before and after the serum.
“Connor, I’m not even as tall as Mr. Rogers before the serum, I’m not sure if I’ll be able to lift you up enough...” you admit gently, not wanting to upset the small boy.
“That’s okay, I just wanna know what it’s like to be taller,” he smiles widely, making you laugh.
“I’d like to know what it’s like to be taller too, Connor” you joke with a light giggle before trying to lift him up as far as possible.
“Look miss y/n! we’re just as tall as Captain America,” Connor laughs, almost making you drop him. 
In your defense it’s generally just hard to lift anything with how small you are. 
“I wanna try!” 
                                                               “Me too!”
                         “Wait I wanna be tall too!” 
Your small group of kids all ran up at once as you gently put Connor on the floor, their loud voices ringing throughout the small room and earning a few glares from the other people trying to enjoy history. 
“Keep your voices down everyone, remember what we agreed to outside?” 
“Respect” they all chorused quietly, earning a breathy laugh from yourself and a chuckle from the strange man who had been looking at you earlier.
You squint your eyes in suspicion at the loss of distance that had occured within the last few minutes between your group and the tall stranger. It made you a little nervous and left a bad feeling in the pit of your stomach, but you brushed it off as being a paranoid teacher. Although it could totally be a human trafficker... Maybe a modern day Ted Bundy? What if he was a weirdo who was gonna try and take your purse?
you were pulled out of your thoughts by the soft feeling of your phone going off in the pocket of your skirt. 
“Hey guys this is one of the other groups, don’t go anywhere alright? I’ll be back in a jiffy,” You state quietly and walk a few feet away, turning your back from the slightly noisy children who were now trying to lift each other up to the height of the glowing screen. 
“Hey gretta, everything okay?” 
“Everything is fine, y/n. I was just calling to say that all the kiddos in my group are getting a bit hungry and was wondering if we would head to the park soon for lunch?” Gretta, who was a mom of one of your students was really your right hand during field trips like these.
She was always extremely helpful with snacks, reservations, carpool, everything really. Gretta was also a close friend of yours and it was always a comfort to have her around for support when times got stressful.
“Yeah, go ahead and tell the other group leaders to head down to the entrance in...15 minutes? That way we can all walk together,” you state, taking a quick glance back at your students. 
“alright, you got it boss. Everything going alright?” she asks gently, wanting to make sure you weren’t too stressed out. 
“Everything has been great so far. Although there’s this one dude-” “Ooohhh! Go get him y/n!” Gretta jokes, her heavy laugh having no trouble being heard from the small phone in your hand. 
“What? No that’s not what I was gonna say... He is really tall though,” 
“Everyone is really tall compared to you,” your friend laughs even louder, making you hold the phone away from your ear for a few seconds before returning to its original position. 
“Mean-” “But true” “Okay I’m leaving now,” “Love ya y/n!” 
You sighed heavily, a smile on your face due to the strange friend you had. The smile didn’t stay long before you turned around and spotted the sight in front of you. All your kids were laughing happily, one of them lifted in the air so high that she was taller than the height of their favourite super soldier. 
“Excuse me, put her down right now!” your brain was going a mile a minute as your feet furiously carried you over to the stranger who was holding two of your students. All of your students ceased their laughter as they see the angry face of their teacher. 
“What makes you think you can start picking my students up without even knowing who they are!? Honestly what kinda creep-” “I’m sorry, doll. Must’ve been quite the scare to see a creep like me helping your kids out,” The stranger apologizes as he puts the two kids back on their feet, pulling his hood down to show you a shiney, white-toothed, smile. 
“Oh my god...” you mutter and nearly choke on your spit as you look up at the man in front of you. 
“Miss y/n he’s not a bad guy! He’s the cool robot guy from the video,” Connor exclaims happily. 
“That’s me, alright. The Cool Robot Guy” he nods and waves, a shiny metal hand coming out from his hoodie pocket. 
“Uhm... Mr. Barnes, hello. I’m so sorry I yelled...it’s just, I thought you were-” “Nah I get it, some tall scary dude messing with little kids is a scary sight, you did the right thing. Also please don’t call me Mr. Barnes, it’s Bucky,” 
“Right, Bucky. It’s very nice to meet you sir, my name is y/n, these are my students- Charlie, Connor, Anna, and Fargo. We’re here on a field trip today to learn about planes but got a little distracted,” You laugh lightly, trying to cover up the embarrassment of telling off one of Earth’s mightiest heroes. 
“That’s quite exciting guys. You know, I get to fly planes all the time,” Bucky states, his smile growing at the gawking children in front of him. 
He continued to tell your small group of students all about his adventures from being a superhero, answering every single question they asked him. You had skillfully started to move the group towards the stairs, knowing full well that it was time to take the kids to lunch. There wasn’t a moment of silence as Bucky handled the curious children and their prying questions. He didn’t hesitate to answer anything that was thrown at him, which you admired wholeheartedly. The kids asked how his arm worked, what it felt like, if they could feel it. Anna even asked if he could take it off. That one made Bucky pause and you noticed the slight movement of the metal panels clenching in stress from the invasive question. 
“Um, no sorry hun. It doesn’t really work like that,” he answers quietly before looking back at you, “You’re pretty quiet, dollface. You got any questions for me?”
“No, sir. I think I’m okay just listening for now,” you smile politely, blushing at the nickname that had so beautifully fallen from his lips.
He gives you a wide grin and puts an arm behind his head to mess with his dark hair, “jeez, really making me feel old with all that ‘sir’ garbage you’re throwing around,” 
A laugh escapes your lips at his joking comment and you can’t help but to mutter a quiet ‘sorry’. It didn’t take too long to find the rest of your class and the parents who had agreed to help out for the day. When your group finally came into view, Bucky in tow, any idea of going to lunch was thrown out the window immediately as the small army of children began to shout in excitement. 
It was great meeting Bucky Barnes, but honestly you were so hungry. 
You were extremely nervous. 
Your hands couldn’t stop pulling at the soft fabric from the sundress that you had put on in hopes of impressing your date for the night.
That date being Bucky Barnes...
“Oh gosh...” Your hands roughly move down your face in a stressed manner.
“Why did I say yes? Why would I think, at any moment in time, that this, was a good idea,” 
“What if he hates my dress? This is my favourite dress...” you mumble to yourself, a sad expression falling onto your face as you think of how someone as dark and brooding as Bucky would like the light yellow dress you had on. 
As you were about to go to your closet to change into something more...Bucky, the doorbell to your small apartment went off, making you jump and let out a small squeak of surprise. There was no other choice but for you to go and open up the door to reveal the nervous soldier standing outside of it. 
“Hey, y/n. You look absolutely gorgeous,” He compliments quietly, looking down at your small frame before handing you a very pretty bouquet of baby pink teacup roses. 
“Thank you, Bucky. You look really nice too,” The smile on your face was bright as you smelt the lovely perfume of the cute roses you held in hand. 
It was true, Bucky looked really good. He wasn’t wearing anything fancy, just a dark blue Henley shirt with nicely fitting, black jeans. His hair was put up into a messy bun that suited his sharp jawline and gave a lovely view of his pretty blue eyes. 
“Thanks dollface, you ready to go? I got a whole day planned out for us. A movie, nice dinner, and then I was thinking coffee afterwards?” Bucky held an excited smile on his face.  
“That sounds quite nice, is it okay if we go somewhere that has hot chocolate though? I don’t really like coffee all that much,” You mumble out the last part, not wanting to be too much of a bother. 
“No problem pretty girl, let’s get goin” He smiles down at you once again and places a hand out for you to take, which you gladly do.
It was impossible to fight the large grin on your face as Bucky lead you out of your apartment, officially starting the most stressful, yet exciting date of your life. 
You really hoped it would go well.
“Buck stop! It tickles too much!” your laughing bounced around the room as the slightly scary man with a metal arm tries giving you a leg massage.
“I don’t know what I’m doing wrong though... So weird,” he mumbles, acting oblivious to the fact that he was trying to tickle you into into a coma.
It had started out as a calm day in when Bucky had called you to hang out at the Avengers Tower with him during the God-awful storm that had torn its way through New York. You had watched movies, gotten lunch together, you had even played cards just because Bucky didn’t believe you were better at gambling than he was. Now, you were both in his room, you laying across his bed on your stomach and Bucky straddling your lower back as he gently pushed his fingers into the back of your thighs.
“I’m gonna kick you in the face if you don’t stop right now James Barnes!” You warned, the venom that was supposed to be in your voice, falling flat.
“Oh no I’m soooo scar- OW” he shouts as the ball of your foot hits Bucky right in the chin.
His hands leave your thighs and go up to cradle his face. He slides off of your back, allowing you to flip over and sit up to properly face the hurt “man” in front of you.
“Oh you poor baby,” you mock worriedly and gently place your hands on his, “you want me to kiss it better, bunny?”
Bucky rolls his eyes at the nickname but still muttered out a quiet ‘yes’ which makes you giggle. It had been two months since you had met James Buchanan Barnes at the Smithsonian Museum of American History, and it had been the best two months of your life in all honesty. He was such a kind person.and every second you spent with him was another second your heart spent melting. Although the first date was a bit awkward because of your shy personality and overwhelming amount of nerves, Bucky still wanted to keep seeing you. 
“I’m waitin’ doll,” he mumbles, puffing his lips in a slight pout, and you couldn’t help but to just squish his face in your hands from complete adoration. 
“You’re just so adorable, I don’t wanna close my eyes,” you respond, lips copying the same movements as his. 
“sometimes you just gotta make sacrifices lovie,” Bucky states, pulling you onto his lap and wrapping his arms around your waist.
Your face was the color of a goddamn strawberry at the sound of such a cutesy nickname coming from the former assassin. “Buck...” you stumble shyly, pushing your face into his shoulder to hide the embarrassment. 
“Nuh-uh, up here doll, my face is still wounded and I need you to heal me,” He argues, hooking his index finger to the tip of your chin and tilting your head upwards for Bucky to see. 
You puff out your lips and he lightly pecks them, a proud smile displayed on his handsome face. After one kiss, Bucky couldn’t help himself and decided to plant lovely little pecks all over, from eyes to nose, left temple to right. You laughed at his cute antics and tried to push his face away in attempts to make him stop. 
“Bunny stop it!” You giggle out, mushing his face between your small hands while trying to shy away from his kisses. 
Bucky laughed along with you as you held his face back, making it look incredibly silly. 
“Shweethart, you ghatta shtop,” he chuckles, pressing his fingers into your hips as his tap out. 
Your hands drop from bucky’s face, going to rest on his own hands that were still squeezing your hips. Both of you stayed silent, just enjoying the sweet moment at hand. Bucky Barnes was such a strange guy in your eyes, on the outside he was a hardcore, beefy, assassin. But, on the inside, it was like he was made of cotton candy and those cute little chocolate-filled crackers that were shaped like pandas. 
“Bunny can we go get food?” You ask, hand going to your stomach to feel the small grumble. 
“Of course, lovie,” Bucky responds, placing a soft kiss on the apple of your cheek and lifting both of your bodies up to begin the short journey to the kitchen.
Your legs were wrapped around Bucky’s hips, arms around his neck, and forehead resting in the crook of his neck. It was so hard to keep yourself from hugging Bucky, he was always so warm and even though he was super muscley, it was so comforting to be in his tight embrace. He had a specific way of hugging you too, he would wrap one arm around your shoulders and the other around your waist, pushing his face into the fluff of your hair. Your legs would be so close, sometimes he would pull you onto his feet just to lose those few extra centimeters of space and each time, after the hug was over, he would nudge his nose along your cheek before giving you a cute little peck on either your nose or lips. 
“You want a snack or do you want me to make you something?” He asks, setting you down on the counter and going over to the fridge, but not before giving your hips a soft squeeze.
“It’s okay bunny, I can make myself something,” you state, beginning to hop off the counter. 
Bucky stopped you, “It’s alright, I’m hungry too so I’ll just make something for us both. You want mac n’ cheese, baby?” 
“Yes please,” you respond in a quiet tone, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth in a shy manor.
Bucky smiled happily at you, running the pad of his thumb over the exposed part of your lip and making it come out of its hiding place, “don’t do that lovie, you might hurt yourself,” he grumbles lowly. 
“Right, sorry buck. Can I go get my phone, maybe a ponytail to put your hair into as well?” It wasn’t like you needed to ask, but due to the fact that it wasn’t your house and that you haven’t met all who resided within the pristine tower, you felt it necessary. 
“Of course sweetheart, you remember which room is mine?”
“The one on the left with the big wolf on it,” you nod your head in satisfactory, when bucky gave you a thumbs up to signal you had answered correctly. 
Pushing off the counter, you head back to Bucky’s room, thankful that you didn’t run in to anyone on the way. You had yet to meet Bucky’s two best friends Steve and Sam, as well as many of the other Avengers. Although, you had, had the pleasure of meeting Tony Stark the first time Bucky had invited you to come over. Out of nervousness and really just wanting to make a good first impression, you had bought a basil plant for the billionaire. Tony had laughed at your nice gesture, taking the plant and giving you a kind hug afterwards. He had thanked you and told Bucky that you were more than welcome to stay as long as needed. 
It didn’t take you long to find your phone and a ponytail to put up Bucky’s pretty hair. But, you most definitely got distracted by the thought of wearing a Super Soldiers hoodie. That’d be pretty badass, you thought. So, before going back out to enjoy the tempting meal that was now giving off a very wonderful smell that drifted through the air, you ventured into Buck’s closet and began to look through his sweatshirts in order to find the softest one. It didn’t take you long, he didn’t have too many sweatshirts to choose from, but you settled for an extremely soft, navy blue sweatshirt with a small symbol on the breast that showed a little toy gun on it. It didn’t seem very ‘Bucky’ to you so you just assumed it had been given as a gift. 
You slowly made your way back to the kitchen, almost instantly noticing the extreme hail that was pouring down outside. It made you uneasy and nervous to drive back to your apartment, and as you walked into the kitchen, phone shoved into your face to see the newest weather updates, you spoke your unease to Bucky.
“Bunny, is it okay if I stay longer than we talked, I don’t wanna drive in hail and google says-what..” your voice fades away as you see two more tall men in the kitchen then there was before you left. “Uhmm,” 
Your heartbeat immediately picked up to an unnatural speed and you subconsciously took a few steps back, not liking the three pairs of eyes staring down at your short frame. 
“Hey y/n, I thought it might be time for you to meet these guys,” Bucky speaks softly, almost as if you were a frightened animal that might dart away into the forest to hide. 
“Um,” you shook your head microscopically in disagreement, why didn’t he warn you? 
Bucky took a few steps to reach you and gently put his hands on either side of your face, “lovie I know you get nervous, but Steve and Sam aren’t gonna bite, okay? They just wanna meet you because of how important you are to me,” He gives you a reassuring smile when you nod your head in hesitant agreement. 
“Okay, Bunny...kiss?” you ask quietly, wanting just one more thing to boost your confidence. 
Bucky lets out a gruff chuckle before giving you a gently kiss, something you happily melted in to, “Look really nice in my sweatshirt too, doll” he mumbles against your lips before giving you a few more pecks. 
A small smile made its way to your lips as Bucky turned to his two best friends, “Alright guys, this is y/n. Y/n, this is my best friend Steve Rogers and some guy who follows the both of us around,” He jokes, motioning towards the tall men stood across the room.
“Screw you Barnes. At least my girl doesn’t call me by the name of a little fluffy animal-” “I’ll kill you right now bird boy,” Bucky threatened the laughing man, an edge to his voice but a smile on his face. 
“Hello, nice to finally meet you, I’m-” “Steve Rogers, I know. I studied you in college and... I mean your Buck’s best friend too” you mumble out shyly, face going red in complete embarrassment. 
The three men laugh at your small demeanor, finding your shy personality charming, “I’m Sam Wilson, I’m the normal one of the trio. No serum or metal arm, I’m all natural,” he states, a wink following his smart comment.
“You’re one comment away from gettin something metal shoved into your eye,” Bucky grumbles, his metal arm making a light tinking, as it flexed in stress.
You knew how Bucky was about his arm, even if it was a comment from a good friend it still tweaked something inside his brain. You decided it best to slowly slide your fingers between his metallic ones and give a small squeeze, hoping to help a little bit. Buck looked down at you and gave a grateful, half-smile, silently thanking you for the small gesture. 
“Is the food done, bun-er um Bucky?” The correction didn’t feel good in your mouth but if refraining from calling Bucky ‘bunny’ helped ease the tension, you would tough it out. 
Bucky noticed it right away and gave you a confused glance, but quickly brushed it off and answered you with a nod of his head, “yeah sweetheart, I got it all plated for you,” 
“Thank you,” you smile up at him and tug at his arm, Bucky knowing exactly what you wanted, leaned down to your eye level. 
Before you could connect your lips to his, Bucky pulled away slightly, “What’s my name, dollface?” “Buck-” “No, try again,” “Bunny,” 
He smiled and leaned in to give you a quick peck, but you didn’t want to settle for that, so you put your hands on either side of his face and deepened the small kiss just a bit. 
“I think I’m gonna need to schedule a dentist appointment after watching all of this,”
Sams comment went unnoticed by the two of you. Both of your brains were solely focused on the lovely kiss that sent shivers down your spine and had you tightly gripping Bucky’s shirt. Buck gently bit down on your lower lip, causing you to let out a small whine. You were sure that this would have continued if it weren’t for the startling sound of someone clearing their throat in the background.
Bucky pulled away slowly, letting out a small, exasperated sigh,  “It’s on the table, sweetheart,” he smirks, feeling proud about being the cause of the flustered girl in front of him. 
Your face was beet red as you silently made your way over to the small table that was sat by a window, all of the men in the room followed you with their eyes before all going to sit down at the table with you. Bucky sat down beside you and Steve and Sam sat across, both of them leaning forward and putting their elbows on the table. Bucky immediately let out a light cough and began shaking his head, a signal to his friends that they needed to undo their actions.
“she’s really picky about table manners,” He smiles, putting a comforting hand down on your thigh. 
“That’s alright, so why don’t you tell us about yourself? How long have you been... Friends with B-” “She’s my girlfriend Steve,” Bucky laughs loudly, “not completely a secret,” 
“He asked me last week,” you smiled down at your bowl of cheesy noodles, “Made a whole day of it and everything,” 
“I would have never thought that Bucky Barnes, the guy who use to get any girl he wanted, has finally found his anchor,” The grin on Steve’s face could only be described as an ecstatic one. He was so happy that his best friend had finally found his person, and a good one at that. 
“She’s mine alright, stuck with me forever,” Bucky grinned down at you and leaned in to place a soft kiss on your temple. 
“I’m okay with that though. It just means you’re mine too. My bunny,” 
It had been a good day, and you knew there were plenty of more to come with just you and your Bunny. 
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treasureslowlyfade · 5 years
B C I M U R F A V E (Ryan, Dean, Aliki, Bennett, Tony, Stella, Becky, Draco, Etienne, Giacomo)
A - Alone time
Ryan definitely gets off to his own sex tapes.  He has a ridiculously large amount of footage of him fucking different girls and videos that they’ve sent him.
Dean is a big fan of beating it to his own videos as well, but also has a relatively large folder of creampie porn on his phone.
Aliki can’t watch porn she didn’t write because she gets too critical of it, she prefers using her imagination when she’s pleasuring herself, and that’s usually how she comes up with ideas for her newest screenplays.
Bennett beats it to whatever his current project is.  The benefit of being an artist is that he has ‘muses’ on call to pose for him, and with the material of his work, that usually means they’re the ones pleasuring him.
Tony totally still has a subscription to Hustler for masturbation purposes.
Stella gets off on watching her husband hook up with other men.
Becky watches porn, but also tries to discretely masturbate in public places.  She likes the thrill.
Draco has no need to pleasure himself, he has somebody to take care of him the moment he snaps his fingers.  If he does let his imagination wander, it’s to a vision of him fucking Hermione Granger from behind.
Etienne watches a lot of creampie, pregnancy gang bang, and cuckold porn, then gets annoyed with himself for needing porn to get off and ends up calling somebody to come service him.
Giacomo is really into gangbang porn.  His favorites include entire sports teams fucking the same cheerleader until she can’t function anymore. 
B - Bondage 
Ryan - Not so much, but he’s been known to tie a girl up once or twice with their consent.
Dean, Aliki, Bennett, Stella, & Becky are all into very light bondage such as being restrained and teased until they can’t take it anymore.
Tony - is judging you for even asking this question.
Draco: Will tie you up, fuck you, then leave you there until the house elf comes to untie you.
Etienne: Can go either way on this depending on his mood.
Giacomo: Will tie you up, fuck you, and leave you there for the rest of his friends to fuck you too.
C - Crying
Ryan: Turn off, unless it’s part of a game.  (i.e. Rosie crying because he’ll only fuck Haven and not her)
Everyone Else: Not into it at all.
E - Extra info 
Ryan has fucked multiple mothers of his teammates as well as his some of his stepmother’s girlfriends.
Dean canonically has had a sexual relationship with his twin sister since puberty, even if it’s not happening currently.
Aliki: Likes being in MMF threesomes and watching the guys go at it after they spit roast and DP her.
Bennett: Paints the majority of the women he’s been with and has an incredibly open relationship with his wife in which they both invite his muses to bed with them.
Tony: Has a huge weakness for girls half his age who sometimes call him Daddy.
Stella: Used to be a stripper who fucked her clients in the champagne room and now enjoys letting her husband watch her have fun with other men and women while he’s on tour.
Becky: Has accepted money for sex on more than a few occasions, but doesn’t consider herself a sex worker.
Draco: Has secretly had sex with muggleborns and then obliviated them so they don’t remember.
Etienne: Is positive he has children he doesn’t know about.
Giacomo: borderline sexually assaulted his mother at one point in time.
F - Food play
All Muses: Would rather eat the food than fuck it, but aren’t opposed to licking whipped cream or chocolate syrup off of anybody.
I - Impact play 
All male muses spank hard and often, but only with their hands.
All female muses appreciate a good spanking and really like having hand prints all over them.
M - Masochism 
All male muses don’t hate having scratch marks on his back, but aren’t  fans of being bossed around at ALL.
Aliki likes being choked with consent, and is okay with being talked down to.
Becky likes her hair pulled hard.
Stella has gotten off on being gangbanged and called a dirty slut more times than she’s okay with admitting.
R - Routine 
Ryan has a few girls he has on call for sex whenever he needs it.  Usually he’ll just call one of them to come over whenever something pops up.  Most of his schedule is taken up by sports (depending on which verse he’s in) and he fits in his sexcapades around them.
Dean has one or two girls he calls on when he wants to get laid, but when he’s not pressed he’s happy to go out in search of somebody new.  He’s a fan of brunettes with large breasts and usually hones in on girls like that.
Aliki masturbates every night before bed unless she’s getting fucked.
Bennett has had sex with somebody almost every day since he was a senior in high school.  He doesn’t know what he’d do if he had to go more than three days without any.
Tony tries not to think about sex too often because he’s aware that he’s old and doesn’t have the same appeal of guys a third his age.  Still, there are a few neighborhood ladies he spends time with when he doesn’t have anybody special in his life.
Becky has sex whenever she wants to.  She’s gone months without the D and is perfectly okay with that.
Stella has sex with her husband every single night, whether it be in person, on the phone, or online.  
Draco has meticulously scheduled liaisons throughout each week.
Etienne has sex whenever he wants to with whoever he wants to.
Giacomo is into spontaneous sex.  He never plans it, it just happens.
U - Underwear 
Ryan wears boxers usually, except he wears boxer briefs for more support when he’s playing a game.
Dean, Etienne, Giacomo & Tony wear boxer briefs.
Bennett & Draco either wear boxers or go commando, depending on the day.
Aliki & Stella have a lot of matching bra & panty sets and enjoy dressing up.
Becky is either wearing ridiculous underwear with cartoons on it or no panties at all.
V - Voyeurism 
Ryan loves doing shit in public and getting people to do shit in public FOR him.  One of his greatest memories was watching a girl drink his cum from a fucking bottle in the middle of one of his classes.
Dean, Bennett, Etienne, Aliki, Giacomo, Stella & Becky are all down with the public stuff and very much exhibitionists.
Tony is a voyeur but prefers to keep his own sexcapades private.
Draco likes the idea of doing stuff in public, but always uses the protection of concealment spells so there’s no real risk of him being caught.
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