shippy-pjo-shipper · 2 years
Hasammy ~ Time
"Hello, Hazel Levesque."
This simple word teared the sob out of her throat.
Hazel was standing in a familiar surrounding again, Leo's hands in hers, but still, she never felt so out of place.
She wanted to go back there, on this porch, with Sammy.
Sammy. No matter how old he was, he was still the same. The same smile, the same eyes, the same spark. And with Leo standing right before her, she could finally see how different of him he was, in reality.
He was unique, and she lost him. She lost him because of Gaia, because of her mother, because of Pluto, because of herself... And she lost him to guilt and sadness.
That she could never forgive herself for.
And as the ship was starting to get tossed around, her mind was focused on only one thing. One sentence in one so foreign voice.
"I guess we ran out of time."
Yes. I guess we did, my love.
He was running out of time and he knew it. She was almost done. She seemed to be looking for one last thing but once she'd have it, she'd probably leave to never come back.
No, he couldn't let that chance go. He had to talk to her.
He wasn't known to be nervous in this kind of situation before. He knew how to talk to girls, how to make them laugh. But he couldn't help it, he was scared. Not so scared of them that he was of messing something up.
He had done that before already.
He knew he couldn't let this story rule his life. He had been told so. To forget and move on. But it wasn't so easy when just one story, one girl had defined his whole life until now and was the reason thanks to who he had what he had. And didn't have what he didn't have.
No, no ! He had to have faith. Deep down he knew he was being lead toward something great. He knew he left an happiness for another. Maybe this girl was it. Maybe he should stop doubting his gut instinct.
So Sammy Valdez stepped forward and helped his client find what she was looking for. And in the end, they both found much more in each other than they dared to hope.
She laughed so much that it hurt her lungs. The first time she genuinely laughed about him since she learned the truth, and it hurt. But in a good way for once.
"Sammy Jr. ? I don't even know why I'm surprised it's just... Of course he did !" Leo laughed along, though it was more Hazel's that passed onto him.
"The Valdez have ressourcefulness and humour, miss Levesque. Not imagination, as it seems." "Seems like you took it all." "Ah ! That idea I like ! You're right I'm almost as imaginative as I am hot. My son's name will certainly more creative, like...Leon." "Junior is too old school ?" "I don't want the kid to get bullied."
Both their looks softened at this. Gods, Hazel was feeling great. Talking about Sammy became less and less hard with the days, weeks and months, but with Leo's return, it was finally natural and true, for lack of a better word. Looking at him now brought her calm and serenity rather than stress and fear of projecting and hurt them both in the process.
She loved how she now took herself looking at Leo and thinking : 'I'm glad he's in my life.'
'I'm glad he's not Sammy.'
Because Leo was his own person, his own wonderful person.
And now, when she looked at him, she could only see the irony that always almost made her smile a sad smile.
He may not have been the Valdez she expected, but maybe he was the one she needed. Just like her life.
And with friends like hers, Hazel knew she could never regret the life she got in the end. She just hoped Sammy had felt the same.
"Abuelo, tell me a story !"
He sat back. "A story ? What story ?" "About your life before !" "What ? You mean you're not interested in my life 'after' ?"
Her big eyes widened. "What is that, abuelo ?" He leaned toward her like a magician about to confide his biggest tour's secret.
"It's also known as 'sleeping'." She didn't like this answer, which the blow he took from her pillow let him know.
"Tell me a story about love !" "You already know everything about your abuela and me, Esperanzita." "About someone else, then." "Someone else ?" "Abuela had a boyfriend in school, she told me about him." "She told you about Roberto ?" He made a face. Why did she have to go and talk about this idiot to their granddaughter ?
"I asked her to. Can you ? Did you have a girlfriend ?" "One or two, yes." Yeah, maybe he could let the Roberto story retelling slide.
"What about the first ?" "The first ?" He couldn't help the soft smile that appeared on his lips at the reminiscing of those memories that had never left his mind.
"Yes ! What was her name, abuelo ?"
He looked into her big excited eyes and smiled before tapping his knee, letting her hop on.
"Her name was Hazel Levesque and she was a witch, destined to great things."
In just one clamor of her name, her life had turned upside down once again.
Reyna had left with the hunt and she was now standing in her place.
She didn't know if she should find this funny or sad, but as she stood at Frank's side, before dozens of senators and soldiers, her first thought went toward Sammy Valdez.
Who would have guessed that she'd end up here ? He probably would have. He always seemed to know that she was destined to great things.
She should have believed in him back in the days.
As she was reminiscing on all of that, she reached Bacchus' gardens, just as the sun was disappearing behind the hills. The evening air was hot, the sky was dressed with yellow, orange and pink, and the flowers' scent was tickling her nose.
So many things that always brought her back to the same memory, one that wasn't even hers.
Leo would take care of it all. He would take care of her. The older Valdez knew it without even knowing how he did. Maybe he would be the one to find the right thing to say, like he never had.
He was so good with words, and yet he never could bring himself to say those ones aloud when it came to this peculiar girl. So, as always when she was on her mind, he tapped. The same message, over and over again : I love you.
Because yes, he did love Hazel Levesque, this silly, dreamy, idealized kind of love.
And he never got to say it to her. Just like he never got to say goodbye.
So as Esperanza was bringing his stunt double back inside, Sammy looked at the horizon with a certainty that could almost have made him convince himself that he was, in fact, loosing his mind. But as if Hazel was standing right on the other side of this beautiful sunset, he whispered in a voice full of love, grief, joy, hope and humor :
"Goodbye, Hazel Levesque."
And on the other side of the sky, the sun, the hills and time, a girl barely older than the one he left answered with a peaceful smile :
"Goodbye, Sammy Valdez"
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shippy-pjo-shipper · 4 years
Evermore Songs as Non-Canon PJO/HOO Ships
Willow : Percalypso
Champagne Problems : Rachabeth
Gold Rush : Jeyna/Perzoe
'Tis The Damn Season : Perachel/Jeyna
Tolerate It : Arthalia
No Body, No Crime : Ruegard
Happiness : Zartemis
Dorothea : Artypso/Jastavian
Coney Island : Liper
Ivy : Valdangelo/Percalypso
Cowboy Like Me : Pipachel
Long Story Short : Pipabeth
Marjorie : Hasammy/Ruegard
Closure : Jeyna
Evermore : Percico
Right Where You Left Me : Percalypso
It's Time To Go : Thaluke/Lukethan
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