thefvrious · 1 year
affiliated with @ghostsxagain
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full name: zakai levi selesky nicknames: zak, kai [prefers kai] birthday: september 1 age: 42 gender/pronouns: cis-male, he/him hometown: vancouver, canada sign: virgo religion: jewish orientation: pansexual occupation: forensic pathologist family:  misael selesky (father), ayla selesky (mother), uri seleski (brother), sarai seleski (sister), aviva seleski (sister) +: analytical, intelligent, modest, faithful -: pedantic, neurotic, nitpicky, aloof blurb: the youngest of four by at least 8 years, zakai didn't grow up particularly close to any of his siblings though he has a really good relationship with sarai. all of them saw themselves as extensions of parental figures when it came to their baby brother, which made forging relationships difficult. he's always been a nerd, always studious and brilliant, and always insecure. he's in a decades' long relationship with @ghostsxagain muse.
full bio here
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wariomolly · 1 year
seeing an insaaaaaaane amount of angel numbers yall just so many everywhere and four or more digits too :0
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justanothersong · 1 year
Like, I know I know I KNOW it’s not. I know it’s not. I am wildly protective of what I write so if I see something similar it raises my hackles, you know? And logically I know some nepo screenwriter/director didn’t read my shitty fan fiction and write a derivative film, but. BUT.
“Eliza Scanlen shines in THE STARLING GIRL, an intricate story that "balances the thrills of a forbidden love with the complication of religion”
Young girl with bad relationship with her parents finds solace in an older youth pastor at her church. There’s walks in the woods and she gets around on her bikes and sneaks out, etc. It just.
It hits. SO. MANY. POINTS.
Made me half-nauseous just watched the trailer, for fuck’s sake.
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notasouleater · 10 months
I am blessed so often I think if a vampire tried to eat me they would combust
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pricegouge · 1 month
Had an EXHAUSTING work week so I literally slept my Friday and Saturday away, and I was rereading some of your dark fics again and like... (I know you're not accepting requests or anything rn so this is purely just me rambling to empty my brain) but I just know if some of your renditions of the 141 abducted me to turn me into a sweet little pet or cute little housewife, they might actually be unnerved by how willingly I'd go with them LOL
Soap plucking a cute little reader as a present for the rest of the boys, expecting some kicking and fighting, but maybe only after a moment of squirming and panicking, reader immediately settles down. Soap chops it up to being some kind of survival response (probably has seen it once or twice in other victims he's snagged).
But then he brings reader home and everyone is expecting the usual 'adjustment period' that comes with a new pet, but reader seems to settle down almost instantly. Sure she quivers and looks at them with wide eyes bc this is still a very new setting to suddenly be in, but other than that, she doesn't make a single peep of complaint.
Simon thinks she's lowkey a freak, tries to get a laugh about it - but maybe reader came from a really shitty living situation, or abusive relationships were the norm. So suddenly being given the perfect escape from the mess that was her life is something she takes as a blessing in disguise. Once she learns the boys aren't going to bruise her or neglect her like other people have, she becomes downright needy for their affection and attention.
Food being brought to me, so I don't need to set alarms to remind myself to eat??? Someone whipping something yummy up and bringing it to me on the dot, making sure I've eaten it all?? Hashtagblessed.
They sit me in a nice warm tub and wash me??? Make sure I'm all clean and even trim my nails/make sure I don't anxiously pick at my skin til I bleed? Hashtagblessed.
Where life was once chaotic and unpredictable, suddenly all the previous stresses are gone and replaced with routine, stability, and a few other comforts that the reader couldn't originally have? Hashtagblessed.
Unlike others, instead of complaining about wanting to go home, or begging not to be killed, she's complaining that she can't snuggle up with Price as he smokes and reads work reports - and the way he leans back on his chair as he looks over papers is so inviting!! The perfect spot to rest her head on his chest as she settles on his lap.
Kyle panics at one point bc he was helping Johnny bring in supplies and groceries, and the front door was left open without anyone checking to see if the pet is in her cage. Before he can scramble to Price to ask if he's seen reader, he finds her sitting obediently on the floor next to Simon as he cleans his gun, head resting on his thigh, mind turned off just from watching him effortlessly take the thing apart to clean and oil it, almost even napping, totally unbothered. Until Kyle had disturbed the dust and now she's blinking up at him all confused as he tries to come down from his panic high.
Before they even realize it, reader is snuggling up in bed with them each night without any of them having to chain her down or lock the doors - she's still there in the mornings. Reader even starts helping out around the house of her own volition after maybe a month of what SHE considered being spoiled, but was the 141 still thinking she was in the adjustment period.
Now she's waking up each day with Price to get started on the coffee and breakfast as the others wake up. Shuffles to them when they walk to the kitchen one by one and clings to them all sleepy as 'good mornings' are said. They don't need to ask if she slept well, her bedhead is enough of a tell.
Simon is still the one most weirded out by how easily reader just accepted her fate and slotted herself into their lives, but even he's agreeing with the others that like, nah, this is the one we've been lookin' for all this time, no need for anyone else, reader is perfect.
Maybe while they're all wrapped up in their new domestic bliss, someone from reader's old life has filed a missing person report, maybe half the town has been searching for her, none of them realize it. Until they go into town with her one day (maybe reader needs a haircut - the boys only know how to do military buzzcuts or trims (savages!)) And suddenly they have a little cluster of people asking where tf reader has been she's been missing after all!!
141 think they might have to cut and run, hop towns until they're not wanted any more - but Reader is just like 'I'm not missing??? I've been here the whole time???'
When people start accusing the 141 of abduction, reader pipes up 'nah I just moved in with them, its not like that???'
The person from their life before shows up and she looks them dead in the eye with a frown on her face. 'Who are you?'
She just takes Price's hand and is like 'okay well we have shopping to do, bye' and is the one to drag them all away, like hello we have a schedule to stick to???
They decide to move towns anyway, just to get away from the person reader pretended not to know, and after a few months of peace the obituary lists their death off from some unfortunate accident, totally unrelated to any of the boys at all, and reader doesn't even bat an eye.
fellow shit week haver what's up 👊🏻
So, unfortunately, if we're talking the Haul boys like I'm assuming we are, you've made one bad miscalculation in that they will not be any less abusive than your exes and will def leave you battered from time to time. But yes, they will take outright pride in providing you a home and a schedule and sustenance. Which makes you absolutely perfect for them when accept it all so graciously
Gaz and John accept it almost instantly, both desperate for a sweet little thing to dote on who's gracious and sweet. Gaz starts having movie nights with you within a month, lugging a TV set down to you at least once a week because you can't be trusted top side quite yet in case he falls asleep to whatever cutesy romcom you've chosen. He calls them date nights, gets mad at the receivers he's delivering to if they keep him held up too long on those days. Surprises himself the first time he lets slip his baby's home waiting on him.
John clocks your need for structure instantly, it being a trait he's seen all too often in the service. He's all too happy to provide it, softening the schedule he's set for past victims dolls when he sees how quickly you take to it. You get lunch, for a start. He even eats it with you most days, a new adjustment that works out for both of you, as John didn't used to bother with it either. And if they find meds in your bag, or your car, John's got clocks set and pill caddies ready to ensure you get the proper dosage on time.
When he's not too busy basking in the glory of bringing home the little wifey, Soap's the one who spends the most time with you, at least when you're still locked in your basement room. He's always telling you how proud he is of you, how well you've done in accepting your position. He's the one that finally convinces Price you can be trusted to wander the warehouse, though John near has a conniption when Soap does this by placing a knife in your hand and laughing when you just drop it back to the floor with an uncomfortable grimace.
Like you said, Simon takes the longest. He's not used to having such a pretty thing loving on him so well, but he's fiercely protective of you once he figures out you're not going anywhere. Even when they've all generally accepted you can be allowed out in public, Simon doesn't let you out of his sight. You're a bit offended at first, thinking he still doesn't trust you even after all the work you've put into giving him a home. But the first time some man comes sniffing around you and Simon scares him off with little more than a look, you understand what he's really up to.
The sense of relief you feel when they show you your own obit surprises you, just a bit. You've long since given up bothering psychoanalyzing your desires when it comes to your husbands, but you expect at least a little fear to swell up in you at the proclamation of your own death. You're well and truly theirs now, no one looking for you ever again. You wait for the fear to come, wait even longer. You're still waiting when John gives you a set of keys weeks later and tells you he's bought a nice house in the suburbs, jokes about how you won't have to sweep up concrete dust everyday anymore. But i's not fear that flips your tummy when you think about the life you have planned with them.
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aerodaltonimperial · 17 days
OUTRUNNERS WIN what a #hashtagblessed night 🔥🔥🔥
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
S.A. Chakraborty, Samantha Shannon, AND M.A. Carrick are all releasing new books this year?! #HashtagBlessed.
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cutie-melon · 5 months
i bought a cookies & cream bar cake at publix and while i was putting away my groceries i discovered a whole package of oreo thins i forgot i bought last week hashtagblessed
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bistaxx · 7 months
HGduo crumbs... I will be able to last through the harsh winter hashtagBless
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anarchocuntboogaloo · 2 years
I get to see horsies every day :')
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quantumofawesome · 1 year
me on Thursday: my ideal Friday night would involve some kind of energetic dancing
me on Friday: so what's available?
Internet: beginner lindy hop lesson at 8pm followed by three hours of live music
😍 hashtagblessed
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justaboot · 1 year
25 and 21 for the violence asks…..
21 - part of canon you think is overhyped
Okay I had to work to find a cordial answer, bc I have a genuine answer that would genuinely get me cancelled, but I think they overhyped the stakes of the Papyrus' "No More Adventure" contract. Like, I love love love LOVE that trope of being forced to make a sacrifice for a person RIGHT in front of that person. Idk its always fun, but it was resolved so crazy quickly and so crazy easily.
Like, I know there wasn't the time, and that was the big end, but when Scrooge was trapped in the dime in Shadow War, hot damn he just sat in that dime the whole episode. YES. HE LOST!
For flow, yes, it worked, I just like to see characters lose for real, and then pull it back. I have no idea if that makes sense, or how it would be done, I just wish it was a bit harder to undo.
25 - common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
I am hashtagblessed to have not been here during the discourse hayday, and actually don't hear any complaints? Like, I still get the occasional comment on AO3 about Della just sucking in general, but the internets gonna be the internet. My personal favorite was someone calling me many, many names, including gluten-free (and I think pregnant? I wish I'd kept it), bc they didn't like in situ. I get a lot of weird messages.
Internet, amiright?
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kegisaroused · 1 year
God an acquaintance of mine just realized we live in the same city now and asked me where I’m at and I’m like… please don’t ask me to hang out we are FB friends bc you dated someone else I know like 5 years ago and I enjoy our occasional social media exchanges but I do not think I could keep a straight face through your newfound female empowerment mommyblogger hashtagblessed Instagram vibes IRL.
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velvetcrucifix · 3 months
my cowboy carter vinyl came with two posters in it im #HashtagBlessed
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seomoner · 11 months
Here are five tips for starting your own social media marketing agency:
a. Define your niche and services. ...
b. Set your pricing. ...
c. Create a business plan. ...
d. Build and nurture your clientele. ...
e. Hire employees. ...
f. Track your growth and improve your portfolio. ...
g. Write relevant job descriptions...
#growonsocialmedia #brandstrategy #contentmarketing #socialmediatipsandtricks #buildyourbusiness #instagramhashtags #hashtagguide #instahashtag #hashtagblessed #hashtagsforlikes #socialmediaoptimization #instagramgrowthhacks #smo #usehashtags #howtousehashtags #hashtagmistakes #igtvindia #thesaiyangod #growoninstagram #wronghashtags #instagramgrowthtips #hashtagtrick #instagramcreators #buildyourbrand #digitalstoryteller #socialmediacontentcreation #growthmindset #socialmediatipsforbusiness #helpmesellonline #contentdesign
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rainia · 1 year
someday I’ll draw something that’s NOT the albatross or another riptide boat but that day is not likely to be anytime soon hashtagBless
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