#have a lovely frolic dear anon
starsillys · 6 months
Ur art constantly stays in my head forever it's just there. Rotating. No matter what. I could be taking the fourth most important quiz of my life and my brain will hit me with "Hey you could. You should go think about that guy's art. So fucking awesome Isnt it" and then I fail and die instantly. Basically I love your art so much you do it awesome it's so awesome I'm gonna go frolic now
oughhh the infection is spreadying AOUGHHH the malware in your head (I am the malware 👇)
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kirieshhhka003 · 4 years
So I’ve just watched Atonement and there is a scene where Keira Knightley gets out of a fountain soaking wet only wearing a lace slip in front of her love interest, and can stop thinking in how would be Bruno’s gang reaction if they were in the same situation with their crush both SFW and NSFW 👀 (if it’s too much it can be only Bruno, Abba and Mista)
A/n: My mom is a huge fan of movies like that and I have no choice but watching those with her. We’ve watched “Duchess” minimum 8 times and the whole movie I just keep staring at her boobs😂 Thank you for your request, my dear anon💚
Warnings: NSFW
Buccellati, Abbacchio and Mista seeing S/o in a soaked wet lace dress
Bruno Buccellati
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Pink lace fabric was soaked with water, draping all curves of S/o’s beautiful body. They looked like a mysterious daity, that accidentally descended from the clouds on the Earth. Bruno was engulfing their little form with his eyes, he was afraid to breathe, what if it scares them off? What if they just disappear, just dissolve in the air?
They were beautiful, most precious thing Bruno has ever seen in his entire life. But something felt off about S/o, something that Bruno could clearly see, but he couldn’t understand what. Realization hit him really hard and only one thought about it made his heart beating faster - S/o hadn’t any underwear on
Bruno blinked a couple times, thinking that his eyes were lying to him, but nothing changed, he could clearly see S/o’s hard nipples showing through the wet fabric of their dress. Oh fuck, warmth in his chest continued growing and slowly slid to his groin, causing uncomfortable tension in his pants
S/o noticed Bruno’s reaction and, with loud giggle, beckoned him with their index finger to themselves. Buccellati obeyed and quickly approached S/o, stopping only when there was less than one foot between their bodies. “What’s wrong babe? Did something confused you?” - S/o cooed playfully in his ear. Bruno took a deep breath to calm himself down, but, of course, it didn’t help
“I think we should go inside. I’ll help you with taking off your clothes, you may catch cold easily” - Bruno replied with a impish smile on his face. And he really did, it was such a pleasure for capo to help S/o to get naked. He took a proper care of them, keeping them warm all night(with his dick inside of them), so S/o won’t get ill because of their little frolic
Leone Abbacchio
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From the moment Leone saw his beloved coming out of the sea in their soaked lace dress softly draping their figure he knew, that they’ll end up in bedroom, taking this wet fabric off S/o’s body
Leone couldn’t take his eyes off of S/o - they were like an angel that descended from heaven. They approached his slowly and ran slim fingers through his long silver hair
Only when Abbacchio felt S/o’s soft touches he remembered that he can talk. Leone swallowed loudly and opened his mouth. He wanted to tell S/o how beautiful they are, that they look like a dainty fairy, tell them that he loves them so much, but the only thing that came out from his lips was “You’ll get cold”
He already started to berate himself for his conciseness, but the soft sound of S/o’s laugh made him forget about everything. “Make me feel warm then” - S/o replied with a frisky smirk
Leone doesn’t remember how his hands appeared on their waist and his lips pressed against S/o’s, but he still clearly sees that fantastic expression on S/o’s face on the brim of their orgasm when he was thrusting them into the mattress of their shared bed
Guido Mista
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When Guido saw S/o approaching him in a soaking wet dress, he literally dropped his jaw. Their white lace dress, that Mista bought them when they were spending weekend in Venice together, was softly wrapping S/o’s body, emphasizing their natural beauty
Wet fabric became almost invisible and Mista could see S/o’s lingerie. They were wearing pink panties with lots of blue flowers embroidered on it(his favorite one). Oh god, Mista wanted to squeeze those thighs so badly, to leave print of his palms and hickeys all over S/o’s skin
Mista stood up from his seat and started to slowly move towards S/o. The only thing he could see is S/o’s plump pink lips, curved in a mocking smile. Of course they knew that Mista will go right into their arms! Guido still can’t understand how S/o make him doing exactly what they want him to only by giving him just one look
They were standing in the middle of a private beach, no one’s around, only two of them, looking lovingly into each other’s eyes. Mista’s lips on S/o’s lips. Moment later he places his big calloused palms on S/o’s buttocks, squishing and rubbing their soft flesh
And, of course, from the start of their little show S/o knew that they’ll end up in a bedroom, all naked and heated, kissing each other wherever their lips could reach. It’s so easy to make Mista going, but it’s impossible to stop him, not as S/o wanted him to
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whirlybirdwhat · 3 years
Have you ever though about making your own island in the one piece world? I don't know why not more people do that one piece's islands are so diverse i think making one could be a fun worldbuilding exercise.
OOOOOOOO oh this is fun. i somehwhat made my own islands in what the ocean drags down and belong among the wildflowers and in the upcoming chapters of heart of darkness and dearest brother (who you are) but i have yet to like. make an island for the sake of an island despite my love of worldbuilding - so lets see
In the new world lies an island that straddles the world of sky and sea, claiming both for it’s own bounty and joy. There is no name, except for the one whispered on the wind, but it’s landscape can never be forgotten. First - the island it’s self. A caldera, opening out into the sea, with lava tracks carved into every piece. The water is vibrant teal and blue, with white caps only on the most windiest of days. Sailboats and ships can find themselves at home on the bustling ports, but they’ll find few local homes. For that, they must crane their necks and look to the sky, past the mountain peaks and trails and to the highest point - and let their eyes follow ropes and thethers up to the floating city. It floats above the caldera, held up by rainbow colored balloons and connected by rope bridges and nets. There, the inhabitants of the island find their homes and stores and government building. There, children frolic behind closed nets and people soar around with gliders rather than on wavers or boats or by their own feet. There - it is no sky island, but it is a city in the sky all the same.
okay this was too much fun and let me get into stuff that i have been thinking about for a possible dnd game and dear anon i will be thinking about this nameless island forever now. i love this island oh my gosh
I am also inviting everyone else to make their own islands and @ me so I can rb them and enjoy them when I got wifi again because !!! This is so very fun. Also my e k and , keys stopped working on tumbler and Tumblr alone while I was typing this?? So I have had to write this in my notes app and then copy paste it over. Tumblr is a functional website. damn.
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anon-ohmus · 4 years
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And a happy fine helllo
My Name is Anon from the land of Ohm,
Welcome to my home away from home
Before someone tells you i stole it, it’s honestly just a loan.
And the place I serve my sentence for casting the wrong stones
in a land far away and a time so long ago
Anywho, I offer a service From the depths of my mind
It’s Fundamentally simple, yet beautifully sublime.
I need nothing to produce this timeless art.
I Make it with nothing from the end to the start.
Where it comes from who really knows?
I’ve pondered that for years and know that I don’t.
if you want to explain it, I hope that you won’t
Just enjoy the river no matter the flow
It’s a fun ride regardless of where it goes
📖Yes, the schemes of my rhymes are wild and chaotic.
Some call me an amateur, I’m not, I’m just neurotic.
The truth is I’m an alien, and it’s actually quite exotic.
But please Bear with me if this starts to get robotic.
I really hoped to trim and skim the topics
,Not convey myself as a nerdy alcoholic,
And stick to things that folks might find anecdotic
But now I feel it’s turning quite psychotic
At least it hasn’t taken a turn for the erotic
Or something grim like outbreaks of bubonic
Or anything racist or naively Patriotic
Thankfully I’m out of rhymes that I find melodic
Hopefully that might be just enough to stop it
But, it seems this poem is quite kaleidoscopic
And will recite a near rhyme to not seem idiotic.
Everyone just remain calm, or it might become despotic
I’ll use my gift of.linguistics to do my best to try calm it
I’ll craft a call for it to give response, follow, and frolic
perhaps to a series a sixty six of episodic biopics
Written by acne riddled junkies still hooked on phonics?
What a terrible annoying idea, I’m sure it will work!
Now, have at thee, you vile Flibbertigibbet jerk!
Now to tie of this stanza with some pointless fancy jargon
And A secret technique I learned from Marvin the Martian
At least I think it was him, but I suppose I could be wrong
That Martian moonshine they brew is actually quite strong
It must have been spiked with Plutonian cocaine
Or even Jupiter Juice because I went a tad insane.
I ejected my uncle from the airlock and didn’t sleep for a week
But I distinctly remember meeting that croaky, centurion freak
Because he’s the one that pointed out that Uncle Sam could still breathe.
Wait, was that the day we met or was that a Martian weed dream?
Come to think of it , it wasn’t my Uncle Sam, it was my Aunt Billy.
dreams are really are strange when IRL is just as weird and silly.
is it racist to suspect that Martians are a sect of black-faced Ku klux gladiators?
No matter , it’s time for the leafy super dank 420 psyche Modulator.
Perhaps enough of this chronic smoke
will be enough to make me wheeze and choke
And guffaw, and chuckle to disjoint my body and free my mind
To Temporarily pass right the hell out of space and fall out of time
To finally sober up and end this silly, flamboyant display of mine
I’ll huff and I’ll puff like a classic fairy tale canine
And if we can call this a poem it will conclude just fine.📖
Eureka! It worked! Suck my ink you linguistic Jerk!
Go find some other mediocre poet’s verse in which to lurk!....in.
As I was saying,
Perhaps it’s a talent I’ve honed over time.
I’m just thankful my talent was this and not mime.
No offense to my duochrome homies, I respect the anti-arts just fine.
But for me some things are just too much set up with no real punchline.
bravo if you’ve made it this far.
still entertained? Then, you’re an absolute star! 🤩
With me you’ll find no dark agendas or endeavors.
Just a mysterious bird that might be of your feathers
But also just a sad and lonely, alien Nerd
Whose only friend in this prison is the written word.
prison? Why, How utterly absurd!
Why would i label my home with such a word??
Never would I dare utter such terminology!
Such cockamamie slander warrants me an apology!
Among the word crafting nobles of highest celestial regard
I am a heralded saint and you a mere crusty begging bard!
My tounge might be forked and silver and my nose- long and brown.
But I will always be an honest lying minstrel and not a sad heartbroken clown.
Hm? What was that my dear? I’m sorry for that outburst you had to overhear
It’s just that The neighbors I have locked in my head
They bully my speech and critique every syllable said.
But now I suspect they’ll go away and finally drop dead
or maybe they’ll at least just make fun of you instead.
So just Relax and trade me your wonderful stories.
Go on, i won’t even find the mundane one’s boring .
Stick around, in my home you’re always most welcome.
Visitors are rare; smiling ones even more seldom.
But I think this poem can mutate one more time while i fetch
Ir seems to fancy the rhyme scheme flip from a-a to a-b
Before you say it please don’t get me wrong, comrade.
I am happy, just lonely, lost, and misunderstood...
Whether l seem overjoyed, miserable , hurt, or mad.
I feel how I feel not how i want or am taught I should....I
Most days I am thankful for whatever realm of whimsy births my art
But often These beautiful words can make things so much worse
Breaking Hearts made of glass, when mine won’t even start
I think my gift of petty prose may be just a vile Trojan horse.
If the pen I wield is mightier than their sharpest swords
And My weapons are not just verse and sloppy rhyme
Why do those I adore seem, at times, annoyed or bored
With these fleeting , flighty, flowing thoughts of mine?
So let us relax and trade our dreams and stories
Even those the other might find dreadful or boring
Anon is my name. I’m of the Land of Ohm
Giving lonely strings of words a place to call home
I have nothing to sell , I preach no religion or Champion a philosophy
All i have to offer are unsent love notes And a few cathartic apologies.
- Anon Ohmus
Mar 10, 2021
8:46 PM
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