#have a memorable summer
skiesandflowerss · 1 year
sky, i am kind of going through a writer's block and it is bothering me. do you have any ideas that i can write on? any prompts? and pov's you'd like to read that i can write? any emotion that i can write on? and fictional scene? anything? any ideas are welcomed! but of course, no pressure to come up with ideas if that'd cost you lots of energy and time. you can choose to ignore this ask as well, no problem at all. thank you. <3
and i hope you are doing well! and, also, life update. i got done with almost all of my interviews last month, so i have been very free and living these slow days without any care. it's been fun ngl but some days i get a little sad because of the lack of events in my life. anyway, next month it'd be decided which college i'd be going to for my post grad. i really really hope i get a good one! :" and i read and watched a couple of things during this free period, and they were all so good. makes me fall in love with life when i come across things that capture all my attention and make me appreciate art and the people behind it. :")
Imaaa, I don't know if i will be able to help you much here cause I haven't picked up a book to read in a while and honestly my mind is all blank these days but I do have some suggestions or lines or povs you might can write on, I hope they help you:
'You're far away,' she says, returning you to the present. 'Don't hide from me.'
You have never loved from a distance, but then you have never known love like this. You want to tell yourself, and her, that it will be OK, that nothing will change, but you don't know.
You are ending the summer, wondering how it is possible to miss someone before they have gone. There are lives moving around you but they are of little concern.
Have you ever been afraid of what lies within you, what you're capable of?
You can't live in a vacuum. And when you let people in and you make yourself vulnerable, they're able to have an effect on you. If that makes sense.'
To live with other people is to be responsible for protecting them from your moods.
It was so gorgeous that it almost felt like sadness.
Maybe I was afraid of seeing anything as absolute. I wanted to keep moving, like a stream, and I wanted to go on watching everything from a distance.
Truly happy memories always live on, shining. Over time, one by one, they come back to life.
I've always been like that—if I'm not pushed to the brink, I won't move.
What a pain I thought, wondering why everyone felt such a need for reassurance.
(Ps: these are all quotes from the books I read last year and also I read a book Open Water by Caleb Azumah Nelson last year which kind of gave me many ideas to write on like this book helped me write quite vividly and this book is hardly of 130 pages so I would suggest you to give it a read in your spare time, I think it will help you come out of the block)
and I'm doing fine, my exams are close so I'm not doing any extra activity which is basically reading these days but yeah and glad to hear that you are finally over your a-little-stressful-cum-eventful-days and do enjoy your mellow days and summers are here so do have a fun time attempting activities that can attract your creative brain and yes you have had quite a busy month so do relax and take care of yourself. Hoping that you get to choose your desired college and have a great time pursuing your masters. Sending you positivity, hugs and sunshine 🌻🌻🌻
(another ps: I will keep adding lines or prompts as I get time and ideas)
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macadam · 1 year
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I think about King Kong adventure fuck every day
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destroyplaydestroy · 6 months
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Rnm sketches from someone too attached to other seasons to watch the new season
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a-musing-mixologist · 14 hours
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daily-whistlepaw · 3 days
Partial hiatus announcement
I have a very painful week of exams coming up. Technically I've been at it for a few weeks now and I've still managed to draw all the whistlepaws, but this week I have three exams with barely any time between them and they scare me, and then also one extra on the Monday thereafter, stealing a whole extra weekend from me. It'll be a heavy week for me and I might struggle to even justify drawing the whistlepaws. (It's not like I am studying at all honestly, but my brain hates me sometimes and I'm still trying to memorize those dumb Greek models)
So in short, expect this week's daily Whistlepaws, until at least the start of July honestly, to be more hastily drawn or just missing.
I will catch up in the summer, but this week will drain the little energy I have left and while I'd want to just spend it on drawing Whis, but I don't feel like I am allowed to anymore. I need to study for these things
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brutal-out-here · 11 months
Tsitp s2 is just really throwing punches at me
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collgeruledzebra · 11 months
continually fascinated by the variety of life on earth, continually frustrated by the lack of attention given to anything that isn't a vertebrate animal
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kaserolly · 1 year
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Me remembering that I still need to study for the re-examination session (which is in the same week as my bday, but it's ok tho cuz my bday falls on a Sunday) so that I can take the exams I failed this uni year
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chqnified · 1 year
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quatregats · 1 year
I know I have been angling for someone to write The Adventures of Charlotte and Fanny and now that we have been introduced to Emily and Sarah I am petitioning for them to be added and for the four of them to be chaotic swearing mischief-causing gremlins together
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musiquesduciel · 1 year
Thinking about how this time 10 years ago I was at my Uncle's with my guitar in the midst of a 4 month long summer vacation.
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bleachersgirl · 2 years
you read pete wentz’s old blogs to find evidence of him dating one specific person over one specific summer and make jokes about it i read pete wentz’s old blogs because i have a deep and complex parasocial relationship with him and i care about what he has to say and enjoy his writing we are not the same
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okkottsus · 1 year
these last few days were literal hell bc of me having to cram 3 books worth of knowledge into one week due to my procrastination curse, but will i learn my lesson? no, since i still passed the exam 
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astrxealis · 2 years
i find it really interesting and a bit sentimental to see people going through msq for the first time bcs wow it's been a while since i've been there!!!
but also . KEEHKD it is also Intriguing to see people take really long with doing msq ... bcs yeah i took a bit longer with. arr-hw but MAN stb. finished in around less than 10 days and same with shb! though shb patches i was a bit lazy with >_< i finished enw in around less than 10 days too ..... aagghh help
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plinkcat-gif · 2 years
❤️ - favourite song (current)
zen by x ambassadors!! feat. grandson and k.flay whose music i also REALLY like <33 such a kind of ironic but also fun song djskshfjs
🎸 - what is one instrument that you want to learn how to play?
GUITAR. LITERALLY SO BAD. the only thing is that it is hard and i hate using a pick SJDJSKAJFN it also requires a lot more finger strength so i will just stick to my ukulele for now thanks
ask game !!
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bitegore · 2 years
Tumblr User Bitegore, Lizard Supreme, invites you to snoop!
Want to know what fics I'm reading? Cool! I have graciously deemed this to be "non-sensitive information" and "fun to talk about" and have decided to do a weekly writeup!
I'm not crossposting this all to Tumblr because I'm a lazy bastard but I will post the link here: https://redthedragon.dreamwidth.org/tag/my+week+in+fic and inform you all that i've been updating wednesdays, though i think I'm going to switch that to saturdays because it'll be easier to do it then.
(and remind you that i have a dreamwidth and dreamwidth is great and i recommend it, you can hang with me there)
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