#have been having a lot of fun writing this bike messenger au
sharethisdoom · 4 months
“You’re gonna break all the goddamn bones in your body if you keep riding like that.”
“What’s it to you?” Bike Messenger Asshole turns to ask.
Leonard loses the self-righteous lecture he had prepared with one good look at Bike Messenger Asshole. As it turns out, Bike Messenger Asshole is pretty young, a little scrawny, and looks as tired as Leonard feels, but with bright blue eyes and a halo of blond hair on his helmetless head, catching the morning sun.
Leonard is a (mostly) well-behaved cyclist who commutes to his job at San Francisco General Hospital. Jim’s a hotshot bike messenger. Modern-ish AU.
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silkling · 3 years
Hi Silkling, could you please write a TFP story where Sierra discovers the Autobot's secret and joins up with Team Prime? TFP never really did much with her, and I think that a shame. I think Smokescreen would make a good partner for her.
Absolutely! Great to see you again in my ask box! :D your last prompt was super fun to write to, so I’m looking forward to this one! Now, I admit, I never paid much attention to Sierra, and the show didn’t give us a lot to work with, so I’m going to have to come up with some of her characterization. And I agree. So I’m mashing her with Smokescreen. It’s gonna a be great. I love Smokescreen very much! I even have a whole AU of my own for him. He’s a tiny happy dumbass and since Sierra has basically no canon personality, I can make her be his long-suffering but still very fond best friend.
Sierra had been having a good day. Emphasis on the word had. It was the weekend. She had packed a small picnic, grabbed her favorite book, and hopped on her bike. She’d ridden out to the popular hiking trails, intending to take a short hike and finding a nice place to spend the afternoon with a her novel and her snacks. The sun was out, the weather was great, and she had nothing to do today. It was perfect. So, of course, the laws of the universe demanded that something go wrong.
‘Murphy is a cruel bastard and and I’m going to punch him in the face when I see him in the afterlife.’ She thought viciously, staring up at the hulking titan that had just crushed her lunch and bike under a single massive metal foot with a sense of numb disbelief. ‘At least I still have the book.’ She ignored how the thought echoed with a note of hysteria as she shoved said book into the messenger bag over her shoulder.
“Are you Sierra O’Niell?”
She was only slightly surprised when the massive robot spoke. Because why wouldn’t the giant robot that had just moments ago been a jet be able to speak? Honestly, what even was her life at this point. She was more concerned with the fact that the thing knew her name. Her initial instinct was the demand how it knew her name. But she’d seen the movies. She knew that would only confirm it’s suspicions.
“Who?” she forced herself to ask instead, surprising herself with how steady her voice was. It was the shock, she told herself. It had to be. It was making her emotionally numb. “What are you?”
The robot seemed startled, before it snarled something that was most definitely a curse. It started speaking, though not to her, and it took Sierra a moment to realize it must have been talking over some sort of built in communication system. “-wrong human, Soundwave! This pathetic fleshling you pointed out to me doesn’t even know who I am talking about.” It paused. “What do you mean it’s not the wrong human? I just told you-“ it cut itself off. “Ah. I see.” A sinister grin twisted at metallic features. “Thank you, Soundwave. I will return with my prize shortly.”
Oh, Sierra did not like the sound of that.
Sure enough, the robot turned to face her when it was done. “It seems you lied to me, little fleshling.” it sneered. “My associate tracked the signal of your personal communications device. You humans never go without it, I’ve been told.”
She blinked. “You hacked my phone?” she sputtered, and oops, she’d just confirmed her identity. ‘Stupid, Sierra.’
It’s face twisted into a cruel expression of glee. She did not like it. “Indeed.” It began bending down, and then a large hand was reaching towards her. “You shall be coming with me, human. Soundwave has seen how Jackson Darby is fond of you.” it purred. “You will make a lovely bargaining chip against that pathetic human runt and his Autobot protectors.”
And wait, this was because of Jack? How did he come into all this? If this thing was after her because of him, that had to mean he knew about it and it’s…friends. Did robots have friends? She didn’t know. And wait, Autobot?
She stiffened, scrabbling away from the large metallic hand, shunting those questions to the back of her mind to be answered later. Escape the terrifying metal monster now, murder Jack for pulling her into this later. Clearly though, the robot disliked her attempt to flee because it only growled and stepped towards her again.
That’s when she heard the roaring of a powerful engine. It made the robot pause too, and they both looked to where the sound came from. Then, over the crest of a hill, a white and blue sports car came flying in. It had red accents and bold 38s painted onto its doors. Sierra was impressed. She was no car person, but even she liked this one. Only, the car started breaking apart once it hit the ground, unfolding and growing into the form of, you guessed it, another robot.
Sierra despaired for her luck. ‘Murphy is going to die a second time for this. He’d better be prepared.’ She thought with vicious hysteria.
Except, to her great surprise, the new robot didn’t try to help capture her. No, instead it rammed full force into the tall jet robot that had tried to snatch her up. Said jet yelped before quickly getting back to its feet. Sierra heard the should of metal and gears shifting, and saw the newcomer’s large hand change to some sort of weapon, though not one she could recognize.
“Terrorizing humans now, Starscream?” it taunted. “Can’t say I’m surprised, you always were one to sink so low.”
The first robot, Starscream, apparently, snarled in outrage. “Pathetic Autobot!” it roared, and oh, so this newcomer was Autobot?
Except, from the two names she’d heard already, that didn’t sound like the type of name these robots seemed to have. She did notice the little face badges they wore, the white bot bearing a red one proudly on its shoulders while the jet robot wore a smaller, pointier face on its chest. So maybe those had something to do with the whole ‘Autobot’ thing? Hell if she knew. Sierra was clever, and she’d always been good at puzzles and mystery solving, but she didn’t have enough information for this whole…thing.
“I’m not the one who’s picking on defenseless humans, ‘Con!” the car robot barked, smirking at the skinnier jet.
The jet only snarled, lifting an arm that she was just noticing had a freaking missile attached to it, and the white robot stilled briefly, before shooting her a frantic look and oh, would you look at that, she seemed to be right in the blast radius of the missile, and oh god she was going to die-
Except, there was that shifting sound again, but much larger, and then car robot was leaping towards her. It hit the ground in car form, it’s driver door open as it slid sideways in her direction, and then she was swept up into it and the door slammed shut. Tires squealed, and then they were peeling away to the sound of a missile screaming and impacting where they had been a half second before. The jet roared in outrage, but the car robot was speeding straight towards civilization, and it seemed to want to avoid that because when she glanced at the rear view mirror she saw it leap into the sky and transform before flying away.
Sierra slowly sat up from her ungainly sprawl, pulling the seatbelt across her chest on reflex before sitting back against the driver’s seat and wheezing. Her heartbeat, which she only just noticed had been thundering wildly in her chest, started to slowly calm, and she had to force herself to take deep, even breaths to keep herself from hyperventilating.
Now, Sierra wasn’t an irrational girl. She was among the top students of all her classes, she was smart, she knew a lot about various topics, and she had a good understanding of how people worked. She was clever, she knew she had a good head on her shoulders. She kept some of her interests closer to her chest, and she played the good, polite, quiet girl for the adults, because she wasn’t without manners, thank you very much. All that meant, though, was that she wasn’t prone to screaming in terror and running like a madman when she was freaked out by something. She would prefer to understand something rather than be irrationally terrified of it.
This, though? This was a bit much, even for her. As her heartbeat calmed, a sense of nausea built in her throat. “Excuse me, robot?” she squeaked. She wasn’t even sure if she could communicate with it while it was in car mode, but it was worth a shot.
“It’s Smokescreen.”
“My name is Smokescreen. Not “robot”.”
It sounded miffed. Which, okay. That was fair. If someone called her just “human” she’d probably be upset too. Hell, she had been upset when that other one, Starscream, had called her a “fleshling”. Smokescreen’s voice also sounded very male, and she paused before asking.
“And you’re not an “it” either, then?”
“No, I’m a mech.” A pause. “Uh, a male, by your definitions.”
“Okay. Smokescreen. Well, I’m Sierra, and as grateful as I am for your rescue you should really, really stop and let me out. Humans don’t handle extreme stress very well and I’m about to be sick.”
Oh god, did robots even get sick?
“I’m about to vomit. Which means I am very close to expelling internal body waste, and it will be right in your seats if you don’t let me out so I can barf behind some rocks.” she informed him tightly, fighting down a gag.
There was a brief moment if silence as Smokescreen seemed to process her words, before he turned off the side of the road, drove behind some rocks, and popped open the door. “Please don’t be sick in me.” Oh, now he sounded sick. Sierra felt a little bad.
She didn’t say anything to that, instead stumbling out of the car and out of sight, before promptly bending over and tossing her breakfast. She gagged on bile, and after a moment of pause to make sure there was nothing left in her stomach, she stood and made her way back to where Smokescreen was waiting. She pulled her water bottle from her bag, taking a sip and washing out her mouth with it before spitting it to the side, and then she proceeded to drink everything left in the bottle. She tucked it away, turning to her impromptu ride, and opened her mouth to speak, when-.
“Oh slag.” He beat her to the punch.
She was confused, recognizing that as a curse of some sort, and then she heard the beeping from his radio.
“Um, hold on for a minute, alright? I gotta take this.” He sounded anxious, and didn’t give her a chance to answer before there was a click as he did just that.
She heard muffled noises over the radio, though she couldn’t make out the words being said.
“Um, yeah. There was a ‘Con signal. I was close so I checked it out.”
More radio noises, angry sounding ones.
“I know, I know! But I was closest and no one would pick up their comm. so I thought I should st least check it out! It was a good thing too, Starscream was there and he was about to snatch up a human!”
A pause, and then an explosion of garbled noise from the radio. Sierra got the feeling that Smokescreen was wincing.
“Well what was I supposed to do? Let her be taken? Plus she’d already seen him so it wasn’t like seeing me was going to do much damage!”
A growling noise, followed by a hiss of static.
“Yes, Ratchet. I know. And I am sorry, alright! I know I went against code again but if I had waited a human would’ve been in Deception hands and as new as I am to this planet, even I know that’s bad!”
Wait, planet? Was this giant ass robot an actual alien? That…honestly made sense. With that day she’d had, she wasn’t even surprised. Smokescreen was still having his discussion with…whoever was on the other end.
“Yes, I’ll bring her back to base. I’m not going to apologize for saving her, though.”
More angry static.
“Yeah yeah. I get it.”
He sounded tired, defeated. Sierra felt bad, and wondered what was being said to make him sound like that when he’d been so bright before.
“No, you don’t need to send a ground bridge. I’m close to the base anyway. I’ll be there soon.”
There was a click as Smokescreen disconnected from whoever called him, and then she could tell he was talking to her when he spoke next. “Mind hopping in? I gotta bring you back to base. The boss can explain everything. I promise you won’t be hurt or anything.”
Sierra hesitated for a moment, then sighed. She knew she probably shouldn’t, but at this point what was the harm? Besides, her gut instinct was telling her that, based on what that Starscream character had said about Jack, she wouldn’t have to worry about being hurt. Not if Darby spent all his free time around these weird alien robots and came back fine. Mind decided, she slipped into the car’s open door. It shut on its own, and she buckled herself in once more.
“Thanks.” He sounded grateful. And then he was driving off.
He wasn’t saying anything, and neither was Sierra, and she let herself be alone with her thoughts. They drove for a while, and Sierra let herself enjoy the landscape that passed by Smokescreen’s window. He really was a nice ride, she mused. Sleek and fast, and his engine purred quietly as he drove along the highway. She didn’t know much about cars, but she knew his car mode was a good one.
Soon enough, they were coming towards a large mesa. Smokescreen drove right toward its side, not even slowing as he approached, Sierra tensed, about to protest, when a previously invisible door opened in the rock face. She shut her mouth, her eyes blowing wide. Oh. That explained that. Their base was hidden in plain sight. Which…she supposed was fitting, for alien robots who disguised themselves as cars and jets. Smokescreen took them through a tunnel, and then they were coming into a large central chamber. Sierra peeked out if the window to see two other robots there. One, stocky and painted in red and white. The other…was absolutely massive. He towered above the red and white bot, and she had a feeling he’d tower over Smokescreen too. He was broad as he was tall, with wide shoulders and a heavy looking chest, his metal armor painted in red and blue. Sierra didn’t know how she knew, but she just knew that this large one was a he, a mech, as Smokescreen had said.
The door at her side popped open, and after brief hesitation she unbuckled herself and stood up. There was that sound of transformation behind her, and she glanced back to see Smokescreen rising to his feet in his robot mode. Then a voice spoke and she snapped her head around to see the large bot speaking.
“Greetings, young one. My name is Optimus Prime. My companion is Ratchet, and you have already met Smokescreen.”
Ratchet. That’s who Smokescreen had been talking to earlier. “I’m Sierra.” she said after a moment. “Sierra O’Niell.”
Optimus tilted his head downwards in her direction. “May I inquire why Starscream was attempting to abduct you, if you know?”
“You’re very polite.” she remarked dryly. “He said something about wanting to use me to get to Jack Darby, so that he could in turn use Jack to get to the “Autobots”. I’m guessing that’s you guys?”
Optimus shared a look with Ratchet, then looked back at her. “Indeed. Myself and my team are Autobots. Starscream is a Decepticon. Our factions are enemies, I am afraid.” he explained. “We are not from your world, Sierra O’Niell. We hail from a planet called Cybertron. Our two factions were at War on our home, and that War destroyed our world. The Deceptions came here, searching for energon, and we have followed them to keep them from destroying your planet and it’s people in their quest for it.”
Sierra turned that over. She’d guessed they weren’t from Earth, so that wasn’t a surprise. The rest of the information was new, though. And appreciated. “What’s energon? And how does Jack fit into all this?”
Optimus sighed. “Energon is an energy source, and the very lifeblood of every Cybertronian.” he explained. “It is a natural resource that was once common on our home, and somehow Earth too produces it in great abundance.” he explained. “Jackson, Miko, and Raphael became involved with us by accident. They were seen with my Autobots when they mistakenly were pulled into a battle with the Decepticons, and the Decepticons assumed they were our allies. In order to protect them, we took them under our watch and guard to ensure they could not be harmed.”
So, Esquivel and Nakadai were part of this too. She shouldn’t be surprised. She’d seen the cars that picked those two up, now that she thought of it. Speaking of which….
“Jack’s motorcycle is an Autobot, isn’t it? And Miko and Raphael’s cars?”
Optimus hummed. “Indeed. Arcee, Bumblee, and Bulkhead were the ones to initially partner with and save the children in that first encounter. After they were brought into the fold, it made only sense to assign them as their Autobot guardians.”
Sierra nodded as she took that all in. Then she frowned. “I’m involved now too, aren’t I? I would have been involved regardless, if the Decepticons were really after me, but Smokescreen saving me just means my involvement is going to be more pleasant than it otherwise would have been.”
Optimus and Ratchet shared yet another look, before casting their gazes to Smokescreen. The white bot fidgeted under their combined stares, head ducking and looking uncomfortable. “While we are not pleased that the youngling acted on impulse and charged into battle against protocol, we are pleased that he saved your life, young Sierra.” Optimus said after a moment.
Sierra blinked. “Youngling.” she repeated in confusion. Then she narrowed her eyes. “You’re not getting him into trouble for saving me, are you?” she asked heatedly. The very idea insulted her.
Optimus twitched as if startled, then rumbled a soft chuckle. “Youngling, yes. It is a term used by Cybertronians to refer to those of us who are not yet fully grown. Smokescreen is the equivalent of a human teenager.” he explained. “And worry not. In this instance, we can overlook the breach in regulations. It would send a poor message to punish a bot for upholding the Autobot creed.”
Sierra relaxed at that, nodding. Then she narrowed her eyes. “I’m going to want to have a discussion with you later about why you’re letting teenagers fight in a war, but I know now isn’t the time.” she said threateningly.
Both older bots startled back and her tone and words, and Smokescreen squeaked from behind her. She turned and drew a harsh line across her mouth before he could say anything, and she watched as he stared, slack-jawed, before closing his mouth with an audible clack. That done, she returned her attention to the apparent leader. There was one more thing she wanted settled.
“You said the others got guardians, right?”
A nod.
“Well, if I’m going to need one, and something tells me I will, then I want this one.” she jerked her thumb over her shoulder at Smokescreen.
Optimus’s eyes narrowed in what she realized was a faint smile. “If Smokescreen agrees, then I have no issues with that.” he hummed. “All I ask is that you remain here until our liaison with the human government arrives. Agent Fowler will want to discuss some matters with you before you return home.”
Sierra blinked. So the government knew about all this. That was good to know. It meant she wouldn’t get in trouble for conspiring with aliens if it ever came to light. She could also understand why they kept this whole thing a secret, even if governments hiding things from the public wasn’t always a good thing. In this case, it was a good thing.
“As long as I’m home before my curfew.” she agreed.
Another bow of that great head, and then Optimus was turning to stride away. Presumably to make contact with this Fowler. That left her and Smokescreen with Ratchet.
The stocky bot glanced at them, then turned to that odd console she’d noticed earlier. “Smokescreen will show you around.” Was all he said, waving them away with a dismissive flip of his hand.
Sierra, taking that as her cue, turned to the youngest bot. She thrust out her hand. “What do you say? Partners?”
He seemed confused, before slowly crouching and extending his hand to tap a finger to her palm. “Yeah, sure.” he seemed a little awed that she’d want to partner with him.
She smiled. “Good. In that case, why don’t you give me a ride and show me around your base?”
Smokescreen seemed confused. “Ride?”
“On your shoulder. I’d like to see it from your perspective.”
He blinked, then shrugged and put his hand, palm up, on the floor. Sierra took that as her que to climb up, and he carefully transferred her to his shoulder. Cool. Very cool. She just wanted to ride on the giant alien robot, and now she got to. That was cool.
She saw him look at her out of the corner of his bright, shining blue eyes, and she smiled warmly. “Well? Show me around your home, big guy. I’d like to get to know you.”
Smokescreen perked up, the little protrusions on his back wiggling with his apparent joy, and Sierra grinned a little wider. Oh, he was cute. How a giant robot could be endearing, she didn’t know, but he did it. He was sort of like a puppy. A giant, metal, alien puppy. She held on as he started walking, and she listened with half an ear, processing and noting what he told her as the rest of her mind turned over the events of her day.
It had been stressful, and scary, but now that it was all done and she was fine…
‘Yeah.’ she thought, watching her new partner eagerly show her around the small, hidden base he called home. ‘I think I’m gonna like it here.’
And that was that! I hoped you like it! It was fun to write. The show didn’t give Sierra a last name or a real personality, so I had to kind of do that bit myself. And I was right! I did enjoy writing this. The prompt inspired me to write this faster than I thought I’d be able to. I do not expect to be able to fill a prompt this quickly again. Unfortunately. Also, Sierra is definitely going to be the straight man to Smokescreen. He’s going to need it. Badly.
Until next time, friends!
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maychorian · 7 years
Weekly Voltron Fic Recs #43
Rules: You can find past weekly rec lists here, and non-list recs in my general fic rec tag. Also follow @maychorianrecs for individually tagged posts, the easier to search and reblog. This is stuff I like, and I have a huge bias toward Lance, hurt/comfort, and general fluff, in that order. Gen unless otherwise noted. Please comment on the fics if you read and enjoy them!
What Happens on Youtube Stays on Youtube byIdidntsignupforthisshit (Oliver_Ravenwood) Words: 7,471 Author’s Summary: Keith’s break into the YouTube community was an odd one. One he wasn’t planning on making. It was all for this wildly popular group of vloggers, and his close connections to them all. He didn’t expect his “big break” to be all because of a crashed vlog and a close shave. Partnered with @sirensantics!! My Comments: Fluffy modern AU in which the paladins all room together and constantly end up in each other’s YouTube videos. Sweet friendship and childish humor all over the place.
The World Is Wide Enough by thegalrahobbitofplantetgalilfrey Words: 1,633 Author’s Summary: So, basically, I wanted a “paladins grow up together and are buddies for life” AU without A.) Shiro as Keith’s adopted dad/brother, and B.) That didn’t end in Klance. Starts when they’re small and then progresses, because guess what it’s time for another series! Just when you thought I was done. My Comments: Just a cute fun, fic with all of the paladins meeting as children and having fun together. A nice spot of uncomplicated fluff.
Winging It by Engineer104 Words: 2,187 Author’s Summary: Recipe for fun: 1 notebook 5 Paladins 1 Princess 1 Advisor 7 paper airplanes Or, what happens when several Earth teenagers are lightyears away from home and have an entire notebook and a free day My Comments: Adorable bonding fic in which the team makes paper airplanes and races them. It’s a simple concept, but very fun to read, and I liked the focus on Coran.
Something Small and Precious by Karee_the_wise Words: 30,435 Author’s Summary: Tensions were already building within the team; with the revelation of Keith’s Galra heritage, Allura’s entrenched prejudices, and Lance’s supposed “rivalry” with Keith. But following their latest mission, they’ll all have to face their problems head on. Because now they have a Galra toddler on their hands. So, Team Voltron needs to make a decision as they move forward with their Grand Plan to defeat Zarkon once and for all: will this latest challenge be what bonds them or what tears them apart? My Comments: Team Voltron dealing with a kid is always a treat, and this is an interesting take on that concept, with some rewriting of canon that doesn’t come off as a total retread. Mild Klance at the end.
Spectrum by Engineer104 Words: 9,562 Author’s Summary: When Allura set out from her devastated homeland to search for the Dragon Reborn, she did not expect to also find three young Paladins and a missing war veteran in an Arusian backwater, anymore than she expected the Galra attack right after. My Comments: Very fun fantasy AU based on the Wheel of Time series, though you don’t have to read that to understand what’s going on. I loved all of the characterization and I’m very intrigued by the set-up. Though the story ends on a bit of a cliffhanger, it’s enjoyable as is.
Alone Together by Ninja_Librarian Words: 8,936 Author’s Summary: Day 8: Free DayFive times the scar on Shiro’s face messed with his health and made his friends worry. And the one time he gave in to doing something about it, and his friends freaked out… My Comments: Aww, this is SO sweet. Everyone just cares so much about Shiro, even worrying that they might have pushed him too much by insisting he get treated by something that is, yes, a serious medical condition. The last scene was the cutest way possible to end it, too.
Rats, Cats, and Nosy Neighbors by hufflepirate Words: 17,937 Author’s Summary: Animal-loving college student Keith Kogane has a one-bedroom apartment, a job as a bike messenger, and 6 quirky neighbors with boundary issues. In the months following the loss of his beloved cat, a series of run-ins with other animals helps him heal - and so do his friends in the apartment building. When another cat comes along, will he be ready to move on? My Comments: Holy crow, everthing this author writes is SO good. I love Keith’s slow progression through the grieving process, how he gradually becomes closer with his friends despite their irritating ways, and all the animals they meet and help along the way. Extremely satisfying fic with perfect pacing and characterization and adorable scenes. Everything is wonderful.
Beach Day by Bandity Words: 3,885 Author’s Summary: The Paladins finally get a break. Lance always finds trouble though… My Comments: Gosh, poor Lance. It sucks that he gets hurt on vacation. His protectiveness of Pidge is lovely though, and her struggle to get him back to the group and to medical care was wrenching. And afterward, he still says he likes the beach, aww.
The Kids Are Alright by Pugglemuggle Words: 10,427 Author’s Summary: Her brother is missing. Lance’s sister isn’t about to sit quietly while the Garrison keeps lying to the press. No—she’s going to get to the bottom of this. (Or: The paladins’ families team up to find their kids and overthrow the corrupt Garrison regime. Told through news articles, prose, the internet, and art.) My Comments: Well-written and realistic exploration of the paladins’ families struggling in the aftermath of their disappearance. Everything came together in a very satisfying way at the end of the fic.
When the Wolfbane Blooms by a_fearsome_thing Words: 20,055 Author’s Summary: Shiro never makes it back to Earth, instead crash-landing on a planet filled with what seem to be giant wolves. Injured and without a ship, he needs to find a way home to warn the Earth that the Galra are coming. (the one where Shiro gets adopted by a wolf pack in space) My Comments: Despite the fraught circumstances, it was pleasant and relaxing to see Shiro join a family of wolf shapeshifters before meeting up with Voltron. He got some much-needed recovery time after escaping the Galra, and the worldbuilding for the alien race was interesting.
In the Hands of Hatred by Haleykim84 (tristen84) Words: 22,917 Author’s Summary: After saving an alien race from the Galra, Team Voltron sets down on the planet for repairs. They are welcomed with open arms – until the aliens find out that Keith is Galra. My Comments: This is an intense and suspenseful fic, with the other paladins racing against time to rescue Keith while a violent faction prepares to execute him for the accident of his blood. The ending recovery period was very well-written, too.
Every Waking Hour by Cocopops1995 Words: 1,002 Author’s Summary: Lance has been dosed by a drug that doesn’t allow him to sleep. It’s left him absolutely wrung out, confused and sore all over. Hunk does what he can to help until the drug wears off. My Comments: Yes, perfect. Give me that good platonic cuddling with Hunk and Lance.
Darkness and Danger by Bandity Words: 2,545 Author’s Summary: Keith should have never tried to wake Shiro up that day. My Comments: Great exploration of Keith and Shiro’s relationship after Shiro accidentally harms Keith during a flashback. They are both very persistent, and very protective of each other, so sometimes they work at cross purposes. I’m glad they found a solution in the end.
Tail that Wags the Hound by BossToaster (ChaoticReactions) Words: 5,436 Author’s Summary: Shiro adjusts. Comments: Sequel to a previously recced fic, and I am so very pleased to see more. Post Season Three, Shiro has returned to the Castle of Lions and unexpectedly discovered a new twin brother, Ryou, in the body of his unasked-for clone. There’s a lot of adjusting to be done, but I love the new relationship these unexpected twins are forming with each other. They can challenge and encourage each other in equal measure, and they don’t have to hold back. Not a bit.
Fish Out of Water by isabeau25 Words: 5,380 Author’s Summary: Keith is going to get Shiro back, and there’s nothing anyone can do to stop him. (I bumped the rating a little because Shiro is little, and Honerva wasn’t gentle with him, but nothing is described, and nothing will be.) My Comments: Sequel to a previously recced fic, but stands alone, and I am so utterly DELIGHTED to see more of this! Merbaby Shiro is rescued and safe, but big brother Keith doesn’t know that, and he travels into the surface only to run smack dab into Pidge. My favorite parts were Lance and Hunk in the background spoiling merbaby Shiro absolutely rotten. (Lance calls him CUDDLE FISH, can you believe this cuteness.)
Where did the Party Go? by Ninja_Librarian Words: 1,530 Author’s Summary: Fun fact: Alteans can’t get food poisoning. Not-so-fun-fact: Humans can, even in space… My Comments: Ack, poor kids! Good thing Allura and Coran are able to take care of them, though it ends up being a pretty exhausting trip for everyone.
Day 6: Poison by GemmaRose Words: 1,486 Author’s Summary: They really should learn to listen to Hunk. My Comments: And now for a lighthearted romp through food poisoning! No, really, this fic is remarkably humorous, though Keith and Pidge really should learn to listen to Hunk’s gut, especially when it’s about food.
Foolish Fragile Spine by ardett Words: 1,600 Author’s Summary: During a day at the beach, Lance finds himself trapped beneath the sand. My Comments: Aww, my poor boy. He was just trying to relax and found himself fighting for his life instead. I’m proud of him for fighting through.
Don’t Rush by Agapostemon Words: 1,472 Author’s Summary: It’s almost dusk when the Holt Family Van pulls into the McDonald’s parking lot where Keith is waiting with his bike. Shiro comes stumbling out the second the automated door slides open, despite Colleen’s suggestion for him to stay put. His right arm (which now ends just above the wrist, Keith notes with a sinking feeling) is in a sling, and his face is bandaged to hell and back, but… he’s walking and breathing and here. He’s here! He’s alive! My Comments: Ahhh, poor kids. Everyone is going through a rough time, but at least Shiro and Keith are reunited.
Hope Doesn’t Grow Overnight by HotAndColdAF Words: 6,194 Author’s Summary: Shiro’s year with the Galra, as told from Ulaz’s perspective. Not really shippy, but I wrote it as a person who does ship it so. Read it as you will. My Comments: Tagged as possible romance but reads entirely platonic to me. This is a rough read, as fics about Shiro’s missing year usually are, but Ulaz’s perspective is a fresh take, and it’s interesting to watch him slowly move from trying to keep logical and disinterested to eventually going all out to help Shiro escape.
Miss Missing You by Ninja_Librarian Words: 3,174 Author’s Summary: When Lance is sniping in battle, he always has his friends’ backs. But who has his? My Comments: The damage to Lance is pretty brutal here, but there’s some really great comforting afterward. I thoroughly enjoyed this one.
Day 7: Head Injury by GemmaRose Words: 1,558 Author’s Summary: There’s a reason you’re supposed to wear your seatbelt. My Comments: Shiro bangs his head in battle and kind of loses the plot for a few minutes. Fortunately everything turns out okay, but definitely scary to read.
Pidge Versus Aliens by Diremop Words: 2,917 Author’s Summary: Now, though, she was sitting with her laptop at a kitchen table and watching an alien eat breakfast. An alien that looked straight out of Star Trek. “Allura,” she said, leaning forward over the table and trying to get a better view of Allura’s ear, “why do you look like us?” My Comments: Fun and funny fic with some worldbuilding and action and Pidge being awesomely smart and curious.
Change and Holding On by ozbian Words: 3,255 Author’s Summary: The paladins and Coran undergo a potentially dangerous bonding rite to secure an alliance. My Comments: Such fun worldbuilding and action. Great bonding fic for the entire team, and the alien race was fascinating and adorable.
Cold in My Bones by Cocopops1995 for Rangergirl3 Words: 2,076 Author’s Summary: Keith wakes up cold and alone, and finds that he’s been reduced to nothing more than an interesting specimen in a couple of wealthy aliens’ collection. My Comments: Absolutely horrific scenario, but the team comes through at the end.
The Noise That Echoes by Cocopops1995 for Rangergirl3, Haleykim84 (tristen84) Words: 1,595 Author’s Summary: Shiro comforts Keith, who is extremely sound sensitive and recovering from days of torture by the Galra My Comments: Short and sweet and focused on the comfort, which is how I like it. (If it it can’t be long and drawn-out and focused on the comfort, of course.)
Previously Recced Fics That Updated:
The Field of Blood (18654 words) As Color Fades Away (121589 words) Scattered (72915 words) In Sickness and Health (16552 words) The Machinations of Perception (46188 words) The Wounds We Heal, and Those We Don't(19181 words) The Ones Who Were Left Behind (40545 words) Ten Days (51153 words)
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kaiwrites · 7 years
The Fics...
Everything I’ve posted on AO3 so far, in case you feel like a little bit of reading...
A Little Closer to Okay 
When the Fun Vee hit a IED, Tony wasn’t the only one to end up captured in the cave.  The other passengers, Steve, Sam, Bucky, Natasha and Clint, are held prisoner and tortured along with him. 
This is the story of how they moved on after being rescued from Bucky’s POV.
T, warnings for PTSD and mentions of torture
Out of Place and Lost in Time (Part 1 of 4 in the With You I’m whole Series)
Steve is lost in the supermarket, talking to himself as he makes his way through the aisles. James thinks its adorable, and not so stealthily stalks him. And then Steve is in James' house, brought by a mutual friend, carrying pie.
A tale of rediscovery, reinvention, and transformations. Of an author and an artist. Of train rides to the beach in winter and pie like Ma used to make. And of course, a tale of idiots in love.
Transgender FtM Steve with reclusive paranoid Bucky, Background Nat/ Sam
Riding on Trains with Queers (Part 2 of With You I’m Whole)
With Clint's help, Steve comes up with a theme for his gallery showing, and remembers the people and events in his past that helped him through his coming out and transition. It seems that a lot of his memories involve riding on trains.
Transgender Steve, mostly his story in this fic.  Warnings for deadnaming in flashbacks, dysphoria, anxiety and past Steve/ Peggy and Steve/ Dum Dum Dugan relationships. 
(I have plans for parts 3 and 4, and I’ve even started writing the Bucky centric part 3, but I have no idea when I might get the inspiration to pudate on this one.)
The Robot Dick Olympics (Bopeep wrote chapter 1, I wrote chapter 2, it will probably be a WIP forever...)
 This is some straight up crack that revolves around dick jokes, brought to you be the enablers in the Captain America RBB Slack Chat. 
Bucky Has a Metal Dick to match his arm, Tony feels the need to compete and builds a robot dick for the Iron Man Suit, and Clint suggests his normal human dick as the controll.   Natasha wants nothing to do with any of it. 
First Kiss
Another one brought to you be the enablers in the Captain America RBB Slack Chat, exept its more of the sad and Angstly variety, and not Crack at all. 
So, tell me Steve.” Natasha demanded, glancing over at him briefly, “If I wasn’t your first kiss since 1945, who was it?”
“Huh?” Steve asked, looking confused “First kiss?”
“Yeah, remember a couple of years ago when I kissed you to hide from Rumlow? You said I wasn’t your first.” Natasha reminded him.
“Oh yeah.” Steve answered, with a slight groan. He had been hoping Nat would have forgotten about that by now. “It’s a stupid story, you really don’t want to hear it.”
Warnings for unprotected anonymous sex, depression and possibly making you cry a little. 
Taraksvasana  My piece for the 2017 Captain America Reverse Big Bang with art by @starlingzinc.  
It's been a year since the events of Civil War, and six months since Bucky was awoken from cryo-freeze in Wakanda and came back home to Steve and their house in the mountains. They were finally living their own lives, together and not having to hide.
They still had their demons to battle, but they couldn't control their futures. They had a quiet life now, with friends nearby, plans for a vegetable garden, and yoga. No one would have guessed the former winter soldier would end up obsessed with yoga.
A Life Near By
Bucky may have snuck away after saving Captain America from the Potomac, but he didn't go far. He needed answers, and this Steve guy seemed to have them, so he did the last thing anyone would have expected, hiding out in the middle of Washington, DC while working on answering the most important question.
Who the hell was Bucky, and why was he so important to this Captain America guy anyway?
Broken Soul Seeking Same  (WIP, currently working on what will probably be the final chapter)
Roommates to Lovers after meeting through craigslist AU. Bucky lost his arm in an accident and works as a restraunt manager.  Steve suffers from chronic pain due to physical disability.  Thor is a Chef and Community service hero.  
Everyone is stronger with help and support from others, and for those living with disabilty, it’s practically essential.  The right partner through it all can make a world of difference.
Warnings for M/M sex, marijuana use and refereces to traumatic events. 
Other things in the works.... (the comming soon/ preview section perhaps?) 
Autistic Bucky- Bucky was sent away to the Hydra Acadamy to be ‘fixed’ after being diagnosed with autism at age 10.  He comes out a different person, suffering from PTSD and Anxiety as a result of behaviorial therapy, and only Steve can put him back together.   The daily life  and routines of Bucky and his boyfriend Steve, and his job at the animal shelter he runs with Sam. 
Ive got about 5K written, with ideas to make this one close to 20K.  I think theres a Big Bang comming up .....
Bike messenger Steve- Fluffy AU ideas that have been floating around my head for a while.  Steve is a bike messenger who is always getting hit by cars.  Bucky is the security guard who always notices the new scrapes and bandages.  Standard mutual pining between idiots.  Probably 5k or so if I ever manage to write the thing.
“Meh,” Steve said with  a shrug, “just a bit of roadrash.”
A Wreck among Kings (working title)
Character study on Jack from the Kings TV series. How do you mourn a lover you were unable to aknowledge? 
Started for the Sebastian Stan Birthday that never actually happend.  No idea if anything will actually happen with this, but i have lots of notes.
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robotloveskitten · 7 years
Popcorn #2 [ Jumin ]
Hi ya’ll. This is part one of a new fic I’m working on currently. This is in the same world as Elevator #1. This is a Mystic Messenger AU. It happens sometime after the events of Elevator #1 and after the initial 11 days of the game. In this AU the MC is not currently in a relationship with any of the characters. But there are feeeeelings. In this fic I mostly wanted to explore the interpersonal relationships between the RFA a bit more.
Again, please forgive any tense slippage, etc. I’m a bit rusty at this whole writing thing and am trying to get back into the groove.
Sidenote: yeah, I know my titles perhaps leaves something to be desired. They’re mostly placeholder things to get me started on the prompts I’m writing about. 
When the producer for Lady of the Bracelets announced a sequel to their much beloved film Saeyoung seized upon the opportunity for a group outing. The suggestion was met with a mixed reaction from the other RFA members.
[Chat: Lady of the Bracelets II: The Two Pillars]
MC: I haven’t seen the first film yet. Will…I be lost?”
707: !
707: !
707: !
Yoosung: [shocked emoji]
707: [glasses cracked emoji]
Zen: Seriously, stop spamming the chat.
707: How?
Yoosung: It’s so good!
Jaehee: I’m afraid that I haven’t seen it either.
707: [defeated emoji]
Yoosung: ?!
Zen: Are you really one to talk?
Yoosung: Well…I guess with Jaehee it’s to be expected.
Jaehee: I haven’t exactly time for pre-movie homework. My plate is full enough.
707: What about those breaks when you watch Zen’s DVDs?
Jaehee: Zen’s work is the breath of fresh air I need to get me through the day.
Jumin: …
Jaehee: …
MC: Seriously, will we be lost?
Yoosung: No! They’re really great!
Zen: The director is well respected. I think you’ll like his work.
Yoosung:But if you’re worried you could come over and we could watch the first one together.
Zen: [alarmed emoji]
MC: Aw, so sweet!
Zen: I don’t approve.
Jumin: For once, I agree.
Zen: Ugh.
707: WOW, so kind.
707: What about LOL?
Yoosung: ;;
Yoosung: …i cn multisk.
Zen: Typos…
Jumin: Assistant Kang, please reserve a centrally located theatre for a private showing of both films. We can watch them together.
707: !
707: We’ll miss all the great cosplay that way!
Yoosung: If we see it on opening we have to go to the midnight showing!
Jumin: We can see it at midnight. We will simply have the theatre to ourselves.
It had taken some convincing to explain to Jumin why it would be preferable to blend in with the masses for this outing rather than create a little bubble unto themselves. Ultimately it had taken MC piping up with “I think it would be fun to see how everyone is dressed. You might be able to see what it’s like to blend into the crowd for a day! ” While still hesitant, her eagerness won him over. Even if Zen’s preening about being unable to avoid attention with him did rub Jumin the wrong way.
MC checked her appearance for what felt like the 50th time. She fussed with her bangs, unable to get them to lay quite right today. Likely because she had been messing with them too much. She couldn’t help it. Anxiety fluttered in her stomach at the thought of seeing him shortly. It was a group outing, but still. She’d be able to see him face to face rather than in blurry photos or a handful of text messages.
Her phone rang, startling her into dropping her straight iron on the dresser with a clatter as it knocked over various face creams she had strewn about. She fumbled for her phone as it continued to buzz, bringing it to her ear and answering without looking at the screen. She greeted the person with a breathless hello, thankful that the person on the other end couldn’t see the embarrassed flush that dusted her face. She glanced up towards the security camera and made a face. It was likely that graceful little performance didn’t go completely unnoticed, however.
“Jagiya~!” Zen’s cheerful voice trilled immediately in greeting. “Have you eaten yet?”
MC couldn’t help her shoulders from drooping a little. She had hoped that it would be a call from someone else. A quick glance at the clock on the apartment wall confirmed what she already knew— she was going to have to leave soon if she didn’t want to be late to the theatre. Grabbing the plug of the straight iron she pulled it from the wall, not bothering to turn it off it first.
“I had a snack not too long ago. I thought we might eat at the theatre so I didn’t want to over do it.”
“Good idea. It’s best to keep your energy up, though. Make sure you’re taking care of yourself!” Zen admonished teasingly. MC rolled her eyes as she rummaged through her bag, checking to make sure she had everything she needed before running out the door.
“You’re one to talk.”
He rewarded her with a laugh. “What’s the saying? Do as I say, not as I do?”
“Where are you? It’s so loud where you are. Are you on your way to the theatre?” She could hear Zen, but there was a lot of ambient noises around him. The sound of traffic. The chatter of passing people. Was he near the train?”
“I’m waiting for you.”
The train, then, she decided.
“I’m about to head out the door now. I’ll be at the station by the theatre in—“ She checked the clock again before heading out into the hallway, locking the apartment door behind her. “Maybe 20 minutes.”
“No need. I’m outside. We can take my bike.”
“Come outside~ I’ll see you soon!” Without waiting for her response, Zen ended the call. MC lowered the phone from her ear to stare at the home screen. Well, this was unexpected.
True to his word, Zen was waiting outside when MC emerged from the apartment building. He was leaning against his motorcycle in his leather, arms crossed loosely over his chest. A serious, far away look was painted over his beautiful features. It was such a drastically different look from what MC was used to that she couldn’t help but stare. When he caught sight of her a smile broke over his face like sunlight through a cloud.
“Jagi! You look lovely.” Zen called out to her as he pushed away from his bike, hand lifted in a cheerful wave. MC blushed at the too-familiar greeting.
“Thanks, Zen. What are you doing here? Didn’t you have rehearsal today? I thought you were meeting us by the theatre.”
“Rehearsal was nearby and we got out early. I’m glad I caught you before you left. Let’s go together. It’ll be faster on my bike, anyway.” Zen beamed at her as he gestured towards his waiting motorcycle. MC frowned.
“I don’t know, Zen…” The idea of zipping around in evening traffic on that thing made her uneasy.
“I promise that I’ll be extra careful.” Zen traced an X over his heard with a finger before playfully winking at her. “Precious cargo, after all.” Picking up a helmet from his back seat he offered it to her. “I know it can be scary, but trust me. You’ll love it.”
MC stared at Zen and the offered helmet for a long moment before exhaling a soft breath of air. After the craziness of the past year is this really what she was dithering on? A little slip of a smile tugged at the corners of her mouth as she reached out to accept the helmet from the actor.
“Okay. But don’t go to fast please.”
“I would never, MC.” Zen beamed. “Now, hold on tight.”
@honeybeelily – You asked me to tag you awhile back if I continued the story. Hope I’m not spamming you by doing so! 
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