#have finished the graphic novels tho lol
hiccupbutpurple · 1 year
Do any of the riders (aside from the twins) have siblings? Cause as far as I can tell
1. Hiccup is definitely an only child
2. Fishlegs probably has siblings (he’s the uncle of the dragon explorers, unless they are extended family but call him uncle out of ease)
3. Snotlout could have brother/s (I think there are a few hints, the one that comes to mind is when he says to Spitelout in his imagination thing ‘I’m your favourite son’ which either implies he has at least a brother or it could just be an expression to say ‘pls love me’ and not literally meaning the favourite of multiple siblings)
4. As far as I can remember, the twins and Astrid aren’t implied to have any other siblings.
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basketcasemp3 · 4 months
Top five books you have read this year? No explanation necessary, unless you want to.
her body and other parties by carmen maria machado. i dont really get scared by horror in books but each story was really engaging and i loved her take on the classic horror stories like the green ribbon and the hook hand murders.
fingersmith by sarah waters. yes i am so incredibly late to reading this book, but as soon as i started i was ravenous for it and finished in only a few days because i couldn't stop
the monstrous series by lily mayne. putting the entire series on here because i refuse to pick a favorite lol. i went looking for monster fucking books and i found almost exactly what i was looking for with these (even if i think there should be some f/f content too 🤪) i had to force myself not to devour all 7 books right after each other because i got so into them and was worried i'd run out too quickly. a few of them made me cry hehe
squire by aara alfageeh and nadia shammas. im counting graphic novels too bc why not! im not usually a big YA reader but this had me hooked from the very beginning. the art is wonderful and the writing is fantastic
actually dont have a 5th one because ive read a LOT of stinkers, and even tho im having fun and reading more than ive read in years... stinkers are still stinkers lol. i am currently making my way through the locked tomb series and enjoying it a lot tho!
thanks for the question!!! im always up for recommendations too 😘😘
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nuoc7mia · 10 months
random update on media i’ve been consuming:
- read and finished beach lovers by emily henry, which i surprisingly rlly enjoyed! i feel like i’m slowly understanding how to read romance novels the way that i read shojo manga LOL (the ending tho made me cry a bit damnit.)
- reading cruel prince by holly black rn which i’m also enjoying !!! reminds me a bit of how old ya dystopian fiction made me feel (pos) altho i will say that the voice is a lil inconsistent imo. also didn’t realize it was enemies to lovers LOL
- read misu misou bc of the clips of the film on tiktok and goddamn it was graphic AND made me sad :<< did not realize the creator also wrote hi score girl + i still enjoyed the story for the most part. it’s def endless suffering tho
EDIT (12.3): woah wait i forogt i never posted this since i wrote this in july LOL but i shall continue altho tbh i also don’t remember half of what i finished consuming
- cruel prince is on pause rn bc i entered another reading/life slump ;-; i have a rlly big to-read list tho that i wanna start soon (including rereading the hunger games trilogy after spoiling all of the recent movie)
- finished monster which is WILD TO ME!!!! ugh it's such a good series — truly deserve of all the flowers it has received and sm more. writing is so tight and something i'm amazed abt is how it balances mindless violence and loss with the persistence of love and the hope that life can continue on. we want to be remembered bc our lives persist thru the ppl we meet and love. the relationship between a child and parent-figure are so important for the future pf humanity (i'm blurting stuff now). it also makes me rlly wanna dive into cold war history bc ik i glazed thru a lot of it back when i was in school LMFAO
- i read transcendent kingdom for a lit class and it CHANGED MY LIFE. its depiction of addiction, trauma, and its lasting impacts are sooo poignant and
- caught up on raise no tanin ga li (ii?) and it’s a fun read :3 i like the dynamic of the main couple and the yakuza/gang setting allows them to be a lil ridiculous despite just being high schoolers LOL. also the art style is so clean + unique??? obsessed
- stl: my son’s so silly
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ok that’s all i can think of now :3 will do another update and actually keep a track of everything soon xD
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anonymous-dentist · 1 year
There's an e-book of the graphic novel but on Amazon both say Portuguese version (or they both did when I got it) so you can just look at the book cover of each and choose the one that says "paranormal order" rather than the one that says "ordem paranormal" I don't think there's a physical version of the translation tho :p
That's fine, I have the Kindle app somewhere. I'll just let my poor Kindle-less baby sister borrow my app when she's home for Thanksgiving in a few months, she'll get a kick out of the haunted. school or whatever? Idk I legitimately couldn't finish episode one lol, I got 25 minutes in before giving up. Multiple times. Maybe the graphic novel will work better?
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inkofamethyst · 4 months
May 18, 2024
A review of my first full week off from school.
daylist: celtic music renaissance saturday night (concerto, celebration, lute, cottagecore) [it was not celtic at all (except maybe for some bardcore) but very.. slow, chilled, indie, minimalist.. lady vocals]
The Target near me had a bunch of Colourpop on uber-clearance so of course I went and picked up some things and I'm kind of floored? One of the items was this plum eyeshadow palette and normally cheap palettes don't have much payoff on my skin but I swatched the colors and they all showed up so well??? And then I got this black cherry colored lipstick by them which is super hydrating and has such excellent staying power and I got two more the very next day. Definitely an easy swap for the deep red butter gloss I'd been using (and somehow lost today lol).
I had a chat with my postdoc early in the week about summer lab goals and I'm so excited! I think we should be able to build a really good set of preliminary data that I can use for my qualifying exam (this time next year--eek!) and potentially even for a fellowship application. My advisor thinks we have perhaps too many goals, but there's nothing inherently wrong with a bit of ambition, and he's generally quite supportive of what I want to accomplish this summer.
Kind of took it easy all week, got into lab a bit but didn't push too hard. Next week I'll begin the online bioinformatics course I found, and I'll work on getting my old data and code out of my undergraduate accounts.
For dinners this past week I was eating GOOD. I baked salmon (tried some new spice mixes~), made rice, and made this summery fruit salad salsa thing off the cuff and it was excellent (1 mango diced, 2 nectarines diced, half a lime juiced, half a red onion diced, an arbitrary amount of cilantro (didn't want to add things like strawberries bc I knew it'd have to be stored and didn't want it to get soggy)). A warm-chilled temperature dynamic with yum-yum sauce, sesame seeds, and nori strips for garnish UGHHH SO GOOD but next time I need to get higher quality salmon though, I think.
I started reading Hawkeye 2012 and it's pretty enjoyable! It's been years since I've read any comic with the intent to finish the full run, but this has been really fun. Stylistically, it's.. "scratchier" than what I'm accustomed to (I read AvX like four times in middle school), but I'm definitely feeling the pull to get back into comics and graphic novels; there are several on my to-read list. Best thing was that I was able to borrow it on Libby!!!!
Speaking of content, I binged Loot on AppleTV, that was fun.
So I mean it was a great week. And today I'm thankful for that.
still need to clean my room tho
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hunter-sylvester · 10 months
For the Make Me Answer Stuff asks ^-^
6. What are you excited for?
17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
74. What is your favorite book?
6. Spring. I don't do well in winter. I've just now realized that I don't really have a lot to be excited for in the immediate future and that may be an issue...or a symptom. I guess I'm excited to finish writing my fic Ambitions at some point in the near future???????? If that counts.
17. Boring answer but my boyfriend. We've been together for many years so I should hope so lol
74. I don't knoooooow. I don't read enough because my head won't let me do the things I want to do. The fact that it kinda lets me write nowadays is already a fucking miracle. I did love the Heartstopper books recently tho. Which was a bit easier to get my head to pay attention to cause graphic novel.
Thank you for sending ^-^ 🤘
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mossumbrella · 1 year
Tag Nine (9) People You Want to Know Better!
Got tagged by @pulzerizedpeaches :3c
Last song: Halloween by Phoebe Bridgers…. Oops i fuckin looovee her Punisher album aouwgh makes me want to lie on floor and fade into the grass beside an abandoned highway…
heres some fav lyrics from it:
“I hate living by the hospital / the sirens go all night / i used to joke that if they woke you up / somebody better be dying”
“always surprised by what I’d do for love / some things I’d never expect / they killed a fan down by the stadium / was only visiting, they beat him to death”
“baby, it’s Halloween / there’s a last time for everything”
AWAUGH those kill me every time god dmanit
Currently Watching: Snapcube's shadow the hedgehog realtime fandub video v good n funny hehe I also recently finished miraculous ladybug s5 and holy shit things are happening .. i do not keep up with that show v actively n awuagh things are Heating Up . even with its flaws i still found it overall an enjoyable watch (also i saw a lotta ppl disliking kitty noire's design but i kinda like it lol its wild looking in a fun way)
Currently Reading: i re read the amulet graphic novel series recently that i havent touched since i was like in elementary school and it was p good still! i cant believe theres still one more book to go till its finished tho wowie wowie
Current Obsession: artfight brainn; also my gardens been doin p good! tho i finally found out whos been stealing my strawberries its the fuckin SQUIRRELS
also the city of mist ttrpg im in with my friends Oh Boy we are getting near the end of our first arc and um. Uh Oh PC death..???? screaming crying on the floor from last session
Tagging: awhah i think the only mutuals i got are @kellystar321 n @sharkiethedork if y’all wanna do this! (but ofc u dont have to !! orz)
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👀 tell me bout them ocs mayhaps?
*cracks knuckles* Alright. So. Easiest to break them down into their stories. All WIPs because who said finishing anything is how this works
So the main group I'm obsessed w at the moment come from Mirror Image, a series about two husbands, Oliver and Antonio. Oliver tragically died and Antonio went a little...Dr. Frankenstein. But we'll get back to that. Oliver, without his knowledge got stuck in the illegal brain scanning human trafficking rig and is now stuck in a body that is very much not his and angry about it. The illegal data mining of his brain kinda gave him a permanent sour mood. With him is Kuma, the lovely lady who decided to help him find his way home as a way to uh... escape a very fundamentalist anti-andriod cult. She's a sweetheart tho. Way too patient with Oliver for her own good, really.
Meanwhile, Antonio is kinda off the deep end grief wise. Wants his husband back. Doesn't know about the brainscanning. So he has an idea. Why not make my own Oliver!
Yeah that goes about as well as expected.
So now we have Oli, a synthetic replica of Oliver that doesn't really love Antonio but is programmed to. Loves art, still trying to understand how to make it. Really naive sweetie. Easily taken advantage of. Oof.
Below is another story I'm working on, specifically a graphic novel. Basically just a big eldrich horror fest with furries! Woo! Main characters are Aspen, a lovely longhorn beetle with self esteem issues and inherited fire powers; Helios, an Ox beetle with mom friend energy crossed with that really cheery dude that is somehow friends with everyone and has an A in everything as well as being on the football team (also gets a sword later! Cause he deserves it); Fennic, a hoary bat with family issues, a partying problem, and a care free attitude; Jovita, a chainsmoking maned wolf who wears exclusively leather to look cool and somehow always has a weapon handy; and Roxanne, a very shy jumping spider with magic ability that might rival Aspen's (also spoilers! ends up in a very cute lesbian relationship with Jovita).
Also Isla, Aspens aunt whos entire friend group was decimated by the horrors, leaving her forever scarred! I have big feelings about her.
I do have more stories but uh... that feels like enough OCs for the moment lol
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kagoutiss · 2 years
you have a comic?! whatg how come i never heard about this please link what you have so far!
oh i don’t have like a long-running comic or anything, at the moment i’m just trying to finish a shorter comic for my AU that’s about 9 pages long! which for me is a Lot ^^; if i got really good at making comics efficiently then i would love to do a graphic novel or a webcomic someday tho! for now i’m just experimenting with things lol
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6loodlvstt · 7 months
I usually play videogames with no audio cuz when I have it on I get easily bored. For example last month I started pokemon sword and tbh never played it with vol on and when I did that for the first time I was like “? Why the sounds are so annoying?”. Idk probably I’m weird but I get easily overwhelmed with sounds. It’s kinda funny because when I listen to music I listen to black metal/rock in general. But when I’m busy drawing things I like to listen to true crime podcasts. Yeah I’m one of those obsessed with serial killers cases.
And yeah, fear and hunger is just straight up hard. I was surprised the first time but I’m still trying to finish it (I want to die/hj). So far I’m loving sm hades! The character designs are so pretty? Ofc I like Dionysus the most, he was and still is my favorite icon. Just to ask, who’s your fav greek mythological figure? I’m curious. Personally I’m also extremely into the myth of Hyacinth the most. Probably I read too many graphic novels about him ahah. And! Are you perhaps also into egyptian mythology? Since I was a kid I was so obsessed with mummies and the first time I saw one I was so anxious lol.
When I was in school I also had problems at school, mostly because at the time I was the only emo kid and all my classmates were… normal? I liked to dress black, enjoyed spending time writing horror stories and I was a major creepypasta lover. But I genuinely sucked at oral tests. Probably you only had some random quizzes but where I live we also have oral ones. And I fucking hated to speak in front of people. So drawing during classes was a sort of stress relief to my anxiety! So I completely get you :(
This is funny but I always was extremely talented at singing, although at some point I started to find annoying to perform in front of people. And in general the idea of studying in theater looked “uncool” in my teen years. Now I completely changed opinion and I’m a musical fan lol. My family always tried to push me into trying this world in some ways through the years and only some months ago I finally decided to open up. It’s scary tho. You shouldn’t gave up your dreams. Realistically speaking you can start studying in the future if you really want to pursuit violin! ^^
What are you doing now? I hope everything’s going well! <3 -🩹
i always play with audio on since a lot of games i play have audio cues into it, but i understand sometimes the game sounds can be annoying
god me too, to all of the music and the true crime; i mainly liten to true crime at work tho or when im playing minecraft for some strange reason
it sounds like a pain but i so get that,,
my favorite always has been aphrodite and always will be <3
i used to be kinda an egyptian myth nerd but i would have to relearn a lot tbh
sometimes we had presentations tests so i think thats as close to relating with the oral tests but the rest i totally understand
my family is kinda controlling of what i do, if they dont like that i picked up a hobby or something they let me know, like cosplaying for example i find it really difficult because my dads a little creepy and my mom refuses to acknowledge or be arpund me if she notices that i am and its to the point that it becomes a really big problem in my house so now ive got like really expensive cosplays and o barely do it anymore to keep some peace in my house ueue when i move out ill probably pick up a lot of my old hobbies like cosplay, art, streaming, and music stuff maybe ill even pick back up baking who knows!
im still playing dead space tbh,, its so fun but i just asked my brother a steam question and he closed out of dead space so i just lost a good chunk of progress sigghhhh, i hope your days been going well too though :D tell me if you do anything fun <3
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artistic-gay-walrus · 9 months
I have many plans for 2024 and i like talking to myself so writing my plans (mostly for this blog and other online presence) here :)
So I'm learning that I don't have to post completely finished artwork, especially with how slow I draw. Going forward I'll be posting more doodles, wips, and concept art which means more posting! yippee!
2024 is also the year of big projects! I'm talking animations, animatics, comics, all that junk! The biggest of projects will be a graphic novel! I'll be posting character designs, concept art, and small snippets as I work on it :) I like forward to sharing more stuff I'm really proud of
Still working on my Welcome Home AU (Off-Screen AU) designs but once they're down I'll be posting a lot about it (comics, shitposts, etc.), along with a new Welcome Home AU I'm still developing!! yippee :)
I'll also be posting way more Muppet art(including a muppet au thats just my autism convincing me to put my friends in the muppets lol)
Because of my big projects tho I will be posting more oc art, which I hope gets love as well :)
And!! I have a youtube channel where I'm currently working on posting all of short films!! Animations/animatics will also be posted there along with on tumblr :) check me out @/average-walrus-productions!!!
I'm excited for the future rn and have already started on some big things!!!
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alabaster-moon · 2 years
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needed serotonin so i made myself a bunch of tinie books to put in a little jar.
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i scanned the covers of my actual books for it, so they carry a couple of the little marks that just… make the books my copies.
the nancy drew one actually has the little scribbled-out library stickers still visible, which i just think is the cutest lil thing. can’t quite read the text on the stickers, my printers not good enough for that, but the sentiment is still there.
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the tinie yuumori set looks actually the cutest lined up ngl (also 3 has a mark on the back, where the cover had been damaged in delivery - didn’t take a pic of that lol).
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both haikyuu and komi were kinda hard to cut out ngl - the white parts make figuring out the cutting line impossible. wotakoi too, though i haven’t finished putting that one together, and i was planning on doing frieren at some point which will also likely be a Nightmare.
these’ll be the next ones, i had box sets of both sherlock holmes (doyle canon ver) and the baker street boys so i scanned those in, wotakoi is there and cut out best i could, and another ex-library in that hardy boys graphic novel (tho i haven’t been able to figure out which; i found it in a second-hand shop). also did the yuumori light novels; for anyone unaware, this is what they look like without their dust jackets. i was a liiiittle too scared of damaging them to try and throw the dust jackets through the scanner, but they’re there and that’s all i needed.
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anyway, there was my little drop of serotonin for the day, maybe it could make someone else happy too. have a good day or night guys ^^
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smireyac · 2 years
new year, same post
so... 2022 huh?
i didn't even write a reflection post last year (well i tried but i never finished writing it) which i'm kinda really sad about because i really like having these snapshots of where i am at in my life every year... and i feel like i'm missing a year! because i am! so while i can't do a whole reflection of 2021, i can do my best and that's the best anyone can do
so 2021 was the start, crawling out of the hellscape that was 2020... in terms of overall quality, 2021 was a major improvement from the previous year. to make things easier, first i'll go thru what i actually accomplished on my list of goals i made at the end of 2020:
☑️ read new books: my goal was 10 and i read 8, three of which were comics/graphic novels and one was a road trip guide book? so technically i read more than before
☑️ watch new shows/movies: i made a letterboxd to keep track of what i watched instead of the notebook idea i had and i watched 48 movies/tv shows !!! wowie that's pretty good i never counted that out b4 :D
☑️ listen to new music: my spotify wrapped had very much different music than previous years so i did the dang thing too ...it uh... got flooded by OM music cuz i had a phase in the summer but other than that its all pretty diverse !
☑️ eat new food: i had kbbq for the first time in 2021 so i think that counts?
☑️ go on a road trip/visit some place ive never been before/go to a club: so i planned a pretty spontaneous trip to LA cuz i saw an ad on Instagram for a city pop night at a club in DTLA... i thought it was a rare thing (turns out it ain't lol) so i got my friends to go and it was really fun and i knocked these 3 things out in one go (tho the road trip one is a little ehh bc we didn't make any stops, we just drove ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) bc i've never been to little tokyo and it was in a club! so check!!
so as far as goals go that's pretty good! other notable highlights of the year include:
⭐ i passed my drivers test (after failing the first time lol) and got a car that i love so dang much!
⭐ tried dating (the first time) and it didn't get far lol (that's on me)
⭐ karaoke night after not seeing people in person for over a year
⭐ played d&d in-person again finally
⭐ HELLA MEGA TOUR!! THAT WAS TIGHT AF 10/10 would recommend
⭐ saw lindsay and kaveh at a book signing event that was pretty cool !! (still have to read the book lol;;)
so yeah ! it was pretty great, all things considered... i think around this time last year covid cases were surging and things were feeling bad again so my perspective of the year was tainted by that cloud but looking back, i think i had a pretty good run...
i had made another, separate doc as a kinda goal list ? but i never finished it either lmao but i did put 3 things on it:
🌠 read more (surprise surprise)
🌠 write something
🌠 join a club at school
i said 2021 would be the year of new and i think i accomplished that
SO 2022 HUH??
thats what this whole thing was supposed to be about lol
lotta stuff happened... started off strong by getting covid (lol), went to big bear for the first time, technically saw snow (on the ground) for the first time, saw remi TWICE in ONE YEAR, tried dating again (still didn't get very far), saw ORI AGAIN FINALLY, hung out with pals A LOT, ate good food, got really (back) into comics this year??, worked full time at the library this summer, got over my stupid crush FINALLY, went to 3 conventions - 1 of which being COMIC CON... anD OH YEAH I GOT PROMOTED!! pretty accomplished i would say
as far as my goals from last year i actually accomplished something!! and hey 2 outta 3 ain't bad ;^)
i reached my reading goal with 13/12 !! granted 5 of them were graphic novels again but i stuck with my book club (kinda;;) and read some stuff!! i started a lot more books than i finished this year but i want to push myself harder next year (this year)!! my want-to-read list on GoodReads is 500+ and that hasn't even been updated recently!! i gotta step my game up man,, i think i decided i want to try to be an editor someday so i gotta go for it!!
did i write something this year??? in fact i fucking did!! i wrote fanfiction even!! something i srsly never thought i would actually accomplish... and i started a first real draft for J+M and got thru most of the first "season" of that!! so that's cool!! i wanna write more!! i found this writing tracker like halfway thru the year and was trying to add to it retroactively but it was hard so i don't know exactly how many words i wrote this year BUT it's more than 40k!! so WOW!! I'll keep better track this year so we can know fr fr
if 2021 was the year trying new things, 2022 seemed to be the year of getting used to the new normal bc surprise!! covid is still around!! but ig it'll be endemic now instead of a pandemic bc we couldn't fucking eradicate it 🙄 whatever...
the last couple months of 2022 kinda painted the whole year a somber color but looking back, i can see that i had a really good time for the most part... i hope 2023 will be nice :^)
🎆 read more!! let's keep the ball rolling! 12 more!! once a month!!! and i'm not gonna add comics unless i've read a real book with words first!!!!
🎆 write more!! no goals let's just see what happens :^) i hope that maybe some fandom interaction will motivate me bc i love attention and praise!!! also my secret writing project 👀
🎆 apply to transfer to university next year!! this was supposed to happen this year but... shit happened yk
🎆 do stuff with friends!! gotta keep it up bb: NYC, hot springs, see snow, MKE??, LA
🎆 make new friends?? perhaps??? 👀 idk!!!
i will end this post with all the movies i'm super fucking pumped to see this year: M3GAN, the mario movie, the D&D movie, the BARBIE movie!!, new transformers movie??, blue beetle movie, SPIDERVERSE MOVIE!!!!!!!!!
it'll be a good year for me for movies ❤️
here's to 2023!! 🥂
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astrejlau · 5 years
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The main elementals from the webcomic I’ve been working on, FT~! These are older now, but I did them while I had left Tumblr and figured it’d be neat to show ya. Here are some of my children! xoxo
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djservo · 2 years
something funny about serving up your august wrap up there is a joke there for sure i just can't make it. but, cas, the time has come. august wrap up, september tbr? hehe x
didn't end up reading the deluxe kitchen confidential on my trip bc i (unsurprisingly) didn't have the free time i thought i would 🦧 the only real pockets of time i had to myself were in the airport/on the plane, so i just finished in the miso soup by ryū murakami & it was eh. it's not enough for me for violent shock factor to be the main appeal/drawing point in a book so after The Climax™️ it just felt like scrambling to philosophize & make sense of not very much at all (which is kinda how i felt about the other book i read by him, 69 - minus the violence part tho lolol)
after that i was in a graphic novel mood so i read like a velvet glove cast in iron by daniel clowes - loved it!!! surreal & engrossing & lynchian (hate myself for saying that but Truly) & i adore his art style so much - i remember reading ghost world in high school at like peak soft grunge tumblr time + he rocked my world then too LOL 😮‍💨
most recently read a cyborg manifesto by donna j. haraway. phew! interesting points but pretty dense & inaccessible if u aren't already familiar with postmodern feminist / marxist / transhumanist theory. i didn't always get it & when i did i was kinda alarmed in the way that thinking too deeply abt society's descent into complete technological reliance scares me sometimes LOL but food for thought nonetheless! a good foundation before diving into other techno/cyber feminist works 🏊
currently i'm reading a carnival of snackery by david sedaris - i also have his latest book happy-go-lucky checked out, as well as high school by tegan & sara quin (I KNOW I'M SO LATE!!) and if i finish all that in a timely manner then maybe love & rockets by the hernandez brothers bc im already itching to sink my teeth into another graphic novel 🧛‍♀️& ik i said i was gonna stop buying books but i got a HPB gift card for my bday so 5 books are in fact on the way to me rn hehe will share when they arrive 📚❣️
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lyttmoonsaturn · 3 years
my opinions about some comics/webcomics/graphic novels ive read
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starting strong with Heartstopper by my queen Alice Oseman, i didnt finish it yet (idek if its finished but i just started chapter 6) but ???amazing?????no words enough to describe?????perfection???????
a 10/10 for sure♥️
also pls read her other books, all of them are *chef’s kiss* i swear
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secondly, Bloom by Kevin Panetta and Savanna Ganucheau
it was sweet (pun intended), the drawing style is amazing, but the story is not one of my favorites
to me the plot was kinda off and i didnt like the main character that much
but it was nice and i def recommend it :) 8/10
made me wanna bake tho-
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The Prince and the Dressmaker by Jen Wang :)))
one of the most beautiful literature pieces ive ever had my eyes on
made me get so much more of the drag word (since i do not do drag)
i wish my family wasnt dragphobic so i could bUY IT PHYSICALLY AND HAVE IT ON MY BOOKSHELF
minus point cause it gave me anxiety
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*my brazilian is showing* no but literally i had to google how ppl call it in english
anyways, Monica Adventures/Turma da Mônica Jovem if you don’t know is basically Monica’s Gang/Turma da Mônica but they’re older
just to make it clear, im talking about the first series of TMJ (theres other two ig)
i grew up reading these and i absolutely love it
they’re kinda dumb (its for children ffs) but its amazing too and theres even horror editions
10/10 for the memories, 8/10 for the actual quality lol
im currently reading True Beauty, Nimona and Boyfriends, i also like marvel/dc comics, so maybe part 2?? yeah, bye guys :)
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