#have fun with this guys it's a lot less sad and a lot more stupid. but everybody earned it with the pain of the first two chapters lmao
rose-tries-to-write · 3 months
Things I’ve learned about Danny Phantom after finally watching it as a person who avoided watching it for months and read fanfiction instead. 👍🏻✨
Spoiler warning, just in case!
They call themselves the Phandom. (Super cute, I love it, 10/10)
Everything, and I mean Absolutely Everything I’ve learned, is a fucking Lie. (Not fun. I have to rewrite my entire understanding. I feel betrayed. Offended. Gobsmacked. My flabbers are mf gasted. -5/10)
The show is actually really funny. (I enjoyed my experience. 9/10)
Fuck Phantom Planet. (What the fuck was that shit? Um, rewind, redo, no thx, give me back the ghostie boy please. I genuinely didn’t even finish the episode, I got to where he un-died and had to turn it off. I refuse to watch it now. 0/10)
The Phandom was right to steal canon and make it our bitch. (Trans Danny? More Dani/Ellie screen time? Actual plot and lore for the show? Actual in-depth thought to ghosts and their culture? Um, yes please. 1000/10)
Frostbite actually is a doctor. (I don’t know why, but I thought it was another thing the Phandom made up. Love to see it, 10/10)
Wes Weston deserves his own episode. (What do you mean he doesn’t actually exist. What do you mean I don’t get my LGBTQ+ undertones. This is homophobic /j. -10/10)
How do you tell when a ghost is intangible, invisible, or both?? (The show doesn’t have a differentiator between the two, so I’m always confused if people can just see him floating through walls. 3/10)
Guys in White literally do nothing but be annoying. (Another case of the Phandom Lying to us. I love it though, they make really good antagonists. 7/10)
The Fentons are stupid and mildly aggressive, but they do love their kids. (I read a lot of vivisection, child neglect, and general Bad Parents fics so excuse me on that front. 8/10)
Danny didn’t actually beat Pariah Dark? (I love the Ghost King Danny fics, so to find out all he did was shove him into a sarcophagus was a bit of a bummer. He struggles more with Undergrowth than the actual king, like?? 6/10)
He can reach inside himself to take things out. (He ate a spoon in one ep and just reached inside himself to take it out. Pretty cool. 9/10)
Is he actually dead? (Phantom Planet makes it seem as if he just got a bit too high a dose of ectoplasm in his system and it fucked him up, how else could he have just undone the damage? But, most of the Phandom says he legit died in the portal, in which case he could not have gone in and just un-killed himself like he did in Phantom Planet. I think he died, personally. More trauma and angst for my writing. ??/10)
Clockwork appears a lot less than I thought he would. So does Frostbite. (I thought with how much they appear in the Phandom, they must have really important and constant roles, but no. They appear very rarely. Sad face. 5/10)
Vlad sucks. (Vlad fucking sucks. 0/10)
Dani/Ellie is much younger in appearance than I thought. (I looked her up for reference when I first started reading the fics, but she looked 14-15. She actually looks 6-7 years old in show. They literally call her a kid. 8/10)
Dani is what she chose to be called, not a funny joke the Phandom played on itself. (I though it was a silly little haha moment. Nope. The show just… named her that. I think Ellie is the Phandoms choice in calling her?? 8/10)
Why is Danny obsessed with Paulina even while crushing on Sam? (He is actively blushing and flirting with Sam and then they’ll turn around and he’s jumping at the chance to talk to Paulina?? Hate it. 0/10)
Danny and Dash don’t actually date. (I saw this circle around the Phandom a bit, thought it was cute if a bit weird, and then it didn’t happen? 6/10)
No obsessions, no cores, no real reason for the ghosts to be terrorizing Amity Park. (I legit thought it was real in-verse stuff, I’m so disappointed in the lack of it in the show. It could have been so good. 3/10)
Danny doesn’t actually become friends with his ghosts. (They don’t really get along, ever. They don’t talk outside of fighting, except for those who actually like him. Missed opportunity. 4/10)
His Space obsession is actually just a few mentions of him wanting to be an astronaut? (I thought he genuinely had an obsession with the stars and we’d see a lot of him stargazing or word-vomiting about his hyper fixation, but no. Sad. 4/10)
He does go stargazing (maybe?) and flies around when he’s not fighting. (We see him going off as Phantom in the episode where Jazz finds out about him. There are no battles and he looks like he’s having fun flying around. 10/10)
He was called Inviso-Bill?? (Hilarious, I love it, why did no one ever tell me this. 7/10)
He says “Going Ghost!” every time he transforms. Every fucking time. (It’s annoying, it’s ugly, I hate it. I am so glad no fics mentioned this or used it, I think I’d go insane. -1000/10)
That’s all I got for today, and probably for a while. I just wanted to write it down for fun, but I might post more like this eventually.
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maaneskin · 1 year
GOODBYE, MY PEACE. inarizaki vb team x f!reader, 1.1k
note, this is not serious in the slightest — it’s also old
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“please!” the boy with the newly dyed blonde hair, smiled brightly, nodding his head up and down. right behind him was an identical face but with newly dyed gray hair instead of the blonde atsumu had chosen. he – atsumu – was most definitely not using the purple shampoo you got for him after the dye job; his hair was more yellow than blonde.
despite popular belief, osamu was not less annoying than atsumu. sure, osamu was quieter, more laid back, and usually let atsumu take the lead in whatever stupid activity they had come up with, but he was not any less annoying, “(name), please,” his voice was also deeper and had a more nassaly tone to it.
watching the two do their best puppy dog eyes to you in an attempt to get their way, was somewhat amusing but also somewhat annoying, “i don’t want to be your manager… again,” your time in middle school was spent watching the two idiots you called your best friends play volleyball and somewhere during your second year they convinced you to become manager for the boys volleyball club. you did have fun, though you would rather be set on fire than admit that. watching them play, watching them score and win brought you deep satisfaction.
atsumu tried again, pleading with you to, once again, become manager for the boys volleyball club, “aran wants you to join too. you love aran,”
you paused, “i do love aran,” ojiro aran had more than once been your savior for when the twins got out of hand and you didn’t feel like dealing with them. he was all around a nice guy with a kind heart. one of your most trusted companions.
“i don’t know,” you sighed, tilting your head.
atsumu clapped his hands together, “please. we won’t fight for the rest of the week!”
you raised an eyebrow as osamu stuffed his hand in his pocket to pull out his phone, “what day is it today? thursday, we can do that,” the brothers made eye contact, having a mental agreement. they both nodded, “yeah, we can do that,”
“no fights until next thursday! and i’ll think about it,”
they both grimaced but nodded, shoulders hanging low. you rolled your eyes, “you’re so annoying,”
“she’s talking about you,” osamu taunted his twin. atsumu, as predicted, began throwing a tantrum, “she was talking about us both!” osamu put his hands behind his head and began walking away, knowing the blonde would follow, “you’re the annoying one, so it was about you,”
you sighed deeply, watching them leave the vicinity with loud voices. one thing about them was they never failed to entertain you. you muttered that it was about both of them, but they were too far away to hear you. atsumu turned back around and yelled for you to meet them at the gym after school, to which you gave a lazy wave and walked in the other direction.
the miya twins weren’t all that bad. despite how you act most of the time, you treasured them both deeply and were happy to have them in your life. you didn’t regret talking to the teary-eyed boy who had been looking down at his fallen onigiri for ten minutes straight. he had been somewhat unconsolable, having removed his tears but still in a sad mood. at least until you offered him some of the stirfry you had in your lunchbox. apparently he had never tasted anything better, for the next day he was by your side when the second lunch was called and didn’t leave you alone until lunch was over. with starry eyes, he asked if he could have some of your food and in return you could have some of his. (“my name is miya osamu!” he introduced himself with his mouth full of food, you could barely understand what he was saying). he later introduced you to atsumu and they never left you alone since then.
that did not mean you wanted to be manager again. it was a lot of work all the time and being around sweaty high school boys seemed more and more like a nightmare the more you thought about it.
you had half the mind to ditch them and just go home instead of going to the gym, but when thinking about the consequences of doing that, you decided against it. with a filled out club application in hand you headed for the gym. maybe you could convince the coach to reject your application. you gasped, stopping in the middle of the hallway, “i’m a genius,”
“please let me be manager, i’m a huge fan of the miya twins!”
kurosu norimune, head coach of the inarizaki’s boys volleyball team, looked taken aback for a moment and then sighed heavily as if this wasn’t the first time he had heard those words today. it probably wasn’t, given how, even as first years just out of middle school, the miya brothers’ were already popular.
“(surname) was it? we really can’t–”
“ah, (name), you’re here?!”
most times you consider ojiro aran to be a blessing. he and you formed a special bond from having to deal with the miya’s. but right now, he was more a curse than a blessing. what if he fouled your super genius plan of not becoming the manager for the boy’s volleyball team.
“coach, sorry for interrupting you!” he bowed in an apology, “i just hadn’t seen her in so long,” he explained, scratching the back of his neck.
“you know her?” kurosu asked, taking a second look at your filled out application.
with a horrified expression, you, subtly but rapidly, shook your head, mouthing the words ‘no, you don’t’. he was going to expose you.
“yeah! she’s close friends with atsumu and osamu, so we’ve met many times before!” he smiled.
you closed your eyes, accepting your fate.
kurosu looked back at your defeated face. the situation turned over in his head and he barked out a laugh, “i take it you’re not actually a fan?” he asked you, finding amusement in your inevitable doom.
having already accepted that you’re not getting out of the situation, answered him honestly, “i’m more of a hater if anything,”
he laughed again, “i’ll consider you for the manager position then, (surname),”
“please don’t,” you muttered under your breath. he left after asking a few more questions and you directed your attention towards the guy who was apparently praying for your downfall.
aran smiled sheepishly to you, “sorry?” he wasn’t sure what he was apologizing for, but it felt like doing so would be the best course of action.
“you should be,” you snapped, “now i have to deal with dummy one and dummy two again,”
the male had half the mind to say you were dummy three. while you knew how to restrain yourself most of the time, you had your moments when your intelligence dropped to the lowest and you joined the twins in whatever bullshit they had going on.
“i’m going to die, aran,”
he chuckled, patting your shoulder, “it won’t be that bad,”
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sunlightdances · 5 months
Stay (Dean Winchester x OFC)
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Original Female Character Rating: PG-13 for swearing and mentions of sex. Summary: Dean and Avery have a two-night stand, and after that weekend, they go their separate ways. They never expected to see each other again, but the universe has other plans. A/N: Guys, where do I even begin? It’s been ages. I miss you. I see your messages, your likes, your reblogs. Thank you. Here’s this. I wrote a lot of it on my phone, so bear with me if there are typos.
It just goes like this, doesn't it?
One night where the both of them could let go of expectations, of being who the universe was making them be. One night.
But just like they knew they didn't have a choice but to be who the universe wanted them to be, they should have known the universe would pull the absolute worst April Fool's Day prank of all time.
They gape at each other, minds racing as images of tangled sheets, open mouths, and moonlit smiles come flooding back.
The task at hand doesn't let them linger too long.
She's firing with military precision, and he's right there with her, sweat dripping down his jaw as he reloads round after round, wondering if the universe put them both here to die together.
But then Sam shows up, like he always does. He saves them both, and the three of them save the day.
It takes longer for Dean to work up the courage to look her in her eyes. He feels-- he feels ashamed somehow, that he let her go that rainy Sunday morning.
There was never an argument or anything. They both just knew it was time. She had said she had to catch a flight and get back to work, and he lied and told her he had to do the same thing.
They had two nights of connection, of passion, but also of affection. He told her things he never told anyone. They spent a Saturday night fully clothed, eating take out straight from the containers in a hotel's king-sized bed. He felt comfortable with her like he hadn't felt with anyone in years.
And yeah, it sucked when she left. He sort of hoped there'd be a knock on the door saying she missed her flight, but he wasn't sad. They both knew what they were signing up for when they met at the bar that Friday night, eyes only for each other.
Still, he thinks he's remembered her kiss every day since.
He still thinks no one has ever touched him like she did.
So, yeah, he's a little angry and flustered when he sees her here, because she said she worked in marketing or some bullshit, and while he didn't expect her to be totally truthful with a stranger, this is a little too coincidental to be believed.
She bats his hands away when he offers to help her bandage a big scrape on her leg, and he tries not to make a face at the rejection. He's very aware of Sam watching him closely, but he has no idea what to say.
There's no point in lying about knowing her. He told Sam that he had spent a weekend with a woman the day he came home from his impromptu trip, but that it was nothing special, nothing but some no strings attached fun.
Turns out Dean might be the one who had a few strings.
Her face feels like it's on fire. Her game plan so far is just to refuse to speak to him, but that feels a bit stupid given the situation they just found themselves in.
Jesus Christ, but he couldn't have said he was Dean Winchester when they met? To be fair - she didn't give a lot of details about herself either. They didn't even really talk about work except when she said there was no way she could stretch her trip into one more day. She had to work.
(She lied about work just like he did, but that's neither here nor there)
She just never thought she'd still be thinking about him months later, much less seeing him in person. In the middle of a hunt.
She did have a real job. She wasn't lying about that. Her work for the FBI is very, very, VERY top secret. Fringe Division has been practically dead for years, but ever since the almost-apocalypse (she supposes she has Dean to thank for that, too), their work is more important than ever.
She was just supposed to be doing field work. Recon. She was never supposed to get involved, but here she is, trying to put a bandage on herself in the middle of the woods.
She can’t stop herself from watching his hands, remembering when they traced every inch of her skin and made her gasp and writhe and the way in the next breath they’d find a ticklish spot and make her laugh.
It’s just all so unbelievable.
Sam is the one to break the ice, which feels inevitable. “So. Anyone want to explain this?” He gestures between her and Dean.
Dean’s jaw clenches. For a moment she feels frustrated because why is he angry? They parted mutually. They both told lies and half truths and let themselves escape in high thread count sheets and each other.
She thrusts out her hand. The one not currently covered in blood. “Avery Harper.”
“Avery.” Sam repeats.
“Technically it’s Special Agent Avery Harper, but I won’t tell if you won’t.”
Dean chokes out a laugh, but it’s a little bitter. Avery’s smile doesn’t meet her eyes.
“I think we have a lot of catching up to do,” she suggests. “Food?”
She turns and heads toward her car before anyone says anything else. She hears a whispered argument, an exasperated sigh, and then finally the sound of footsteps on the crushed gravel. A hand grabs her elbow a moment later, then releases her like she’s on fire.
“We look like shit.” Dean’s voice is gruff. “Pizza at our place instead.”
The drive to their place is pleasant, at least. She struggles to keep up with Dean’s car, but she suspects he’s doing it on purpose so she lets him. He’s never truly out of her sight. She uses the time to try to work her way out of this, but decides there’s no point.
The only thing she needs to do is make them understand she’s not trying to take over their turf and that she has no interest in arresting them, and hope that they hear her out.
She follows along a long dirt driveway. The building looks rundown from the outside, but she trusts them. Trusts Dean.
Inside, she’s not ashamed of the way her mouth falls open as she takes in the gleaming tiles and smooth wood. The place is incredible.
“The inner sanctum?”
“Something like that.” Dean mutters, brushing past her. They both pause at the contact.
“I’m going to…. order pizza”. Sam says, quickly making himself scarce.
She and Dean stand there in the fading sunlight streaming in through a nearby window, and the light catches on his eyes. He’s hurt. She can see that, and she does feel guilty. Even though they were both doing the same thing, she’s realizing now that he probably would have loved to know he was completely understood.
That night, even though she didn’t know who he was, she felt a connection that was deeper than attraction. Now she knows why.
“I didn’t know who you were.” She says, hands tightening at her sides.
“How is that possible?”
“Not every agent is out to get you.”
He smirks. “Most of my interactions with the feds say the opposite.”
She exhales.
He rubs a hand over his face. The sound of his stubble scratching against weathered palms takes her back to a warm bed, a feeling of being so cocooned with someone else she couldn’t tell where he ended and she began.
“Is Avery even your real name?” He asks, voice rough.
A beat. “Marketing?”
She can’t help but laugh. “I didn’t know what to say!”
“You could have bragged about having a badass job.”
She’s surprised, but tries not to show it. “So could you.”
He shrugs. “Wanted to… shed it.”
“Me too.” She admits softly.
This time when he meets her eyes, his are vulnerable, a dark green that leaves goosebumps on her arms. “I—“ he stops himself. She wishes he wouldn’t. He changes tactics. “Let me take a look at that arm.”
“It’s alright-“
“Ave. Let me.”
A shortened version of her name hits her right in the gut. It’s familiar, intimate in a way she hadn’t been expecting. “Okay.” She relents.
He can’t take his eyes off her.
He was angry for a minute, he felt off guard, off kilter, but now that she’s in front of him he can’t bring himself to hold a grudge. He’s just happy to see her.
The FBI.
What a fucking day.
She doesn’t tell him much about why she was hunting, how she knew about the fight he and Sam were in on, how she showed up right when they did and where any of her intel came from.
They’ve always known that someone somewhere in the feds had an inside track, and it always bothered him. But because it’s her, he can’t find it in himself to be angry.
He thinks of the way she didn’t hesitate, just set up shoulder to shoulder with him and aimed her weapon like she’d be damned if anyone or anything tried to get close to the Winchesters.
He’s pretty amazed by her, he’s got to admit. She’s everything he’s ever wanted wrapped up in the most beautiful package, and that’s what makes him pause. Because he’s never allowed to have good things for long.
In his bathroom he inspects her wounds, uses the excuse to crowd her a little bit, inhales the familiar scent of citrus and vanilla that follows her like a cloud.
If she notices she doesn’t say anything and he’s grateful.
Her hand fits just so in his.
“Thank you.” She says eventually.
“You don’t have to thank me.”
He looks up, sees her eyes uncertain, a little wild.
She kisses him before he can take his next breath. It sends heat sizzling up his spine, electricity crackling in the space between them.
It’s exactly how he remembers it, and somehow more. More because they’re truly themselves now, no secrets between them.
His hands are in her hair. Hers are tight on his hips, digging in, a desperation in her touch that he's relieved to feel, proof that he isn't the only one feeling this way.
When the need for air is too much, they wrench apart, gasping. Her mouth goes to his neck, and his lips find her forehead, and he can't do this again. He can't pretend.
"Wait. Avery, wait."
Her eyes are unfocused when she looks at him. "Sorry--"
He shakes his head. "Don't be. I-- god, I wanted that. I just... it's too much. I can't."
"I've thought about this for months." She admits, and his eyes slide shut.
"Don't tell me that."
"It's the truth." When he opens his eyes again, her smile is sad, but there's a bit of hope there too, and it makes his heart pick up speed. "I didn't want to go, that morning. I wanted to give you my number, I wanted to see you again."
"I did too. I wanted you to come back."
"It feels cursed, Dean." She says quietly. "This-- this is all too much of a coincidence."
He nods. "I know. But-- is that so bad?" He leans close, lips at her temple. Can't stop touching her. "Can't we just give ourselves something to be happy about?"
"We do have a lot to fill each other in about." She agrees, words sounding more like a moan in the quiet room.
"Stay." His voice is hoarse. "Stay with me. We'll figure it all out after."
He's tired of denying himself things he wants, things that make him happy. And if all the decisions he's made over the last few months, every thought and every choice have lead him right back here to her, then who is he to question it?
She stays.
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fizzywashere87 · 6 months
You'll Always Have Me [and ur money] (HC's)
notes: i'm kinda a dumbass. This was originally requested by @snipersiniora and everything after that is a long story. (the original ask got deleted because of my dumbassery) THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR REQUESTING!!! <3 btw this isn't proofread <3
RotTMNT HC's with a sweet!rich!reader gf who lost her family and only has their turtle bf left
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rise! Raph-a-doodle
You're a sweetheart, Raph loves you very much
He cherishes everything you give to him
You thought of him and cared enough to use your money on him?
Every time you see him, you can smell his love stink -yeah it's a thing and i made the rules
You give him (and most likely his brothers) allowances and honestly? They help tons
He does his very best to take care of everything you give him big man is clumsy
He appreciates you soooo much, he's smitten
Raph loves going to your place, it's so nice and it's a great break from underground
I imagine he sleeps over a lot
He's so protective of you, making sure nobody hurts you it's New York, being rich is hazardous iykwim
Raph is pretty dense sometimes, he might miss small details
On this topic, he might not notice when you're clingier than usual, but if you seem extra sad he'll pick up on it
Why're you sad?
If you tell him, he'll let you cry on him, and he'll assure you that you'll always have him
If he finds out by himself, he may have wished you told him but we can't change that anymore can we?
You lost your family, he's going to make sure you'll always have him
He sleeps over a lot more now, and has you sleep at the lair some nights
You're never alone unless you want to be
Raph is always there for you and he always will be and your money keeps supplying
rise! Neon-Leon
Spoiling Leo is extra fun ion know why
You get him stupid little gifts or they could be designer clothing
ion know
He's extremely protective of you and insists on walking/portalling you to and from wherever
He loves how sweet you are and he cherishes you
He'll make gold digger jokes which obviously he doesn't mean whatsoever bitch.
He expresses his gratitude for your gifts, allowances, and everything spice and nice :)
When you spoil him, he spoils you in hugs, kisses, and cuddles! :D
He's such a silly bitch boy!
Leo's also one to sleep over at your place a lot preferably sleeping in your bed because he's a little shit
He spends your allowances on stupid shit btw, but he finds them useful "Leo why tf did you buy this?" *a rubber duck that's blue* "It matches my charismatic personality!"
Leo picks up on things fairly quickly so he can figure out pretty quickly if something was ever off one day
On this topic, he notices when you're clingier, and when you seem extra sad
He'll confront you about it but whether you tell him or not is your choice
If you choose to tell him he's going to hold you in his arms and let you cry it out
He is also one to never let you be alone, no matter what he's doing he's going to find a way to keep you by him
He'll make sure you know that you'll always have him and you can always fall on him.
He'll make jokes to try and make you less sad
Anything you need he's got it for you
Will let you talk about your family if that's what you need -he'll nod along and comment when needed to show you he's listening
If he finds out he's also one to wish you would've told him
He's not mad at you but he doesn't want you keeping allat inside
Leo loves you so much and he'll make sure you know that you'll always have him and your money
rise! Othello Von Ryan
You have cash, he does expensive things
Maybe you could ahhh
Help a guy out??
You supply him with expensive parts for his tech
Buy him purple jackets that aren't hijacked please he needs a lil extra help with that btw
Spoil him, buy him certain things he needs for his lab, the equipment has never looked shinier without your help
If you do this, Donatello's forever grateful, he'll probably do a happy dance
He's also very protective of you, though I wouldn't say he's SO protective
He'll make sure you get home safe, and he probably has your location -not to be creepy or anything, he just has it
Likes hanging out with you at your place but I honestly see him as someone wanting to stay at his place
He does appreciate how nice it is though, and how it's a good break from the sewers
He loves your sweetness, though he'll never admit it bad boy persona my left ass cheek
He definitely makes you little trinkets or a piece of tech to make your life easier
It's his way of giving back
Donnie is emotionally constipated but he's observant
He notices when something's wrong even if he doesn't know how to go about it
He'll keep an eye on you, and he might confront you about it
If you choose to tell him, he'll get you everything you need and he'll attempt to comfort you
If you need company? You got it.
He'll give you cuddles too because he doesn't mind touch from you he's probably touchstarved anyways
He'll keep you in his lab so you don't have to be alone
Donnie doesn't really know how to give you verbal reassurance without being awkward but he shows it
If he finds out, he won't be mad at you for not saying anything, and he'll pretty much do anything you want you're his sweet bby
You can sleep easy knowing he's not going anywhere neither is your money pooks
rise! Magic Mike
Buy him random shit honestly he'll cherish it
God forbid anything happen to anything you've ever bought him "This is a job for Dr. Delicate Touch!" "Mikey no!"
He's big on keeping you safe, but I don't see him as the type to go to EXTREMES unless he feels like he has to for your safety
He is always one call away ofc
Stoppp he always sleeps at your place
He says it's so nice and cozy aww bby <333
Buy him art supplies and he'll draw you :0
Your sweetness makes him extra sweet tbh
Cuddles are all the time because he loves you and your money
When you give him gifts he gives you art and makes you foodddd
You buy random shit that made you think about him
Grocery shopping for him too LMAO
Mikey maybe lack observance but his emotional intelligence is higher than yours I can tell you that with a bucket on my head while shit comes out of the sky
He's going to notice if your rich little self is sadder than sad
Of course he's going to ask about it he wants to know why you're sad!
If you choose to tell him, he'll listen to every word you say
As distracted as he gets Mikey's an active listener when it comes to you
His heart breaks for you and he wants to take you everywhere now
He's going to let you cry on him, cuddle, and even sleep gah dam
Yeah, he gives you reassurance
He's not going anywhere and he's going to make sure you know
You're not allowed to be alone anymore if he can help it
He loves you soooo much!!
If he finds out himself, he's going to talk to you about why you should have maybe said something
It's fine if you didn't want to though but he'd rather you communicate your feelings
Mikey's probably the best at comfort out of all of them he's a little shit with therapists as alter egos tf?
They're all cuties but i think he might be the cutest in this situation
You both are lil cinnamon rolls, so cute <3 I'M SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG!!!
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ceilingfan5 · 1 year
Prompts to sink your teeth into 27 and Taakitz please and thank you!
“Balls to the walls, can you believe it’s been ten years since graduation?” Taako is laying upside down on Kravitz’s couch, kicking his feet in the air aimlessly. 
“Not on my balls or my walls,” Kravitz decides, snorting. He pulls the laundry out of the dryer and dumps it in a basket, frowning as static zaps him.  “It’s truly wild to think about. I don’t think I’m going to go to the reunion, if they even invite me, you know? Like, I think I was weird enough in high school that I don’t even get recruitment attempts for MLMs-”
“You just haven’t met the right one yet,” Taako chastises. “Maybe Pampered Chef is for you.”
“I think I’m more of a Tupperware bitch.” 
“I’d love to keep you in a Tupperware. I’d poke holes in the top for you and everything.” Taako flips over and rights himself, woozy and red in the face. 
“What, like a grasshopper?”
“Nah, like a cool snake I found. But just a widdle one.” 
Kravitz is oddly touched. It really adds a layer onto the thing he and Taako are absolutely, one hundred percent talking around: ten years since graduation also marks ten years since they made a marriage pact and swore a blood oath behind the Denny’s. 
A decade is long enough, yeah?
Yeah, lots of people get married by the time they’re 28. It’s normal. We don’t want to be unnormal.
I think that ship has sailed, dude. 
Forget the ship. It doesn’t have to be real. It’s just…you know, motivation. 
A kick in the ass. Yeah. 
Something to keep us looking. Because- romance is hard!
You think it’ll get less hard?
No, I don’t think it will, Taako. I don’t think it will. 
Kravitz looks at Taako. It was stupid back then. It’d be stupider to bring it up now. He’s been head over heels for an embarrassingly long time. It was a joke, mostly. A stupid teenager thing. They’re almost thirty, for fuck’s sake. 
He brings the basket over to the couch and sits beside Taako. Their sides touch, and Taako is warm. 
They’re almost thirty, and Taako’s twin is getting married. And here they are, roommates, alone, together. Kravitz doesn’t know the last time he went on a date, but the last time Taako did was about four months ago. It’s not looking good on the ‘surely some other, perfecter guy will come around and Kravitz will be able to transfer some of the love beating under the floorboards to some regular, unsuspecting dude’ front. 
“It’s just wild,” Taako sighs, clearly on the same choo-choo. “I mean, I’m happy for her, like-”
“Like between her and Barry I’ve been ready to flush myself down the toilet for-”
“So long. SO long!” 
“Physically painful,” Kravitz agrees, not least because it made him incredibly aware of his own bullshit. “Like you said, so happy for them, and I mean, obviously w- I’ll show up to the wedding with bells on-”
“You bet your sweet ass we will. But like, you think my sad jester ass is getting any jingling action?” Taako gives him a sorrowful puppy dog face, like a pathetic court fool left in a cardboard box in the rain, and Kravitz laughs so hard he worries he’s going to pass out. He imagines those jingle bells a’janglin’. But he’d better not. 
He’d really better not. 
“It’s not that I don’t…It’s- It’s not like I want to make either of them feel bad...” Kravitz starts.  
“Definitely not.” 
“But I almost want to- cause a bit of a scene?” He looks at Taako. Taako perks up, tugging down his imaginary jester hat for Serious Mode. 
“I love causing scenes,” Taako says affectionately. “You know this.”
“I know this, and I agree with you,” Kravitz replies, grinning. Warm laundry forgotten. Socks, stay unpaired. Fuck your romantic life right up the same alley as his own. “What are you thinking? I’m hearing gears turning.” 
“Industry music doot-dooting,” Taako says with a nod. “Listen.”
“Listening. You know I’m listening.” 
“It- I mean, just for fun, right, nobody gets hurt, it’s fine, everything is fine? It’s for funsies.” 
“For funsies,” Kravitz echoes. 
“It would be soooo funny if we got engaged right before Lup’s wedding.” 
“Yeah?” Kravitz hears the ocean in his ears. Maybe he got a seashell stuck in there. You know how he is, always getting seashells in places. 
“Yeah! Yeah. Just as a fun prank, and for no other reason. There’s no way this could backfire.”
“Uhuh,” Kravitz says. “It- It would be easy, even. People say we act like a couple all the time. Haha.” Hopefully Taako doesn’t notice that Kravitz said ha-ha instead of laughing. It’s probably fine. Totally regular, even. He’s? Normal. 
“Absolutely.” There’s a manic look in Taako’s eyes, and Kravitz could lose himself in them like a stupid little boat in the Bermuda Triangle. Geometry never was his strong suit, and this current is pulling him under. How many times in his life has he gotten involved with something stupid because of Taako? Not to mention all of the stupid ideas Taako’s encouraged him to follow through on. 
God, is that why he minored in trombone? 
He’s so fucked. There’s no way this is ending well. There’s no way they walk out of this unscathed. 
“It would be funny,” he admits. 
“So funny.” Taako nods enthusiastically, like this is the greatest idea he’s ever had in his life. Fuck all those other bargain bin ideas, this is their ticket to the limelight. Fake dating. 
Fake engagement, even.  
Kravitz’s hand grips the upholstery of the couch, not even a full inch away from Taako’s hand. 
“Why not?”
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AITA for telling my two friends that they might be “soulmates”?
okay for privacy sake i will use abbreviations… so i (27NB) have two coworkers-turned-friends named T (28M) and B (27M)… they had known eachother before i ever met them and were both to my knowledge straight and cis
the three of us game a lot and have hung out every week over the past 8 months since i met them. T and B feel like they could have been my brothers separated at birth; we get along great and have the same humor. they treat me like “one of the guys” and it gives me a lot of euphoria as a transmasc enby
some nights we spend listening to eachother talk about specific interests that each of us has. B is a DM and is obsessed with D&D, T loves politics and history so he rants about it a lot, and i’m into psychology and personality typing. we each like talking about these things but are casual-enjoyers compared to the respective person who has more of a die-hard obsession. it’s a good way to unwind; getting drunk or high and listening to somebody else go off the rails about a topic you enjoy
i just recently got a new book about personality typing. to sum up, it deals a lot with how others interact with eachother and what each person values (it’s a socionics book). tbh it’s all just fun for me, i love reading theories about behavior. both T and B have had me “type” them and they’re entertained by it so when i got this new book and we hung out two nights ago i was excited to have some drinks and rant about the book i’m reading…
they were excited, too. i was tipsy while ranting but i remember a lot of laughing and me pacing around while i talked. i may or may not have accidentally knocked over one of B’s lamps when i walked past it. but it was all just positive reactions to what i was talking about. i talked a lot their own personalities, but neither of them seemed bothered. they’ve said before that they kinda like it when i “psychoanalyze” them…
here’s where i maybe am an asshole.
after i got too drunk to keep ranting, we started playing mario kart. playing mario kart while drunk is hilarious tbh and we aren’t competitive people much. T and B are always pretty nice to eachother about it. so, in the last round we were playing B knocked T out of first place at the last second and other than a playful slap on the arm/joking insult T didn’t really seem to mind. he even complimented B on managing to do it while drunk. i’ve definitely had friends play mario kart and attack me for doing a lot less than what B did
so, stupid and drunk, i made the connection in my brain what two types they might be from the book i’m reading. i told them as much and they both seemed interested but want to know why i thought that. i pointed out that they are both a little soft around eachother and tend to have similar values. i explained the two types i thought they each fit and they seemed to agree up until i explained… that those two types are considered “soulmates” (the book also calls it “duality”) which might be why they are so close
immediately T got kinda defensive. he asked me what i meant by that and i stupidly told him more about it rather than noticing his tone. he was a little too quiet after i finished talking so i tried to make it better him by telling him it was “just pseudoscience” because honestly it is. when T didn’t speak for a minute or two after that, B got up to go to the bathroom.
i don’t have a super clear memory of what B’s reaction was since i was focused on T, but i vaguely remember him looking happy about it before T spoke and until i saw his face when he got up i figured he hadn’t been bothered. B is a bubbly kinda guy, always smiling, but when he left he looked hurt, sad…
i was pretty confused. i’m not great at social cues and even worse if nobody tells me how they feel. jfc add drunk on top of it and i’m lost. T and B are usually patient about that and talk it out with me but we only ended up hanging out for maybe 20-30 mins afterward and when T and i left to go home nothing had really been resolved.
i had kinda forgotten about it when i went to bed that night but the next day i woke up to a text from T that essentially said “can you not talk about B and i like that we’ve had this issue before and we’re not gay”
as a queer person, both trans and bisexual, this is always a weird situation for me to be in. i’m not sure how to explain to a straight cis guy that “soulmates” can be platonic. i just texted back saying okay and kinda left it at that and B hasn’t mentioned it not even when i saw him at work yesterday. he seemed kinda quiet once or twice but not much different.
but tonight i have a shift at the same time as T and i’m worried i was already an asshole but that i’ll be an even bigger asshole if i push this topic any further. idk it feels unresolved
tl;dr i implied two of my straight cis guy friends were “soulmates” and one of them got very awkward/defensive about it but the other got kinda sad. i want to ask them more about it and talk about it with them. AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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hairstevington · 2 years
Freaky Friday (Steddie's Version)
Eddie Munson x Steve Harrington
Summary: Dustin is fed up when his two friends, Eddie and Steve, hate each other for stupid reasons. The universe decides to bring them together by having them switch bodies until they get over themselves. Link to Ao3
Chapter 2 ~ Chapter 3 ~ Chapter 4 ~ Chapter 5
Word Count: 7K, more chapters to come
Warnings: Enemies to lovers, slow(ish??) burn, canon universe (more or less) set before season 4, Dustin gets bullied at the beginning which is a bit sad but it's brief, body swap, angst, revenge, POV switching, Steddie both love Dustin so much, honestly just tons of fun lmao
A/N: A while back I made this post where I had a Steddie AU idea I never really got out of my head and then I started writing it and now I can't stop lmao. FYI this starts in third person Dustin POV but switches to Steve/Eddie midway! Please enjoy, I'll have it up on Ao3 soon probably like I do with everything else :)
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Dustin had enough of this shit. 
He had been bummed that Steve graduated from Hawkins high the year before Dustin entered the ninth grade. Having Steve there would have been a buffer for Dustin, who - although he rarely admitted it - actually didn’t like being unpopular. As much as he hated being the victim of bullying, he hated the thought of changing himself even more - which is why he refused to. 
He showed up to his first day of high school in his Weird Al shirt, because he would be damned to give an inaccurate impression of himself. He knew that after graduation, he’d turn out better than all the other assholes at the school anyway. He was smarter than them, he was better than them. He could get through four years of their bullshit until he proved that. 
Although…Having Steve around would have made it a lot easier. 
But, whatever. Steve had graduated. Dustin still called him all the time, and they hung out every so often, but Dustin knew that nineteen year olds didn’t have a lot in common with fourteen year olds, at least not enough to hang out regularly. They were like brothers, more than anything, and they were in a weird spot. 
Thankfully, through some grace of God, Dustin met Eddie. 
It was bound to happen, considering Dustin had wanted to join the Hellfire Club anyway. He’s already informed the rest of the group - Mike and Lucas - so that the three of them could still play DnD together. Lucas had seemed hesitant, but that was to be expected. Things were changing. 
He missed Will. Will would have loved Hellfire, had he not been in California. 
Dustin met Eddie Munson at lunch - his first lunch in high school. The food Hawkins High served was mildly disturbing and likely lacked any nutritional value, so Dustin was grateful that his mother had kept up the tradition of packing him a lunch special for his first day. She even included chocolate pudding, since it was his favorite. 
Mike and Lucas weren’t going to be at lunch on the first day, because Lucas wanted to check out the basketball team, and Mike wanted to see if he could call El - she wasn’t starting school until the following week. This meant that Dustin was alone in the cafeteria, and he wasn’t entirely prepared to face the brutal sting of rejection, so he didn’t want to just pick a random table and try to make friends. He already had friends, they just weren’t there. 
He stopped in his tracks and scanned the room, pondering his next move. There was no way he’d sit with the jocks or the cheerleaders, and the rest of the tables were unrecognizable in terms of what cliques they represented. This was nothing like he’d seen in movies - he didn’t even really know who the popular ones were versus the unpopular ones. 
He must have been standing there for a bit too long, because suddenly he was nudged hard in the shoulder. 
“Move it, loser,” a guy twice his size said. “You’re in everybody’s way.”
“S-sorry,” Dustin apologized. He took a few steps backward, deciding to just start walking and see what happens, but then he bumped into someone else. 
“Jesus, kid,” another voice said. “You’re like a pinball.” 
Dustin looked up to see a tall, rather intimidating man with long, curly brown hair. He was dressed in denim and leather, the Hellfire logo splayed across his chest. He looked way too old to be a high school student, but way too scary to be a faculty member. 
Not scary in a dangerous way - Dustin had experienced enough real danger that most normal things didn’t faze him - but scary in a way where Dustin felt the person standing in front of him had some kind of power in the school. A reputation, at least, whether it be good or bad. 
“Welcome back, Freak,” another random student remarked at him as they walked past. Dustin watched as the enigmatic metalhead flipped the student off with zero hesitation.
Ah, so it was for sure a bad reputation. Noted. 
“So, I’m the school freak,” he said, theatrically bowing as he introduced myself. “Eddie. Eddie Munson. And you are…”
“Dustin Henderson,” he answered without a second thought.
“I was going to say -” Eddie continued, “- you are….wearing a Weird Al shirt. Bold move for your first day, Dustin Henderson.”
“How did you know it was my first day?” Dustin asked, grateful to be having some sort of civil conversation, even if he had no idea where it was going. 
“Just a hunch,” Eddie replied with a shrug. Dustin looked back at Eddie’s shirt. 
“You're in Hellfire?” he asked. Eddie grinned, then pointed at a table where a bunch of people were wearing the same shirts. 
“Hellfire is my pride and joy. We play a game called Dungeons and Dragons, have you heard of it?” Before Dustin could confirm, Eddie kept talking. “Of course you’ve heard of it, look at you. You’re one of us, I know it.” Eddie gestured for Dustin to follow him to the Hellfire table, which he gladly did. 
“Eddie, who’s this?” a member seated at the table asked when they approached. 
“This, Gareth, is Dustin, and he’s sitting with us today.” Eddie pointed at an available seat, then looped around to his own. Dustin noticed a textbook in front of Gareth and chimed in. 
“You’re taking chemistry?” he asked. Gareth nodded. “That’s cool. I love chemistry. I went to this awesome summer camp called Camp Know Where -”
“Sorry, sorry, sorry,” Eddie interrupted. “Did you just say you love chemistry? What kind of kid actually enjoys that shit? Are you a masochist? I failed that class twice.” Eddie’s rambling was entertaining, to say the least. 
“Isn’t Camp Know Where that science program where all the geniuses go?” another person at the table asked.
“Jesus Christ,” Eddie exclaimed dramatically. “Okay, Dustin Henderson. I will protect you, since you so desperately need the protection. In return, you will join Hellfire, and occasionally help me with homework because you’re obviously smarter than half the people in this school. Deal?”
“Only half?” Dustin joked - although, it wasn’t really a joke. Dustin knew for a fact he was smarter than at least 75% of the school. “Fine, I accept these terms. Can my friends Mike and Lucas join too?” Eddie rolled his eyes and sighed.
“You’re killing me,” he said. “Yeah, yeah. Bring all the Freshies in, I guess. No one will come near you if you stick with us, but you’ll avoid being stuffed in lockers at least.” That seemed like a good enough deal to Dustin, for now. “Alright, kid. Welcome to Hellfire.”
Dustin recounted this entire interaction with Steve the moment he’d gotten home from school. 
“Eugh, Hellfire?” Steve said over the phone, acting disgusted. “That club’s for nerds.”
“Earth to Steve, I am a nerd,” Dustin deadpanned. “And Eddie said -”
“Oh god, not Munson,” Steve groaned. “That guy’s trouble, I swear. Seriously, you should get out of this while you can.”
“And go where?” Dustin retorted, starting to get agitated. “It’s not like I can float through school like you did by joining all the sports teams. I’m gonna be made fun of either way, and you know it.” Steve was silent on the line for a bit, knowing that Dustin was right. 
“I wish I could be there to watch over you, ya know,” he said at last. 
“Yeah, I wish you could too, but I have Eddie at least.”
Eddie. Ugh. Steve hated that guy. He was always doing something weird and dramatic to try to get a reaction from people. 
“Yeah, okay. But I’ll kick his ass if he tries anything, alright?” Dustin laughed. 
“Sure you will, Buddy.” 
Mike and Lucas were far more terrified of Eddie than Dustin was. He knew why - Eddie had shown a bit of kindness that first day, but he wasn’t usually like that. Eddie was the kind of guy who loved attention, and he knew the best way for him to get it was through negative attention. He consistently made an ass of himself. 
Dustin enjoyed it. Mike and Lucas didn’t not enjoy it, but they still felt like he was unhinged. Maybe he was. Dustin didn’t think about it that much. 
Him and Eddie had bonded pretty quickly, especially since Dustin would hang around after lunch or club meetings to talk about homework. Eddie had a lot of questions, and he was kind of a horrible student. This was especially evident when Dustin discovered he was a third year senior, which explained why the guy looked so goddamn old. 
“Damn,” Dustin said once he found out. “You’re even older than Steve. Wait - you might know Steve actually. He graduated last year. Steve Harrington?”
Eddie Munson did an actual spit take with his soda. Dustin had only ever seen that in movies.
“No shit,” Eddie responded. “You know that asshole?”
“He’s not an asshole,” Dustin replied immediately, quick to defend his friend. “He’s awesome.”
Dustin opened his mouth to continue, but it was hard to explain why Steve was awesome when he had to leave Upside Down stuff out of it. He totally saved us from a bunch of Demodogs, and one time he got tortured for information underground by evil Russians. Dustin considered mentioning the time Steve protected the kids from Billy - that was unrelated to the secret world the group had been privy to - but, considering Hargrove’s death, it felt in bad taste to bring up now.
“So you’re trying to tell me that you’re friends with the guy?” Eddie asked suspiciously. “Why? I mean, why would he be friends with a kid so much younger than him?”
“Why are you?” Dustin retorted. Eddie chuckled. 
“Touche. But I know why I’m friends with a bunch of kids, why is he?”
“It’s complicated,” Dustin replied with a shrug. “But Steve’s pulled through for me a lot. He’s cool. You should give him a chance.”
“Give him a chance? I don’t ever see him. Are you trying to have us all hang out for a slumber party or something?” Dustin shook his head and was about to respond, but Eddie was on a roll (as usual). “Listen, Henderson. You’re cool and all, and I’m glad you joined our little clan here. But you wouldn’t want to hang out with me outside of this hellhole we call school, and I certainly wouldn’t want to hang out with Steve goddamn Harrington.”
There was a definitive finality to his statement that let Dustin know there was no point in arguing. But it did leave him wondering what exactly had happened to cause them to dislike each other so much.
Dustin blew through his first few weeks of school like this. He’d visit Steve and mention Eddie, and Steve would complain about how Eddie was a bad influence and would probably get arrested before graduation, if he ever did graduate. Any time Dustin brought up Steve in Hellfire, Eddie would groan and complain about the forced conformity and bullshit societal infrastructure at the high school that separated the good from the bad and blah blah blah. Dustin probably had that speech damn near memorized. Eddie seemed to hate the jocks, and for decent enough reason - the jocks hated him. And Dustin knew that Steve was kind of a dick in high school, but he’d changed now. 
So, yeah. He’d had enough. He just thought that if maybe he could get the two of them in the same room, they’d start to understand why Dustin liked each of them so much. They were both good guys who were protective of him, and he wanted them to get along, dammit!
Steve always went to the basketball games to support Lucas and the rest of the team, which was nice. On nights where the games coincided with Hellfire, Steve would drive Dustin home after. 
On one of these nights, Dustin hatched a bit of a plan. Usually, Hellfire got out before the game was over, so Dustin would meet Steve outside of the gym. This time, Dustin intentionally stayed late to help Eddie clean up and talk his ear off about his upcoming biology report. Eddie seemed to be in decent enough spirits, fresh off another successful campaign, and Steve was in a good mood because he now had a job again with Robin. It gave him money to take women out on dates, which he did often. 
As Dustin chatted with Eddie, there was a pounding on the door. 
“Hey, Dipshit!” Steve called from the other side. “Are you in there? Did Munson kill you or something?” Dustin grimaced as he gaged Eddie’s reaction to the comment, but thankfully Eddie seemed amused more than anything. 
“Sure did,” Eddie shouted back with a grin. “Bite me, Harrington.” Dustin rolled his eyes. 
“I’m fine, Steve!” he yelled. “Come in!” 
“You’re inviting him into my sacred space?” Eddie asked with feigned offense. 
“Your sacred space?” Dustin mocked. “You mean the drama club room? Based on the shit I’ve heard, it’s the least sacred spot on school property.” Eddie was laughing as Steve opened the door and came in. 
“You guys making fun of me?” he asked, his chest puffed out in his silly Steve way. Dustin didn’t find Steve or Eddie that intimidating, because he saw right through their tough guy act. They were both goofballs. 
“Always,” Eddie replied, returning to his cleaning tasks. “So, you’re Dustin’s ride home huh? How’d you guys become friends in the first place?” Steve hesitated, facing the same issue Dustin had when he’d been asked the same thing. Thankfully, he’d had more time to prepare since then. 
“Steve used to date Mike’s sister,” Dustin stated plainly. Steve opened his mouth to object to the sharing of that information, but then Dustin added - “And then I annoyed him into being my friend.” 
“That’s not really -” Steve grimaced, then realized that was the best version of the story either of them could provide. “Yeah, okay. The kid really worms his way into your heart.”
“I know, right?” Eddie replied absentmindedly. Dustin was thrilled to see them agree on something. It was a moment where he hoped they’d realize they could actually get along. “I remember when you dated Nancy Wheeler. I’m surprised it didn’t work out, since you were so perfect for each other.”
Okay, so maybe they wouldn’t get along. The way Eddie had said the word perfect almost seemed like an insult. To Eddie, it was. Dustin noticed Steve tensing and felt the need to mediate. 
“Anyway,” he said, searching for something, anything, to redirect the conversation. He wasn’t sure when he was gonna get them in the same room again, so he couldn’t just leave. “How was the game, Steve?” Eddie rolled his eyes when Steve lit up again. 
“We lost,” he answered. Dustin noticed Eddie hiding a smirk under one of his ringed hands. “It’s a shame they keep Lucas on the bench, although he’s a Freshman so it makes sense I guess. I mean, that’s how it always has been.” 
“You mean to tell me,” Eddie interjected. Oh boy. “- that a high school sports team values a players popularity over their talent?” He scoffed. “Probably why you got so much airtime, right Harrington?”
Oh Jesus Christ this is bad. This is going badly. Steve was clearly offended by that comment, and rightfully so. 
“Eddie, can you just - be nice?” Dustin pleaded. 
“Since when am I nice?” Eddie shot back, picking the last of his papers up and stuffing them in his bag. 
“You’re nice to me,” Dustin pointed out. 
“Yeah, because I like you,” Eddie replied, “-and as I’ve said to you multiple times, I don’t like him.” Eddie gestured vaguely in Steve’s direction. 
“What did I ever even do to you, Munson?” Steve questioned, finally deciding to stand up for himself. “Seriously man, you’re being a dick.” 
“I know what you think of me,” Eddie answered plainly. “I’m just calling it like I see it.” 
“Okay, well this has been sufficiently awkward and horrible,” Dustin sighed, finally giving up. “I was wrong, you two are hopeless. Eddie, Steve’s right. You’re being a dick.” That accusation actually did seem to have an effect on Eddie, even though he tried not to let it show. “Steve, let’s go home.”
On the walk to the car, Steve had already seemed to brush the whole interaction off. 
“I told you that guy’s no good,” he said. “Thanks for defending me, by the way.” 
“I promise he’s not usually like that,” Dustin assured him. But, come to think of it, that kind of was how Eddie usually spoke to people, especially the popular kids. But Dustin was in Hellfire, he was one of them, as Eddie said, and he treated the freaks far differently and with more respect. 
His two cool older guy friends were bound to hate each other, he realized. No getting around it, no point in trying to change it.
Eddie had gone to Family Video countless times over the years, because what else were people supposed to do in Hawkins, Indiana? It was cheaper and involved less people than going to the movies, and it was something to entertain him while he was home. 
Imagine his surprise when he walked into the store one day and saw none other than Steve Harrington behind the counter. 
The green vest Steve was forced to wear was a lot more masculine than the get-up he’d worn at Scoops Ahoy over the Summer. Eddie had the pleasure of seeing him a few times at the mall in his little short shorts and stupid hat, and it was an image he sorely missed. Seeing King Steve pathetically dressed and striking out with women post-graduation? Delicious. 
He’d only let himself visit once, although he may have done it again had the mall not burned down. But alas, Steve’s sailor outfit days were short-lived, and now he was back to being the same old boring jock he always had been - just now, he didn’t even play sports. 
Eddie may have been in his third go-around of senior year, but at least he wasn’t pretending he was someone he wasn’t. He embraced his freak nature, and had grown comfortable in it. Life hadn’t been kind enough to him to give him the option of the niceties people like Steve took advantage of. 
“Hey, man,” Steve greeted him as he entered the door. He was so nonchalant about it, like he didn’t even care about Eddie’s presence. Eddie didn’t care too much about Steve being there, except he did. There was a fire in Eddie's dislike for Steve that seemed one sided. Steve being almost indifferent made Eddie hate him even more. “Let me know if I can help you find anything.” Eddie ignored Steve’s surprisingly sincere customer service and went directly to the row of movies he always went to. He scanned the selection - it looked about the same as it had the last ten times he’d reviewed it - then picked one of his favorites and brought it to the counter. 
Steve didn’t say anything more than that as he went through the rental process. It was all over in less than two minutes, and Eddie was mildly disappointed in the lack of drama. If Steve wasn’t an asshole, then what? Was Eddie the asshole all along?
Yeah. Yeah, he absolutely was.
He was on his way out when he stopped, then spun on his heels to face Steve at the counter again. 
“Listen, man,” he began. Steve looked up from the pile of VHS tapes he was sorting, seemingly unbothered by any of this. “I’m sorry about, uh - about the other night.”
“Thanks,” Steve responded with a nod. Eddie could never really just leave things alone, though. 
“Dustin was right,” he continued. 
“The little shit usually is.” Steve had returned his gaze to the movies in front of him. 
“Yeah,” Eddie chuckled, a bit too forcefully in an attempt to ease the tension. “I’ll see you around, then.”
“See ya,” Steve responded. Eddie pouted, not satisfied with how that went, and he wasn’t sure why. But whatever. He was gonna go home, get high, and watch the movie. A good night was ahead. 
He paused at the door when the phone rang, pretending to get distracted by a cardboard cutout near the window. 
“Family Video,” Steve said on the phone. “Woah, shit. Dustin, calm down. Where are you?” This got Eddie’s attention, and he raced back to the counter. “Okay, I’ll figure something out.” 
“What’s up with Henderson?” Eddie asked, his concern growing. 
“I guess some guys are picking on him. He called from the side of the road on a pay phone near the power plant.”
“Jesus, what did they do to him? Is he okay?”
“He’s great, that’s why he called,” Steve shot back sarcastically. He ran a hand through his hair and sighed. “I don’t know if I can just leave my shift since I just started this job like three days ago. Shit.”
“I’ll go,” Eddie offered. “The plant is right by my place anyway. Don’t sweat it.” Steve eyed Eddie suspiciously, then nodded.
“Okay, I guess. Just - can you call here once you know he’s safe?”
“Sure thing, Harrington.” It was a brief, genuine moment between the two of them, both desperate to protect the tiny child they each adored so much. 
And with that, Eddie bolted out of Family Video, to his van, and towards the plant. 
Dustin had apparently been chased down and recaptured after he called Steve, because Eddie found him tied to a pole a bit further down the street. 
“Eddie!” he yelled once they locked eyes. “Get me out of this shit!” 
Dustin was doing his damndest to break free from the binds, but it was no use. Eddie took his pocket knife out from where he always kept them tucked in his jeans and got to work, successfully freeing the little twerp once he stopped squirming. 
“Who did this? Where are they?” Eddie felt the heat rising in his chest, up his neck, and to his cheeks. “How’d they even get a hold of you? Why are you all the way over here? What -”
“Jesus, Eddie,” Dustin interrupted him. “It doesn’t matter. I just wanna go home.”
Eddie looked Dustin up and down and noticed a bruise forming on his jaw. 
“Come on, my trailer is right there,” Eddie said, pointing in the vague direction of Forest Hills. “Let’s get you cleaned up first.” 
Steve tried to wait idly by while he entrusted a guy like Eddie to go rescue Dustin. He tried to do the responsible thing for once and stay at his stupid job so he could keep said job. He tried not to think about how Eddie could have been behind this whole thing, for all he knew. Some sick twisted mind game. He tried not to think about any of that. 
He lasted two minutes before he called Robin and begged her to fill in. She accepted after a few minutes of persuasion - after all, Steve didn’t ask her for things very often, and he always drove her around, so she kinda owed him. It took her about fifteen agonizing minutes to get there, and just as she walked in the door, the phone rang. 
“Family video,” he greeted, hoping a familiar voice would be on the other end. 
“Steve, it’s me,” Dustin’s voice called through the phone. “I’m at Eddie’s. I’m okay.”
“Where does he live?” Steve asked, still hellbent on leaving. 
“At the trailer park. You don’t have to -”
Steve dropped the phone and ran out the door, not even bothering to hang it back up on the receiver. He headed to Forest Hills, and was thankfully able to locate Eddie’s trailer pretty quickly due to the beat-up red van parked in front of it. He stumbled out of his own car as soon as it stopped, nearly forgetting to take his keys from the ignition. Maybe it was silly for him to worry about Dustin so much, but after what they’d been through together, Steve had learned to treat everything as life or death. 
The door pushed open from the stress of his knock alone, so he let himself in. 
Eddie’s place was small, messy, and smelled of smoke. But, it was clear the place was a home. Steve’s house was a hundred times bigger and somehow contained less. 
“Dustin?” Steve called as he walked deeper into the living room. “Eddie?”
“Bathroom!” Steve followed the voice down the hall to where Eddie was tending to a bruise forming on Dustin’s jaw. 
“Who did this? Where are they?” Eddie chuckled, and Steve almost lashed out because of it, but then Eddie explained. 
“That’s exactly what I said when I found him, Harrington.” Steve took note of the care that Eddie was actually putting into his first aid. It was surprisingly gentle. “Good luck getting him to rat the bastards out.”
“I told you, it doesn’t matter,” Dustin groaned. 
“Whoever it was, we can take ‘em,” Steve insisted. He noticed Eddie smirk at the inclusion of them both taking the bullies down.
“You idiots!” Dustin snapped, standing up from where he was sitting on the lip of the bathtub. “Don’t you get it? I don’t want you to ‘take ‘em.’ It was embarrassing enough to have them pick on me, I don’t need you guys to go down there and humiliate me even more.”
“We’re just trying to protect you, man,” Eddie replied. 
“I don’t need protection!” Dustin shouted, causing Eddie and Steve to back up. “My bike isn’t far. I’m going home. Eddie, thanks for cutting me down. Steve, thanks for leaving work when I asked you to. You’re both really good friends, and I appreciate it. I just want to go home.” 
It broke Steve’s heart to know that Dustin was getting picked on. He just wanted to help, but he understood the whole pride thing. Steve had fought many uphill battles in the past in the name of saving face. Ironically, his face was usually what took the brunt of the consequences. 
“You sure you’re gonna be -” Eddie began to ask the question before Steve was able to, but stopped himself when Dustin shot a glare at them both. “Right, okay. Can you just call when you get home okay?”
“Me too,” Steve added. 
“Okay, mom and dad,” Dustin replied, rolling his eyes. “Or, Steve could stay here ten minutes and then I’d only have to make one call. Unless you guys will murder each other by then.”
“Jury’s out,” Eddie muttered. Steve felt like it was a joke, but also Eddie gave off psycho killer vibes, so anything was possible. “Sure, Harrington. You can stay here until he gets home.”
Steve wanted to think of a witty comeback, but his head was empty. He could stay, and then he figured he should get back to work. 
“Fine,” he agreed. “But the moment you walk through your door, got it?”
“Yes, dad,” Dustin deadpanned. 
“I thought I was dad,” Eddie cut in. 
“You think I’m mom?” 
“Ten minutes, no murders,” Dustin reminded them before heading out the door. There was a beat of silence before Steve and Eddie turned to each other once again. 
“So, we’re definitely gonna go to that plant and kick some ass, right?” Eddie asked, his tone completely devoid of its usual teasing. Steve smirked. 
“Finally, we’re on the same page,” he replied. 
Ten minutes later, Dustin called as promised. Seconds after the call disconnected, Steve and Eddie made a beeline for the front door. 
It was getting dark, even though it was a bit too early for the sun to set. Clouds were forming in the sky, a bleak omen of the impending storm that neither Eddie nor Steve had prepared for. 
They walked to the plant in silence, because what was there to be said? They were going to tolerate each other to defeat the common enemy. 
A group of misfits were in fact still camped out under one of the towers. They were all smoking and laughing and spouting nonsensical vitriol about the student body - kids like Dustin, as well as the women of the school. If Eddie and Steve weren’t heated already, the few comments they’d overheard sent them over the edge. 
“Hey!” Steve shouted, cutting one of the guys off. Five pairs of eyes flickered over to the pair, who’d realized once they were in the situation that they were vastly outnumbered. 
“Steve Harrington?” One of the boys questioned. “What are you doing over here?”
“And with Munson?” Another added. “I never thought I’d see the two of you together.”
“Neither did I,” Steve and Eddie said in unison. They glanced at each other, awkwardly acknowledging that they’d said the same thing at the same time, then hastily moved on. 
“Is this about the boy?” The leader of the group was probably a Junior, and shorter than both Eddie and Steve, but he had enough audacity to make up for it. 
“Found him tied to a pole,” Eddie reminded them through gritted teeth. This was news to Steve, who’s blood boiled at the thought. A few years prior, Tommy and Carol used to do shit like that. Maybe not to that extent, but it was all the same. 
“Why do you care so much about that dumbass anyway?” The leader (was his name Chad?) asked. 
“He’s totally harmless,” Steve said.
“Us on the other hand…” Eddie interjected. 
“Oh yeah,” Steve agreed. “I’ve been known to throw a punch, and Eddie over here  is actually insane, I’m pretty sure.”
“Aw, thanks man,” Eddie grinned devilishly, smacking Steve on the back. “Our point being, you stay away from Henderson and we won’t break anything, okay?”
Thunder cracked in the distance, followed by a flash of lightning. 
“Yeah, okay,” Chad mocked. “We’re not scared of you.” Eddie and Steve looked at each other, shrugged, then both trudged forward. Eddie took Chad while Steve went for the one who appeared to be second in command. They each pushed them against the metal pillars, gripping them by the collar of their shirts, and drawing their other hand back into a fist. 
“How about now?” Eddie asked with darkness in his eyes. 
“Let’s get out of here,” one of the others in the group said, and within moments the other three bullies scampered away into the night. 
“Some loyal friends you got there,” Eddie teased. Steve was getting agitated at how many stupid quips Eddie had. Was he supposed to be all quippy too? Was that the secret to winning one of these goddamn things?
Thunder rumbled again, this time much louder than before. Rain started to fall hard against their skin, distracting them enough for the two pathetic bullies to slip from their gasps and follow their friends out of sight. 
“Shit,” Steve groaned, realizing that they’d just made a fool of themselves. “Not only did we not hurt them, but they’re definitely going to tell people about it, and then -”
“Is that seriously what you’re worried about right now?” Eddie interrupted, the rage in him still burning. “Your reputation? Claaassic Steve Harrington, always thinking about himself.”
“That’s not what I was saying, asshole,” Steve responded. “Dustin’s going to find out, and then -”
“So what if he does?” Eddie asked. Steve was sick and tired of being interrupted. “If they mess with him again, then -”
“Could you let me finish a goddamn sentence? Holy shit,” Steve exclaimed, thoroughly irritated. The rain was falling steadily now, the drops heavy as they hit him. His hair was already starting to feel weighed down to his scalp. Perfect. Just perfect. “Dustin told us not to do anything, and then we did, okay? So what do you think that little shrimp’s gonna do when he finds out, huh?”
“He’ll handle it, Harrington,” Eddie shot back. “He’s a big boy.”
“Oh, come on!” Steve groaned. “Don’t give me that bullshit when ten minutes ago you dropped everything to rescue him like he was some lost puppy.”
“Because he was tied to a pole!” Eddie responded. 
“That would have been helpful to know before we headed out here, by the way.” Steve put his hands on his hips and planted his feet in the mud. It was way too late to worry about his appearance, now. 
“Oh, Jesus H. Christ,” Eddie sighed, taking a step towards Steve. “You’re just as awful as I thought you were.”
“Oh, really?” Steve said, taking another step forward to meet Eddie. “Back atcha.”
“Fuck off.”
“Fuck off.”
There was another loud crack of thunder as both of them shoved the other at the same time, causing them both to stumble backwards until they each hit one of the metal pillars extending down from the plant. 
A flash of light. A quick, searing pain. Then, they each dropped to their knees and fell into the mud. 
It felt like a sudden hangover, and a bad one. Eddie opened his eyes and cringed at the feeling of mud under his fingernails and up his arms. 
For a moment, he’d forgotten how he ended up on the ground. It felt like he was somewhere different, and he wasn’t sure why. He sat up, extremely disoriented, and then focused on a similar crumpled heap across from him. It took a second for Eddie to make out Steve’s features in the dark, but then his head angled upwards, their eyes met, and everything got a whole lot more complicated. 
“Steve…” Eddie began, speaking slowly. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. “Why the hell do you look like me, man?”
The man across from him had the same features Eddie had come to know in his own reflection - the same style, same hair, same everything, but no - that didn’t make any sense. 
“I was going to ask you the same thing,” the man replied. The man, who answered to Steve, but couldn’t possibly be. No, Eddie was dreaming. He’d done some hallucinogenic and forgot and now he was tripping. That had to be the case. 
They both stood up, mirroring each other, and for a moment Eddie thought that maybe that’s all this was. Some trick of the light. Maybe, there was a mirror at the power plant for some reason, and he was just staring at himself. Sure, the other guy responded to him, but he couldn’t think about that.
He waved at himself, but the guy across from him didn’t wave back. There went the mirror theory. 
It was still raining, but it had lightened up quite a bit. The two men took a few tentative steps towards each other, their eyes adjusting. 
“So, this is…I mean, we are…” Eddie fumbled over words that didn’t make sense. 
“What kind of weird cult shit did you do to me?” Steve accused, his voice rising. “Did you drug me? Sacrifice me to the devil or something?”
“Dude, are you fucking serious right now?” Eddie groaned, throwing his head back. “I didn’t do shit.”
“Then what happened?” Steve snapped. “How did we - Like, you’re seeing this too, right?”
“Yeah, I’m seeing it.” Eddie finally took a moment to look down, noticing a vastly different wardrobe than the one he remembered putting on. 
Including a green vest. 
“Holy shit,” Steve said. It was weird hearing his voice with Steve’s words. 
The idea of saying it out loud - dude, we switched bodies - seemed too batshit insane to consider. So, naturally, Eddie did what he knew best. 
“No. Nope. Not happening.” he shook his head and took off towards his trailer. 
“Hey. Hey!” Eddie’s own voice echoed behind him, followed by footsteps that got louder and louder as Eddie desperately tried to get away. He didn’t even look back until he was safely in his trailer again, the feeling of home making him feel slightly more at ease. “Dude, we gotta figure this out.” Steve followed him in, of course. 
“Why? Why do we have to? Why can’t I just shower and go to sleep and hopefully wake up from this nightmare?”
“Because I don’t think we’re gonna wake up,” Steve said with a shrug. “And because if you shower right now you’re gonna see my dick, and so I think we should, like, talk first.” Eddie barked out a bitter laugh.
“Don’t flatter yourself, Harrington. Would you feel better if I bought you dinner first?” He continued to walk down the hall to his bathroom, where first aid supplies were still strewn about, and that’s when he caught himself in the mirror.
Sure enough, Steve Harrington stared back at him. He looked a little worse for wear with his hair wet and disheveled and streaks of mud on his face, but no amount of dirt could change the pretty boy Steve was and always would be. He nearly spat at the image. Eddie’s familiar figure joined him in the bathroom, where they stood shoulder to shoulder and stared at themselves for an absurd amount of time. It was the closest they’d ever been to each other for more than a few fleeting seconds, but they were too stunned to do anything about their proximity. 
“Okay, so…” Steve said, watching Eddie’s mouth move as he said it.
“I’m you,” Eddie responded, finishing the thought. 
“And I’m you,” Steve finished. Their eyes stayed focused on their reflections for a while longer. How long exactly, it was tough to say. 
“So, what the fuck do we do now, then?” Eddie asked, finally breaking his gaze to look at Steve - er, himself, he guessed. 
What did they do now? That was certainly the question. 
Steve had gotten used to weird shit happening to him, but this was a whole new world of weird. 
“I guess…” Steve searched for a plan, but he had no semblance of one. His head was completely empty. Probably because I’m using Eddie’s head, he thought to himself. “I should call Robin and tell her I’m not coming back to work.”
“You mean I should call Robin, since I am you now apparently.” Steve scoffed.
“You’re not me, alright? You just look like me, for some reason,” he argued. “Maybe we should call Dustin.”
“Yeah, because he’s soooo happy with us right now,” Eddie responded. “What do we say when he asks us what happened? We did the thing he told us not to do, and now we’re facing the consequences.”
“Consequences?” Steve repeated. “No, no. On any other day, in any other town, we would have done what we did and nothing would have happened. This isn’t a consequence, this is just my goddamn luck.”
“You’re acting like this is just any regular day for you,” Eddie complained. “Do you body swap with your enemies often?” Steve shot him a glare. The actual answer of, no but I’ve had a bunch of other weird shit happen, was on the tip of his tongue. If only Eddie knew what was really going on in Hawkins. Steve thought Eddie probably had his head up his own ass too much to notice, anyway. “Fine. I’ll call Robin.”
“Don’t say anything I wouldn’t, okay?” Steve warned, suddenly terrified at the power Eddie had to do some damage if he wanted to. 
“Don’t worry, I know exactly what to say.” Eddie went to his phone and dialed the number to the video store. “Hi, Robin. It’s me, your coworker, Steeeeve Harrington.” 
Great start. Jesus. 
“Dude,” Steve whined, nudging Eddie’s shoulder. “I don’t sound like that.”
“Yeah, I’m still at Eddie’s,” he continued on the phone. “Dustin’s okay. Can you finish my shift?” Huh. After the playfully performative introduction, Eddie seemed to actually act normal on the phone. “Great, thanks a bunch.” Just when Steve thought they were in the clear, Eddie tagged on a final line. “See ya later, Sweetheart,” followed by a bunch of kissing noises. 
Steve wrestled the phone from ‘Steve’ and slammed it against the receiver. 
“What the hell was that?”
“That -” Eddie said with a grin, “- was fun.” Steve’s eyes narrowed as anger began coursing through his veins. Anger, mixed with fear. Fear of this guy he hated, who now had full control of his life. 
“If you mess with my life, Munson, I swear to god -”
“What?” Eddie cut him off, barely fazed. “What are you gonna do? Get me back? Harrington, I’ve got nothing to lose. I’m already the school freak, nobody gives a shit what I do.” 
He had a fair point. Steve scrambled to think of a way, any way, he could get under Eddie’s skin the way Eddie was under his. 
“You have Hellfire,” he blurted out. Steve knew from Dustin just how much Eddie loved that stupid club. Based on Eddie’s reaction, Steve had made the right call. “I could tank it,” he continued. “Give up your title as dungeon manager or whatever.”
“Dungeon Master,” Eddie corrected him through gritted teeth. “You wouldn’t.”
“Oh, I would,” Steve insisted. “If you mess with me, I’ll mess right back.”
They stared at each other, knowing that each of them were serious. 
“Fine,” Eddie agreed. “I will play nice.” He stuck his hand out in front of him for Steve to shake. Steve hesitantly did so, not sure if he believed a word out of Eddie’s mouth. 
He was right to be mistrusting. Eddie had the fingers of his other hand crossed behind his back.
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n7punk · 3 months
Also as an addendum using Dropout as an example to base your business plan on is a *fucking terrible idea*. As succesful as it is now it also had the starting advantages of, among others: Being a direct successor of CollegeHumor and thus having a pre-existing audience, tapping into the burgeoning D&D craze via Dimension 20, incredibly talented personnel, and a founder in Sam Reich who had the financial means to basically run the fucking place at a loss until it worked out because they believed.
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LOL i've been hearing bits of that story and yeah, it only points more to how it's not really a valid comparison. watcher is a direct successor of buzzfeed unsolved, but they're essentially an entire "network" (they're not, they just wish they were) built off of one legacy show, versus everything the various talent at dropout is bringing to the table. the try guys are a lot closer of a comparison to making a successor to the golden age of buzzfeed as a whole with their expanded roster on their service than watcher is. that's also why i bring up roosterteeth, which developed a lot more organically out of just one show. i totally see the idea some fans have that watcher was not following dropout, but rather following the try guys trying to get ahead of them from inside knowledge, who were following dropout and had done a lot of research and groundwork into the thing. it's like a game of telephone but they're trying to tap in via can-on-a-wire. and maybe the try guys suspect the same thing from their sad couch joke in the announcement video lmao. this whole thing was a monumentally stupid idea. and, well, watcher's social blade proves that...
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don't be tricked by that upswing, it just means they only lost 10k this month versus 70k when the announcement went out. probably only... twelve of that is from people unsubscribing on youtube because they have the website instead lmao. like im not unsubscribing because i'll still watch the stuff as it comes to a delay on youtube, but i sure give less of a shit about these people than i (barely) did before lol. saw someone comment that youtubers are getting too comfortable when they're just people we watch to avoid having thoughts and should remember it. i really felt that LOL. i do have a few youtubers im more invested in the content of than that (kkclue videos just make me smile, they're fun! but im not following him on twitter lmao) but even with my detached perspective i'm seeing that they broke a lot of their parasocial bonds with this one. i don't know i've ever seen a youtuber announcement be worse received.
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madrabit · 7 months
omggg for bojance 36, 29 because i need exposition............ also 27. you know why
Uhh, yessss, I'm very happy to talk more about BoJance!! And yes, obviously I do know why 😂 (sorry for taking so long to answer tho!)
27. Craziest place they had sex?
Since they are three guys, there are a lot of places they have had sex (the studio, the laundry room in their apartment basement pffppfpfpfpf), but I think I'd split it, cause there are varying levels of craziness.
So, BoNace: the gym.
BoJan: a cinema bathroom
Jance: St. Luke's backstage area
And for all three of them together: Kris's flat (don't tell him tho, he'll go crazy). Might not be the most risky or public, but definitely the craziest for them.
29. First date? (Give as much or as little detail)
They spend a lot of time together, even before becoming their power throuple, so it's really gradual, but as soon as they cleared the air and officially started dating, they had a nice little date in a sushi steak club. (I won't tell you where, cause that would be spoilers, but it's probably not where you expect it to be pfpffppf)
36. Who's the more protective?
Ngl, I think they are all very protective, but in different types. If we take it very literal and it's about a situation, then I think Bojan would probably be the first to throw fists if someone said something stupid to either Jan or Nace (especially since he probably wouldn't get taken seriously, cause he do be tiny), but Nace would immediately try to be a mediator (and make absolutely sarcastic and cunty remarks dressed in nice words), while Jan just stares unnervingly without blinking.
But in general, I think Jan might be the most protective one out of the three, cause he manages their socials most of the time and reads all the stuff ppl say about them. And as we know, there are a lot of things being said that are just unnecessarily mean and hurtful even if they are meant as a "joke", especially towards Bojan. So I think he would definitely would try to keep that from both, no need to throw that onto someone who clearly should not be bombarded with hate.
That doesn't mean Nace is less protective tho, since he also doesn't like seeing Bojan (or Jan) sad,cause lets face it, anxious and sad puppy is no fun. But he would definitely deal differently with it than Jan would. So maybe the point of them all being very protective of each other in different ways is still very applicable here, they just have different ways to express it!
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bonjas · 2 months
betty la fea: la historia continua episodes 5&6
Well that was a whole lot of...nothing. With how fun episodes 3&4 were, I was so optimistic about the rest of the show, but damn, they stomped out that hope REAL quick. I don't even know where to start lol, I guess at the beginning...
The opening scenes were so jarring? Firstly, this show LOVES cutting scenes in between entire fucking conversations so we get an awkward 5 second betty scene, then it goes straight to the walking through the jail scene that felt like it was supposed to be a dream, but we never got a "waking up to reality" scene, he was just IN JAIL LMAO like?? We went from confession, straight to jail? There wasn't even an ongoing investigation going on into what was happening at ecomoda or anything like that, so he just went to the nearest jail and said "i did a bad thing! guilty!" and into the slammer? IF WE HAD KNOWN WHAT WAS GOING ON AND THERE WERE AUTHORITIES ACTIVELY INVESTIGATING, IT WOULD MAKE SENSE. but nah, these writers hate explaining ANYTHING lmao. literally, it went: armando and mario nervous about betty finding out, betty becoming prez, armando and mario trying to hide the evidence with guttierez, betty finding out from hugo, confronting armando, him still not saying what happened, failing to fix it, then JAIL? PLEASEeeeeee
i'm finding that this show doesn't know what to do with betty. like, at all. with a show being named betty la fea, it sure doesn't look like it. poor betty only gets to look sad, or look mad 24/7. or if she's briefly happy, she then immediately has to get sad and/or mad. we get so little precious betty time as it is, i wish they would give her more to do! seeing her confront mario was cool in the previous episodes, betty always had a spine and defended herself, what happened to that! she just stands there silent and lets everyone make false accusations against her then walks away?!
i'm seeing a lot of "hugo is the villain again!!" ummmm??? hugo is the one actually helping the entire staff by letting them know what's going on and demanding justice??? everyone would lose their pensions if it wasn't for him, and if it was the real world, uh YEAH lawsuit bitch!!! after all the abuse they all took from armando, to learn that on top of that he stole their retirement funds? ELECTRIC CHAIR.
mila...sigh. i already said idk what to think of her character, we literally don't know a thing about her, but drinking and driving? gurl. armando is her father after all and we all know how he was about that shit, but damn. dont like that at all. her saying that shit to marcela was so out of line since she herself cried to marce about her being the only one who cares about her or w/e and the minute marce shows some parenting traits and worries over her she flips out and said now i know why my dad left you?! yeeesh. and she's obviously a TERRIBLE judge of character, wtf was there ever to see in ignacio? ewwwwwwww. that whole story line just fucking sucks. i dont care about him, even if they told us ANYTHING of what the fuck is going on with him, i just dont care. he's so boring and one note, if he takes down all of ecomoda with his pinky, i couldn't care less. the hacking stuff is stupid. "hackeado" is funny though lol. oh ALSO about mila, i totally expected betty to run into her at the jail and she bails her out and they have more of a bonding moment but nope!!! fuck any potential bonding moments i guess, or even sharing the screen together. could have been such a good "i always help the people i love even when they're doing something wrong" moment!! like a foreshadow for mila for when she finds betty's diary and finds out the truth (cuz of course she is)! please i beg, a scrap of foreshadowing!!!
patricia is a stepmom!!!!!!!!!! that made me laugh. and they hate her, omg that's so fucking funny. her sleeping with nicolas again tho, i'm half "why?" and half "i get it" cuz he's the only guy that's ever showed real feelings and respect for her, but it just happened so quick and we didnt really see it develop, they just hit it off again after 20 yrs lol? but the whole "secret tapes" montage was pretty good, that was a highlight for me.
quick fire:
armando's lawyer is still fucking pointless, and still throws herself at him for no fucking reason lmao WHY????
the jail scenes suck, antiquated gay jokes and boring jail tropes. i fast forwarded those scenes, NEXT (if I'm wrong and they're worth watching pls let me know!! I saw Freddy was there and the therapy guy or something?? idk I was so checked out at that point) (edit: I rewatched the episode in its entirety, I was right the jail scenes are pointless! he just ends up leaving after like a fucking day!!!!)
so did nicolas stop working at ecomoda when betty left? did patricia barely get her position in the time betty left? marcela just works full time at ecomoda again, since before or after betty left?? hello??
the timeline still makes no sense, mila was gone 5 yrs, the armando marce kiss was 5 yrs ago, but armando was only president for 2 yrs? but betty left armando that night presumedly, so were they separated for that time until marcela waiting 3 yrs to demand betty be removed as president?????
nothing happened plot wise :( armando went to jail, everyone finds out and has a freak out, hacking and Mario was looking for some shit??? site character shenanigans, armando gets out. nothing happened!! two whole episodes wasted 😔 when you only have 10 episodes, everything needs to be important.
fernando gaitan was a fucking magician cuz i could tell you every single plot point of OG BLF without stuttering. the reboot is a mess yall i'm sorry 😞 i really hope it gets better, cuz now we have a confirmed second season?? bro why
why did Betty fall down the stairs like that?? what was the point? will it be relevant later?
also we just haven't had any good patsy pat and Marce moments :(
please let me eat my words and get better for the last 4 episodes!!!! i beg of you
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lollytea · 1 year
fuck yes worldbuilding for the Huntlow Neverland AU. FUCK yes. love everybody's deals they're so interesting. question: what's the deal with Hunter and Belos? and do you have any backstory ideas for Willow beyond her history with Amity (which i love)? it's interesting that her main friends seem to all NOT be fairies
I dont really know about Belos I don't care about him all that much. What I imagine is that he and Caleb visited Neverland as children. They were orphans and didn't have any other sanctuary besides each other but Neverland seemed like their safe haven. Caleb eventually met a wild and rowdy Lost Boy named Evelyn and he decided that he wanted to return to the mainland with her and grow up. Philip was hurt that his brother wanted to leave the life they had made for themselves here but he reluctantly returned home with them. Real life adult problems commenced, years and years of tension and built up resentment on Philip's end, maybe he got really into religion (???) Caleb and Evelyn got pregnant out of wedlock (???) I dunno, blah blah blah blah stab.
Philip returns to Neverland to hide from his guilt (and the police) and relive his glory days but all it does is fuck up his sanity and now he hates this stupid fucking place with all his heart and soul. Its no longer his escapist fantasy from his boyhood. Its a vile abomination. Its Hell and he needs to destroy it somehow.
He and the Collector have a very weird relationship. It's not really as personally antagonistic as Peter Pan and Hook but rather, Belos is the "bad guy" in the Collector's games, which he obediently plays along with (keeps him alive). However, the Collector is very insistent that games be fair and so, he grants Belos' requests that he always have a Special Player on his team so his chances of winning are better. It makes the games more fun that way anyway.
And so, every few decades, the Collector returns to the mainland to bring Belos his Special Player. Upon his request, its always a baby or young boy that he steals from the nursery of the Wittebane family.
(A family which now believes themselves to be cursed because they so frequently have their children stolen in the night.)
The boys never last long. Belos isn't careful with his playthings and they often die before they even make it to manhood. Sad.
(Also. For reference. The subject of "growing up" on Neverland is kinda slippery. In some variations, Peter was actually the only one capable of remaining young forever, while Lost Boys aged and died all around him. In some variations, everybody who lives on Neverland remains in an ageless state. What we are gonna do in this case is make aging a state of mind. You grow old if you feel old. And honestly, most Neverland dwellers do as time passes. Except King and the Collector. Although, time is very weird here. Sometimes a few years in Neverland is just a few weeks back in the human world.)
As for Willow, I imagine her backstory BEGAN with the fight with Amity. But after that she became a lot more meek and less confident because she felt discarded and unloved. This made it very easy for other fairies (Boscha) to make her a bullying target. Willow is clumsy, Willow can't always control her magic, Willow isn't as fast at flying as Boscha, Willow is this and that and whatever.
Things are tense when Amity appears in Neverland and Willow does not want her there. And then she actually becomes kinda friendly with Boscha which hurts even more cuz Oh. So you don't hate fairies? It's just Willow you hate?? Huh. Good to know.
Her confidence begins to gradually build again after some time spent with Luz, Gus and eventually patching things up with Amity. And then Hunter comes along and he makes her feel like the most wonderful fairy in Neverland.
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hassedah · 11 months
Hi! IDK if ur still acceping asks (sorry if ur not). If u are, can i request the guys (neil too please) with a s/o that does not want to have kids? Thank u!
MC does not want to have kids :
Hi! How are you? I hope you are well! ^^
Here's the headcanon you requested, I hope you enjoy it. ^^
Take care of yourself and have a nice day! ^^
Vladimir :
The discussion came up while you were gardening with him. Vladimir has always wanted children, as far back as he can remember, and when he was a child he even helped his mother or the nanny look after his brothers and sisters. His parents were very amused by this. A little less so the other adults around him who didn't see it as normal play for a little boy.
His wish to have children is still the same, and he still feels a little sad at the idea of never being a father, but it's been a long time now that he's put that idea behind him. It's not for nothing that he more or less adopted Ivan. Does he think of him as his son? He'd be tempted to say no, but in reality that's not quite true.
You don't want a child, he's not going to try to change your mind, he may find it sad for him, but he's not going to ask you to give him a child so that he can bring it up on his own.
He supports you when people try to convince you that you're wrong or that you'll regret it one day, and he gets angry when people imply that it's sad for him.
He's happy to be in a relationship with you, child or not, and he won't tolerate anyone trying to make you feel guilty or change your mind. It's your body, not theirs or his.
Béliath :
The discussion came quite naturally as he was telling you about the fact that his biggest stress had been getting someone pregnant without wanting to. When you told him you didn't want a child, he nodded. He understands pretty well.
Although he jokes about it a lot, given that he's the most fertile person in the manor. He's very careful not to get anyone pregnant by having sex with them. It's not that he's bothered by the idea of having a mini-Beliat somewhere in the wild, but… if the person were to keep the baby, well, there could be a few problems when it comes to feeding it… and he doesn't really want to be known as the slightly stupid vampire who made humans discover the existence of his kind…
He'd never really thought about whether or not he wanted children, Part of him thinks it might be great fun to raise a mini-him with a partner, but the other part realises to his horror that it's still a lot of work. What's more, he hasn't really had a good parental example and he doesn't think he'd make a good father.
In any case, he sees no problem with your decision. It's your body, after all, and you can do what you like with it. He certainly won't try to change your mind and he'll certainly get angry at people who might question your decision. It's not up to them to decide for you.
Ivan :
You were discussing everything and nothing and he's not really sure how the subject came up. However, he understands you quite easily when you tell him that you don't want a child.
He doesn't know if that will always be the case for him, but he's sure he doesn't want one at the moment. He still feels far too childish to bring up a child, his transformation into a vampire is still so recent and he's not even sure he understands himself. It's not compatible with the idea of bringing up a child.
The fact that you don't want children doesn't bother him, the idea of having children isn't why he got together with you. He got together because he loves you and enjoys the time he spends with you. Having or not having children wouldn't change the way he feels about you.
He comes to your defence when people insinuate that you're too young to know what you want, or when people say you'll change your mind as you get older. Other people don't know what you want any better than you do, and Ivan can't stand the idea of anyone trying to make you change your mind about something like that. You're the one who has to make the decision.
Aaron :
The discussion came naturally during one of your walks in the forest. You were discussing your future together and your plans when you told Aaron that you didn't want any children.
He hadn't thought about it since he left Farah's pack. Pregnancy was fairly common among werewolves in those days, mainly because one of the few 'means' of contraception was withdrawal and it didn't really work.
He is fairly indifferent to the idea of having children or not. He didn't get into a relationship with you to have children, but because he likes you and enjoys having you around. He really doesn't see any problem with your decision. It's your body, and even if he wanted a child, that wouldn't give him the right to force you to have one.
You continued to discuss the subject for a good part of your walk. You talked mainly about the pressure society puts on you to have children. He listened to you, assuring you that he wouldn't allow anyone to try to impose his choices on you and that he would stand up for you no matter what.
Raphaël :
The subject came up quite naturally one night when you were both reading in the library. Raphaël was talking to you about a fairy tale that he liked a lot, and you finally stopped reading to discuss the subject together, especially the end of fairy tales, and that's when you told him that you didn't want any children.
Raphaël hadn't thought about the question before, because he's rather indifferent to it. He hasn't wanted a child until now. If you'd wanted to have a child with him, he'd have agreed, but he also agrees with the idea that you didn't want one.
The only thing that really matters to him is living with you. Of course, all fairy tales end with "they lived happily ever after and had many children" but Raphaël is ready to write a different ending with you. He doesn't need to have children to be happy, the only thing that matters to him is that you're happy.
He repeatedly assures you that he supports your decision and will never try to change your mind. It's your decision and your body. He defends you when people try to convince you that you're wrong, and the fact that people try to make you change your mind about it really annoys him.
Ethan :
The discussion came after you had both talked about your parents. You told him that you didn't want any children. Ethan listened carefully before nodding. Before, when he was still young and human and hadn't been traumatised by the war, he would certainly have been disappointed, but now it's more of a relief. He doesn't think he would have made a good father anyway.
He was already using condoms with his Moondance conquests because the idea of getting someone pregnant made him anxious, and not just because of the idea of leaving a vampire baby out in the wild. The fact that you don't want a child either is a relief for him, he feels like you've just taken a huge weight off his shoulders.
He was quick to assure you that he didn't want any either and that you could live happily without children. He'll even tell you several times with genuine relief in his voice.
He gets really annoyed when people try to change your mind about it. He doesn't understand why people criticise your private life or your decisions. You're not forcing anyone not to have children, what you do with your lives is your own business. His aggressiveness on this subject is a little frightening for the people you're talking to, but at least it pays off, because soon no-one is trying to change your mind.
Neil :
The subject came up when you were talking about Neil's life when he was king. More specifically, he was telling you about the concubines he had and the children he had with them. When you told him you didn't want any children, he felt relieved. He had had his children with his concubines out of obligation rather than any desire to have them.
Of course, he appreciated the children he had, in one way or another, even when he found them stupid and useless, their stupidity was sometimes… endearing. He even got on very well with some of them, who went on to become powerful vampires, but he has no real desire to have them again.
Being alone with you is enough for him, your presence is enough for him. He already feels happy with you this way and doesn't need anything more. He quickly assures you that he feels the same way about it.
He doesn't let people try to make you change your mind about it and he gets angry when they insist that you'll end up regretting it and that you'll change your mind one day. This decision is yours alone and no one should have the right to try and make you feel guilty or change your mind.
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waterparksdrama · 1 year
ok track by track review of Intellectual Property. GO!
as you wish anon. be warned this is literally like one of maybe 4 times i've listened to this album in full again
st*rfucker - a bit too saccharine on first listen but it has better replay value as time goes on. the beginning of the shoehorned jesus lyrics and the continuation of limo imagery to represent fame which is actually fitting admittedly bc just like a limo that is supposed to represent glamour and celebrity living, they are just as widespread and accessible as him and aren't really that glamorous at all. also this is me saying again wow he complains a lot about fame for someone who isn't really that famous. i still hate the cutoff at the end bc. cmon man. 7/10
real super dark - ok i did like the gilbert gottfried inspired melody i think that's fun actually. the song lyrics? uhhhhhh. just more complaining. if you have listened to any of the albums since fandom you are not missing much there other than the otto serial killer jokes he has inserted here? which is a choice i guess. instrumental is great tho. i feel incredibly stupid listening to a lot of the other parts of the song tho. 7/10
funeral grey - god i can't bear listening to this one on my own i'm sorry. live it's fine, but the studio recording i would rather kill myself than listen to again. IT'S SO ANNOYING. the terrible overenunciated vocals. awsten's attempt at humor by writing these wattpad fic lyrics that make me cringe to my core because i know there's a part of him being genuine. the one direction ripoff hook because he managed to get one of 1d's actual songwriters to help write the track. the only saving grace is the ending but at that point it's too late for any redemption. 2/10
brainwashed - ironically this was written with the 1d guy again and. i'm actually fine with this one LOL. it's simple and lowkey so it's considerably less annoying than funeral grey. considering awsten said the lyrics on this album were hypersexual, but it's 2023 so this is fairly tame, it just makes me wonder how much he has repressed in his psyche. 6/10
2 best friends - ok now we're back to simple annoying. if you tune out the lyrics enough, it sounds like disney channel filler music. but it's actually about ~~sExxxx~~ hahahahaha everything about this album so far is like reading fanfics clearly written by middle schoolers. awsten's sad about his situationship so he goes out with his 2 best friends to forget but it doesn't work :( but he could just fuck his friends bc it wouldn't hurt to try at this point. hey what if this was what the song was actually about that because in travis' insane songfic he made jawn and awsten hook up during this chapter #neverforget #riptravisficeventhoughmebitchingontumblrmadehimkillit 4/10
end of the water (feel) - hearing awsten try to hit those high notes reminded me of people saying brendon straining on his high notes on the last panic tour was like hearing a dog that needed to be shot out back for its own good. this is very obviously a charlie puth ripoff to the t because not only does he hit high notes that no man should ever reach, but i'm pretty sure the verse instrumentals rip off "light switch" by charlie. anyways more of "ughhhhh i'm not getting a text backkkkkk" that makes me want to throw awsten's phone into the pacific. i still don't know why kurtis conner is here and how this is supposed to relate to any of this at all. also actually now that i'm crossing checking the genius pages for these, the descriptions for these songs make them sound much better than they actually are lol. 3/10
self-sabotage - this one is mid on it's own but funny because i remember the amount of twitter discourse this song has spawned. "awsten's being toxic and misogynistic" did we not listen to some of the songs off fandom "awsten has bpd" what if he just sucks sometimes. the memories of this are more memorable than the song itself. 5/10
ritual - remember when i found out the soundbyte at the beginning was from an aids psa. good times. fine song other than the shoehorned soundbyte. the entire song is just a repetition of the verses and chorus like a ~~ritual~~ spooky! i like the flair vincente void adds with his screams i feel like this feature makes more sense because it's a song about protecting yourself from the doctrines of religion that harmed you when you were growing up and apparently vincente has known awsten since he was 13???? only thing i hate is the corpse ripoff ending so much so that i have a personal version where i edited that out. 8/10
fuck about it - BORINGGGGGG OH MY GODD. if you've heard one blackbear feature, congrats you've heard them all because they all sound the same and blackbear adds no energy whatsoever. he made a bayside instrumental sound boring you really can't underestimate him. anyways back to the song itself; the situationship has dissolved into pure sex and disinterest and annoyance outside of that and with the way awsten sounds like he plans having hate sex, i don't think he's ever had hate sex before. there's the ending synth i think is fun and that's the only reason this gets a point at all. 1/10
closer - it's a sweet song but um. haven't we heard this in a way before? *cough cough 21 questions* i think this is the closest (lol) parx comes to at a return to pre-fandom form, but when i listen to the chords too much i'm just like "did he lowkey rip off that one smashing pumpkins song". anyways it's just about needing to be closer to someone or ending the relationship completely. simple but effective but not nearly as effective as 21 questions for me sorry. 7/10
a night out on earth - ok i had physical tickets to the last tour bc i won them on idobi so i was like "THIS SONG BETTER BE AT LEAST DECENT BC I STILL HANG UP THE TICKET WITH THIS NAME" and it was at the least. it's like. a good waterparks song, but i feel like i've heard it already? my mind goes back to see you in the future but for these i can't tell who's ripping off who more lol. yeah i feel like other than some interesting production here and there it's a rehash of shit we already heard before. shoehorned religious lyric. fake ass band guys. "i turn my agony into songs and people only like when i'm hurt". "i've been dead since 2016" (part two). "i'm evil now. idgaf. wat ever."
and then i think the part that makes me go awwww but also confuses me is the im a natural blue radio interview snippet? like why does this all tie in together now. geoff's not even here bro how is this the only release where otto's the only one namedropped when awsten hasn't even named dropped him until last album. 80% the album is about some random relationship how is this supposed to tie into all of these.
idk i feel like i've just had this on my mind when when of my mutuals made their own analysis on awsten's mindsets towards life and said how he uses fear as motivation but his perfectionism keeps him from using failure as an editor and how this song was the peak example of this; the rehash of the same ideas over and over because despite his stubbornness, despite "ultimately -not- giving in to the perception that you’re worth ‘Demonizing'", he never confronts the problem for real, just compartmentalizes the problem away and doesn't truly overcome the root of his problems. that's what i feel like manifests in this album for me to be put off by it at its core. nothing ever changes, he just finds a new situation to complain at. maybe that's also why his fans never change even as new ones come though. maybe that's why we also stay stagnant in this with him.
again i get it, he's a public figure; if he did dive too deep into this and didn't choose to generalize the lyrics for his own sake, he would probably end up incriminating himself way too much and have a hard time performing some of these songs. but i can't help but wonder. if he's truly getting over a mental obstacle like that, or keeps himself so set on the future that he ignores the problems he never solved. like he always does. like he always seems to be doomed to. anyways, 7/10 song.
all in all, it's an album that tries to reach a concept of coming to terms with your sexuality and religious trauma all entwined in fame but in reality it's mostly just about a sucky situationship and awsten complaining again while putting in random religious references sometimes and the beginning and ending are about fame. my hot takes are: tennis imagery = gay sex, there's not enough of a distinction between "soulsucker" and awsten to make "album lore" when the overarching concept of parx's discography is "awsten's life sucks", and darth vader is luke's father. - iz
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aangstycareberrr · 2 years
Partners, pt. 2
summary: college au / you and Kenma get paired up for a project together and fun stuff happens
kenma x reader
part 1 part 3
a/n: there’s gonna be one more part after this one i think
You got ready for the party and were almost ready to head out, you looked over your makeup and your outfit in the mirror and took a quick picture before grabbing your keys and walking out. As you were locking your door you feel your phone vibrate in your hands. It’s a text from Kenma. “hey, just checking that your still coming?”, it makes you feel giddy to see his name on your phone, and the fact that he wants you to be there is enough to make you giggle out loud. You’re feeling a lot more confident than earlier so you decide to be a little flirty with your reply, “would you be sad if i wasn’t?“ You hit send and for a moment you question if you shouldn’t have said that. is it stupid, is he gonna think i’m dumb for flirting with him. but he almost immediately replies, with a simple “yeah”. you just stare at your phone, you weren’t expecting him to just concede and outright admit without a shadow of a doubt that he wants you there. it’s such a simple response and yet it plagues your thoughts for the entirety of way.
You walk through the door and look around, the place is packed and you couldn’t remember the last time you went to a party this big, actually you weren’t sure you ever had. You spotted the kitchen, which was significantly less crowded, and walked over to make yourself a drink, you’re going to need it to get through tonight, you thought. As you pour vodka and sprite into a solo cup you hear your name.
“Y/n!“ You look up to see Kuroo walking into the kitchen with another guy next to him who you feel like you vaguely recognize. You’re relieved to see a familiar face but you’re mostly just thinking about where Kenma might be.
“i’m glad you could make it, and i’m not just saying that because you’re the reason i convinced Kenma to come to one of these parties.”, he says jokingly, but it still makes you happy to hear.
“Thank you for the invite, honestly this is a bit out of my comfort zone but i can tell there won’t be a dull moment.”, you say as you watch a group of guys holding the biggest dude you’ve ever seen by his ankles to do a keg stand. Kuroo laughs and says “You got that right. Listen i’m gonna go get Kenma for you, he went to my room and told me to just come get him when you got here… don’t tell him i told you that.”, you laugh and the comment makes some of your nerves disperse. he really wants me here. Before walking off Kuroo mentions, “This is Bokuto, i’m gonna leave you with him while i fetch Kenma, and i promise he’ll keep you entertained.” As Kuroo walks off to get Kenma you turn to greet Bokuto, but he beats you to it. “Hey! it’s so nice to meet you, i feel like i know you from somewhere.”, he speaks excitedly and his cheery aura makes you feel at ease, that could also be the alcohol though. “i think so too actually! wait, are you in my english lit class?”
“YES! that’s it!! you’re the girl who sits in the front and always knows the answers to the professors weird and metaphorical questions!”, This makes you laugh, you remember Bokuto now. He sits a little further back than you, you’ve seen him doodling in his notebook during lectures.
“Hey wait, so you’re here for Kenma?”, You can’t decipher if the shock in his voice is good or bad. “Yeah i guess you could say that. Anything i should know?”, you say this in a light hearted tone, but secretly you are trying to get information. “I mean Kenma’s a good guy, i’m just a little shocked, he doesn’t really do this kind of thing.” “Parties or girls?” Before Bokuto can respond to your question Kenma walks into the kitchen with Kuroo.
He’s beautiful. You think as you watch him walk in, you can’t believe how attracted you are to him. He stands a couple feet away from you in the kitchen and smiles lightly at you. “Hi”, he greets. “Hi”, you respond, you both just stare at each other for a moment. Kuroo interrupts by clearing his throat and excusing Bokuto and himself, leaving you alone with Kenma. “Hi”, “hi”, you both repeat your greetings and laugh about it. you realize he’s staring at you and it makes you feel self-conscious until he says, “you look good.” He said it with a fond smile and looks down. “Thank you”, you smile back at him and suddenly you feel unfalteringly confident. “Can i show you outside? it’s a bit quieter and the pool is nice to look at at night.” You agree and you guys walk outside together.
It is indeed quieter outside and you mentally thank Kenma. there’s a few people sprawled out on some patio furniture and a guy and a girl sitting with their feet in the water. Other than that, it’s pretty desolate. You take a moment to look at the pool and how the light reflects on it. “It is nice to look at.”, you say to Kenma. You guys sit next to each other by the edge of the pool. “So you live here?”, you ask Kenma. He scrunches his nose up and says “no, i hang out here every now and then because of Kuroo but, a frat isn’t my idea of a comfortable living space.” “Yeah i didn’t think you were the frat type.”
“I’m not sure how i should take that.”, Kenma said in a playfully defensive tone
“It’s not a bad thing. Like i just know i wouldn’t be able to do it. i enjoy being around people but some days i definitely need to be in hermit mode and recharge my social battery. I just get the feeling that we might be similar in that regard.” You look at him when you finish talking and notice he’s staring at you like he’s thinking about saying something. Finally, he says, “i want to show you something”
He stand and leads you towards a corner on the far side of the patio and you hesitate for a bit before following him until you reach a ladder leaned against the side of the house. “i really like climbing onto the roof sometimes, it’s pretty much the only part of this house that’s consistently peaceful.”
You consider him for a moment, mentally weighing the pros and cons of going to a secluded area with a guy you basically just met. Something about Kenma makes you feel safe, you know it’s because he’s conventionally attractive, but you let yourself indulge for a bit and climb the ladder. Kenma climbs up behind you and you wonder if he’s looking up your skirt or being respectful, you don’t know which one you prefer. When you get to the top you notice a lawn chair with a blanket thrown over it. “that’s usually where i sit when i’m up here.” Kenma walks over and removes the blanket from over the chair, and then sprayed it out on the floor for you both to lay one. You sit on it as you dangle your feet off the edge of roof. from here you get a clear view of the couple down by the pool. They’re sitting close together but not actually touching, they’ve been giggling and they both seem nervous in a cute way, so you draw the conclusion that they’re not officially a couple. “They’ve both been dying to kiss each other this whole time.”, you say. Kenma laughs but looks a little confused, so you feel the need to clarify, “i like to people watch”. Kenma nods in understanding and then says, “actually i think he’s a lot more into her than she is, i like to people watch too.” You smile at this and then respond, “What makes you say that?”
“His body is turned towards her but she’s just facing the pool, and she’s always the first to break eye contact, like she’s avoiding him trying to kiss her.”
You laigh incredulously at him, “ok, i’m impressed.” You both laugh together and the atmosphere is light and playful and makes you feel giddy.
Conversation flows smoothly after this. You guys talk about your majors, your hometowns, families, high school, and everything under the sun. He tells you about his hobbies and the small company that he’s thinking of starting, you tell him about your passions and aspirations. He’s easy to talk to and he makes you laugh and laughs at your jokes as well. Everything about him makes you want to kiss him, but you don’t want to jump the gun. At some point along the way you guys have scooted even closer together and your thighs touch his. You’re so enthralled in conversation you don’t notice how much time has passed or the fact that it’s been hours. You weren’t expecting to stay this long and although you don’t mind, you didn’t feel totally safe walking back to your place so late at night. After taking a look at your phone and confirming the time, you regretfully say to him, “god this sucks, but i kinda should get going, it’s pretty late, and my place is a few blocks from here.” “I’m sorry, i didn’t mean to keep you. I didn’t even notice the time.”, he apologized but you quickly say, “No! don’t apologize, i enjoyed this.” It sounds so formal, you want to say it differently, you want to tell him that you’ve loved every minute spent with him, that he’s been so charming, that you want to see him again, but you bite your tongue, you don’t want to make him uncomfortable, but you’re bursting on the inside. He smiles at your comment and says “Can i walk you home?, and don’t say i don’t have to do that. i want to, if you’re comfortable with it.” You want to melt and hug him, but instead you just nod. “I’d like that.”
As you walk back to your place it’s quiet, but it’s not uncomfortable. He evokes this energy that makes being around him easy, like there’s no pressure to perform or act a certain way. You look at him from the corner of your eye and see him smiling at the ground. After a few minutes you arrive in front of your apartment building and you stop in front of it. “This is your place?”, “yeah? why’d you say it like that?”, “Oh it’s just, i live in that building.”, he points to the building across the street from yours, it’s literally 10 feet away. You’re not sure if this makes you happy or nervous but you just laugh, he joins you in this. You guys stare at each other and you know you’re just stalling having to walk away from him, you want to spend the whole night just talking to him, or even just sitting in silence with him.
“Thank you for walking me.” “it’s, no problem, apparently we were going the same way”, he says jokingly. Not being able to stall any longer, you say goodbye to him and turn to walk into your building. “hey”, he calls. You turn back to look at him and he gets a lot closer to you, inches from your face. You look up at him with slightly wide eyes and he says “Can i kiss you?”, you nod and he leans in. It’s slow, and sweet. He rests one hand on your waist while the other cups your face. Your hands go around his shoulders, meeting at the nape of his neck where you play with the ends of his hair. His lips are a little chapped but you don’t care. he’s an amazing kisser. He pulls away for a second before placing one last quick peck on your lips. You stare up at him and smile. He’s lightly laughing and before you can ask why, he tells you, “I was so nervous to do that”, you laugh with him and are even more charmed by his giddiness. You feel like a teenage girl who just had her first kiss. You guys finally part and he tells you he’ll text you. You walk up to your apartment and and start laughing, it’s been a while since you felt the childlike innocence of a crush and all the little joys that come with it.
You feel your phone buzz in your pocket, it’s a text from Kenma: “i’m home :)”
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isdalinarhot · 1 year
i need to like. write down what opinions each of the War Crimes 6 had about each other that we know canonically. its 4 am i dont have anything better to do. note that this is strictly canonical which means all shipping except canon pairings gets left at the door sorry. we all know sadeas and dalinar want to fuck each other nasty but this isnt what this post is about
gavilar's opinion on:
dalinar: this is my brother. he is useful to me. he is very stupid and easily manipulated. keep the wool over his eyes and keep him pointed at anything and anyone i want dead. he is a tool of mine above all else
sadeas: he is my buddy :)
navani: bitch wife
ialai: [missing data]
evi: [missing data]
dalinar's opinion on:
gavilar: this is my brother. he is the most important person in my life. with parents that were absent at best and abusive at worst he is the one who raised me. i care for him extremely deeply. i would do anything for him. when i played a part in causing his death i turned my entire life around, as he surely would have wanted. he was everything to me.
sadeas: once he was my best friend in the world. i always found him a little silly, a little too intellectual for my meathead self, but i also cared deeply for him. he was extremely important to me, perhaps less so than gavilar, but still an incredibly large part of my life. a trusted ally and close friend. when gavilar died our friendship fell apart as we both blamed each other for gavilar's death and in addition he began treating me coldly when i started following the codes. he betrayed me time and time again until i lost all fondness for him. when he died i felt regret that we could never return to the way things once were, but also a sense of relief, due to his negative presence in my life near the end
navani: i n eed to fuck ehr
ialai: we were buddies back in the blackthorn days! we used to banter sometimes. we were never particularly close but i enjoyed spending time with her. nowadays i don't really talk to her due to the whole complicated situation i have with her husband but she was fun :)
evi: in the blackthorn days i tried so hard to love her but could not muster attraction to her. my heart lay... elsewhere, and her personality and life ethos was not compatible with mine. our marriage was miserable, i hated her at times, but her death wrecked me, less because i was devastated to lose her as a person but more because of what the death represented. spent 6 years forgetting everything about her, got my memories of her back, felt weird about it, had a fun character arc about it, but nowadays when i think about her she is more of a symbol than a flesh and blood woman i had flesh and blood woman feelings for
sadeas's opinion on:
gavilar: most important person in my life. no question. he took me under his wing when i was not even a full adult yet. he built this kingdom. he is the most powerful man i know and because of that i am latched to him like a little wood tick. i "loved" him, whatever the fuck love means when youre sadeas
dalinar: used to be lots of fun but then he got sober and boring and now he has to DIE!!!!!!!!!!! but i did "love" him once, whatever the fuck love means when youre sadeas
navani: [missing data]
ialai: she may be ugly but she is DANGEROUS! which is hot. 10/10 only woman i respect. she gets torol privileges
evi: [missing data]
navani's opinion on:
gavilar: fuck this dude. when i was very young i was attracted to him, but that faded very fast
dalinar: i n eed to fuck h;im
sadeas: oh i never liked this guy. i trust him provisionally but his personality is absolutely rancid.
ialai: we were friends during the blackthorn era :) we are no longer friends after gavilar's death however. missing data on if im sad about this or not
evi: god i tried to hate her. i tried to hate her because she was fucking my man. but shes so stupid and so nice that you just cant hate her. and she was in a miserable marriage and i relate even though if *i* was in her place *i* would be having the time of my life #skillissue. so we did form a semi-close friendship
ialai's opinion on:
gavilar: [missing data]
dalinar: LMAOOOOOO THIS BITCH IS HILARIOUS. hes so dumb and because of that i like teasing him when we get the opportunity to talk. of course once torol wants him dead its like well i am going to help to kill him immediately
sadeas: my husband my bestie my confidant the guy who scratches my back the guy who i can sit on his lap and eat his shrimp poppers my partner in war crime LOVE YOU TOROL!!!!!!!!! MWAH
navani: we were friends during the blackthorn era <3 we schemed together. we are NOT friends now though #FuckDalinarLives
evi: SLUT from rira
evi's opinion on:
gavilar: [missing data]
dalinar: oh dalinar. you are so wonderful and honorable but you kill so much and i wish you would not be brutal and war criminalish. am i attracted to you? honestly speaking not really. you just were politically important to me. but i will bear our horrible marriage where you break my heart once a week because it is my duty as a woman or something idk
sadeas: [missing data]
navani and ialai (they go together because the opinion is pretty much identical): i wish i could be as smart as them, or as cunning as them, but i am a sweet little flower who cannot cook up a single scheme and because of that i feel alienated from them :( we are friends i suppose but its not really equal
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Rifftrax Sentence Starters
“______, didn’t I dispatch you to hell earlier?”
“ ______, shut up forever.” 
"Alright. That does it. I officially have no idea what we're looking at, why we're here, or even who I am anymore."
“And I pray that I never have to emote any more than I just did. I'm exhausted.”
“And if you're ready, _____, may I offer you a wide-awake nightmare?
“Aw man, I thought we could trust the slimy loser.”
“Being a creepy evil creep is a reward in and of itself.”
“Bland? I mean, honey? Can I make you some bland milk? I mean, warm bland? I mean, warm milk?”
“Careful, they might miss at you.”
“Die! Die in a fire! Live again and then die!”
“Did you guys just see that or has my brain fully melted?”
“Do you think you can do me the teensiest favor and just kill me now?”
“Feels like an NPR audio essay is about to break out.”
“Forgive me, Father. I killed like eight guys today.”
“Fuck you. Pay me."
“Having knowledge about things is not really my specialty.”
“He died as he lived: looking dumb as Hell.”
“He has all the fighting skills of a sock monkey."
“Hell is other people and stuff.”
“I’m condescending for no reason, got it?” 
“I've tried nothing—And it's not working!"
“I can’t answer your question because that would acknowledge you exist.”
“I can’t live with myself knowing there’s something out there I haven’t murdered.”
“I don’t want to oversell it, but it will fill you with sadness.” 
"I find words difficult because I can't punch them."
“I have a two part question. One, will I ever feel joy again? Two, what did I do to deserve this?”
“I hope you like really tough burnt meat and shitty scotch.”
"I love it when a plan sort of slowly congeals together."
“I thrive on your ignorance.” 
“I tripped and fell up five flights of stairs and landed here.”
“Is your torture basement even up to code?”
“It’s not what you said; it’s that you exist.”
“It irritates me too that I can defy logic, time, and physics."
"It is pleasant to be happy because it increases our amount of gladness."
“Let's carpe diem and mumble and mope like we've never mumbled and moped before!”
“Mind if I dial up the gay?”
"Never have I cared so little about so few for so long."
“Nothing calms a kid more than a poster of a deranged clown.”
“My philosophy is to see how many Pop-Tarts I can eat in two minutes.” 
“No, don’t, ____, please! Seriously! I will kill all your enemies! Please!”
"No good story ever starts with ‘so there I was, pouring gasoline all over the dead girl’s body.’”
"Oh good. Something else for the Gallery of Things That Should Not Be."
“Oh, thoughtless sociopath, you’re my best friend.”
“Okay, so I’ll take that ominous cryptic answer as a firm yes.”
“Our hero— again, fighting like a sociopathic four year-old.”
"Please don't ruin this moment by surviving!"
“Rush in blindly! A plan can only hinder us!"
"Screaming? Laughter? At this point, what's the difference?"
“So where do you think you’re gonna dump my body?” 
"So…You give up here often?" 
“Society as we know it would disintegrate if people knew the truth about whatnot.”
“Thank you, most boring sounding person in the world.”
“That’s a very friendly murder threat.”
“That sounded a lot more menacing and less gay in my head.” 
“This is my bullshit lecture!” 
“Wait a minute, I thought you said ‘pass the time,’ not ‘destroy all hope in the universe.’” 
"We are reconciled now through the cleansing power of violence."
“Well, that was neither fun nor interesting, but at least it gave us no new information.” 
“Well, time to pretend I know stuff.”
"Well, whoopty-shit."
"Welp... Forgone conclusion ain't gonna forgone conclude itself."
“Who can resist an asshole?”
“Women, right? Always like, ‘This seems fatally stupid!’ Blah, blah, blah.’”
“Yeah, I do feel my own mind drifting through thoughts of Socrates—in that I want to drink hemlock and die.”
"You're a lying liar who lies! You lie!"
“You're not allergic to severe acid burns, are you?”
“You taste like libertarianism and cigars.”
“Your evil is reassuring.” 
“Your violent, misogynistic criminal vibe lets me know I can trust you.” 
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