#have i mentioned............. i love drawing dolls uwu
cartoon-cass · 11 months
Murder Drone episode 7 & 8 trailer analysis
This is the first bit of Murder Drone news we've had in a while so I'm biting at the chance to do some analysis. I'll do new dialog first as there isn't much of it.
"hahaha thanks for giving me the planet. Fricking idiot."
This is said by CYN or Absolute Solver, which ever one you want to call them. At first I thought this was a thing that happen in present time but that seems like a pretty big plot twist to put in the trailer so more then likely it's either what happen when Copper-9 core collapsed or what happened to Earth.
"All I know is I need you. [We'll] figure things out, together?"
I put the "We'll" in square brackets as I'm not a 100% sure that's what he says, theirs a loud crash right before it and there are no subtitles so can't be sure. N is not having a good time, poor baby. I'm guessing Uzi found out about the whole kill all infected worker drones and N is comforting her that he won't kill her.
On to the images now.
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This shot is pretty dark and we get no context about it but it appears to be some sort of man made cave system, with wooden support beams and a wooden crate with what appears to be an old timey gas lamp. The hole in the wall is made out of fleshy growths with human skulls and rib cages, the fleshy growths are reminiscent to other fleshy stuff the Absolute Solver has made and the human remains are likely from the scientist or other types of workers unlucky enough to be in the blast radius when the hole was created. My money is on one of those Null black holes like the one Uzi made in Episode 6.
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Uzi and N hug UwU. All jokes aside they appear to be in some sort of church, surprisingly clean for what I have to assume is god knows how far underground. The hug seems pretty desperate so they seem to have been separated from each other, as shown in the next shot, also Tessa or Doll are nowhere to be found.
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This is the best shot I could get of this scene. N is being dragged on the floor into the hole by eldritch hands, this seems to be the same spot as the first image. N is grabbing something and for the life of me I have no idea what it could be but N seems to think it's important, It's not a core, maybe a human heart but that is a big maybe, but it's my best guess.
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Here we see 2 sentinels chained up and a giant church, the sentinels are probably guarding it. At first I thought it was raining in this scene but on closer inspection it's actually stalagmites and stalactites, which means their definitely underground. there's a human skull on the bottom right and in red, possibly blood, is written null, there other words on the column right behind it too but it's to hard to read it.
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In this frame you can better see that there's a banner on the church that says, "Lab space for rent" there seems to be red tape on it with other text but that's way to small to even guess at what it's saying. There's also a miner helmet and a bloody pickaxe, given the blood I'm guessing this was for a human and not a drone.
The sentinels seem to be reacting to some sort of light but the source of the light is not seen but it's from above, which is why I first confused it for lightning but given their underground that seems unlikely.
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The only thing we see of Tessa and it's slamming Nori's locker closed, there was nothing in the locker if you were wondering. I love the little drawings, hopefully we get to see more of Nori she seems to be an interesting character .
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Something weird I noticed is that thing in the bottom left corner it's not there for one frame and the next it's there and I have no idea what it could be. It's probably nothing and maybe just a result of editing for the trailer but I thought I mention it.
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Look at them their so cute. I think they heard something and turn around to see what it is, likely after the hug but no idea. the light there facing is red and it persists throughout the next few shots too, maybe it's Doll, the eldritch thing from earlier or both, eldritch Doll.
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Uzi is holding a crucifix of all things??? Also Uzi does not seem ok, she seems to move weird.
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This frame shows that Uzi has some sort of image on her screen, or her screen is off with no eye lights and it's reflections, it's really hard to tell, but I think it's the first as the frames before this where her head is down has the same thing which wouldn't be if it's reflections.
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At first I thought there was a disassembly drone in the background but it appears to be a light fixture, though it doesn't seem to do a lot of help as it's dark as hell down there. Also Rip N's hand. I think there might be a N and Uzi fight but I doubt either of them wants that.
It's interesting their leaning heavily on the Christian theming, it's always been there, the disassembly have wings and halos, head band lights, and where even referred to as sky demons, but they've never been so upfront. If I'm reading them right N is meant to be an angel or a fallen angel and Uzi a demon but what that means for the episode I'm not sure.
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Niffty headcannons because I did Sir Pentious uwu
(CW for sex and smut being mentioned but nothing graphic) 
When she was alive she was tall, willowy, and had long hair, like how most people draw human fluttershy 
She lived in Japan most of her life but moved to the states when she got married to a US soldier
She was the overlord of mariticide (the act of killing one’s husband) I mean she was a housewife in the 50’s she def snapped 
She eats things she doesn't know, she has an iron stomach now
She is still an overlord technically but she never cared for titles in the first place
Alastor has an older brother like relationship with her, she’s the baby sibling, and Husk is the middle child 
Niffty loves to play house with those two (just as long as there is no mommy or daddy) Alastor is more than willing to entertain Niffty, Husk usually has to be dragged into it
She collects porcelain dolls and taxidermy stuffed animals each one has a name and tragic backstory 
She hates every and all bugs no matter what kind they are, she used to be deathly afraid of bugs but that fear morphed into hate. Now she is on a one woman’s crusade to kill them all
She is allergic to bee and wasp stings 
Her book collection is ⅓ psychological horror ⅓ hardcore smut and ⅓ picture books about animal friendships or animals with jobs 
She cuts and dyes her hair herself (how could you tell) ((the yellow part is dyed)) 
She had autism, ADHD, pica, and OCD 
She loves dogs but only the big ones, she hates any dog that can fit into a handbag only she gets to ride around in the handbag 
Her love language is that of a cat so if she likes you she is gonna leave dead animals outside your room, everyone in the hotel thanks Niffty but quickly disposes of her gifts
Oh and love bites she also hate bites but there is a difference 
Her favorite foods are strawberry cakes, oyakodon, daifuku, the cotton candy in the walls and meat on the bone (like chicken wings or t-bone steak) 
She stress cooks because she needs to do something all the time, she hates sitting still so the hotel is over run with leftovers 
She has one of those scholastic dairies with a pink heart lock and matching pen with the pink feather pom-pom she writes in every night before bed
She will ask if you have games on your phone
She doesn't have a phone or other technology because Alastor doesn't like tech but she is not against using it 
She spins around on the tips of her feet when she dances 
Whenever she goes in public she has to wear one of those children’s leash because she will wander off and get stuck in something
She likes to hide in holes and small places but gets stuck often (like getting stuck in the toilet)
She flip flops between ‘rabid goblin queen’ and “cinnamon roll angel’ frequently 
Angel Dust, Sir Pentious, and Niffty fight tooth and nail for TV time and it’s a whole 30 minutes of chaos before someone walks away with the remote 
Nifty is either going to turn on an animal documentary or hentai 
She is Ace and hates participating in sex herself but she finds the act itself quite interesting 
Once a month she will round up whoever is in the hotel and host a tea party (she and Pentious bicker on how to make tea, his tastes being western and hers being eastern) 
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sapphicdib · 1 year
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Excuse me?? Go on?? I wanna know about those headcanons
Also i appreciate bringing my by now old art back to light ^^
OHHH U WANT HEADCANONS?? [cracks knuckles]
(also ofc dude! u shld thank @/creaturevoiddweller for putting it on my dash tho hehe)
Moon being taller/generally bigger than Sig…normally i’m not feral over height differences but god theirs drives me insane
Moon loving the stars. I feel like after her collapse, they were one of the few things that brought her comfort. Within canon I’m pretty sure you can see the stars even during the day (they’re green too!! super cool) so she loves to study them and their movements. The rare occasions when the rain comes after night falls are her favorites, being able to see them more clearly in the dark always excites her. Going on a lil stargazing date would probably melt her heart !!
Sig being fucking whipped for Moon 😭 this is a fucking given but him being distracted and at Moon instead of the sky because she considers her prettier than even the starts makes me. AUGH.
(More general hcs below the cut so this post doesn’t become a million miles long)
Sig learns to knit and makes Moon a scarf and a couple cloaks after her collapse. He actually has a lot of hobbies because he doesn’t think the great problem is solvable, nor does he really care to solve it anyways. He even says he’s got “nothing better to do with my time” when Suns asks him if he’s going to purpose another messenger. Meanwhile Suns says “you have two options, do nothing or work like you’re supposed to” in terms of what to do with your time.
Moon loves picking Sig up/holding her/generally grabbing her n throwing her around because she’s actually quite strong and Sig is smaller than her. Sig does not mind in the slightest.
They’re both interested in bioengineering. Sig more so, but Moon mentons Rivulet’s interesting adaptations and knows a lot about the flora and fauna of the world. I think they bonded over this quite a bit.
Speaking of, Sig was also a more medical-oriented facility. Pebbles mentions that he “was not a medical facility even when the equipment was functioning” to hunter, so the iterators may have had more specialized niches as the generations went on. Therefore, she becomes the sort of defacto “puppet-doctor” of the local group, helping to fix things like broken joints or umbilicals after the ancients disappear. Also just the slag reset keys in general. I have a drawing about this I’m finishing soon so watch out for that hehe
Moon’s kindness absolutely rubbed off on Sig. When he first got put online, she interacted with him a lot as his personality core was still developing, and he picked up on some of her traits. In terms of age I see their group as Moon and Suns (gen 1), Sig and Chasing Wind (mid gen) and Unparalleled Innocence and Pebbles (final gen).
SIG TEACHING MOON STUPID GAMER LINGO AND UWU SPEAK CAUSES A DISASTER IN THE LOCAL GROUP CHATS. The first time she says “poggers” sends everyone into an uproar and Sig gets multiple DMs being like “WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS.”. Sig thinks it’s the funniest shit in the world.
Moon is a lesbian, Sig is a bisexual gender-fluid disaster. I’m sure you can tell from my rambles I use he/she/they/it pronouns for her.
Moon’s nickname for Sig is “doll”. “Little thing” is also a common one, since Sig jokes that his gender is just “thingy”.
I can’t think of any more but thank you so much for the ask!! I love these two so fucking much and getting to ramble about them makes me so happy, especially because I’m absolutely suffering on my period rn and it distracted me from the pain. I love ur art sm!!!!
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vellichorom · 2 years
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A LIGHTLY SHADED FLAT PIECE COMMISSION FOR @jesperjohansen​ FEATURING DIVORCE -- but you could say they’re patching things up nicely ❤️
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Makoto plot line by Lêx?
thank you for this totally 100% spontaneous ask that you sent of your own free will, anon!
okay, so here's the thing. i dont like makoto. not really. he's annoying af and basically useless. bitch does nothing but hide behind haru cuz he's scared of everything and be blushy and soft in that spineless way, you know? like he just lets everyone push him around and treats everyone in such an unfuriatingly uniform, fake-cheery, ultra helpful way that it's his whole personality
but here's the thing! it gets sad. you know? especially considering how he, like, seems to basically live to enable haru? in all the worst ways. like it's nice of course that he helps haru with his depression but there's a point when it becomes enabling and that point is when makoto is running after haru all the time trying to solve his messes, remind him of his own damn responsibilities, and basically take care of haru's whole life so he doesn't have to. again, helping is good, but by worrying about the things haru doesn't worry about and preventing him from facing the consequences of not doing anything basically lmao he enables haru to never fucking get out of his constant stupor. also, as previously said, he's spineless, which means that he never truly goes against haru's wishes. so like. enabler. bad
which is my main beef with makoharu, which is actually the most popular ship in the fandom because ppl have no taste and also dont know how to interpret shit. tho tbh even makoharu shippers are like "i ship makoharu because makoto deserves to be happy and he wants haru!" so even they acknowledge that.... haru isn't into him lmao. but anyway
point is: they pull each other back. im not gonna say it's abusive or something cuz i don't think it is, i wouldn't even call it toxic, but it's stale in the worst kind of way. makoto enables not only haruka's depression, but also his self destructive and to some extent relationships destructive behavior, setting his growth back. and makoto lives and exists to take care of haru. he has no dreams, no goals, hell, not even INTERESTS. his whole thing is just. haru. where haru goes, he follows. and. that's it basically
which is why the fact that so many makoto stans ship makoharu is also baffling to me, because if i were a makoto fan, i'd probably hate haru, lmao. i mean, makoto is going around doing all this work for him, plus emotional labor, and haru never gives him much back really. and it's obvious that haru doesn't like makoto the same way makoto likes him, but makoto is just out there taking whatever scraps he can get, and haru just sort of. probably doesn't even notice cuz that's been their dynamic since they were kids. and makoto knows that, too. so like. if i stanned makoto. id fucking hate haru for that tbh
and honestly it's bad writing because i think the writers couldn't care less about makoto lmao and also didn't know what to do with him, which i think becomes increasingly obvious as seasons go by and he's just sort of. there. they tried to give him his own plotlines and even dreams but it never stuck. he feels like a doll most of the time. even in s1, which was widely rinharu-focused and barely had any other characters have real plotlines unless you count the one (1) episode where they try to teach rei how to swim, makoto was particularly uninteresting and underexplored and developed. like, the other characters might not have had huge importance but at least they had personalities. makoto didn't, really, unless you count "mama henning haru" and "being uwu" as a personality
but my point is: what if makoto got some real writing? what if we explored his character, and his relationship with haru, in a more critical, dimensional way?
makoto is in love with haru, i think that's indisputable. haru isn't in love with makoto, which i also think is indisputable. makoto himself knows that what haru has with rin is special and beyond what makoto and haru have, he says that, he even says that he was jealous of rin. yet he stays. even when rin comes back, and haru and rin become friends again, and it's obvious they're going to be together, makoto stays. he takes care of haru, which is some pretty damn stressful work, and does all this emotional labor for him, and haru barely gives him, like, a smile every once in a while, lmao, and again it's sad. but makoto stays. and - that's an important part to me - it doesn't seem to be because he has any hopes that haru will come around. so why
i think they're stuck in a loop, and that makoto has been in love with haru, and being not only his emotional support, but basically the one thread connecting him with the outside world (while simultaneously enabling him to continue as detached from it as he can, because he's not bringing haru out to the world, he's bringing the world to accommodate haru) for so long, he doesn't really know what else to do. also, he feels guilty about leaving haru to his own devices, even if obviously there's nothing he can do if haru won't help himself. also, he's scared of losing him, because he's been defining himself for his relationship with haru for so long, he doesn't know where else to go
i think that's supported by his relationship with other characters. like i said, makoto is annoyingly kind to everyone (if im not mistaken, the name makoto actually does mean kind) and a MASSIVE pushover. he never goes against anyone's wishes. he never really throws in what he wants. he doesn't really interfere with anyone's plans and ideas, he just sorta makes it happen. he is never annoyed, never has any quirks, is never even like, tired, you know? he lives to please other people, to the point where he has no personality, interests, or wishes beyond that
so, yeah: i think makoto is scared that, if he doesn't please other people, there's nothing else left for him. and in a way, he is right, because i don't think he would know what to do with himself if he had to look into himself and figure out what he wants out of life. so it's easier to follow others and dedicate himself to them. also, fear of loneliness is very valid, even if i dont think any of his friends would actually leave him if he weren't being their damn mom all the time. but they also let it happen, especially haru, because it's convenient, and again, homeboy barely has the energy to go to school, much less help makoto unpack all of that
but if i were writing free!, id want to explore that, because it has so much potential to be a pretty damn rich story, actually. especially as the story progresses, because one effect of rin being back and haru running the whole swimming club and trying to prepare for their race is that haru needs makoto less and less as time goes by. because he has a motivation. he cares about his grades because if he doesn't keep them up he won't be allowed to keep working in the swimming club, he cares about teaching the newbie (the rei i mentioned before) how to swim because otherwise they won't be able to run against rin in the medley race, hell, he reforms the whole entire pool that was abandoned so they have a place to train (with help, but like, he couldnt be bothered with getting up to school before). he even goes back to drawing so he can make pamphlets to attract more people to the club
and then he finds his love for swimming again, especially as a team, competitively. he finds his love for people again, for human interaction, for competition and the thrill of the sport he loves. haru finds his motivation, and he starts putting his life back on track and working towards his goals, and haru is damn capable. and that means that makoto has a lot of free time in his hands now, and haru is slipping through them, and he knows he can't really keep their relationship as he was. and he shouldn't, honestly, and i think that he's, at least, smart enough to know this
and he has a crisis, because again, he's been defining himself through haru for the longest goddamn time, im talking all the way from middle to high school here. and he doesn't know who he is. he doesn't know what he wants. he barely knows what he likes
but he's not alone either, because again, makoto is haru's best friend, and haru does like him and it's not like he's all "i found my purpose with rin now. peace out". his journey was also about finding his whole support system with his friends. through relearning how to swim in a team, he also relearned human connection and friendship. that's one of the many beauties of rinharu. they inspired each other to make their lives better, including in ways that have nothing to do with each other, and they weren't even trying to
so he has haru, but in a now radically different dynamic, and also rei and nagisa (his teammates) and gou (rin's sister and also their trainer) (rin and gou don't go to the same school for some reason). and everyone is going through a similar crisis, because it's the last year of high school. rin obviously has known that he wants to be an athlete since he was a kid, but everyone else's plans are kinda sketchy. makoto just happens to have some extra flavor in that mission - he's not just trying to figure out what he wants to do, but who he is
and fuck if i know how that would develop from there, but id really love to see makoto finding himself, honestly. i want to see his issues being addressed. the only backstory we have for him is that he's afraid of the ocean because he almost drowned at some point? i dont remember. i want to know why the fuck he's been repressing his own needs and personality so hard. i want to know what had him so scared of the world that it was easier to forget about himself and basically live through haru. i want to know what he's going to do to find himself, and the very, very painful journey of looking at himself and his own needs, and, in many ways, his own emptiness, because makoto essentially carved himself hollow. i want makoto to have dimension and depth, and be relatable and not just a dumb shell of uwuness for ppl to swoon over and want to protecc, not even because i like him, but because it could be so interesting. and relatable in so many ways. like, god damn it. if you wanna make him one of the main characters, give him a real plotline!
and i want to see him finding out that his life is better when he's a little more detached from haru and not living in an endless pursuit of a relationship, but having a network of people he loves and that has mutual support. i want to see him getting over haru, not so he can have some other romance with someone else, but so he can grow. makoto basically doesn't grow at all the whole show, and it's sad to watch, especially as everyone else grows so much
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atosofficial · 5 years
@kale-is-a-bitch​ replied to your post “So dream and nightmare can speak Spanish can cross too, since his...”
i can imagine nightmare yelling the most horrid mix of all spanish variations off the top of his non-existent lung and i'm dYING.
RIGHT?! 😂👏👏 God, he would mix every dialect and just yell his heart out and only Dream and Cross would know even a faction of what he was saying LMAOOO I love the image of that in my head XD
@neahchanart​ replied to your post “So dream and nightmare can speak Spanish can cross too, since his...”
Me, German native, knowing how rude the language is. Nightmare, who can literally speak any language, yelling: SCHEISSE Heh
Neah, I just want you to know that your comment made me look up German insults online and now I can’t get the idea of Nightmare calling Killer a “lustmolch” out of my head 😂😂 Cross gets the title “arch mit ohren” LMAOOO (Dream, of course, is “schatzi” and Nightmare always gives him a kiss as he says it uwu)
@ashfilledhart​ replied to your post “Guys, guys. Literally, at 5:36 in the morning, I woke up and had a...”
Oh good, I actually DID make the question! It was so fucking early I thought I was dreaming I did it! Good to know!! Nightmare and Dream would look stunning! And Killer would hella layer the praise on how good Nightmare looks������
AHAHAHAHA, oof, yeah I’ve been there LOL But yesss, definitely!! Whenever any member of the OT4 dresses up, it puts Killer on high alert 👀 He’s a sucker for his boys all dolled up and he won’t hesitate to let them know how much he loves it 😌👌
neahchanart replied to your post “heeeey. in your opinion, what kind of fair food do you think...”
Do you two even understand what you are doing to me with THOSE GOSHDARN PRECIOUS LIL INFOS HERE??????? LIKE. HOW AM I NOT SUPPOSED TO DRAW THAT??????????
AAAAAAAAAA 😭😭😭😭❤❤ NEAH YOU’RE SO SWEET,, //SOBS,, You have no idea how much we appreciate your art---we gush over it so much in chat and talk about it so often!! I don’t know if you post any of it on Tumblr, but if you’re alright with it, we’d like to link to them from our blog so everyone else can see all the pretty stuff you’ve made ;w; (Actually I’ll have to remember to DM this to you in case you don’t see it here jhddjhfadlf //NOTE TO SELF)
@erroneousartist​​ mentioned atosofficial in a post “Reblogging because not only a great post... But Jakei's...”
Reblogging because not only a great post… But Jakei’s response. @atosofficial
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@tails-and-scales​​ mentioned you on a post “Dream is a good baby, he even have a gift for his brother uwu �� Why do...”
@atosofficial! Lookit the cutes
@controlfate​ replied to this post
The imagery this paints is freaking adorable and I’m sorry, but I need air! o((*^▽^*))o
AAAA, YES!! AGREED! They’re super cute and I?? Love them so much?? 
@digglessshamehole​ replied to this post
so nightmare just makes a few people trip or cry every once and a while and dream is just “honestly this is so much better than I thought it’d go”
HGSAFGHFDSAHFDSKFD DIGGS, I JUST SAW THIS? I’M LAUGHING SO HARD OH MY GODDDDD 😂😂😂😂👏👏 We were just thinking of it being like Nightmare periodically visiting places where negative emotions are running high naturally and sort of just,,, hanging out, but THIS IMAGE IS SO MUCH FUNNIER LMAOOOO
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grotesquegabby · 4 years
What do Rory and Clara think of the other kids/adults? Since you can answer for whichever age uwu
Lets see~  lets do kid wise, uwu
@post-itpenny since some of Maggies kiddos are here and Andromeda :3
Carney- considers them a wild one no doubt,but doesnt mind him. uwu Cant see these two hanging out very much or willingly on Carneys end x3  But Rory does like Carney uwu
Bingo- Definitely sees her as very serious but theres nthing wrong with that. She also seems very responsible and loyal. Which are traits Rory is fond of in friends. uwu
Ally- She is so sweet, ad Rory can honestly see Ally growing up to be a very kind person, very trustworthy too. They can imagine shed keep secrets well uwu I imagine Rory would definitely try and befriend Ally out of these three first.
Davey- this boy is...a trouble maker x3 a genius, but completely oblivious to the point its painful....like Rorys sister actually but with Davey its easy enough to be blunt with him. One is able to be blunt with him and give him tough love.
Cordelia- Her energy can be a bit much for Rory but they do not dislike her no, the opposite in fact. Rory is just one who enjoys some quiet time more often than Cordie does. But These two will have their moments together most likely doing some art projects or puzzles.
Harper- Does quite enjoy the clothes that Harper wears, these two will end up spending a lot of time together. Rory being the quiet intimidating one while Harper is the loud intimidating one x3 they will certainly have an interesting friendship.
Penelope- shes much more sneaky than she appears to others. Rory knows a thing or two about being sneaky and not what they appear to be. So I imagine these two might get up to hijinks together
Benjamin- Very tall, one can definitely find these two enjoying quiet moments with each other, either reading or just enjoying a nature walk together. uwu sometimes its the simplest things in life that are very enjoyable.
Greta- dont know why yet but these two arent really going to get along as kids. When they are adults yes but as kids nope~ x3 I think Greta may have accidently pulled a prank on Rory that didnt turn out so well and well....being kids misunderstandings happen. uvu
Rudy- sweet boy, precious boy. Gotta keep an eye out for him. uwu Rudy is a good person Rory knows this. And Rory knows how Rudy feels about their sister. This is fine x3 Rory approves. A sweet and a sweet
Andromeda- Why do I get the feeling Rory would sneak her sweets for shits and giggles x3 Rory does enjoy some chaos. Would enjoy watching what happens.
Phoebe - She is probably one of the people Rory is closest with. Plus they can sew together and make all kinds of things. I imagine Rory might even want to sew a few outfits for Phoebe for her modeling uwu Rory would most likely make things star themed for her~
Carney- dont know if these two would get along as kids. x3 Clara might be somewhat intimidated by Carney uwu
Bingo- shes very serious but hopes they can be friends. Clara I imagine would feel at ease around Bingo uwu she seems very calming.
Ally- yes this here is a friend, a true friend in deed uwu Definitely would love to spend time with her and they could talk about anything and everything. Would receive a doll that looks like her as gift x3
Davey- thinks the same as her brother. He is smart but trouble. Bad combo x3 but she can seee that Ally really likes him. Maybe she can help if Ally is alright with that x3
Cordelia- Shes very fun and exciting, Clara isnt super extroverted like her but she can enjoy herself with her uwu Cordelia might even get Clara to come out of her shell a bit more.
Harper- Harper makes her nervous, his stance is usually very standoffish to her so she actually tries to avoid him as much as she can when they are kids.
Penelope- very sweet girl doesnt see what Rory sees. These two when its just them will enjoy quiet moments with each other. Watch a movie while the two just draw and color. maybe make some snacks.
Benjamin- Would love to spend time with Benjamin. Hes a gentle giant uwu at least in her mind he is. She wonders why he spends so much timee with Davey and Harper when he appears to be so vastly different from them. but ...will witness their shenanigans and realize ..ah x3 thats why okay. She likes Ben the most out of the whole petty gang.
Greta- oh yes these two will get along swimmingly. Having tea and cookies, while talking. Greta is very good at sculpting so I imagine shed also be teaching Clara while they hang out. uwu
Rudy- This is her friend yes uwu Rudy is so sweet and kind, she would love for him to visit her and for her to visit him. He gets a doll too!
Andromeda- Would really abide by the no sugar rules for Andromeda but would love to find an alternative to perhaps let her enjoy sweets with her. (- uwu-) would love to invite her over for tea and watch movies with her. Will get a doll in her likeness x3 hope shes alright with dolls
Phoebe- definitely would want to be friends with her. Plus....she can see the crush x3 on Rory in the future. Shes aware of peoples feelings for others but not herself.
basically anyone Clara is very comfortable around gets a doll or puppet of themselves even if I didnt mention it x3
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michimiart-blog · 5 years
Alternates Part 4
Ink and Error's Alternates (II)
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Yay! Last part uwu
Pale!Ink and Template!Error by @unu-nunu-art I have no words to describe this because like the other alternates, is the first time ever I try to draw them xD Well, I made justice... I believe xd
G!Ink and G!Error by @miya-sheep What I say above x2 xD
Smudge and Textile by @zooliwrites24 Yas! Finally, finished them. Smudge is the Destroyer from CodeSwitch and Textile is the Protector from the same mentioned multiverse. Smudge's arms are 100% made of ink, because Textile accidentally ripped the real ones. (Shut up before I pirouette you in the face)
Sintaxis and Discorrupted by me. These two belong to the same multiverse that Soothed and Pained Mind belong. Just like Soothed and Pained, they need the opposite one to exist and they feel each other pain, therefore they have a strong union, specially in friendship therms. Sintaxis is the named ‘Creator’ but he highly dislikes creativity, his love is more towards destruction and Discorrupted is the named ‘Destroyer’ but he hates destruction, his love going more towards creativity. Unfortunately, they have to comply their role, but that doesn't affect that sometimes Sintaxis steals Discorrupted's hammer to destroy stuff and Discorrupted randomly creates small dolls (like any alternate of Error does).
Template/Pale: unu-nunu-art
G!Ink/G!Error: miya-sheep
Codeswitch: zooliwrites24
Combinium Fusion: Me / @michimi-maidenvelekblog
Undertale: Toby Fox
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theninjasgirl · 5 years
Hello! I recently stumbled upon your blog and i absolutely love your hcs!!! You have all my uwus 💞 I was wondering who would you match me up with?(if you're still taking requests ofc) I'm a closeted transguy and a 5'2 can of whoopass. I love to read and write (reading comics as well) and im pretty athletic, i practice tkd (yellow belt) occasionally parkour (because i suck at running) and i absolutely love drawing. Im pretty loud and very awkward but i dont let anyone take advantage of me.
Hello! Aww. You’re pretty cool person. 
~ I ship you with~
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You two are so adorable! 
When you first meet, you were in some kind of trouble, for whatever reason. But, before he could jump in and do his usual beat-everyone-up business, you kicked their asses. Raph couldn't help but be speechless. Raph really admires the fact that you’re so cool, not to mention the fact that you can kick anyone’s ass if they even think of messing with you. But, this doesn't mean he still isn't protective of you. He will absolutely love training with you. And he will like to read your writings, if you let him. He will be amazed at your artistic skills, and will be very proud of you. 
“Hell yeah, that’s my firecracker.”  He will come up with many different nicknames for you, all will be run by you first, as he’s kind of new at the whole “relationship” thing. Nicknames would include:
-Hot Stuff
I can see you reading a comic or a book as he’s working out, (*trying to impress you*- did you see his biceps?), and talking to him about it. He’s actually kind of a big as a dork as Mikey when it comes to comics. And you’re not afraid to tell the big guy when he’s in the wrong and being a hot head. You two could cause all sorts of trouble! 
I ship it!~ 
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thotantics · 6 years
Pink Kookie
⚤   pairing — reader + Jeon Jungkook (bts)
✎ word count — 3.5k
✦ genre — smut
✗ warnings  — gratuitous sex, pwp
[A/N] this just wouldn’t get out of my head since I caught up with bon voyage and i couldnt function without writing it so here u go hope u enjoy suffering as i have suffered i hate jungkook and i hate @over-kooked (by which I mean I love them w my whole entire heart n soul uwu)
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It’s late when you arrive at the rental house in Malta. You expect everyone to be asleep, but your boyfriend had been eagerly anticipating your arrival and his excitement had kept most of the others awake well into the night.
You’re greeted by the sound of music playing, the smell of dinner still lingering from the kitchen and the welcoming arms of your overexcited boyfriend. He holds you so tight you think maybe he’ll break you, but you hug him back just as tight, hoping he never lets go.
He insists that you eat with him first and foremost, having saved his dinner to enjoy with you and you’re grateful as he leads you by the hand into the kitchen and puts a reheated plate in front of you. Jungkook tells you about their stay so far, all the sights they’ve seen and the adventures they’d gone on already that day. He tells you that you HAVE to see the view at sunset, and promises to take you to a very special spot. He wants to take your picture there, he says, and you smile brightly at him because of course Jungkook would prioritize taking your picture in the sunset instead of the actual sunset.
You don’t mention it until the others are leaving your company and heading off to their rooms for the night, but when you’re alone you tell Jungkook that they look ridiculous in their matching pajamas.
“Ridiculously cute.” He counters after wrinkling his nose in mock disgust at your comment.
“The pink clashes with your hair.” You tell him, but what you don’t say is that the thin material of his Cooky pj’s really make the muscles in his chest and his back stand out, and from the moment you laid eyes on him you had this deep, overwhelming urge to be held.
“You’re such a bad liar.” He chuckles at you, “I know you think I’m the cutest.”
“True,” You admit, “But you still look ridiculous.”
His only response is to send you a wink and a kiss across the table and you want to roll your eyes, but your cheeks are flushed and your heart is fluttering. He knows the effect he has on you and he’s always using it against you.
It had been a while since you were able to sit down and enjoy a meal together, his hectic schedule had dipped into your alone time lately. You were thankful he invited you, even if you had to miss the first couple of days before you were able to fly out to join him. Something simple like sitting down and enjoying a meal together was a rare occurrence, and one neither of you took for granted.
It was pushing 3am when you finished eating and Jungkook pushed away from the table, stretching his arms up over his head and groaning.
“We did so much walking today.” He mumbles to you, “I’m already so stiff.”
“I can rub your legs for you.” You say, and he smiles at you, standing up immediately at your offer and walking around to extend his hand to you. You take it and stand up, and he pulls you briefly into an embrace, his lips pressing to the corner of your mouth tenderly.
“Guess what.” He whispers, pulling back and meeting your eyes, his puffy with sleep and his lips curling into a soft smile.
“We have our own room.” Jungkook replies, his voice lilting as he grins down at you excitedly.
“We do?” You ask, just as excited as your boyfriend. “You mean, all to ourselves?”
“We played a game for it and I thought for sure at least Jimin hyung would try to get the second room, but nobody claimed it but me.” He explains briefly, once again tugging you by the hand and leading you this time to the middle bedroom. He flings open the door dramatically, “Tadah!” he says as he gestures with both hands to the empty room, a big bed littered with his things in the center.
“Wow!” You exclaim, “The bed’s big!”
“And it’s all ours.” He boasts, rushing in ahead of you and belly flopping onto the mattress.
You cover your mouth to stifle your giggles, knowing the others are asleep (or getting there) and you turn to shut and lock the door. Jungkook gets out of bed and puts his things away, telling you there’s a private bathroom in your room and if you wanted to, you could take a bath together.
“Hmm, that sounds nice.” You smile, “But I just got off the plane, I think I should have a quick shower and then just go to bed, I’m so tired.”
“Sure, baby.” He embraces you briefly again and kisses the top of your head, before he turns to get back in the bed, patting your butt before you walk off to the bathroom.
You feel exhausted but the shower succeeds in soothing your aching neck and back from the long hours on the plane. You wash up quickly, brush your teeth, and when you return to the bedroom Jungkook is sprawled out under the blanket, a packet of snacks in his lap and one arm tucked behind his head as he listens quietly to the music playing from the phone on his chest.
“Still want me to rub your legs?” You ask him and he smiles and nods at you.
He kicks the blanket off his feet as you move to come sit beside him, and he’s giggling because it just clicked that you’re wearing matching pajamas.
“I thought you said these are ridiculous?” He teases you, lifting one leg so you can sit down and then putting it across your lap.
“No,” You scoff, “I said YOU look ridiculous, the four of you all dancing around in your matching pj’s, and YOU especially, with your pink hair.”
“Well they look really cute on you.” He says, groaning briefly as your fingers begin to knead into the stiff muscle of his calf.
“I know.” You smile at him.
You both grow quiet after he laughs at you for that, save for the soft sounds of relief that he makes as you work over his leg muscles. His thighs are tense, too, so you rub up from his calf and linger on the thickest part of his thigh for a little bit. He’s making the nicest sounds as you do, groaning and encouraging you with hisses of breath and then hurried whispers of, “Ah~ there, right there..”
You’re so focused on making him feel good, on watching your fingers work out the stiffness in his legs or his expression when he makes a particularly nice sound, that you don’t realize for quite a long while that anytime you glance up to see his expression, you don’t look to your left at his face. Instead, you’re looking in front of you at the tall mirror that’s sitting directly across from the bed.
It seems Jungkook notices around the same time you do, following your line of vision until your eyes meet through the mirror, and he asks with a smile, “Can you see me?”
“Yes.” You reply.
“I like that mirror.” He states, pointing to it briefly. “When I first got here I thought, it was a little bit awkwardly placed. But now...I’m thinking...”
He trails off and your cheeks burn at the implication of his words, but honestly once you realized you had been glancing at the mirror the whole time you rubbed his legs, you were thinking the exact same thing.
Jungkook sits upright in bed and reaches for you, drawing you up to his body like a rag doll and laying back down with you against his chest. He’s warm and firm under you and you shift your position a little as he tilts his head to kiss you, your hands resting on his broad chest.
He kisses you slow and deliberate, his lips firm and demanding when he goes to deepen it. He hums against you when he feels your tongue respond to his, and one of his hands settles on your lower back, parting his legs and pressing you into him a little harder. Jungkook wants you to feel him growing hard, you know, so you shift your hips, rubbing into him a little bit and you smile into the kiss when his cock pulses to life under the slightest bit of friction.
He groans when you move to straddle him, sitting up straight and breaking the kiss. He licks the his lips, his eyes hooded as he watches you above him, hands planted firmly on his chest, and then he glances to his left. You follow his line of vision and find yourself seeing a new angle of yourself and your boyfriend. From this position, you can see from his chest down to the top of his thighs, and yourself from the side, straddling his lap. The mirror was tall enough you could see all of yourself from where you sat, but the most important part was where your eyes locked - right under your ass and the firm chest under your hands.
Jungkook grips your hips, flexing his fingers briefly before he tugs you down hard into his groin, lifting his hips, grinding up against you hard but slow. You moan softly, and he does it again. And again.
“Fuck,” He hisses. “Your ass.”
You giggle, finding it amusing that he was watching your ass as you moved down against him, matching his pulsating movements. You turn back to face him in front of you, amused, and lean down to kiss his lips briefly again. Then you push away from him, standing off to the side of the bed and looking down at him.
Jungkook really does look ridiculous is those pink pajamas, with his bulging muscles clearly visible through the thin fabric and his vibrant hair. He’s biting his lip so hard you wonder if it hurts, and you lean down to kiss his lips softly to melt his tension away, your hand moving to slip into the front of his pj pants. He’s already mostly hard when you pull his cock free, and you tug the waistband of his pants down a little farther so you can reach him without barrier.
The thick erection pulses in your grip, the head throbbing with the beat of his heart and Jungkook holds his breath, waiting for what you’re going to do next. He whispers your name softly when you just stand there, holding it in your hand and admiring the way it throbs and grows even harder in your grip, drawing your attention to his eyes.
“Take this off,” You tell him, using your other hand to briefly tug on the material of his pajama top and he does so without hesitation, lifting it over his head and flingint it across the room as if the mere existence of the thing offended him personally. When he lays back down you move to get back on the bed between his spread legs, and you wrap your fingers around the length of his cock again, glancing briefly to your right to see that, across the side of the bed, you could very plainly see yourself, mouth hovering inches above his erection.
“Please.” He whispers to you, and he sounds so sweet and like he needs it so bad that you don’t bother wasting anymore time enveloping in your mouth. You do shift your legs around a little, moving to his side instead of sitting between his legs, so you can see yourself in the mirror as you bob your head slowly up and down, coating his length in saliva. Each passage of your mouth up and down makes him whimper ever so slightly, and you know he’s trying to be quiet because the others are asleep in the house.
So you suck harder, faster, your eyes meeting his own in the mirror and he groans softly at first, but then a little louder.
“Fuck!” Jungkook hisses, “Aish, you drive me crazy,” He groans, his head tilting back on the pillows and baring his neck. You wrap your hand around his length and kiss up his stomach, over his chest, and latch onto his neck. He moans, the sound rumbling from his chest and vibrating your mouth on his throat, and you lick and suck at him there briefly, not wanting to give him a mark but unable to resist the length of his neck when he bares it like that.
“Keep sucking,” He tells you desperately, “I want to watch.”
It’s not like you could ever truly tell him no, so you move from his throat back down, kissing your way down, until your lips wrap around the tip of his cock again obediently. Jungkook tangles his fingers in your hair and watches you suck him off with his lips parted and his eyes wide, not wanting to miss a second. The new angle he’s seeing you from is intoxicating and before long, his breath is coming out ragged and his chest is rising and falling rapidly.
The sight in front of your is much different than what you’re used to. If you’re not focused on pleasing him and keeping your eyes shut when you blow him, normally you’re looking up at Jungkook’s face and typically, his head is thrown back or he’s staring intently down at you as he pants and begs you to keep going. But this is wholly different for both of you, watching your reflection in the mirror gives you both a new perspective and it’s exciting and somehow makes you feel powerful.
As you focus sucking the tip of him, swallowing the taste of precum from your tongue, Jungkook thinks to himself that, surely, he’s never felt anything better in his entire life. Surely, he thinks that he’s never gotten better head. His face and his chest are flushed an appealing shade of red that clashes with his dyed hair and the pink of his pajama bottoms, and you can’t help but to grin up at him as you pull him from your mouth, stroking him steadily with your hand and tapping the tip of his cock against your lower lip teasingly. 
“Does it feel so good, baby?” You coo up at him.
“God, yes,” He breathes. “Do you want me to cum like this? Because otherwise you need to come up here and sit on it, baby.”
Giggling, you pull away from him only to flop onto your back and kick off your pj’s quickly, then you climb up his body and straddle him, sitting on his lower belly, avoiding his erection at first. You kiss him, letting him taste the faint salty flavor of himself on your tongue, which makes him moan into your mouth. His hands are impatient, trying to grip your hips and guide you onto his cock but you resist for a moment, focusing on the kiss instead. Before you can thoroughly indulge yourself in his mouth and his tongue, Jungkook’s hand is between your thighs, stroking two fingers up and down your slit, feeling how wet sucking him off made you.
You moan out loud at the feel of his fingers right where you wanted them most, and Jungkook pulls back from your kiss and hisses, “Sshh! They’re sleeping.”
“Sorry,” You mumble, blushing slightly. “That feels good.”
“I know it does.” He chuckles at you, “Do you want more?”
You nod, and he presses his fingers just right, rubbing against your swollen clit. You moan his name softly, leaning down and whispering it against his lips and he kisses you again, nice and slow as he works your pussy with sure fingers. Jungkook holds you still above him with one hand as his other is busy pleasing you, keeping you in place until he’s fingered you open enough to take his cock, then he shoves your hips and forces you into position over him, straightening you with a push so you’re straddling him.
“Put it in you.” He tells you in a hurried whisper.
You reach under you and grip his cock, lining him up underneath you, then you sit down, impaling yourself on him. Jungkook is watching himself disappear into you before he groans and glances back over to his left at the mirror, watching the subtle way your hips shift back and forth as you take more of him inside. He mutters a curse under his breath and grips your hips tight, making you move right away, unable to wait any longer.
Despite being on top, you’re definitely not in control as Jungkook holds your waist and keeps you still, fucking up into you and setting the pace for you. Even though the view from above Jungkook as you plant your hands firm on his chest to keep balance is breathtaking, you can’t help but to look to your right at the mirror for a different perspective.
Your eyes focus on Jungkook’s hips, rutting up quick and insistent to fuck up into you, the muscles in his abdomen bunched and tight. His hands were holding you tight in order to ensure that he was in charge of the situation, despite you being on top. All you could do was double over a little to keep your balance, hands perched on his chest.
Jungkook grunts and his hips stutter briefly before he slows to a stop, pulling you down hard against him so that he’s so deep in you, you ache briefly.
“Jungkook,” You moan softly. He pushes your hands away from his chest and tugs you down to kiss him, mouth moving quick and insistent, like he’s trying to devour you and you melt into him, letting him take what he wants from you.
“Sit up,” He tells you in a hurry, pushing you away again with an eagerness that you match happily, “Lay down.” Jungkook pushes and pulls until he has you draped over the side of the bed, and briefly you’re a little bummed out because you can’t see the mirror across the side of the bed anymore, as it’s behind you, but Jungkook pushes himself inside of you and your head falls back in bliss and you realize, you can still see the mirror like this, if you let your head hang over the side of the bed.
“You’re so beautiful.” Jungkook murmurs sweetly, kissing the length of your exposed throat as you watch his mouth glide over your skin from the mirror, head clouding with desire.
Jungkook can never kiss your neck without biting down just a little too hard, and with his cock throbbing and buried balls deep in you, you can’t help but to cry out at the pain from his teeth and he soothes it with his tongue, eyes lifting to meet your own in the mirror.
“Ssh.” He tells you again and you nod silently as he pulls away, sitting up on his knees and lifting your ass off of the mattress, settling you partly in his lap before he starts to move in you again.
It’s intoxicating, to watch yourself get fucked like this. You don’t know how you manage to take it without crying out for him again but you do. He’s fucking you so hard and he needs to stop and reposition because the bed is squeaking in an obvious sort of way. He shuffles the two of you a little, so you’re a little bit more to the side but it gives you a really good view of his cock disapearing into your wet cunt over and over again when he lowers your left leg.
“I’m close, Kookie.” You gasp, fingers digging into his forearms and he fucks you harder in response. The bed starts to squeak again and he doesn’t stop, so you lift your head in shock and stare up at him with wide eyes. 
“Jungkook!” You scold quietly, “Ssh!”
“Cum.” He hisses as you through clenched teeth, not stopping or adjusting his position or speed so the bed would stop making so much noise. He‘s not playing games and he’s not going to stop, you realize this when his fingers find your sensitive clit and he rubs it in determined circles, so you let your head fall back and you watch in the mirror as he takes you. It doesn’t take you long and the second Jungkook feels your cunt spasm around him, he buries himself inside of you as deep as he can get and he cums with you, groaning in relief and panting as if he’d been drowning and was taking his first breath of air.
The sound of the bed squeaking slows and then stops, but not half a second afterwards do you hear a banging on the wall behind the headboard of the bed. Both of you glance at the wall, sweating and eyes wide as you hear Namjoon’s muffled voice carry from the room on the other side, “Give it a rest, you two! Go to sleep!”
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