#BUT ANYWAY !!!! cody & may <3
bad268 · 8 months
Frank Told Us (Colby Brock X Pregnant! Reader)
Fandom: RPF/Sam and Colby & Co
Requested: Yes by @eattothebeatt and anon. I hope y'all don't mind that I combined them, they were pretty similar. (Also, since I'm ahead on requests, I'm gonna post Wednesdays and Saturdays until it's cleared <3)
Warnings: slipping in snow (idk).
Pronouns: She/her
W.C. 1263
Summary: The Conjuring House is no joke, especially when a certain ghost (Frank) ruins a surprise.
As always, my requests are OPEN
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The Conjuring House was no joke, that was a fact that Y/n knew well. After going to the Conjuring House on three separate occasions with Sam and Colby and being witness to some crazy things, she didn’t need any convincing of that.
This time was one to top the charts. Ever since Sam and Colby heard about Satori and Cody, they knew that they wanted to meet them and get their expertise on camera. So Y/n decided to go with them. However, one thing happened about a week before the flight that may have changed the trajectory of the trip.
Y/n missed her period.
She took a test and met with her gynecologist, and they both came to the same conclusion. She was pregnant. She was not super far along, a little over a month, but she was not sure if she should go on the trip. After talking it over with her gynecologist, they decided she should be fine as long as she stepped away when it got too much and did not put herself in dangerous situations. She knew that if she had told Colby that they were expecting, he would abort the whole video, and she knew she did not want to be responsible for that
So they arrived at the Conjuring House. Sam and Colby in the front and Kat and Y/n in the back. Satori and Cody said they would meet them there, so they did not worry about getting a bigger car.
“Are you guys ready for this?” Sam asked enthusiastically as he pulled into the driveway.
“Are you ready to get another attachment?” Kat snapped back jokingly, causing Sam’s jaw to drop and the rest of the car to laugh.
“No need to come for my brother like that,” Colby defended, turning back to point a finger at Kat.
“You should definitely put this at the end of the video,” Y/n added, directing everyone’s attention to the camera that was recording.
“Anyway, what’s up guys! It’s Sam and Colby,” Colby started the intro.
“Today, well, this week, we are at the Conjuring House with Kat and Y/n!” Sam continued.
“These guys get 10 million subscribers, and we get dragged into this,” Y/n laughed gesturing to Kat as they climbed out of the car, so Sam and Colby could do their intro in peace. The two walked into the house and greeted Satori and Cody. The four made small talk until Sam and Colby came into the house.
“I see you made yourself comfortable without us,” Colby teased as he sat next to Y/n on the couch and laid his arm over her shoulder. “Do we know how we're going about tonight?”
“I think we’re just letting Satori and Cody do their thing and we’ll go with the flow,” Y/n explained as she leaned into Colby’s side. “What do you guys think? It is your video.”
“I think that’s fine,” Sam said, setting up the cameras. Kat started pulling out different gadgets and placing them around the room.
“We’re ready to start whenever you guys are,” Satori offered, moving to stand up with Cody. Colby stood up as well before he turned back and held his hand out jokingly for Y/n to stand up.
“Well, thank you, kind sir,” Y/n joked in a mock posh accent.
“You’re welcome, governess,” Colby joked back, causing the two to chuckle before turning serious again. “Ok, back to the task at hand-”
Hours later, Satori and Cody were still getting so much in response. It was nearing midnight at this point, and they were still nonstop. After the third hour, Y/n got a huge headache, and it did not prove to be a problem until the knocks started getting louder.
“Hey, I’m gonna go get some fresh air. My head hurts,” Y/n announced as she stood up and walked out the door, not waiting for a response. Kat immediately said she would follow Y/n and trailed behind her as they walked through the snow carefully toward the car.
“Are you okay? You’re really pale,” Kat asked as they leaned against the hood of the rental car.
“I have a huge headache, and honestly, I need to tell someone,” Y/n admitted and let out a sigh before saying, “I’m pregnant.”
“You’re kidding!” Kat exclaimed excitedly, reaching out to hold Y/n’s hands. “You’re serious? Oh my god, I’m so happy for you guys! Does Colby know?”
“If I told him, he wouldn’t have let me come,” Y/n laughed as Kat pulled her into a hug. “I’m so glad I finally told someone. I’ve been keeping that to myself for the last week.”
“You’re kidding!” Kat exclaimed again. She was too excited because when she jumped away from the car, she pulled Y/n with her and they both lost their footing. “Woah!”
“Ouch! Kat!" Y/n laughed as she landed on her back in the snow with Kat leaning over her. They were laughing like maniacs despite knowing that one or both of them could have been seriously injured. “What the hell? You’re crazy, get off me.”
Meanwhile, in the living room, Satori and Cody kept at it with Sam and Colby, teaching them along the way. The first person they connected with asked about Colby, so Satori and Cody took back over. 
“Way to go, Colby,” Sam jokingly scolded. 
“Shut up, Sam,” Colby joked back.
“You want to talk to Colby?” Satori asked as was met with a knock immediately. “Okay, what is your name?” She went through the alphabet and found the name they were spelling out. “Frank? Yes. Colby, do you know a Frank?”
“Not off the top of my head,” Colby answered, “Who are you to me?” Satori started the alphabet again and the knocks spelled out:
“Grandfather? No, Great-grandfather? Yes,” Satori interpreted. “What message do you have for Colby?” The knocks started back up and what it spelled caused a chill to run down everyone’s spines. “Protect? Protect who?...Y/n. Protect Y/n from what?”
They did not get an answer as they heard shouting from outside, causing Colby to bolt out the door immediately.
“Y/n?” He shouted, not caring that it was midnight. His ears were ringing, and his heart stopped when he saw Y/n laying in the snow. He could not breathe, and he could not register that the girls were laughing and not in danger. He slid down to be down by Y/n’s head as he held her hand. “Holy shit, are you okay? Do we need to go to the hospital?”
“All good, Colby,” she laughed, pushing Kat off her as she stood up. Y/n inspected the snow around her as she felt around her stomach,  “I don’t see any blood and I don’t feel any pain, so I think we’re both good.”
“Yeah, you and Kat look fine to me,” Colby sighed as he took Y/n into his arms.
“No, not Kat, no offense,” Y/n retorted before looking up at Colby as she wrapped her arms around his neck. She whispered, “Me and the baby.”
“Baby? Whose baby? My baby? Our baby?” He asked so quickly Y/n could not keep up with him as he held her at arm’s length before cheering loudly when she nodded her head. He ran back to the house to tell Sam only to find Sam, Satori, and Cody standing at the doorway. “I’m gonna be a dad!”
“Yeah, Frank just told us.”
Part 2 ->
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Can i get a total drama request about the contestants meeting Chris’ niece/nephew(gender neutral tho) preferably for world tour but any are good :)
Thamk you!!! :3
(Wasn't sure if you wanted younger, same age, or older, so I'm doing all three. If you want ALL of them, tell me! I just did these 3 for now since they're the only new appearances in World Tour, but I'd be happy to write more of the cast! I say it at the end too, but if you want this written in a proper paragraph style too I'd be more than happy to try to do so, just let me know!!)
Probably OOC 💔
Alejandro, Sierra, and Blaineley meeting Chris’s niece/nephew (no pronouns mentioned) (gn)
Younger (8-12)
Extremely confused
Also fairly concerned
Why would Chris bring his own niece/nephew on this show at such a young age?
Even if they aren't competing. Should they really be seeing this sort of thing?
After finding out you're not part of the competition, he relaxes a little bit.
Apparently you're here because your mom/dad had to go on some big work trip, and since you were so young, you couldn't be left alone for that long.
Convinced that your parents don't watch the show, because no responsible parent would allow their child in that
Probably tries to talk to you, to get to know you.
Maybe even ends up seeing you as some sort of sibling after a while.
Will defend you if anyone else (*cough* Duncan *cough*) decides to be an asshole
Genuinely cares about you.
How can someone so sweet be related to *that?*
If you're a trouble child however
Makes sense how you're related to Chris
Still makes an effort to be nice to you considering you're only a child
Little minds are influenced by family, they can't help it.
Does tend to keep his distance more though
Probably pulled his hair at some point and that was it for him
Always ponytails it if you're there now.
Either way, if you get hurt somehow, he'd help.
Again, you're only little.
Even if you're 12. 
A little less worried in that case, since you're old enough to kinda look out for yourself
But still makes sure you're alright.
She already knew of your existence. 
Found your mom's Facebook page for info on Chris
Found you there too
Doesn't question the fact that you're here
Immediately wants to become friends with you
Probably smothers you with hugs
Suuuuper friendly
Constantly saying stuff like "Chris your niece/nephew is so sweet" even if you're basically the devil himself
"They could do no wrong ♡"
She's doing it because she genuinely thinks this, but also partially because she wants some "brownie points" or whatever the fuck they're called
Also trying to prove to Cody that she can "be a good mom."
He apologizes for her
If she wins a reward challenge, she'll 100% share whatever it is with you if it's child friendly
Even if you're getting the same good food as your uncle
Will make you dolls out of anything she can
And will want to play with them with you
A child? Really?
What was Chris thinking?
No one wants to see a child on a show like this
Not to mention the grubby little hands
Doesn't want anything to do with you
Or she makes it seem like that, anyways.
If you get time where it's just the two of you, she's actually surprisingly nice.
Genuinely good with kids
Treats you like her own child
As soon as someone walks in she's back on the other side of the room glaring at you
Will deny this until she dies
If she finds out the fans like you 
Then she starts acting all nice and buddy-buddy on camera too
Not very genuine though
It's just like that when she knows she won't get poked fun of for it
Same age as (still younger than Blaineley)
Couldn't really care less tbh
Another contestant
Another obstacle
For now
Still makes the effort to talk to you, to make you like him
Like he does with everyone there
The more allies the better right?
May possible try to woo you
With the idea in mind to get you eliminated
There's a possibility he does come to genuinely like you over time
But he'd never admit that
(Platonically or romantically depends on how you wanna read this)
Keeps you around for a little while after
Really not a fan of you at first though
Mainly because you're related to Chris
Who wouldn't?
With the reputation that man has, he's got every right to assume you're like he is
Hopefully that's wrong
If it is? Like I said, definitely starts to genuinely care for you
Actually tries to befriend you
Not just an alliance 
Not just for a scheme
Maybe a little schemey 
But not only for that.
If you ARE like Chris?
Not a fan of you then.
The whole robot thing hasn't happened yet since this is World Tour
But even then
He knows what an ass Chris is
That's an understatement
Really doesn't like you that much
But he still makes the effort to "befriend" you
Just to get rid of you, of course.
(Cannot write for this man to save my life, sorry if this is absolute dogshit)
Again, already knew about you.
Very excited to meet you, too!
She's the self proclaimed Total Drama Superfan, she HAS to know everything about you!!
Talks your ears off
All with good intention of course
She is absolutely ECSTATIC
You know in those cartoons where they shake someone's hand extremely excited and they just. It's almost violent
Like that
That's how she shakes your hand when you're first brought on the show
I'd imagine you weren't brought immediately
Because like
I have no proper reason
Just for funsies
Before any proper eliminations 
(But after Zeeke's)
But yeah!!
Her Cody obsession is… off-putting to say the least
You stay away from her, or at least keep your distance at first
She keeps talking to you, being all friendly
And if you're not too scared of her
Then you guys could become friends!
If you keep talking to her on your own without keeping any distance?
Makes every day so much better for her
Probably used to people being weirded out by her
So you actually talking to her because you GENUINELY LIKE her? 
Bouncing off the WALLS
A friend! Yay!
Obviously Cody is still her #1 priority
But if you prove yourself, she miiiight let you in on a couple group hugs
Doesn't give a shit
Just like the younger version
But without the sweet bonding time
Doesn't like you very much
Might put on her fake little buddy-buddy act to stay on the good side of the media
Since you're probably "great for the ratings" 
Being related to Chris and all
Idk what else to put for her sorry
Older than them (17-19) (STILL younger than Blaineley)
..why are you here?
Probably assumes you're an intern at first
Or here to help run challenges/watch them
If you're in the challenges, he finds it to be unfair
You're older, probably taller and smarter, and he's CONVINCED Chris is giving you some sort of advantage
Still does his whole thing
But like. Not romantically.
If you're not in the competition?
VERY confused as to why you're here
You're not competing, but you're still back in the plane with them?
It just doesn't make sense to him
You're probably there to help out with challenges
If you're 17, and I'd assume still in high school, you might be there for volunteer hours or something
Since you're probably not getting paid either way /hj
Might attempt a flirting thing once or twice (if you're not older than 17)
Probably doesn't do shit though
Genuinely have no idea what to put here I'm just repeating myself
Again, already knows who you are
Basically just like the second one but more "respectful" (not really) 
Blaineley would've probably been suuuuper boring (even worse than her "same age" (technically still younger) one) so I didn't include it.
I'm sorry this is so shit lmao I'll probably try redoing it as a proper paragraph written fic/one-shot instead of this. That'll probably make it better. If you want that, please tell me so I can start it soon!! xx
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eldritch-nightmare · 7 months
❝ it's not much, but i got you this. ❞
notes: prompt credit. i've never actually fully written anything for cody now that i think about it... i hope i do him nicely!! since it took me literally forever to post this, the other two prompts won't be valentine's base, though i may still use the prompts i chose for them bc. i like them. anyways!! i'm actually actively job hunting right now, which is why i've been so busy lately and haven't had much time to write. but i'll try working on some stuff soon!! for now, i hope you all enjoy this incredibly, very messy and late valentine's day post. thanks for being patient with me guys, it means a lot <3
pairing: x virus x gn!reader
word count: 983.
warnings: established relationship, fluff, cody is awkward as fuck when it comes to romance he's just like me frfr, wrapping paper is his biggest enemy, very mild angst like... a pinch of salt type of angst, cody is a perfectionist but idk if i portrayed that well enough here.
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Cody stared at the clumsily wrapped gift placed in front of him, his arms crossed and his brows furrowed as he glared at the gift as if it had scorned him in some way.
And to him, it basically has.
You see, the gift he's been trying to wrap neatly and nicely is something he got for you, his lovely significant other. This is the first Valentine's Day he's spending with you, and while it doesn't have to be perfect, he would at least like to wrap your gift in a way that isn't... ugly.
It's not even that big of a gift. It's just a little bracelet he made in his spare time, so why the hell is it so hard to wrap in the little box he got for it?
He could just ask someone to help him wrap the gift, but that feels... I mean... it feels like that would be cheating? Strangely enough? Like... he made this for you, so he should be the one to wrap it up as well, no matter how annoying and how difficult it was starting to become.
It feels like it'll mean more if he does this himself.
But he's been here for like almost two hours now trying to wrap the box, and it looks so messy and it's covered in tape and honestly, the wrapping paper's color looks uglier and uglier the longer he looks at it and it just doesn't seem good enough for you. It could be so much better.
You deserve so much better. And if he could kill the wrapping paper, he would, truthfully.
Cody silently glares for a moment longer before letting out a sigh in defeat, resting his forehead against the surface of the desk in his workshop and grumbling quietly to himself.
The wrapping paper wins this round, but he'll do better next time.
With a huff, he sits up straight, giving the poorly wrapped box one final glance before grabbing it and standing up. It was time to actually give you the gift. And hope that you don't dump him for his poor wrapping skills. Do people do that? He's not sure. He hopes not. He'd hate for you to dump him.
Oh god, what if you dump him?
"Fucking hell-" Cody nearly loses grip on the box in his hand when your voice suddenly pops up behind him, startling him so badly that he jumped a bit. He looked strangely similar to a dog that got caught doing something it wasn't meant to be doing.
And judging from the way he had quickly hidden his hands behind his back, awkwardly looking off to the side to avoid eye contact with you, you can't help but wonder if he had maybe done something.
"How long have you been standing there?" He asks, and your brow quirks up slightly at how strangely nervous he sounded. His behavior sort of reminded you of the day he had asked you out.
"Long enough to be concerned about whether or not I need to hide wrapping paper from you in the future." You respond, smiling a bit to yourself when you see Cody relax a bit at the joke you cracked.
"Ha ha. Funny." He blandly responds, though you don't miss the way his lips twitch upwards slightly. You deem your joke a success, even if he behaved otherwise.
"So, you wanna tell me what it is you're hiding behind your back? Or is it another one of your... projects?" You ask, crossing your arms and patiently waiting for his response.
And that made him tense up again.
He doesn't know why he felt so nervous about giving you a gift, poorly wrapped or not. I mean, you're literally dating each other, so he shouldn't get nervous like this, right? But also like, you're the first person he's ever dated and he honestly didn't think it would last this long even if it has only been a few months since he asked you out but still! Still!
He shouldn't be this nervous, honestly.
"Okay, so, like," He cringes slightly at the way his voice cracks a bit as he speaks, "Uhm, you know how it's Valentine's Day, right? I, uh, maybe it's silly but..." He trails off, seemingly debating whether or not he should actually continue before he's suddenly holding out a box in front of you.
It wasn't actually that poorly wrapped. Truthfully, it's way better than anything you could ever do. The wrapping paper was even your favorite color.
You take the box from him, glancing down at it before looking back up at Cody. He simply motioned for you to open the box, so you peel the wrapping paper off and do just that, taking the lid off the box to see the handmade bracelet neatly placed inside.
"It's not much, but I got you this," He awkwardly rubs the back of his neck, "I mean, if you don't like it, I can make you something else! I know it's not the best thing in the world, but-"
"I love you."
He falls silent at your words, his nervous rambling cut off as he stares at you. You look up from the bracelet to stare at him, and your expression was so serious and genuine that it almost felt as if the air had been forced out of his lungs.
"Cody, I love you." You repeat.
"Oh," He stutters a bit, "I love you too." His words are a bit quieter compared to yours. It felt awkward saying those words out loud knowing you could actually hear him.
But the smile that bloomed on your face made him forget about all of that, and you nod, satisfied with his response, "Good. Now, help me make you one so we can match."
And who is he to say no to you and matching bracelets?
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dum1s-writings · 2 years
Well, hello! It's nice to see an active total drama writer in here! I love this show so much and the fandom is like dead 💀
So, I had this idea...
It could be headcanons or a fic/one-shot, whatever you feel like the most!
But, what about the reaction to the TDWT crew to Chris bringing his niece with him?? Like, the reader is just a sweet 19 y/o teenager who looks for their safety and actually cares about them??? (Total contrary to his uncle lmao).
It doesn't have to be with one character specifically, most like how they would react overall to the reader wanting to protect them from Chris (AND PLEASE MAKE THE READER PROTECT CODY FROM SIERRA I BEG U)
Anyways, have a nice day!!! <3
~~~The Nice McLean~~~
I fucking love Total Drama!! I firmly believe Leshawna should've won the first season. I'll try to add my least favorite characters from World Tour to avoid being biased.
Warnings: Chris McLean, Sierra's stalker behavior, attempted manipulation from Alejandro, Duncan being kind of an ass, does Cody being a crybaby count? I'm making it count.
Pronouns: They/Them
"Alright contestants I have another surprise for you." Chris looked at the tired teens. From behind Chef came another teen. They smiled and waved to the other teens.
"Another contestant?" A few questioned simultaneously.
"Oh hell no. Their mother would kill me." Chris slung his arm around them and tugged them close. "This here is -Y/N- McLean, my nibling."
"Heya," their smile got bigger "I hope we can get along."
Everyone was too shocked to speak for a moment. Sierra was trying so hard not to flip her shit. Chris McLean's nibling was actually in front of her.
"So you're related to Chris?" Harold finally asked.
"Yeah. My mom is his sister." -Y/N- answered truthfully.
"Think of -Y/N- as a co-host. Another Chris of sorts." The older man smirked. "They'll keep an eye on you famous wannabes while I can't."
First of all we'll get the obvious out of the way, the cast fucking love you, after getting to know you. Obviously at first learning you're related to the devil host, Chris McLean, they immediately thought this season would be twice as torturous. But give them a couple of days or weeks and most of them would willingly jump from the plane for you. The others may take some time.
I'll start with the ones that take no time in becoming your fans:
Cody: for him the moment he saw you give a genuine smile was when he trusted you. Having dealt with Chris's shit for so long made him aware of a real and fake smile. Also when you demand Sierra leave him alone? Oh yeah he likes you even more now. Expect a lot of clinging, as much as he can, crying for one reason or another mostly Sierra and excessive praise for the small things.
Lindsay: my sweetheart, so pretty so.....not traditionally smart. She saw you looking super nice in your outfit and that was it. Anyone with fashion choices as good as yours are definitely trustworthy. Please become shopping buddies after the show is over.
Owen: this big lug. He really tries to see the good in everyone. More often than not he's wrong. But he's genuinely happy he's right about you.
Sierra: she knew about you before anyone else. Obviously she's going to trust you from the get go. You're related to THE Chris McLean. That trust may or may not waver...TBD. Either way watch yourself around her. Keep a close eye on your belongings.
The neutral ones who need a bit more time are:
Noah: he just doesn't trust easily. Take no offense to it. I think only Owen was lucky enough, being an actual giant ball of sunshine and stupidity. Perhaps if you sneak him some Noah-Safe food he'll trust you faster.
Gwen: poor girl has been scorned by the world so often. It's left her with a few trust issues. Maybe stick up for her and watch some good horror movies together. Reassurance is the key, she was painted as a bad guy from the beginning. Let her know she's more than that and it's okay to admit she did wrong. Help her move past that.
Leshawna: this bad bitch (lovingly) knows her worth. She wants to make sure others know it as well. Don't talk down to her and hype up her plans and ideas and she'll consider you worth her time and respect. Also keep Alejandro away from her. Please. My queen deserves better.
DJ: he's a softie and a Mama's boy. He does want to trust you. But after his failed restaurant with his Mama it might take some time. People in power never helped him or his Mama. In fact he wonders if they were sabotaged. Help him find ways to "reverse his curse" and he'll definitely trust you, also maybe offer his Mama a job as a chef, especially if it's a higher position in a private kitchen.
The ones who just straight up dislike you and take a long time to like you are:
Alejandro: his family caused him so much trauma. He doesn't trust ANYONE. He may act like it, nodding to your advice and being nice. But alas tis all a front. He's really just waiting for the perfect moment to betray you. When that time comes and goes and you're still nice to him? Yeah....you may have started chipping away at his walls.
Heather: the queen bee. The head of every group project. Highschool taught her to look out for herself. So did the first two seasons of Total Drama. She'll bitch at you and talk shit about you "behind" your back. Just brush it off and continue being nice and you'll win her over, eventually.
Courtney: the Type A Psychotic Crazies and debate team caused Courtney to believe only Courtney can help Courtney. She'll refuse to trust you and judges those who do. In fact it's not until she's kicked off will she finally trust you. Maybe meet up after the show and talk to her, she'll apologize to you and own up to her wrongdoings.
Duncan: the runaway delinquent. The hardass he is doesn't trust you, purely because of your last name. Chris ruined his life, more than he himself could have. Being stalked no matter where he went for 2 years put him on edge. Abolish Chris's stupid "must always sing" rule and his opinion on you might change.
Hopefully this works. I didn't know what to do for most of it. I was winging it big time.
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pjberribear · 9 months
I drew Frank and Eddie as May and Cody! <3 Frank and Eddie are from "Welcome Home."
May and Cody are from "It takes two." Behind the scenes! 🔥🌈
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The finished results! 💐✨
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I've been working on this for about two weeks and yet it's supposed to be a quick drawing.... but I like how it came out in the end! I'll draw more of these guys every now and then. I was thinking about making them into 3D models next but i don't know about that. I'll just have to see! Anyways, I hope yo guys like it! 💛💜
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Gangsta’s Paradise
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Pairing: Cody Rhodes/OC (Riley Carter)
Summary: After suffering a loss at Wrestlemania, Cody’s downward spiral is cut short when a certain American Gangsta seeks to tend to The American Nightmare’s wounds with a vacay. 
Warnings: Switch!OC, Switch!Cody Rhodes, Cody gets a bit feral ngl, Use of handcuffs and a blindfold, choking (lil bit), spanking, Oral (M. and F receiving), Dirty Talk, someone gets fucked dumb, etc.
Author’s Note: 10 months…It took me 10 MONTHS TO WRITE THIS SHIT. I hate writer’s block and low inspiration. Anyway, Enjoy my debauchery. As per usual,  
By proceeding with reading this work, you therefore accept any and all drawbacks from horniness. I.e, sudden soul departure, loss of underwear and extreme thirst. The author is not liable for medical and/or therapy costs, should side effects occur. 
-Signed Management
“And your winner…AND STILL The Undisputed WWE Universal Champion, ROMAN REIGNS!”
Straight Cow Manure. 
These were the thoughts that ran through Riley’s head when she heard the announcement, watching the match in Cody’s locker room. The frustrated sigh that she exhaled as she rubbed her face in both hands to prevent herself from not hauling ass out there, her infamous Harley Quinn-eque mallet swinging and busting heads. She looked back at the TV just in time to see the look on her boyfriend’s face. 
Heartbreak and defeat was evident on it which further angered her and broke her heart at the same time. She could tell what he was thinking, too; How he was so close and how he would’ve won if it wasn’t for those rat bastards that were the bloodline’s shenanigans. Riley also took note of how quiet the arena was after that. 
Frankly, disappointment was in everyone’s spirits except for the bloodline, their small group of fans and Vince McMahon. Or Hunter. Who knows and who gives a shit, she thinks when Cody enters his locker room. Riley turns around to look at him, shoulders sagged with that look of defeat on his face still as he sits on the couch next to her. 
“Hey there, Angel Eyes…” Riley hopes to sweeten up to him as she leans over to rub his shoulders. “You ok? I know it’s a dumb question to ask right now but…I need to know what my baby’s thinking or feeling right now.” Cody gives her a deep sigh as he rubs his face. 
“I had him. I almost had him, Riles. But then I-." 
“Don’t you fucking dare, Mister.” Riley stops and rests her hands on his shoulders. "That sleazeball Paul and Solo are the reason The Tribal Chief doesn't sleep with nightmares tonight." She sighs as she slips her hands down his arms to wrap her arms around his waist. “In due time, babe. In due time.” There was a slight pause before she continued. “In the meantime, how about I cash in your victory gift?” 
This made Cody look up at her. “My victory gift? Riles, I didn't win.” 
"The belts, you didn’t win but you did win a vacation." Riley clarified. "Remember back in June, I said that I was gonna pay for our vacation this time but you got hurt and then you were mad busy because someone decided to win the rumble and the build up to Wrestlemania on top of being an EVP of AEW. Basically, what I’m saying Code, is that yo ass needs a break.” 
There was a brief pause as Cody reflected on her words before he spoke. “Well, you do have a point. Can’t remember the last time I had a break.” 
“Yeah, Mister ‘Do the work’.” She tosses him his bag. “Now do the work and pack up. I don’t want to keep the pilot waiting.” 
Cody raises an eyebrow, his face in bewilderment. “Pilot?”
“Yeah, a pilot. What, you think I'mma take a 12 hour plane ride with the poors in First Class?” Riley raised an eyebrow in question. “Angel, I may be a frugal motherfucka sometimes but even I have standards. Standards that don’t include that bullshit you call The Nightmare Express” This gets a chuckle out of him.
“You really need to stop hanging around Max.” Cody said as he got up to pack.
Riley cringes at the statement. “I do not. That fatherless bastard likes to harass me for advice like the orphan he is. Now, hurry up or you gettin’ left.” 
2 days had passed before the two had left the city of angels behind and had arrived at the hotel in Venice, Italy. Already irritated at the shenanigans of Brock on the following Monday night, Riley gave him an ultimatum that he could handle whatever business he can before they were on the plane before Cody convinced her to let him work while on the plane.
‘A’ight, fine but once the plane lands,’ She kissed him on the cheek while he was on call with Kenny and The Bucks. ‘You’re all mine, Angel…’ She smiled. Once the couple arrived at their suite, Riley immediately dropped her bags by the door and plopped face first on the bed in the master bedroom. 
“Ah, finally…” Riley sighs, muffled into the bed. “I was almost about to lose my mind in that jet.” 
Cody chuckled and placed his bags next to hers. “I’m sorry, Doll.” He sits down next to her on the bed. “I would’ve kept you entertained if I could.” 
Riley shook her head, rising to sit up straight next to him. “Mm-mm. Nah, I wanted you to handle whatever business you had to do, Mista Executive because, like I said on the plane,” She kissed him on the lips. “You’re all mine…” She smiled at him which he returned.
“Well…” Cody picked her up by her hips to sit him in his lap. “I’m all yours now. What do you wanna do to me?” He leans forward to kiss her but Riley cuts him off with a finger to his lips.
“Uh-uh-uh. Nope. You didn’t wanna join the mile high club so you not gettin’ the nookie that easily. Besides, we’re in Italy! And I really wanna check out the Golden Rectangle. Mami needs more Armani and Cartier.” She hops off his lap. 
He sighs, plopping backwards on the bed as she walks to the bathroom. “Really? You brought us here just to shop?” He exasperated. 
Riley scoffs. “No, dummy. I have other plans for you as well.”
"Babe, come on. How much more do you need?" Cody sat on the couch outside the dressing room, his head on his hand while he watched the inky crimson fluffy coils that was Riley’s 'fro roamed around the Dolce and Gabbana store. “You already practically bought out all of Versace.” He gestured to the boatload of bags at his feet. Riley sputters as she looks through the lingerie section. 
“S’cuse me, I have a special night planned with my man and the clothes I bought with me are not up to par with the event planned.” She explains as she collects a few sets. “Speaking of that, you have a decent suit?” She stopped in front of the dressing room, looking at him with a raised eyebrow.
Cody scoffs. “Of course I do, Doll. Why?” 
“What color is it?” She further questioned.
“It’s the dark purple one you like. You know, the one I wore to that photoshoot for my dog collar match with Brodie. I had black hair at the time.” He explained.
“Mmm-mmm-mmm…Lord have mercy.” Riley nods in remembrance. “You really do look good in that suit.” She walks into the dressing room. “Really brings out those pretty eyes of yours.”
“So you tell me, babe. Why do you ask?” 
“So in order to avoid waiting for me to get dressed, I would like to know exactly what I’m gonna wear tonight.” She said from behind the door. Cody then chuckles. 
“Great, so now I only have to wait an hour for you to get ready.” 
“Ya mama!” She responded with playful venom as he laughed.
A few hours passed after Riley practically dragged Cody around her shopping spree and they were back at the hotel. 
"Cody, hurry yo ass up! Yo hair is fine, ya idiot now come on before we miss our reservation!" Riley yelled after him as she adjusted her dress in the mirror of the foyer. “I swear, got the nerve to tell me I take too long and here he go…”  She then hears the sounds of Cody’s footsteps making his way to the foyer, adjusting his cufflinks. 
“I’m right here, babe.” He kissed her on her cheek before grabbing their coats by the door. “Besides, what’s the rush? Didn’t you rent out the whole restaurant?” 
“Just because no one else is gonna be there to witness me in my finest unless they paid me first, it does not excuse us being late.” She said as Cody helped her put on her coat. “Something, something punctuality. Something, something good time management. Now, hurry along. I have a hot date and I refuse to be late, even if fashionably.” She declared as she stormed out the room with her head up high and swinging the door open in a dramatic fashion. Cody chuckles at her antics. 
After they arrived and ate, Riley led him to the ferry station nearby for a gondola ride to see the sights at night. It is there when the American Couple found themselves cuddled together, holding each other
“The city is so beautiful at night.” She commented, resting her head on his shoulder. 
“Yeah, it is.” He said, looking at her. 
“I swear to god, if I look up and see you looking at me, I'mma throw you overboard, you absolute cheeseball.” Cody laughs at her semi-serious threat. 
“So you’re saying you’re not beautiful?” 
“I ain’t say all that, now.” She looks up at him. “I’m saying you’re corny, sir.” 
“Like taking a gondola ride in Venice with your girlfriend is not corny either.” He laughs, pulling her close. 
“Yeah, well…” She leans forward, lips almost touching. “Maybe I like a little corny.” She gives him a teasing smirk with a little chuckle. Cody then reaches over with his hand to pull her in closer to kiss her. Riley couldn’t help but release a soft moan as he grips her a little tighter around the waist. She then pushed him back before the kiss got too deep. 
 “Easy, tiger.” She teased. “We’ll have all the time in the world back at the hotel.” 
If only she believed that. As soon as the couple came back to the hotel, she pushed him up against the wall once they passed the hotel room threshold. “Baby, wait…” Cody gasps as she untucks his shirt from his pants while kissing his neck. “S-Slow down…” This made her giggle mischievously. 
“Oh why, Angel Eyes?” Riley presses her body against his, taking his tie in her hands. “Why slow down when you seemed so adamant on having me on my back as soon as we got here, hmm?” She pulls his tie, yanking him down to bring him face to face with her. 
Cody exhales a breath to calm himself as Riley moves her other hand to his belt to undo. He then looks her deep in the eyes. “Because Doll, unless you want to be fucked dumb and fucked proper, I would suggest you stop.” This made Riley giggle before she walked away from him deeper into the foyer where she stops.
“Well, then…” Riley unzips the back of her dress, letting it fall at her feet before putting her curls up into two space buns. She turns her head to look at him. “You’re gonna threaten me with a good time or what?” She taunted him, which shakes him out of his thoughts in his head. She could see the way his eyes darken before he snatches the tie off his neck, opening his shirt a bit in the process. 
“I’mma make you regret those words, babydoll.” Cody said before he chased after her, a playful squeal leaving her as she quickly ran to the bedroom. However, she doesn’t get far as Cody catches her before she reaches the room. He pushes her up against the wall, taking her hands into one of his own. “You know, I think you like to try me sometimes…” 
“To try you is to assume you have some control over me in the first place…” Riley muttered, feeling vulnerable as she looked down at her feet. Cody then grabs her face by the chin to make her look back up at him.
“Oh? And I don’t?” He then picks her up, causing her to wrap her legs around his waist with a shriek of surprise as she was suddenly airbourne. He then walks into the bedroom towards the bed where he places her down on her back. He strips out his shirt and vest before he takes hold of her hands above her head by her wrists. “We’ll see about that now, won’t we?” He leaned down to whisper in her ear before kissing underneath her ear which made her gasp. 
“Yeah…” Riley sighed before she looked up at the headboard of the bed for her surprise. She smirks at him when he looks back at her. “We will…” 
“What are you-?” Cody tried to ask before Riley managed to break her hands free of his grip to press against his chest to flip him over onto his back. She takes advantage of his confusion to then grab the handcuffs around the headboard to handcuff him to the bed. She then mounts him on his lap as she watches him struggle against the cuffs. 
“Ah, ah, ah. Don’t struggle, baby boy. I would hate for your wrists to be rubbed raw. No doubt, that would be hard to explain to your friends and peers.” She gives him a smug smile. Cody looks at her once he realizes he can’t break free. 
“Babydoll, whatcha got up your sleeve, huh?” He licks his lips as his breath gets a little heavy as he takes in her form again. “ All day, you’ve been leading me to surprise after surprise. Just treating me to things. What gives?” 
“I told you, baby.” Riley said, her hands sliding down his arms. “You haven’t had a real break in like 2 years. If you weren't busy with shit going on backstage in AEW, you were dealing with finishing the story in WWE. Basically…Papi?” She leans forward, placing her hands on the bed to meet him face to face. “You’ve been in control of things and when shit falls apart, you take the blame for it; even if it was something out of your control. So this whole vacation was dedicated to make sure you didn’t..” She leans closer, their lips barely touching. Cody gasps a bit at the slight contact. “Because I didn’t want you to further stress about anything. Can you do that?” She leans back, rubbing her hands down his chest to his abs. “Can you let me have control tonight?” .
“F-Fuck, doll…” Cody stuttered with a shiver, panting as her nails scratched him a little bit. "I…God fucking yes, baby.” He pleaded when she moved off his lap to lay in between his legs. “Ruin me…abuse me. Make me earn it, Baby…" His statement made her raise an amused eyebrow. 
“Make you earn it?” Riley chuckled as she slid off the bed which caused him to whine at the loss of contact. . “I just said I wanted to spoil you, Darlin’.” She teased him when she made her way over to her bags.
“I know. F-Fuck…” He mewled when he threw his head back, writhing against the cuffs. “But I-I wanna earn it. It’s not as rewarding if I don’t. So, please…” He felt movement on the bed before he raised his head again to look at her but couldn’t when she suddenly grabbed him by the chin, forcing him to look up at the ceiling. He whined, waiting to see more of her as she mounted his lap again.
“You must really want me to torment you, considering you forgot your place under me.” She sweetly threatens before she takes the silk blindfold and ties it around his eyes. She giggles a bit at his whimpering when she rolls her hips against his cock through his pants. “Don’t worry. I have all the time in the world to remind you where you belong.” She runs her fingers through his blonde hair. 
“F-fuck me…” Cody pants with anticipation when she lightly scratches his scalp like she knew he liked. He let a sharp gasp of air when he felt her kiss his neck up to his ear. Riley giggles seductively in his ear which causes him to shiver.
“Begging for me already? But I’ve barely got started, my sweet…” She licks and bites his earlobe. 
Cody squirms in the cuffs at Riley’s teasing and swallows his spit thickly. “God-. You’re gonna-.” He gasps again as he feels Riley’s fingers trace along his abs, tracing circles in between his belly button and his pants. “You’re gonna be the death of me.” Riley gives him a mischievous chuckle before she slides down his body, now eye level with the bulge in the pants. 
“Oh, Cody, Cody, Cody, mon âme…If what I’m doing to you right now already has you on the edge, then I see now how Roman bested you.” She felt Cody’s hips buck when she finally undid his belt before sliding it off entirely. “All that time spent in the gym…all that time spent wrestling matches to prove just how great you are, only to lose to a man who barely shows his face anymore? Just lose to a man, who in my sleep, I can outwit and outmaneuver him? I haven’t even done anything to make you lose your mind just yet so you know what?” She said as she slowly dragged his belt across his nipples. His hips bucked at the sensation. “Let's have a test of will.” She takes the belt and folds it in half to snap the belt, the sound damn near echoing throughout the room. She giggles mischievously when she sees his abs contract as he shudders a moan at the sound. “Since you’re a closeted masochist, I think maybe 10 spanks across the chest. A light punishment for you. That okay?” Cody gives her a nod which makes her slap and grips his thigh harshly, manicured nails digging in a little. He whines a little at the pleasure and pain. “Des mots, chérie. I can’t hear you.”
“Yes, mami. I-I understand.” Riley chuckled before she leaned down to kiss, lick and tease his nipples, drawing more moans out of him. 
“Mami, huh? Well, are you just a good boy?” She taunts him before she takes the belt and hits him across the chest with it. Cody throws his head back, letting out one of the deepest groans Riley ever heard out of him. She raises an eyebrow at the sound, humming pleased by it. “Mmm, never heard you make that sound before. Do it again.” She demanded as she hit him with the belt again.
“Oh, fu-.” Cody moans before she hits him again, cutting him off. “Fuck!” Another. “Fucking h-hell.” Another. “Baby…” Another. “Mami…” Cody whimpered as he fought against the cuffs the harder she hit him. 
She chuckled and looked down at him to take it in his disheveled stance. Riley raises her hand to gently stroke his hair. “Don’t tell me you’re tapping out already.” She bends down to kiss his forehead. “We’re not even done with your punishment yet.” 
“Shit…” Cody whines at her gentle touch. “I’m trying not to, babe but…you’re making it hard not to. Ah…” He moaned as he tried to find his resolve to not bust too quickly in his pants. 
“T’is the reason why I said it was a test of will. It’s not supposed to be easy.” She sighs as she moves the hand in his hair down to his now reddening chest.. “If you can’t hold off from losing your mind in pleasure and pain for longer than a few minutes, then what makes you think you can be undisputed champion, baby?” She teases one of his nipples, drawing out more sounds from him.  “While I may be spoiling you, dear, I also mean to make you better in more ways than one so…” She takes her hand off of him. “Try to last as long as you can…otherwise, it’s gonna be a long night for you.” Riley warns before she strikes him with the belt again, this time catching his other nipple.
“Go-God, baby, fuck!” Cody tugs on the cuff as his back arches from the intense pain. “Fuck! I’m trying but you-oh fuck, you’re so fucking-. Ah-! Ha-!” She strikes him again for the eighth time. “Shit…Riley…Mami, I think I’m gonna-. I’m gonna-.” 
Riley looks down at him with a raised eyebrow. “Really? You’re gonna cum in your pants from a few hits to the chest like a horny teenager?” She laughed. “Oh, how the mighty fall. How do you survive taking chops to the chests then?” 
“It’s…one thing…to get chopped in the chest…by a grown ass man…and another..to get whipped by a smoking hot grown ass woman…with an italian leather belt.” He then swallows the excess saliva in his mouth before he continues. “One’s a job…the other’s a privilege.” Riley laughs before she delivers the ninth hit. “Mercy, Mami, Mercy. Ple-please!” His plea makes her shush him. 
“You have one more, baby. You’ve survived this long, mon âme. One more won’t kill you.”  Riley’s sweetened threat made him whine in anticipation. 
“No but you will.” His response sparks another laugh from her again. 
“I wouldn’t dare. After all…” She leans down to whisper in his ear. “There’s not a man on this earth that is as half as good at dicking me down as you, Mr. Rhodes.”  
“S-Shit…” Cody whimpers as she reaches down to squeeze his dick. “Mami…Mami, I’m gonna-gonna-!” Cody tries to warn her before she comes down with the belt from the tenth and final strike hard. He pulls against the cuffs, moaning as he cums in his pants. “Oh fuckfuckfuck! Mami…!” He continued to whimper as she continued to shake from his orgasm. There’s a sudden crack Riley hears coming from the headboard. 
“Oh, my. Looks like someone wants to break free, no Queen.” She laughs as she moves back up the bed, straddling Cody’s hips once more to check on the cuffs. She sees one of the links of the cuffs separate but not entirely break off. She also sees there’s a crack in the wood of the headboard when she attached the cuffs. She also checks his wrists to see that they’re a bit rubbed raw and red against the leather cuffs.She looks down at him to check him, seeing him catching his breath as he comes back down to earth. She lifts the blindfold off of his eyes to take a good look at him. “Hey…” She whispered softly to him, taking hold of the cuffs to get his attention. When he looked up, she could see the haziness in his eyes.  “Do you want your freedom, my love? You have earned it.” Cody just nods numbly. She reaches up to undo the cuffs, rubbing his wrists a little before she reaches around his head to fully take off the blindfold. Cody shuts his eyes to let them adjust before he locks eyes with hers. “Hi, my pretty… You were such a good boy. I think you deserve a reward now, right?” He then shakes his head which makes Riley’s eyebrows shoot to his hairline in surprise. “No? Why not?” 
“Because I-. I c-ame without permission, Mami.” Cody said hoarsely. “I don’t-deserve it.” Riley tilts his head up, clicking her tongue.
“Tsk, tsk, tsk.” She shakes her head. “Oh, darlin’...Always so hard on yourself.” She leans closer to him. “Did I say that you couldn’t cum?” 
“No, I didn't. I said try to hold out as long as you can and you did. You didn’t break until I gave you the final hit with the belt so…” She kisses him on the forehead. “That means you listened and followed instructions which gets you a reward. Now, sit on the edge of the bed and accept your reward like a good boy.” Riley backs off for him to give him room to do as she instructed him. Riley gives him a mischievous chuckle before she slides down his body, now eye level with the bulge in the pants. 
“Now, then…” She gets onto her knees between his legs. “Time for me to get my reward.” She said as she slowly unbuttons and unzips his pants. He raises his hip to help her lower them a bit to free his dick from its prison. His dick smacks her in the face still hard, sparking a moan from her. “Fuck...” She sees his abs contract as he shudders a moan when she turns slightly to give his cock a few light kisses along his shaft. “I love this dick so fucking much.” Cody gives her a groan in pleasure when she licks his cum clean off his cock. She moans again where she feels it twitch against her lips. She licked all the way up his shaft from base to tip, drawing more moans out of him. “Mami…Can I…?” 
“Angel wants to pull Mami’s hair while she sucks him dry?” She taunts him before she takes his tip into her mouth. Cody throws his head back as Riley uses her tongue around the head of his cock. 
“Yes, Mami…Please, Mami.” Cody muttered as he balls his fists into the sheets the more Riley’s mouth sank down his cock slowly. She chuckled and looked up at him when she took one of his hands to put it in her hair. Cody looks down to see what Riley was doing only to have his eyes roll in the back of his head as Riley slowly deepthroats him as she does. “Goddamnthattongueisdangerous.” The hand Cody had in her hair grips the back of her head to guide her head up and down with her pace. Riley takes her free hand to play and toy with his balls. “Shit…” He throws his head again as she takes his dick out of her mouth to suck on his balls. “Goddamn…I think I’m gonna cum again.” He moaned as he tried to find his resolve to not bust too quickly. 
She gives his balls a firm suck before she lets them go to speak. “Much as I love for you to just nut in my mouth,” She sighs as she adjusted her position on the bed to nestle his cock in between her breasts.“I’ll let you decide. Do you wanna cum in my mouth…” She squeezed her breasts together to massage his dick. “Or on my tits?” Riley asks before she tongues and sucks on the head of his dick while continuing to stroke his cock with her breasts. 
“Oh, shit..” Cody groans into a gasp as he feels himself get closer. He looks down at her faux innocent look. “I’d rather cum in your pussy, Mami.” She looks up back at him with a raised eyebrow which makes him plead. “Can I please, Mami?” Riley’s firm look turns into a look of mischief before she speeds up her tempo, making him cry out. As quickly as she sped up, she stopped to stand on her feet. She places her hands on his knees. 
“I guess you can but you’re gonna have to do the work if you really want it-.” Riley suddenly shrieked as Cody grabs her by the waist and throws her onto the bed, immediately kissing all over her face. “Baby!” She giggled at the eager affection Cody was giving her as he crawled on top of her. “Baby, please!” 
“Mmm, sorry, doll but I’ve been waiting to just…fuck the shit outta you since we’ve arrived.” He whispered in her ear before kissing and sucking hickeys on her neck. “All day. All goddamn day, you’ve been teasing me. From the shopping trip, wearing those tight shorts that makes that plump ass of yours bounce everytime you walk,” His kisses moved down to her chest as he popped her on the ass, earning him a yelp of surprise. “That fucking dress you wore to dinner.” He took one of her nipples into his mouth, sparking a sharp gasp from Riley when he bites down. “ God, your tits...Tits were just…sitting pretty in that dress.” She continued to moan as he toys with the other nipple before he kisses down her stomach. ‘Your stomach and those rolls I love so much. Even though you hate when I show them love, I love that chub of yours, baby. But there’s something I love more than all that I just mentioned.” Cody sits up to pull her closer and throws her legs over his shoulders. Riley sits up on her forearms to watch as he kisses up her calf to her thigh, this time leaving love bites on them. “I absolutely love this pussy.” He muttered as he pushed her legs back to get a good look at her pussy, spreading her lips open to look at how wet she was. “So wet. You must really want me, don’t you?” She nodded, hiding her face with one hand. Cody tsked as he reached up to pull her hand away. “Uh-uh, Mami. Tell me. Do. You. Want. Me?” He enunciated. She nods eagerly, sitting up a little further to look him in the eyes.
“I want you…I always want you.” Her response earns her a sexy chuckle from Cody.
“Good girl. Now, hold your knees for me, doll.” He commanded as he pushed her knees to her for her to grab. “It’s gonna be a long night for you if you don’t behave while I indulge in my favorite treat, all right?” 
“Yes, sir.” Riley meekly answers as she does what she is told. Cody rolls his eyes in his head as he growls at the name.
“Goddamn, you obedient little thing…” He muttered before he leaned down to her pussy to lick from her hole to her clit in a long slow lick. 
“Ahn!” She moaned as she felt her eyes cross a bit when Cody flicks his tongue against her clit. “Oh, shit…” Cody growls into her when he feels her get wetter and drips more of her juice into his mouth. He slaps her thigh hard as he sucks on her clit. “Ah! Fuck…” Cody releases her clit to gently rub it the way he knows that will drive her crazy. Riley’s grip on her knees gets tighter when he does. “Oh, god…Too much! How-How are you so good at that?.” 
“Well, gorgeous.” He hits her with that blinding smile of his before he slips two fingers into her. The action makes her legs twitch with a hungry moan. “When you’re dating a very buxom, short, brazen woman who has spent her entire life, mouthing off to anything that displeases her…” He then curls his fingers up to caress her spot that made her sob with agonizing delight. “You learn how to not be on the receiving end of that brutality.” He sucks in a breath as he feels his fingers get more saturated with her essence. “Ooh, that’s the spot, ain’t it? That’s where you want me to touch, right?” He begins to scissor her with his fingertips assaulting her spot more, coupled with him going back to suck on her clit. Riley, in her ravenous want for more, lets go of her knees to grab the back of his head and pull his hair. He growled into her pussy at the pain and pulled away entirely to take hold of her hands in his free one, standing up. “Bad girl.” He began to scissor her faster, making her tremble in pleasure. “Did I say, you can let go of your legs, gorgeous?” Riley shakes her head which made him stop moving his fingers. “And now, you don’t want to answer Papi properly. Words, love or as you like to say, ‘Des mots, de l'amour’. I can't hear you.” 
“Nnnhmm, no..no, Papi. Y-you didn't…” Riley mewled. “I’m sorry, Papi.”
“No. I didn’t. So tell me why…” Cody said as she picked up his pace again, making her tug at his grip of her hands with a whine. “I should let you come after disobeying you.” 
“Nhn! Be-Beca-use if you don’t…You-Ohh! You wouldn’t be able to…fuck me properly.” She cracked her eyes open a little bit. “Plus, seeing me cum my brains would just make you harder than you already are.” He chuckles at her reasoning before he leans over her to kiss her. Riley kept squirming on the bed as she felt herself get closer and closer to the edge. She tried to break his grip to push him back but that didn’t work. She tried to break the kiss but she could barely get any words out as Cody just kept coming back for more kisses. After a few moments, he lets up on the kisses when he feels her squeeze his fingers tighter than before. “Nmh! Cody! Please! I’m gonna cum-Ahnn!” She shrieks as she squirts all over his fingers and even a little on the floor. Cody stands up straight and takes his fingers out of her. He chuckles as he looks at his hand.
“Tsk. You’re squirted all over me and the floor.” He licks his fingers as his dick twitches, getting harder at her smell and taste. “Making my dick so hard it hurts, you brat.” He moves to pick her up to move her further up the bed, kneels on the bed over her and folds her in half. “Things are gonna get rough, doll. You don’t mind, do you?” Riley keens as she feels Cody’s dick prod at her entrance. “Shit, you’re so soaked, just like I love it.” He then puts her legs back over his shoulders. “I’ve been waiting these past few months to have you.” He then slips the tip in when he takes hold of her hands on either side of her head to get leverage. “I don’t think I can be gentle.” His dick then just plunges into her pussy, causing her to arch her back in delightful agony. He feels her get impossibly tight around him and wetter. He clicks his tongue and shakes his head in disapproval. “You fucking brat. Nnh…you came again.” He started to rock his hips to drive his dick in a slow pace to prolong her orgasm. Riley then drops back to the bed, hands gripping Cody’s hands harder at the pleasure.
“Nhaa! Ha! I-I can’t…! C-Cody! Oh!” She gripe with insatiable ecstasy. 
“You can’t take any more?” He asked her to which she nodded. “Oh but darling…I think you need more.” He shifted his weight to his hands to start rocking his hip faster to pound into her with gluttonous thirst. The change of pace makes her struggle for breath and her toes curl. 
“Ahh! Oh, fuck…Ohhh, fuck me…nnahmm…” Riley thrashed in debauched bliss as she feels her eyes cross, the view of Cody above her getting more and more out of focus. Cody lets go of one of her hands to wrap it around her neck. He smirked when he saw her stick out her tongue with panting breaths. 
“Holy shit…you’re so fucking pretty like this. So fucked out of your mind, that you can’t focus on anything but how my hand feels around your neck…” He squeezes her neck a bit harder which causes her to tighten up more around his dick. “Or how my cock feels, digging out that tight little hole of yours. Fuck…I could just…fuck you full until that pussy couldn’t take anymore. Until every time I fill you up with another load, it would just push the ones before it until there’s a fucking puddle underneath you and yet…even if you would be that fucking stuffed, you’d still ask me for another, wouldn’t you?” He taunts her but Riley just nods, too fucked out to really process what he’s actually saying. He laughs as he leans closer to kiss her. He lets go of her neck when he pulls away. “Go ahead, baby. Cum. Cum all over Papi’s dick again so Papi can fill you up like he knows you like.” He reaches down to thumb her clit which makes her close her eyes tightly. “C’mon, babygirl. Make me proud and cum. Cum and lost the last of your fucking mind. Make a mess of these sheets baby. C’mon…C’mon…” He encourages her before her back arches again and she cums on his cock again, her pussy juices squirting all over the sheets as Cody keeps thrusting through her orgasm to chase his own. He leans down to get close to her ear. “Yesyesyes, fuck! Good girl! Good fucking girl. Take it. Take my fucking load, baby. Fuck, lemme fucking fill you up. Fuck…Fuck! Take it, Mami! Take it!” He growled into her ear as he finally came deep inside her, hips slowing down to feel her pussy pulse around him. “Shit! Oh, shit, baby! Fuck…” He groaned as he moved her legs from his shoulders to fall on the bed beside her. Once he gets on his back, he pulls her close to cuddle her. “C’mere, doll.” He kissed her on the temple to calm down her trembling body. “Hey, doll. You’re still with me, right?”
“Mhmm…” She hummed in confirmation. “We…really shouldn’t go months…without doing that…again.” She cuddled closer to him.
“Agreed…” Cody squeezed her tighter to him. “Last thing we need is you incapacitated from me dicking you down.” They both chuckled. He kissed her temple again and stood up. “All right, up you go.” He turns around to pick her up off the bed to carry her to the bathroom. “Someone made a mess and now we gotta clean it up.” 
“You’re sure that’s all we doing?” She teased him.
“Don’t start, woman. You already can’t feel your legs.” 
10 Months later… February 2024, Wrestlemania 40 Kickoff
“...Because I have made a legendary career out of knocking golden girls off their top spot…so Mami is gonna learn how to be a bottom.” Becky Lynch taunts the current champion, Rhea Ripley who steps closer to her. “Because that’s what happens when The Man comes around.” The two engage in a staredown as Becky’s theme plays in the background before it’s cut off by someone attacking Becky in the back with a steel chair, pushing her into Rhea to knock them both down. Becky crumbs to the floor as the unknown attacker hits her with the chair again. Once Becky is down, the attacker props the chair around her knee before she focuses her attention on Rhea. The attacker props Rhea onto their to deliver a fireman’s carry spinebuster onto the chair that Becky’s knee was in, causing both of them to scream in agony. The attacker then gets a mic and kneels down to Becky before they pull off the mask, revealing the face of Riley. Riley smirks at Becky’s look of surprise. She then puts the mic to her lips. 
“You know, Becky, I know you said that you’ve made a career out of knocking golden girls off their top spot…” She looks back to the knee Becky was grabbing at. “But I’ve made a career outta rewriting legends, no matter the gender, no matter the company because I know just how boring Life can get when it’s predetermined.” Riley then stands to her feet to look at the hard camera. “And at Elimination Chamber, I plan on rewriting the legend again because no matter who’s the champion. It doesn't matter who’s in the chamber. I’m walking into the chamber. I’m gonna win the chamber and at Mania, I’m gonna take the title off of whichever one of you two unlucky bitches has it by the time we meet.” She stops for a moment to take in the cheers and jeers from the crowd. “But I won’t just stop there because everyone’s got a story to finish but I’m the only one with the pen and paper…because I’m the American Gangsta and to mess with me is to mess with the best.” She drops the mic as she leaves the arena through the crowd. Meanwhile, Backstage, Cody just chuckles at the antics of his girlfriend. 
“She always did know how to make a statement.” 
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clonebrainrot · 4 months
I keep hearing discourse about things being cut in season 3. But I also feel like half the time it may be people projecting hope that something they didn’t like was just cut from the show when it may have never even been considered in the first place.
Like take Cody. I know several people wondered why he didn’t show back up again. But maybe they are saving it for another story. Or it’s just being left up to our imagination.
My point is until we hear from someone who worked on the show it’s weird to just assume there were cuts. Like it’s okay to just not like how a writer wrote something. We don’t need to come up with excuses. Just you know be nice.
Sometimes a loose end is just a loose end. The clone wars had plenty that were never supposed to be closed.
Overall I find it weird to assume behind the scenes things at all. It’s like fanon, but for real people. Like this is people’s jobs their careers and it’s just weird to assume things about them without them telling their side of the story.
Fanfiction about fake characters is great. But creating narratives when we have no factual proof of them is weird for real people. One day someone will spill the beans if there are any beans to be spilt. They spilt the beans on resistance. That’s how we know Ventress was originally supposed to come back for that series and that there was a proposed third season.
Maybe unpopular, but all I am saying is assuming things strongly about real world people or actions without literally any proof other than guess work is weird. It’s weird to me anyway. Mostly because again these are real people and their real work.
Also there is a difference between a cut and a writer just changing their mind. One is natural the other is due to time constraints or studio interference.
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sskim-milkk · 5 months
Alright The Bad Batch is over and I have some THOUGHTS
Warning: spoilers (kinda) for the finale!
Wow, wow, wow! I watched the bad batch finale a few hours ago and have since been lost in thought about how CRAZY that finale was and what this show has come to mean to me over the past 3 or so years.
First of all, the finale was amazing. My friend and I had to pause multiple times to say WHAT THE HELL! I could not have imagined a better ending to it. The epilogue with older Hunter and Omega especially had me feeling emotional. I’m just so happy they got their happy ending.
And while I am still sad we didn’t see Tech alive again, I knew the ending they got was exactly what Tech sacrificed himself for. And someone pointed this out in a different post, but Tech lives on with his brothers and especially with Omega. She learned so much from him throughout the show and we can see that through her actions and brains. They loved each other so much.
I’m interested to see what may happen with the remaining plot points that didn’t get resolved. What happened with Cody? What about Omega and her force sensitivity? But I’m honestly also fine if we don’t see Omega or the batch again. The ending was just so perfect, and sometimes it’s nice to just leave things as is.
Anyway, I’m really going to miss experiencing the pending excitement of a new episode or season. I hope the fandom remains alive. I know we’ll all eventually move on and get invested into other shows and characters, but I hope the batch remains in our heads and hearts for a long time and we interact in the fandom from time to time.
This show came out at such a monumental point in my life. Finishing high school, beginning college, and a bunch of other crazy stuff happening around and amidst that. I have loved nothing more than interacting with other fans via Instagram, tumblr and ao3. This show reignited a love for writing in me, and I’ve loved being able to write stories for them. I hope to continue to do so. And the friends I’ve made through the fandom are absolutely amazing and I’m so grateful to know them all 🩷
This show was handled with such care and love. Was it perfect? No, but pretty damn close. It taught me a lot about learning and discovering who you are, family, friends, and love. I appreciate the creators and everyone who worked on the bad batch so much for how well they handled the show and its characters.
I know I’m probably blabbering on here. And sure, at the end of the day it is “just a show” I guess, but what’s come from that show for me has become such an important part of my life. I know I will always look back fondly on this show, remembering it was a constant in my life during many changes and new adventures.
To The Bad Batch, from the bottom of my heart, thank you ❤️
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Hello funny people I’m here to spread the AleNoaHeather agenda while I try to write fics that I’ll inevitably have to hide from my friends because while I love them dearly, I don’t think I’ll ever be mentally ready to explain the fact I read fanfiction, it’s like my Batman- Some people know and other people have a pretty damn good idea but never say it-
BUT ANYWAY. HEADCANON TIME I GUESS?? MAYBE MOSTLY ANGSTY??? If anyone sees this and yall want actually fluffy stuff I may indulge yall-
Okay okay so hear me out, but one of the main ways I could see this working is if AleHeather has already been established beforehand
Alejandro and Heather would barely acknowledge the fact that they romantically like one another, so I doubt they’d be willing to even accept the fact that they’ve fallen for two people until AFTER they’ve gotten their shit together with each other
I’d absolutely love to think that once they’re settled in with each other well enough, they’d just sweep Noah off his feet
I love Noah with all my heart, and we’ve seen how he acted with Emma when he fell with her, but that would absolutely not be the case with AleHeather
Does he know he likes them? Yes. Does he accept this fact? Absolutely NOT.
I’d like to think that this fact goes into a box deep in Noah’s mind never to be touched again(like the kissing Cody incident)
A smartass falling for a viper and an eel? It’s more likely than you’d think-
Remember how World Tour ended with AleHeather kissing before Heather kicked Alejandro off a cliff?
And how the only one who wasn’t surprised was Noah because the entire cast has 5 brain cells and Noah has 3 of them?
I’d imagine that after his AleHeather suspicion is so obviously confirmed, he’d use that as an excuse to further push his feelings into the back of him mind, y’know?
He can’t like two people who just so happen to be in a relationship with each other… right?
So Noah pulls away from them, which isn’t too difficult considering the fact that it’s the end of the season. The quicker he pulls away, the easier it’ll be for him to forget that these feelings ever existed in the first place.
Then they meet months later, reconnect, mwah, happily ever after✨
I’ll make actual headcanons for them that are wholesome soon I promise
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tennessoui · 10 months
AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH BABWNB IS MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE!!! <3<3 (sorry I just had to shout it out somewhere after seeing your recent asks about it😅)
i have also been working on the next chapter of building a boat with no blueprints!!! (3 guesses on what my holiday project is for this year lol)
here is a lil snippet!
“Good,” Obi-Wan decides, relaxing slowly. That sounds right. That sounds good. “He is heavier as well, I’ve noticed that too.” Crys’ mouth twitches at the corner. “Yes, General, you have been doing a good job feeding him  as well.” If Obi-Wan were twenty years younger and still prone to egotistical displays of self-satisfaction, he’d preen at these words. As it is, he only moves his hand from his hip to stroke through the youngling’s hair, flattening an errant piece of blonde. “Well, truly, the praise should go to Anakin—and perhaps Captain Rex, who has been such a good sport about Anakin pilfering his pudding cups.” Anakin cranes his head around to look at him with a very serious expression painted across his small features. ���I’d never steal food from you, Obi,” he promises. “Never. You need it.” “Do you know what, Ani’ika,” Crys says, “I have been telling him that for years. Perhaps your buir will listen to you.” “I believe this is Anakin’s medical appointment,” Obi-Wan says lightly, dropping both hands back onto the youngling’s shoulders, thumb brushing along the raised, pink scar of the incision at the back of his neck. “I am here only in camaraderie.” “And in a very clever attempt to avoid a Council meeting, no?” Crys asks, turning away to pick up a device from a small table. “Commander Cody has requested that I inform him the moment that this check-in concludes so that he may, ah. Well, the word ambush was used, sir.” “Was the word mutiny tossed around as well?” Obi-Wan replies dryly. The commander will, of course, get his wish. He’s very stubborn in that way. But Obi-Wan was going to eventually attend that meeting anyway, and he would like that on record. 
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starwarsnerd111 · 1 year
The Bad Batch + Fives x ADHD!Headcannon
Welp, you are quite a handful.
Hunter, the poor guy, has to literally keep a kiddy-leash on you to stop you from running too far
This one time, you, Hunter and the other members of TBB were going to the markets
That was the day Hunter bout the kiddy-leash
you had gotten distracted and ran into several stalls
By the end of the shop, you were trying to run from several angry stall owners.
He still loves you for your... quirkyness though
The poor thing
You keep him on his toes
In a way, you remind him of Fives with your innocence
You often end up running around the maurauder at 3 in the morning
Echo has to drug your water to try and get you to sleep.
He still loves you with his whole heart
You're not so much as a handful for Wrecker though.
The both of you often have fun exploding stuff, which does get you in trouble with the others
You do often have a hard time sleeping though
Wrecker is right there next to you though, helping you sleep
Wrecker also has trouble sleeping sometimes, having nightmares about when he got his scar
You both support each other though and help each other through the night.
You don't get into as much trouble with Tech
You often supply a needed distraction for him though,
Tech often focuses mostly on work
But you focus on fun
When you see that tech needs help with work, you'll try to help
But you'll end up distracting the both of you.
One time you nearly exploded because got distracted
This man is sour
Because you're almost always never asleep during the night,
Cross has to try and drag you back to bed before you wake up the others
You're often found raiding the fridge and eating nearly everything
Crosshair may or may not have made Tech but a padlock on the fridge
You did somehow find a way to get back into the fridge though
Fives is as distractable as you
You and him often distract each other and get into trouble simultaneously
Fives has to rescue you quite a bit though, since he is the least (though not by much) distracted.
Rex is often tasked with protecting you and fives
Much to his horror
(Rex - Stupid Cody making me do all the work.)
You two often help each other though
The end because I'm lazy bai
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lablass-2882 · 8 months
Happy Cody Day!
So, in Honor of Cody Day (2/2/24), that I completely didn’t.....somewhat.... forget about until last minute.  I attempted to draw some cute fan art of Cody with all his nieces and nephews from my Clone kiddo Au.
I didn’t like it.  It just wasn’t working the way I wanted it to.  So, I tried something else.  And that looked terrible.  So I went for attempt number 3 aaaannnnd.... you can guess how that went.
Here is a cute little short story instead featuring Cody and one of his nieces from my whacky AU.
Story below the cut.
“Sorry.” Cody mumbled.
“They don't have to be....kandos” A small voice mumbled. (Perfect)
“Ba’vod is almost done. This will only take a moment.” (Uncle)
“Gar said megin eyn hour’ago.” The small voice retorted. (You said that an hour ago.)
Cody huffed as he stared down at his messy work.  Despite weeks of careful planning, endless research, and diligent practice..... he really sucked at braiding.  In particular, he sucked at braiding hair.  There was something about braiding hair chaffed him to no end.  His braids were always uneven, messy, and, quite frankly, just inadequate.  He was just really bad at it.  He always had been and he expected that he always would be.  Much to his young and fidgety niece’s bad luck.
Now, Taliyah, or Tally for short, was trying her best to sit still.  But she was also a ten-year old child who really, really wanted to go play with the other kids in the yard.  What had started as a simple request for twin braids in her hair had turned into a battle of attrition for the young girl.  She had been so blissfully unaware of Cody’s utter disdain for braids.  And now, two hours later, her patience was reaching a breaking point. So, in a moment of defeat.....Cody throw in the towel and let the messy braids win.
“Alright, I guess that will have to do.” He huffed out.  “So, how do they look?”
He handed Tally a small mirror to look at her braids.  Her pale purple hair was so different than Cody’s own.  It was softer than the hair of the clones and had more of a wavy curl when compared to the tight curls that he and Vod’s sported.  This made his usual styling techniques and tricks ineffective on most days.  Especially braids.  But Tally didn’t seem to care about the messy braids or their uneven alignment, as a bright smile blossomed across her face.
“Val're Kandosii! I Love it, Ba’vod Kote!” (They’re perfect.)
Whirling around to face him, Cody was met with a tight hug and a wide toothy grin that made his heart melt.
“Ori'vor'e, ori’vor’e!” (An excited thank you expression.) The young girl chimed.  “Now I have braids too.  Just like Aurora and the ashi’vods.” (other kids)
Cody hummed and nodded along with her excitement.  He honestly thought that he could have done better, but if his niece was happy.  That was all that mattered. 
“Now, these won’t last all day, okay.  I don’t think your hair is long enough to leave the braids in like the others.  If they start to get loose, come and find me to fix it.  Utre’la?” (Means alright or clear.)
“Ultre’la.” Tally nodded.
Cody doubted that the braids would last for very long.  Not with how the kids played, it would be a miracle if they stayed for the rest of the day.  Plus, Tally’s hair really wasn’t long enough for tight braids. Aurora, Neo, and Ulh’ta all had hair similar to him and his vods, and it could hold tight braids.  While most of Tally’s hair had been chopped off during her surgery. It was starting to grow back, but at a snail’s pace.  He had tried to explain that to her when she asked him about putting braids in her hair....... but her pleading eyes broke down any resistance he had. So, this old clone soldier dug out his styling tools and attempted to make his ad'ika happy. (niece, nephew, child, etc.) Maybe Rex was right, and he had grown soft.
“May I go play in the yard now? Geedet’te Ba’vod Kote.” Tally chimed. (Please, uncle Cody.)
“You may.” He sighed.  “But be careful and no climbing things.”
“Okay.” She chirped while trying to wiggle out of his grip.
“Especially trees.”
“I won’t.”
“And no hitting the other kids.”
“Shi meh val nynir ni sol'yc” (Only if they hit me first.)
“I promise I won’t.” Tally giggled before running off.  Metal feet clanged against the floors as she ran.  Pausing momentarily at the doorframe before turning back to face him, “kar’taylir darasuum, Ba’vod Kote.” (Love you, Uncle Cody.) And with that, she was off.
Cody signed and went to pick up his tools.  “Kar'taylir darasuum gar too ad'ika.” (Love you too, little one.)
And there you have it. A nice short and sweet like fic.
Apologies for no doodles or drawings. I attempted so many different ideas, but drawing.exe in my brain just wasn't working. So I went with a short story instead.
Anyway, see y'all next time.
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sleepingjayy · 1 month
"Here we go again" Information Post
(Read the fic here)
Calling all creepypasta fans!
Do you like Eyeless Jack? Do you like gore, violence, and thrilling horror? Do you like homey vibes too?
I have just the thing for you! This fic (somehow) has all of this! From tags like hurt/comfort, to found family.
This fic is about Jack, who has hit his one year mark of working for The Tall One. Provided with a cabin, electricity, and protection, he is tasked with fixing up anyone who comes along. It's not in the job description to become familiar with them, but Jack can't help but hear their stories.
With reoccurring characters such as:
Toby Rodgers, Helen (The Bloody Painter) Otis, Tim Wright ("Masky"), Brian Thomas ("Hoodie"), Kate Hayes-Milens ("Kate the Chaser"), Cody (X-Virus) Unknown, and many more iconic characters.
And with lesser known characters (/OCs) like:
Pippa Darling, Leo ("Cross-X") Fincher, Reed Carter, "Something", "Smokey", and more!
(For those of you who have read it already, hi welcome to under the cut, the ad is over lol. I wanted to explain some stuff since Act 1 has ended.)
Act 1
Starting with Toby Rodgers, and ending with Kate Hayes-Milens, Act 1 is a calm, homey handful of chapters with intertwined hurt/comfort along with sting of horror.
Although Jack has only been in his cabin for a year now, he definitely has a handle on things.
Along with the end of Act 1, comes the start of a secondary fic called "I want to die with all my scars (and if they don't like the way we are then fuck them)" I know I do a lot of songs as titles, but they do actually have significance, I swear.
This fic, will have a lot of additional material from outside of Jacks cabin. At the end of Act 1 (spoiler for those who haven't made it there yet.) Kate visits and gives Jack a walkie talkie to communicate with the others outside of his small circle. This secondary fic is for things mentioned in the first one but not fully touched on.
For example, it's mentioned by Liu that Ben said the Hornets boys (Tim, Brian, and Toby) were on a road trip. That is one such things that will be talked about in this fic.
Silly little adventures with other characters that may change the dynamic between each other that wouldn't otherwise be I the central plot of the first fic.
This includes OCs! Pippa Darling, a character from a fic on ao3, will be popping up occasionally, and my own character Reed Carter.
You can even submit your own character to be in the two series. Just leave a comment with a link leading to their story, or a social media so I can contact you!
(If they're heavily leaning on or shipped with a popular ("canon" in heavy quotation) character, then I probably won't use it due to not wanting any shipping or big relationships in the story. Unless you happen to have a set of OCs.)
1. "Can I make fanart/fanfiction of HWGA?"
Yes! I encourage it! Just tag me so I can see it!
2. "Will [insert character] be in it?"
Most likely. If there's any requests, then I'll probably write for them too!
3. "What does Jack look like?"
Jack in this fic is more of a metaphor than a person. I'll let you choose what that means to you, but this also means that Jack can look like whatever you wish him to. Any "official art" I make for the series won't even have a consistent design for Jack because that's not the point. See Jack however you'd like, because he's supposed to be a source of comfort in anyway you, and his patients, see fit. You'll notice that that's why I've never outright described what he looks like. Be creative. :)
4. "Where/when does this take place?"
That's sort of a spoiler as of now. It's connected to "The Path of Black Leaves" which was made/coined by the slenderblogs here on tumblr, which is a a mode of transportation. But for a simple answer, kind of in New England.
As for when, it's taming place sometime in the mid 2000's
That's all for now! This post will update as things get posted and the plot moves along. If you have any questions, OC submissions, or just want to say hi, do so in the comments! :) I love to see it!!!
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moonpie016 · 2 months
:] Oc time everyone. Pull up a chair or rug, because Oc dump is here. Or part 1. (Yes, part 1, depending on how much there is. I'm just very passionate about my children.)
(And whatever story they all have is still a brain thought rolled into blobs, basically scenes that have a small set-up. But not everything is there or has an answer to any questions that come. A work in progress.)
(CW for mentions of injury/scars, mostly involving eyes. A small section but yeah)
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Cody | 21 | It/its |
Marcy | 19 | Any |
(I'm putting them together since they are always together and are important)
• These two half elf, half human peeps live in a small town mostly filled with humans. So they can't really go out much, Marcy does all the heavy lifting for the two to have a roof under their heads. While Cody, it can't or doesn't feel the need to try in that sort of thing. Mostly because it has difficulty doing anything of that nature.
•Marcy's full of whimsy and wonder, a happy go lucky bright nature of his. But not all the time, can be a bit heated by wrong doings. Like hostile activity and any harm that can come between her and her friends. But always tries to see everything with a grain of salt (however that works). Is not one to stand around and do nothing, but can be overwhelmed if something extreme happens, she freezes up. A bossy individual. Making sure everything gets done at a reasonable time. Came from a.... interesting background (which is still in development) so they're kind of naive with certain things, mostly people's intentions, not as much though compared to their sibling.
•Speaking of their sibling, Cody is somewhat of a silent type. Not really having the full jist of speaking to ANYONE but Marcy, but, it does have a book to write in. If not vocally, then written. It's more wary of the world and everything about how different the two of them are. Even the thought of being anywhere near people causes it to shake 'no' at any request to leave. But Marcy drags it out anyway. Cody's a bit stubborn, it doesn't take anything from anyone at all, mostly staring at whoever it finds.... unapproachable. Cautious if you will. Its eye is barely functioning (though I'd have to research fully how eyes are damaged, so ignore the inaccuracies.) Headphones are a must, the world is far too "exciting" for it. While Marcy adores it, Cody despises it, though, it finds the peace in calm sceneries. It may also appear unapproachable itself, how ironic. But it can be nice when comfortable.
•Bob [Bobby] | 20 | She/they |
•Amy | 23 | She/her |
Ok these last two are kinda small, so I'm also putting them together. Because while they are important, one of them is just more important than the other.
•Bob is just a girl enjoying the wackiness of it all, being friends with Marcy and Cody, she's more reserved than them. But still has her own characteristics. Amongst people, Bob is the most talkative out of any of them, always striking up a conversation out of the most random things. She's less care-free than their peers. Not as confrontational as anyone, and can take a while to actually step her ground. Even with their words, they try to be so polite and understanding while possibly after something went down. If you have a movie, Bob can happily sit and spout a bunch of unwanted facts about it (that they know of, of course.) She also has two others that she lives with (that are not mentioned here, in the future.) Just a girl in a strange way.
•Amy. Oh Amy, Amy, Amy... A girl from the more wealthy side of the town, finding the joy in the mundane and luxury. Thinks she's the queen of the world. When in reality, she's a closed hearted person, not taking a no for an answer. Nagging and belittling anything she claims as bad. And hating anything that is "not the norm".
Which is where her and the siblings come in, but that's for you to guess. I can't really explain her that well, but if you get the jist. Cool! :3
Ok it's another round of Moon gives her children a home. Again. I was sketching some Oc thing, but I'm gonna relax. So hope you enjoy these dudes. Their designs might alter or change a bit, because I'm still wondering if these designs on here work. Amy is great. But the other three, we'll see.
And I'll also get to researching about stuff cus fun. And accuracy to things is cool. When I have motivation for that.
Anyways! There will be more of these dudes, I have stuff I stuff I wanna do with them. And just...so much art of them from the past year. My goodness. But. :3
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merlyn-bane · 11 months
well now I gotta know for the restaurant au who his sons date and which partner is the worst (to jango) 😆
Hahaha fair enough! Now bear in mind that these aren't all necessarily set in stone just yet, so may be subject to change, but here's what I have so far.
In order (best to worst lol)
1. Boba is the favorite currently, as he is still at the age where he is of the opinion that dating is gross and weird and a waste of his time. This will obviously change eventually, and I am currently leaning toward Din if only because I like to headcanon Din as the Armorer's founding and Jango would be like all over Boba's ass to not get them in trouble with the damned armorer. For you know, cultural and self preservation reasons.
2. Rex & Sabé. Jango was pissed until he realized it was one of Amidala's decoys and not actually Amidala, and Sabé has enough mandokar that Jango ultimately finds her an acceptable addition to the clan. Fits in with the rest of them
3. I'm currently toying with the idea of Wolffe having some kind of, like fucknasty hatesex situationship with Maul. Wolffe messing with a goddamn Sith is bad for his blood pressure but Wolffe at least knows how to keep his private life private, so Jango largely lets it be.
4. Ponds & Riyo. Makes Jango want to tear his hair out bc somehow none of these boys understand that they are meant to be keeping a low fucking profile and dating a senator isn't that. However, Ponds is much more annoying when he's pining or single and she seems nice, so still ranks pretty low.
5. Bly & Aayla. Obviously we can't have Bly dating anyone else, right? Jango's seething about ANOTHER child of his dating a fucking Jedi but at least this one is less offensive than the other one. And he blames another of Bly's brothers for this anyway.
6. Fox & the Organas. This goes on under literally everyone's noses for like. YEARS. Because Fox is private as fuck. Nobody has literally any idea how they met or how this happened, and Fox won't tell. Jango has a fucking stroke when he finds out about this one. A senator AND a GODDAMN MONARCH?!
7. Codywan. The nerve. The sheer fucking Audacity. The Jedi that had the nerve to walk into Jango's goddamn restaurant. The Jedi that Jango explicitly told Cody to stay the fuck away from. Obi-Wan is mouthy and the biggest shithead Jango's ever met under the guise of kriffing politeness and he inspires the spiteful side of the son that already gives Jango the biggest headache. He is only nine years younger than Jango himself. Jango fantasizes about pushing him in front of a moving speeder but for some reason Cody's fucking obsessed with him. They are the only reason Bly ever even met a Jedi to date.
Thanks for playing, @ferretrade !! 🥰🥰🥰
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wispy-fox · 7 months
Chibi Collab
Yes, you read that right. I did an art collab -- my first proper collab ever -- with one of my best friends: @strawberryamanita !!!
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(Click for better quality)
First off, this collab started months back and despite how long it took, I like how it came out in the end! The outfits were fun to come up with, but my personal favorite is the one on the far left. To clarify, just in case, I'm talking about the shirt that says "I ❤ u even when I'm not horny". When I found that quote after a bit of searching, I was like "Yes, this just screams Wilford" and immediately added it, XD
Second, Codi's adorable chibis bring me an unbridle amount of joy -- they're so mischievous and cute -- and, in my opinion, really bring the whole piece together! Sure, the background may be plain as neither of us knew what to do with it, but I still adore every part of it and wouldn't change a thing. Especially when it's obvious he had fun coming up with the poses for the little ones, hehe :3
As a final note, I'm honored that my friend wanted to do this collab with me! It was a treat working with him on this and maybe one day we might do it again. Who knows? Anything is possible after all. Anyway, thank you @strawberryamanita for joining me on this journey and making it so fun to do! Your endless praise and encouragement throughout the process was much appreciated, and I hope you know that I'm proud to be your friend so we can do stuff like this whenever we want. ^^
With that said, I hope you all enjoy this art piece! :D
Please don't steal our artwork.
Have a wonderful day/night! ^^
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