#have some RESPECT
winddam · 2 months
miura did not draw guts imagining griffith's face in the moonlight while gripping his long sword directly over his crotch area and vowing to fight for griffith's sake from now on for yall to say with your whole chest that this man is straight
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iloveshuri · 1 month
paige and azzi will never have peace like it’s sickening.
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funkylittlebirb · 9 days
Greek mythology fans, can you just ✨️stop✨️
I know I may get in trouble but I have to say this. Also this isn't aimed at anyone I just need to get this off my chest. Stop shipping deities together. Stop.
The ones stablished like Hades and Persephone, Aphrodite and Ares, Zeus and Hera... Those are okay. The problem comes here, let me explain.
You can ship fictional representations of the deities. Like the ones depicted in PJO, BoZ, any other media like that.
However, these deities are still very much part of a religion. One that was practised in the past, and nowadays is still practised by some people. How'd you feel if someone randomly shipped Jesus with an OC, or another deity? Made fanarts of them kissing, wrote fanfics about them, even drew or wrote 🔞 of them? No one in their right mind would do that, right? Then why does it happen in GM?
The main problem is with problematic ships. I'm especially tired of this trope:
●Any of the virgin goddesses being in a romantic relationship. Heavy on Athena (who is described as the goddess Aphrodite holds no power over) when she is shipped with Ares. I'm not going to debate Artemis' sexuality, nor Hestia's. But the three of them are clearly asexual, if not aromantic as well.
And if you have an OC, ship them accordingly. Do not ship anyone with the virgin goddesses, do not ship gods who are already married (ex, Hera and Zeus, Hades and Persephone) with your OC just for the sake of it.
They are still worshipped, you have media representations of them who are fictional. Do not be a prick and use actual religions, thank you.
That was all, thanks for listening to my rant.
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allwaswell16 · 3 months
This is the only thing I'm gonna say about the really dumb groupie rumors:
How dare they imply Oli doesn't know how to do his job? Like Oli is letting people have their phones around when Louis is sleeping? I'm insulted on his behalf.
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ofthirtynine · 1 year
"best tv vault tracks" "best production on tv re-records" "best overall tv" why are you pitting bad bitches against each other at a time like this. a woman (mattress) is DEAD
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chrissy-kaos · 8 months
You wanna know my favorite thing about being on tumblr is. Watching grown ass men in my dms act like children. Messaging me over and over being rude and demanding. Sending me derogatory words and remarks. Like I owe them a response or they own my time. It’s fucking hilarious watching them get frustrated because I won’t reply.. maybe if you had some respect I would asshole. Nobody wants you in their dms so just keep it moving.
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seasononesam · 5 months
misha collins saying all this shit...on sam week no less
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aldenenjoyer · 5 months
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umm his eyes are up there…
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zae-heeyyy · 4 months
Well, I've gone and done it again.
1st 100%: 01/10/21
2nd 100%: 06/05/24
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My finance thought I was crazy for doing it again because it took literal years the first time around. They were 160 beautiful hours in this play through. I really took my time and did a lot of running around in Chapter 2. I spent more time crafting (rip to all the birds) and just hanging out as Arthur. The challenges were way easier than I remember them being. I guess that's really all I have to say. This game is near and dear to me for many many many reasons, and I'll forever love playing it.
More stats, screenshots, and yapping below:
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First 100% at the bottom and second at the top.
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So this is my social club from my first play through, and I'm shocked that the times are so close. Literally an hour difference between time spent in game. That feels so crazy to me because the first time felt SOOOO long. I would only play during my college breaks, so maybe that why? Very weird.
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I love that this is here. My fiance bought RDR2 for me for our first Christmas as a couple, but I was in college and my xbox was in my hometown. It wasn't until spring of 2019 that I was able to actually play the game. I was back at my childhood home, and my dad had bought a huge 80 inch tv when I moved out (thanks a lot). It was so lovely playing it on that thing. Now I play from my little 35 inch :(
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Finished the epilogue 9 days later.
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I can't take a screenshot from the console, but here's one from my browser of my in game minutes. My tv screen says 27d 3h 53m. Is the math mathing? Idk.
Anyways, I have more thoughts about the 100% requirements, but I'll save those for people who ask. If you read this far you're a real one.
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eywaseclipse · 3 months
Happy National Indigenous Peoples Day and Summer Solstice. 🌙🌓🌒🌘🌘🌗🪐💫✨🌟🌎🪶
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i44rise · 2 months
"they're laughing together at the post-conference, clearly what happened in the cool down room was not a big deal" just because lewis hamilton is too kind and tends to forgive and forget quickly does not mean it was no longer disrespectful
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copsecore · 1 year
controversial take but stop creating/using redacted character ai bots cool okay thanks
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essefryu · 10 months
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Just look at the calendar, it's the space bastard's birthday! So here's a portrait of him I drew like 79 years ago.
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cruzifin · 1 month
as much as not a big fan I am of the trans spiderman or trans deadpool tags (no hate i swear), chalking up that headcanon to simply "fetish" or "trans-sexualization" (whatever tf that means) is just pure stupidity. headcanons have been around for fucking ever, and they haven't ever diminished the canon of the character and trans headcanons definitely don't change that, especially if the headcanon is made from a trans person !
to be unreasonably unnerved by someone saying "yeah, wade totally has a vagina in my eyes" over the internet, sincerely or not, is so much of a joke to me. why tf would u seriously attack someone for that of all things. its ALSO insensitive to say it "takes away from actual trans characters", like you yourself know every trans character in every piece of media and adore every single one. someone can feel seen, or just have a big hecking laugh over whatever they wanna label their comfort characters with. at the end of the day, spiderman and wade aren't real and multiple versions of them exist fucking everywhere (canonically)
and simply, at the end of the day, it is never that serious.
log off, take a breather, and enjoy the goobers however you wanna.
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alidravana · 2 months
Just as I thought my blocking blitz had slowed in the 911 fandom, its time to go on another.
SA isn't a joke, y'all.
Would you have had the same reaction of it was three women instead of three men? Its not sexual humour, its not just a joke, its making fun of a real life situation that many individuals have found themselves in, including people in this very fandom.
Think of them maybe before reblogging that content, or posting how it doesn't affect you at all.
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polarisbibliotheque · 9 months
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*Explains in Gale of Waterdeep*
So, my sister took some pics of me on Christmas while I was blabbering about the differences of life between West Germany and East Germany (and how friggin' close to us this huge historical thing is: it wasn't like 50 years ago, the Wall fell only 5 years before I was born; German Republic as one country is almost as old as Brazilian Republic - and both are SO YOUNG. For a government and a country to be a little older than I am, it's absurdly incredible.)
And now she sends me the pics I had no idea she was taking, and lo and behold, for my fellow Baldur's Gate 3 fans, I am Gale of Waterdeeping.
I have even my best company along in the form of a dog I lovingly call 'my little fox'.
The doggo belongs to my sister's boyfriend, but little fox always lays down by my side/at my feet to sleep and I always die 🖤
In DMC terms, Vergil would probably approve and want to talk about everything that happened while he was marinating in Hell, Dante would be semi-asleep on his desk joining the subject every now and then - V would be fighting to let him talk about all the random things with the random walking encyclopedia 🫠
Nero and Nico burning the kitchen down while trying to help Kyrie, poor angel
But eh, just felt like posting this so you guys know how your pocket writer ~kinda~ looks like and some more about said eldritch writing creature. A little hello to you all and happy holidays wishes in the most librarian sort of way - this is a bibliothéque after all hahahaha
Plus, it's a cute fox-doggo pic. Look at him. He's so chonky and cozy. Peacefully sleeping while the eldritch wizard overlytalks in the background. Those little paws that look like he's wearing socks. Tucked in and sleeping after all the food :3 It's always worth it 🖤🖤
I love little fox. Such a cutie. Such a chonky cupcake. He deserves all the highlights. His name is Kobe and I call him everything but that, even Kibe.
And I told you guys almost my entire closet is blue, right...? It wasn't a joke. Almost everything I own is blue, I did it before Vergil and I'll die on this hill.
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