#have some very bad very rushed photoshop
schumigrace · 11 months
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that's MY olympic torch bearer
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aeridanus · 11 months
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The pensive phase continues and I feel it's starting some overdue updates to my approach to more or less every aspect of my life.
I went through an image folder which contains everything I drew between 2008 and 2016, and hoo boy was I productive back then. It was a much harder time overall with heaps of overtime and negative people, but I still managed to create a lot of space for myself. Why is this different now? I have roughly the same amount of personal time, but it leads to much less. Taking a photo of a sketch and pulling it into Photoshop, even coloring it, feels like taking on the world (ordeal pictured above). What happened?
My drumming teacher became one of the most important and helpful people in my life when it comes to questions like these. I only start to realize how right he is when he says: Mind and spirit create reality. Something happened, in me and in my environment, which led to changes, and very apparently, I let them happen. I'm not at fault for everything, but I'm responsible for the way I perceive things, and how I act upon them.
Making and drawing things is something so integral to myself that something rather severe must have happened to lose such a big part of its spirit. It is a peculiar sense of exhaustion that didn't exist back then, despite having a soul-sucking demon spawn as a superior who made me question my value as a human being.
So, what is it? Is it perfectionism? Overthinking? Jadedness? Ageing? One part of the answer is maybe mental overload. I realized that my ability to focus is going to shit, and I'm not even active on any dopamine-rush social media sites. There's a reason why Fuerteventura feels like it's cleaning my senses, and why I feel deeply inspired to draw and do stuff while I'm there. I focus on the things I want to focus on. No Teams strobe light party, no interruptions, no thousand-tasks-juggling, no stupid politics, no ego arseholes I am forced to react professionally to. Mind and spirit create reality, and if my mind is full of ego arseholes and blinking bars, I'm going to have a bad time.
Taking care of such fundamentals may not only improve my personal life, but will also help with the quality of my professional work. Would be a win-win, to use the stupid corporate buzzword.
tl;dr - Aeridanus discovers that capitalism life = shit fuck
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danielradcliff · 16 days
adobe products I know how to use from easiest to hardest to learn. really interesting stuff I know
acrobat pro - easy, intuitive, helpful. -1 point for being very hard to download illegally.. something about the software makes it only stay cracked for a few days so I download/crack it once a year when I really need to edit a pdf
lightroom - haven't used for anything very complicated but used it to compile high def photos of flies from a microscope for a whole summer. straightforward
dreamweaver - had to use it for website design in college once.. totally useless application, but not too difficult. could figure it out in a few hrs
audition - ive used this to edit podcasts for a school project... not too bad, but have never used it for actual music purposes, so hard to judge
indesign - I love you adobe indesign, so good for poster design, definitely easier to use if you come in with prev. experience from other adobe applications. kind of a learning curve if you haven't though. started using it middle school for a journalism class and now use it for making figures and posters— blends super well with illustrator
premiere pro - starting to get into the ones that have driven me to tears. I came into it with 0 experience from any other video editing software. I still don’t understand how to truly use keyframes. that said I have successfully edited and captioned videos multiple times with it, useful app
photoshop - by far the most experience with photoshop. I love you adobe photoshop but definitely takes practice. spent weeks watching tutorials when I was 11 just so I could make some horse edits and use it to this day all the time
illustrator - what’s a vector, really, and why does the pen tool never work like I think it should. what do you mean that didn’t form a path. extremely powerful software that is truly top of the line for figure making but requires more study than I ever have time to give it since i’m always using it super rushed
after effects - homer simpson am I disabled meme. like all the difficulties of photoshop combined with all the difficulties of premiere pro and then you also have to check every frame. total nightmare that I spent a solid week trying to learn one summer
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616rogue · 2 years
hello, apart from smart blur, sharpen and selective color. what other stuff do you use to make your edits so clean?😩
hi! that's really all i do to improve the quality of the comic-book panels i edit, but i can give you a more detailed explanation of what i do. i don't really know with what kind of images you're working with, but there are some comic-book panels that are easier to edit than others. comics from decades ago won't have the same quality and definition as current comics, but the process is essentially the same on both cases.
this is the panel i will be working with, from marvel super-heroes (1990) #6.
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note: the program i will be using is photoshop. if you don't have this software, here's a free online alternative that is almost identical to photoshop.
as you may have seen, the image i will be working with it's a scan from a comic-book panel from the 90s. the quality is quite bad, very grainy and with scan dots. to get rid of that, you will need to apply the following filters (filter ➝ blur ➝ smart blur/surface blur) + (filter ➝ noise ➝ reduce noise): smart blur, surface blur, reduce noise. these are the values i used for this especific panel:
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the values always alternate depending on the image you're working with. the clearer the image, the less you will need to apply this filters. if the image is not as grainy as this one, reduce the values. here are the values i use when editing modern comics.
those filters will greatly improve the quality of the image, but the colors still look very washed-out. to fix that, you will need to apply the following adjustments (image ➝ adjustments ➝ curves/ brightness&contrast/levels/selective color): curves, brightness/contrast, levels, selective color. these are the values i used for this especific panel:
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when using selective color, i only changed the values of the red, green and magenta tones. those where the predominant colors of my image. as i said before, the values will change depending on the characteristics of your image of choice.
once you applied those filters and adjustments, flatten the image (layer ➝ flatten image), sharpen it (filter ➝ sharpen ➝ unsharp mask/amount: 15%, radius: 1) and save it as a .png.
i made this post in a rush, so i don't know if i explained myself very well! either way, i hope this was helpful to you. if you have any more doubts, you can send them into my inbox and i will try to answer them as clearly as i can.
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pan-magi · 1 year
Heads up that I won't have much to post for a while. I'm moving! Back home for a bit while I'm figuring stuff out (like not being broke). Before, when I mentioned my slow activity I left for a few years. Don't worry, I'm not planning on doing that. I have a backlog of... shitpost ideas, which I will post when I have time. If I have the sudden urge and energy to get some of my longer text posts done then I'll try to do them. Any edits and gifs though will be on the back burner for a while.
(That's the gist of it. If you want a mental health discussion and my general thought process on tumblr, read more if curious. It's more of the vein of "tumblr is an addictive website for me" than "this site is destructive and damning." jsyk)
I know I have it in my blog description that the blog is semi-archived. I have been doing my best though to at least post somewhat regularly. The rate for posting may not be fast per number of posts but for me working on them it is very time and energy consuming (yay executive dysfunction and undiagnosed ADHD woo). It doesn't help either not using Photoshop anymore making gifs is lot less streamlined (get all my necessary screenshots frame by frame and organize them -> edit each individually -> put them together with final edits to make a gif. All in 3 separate programs). My wallet appreciates the decision at least.
The thing is I put that in the description not for the lack of time I have to do stuff but the opposite. I have a lot of empty time to fill. Tumblr is one of the few social media sites I actually use and even with the ability to curate your dash (maybe in part because of it), it is easy for tumblr to be addictive without noticing it. That's with me not bothering with the app. I do check a lot with the mobile browser though. I knew with my attention span and how I tend to do or not get things done that being consistently active would not be the best for me personally. Not bad, per say, but not great.
I love you all. It's been great to see a few of my older followers still interact with my posts from time to time. It's nice to see new ones and the Magi fandom in general getting new people coming in, maybe just for the tumblr side or maybe new altogether, when the series has been complete for years. When I say tumblr is not good for me, I don't mean you. Lots of love for everyone /platonically, my aroace ass wants to clarify and add on a giant thank you for no aphobic hate by anyone here either. I would not have trusted to come out on tumblr even if I had my identity figured out when I was active before.
I do want to keep people satisfied. Analytics shouldn't matter on this hellsite, and they don't, not really. I don't care about what the number is but seeing any notes on my posts is a quick dopamine rush. "Yay, I made someone smile." If I have a free moment, I'm like "I should check tumblr," or "I should work on post for blog." I enjoy what I make and enjoy doing it. However, it's become more attempting to be active and getting something out there despite saying I will manage juggling all sorts of different stuff better. I'm not doing other recreational stuff I want to do. I'm behind on games, movies, books, creative shit outside of tumblr, watching Magi for at least the fifth time... If I have a free moment I'm "work on tumblr post."
It's dumb. I should be able to manage shit better. Again, ADHD. Or maybe it's something else. IDFK.
All this to say that I'm taking the excuse of moving to force myself out of the tumblr sphere. I won't have the time or energy to get larger time-consuming posts done. I might as well focus on something else when I have the opportunity.
I am not planning on disappearing. I do like it here. Stayed too long at the spa though and need to get out and get cool, fresh air. I have short, borderline/actual shitposts I want to get done, as mentioned up top. One may be up in the next week. Who knows though? I don't. What I do know is that if I post something over the summer it will be because it is something I want to get done, when I want it to get done. No rushing myself pointlessly. It will be little things though. Bigger edits and gifs aren't hard yet tedious and draining when I'll be buried in boxes and working on home repairs for the immediate future.
Everyone take care of yourselves out there. If you read all this, thanks! Now, I've spent over an hour working on this when it was supposed to take me 15-20 minutes, and I need to sleep lol.
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crowingoverthis · 2 years
pkmn scarlet/violet rant!
Now that i finished the main story, got almost all the pkmn (took me 60 hours, cause i just walk around to complete the dex ahsgfdasd) and i just have some postgame left. Here is my huge imhotake on it xD
7/10 Gameplay 4/10 Graphic/Performance 10/10 Pokemon 9/10 Music 11/10 Characters/story
41/50 Thats a pretty high score!
7/10 Gameplay Well its open world pokemon everyone wanted! You can go anywhere and do what you want. And now some ppl complain about not having directions haha When you literary can open the map and see exclamation marks on where to go so ??? Anyway, my problem was the repetitiveness off, everything? As much as liked just roaming and catching pkmn its still the same thing. To be fair most games are like that, based around 1-2 gameplay loops. I just wish these gameplay loops were a bit more interesting. But this is pkmn at its core. But my complaint is - why is the level no scaling? its not that hard to do gamefreak, I dont want to fight an early game trainer/gym i missed that still is lvl 10 after i beat 4 gyms. And some locations are pretty but too empty, just a lot of slapped on flat textures.
5/10 Graphic/Performance Everyone already saw the glitchs and some had multiple crashes. (i didnt experience any of that, just huge fps drops when it rained. Some ppl say the digital version is better and has less issues) Aside from that, you can finish and play the game from start to finish np! So i wont dwell on that any more. All in all, its the same situation as with Cyberpunk! Well almost cause CD Projektred over promised and under delivered massively at release date. Gamefreak pretty much did everything they promised! Just failed with the polish, bugs and graphics (when the grass is just a photoshop brush... its yeah, a bit very rushed (look at BOTW grass). The pkmn themself look great! Not like having some texture on pkmn is that important, but oh well. The character animations and animations OUTSIDE of battle or close to you are not bad. Inside of battle its the same as SWSH but you can rotate the camera, that sometimes cant even show stuff properly if you are on a hill or cave. Almost forgot! the huge down side of this game as well are the loading screens and the slowness of some things (that's especially noticeable in school).
10/10 Pokemon Like i always say - the one (well and music) things Gamefreak never fails is with designs and creating more pkmn! Of course there are mons i don't like (grasswaterstarterevos) but they are true to what they represent and i can respect that. Every pkmn is loved by someone and that's what makes the diversity of creatures so amazing.
9/10 Music Not much to say than that's its great! (Just a minus point from me personalty cause i don't like techno music and some tracks were like that >:C ) The transition between tracks is nice too.
11/10 Characters/Story I can say in general (NO spoilers)... this game has one of the best pkmn stories. Yes at the same level as gen 5 > 7 (which were the best imho so far.) It just like moulds together so well? Just the repetitiveness i talk about brings it down a bit. The characters have great designs and are (mostly, Nemonaplz) well written and its fun to learn about them! I'm glad GF took more time on story (wish they had even more time).
(mild spoilers) - Best character is the director hands down out of discussion. Not even joking xD. The school idea is very cute and i think its pretty good for newer players and kids who want to play and actually learn about pkmn! cause you do learn stuff in this school that is more then grass beats water, well its the first lesson so you do learn that too but after that i promise it gets better! History class is the coolest! (although i do wish we could learn about the region and cool stuff by y know talking to ppl a bit more...) As a person who was bullied in school, i like TEAM STAR’s story, but i wish they would tell the stories differently than the exact same 5 battles. Bonus! 6/10 locations. Decided to put locations here too cause why not. The main town is great! just some wonky spots that are empty, The other towns on the other hand, have a great look on the outside but when you go in, there's not much there. You can’t go inside of ANY buildings (just the sandwich +gyms). The "wilderness" is pretty much flat textures with pkmn randomly spawning on them. Just things GF needed to have more time to work on.
Conclusion-  Imma change the score too 39/50 cause the location bonus and that is a kinda important point too! SO If you can ignore some minor glitches and dont care about fps drops: Its a good game! Plus if you liked Arceus and just want to play a pkmn game its actually probably the best there is now on the switch! But the bad performance and now that even Nintendo is offering refunds, just shows that rushing unfinished games is not worth! and I hope they FINALLY gonna learn something from that.
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dans-den · 2 years
Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania Review
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Hey what's going on everyone?! Dan here and today I'll be reviewing Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania.
First review of 2023 and what better way to kick off the first review than with a Marvel movie? This movie is a mix bag of feelings, on one hand I do enjoy the humor, VFX (at times) and the actions while on the other hand it lacks in areas such as writing/plot, VFX (at times), and settings. I'm just as mixed on the characters and how they're portrayed so hopefully I can express how I feel about each of these elements.
Warning: Spoilers ahead!
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The Humor, its your typical MCU quirky humor which has bee in these movies for the last decade. However, it works when you give it to someone like Ant-Man who was always established and best used as a comedic character especially combined with the charm and comedic timing of Paul Rudd. I just don't like how everyone has to be the comedic relief. I did not work with Thor: Love and Thunder, was terrible in The Eternals, and it did not work well in She-Hulk due to poor writing. But in Ant-Man, it's not as jarring since Ant-Man has been a comedic character since the beginning. Though they do try to have his side cast be comedic at times too, its more blink and ya miss it quick witted humor rather than a joke every 5 minutes. Though I am upset that were missing some key side characters of the Ant-Man franchise (one we all love in particular) but the actors I'm sure are busy with other projects so I can't be too upset. The humor does work better in this movie though the writing does make it hit or miss at times.
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The action for this movie was decent, let me tell you guys that I don't think anything can top The Eternals action sequences where they were basically waving their hands around thinking that was gonna do something or use energy attacks like its Dragon Ball Super, it was entertaining to see Ant-Man and his team obliterating Kang's army and fighting Kang (for the most part). Scott teaching an inexperienced Cassie was pretty cool to see and watching her get progressively better in the movie especially when she fights MODOK in the movie.
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Now to the Visual effects, I'm very mixed on this area because at times they do a great job while other times they do things that I could have done in photoshop. The Quantum Realm looks visually stunning, It's almost as good as the VFX from the Doctor Strange movies, but then this version of MODOK looks like they just enlarged his head to max. It's bad but its also hilarious I can't take it seriously. Overall the VFX looks nice but I can definitely see some of the areas it either feel rushed or just got lazy in.
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The settings is an area I ultimately felt they feel short in. Like I said the Quantum realm is visually appealing, but this is where 95% of the movie is set in while the other 5% percent is on Earth (or above as they say). I don't have an issue with it being solely in the Quantum realm obviously that's where the movie has to be, it's just the lack of variety in settings in the Quantum realm. I though we'd be seeing various places here but I think all we had were three different settings.
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Now to the Writing/Plot, the plot of the movie is Cassie made a device that can send signals into the quantum realm and unfortunately her signal reaches Modok and sends Scott, Cassie, Hope, Hank, and Janet into the quantum realm where they see entire civilizations that Janet said was deeper in the quantum realm. Here we see Kang imprisoned here and is ruling the quantum realm with an iron fist and he wants Scott to help him escape or he kills Cassie. It's a good plot but the way it's written is questionable to say the least. Cassie had time during the blip to study the quantum realm and when Hope, Hank and Janet came back, they essentially helped her learn more and helped her build the device to send signals. That same device is used in the end where we were getting a pretty dramatic moment with Ant-Man, The Wasp and Kangs final battle. I thought this was gonna be a huge sacrifice moment, a passing the torch moment to Cassie where she works with Hank and Janet while trying to figure out how to save Scott and Hope from the Quantum Realm. But no, They pulled an MCU Peter Parker moment with her where she has her machine suddenly able to open the portal to save those two and it really down plays the big dramatic moment. This also raises questions like how did Janet get to where they could reach her in the Ant-Man and The Wasp movie? Did Cassie find the quantum realm research in the Pym household? Why did Kang suddenly get nerfed in the final battle?
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Last thing I'll touch on is the characters, Scott is Scott you know, he's charismatic, he's an average joe and he's Paul Rudd. I made a joke about how Ant-Man and The Wasp should have been changed to "Everyone loves Scott" because it seemed like everyone just loves him even his enemies, Scott just rizzes everyone up the moment he enters a room. Cassie is like every young character in mainstream media now. She's a protester, a SJW, she knows everything and she comes off entitled at times. In endgame she was just glad to have her dad back, now she resents him a bit because she thinks he's a complete sellout. I mean you can argue that but I think after everything Scotts also been through, he deserves some type of break. At least she did have real development during the movie where she did own up to taking responsibility for them being trapped in the quantum realm and saw the real dangers of her dads lifestyle and why he wanted her to stay away from it. It wasn't so much he didn't care about helping fight Kang, it's more that Cassie is his daughter and one of few things that matters most in his life as well as she was inexperienced in combat so she would be in danger. Hope is still the same but now she's trying to connect with her mother but even that side plot felt a bit rushed. Janet is real inconsistent in this movie, one minute she's like "why didn't you ask me about the quantum realm Cassie?" to "I can't tell you Hank and Hope about my time in the quantum realm". I can see shes still trying to function in society again so when this stuff comes back to her she goes into some PTSD but it still doesn't help she's a mixed bag. Hank I felt got the shaft here, he was an integral part of the first two movies, but he's treated here as a side character and a bit of a old joke up until the final battle where he gets his moment to shine with his Ants. Kang is a great Villian in this film, he is a tyrant and he's gonna lead to something big (watch the post credit scenes to know what I mean). Though I do feel he was underutilized at the end. He got nerfed in the final battle and he was defeated twice. Temporarily by Hank and his Ants, then his final battle with Scott and Hope and that was a more satisfying defeat though still felt he was nerfed. Modok is just a henchman to Kang and he's literally a big joke. He was introduced as a real threat but quickly went away as soon as we saw that god awful Photoshopped head which is sad because Modok is a real threat in Marvel. He can be a serious threat but is normally used as a Joke Villain.
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Overall, Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania was a bit underwhelming but a fun time to watch. I'm told this is meant to kick off the next phase but so far I'm not sold on the next phase being anything great. Endgame should have been the end of the MCU and would have gone out with a bang. But Disney I'm sure will leech out as much profit from the MCU as it can until they can't. I'd say this movie can definitely be a so bad its funny type of movie which is still better than Black Panther: Wakanda Forever or The Eternals which were more on the boring side.
Rating this I'm giving it:
It's a Mid-Tier movie and a weak start to the next phase but its still a fun time to watch with friends and family if ya need something to do on a Friday or Saturday night.
That's all I have for today and hopefully I'll find some better movies for 2023.
See ya!
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maxchallis · 1 year
Fundi's Review/Reflection
In this course we have covered a range of different things, focusing in on the 3 different types of software that we need to learn and become masters at, for this overall course. Those three softwares are Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe InDesign. I have had a decent amount of experience in Illustrator and Photoshop from past courses so I was already familiar with a large amount of these things learnt though there was a lot of helpful things still. To give a brief description of these two softwares, Photoshop is very useful for doing things like image adjustments and editing because of the fact that PS works in pixels whereas Illustrator is very handy for creating graphics from paths, shapes and text as Illustrator works with Vectors. You can also work between the two to create even nicer looking graphics. The last software we learnt was InDesign, in which I had had absolutely no experience with so this was the first time i had used it. It is very helpful to make layouts and spreads and format them nicely.
In each of these software apps, we learnt specific process and functions with-in each of them respectively which will all be very useful in our courses overall. Some examples of these functions that were learnt in Photoshop that are useful in image adjustments are the Curves, Hue/Saturation and Color Balance menus. We learnt and experimented with these menus to familiarise ourselves with how to use them and what to use them for. Other useful PS functions that we looked at were the use of masks, the use of layers and how to use them, smart objects and object selection to name some of the more important skills. Some of the functions that were learnt in Illustrator was the use of anchor points and handles, how to draw paths more specifically curved paths, how to make shapes and color them as you wish from these paths or just in general, and what I feel is extremely important skill to have in AI, the use of the pen tool. Finally some of the useful things we learnt in InDesign was how to make, edit and apply paragraph/character styles, how to use images in InDesign and what you can do with them (as it is not the same as the other two softwares) and, how to use columns/parent pages when making a spread. I also became familiar with a large amount of new Keyboard shortcuts in each of these applications
Though I am overall quite happy with how this course has gone, there has still been a few problems along the way and a few things I could have done better. One main thing that I could have done better was managing my time especially with going away and being absent from a few classes which has always been a bad habit of mine. I mean this in terms of writing these tumblr posts directly after the lesson instead of letting them build up for a few weeks as this is what I had done a few times throughout this course finding myself procrastinating trying to write that weeks blog post, and I was also adamant to have my posts in order so most of my posts sat in my blog archive until I had done missed homework tasks in between class work posts. Another thing I wish I could have done better would be to have spent more time on a few of the homework tasks as I have quite obviously rushed one or two of these and have now no time togo back and do a better job of them. Something that I feel like I have done well in this course that I have not done well in the past was the management of my files in my folders, I feel I kept these folders neat and orderly making it easy to go back and find any files that I need.
I feel like I have gained a large amount of knowledge from this course though and have a whole new skill set for my courses to come. If I was to choose a part that was most useful for me personally, I would probably say the InDesign section, more specifically the formatting parts of this in terms of paragraph styles and parent pages as I had never used this app before and we were required to use it for one of our DT1 projects so learning all these things just before starting this project I found extremely useful. Thanks
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tastydregs · 2 years
There's a Problem With That AI Portrait App: It Can Undress People Without Their Consent
If you've been on the internet pretty much at all over the last few days, it's very likely that you've seen a rush of people posting fantastical, anime-inspired digital portraits of themselves.
These "Magic Avatars" — as their creator, a photo-editing app called Lensa AI, has dubbed them — have taken the internet by storm, their virality hand-in-hand with that of ChatGPT, OpenAI's next-gen AI chatbot.
Indeed, it seems a fitting way to end what's been a banner year for artificial intelligence. Text-to-image generators, most notably OpenAI's DALL-E and Midjourney's Stable Diffusion, have disrupted creative industries; a record label unveiled — and quickly did away with — an AI rapper; machine learning has been used to generate full-length fake "conversations" between living celebrities and dead ones; and who could forget LaMDA, the Google chatbot that a rogue engineer said had gained sentience?
While experts have been tinkering with the foundational tech for years, a few substantial breakthroughs — combined with a lot of investment dollars — are now resulting in an industry rush to market. As a result, a lot of new tech is getting bottled into consumer-facing products.
There's just one problem: neither the products — nor the public — are ready.
Take those "Magic Avatars," which on face value seem relatively harmless. After all, there's nothing wrong with imagining yourself as a painted nymph or elf or prince or whatever else the app will turn you into. And unlike text-to-image generators, you can only work within the boundaries of pictures that you already have on hand.
But as soon as the "avatars" began to go viral, artists started sounding the alarm, noting that Lensa offered little protection for the creators whose art may have been used to train the machine. Elsewhere, in a darker turn, despite Lensa's "no nudes" use policy, users found it alarmingly simple to generate nude images — not only of themselves, but of anyone they had photos of.
"The ease with which you can create images of anyone you can imagine (or, at least, anyone you have a handful of photos of), is terrifying," wrote Haje Jan Kamps for Techcrunch. Kamps tested the app's ability to generate pornography by feeding it poorly photoshopped images of celebrities' faces onto nude figures. Much to his horror, the photoshopped images handily disabled any of the app's alleged guardrails.
"Adding NSFW content into the mix, and we are careening into some pretty murky territory very quickly: your friends or some random person you met in a bar and exchanged Facebook friend status with may not have given consent to someone generating soft-core porn of them," he added.
Terrible stuff, but that's not even as bad as it gets. As writer Olivia Snow discovered when uploading her childhood photos of herself to the "Magic Avatars" program, Lensa's alleged guardrails failed to even protect against the production of child pornography — a horrifying prospect on such a widely-available and easy-to-use app.
"I managed to piece together the minimum 10 photos required to run the app and waited to see how it transformed me from awkward six-year-old to fairy princess," she wrote for Wired. "The results were horrifying."
"What resulted were fully-nude photos of an adolescent and sometimes childlike face but a distinctly adult body," she continued. "This set produced a kind of coyness: a bare back, tousled hair, an avatar with my childlike face holding a leaf between her naked adult's breasts."
Kamps' and Snow's accounts both underscore an inconvenient reality of all this AI tech: it's chronically doing things its makers never intended, and sometimes even evading safety constraints they attempted to impose. It gives a sense that the AI industry is pushing faster and farther than what society — or even their own tech — is ready for. And with results like these, that's deeply alarming.
In a statement to Techcrunch, Lensa placed the blame on the user, arguing that any pornographic images are "the result of intentional misconduct on the app." That line echoes a wider industry sentiment that there are always going to be bad actors out there, and bad actors will do what bad actors will do. Besides, as another common excuse goes, anything that these programs might produce could just as well be created by a skilled photoshop user.
Both of these arguments have some weight, at least to an extent. But neither changes the fact that, like other AI programs, Lensa's program makes it a lot easier for bad actors to do what bad actors might do. Generating believable fake nudes or high-quality depictions of child sexual abuse imagery just went from being something that few could do convincingly to being something that anyone armed with the right algorithm can easily create.
There's also an unmistakable sense of Pandora's box opening. Even if the Lensas of the world lock down their tech, it's inevitable that others will create knockoff algorithms that bypass those safety features.
As Lensa's failures have so clearly demonstrated, the potential for real people to experience real and profound harm as a result of the premature introduction of AI tools — image generators and beyond — is growing rapidly. The industry, meanwhile, appears to be taking a "sell now, ask questions later" approach, seemingly keener on beating competitors to VC funding than to ensuring that these tools are reasonably safe.
It's worth noting that nonconsensual porn is just one of the many risk factors, here. The potential for the quick and easy production of political misinformation is another major concern. And as far as text generators go? Educators are shaking in their boots.
As it stands, a tool as seemingly innocuous as "Magic Avatars" is yet another reminder that, while it's already changing the world, AI is still an experiment — and collateral damage isn't a prospective threat. It's a given.
READ MORE: 'Magic Avatar' App Lensa Generated Nudes from My Childhood Photos [Wired]
More on AI: Professors Alarmed by New AI That Writes Essays about as Well as Dumb Undergrads
The post There's a Problem With That AI Portrait App: It Can Undress People Without Their Consent appeared first on Futurism.
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francostrider · 2 years
Prince Marth and the Multiverse of Gacha
Fire Emblem is a series that had grown on me rather late in its existence. When the first western released game came out, I didn’t really appreciate it for what it was, not really into turn based gameplay. Then Awakening came along and I couldn’t put it down. I even went back to the rest of the western released games, and I fell in love with most of the series. Even Shadow Dragon, when stripped down to its fundamentals, was a lot of fun, if only to finally explain who that strange man was in Super Smash Bros. Melee. So, when there’s an announcement trailer, you can bet your falchion that I will rush to it as soon as physically possible.
Today, Nintendo released the trailer for Fire Emblem Engage, to be released in 2023. By the end of it, I decided that I was going to skip this one. Oh, I’m sure it will be a competent game (this is Nintendo we’re talking about), and maybe even fun here and there. But the gawdy presentation did nothing to make me overlook tropes that I have only felt more and more antipathy for.
I guess we can talk about the lead character, as it didn’t take long for photoshop experts to have fun with them. They look like the worst aspects of anime character design, with its bizarre use of colors and over stylization. I already got sick of this with Fates, one of the worst games I have ever played.
Now, I try to be fairer handed about calling games bad or good. Most of this is subjective and not fact. My (or anyone else’s) opinion is not the final word. But Fates was bad. It was a money sink product, costing $100 dollars (or $120 if you skipped a deal) to see the three paths and the “whole” story, and the way it was written made only one of those paths valid. And that was before we get into the DLC. It copied mechanics exclusive to Awakening where it didn’t make sense. That’s all before my opinion, that the story is poorly written, and the characters are ill-conceived piles of anime mush. And it also makes the utterly irresponsible notion that your army is somehow not killing anyone on the other side, despite generations of animosity. That last detail, to me, destroys the relatively grounded nature of the series.
Yet, the very worst part of both Fates and Engage is a trend that Marvel has helped get going: Multiverses. Now, maybe I’m in the minority, but I feel that multiverses tend to suck the stakes out of the ground like a tornado. I get the appeal: Your isekais, your “what if X met y”. Yet, in practice, they end up taking more than adding to a work. I did not enjoy No Way Home. The MCU was fine on its own and it made me decide that Endgame was the true end to the whole series. And what I did like from the previous Spiderman movies felt like hollow imitations in No Way Home.
And this hollowness looms over Engage. While it’s never been 100%, Fire Emblem has given us some great characters and even subtle writing. Eliwood, Lyn and Hector are very human, very relatable. And they didn’t do this with usual anime kookiness. Blazing Sword is a well written story that transcended beyond usual, tired tropes. Genealogy of the Holy War is a brutal deconstruction of the series up to that point (back on the Super Famicom). Sigurd is a tragic figure with flaws, dying because he was stabbed in the back at the end of his journey. Path of Radiance stars a mercenary who must climb his way to leadership, and it deals with subjects like genocide. All these characters have homes, have futures they are fighting for, have friends waiting for them. They are very much a part of their own world.
And despite what little on screen blood there is, I believe these characters bleed. They feel pain, they are horrified, and they are vulnerable. This is all due to the fact that they take war seriously. When characters go down in battle, hero or villain, they die. There are exceptions, but it is lamp shaded when that happens. It makes you feel the danger of open war. And the overarching stories make no delusions over the cost of warfare.
When you start to “collect” them like a bunch of pokemon cards, all of their identity, all that vulnerability is gone. And all the multiverse stuff does is render their own world, their own lives insignificant. To summon Sigurd to as this paragon of combat for an assist just blows over his tragic story. They cease to be characters and become a bunch of action figures thrown at each other.
Am I the only one sick of this? I don’t want multiverses with “all my favorite characters”. I want my characters in their proper context. I don’t want the growth of these characters traded away for a mass-produced sticker. They’re great because of the other characters they work off of. They’re great for how they exist in their own worlds. Marth is not going to travel across dimensions to fight evil like a badly written superhero comic. He’s going to remain king and try to restore a world ravaged by two long bloody wars.
Between the multiverses and the horrible trend of gacha games, I feel the damage it’s doing needs to be called out. I thought Nintendo learned its lesson. I loved Shadows of Valentia, and Three Houses fixed a lot of the narrative and cost problems that Fates suffered from. But here we are with what seems like a console version of a cheap mobile game, and it’s not a trend worth prolonging.
And will you please release a translation Sword of Seals already!?
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celestial-sapphicss · 3 years
I was tagged by @praninlove & @dribs-and-drabbles (thank you so much for tagging me this was fun!)
1. Your all-time favourite bl and why: *looks at my entire blog* gee I wonder which one it is
haha, it's bad buddy, without a doubt, the genre is right up my alley, the acting is amazing, it has none of the tropes that I despise, the storytelling is done with so much love and care. also, the OST is amazing!! it felt like the queer rom-com I had always been waiting for. and it has INKPA!! is it perfect? no. do I love it with all my heart? yes.
I'm so glad to have caught up with it in real-time. I have never been that invested in the actors, the cast and the crew of any other bl series before (gonna watch other works by ohm/nanon).
it made me want to actively use Tumblr, start learning photoshop to make gifs and talk about my thoughts. I also connected with some wonderful people from this fandom, the entire experience was just surreal!
2. That one bl that scarred you for life: fish upon the sky. need I explain more? *pi protection squad*. also theory of love. I loved that show except when khai was being, well khai.
3. Is there any bl that made you feel very single: not applicable? haha ):)
4. If you could change one thing from a bl, which one would it be? oh, many things: the 'i only like him' trope, the damsel in distress trope, non-consent, husband-wife/top-bottom tropes, break-up trope and the toxic parts of the industry like excessive fanservice and shipping people irl.
5. That one bl you detest (don’t hold back): okay so detest might be a strong word but there are some very very acclaimed bls that I couldn't quite get into you know? like sotus, uwma, lovely writer, itsay, color rush etc. I think I might need to rewatch atots to really appreciate it, I didn't before because it wasn't really my genre.
6. Your top 5: oh, this is tough! apart from bad buddy?
gaya sa pelikula
cherry magic
manner of death
a tie between dark blue kiss & we best love (season 1)
again it's a tie between ingredients and boys lockdown
(also maybe still 2gether but only because it was way better than 2gether, which happened to be my very first bl. special mention to he's coming to me!) I'm not sure if 3 will be free is a bl, so didn't include it but it's definitely in this list!
7. That trashy bl that you lowkey like: quoting @dribs-and-drabbles, aren't a lot of them trashy? but yeah my engineer (ramking my loves), 2gether, yyy, I can't remember any more (these are completely based on my definition of trashy aka having absolute crackhead energy and guilty pleasures)
8. Your favourite Korean bl (it’s important we know): light on me, easily, so cute!!
9. But also your top 3 for kbls: I really enjoyed to my star! apart from that and light on me, I don't really remember the storyline of any other kb.
10. Season 2? Which one? my engineer. other than that not really big on bl second season considering how they've consistently fucked them up. maybe a still 2gether style follow up for bad buddy featuring domestic bliss and no real plot (sue me for not being over this show) I wanted a gaya sa pelikula 2nd season but well I recently got to know about the mess and I'm trying to distance myself from the show.
11. A bunch of dramas will air soon. Which ones are you most excited about? oh definitely vice versa, never let me go, cherry magic movie, to my star 2, and boys lockdown 2!
12. Tag them!
@surajmukhis @someonek111me @ghostvalleymasters @paint-music-with-me @transpat
Please only do it if you want to, no pressure!
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flying-elliska · 2 years
Ok I finally finished First Kill and ehhhh very mixed feelings
It definitely did not live up to its potential. Sapphic vampire x vampire hunter should have been way cooler. I think because the main problem I have with this show, rushed frequently bad writing aside, is that its vibes are just extremely bland. Like okay I was a teen in the Buffy, Twilight, True Blood, and all that heyday of the vampire romance genre and yes all these stories were various kinds of problematic, cheesy heteronormative and frequently bad but they had STYLE they had thee vibe with the indie singers and the moody fog and lush forests and genuinely creepy moments and 00s camp bargain bin goth excessive self indulgent corsets and leather aesthetic there was atmosphere there was a sense of place they were going for IT
whereas this show has the plastic smell of something that just rolled off the Netflix factory line, the ikea type of ready made vibe-making that makes it sort of agressively forgettable
like look at that intro thing. It's so ugly and uninspired, it's like they went oh teens like scribbles right let's commission someone to do that for five euros and blur it together with bad photoshop
which is a shame because it did have the ingredients for a kinda bad but good cult fave. The intro song is self aware and funny. The actors are all doing a great job actually, much better than the show they're in, they really sell it. It's unapologetically queer. They managed to genuinely make me care about their families, which is a feat all those CW shows and their snoozefest vampire family politics never managed to do. It has some absolute gold moments ("You ate my mother ?????) and some genuine emotion
I just ahhhhhh I can't go all in on a show that just seems so sloppy and half-assed with the vibes like I have better standards than that even if yeah we are still lacking wlw rep but like I watch stuff like Heartstopper where everything seems so thoughtfully and carefully put together and the vibe is absolutely pitch perfect for what the story is trying to do and it looks like it's meant to feel, that bubbly giddy colorful bubble - grrr I want to tear the wallpaper off it's not a competition ofc but I do feel in general wlw are still getting the short end of the stick in terms of representation that is like, actually good in artistic terms and it is so frustrating because that really doesn't help getting more of an audience even/especially among young queer women
I guess I'm just gonna go and finish Yellowjackets but like it is telling that I have to go and watch the sapphic pairing where one gets her face torn off for some actual quality vibes like hellooooo
All things said tho I do still hope that First Kill gets renewed it's the first season, it could grow into it's own and I did get quite attached to the characters so I'd like to know how it ends for them
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cheri-translates · 3 years
[CN] Summer Water World - Victor
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for an event not yet released in EN 🍒
Event duration: 7 - 23 July 2021
This post comes with a prologue, 20 fluffy snippets, and an epilogue!
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Visit the Water Park with: Gavin l Kiro l Lucien l Shaw
MC: Blue skies~ White clouds~ Water park!
Before setting out, I tiptoe excitedly, placing a pair of cartoonish sunglasses on Victor. When he doesn’t notice, I lift up my phone and take fifteen consecutive photos.
Although quite a number of photos in the middle are blurry, I manage to pick a clear photo, setting it as the wallpaper of my phone.
From across the sunglasses, I can’t tell what expression Victor has. However, his soft sigh shows that he’s incredibly resigned.
MC: I promise that it’s for my personal collection. I won’t spread it to external parties!
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Victor: You already have a large personal collection.
Lowering my head to look at the number of photographs I have marked with a red heart - 138 photos. Judging by this figure... there are quite a lot.
Based on Victor’s standards, these are photographs belonging to the “strange and weird” category.
MC: The more the merrier. Also, this one’s really cute. It’s the same style as mine!
While speaking, I point at the rabbit ear sunglasses I’m wearing. Then, I show him the selfie I had taken on the balcony earlier.
MC: When I have time later, I’ll photoshop these two together.
With a frown, Victor removes both cartoonish sunglasses from our heads, then places them underneath the coffee table.
Victor: The sun’s very glaring today. Don’t wear these toy glasses - they aren’t good for your eyes.
Turning to the window, I see the glaring reflection of sunlight from the building opposite.
MC: ...looks like today’s truly a hot day.
Victor pulls me to the sofa and gets me to sit down. He squats down in front of me, then shakes the sunscreen spray before spraying my calves evenly.
I don’t like applying sunscreen, which is why I usually apply only a thin layer when I head out. Victor knows about my bad habit...
The alcohol in the sunscreen vaporises quickly, releasing a cooling sensation when blown by the cold breeze from the air-conditioner.
Just as I’m about to apply it myself, Victor suddenly pats my calf with his fingers gently. In an instant, I can feel the warmth of his finger pads.
For some reason, this causes the tips of my ears to flush.
MC: Come to think of it...
Victor lifts his head and glances at me.
Victor: What is it?
I swing my legs, leaning downwards to draw closer to him.
MC: I'm imagining how you’d look like in the water park. After all, you’re always impeccably dressed, as though you’re shouldering heavy responsibilities as a CEO.
Victor stands up, placing a sunhat on my head.
Victor: Ever since you appeared, what burdens as a CEO do I have? Let’s go.
After changing our clothes, Victor and I meet at the entrance of the dressing room.
Coming to the amusement park was a decision made entirely on impulse. After all, summer is beautiful. Being stuck in the office every day is such a waste. As such, I pulled Victor along in skipping work.
We genuinely skipped work. Even before submitting my proposal, I rushed to Victor and dragged him into the car.
I booked the entrance tickets in the car.
MC: It’s 8.45am now. One minute later, Goldman will find the notice I taped on the door of the CEO office.
Victor: Is that so? What notice did you stick?
MC: “CEO Victor is on vacation today. - Fire Fairy.”
Victor chuckles. With a turn of his head, he pulls me towards the amusement park.
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Victor: Have you thought about what you’re going to ride today?
MC: Of course... not~
I casually flip open the guide map at the ticket collection point.
MC: I thought of doing this suddenly, so I didn’t have time to strategise. But when it comes to having fun, there’s no need for a plan. Why don’t we just look around and try whatever’s fun? Based on this map, we can definitely experience everything in the park... Let’s just walk and stop leisurely?
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Victor: Considering how you can hole yourself up in an air-conditioned room and not head out, and how you say that you’re tired after walking more than 1km-
Victor: Not deciding to stay in a restaurant to eat and drink after taking two steps is already pretty good.
While he says this, I shift myself into his shadow to avoid the sun.
MC: Although that’s a possibility, don’t underestimate me. I don’t go for daily runs or work-out like you do. But when it comes to having fun, I have a lot of stamina to tap into!
While saying this, I spot the first attraction in the amusement park - the High Altitude Slide.
People who just entered the park are rushing towards popular attractions, and nobody is queuing here.
MC: Victor, should we start with something thrilling?
Victor lifts his head towards the slide which spans around 20 metres. He nods calmly.
Victor: Sure.
MC: ...are you sure? You aren’t going to consider?
Victor pulls me towards the attraction.
Victor: There’s going to be a queue if you hesitate any longer.
MC: ...fine, bring it on! I hereby announce that today’s journey in the water park shall officially begin with this attraction!
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[ 1 ]
MC: [from behind] Vic...!
Victor: Why are you sneaking around?
MC: That’s strange! I tapped your right shoulder, so how did you know that I was on your left?
Victor: Because a dummy’s actions are very easy to guess.
[ 2 ]
MC: Wow, the baked squid here looks so juicy.
MC: It smells so fragrant too. The fragrance alone makes me drool...
MC: Victor, why aren’t you saying anything?
Victor: I’m listening to a certain person expressing her reflections on her drool.
Victor: How many sticks do you want?
[ 3 ]
Willow: MC, you’re here too!
MC: Willow, Kiki!
Kiki: Boss, why are you here alone? Want to join us?
MC: Erm, well...
Victor: I’ve bought two flavours of soda.
Victor: Pick one.
Willow and Kiki: Hello CEO Victor, bye CEO Victor!
[ 4 ]
MC: Ah, there are so many people in front. We’ll have to queue up again...
Victor: But a certain someone has already joined the queue?
MC: Mm, because queuing up is one of the pleasures of the water park.
Victor: ...childish.
Victor: Have you thought about which pair of sunglasses you want?
[ 5 ]
MC: Don’t you think the underwater maze is pretty frightening? 
Victor: How did your imagination run wild this time?
MC: Imagine an octopus monster tightening its grip around you...
Victor: Just like what you’re doing right now?
MC: ...sorry.
[ 6 ]
Boss: This shop is offering a special service today. We can turn your photo into a postcard.
MC: Wow~ Boss, we’d like to have a photo taken!
MC: Victor, remember to smile a little more happily.
Victor: Like you?
MC: That’s right~
Victor: Having one dummy’s silly smile in a photo is enough.
[ 7 ]
MC: Wow! So delicious... I’ll have this one, this one, this one, and another one of this. Thank you!
Victor: ...if you’re ordering this much, you’re responsible for finishing them all.
MC: ...aren’t you eating?
Victor: Watching a certain someone wolfing down her food is sufficiently filling.
MC: In that case, I’ll order a serving as take-out for you to try later, hehe.
[ 8 ]
Victor: Are you sure you want to do this?
MC: Based on my IQ, I think I can still drive this!
Victor: Having confidence isn’t always a good thing.
MC: I’m always very confident. In short, I won’t go back until I succeed!
Victor: I’ll remember your bold and visionary words.
[ 9 ]
MC: Victor, send me the photos that you took underwater!
Victor: Didn’t you take photos too?
MC: [muttering] But I want to save your photos...
Victor: If a certain someone will do a trade, sure.
[ 10 ]
MC: Victor, look at that pink cartoon mascot - it’s so cute! It looks adorable~
Passer-by A: Huh, why did that employee in the pink mascot suddenly fall down?
Passer-by B: Let’s help him up!
Victor: ...is that what you call “adorable”?
Victor: It’s resembles a certain someone.
[ 11 ]
MC: The hair accessories here are much cuter than the ones sold at other places!
Victor: Why did you put it down? Don’t you like these strange accessories?
MC: Which one do you think suits me more?
Victor: ...the cat ears really suit you.
MC: Boss, I’ll have two cat ear hair accessories, thank you!
[ 12 ]
MC: Victor, this looks a little scary from up close...
Victor: If you’re scared, it isn’t too late to go to a different attraction.
MC: No, I want to challenge myself! Also, I’ll keep my eyes open the entire time!
Victor: Burying your head in my chest doesn’t count as keeping your eyes open.
MC: ><!
[ 13 ]
MC: That’s the popular bubble machine check-in point... wait, why are there so many people!
Victor: If you want to take a photo, just join the queue. There’s no need to think so much.
MC: Forget it. Even without big bubbles, buying a bottle of soap and blowing little bubbles is pretty good too.
Victor: Just join the queue.
Victor: It’d prevent a certain someone from eating the “pill of regret” afterwards.
[ 14 ]
MC: I heard that the fountain here has wishing services!
MC: My wish is...
Victor: You aren’t going to say it?
MC: Because I want to see your look of anticipation, hehe~
Victor: ...
[ 15 ]
MC: This is a “Deposit Anything” station. You can even deposit humans!
Victor: Are you leaving me here?
MC: Let me see... there’s air-conditioning, Wi-Fi, charging ports, and free beverages!
MC: Why don’t you walk around? I don’t mind being left here!
Victor: ...
[ 16 ]
MC: Ah, my phone is running out of battery!!
Victor: I reminded a certain someone to charge her phone.
MC: It’s okay, I have an “wireless charging magic spell”!
Victor: Does your so-called “magic spell” refer to pointing at your head?
MC: That’s right. Don’t I resemble a sorceress? 
Victor: ...you resemble a dummy.
[ 17 ]
MC: if I had known earlier, I wouldn’t have asked Victor to go off separately. My phone ran out of battery and turned off automatically...
MC: There’s a broadcasting station over there...
Victor: What are you planning this time?
MC: ! The idea just formed in my head and you appeared...
Victor: ...dummy.
Victor: If you don’t want to get lost again, hold onto my hand tightly.
[ 18 ]
MC: I’ve already won three types. Why can’t I get the limited edition flavour...
Victor: This is the last time.
MC: ...I won’t give up until I get the limited edition flavour!
Victor: Who will eat all the ice-creams?
Victor: I don’t want a certain person to say that her stomach hurts later.
[ 19 ]
MC: Ah... achoo!!!
Victor: Who was the one who said that she definitely wouldn’t catch a cold since the weather is good today?
MC: I didn't catch a cold. I simply choked on water while going down the slide earlier!
Victor: I see. Looks like this jacket won’t be of use then.
MC: I need it, I need it! I didn’t expect you to bring a jacket for me... thanks!
Victor: You’re wearing it the wrong way.
[ 20 ]
MC: This is the first time I’ve seen mustard popcorn. Dare to try it?
Victor: Why not?
Victor: Trying out new challenges is a part of today.
MC: Okay, let’s try it together~
MC: Cough! So spicy!!
Victor: ...eat slower, dummy.
At the rental area for small inflatable boats, Victor and I are waiting in the middle of a queue of children.
Child A: I want a bumblebee, a super super big one!
Child B: Dad, I want a little white swan which can fly.
MC: Victor, let’s get a white swan or a little tortoise.
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Victor: Mm.
Returning to my senses, I realise why I felt something was off earlier.
MC: Victor, you actually didn’t find me childish?
Victor casts a sidelong glance at me, an insuppressible smile at the corners of his lips.
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Victor: Looks like even if I don’t say it, you’re able to recognise it.
Refusing to give in, I strut in front of him and begin “spouting nonsense”.
MC: Victor, did you know that if you search for synonyms of the word “childish” on the internet, the first result you’d get is “adorable”? I can accept your assessment of me as “childish”.
Victor releases a soft “oh”, revealing a complete smile.
Victor: In that case, what are the synonyms of “thick skinned”?
I hold up my phone, pretending to search for something. Then, I tap a website and show it to Victor.
--Modern Chinese Dictionary - “having nothing to fear”.
MC: Of course, I don’t think it’s entirely accurate... But Chinese is broad and deep, so you’ll understand it after experiencing the meaning of the words.
Victor has an expression which says that there’s nothing he can do about the situation, and doesn’t comment further. Seeing that we’re almost reaching the end of the line, I quickly tug on his hand and move forward.
Unfortunately, all the white swans and little tortoises have already been rented out.
Staff: The child in front just rented the last white swan. Young Miss, would you like the flamingo instead? It’s really popular too.
I turn my head to Victor, displaying a crying face and make a sobbing noise. Victor is very used to seeing this trick, and he doesn’t even frown.
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Victor: I’ll buy you ice-cream later.
I nod instantly, looking as though a normal day has changed into a bright and sunny day.
MC: Okay~
With this, I point at a small yellow duck in a corner.
MC: Could I have the small yellow duck?
Staff: No problem!
The staff at the dock quickly “guides” the little yellow duck over. Victor and I walk down the stairs, stepping onto the boat carefully.
Staff: Watch your step. Set off only after sitting properly. If you face any problems while sailing, you could send a signal to the staff using a whistle. I wish the two of you a pleasant journey.
The inflatable boat is accompanied by a very light paddle. After sitting on the boat, I begin paddling, and the boat moves forward.
Although the water is shallow, it still requires exertion to row, and it isn’t as easy as I thought.
As such, an idea involving Victor comes to mind.
MC: Wow... Victor, your legs are so long. You must have a great advantage when rowing boats. Want to give it a try? It’s really fun!
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Victor: ...look at the children in front. They’re paddling by themselves and don’t need help from adults. If it’s something a child can do, you can do it too.
Gesturing with the paddle, I tilt my head upwards and lean against Victor’s chest. Finding a comfortable position, I lean halfway down, lifting my eyes to meet his.
MC: Little kids can work hard for a while. But when they get tired from paddling, they need help from adults... is that okay?
All of a sudden, Victor reaches out to tap the tip of my nose.
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Victor: Okay.
By the time we finish the attractions, the sun has already set halfway.
Victor and I have arrived at the lucky draw station, and we hand the lucky draw tickets earned from participating in the attractions to the staff.
MC: I collected over ten tickets. I’m not hoping for the first prize, but I might get the second or third prizes?
Eager to give it a try, I reach into the lucky draw box.
Staff: The fourth prize - a starfish bracelet.
Staff: The sixth prize - a printed handkerchief.
Staff: The fifth prize - a set of postcards and the sixth prize - a printed handkerchief...
As the staff reads out the prizes that I’ve won, my originally confident smile droops.
I tug on Victor’s sleeve.
MC: Why don’t you give it a try?
Victor: Do you want that biggest plush toy?
MC: Mm!
Victor reaches into the box. After feeling for a prize ball, he hands it to the staff.
Staff: The consolation prize - a small duck pen.
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Victor: ...
MC: Hahahahaha! Turns out CEO Victor’s luck can sometimes be even worse than mine~
Seeing my gloating smile, the resignation in his eyes have an additional indulgent smile in them.
Victor: Now that the final ticket has been used, do you still want to continue walking around?
MC: Of course. You haven’t bought me the ice-cream we agreed on.
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Victor: You have a pretty good memory when it comes to food.
With this, he takes my hand in his, heading towards the nearby night market of the amusement park.
The glow of sunset dissipates, and the sun sinks below the horizon.
Warm and yellow star-shaped lights are strung on every stall, spanning from the start of the street till the end, till the horizon.
Victor hands an ice-cream to me, and I bring the first scoop to his mouth.
MC: I heard that the first bite is usually the sweetest, which is why I’m rewarding the person who performed best today!
Victor: You’re getting carried away.
The corners of Victor’s lips arch upwards, and he leans down to take a bite.
We walk down the street leisurely while sharing the ice-cream.
A patch of blue suddenly spreads out in the sky, slowly turning into a dark reddish purple, layering the glow of sunset with a fluffy and soft texture.
The starlight hanging in the sky have yet to glitter completely, and there are still stars scattered around, hidden in the crevices of clouds.
Beneath this dream-like colour of sunset, Victor and I walk into another summer night together.
MC: So pretty... it’s a shame that it’s really difficult to capture such as view using a phone.
Victor: There are many sights that are beautiful in the way they disappear in an instant. Just remember them. There’s no need to keep them.
I turn my head, staring at the side of Victor’s face as it blends with the enchanting and brilliant colours. He’s so handsome that I'm unable to avert my gaze.
MC: But-
I shift in front of Victor, then stand on my tiptoes. I want to get a little closer to him, and I want to have a clearer look at him.
Some beautiful things can be remembered, but there are some beautiful things I wish to keep.
MC: I have a poor memory and am often forgetful. Even if I remember something now, I might forget it the next day. That would be such a pity...
I don’t simply wish to keep them. I wish to own them too.
I don’t simply want to own them. I also wish to be greedy, extending this ownership for a very long time.
Victor seems to hear the implication in my words. He walks forward unhurriedly, and speaks as though he’s making a vow.
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Victor: In that case, I’ll take a few more looks with you, and remember a little more. In the future, I’ll relate them to you.
MC: Mm!
The ice-cream has been finished. Just as I’m about to throw the cup into the dustbin, I suddenly notice a line of printed text at the bottom of the cup-
“One free cup.”
I raise the cup, giving him a beaming smile.
My greedy luck has finally appeared.
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A kind blog bythe name @erin-gilberts has given this reblog with information and seems to cleared up the air about the blog below. I'll do my best to summary but please check the reblog from Erin-gilberts as it's much worded better.
Overall, the person who seems to own the blog is a mirror, and the drawn art is a lean to family, the lady in these videos isnt associated with the blog either and seems to be famous for reactions (but isnt reacting to the stolen art). The photoshops may be due to strange shipping with themselves with these characters but uses young actors to convey that. Do not send hate this persons way as they are just a minor! Just block if you're uncomfortable, do not harass them.
I wanna apologies if I caused any panic or hate sent this persons way, I am also a minor and was very shocked at what i found and rushed a bit to conclusions. Though adult-kid shipping is no joke nor need to be pushed aside here it's good at least this isn't an adult running this account. Again a great thank you for those who did help out a bit with translations and dig work.
Small note: I'm sorry for lack of censoring and work in this post as I was in a hurry to get it out, if I run across another blog I'll make sure to try my best and dig further in before put a warning post out.
Be safe guys!
Below the read more is the original warning post/ there is a lack of censoring so be careful reading and seeing some of the adult-kid suggestive frist image!
Sorry if this isnt good, I've never done post like these, but there is a blog who's been showing up in the tags making edits of the Ghostbusters team with kevin (aka the home alone kid). This blog is @/alexissanchez3367174
Now it doesnt sound bad on paper, but when I looked deeper into this blogs context, I found this.
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This is fucking gross, and if it's a joke, it's not funny. As a minor myslef and those on here, this is gross and uncomfortable. Looking more into this persons context it's all adult with kids, not as bad as post above but considering it, i get really bad undertones.
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They have some werid intrest with Russel and Charlie, and maybe Ray and Kevin. They do steal content for video from others as Spengy, Stanzy, Dioinabag, and inculed me and more, using our pictures in videos of a recurring women reacting to them and speaking I belive Spanish, I'm asumming the women is the person who owns the blog, but I could be wrong.
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I dont say we send this perosn death threats nor horrible things but block and report them at best. I'm uncomfortable with the feel these edits give me, they are red flags so I will be blocking as stated before. Thats all I have, if you look up this blog you'll see there isnt alot but starnge undertones, so you can really come up to your own conclusion and choice to make, to everyone here, be safe.
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the-hidden-writer · 3 years
And Into The Fire
Chapter 9: A Little Bit Of Manipulation
Summary: Months after the Mitchells saved the world, Linda gets a phone call asking if she’s seen two defective Pal MAX bots. Powerful people are after Eric and Deborabot 5000, and it’s up to the Mitchells to protect them.
Taglist: @squidsushi , @astro-aye , @shitmyex, @sharks-are-friendly
Check reblogs for AO3 link!
A Little Bit Of Manipulation
There was no word to describe just how unprepared Katie was to deal with this. Nobody’s taught what to do in the event that a freaking CIA Agent comes knocking at your door in search of your missing robo brothers. Ro-bros, if you will.
Katie stepped aside to let her in out of sheer intimidation.
“Hey, um, is it urgent?” She dared to ask timidly as Agent Ward ventured further inside. “See, it’s kinda late and I’m expecting someone-”
“As a matter of fact, it is urgent.” The woman snapped, making Katie jump. “So I’m afraid you’ll have to cancel any plans. Now shut that door please, we need to discuss sensitive information.”
Katie did as she was told though in her heart she was very annoyed. As much as she wanted to help the bots, she’d been hoping that dinner with Jade would help distract her from her concern for them and her family. Guess that wasn’t happening any time soon.
Once the door was firmly locked with a click, Agent Ward spoke up again.
“Yesterday you made a phone call to Pal Labs claiming that you’d seen the missing Pal MAX robots. I’ve been sent by my boss to follow this up.”
“Yeah… cool.” Katie had to make conscious effort to stay calm and collected and not betray her inner panic. But at least this lady wasn’t the boss or anything. That made it a little better.
“So first of all,” the agent continued, “I have to ask if you have any proof of what you ‘saw’.”
Judging by the tone of her voice, Agent Ward didn’t sound like she believed Katie a single bit and was annoyed to even be there. Probably because she could tell it was all a lie and was good at her job.
Oh, how Katie was excited to prove her wrong.
“I sure do!”
As soon as she’d hung up on that original phone call, she’d rushed to her laptop and opened Photoshop. She already had a bunch of photos (some clear and some not so clear) of places both around town and around the campus, and she also had a decent collection of photos of the bots. It wasn’t too hard to add hints of the bots onto her pre-existing pictures and make them look natural enough to pass off as realistic.
Putting all her skills to the test, she’d even managed to forge a short Snapchat video with one of the bots hiding in the background.
Whoever said going to film school was useless?
(Her Dad used to, but that wasn't the point.)
Concealing her smug smile, Katie pushed her phone into the agent’s hands and pointed at the screen.
“These were all taken this week,” she said, “it felt like I was being stalked. It was kinda scary.”
She held her breath as Agent Ward carefully swiped through her expertly-crafted pictures, examining each one closely.
“Pictures at these angles were never released to the public…” She muttered, and Katie had no idea if that was addressed to her or not. She decided to stay quiet.
“There’s something I have to tell you.” Agent Ward said a little louder once she'd seen them all, so Katie knew for sure that she was supposed to respond. “Seeing these photos just confirmed our suspicions.”
“What is it?” Katie asked nervously.
“We have reason to believe that you and your family are in a lot of danger, and that these two remaining robots are seeking revenge on you for stopping their plans.”
Even though Katie knew for a fact that this wasn’t true, the agent had said it so darkly that it sent a shiver up her spine. Maybe in another universe, one where Eric and Deborahbot never joined their family, she would be terrified for her life right now.
...Would they have even been able to save the world in that universe?
“Really?” Her shock was only half-faked.
“I’m afraid so.” Agent Ward confirmed. She then paused and bit her lip for a moment, leaving Katie to watch her in suspense.
Eventually, she spoke again.
“You’re going to have to come with me.”
“What?!” Katie couldn’t help but exclaim. “I just wanted to help you find them, not get involved with whatever you guys are doing! I’ve got school tomorrow!”
She had dinner with Jade tonight!
“Your safety is more important. You can ride in the helicopter with me to get back to this project’s base of operations. We’ll send people to fetch your family too.”
“My family’s not home!” Katie blurted out and the agent raised an eyebrow. “They’re uh… on a road trip. I dunno where they’ve gone exactly.”
“Dammit.” Agent Ward cursed quietly. “I guess you’ll have to do for now. Pack some things quickly- the sooner we leave the better.”
Her glare was hard enough for Katie to start to rush to grab her belongings.
“Are you sure there’s no other way?” She called as she grabbed her backpack from next to her chair.
“Sorry, but yes.” Replied Agent Ward with no remorse whatsoever.
It didn’t take Katie too long to grab supplies. A couple pairs of clothes, her toothbrush and hairbrush, her laptop and charger, etc. All the while she tried to stay positive and think that she could at least help her family with their mission if she was in Silicon Valley too.
“Ready to go?” Ward asked. Katie nodded and followed her out of the door.
Only to be met with Jade approaching them down the hall.
“Katie!” Jade called, her eyes wide with confusion and concern and probably fear at the big scary woman leading her away. “What’s going on?”
Katie wished she could tell her everything. She would even drop her entire backpack if it meant she could take Jade with her. But she couldn’t, and it was best if Jade didn’t know too much. For her own safety more than anything.
Especially if the CIA really were the bad guys.
“I’ve gotta go, J.” She answered sadly. “I don’t know when I’ll be back.”
Jade seemed to understand that Katie was in over her head and acted confident for both their sakes. She loved Jade for that. “Alright." A beat. "Dinner’s off, I guess?”
“Yeah,” Katie laughed, “dinner’s off. Sorry.”
Jade smiled, though Katie could tell she was secretly very worried. Typical Jade.
“Don’t worry about it.” She smiled, keeping her gaze away from Agent Ward as she ran in to give Katie a hug.
“Take care of yourself.” She whispered into Katie’s ear. “See you soon.”
Katie tried to hold back tears that were pricking her eyes.
“Hopefully.” She replied before they pulled apart and she was led away.
Comments make my day! :)
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lightleckrereins · 4 years
Thoughts on where the supernatural ending went wrong and why it wasn’t that hard to make it right
Alright I don’t usually do long analysis posts, but I’ve been yelling about this for over two hours so here it goes.
Spoilers for 15x20 (duh)
First things first: I’ll say it now, it was the right ending for the characters don’t @ me. It was the right ending but the worst possible way to get there.
Sam having a family and a relatively normal life, Dean in heaven with all his loved ones, Cas helping Jack be better than Chuck and making the world a better place. If you look back into their journeys that is exactly what they wanted and what they fought for.
The finale starts like a MOTW episode for no reason, cuts to Dean dying in a really dumb way and having an emotional goodbye that no one cared about because we were expecting a resolution to 15x18. Then cuts to an emotional Sam montage, then cuts to a rushed epilogue and that’s it. Nothing else.
I’ve seen many posts during the last two weeks on how this should end, but the basics are: getting Castiel back, Destiel resolution, Sam reuniting with Eileen, Sam and Dean going their separate ways with their respective partners but implying this is not the end. This closes the show nicely, closes every storyline we’ve had this season, and gives the characters actual happy endings.
But we didn’t get a single one of those.
What we got was a mess that dismissed everything they did this season and many things they did the past 15 years.
So, what went wrong and how could it have gone right? Note, I do believe they had to rewrite things because of the pandemic and all the lockdowns but there were better ways to do it.
The most disappointing thing about the finale is Castiel. The one thing everyone wanted was to get him back nothing more. There is this one great post (that I couldn’t find to save my life) about the basic thing this episode had to do and it was to save Cas, for him to get an actual conversation with Dean and closure. Destiel or not we needed closure. We got an offhanded comment and a license plate. That was the farewell to one of the most beloved characters this show ever had.
They could have ended 15x19 with Jack bringing Cas back before leaving to do god stuff, then Dean avoiding the subject until he gets impaled into a nail and Cas enters the barn perfectly mirroring his very first entrance to save Dean. And then they have the conversation™. Satisfying ending, ties all loose ends, can still end the show with Sam and Dean together in heaven.
They could have done Cas arrive to the barn just in time to save Dean saying Jack saved him and not explain a thing and it would have been better.
They could have made the same thing and then Sam answers the phone, and it is Castiel telling him Dean is happy in heaven and wants him to live his life. Ambiguous about Destiel but still good enough and again they can have the same ending.
They could have had Cas receiving Dean in heaven and (a kiss) resolution right there.
Dean dies on the dumbest death in 15 seasons of supernatural and that’s saying something.
That could have been avoided with either not having the nail conveniently there or with Castiel saving him. There solved you can do a million other things for the epilogue.
Or you know if they really wanted to end Cas on 15x18 they could have made his moment of true happiness, learning to be human and knowing he is fighting for the right reasons. It would have avoided burying the gays and coming off as the most homophobic finale ever.
Cas is literally dismissed but looking past that they gave him the perfect ending only failed to actually show the thing. He started as a soldier from heaven who rebelled because it was the right thing to do. Throughout eleven seasons he grows to understand humans and to get disappointed with heaven. In the end he fights for humanity and wants to make things right. Him continuing to mentor Jack in being a better god than Chuck is the perfect ending for Castiel’s arc.
Eileen never appears again. You are telling me they brought her back, created yet another loophole to bring her back to life, made a season long storyline about her and Sam getting together, killed her again, implied she is back to life (again) thanks to Jack. Just to completely ignore her in the finale.
I know the pandemic might have made it impossible for the show to bring Shoshannah Stern back for one day of filming, and if you squint it is implied the wife is Eileen, but that’s not good enough.
Here is where it feels there were rewrites. The best resolution was doing an actual reunion with the two of them going off together if that wasn’t possible with the lockdown the next best thing was to confirm in some way that Sam and Eileen ended up together.
Easiest way, when Sam was dying and they were zooming into all the photos doing a long dramatic pause on a photo of Eileen, or with she and Sam together. They could have taken a behind the scenes photo of Shoshannah and Jared and photoshoped it. Just to confirm they ended together.
I do believe both Sam and Dean dying and ending in heaven together was the right call, but Dean’s death was still dumb.
He should have either died in a hunt on a really epic way or (my personal favorite) died as an old man with Sam by his side and given his speech there. That would have been impactful, and the speech is actually really good. It was overshadowed by the Castiel shaped hole the finale had.
Either way Dean dying first and getting the new heaven explanation feels right, but it should have been Castiel or Jack receiving him there not Bobby. And that is another thing I feel had to be rewritten. The dialogue on that scene makes me think that in a non covid year everyone would have been there to receive Dean to heaven. And I mean everyone Mary, John, Bobby, Jo, Ellen, original Charlie, Bobby, Kevin, Pamela, Adam, Benny (even if this one is impossible), I’m sure I forgot someone.
And then he goes on a drive and meets Sam at the end. That ending works perfectly and would have been super powerful with the right execution but was overshadowed by everyone’s collective anger.
A perfect finale would have started with Castiel returning (even if it required mime vampires in skull masks), followed by the conversation everyone was hoping for, Eileen returning. And then the epilogue montage.
If I could ask for things during that it would have been: Destiel with a roadhouse, Cas coming and going to help Jack become a better god. Sam and Eileen going off together and eventually retiring together. Their wedding with Dean as best man and Castiel marrying them (also destiel wedding but I know that is way too much to ask). A montage of everyone getting together for Christmas and stuff. Scenes showing how hunters still visit Sam for info, magic, and advice. Eileen being pregnant and them being happy parents together. Dean being a good uncle. A good death for Dean with Sam, Cas, and Jack by his side and then the speech would have destroyed me. A good look for old man Sam and old man Dean. And eventually Sam dying and reuniting with Dean.
That would have felt satisfying and like they earned that ending.
One last thing. The “we want to thank you” speech felt like throwing salt in the wound of a really bad finale, but it would have been a billion times better if they got Misha there, and every actor and crewmember who was ever relevant to this show saying thank you (from home if they couldn’t be there for some reason covid).
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