#haven't watched saw 3D yet lol
kb11rd · 6 months
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Accidentally deleted the request but anon asked for hoffdon so hoffdon it is
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ginnyrules27 · 8 months
Okay so I saw 'Once Upon a Studio' yesterday and I mean...I did not ask to be punched in the gut with emotions Disney! Spoilers under the cut in case you haven't seen it yet
-First off, just the concept of the animation studio almost being like Night at the Musem where the pictures come alive was so much fun.
-Dodger with Vanellope in the candy racer was adorable!
-Hearing Peter Pan say 'Here we go!' felt so weird when it wasn't followed by Jack Sparrow saying 'We have our heading', those commercials were the pinnacle of my childhood
-Did I mention Treasure Planet?!
-The 2D and the 3D animations really melded well together, especially the scene where Moana's holding Flounder!
-There's an elevator gag that made me burst out laughing when I first saw it
-ROBIN WILLIAMS' VOICE AS GENIE! And no, it's not AI! Disney got permission from Robin Williams' estate to use outtakes from Aladdin for this.
-Milo Thatch getting ready in the men's bathroom with Gaston, Chicken Little, Prince John, the Headless Horseman, Thomas O'Malley, and Doc! Oh, and the Cheshire Cat!
-Antonio Madrigal happily making his way to the photo with Pascal, Cri-ki, Pua, and Meeko and saving Jaq and Gus from being eaten by a lizard-type thing (okay I haven't seen the Rescuers Down Under so I don't know all the characters by name lol) with some help from Pluto!
-Kristoff and Sven hanging out with Ryder!
-"Come on puppies, you're going to get nightmares" is Kristoff's only line and it's to the 15 Dalmatian puppies watching Night on Bald Mountain and yet I feel that's peek Akiho energy and it may find itself into one of my fics
-Pat Caroll's voice is the voice of Ursula and I'm loving the thought that the original voice actors stay the voices of these characters after their deaths
-Also what movie is the blue blobby thing from that's following Ursula?
-Also also why did Flounder need water but Ursula can walk around in her half octopus form?
-Can't have a Cinderella cameo without someone losing a shoe
-"Eric, get your dog!" You can pry the fact that the princes are friends out of my cold dead hands!
-"Go Max go!" Aww, I love the fact that Cinderella can be goofy when she's not living with her abusive step family!
-The moment with Mickey and Walt's photo and 'Feed the Birds' in the background...yeah it's okay, I didn't need to do anything but cry for the next seven days
-Jeremy Irons as Scar!!
-"Make it pink" "Make it blue" was such a good bit
-The classic Goofy scream!
-All of them coming to sing When You Wish Upon a Star...Mirabel playing with Scat Cat, Belle singing with Beast, James Woods as Hades' voice, Jodie Benson reprising the voice of Ariel...just all of it!
-Snow White bringing Asha from Wish to stand next to her with Mulan on the other side and characters from Disney's 'Dark Age' on either side in the background
-Speaking of the Dark Age characters, how do you think they were treated during all this at the time? Especially Black Cauldron since that almost saw Disney Animation close its doors but it was nice to see all the characters be part of the short
Safe to say I loved every second!
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curio-queries · 7 months
Jungkook Audacy Performance
Here's a link in case you haven't watched it yet. Please do watch it first as I don't like influencing anyone's initial reaction.
Back? Cool, I have thoughts.
I desperately wanted to love this but there are just some execution issues that I'm struggling to get past.
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I actually didn't mind this performance much, still don't really care for the song but it's just not to my personal taste. This was the best application of JK purposely putting down the mic though, having him place it on the table. I always get just a little cringe when he puts it on the floor in the other performances but I have a suspicion it's supposed to be an enticing move that just does nothing for my ace self.
I still don't understand why there are so many dancers with JK. Especially on this small stage, it just looks crowded. Thus song is supposed to feel a little more intimate but the juxtaposition with so many others on stage with him is just awkward.
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I got so excited when I saw the first JK duplicate! This type of filmmaking requires planning and preparation and I know the BTS production team is capable of some pretty cool visuals....but apparently the intended direction was to make the audience feel as seasick as possible while staring at a screen? What is with the continuous Dutch angles and floaty zooms?? Oh it's so bad. I can tell there was a great idea but it's just so poorly executed...
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I absolutely DESPISE the 'mute' method of censoring in songs. As much as I dislike the rap in this song, I'd so much rather hear it than the abrupt muting of specific words. Pretty sure there's something happening psychologically that makes me fill in the gap mentally and then those individual words stick around longer but with no context. I realize they do it because they need to comply with some broadcasting policy but I wish never again to hear a clean version of ANY song with this approach, fill it in with something else or don't do it.
But THIS song absolutely makes sense to have so many dancers, and they've allocated enough space for it.
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I wish I hadn't been spoiled as to this song being in this performance. It would have been a great moment of wonderment when a song other than the titles was about to start. Oh well, had to be in esrly meetings.
So...um...I understand the vision for this performance and it's actually an interesting idea with this song but...how do I say this nicely... This was completely reliant on JK's acting abilities to walk that fine line to not get into actual creeper territory and while JK is a great performer, he's really not that great of an actor. The edit didn't help him much either.
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I'd like to end on a positive note though and go over some of the things that were great with this performance.
The set design! Absolutely gorgeous! Excellent idea and blocking for joining these songs into a cohesive performance.
The lighting! Oi, whomever was in charge of this, they did a great job! Absolutely perfection functionally for coverage and to support the storytelling.
That's it though...there will absolutely be some gorgeous stills and gifs that can come from this material. (not my crappy screen records, see someone else for the good ones! Lol) Overall this performance has continued the Golden theme of a great idea with some execution issues.
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slimereader · 9 months
I started playing Infinity Strash: DRAGON QUEST The Adventure of Dai. It was difficult to get the Switch version running smoothly on my Steam Deck, but at least it runs now... more or less. I'm only a few levels into the second chapter, but that means I've at least seen each type of level. Pretty much everyone is saying this, but the cutscenes are too numerous. The in-engine 3D cutscenes are watchable, but the anime slideshows... As someone who hasn't seen any of the anime incarnations, it's too boring to get into. But even for players who are die-hard fans, wouldn't they hate sitting through the recaps instead of just watching the anime? So who is this game for?!
Anyway, I like the levels where you run along fighting enemies the best. Popp is my favorite to play with his ranged spells. As I saw in a review article, it's a bit hard to know which enemy you're aiming at when there are lots of little ones. I picked Storyteller difficulty because I'm not very good at action games, but maybe I'll increase it later once I get used to the controls. Especially block and dodge, I can never react with the right button to time it perfectly. How I miss my beloved Dragon Quest Treasures! That game had everything. Jump, roll, slash, heal, slingshot. The party member AI in this game is fine, but I wish I could at least direct them to go forth or retreat to me like in Treasures. For Dragon Quest fans deciding between these two recent spinoff games, I can't recommend Treasures highly enough. Even though it's a prequel to DQXI, I had no problems despite not playing that one yet. ANYWAY.
Screenshots under the cut. I hope I unlock the tower of recollection or whatever soon!
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The beautiful Dark Forest. It didn't have THAT many textural glitches, but this tree was glowing.
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Action shot! Except actually my game froze at this point. Luckily it didn't happen again after restarting my system. I suppose that's actually a feature of this game with short, linear, auto-saving levels: I won't lose much if it crashes. Besides this freeze, I've only had to deal with crashes on the loading screen before I adjusted my settings and some lag during combat, which admittedly can be frustrating at times. Since I picked the easy difficulty level, at least I haven't had any character deaths due to lag. Yet.
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The little video player takes me back to the good old days of watching Netflix on my 3DS in 2012 lol. I will say, these segments would be much more tolerable without the ANNOYING GRAINY FILTER CONSTANTLY LOOPING OVER THEM.
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I admit that the little party on the loading screen that adds members as you recruit them is cute. I'm prepared to get invested in the friendship of this trio, at least Popp and Maam. I know there's more Avan content in the franchise eventually, but also that this game doesn't even cover the whole story. That can't be all for him in this game, can it?!
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viovio · 1 year
hi as my saw mutual i have a question :) if u have seen all of them, whats ur ranking from worst to best? or out of the ones youve seen if u havent seen all of them :)
ACK OMG IM SORRY I GOT TO THIS LATE BUT TEEHEE ALRIGHT!! (i haven't seen jigsaw and spiral yet but i know what happens in it!!)
7. Saw 3D.... it has some of the most brutal traps but it's not getting any points for the horrible misogyny really :/ it's the only movie where i actively skipped parts (which were the frustrating scenes of having the main guy fuck up and save some of his team AND BLAME THEM. AND GOD THE LAST PART JUST UGH) i won't lie though lawrence is so fun in this one like he would not do that! i believe it though go cary elwes give me everything (and hoffinator)
6. Saw 5, i don't understand the hate for this one I actually really liked the fatal 5!! and the opening with strahm was just so cool but the cuts back to him investigating hoffman were just... eh! didn't care. the ending though was pretty sick. i love how the movies treat it like a series because they always start from where they left off in classic camera flashing fashion.
5.. Saw 6 (LOL), the plot really intrigued me with watching william's pain alongside him only for it to be all crushed because nothing could change the fact that you run a health insurance company with treating people's lives like a game! and like, what tara said did get me thinking because yea no matter the torture are you really sure he's changed? hes probably profited enough from his company that he could reasonably stop but i feel like the employee deaths would bank in more family insurance somehow lmfao.
4. Saw 4, OK NOW WE'RE GETTING SOMEWHERE rigg was the only main guy i was invested in out of all of them, sucks that he's a cop but damn the journey and game and atmosphere in this one was just excellent!! the opening confused me a bit for sure but it made sense later. this is where we begin hoffman's saga (guy himself is mid but hes funny) after amanda (HEARTTTT FOREVER) and john's death! and even though I don't like the guy himself the mindfuck of this movie and the rigging (heh. get it) was pretty solid)
3. Saw 3, man. ok. Amanda's true spotlight. It's frustrating to watch jeff's segment itself at times but his story's pretty tragic. Don't get me started on Lynn the fucking tension is insane but coming from a guy who hasn't watched medical dramas before this comes pretty close. After saw 2 you finally see Amanda's hope die alone with the lies John fed her it's great. Imo this movie was a great way to wrap up their tragedy!
2. Saw, they've been in that bathroom for 18 slutty slutty years and you feel that budget so hard. It's so claustrophobic but you can see why it's a classic, and rewatching it is just so GAH LIKE YOU KNOWWWWW BUT YOU STILL WANT TO SAVE HIM LIKE OPENING A FRIDGE AND EXPECTINF SOMETHING DIFFERENT. s great but some people says it drags on for a bit, i personally don't mind! The pacing gets real confusing at times though and repetitious
1. SAW 2 BABYYYYYYYYYYYGGGGY🎉🎉🎉🎉 OK AMANDAS FIRST SPOTLIGHT AND THE INTRODUCTION ON GROUP GAMES IN THE SERIES HOOORAYYYYYYYYYY oh my god mandy.its getting so fucking late and what i say here's been said before but *opens brain and it's just buzzing static
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otakween · 2 years
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Digimon World 2 - First Impressions
And so it begins...another long ass Digimon PSX game playthrough. I'm feeling cautiously optimistic about this one. On the one hand, the gameplay seems more straightforward than the other one and the dialogue actually makes sense. On the other, they still aren't fully explaining things to me and the controls kinda suck. We'll see where this goes...I'm about an hour in with 1 mission under my belt (not counting the tutorial mission).
-I had a lot of fun watching the early 2000s CGI intro, especially the beginning where Veemon bangs on my TV screen. Gotta love those fourth wall breaks!
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Honestly, the CGI holds up very well in my opinion. I feel like I've seen crappier stuff come out more recently. It helps that these are digital, make believe creatures so there's no need for realistic textures.
-Right off the bat we get hit with the name "Zudokorn"...Okaaaay. That's a choice. I left the MC's name as "Akira" because why not? I like knowing the canon names for things.
-This game is pretty anti-exploration just like the first game was in the beginning. You can only move a limited amount of spaces in the dungeon before you run out of "EP" (engine power?) and the overworld is a boring map. When games switch from letting you walk from place to place to just clicking boxes on a map, they cut out a lot of important ambience/character that makes games memorable!
-I really like the little anime portraits you get when talking to characters. We only really saw that in the first game with Analogman. 2D art was a way better call in this era for this kinda thing
-Excited to have a turn-based, RPG style fighting system. The fact that we can see all of the digimon's moves 3D animated gives me Pokémon Colosseum vibes. I just hope sitting through those (kinda slow) animations doesn't become tedious.
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-So this is a whole new, unfamiliar territory for Digimon. Instead of there being a select few chosen children, the world is populated by a bunch of "tamers," children and adults. I'm not sure if they permanently live in the digital world or just visit sometimes. They seemingly have jobs within the digital world, so it's like a whole functioning society. Not sure if these boss battles are like everyday nuisances or what. I'm assuming the main conflict hasn't been introduced yet.
-It's weird to me how Patamon is the data mascot and Agumon is the vaccine mascot. I would think Patamon would make a better vaccine mascot since he evolves into Angemon, but whatever.
-I debated a lot between joining the Gold Hawks or the Black Swords, but eventually decided the Black Swords seemed best. I think Sheena's really cute and I didn't like how the other groups seemed to look down on virus digimon. Goth route it is! (Named my DemiDevimon Loki hehe)
-Very curious to see how digivolving will work in this game. Will the evolution lines be more straightfoward than the first game? Will the digimon de-evolve? I just hope they don't waste away like they did in the previous entry because that was a huge bummer.
-Not a huge fan of the dungeon crawler genre because I find it kinda repetitive and bland from a design/experience perspective. That being said, I also haven't played very many dungeon crawler games so maybe I don't know what I'm talking about lol.
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go-go-devil · 2 years
6,7 & 14 for the movie ask
6. Your best experience going to the movies
Most of my best movie theater experiences are when I'm in either a small or nearly empty theater, since less people coughing and chewing means less sensory overload
However, my all-time favorite experience was actually when me and my cousins saw Star Wars: The Force Awakens on opening night. I had taken some pretty strong hits of pot before we got to the theater, and that literal high paired nicely with the overwhelming optimism and joy of the rest of the theatergoers that night (even the 3D didn't give me any headaches and was actually pretty damn cool! I still haven't rewatched TFA since that night because the film I saw in that state simply couldn't be topped
7. A guilty pleasure
The Super Mario Bros Movie from 1993. The only reason I feel "guilty" for loving this film isn't the quality of the art itself, but moreso for the fact that for some bizarre reason most Nintendo fans call this a bad film, even though it's clearly a masterpiece.
(Honestly I'm not joking in that I love this film easily one of my all-time favs I can watch it any day of the week)
14. VHS, DVD, or Blu-Ray?
I still have yet to own a blu-ray player lol
But for vhs and dvd there are a lot of subtleties to both that I love. The vhs is my preferred way of experiencing vintage television programs and horror films; largely because the fuzziness of the tape tends to bring out a nostalgic feeling for old tv shows/commercials while for older horror films often blurs the scenery and effects of the movie which makes it feel uncanny and scarier for me. On the other hand, I prefer dvds when watching theatrical films. Not just for the high quality, but also for the special features on the discs!
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citaro-pheonix · 8 months
Simblr Community Challenge
Just come across this while getting distracted on Tumblr, lol. I wasn't tagged but I love the idea of doing this to get another post up on my wall. Regularity is not a thing that exists for me, clearly.
How long have you been playing The Sims?
Almost 10 years now, properly anyway. I first got into it in school as a friend of mine had Sims 3 on their laptop. I loved seeing what they had built with all the packs they had. I initially got the 3DS version of the game and was thoroughly disappointed in comparison. I found the Starter Pack of Sims 3 in Replay (a shop for second-hand games, DVDs, etc. Similar to CEX but before they really took off properly). Went to install the Base Game but had to wait for about a year because my disc wanted Origin before installing the game. Got really into watching how smooth Sims 4 was in late 2015, got that Base Game and Sims 3 Island Paradise in Easter 2016. And my collection has grown from there. I now proudly have all Sims 3 packs in disc form, mostly from second-hand shops like CEX or eBay.
2. What type of Simblr are you?
A bit of everything really. I don't create CC or Mods, but I've showcased creations using them before. Just showing off builds and sims in Sims 4 so far. I am, however, branching out as I'm back into Sims 3 a lot recently, notably going through store sets and CC in recent weeks. Although, next on the agenda is revealing a gameplay challenge I've kind of created, with inspiration from others, so watch this space.
3. How long have been a Simblr, and why?
I actually can't remember when I created my account but I didn't start posting anything until I'd been on Tumblr for a while. I signed up because CC exists and I decided to plunge myself into the rabbit hole (pun completely intended, not accidental at all...). After a while, I saw some Sims-themed fan-zine posts and wanted to do the same. Alas, this never materialised like most things with me and settled for liking CC posts, and basically sharing what I've created in the game.
4. Which generation do you currently play?
I sort of balance myself between 3 and 4, but definitely focusing on 3 right now. Finally started setting up my new Legacy save file last night, using the Condor Lofts in Sunset Valley for a couple of Sims from a different save. Hoping to actually get through multiple generations this time, with the added motivation of the challenge I mentioned in Q2. I'm looking forward to playing with the different packs and their features, especially ones I haven't dived into yet.
5. Tags? I have none. The post I saw was done 2 years ago by @twinsimming and I'm not really active enough to interact with other Simblrs atm, lmao. This was done just for fun, as it helps you guys get to know me a bit better for the revival of my page.
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seelestia · 2 years
I'm doing good actually! Thanks to you beating tf out of my sore throat- I've actually recovered pretty well by now! :D
Just some mild coughing left, but it's only really triggered when I laugh at something too hard lmao
My roomies are really evoking a lot of familiarity, we've all been friends and classmates for 5+ years so they give me a sense of family so maybe that's why it's less stressful :''D #foundfamily
ALSO! Thank you for answering! and don't worry about late answers/repliess, everyone's busy living their lives irl (i can wait dont worry)
Ngl the only thing i know about alhaitham is that he's got an intimidating face, he's buffer than itto (which is blasphemous), and that he looks like a silver+green version of zhongli lol
Speaking of cyno tho, all i can say is.....I really am a simp for the shorties
oh god chapter 3, oh noooo :''"D
I've actually written like 1.2k words on chapter 3 already but I haven't even gotten past the actual center of the chapter yet :'''D
Here's a snippet of the first few paragraphs just for you lmao:
"Video Game characters seem to be in the same vein as this. The only difference is that the player can actually visually see the characters supposed beauty. The genre has surely made fictional characters easier to visualize as they have already rendered and presented the character through a 3D or 2D model withing the game itself.
And as much as the 3D game models of Genshin Impact were a hit or miss on some of its most prolific characters and its npc’s, what the Reader was looking at right now was nothing if not the epitome of beauty.
Light golden streaks of hair flowing ever so slightly because of the wind. Equally golden eyes with such a warm tone to it that it almost resembles honey.
Slightly tan but looking effortlessly soft skin, light scars littering near his cheeks and forehead but all the more adding to the humbly divine aura surrounding him.
The Reader contemplated whether or not they were hallucinating because of the lack of food and hydration, but they swear they could see light sparkles those black and white mangas use for dramatic effect when introducing a new character.
Aether truly was the protagonist of this world."
That's like the first page of the word document fr, just 90% simping and 10% actual story
Summary of the chapter so far: The author (me) is a simp, as well as the Reader (even tho Reader's in a tough situation rn, they can't hold back the simping)
I'm stuck on how I'm gonna structure the conversation with Aether and the Reader, I already have the end of the chapter planned out but I'm pretty busy considering we have online classes this week :''D (pls be patient, I'll try to post it this thursday or friday fr)
ALSO ALSO, that tiktok you linked in the first ask- that was literally the tiktok i saw that made me ask about how you fet about the sumeru characters interacting with aether :0
Our brain cells just synced up fr 🤯 (pls do send more tiktoks to watch, im very interested lmaoooo)
my baby's finally getting the attention he deserves TvT
Honestly, it's been great reading ur answers my dear authorr, How are you tho? How's the week been treating you? It's not fair for u to ask me how I am and not me ask the same question >:p /lh
Last question tho- do you think their gonna give scara a redemption arc? For me- I just want him to stay evil fr but if they do the redemption arc really good then the characterization would still be good probably (hopefully lmao)
And with that long ass ramble, I bid you the finest of adieus Lia - ever so sincerely yours, 👹✨ jae <3
hi, jaeeeee! >:D
hehe, i'm glad you're feeling better~ but your body fr said "don't push your luck" when you wanna laugh hard 😭 but i know you'll fully recover soon enough! >:)
found family is already so sweet in fiction but to see it irl is even sweeter :( <3 tell your roomies that your online friend here is giving each of them a headpat through the screen, nyehehe (/lh)
( spoilers about alhaitham and sumeru's first archon quest !! )
aaaa, tysm for understanding! my schedule has been clearing up recently tho, so i got time to answer this per my usual time~ and you're not wrong, alhaitham does look like a silver-green ver of zhongli's model 😭
he is a character with undetermined motives rn because he collaborated with the traveler to achieve a capsule that contained the knowledge about the gods. but at the end of the quest, alhaitham fooled the traveler into thinking that they all lost the capsule while he slipped it into his pocket right under our nose. iirc, afterwards, he said smth to himself about the capsule and the higher-ups, most likely referring to the people from the akademiya (who are vv corrupt btw) — but the thing is alhaitham isn't your average obedient underling, so where his loyalties themselves lie rn is a question shrouded in mystery. with such a powerful capsulecin his hands, will he betray the akademiya or will he not? HMM, MY EYES ARE ON HIM. (also, the way you brought up itto's muscles, helpppp?? 😭 fr tho, hoyoverse what did you do to our oni's arms <//3)
AETHER BEST BOY !! difficulties writing a convo between aether and the reader, you say??? i think it's time for your personal hc's about aether to shine! this is your story, after all~ i personally think his dynamic with the reader would be interesting tho! since he's not originally from teyvat, so perhaps, the reader can relate to him??? the "we wanna go home but we're stuck in this place" gang 🤝 (/j)
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NAH, DID OUR TIKTOK FYP JUST SHAKE HANDS OR SMTH 😭🤝 here, have a vv groovy tiktok (diluc jackson /j) and another one about chibi aether because yes !! ;D
AND YEAH, I MAY NOT BE A SCARA SIMP BUT HIS LORE >>> i personally don't think his personality would do a 360° turn after the redemption arc! perhaps, he'd still retain that sarcasm of his but in a more harmless way as a playable character 👀 we'll have to wait and see~ but fr, as soon i saw scara content, i knew i gotta bring it up with you #jaescaralover
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latin-dr-robotnik · 4 years
Hey man, I don't know if it's too early to ask, but would you recommend me some games from this SAGE 2020? I kinda want to try new fangames, I have only downloaded Sonic GT (but I haven't tried it yet)
Nah, don’t worry! It’s not too early, I’m getting ready to wrap up my own coverage and move on (I played over 12 different fangames and wrote about almost 10 of them in less than a week on my own, I’m so tired, I wanna forget SAGE exists and go back to play Fall Guys or F1 idk), and I’m thinking about doing a personal ranking with the games I liked the most... so you’re pretty much helping me gather my thoughts for a big tl;dr after this weekend :P
So far from what I’ve seen/played:
Sonic and the Mayhem Master keeps getting better, and I’m starting to feel pretty optimistic about the game finally picking up some steam instead of just playing the same parts of the first chapter over and over again. I’m no RPG aficionado, but I’m intrigued by the whole setup of the game (Steampunk Sonic loses his speed and becomes a detective alongside Amy and some OCs.) The game itself is pretty hard too, I keep dying from not being able to do that much multitasking haha
In the same RPG vain there’s Sonic the Hedgehog RPG, which is basically SatAM but as an old-school RPG. I played this one last year (I’m yet to check out this year’s update) and it plays pretty much how I expected it. It certainly covers part of the RPG void left by Sonic Chronicles.
Sonic Triple Trouble 16 bit, this one alongside the Sonic Chaos Remake (which I think hasn’t been updated since SAGE 2018) are the two main efforts to remake the 8 bit titles. What’s most interesting about Triple Trouble is that it’s set up as a direct sequel to S3K.
Sonic Galactic. This one is my personal favorite (besides Sonic GT, of course.) It’s short, but I played the same level with the 5 characters available and it’s always such a joy to play <3
Sonic 2 SMS Remake. Last year I played the S1 SMS Remake and was left pretty impressed (it’s the definitive way to play that game), and oh my goodness this year’s S2 Remake comes so PACKED FULL of stuff! Seriously, these remakes are the bomb, and the fact you can also play it from your phone makes the whole deal a lot sweeter.
Sonic Advance 4 Advanced. This one left me scratching my head in some places, since it wants to get both Advance and Rush formula fans together and it does it in a pretty weird way... but still, it’s that type of 2D Sonic everyone loves a lot but me, lol.
Sonic 3D in 2D. 3D Blast but good, basically. Also, being 2D makes it a tiny less interesting overall... but on the other hand it has sooooo many playable characters (like, wtf), and in the end it’s still a neat conversion.
Not really Sonic, but... Mega Man Perfect Blue. I saw Somecallmejohnny playing this one the other day while I was studying, and just the way he was shredding enemies with a ROLL THAT PLAYS LIKE ZERO made me fall in love with this one. I’m prioritizing Sonic fangames for SHP this year, but I’ll surely play the couple or so Mega Man fangames available as well :P
Not really a fangame, but an actual indie demo. I played Starbuster last year and I’m intending on doing it again this year. From what I can gather, it’s based on the Mega Man Zero/ZX series and it seemed promising. Also, I believe the music is composed by Leila Wilson (that one version of Sonic Megamix with my all time favorite track; Freedom Planet 1 & 2) so that’s a plus in my book.
As for me, I’m currently writing on both Sonic Freedom and Quantum Collision. They are pretty short demos and you’re probably better off watching YouTube videos of them, so that’s why I’m not listing them here. For more info you can always stalk SHP :P
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