#cannabis reference
go-go-devil · 2 years
6,7 & 14 for the movie ask
6. Your best experience going to the movies
Most of my best movie theater experiences are when I'm in either a small or nearly empty theater, since less people coughing and chewing means less sensory overload
However, my all-time favorite experience was actually when me and my cousins saw Star Wars: The Force Awakens on opening night. I had taken some pretty strong hits of pot before we got to the theater, and that literal high paired nicely with the overwhelming optimism and joy of the rest of the theatergoers that night (even the 3D didn't give me any headaches and was actually pretty damn cool! I still haven't rewatched TFA since that night because the film I saw in that state simply couldn't be topped
7. A guilty pleasure
The Super Mario Bros Movie from 1993. The only reason I feel "guilty" for loving this film isn't the quality of the art itself, but moreso for the fact that for some bizarre reason most Nintendo fans call this a bad film, even though it's clearly a masterpiece.
(Honestly I'm not joking in that I love this film easily one of my all-time favs I can watch it any day of the week)
14. VHS, DVD, or Blu-Ray?
I still have yet to own a blu-ray player lol
But for vhs and dvd there are a lot of subtleties to both that I love. The vhs is my preferred way of experiencing vintage television programs and horror films; largely because the fuzziness of the tape tends to bring out a nostalgic feeling for old tv shows/commercials while for older horror films often blurs the scenery and effects of the movie which makes it feel uncanny and scarier for me. On the other hand, I prefer dvds when watching theatrical films. Not just for the high quality, but also for the special features on the discs!
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luulapants · 2 years
“I don’t use cannabis. How do I write characters that do?”
This long-criminalized psychoactive drug is having a renaissance in the US these days, now legal for recreational use in 21 states. That means there are even more ways that people use cannabis. It’s still illegal in most of the world, and I will be writing primarily about use in the US, where my experience is.
What should I call it?
Ganja. The Devil’s Lettuce. Dank. Mary Jane. There are endless epithets for this drug, and most of them will make you sound absolutely ridiculous unless used as a joke. The use of the Spanish name, marijuana, is traced to efforts to use American xenophobia to demonize it. Cannabis is the technical English term you would hear in, say, a police report. Your average Joe on the street, though, will say either “weed” or “pot.”
Who’s using cannabis?
More people than you might think! Stereotypes once painted this as the drug of racial minorities, hippies, burnouts, and teenagers. These days, anyone you could imagine with a glass of wine at the end of the day could be going home to a cannabis gummy. People use cannabis to deal with chronic health issues like pain, insomnia, or anxiety. Some partake as a rare indulgence, like a cigar on a special occasion. The vast majority of people who use cannabis do so in moderation.
Habitual users are easier to spot - people who make pot a huge part of their lifestyle. They might talk about it incessantly. They might be stoned at inappropriate times or wake ‘n’ bake (getting stoned first thing in the morning and, presumably, staying stoned all day). Cannabis is not physically addictive, but for people self-medicating other issues, it can be psychologically addictive the same way as shopping or gambling. People can become dependent on it to help them fall asleep or regulate their moods, in absence of other coping mechanisms. Just as with alcohol, someone who frequently uses cannabis alone is at higher risk of dependence than someone who uses occasionally or only in social situations.
Where do they get it?
Depending local laws, a person might have access to a medical or recreational cannabis dispensary. Recreational dispensaries can serve anyone who is above the legal age. Medical dispensaries require a prescription. These are really easy to get, and the dispensary may even have someone on site that can diagnose you (with pain or anxiety usually) and write a scrip. In addition to many forms of cannabis, they may sell glassware, vapes, or other paraphernalia.
A dispensary is like any retail location with a couple of differences: Most merchandise will be locked in cases or behind the counter, due to the regulated nature of the substances they’re selling. They may have extra security measures, like a security guard or bulletproof dividers at the counter. This is because dispensaries are cash only and usually have large amounts of cash on location, because conflicts with federal law mean banks can’t work with them.
Not having legal access to a dispensary isn’t the only reason someone might skip it, though. Dispensaries, due to overhead, liability, and very high taxes, are super expensive. If your character can’t get to a dispensary or has strapped finances, they will probably turn to a street dealer.
The local dealer or weed man is never a normal person. If you are depicting a weed man in your story, please keep this in mind. They are weird in different ways, but they’re all weird. You find them through personal connections, and a friend usually has to vouch for you before you can meet them. You might go to their place or they might come to yours. They may have a public meet-up location (park next to me in the McDonald’s parking lot after midnight). If you’re nice and the dealer likes you, they may smoke you out, meaning you smoke a bowl together from their personal stash, free of charge. One stereotype is a dealer who doesn’t have any real friends and makes it difficult to leave the drug deal because he wants to hang out. You then have to tactfully (without offending/losing your dealer) engineer an escape.
Otherwise, you might buy from friends, reimburse them for a buy they made, or throw down some cash when someone shares their weed with you.
Are there different types?
Yes! There are lots of different strains and crossbreeds of cannabis, most with lofty or whimsical names (purple unicorn kush, hazy sunrise sativa). If you go to a dispensary, a sales person will give you extensive “high profiles” of how different strains make you feel: “This one won’t make you as paranoid.” “This one is a very mellow high.”
Honestly, (and I might get assassinated for saying this) most of it is bullshit. Different strains have different chemical compositions and will act differently, but each person’s individual physiology is going to have a much larger impact, so Mr. X and Ms. Y will react more differently to strain A than the difference between how Mr. X reacts to strains A or B. And the dude at the dispensary is entirely unqualified to tell you how a strain will impact you, personally. Your expectation of its effects and how much you consume are also major factors.
One scientifically proven difference is the impact of different THC and CBD content. THC is the psychoactive component and CBD is responsible for more physical effects. The two major variants: Indicas are high in CBD, more sedative, and better at pain reduction and appetite increase. Sativas are high in THC, more stimulating, uplifting, and can help with creativity.
Whether your character knows anything about different strains will more about them than what strains they choose: whether they pay top dollar for designer weed strains or if they’re just buying whatever the local weed man has. The weed man may talk a big game about the strain they’re selling, and some of it might even be true. But usually, their stuff is not top shelf and, aside from low-budget weed aficionados, most of their customers don’t care.
Edibles are foods with THC and/or CBD. Edibles might suggest a character who’s more health conscious, not wanting to inhale smoke, or who is more secretive about their cannabis use - edibles won’t leave a smell behind. People who only started using after it was legalized might be comfortable with eating a gummy even if they still have negative criminal connotations with smoking.
THC and CBD are fat-soluble, so edibles are usually made by infusing butter (for baked goods) or oil (for other products) with cannabis. If your character is into cooking, they might make their own weed butter, keep it in the fridge, and bake brownies or cookies with it. Usually, you can’t really taste the difference. If they’re looking for something portable or easy to hide, gummies or other candies are the way to go.
Dosage is important with edibles because it takes longer for your body to process them, so the onset of the high is significantly delayed. Whoever made the edible should tell you how many milligrams are in each item. How much you should eat depends on your body weight, tolerance, and how stoned you want to get. You can’t overdose, but you can have a really, really bad time if you get too high. The classic joke is that someone will be warned not to eat too much, have half an edible, say, “These edibles ain’t shit,” eat the rest, and then when it finally does kick in, they’re on-the-moon high.
Let’s clear one thing up: smoking anything is bad for your lungs. That said, people do be smoking weed! Unlike edibles, smoking has near-immediate effects. The whole high doesn’t hit you at once, but someone with a low tolerance will feel something by the time they exhale that first puff. Unlike cigarettes, when a person smokes weed (takes a hit), they are supposed to inhale deeply and hold the smoke in their lungs for as long as they can before exhaling.
Before your character smokes out of anything, the first step is to grind up the weed. The part of the plant which is smoked are the buds: dense, greenish clumps which are ideally sticky to the touch. (Old, shitty weed will be dry and brownish.) These are placed in a grinder, a metal contraption which is twisted to move metal teeth inside and break the buds into small pieces. Ground-up weed will dry up faster, so it’s best not to grind until you’re ready to smoke.
Joints are made by taking a small piece of rolling paper, sprinkling a line of weed into them, then rolling it up. The edge is licked to seal it and both ends twisted closed. They’re smoked like a cigarette. If you add tobacco, it’s called a spliff. Most adults will add in a filter or roach on the mouth-end so the smoke is less harsh, and leaving it out speaks to being un-fussy. Like a burrito, you ideally want a nice, fat joint, but hubris can lead you to an overfilled, falling-apart mess. Joint rolling is a skill developed with practice, so your character’s ability to do so successfully or unsuccessfully will speak to their experience. Joints are cheap and portable, so good for tight budgets or someone on the move.
Blunts are similar to joints but made with tobacco paper - the brown paper that cigars are wrapped in. You can buy tobacco paper on its own, but more commonly, they’re made by buying cheap, sometimes flavored, cigars (like swisher sweets), cutting them open, dumping out the tobacco, and stuffing them full of weed. They’re bigger, so there’s a lot more weed in them, and they’re also wider than a joint, so each hit delivers more cannabis. Blunts are associated with urban Black culture.
Glassware includes pipes, bongs, chillums, bubblers, and other smoking vessels made of glass. These can be simple or beautifully decorative. A simple pipe might cost $10-15. A huge, artistic bong could cost upwards of a thousand. Glass is the most popular material for smoking vessels. All of these consist of a bowl where the weed is packed (”pack a bowl”) connected to an end where your mouth goes. The smoker places their mouth on the end, then holds a lighter flame over the weed in the bowl. They inhale, which draws the flame down into the bowl and causes the weed to smolder (not catch fire). The weed may continue to smolder enough for the next hit or the lighter may need to be used again. When the bowl is all burned, it’s cashed.
A pipe has a simple tube from the bowl and a small hole for the mouth, plus a carb hole on the side of the bowl, which must be covered while inhaling. The carb allows air into the bowl when not smoking, so the weed doesn’t burn too quickly between hits. The longer the stem, the less harsh the hit will be, because the smoke has time to cool off. Pipes are less harsh than joints and blunts but still pretty rough. A pipe can be made of many different materials. DIY pipes carved out of apples are a classic “no other options” stand-in. A chillum is a type of pipe that is straight, with the bowl facing outwards instead of upwards with no carb. A pipe with a very small bowl is called a one-hitter, since you can only fit one hit in it. A character might choose a pipe for portability, ease of hiding, or price.
A bubbler is a water pipe that uses water to cool and condense the smoke. The hole leading from the bowl descends into a small, enclosed compartment of water. The smoke goes into the water, then rises up a second tube to the small hole for the mouth. Like a dry pipe, it has a carb next to the bowl. They’re about two to three times the size of a dry pipe, not as portable, and more expensive. They are much less harsh than a pipe, though, and a good compromise between a pipe and a bong.
A bong is a long tube with a large water vessel at the bottom, usually like an Erlenmeyer flask with a really long neck The top has an opening which fits around the smoker’s mouth. The bowl is not connected but is shaped like a funnel with a stem that fits into a long tube that descends into the water vessel. Instead of a hit, smoking from a bong is called a rip. The smoke goes into the water, where it’s cooled and condensed, then continues to cool as it moves up the long neck to the smoker’s mouth. The bong will fill with smoke as long as there is suction between your mouth and the smoldering bowl. To end the suction, the stem is removed so clean air can replace the smoke as you inhale it. In order to not waste smoke, you should know how much you can inhale compared to the volume of the bong. Bongs can be filled with ice to cool the smoke further or have multiple chambers and twisty necks. They are much easier on the lungs than pipes or bubblers. They are also large, cumbersome, easy to break, hard to hide, and can be expensive. A character that owns a bong is a dedicated weed smoker with their own space where they don’t need to hide it, and the quality or lavishness of the bong will say a lot. Broke characters could improvise a bong by cutting a hole in a plastic bottle and inserting a tin foil funnel. That is janky as hell.
Finally, vaping cannabis took off in popularity at the same time as vaping tobacco. Cannabis oil cartridges are installed into a small vape pen, which can then be smoked somewhat discretely (less smelly than smoke, but it still smells!) with supposedly less damage to the lungs.
Different people react differently, much of which is based on their physiology and their mental state. Anxious people may become more anxious. Depressed people may become more lethargic. Affectionate people might get cuddly. Here’s some key elements:
Stoned/Faded: Reaction times slow. Memory becomes worse. Time perception is altered. You might repeat the same conversation over and over. The body feels heavy. Everything seems funny. You might become hyperfocused on something very specific or become intensely immersed in a story or TV show. Imagination and creative thinking improve. You may feel sleepy or serene.
Paranoia: Paradoxically, cannabis can create anxious paranoia, usually related to worrying that everyone can tell you’re high. The world looks very different to you, so it’s hard to imagine that you don’t look different to it. Slow reaction times mean that you might not notice someone moving until they already have, which can be startling and make you jump.
The Munchies: Cannabis is useful for people with appetite or nausea issues because it does cause cravings and the urge to eat. It doesn’t cause hunger, just intense craving. The intense focus of being stoned lets you focus on flavors more, which means food usually tastes better.
Baked: This term is synonymous with ‘stoned’ but it also implies some unpleasant side effects, like dry or bloodshot eyes, smoke-rough throats and voices, and an oppressive laziness that makes it hard to do things.
Second Stoning: Happens to some people, not all. Because THC bonds with fats, if you consume fats while you’re stoned, it will become bonded with those fats as they’re stored in your body. Your body fat works on a first-in-last-out system, so if you burn fat the day after toking up, the THC will be released into your system, causing you to get high again.
Is there anything I missed? Let me know!
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insanemoe · 1 year
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*This promotion isn't administered, sponsored, endorsed by, or associated with Tumblr. For adults only.
Source: thecompassionclub.biz
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jumpscaregoose · 1 year
opened my desktop to a macaque jumpscare
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somehow I accidentally set my wallpaper slideshow to cycle through all my downloads instead of the folder it normally is whoops
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cartoonscientist · 2 years
old woman at the dispensary counter: yes, I was wondering if you carry slutweed here? my husband and I have discussed it and we’d like to turn him into a real fuckboy.
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gishwitheds · 1 year
Been really sad because of how difficult drawing has become.
Not only was it something I felt good at, it was a way for me to express my emotions. Art is important for me to make, and not being able to make it sucks.
My hope is that what I was able to make is seen, and that I'll come back to a victory with healing, a tremendous feat to be had. This is really hard to hope for, how far it feels, but here we are.
Right now, my arm's hanging out. Tomorrow, it might hang out a little less. Meanwhile, I'll be sharing my past works as I get out of this rut and continuing to ice regularly.
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issanmap-blog · 1 year
 Thai Stick, Thailand
Thai Stick refers to a cannabis variety that grows natively in Thailand and was brought to the U.S. in the 70s and 80s. This pure sativa landrace is sometimes called “Thai Sticks” because of the way its buds are traditionally dried and tied into long sticks. This original Thai variety has given rise to many strains we commonly see on the market today, including Voodoo, Juicy Fruit, and the…
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samaraxmorgan · 1 month
Your Roommate Sukuna Series Masterlist
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Pairing: Modern No Curse AU Sukuna x Reader
Synopsis: This housing crisis sure is no joke huh? Rent is just too expensive to live alone, so you put out a listing for a roommate and ended up living with none other than the tattooed bad boy Ryomen Sukuna!
Contains: frenemies to lovers, super slow burn, mutual pining, fluff, more specific tags on each part
Heads up! This is a series of oneshots and drabbles, not a completely cohesive chapter by chapter series!! Each part can stand alone so dont worry if you started in the middle!!
Status: ongoing [Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!!]
My Full Masterlist
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Sorted from oldest to newest!!
“That Time I Gave Him Covid” WC 1.08k
Contains: pure fluff, Sukuna makes you watch The Human Centipede but nothing is described in detail, pining at the end but he’s in denial
“That Time He Scared The Life Out Of Me” WC 1.4k
Contains: metal-vocalist!Sukuna, fluff, you’re both basically frenemies
“That Time We Went To The County Fair” WC 2.89k
Contains: pure fluff, frenemies dynamic, emetophobics be cautious (no one actually gets sick it’s just mentioned), Sukuna is trying so hard to be nice
“That Time His Older Brother Gave Him A Tarot Reading” WC 1.26k
Contains: brothers au, pure fluff, reader is not present, Sukuna is pining hard
“That Time I Caught Him In A Lie” WC 210
Contains: short drabble, metalhead!Sukuna, pure fluff
“That Time He Got Jealous Of His Twin Brother” WC 1.80k
Contains: brothers au, pure fluff, slight Yuuji x Reader but we all know who you’re really here for, Sukuna is down bad, narration is mostly from Sukuna’s POV
“That Time I Walked In On Him Working Out” WC 840
Contains: drabble, suggestive themes, mutual pining
“That Time He Sabotaged My Date” WC 1.78k
Contains: yandere(ish)!Sukuna, fluff but he’s kinda very toxic, stalking, fem implied reader (wearing a dress and heels), brief mention of a bomb (there aren’t any bombs present), narration is from Sukuna’s POV
“That Time I Wore Red Lipgloss” WC 358
Contains: short drabble, fluff, very mildly suggestive, Sukuna is pining bad, fem implied reader (wearing lipgloss, referred to as looking pretty)
“That Time We Got High And Almost Kissed” WC 2.63k
Contains: brothers au, fluff, frenemies dynamic, use of illegal substances (cannabis)
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Banner commissioned from @crumplstiltskin , Dividers by @anitalenia
If you are on the taglist and not receiving notifications when I post a new part, DM me and I’ll try to send you new parts as they come out!!
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wonysugar · 3 months
puff, puff and pass | ot4 aespa
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♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚. high for this — the weeknd
synopsis : your dream blunt rotation, except you’re the blunt.
pairing : yoo jimin, ning yizhuo, aeri uchinaga, kim minjeong x fem!reader
genre : smut, porn without plot (sorry)
tags : high sex, aespa kind of gangbang reader to be quite honest—, objectification, reader is referred to as ‘it’ like once, oral sex, vaginal penetration, joint rolling tutorial included brought to you by jiminjeong xx, i’m joking, don’t do drugs yall
warnings : heavy use of drugs, like, they’re all high as hell help (more specifically marijuana) both fem!reader and aespa are intoxicated in this
word count : 1,4k(??)
a/n : the fact that i was basically finished with writing thisa while ago and the only thing stopping me from posting it was the fuckass moodboard.. AND EVEN THEN IT ISN’T EVEN ALL THAT I HATE ITTFJHHFJEJF anyways, here’s some food MWAHH love you sugarcubes<33
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“come on, you’ve been at it for ages— pass it already.” complained ning, her voice all whiny. 
from those words alone, a normal individual would think that the five girls in the room, including you, were doing a blunt rotation of some sort. or perhaps you all were just participating in a chill activity that consisted of passing around an object for entertainment, nothing harmless.. right?
well.. yes! you’d be right in assuming that it was, in fact, a blunt being passed around originally. that is, until the other girls (intoxication clearly having taken over the good parts of their brains) thought it would be a great idea to pass something else, another object, one that’d cure their boredom in the middle of fucking nowhere. 
that said object turned out to be your very own body.
“ohh my god shut up—” was what aeri moaned, sharply inhaling air through her teeth as she fucked her cock deep into your mouth, the tip touching the back of your throat with every thrusting motion she made. you were on all fours in front of her, fitting all of her into your mouth, watching your head bob up and down her long shaft effortlessly as you took all of her rigid length like the good slut you are, it made her lose control of her senses. “fuck y/n i’m so fucking close—“
then, to both you and aeri’s surprise, right as she was about to finish all over your mouth, your hair was suddenly pulled on from behind. “ah-ah, too late, it’s my turn now.” was what you heard ning say from behind you in a singing tone, visualizing the kind of annoying smile she had on her face whilst saying that to aeri. 
you winced at the sharp pain you felt on your scalp from such a tug, which was then immediately replaced by the overwhelming sensation by the feeling of ning’s dick sliding up and down your wet slit, teasing your entrance with her tip. 
in response to having you pulled away from her at the moment of her sweet release, you saw as aeri’s face contorted from one of pleasure to one of frustration very quickly, despite her seemingly sleepy eyes due to the ridiculous amount of cannabis she ingested, and keeps ingesting. “i wasn’t done, asshole.” exclaimed the half-japanese girl, clearly upset that the chance to cum all over your pretty face got taken away from her and delayed for another short period of time.
ning simply laughed at her before swiftly sliding her cock into your wet, wet cunt. you moaned loudly, as being in a situation such as this one while simultaneously being high just made you feel everything way more than you usually would. it was like all five of your senses were invaded with different, filthy things, and all of those things contributed to making you feel so, so good. you felt mindless, only present to please those that were freely using your body.
you loved every single second, as dehumanizing as it was. perhaps that’s what made it so arousing.
“please— i’m doing her a favor. she knows this dick fucks her the best, right, doll?” you looked back at her with hooded eyes, unsure what to respond.
while yes, ning knows how to use her length, you were quite frankly blinded by the drugs at that moment.
all you really wanted was dick, regardless of how you got it.
so, you mindlessly nodded, “stick to jerking off and watching how it’s done, ‘kay?” is what added ning, earning another annoyed groan from the other girl in response, before the latter sat down on the couch before you. with that, each second that passed was an increase in speed for the girl on top of you, your back to her stomach.
“can you guys stop bickering already? it’s like, ruining the vibe.” said what sounded like jimin, her words were slow, clear and enunciated.
that’s when you caught a glance of her and minjeong, sitting on the other corner of the dark room. they, on their side of things, were rolling yet another blunt, minjeong was focused on intricately filling the folded paper with the marijuana whilst jimin held the filter for her, aligning its edges perfectly with the edges of the paper before rolling it, twisting the end of the joint and eventually lighting the latter. 
“and can you roll that shit quicker? it’s getting boring having ning do everything.” snapped back aeri, a bit louder so that the two relevant girls could hear her above the music, clearly annoyed. obviously, ning heard and grinned at her mockingly, earning an eye roll from her.
“we’re working on it, be fucking patient, girl.” replied minjeong.
what differed her ways to handle you and ning’s was mostly the gentleness that was employed with you; aeri was rough, sure, but she also prioritized your comfort above everything else when you were sucking her cock. ning, on the other hand, was fucking you like she had a point to prove, she’d thrust into you in an almost animalistic way, also making sure that she could hear every single dirty noise that came out of your mouth. 
not like that was hard to do anyways, with how loud and shamelessly lewd you were being for her. 
with that being said, you weren’t exactly surprised when you felt her fingers lock your jaw into a tight grip, making you face the couch aeri was sitting on. the chinese girl dug into your skin with her long, pretty acrylic nails, leaving very visible red scratches on your stomach as she got closer and closer to her climax.
“you’re so tight, baby..” said ning with a groan, huffing and puffing into your ear with each pump of her dick into your walls, all of it causing you to moan out incoherent words. “oh fuck, i think i could do you for hours on end—”
when you actually concentrated on the girl in front of you, you noticed how no longer upset she seemed about being denied her orgasm, but more so impatient to have you all to herself again. she watched you attentively as she stroked her own dick, wishing she was the one to stretch your pussy out instead of it being done by the annoying and cocky girl that was behind you, ning. 
those two are very close, so it’s very natural for them to take basically everything as a competition.
then, as if to prevent you from looking anywhere else other than her, aeri quickly stood up in front of you and grabbed ahold of your hair, rougher than usual, before impatiently teasing your already agape mouth with the head of her cock, slapping it against your desperate lips before bucking her hips into your mouth, inserting it effortlessly. ning was still behind you, pounding you just as mercilessly as she’s been doing this entire time.
you came, repeatedly, at that. what else could you have done when you were being fucked stupid by two different dicks at once, both at different speeds and intensities? obviously, it didn’t take long before they came inside of you, too. aeri’s warm juices filled the entirety of your throat, forcing you to swallow every drop of it as she pushed her cock down deeper, while the chinese girl's dick was buried deep into your wet, swollen cunt, the perfect view of your spread ass obviously playing a huge part in her orgasm.
teamwork at its finest! especially when the two other girls are finally walking their way towards you, stumbling in their steps, all giggly and jittery from the weed, clearly excited to make you take a puff out of their freshly rolled and lit-up joint. too fucked out to have at least one remotely coherent thought, you let them ruffle your hair and get a tight grip on it to make you face minjeong’s pale hand, holding the blunt in between her fingertips.
still recovering from aeri’s thick load in your throat, you didn’t even notice how jimin had her phone camera above you, filming you from practically every angle before locking your jaw in a tight grip, laughing and caressing your lips with her thumb.
“come on, pretty slut,” she said, her voice just above a whisper, “take a hit.”
and you did, you took multiple, even. you felt yourself lose every ounce of sobriety left in your body with every inhale you took of the joint, if you even had any. so much so that you weren’t even fazed by sometimes having it suddenly replaced by one of the girls’ dicks at times and even forgetting that all of that was getting recorded by jimin. 
once that blunt was finished, they simply thought it’d be funny to have you crawl around on the floor like a desperate little whore that’s trying to get her throat used like it deserves to be, you took them, turn by turn, getting their mixed loads all over your mouth and throat, turn by turn. 
unfortunately for you, you couldn’t remember what it was that happened afterwards, all you know now is that your head hurts like a bitch and that your legs feel like you went to the gym for a week straight with no breaks. 
with that information, it was needless to say that you definitely got passed and used around by the other girls like you wanted for the rest of that long and hazy night.
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*in a teen in tumblr 2013 voice* oh my goddddddddd im sooooooooooo hiiiiiiiiiiiiiggggghhhhhhhhh
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mothandpidgeon · 1 month
Making Out to Pablo Honey (virgin!Dieter Bravo x f!reader)
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Moth's Masterlist // follow @mothandpidgeon-updates and turn on notifications to stay updated with my fics!
pairing: virgin!Dieter Bravo x f!reader
rating: E MDNI
summary: Dieter’s always tried to be cool. The thing about being cool, though, the more he tries, the less it works. You, on the other hand, you’re cool.
contents: virgin!Dieter, young!Dieter, lots of 90s references, cannabis, mentions of masturbation, fingering, premature ejaculating, one ferris bueller reference, reader is able bodied and not described physically moth never uses y/n.
This fic is about horny teens doing horny teen things. It's not too late to not read this if that's not ok with you.
wc: 2.5k
a/n: I'm thinking of this as a Dieter origin story. I really enjoyed thinking about him before he was the DIETER BRAVO. Anyway, this was kind of healing I wish I knew him back when I was in high school. Thanks @moonlitbirdie and @whocaresstillthelouvre for betaing and cheering me on!
“Sweet or salty?” you ask. Your head is buried in one of the kitchen cabinets, rummaging through a selection of snacks. 
Dieter sits on the counter opposite, watching you with a lazy smile. 
“Sweet,” he says. “No, wait. Salty.”
You look at him over your shoulder, your eyes bloodshot under heavy lids. 
“You’re so stoned,” you giggle. 
Dieter blushes. Despite the fact that he coughs after every hit, getting high with you after school has become his favorite past time. You never tease him for it, just put the joint between your lips while Dieter wonders if you can feel the warmth from his there. You’re both well and truly blazed at this point after smoking up in the dugout of the school's baseball field.
Dieter gazes over your body as you stand on tip toe, reaching for the top shelf. It’s like he can’t control his eyes from wandering to you when he’s like this. Sometimes you notice. 
“What?” you’ll say. “You’re staring at me.”
“You’re paranoid,” he’ll lie. 
He wishes he was brave enough to tell you that he’s staring because he thinks you’re beautiful. 
It’s hard to believe that the two of you are actually friends now. He still remembers when you were assigned as his lab partner, a girl that he was equally drawn to and intimidated by.  
Now he’s in your house after school almost every day. 
“Honey?” your mother’s voice calls from the front door.
“Shit.” Dieter hops onto the floor before she enters the kitchen in a smart business outfit. 
“Oh, hi, Dieter,” she says, smoothing the bottom of her hair. 
“Hello, ma’am,” Dieter says. 
You stifle a laugh. 
“Dieter, you don’t have to call me ma’am,” your mother says.  
“Um okay,” he replies. He can’t remember her first name. She’s told him before. Does he seem stoned? Oh, god, he definitely does. 
She scrunches her nose.
“What’s that smell?” she asks.
Dieter’s stomach plummets. The two of you must reek of pot. He’s grown to like the scent– an earthy tang that now reminds him of you. He braces himself, trying to clear his foggy mind for a moment so he can’t act sober. 
“Somebody must’ve run over a skunk,” you say. “What’re you doing home so early?”
You change the subject so seamlessly. Of course. Nothing ever seems to scare you.
“I’ve got a meeting with the Vermont people but I left the damn file here,” she says, picking a folder up from the kitchen table. “I’ll be back late if we close the deal.”
“Good luck,” you say.
Dieter bursts with laughter as your mother goes out the front door. You join him, nearly doubling over with your giggles. 
“I was freaking out!” he tells you. “A skunk! I can’t believe she bought that.”
“I know, right? She’s clueless,” you chuckle. “Look.” 
You hold up your creation— a plate bursting with flavor and texture. It’s organized into little piles of treats— potato chips, Oreos, a handful of glistening strawberries. Chocolate covered pretzels rest beside dried cranberries and several ropes of licorice separate honey roasted peanuts from fun sized Kit Kats in glossy red wrappers. It’s a feast, every bite he could ever want just when he wants it the most. 
“Fuck,” he whispers as he takes in this offering. 
Maybe it’s the pot buzzing around in his head but he can feel himself falling head over heels for you. He wants to kiss you but what if you don’t want to be kissed? What if you reject him? He could play it off as a joke like the one he told in the biology lab that got you to notice him for the first time. Humiliation he can handle but he’s not sure he could take that heartbreak. 
The cookies are calling his name so he abandons any dreams of filling his mouth with your tongue in favor of a Nutter Butter. 
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There’s a big, L shaped couch in the basement that Dieter sprawls out on while he munches on the fruit. They might be the best strawberries he’s ever eaten. Everything tastes so good when he’s high. He wonders what you taste like. 
“Do you like Radiohead?” you ask sorting through a pile of cassettes. 
“Yeah. I love them,” he says. He’s only heard one of their songs on the radio but if you like them, he wants to like them, too. 
Dieter’s always tried to be cool. He has a lot working against him— built like a string bean, a goofy personality. His own fucking name has betrayed him. He got the same haircut as Leonardo DiCaprio, he saved up to buy a pair of fancy sneakers, he spends hours in the mirror carefully choosing his outfits. The thing about being cool, though, the more he tries, the less it works. 
You, on the other hand, you’re cool. Effortlessly so in your black boots and chipped nail polish. It’s not just the music you listen to or the clothes you wear. There’s something in your attitude, an aloof confidence that he’s never been able to replicate. 
Despite his anxieties, you never make him feel judged. It seems like you enjoy introducing him to new things. You offered to make him a mixtape and it sent his heart fluttering. He’s shared a thing or two with you, too— leading you through the aisles of the local video store handing you his favorite obscure movies. Sometimes you laugh at his enthusiasm but it’s never mean spirited. 
You pop the tape in and climb up onto the sofa as rough guitar strums seep through the speakers. There’s something psychedelic in the music that has Dieter sinking deeper into his seat. 
Although there’s plenty of space, you sit alongside him, propping your feet up on the chaise beside his. Dieter’s pulse picks up. He’s so aware of you so close to him, each move of your muscles as you get comfortable. He can smell the pot tangled up in your hair and the fresh scent of cotton that always lingers on your clothes. 
“I like being high,” Dieter sighs. 
You laugh. He fucking loves the sound of it, wants to be a little clown to keep you giggling away.
“Give me a Kit Kat,” you say. 
The snack plate is balanced on Dieter’s lap so when you fish through it for the candy, he can feel the pressure of your touch right on his dick. He stifles a groan, trying to focus his attention on the crinkle of the wrapper in your hands. 
He’s touched himself to the thought of you more times than he’d like to admit. There was an incident when you unexpectedly brushed your ass against him at your locker and he popped a boner. He had to take care of it in the bathroom, one hand cupping the tip of his cock as he came so he didn’t make a mess. 
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“Dieter,” you say. His name sounds so sweet when you say it softly like that. 
“Yeah,” he replies. 
Some time in the last fifteen minutes, his mind wandered away and he got lost in the haze of his high. He can’t remember what he was thinking about before you got his attention or how long he’s been out of it. There’s just a warm feeling in his head and every once in a while he remembers that you’re sitting right next to him and he smiles to himself and then he floats away again. 
“You’re staring at me,” you say. 
You’re close, laying on the same couch cushion, your face just inches from his own. You have pretty eyes. Maybe that’s what he’s been looking at. Or your hair. He likes your hair. 
“Yeah,” he says with a sigh. There’s no denying it this time. 
Your lips curl into a smile and your eyes dance over his features. He feels himself leaning towards you like his head is too heavy to fight your magnetic pull. 
Your noses brush, that’s when he realizes that you’re moving towards him, too. Both of you hesitate there, an acknowledgement of this point of no return— your friendship will never be the same. 
You kiss him. At first it’s a cautious meeting of lips and, suddenly, a crash of passion and excitement. It’s sloppy and unchoreographed but the two of you find a rhythm. He can taste the chocolate in your kiss. 
You climb onto his lap, sliding your hands beneath his shirt. Having all of you there, straddling him like he’s in his own wet dream, is overwhelming. Blood rushes to his cock. There’s so much of you to explore— soft places to touch and hold and taste. He wants all of you all at once and you seem just as eager. 
Your mouth roams his neck and teeth rake against his earlobe as you rock over the bulge in his jeans. He’s so sensitive from the weed, he can practically feel the hot drag of your pussy even through the layers between you. 
Dieter fumbles with the clasp of your bra and you knock his hands away to do it for him, then unbutton your pants and do the same for him. He keeps his mouth on yours as you pull off his shirt with eager kisses. 
He slips his fingers beneath the waistband of your panties. He’s met with the slick lips of your pussy giving him a delicious shiver. You gasp and sink your teeth into his bottom lip. 
Now your hand finds him, coating his length with precum and tugging. 
“Oh god,” he chokes. He wills himself not to finish right there in your hand. 
Dieter presses a finger into your entrance, slow and cautious, watching your expression for any signs of discomfort. You’re so tight, he can’t imagine the crush of it around him. The strokes on his cock stutter and slow as he thrusts deeper until eventually your limp hand simply holds him. He doesn’t care.  The feeling of you is addicting, all slippery and inviting. 
“Ow,” you complain. 
“Is this ok?” Dieter asks. 
“Don’t just finger me,” you complain. 
He blanches, unsure of how to correct himself. If you want more, he’s more than willing to give it to you but it has nerves churning in his belly. 
“I’ve never done it,” Dieter says. 
He immediately wishes he could take the words and swallow them back down. His neck burns with embarrassment. The coolest girl he’s ever met is letting him in her pants and he just spoiled it all by admitting he’s a virgin. 
You stare at him with big, round eyes, your lips swollen from kissing. Your adam’s apple bobs in your throat. 
“Me either,” you tell him. 
It’s Dieter’s turn to stare. He’s shocked. It seems like you’ve done everything already. At least, everything a high school senior would aspire to do. 
If you were embarrassed to tell him that, you don’t let it linger for long. “That wasn’t what I meant,” you say. “It just— I don't think I can come that way.”
Dieter nods in awe. This isn’t the first time he’s gone to third base but he hadn’t felt very sure of his technique during those few encounters. You look a little nervous, maybe for the first time ever, but he’s so impressed you’re confident enough to tell him what you want, to even know. He wants to give you exactly what you need. 
“Show me,” he says. “Show me what you like.”
Your pupils blow out and Dieter’s not sure which one of you is more aroused. Eventually you regain yourself, nodding quickly and climbing off of his lap so you can shimmy your pants all the way off. 
Dieter can’t help but stare at all the parts of you that are exposed. You’re so pretty he can hardly believe he gets to touch you. His cock throbs at the sight and he fists himself before realizing that he’d better stop if he wants to last more than half a minute. 
You lay back on the couch, parting your bent legs for Dieter. He sits up for a good view as you explain the secrets of the universe. You take his hand and guide his fingers to your pussy, carefully sliding them along the side of your clit. It’s velvety soft and warm and slick and you take in a sharp breath. His cock jumps. Again, a wet stroke over you. You set a pace, your hand around his as he makes you melt.
“Woah,” he whispers to himself as he watches your body respond. 
He’s not sure where to look; at the glistening lips of your pussy, a rare glimpse at the opposite sex in real life or at your face, eyes closed and brow knit as you float in ecstasy. It’s the sexiest thing he’s ever seen.
He forgets the throbbing between his own legs, entranced by your pleasure. Your grip around his hand slackens and Dieter experiments with slightly faster strokes, kissing your neck. Your pulse thrums under his lips, your whines vibrating. 
As he gathers more slick from your entrance, you grind your clit into the heel of his hand. Your hips lift from the wet patch that’s growing beneath you. Dieter keeps his hand planted on you, giving you all the friction you need. 
He tries to find a way to tell you to use him, to take what you need, but he’s speechless. Watching a girl get off on him, and not just any girl but you, feels like witnessing a miracle. 
Your muscles tighten, every single tendon in your body wrapped up like a rubber band about to snap. He can’t help himself. Dieter slides a finger inside of you. It feels even better than before, now that your walls are coated in that sweet release. 
That’s when it crashes over you. You lock up, your arms and thighs straining. He can feel your core tensing around him desperately and he thinks he might cum just from the sight of you like this. It’s not like he’s seen in porn. You’re quiet, focused, somewhere else and he wants to go there, wherever that planet of pleasure might be. 
He wants to kiss you, to taste your release and bury his face in your tits but he doesn’t dare move and ruin this exquisite moment for you. So he keeps moving with the same steady tempo as you flutter around him. 
You groan out his name, long and slow and it sounds like music. 
Dieter feels his hips jerk and, oh fuck, he’s cumming. He tears his hand away from you to squeeze it over his spasming cock. It’s too late and the wet press of you coated on his fingers doesn’t help. He paints his torso with his own warm, sticky spend. 
You stare, eyes wildly surveying the mess on his belly, still dazed as you come down. 
He should be mortified that he just blew his load all over himself the very first time he’s gotten physical with you but his veins are coursing with bliss. His head falls back, chest heaving as he catches his breath. 
“I really like you,” he says. 
Your face breaks out in a smile and you bashfully bite your lip. He feels your fingers intertwine with his own. 
“Yeah. I like you too,” you say. 
Thanks for reading! Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated and my asks are always open!
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rottenpumpkin13 · 4 months
how has the soldier podcast been going
Shinra used to organize a weekly podcast with the 1st Class trio. However due to a string of inappropriate behavior, the company referred not to present their elite SOLDIERs in an unpolished light. So they cancelled it.
• Sephiroth once spent an entire hour ranting about the poor quality of the shampoo Shinra recently provided him with. He went on about the correct ingredients to include in Shampoo and how this one made his scalp dry. It was only at the end of the hour long rant that Genesis revealed he put mayonnaise in Sephiroth's shampoo as a prank.
• They "unknowingly" brought in the leader of a notorious Anti-Shinra group for an interview.
• Genesis mixed them drinks so they could prove to the public that alcohol has no effect on them. They proceeded to get drunk and prank call Lazard to tell him they all just got legally married.
• Angeal once referred to President Shinra and Rufus as "the evil dictator raisin and his nepotism grape child." But what PR had a problem with was the sounds that came out of Sephiroth after Angeal made that statement.
• Sephiroth and Genesis argued over the correct pronunciation of "syrup" (Genesis pronounces it as "sir-up" while Sephiroth says "see-rup").
Genesis: You wouldn't know syrup if it slapped you in the face and spat on you.
Sephiroth: Of course I wouldn't. I use syrup on my food like a normal person. You, on the other hand, look like you would love to be slapped and spat on by syrup.
• They got sponsored by an instant noodles brand without Shinra's permission, which happened to be Sephiroth's favorite brand of Udon. Sephiroth went on a tangent about how the brand is the best because they include exactly 24% more noodles than the other brands, and don't, quote, "scam the consumer."
• Genesis got to reading hate comments they receive and made it his mission to respond to each one of them.
Genesis: Silver_Sephiroth_Lover402 says "It would be good for Genesis if he found something else to read instead of obsessing over Loveless" WELL, Silver_Sephiroth_Lover402, if I track your IP address, find out where you live, and burn your house down, I'll be reading about the incident in the news tomorrow. Does that work for you?
Angeal: Gen, maybe you should—
Genesis: No, no, listen to this one! Sephiroths_Wife112 says "Genesis is very handsome, but not as pretty as Sephiroth" I DEEPLY APOLOGIZE THAT MY FACE IS NOT TO YOUR LIKING, SEPHIROTH'S WIFE, BUT PERHAPS I ENJOY LOOKING HUMAN INSTEAD OF LIKE AN ALIEN CAT.
Sephiroth: I don't recall getting married.
• They once did a dramatic reading of an explicit fanfiction where they have a threesome on an office chair. They had to pause halfway to make sense of how three people could have sex on one office chair, and ended up trying to recreate the position described in the story on Angeal's chair. The audio picked up the chair breaking loudly, followed by complete silence, and then Sephiroth quietly going "In hindsight, doing it on the floor would've been more efficient."
• Angeal started telling them about the strange plant Reno got for him to keep in his office. After describing the plant, Genesis informed him that it was, in fact, cannabis.
Angeal: Oh...Well... that's not good.
Genesis: We should smoke it.
Sephiroth: Don't be ridiculous, Genesis, that would be harmful to our lungs.
Sephiroth: We should bake it into brownies.
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telail · 6 months
ATEEZ MAKNAE LINE ★ | Text reaction to finding out you smoke.
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Pairing: ateez maknae line x fem!reader Tags: ateez, text smau, est relationships, ateez scenarios, stonerteez Warnings: mentions of cannabis & nic use. barley suggestive, cursing n stuff note: mingi is already familiar w the use of cannabis and isn't actually a plug, reader js labels him as her "personal plug" cause he smokes a lil sum' himself ifykwim. also refers to weed measuring like "eighth (eighth ounce) and gram.. that ones self explanatory- Anyway! enjoy or wtv LOL HYUNG LINE VER.
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insanemoe · 1 year
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👉 Get $50 OFF your 1st order @ The Compassion Club! ⇨ Coupon Code: REF7BJ2JCPJX5 https://thecompassionclub.biz
*This promotion isn't administered, sponsored, endorsed by, or associated with Tumblr. For adults only
Source: thecompassionclub.biz
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crookedteethed · 6 months
NSFW abcs | r.c.
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
It depends on what kind of fuck it's been. 
If you were some slut on the beach he found, that's exactly what Rafe would treat you like: a slut on the beach. There is no sentimental value; it's purely for his pleasure; he's in and out. 
If you were someone he actually cared for, Rafe would be so clingy with you after sex, molding your bodies together and kissing your temples; his hand often swipes over your folds to check if you're still wet (for round two).
I feel like Rafe may have an insecure attachment style, so that man would be holding to you so tight after sex, ensuring that you would never leave him. 
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
On him, Rafe's favorite body part would be his hands. We all know Rafe's belligerent and loves a good fight, so why wouldn't he like the two things that could kick anyone's ass? (or the things that could lightly take out your pulse during sex). 
On you, his favorite body part would be your tits. Rafe's a tits man. He loves randomly groping them and sucking them (during and outside of sex. Bonus points if you're expecting, and they're all plump with milk and all swell.) It's also just something about your hardened nipple that resembles your clit. to him.
He'd also love your little clit. No explanation is needed.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
God, he loves making you cum. At some point during sex with you, it would stop being about his pleasure and purely about yours; simply just to hear your elongated whimpers and moans and watch your pretty face scrunch into a look of pain and watch you cream all over his cock. 
He'd like how after you'd both cum and he still fucks himself into you (he may or may not be trying to fuck a baby into you), he loved seeing a ring of both your cum mixed at the base of his shaft. 
And though squirting isn't technically cumming, he'd love trying to make you squirt, simply because that's what he saw "Virgin slut squirts for the first time" do on PH. 
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
To elaborate on the squirting thing, I feel like a dirty secret of Rafe's is that he would like watching you piss. 
This fascination was fueled by him making you squirt one day and seeing that pretty stream spurt from your pretty little hole. 
He wouldn't count it as a piss kink, though, because he wouldn't want to pee on you (or vice versa). It's just like he likes following you to the bathroom whenever you go and watching you pee (he even sometimes offers to help you wipe.). 
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Uniquely, the Kook King wouldn't know his way around some pussy. 
His body count is standard, maybe 4-6.
Before he indulged in committed relationships, Rafe wouldn't care for his partner's pleasure, so he wouldn't care anything about reaching her g-spot or massaging her clit, that was until he met you. 
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Rafe has a staring problem when it comes to having sex with you. 
His favorite position is any position where he can see your face; he just can't get enough of the faces he causes you to make during sex. ( or any position where he can easily wrap his fingers around your neck. ). 
Face-to-face standing, missionary (god, he loves this one), face-forward cowgirl. 
But I feel like if Rafe's mad at you, or just angry in general, and wants to take his anger out on you; he would def force you face down ass up. 
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
It depends on how Rafe feels at the moment. 
If he's completely sober, in the right mind, he's not undoubtedly serious, but he's not goofy either; he wouldn't be like Rafe, who's high out of his mind on cannabis, though.
If Rafe's weed high, he's going to be giggly ass hell, and referring to his balls as the "boys" or his cock as "Rafe jr." 
Again, if he's mad, he's in and out. No smiles, no nothing. 
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Honestly, Rafe isn't too big on bushes. 
On him, he keeps his hair down to a minimum, lightly tamed and trimmed. 
On you, preferably, he would want you to be entirely bare down there, but he understands that getting waxed twice a week is too time-consuming, so you both compromise that you have your hair tamed and trimmed. 
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
As I mentioned before, I feel like Rafe has an anxious attachment style, so during sex, that part of him kicks in, which is intimate to show that part of him to you. 
He's putting you both in a position where he can sink himself deeper inside of you slowly--bringing you closer to each other.
He whimpers in your ear, telling you that he "never wants this to end" or asking you, "Is this real?"
Saying, "He doesn't deserve you, and he doesn't know what he'll do without you."
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
When he's horny, and you're away at work or school or on a family vacation, Rafe's right hand is the way to go. 
Before you, he used to watch PH, but now he keeps a hidden album called "spank bank" in his gallery, all videos or pictures of you and him fucking, or you playing with yourself with your new toys he'd bought you. 
Or when you both don't want to drive to one another house, you do a mutual masturbation on Facetime. 
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
He has a choking kink (duh).
He likes the idea of anal, but you guys have never tried it yet.
And he also has an exhibition kink. 
Praise kink.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
To embellish Rafe's exhibition kink: He would do it anywhere with you, as long as some wall or bush is covering you both.
The balcony at Tannyhill, the supply closet at the golf course, the secluded area on the beach, once even during midsummer's in the men's handicap stall. 
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
He likes it when you wear your short skirts, and he can see just the curve of your ass, when you're innocently sitting on his lap, watching you pee, when he makes you laugh, or when he has to mansplain something to you, etc etc 
Anything you do turns him on. 
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
One thing Rafe won't do is have sex with you while he's coked out simply because his dick wouldn't let him. 
You'll try teasing him by flashing him your tits or your fanny, but he'll end up with erectile dysfunction.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Of course, he liked receiving oral. 
But at first, Rafe wouldn't care too much about giving, until he saw how needy you had gotten from him just sucking your clit and lapping at your folds with his tongue.
What he would love the most is you pushing his head down while he's sucking on you because it's rather selfish. You, cutting all his air supply just for you to feel pleasure? How cute.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Depends on his mood.
He's mad= fast and rough.
He's happy= slow and sensual.
If he's in between, he's normally neutral going between the lines of fast and slow.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
As mentioned, you and Rafe fucked in public quite a few times, and each of those times has been quickies. But if Rafe could, he would love to have full-on passionate sex on the golf field at the country club with you. 
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
I would say Rafe is pretty risky; he thrives on getting caught in public with you one day. 
He thrives on the thought of another man one day seeing you naked and stuffed with him inside of you. This turns him on because he knows he's the only one that can take you like this. 
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Rafe can go four to five rounds on average, with occasional breaks. 
When he's in a playful mood (semi-rare), he loves overstimulating and teasing you, and those four to five rounds can quickly turn into six to seven.
He usually tries not cum until the last three rounds. He thinks about gross shit that turns him off until then.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Before meeting Rafe, you only had one cheeky bullet vibrator that often broke down on you. 
While dating Rafe, he would buy you so many sex toys: dildos, wands, clitoris vibrators. 
Your toys were Rafe's toys. 
You both wouldn't use them much while you were together. The primary purpose of your sex toys was for the times you were having sex on FaceTime or sending videos of you playing with yourself to him. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Rafe loves overstimulating you; it's funny, in a way. How suddenly you were begging him to stop because it's "too much." but three rounds ago, you were whining at him, "to go faster, Rafe." or "fuck me harder." 
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He wouldn't care too much about the baritone "fucks" or "shit, baby's" he made. 
You, on the other hand. 
Rafe wants to hear all your little moans and whimpers or praises.
He wants to listen to you say how good he's making you feel or how no one's ever made you feel this way.
It let's him know he's doing something good (for once.). 
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
It'll be overlooked in the relationship, but Rafe would be extremely possessive over you. 
He'll ensure he's the only one taking you to and from work or school. 
He tracks your location on the days you're both apart (making sure you're not with some shit pogues.). 
He makes you wear a necklace with the letter R so everyone knows you're his. 
Constantly groping you at parties, telling you never to leave his side. 
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Hard, Rafe is about 7.1 inches. 
He has one of those dicks that you would call "pretty" with its slight curve and thick veins and its pretty pink mushroom tip. 
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Most of the time, Rafe is the one to initiate sex, seeing that everything you do get's his cock going.
On the days you're the one to initiate sex, he's going to wind up the one with the highest sex drive because it's you!! You want to have sex with him, like right now?! 
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
 Rafe's a night owl, so even after sex, he stays up for hours afterward, unless while you two are cuddling and you both are lazy and Rafe's cock is still snugged inside of you. 
The only way Rafe can go to bed after sex is if you're cockwarming him. 
His body is warm and tingly, and he feels safe, with everything you surrounding him. Nothing could go wrong with having you in this moment, so you both drift off to sleep. 
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cartoonscientist · 9 days
overheard from a young man on campus just now: “like, he asked me to go drinking but I’m not drinking right now, especially not alcohol”
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