#havent decided if i actually want to print this or not
prairiegh0st · 2 years
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Spinosaurus Print
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dateamonster · 10 months
webcomics*! webcomics baby!!! i grew up reading these bad boys like they were the sunday funnies. im serious i would get up early in so i could check my daily roster of webcomic updates before leaving for school.
webcomics sort of feel to me like my generations version of zines. not that both those things arent still around, i just mean that, in the same way that there was this big boom of super creative zine self-publishing in the 70s through the 90s thanks to the increasing access to copy machines, and later home printing, the early 00s-10s was sort of the moment people seemed to collectively realize they could kind of just upload whatever they wanted to the internet and people would actually see it, leading naturally to another boom in indie art and storytelling.
a lot of the comics that popped up around this time were sort of... rough. raw. weird. there were no rules about what a webcomic had to be other than 1) a comic and 2) on the web, so there was some freedom to be as messy or as precise as the author wanted. this led to some real bangers, and some absolute flops. but regardless of how it turned out i think theres something to be admired about the sheer amount of creativity going into these projects that, for the most part, were purely passion-driven without any guarantee of greater recognition or success.
obviously webcomics are still around, but the culture surrounding them has shifted quite a bit. most people who are willing to put in the work of a longform serialized comic In This Economy are also doing so with the hope of being able to profit or at least sustain themselves financially on their work. theres no shame in that! but it has made the webcomic scene more competitive, more polished, less experimental. capitalism at work, you know.
people arent really as incentivized to try new things and dare i say get a little weird with it when innovation doesnt pay the pills. however that doesnt mean that there arent still artists out there who are challenging that.
i got the idea a while ago that i wanted to put together a list of webcomics that have been really influential to me and my own creative efforts, but i realized that list would be a mile long and wouldnt really give me the breathing room to talk about why those works resonate with me. so i decided instead to make a list specifically of my (currently) most beloved, most influential webcomics that i feel like are doing something unique that sort of pushes the boundaries of what is considered a "normal" comic.
presented in no particular order, with all attempts made to be spoiler-free, below:
nasty red dogs and feast for a king by kosmicdream (18+)
delicious, dark, meaty comics. ffak in particular is like this massive sprawling scifi stream of consciousness thick with blood and viscera and. a lot of highly transsexual erotic cannibalism tbqh.
personally i find nasty red dogs a lot more like easy to get into story-wise, but both are just chockablock full of this beautiful grotesque unapologetic and downright indulgent physicality. its pages dripping with every fluid you can think of and some you cant, and its also compelling surprisingly empathetic characters set against a backdrop of otherworldly rituals, cosmic pre-apocolypses, and worlds inside of worlds inside of worlds. body horror heaven lives here.
mr boop and crimehot by alec robbins (very 18+)
if youre at all into weird webcomics youre probably already well familiar with mr boop, and if you arent theres really nothing i can say other than Please give it a shot, but if you havent been keeping up with alecs work since then you might not be as familiar with his current project crimehot. and thats a damn shame because it is all the comedy, unabashed horniness, and surprisingly understated storytelling of mr boop taken to its absolute max.
crimehot is set in a future where nearly every aspect of human life and culture is controlled by an all-powerful all-seeing computer algorithm. but who cares about all that when theres a ragtag team of ultra sexy ultra horny master thieves going on wacky little misadventures together!
alecs style is blunt and simplistic in a way that comes off as juvenile at first glance, and then uses that presumption to completely blindside you with its actual content, reminding me weirdly enough of memeable classic tails gets trolled. in spite of their potential as works of ironic comedy however alecs comics really give me this impression of total earnestness. crimehot in particular is so blatantly un-erotic, with its complete lack of any subtlety, comically exaggerated (and surprisingly diagetic) anatomy, and impossible physical positions, that it circles back around into becoming, indeed, kind of hot. i think silliness can be hot so sue me!
blind alley by adam de souza
departing completely from my last couple recs, blind alley is a cozy, peanuts-inspired comic strip about the day to day lives of the children of blind alley. its also occasionally a deeply unsettling horror-mystery that has just barely begun to show its hand more than two years in. its distinguishing factor to me comes from the fact that the cozy exterior doesnt seem to be there to conceal or divert your attention away from the growing sense of unease that infiltrates its panels on an increasingly frequent basis as the story progresses. it feels more like the two elements live side by side, horror and mundanity, otherworldly creatures and secret conspiracies living peacefully alongside lazy summer afternoons and goofing off with your friends. it perfectly captures the anxiety of knowing that theres something the grown-ups arent telling you, the powerlessness of being a kid.
blind alley feels to me sort of like if those "what if Nostalgic Cartoon was secretly DARK" media theories were actually real, and actually scary. i might be getting ahead of myself as the series likes to take its time and is really only just starting to peel back the layers, but what ive read so far feels makes me feel like this could be something very special.
boy island by leo fox
beautiful beautiful beautiful first of all. the dreamy, surreal visuals? the colors?? oujhjh.. boy island is set in a world split violently in two, divided into boy island and girl island, and surrounded on all sides by a sea of monsters mutants and ghosts, those sorry souls who committed the trespass of trying to cross from one land to the other, or even live outside of either! a boy named lucille must strike out on his own to make it to boy island, but in doing so begins to discover things about the world and in fact himself that reveal an even greater mission.
im making this all sound very dramatic. its a trans story. its about trans people, being trans. its also about surviving the ripples of a world laid out for you by your parents, managing grief for the ones that didnt, and a funny little blue guy named jounce. also did i mention its gorgeous? hot fuckin diggity it is gooorgeous.
vivians ghost by hal schrieve (18+)
speaking of trans comics!! (plot twist: theyre all trans comics suckerrrr) look, all of hals comics are fucking baller and im sure the book zes got coming out will be too, but ive like Imprinted on this one. its attached itself my brain. much like the main protagonist collin has been attached to by his suicide victim best friend and ex highschool bf viv!
the sketchy art style threw me off at first but it quickly becomes part of the charm and meshes very well with the chaotic pace and gutpunch emotional moments. theres a strong element of magical realism that i honestly think comics as a medium were made for. viv is a ghost, and viv is grief, and guilt, and fantasy, and shame, and glorious trans revenge taken form, and hes not even the only apparition in this story, taking the stage alongside cameos by jesus christ, a detransitioners fursona, almanda palmer, and (checks notes) gonzo for a second there i think.
as a disclaimer (or incentive, depending) no one in this story i think is someone you could really call a good person. some of them are in fact plainly terrible. they are all so undeniably fucking fascinating though. and viv himself gleefully inhabits that moral gray area, deliberately and loudly disturbing any image of himself as a pure perfect victim, blurring lines and thrusting both the characters and audience out of their comfort zone. its a challenging read thats not going to be everyone for sure, but i definitely think its worth the read.
(and if this sounds interesting to you but youre not sure you can handle it, hal has other equally good comics that are still heavy on the trans gay relationship drama but much lighter on the childhood trauma.)
what happens next by maximumgraves
if youre reading this on tumblr i hope that youve at least heard of what happens next by now. thee seminal tumblrina art of our time i swear. it starts with a true crime podcast exploring the strange story of griffin and his accomplice milo, trans teen murderers, the latter of which has since been released from the psych hospital while the former continues to serve his sentence. but thats in the past, and in the present milo still has to figure out how to live the rest of his life.
the story moves rapidly, though not necessarily chronologically, in and out of the real world and the online lives its characters frequently inhabit like its guiding you through a twisted dream. its a comic on the internet about the internet from someone clearly well aware of its more poisonous aspects, as well as the addictive quality it can have for someone who has become otherwise isolated from the world.
at the end of the day though the major appeal i think is the characters, how messy and horrible and tragic they can be, which is all you can really hope for from a largely character-driven narrative. to say much more i think would ruin the experience, but ill say what happens next absolutely delivers on its ominous title, and im waiting on the edge of my seat for the next chapter.
preeny has to repeat 6th grade by momodriller
on a Much lighter note, preeny has to repeat 6th grade is a super cute adventure series about a magical little kitty named preeny who on her first day of sixth grade is called upon to go on a great mission. its a sparklefur comic!! ive been really starting to dive into furry art lately, and if youre the kind of person who raises an eyebrow at that statement, fine, whatever, but im talking to the cool people right now so keep it to yourself.
art from within the furry subculture is such insanely creative and passionate stuff, and the focus on this subset in particular, calling back to the early 2000s deviantart xD rAWR s0 rand0m era of online culture, feels so intensely nostalgic it makes my chest ache, despite never being heavily involved in the sparklefur scene myself.
the author states in the comics description that the story takes inspiration from her experiences as an autistic child, and even before reading that man i felt it. what really makes this comic unique to me though is that the majority of characters that appear are based on adoptables the author purchased off of, as she puts it, the children of deviantart. i LOVE that. not only is that probably amazing for the kids, it makes every character feel truly unique and adds perfectly to the overall flavor of the world shes created. there is just not another comic i can think of that feels alive like this one.
broccoli soup by secretpie
ok so i know how we might feel about webtoon comics but hear me out. broccoli soup is probably the first comic ive seen to really exploit the otherwise sort of bland and restrictive format of webtoons, utilizing the excess of white space to enhance the feeling of emptiness that characterizes the protagonist broccoli's time in the blank void they call home as well as to make the sparse use of color really pop in contrast.
broccoli soup is a mysterious series thats a little hard to pin down in terms of genre. a strange little being named broccoli spends their days in a vast blankness drinking tea with their loving yet highly suspicious Best Friend and benefactor, doris. doris has the ability to move between worlds, coming and going as she pleases, while broccoli is only allowed to leave when they are on a mission on her behalf. these missions vary, but the goal is always the same: make everything Polite and Good.
as the story progresses, little by little more friends and more color come into broccolis still new existence. the art style also changes from world to world, which imo is a very nice touch. and! theres music! its an interesting project that dances back and forth between fantastical whimsy and some surprisingly dark moments. and thats the shit i like to see.
thats all for now! though if im lucky there will be many more fun stories and projects to talk about in the future. keep in mind as well that this is like barely half of all the webcomics im currently reading, just the ones that most stick out to me as really doing something special.
until next time yall!!
oh wait sike honorable mentions time
awful hospital by bogleech
the only reason this isnt up there with the rest is bc im woefully behind at the moment. ill get back to it eventually! awful hospital is an interactive multimedia horror-comedy webcomic about a hospital that is. well this hospital is simply sub-par to say the least.
hedgehog's dilemma by mellodilla
this ones still a little new to say much on but so far it looks like a cute series. what most appeals to me is that the art style looks like something that fit in seamlessly with an early 90s newspaper comic strip. in particular it has a strong calvin and hobbes vibe to me. just, you know, about wacky lil lesbian animals living their lives.
ok now im done for real
*for clarity's sake, im using webcomic here to mean "a series of comics that was first published and predominantly exists online" so even if a print version exists, i still consider it to be first and foremost a webcomic. this also includes comics that contain a multimedia or interactive element. if its a combination of pictures and words to tell a story, its a comic.
also my list is probably going to end up massively favoring serialized fiction because thats just what i like to read, but i dont necessarily think thats a required element.
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Progress update
Edit: laptop broke (hard drive issue), so thing will either be delayed a week or A Lot depending if my shit is recoverable. Back up your files regularly yall
Realised I should probably update yall on how things are going! Things are almost ready, just need to stich the book together together and finish a couple things, then I can order a sample of the book. I don't want to start the kickstarter until I have a book sample in hand that I'm happy with.
Admittedly looking like my original timeline isn't quite going to fit but such is life. its a close enough timeline so im not too annoyed just not in time to advertise it this weekend
to thank yall for your patience with this, here a sneak peek of the stickersheets made because I'm very happy with them and also because I just approved the proofs the manu sent me for those samples:
disclaimer: colours may vary depending on how the samples turn out (converting rgb to cmyk, my beloathed).
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[id: two stickersheets, one of characters from chapter 1, and the other chapter two: chapter 1 sheets has: rami (civilian clothes), his whole team, tsunami, inkmaster, swarm, sound flood, and mori. as well as some smaller stickers: a sparkling wave, rami's logo, two diamond shaped sparkles, a small fireball, swarm's butterly, and three hearts with the ace, trans, and rainbow pride flags. chapter 2 sheet has: lewis and sound flood (both in civilian clothes), iris, faete, mindforce, and omen (super costumes). also several smaller stickers: mindforce's eye, a yellow and pink rose, a snowdrop, faete's sword, iris's notebook (with the words "stay safe"), a starry sky with city view, rami's hand holding a rose, and 5 blue pink and white hearts. end id]
also here's the cover (minus the blurb)
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[id: image of the cover design, layed flat. aka the front cover is on the right side, back on the left, and the spin inbetween. designed to look like a corkboard with photos pinned to it, and red sring connecting things. on the back there are photos that are from various panels in chapter 1 and 2 (redrawn, specifically faete after transforming, cam readying her forcefield, lewis on the roof, and tsunami riding his wave. the back also contains enamel pins: a trans flag, an ace flag, and mindforce's eye. as well as the corner of a missing persons poster, a business card for "cullen's bowls 'n' bowls", and a blank sheet of notebook paper where the blurb should be. the spine has some starry washi tape with the title written on. the front has a piece of blue paper torn off at the end with the title on it, and stickers of a silver star and rami's logo. below is a large image of rami sitting in the water staring intestly at the viewer, light emerging behind him. around him, hands all strech out towards him, hands belonging to the significant character significant in chapters 1 and 2 of sac. end id]
so specifically what is left (no particular order):
adding page numbers to the bottom
finishing the rest of the not comic pages (aka the thank you note, about the author, deciation and the bit where im going to add names of people who pledged to the kickstarter) 75% done
character bios (admittedly optional i just want to do them)
bonus pages for art and sketches (i have collected all the art and sketches, its just deciding which ones to ue and which ones to save for next time because it makes more sense to put them with the more spoilery chapters 3-5 specific arts)
assembling these and sending a sample off to print
actually starting the kickstarter (once i have decived book sample back and am happy. i am not starting it without knowing 100% that i can fufill it right then and there)
(in the intrest of transperency: while these are all easy and mostly quick (aside from character bios. havent started that one yet), i also have some upcomign events that will have to take priority. that being a convention this weekend, next weekend, and my sisters wedding the weekend after (and the wedding gift, which is custom artwork of my sister and future brother in law. like a wedding painted but not on the day and also digital. so that will take up a bit of time after [another reason i wanted to get this done before then but ah well])
for real though one day i hope to be able to do art stuff full time because i am. so tired of doing a day job
also also there are versions of lewis and rami stickers in super outfits, they'll be seperate stickers
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[id: drawings of lewis and rami, same as the stickers in the sheets, just seperate and in different outfits, the drawings have been placed close together, so it looks like thye're holding hands. end id]
you can make them hold hands :)
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userholland · 2 years
you're in love
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it's your friend's wedding and you're not sure what to get her and the groom for their happy day. luckily, your date and best friend, tom, helps you choose something nice but you never knew how picky he could be about kitchen supplies.
PAIRING: tom holland x fem!reader
GENRE: best friends to lovers, idiots to lovers (?), purely fluff, wedding date!
A/N: this was a blurb request, but i added more than i thought i would so, i'm just posting it as it's own thing. it's short, sweet and to the point, honestly, but don't we need that sometimes. i know i havent written anything in a while too ): but i have a college!peter fic coming very soon!!!
𑁍 masterlist 𑁍
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Christmas was only a few weeks away, and that meant everything was flying off the shelves from Black Friday and regular early shopping. Just when you thought most of your list was checked off, your friend's wedding gift sadly became a last-minute thought.
Due to your busy schedule, both work and paying off bills, on top of Christmas, you forgot about the wedding gift. You hadn't realized how many people bought out kitchen appliances for their loved ones. Even a simple cheese grater or egg beater... all gone.
"What about a salad spinner?" Tom asked, his eyes narrowing at the tiny print on the huge box.
You arched your eyebrow, "Was that on the list?"
"No, but it's a cool gift. They're salad people."
"What exactly is a salad person?" You giggled, glancing at the other kitchen supplies on the shelf.
"The future Mr. and Mrs. Henderson..." Tom trailed, showing you the salad spinner.
You rolled your eyes before putting it back on the shelf, and Tom crosses his arms. You knew that he wanted to get this over with, but he knew how much it meant to you.
He sighed, "What about... a set of wine glasses?"
"Think bigger, better, more sincere." You smiled, using your hands to emphasize your spirit, "God, I feel terrible I forgot until now."
Tom scoffed, "Well, who plans their wedding two days before Christmas? You should get them a calendar instead because-"
"Tom!" You yelped, "No time to be funny."
"This is a perfect time to be funny. It's distracting you from being stressed."
You could roll your eyes again but instead, you nudged his shoulder with yours, "Thanks for coming with me and being my date. I just- I feel like I've been so caught up in everything. Like... like-"
"Being in a salad spinner?"
"Actually, yeah. Weirdly." You huffed.
Tom stopped you, "Okay, okay, I was joking." He grinned, "But, all we need is to get some kind of great gift and then we drive up to the wedding in a few days. So, we're focusing on the gift part."
You appreciated Tom being able to help you refocus, it's like a quick reminder to tell you to slow down and that not everything has to be a race.
"Alright. Yeah, I got this."
"You got this." He chuckled, putting his arm around your shoulders, "Okay so... what about a cheese grater?"
♡ ♡ ♡
The day of the wedding was near, and your suitcase felt like it had shrunken in size overnight as you tried to push down the top. After no budging, you sat on top of it and yanked on the zipper.
"Is wrapping it in Christmas-themed paper okay? or like it's a gift someone got one of us we didn't want?" Tom asked, coming from your apartment's living room and into your bedroom.
Ironically, you both decided on the salad spinner after running around the store for about an hour. It was a mixture of exhaustion and a bit of hopelessness to find the 'perfect gift'.
"I think it's pretty. It's not like it's not Christmas." You grunted, trying to jerked the zipper once more.
"Let me help you before you pull something other than the zipper." He jeered, putting down the gift before walking up to you. He easily pulled on the zip and ran it around the entire case.
You tilted your head at him, "Okay, you don't need to show off."
"With strength like this?" He smiled, flexing his right bicep but you playfully hit his arm as you slid off the top of your suitcase.
You walked over to your desk, admiring the wedding invitation you received months ago. The beautiful lace borders and the couple's names perfectly written in calligraphy.
"Do you think getting married is as... glamorous as everyone makes it. I can't even think about what I'm gonna wear most days let alone plan an entire day about myself." You smiled to yourself, imagining wearing a veil and what flowers you'd hold.
Tom's light brown eyes shifted, smiling because of your smile, but he nodded, "You'll know when the day comes. I bet you have ideas already... like from when you were a kid." He trailed as he sat on your bed.
You sighed, "Well, I always wanted a long dress. Not one of those puffy ones and maybe, something corny like... doves." You shrugged, sitting next to him.
"Color for the bridesmaids?" He asked, cocking an eyebrow.
"I can't choose that now and whatever I pick will probably be awful..." You both shared a laugh, "Those dresses are always bad."
"Well, I'm always here to help." Tom grinned, your shoulders touching as you shared a look to one another.
Little did he know, you had a quick image of him being the one you meet at the end of the aisle.
And little did you know that he could see you walking down to him.
♡ ♡ ♡
At the resort, you and Tom shared a room for the weekend. Right when you got to the room, you had to prepare for the wedding that evening. As Tom was getting changed into his suit in the bedroom, you closed yourself off in the bathroom with your dress and makeup.
"Do you have the gift?" You asked Tom, your voice muffled behind the door.
"Salad spinner is right by the door."
"Oh God, don't keep reminding me we got that." You groaned, putting in one earring.
"I take pride in it since it was my idea." Tom smiled as he made sure he looked put together in the mirror. He ran his fingers through his curls before hearing the door open, sneaking a peek at your final look in the reflection then, turning around.
"Don't gawk like that, but I picked this out with the bride. Today isn't about me." You grinned, a heat hitting your cheeks as you felt Tom's eyes on you.
The dress was floor length, basically a gown, and a blueish grey. You pinned your hair back, out of your face and your eyes were emphasized with a light color over your lids. Tom knew you were beautiful, but he didn't think you could be anymore ethereal.
"No, no, you look... beautiful." Tom nervously chuckled, "Amazing." He added, putting his hands into his pants pockets.
"Well, you don't clean up so badly either." You turned to him, gently adjusting the knot in his silk tie. His eyes shifted, softening as he watched you fix it.
You looked up, your eyes sparking, "Alright. Let's get going."
♡ ♡ ♡
After the ceremony inside the lodge, yours and Tom's hearts felt heavy. You both sat next to each other, not saying much but in awe of everything regardless of all the jokes you made for the whole week.
As everyone transitioned to the reception, light snow began to fall down while guests walked to the tent outside. You and Tom were linked arm in arm, and entered the warm, beautifully lit tent.
Everyone settled in and you and Tom sat at your assigned table with other couples. After denying a few times that you two weren't together, it was becoming very apparent that it was like a sign.
After watching everyone start to dance, you couldn't help but look over at your friend, the bride, and her new husband happy and spinning on the dance floor.
"What? Are you looking for our gift in the piles of gifts also wrapped in Christmas wrapping? I was surpised, honestly." Tom joked, patting your hand.
"No, no. I..." You trailed, rubbing the back of your neck, "Look how happy they are. I hope I'm that happy... with someone that loves me."
You couldn't help but feel a shiver run through your spine from the sudden confession, but Tom began to stand up. You tilted your head up at him, "What are you doing?"
"Do you wanna dance?" He smirked, putting his hand out.
You glanced at his hand, then him, and back at his hand. You decided to take it like it was some leap you were risking before falling right into his arms.
As Tom escorted you to the floor, you squeezed his hand tight before putting your arms around his neck and his hands falling at your waist.
You both swayed back and forth as the soft music continued on, mixed with laughter and talking. You couldn't help but nuzzle your head against his shoulder when he pulled you closer, your nails grazing his back. It was like being in a moment, and you wish you could take a picture to remember it.
Once you pulled back, looked into Tom's eyes as he looked into yours. There was tension- like a bomb about to drop at any second. Tom felt your hand card through the back of his hair, the two of you even swaying slower.
Before you knew it, your noses brushed against one another's and your lips softly pressed when they met in the middle. At first, you froze, and so did Tom, but once the fuzzy feeling set in, you moved your lips for another kiss. You could feel Tom's small smirk, and he had to remember to take another breath.
When you pulled away with your goofy smiles, Tom tucked your hair behind your ear before you said, "I'm really glad you were my date."
He chuckled, "I'm not just good for gift-picking, I guess."
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misterradio · 10 months
house of leaves has my mind blown at such random stuff. page 97 has a check mark in the corner.
[i'll add random other musings below]
notation 127 references a real book which is even on archive dot org..!!! and it says to check out a diagram But you need to log in to view the book. AAGHH!!
page 119 it is now time to be confused on how to read this 👍
nevermind the box is just all one long footnote. and the backwards box is like a reversal of the previous box.
"this is what happens when you hurry in a maze. the faster you go, the worse you are entangled"..... UH OH !
the footnotes along the sides are just BUILDING NAMES?? and then ARCHITECTS ??????? i do really like the cyclical nature of these notes, one makes u flip thru several pages and then you have to turn the book upside down and flip back thru the same pages. the last note in this series is right at the 2nd page in this sequence but along the side. makes me think of. a spiral ::-) makes me smile.
im just now realizing some of these notation marks are letters instead of numbers....X appears several times (that footnote is on page 107) but theres also like, LL (but if the first L was reversed)? and this one is F (page 122). not sure if there is a meaning here
page 127 guys this is scary
(page 151) "I was sorry to hear he disappeared. Do you know what happened to him?" HE WHAT?????
(page 620) okay i decided to read some more letters from (checks her name) Pelafina and. this is one is. ::-(
okay i finished her letters and wah........... sad. i wonder what was the one jewelry johnny kept from her.
(page 154) i already forgot what these different names were for ermmm lol. great hall and antechamber. i forgor
(page 159) the fact that the stairwell was around 13 miles long for Roberts' crew and then for Navdison its 100 feet.... LOLLLL F--K the explorers in particular
(page 192) YAY JED and wax !!! i never thought id be so so happy to see them again. yayyy. but now getting out is the next obstacle.. F--K OFF I CANT BELIEVE HOW SOONI SPOKE f--k this book
(page 263) I LOVE THAT there are occasional emails from people after the 1st printing and someone says "what was all that crazy stuff in the introduction about guns and blood?" THATS WHAT IM SAYIINNGGGGG
(page 272) this makes me think that the stairwell is analogous to a throat..
(page 305) once again. witnessing the staircase lengthen and groan. makes me think it is literally swallowing navy.
(page 318) im so so glad wax survived YAY
(page 320) this made me get up and start pacing and smiling. like. this house wants navy so bad. SO BAD
btw i did find ouf the letters used in notations are actually symbols bc there is a photo of a graph of them on the inner cover. i dont actualy know how to look up what they are called at all tbh. theyre like. aircraft related.
(page 342) bruh this is new and scary. fhe house's shifting horror now extending beyond the imposible hallways but into the main house ...... what the......
(page 397) everyone in this book is so FREUDIAN !!!! like all the psychology is so fruedian i think.
(page 402) im so fascinated by these dream scenes i didnt expdct this book to really have a dream scene but there u go ^^__^^ im sad the promised third dream is missing......
(page 406) this is some like. reverse tma thing. you know how in tma everyone who gives a statement to jon has nightmare of him. this is like what if jon did something to absolve everyone of their nightmares. huh. (also i havent gotten past this part i dont even know what navidson Does back in the house yet.........)
OH I JUST REALIZED THE SKETCHES IN APPENDIX II ARE JOHNNY'S. he mentioned doodling on any scraps of paper he had like mail and i was like heh. just like in the appendix. OH WAIT
i love that tgis chapter does NOT end in a period and ends with an open-ended sentence that segues into the next chapter. thats so neat ::-) idek if navy is still alive like wtf i dont know yet SHHH shhhh
(page 425) the dread this is imbuing in me. the floors tilting slightly wherever navy goes to guide him along. youre at the mercy of this house now..
(page 465) WHAT THE ? THIS BOOK IS WITHIN THISBBOOK? (navidson has a book titled house of leaves) WHAT?
(page 468) this desolation almost made me cry somehow . maybe logcially its not the worst thing thats happened in this book but the nothingness is crushing
this part makes u turn the book around a lot and i really did get a sense of dizziness while reading bc i realized i didnt know whether the text i was reading was really along the bottom of the page or what... also im still so tripped up that they mention this book by name, even say how many pages it has, and that 'maybe some of the pages are hard to read'. bro.
the song on page 479 is apparently "when johnny comes marching home" which i had to look up but thats where the tune of that song the ants go marching one by one comes from???? u learn something new every day.
i like that the footnote on page 488 is another of those aeronautic symbols (theres a chart of some of them on a collage in the back) and this one means "heavily injured, need a doctor"...............
(page 527) "and whenever she laughs the notes sing a call to Victory" STARTS BAWLING
okay i done YAYYYYYYYYY AAAUUUUUHHHHHHHHHGGGGHHHHHHHHHH i have yet to finish the appendices....
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u and george in a bath. (can be fluff or smut)
this is my contribution for the evening, i havent stopped thinking about it for 48 hours
PLEASEEEE!!!! That would be the softest thing everrrr. He’d be home from tour, and you wanna, like, spoil him and help him unwind. So, after a day filled with his favorite things ( you made him his favorite breakfast in bed, you guys lounged around for a bit, listening to his favorite records and hearing about his tour adventures and the antics that he and Matty, Ross, and Adam got up to, went for a long walk around London, etc) you run a bath for the two of you. And it’s expertly prepared. Like, you’ve thought this through, matches essential oils with scented soaps, bubbles, the works…
You’ve lined up your fanciest products. “Samples” you’ve stolen from bougie places that the two of you have visited around the world, expensive special occasions shampoo, all of that stuff. when you said you wanted to take a bath together, George assumed you just meant like, sit in hot water for a bit so his sore muscles can relax and he can de-compress. Maybe some kissing and flirty stuff which, he hoped, would lead to a spicy bedtime. So, like, he’s brought a book to read, and made you both a nice cold cocktail. He’s surprised when you attack him with your lotions and potions. Insisting on washing his hair for him. He groans, “babe, there’s not much hair left to wash!” And you tell him that the buzz cut / almost bald look suits him and makes him look grown up. He jokes that he would believe it if it weren’t for the fact that he had nail polish on, and not even professionally done. He’d only managed to paint the nails on one hand. You threaten to do his nails after this too, and he says you’d ruin his cool edginess, but he lets you do his hair and apply a face mask and stuff to his face (he secretly loves that you’re pampering him, and it’s not the kind of thing that he would think to do for himself, so he’s actually grateful, not that he’d ever admit it).
The longer you guys are in the bath, the more into it he gets. You eventually talk him into letting you massage his shoulders and arms with some oil, and he sort of, melts into you, feeling so relaxed that he could fall asleep, but because he has his back to your chest so you could massage him, you decide that you have perfect access to his face and start kissing him all over, which wakes him right up. He grins from ear to ear at your giggling, and tries to get you back with kisses of his own.
The bath would, of course, not be complete without the matching pjs that you’d purchased special for this occasion. You guys snuggle in bed, sipping some hot chocolate, with George shirtless and in the heart-print pj bottoms you got the two of you, and he ends up falling into the best sleep of his life that night, his head right in your lap….
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yugocar · 1 year
lovely lovely @eyeofdog tagged me a whiiiilee ago but i saved it in my drafts and forgot to answer!!! sorry this is so late <3
what’s your favorite song(s) to sing/hum?
oh a lot of things. i love singing and humming. i suppose i always really enjoy singing highwomen by the highwomen! its a beautiful song so if you havent heard it gooooo
what’s your favourite flower/tree/plant?
god help me if i know the name of any plant, flower or tree (despite the fact that my mom keeps telling me dozens of them per week) lets say poppy flower! bc i do have a relationship with her strudels and wwi symbolism...
favourite colours?
mhhmmmm. turquoise, warmer yellows, green.
what do you always doodle?
i tend towards people/humanoid things. but its also central in my practice so makes sense!
how do you take your coffee/tea?
almost exclusively drink coffee and depends! most often with a good amount of milk because my stomach is a bitch, but i also drink turkish coffee and recently arabic coffee. i was introduced to it (black coffee with cardamom) by my moms friend from jordan and it was soooooo good. fingers crossed i can find a good one in serbia :////
favourite candle scent?
oh god no idea. havent lit a scented candle in years. i tend towards incense, frankincense is too good
sunrise or sunset?
sunrise, sunset is beautiful but whenever i see a sunrise its always a special occasion. except when i lived in the netherlands i guess.......
what perfume do you wear?
whichever one i have, im not very picky, i just like to smell kinda nice sometimes.
favourite quote?
god too many. but lets just use the painful text i reread in last essay i read.
- where are you from?
- from yugoslavia
- is there such a country?
- no, but that’s still where i come from.
favourite self care routine(s)?
uh nothing particular, i dont really do it in that format? lts become kinda weird for me - the term. just trying to take care of myself whenever i can by showering, eating a bit better etc. i guess the true answer is when i decide to smoke weed by myself and listen to music? its really good.
fuzzy socks or house slippers?
fuzzy socks. i love them but also if i dont wear them my stomach will signal its protest by making me bend over in pain.
what colour are your eyes?
dont put me on the spot like this....:(......i have central heterochromia, so they are kinda blue with yellow around the iris which kinda makes them look blue/green? idk everyone has a diff opinion on what my eye color is.
what’s your favorite eye colour on others?
brown. this is a brown eyes superiority blog.
favourite season? why?
not to be annoying but it depends so much on where you are living dkasopdkpao im going to say winter just because i love new years and have magical feelings about snow
cheek, neck, or nose kisses?
hmmm cheek i guess? or quick nose kisses. forehead is the real answer for me.
favourite breed of dog?
oh god dont make me pick. i dont really have one, i just love dogs. i have one cotton de tulear who is beyond precious and two mutts, so those are automatically my favourite i guess!
do you ever want to be married? if so, what colors would you pick for your wedding theme?
well my ass is going to have to for eu citizenship aspdapls! thats a lie actually you can apply for it via long-term partnership in the netherlands ANYWAY conceptually i dont mind either way. i dont need to, but i wouldnt not want to. for me getting married is a promise i take seriously, so it comes down to if i want to make that promise. i do think its neat to just celebrate with you friends though. you can get married without participating in the insanity of the wedding economy. re: color i have no idea?? i dont think my wedding would have enough objects to have a color theme lmao everyone can wear whatever they want.
cursive or print?
cursive bc it lets me embrace my illegible handwriting <<< just left the previous answer because literally same. but i sure do regret it when i have to read my own writing....
favourite weather?
soft sun touching your your face with a gentle wind blowing. just cold enough to wear a thin sweater or hoodie. the wind cools you and the sun warms you.
thank you for tagging me! anyone who wants to do it is welcome to, off the top of my head @christianbalegf @girlredactd @thebendsbyradiohead @magnoliamyrrh but none of you have to <3
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fartquen12 · 2 years
can i have a zhongli x reader where he makes a tea out of his gf's caca to show his gf he loves her pls and tanks <3333333
Valentines dokie dookie tea ft. john stamos
TRIGGER WARNINGS: dookie, Fart, Nonconsenstual stealing poop, tea, dookie tea, zhongli being my version of zhongli, y/n, bl00d, cringe, she her prns (y/n), valentines day. (will defenitly offend you if you are a mini ravi/kyle)
*RING RING* "oh fuc- OWWAA" I screeched as I fell out of bed. *RING RING* I slammed my hand down on the alarm to shut it off. "goddamn." I said almost silently. I got up off the floor and made my bed. Thats when I realised it was valentines day! I have a date with zhongli and I look like a poop riden child! I ran to the bathroom and took a cold shower. It was so cold I literally sharted. After that I went to my closet to look for some nice clothes since our date was in 1 hour. I saw this brown and black and white box print dress in my closet. I wore it because I wanted to loook like i havent changed since the easter event. I went to the bathroom and did my makeup. Brown lipgloss. pink and red eyeshadow with a bit of brown and purple to make it look like i have a disease and pink eye (dookie in eye dont be an asspiker). I did some mascara and lots of hot pink blush so i can look dead. highliter on my nose eye corner cheeks eyes and a lil on my buhol.I ran to the front door and put on my ninja turdl socks and my paw patrol shoes. I opened my front door and locked up after i left. I got into my adorbs car. My car is a red car it is 4 ft tall and 3 ft in legnth. It has orange flames on the side and black stripes. I got in and started blasting... "IM A BAD BAD DOG!" and I have a billy fartgrove funkpop in my window aswell as vecnas bumhole printed on my lisence plate. My windows are fully tinted so no one can see me and I have a student driver sticker on the back of my car!
I buckled myself into my booster seat bc even though I am 18 I am 3'4 uWu. I looked at myself in the mirror and winked. I quickly backed out of my driveway. As i drove out of my trailer park I saw eddie munson twerking at me. I thought that was nasty. I worridly drived because my date starts in 15 minutes and it takes 1 hour to drive to the resturant he said to go to. Its called "dilucs tavern" anyways I drove at 200 miles per hour on the free way and i do not know why everyone honks at me. I rolled down my window and said "FUK U". I mean it is the "free" way right? anyway i drove and drove and after about 45 minutes i arrived. I saw the man from tinder crying through the window at an empty table. I quickly got out of my car and locked it. The sound to make sure I locked isssss..... *fart* Perfect. I walked into dilucs tavern and i was greeted by the man. "OH! Y/n so good to see you!" The man said. "Yeah! I'm so sorry I was late I um..... uh. I got stuck in.. traffic yeah." I said hoping he wouldnt realise my fatass actually slept through the 50 alarms i set. He smiled at me and handed me a menu. As I read through the menu I decided on "fart lard and turkey" from the menu. The waiter then asked me what I would like to drink "Hmmm. I will take a finger lickin poopy ass dookie as potatoe ass green dookie fart penis poop salad beer!" I replied. "Good choice!" the waiter said smiling. It was silent for about 3 minutes. Best 3 minutes of my life. "So uh. What do you do for work?" The man across me asked. "oh! uhm. uh.... well i- um i-." i didnt exactly know what to say. "Its okay if you cant tell me." he said looking quite sad. "No! Its fine! I'm a..... well um.... i clean poop out of old peoples butts at scaramouchers nursing home..." I said. I tried to scan his expression for any thoughts of strangeness but the man didnt say anything. He smiled. "I wish I had your job!" the man said. I laughed assuming he was joking. it was silent for a while till i decided to speak up. "you have any kids? and pets?" I said awkwardly. "Oh no! You know me I hate kids haha." the man said. I stared at him agressivly for a second because I have 10 p named children at home. I just laughed. he looked at me weird but then the waiter gave us our food and drinks.
"Thank you!" I said to the waiter. He looked.... fimiliar. wait. I stood up and got in his face. I pulled his face mask off as he said "MAAM PLEASE DUE TO COVID STAY SIX FEET AND DONT TOUCH ME!!!!" i paused.... "Y/n????!!!" The waiter said angrily! "XIAO????" I said even more angrily "OH FUK YOU" The xiao said to me. "YOUR GONNA GET IT NOW BITCH!!! I SCREAMED! "WTF!!!!" zhomgli said standing up now recording this.. "YEAH TAKE YOUR TOP OFF!!" some random man said from across the bar. I locked myself in the bathroom. I came out covered in blood. "WHERES THAT MAN!!" said zhongli. "I juST KiLled mY eX." i said zhongli threw something in my face it was a brown liquid "TF IS THAT!!!!" i screamed. "I STOLE POOP FROM YOUR SHOWER AND MADE IT INTO TEA BC IM LITERALLY YANDERE FOR YOU DADDDY!" ZHONGLI SHOUTED. "THA FUCCCCC!!!" I yelled "ALSO I KNOW YOUR A BIG FATASS I PUT A CAM IN YOUR BEDRROM AND SAW YOU SLEEP THROUGH 50 ALARMS!" He shouted again. I ran out the bar so fast got in my car locked it and started blasting "IM A BAD BAD DOG!" while driving out of the parking lot i saw eddie munson twerking at me again. "FUK YOU!" I shouted at him. Then he ran faster than the speed of light and jumped on my car denting my ceiling cuz hes so fat and he broke a window and got in with me "BOY WTF!!!!!" I screamed "PULL OVER!!" Eddie yelled. I did as he said. and thats when john stamos himself got in my car and started blastinf Taco farts! I laughed so hard ive never laughed harder in my life. Me and these guyes quirky lil guyes drove off into the sunset and I hope to never see zhongli ever again.
Also guys tysm for 50 likes! You guys are the best! Make sure to request!
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relto · 2 years
i decided to actually sort out the cables in my pc so i can, you know, actually close it up some time and not have pc and assorted stuff cluttering about a square meter of my room. the old cd drive that doesnt work is kinda in the way, so the obvious solution is to remove it..... except one of the screws is tightened to a ridiculous degree and i cant get it out with normal means.
the internet broke some time this morning and the router is showing no signs of this changing (who wants to bet the wires in the basement came loose again?)
my mom wants to print something for work. she sent it to her private email. no internet... so my first attempt is to download it on her phone and bluetooth it to the laptop (the printer is also network only but seems to work? which also points to the basement cables being the problem). bt.... doesnt work, and i havent gotten around to investigating yet but i suspect the laptop doesnt have a bluetooth adapter at all.
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puppy-wife · 6 days
okokok i have charged up the social batteries and am ready to yap back @ u!!!!!!
so again, ty for such a big answer 😭 i love hearing ppl yap about their special interests, v cool v nice
questions i have are:
why is 3.5e your fave? im only familar with 5e so i dont know much
playing wit tarot cards instead of dice sounds cool af, which game do u do that in?
for ur world building, how do u personally go about starting such a vast project?
as for meee i havent actually played a TTRPG yet 🤓 i have only watched 5e campaigns on youtube so far! but i love the creativity that goes into this stuff & it has become one of my favourite pieces of media to consume
no YOU'RE very cool very nice I love opportunities to talk about my favorite stuff, so I am absolutely super happy lmao
1.) I really liked 3.5e because it gave a lot more variety and ways to make your character unique vs 5e today (don't even get me started on fucking OneD&D or whatever they're calling it. trash). Firstly, back then wizards was making so many books for that edition that you could make any kind of character you wanted to play. They even allowed official material to be printed by other companies!! you want to play the ultimate evil wizard who gives people cancer? that exists. you want to play the perfect necromancer, and maybe even be undead yourself? you can do that. You could build your characters skills to different levels and choose exactly how good you are at certain things. You could take a Flaw, a permanent debuff on your character but in exchange get a Feat! god fucking Prestige Classes!! those were the coolest fucking part of the game, building a character and leveling them up enough to unlock this special class with wild abilities you can't get from a basic class. this isn't to say that 3.5e didn't have its faults, it could be confusing and the math could sometimes really add up. in some ways it needed a bit of streamlining but 5e basically threw a lot of that away in order to streamline everything. If you want a good example but how fluid 3.5e could be, you should play the videogame Neverwinter Nights 1 or 2, the system they use in that game is taken directly from 3.5e. It just made characters feel so mechanically unique that each character felt different. These days it almost feels too formulaic and too streamlined.
2. I honestly don't know what the name of using it is called, anytime me and my friends have done it, we just use the reference book that comes with a tarot deck and spontaneously decide the outcome based on the way the card could be interpreted. For example, let's say you're fighting a monster, and you want to try and escape from the monster, maybe even lure it away from your friends so they can escape. If you drew the Ten of Swords, I would say that would mean that you successfully draw the monster away, but you fall prey to it in the process. or something similar, yanno? but I don't know if that style of playing has a name given to it lol
3. oh I actually had someone ask me that yesterday! I'll send you the post once I find it, I was very active yesterday so it may take me a minute lol
you're so valid for that!! it can be hard to find a good group to play with, every group I've had has kind of fallen into my lap, but also to be fair I am known for being very into ttrpgs lmao
what are your favorite shows/campaigns you've watched? fun fact somewhere out there exists about 30 episodes of a d&d actual play podcast that I DM'd from somewhere around like... 2019? I think? lmao. technically I have a TON of episodes in a backlog somewhere that I never edited but that campaign kind of fell apart and I never finished it.
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playingonedchess · 4 months
i have an essay i need to do for uni. sometimes after spending too long on tumblr, i think, i could literally just go around pretending im gay? how problematic do you reckon that would be? but then i might be expected to actually kiss a guy, and id have to say i just dont find them attractive. except that would never happen cause no one would find me attractive in the first place, so i could probably get away with it. do you think id get a public callout video on tiktock? although i wwouldnt see it cause ive never used tiktock so someone would have to tell me. i could print it out and tape it to my cv. then the interviwer would ask why i did it and id say i was actually gay and in denial and it was an excuse, and theyd believe me but id be lying again. and theyd feel sorry for me so theyd offer me the job even though im shit at everything and id get a ticktock and post a video about it with a link saying donate here to kill puppies and kittens and so many people would donate that id become a billionaire and richer than elon musk and id offer a bounty to anyone who managed to get elon musk to make a tiktok where he cosplays as a 2010s tumblr user but id also secretly bribe him to eat mouldy anchovies every day and then someone would missread the post and catch him in a pitfall trap full of burning oil and fire eating poisonous snakes, except that this was actually what i intended all along, and the last visdeo he made before dying will go viral and people will be cutting bits out and selling it as the new edgy currency for rich weirdos but then ill post a video starting a conspiracy that he isnt actually dead and he came back as a shapeshifting flesheating zombie and he wants to eat your eyeballs. except he really is dead, but people dont know that, and it starts a mass panic where they buy hand sanitiser cause they believe it repells zombies except this isnt true either i also made it up in the bestselling book i wrote called Hand Sanitiser Repells Zombies and its actually about how to piss the largest amount of people off online by pretending to be gay but no one bothered to read it so they dont know that. and then i admit that im actually not gay and this starts online discourse so heated itt ends up on the streets, and then i post a video saying that actually i am gay, but no one believes me and this starts even more discourse that ends in nuclear war. and this triggers the zombie apocalypse and everyone dies except for me cause they all believe that hand sanitiser repells zombies. and then i sit in my room and reflect on the fact that i still havent done my essay and im still not gay. i make a video about it and post it on tiktock and it goes viral with the zombies. the zombies are all gay now, and they also all believe they live in an anime. they decide to cancel me as the only person in the world now who isnt gay, and then when i refuse to publicly apologise they tie me to a nuclear bomb and lauch me into space. just before i explode, i make a video explaining how i just realsed, life is an anime. and its the first thing i havent lyed about since i first pretended to be gay. then i explode. then the zombies decide to ressurrect elon musk and worship him as their messiah, but their cars all explode on the way to the airport so they decide to go with margaret thatcher instead. at this point, everyone is just wondering when it will end, and the answer is never.
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silasopossum · 5 months
just got the notification that my base is officially in transit to the USA, so im gonna discuss my plans for him rq :]
so basically, all my fursonas have historically been feline (once i got over my horse art phase. i was never really connected to my horse sona anyways). i WOULD have gotten a feline headbase, but the problem with that is very few makers specifically sell a BOBCAT base, it's usually a canadian lynx or domestic cat or lion or something. cool, but i love focusing on small details in species differences so it would bug me forever if i put my bobcat fursona on a canadian lynx base. the other issue is that if i DID make a fursuit for my bobcat sona, i would 100% want a realistic base, since her cartoony design changes so often. plenty of makers sell realistic 3d printed or resin bases, however i am NOT confident in my ability to transfer a realistic design onto a base myself (especially since most realism fursuits involve airbrushing. i dont think i could do that well in an ideal environment, much less my 115 square foot bedroom which is my only workspace). i just dont feel i would be able to do her justice... and i wouldnt really want a toony styled head for my actual fursona.
and making a base myself isn't an option because 1. i cant even sculpt clay symmetrically, it'd drive me crazy if i tried it and 2. aforementioned tiny apartment problems. im not dealing with foam going everywhere... OR learning how to 3d model and print or resin pour or whatever else people use to make fursuits.
so i was looking through makers just for funsies and then i found the opossum base by ligris cybernetics / ligrisprints. and idk why but every ounce of my impulsive body decided "YES. OPOSSUM FURSUIT. NOW." ive never even had an opossum fursona before so i have no idea why i was suddenly so sure about it. but i was! so i decided to just make a new character specifically for this project.
i decided on the name silas (at the URL implies) and i designed a quick character on the fly, based entirely off of photos of real opossums instead of already having an idea. this was interesting for me, since i didnt realize how common the white spots on opossum ears are? i always thought they were only black, but most photos i found showed a little bit of pink/white so i added it to the design
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(quick sketch, drawn over the sale image on ligris cybernetics' website. i also loosely based this off of the stylization of my one other opossum character's design. the black bits under the eyes are going to be eyelashes, cut out of felt. the grey will PROBABLY be fur markings, but i might change that to black felt too)
opossums are also fairly easy to design, since they are typically recognizable with only two fur colors (white and grey), and their faces are usually mostly white. it'll be easier for me if i only have to buy two fur colors.
another thing i'm planning on is having handpaws- this will be easy since opossums always have naked fingers... so i'm planning on just buying a pair of fingerless gloves and adding fur to the glove part and leaving my fingers out. will be much easier to wear too
one thing im unsure of is how to fur a moving jaw... ill need to look up some tutorials for this. because i think if i dont add at least a little fur around the hinge, the mouth will look way too wide...
another small issue is that this maker tells tpu ears for basically any species EXCEPT opossums. so my plan is to buy some fosshape plastic and make ears out of that? ill also add minky fur OR felt to them to add the color patterns. i havent decided between the two yet, but i think painting the ears would look strange? even if it's technically more accurate for the real animal.
i also got some fur color swatches a few weeks ago. getting swatches from fursuitsupplies, i tried out baby pink monster, silver lux fox, super short white, silver beaver, and silver lux shag. i like the color of the silver lux fox best, but the texture of the lux shag seems better for an opossum character, so i'm unsure. the beaver feels nice but is too short for what i want the longer bits of fur to be. the super short is nice, but i will still probably get the fur all in one length and just shave it. the monster fur feels gross to touch so i'm definitely not using that. i already know what minky fabric is like so i didn't bother getting samples for that (but i probably will order samples when i decide concretely on what fur to get once the base comes in, just to be sure of the color before i spend money on it).
i'm thinking of covering the nose of the base with pink minky OR pink felt, but i'm not sure if that would work with the base, so i'll decide that once i actually get my hands on it. otherwise, i will be painting it. i also think i'm gonna make a tongue with minky fabric
tail will also be a thing. since opossum tails are prehensile, i want to make it posable... i thought about using plastic ball joints / doll spines, but i know from my longfurby adventures that those are kind of heavy, so i think i will use wire instead.
not gonna bother with a bodysuit, those sound hellish to walk around in. i'm just gonna wear long sleeves and long pants
another thing i an excited / nervous about is adding hair... i want silas to have hair. SPECIFICALLY revenge era gerard way hair
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and i know a lot of fursuit makers create hair by putting together pulled-out yarn OR brushing out fur both ways... but i don't like how that looks. since if were meant to believe that a plush in the case of a fursuit tail is flesh, and fur is their actual skin/fur... then it's just like... amorphous globosus... or a gigantic skin tag / tumor... TO ME... many fursuits make this look amazing don't get me wrong but i just couldnt get it out of my head if it was on my own suit. so i decided that i'm going to try and weft the hair, like in this tutorial? https://www.tiktok.com/@chaoticreations/video/7334668616350092577 (sorry for tiktok link, i know this creator uploads to youtube but i couldn't find the short) and this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vo4FCmT1DP8 i'm thinking that depending on how i'm able to fur the head, i might be able to make a kind of wig thing that magnets on? i don't want to add the hair directly onto the head in case it looks like shit and i get tired of it, so i want it easily removable. might use velcro instead... also want it really long in the back.
i also got the eye mesh pre-installed on the head by the maker. which will be easy for me if i like it... however i DID request slit pupils and i'm second guessing that decision right now. i'm also unsure if i shouldve made them green instead of grey... but i guess i'll see it once it arrives :]
i also was JUST barely in the sizing for a "small" size head according to this maker, but just to be safe i ordered a "medium" size head instead. if it's to big (which it probably will be), i'm going to add foam inside, which will probably make it more comfortable anyways. iirc you can also use foam to hide the hinges in moving jaws? so i can just use the foam for that too. not sure yet.
and i already have sandpaper and stuff for sanding down the 3d print. just gotta wait for it to arrive... probably a month since it's gonna go from poland to the usa... if it gets lost in shipping i WILL cry (since mail people love to just not deliver to my apartment complex. because apartments are haaaaaaaard to deliver to (even though all the doors are easily accessible from the street with no key necessary)...)
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uus-haru-memoryblog · 8 months
I got myself a few dolls and am making stuff for em.
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So i saw a video where someone was making a nice fancy box for their doll and i wanted to mine to have one as well. but a normal box .. nah i want something fun - so i put the fun in funeral and decided to them coffins. Actually i wanted to make a big one for my big 1/3 doll but it came out too small ad i dont think i have long enough cardboard. And then i realized i could just make one for my 1/6 doll and id have plenty of cardboard.
So I modeled the coffin in blender, removed unnecessary parts, and used the paper export to get a paper pattern. Then I printed and taped the paper pattern and traced all the necessary parts onto a cardboard box. havent cut em out jet.
I used a cardboard box i got from a local grocery store. On the last picture there is my first attempt for my big doll but it is a few centimeter short and the doll barely fits inside if i bend her knees.
I might make a simple box insted, unless i fugure out how to fix it
For this project i didnt really use any guides or tutorials and am just figuring out how to do thing in the work - its just a special shaped paper mache project. i did look up on google what coffins look like and then i made up a desing on my own. i still have to figure out how im gonna decorate it.
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fraener · 10 months
everything is ending. last day of the quarter for me was yesterday, and that same evening my grandmother told me she put the mountain house on the market a few weeks ago. i had been dreaming about it a lot but didnt know why, now i think i know. i want to try really hard to go and see it one last time, pack up my things. i hate that my lives end and end in this life. there is no way to go back to the things that dont exist anymore, or even to the things that do. my grandparents have gotten very good at loss. i wonder if ill be as good at it as them when im their age, but i doubt it. theyve crossed oceans, ive barely left the front door. this was my last first quarter of a schoolyear in college. i dont know how four years have passed. i dont know how i am still surviving this terrible plague, all this terrible loss, and my terrible loneliness. i can feel how far i am from myself under the rubble of trying to do well in school above all else. ive stopped painting and drawing, ive stopped making music, ive stopped cooking for the most part, ive stopped leaving my house for more than a 4 block radius unless im in h's car. my life has gotten very small and parts of it keep dying. i havent decided today if its cruel that i have to live so many lifetimes in my one life, or if its a good thing. all i know today is that i want to be outlasted by the things i love.
here is a preliminary list of the things i want to bring with me from the house:
-the pillows and comforter on my bed(wish i could have the mattress too its so comfortable and has barely been used) -the flying tiger in the main floor bathroom -the lizard mugs -a lot of the other dishes too actually -a bunch of the books, especially gerald durrell -bones from the bones box on the porch -the little yellow backpack we used to hike with -the towels, one from each bathroom set -the contents of my desk drawers -the guitar and banjo -some of the spice racks in the kitchen -some of the pots and pans
if i could id take the copper sink basin, the saltillo tiles with the dog prints in them, almost all of the furniture which is monolithic and ancient, the sound of the nighthawks and bluebirds and elk, the wild irises and aspen, the mariposa lilies, the smell of deer droppings and all of the parts of my heart i left there over the years
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corosive-yuri · 1 year
Trying to decide what to spend my time on is hard. I want to do my art and I'll get drawn in for a bit and start a project I'm super excited for but then I get distracted by something else that would be cool to draw.
The past few weeks I've started idk how many drawings, some I've finished, most that I have yet to finish.
Started a clay sculpture I was super excited to make but is now sitting in my clay drawer on my desk, waiting to be completed.
Planned to finally print some stickers I had made the design for forever ago. Never did it.
And this is ignoring the fact that I was trying to finish Yakuza:like a dragon before I got distracted by drawing and now I havent touched it in weeks.
It's like I can never focus on the things I want to focus on long enough to actually finish em. How do you choose what to do when there's so many fun things to play/create??
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miyasann · 2 years
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ANN ANN MY BELOVED ANN <3 sending all of these back @ u bc i remember seeing that u journal and just SQUEALING in delight bc <333333333333 i love u so much
MY DARLING MILO i love that we're journalling buddies (hasnt journalled in five months) 🫶🏼🫶🏼 I LOVE YOU I HOPE YOURE DOING WELL!!!
ALSO some time back i got the idea to start a genshin journal and was all excited and wanted to tell you but till now i havent actually started bc i needed print out pictures to actually use but i only got round to compiling the pictures yesterday HFBDJBDBS SO in other words i will show you once i actually get to journalling 😔 but i already decided to use a traveller's notebook and have the covers decorated so now i just need to,, start journalling HCBDJSN
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