#having a null honestly sounds so fucking comfortable to me ever since i learned about it long ago
skeletalheartattack · 2 years
Hi the tags on your reblog about nullification make a lot of sense to me! I don’t think it’s weird to want that. I don’t know if it’s possible but I’m no scientist. You’re not alone and I’m not even saying that as an asexual <3 it’s much to think about even if it only exists in thoughts it can lead on a journey
thank you so much honestly 🌺🍀🌹🌸!! ive had someone dm me about nullification and that it's definitely possible to surgically do what i'd want done, and it honestly makes me feel so nice knowing that some day i'd be able to realistically fix my bottom dysphoria the way i'd want it done. it's not something i'd be able to achieve anytime soon but... it's validating knowing that it's able to be done and in the way i'd want it.
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edelmansgirl11-blog · 7 years
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Jaime Edelman "You're gonna' sleep. Jill and i are gonna' do the baby making."
Alexandra Edelman "FUCK THAT."
Jaime Edelman "Seriously though...you're going to sleep."
Alexandra Edelman "Seriously though, I am fucking not. I'm wide awake!"
Jaime Edelman "Lay down and you'll get tired."
Alexandra Edelman "Jaaaaay. I'm not tired though," she stated, her hand taking his as she led him to the bedroom of the suite where she was climbing onto the bed. Standing on the bed, a smirk took her lips as she jumped like a child, proving she had the energy of one as well.
Jaime Edelman Watching her jumping on the bed, eyes following her for each action rendering her higher and lower. Waiting until she had just barely landed before he gripped her ankles. Sweeping her feet on out from under her before crawling ontop of her for the pin. Hooking her leg for dramatics and hoping she'd keep her shoulders down. "One...two..."
Alexandra Edelman As she jumped there before him, she found herself on her back all at once as he drew over her, pinning her to the bed beneath them. Hearing him count off, her eyes widened as she threw all of her strength into her left arm where she'd lift her shoulder from the bed, smirking as she met his eyes. "Turns out the actress has learned a little along her way," she teased, knowing he had the ability to fully pin her as he had her in strength entirely, and yet she'd take that little win for herself. "This your way of telling me you wanna fuck Alessia Chance tonight?" she asked, a smirk finding her lips.
Jaime Edelman Hand reaching to guide her shoulder back as his hand found her upper arm, attempting to hold her shoulders down despite the awkwardness of the position as his torso laid horizontal across hers laying vertically. Still not done with his attempt yet as he shook his head. "Nah, but I'll sleep with her. Like sleep sleep."
Alexandra Edelman Feeling him attempting the pin once more, his focus was noted as she attempted lifting that shoulder, failing as she'd shift to the other, using every muscle in her body to achieve it, though he'd gotten her this time. "No one wants to /sleep/ with Alessia Chance. Have you even seen the show?" she teased, knowing damned well he had as he had previously confessed to doing things while watching the show, much to her approval.
Jaime Edelman Laying back against her as he had won as his head found the bed and she was pinned somewhere underneath of him. Hearing her question as he glanced over to his side towards her. "Yeah, but I couldn't exactly hear it."
Alexandra Edelman As he looked over towards her, she remained pinned there beneath him, not in a position to sleep, and therefore she'd allow it. "What do you mean you couldn't hear it? You turned off the volume?" she asked, not thinking the man was capable with how much he raved over her voice for him to have actually muted the part she thought he loved most about her, aside from her ass.
Jaime Edelman "No, you can't hear anything over this." pressing just his palms together to illustrate the sound, one familiar to her, he was sure. Smirking softly all the while as he seemed to have lost her and still wasn't sure if he'd recover her.
Alexandra Edelman Pushing her hips upwards, as though to try to move the man and find her rightful place over him, she would need his help to manage it, though she wasn't overly counting on it either. "Jaime, have you ever actually /watched/ an episode without your hand in your pants?" she asked, wondering now if the man had ever actually seen his wife act.
Jaime Edelman Not moving as it just moved him as she pushed her hips up. Knowing what she'd do afterward as he rendered her question. "No clue." he'd confess with a smirk which would suggest he did and the answer was no
Alexandra Edelman Cutting her eyes towards him, she wasn't sure what to make of that answer, and yet she wouldn't push the topic either. Bringing one hand to his side, her fingertips tracing against the man's clothed back, she'd find a way to get him off of her one way or another as her hand slipped beneath the shirt he wore, seeking the waist of his jeans where her hand was slipping beneath, seeking his flesh. "I promise it's better with my hand in your pants," she assured.
Jaime Edelman "Noooo..." reaching for his wrist as he wanted the woman to sleep. She needed her energy and her strength as his hand swept up her forearm. "Sleep."
Alexandra Edelman Feeling his hand there to her wrist, stopping her, she had to smirk. The man loved her, there was no doubt about it, and it was in moments like these that she'd see it the loudest. Offering a soft hum of her lips, she'd nod her head gently, giving in to his will and agreeing to rest. "I just need to get a pill from my bag," she confessed as it would help her to sleep. "And to get out of these clothes and into something more comfortable," she continued, not being facetious in the slightest for once in her life.
Jaime Edelman Hearing the sincerity in her notion as he knew the difference by now, he'd lean up to roll off of her. Rolling beside her like a normal person for once as he'd let her up to do what she needed to do with no concern as to his own comfort.
Alexandra Edelman Making her way off the bed, she'd glance over to him as he laid there in his jeans, shaking her head. "I promise I won't touch you if you undress," she assured, only able to imagine his hesitation was in protecting his wife and her temptations of him. "However, do not be surprised if I wake up at 6 in the morning, fuck you, and then go to that meeting with my parents with you deep within me," she stated honestly with a smirk there to her lips as she drew off her shirt, tossing it to the floor before she was unfastening her jeans and guiding them down.
Jaime Edelman "I know you won't." Stealing a few of the decorative pillows from the top of the bed, he'd lay them down the center of the bed as a clear division. A pillow fort to protect himself before he heard her comment. Growling low. "Oh come on, that's not even fair." He complained honestly.
Alexandra Edelman As he built his fort, her eyes grew wide as she looked to him, shocked that he'd even act as though he wouldn't be holding her that night. "I don't know what you are saying isn't fair, but you thinking you are not going to let me at my spot is absolute bullshit," she stated as she turned around, bending over to turn the suitcase on its side, unzipping it and leaving it on the floor where she'd sift through to find something to sleep in if he wasn't going to fuck her to sleep.
Jaime Edelman Smirks as she got sassy on him while watching her, eyes to hers upon her return to see what she'd do about it. She had shown time and time again to be his match in everyway and knew better than to overestimate her.
Alexandra Edelman As she sifted through the suitcase, she'd stand back up, turning to look at him without any attempt at putting something on over her bra and panties. "Jay?" she asked, demanding his attention be drawn to her as though it could be anywhere else. "It appears that I did not pack anything to sleep in, seeing as I haven't worn something to bed since... well... I don't remember when," she confessed, bringing her hands behind her back where she'd unhook her bra and let it fall from her to the floor before her hands were finding the sides of her panties, lowering them down as well.
Jaime Edelman Eyes to hers as he heard her dilemma. Watching her solve it as he exhaled low. Knowing it would take everything in him now to pull this off. A soft nod. "Well, why change tradition."
Alexandra Edelman Leaving her garments there on the floor, she took a step towards his side of the bed where he had not sufficiently built his fort to surround himself. Drawing one leg up to the bed, she found a position on the very edge where she would take up a place there beside him, trusting the strength of his arm not to let her fall. "You should probably move over," she offered, ruling his fort null and void.
Jaime Edelman Hearing her mentioning moving over, he'd smirk softly. Having to kick over his fort as he managed to draw over while keeping her supported in the other arm. Quickly realizing the fort had been to protect her and not him at all.
Alexandra Edelman As he moved over, she would do so as well, moving with him seamlessly until he settled into a place to the center of the bed. Bringing her hand to his lower abdomen, she unfastened his jeans, seeking to make the man more comfortable, innocent for once.
Jaime Edelman "Care.Ful." He warned, suddenly two different words as he felt her at his jeans. Eyeing the woman as his hand would reach up. Fingers gently brushing through her hair as his arm wrapped around her. Lips to her forehead.
Alexandra Edelman Feeling his fingers draw through her hair, followed by his kiss to her forehead, she smirked as her fingers drew at his zipper. "I'm always care.ful." She stated in return, her hand finding the side of his jeans to draw them down one side at a time, realizing a moment too late that she never did take her pill.
Jaime Edelman "Lies." He accused as he'd lean his hips up to help her. His own hands slipping down to push them down his knees before his feet would take over the task of kicking them off the bed.
Alexandra Edelman As he helped her with the removal of those jeans, she drew back slightly to allow him the space to do so as her kiss found his cheek. "I am. I'm careful to always make sure my man is satisfied. I'm careful to always shield my teeth. I'm careful. See." She offered, a smirk to her lips as her hand found the waist of his boxers, going above and beyond in her endeavor to find him comfortable.
Jaime Edelman "Alex." He warned, feeling her at his boxers. "Alex." He repeated, eyeing her with a raised brow. "You're going to get us both in trouble."
Alexandra Edelman "I'm not going to be in any trouble," she commented honestly as she drew down against his boxers, seeing them to his thighs. "Are you feeling like you are in trouble?" She asked, a smirk there at her lips as she was left to wonder if the man could truly resist her.
Jaime Edelman "I am in trouble. This is trouble." Gesturing between the two with no partial coverage at all. This was the definition of trouble.
Alexandra Edelman With a smirk to her features, she knew it was trouble, considering what he wanted her to be doing here, yet it wasn't trouble based on what she wanted to be doing. "I don't know if I'd consider it trouble, Jay. Think of it as... progress," she pointed out as she relieved the man of his boxers before her hands were finding the lower hem of his shirt.
Jaime Edelman "Easy for you to say." He pointed out as he lifted his arms. As she didn't have something that grew twice over in size at the sight of something attractive, much less his wife.
Alexandra Edelman Drawing one leg over him, she'd find a place against him as she so often did, working that shirt up and over his head, withdrawing it from him entirely and leaving it on the bed where she had laid just a moment before. Leaning down, she pressed a kiss to his chest as her hands found his sides, only able to wonder how strongly he felt about her getting some sleep now.
Jaime Edelman Watching her carefully as he knew the difference between her gentle kiss and her hungry kiss. She was treading dangerous ground with him as he was quite able to detect intent. Feeling her to his sides to boot as his eyes followed her.
Alexandra Edelman Pressing her lips there to his chest, a trail of kisses found the side of his neck as her hands remained there to his sides. Humming softly, she found the taste of his skin there to the side of his neck. "Still want me to go to sleep?" she asked, feeling him there against her inner thigh.
Jaime Edelman "I do, actually." he pointed out as the woman had to be exhausted and had much to do over the next few days. Whereas, he had a hotel wall to stare at as he felt her thigh over him allowing his hand down the back of her knee.
Alexandra Edelman Feeling his hand to the back of her knee, she whined against the side of his neck. "Then fuck me to sleep," she whispered, her lips finding the side of his neck once again, knowing it was about the only way she'd be going to sleep without taking that sleeping pill. Sleep wasn't kind to the woman, never settling in on her for too long, yet she'd found the purest cure to it in the world there in her husband.
Jaime Edelman "How are you even horny right now, woman?" a tone of amazement as nothing had even happened between the two to inspire it. Not that he was complaining but it was still rather funny. "Or...is it that or you just don't want to take that pill?" piecing things together slowly.
Alexandra Edelman The truth was, nothing had to inspire anything there. She was simply and endlessly attracted to her husband and not a full three hours could pass without her wanting him again. It was what it was and she saw it as no problem at all. Humming there to the side of his neck, she drew back to meet his eyes as she shook her head no. "I'll take the pill. I just forgot when I was up to get it. And maybe I like you far more than any drug," she added, a nod of her head to follow.
Jaime Edelman "Yeah, because you were too busy teasing me." he reminded her, as karma /did/ have its benefits at times. Meeting her eyes as his hand would take to the side of her face. Fingers curling against the back of her neck. Thumb affectionately to her jawline.
Alexandra Edelman "Mayyybe," she confessed, a smirk finding her lips as she felt his hand there to the side of her face. Drawing in a slow breath, she leaned into him, her lips finding his where she'd offer him a soft kiss, not truly seeking to start anything there as she'd given it a solid effort and asked for what she had, leaving it to him in what manner he'd wish his wife to go to sleep.
Jaime Edelman Feeling her lips gently to his where he'd return her kiss, nose gently nudged to hers. "and you can't just lay with me and try to fall asleep that way?" he asked, making sure he understood this woman's impediment with sleep without making it sound like he was overly concerned as he was truly just trying to understand.
Alexandra Edelman "I'm not tired," she reminded him as she had previously stated upon arriving at the room in the first place. "But I /could/ be tired if someone got all of this energy out of me," she added, her smirk not far behind as she stole his lips once again, this time with a bit more there behind her kiss.
Jaime Edelman "How are not tired?" unable to fathom how that was even possible before her lips found his. Escalating steadily and he could feel it in her even as his fingers grazed the hairline to the back of her head.
Alexandra Edelman Feeling his touch there within her own hair, she sealed her kiss to his before resting her head there against his chest. "I don't know. I just have this energy like, I need to do something. Jump on the bed. Fuck my husband. Solve world peace. Something. It's like this every time I know it's time to go to sleep. I swear I'm an eight year old sometimes. I don't want to go to bed. I don't want to miss anything," she confessed, attempting to give insight where even she lacked it as it had just always been this way for as long as she could remember. She'd sleep ultimately, but never for long, and never enough to truly feel refreshed. "I'd rather be with you than to sleep."
Jaime Edelman "You need sleep to do all that though." he'd remind her, knowing his brain would literally shut down on him at a certain point as this was truly the only option. Reaching out to drag the blanket up her and subsequently himself as his fingers trailed to the back of her neck where he was gently massaging against her.
Alexandra Edelman It would take her a moment to realize what he was doing there as he drew up the blanket and his fingertips found the back of her neck. Sighing softly, there was a release there in his fingertips that wasn't necessarily the type of release that she had been seeking, and yet one that deserved to be acknowledged all the same. Closing her eyes to the feeling of his hand, she remained there at his chest as her hand found his lower abdomen beneath the blanket. "I'll sleep when I'm dead," she offered honestly, never quite feeling like there were enough hours in a day anyway.
Jaime Edelman "Careful what you ask for." he teased, a playful threat rendered as his lips found her forehead. Pressing his chin there to her to lean into her. Surrounding her entirely as if this didn't make her fall asleep, he might just believe her.
Alexandra Edelman "If I did..." she began, thrown off on another line of thought as it wasn't very hard to send her on another path. "Do you think you would remarry or love again?" she asked, an honest question as her fingertips drew soft shapes of nothingness against his lower abdomen there beneath the blanket, feeling him curl around her as he surrounded her entirely. "Or do you think you'd live out your days alone?"
Jaime Edelman Feeling her draw back as he heard her confession, a shake of his head seeing she got the wrong impression. "I wouldn't though." he stated honestly as she had clearly misunderstood. "I said that I'd probably fuck until I remembered that that doesn't work." he attempted, as living his life alone and empty would be exactly the outcome of it depending on where he was in his career as if he wasn't playing football and she was gone, his reason for living was gone as well.
Alexandra Edelman As he clarified what he had meant in his explanation, she drew an uneasy breath as that was the last thing she'd want for him. Shaking her head no, he'd somehow sent her down this path of thought and now they'd have to face it to completion. "I wouldn't want you to live out your days alone, Jay. I'd want someone to be here with you. To hold you and love you and drive you absolutely insane by putting the ketchup in the refrigerator." She offered, pressing her lips to his. "Someone to keep you up at night and wake you up when they miss you." She offered, pressing another kiss to his lips a moment later. "Will you promise me that you would try? That you'd try with all that you had in you? It wouldn't have to be right away. But eventually?"
Jaime Edelman "I wouldn't try." He stated as she asked for a promise. A shake of his head. The one thing he could not and would not do for her as it simply wasn't possible. No matter how many kisses or attempts. "You know what a celestial marriage is?"
Alexandra Edelman As much as she couldn't begin to imagine the man in the arms of another woman, she knew she'd never want for him to be alone. It was the only way she'd been able to deal with the things she'd been subjected to during their time apart and it would be the same as she envisioned his life after her own death. As he asked her that question, she was at his lips again, as the only way to successfully have this conversation was to feel the warmth of his lips there, reminding her it was only hypothetical as he was hers and she was his. "No," she confessed, her kiss finding his once again but a moment later.
Jaime Edelman "then you got your work cut out for you, dear wife of mine." He'd tease, feeling her lips still to him as he returned each individual token of affection. "One of the only things about my parents religion that I agree with."
Alexandra Edelman Tasting those words as she drew back to meet his eyes once more. "Dear wife of mine," she repeated, her smile widening as she quite liked the title. "So, dear husband of mine, tell me of this celestial marriage," she offered, her kiss finding the side of his neck as her hand returned beneath the blanket, still not tired, but now craving to hear more from the man as she found herself swept into the conversation, her curiosity piqued.
Jaime Edelman Feeling her to the side of his neck as she seemed hellbent on distracting him instead. "Well, if not exactly the same in the textbook definition. The religion says you need to be married in the temple for this and to get in the temple, you have to go through a process. But it's thought that marriage doesn't end after death. 'Til eternity do you part."
Alexandra Edelman Humming softly to the idea of what he spoke of, quite liking the sounds of it, even if she was not sure of what she believed eternity to be. "Jaime, when I married you, it was for eternity," she assured easily. She knew what her desires and needs were in this world and it was without reservation that she could assure him that she would never have been with another. In the months they were apart, her flesh had gone untouched, and though she wasn't sure if she'd ever told him that or not, the fact remained that when she put on that dress to marry him that day almost a year before now, she'd been his entirely then and would remain so for the rest of her days. Her commitment to him was outside of the bounds of any vows, stronger and longer, and as he spoke of what that celestial marriage meant, she nearly felt as though there was a word for what she felt.
Jaime Edelman "Well, the celestial marriage assures that. It's a bit fucked on the topic of being widowed or widowers but essentially, you'd have to spend your time in the afterlife with me regardless. The question is whether you'd be sharing that time with another female. While if I died first, you could marry again but you married me first so it would be just us. I can have more than one but you can't."
Alexandra Edelman Drawing back from his neck as she heard the man speak on how it would work should she be the one to die first, her eyes were wide as she shook her head no. "Okay, well I don't like the celestial marriage as much as I thought I did before," she confessed as that didn't seem like a situation that she'd ever enjoy and certainly not for an eternity. "You are mine, Jaime Edelman. Mine and only mine," she stated, her nose nudging his. "And I am yours. Yours and only yours," she promised as it had been ever since the first time he kissed her, and as it would remain.
Jaime Edelman "You were just telling me a minute ago that you'd want me to love again." He'd remind her, watching how quickly she threw on the brakes where he laughed softly. Feeling her to his nose. "I want to be your only husband." Daring to be selfish with her to see if she'd do the same.
Alexandra Edelman "Well not with me right there! That would be should I be dead and not have to watch," she reminded him, finding that laugh as she heard his selfishness a moment later. "You are and will be my only husband," she assured easily. "You think I'd go through all of this with anyone else? Fuck no. There's no one else on the face of this planet that would put up with my bratty ass anyhow," she concluded, her lips finding his a moment later. "Besides, once my heart was yours, it was never available to anyone else," she added honestly as he had still had it and she'd never have accepted it back from him anyway.
Jaime Edelman "It would be when you are dead but when all three of us went to the afterlife, I'd be just as married to her as I was to you." He'd remind her, as polyamory was a topic for another day in itself and one the mainstream branch of Mormonism rejects. Hearing her follow up, a roll of his eyes. "There are plenty of men who'd be happy to put up with you." He reminded her, as she was easy on the eyes and that was good enough for most people.
Alexandra Edelman "I don't think I like this at all," she confessed as her initial response to her own death and wanting him to move on wouldn't be her having to witness it whereas this afterlife situation he spoke of seemed like pure shit and that she would have to watch him be just as married to another, which was not anything she would or could ever tolerate. She'd seen a glimpse of it and she refused to see another. "I don't want to share you ever," she stated honestly, being selfish and letting it show, believing that if she was there, no one else was welcome. "I think you better kiss me and kiss me reallllly good," she decided aloud, her eyes meeting his as she felt needy as hell in that moment and wouldn't attempt to hide it.
Jaime Edelman "Well, that's what happens." He stated with a smirk, as even in the afterlife she'd be perfect. Hearing her decision as he cracked a telling smirk. Pressing his lips to hers. "I love you first wife." He'd briefly mutter.
Alexandra Edelman Grumbling within the confines of that kiss, she drew back, cutting her eyes to him by way of warning. "Don't fucking call me that," she demanded, pressing her lips to his once more, wanting a rightful I love you if she was to get one at all.
Jaime Edelman Hearing her demand before her lips, he'd smirk softly as he had already told her he'd never marry again. Yet, there she was getting upset about it so now he had to. "What? First wife?" He'd ask as his lips briefly parted from hers.
Alexandra Edelman As he drew back from her kiss briefly, she would draw back entirely, cutting her eyes to him. "/Only/ wife," she corrected, tilting her head slightly to one side. "You love me, only wife."
Jaime Edelman "My only wife." He'd agree, wanting to get this out of her. To not say what she was supposed to. "I love you."
Alexandra Edelman "I love you too, only husband," she promised in return, satisfied with hearing him repeat her correction. Pressing her lips back to his once more, she seemed to settle against his side again.
Jaime Edelman Feeling her settle back down as his lips lured from hers, hand finding her back as he gently smoothed his palm over her bare skin. Quite satisfied to hear the outcome.
Alexandra Edelman Feeling his hand there to her back, she felt his lips drift free of her own. A soft whine passed her lips as she looked up towards him, taking in the profile of his face from where she laid. "Why did you take away my kiss?" She asked softly, having a feeling she already knew the answer to this.
Jaime Edelman "Because I love you." He attempted, a nod as it seemed a good enough answer for him though not knowing if it would be for her.
Alexandra Edelman And in that moment, she understood. She pressed her lips to his bare chest before she settled her head there against the place she had just pressed her lips. She'd press him no further, nor would she get her feelings hurt, giving in and just laying with him as she took a slow, deep breath. "I love you, Jaime."
Jaime Edelman "I love you more." He offered as he felt her lay to his chest and give in. Hopefully to a wave of fatigue as well.
Alexandra Edelman "I love you more than more," she argued, not willing to let that one slide. Laying there against his chest, she still wasn't sure that she'd be able to fall asleep naturally, but she'd lay still just the same, giving it a solid effort.
Jaime Edelman "You're more than full of it." He allowed, thinking that sounded far more reasonable as his fingertips traced the woman's back.
Alexandra Edelman Feeling his hand there to her back, she offered a soft smile at his accusation. "Could be full of you, but..." she whispered, barely able to be heard.
Jaime Edelman "But..." allowing her to continue to see what her explanation was for these circumstances, his brow would cock.
Alexandra Edelman "But my husband won't fuck me," she accused, a pout there to her lips as she lifted her head once more if only to show him the full effect of the pout that held her.
Jaime Edelman Laughs, as that was hardly the reason in the grand scheme of things. "You poor thing. Under paid and under sexed." He'd recall, meeting her pout.
Alexandra Edelman Nodding her head gently, she agreed. "Should just grab my phone and update my twitter status to say #unfuckable." Pouting harder, she laid her head back down now that he'd seen the full effects of it, though it would continue even as she laid back down.
Jaime Edelman "Must be awful." He'd continue, though he knew it not to be the case at all. Lips gently finding the tip of her head.
Alexandra Edelman "It is, truly. Trying to make an Edelbaby and he won't get inside of me. Not to mention that he knows I can't sleep without sex. But noooo. I'm just unfuckable. Maybe I don't turn him on anymore..." She offered, feeling his lips there to the top of her head as she was being overly dramatic on purpose.
Jaime Edelman "Oh, now you're really laying it on thick." He accused, as there was one sure fire way to prove against that theory and smash it into pieces but he wouldn't take the bait. "Need a knife to help spread it?"
Alexandra Edelman "No, I don't need a knife. I will take a cock though. Yours, preferably, and not the vibrator from the suitcase," she offered, a smirk taking her features. "Since you're offering and all."
Jaime Edelman Shaking his head as she wouldn't be going that route and she knew it. "Mine preferably, huh? But if the bets are off...the room next to us, maybe the guy at the front desk or the door man?" He'd tease at her wording as the doorman was atleast twice her age.
Alexandra Edelman "Yeah, I definitely want the doorman. Or should I say door grandpa," she returned, lifting her head to cut her eyes at him as she shook her head softly. "I want yours and only yours, and you damned well know it."
Jaime Edelman "Knew it. You were looking at that trick knee of his." He accused playfully before her eyes took to his, smirking softly as it wouldn't hurt to tease.
Alexandra Edelman Her eyes remained cut to his as she found that smirk to his features. Bringing her hand up from beneath the blanket, she'd take to the side of his face where she was guiding his kiss to her lips. Pressing her lips softly to his, she drew back a moment later, a smirk of her own finding her lips as she met his eyes once again. "I love you, you know that?"
Jaime Edelman "No." He offered, always his answer to that. His guided lips having found hers for that moment now as his nudge affectionately grazed hers.
Alexandra Edelman "You don't know that I love you?" she asked, finding the very idea of it to be preposterous at best. "You don't see it in the way I look at you?" she asked, stealing his lips. "In the way I kiss you?" she asked, her hand slipping to the side of his neck. "In the way I touch you?" she asked, her hand drawing down against his chest. "In the way that I want to spend every waking moment with you and I'm literally laying here telling you I don't want to go to sleep because I simply want to be with you?"
Jaime Edelman Hearing her words and questions, knowing it was impossible not to feel the woman's love as she bled it. The purest love he had ever felt that left him addicted. Feeling her to his chest as he'd give way. "It's impossible not to feel it."
Alexandra Edelman Hearing him give in, a smile stole her features where sincerity had resided but a moment before. Pressing her lips to his once again, never able to stay away from his kiss for very long, she'd spend the rest of her life trying to show him just how much he was loved, though she knew nothing she ever said or did would ever adequately express the depth of her love for this man.
Jaime Edelman Thinking she did as good of a job at the task as one could as she pressed back to him. "I'll still never understand why but whether you do or not won't ever be a question, babe."
Alexandra Edelman Drawing back from his kiss to hear those words from him, the assurance was quite welcomed by the woman as she offered him a soft smile before she was pressing her lips to his once again, never satisfied, and always wanting more of his lips. Finally drawing back, she'd find that place against his chest once more, drawing in another slow breath as her hand rested against his chest. "You aren't supposed to understand why," she assured as there was no specific reason why. There didn't have to be. She just simply loved him in ways that were beyond the bounds of comprehension and took every opportunity she could find to show him just how deeply she did.
Jaime Edelman Sighing her smile before back to him and drawn back. Feeling her to his chest as his hand drew over hers. Playing with her fingers. "Good thing then 'cause I don't." He stated honestly.
Alexandra Edelman Feeling his hand there at her own, her fingers slipped through his time and time again. "I don't think either of us are supposed to really understand what it is about the other. I think we are just supposed to enjoy the feeling of knowing and being loved endlessly and completely," she offered as it was all she knew how to do as she let her fingers pass through his again. "Destiny and fate and all that," she added, knowing they had been fated to be here as there simply was no other way it would have all happened as it had.
Jaime Edelman "I think you're right." He offered, still never able to comprehend how he had gotten so lucky but he'd have to notch it up as just that; luck. "And our joint love for furry bear dogs."
Alexandra Edelman "Furry bear dogs and cheeseburgers," she added, knowing the list of their mutual loves went on and on, though just simply saying the word cheeseburger had her stomach responding with an instant pain of hunger that would be noted in the soft and familiar whine there at her lips.
Jaime Edelman "Now you did it." Hearing the growling of her stomach as now she'd never go to bed. "That too." He agreed ultimately.
Alexandra Edelman "I didn't mean to," she confessed as she truly hadn't, and now she was in the middle of an equally as challenging situation. "It might be time to give in and take that fucking pill," she confessed, a pout there to her features as it was literally the last thing she wanted to do.
Jaime Edelman "No, it's okay." at the suggestion of the pill, it would hardly be necessary. She had given it her best and he wasn't unreasonable. He was ready to give her what she was after even if this all was stored away in his brain for later usage.
Alexandra Edelman Hearing him say it was okay, letting her off the hook for sleep, she lifted her head, allowing her eyes to meet his. "Really?" she asked, not wanting to disappoint the man and his efforts as they had both surely tried. "So... if I happened to call down to the hotel's restaurant and asked them for a cheeseburger... would you like one too?" she asked, already thinking it would be a cheeseburger, cheese fries, and quite possibly something sweet as well.
Jaime Edelman Hearing her mind having checked out of what he was already talking about. Smirking softly, not too upset by it as he nodded gently. "Sure..." he answered honestly, hand gently finding the back of her neck where he'd gently press his lips to hers in a parting gift as she would soon be getting up.
Alexandra Edelman Meeting his lips, he thought he had that one figured out, but he was so very wrong. Smirking to his kiss there, feeling his smirk as well, she drew back from the kiss to lean over from the bed to reach for the hotel phone. Pressing the button that would connect her directly with the restaurant, she'd place an order. "Yes, I'd like to have two cheeseburgers, all the way, two orders of cheese fries, and let me also have two slices of whatever kind of cake you have," she requested, never bothering to look at a menu as she knew they would make it all happen. A moment later, she was glancing towards Jaime with that same smirk. "Sure, let's say... about an hour and a half?" she requested, her eyes speaking to Jaime as she concluded the phone call, giving away her real intentions there as both cravings would surely be met.
Jaime Edelman "Need an hour and 25 to cuddle." He'd point out, as there was no way in gel that one was happening. Rubbing idly over his stomach where it was a good thing they weren't eating before this as he had every intention on being stuffed.
Alexandra Edelman Humming softly to his opinion on the situation, she hung up the phone before she was drawing back to his side. "Oh no," she whispered, her hand slipping down beneath the blanket once more, this time with no intention of behaving herself. "Maybe I'd like to take my time with you, or let you take your time with me," she began as her hand found him beneath the covers. "Or perhaps I truly have all of the energy I eluded to previously and I plan on you helping me get rid of it all," she confessed, her lips finding his shoulder as her hand took that first pass at him.
Jaime Edelman Watching the woman as she seemed to have it all figured out, it was hard not to smile as he felt her wandering hands. Feeling her connection which had a soft breath leaving him. Quickly waking him to action. "Well; anything sounds like a good option to me..."
Alexandra Edelman With her kiss there to his shoulder and her hand wrapping around him, she drew her hand up his length once more, looking for that breath that she knew all too well. "How is it that you've laid in this bed for all of this time with your very naked wife and not found your way on top of me?" she asked, her eyes shifting up to his as her hand made its way down him once again, drawing her leg over his where he'd no doubt feel her warmth against his outer thigh. "You have more self control than I have ever thought you held," she confessed, nipping gently at his shoulder.
Jaime Edelman "Because I care about you more than I care about my cock." He pointed out as he met her eyes before she drew over him. "Don't be so impressed." He earned as his hand found the back of her neck. Wanting those lips of hers as he leaned up from the headboard. "Not without difficulty."
Alexandra Edelman A smirk stole her lips at her own thoughts in the moment, how she cared more for his cock than she did for herself. Feeling his hand there to the back of her neck, she felt him shifting up from where he had laid back, where she would do the same. Lifting up, a hum found her lips at the idea of him struggling to behave himself, evident there in her smirk. "You don't have to behave yourself any longer," she promised in her whisper just as her lips came to press firmly there to his.
Jaime Edelman "I don't plan on it." He confessed as he pressed his lips back to hers, reaching out where he pulled that blanket down himself. She had already gotten him started and that was to be all he needed as he rolled them over. Crawling on top of her just as she had predicted.
Alexandra Edelman His confession would only find her lips pressing more intently there to his as she felt him drawing down the blanket to reveal himself wrapped in her hand. In a moment's time, he was there over her, her own thighs parting to him as her hand remained there between them, stroking the man's length as her lips pressed firmly to his, her free hand finding the back of his neck where her desire for him would surely be felt in her every move to find a space closer to him.
-October 2, 2017
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